Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 0U svVTCusage fee for tracks and other facilities for train formationnumber of trainsnumber of tracksprice in € per one trainFactor C amounts to 11,00 €.5.3.7. Loading and Unloading SidingsThe user fee for loading and unloading rail wagons on PRI include charge for tracks andfacilities on the delivery way, public sidings, loading/unloading sidings and loading/unloadingplatforms.The list of all stations and station offices that accept wagon consignments is provided inAnnex 3/7 of this document. The mentioned stations enable track capacities for loading,unloading and reloading operations.The loading/unloading platforms for loading and unloading private cars on wagons thatbelong to agency’s passenger train are located on the stations Koper, Jesenice and Maribor.The loading/unloading platforms for loading and unloading private cars on car-train throughBohinj tunnel, are located on the stations Most na Soči, Podbrdo and Bohinjska Bistrica.Ljubljana Moste and Maribor Tezno stations are available for loading and unloading of piggybacktrains.Station capacities for piggy-back transport are not constituent part of the PRI.The usage fee for loading and unloading sidings is calculated according to the followingformula:U nr = Vag • CAbbreviations:U nrVagCusage fee for loading/unloading sidingsnumber of wagons for loading/unloadingprice in € per one wagonFactor C amounts to 0,60 €.5.3.8. Maintenance and other Technical Facilities5.3.8.1. Maintenance and Vehicle Service FacilitiesThe maintenance tracks and facilities with enabled access are located on the followingrailway stations: for locomotive services: Maribor, Ljubljana and Divača, for wagon services: Divača, Dobova, Maribor Tezno, Ljubljana Šiška, Ljubljana Moste,Ljubljana Zalog, Ptuj, Jesenice, Nova Gorica and Koper tovorna.The mentioned tracks and maintenance facilities with enabled access are not a constituentpart of the PRI. To use maintenance facilities the Undertaking shall sign a special agreementPAGE 56

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