Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message

Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message Children's Education Series Book - 6 Amir Zaman ... - The Message
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12Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari (RA):Allah's Apostle said, "If anyone of yougoes to an open space for answeringthe call of nature, he should neitherface nor turn his back towards theQibla; he should either face the eastor the west." (Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: A Muslimshould not face the Qibla or showhis/her back to the Qibla while doinghis/her toilet.16

13Narrated 'Aisha (RA): TheProphet used to like to start fromthe right side on wearing shoes,combing his hair and cleaning orwashing himself and on doinganything else. (Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: A Muslimshould start doing things from his/herright side, not the left.17

13Narrated 'Aisha (RA): <strong>The</strong>Prophet used to like to start fromthe right side on wearing shoes,combing his hair and cleaning orwashing himself and on doinganything else. (Sahih Bukhari)Lesson from this Hadith: A Muslimshould start doing things from his/herright side, not the left.17

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