Description of methods and sources for Albania - INSTAT

Description of methods and sources for Albania - INSTAT Description of methods and sources for Albania - INSTAT
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IPA 2009 Multi-beneficiary StatisticalCooperation Programmecold deck with use of the previous year administrative data for units for which wehave data from administrative sources; mean value imputation for the rest of theresponse large enterprises in the respective stratum. For the part left untreated reweightinessmethod is used.Variable used for grossing-up to the populationThe weights for the turnover index are based on the turnover from the SBS statisticsfor the reference year 2007Initial weight of enterprises in the stratum is estimated P (i) initial = Ni / niWhere: Ni is the total number of enterprises in the stratum ini is the number of sample enterprises in stratum iNote: For the purpose of GDP estimations only individual data for each enterpriseare used.Main variables collectedThis survey has included all variables from the profit and loss account, identificationpart, investments, etc. For the purpose of GDP calculation the following variables areused:– sales of goods and services in domestic market;– sales of goods and services abroad (for export);– sales of goods for resale in domestic market;– own-account production;– subsidies on products;– other operating revenues;– value of sold goods purchased for resale;– costs of material (acquisition of materials, increase or decrease of inventory);– costs of services;– labor costs (wages and salaries, social security contributions, costs of otherinsurance, other labor costs);– depreciation;– other operating costs;– operating result (profit or loss)– number of employees;– tangible assets by type– intangible assetsFurther adjustments made to the survey dataNo further adjustments to the survey data are made.190/236

IPA 2009 Multi-beneficiary StatisticalCooperation Programme2.6 Farm structure surveyTo obtain the agriculture statistical information in terms of market economy, it isnecessary to use the contemporary statistical methods of data collection. For thispurpose, in collaboration with the US experts of NASS (National AgriculturalStatistical Service) and Agricultural Department, collection of data through SamplingSurvey using Area Sampling Survey (ASF) method was considered as moreappropriate.This methodology used since 1994, started with 400 segments and then with 600segments.MethodologyThe Area Frame sampling selection method is one type of multi-stage clustersampling.To perform a statistical survey on Albanian Agriculture it was necessary to use thismethod because an up-to-date list frame with the names of all Albanian farmers wasnot available and also it was difficult to compile one since rural population wasmoving toward the cities and the list would need to be frequently updated. Therefore,with the Annual Agricultural survey, segments were sampled, farmers in each onewere listed, and farmers were sampled from each list and interviewed.Steps followed in designing the frameStratification: Agriculture and livestock activities differ between regions of thecountry. To improve the data collected on new activities the land was first split intohomogeneous zones (strata) prior to sample selection. The stratification method usedincluded:1.Allocating land in strata (homogeneous zones) based on defined criteria (in ourcase, land use intensity):2.Further allocating the strata into groups and then sub-groups which weresimilarly based on the defined criteria.Multi-stage sampling: Each stratum was first split into Primary Sampling Units(PSU-s). Once the PSU had been defined and measured by using GIS, they were thensplit into segments based on target sizes desired in each stratum. Sample PSU-s wasthen selected on the basis of the number of segments located in each one. The use ofthis technique significantly reduced the required mapping measurement efforts.Analyses: The decisions on design were made on the basis of criteria of datareliability as well as the costs. This included the decisions made on defining thestrata, the number of sub-strata, size of segments, the method of sample selection,etc.191/236

IPA 2009 Multi-beneficiary StatisticalCooperation Programmecold deck with use <strong>of</strong> the previous year administrative data <strong>for</strong> units <strong>for</strong> which wehave data from administrative <strong>sources</strong>; mean value imputation <strong>for</strong> the rest <strong>of</strong> theresponse large enterprises in the respective stratum. For the part left untreated reweightinessmethod is used.Variable used <strong>for</strong> grossing-up to the populationThe weights <strong>for</strong> the turnover index are based on the turnover from the SBS statistics<strong>for</strong> the reference year 2007Initial weight <strong>of</strong> enterprises in the stratum is estimated P (i) initial = Ni / niWhere: Ni is the total number <strong>of</strong> enterprises in the stratum ini is the number <strong>of</strong> sample enterprises in stratum iNote: For the purpose <strong>of</strong> GDP estimations only individual data <strong>for</strong> each enterpriseare used.Main variables collectedThis survey has included all variables from the pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>and</strong> loss account, identificationpart, investments, etc. For the purpose <strong>of</strong> GDP calculation the following variables areused:– sales <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>and</strong> services in domestic market;– sales <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>and</strong> services abroad (<strong>for</strong> export);– sales <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>for</strong> resale in domestic market;– own-account production;– subsidies on products;– other operating revenues;– value <strong>of</strong> sold goods purchased <strong>for</strong> resale;– costs <strong>of</strong> material (acquisition <strong>of</strong> materials, increase or decrease <strong>of</strong> inventory);– costs <strong>of</strong> services;– labor costs (wages <strong>and</strong> salaries, social security contributions, costs <strong>of</strong> otherinsurance, other labor costs);– depreciation;– other operating costs;– operating result (pr<strong>of</strong>it or loss)– number <strong>of</strong> employees;– tangible assets by type– intangible assetsFurther adjustments made to the survey dataNo further adjustments to the survey data are made.190/236

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