Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 0If, after the receipt of the Applicants’ opinions, the Agency still fails to resolve disputedrequests, the Agency establishes a verbal dialogue in order to reach an acceptable solution.If within the verbal dialogue an agreement is achieved, the Agency shall prepare a writtenagreement in the form of protocol, signed by all concerned stakeholders. According to thisagreement, within 7 (seven) days after the signing of the protocol, all stakeholders shallpresent the changed path allocation requests to the Agency.If the Applicants or the other concerned stakeholders with conflicting requests do notachieve an agreement within the coordination process and equally qualify for the pathallocation (according to the evaluation criteria, indicated in Annex 4/2 of this document), acongested infrastructure capacity allocation process is implemented (see Section 4.4.3. ofthis document).After coordination process for a new timetable period the Agency shall prepare the draftnetwork timetable. It contains requested and available train paths. Train paths forlocomotive run in junction stations are not taken into account in the draft networktimetable. The Agency shall send the draft network timetable to the Manager not later thanfive months before the new timetable period.After coordination and final preparation of materials the Agency forwards the elaboratedtrain paths draft to the Applicants and other stakeholders, who wish to influence on thenetwork timetable.The Manager, Applicants and other stakeholders shall send their possible comments withinthe time limit set by the Agency (not less than one month period).Within the prescribed time period the Agency gathered possible comments on draft networktimetable and try to handle the conflicting requests in the consultation process.4.4.2. Fast-track procedure for Dispute ResolutionAlong with the existing legal means of appeal to the regulatory body there is also a fast-trackprocedure for dispute resolution which is carried out by the Agency and is only an interimtool in coordination process. A decision in this case shall be issued within 10 (ten) workingdays.The contact persons at the Agency, responsible for conflict resolution, are indicated inSection 1.8.2. of this document.4.4.3. Congested InfrastructureIf after coordination process the requirements for train path allocation cannot be met fullyor the demand for infrastructure capacity cannot be satisfied, the Agency shall immediatelyproclaim that part of the infrastructure as congested infrastructure. The same is to be madefor infrastructure with obviously insufficient capacity in the future.If a section or a part of the PRI is proclaimed as congested infrastructure, the Agency shallperform a capacity analysis, unless a capacity expansion plan has already been performed.If the usage charge for the PRI does not allow capacity expansion of the PRI segment or part,which is proclaimed as congested infrastructure, the Agency may use the additional factorsin path allocation process, besides the above mentioned factors: importance of the transport service for the wider community in terms of enablingother services and the possible consequences of allocation or non-allocation of thePAGE 46

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