Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Daisy ChainingDaisy Chaining.Daisy chainingAdvanced, Standard,and Utility shelf lightstogether extends powerfrom one fixture to anotherwithin workstations to helpkeep receptacles clear forother uses.Starter cord is requiredon shelf lights with daisychain cords to bring powerto the first shelf light in adaisy chain so there’s noneed to designate whereeach fixture will be usedwithin the chain.Power will not be interruptedin a chain even ifone of the shelf lights isturned off or its lamp hasburned out. That’s becausethe path of power throughthe chain doesn’t passthrough the lamps orswitches.Additions to a chain arepossible at any time byadding a starter cord. Witha starter cord, any shelflight in the daisy chain canbe powered independentlyor can be the first shelf lightin a new daisy chain.StartercordDaisy chaincordsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Overhead cabinets andshelves provide a recessedarea for shelf lights. Theyare not designed to concealcords when daisy chaining..Lighting<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 297

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