Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 0path; importance of the freight service with regard to provision of international rail freighttraffic.During the coordination process the Agency shall handle the conflicting requests. If the pathallocation is impossible even after the implementation of path construction process on acongested infrastructure and coordination (since competing Applicants meet defined criteriaand attain equal rights to allocation), then the Agency triggers tender offer, in which thetrain path is allocated to the Applicant who is prepared to pay the highest user charge. TheAgency shall inform the regulatory body about the tender.The tender starts when the Agency invites the Applicants with conflicting requests to posttheir offers for the user charge within 5 (five) days of the receipt of the call for tender. Thenegotiations shall take place exclusively under the supervision of the regulatory body.In case the Applicant with a disputable request fails to forward a written offer for the highestusage charge to the Agency in due time, it would be considered as an allocation requestwithdrawal. It would lead to compensation to the Agency for its procedural costs.Upon receiving the written offers, the Agency shall examine them closely, and within 5 (five)days shall decide on the path allocation on the basis of the highest offered usage charge. TheAgency shall inform all tender participants on the allocation decision. Participants who failedto obtain a train path may make an appeal against this decision. The regulatory body makesthe decision on the appeal against the decision for path allocation issued by the Agency. Ifirregularities are discovered in the selection process, the appellant can request to repeat thetender.4.4.4. Decision on Train Path AllocationBased on the elaborated and by an ordering party confirmed train path, the Agency issues tothe Applicant a decision on train path allocation.The fee for the issued decision is regulated by the Administrative Fees Act - ZUT-UPB6(Official Journal of the RS, No. 106/2010) in accordance with the tariff 35/2.a.After the receipt of the decision and before the beginning of delivery of the rail transportservices the Applicant shall sign a Contract from Section 6.1.1. of this document with theAgency.4.4.5. Impact of Framework AgreementsThe Agency and the Applicant may sign a Framework Agreement, where the characteristicsof infrastructure capacity are determined for the period exceeding one network timetableperiod.The Framework Agreement does not specify the train path in detail, but seeks to meet thelegitimate commercial needs of the applicant.The signed Framework Agreement does not prevent the usage of the certain infrastructureby the other applicants or for the other rail services.In the Framework Agreement the defined requirements of an Applicant should not occupymore than 75% of infrastructure capacity of a rail line or a rail line segment in one hour.PAGE 47

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