Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 0legislation, which regulates the exceptional transport and in the Manual of the PRI Manager,where also all the required forms to order an exceptional transport can be found. TheManual is available in Slovenian language with login and password at www.slozeleznice.si/sl/podjetje/vodenje_prometa.For any further information the PRI Manager should be contacted (contact person is statedin Section 1.8.1. of this document).4.7.2. Transport of Dangerous GoodsThe Undertaking shall inform the Manager on the intended dispatch of dangerous goods andpossible environmental damage caused by the nature or quantity of those goods.In train path allocation request, in section ''Remarks'', the Applicants shall indicate thenumbers of dispatch dangerous substances, in accordance with the RID.During handover between the Undertaking and the Manager, which takes place at thedeparture station or traffic interchange station, the Undertaking is obliged to inform theManager (signalman or section regulator) on the actual placing of wagons with dangerousgoods in the train and indicate the types of the dangerous substances.In accordance to the Article 18 of Decree on the water protection area for the aquifers ofmunicipalities Šmartno ob Paki, Polzela and Braslovče (Official Journal of the RS, No.98/2011) on the section Polzela – Šmartno ob Paki, which is part of the line No. 31 Celje –Velenje, the traffic of dangerous goods by rail is prohibited.4.8. Special Measures to be Taken in the Event of Disturbance4.8.1. PrinciplesThe PRI Manager and the Railway Undertaking are obliged to inform each other on anyarisen problem and irregularity which disturbs, or may disturb the normal flow of traffic.The PRI Manager and the Railway Undertaking shall take all necessary measures to addressthe problems as soon as possible and to ensure the undisturbed traffic operations.In order to promptly handle the troubles and ensure normal traffic conditions, the PRIManager and the Undertaking shall mutually support each other in terms of staff andtechnical resources.In case of defining of the extra train paths for train run on a detour because of obstacles in atraffic, the IM set down to the train available, already constructed train path, and inform theAgency of this use.In case of unforeseen emergency situations the train paths, that have been used partially orhaven’t been used at all due to exceptional events, shall be cancelled by the Applicant, onManager’s order.For cancellation in case of exceptional events, the fee for path late cancellation is notcharged.PAGE 51

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