Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Systems WorksurfacesLegs and Supports forSystems Worksurfaces.18"D18"D straight and transitionworksurfacesmust be connected to anadjacent worksurface foradditional support.Double post leg can beused in a shared applicationwith a support plate, or itcan be used as a columnsupport for spanner, jetty,bubble jetty, bullet peninsula,and angled peninsulaworksurfaces in panelmountedapplications.Single post leg, in conjunctionwith two cantileversor center support panels,can be used as column supportfor linking worksurfaces..Single post leg, in conjunctionwith a side supportbracket, can be used to supportthe end of a visitorworksurface.Two single post legscan be used in place of onedouble post leg as columnsupport for spanner, jetty,bubble jetty, bullet peninsula,and angled peninsulaworksurfaces for addedstability.Standing-height singleor double post legs canbe used as column supportin panel-mounted applicationsonly..P-edge profile worksurfacesinclude alignmentslots to acceptcabby legs as an alternativecolumn support for visualconsistency in applicationsthat include freestandingworksurfaces with cabbylegs. Two cabby legs can beused in place of two singlepost legs for jetty, bubblejetty, bullet peninsula, andangled peninsula.Tip: P-edge profile spannerworksurfaces include fouralignment slots to allow it tobe completely freestandingwith cabby legs.cSee page 416 for CabbyLegs..57"WReinforcingchannelrequiredReinforcing channel(TS7WKSPT) is used toreinforce worksurfaces with60" or more of unsupportedkneespace.cSpecifying, page 387.Surface MaterialsPost legs• PaintCaster• Black plastic onlySupport plate andreinforcing channel• Black paint only.Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 139

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