Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message

Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message
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30Narrated Abu Huraira (RA):Allah's Apostle said, "When themonth of Ramadan starts, thegates of the Heaven are openedand the gates of Hell are closedand the devils are chained."(Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: Ramadan is ablessed month during which Muslimsshould fast (Siyam) as commanded byAllah for earning enormous blessingsfrom Him.34

31Narrated 'Aisha (RA): Allah'sApostle said, "Search for theNight of Qadr in the odd nights ofthe last ten days of Ramadan."(Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: A Muslimshould make all sincere efforts to remainawake and pray Nafl Salat in the LailatulQadr in the month of Ramadan.35

30Narrated Abu Huraira (RA):Allah's Apostle said, "When themonth of Ramadan starts, thegates of the Heaven are openedand the gates of Hell are closedand the devils are chained."(Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: Ramadan is ablessed month during which Muslimsshould fast (Siyam) as commanded byAllah for earning enormous blessingsfrom Him.34

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