Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message

Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message
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18Narrated Abu Said: The Prophetsaid, "Do not abuse my companionsfor if any one of you spent goldequal to Uhud (in Allah’s Cause) itwould not be equal to a Mud oreven a half Mud spent by one ofthem. (Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: We must showrespect to the Companions (Sahaba) ofRasulullah (bpuh).22

19Narrated Ibn Abbas (RA): Oncethe Prophet embraced me(pressed me to his chest) and said,“O Allah, teach him wisdom (i.e.the understanding of theknowledge of Qur'an).”(Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: Importance ofunderstanding the knowledge of theQur’an.23

18Narrated Abu Said: <strong>The</strong> Prophetsaid, "Do not abuse my companionsfor if any one of you spent goldequal to Uhud (in Allah’s Cause) itwould not be equal to a Mud oreven a half Mud spent by one ofthem. (Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: We must showrespect to the Companions (Sahaba) ofRasulullah (bpuh).22

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