Theology - Faculty of Arts - The University of Auckland

Theology - Faculty of Arts - The University of Auckland

Theology - Faculty of Arts - The University of Auckland

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Welcome to <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>A warm welcome to the study <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> in the <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.<strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> is the critical study <strong>of</strong> a religious tradition. <strong>The</strong> study <strong>of</strong> theology at <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Auckland</strong> provides opportunities to explore the religious beliefs and practices <strong>of</strong> Christianity andthe role it plays in different cultural, global and historical contexts. We give special attention totheology in the context <strong>of</strong> New Zealand, the Pacific and Asia.I welcome you to <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> and invite you to explore our range <strong>of</strong>undergraduate and postgraduate study options.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor elaine m wainwrightPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Head <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Why study with us?Study choicesOur students come from a wide variety <strong>of</strong> cultures and religious traditions and bring variedperspectives to their study. As a student <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> you will study the world and cultures in whichthe Bible took shape and the way it has been used and interpreted since then; explore differentexpressions <strong>of</strong> Christianity and the stories behind them; engage with 2000 years <strong>of</strong> Christianhistory, including the story <strong>of</strong> Christianity in Aotearoa New Zealand and Oceania; explore theway in which Christianity has understood Jesus and God; explore questions <strong>of</strong> belief, doubt andmeaning in today’s complex world; and bring theology into dialogue with real-world issues.Career optionsOur graduates pursue a range <strong>of</strong> careers, using the transferable skills they have gained. <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>opens up opportunities for employment in diverse areas such as teaching, media, government,counselling, community programmes, church ministry, prison and hospital chaplaincies, andlibrarianship.Staff and researchWe have a strong research culture and our staff are actively engaged in research and publication.Postgraduate research is one <strong>of</strong> our strengths. We have a large number <strong>of</strong> PhD students working ona wide range <strong>of</strong> topics.Some <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> staff are members <strong>of</strong> Colleges <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> located in <strong>Auckland</strong> with which<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> has a Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Agreement. This gives you the opportunity towork with staff from different Christian perspectives.2| 2013 <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus

What can you study?Study opportunities in <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>We <strong>of</strong>fer a full range <strong>of</strong> undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in<strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>, from the Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> through to PhD. You can studythree main areas <strong>of</strong> theology: Biblical Studies, Christian Thought andHistory, and Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>.Biblical StudiesBiblical Studies seeks to study, explain and read scriptures in the light <strong>of</strong>experience today.Christian Thought and History<strong>The</strong> study <strong>of</strong> Christian thought focuses on systematic theology. You willcome to grips with complex and ancient texts, reflect on the insights <strong>of</strong>past and present theologians, and connect these with our present world.Christian history <strong>of</strong>fers another way to access theology, through exploringevents, stories and people. Christian history also provokes thought abouthow we should live and behave in the present.www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/christian-thought-historyWe begin with a general introduction to biblical texts. <strong>The</strong> Old Testament(or Hebrew Bible) describes God’s dealings with the Jewish people andtheir responses. <strong>The</strong> New Testament contains the first Christians’ attemptsto understand who Jesus was and his life, death and resurrection.You will also study how particular texts can be read in New Zealandtoday and explore different perspectives that inform interpretation.www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/biblical-studiesPractical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> asks questions concerning love and justice and therelationship between the church and the world. Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> drawsupon feminist, indigenous and liberation theologies; psychology, sociologyand anthropology; and cultural and leadership studies.You are encouraged to critique, reflect, challenge and act in order totranslate your theological identity and spirituality from theory to practice.www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/practical-theologyUndergraduate programmesYou can study <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> as your main degree with a single or double major, as an adjunct to a general orpr<strong>of</strong>essional degree, or as part <strong>of</strong> a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> or Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science conjoint.Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Quick facts – B<strong>The</strong>olFulltime: 3 years (part-time options available)Points per degree: 360Majors: Biblical Studies, Christian Thoughtand History, Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Taught at: City CampusWhat you’ll be studyingIn the first year you will:• Explore the basic skills for studying <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>.• Begin to study Biblical Studies, ChristianThought and History, and Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>.• Complete at least one General Educationcourse.In subsequent years you will:• Nominate a major and a minor area <strong>of</strong>study (or a double major).• Develop confidence in communicatingChristian theologies, analysing texts,traditions and contexts.• Understand how theology relates with otherdisciplines.• Have the opportunity to undertake electivesubjects from the <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.Sample B<strong>The</strong>ol degree structureYear 1Year 2Year 34882 2Core coursesMajor and minor coursesGeneral Education courses<strong>The</strong> information provided on pg. 3-4 does notindicate course availability or course changesfor 2013.Stage ICore coursesTHEOLOGY 100 Beginning <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> inAotearoa New ZealandTHEOLOGY 103 Reading the BibleTHEOLOGY 104 Christianity in AotearoaNew ZealandTHEOLOGY 107 Introduction to Christian<strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Other coursesTHEOLOGY 101 <strong>The</strong> Bible in Popular CultureTHEOLOGY 105 Worlds and Cultures <strong>of</strong> the BibleTHEOLOGY 106 Islam and the ContemporaryWorld“I really enjoy the depth <strong>of</strong> theological study at<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>. <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersordained and lay ministers the opportunity toengage in a robust theological curriculum andthe lecturers are extremely capable in theirrespective theological fields.“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> is a very vibrant, diverse,active and energetic faculty. Studying here is agreat experience. Students are able to seize theopportunity to engage with aspects <strong>of</strong> social andpolitical life as emerging leaders in theirrespective fields. <strong>The</strong> faculty is a veryencouraging and supportive environment.“I would encourage potential undergraduatestudents to engage fully with the learningprocess, and have fun! This is a great place todevelop a strong, creative and disciplined voice.”Patti Sobieski is studying towards a Bachelor <strong>of</strong><strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> majoring in Biblical Studies andminoring in Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>.2013 <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus |3

Biblical Studies – language coursesBSTHEO 135 Biblical Hebrew 1BSTHEO 136 Biblical Hebrew 2BSTHEO 175 New Testament Greek 1BSTHEO 176 New Testament Greek 2”I am from a tiny island <strong>of</strong> about 200 peoplecalled Mauke, in the Cook Islands. Before I cameto New Zealand I was studying in Fiji for fouryears.“Although I enjoy a range <strong>of</strong> things, my passionsare philosophy and theology and I was fortunateto discover that <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong><strong>of</strong>fered these two courses.“For my <strong>Arts</strong> degree, I’ve taken subjects likePhilosophy, Sociology, Political Studies,Mathematics and Film, Television and MediaStudies. All <strong>of</strong> these subjects have helped me toengage with current New Zealand ideologies,values, principles and issues whethercontroversial or just merely interesting.“For my <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> degree, I’ve taken subjects likeBiblical Studies, Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> and ChristianThought and History. I’m growing into a deeperlevel <strong>of</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> Christian values andprinciples, which also helps me grow in faith.“It is a blessing to be a student in the <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Arts</strong>. I love the lecturers – they are just amazing!I am particularly privileged to receive the extrahelp available for me, such as the Tuäkanamentoring programme. You are not alone whenyou study at <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>. <strong>The</strong>re isalways someone available to either guide you orsupport you. It is sometimes embarrassing to askfor help, but if we want to do well in our studies,the only way is to ask for help.“I love the multitude <strong>of</strong> friends I’ve accumulatedsince the moment I started <strong>University</strong>. <strong>The</strong>cultural, religious, gender and age differenceswithin the <strong>University</strong> are very unique andenriching. I find student clubs exciting and funand a great way to make the most <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong>life. Without my social life as a student, studyingmay have been a struggle.”Denis Tutaka is studying towards a BA/B<strong>The</strong>olconjoint degree majoring in Philosophy andBiblical Studies.Stage II and III include:Biblical StudiesGenesisProphets: Voices <strong>of</strong> Protest and HopeBiblical Wisdom and PsalmsBiblical Texts in ContextsGospel <strong>of</strong> MatthewJohannine LiteraturePaul’s LettersGospel <strong>of</strong> MarkBible Lands: Study AbroadChristian Thought and HistoryChristian Understandings <strong>of</strong> GodBeing HumanJesus the Christ<strong>The</strong> Christian CommunityExploring Sacraments: Signs <strong>of</strong> Life<strong>The</strong> First Christian CenturiesChristianity in the South PacificContinuity and Change: Topics in Medievaland Reformation Church History<strong>The</strong> Church in Revolutionary Times:Post-Reformation to the PresentPractical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong><strong>The</strong> Self in Pastoral CareVoices at the MarginsUnderstanding Christian Ritual in AotearoaNew Zealand<strong>The</strong>ological EthicsRace and Culture in Practical <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Spirituality in Aotearoa New ZealandStudies in Public <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Religious Communication and MediaExpressions <strong>of</strong> Christian Spirituality<strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>EcotheologyFeminist <strong>The</strong>ologiesMäori <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>MissiologyReligious <strong>The</strong>mes in the <strong>Arts</strong>General EducationAs a B<strong>The</strong>ol student you must take two GeneralEducation courses. <strong>The</strong>se can be taken at anytime during the degree, but it is recommendedthat at least one course is taken in the first year.For further information about GeneralEducation see www.auckland.ac.nz/generaleducationDouble your optionsConjoint degrees give you the opportunity tostudy two degrees concurrently. You cancomplete them in less time than it would taketo do them separately.<strong>The</strong> conjoint combinations currently availablewith <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> are:• Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> / Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>(BA/B<strong>The</strong>ol).• Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science / Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>(BSc/B<strong>The</strong>ol).B<strong>The</strong>ol conjoint programmes can be completedwithin four years <strong>of</strong> fulltime study (orequivalent). <strong>The</strong>y consist <strong>of</strong> 270 points for each<strong>of</strong> the B<strong>The</strong>ol and BA or BSc components witha total value <strong>of</strong> 540 points.You must meet the subject requirements forboth degrees and gain a sufficiently highranking for selection. You will be rankedaccording to your best 80 credits at NCEALevel 3 (or higher) over a maximum <strong>of</strong> fiveapproved subjects, weighted by the level <strong>of</strong>achievement attained in each set <strong>of</strong> credits.Conjoint degree programmes require carefulplanning. You should consult the advisersfrom both faculties responsible for yourconjoint programme before applying fora conjoint programme.Graduate Diploma in<strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>Quick facts – GradDip<strong>The</strong>olFulltime: 1 year (part-time options available)Points per degree: 120Taught at: City CampusIf you have a degree or a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalqualification or experience, and approval fromthe Head <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong>, you can apply foradmission.4| 2013 <strong><strong>The</strong>ology</strong> Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus

Contact<strong>The</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Students’ Centre<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>Room 416-418 (street level)Human Sciences Building10 Symonds StreetPrivate Bag 92019<strong>Auckland</strong> 1142New ZealandPhone: 923 5060 (within <strong>Auckland</strong>)0800 61 62 63 (outside <strong>Auckland</strong>)+64 9 373 7513 (overseas)Fax: +64 9 308 2395Email: asc@auckland.ac.nzWeb: www.arts.auckland.ac.nzwww.arts.auckland.ac.nz/departments/theologywww.arts.auckland.ac.nz

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