Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Full Front Towers.Adjustable shelvescan be positioned in theinterior of the tower in 3 ⁄4"vertical increments using areversible bracket.Roll-out shallowshelves include a stay atthe front edge to preventbooks, binders, and otherobjects from sliding off theshelf as it is moved in andout of the tower. Back andsides of shelf are 3"H toprevent items from droppingover the edge.File frames include onehanging folder bar perframe. Rails are availableas an option.Tip: Your specification foroptional file frame interiorswill apply to all the fileframes within a single tower..Hanging folder baraccommodates side-to-sidefiling of letter-, A4 international-,and legal-sizehanging folders. Additionalbars are available and mustbe specified separately.cSee Storage <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Rails accommodate frontto-backfiling of letter-, A4international-, and legal-sizehanging folders. Rail packageincludes one rail per fileframe. Additional rails areavailable and must bespecified separately.Tip: Legal-size hangingfolders will not fit in 18"D x18"W or 24"D x 18"W fileframes with a rail.cSee Storage <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Doorhingedon leftDoorhingedon rightDoor on tower is fullheightand can be hingedon the left or right..Coat hook is included withtowers that have an interiorpartition.Safety interlock systemallows only one roll-outshelf or roll-out file frame tobe opened at a time.Locks are standard andkeyed random on all towers.Consecutive and specifickeying options are available.Master-keyed locks are alsoavailable. Products withlocks ship with a lock facering and removable plasticplug to accommodate a lockcylinder installed on site.Lock cylinders are intendedfor installation after the furnitureis installed in order toeliminate the need to keeptrack of each furniture unit’slock number during installation.Lock cylinders must bespecified separately.cLock and Keying Options,page 616.Skylight top is availableas an option to allow additionalambient light to reachthe interior of the tower.Skylight top includes afrosted glass insert witha steel frame painted tomatch the case.Steel top1"HVeneer top1 3 /16"HLaminate top1 3 /16"HLaminate and woodveneer tops with squareedgeprofiles are available inplace of standard 1"H steeltops. Laminate and woodveneer tops are 3 ⁄16" tallerthan steel tops and will addthat dimension to the overallheight of the tower.Cable-routing top isavailable as an option andincludes a hole with a plasticgrommet in the rear righthandcorner of the top toallow cords and cables toreach devices installed onthe tower..Steel topTop will default to steel ontowers with proud woodfronts since the door overlapsand conceals the top.Wood top is availableas an option.3"1 1 /2"Proudwoodfront52",65 1 /2",or83 1 /2"50 1 /2",64",or 81"Base is standard 3"H. Todecrease the overall heightof the tower, a 1 1 ⁄2"H baseis available.Cable-routing base is3"H and has access holeson each side and in the top.Cable-routing base can beused to route cords andcables horizontally throughone or more bases..Storage<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cUniversal Full Front Towers, continued 243

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