4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid


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feeders and posihon of forced draft fan dampers. The fuel to air ratio IS manually adjusted<br />

based on experience and O2 analyzer indications. There are no CO analyzers in the power<br />

statIOn.<br />

3.8 Environmental Issues<br />

Prior to 1988 all environmental checkmg was carned out by central group usmg portable<br />

equipment. After 1988 the statIOn has taken over thIS work. The checks are carned out once<br />

per month usmg portable eqUIpment the locatIOn being determined by the prevailing wmd<br />

direchon. The measurements are taken at 2.5km, 5km, 8km, 15km, 20km and 30km dIstance<br />

from the stahon. SOlI and water monitonng IS carned out local to station, and the cooling water<br />

inlet and outlet conditions are momtored. All water runmng off the ash dump SIte IS monitored.<br />

The test well water is checked for heavy metal contammation. In conJunchon with the KIev<br />

Botanical Institute the area up to 30km distance IS checked. A lattice network IS momtored for<br />

ground condihon and comparIson between areas recorded.<br />

The power plant has made modIficatIOns to the boilers to reduce NOr<br />

3.9 Future Plans<br />

IMPRESSARIO AGRUPADOS, an engineering consulhng firm from Spam conducted a major<br />

rehabilitation study in 1993 for EBRD. They evaluated seven alternatives for rehabilItation,<br />

including rebuilding bOIlers and replacmg bOIlers WIth circulatmg fluidIzed bed (CFB) bOIlers,<br />

and gas turbme combmed cycle repowenng.<br />

The plant is very much mterested m learnmg more about CFB technology as a solution to the<br />

problems resulting from poor coal - S02, NO x , and hIgh maintenance on the old Taganrog PC<br />

bOIlers. They are also mterested m western technology for mstrumentahon and control, and<br />

want to upgrade the automatIOn on the rehabIlItated block <strong>12</strong> as a demonstration project.<br />

Expenence gained from application of a DIstnbuted Control System (DCS) to block <strong>12</strong> would<br />

be applied to the 1995 reconstructIOn of blocks 11 and 7.<br />

They are planning to add one or two gas fired peaker boilers to meet additIOnal hot water district<br />

heating demand from city.<br />

3.10 Inspection. Assessment. Comments<br />

•<br />

•<br />

The stahon IS well managed by expenenced personnel. The engmeenng staff IS<br />

competent. There IS a need for proper analytical eqUIpment to perform to hIgher<br />

standards In a short time.<br />

The CHP plant management gathers detailed informatIOn and performance data<br />

on all aspects of the equipment operatIOn and maintenance. Therefore, data on<br />

gas and mazut fuel consumption, gross and net KW output, steam and hot water<br />

(gcal heat) for monthly (heating periods) and annual baSIS IS eaSIly obtained.<br />

• The statIOn has carned out refurbIshment and development work m the past<br />

pamcularly m respect of the burner finng arrangement for reductIOn of NO x<br />

5906-01/02AfBURSlITYN/5/17/95 6

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