Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 04.8.2. Operational RegulationIn emergency cases, or when the Infrastructure is temporarily disabled, the Manager candeny the operation on the allocated train path without any notice and as long as it isnecessary to repair the system.The Manager may require available resources from the RUs, necessary to re-establish normalconditions in the shortest possible time.4.8.3. Foreseen ProblemsWhile ensuring regular capacities, the Manager shall inform the RU on foreseen obstacles ina timely manner, so the RU can request another train path, respectively find a mutualsatisfactory solution with the Manager.More precise provisions, defining the relationships and the responsibilities of the Managerand the RU, are stated in Annex 2/1 of this document.4.8.4. Unforeseen ProblemsIn the case of unexpected events which cause deviations from the allocated train path, thePRI Manager, upon prior consultation with the RU, has the right to adjust the train path in away that ensures the existing connections as much as possible.The Manager informs the RUs or the Applicants on the exceptional events, describes theencountered problems and foreseen consequences. It also suggests appropriate solutions,which should be coordinated with the RUs’ regulations as far as possible. If consensus is notpossible, the final solution is made by the Manager.Making this solution the Manager shall consider priorities in traffic management of delayedtrains. Priority shall be given to the trains in the following order:1. passenger trains against all other trains;2. trains, running over interchange stations, on which they have connection with othertrains;3. trains with longer path to the last stop;4. trains that on part of the route run on a single track lineIntervention train has priority over all other trains, when it is sent in order to handle theconsequences of an exceptional event and ensure normal traffic conditions.More precise provisions, which define the relationships and the responsibilities of theManager and the RU, are stated in Annex 2/1 of this document.PAGE 52

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