summary of the ninth meeting joint rtca special committee 217 ...

summary of the ninth meeting joint rtca special committee 217 ...

summary of the ninth meeting joint rtca special committee 217 ...


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RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 1SUMMARY OF THE ELEVENTH MEETINGJOINT RTCA SPECIAL COMMITTEE <strong>217</strong>EUROCAE WORKING GROUP 442 nd thru 5 th <strong>of</strong> April 2012Brussels, BelgiumHosted by SESAR A6 GroupExecutive SummaryRTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> met <strong>joint</strong>ly with EUROCAE WG-44 for <strong>the</strong> Eleventh Plenary at facilities <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> SESAR A6 Group in <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>of</strong>fices in Brussels, Belgium from April 2 nd to April 5 th , 2012The focus for this <strong>meeting</strong> was on preparing DO-276/ED-98 (User Requirements forElectronic Terrain and Obstacle Data) for <strong>the</strong> Final Review and Comment (FRAC)process, and on <strong>the</strong> Airport Surface Routing Network Validation and Verificationdocument.Updating <strong>the</strong> DO-276/ED-98 document is basically completed. The <strong>meeting</strong> addressedoutstanding issues pertaining to <strong>the</strong> content.The content <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new ASRN V&V document has been outlined. First drafts <strong>of</strong> scope,methodology, and roles and responsibility sections have been written. The <strong>meeting</strong>focused on Section One, which has now reached <strong>the</strong> mature draft status. An action itemroad map was agreed and a point <strong>of</strong> contact within <strong>the</strong> <strong>committee</strong> for ensuringcompletion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> road map was established.The group discussed <strong>the</strong> need for future releases <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> standards DO-272/ED-99 andDO-291/ED-119 and related ToR proposals as well as <strong>the</strong> potential for involvement infuture releases <strong>of</strong> DO-200/ED-76 and DO-201/ED-77.The next <strong>meeting</strong> will be held at RTCA Headquarters in Washington D.C. from June 18ththrough June 22, 2012. This will be <strong>the</strong> FRAC Resolution Meeting for DO-276/ED-98.1 Introduction1.1 OpeningThe <strong>joint</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> and EUROCAE WG-44 Meeting was opened by John Kasten(RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> chairman) and Stephane Dubet (EUROCAE WG-44 chairman).Stephane Dubet provided a briefing on <strong>the</strong> SESAR A6 Group that was facilitating <strong>the</strong><strong>meeting</strong> and worked through logistics for <strong>the</strong> week.The minutes from <strong>the</strong> last <strong>meeting</strong> in Phoenix were accepted.

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 21.2 Round RobinAll participants were introduced in a round robin. The attendance list is attached.1.3 Schedule & AdministrationThe Agenda was reviewed and some timing adjustments made to accommodateavailabilities. This <strong>meeting</strong> was focusing on <strong>the</strong> following items• Terrain & Obstacle• ASRN Validation and Verification• Discuss how to address <strong>the</strong> new ToR to <strong>the</strong> PMCAll presentations made during <strong>the</strong> <strong>meeting</strong> are available on RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> Workspace.1.4 RTCA Records <strong>of</strong> MembershipJohn passed around <strong>the</strong> attendee sign in sheet for RTCA.1.5 SC-<strong>217</strong> Membership ChangesLisa Haskell (Jeppesen) announced that this <strong>meeting</strong> would be her last <strong>meeting</strong> due tochanging jobs and responsibilities within Jeppesen. Lisa was lead on <strong>the</strong> Content Sub-Group and will need to be replaced in that role should a ToR extension be approved.Christian Pscherier (Jeppesen) previously informed <strong>the</strong> co-chairs that he would nolonger be able to attend <strong>the</strong> <strong>meeting</strong>s, at least for <strong>the</strong> year 2012, due to priority workassignments within Jeppesen. Christian was <strong>the</strong> SC-<strong>217</strong> Secretary and will need to bereplaced. No decisions were made at this <strong>meeting</strong> due to <strong>the</strong> limited participation. JohnKasten indicated he would create <strong>the</strong> minutes for this <strong>meeting</strong> in Brussels and wouldlook to <strong>the</strong> group for a new Secretary for <strong>the</strong> June Meeting at RTCA HQ. Stephen(Steve) Moody <strong>of</strong> Jeppesen joined <strong>the</strong> group for his first <strong>meeting</strong>. Steve works in <strong>the</strong>Jeppesen Corporate Technical Standards Department and has an extensive aviationinformation background.2 Presentations & Report outs on Action Items2.1 ToR updatesMike Burski provided a briefing on <strong>the</strong> March RTCA PMC <strong>meeting</strong> where <strong>the</strong> discussionpaper submitted by SC-<strong>217</strong> on <strong>the</strong> need to address updating DO-200 and potentiallyDO-201 was reviewed. The essence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> briefing is that <strong>the</strong> FAA PMC membershiphas been tasked with performing a review <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> update needs from <strong>the</strong> FAAperspective, with a request to submit a letter to <strong>the</strong> PMC for <strong>the</strong> June 2012 <strong>meeting</strong>. As<strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial PMC Meeting minutes were not available, <strong>the</strong> exact task definition was notavailable. Mike will provide this as soon as it does become available.The current ToRs cover:• DO-276B/ED-98B (June 2012)• ASRN Verification and Validation (DO-xxx) (Dec. 2012)NOT covered are:

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 3• Update <strong>of</strong> DO-291/ED-119 due to DO-276/ED-98 update• New DO-272x/ED-99x updated content and reformatting• New DO-291/ED-119 due to DO-272x/ED-99xUpdate Rational for DO-272/ED-99x are:• Avionics manufacturers are missing some essential data, which <strong>the</strong> group wasnot able to include in <strong>the</strong> time frame for DO-272C/ED-99C due to workload.Examples include Notes or low visibility taxi.• AEEC ARINC 816 Working Group has agreed to allow DO-272/ED99 to be <strong>the</strong>content driver for ARINC 816. They have identified a set <strong>of</strong> additional attributesrequired for <strong>the</strong>ir work.• The general structure <strong>of</strong> document needs a revision.• Completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ASRN for <strong>the</strong> entire airport surface, to include aprons andparking stands.• Evaluate what is required to move towards SWIM, i.e., is <strong>the</strong> current AMDBstructure compatible with a SWIM network.• Ensure complete ASRN through a review <strong>of</strong> current ASRN from <strong>the</strong> ATC air andground users’ perspective.• Also impact from o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>committee</strong>s deliverables (i.e. SC-206 and SC-214/WG-78) with regard to ASRN must be included.• Consistency in <strong>the</strong> release <strong>of</strong> DO-272/276/291 / ED-98/99/119.The group agreed that <strong>the</strong> above rationale must be developed and presented to <strong>the</strong>PMC for an updated ToR at <strong>the</strong> next available <strong>meeting</strong> in June 2012 to ensurecontinuity.2.2 Document Time Lines2.2.1 DO-276/ED98, “B” Version in June 2012, “C” Version in December 2013.2.2.2 DO-272/ED-99, “D” Version in December 2013.2.2.3 DO-291/ED-119, “C” Version in December 2013.2.2.4 DO-xxx (ASRN V & V), “Original” in December 2012.2.2.5 DO-200/ED76, “B” Version in December 2013 (pending PMC action).2.2.6 DO-201A/ED-77, no time line proposed as approval uncertain.2.2.7 General desire within SC-<strong>217</strong> to continue expressing to RTCA Management <strong>the</strong>need to have <strong>the</strong>se documents being worked in a sustained effort.

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 42.3 Activity report from <strong>the</strong> Sub-Groups2.3.1 Data Quality (non-numeric), Applications, Content,Connectivity, Temporality and Data Quality (numeric).These sub-groups are currently not active, pending ToR updates.2.3.2 Britta Eilmus: GuidanceIt was noted that a “Guidance Document” is within <strong>the</strong> Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference for EurocaeWG-44 but not for RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>. Britta reported that a document based on DO-272B/ED-99B and DO-291A/ED-119A is very near completion and could be ready forreview at <strong>the</strong> June 2012 Meeting. Work has not begun to update this to <strong>the</strong> currentversions. As this is not an RTCA document, <strong>the</strong> review process will follow Eurocaeguidelines.It was noted that Eurocontrol did much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> original work on <strong>the</strong> Guidance MaterialDocument and has expressed <strong>the</strong> need for this document to be made available to <strong>the</strong>user community at no-charge. Nei<strong>the</strong>r RTCA nor Eurocae has a mechanism for nochargedocuments, although it is possible to have a “Report” issued by Eurocae (withoutcharge) provided <strong>the</strong> document does not include requirements or has been selected foran “ED” status.Decision was to fur<strong>the</strong>r discuss <strong>the</strong> publication options with Eurocontrol and Eurocaeand agree on a course <strong>of</strong> action.2.4 Allan Hart: Status <strong>of</strong> Terrain and Obstacle(Presentation and Draft Documents to be made available on <strong>the</strong> RTCA Workspace)The group held monthly telecons to work on <strong>the</strong> open action issues.Allan present draft version 9 <strong>of</strong> DO-276/ED-98. This version had been circulated within<strong>the</strong> <strong>committee</strong> and a significant comment document was received from Tim Roe (not inattendance). Allan had previously incorporated any comments that were editorial innature. Allan walked <strong>the</strong> group thru <strong>the</strong> remaining comments. Not all comments weresufficiently understood or resolvable without fur<strong>the</strong>r conversation with Tim and Allanindicated he would set up a telecom for April 16 th for that work.The group spent considerable time on paragraph 3.3.10 “Height” in <strong>the</strong> document.Discussions included “how many points in a line obstacle” and was <strong>the</strong>re a requirementfor both a maximum (included) and a minimum(not included) height value. Allan willwork towards resolution within his sub-group.O<strong>the</strong>r important discussion items included: deciding on a “name” for Area 2 as ICAOAnnex 15 uses a “sentence” to describe <strong>the</strong> area but no simple name; reviewing <strong>the</strong>numerical requirements in Section Four; reviewing <strong>the</strong> attributes for lighting and marking<strong>of</strong> obstacles and how that relates to similar attributes for Vertical Polygons in DO-272;discussion on <strong>the</strong> title for Section Six; acronym list clean-up and a qualified review <strong>of</strong>Appendix “C”.

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 5A number <strong>of</strong> items that were beyond “<strong>committee</strong> editing time available” weredocumented as Action Items for Allan and <strong>the</strong> sub-group to review and resolve (SeeAction Item List).The time line for <strong>the</strong> document leading up to FRAC resolution during <strong>the</strong> June 2012 wasdiscussed:- FRAC Version <strong>of</strong> Document to RTCA no later than April 25 th , 2012.- Close <strong>of</strong> comment period will be May 25 th , 2012- Allan to be focal point for comments, copy to <strong>the</strong> co-chairs- Allan requests that anyone provide comments o<strong>the</strong>r than editorial ensure <strong>the</strong>yare at (or represented at) <strong>the</strong> June FRAC Resolution Meeting at RTCAHeadquarters.- Ensure (with RTCA) that both PDF and Word Documents are available forreview.- Ensure with RTCA that <strong>the</strong>y can provide <strong>the</strong> line numbered version forcomment.It was noted that as <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>meeting</strong> time, <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> re-use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ICAO Annex 15illustrations for <strong>the</strong> Areas 2 through 4 had not been received but was being worked byRTCA. The chair noted that <strong>the</strong> illustrations were required and would have to beincluded.Ano<strong>the</strong>r open topic is that Vertical Structures in AMDB may be identical with points in <strong>the</strong>Terrain and Obstacles database. While <strong>the</strong> <strong>committee</strong> has work to do make sure that<strong>the</strong> data structures are compatible, vendors will have to address <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> samedata captured twice.

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 62.5 RTCA Policy Regarding Electronic Plenary, MeetingLocations and Travel Restrictions.2.5.1 Various RTCA <strong>committee</strong> member questioned whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>re had been anyprogress made within RTCA with regard to conducting Plenary Sessions usingcommunications technologies ra<strong>the</strong>r than physical presence. Also questioned inthis discussion was <strong>the</strong> perception that <strong>the</strong> RTCA PMC seemed to be morefocused on FAA input ra<strong>the</strong>r than industry input and whe<strong>the</strong>r this was in line with<strong>the</strong> expectation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> participants. Each member <strong>of</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> hasvolunteered time and resources with <strong>the</strong> understanding that <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>committee</strong>s is more focused on providing industry with <strong>the</strong> documentation andguidance necessary to meet <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> end user and less on <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>the</strong>regulatory needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> FAA. Lack <strong>of</strong> industry drivers makes travel that muchmore difficult to justify and <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> communications technologies that muchmore important. There was no fur<strong>the</strong>r information available on ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>setopics.2.6 Eurocae and ED-76/ED-772.6.1 Stephane Dubet, Eurocae co-chair briefed <strong>the</strong> group on <strong>the</strong> activities withinEurocae with regard to updating ED-76 and ED-77 (DO-200 and DO-201). It wasnoted that while <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial status is still <strong>the</strong> same as briefed in December during<strong>the</strong> Phoenix <strong>meeting</strong> (ED-76 part <strong>of</strong> WG-44 ToRs, ED-77 under review) moreconsensus regard to <strong>the</strong> needs was being realized. The two co-chairs will be<strong>meeting</strong> with Eurocontrol later in <strong>the</strong> week on this subject and its relation to ADQ1 and 2. The ADQ process are basically “top-down” where as <strong>the</strong> approach toupdating <strong>the</strong> underlying documents would be “bottom-up”; which is considered<strong>the</strong> preferred method voiced by <strong>the</strong> industry.2.6.2 Gary Livack asked for and Stephane detailed <strong>the</strong> differences between ADQ-1and ADQ-2 for better understanding. ADQ-1 processes stop with <strong>the</strong> Statespublication responsibilities (ANSPs). ADQ-2 starts at that point on continuesthrough to <strong>the</strong> end user. It was pointed out that <strong>the</strong> current ED-76/77 and DO-200/201 language with regard to <strong>the</strong> “last mile”, getting any kind <strong>of</strong> aeronauticallyrequired data loaded for use on <strong>the</strong> flight deck is lacking in detail and one areathat truly needs to be addressed in any potential updates. Allan Hart (co-chair <strong>of</strong>RTCA SC-206 in addition to his membership in SC-<strong>217</strong>) talked about <strong>the</strong> globalconcepts <strong>of</strong> Data Quality for all data this is intend for use on <strong>the</strong> flight deck and<strong>the</strong> concepts that <strong>the</strong> current “by data type” implementations need to betterapproach.2.6.3 The wrap-up <strong>of</strong> this discussion confirmed <strong>the</strong> groups position on <strong>the</strong> needs forupdating DO-200A and its impact on <strong>the</strong> tasks related to <strong>the</strong> RTCA ISRA issuedto SC-<strong>217</strong> by SC-206 (see item2.7 below), <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> getting <strong>the</strong>message to <strong>the</strong> FAA PMC membership and <strong>the</strong> need for getting ToR drafts (withand without DO-200/DO-201A) in front <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> PMC at <strong>the</strong>ir June <strong>meeting</strong>.2.7 RTCA SC-206 Issues ISRA to RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 72.7.1 RTCA SC-206 (Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorology(MET) Data Link Services) has issued an Inter-Special CommitteeRequirements Agreement (ISRA) to RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong> – a request to provide inputon Data Quality Requirements for all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> types <strong>of</strong> data that SC-206 isconsidering. Allan Hart, co-chair <strong>of</strong> RTCA SC-206 reviewed for <strong>the</strong> group <strong>the</strong>purpose and intent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> issuing <strong>the</strong> ISRA. The ISRA is in <strong>the</strong> format <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>required form and a spread sheet that lists areas <strong>of</strong> data and attributes <strong>of</strong> thoseareas. John Kasten asked whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>re was a time line associated with <strong>the</strong>response to <strong>the</strong> ISRA as it appears that considerable effort will be required torespond. Allan indicated no specific time line had been established. Johninformed <strong>the</strong> group that he would take a first stab at addressing <strong>the</strong> spread sheetto get a better idea <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> processes to be used and <strong>the</strong> areas <strong>of</strong> expertiserequired to complete <strong>the</strong> response.2.7.2 Gary Livack pointed out two areas <strong>of</strong> particular concern that he is hearing in <strong>the</strong>various industry <strong>meeting</strong>s that he attends, namely wea<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong> underlyinggeopolitical “polygons” that would be required to support current methods <strong>of</strong>severe wea<strong>the</strong>r announcements. Gary also pointed out <strong>the</strong> significantrequirements to support NOTAMs. Gary took an action item to provide <strong>the</strong> groupwith samples <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> kind <strong>of</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r and NOTAM data that were providing <strong>the</strong>background to his questions. John noted that <strong>the</strong>se items will be addressed in<strong>the</strong> response to <strong>the</strong> ISRA as far as <strong>the</strong>y are part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> request.2.7.3 Gary Livack questioned whe<strong>the</strong>r or not <strong>the</strong> group felt that <strong>the</strong> current ASRNprovisions were sufficient to support voice – activated applications. While this isnot part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SC-206 work, Gary felt <strong>the</strong> needs should be investigated in amanner similar to <strong>the</strong> work planned for <strong>the</strong> ISRA review.3 ASRN Verification and Validation Document3.1 V & V Document Road Map/Action Item List3.1.1 The group reviewed <strong>the</strong> road map/action item list for <strong>the</strong> draft document andnoted that many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> assignments made have not yet been completed. As <strong>the</strong>majority <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> assignment were to group members who were not able to be at<strong>the</strong> Brussels <strong>meeting</strong>, not much time was time was spent on this listing.3.1.2 Mike Burski was at <strong>the</strong> <strong>meeting</strong> and presented his paper on <strong>the</strong> ATC Operationsaspects that needed to be addressed in <strong>the</strong> document. Mike noted that <strong>the</strong> inpu<strong>the</strong> was providing was not yet ready for incorporating into <strong>the</strong> draft document andwas being provided as a first time. As <strong>the</strong> discussions evolved, <strong>the</strong> group wasable to incorporate most <strong>of</strong> what Mike had written in <strong>the</strong> correct portions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>document with a complete review. The reminder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper was added to <strong>the</strong>draft in a “still to be reviewed” state.3.1.3 Gary Livack suggested that it might be appropriate to create a “mini-conuse”section for <strong>the</strong> document. Stephane Dubet agreed that such wording is important

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 8but questioned whe<strong>the</strong>r or not it should be included in DO-272/ED-98 instead <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> V & V Document. Beby Rakotoarindriaka indicated that she sees a problemwith this as it goes beyond requirements and into <strong>the</strong> applications. Her pointswere well understood and a decision to solicit fur<strong>the</strong>r input from Brian Gilbert <strong>of</strong>Boeing (not present) as to his thoughts in <strong>the</strong> subject. After some discussion, itwas agreed to add an operational concepts portion to <strong>the</strong> draft document and tokeep open <strong>the</strong> matter <strong>of</strong> updating DO-272 for future consideration and action.3.2 V & V Draft Document3.2.1 The group reviewed <strong>the</strong> current version <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> draft document and agreed thatwith that and <strong>the</strong> input from Mike, progress could be made on writing SectionOne. The result is <strong>the</strong>re Section One (Introduction and Scope) has reached <strong>the</strong>“mature draft” status.3.2.2 Much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper from Mike Burski was used to create <strong>the</strong> new OperationalConcepts portion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> document. It was noted, however, that more groupreview <strong>of</strong> this portion would be required.3.2.3 The o<strong>the</strong>r portions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> document were reviewed during <strong>the</strong> work on SectionOne and <strong>the</strong> appropriate changes in positioning <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> content weremade.3.3 Next Steps3.3.1 The Road Map/Action Item listing was updated and Beby Rakotoarindriaka wasappointed to be <strong>the</strong> focal <strong>of</strong> ensuring that <strong>the</strong> required inputs would be availablefor draft work and ready for review at <strong>the</strong> June and subsequent <strong>meeting</strong>s.4 Closing plenary session4.1 Next <strong>meeting</strong>sDue to conflicts, <strong>the</strong> group discussed options to reschedule <strong>the</strong> next <strong>meeting</strong>. Theoriginal dates from September 10 (Mo.) to September 14 (Fr.) turned out to be <strong>the</strong> bestcompromise but <strong>the</strong> location had to be changed. It was agreed that a full week <strong>meeting</strong>will be required to get <strong>the</strong> V & V Document ready for FRAC. This September <strong>meeting</strong>will be held in Europe at a location to be determined.Long-term <strong>meeting</strong> schedule:• June 18 – 22*, 2012, US (RTCA HQ. Washington D.C.) (FRAC Resolution forDO-276B)• September 10-14 2012, Europe (Prague, hosted by Honewell)• December 10-14, 2012, US (FRAC Resolution for V&V), hosted by RockwellCollins, final location to be determined (Florida or Texas)

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 94.2 AttendanceName Organization EMailJohn Kasten Jeppesen john.kasten@jeppesen.comAllan Hart Honeywell allan.hart@honeywell.comStephane Dubet DGAC/SIA stephane.dubet@aviation.civile.gouv.frMike Burski FAA michael.burski@faa.govBeby Rakotoarindriaka Airbus beby.b.rakotoarindriaka@airbus.comBritta Eilmus Avitech AG britta.eilmus@avitech-ag.comLisa Haskell Jeppesen lisa.haskell@jeppesen.comStephen Moody Jeppesen stephen.moody@Jeppesen.comGary Livack FAA garret.livack@faa.gov4.3 Open Action ItemsNr. DateAssignedAssignedToTaskBrussels, April 2012150 BRU2012 ALL Provide input on best dates/location forSeptember Meeting151 BRU2012 Mike Forward formal comments from PMC on DO-Burski 200A/DO-201A when available152 BRU2012 John Confirm with RTCA that <strong>the</strong>y will provide <strong>the</strong>Kasten “numbered version” for FRAC. Check onavailability <strong>of</strong> Word Version to facilitatecommenting153 BRU2012 Allan Hart Arrange and hold telecom/webex <strong>meeting</strong> toinclude Carla T and Stephane P on surveytechniques for DO-276154 BRU2012 Gary Provide sample FAA NOTAMS that mightLivack affect <strong>the</strong> SC-206 ISRA Review155 BRU2012 Britta Review Lighting and Marking in DO-272 andEilmus provide proposal to bring in line with DO-276156 BRU2012 Allan Hart Add Note to DO-276, referencing Area 3 and157 BRU2012 Tim Roe,SteveYoung158 BRU2012 Steve4 with regard to numerical requirementsExplain Confidence Level Comment on DO-276StatusOpenOpenOpenOpenClosedOpenOpenOpenRe-educate group on <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> 95% value in OpenYoung para <strong>of</strong> DO-276159 BRU2012 Allan Hart Review unprocessed DO-276 DraftOpenTim Roe Document Comments that could not beactioned without fur<strong>the</strong>r explanation160 BRU2012 Allan Hart Clean Up Acronym List in DO-276 Open161 BRU2012 Allan Hart Review Reference Document List in DO-276 Openfor correct version numbering162 BRU2012 TomEvans,Have Appendix C <strong>of</strong> DO-276 reviewed byqualified staffOpen

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 10SteveYoung,SC-213163 BRU2012 StephaneDubet164 BRU2012 GaryLivack165-169UnusedNumbersNorrköping, September 2011120 NK2011 JohnKasten,MikeBurski121 NK2011 JohnKasten,StephaneDubetCheck on opportunity to have a <strong>meeting</strong> withRTCA management in conjunction with SC-206 (Stephane, Allan, Gary) on <strong>the</strong> bestapproach to DO-200A/DO-201A and BruceDeCleene paper from PMC.Prepare a mini-ConOps proposal on manualentry D-Taxi Application, using voicerecognition technologyPrepare presentation about <strong>the</strong> releases <strong>of</strong>DO-272C/DO-291B for <strong>the</strong> PMC in June2012Prepare a presentation for <strong>the</strong> PMC inDecember about <strong>the</strong> rational for DO-272xand <strong>the</strong> schedule.Distribute draft to <strong>the</strong> group by end <strong>of</strong> Oct.2011.122 NK2011 All Review John’s Draft (#121) and providefeedback.123 NK2011 All Brief your PMC representative about <strong>the</strong> SC-<strong>217</strong> activities and that more is coming.127 NK2011 GaryLivack,MikeBurski128 NK2011 BrianGilbert,Beby R.Investigate new developments in AMDBrelated applications and report to <strong>the</strong> groupas appropriate.Draft text for acceptance criteria anddistribute before <strong>the</strong> next <strong>meeting</strong>.129 NK2011 Tim Roe Draft text about Roles and Responsibilities <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> V&V document and distribute before <strong>the</strong>next <strong>meeting</strong>.130 NK2011 KaushikRaghu,TomEvans,Allan Hart131 NK2011 PatrickEstendorfer,LisaDraft text about V&V methodology before <strong>the</strong>next <strong>meeting</strong>.Coordinate with Brad Miller, Bruce DeCleeneDraft about routing usability and distributebefore <strong>the</strong> next <strong>meeting</strong>.(specific routing)OpenOpenOpenOpen(See AI-8)OpenClosedOpen(Ongoing)Open,272xOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,V&VMoved toV&V Road

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 11Haskell,MapChristianPschierer133 NK2011 StephaneDubetPresent an updated paper to <strong>the</strong> next ICAOAIM AIS SGImplement proposed changes into <strong>the</strong> AIMOpen137 NK2011 Sam VanderStricht,Temporality andeTODGroups138 NK2011 LisaHaskell,Contentgroup141 NK2011 ChristianPschierer, SteveYoung142 NK2011 ChristianPschierer143 NK2011 MikeBurski,StephaneDubet,Roger Li144 NK2011 TomEvans,SteveYoung145 NK2011 Sam VanderStricht,ScottWilsonAIS SG paperCheck consistency <strong>of</strong> Obstacle temporalattributes with AMDB temporal attributesCheck new roadmap and determine effortand data availability for enhancements.Check for papers disseminating <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong>AMDBsCombine V&V drafts into one documentInvestigate operational impact <strong>of</strong> routingnetwork / V&V with ATC/ATS.Fur<strong>the</strong>r develop <strong>the</strong> introduction and developa list <strong>of</strong> items to be verified for <strong>the</strong> V&VdocumentInvestigate options / impact <strong>of</strong> splitting DO-291 into two parts for AMDBs and Obstacles,or alternative ways to restructure.146 NK2011 All Talk to ATC/ATS to identify if <strong>the</strong> currentrequirements fit <strong>the</strong>ir needs.147 NK2011unused numbers-149Open,291xOpen,272xOpenOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,V&VClosed inBrusselsOpen,291xOpen,272x?Mountain View, June 2011117 SFO 2011 GaryLivack,Matt deProvide information about <strong>the</strong> FAA AircraftAccess to SWIM demo planned in DaytonaBeach as soon as details are available.Open

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 12RisSept. 2011: No significant results yet,postponed until November.Barcelona, Feb/March 201164 BCN 2011 All Have a look at <strong>the</strong> Eurocontrol-Wiki websiteand verify if <strong>the</strong> AIXM Terrain and Obstaclemodel fits <strong>the</strong> need <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> group.https://extranet.eurocontrol.int/http://prismeoas.hq.corp.eurocontrol.int/aixmwiki_public/bin/view/Main/Open65 BCN 2011 AllanHart, Samvan derStricht,Mike Burski,Lisa HaskellLook at AIXM model with <strong>the</strong> view <strong>of</strong> using itfor <strong>the</strong> obstacle portion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> DO-276 datamodel.Open,276xClosed inBrusselsDenver, October 20101 Denver 10 JohnKasten2 Denver 10 DejanDamjanovic, GaryLivack,MikeBurski7 Denver 10 Sam vanderStricht11 Denver 10 BruceKinsler,JohnKastenAre <strong>the</strong>re copyright restrictions on <strong>the</strong> RTCADocs that would prevent <strong>the</strong> use in o<strong>the</strong>rdocs such as ICAO and Eurocontrol? Checkif <strong>the</strong> copyright issue for ICAO Doc 9881 alsoapplies to <strong>the</strong> Eurocontrol DocDraft a scope statement describing <strong>the</strong>interaction <strong>of</strong> AMDBs with SWIM / SESAR /Nextgen.Mike and Gary will have a <strong>meeting</strong> next weekwith various FAA groups to discuss thisquestion for both <strong>the</strong> ground and <strong>the</strong> air side.Coordinate with AIXM group to add verticalline types <strong>of</strong> Blastfence.Clarification needed: Blastfence = 8Coordinate with NATCA to get some <strong>of</strong> ourwords into <strong>the</strong>ir IFATCA briefing document. Work in progress, some feedbackduring <strong>the</strong> application reviewJohn: re-establish contactOpenOpen,ongoingOpenOpen19 Denver 10 Allan Hart Generate UML model for obstacles Open,276x22 Denver 10 BrittaEilmusOpen,276x45-49 unused numbersSupport generation <strong>of</strong> UML model forObstacles (check attributes comparison withICAO and consistency with AMDB)Depends on #19.Madrid, May 2009Madrid 09 Gary Obtain Capstone 3 Phase 1 data to validate Open,

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 13Livack charting requirements to <strong>the</strong> group; Report onfindings from Capstone 3 Phase 1 flightevaluation.Gary will try to get an advanced report <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>US Airways trials (NA as <strong>of</strong> 03/2011).ongoing4.4 DO-272/276/291 Roadmap TopicsNr. DateAssigned103 SFO2011106 SFO2011107 SFO2011108 SFO2011111 SFO2011112 SFO2011113 SFO2011114 SFO2011115 SFO2011AssignedToLisaHaskell,BrianGilbertJohnKastenTim RoeBrianGilbertGroupLisaHaskellBrittaEilmus,JohnKastenBrianGilbertAllan HartTaskThe geometric concepts <strong>of</strong> “overlapping”polygon & “contained in” polygons need to befur<strong>the</strong>r clarifiedAssess <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> term “movement area”in DO-272 and make sure usage is consistentin <strong>the</strong> doc.Review use <strong>of</strong> “heliport threshold”terminologyFur<strong>the</strong>r develop <strong>the</strong> FRAC comment on Class“I don't really see what benefit <strong>the</strong> "class"distinctions are providing”Revisit how best to present <strong>the</strong> data capturerules and geometric constraints. How should<strong>the</strong>y be consolidated to best convey <strong>the</strong>information to <strong>the</strong> reader?Revisit potential concatenation <strong>of</strong> multiplenodes occupying <strong>the</strong> same locationrwyslopeRunway slope definition shall be fur<strong>the</strong>rworked for <strong>the</strong> next revisionFor <strong>the</strong> next revision, address those FRACcomments linked to <strong>the</strong> numbering <strong>of</strong> rules(shalls) and <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> multiple shalls groupin one numbered section.Take care <strong>of</strong> Brian’s comment 12 on DO-291re “Optional:Conditional” for feature attributeefsttimeStatusOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,291x75 BCN20113 Denver10ScottWilsonLisaHaskellComment: Remove “Optional:Conditional” orclarify what it meansHave a look on 2D/3D Metadata <strong>of</strong> DO-291.Draft proposal for <strong>the</strong> density <strong>of</strong>RunwayCenterlinePoints.Requested more information from Airbus. Tobe cross-referenced with Tim Roe via MikeOpen,291xOpen,ongoing,272x

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 14Burski.4 Denver10LisaHaskell27 Denver1029 Denver10SergeyLaletinAllan Hart136 NK2011 GaryLivack,Contentgroup139 NK2011 ContentGroup140 NK2011 ContentgroupFN 2010 LisaHaskell,PatrickEstendorfer, MikeBurski,StephaneDubetFN 2010 DejanDamjanovic, ErikHoeppner, CarlaFN 2010Phoenix09Phoenix09ThomaSam vanderStricht,ScottWilsonDefine value <strong>of</strong> accuracy forRunwayCenterlinePoints.Requested more information from Airbus. Tobe cross-referenced with Tim Roe via MikeBurski.Check ICAO docs and annexes for runwaycenterlines survey accuracy (buildingmethods) and report to <strong>the</strong> <strong>committee</strong>Write requirements for low-vis / preferred taxiroutes. Consider wording from Annex 14,chapter 14.Harmonize <strong>the</strong> table 2A <strong>of</strong> SC-206Revisit <strong>the</strong> naming <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Arresting GearLocation feature.Revisit definition <strong>of</strong> Runway Width (inpractice, <strong>the</strong> AIP value is used).Review Britta’s proposals for guidancematerial related to Data quality. Britta has to update guidance materialfor 272C/291B after initial documentReview Britta’s proposals for guidancematerial related to generation <strong>of</strong> AMDBs Britta has to update guidance materialfor 272C/291B after initial documentReview Britta’s proposals for guidancematerial related to data product specification Britta has to update guidance materialfor 272C/291B after initial documentGeoeye comment 2.2: Data Capture Rulesfor Runway Exits not painted physically on<strong>the</strong> runway (provide screenshots for unusualsituations)Geoeye comment 2.3: Data Capture rules forRunway Exit Lines on Displaced Areas(provide screenshots for unusual situations)Open,ongoing,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen,272xOpen=> seeroadmapOpen=> seeroadmapOpen=>seeroadmapGuidancematerialgroup,#4Guidancematerialgroup,#4

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 154.5 Verification and Validation RoadmapNr. DateAssignedAssignedToTask1 PHX 2011 John Draft Executive SummaryKasten,StephaneDubet2 PHX2011 Tim Roe Update Section 1.3 Intended Users andUses3 PHX2011 All Review Sections 1.3.1 thru 1.5, DocumentApplicability4 PHX2011 All Decide on retention or removal <strong>of</strong> section1.6 ApplicationsStatusOpenOpenClosed inBrusselsthruGroupActionOpenClosed inBrusselsthruGroupActionOpenClosed inBrusselsthruGroupAction5 PHX2011 All Review Updated portions <strong>of</strong> Section 1 OpenClosed inBrusselsthruGroupAction6 PHX2011 Tim Roe Section 2.1 Definitions Harmonization OpenClosed inBrusselsthruGroupAction7 PHX2011 StephaneDubetCoordinate with Tim and Mike on COI(Aviation) AS definition.8 PHX2011 All Review Open and Updated portions <strong>of</strong>Section 2.9 PHX2011 Brian Review 3.1 for use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> term “graphGilbert, connection”PierreGamet,Beby R.OpenOpenOpen

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 1610 PHX2011 Brian, Beby Provide lead-in wording for each 3.x Opensection.11 PHX2011 All Review Open and Updated portion <strong>of</strong> OpenSection 312 PHX2011 Kaushik R.,Allan Hart,Tom EvansDevelop lead-in text for 4 and 4.xsections. Stress <strong>the</strong> fact that this isexample based. Ensure <strong>the</strong>re is amethod for each “acceptance criteria”.Open13 PHX2011 All Review Section 4. Open14 PHX2011 Patrick Create ?Section 6? Routing Usability OpenEstendorfer Draft about routing usability and distributebefore <strong>the</strong> next <strong>meeting</strong>.(specific routing)15 PHX2011 All Review Section 6 Open16 PHX2011 All Disposition Parking Lot Items Open17 PHX2011 All Validate Appendix Open4.6 Closed Action ItemsNr.DateAssignedAssignedTo124 NK2011 SteveYoung125 NK2011 ScottWilson126 NK2011 StephaneDubet132 NK2011 RoyLangridge100 SFO Allan Hart2011102 SFO2011StephaneDubetTaskDraft a scope section <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> V&V document,reusing sec. 2.2.4 and Appendix A byWednesdayV&V definitions and send to ChristianDraft text for Data vs. Use ASRN vs. o<strong>the</strong>rs,Application Independence and send toChristianProvide a presentation about <strong>the</strong> Area 2achange until FridayValidate if updated “ident” definition workswith DO-276Bring up to AIS-AIM SG <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong>“authoritative data source” / “authorizedsource.” The plenary group liked <strong>the</strong> FGDCsub<strong>committee</strong> definition Stephane noted.Propose a definition for “authoritative datasource” to <strong>the</strong> AIS-AIM SG.StatusClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedThe term “authoritative data source” wasdiscussed. It was realized that this is coming,but <strong>the</strong> group does not feel it is ready forincorporation in our docs. ICAO has notadopted it yet.

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 17Nr. Date Assigned TaskStatusAssignedTo ICAO heading towards a more significantupdate <strong>of</strong> terms and definitions (includinge.g. SWIM) until <strong>the</strong> next Annex 15Amendment. No short-term solutionavailable.116 SFO Christian Provide breakdown <strong>of</strong> comments:Closed2011118 SFO2011119 SFO201162 BCN201187 BCN201125 Denver1037 Denver10PschiererStephaneDubetAllScottWilson,Allan HartGaryLivackopen/withdrawn broken down for NC/H/M…Forward <strong>the</strong> list <strong>of</strong> aerodrome grouprepresentatives to Tim Roe and <strong>the</strong> AIM AISWG response.Group members are invited to find volunteersfor <strong>the</strong> ASRN V&V leadershipFind ways to capture both Data Originatorand Data Source for AMDB, Terrain,Obstacles (see DO276, 3.6.2).Get into contact with <strong>the</strong> SC-206 leadershipand <strong>the</strong> FAA AIM to harmonize our data linkD-NOTAM.ClosedClosedClosedClosedAllan Hart Add temporality information to obstacles ClosedJohnKastenCheck with RTCA if <strong>the</strong>re would be acopyright issue if <strong>the</strong> guidance materialcontains any RTCA or EUROCAE definitionsor figures. Duplicate <strong>of</strong> #1Closed

RTCA Paper Number 087-12/SC-<strong>217</strong>-033April 27, 2012Summary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eleventh <strong>meeting</strong> RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>/WG-44 in Brussels, Belgium 18Certified as a true and accurate <strong>summary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>meeting</strong>.John KastenActing Secretary, RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>, EUROCAE WG-44John KastenChairman, RTCA SC-<strong>217</strong>Stephane DubetChairman, EUROCAE WG-44

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