Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Freestanding WorksurfacesStraight and TransitionWorksurfacesLeft-hand UnitRight-hand Unit.Tapered edge profile isachieved by rolling woodveneer surface aroundshaped edge of worksurfacecore. Tapered edge profileslopes toward the user forenhanced comfort.P-edge profile isachieved by adding a P-shaped vinyl (plastic) edgeto the worksurface core.P-edge profile provides asoft, durable interface forthe user and is available inblack only.Transition worksurfacesare available in leftandright-hand versions..ConnectionsStraight and transitionworksurfaces are freestandingand are supportedby legs. Legs are orderedseparately and installed inthe field.Tip: Use the Worksurfaceand Leg Combinationsmatrix to determine the typeand number of legs youneed to order for the worksurfaceyou choose.cPage 178Reinforcing brace isused to support all worksurfacesthat are wider than60"W. When installed, thebrace adds 1" below worksurface.One brace is includedwith applicable straight ortransition worksurfaces andis field-installed.Underside of worksurfacehas inset locationsthat support slip-fit and nestingapplications. Cabby legscan be positioned in a 45° or90° orientation. Post legsare positioned in 45° orientationonly.cSee Worksurface LegPositions, page 179..90° orientation45° orientationLegs installed in a90° orientation allow forgreater storage and kneespacebelow the worksurface.45° leg orientation isa preferred aesthetic formany customers. Cabbylegs installed at a 45° orientationwill appear to havemore curvature when viewedfrom the front edge ofworksurface.9"6"3"Legs may be installedinset from the edge of theworksurface to accommodateslip-fit planning. Amount ofavailable space (3", 6", or 9")is measured from the edgeof the worksurface to theedge of the leg. Amount ofslip-fit varies by worksurfaceshape and size.cSee Worksurface LegPositions, page 179.Slip-fit planning allowsworkstation footprint toexpand or decrease, andis ideal for off-moduleapplications..Primary worksurfacewith 28 1 ⁄2"H legs installed at6" or 9" inset can slip overadjacent worksurfaces thatare supported with 26"Hlegs.26"H legs allow worksurfacesto nest underneath anadjacent worksurface with28 1 ⁄2"H legs or a panelmountedworksurface.Pivot hitch can be usedin conjunction with Unisonpedestals and versions ofUnison double wide pedestalswith open shelf to supportworksurfaces.cSee Unison <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Surface MaterialsLaminate Worksurfaces• Laminate• Accent laminate (option)A family of pre-approved,non-Steelcase laminatesthat reflect the latest trendsin color.cSee Surface MaterialsReference Manual.• Open Line laminate(option)A program including non-Steelcase laminates whichare suitable for use onSteelcase products.cSee Surface MaterialsReference Manual.Edge• Vinyl (plastic)Wood VeneerWorksurfaces• Wood veneer (standard)• Customiz stain (option)• Full-fill finish (option)Square (3 mm) ortapered edge profile• Wood veneer to matchworksurfaceP-edge profile• Vinyl (plastic):6000 Black onlyCorian ®• Freestanding Worksurfacesare available in solid surfaceDupont Corian. ® Topsare ordered directly fromTFI, the industry leadingproducer of Dupont Corianproducts.cSee Additional Resources,page 4...Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStraight and Transition Worksurfaces, continued 151

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