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E•NEELREGY CCY•RFEIS•LOURCESGoergia-Pacific, manufactured by Ply Gem, can help you meet your sustainablebuilding goals and earn points in leading green building certification programs. Ourproducts offer features that positively contribute to sustainable building practices,improved energy efficiency or lifecycle benefits of homes. All are important aspectsof sustainable building and reflect Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Siding's contribution to thePly Gem Enviro initiative.SustainableResources:EnergyEfficiency:Lifecycle Benefitsof Homes:A Healthy Respect For The Planet— And Our Customers.Georgia-Pacific vinyl sidingis manufactured from twoabundant natural resources: salt(57%) and natural gas (43%). 1All post-product scrapmaterial created during themanufacturing process isreclaimed.Vinyl siding generates lessconstruction site waste thancardboard packaging,brick or lumber.When installed and usedproperly, Georgia-Pacific VinylSiding products never requirepaint or stain, which reducesVOCs released into theatmosphere.Georgia-Pacific aluminumproducts have been evaluated bya third party and areGreen Circle certified tocontain a minimum of 67%recycled content.Ply Gem facilities reuse andrecycle pallets and packagingmaterial, reducing raw materialneeds and landfill use.Ply Gem works with its suppliersto recycle as many materialsas possible, including cores,cardboard padding, painttotes, batteries, light bulbs,toner and paper.Vinyl siding requires less energyto manufacture per square footthan brick and mortar. 2Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Sidingis lighter weight per squarethan other cladding options,so it requires less fuel totransport. Less fuel usedmeans less pollution.Georgia-Pacific Seasons HighPerformance Insulated Sidingadds up to an additional R2.8 ofinsulation to exterior walls.All Ply Gem facilities do theirpart to conserve energy bydoing simple things like turningout lights on weekends andduring shutdowns.Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Sidingis durable and requires no sitefinish. Our Metal Products standup to weather with virtuallyno maintenance.When installed properly andunder normal use, our productsshould never require paintingor staining. They won’t crack,peel, blister or rot.All of our aluminum accessoriesare easily recyclable. In fact, atthe end of its lifecycle in buildingapplications, 100% of thealuminum can be recycled.1 “A Dozen Things You Might Not Know That Make Vinyl Siding Green,” page 9, Tad Radzinski, P.E., LEED AP, and VSI. October 10, 2009.http://www.vinylsiding.org/greenpaper/2Ibid, page 10Leed For Homes — Possible PointsVinyl Siding0 61Leed New Construction — Possible Points2 26Nahb Standards — Possible Points9 - 36 42A SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONRECYCLED CO NTENTTMLooking for Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Siding products withfeatures that can contribute to overall energy savings,lower maintenance and reduced environmental impact?These logos identify products recognized by thirdparties as supporting green building practices.Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Siding supportsgreen building and it shows. We areactive members of both the USGBC andNAHB — two key industry organizationsthat are working to define sustainablebuilding practices.

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