4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid

4"12-Z 1 - part - usaid


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furnace is dIvided into two by a vertIcal tube screen In the mIddle of the furnace. The screen<br />

is perpendicular to the axis of the drum and its role IS to Increase the surface absorbing the heat<br />

radiation of the flame. In the upper section of the furnace above the nose are radiant pendant<br />

superheaters. In the honzontal passes are reheaters and first stage superheaters and In the<br />

vertical passes are reheater regulator stages and economIzer. Two LJungstrom type regenerative<br />

air heaters are supplied for air heahng purposes on umts 2, 3, 6 and 7. All other boilers have<br />

pIpe au heaters. The boiler operates on a balanced draft prinCIple WIth aIr being supphed by<br />

2 off 50% duty centrifugal type forced draft fans and 2 off 50% duty induced draft fans.<br />

3.3 Coal Handlin&<br />

Coal is supplied to the stahon from more than 30 supplIers. The coal can go either of two ways'<br />

from railroad duect to the coal storage or from raIlroad dIrect to stahon's two conveyors (one<br />

plus one reserve). There IS a speCIal scale in the railroad track to weIgh as-receIved coal to<br />

+.5 % accuracy. MechanIcal coal samples are taken from the two conveyors and collected every<br />

5 minutes and mixed for 24 hours and analyzed. Coal IS then collected for 5 days, mIxed and<br />

a more detailed analySIS completed.<br />

3.4 Mazut Supply<br />

The present level instruments located near the bottom of tanks Indicate level based on heIght and<br />

weight of liquid. The readings are not very accurate due to vanations of denSIty of mazut and<br />

water content and pluggmg of the tank nozzles with crud. A high prionty IS placed on getting<br />

better level Instruments on four maIn mazut storage tanks to measure delivenes and consumptIOn<br />

of mazut. The amount of mazut used for the total power statIOn IS determmed by measunng the<br />

level of the mazut storage tanks per shift.<br />

3.5 Gas Supply<br />

The power station umts are supplemented by natural gas when It can be purchased. Natural gas<br />

flow meters already exist per boiler and work well.<br />

• 3.6 Boiler Efficiency Calculations<br />

The methodology for the boiler efficiency calculatIOn is SImIlar to Zmiev, Uglegorsk,<br />

Khourakhuvska, Knvoi Rog and other power plants m Ukraiman Power System The<br />

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calculatIOns are done on a per umt baSIS. The only fuel measured dIrectly per bOIler is the<br />

natural gas. All other fuel quantItIes per bOIler are extrapolated from power statIOn data. The<br />

qUalIty of the coal IS also averaged on a 5 day baSIS. These effiCIencIes are compared to the<br />

efficienCIes calculated based upon the boIler deSIgn performance.<br />

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• 5906-01f02AIBURSHTYNf5/17/95<br />

3.7 Process Control System<br />

BOIlers of the Burshtyn power plant operate m a steady-state mode (base load) with a turbme<br />

maintaining throttle pressure, "fixed" firing rate, floating frequency and manually adjusted aIr<br />

flow (fixed sethngs for leach load). There are four O 2 analyzers per umt WhIch are used to<br />

monitor furnace 02' These analyzers are used by operators to remotely adjust speed of coal<br />


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