Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Stability <strong>Guide</strong>linesStability <strong>Guide</strong>linesWith a return panel.With an end panel..<strong>Answer</strong>, when installed properly, is an exceptionally stablefurniture system. That applies to workstations using panelsalone, panel-supported components, or freestanding furniture.The following section on panel stability givessome guidelines to be used with common system furnitureconfigurations. <strong>Guide</strong>lines are given to panels with andwithout components. Consult your local dealer or Steelcaserepresentative prior to deviating from these guidelines.When panel height exceeds six feet in seismicgeographical areas rated at a 3 or 4, floor plansmust be submitted to a certified structural engineering firmto assure the product application complies with applicablebuilding codes. Steelcase is not responsible for consultations fees.Change-of-height has no effect on thesestability guidelines.There are several ways to anchor the end ofa panel run:With a pedestal or lateral file with ped filler.With two buttresses.Tip: Only freestanding worksurfaces should be used inapplications with buttress supports..<strong>Guide</strong>lines for Panel-HungComponentscPage 48<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “L”ConfigurationscPage 49<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “T”ConfigurationscPages 50–51<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “U”ConfigurationscPage 52<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “X”ConfigurationscPage 53<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “V”ConfigurationscPage 54<strong>Guide</strong>lines for “Y”ConfigurationscPage 55<strong>Guide</strong>lines for ButtressSupportcPages 56–57<strong>Guide</strong>lines for PathwaysPost and Beam FencecPage 58<strong>Guide</strong>lines for Wall-StartJunction ConfigurationscPage 59<strong>Guide</strong>lines for <strong>Answer</strong>Off-Module BracketConfigurationscPages 60–61<strong>Guide</strong>lines to HangOverhead Bin, Curved-FrontBin, or Avenir Binder Bin onan <strong>Answer</strong> PanelcPage 62<strong>Guide</strong>lines for StackableComponentscPages 62–63.Panels<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStability <strong>Guide</strong>lines, continued 47

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