Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Internode Powerand CommunicationComponentsMultipurpose Power InfeedsHardwirecNeed help?Product details,page 209Standard Includes• Junction box fittings for hardwired connection, if selected• Modular connector, if selected• Modular connector receptacle included withmodular option• Modular infeed cover, if selected: plastic• Conduit: metalRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Plastic color number for modular infeedcover, if selectedcSee Surface Materials, page 600.WorksurfacesModularTip: Modular connectorreceptacle covers a standard4 9 ⁄16" square junctionbox.Tip: Municipal buildingcodes vary. Reviewinstallation requirementswith local inspector priorto installation to ensure allguidelines are met.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDLength and DStyle DU.S.dConnection dNumber dPriced d d4-Circuit, 3+112' Hardwire GSGUFMH12X $24312' Modular GSGUFMM12X $31124' Hardwire GSGUFMH24X $35224' Modular GSGUFMM24X $419d d d4-Circuit, 2+212' Hardwire GSGUFMH12Y $24312' Modular GSGUFMM12Y $31124' Hardwire GSGUFMH24Y $35224' Modular GSGUFMM24Y $419d d d3-Circuit, Separate Neutrals12' Hardwire GSGUFMH12Z $24312' Modular GSGUFMM12Z $31124' Hardwire GSGUFMH24Z $35224' Modular GSGUFMM24Z $419d d dModular Infeed CoverN.A. GSGUFC $ 31d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Power and Communication Components, continued 445

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