4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid


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existing oxygen analyzers on power steam boller 5 - left Side. The bOIlers were burning natural<br />

gas. We took two samples on the left side, then took one sample on the right side and got off<br />

the boiler when the reading showed carbon monoxide went over range with excess aIr reading<br />

moving between°and 2 percent. We were informed that the FD fan on the right Side was not<br />

operatIng because of breakdown. The plant immediately reduced load on this boller.<br />

We ran three tests on the left side ofboiler No.7. The combustion efficiency was fair but could<br />

be improved by reducing excess air.<br />

We continued our discussions With the engineers requestmg mformanon and data required for<br />

our audit report and planning our work for Monday.<br />

On Feb. 20, we met with the Chief of the laboratory, Antomna Ogorodnikova to gather data and<br />

information on natural gas and mazut. We obtaIned test data for 1994 giving monthly average,<br />

maximum and minimum heat contents in KJoules/Nm 3 and Kcal/Nm 3 with total gas consumpnon<br />

by month in million Nm 3 and corresponding pricmg. It appears that Odessaenergo IS being sold<br />

short by an average 115 Kcal/Nm 3 by Gasprom. This IS why they place such a high pnonty m<br />

obtaimng an online recording calorimeter to prove the delivery of gas.<br />

We went to the offsite hot water peaker bOIlers (3) and steam bOIlers (2) to look at locatIOns to<br />

put in-situ oxygen probes and locate flow meters for mazut and get measurements. the assigned<br />

engineers were also made familiar with the operation of "Heat Spy" and Fluke harmomc<br />

analyzer.<br />

Past noon we took the combustion analyzer to get more test data on boilers No.5 and 7, except<br />

this time at the LD. fans. One test was made on each side of boiler No.7. The oxygen and<br />

excess air readings were very high, <strong>part</strong>ly due to air leakage from the air heaters. We discussed<br />

the readings with the Chief Engineer of the power plant Oleg Yarotskiy and boiler expert from<br />

Odessaenergo Nicolai Marenkov. They agreed to make a slight adjustment to reduce excess aIr<br />

to tune the boiler and we took additional readings. The results were sigmficant, provmg to the<br />

engineers the value of thiS Instrument for saying fuel.<br />

We returned to the Director's office to gather the remammg information from the plant. We<br />

were given copies of boiler control diagrams, dimenSIOns for cable runs for oxygen analyzers,<br />

etc. We also were given a letter of receipt for the equipment given to them. The engineers will<br />

provide additional test runs for our use.<br />

1.3.3 Tuesday. Feb. 21. 1995 - Travel to Krymenergo - Simferopol CHP Plant<br />

Feb. 21 through Feb. 24 - In Simferopol CHP Plant<br />

On Feb. 21 evening we arrived at the power plant. The plant Director Alexander Chupnnko<br />

and Deputy Director Oleg greeted us. He gave a bnef descnpnon of the power plant. Andryl<br />

Kononov and Vitali Plotnikov met us and made mtroductlOns.<br />

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