Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Systems WorksurfacesAdjustable-Height WorksurfacesCrank-AdjustableCrank-adjustable,adjustable-height worksurfacessupport computers,keyboards, and mouse forusers in task-intensive or highchurnenvironments.cSpecifying, pages 380–382Worksurfaces have a woodcore with a laminate surfaceand is 1 3 ⁄16" thick.Actual Dimensions40" 40"40"21 3 /4"28 1 /4"11"46"46" 46"28 1 /4"21 3 /4"11". Tip: Worksurfaces are available in laminate only.15 1 /2"17 1 /4"Hand crank allows seatedleft- or right-handed users toraise or lower the monitorworksurface. Crank can bestored away when not inuse.Front (user’s) edge isavailable in two edge profiles.Back and side edgesare flat.Keyboard shelf (user’s)edge is available in twoedge profiles on all sides.15 1 /2"17 1 /4"Knobs adjust keyboard tilton dual adjustable-heightworksurfaces.Release lever activatescontinuous adjustmentof keyboard surface ondual adjustable-heightworksurfaces.Leveling glides adjust toinstall unit on uneven floors.39 1 /4"22 1 /4".39 1 /4"24" 24"45 1 /4" 45 1 /4"32 1 /2"22 1 /4"Product DetailsFront (user’s) edgeprofile is available in twoshapes.3 mmedge profile11 1 /16"9 1 /16"32 1 /2"11 11 /16"9 11 /16"P-edgeedge profileBoth edge profiles arevinyl (plastic), and are specifiedseparately from laminatecolor. Back and sideedges are flat.P-edge profile risesslightly above the laminatesurface and curves into a3 ⁄8" radius which optimizesergonomic benefit for theuser.Three variations ofcrank-adjustableworksurfaces are available—single,dual, and bilevel.All three variations areavailable in both straightand corner shapes.27 5 /8".10 1 /8"2422 1 /4"32 1 /2"22 1 /4"24"31 3 /16" 12 9 /16" 36"39 1 /2"26 1 /8"22 1 /4"22 1 /4".Single worksurfacesare one piece to accommodatesingle or multiplemonitors and a keyboard.You can adjust the heightof the worksurface with thecrank mechanism from26 1 ⁄8"H to 39 1 ⁄2"H.Tip: Adjustable-height mechanismrequires assembly.Also, worksurface requiresassembly to mechanism.39 1 /2"26 1 /8"Dual worksurfaces aretwo pieces—a large monitorworksurface with a smallerkeyboard worksurfaceattached. You can adjust theheight of the monitor worksurfacewith the crank from26 1 ⁄8"H to 39 1 ⁄2"H, and thekeyboard worksurfacemoves along with it.Tip: Extension worksurfacescannot attach to dualworksurfaces.132 <strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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