Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

Network Statement 2014 - Slovenske železnice

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<strong>Slovenske</strong> železnice - Infrastruktura d.o.o. – <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> of the Republic of Slovenia <strong>2014</strong> – 9.12.2012 – 03.4.5. Bridge RestrictionsWagon or train weight restrictions with regard to the bridges are taken into consideration inthe permitted axle load and weight per meter length shown in Annex 3/1 of this document.Restrictions on the PRI bridges, because of anticipated weather conditions, specific openinghours and other factors, are not foreseen.3.5. Availability of the InfrastructureWhile preparing the <strong>Network</strong> timetable the Agency shall consider and for separate railsections show the reserved time or reserved dates for carrying out maintenance and repairworks, new constructions on the PRI, as well as indicate train paths, which are reserved forservice trains movements.The Manager shall forward information on PRI restrictions through contact points, indicatedin the Section 1.8 of the <strong>Network</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> or those, determined in Access Contracts,signed for accessing to the PRI.Beside this the IM provides information about planned line obstructions on PRI two monthsin advance. This information is available with login and password at:http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/sl/podjetje/vodenje_prometa/predpisi_za_prevoznikeOn the same website the review of the stations and offices with interrupted service is to bepublished by the PRI Manager.In case of engagement of additional workforce outside the official working hours of thestation or operation station due to the needs of RU´s (delivering or dispatching wagons,supplying of the operation stations etc.), the RU´s must to agree such occupation of theworkplace with responsible person of the IM prior the train path order. These occupationmust be agreed in time, however no later than within 3 (three) working days.The RU´s must notify the authority for allocation of train paths, that the occupation ofadditional workforce is agreed by typing notes in the application form for path allocation:“The occupation of (the station or operation station name) agreed”.3.6. Passenger StationsA list of stations, including the data on the tracks with platforms and the length of theplatforms, is in Annex 3/1b of this document. The plans of particular passenger stations areshown in Annex 3/3 of this document.With regard to the station equipment according to the Rules on railway stations and stopsfacilities (Official Journal of RS, No 72/2009), passenger stations are classified into fourcategories:CATEGORYIIILjubljanaSTATION NAMECelje Jesenice Koper Kranj Litija MariborMurskaSobotaNovaGoricaNovomestoTrbovlje Zagorje Zidani MostPragersko Sevnica Škofja LokaPAGE 34

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