Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Lock and Keying Options.Lock face ringLock cylinderFront-removable lockcylinders can be installedor removed in the field witha special tool. This featureallows you to field installlock cylinders after the furnitureis installed.All locks are designatedwith key numbers. You canspecify a key number; however,if you don’t specify akey number, the locks inyour order will be keyedrandom.Two types of locks areavailable—the standardkeying system (FR series)and the master keying system(XF series). All thelocks in the XF series canbe opened with a singlemaster key.Standard KeyingAll products are standardkeyed random..Step 1Furniture will beshipped with a plasticshipping plug. Specifylock cylinder and keyingoptions separately. Onlyproducts with factoryinstalledlock mechanismscan accept lock cylinders inthe field.Keying OptionsKey random means thatthe locks will be assignedarbitrarily at the factory withkey numbers ranging fromFR305 to FR454.Tip: Random keying canmean that different furnitureunits will have the same keynumber. If you must have alllocks keyed differently, youshould specify key numbersfor all locks.FR305FR421FR305Master key randommeans that the locks will beassigned arbitrarily at thefactory with key numbersranging from XF1001 toXF1150. All XF locks can beopened with a master key.Tip: Random keying canmean that different furnitureunits will have the same keynumber. If you must have alllocks keyed differently, youshould specify key numbersfor all locks.XF1011XF1042XF1011FR305FR398FR412XF1115XF1002XF1028XF Master KeyFR305FR370XF1011XF1099..Step 2Order enough lockcylinders to fill each locklocation. You must alsoorder a lock tool.Tip: Lock tools are reusable.You don’t need to orderadditional lock tools withevery furniture order.Lock cylinders and theinstallation tool will beshipped separately so thatyou can install the lockswhen you are ready.Key specific means thatyou can specify any keynumber from FR305 toFR454. This option can beused to key all the furnitureunits in a workstation ordepartment the same.Tip: Designate the quantityper key number in yourspecification when orderingmore than one product withthe same style number.FR350 FR350 FR350Master key specificmeans that you can specifyany key number fromXF1001 to XF1150. All thelocks in the XF series canbe opened with a masterkey.Tip: Designate the quantityper key number in yourspecification when orderingmore than one product withthe same style number.XF1020 XF1020 XF1020XF Master Key..To specify lock cylinders,list the total numberof lock cylinders that youwant with the appropriatestyle number. If you arespecifying key numbers, listthe breakdown of the quantityof each key number.Key consecutive meansthat you can specify locknumbers in a consecutiveorder to ensure that notwo locks have the samekey number until the keysequence repeats. Youmust select a beginning keynumber from FR305 toFR454.FR350 FR351 FR35230 Total..An example of how yourorder should look is shownbelow:Example:10 LOCK9201FR FR3205 LOCK9201FR FR35015 LOCK9201XF XF11001 877102003SR standardlock tool1 877102002SR masterlock toolMaster key consecutivemeans that you canspecify lock numbers in aconsecutive order to ensurethat no two locks have thesame key number until thekey sequence repeats. Youmust select a beginning keynumber from XF1001 toXF1150. All the locks in theXF series can be openedwith a master key.XF1020 XF1021 XF1022XF Master Key.616 <strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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