USER'S GUIDE - Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group

USER'S GUIDE - Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group USER'S GUIDE - Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group
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3.3. Nonlinear methods 241000x 2950x 1900RR j+1(ms)850800SD1SD2750700650650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000RR j(ms)Figure 3.1: Poincaré plot analysis with the ellipse fitting procedure. SD1 and SD2 are thestandard deviations in the directions x 1 and x 2 ,wherex 2 is the line-of-identity for whichRR j =RR j+1 .recurrence plots [47, 46, 49]. During the last years, the number of studies utilizing suchmethods have increased substantially. The downside of these methods is still, however, thedifficulty of physiological interpretation of the results.3.3.1 Poincaré plotOne commonly used nonlinear method that is simple to interpret is the so-called Poincaréplot. It is a graphical representation of the correlation between successive RR intervals,i.e. plot of RR j+1 as a function of RR j as described in Fig. 3.1. The shape of the plotis the essential feature. A common approach to parameterize the shape is to fit an ellipseto the plot as shown in Fig. 3.1. The ellipse is oriented according to the line-of-identity(RR j =RR j+1 )[5]. The standard deviation of the points perpendicular to the line-ofidentitydenoted by SD1 describes short-term variability which is mainly caused by RSA. Itcan be shown that SD1 is related to the time-domain measure SDSD according to [5]SD1 2 = 1 2 SDSD2 . (3.5)The standard deviation along the line-of-identity denoted by SD2, on the other hand, describeslong-term variability and has been shown to be related to time-domain measuresSDNN and SDSD by [5]SD2 2 =2SDNN 2 − 1 2 SDSD2 . (3.6)The standard Poincaré plot can be considered to be of the first order. The second order plotwould be a three dimensional plot of values (RR j , RR j+1 , RR j+2 ). In addition, the lag canbe bigger than 1, e.g., the plot (RR j , RR j+2 ).Kubios HRV Analysisversion 2.0 betaBiosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging GroupDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Kuopio, FINLAND

3.3. Nonlinear methods 253.3.2 Approximate entropyApproximate entropy (ApEn) measures the complexity or irregularity of the signal [12, 40].Large values of ApEn indicate high irregularity and smaller values of ApEn more regularsignal. The ApEn is computed as follows.First, a set of length m vectors u j is formedu j =(RR j , RR j+1 ,...,RR j+m−1 ), j =1, 2,...N − m +1 (3.7)where m is called the embedding dimension and N is the number of measured RR intervals.The distance between these vectors is defined as the maximum absolute difference betweenthe corresponding elements, i.e.,d(u j ,u k )=max { |RR j+n − RR k+n | ∣ ∣ n =0,...,m− 1}. (3.8)Next, for each u j the relative number of vectors u k for which d(u j ,u k ) ≤ r is calculated.This index is denoted with Cj m (r) andcanbewrittenintheformCj m (r) =nbr of { ∣u k d(uj ,u k ) ≤ r }∀ k. (3.9)N − m +1Due to the normalization, the value of Cj m (r) is always smaller or equal to 1. Note that thevalue is, however, at least 1/(N − m +1)sinceu j is also included in the count. Then, takethe natural logarithm of each Cj m (r) and average over j to yieldΦ m (r) =Finally, the approximate entropy is obtained asN−m+11 ∑ln Cj m (r). (3.10)N − m +1j=1ApEn(m, r, N) =Φ m (r) − Φ m+1 (r). (3.11)Thus, the value of the estimate ApEn depends on three parameters, the length m of thevectors u j , the tolerance value r, and the data length N. In this software the value of m isselected to be m = 2. The length N of the data also affects ApEn. When N is increased theApEn approaches its asymptotic value. The tolerance r has a strong effect on ApEn and itshould be selected as a fraction of the standard deviation of the data (SDNN). This selectionenables the comparison of different data types. A common selection for r is r =0.2SDNN,which is also used in this software.3.3.3 Sample entropySample entropy (SampEn) is similar to ApEn, but there are two important differences inits calculation [40, 20]. For ApEn, in the calculation of the number of vectors u k for whichd(u j ,u k ) ≤ r also the vector u j itself is included. This ensures that Cj m (r) is always largerthan 0 and the logarithm can be applied, but at the same time it makes ApEn to be biased.In sample entropy the self-comparison of u j is eliminated by calculating Cj m (r) asCj m (r) = nbr of { ∣u k d(u j ,u k ) ≤ r }∀ k ≠ j. (3.12)N − mKubios HRV Analysisversion 2.0 betaBiosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging GroupDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Kuopio, FINLAND

3.3. Nonlinear methods 253.3.2 Approximate entropyApproximate entropy (ApEn) measures the complexity or irregularity of the signal [12, 40].Large values of ApEn indicate high irregularity <strong>and</strong> smaller values of ApEn more regularsignal. The ApEn is computed as follows.First, a set of length m vectors u j is formedu j =(RR j , RR j+1 ,...,RR j+m−1 ), j =1, 2,...N − m +1 (3.7)where m is called the embedding dimension <strong>and</strong> N is the number of measured RR intervals.The distance between these vectors is defined as the maximum absolute difference betweenthe corresponding elements, i.e.,d(u j ,u k )=max { |RR j+n − RR k+n | ∣ ∣ n =0,...,m− 1}. (3.8)Next, for each u j the relative number of vectors u k for which d(u j ,u k ) ≤ r is calculated.This index is denoted with Cj m (r) <strong>and</strong>canbewrittenintheformCj m (r) =nbr of { ∣u k d(uj ,u k ) ≤ r }∀ k. (3.9)N − m +1Due to the normalization, the value of Cj m (r) is always smaller or equal to 1. Note that thevalue is, however, at least 1/(N − m +1)sinceu j is also included in the count. Then, takethe natural logarithm of each Cj m (r) <strong>and</strong> average over j to yieldΦ m (r) =Finally, the approximate entropy is obtained asN−m+11 ∑ln Cj m (r). (3.10)N − m +1j=1ApEn(m, r, N) =Φ m (r) − Φ m+1 (r). (3.11)Thus, the value of the estimate ApEn depends on three parameters, the length m of thevectors u j , the tolerance value r, <strong>and</strong> the data length N. In this software the value of m isselected to be m = 2. The length N of the data also affects ApEn. When N is increased theApEn approaches its asymptotic value. The tolerance r has a strong effect on ApEn <strong>and</strong> itshould be selected as a fraction of the st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation of the data (SDNN). This selectionenables the comparison of different data types. A common selection for r is r =0.2SDNN,which is also used in this software.3.3.3 Sample entropySample entropy (SampEn) is similar to ApEn, but there are two important differences inits calculation [40, 20]. For ApEn, in the calculation of the number of vectors u k for whichd(u j ,u k ) ≤ r also the vector u j itself is included. This ensures that Cj m (r) is always largerthan 0 <strong>and</strong> the logarithm can be applied, but at the same time it makes ApEn to be biased.In sample entropy the self-comparison of u j is eliminated by calculating Cj m (r) asCj m (r) = nbr of { ∣u k d(u j ,u k ) ≤ r }∀ k ≠ j. (3.12)N − mKubios HRV <strong>Analysis</strong>version 2.0 beta<strong>Biosignal</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Department of PhysicsUniversity of Kuopio, FINLAND

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