Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 05.1. Legal Framework5. SERVICESThe legal framework for defining the PRI is provided in Articles 9 and 10 of the ZZelP, whichdescribes the PRI and its constituents, as well as Chapter III of the Decree on train pathallocation and charge for the use of public railway infrastructure (Official Journal of the RS,No. 113/2009), which defines the minimum access package, tracks access to service facilitiesand additional and auxiliary services (as follows in Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5).5.2. Minimum Access PackageThe minimum access package that all RUs with allocated train paths are entitled to useincludes:- processing the applications for train path allocation,- using the tracks of the allocated train paths,- using switches and crossings on the allocated train paths,- controlling the rail traffic, which includes signaling, regulating, departures andcommunication with trains, as well as ensuring information on train movements,- other information, necessary for providing services, for which the path was allocated.5.3. Track Access to Service Facilities and Supply of ServicesAn Applicant or a RU who has been allocated a train path, alongside the minimum accesspackage, has tracks access to service facilities and supply of services: electrical supply equipment for traction current, where available, refuelling facilities, passenger stations and halts, their buildings and other additional facilities or places; freight loading stations and terminals, marshalling yards, train formation facilities, loading/unloading sidings, maintenance and other technical facilities.The tariffs for track access to services facilities, indicated in subsections of this Section, intimetable period 2013/<strong>2014</strong> are not charged.From charging only compensation for track access to service facilities is excluding, while theservices and supply of services themself are charged in accordance with a special agreementsigned by RUs with the offerer of these services or owner of service facilities.These services shall be provided on fair, non-discriminatory basis. The RUs’ request may berefused only if there are other suitable offers under market conditions.5.3.1. Use of Electrical Supply Equipment for Traction CurrentThe stable devices of the transport network that enable track vehicles to use the electricalsupply equipment for traction current, are shown in Annex 3/2 of the <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong>.The methodology for user fee calculation for the electrical supply for traction current has notbeen elaborated. The service fee is not charged.PAGE 53

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