Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Answer Solutions Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

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Universal Systems WorksurfacesSpanner Worksurfaces.ConnectionsWorksurfaces can beused freestanding or in panelsupportedinstallations.Supports are orderedseparately and installed inthe field.For panel-supportedinstallations you can use:• Side support brackets• Cantilever with tie plate• Support plate• Center support panel withtie plate• Standing-height centersupport panel with tie plate• Adjustable column, doublepost leg, or two single postlegscSee page 136 forWorksurface Supports.Tip: P-edge profile worksurfacesinclude alignment slotsto accept two cabby legs forcolumn support.For freestanding installationsyou can use:• Single post leg• Single post leg with caster• Nesting post leg• Nesting post leg withcaster• Double post leg• Double post C-leg• Support platecSee page 138 for Legsand Supports for SystemsWorksurfaces.Tip: P-edge profile worksurfacesinclude alignment slotsto accept four cabby legs..Wiring & CablingSpanner worksurfacesdo not have cable scallops..Surface MaterialsLaminate Worksurfaces• Laminate• Accent laminate (option)A family of pre-approved,non-Steelcase laminatesthat reflect the latest trendsin color.cSee Surface MaterialsReference Manual.• Open Line laminate(option)A program including non-Steelcase laminates whichare suitable for use onSteelcase products.cSee Surface MaterialsReference Manual.Front (user’s) edge(s)• Vinyl (plastic)Back edge• Plastic color default tocomplement user’s edgeWood VeneerWorksurfaces• Wood veneer (standard)• Customiz stain (option)• Full-fill finish (option)Square (3 mm) edgeprofile• Wood veneer to matchworksurfaceFront (user’s) edge(s)• Wood edge band.Application TopicsWorksurfaces usedin panel-supportedinstallations must followapplicable panel stabilityguidelines.cPage 47.ShippingPalletizing streamlinesunloading and staging ofworksurfaces. Identicalworksurfaces ordered on thesame line item are packedon pallets containing 10–20worksurfaces. Remainingworksurfaces are packedindividually in cartons. If palletizingis not desired, orderin quantities of nine or lessper line item. For maximumunload efficiency, utilizepallet handling equipment atjob site whenever possible.Wood veneer worksurfacescannot be palletized..Worksurfaces<strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 119

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