Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 0elaborated accordingly. Those stations are shown in the table below:STATION NAMEAnhovo Bohinjska Bistrica Brestanica Brežice Celje tovornaČrnomelj Divača Dobova Dravograd HodošKranj Krško Laško Lendava Lesce BledJesenice Kamnik Kidričevo Kočevje Koper tovornaKranj Krško Laško Lendava Lesce BledJesenice Kamnik Kidričevo Kočevje Koper tovornaKranj Krško Laško Lendava Lesce BledLitija Ljubljana Ljubljana Črnuče Ljubljana Moste Ljubljana ŠiškaLjutomer Maribor Maribor Studenci Maribor Tezno MedvodeMurska Sobota Nova Gorica Novo mesto Podgorje PodnartPoljčane Polzela Pragersko Prestranek PrevaljePtuj Rače Rogatec Ruše SevnicaSežana Šentilj Šentjur Šoštanj TrbovljeTrebnje Velenje Verd Zagorje Zidani MostŽalecThe freight terminals that allow loading and unloading of personal road vehicles are: Koper,Jesenice, Maribor, Most na Soči, Podbrdo, Bohinjska Bistrica.The freight terminals open for "piggy-back" transport are Ljubljana Moste and MariborTezno. The track capacities of the above mentioned stations are not a constituent part of thePRI.On the territory of the Republic of Slovenia access to the container terminals is available atthe following stations: Celje tovorna, Koper Luka, Ljubljana Container terminal, MariborTezno. The track capacities of the container terminals are not a constituent part of the PRI.The Port terminal, located in the Port of Koper is not a constituent part of the PRI.3.8. Service FacilitiesAt some PRI stations, the Manager allows access to the service facilities and equipment forcarrying out service works. A list of facilities, usage conditions and prices are shown inSection 5 of this document.3.9. Infrastructure DevelopmentThe rail infrastructure development projects in Slovenia are based on the NationalProgramme of the Slovenian Railway Infrastructure Development (Official Journal of the RS13/96), Resolution on the transport policy of the RS (Official Journal of the RS 58/06) andDecision No 661/2010/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010 onUnion guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport (Official Journal ofPAGE 37

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