Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Internode Power andCommunicationComponents.Product DetailsPower module accommodatesup to four duplexreceptacles—two on eachside. Covers are includedfor each side to fill theopenings when receptaclesare not used. Available in4-circuit, 3+1; 4-circuit, 2+2;and 3-circuit, separateneutrals.Tip: Power module isattached to the mountingbracket or another powermodule.Receptacles for powermodules snap into powerblocks. Tools are notrequired for installation.Specify a specific circuit,either line 1, 2, 3, or 4.Communication moduleis a metal housing thatsupports NEMA or modularfurniture faceplates. Faceplatesare located on oneside of the module.Tip: The communicationmodule can be attachedto a power module, mountingbracket, or directly ontounderside of worksurface..Convenience tri-receptaclewith modular harnessdraws power from theend of a power module ora power block. Above-worksurfaceclamp kit is includedfor attachment to the worksurface.Below-worksurfacemounting bracket can beordered separately. Specifya specific circuit, either line1, 2, 3, or 4.Convenience tri-receptaclewith optional beltwaypower outfeeddraws power from a receptacleopening in a 4" PathwaysTechnology Wall beltway.Above-worksurface clamp kitis included for attachment tothe worksurface. Below-worksurfacemounting bracketcan be ordered separately.Specify a specific circuit,either line 1, 2, 3, or 4.Convenience tri-receptaclewith cord andplug has an 8' cord to drawpower. Order mountinghardware separately..HousingFaceplateConvenience communicationoutlet housingsupports customer-suppliedmodular furniture faceplates.It is designed to siton a worksurface using theabove-worksurface clamp kit(accessory rail pins) orattach beneath the worksurfaceusing the below-worksurfacemounting bracket.Order mounting hardwareseparately.Modular harness mustbe specified to route powerbetween two powermodules.Power can branch in upto three directions from apower module.Harness-to-harnessconnector is available tojoin harnesses and extendthe length of a run. It canjoin up to four modularharnesses.Block-to-block connectorjoins adjacent powermodules..ConnectionsMounting bracketattaches power or communicationmodules to theunderside of a worksurface.Power module can beordered with or without amounting bracket. Communicationmodule is standardwithout a mounting bracket.Mounting bracket can beordered separately.Tip: Communication modulecan also be installed directlyto the underside of a worksurfacewithout using amounting bracket.Vertically stack powerand communication modulesto increase the numberof receptacles and communicationoutlets beneath aworksurface. Order a 22"modular harness to extendpower to the stackedmodule.Tip: Two communicationmodules can be attachedbeneath a power module.Tip: If two power modulesare stacked, it is recommendedthe communicationmodules are placed besidethe power modules insteadof adding them below.Horizontally connectpower and communicationmodules to increase thenumber of receptacles andcommunication outletsbeneath a worksurface.Order a block-to-blockconnector to join adjacentmodules..Attach conveniencetri-receptacles separatelyto worksurface withabove-worksurface clampkit.Cord and cable managerattaches to the undersideof a worksurface or themounting bracket to helporganize and store cordsand cables.Harness clip attachesto the underside of a worksurfaceto route and managemodular harnesses.Clips can also help keepexcess harness or multipurposepower infeed lengthoff the floor.Below-worksurfacemounting bracketmounts convenience trireceptacleor a conveniencecommunication outlethousing to the undersideof a worksurface.Multipurpose powerinfeed brings power fromthe ceiling, wall, column,or floor and connects to apower block..Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Power and Communication Components, continued 209

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