Emergency Succession Plan Template

Emergency Succession Plan Template

Emergency Succession Plan Template


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<strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>For(Organization Name)Leadership plays an essential role in the success of a nonprofit organization. And a change in Chief Executiveleadership is as inevitable as the passing of time.This document will help a nonprofit organization recognize that planning for unplanned or temporary leadership changeis a best practice—in line with other plans nonprofits regularly complete (e.g., strategic plan, communications plan,fundraising plan). An <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> can bring order in a time a time of turmoil, confusion and high-stress.This is a template. Feel free to adapt to make it appropriate for your organization. Action items or areas for tailoring arenoted with a __line________ or a symbol.The term “Executive Director” is used throughout this document to address the Chief Paid Staff Member. Should yourorganization use a title other than Executive Director, feel free to use the title as directed by your organization’s bylawsor practice.May this process bring your organization peace of mind in your day-to-day work.Disclaimer Statement: This document is provided as guidance for a nonprofit organization facing a change in leadership. It should not beregarded as a substitute for legal advice or counsel. The advice of a competent attorney should be sought any time a nonprofit is consideringpolicy changes or activities that may affect the legal status or liability exposure of the organization.This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement1

The Board of Directors of _____(OrganizationName)_____ recognizes that this is a plan forcontingencies due to the disability, death or departureof the Executive Director. If the organization is facedwith the unlikely event of an untimely vacancy,_____(Organization Name)_____ has in place thefollowing emergency succession plan to facilitate thetransition to both interim and longer-term leadership.The Board of _____(Organization Name)_____ hasreviewed the job description of the executive director.The job description is attached. The board has a clearunderstanding of the Executive Director’s role inorganizational leadership, program development,program administration, operations, board of directorsrelationships, financial operations, resourcedevelopment and community presence.<strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in Event of aTemporary, Unplanned Absence:Short-TermA temporary absence is one of less than three monthsin which it is expected that the Executive Director willreturn to his/her position once the events precipitatingthe absence are resolved. An unplanned absence isone that arises unexpectedly, in contrast to a plannedleave, such as a vacation or a sabbatical. The Board ofDirectors is authorized (or authorizes the ExecutiveCommittee) of _____(Organization Name)_____ toimplement the terms of this emergency plan in theevent of the unplanned absence of the ExecutiveDirector.In the event of an unplanned absence of the ExecutiveDirector, the Deputy Director (or other highest rankingstaff member) is to immediately inform the Board Chair(or highest ranking volunteer board member) of theabsence. As soon as it is feasible, the Chair shouldconvene a meeting of the Board or ExecutiveCommittee (choose one) to affirm the proceduresprescribed in this plan or to make modifications as theCommittee deems appropriate.At the time that this plan was approved, the position ofActing Executive Director would be:____________________________________ Name,____________________________________ Title.Should the standing appointee to the position of ActingExecutive Director be unable to serve, the first andsecond back-up appointees for the position of ActingExecutive Director will be:(1) _______________________ Name________________________ Title and(2) _______________________ Name________________________ Title.If this Acting Executive Director is new to his/herposition and fairly inexperienced with this organization(less than ______ months/years), the ExecutiveCommittee or Board of Directors (circle one) maydecide to appoint one of the back-up appointees to theacting executive position. The Executive Committee orBoard of Directors (circle one) may also considerthe option of splitting executive duties among thedesignated appointees.This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement2

Authority and Compensation of theActing Executive DirectorThe person appointed as Acting Executive Directorshall have the full authority for decision-making andindependent action as the regular Executive Director.The Acting Executive Director may be offered:(check one) A temporary salary increase to the entry-levelsalary of the executive director position A bonus of $__________ during the ActingExecutive Director Period. No additional compensation.Board OversightThe board member(s) or board committee (circle one)responsible for monitoring the work of the ActingExecutive Director shall be ____________________________________________ (list by name or office).The above named people will be sensitive to thespecial support needs of the Acting Executive Directorin this temporary leadership role.Communications <strong>Plan</strong>Immediately upon transferring the responsibilities to theActing Executive Director, the Board Chair (or highestranking Board member) will notify staff members,members of the Board of Directors and key volunteersof the delegation of authority.As soon as possible after the Acting Executive Directorhas begun covering the unplanned absence, Boardmembers and the Acting Executive Director shallcommunicate the temporary leadership structure tothe following key external supporters of_____(Organization Name)_____. This may include(but not be limited to) government contract officers,foundation program officers, civic leaders, major donorsand others (please specify): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Completion of Short-Term <strong>Emergency</strong><strong>Succession</strong> PeriodThe decision about when the absent Executive Directorreturns to lead _____(Organization Name)_____should be determined by the Executive Director and theBoard Chair. They will decide upon a mutually agreedupon schedule and start date. A reduced schedule for aset period of time can be allowed, by approval of theBoard Chair, with the intention of working their wayback up to a full-time commitment.<strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in Event of aTemporary, Unplanned Absence:Long-TermA long-term absence is one that is expected to lastmore than three months. The procedures andconditions to be followed should be the same as for ashort-term absence with one addition:The Executive Committee or Board ofDirectors (circle one) will give immediateconsideration, in consultation with the ActingExecutive Director, to temporarily filling themanagement position left vacant by the ActingExecutive Director. This is in recognition of thefact that for a term of more than three months,it may not be reasonable to expect the ActingExecutive Director to carry the duties of bothpositions. The position description of atemporary manager would focus on coveringthe priority areas in which the Acting ExecutiveDirector needs assistance.This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement3

Completion of Long-Term <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong>PeriodThe decision about when the absent Executive Directorreturns to lead _____(Organization Name)_____should be determined by the Executive Director and theBoard Chair. They will decide upon a mutually agreedupon schedule and start date. A reduced schedule for aset period of time can be allowed, by approval of theBoard Chair, with the intention of working the way up toa full-time commitment.<strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in Event of aPermanent Change in ExecutiveDirectorA permanent change is one in which it is firmlydetermined that the Executive Director will not bereturning to the position. The procedures andconditions should be the same as for a long-termtemporary absence with one addition:The Board of Directors will appoint a Transitionand Search Committee within (add number)______ days to plan and carry out a transition toa new permanent executive director. The Boardwill also consider the need for outside consultingassistance depending on the circumstances ofthe transition and the board’s capacity to planand manage the transition and search. TheTransition and Search Committee will alsodetermine the need for an Interim ExecutiveDirector, and plan for the recruitment andselection of an Interim Executive Director and/orpermanent Executive Director.Checklist for Acceptance of All Types of <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s<strong>Succession</strong> plan approval. This succession plan will be approved by the Executive Committee and forwarded tothe full Board of Directors for its vote and approval. This plan should be reviewed annually.Signatories. The Board Chair, the Executive Director, the deputy director or human resources administrator andthe Acting Executive Director shall sign this plan, and the appointees designated in this plan.Organizational Charts. Two organizational charts need to be prepared and attached to this plan. Prepare andattach an organizational chart reflecting staffing positions and lines of authority/reporting throughout theorganization. Prepare and attach a second organizational chart that reflects how that structure will change withinthe context of an emergency/unplanned absence of the Executive Director.Important Organizational Information. Complete the attached Information and Contact Inventory and attach it tothis document. Also attach a current list of the organization’s board of directors.Copies. Copies of this <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> along with the corresponding documentation shall bemaintained by The Board Chair, the Executive Director, the Acting Executive Director Appointee, the humanresources department, and the organization’s attorney.This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement4

Information and Contact Inventory for ___ (Organization Name) ___Knowing where your organization’s key information is located is critical so that if an emergency succession shouldoccur, your organization would be able to quickly continue work in the most efficient and effective way.Onsite Location Offsite Location Online URLNonprofit StatusIRS Determination Letter ___________________ ____________________ _____________________IRS Form 1023 ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Bylaws ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Mission Statement ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Board Minutes ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Corporate Seal ___________________Financial InformationEmployer Identification Number (EIN) #: _________________________________________Current and previousForm 990s ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Current and previousaudited financial statements ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Financial Statements (if notpart of the computer systemand regularly backed-up) ___________________ ____________________ _____________________State or District Sales-TaxExemption Certificate ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Blank Checks ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Computer passwords ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Donor Records ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Client Records ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Vendor Records ___________________ ____________________ _____________________Volunteer Records* ___________________ ____________________ _____________________*Note: Nonprofits that are heavily volunteer-based may need to know the following information about their volunteers who they are, how tocontact them (home/work phone, email, cell, etc.), where they live/work, expertise, special skills, or any information related to their usefulnessor willingness to help the agency (for example, volunteer Jane Doe can walk to our satellite office, lift heavy boxes and knows CPR).AuditorName: _________________________________________________________________Phone Number/Email: _____________________________________________________This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement5

BankName(s): _______________________________________________________________Account Numbers: _______________________________________________________Branch Representative(s): _________________________________________________Phone Number: __________________________________________________________Fax: ___________________________________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________________________InvestmentsFinancial <strong>Plan</strong>ner / Broker Company _________________________________________Representative Name: ____________________________________________________Phone Number: __________________________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________________________Who is authorized to make transfers? Who is authorized to make wire transfers? Are there alternatives?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who are the authorized check signers?______________________________________________________________________________________________Is there an office safe? Who has the combination/keys?______________________________________________________________________________________________Legal CounselAttorneyName: _________________________________________________________________Phone Number: __________________________________________________________E-mail: _________________________________________________________________This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement6

Human Resources InformationOnsite Location Offsite Location Online URLEmployee Records/Personnel Info* ___________________ ____________________ _____________________*Names, home addresses, phone numbers, email, emergency contacts, etc.I-9s ___________________ ____________________ _____________________PayrollCompany Name: _________________________________________________________Account Number: ________________________________________________________Payroll Rep: ____________________________________________________________Phone Number: __________________________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________________________Facilities InformationOffice Lease (for renters) ___________________ ____________________Building Deed (for owners) ___________________ ____________________Building ManagementCompany Name: _________________________________________________________Contact Name: __________________________________________________________Phone Number/Email: _____________________________________________________Office Security SystemCompany Name: _________________________________________________________Account Number _________________________________________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ________________________________________Broker Phone Number/Email: _______________________________________________This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement7

Insurance InformationGeneral Liability / Commercial UmbrellaCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Disability Insurance (long-term)Company/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number _____________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Directors & Officers LiabilityCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Life InsuranceCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number _____________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Health InsuranceCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________DentalCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number _____________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Unemployment InsuranceCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Long Term CareCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number _____________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Workers’ CompensationCompany/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Retirement <strong>Plan</strong>Company/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number _____________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________Disability Insurance (short-term)Company/Underwriter: _______________________Policy Number ______________________________Representative Phone Number/Email: ___________Broker Phone Number/Email: __________________This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement8

Date of Completion for Information and Contact Inventory: _______________________________Name of Person Completing Document: _______________________________________________The <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Succession</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and the supporting documents (the information and contact inventory, jobdescriptions, and organizational charts) should be reviewed and updated annually.Signatures of Approval_______________________________________Board ChairDate_______________________________________Executive DirectorDate_______________________________________Dep. Dir/HR Dir/Other staff member Date__________________________________________Organization Name________________________________________Individual Selected as Acting Executive Director________________________________________Acting Executive Director’s Current Title DateWe acknowledge the leadership of Transition Guides (notably Tom Adams and Don Tebbe, as well as plan guidance from KarenGaskins Jones, and Victor Chears) in guiding The Center for Nonprofit Advancement in grasping the impact of <strong>Succession</strong><strong>Plan</strong>ning and Executive Transitions. Additional thanks to Troy Chapman of the Support Center for Nonprofit Management ofNew York City, Tim Wolfred of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services for their guidance on the development of this document. TheInformation and Contact Inventory document is adapted by permission from the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New YorkCity.Temp 42006This document was developed by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement.www.nonprofitadvancement.org<strong>Template</strong> © 2006 Center for Nonprofit Advancement9

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