Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Freestanding WorksurfacesAdjustable-HeightWorksurfaces, ElectricallyAdjustable.Programmable memoryis available as an option andallows three users to programthree height settingseach, for a total of nine settings.Included, is a drawermountedsix-button controllerwith an LED display thatshows settings in inches, andsoft-start/soft-stop adjustmentfor an extra smoothstart and stop motion.High-performanceadjustable-heightworksurface is availableas an option and accommodatesa 250 pound weightcapacity. Programmablememory is included. Maximumpower consumption is3.38 amps.Controller drawer shipswith the worksurface andallows for easy access to thecontroller while helping toprevent unintentional adjustment.Keyboard surface tiltswith a range of 25°.KeyboardSurface MaterialsMonitor6"Worksurface5"• Laminate• Accent laminate (option)A family of pre-approved,non-Steelcase laminatesthat reflect the latest trendsin color.cSee Surface MaterialsFloorReference Manual.• Open Line laminateKeyboard worksurface(option)on dual worksurfaces is sup-A program including non-ported by a spring mech-Steelcase laminates whichanism that allows it to adjustare suitable for use onto positions up to 6" higherSteelcase products.or 5" lower than the monitorcSee Surface Materialsworksurface.Reference Manual.Edge1 3 /4"• Vinyl (plastic): color mustbe specifiedAdjustable-height base1 1 /2"and column1"• Paint• Textured paintAt least a 1 3 ⁄4" gap mustseparate backs of a worksurfaceand panels toaccommodate cables andprevent pinching. A 1 1 ⁄2" gapseparates sides and adjacentfurniture. There is alsoa 1 1 ⁄2" space between thekeyboard and monitorsurfaces on units with twosurfaces.Adjustable-heightmechanism requiresattachment to the base andworksurface.Adjustable-heightworksurfaces supporta total of 150 pounds. If theunit has two surfaces, themonitor surface will supportup to 130 pounds and thekeyboard surface will supportup to 20 pounds.Maximum power consumptionis 3.38 amps. 9' powercord is provided.Worksurfaces with 150pound weight capacity willtravel 1.3" per second.Worksurfaces with 250pound weight capacity willtravel 1" per second...24 1 /2"H to 40"H.Application TopicsMoving worksurfacescan collide with other components.Don’t install overheadstorage, desk-heightpower, or desk accessoriesin the path of adjustableheightworksurfaces...Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 175

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