Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Freestanding WorksurfacesLegs for FreestandingWorksurfacesCabby legs can beinstalled in either a 45° or 90°orientation on most worksurfaces.Elliptical leg installedin the first inset position mayonly be in a 45° orientation.Single post legs can only beinstalled in a 45° orientation.cSee Worksurface LegPositions, page 179.90° orientation45° orientationLegs installed in a90° orientation allow forgreater storage and kneespacebelow the worksurface.45° leg orientation isa preferred aesthetic formany customers. Cabbylegs installed at a 45° orientationwill appear to havemore curvature when viewedfrom the front edge ofworksurface.9"6"3"Legs may be installedinset from the edge of theworksurface to accommodateslip-fit planning. Amount ofavailable space (3", 6", or 9")is measured from the edgeof the worksurface to theedge of the leg...Slip-fit planning allowsworkstation footprint toexpand or decrease, andis ideal for off-moduleapplications.Alignment tab correspondsto under worksurfacealignment slots inFreestanding Worksurfaces.Alignment features ensurelegs are installed in theproper 45° or 90° orientationand slip-fit position.Primary worksurfacewith 28 1 ⁄2"H legs installed at6" or 9" inset can slip overadjacent worksurfaces thatare supported with 26"Hlegs.26"H legs allow worksurfacesto nest underneath anadjacent worksurface with28 1 ⁄2"H legs or a panelmountedworksurface..Surface MaterialsCabby legs• Paint• MetalCabby leg casters• Paint (default to match leg)• Metal (default to match leg)Elliptical leg• Paint• MetalElliptical leg glide• Paint• MetalSingle post, single postwith caster, and doublepost C-legs• PaintSingle post leg caster• Black plastic.Application TopicsWorksurface and LegCombinationscPage 178Worksurface LegPositionscPage 179..Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 177

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