4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid


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5.1 Low-Cost. No-Cost Short Tenn Opportunities<br />


The Deputy DIrector is responsible for energy conservatIon and efficiency Improvements at the<br />

Burshtyn power plant In additIOn to his other dutIes. Because of the shortage of hard currency<br />

to pay for imported fuel all of the management is highly motIvated to find ways to improve<br />

operating effiCIencIes In order to achIeve effective fuel utilization, and all employees are aware<br />

of the need for conservation. However, the eXIstIng program must be expanded and enhanced<br />

with management restructunng and new procedures to prepare for the comIng pnvatIzatIon<br />

reforms. These changes will help to prepare the plant to be commercIally onented by<br />

incorporatIng western management methods and procedures.<br />

The stated goals for thIS program, as a mimmum, should be emphasIzed as follows:<br />

• Conserve energy<br />

• Reduce environmental pollutIon<br />

• Improve operatIOnal efficiency<br />

• Improve equipment reliabIlIty<br />

• Introduce new technologIes<br />

The stated purpose for an expanded energy management program should be to provide a basis<br />

for attracting private financing and future Investments for a viable enterpnse haVIng the potentIal<br />

for success.<br />

As a first step, a hIghly VISIble management staff pOSItIon and/or de<strong>part</strong>ment should be<br />

establIshed reporting to the dIrector and haVIng the responsibilIty and authonty to develop,<br />

Implement and momtor energy conservatIOn, traIning, relIabIlity and rehabIlItatIOn programs<br />

The pnmary tasks will be coordination, commumcation, and informatIon. The energy manager<br />

should be responsible for knOWIng about, reviewing and consolIdating the findIngs and<br />

recommendatIons of the numerous studIes and reports prepared by consultants and InstItutes for<br />

the USAID, World Bank, EBRD, Ee, MInIstnes, etc., so as to mimmIze duplIcatIOn of work<br />

and maxImIze exchange of information and expertise.<br />

In addItIOn, the energy manager should coordInate and momtor the progress and success of<br />

conservatIon measures Implemented by the power plant staff and employees.<br />

In 1994 the Burshtyn power plant consumed the followmg quantItIes of fuel<br />

1994 ConsumptIOn<br />

Coal 3,083,276 tonnes<br />

Gas 628,000,000 Nm 3<br />

Mazut 163,900 tonnes<br />

5906-01l02A/BURSHTYN/5117/95<br />

($25/tonne)<br />

($15.84/1000 Nm3 1994 Pnces<br />

$70,081,900<br />

) $ 9,947,240<br />

($107/tonne) $17.537.300<br />

$97,556,440<br />

<strong>12</strong><br />

1995 World Pnces<br />

($45/tonne) $138,747,420<br />

($50/1000 Nm 3 ) $31,400,000<br />

($ 13l1tonne) $21,470,900<br />


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