Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Freestanding WorksurfacesAdjustable-Height WorksurfacesCrank-AdjustableCrank-adjustable,adjustable-height worksurfacessupport computers,keyboards, and mousefor users in task-intensive orhigh-churn environments.cSpecifying, page 412Radius corner eliminatessharp edges and is appropriatefor freestanding, mobilefurniture.Actual Dimensions40"40"20 3 /4"28 1 /4"12"46"46"28 1 /4"20 3 /4"12". Tip: Worksurfaces are available in laminate only.40"46"15 5 /8"15 5 /8"Hand crank allows seatedleft- or right-handed users toraise or lower the monitorworksurface. Crank can bestored away when not inuse.Worksurface has a woodcore with a laminate surfaceand is 1 3 ⁄16" thick.Edge profile is an ergonomicP-shape. Profile is acontinuous piece that isapplied to all edges. Color isspecified separately fromlaminate.Knobs adjust keyboard tilton dual adjustable-heightworksurfaces.Release lever activatescontinuous adjustmentof keyboard surface ondual adjustable-heightworksurfaces.Leveling glides adjust toinstall unit on uneven floors.15 5 /8"15 5 /8"39 1 /4"22 1 /4".23 1 /4" 24"45 1 /4" 45 1 /4"31 1 /4"22 1 /4"Product DetailsP-edge profile risesslightly above the laminatesurface and curves into a3 ⁄8" radius which optimizesergonomic benefit for theuser.Edge is available in sixvinyl (plastic) colors. Vinyl(plastic) color is specifiedseparately from laminatecolor.Three variations ofcrank-adjustable worksurfacesare available—single, dual, and bi-level.All three variations are availablein both straight andcorner shapes.Single worksurfacesare one piece to accommodatesingle or multiple monitorsand a keyboard. Youcan adjust the height of theworksurface with the crankmechanism from 26 1 ⁄8"H to39 1 ⁄2"H.39 1 /4"3 /8"11 3 /4"9"32 1 /2"11 3 /4"9"39 1 /2"26 1 /8"27 3 /4"31 3 /4"Tip: Outside back corner radius on corner and dual cornerworksurfaces above is 9".39 1 /2"26 1 /8"Dual worksurfaces aretwo pieces—a large monitorworksurface with a smallerkeyboard worksurfaceattached. You can adjust theheight of the monitor worksurfacewith the crank from26 1 ⁄8"H to 39 1 ⁄2"H, and thekeyboard worksurfacemoves along with it.KeyboardMonitor6"5"FloorKeyboard worksurfaceon dual worksurfaces is supportedby a spring mechanismthat allows it to adjustto positions up to 6" higheror 5" lower than the monitorworksurface..10 1 /2" 39 1 /4"22 1 /4"22 1 /4"2424"12 1 /2" 45 1 /4"22 1 /4"22 1 /4"32 1 /2"30"Tip: Outside radiusis 30"..26 1 /8"H to 39 1 /2"H172 <strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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