Volume 3 – A Year of Sitting Painfully - The Woody Back to School Unit

Volume 3 – A Year of Sitting Painfully - The Woody Back to School Unit Volume 3 – A Year of Sitting Painfully - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Published 2009byWoodettes PublicationsHous<strong>to</strong>n, Texas, USA© Woodettes Publications 2009R Humphries has asserted his right <strong>to</strong> be identified asthe author <strong>of</strong> this work with all rights reservedincluding the right <strong>of</strong> reproduction in whole or in partin any form.<strong>The</strong> Library <strong>of</strong> Congress has catalogued this edition asfollows Humphries, R [date]A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong> : a novel by R Humphries1st Ed.ISBN 978-0-578-02892-7www.woodettes.wordpress.com

Author’s NoteThis is a work <strong>of</strong> fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents are either the product <strong>of</strong> theauthor's imagination or are used fictitiously. Anyresemblance <strong>to</strong> actual events or locales or persons,living or dead, is entirely coincidental.<strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries based at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> are works <strong>of</strong> adult fiction based upon the real-lifefantasy games played by the author, R. Humphriesand his wife, the inimitable Jojo.It is the author’s intent <strong>to</strong> create the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> as an imaginative world peopledwith a believable cast and set in familiar surroundingswithin which the readers will become comfortable.<strong>The</strong> vernacular used in the s<strong>to</strong>ries is acombination <strong>of</strong> the phraseology derived from writingsuch as the British penny comics from the nineteenthirties, current language, slang and idioms, and theinvented parlance known as <strong>Woody</strong> Jargon.As such references <strong>to</strong> ‘beating’, ‘thrashing’, and‘flogging’ have no context <strong>to</strong> the use or avocation <strong>of</strong>physical violence, with the exception <strong>of</strong> controlledcorporal punishment, against the characters <strong>of</strong> thes<strong>to</strong>ries.

ContentsA Rambunctious Return .............................. 1Brats at Risk ................................................. 5A Grubby Life ................................................ 9Even Brats Have Rights ............................ 13A Flogging for Spanker Spage ................. 17Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s Exit Strategy ....................... 21Hurricane Jojo ............................................ 25Never a Truer Word Spoken in Jest ....... 29Absolutely Creamed ................................... 33Miss Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n ......................................... 37Miss Bernadette Summers ....................... 41Bogus Whops ............................................... 45Low Riders ................................................... 49Stalker .......................................................... 53Highly Recommended ................................ 57Hand Gabbing ............................................. 61Nixdown and Penelope Ann ..................... 65Melons .......................................................... 69Not a Good Time for Six ........................... 73A Painful Journey ....................................... 77<strong>The</strong> Dirty Dozen .......................................... 81A Wriggler and a Giggler .......................... 85Miss Claire Brooks ..................................... 89Bad Times for Spanker Spage ................. 93Sniff Test ..................................................... 97<strong>The</strong> Sacking <strong>of</strong> Spanker Spage .............. 101

1A Rambunctious Return<strong>The</strong> first week that the inmates <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit returned <strong>to</strong> the facility followingthe Christmas furlough was a no<strong>to</strong>riouslyrambunctious time. <strong>The</strong> inmates had difficultyadjusting back <strong>to</strong> the strict regime <strong>of</strong> tu<strong>to</strong>rials,lectures, supervised recreation and lock-downs.<strong>The</strong> austere imposition <strong>of</strong> the zero-<strong>to</strong>leranceprogram code-named Operation Scorched Arse madethe twelve inmates Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had branded the ‘DirtyDozen’ particularly vulnerable. <strong>The</strong> corridors werequickly filled with the sounds <strong>of</strong> canes, straps andslippers rebounding from tautened navy-bluegossamer bumbags.It was a good time for Patty Hodge and hercohorts on the Radical Right and they went in<strong>to</strong>action with religious zeal. Canings in the lecturerooms were at a premium as the Brass sought <strong>to</strong>reassert its power over the mischievous inmates.It was good time for Yvonne Godfrey and hersycophantic disciples amongst the Secret Sorority <strong>of</strong>

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong><strong>The</strong> inmates assumed that the new garments,straight out <strong>of</strong> their packaging, would be in pristinecondition and rarely checked them thoroughly. To herdelight Katie had found this expectation <strong>to</strong> be fatallyflawed. During the first week <strong>of</strong> term she personallyinspected every item <strong>of</strong> clobber handed in for laundry.She found many garments with fac<strong>to</strong>ry flaws such ashanging threads or badly stitched seams. During thefirst week <strong>of</strong> term Katie slippered over a dozenstartled inmates on charges <strong>of</strong> handing in theirclobber in an abusive state.As usual Penelope Ann Evans, the Red-shirt atthe facility, vainly tried <strong>to</strong> curb the sadistic practices<strong>of</strong> Yvonne’s heinous SS but Patty Hodge lambastedher and prohibited her from taking her concerns <strong>to</strong>the Grand Dame.If the whop-rate during the opening week wasany kind <strong>of</strong> gauge the inmates <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit predicted hot and sweaty times ahead <strong>of</strong>them.

2Brats at RiskOne <strong>of</strong> the most critical roles amongst the Elitewas the position <strong>of</strong> Senior Brat Draper. She hadoverall responsibility for moni<strong>to</strong>ring the progress <strong>of</strong>the Brat men<strong>to</strong>ring program.Penny Ann had been fiercely opposed <strong>to</strong> theproposal <strong>of</strong> Juliet Spage <strong>to</strong> fulfill the role. However,she was locked in a stalemate with Patty Hodge, theDeputy Grand Dame <strong>of</strong> the facility. Patty wasdetermined <strong>to</strong> ve<strong>to</strong> Cathryn Cassidy from beingappointed in a senior role in the Elite organization.Pen was equally adamant that she would reject thenominations <strong>of</strong> Yvonne or Janet Mitchell. Pattyproposed Juliet Spage as a compromise.Unfortunately for Penelope Ann with her other allies,Melanie White and the Butcher Twins, alreadyappointed in key roles she did not have a suitablealternative candidate. She was forced <strong>to</strong> accede.Penelope Ann had good reasons for opposingJuliet. <strong>The</strong> two gals had his<strong>to</strong>ry. Several years earlierPen had been mucking out the stables when she had

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>smelled smoke. She had hurried <strong>to</strong> find the sourceand discovered a bale <strong>of</strong> hay burning in one <strong>of</strong> thestalls. Fortunately, there hadn’t been any animalsnearby and she was able <strong>to</strong> quell the fire without anyharm apart from smoke damage.<strong>The</strong>re was an enquiry and a root causeanalysis was performed. Several cigarette ends werefound, along with two half-drunk cans <strong>of</strong> importedJamaican brew. When Penny had been dashing t<strong>of</strong>ind the fire she had spotted Juliet Spage and JayneUnderly fleeing the scene.Penny Ann had been interrogated and MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n accepted that she was an innocent party andthat her quick response had saved the stables frommore severe damage. However, the Grand Dame wasconvinced that Pen knew who the culprits were andwasn’t saying. She proceeded <strong>to</strong> sweat Penny on adaily basis demanding her <strong>to</strong> give up the names. Itwas a disagreeable time for Penny Ann.Finally Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n gave Pen an ultimatum,either give up the culprits or she would be publiclyflogged for withholding evidence during Friday’sCallover.Penny even refused <strong>to</strong> tell her closest chumsthat Juliet and Jayne were responsible. Melanie andCat counseled her that nobody would consider her asnitch under the circumstances but Penny Ann Evansstayed schtum.On Friday evening Penny Ann appeared onstage dressed in whopping bags. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>naddressed the assembled inmates and demanded thatthe culprits come forward. When there was noresponse she gave Penny Ann a last opportunity <strong>to</strong>help her in her enquiries. Once again Pen refused and

7seemed resigned <strong>to</strong> bending over the vaulting horse<strong>to</strong> receive her first ever public flogging.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n was a pragmatist. <strong>The</strong>re was littlebenefit in punishing an innocent party and it wasclear that the true culprits were never going <strong>to</strong> comeforward. She dismissed Penny from the stage with herwhopping bags intact and filed her case notes underthe category <strong>of</strong> ‘Unsolved Mystery.’Penelope Ann Evans and Juliet Spage hadrarely spoken since the incident.Katie Beck was particularly pleased by theappointment <strong>of</strong> Juliet Spage as Senior Brat Draper.She possessed many qualities that Katie consideredmade her a potentially all-time great Serial Spanker.Juliet had already pledged her support <strong>to</strong> theSS and was a sycophantic disciple <strong>of</strong> Yvonne Godfrey.She was a no<strong>to</strong>rious bully and most importantly shewas extremely malleable.“<strong>The</strong>y’d better cover their arses, I’m coming inspanking,” she assured Katie.Katie expected great things <strong>of</strong> Juliet Spage.It was not a good time <strong>to</strong> be a Little Brat. <strong>The</strong>Brats most at risk were those who had been allocated<strong>to</strong> grub for members <strong>of</strong> the SS. Disciplinary drapingsand sporting spankings were at a premium. Grubby’swere routinely turned over the knees <strong>of</strong> their PersonalDrapers <strong>to</strong> have their bumbags dusted.If that wasn’t bad enough Juliet Spageestablished a slew <strong>of</strong> new performance criteria thatshe insisted the Little Brats complied with. Eachevening she would summons one <strong>of</strong> the Brat Pack <strong>to</strong>

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>her study and chide them for poor performancebefore putting them over her knee.She boasted <strong>to</strong> her chums over her dailybumbag dustings. She introduced a new recreationfor the SS. Often she would summons someunfortunate grubby <strong>to</strong> her own study and have her<strong>to</strong>ast crumpets in the fireplace. While the grubby wasbent over Juliet and her SS friends would gleefully firepellets at the grubby’s arse with high-poweredcatapults. <strong>The</strong> SS considered this pastime rib ticklingfun.<strong>The</strong> unfortunate Brats were not so amused andbegan <strong>to</strong> refer <strong>to</strong> her as Spanker Spage.

3A Grubby LifeBrat Rights had never been a high priority. MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n knew that every year twelve <strong>of</strong> the nationsmost Extreme Ladettes would be handed in<strong>to</strong> hercus<strong>to</strong>dy <strong>to</strong> embark on their programs <strong>of</strong> ExtremeSocial Rehabilitation.<strong>The</strong>se young women were generally infamousfor their wild partying and boisterous behavior. <strong>The</strong>Grand Dame knew that it was imperative that theywere immediately inducted in<strong>to</strong> the rules, regulationsand pro<strong>to</strong>cols and cured <strong>of</strong> any truculent or rebellioustendencies.She could think <strong>of</strong> no better way <strong>to</strong> bring thenew inmates in<strong>to</strong> line than <strong>to</strong> have them act asgrubby’s and <strong>to</strong> spend some quality men<strong>to</strong>ring timehead down, arse up across the laps <strong>of</strong> the Brass andthe Elite.<strong>The</strong> practice <strong>of</strong> grubbing was steeped inhis<strong>to</strong>ry. It was originally a term used in Edwardianprivate boarding schools where miscreant gals were

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>sent out <strong>to</strong> grub around in the gardens as punishmentfor misbehavior.When the pioneering suffragettes, theLawrence Sisters, founded the original <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong>in 1857 they <strong>of</strong>fered the new entrants a full academiccurriculum which had only previously been available<strong>to</strong> the young male population.<strong>The</strong>y fashioned their school on the strictacademic and disciplinary principles <strong>of</strong> E<strong>to</strong>n andWinchester, including introducing the grubbingprogram that was a variation <strong>of</strong> the tradition <strong>of</strong>‘fagging’ that had originated at the two schools duringthe 16 th Century.<strong>Woody</strong>s was a huge success and waspopulated by the daughters <strong>of</strong> the nation’s nobility,landed gentry, intellectuals and influential politicians.In a memoir authored by the Duchess <strong>of</strong>Meddlethorpe, one <strong>of</strong> the first females <strong>to</strong> sit inparliament she laments, “During my first months as a<strong>Woody</strong> gal I was draped across the knees <strong>of</strong> myGrub-mistress as <strong>of</strong>ten as three times a week <strong>to</strong> bespanked for failing <strong>to</strong> grub up <strong>to</strong> the expectedstandards.” However, she also admits that her time asa grubby set her in good stead <strong>to</strong> face up <strong>to</strong> thechallenges <strong>of</strong> life ahead <strong>of</strong> her.During her first year as a boarder at theoriginal <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong> Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had been enteredin<strong>to</strong> the Brat Men<strong>to</strong>ring program and assigned aPersonal Draper.Between cleaning, scrubbing and runningendless errands she <strong>to</strong>ok frequent trips across herDraper’s knee <strong>to</strong> be spanked for any shortcomings,perceived or otherwise.

11Although the practice <strong>of</strong> grubbing had largelybeen phased out in the conventional educationsystem Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n elected <strong>to</strong> resurrect the practicewhen the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit had opened itsdoors a decade earlier.Even Penelope Ann’s liberal allies paid littleheed <strong>to</strong> the plight <strong>of</strong> the Little Brats. <strong>The</strong>y had allbeen subjected <strong>to</strong> the same program and reasonedthat the Brats should consider themselves lucky <strong>to</strong> begetting <strong>of</strong>f with hand-spankings instead <strong>of</strong> having thecane taken <strong>to</strong> their arses. Brat Rights were low ontheir agenda.Spanker Spage religiously reported the details<strong>of</strong> her daily dustings <strong>to</strong> Katie Beck. Katie wouldstretch the rules and pour Spanker a glass <strong>of</strong> winewhile she enjoyed spank-by-spank accounts <strong>of</strong> Juliet’slatest successes.<strong>The</strong> unit matron encouraged Juliet <strong>to</strong> be moreadventurous. Over the past few years, she explained,the Brat Pro<strong>to</strong>cols had changed. Ever since Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nhad established the precedent <strong>of</strong> caning JoannaHeyworth during her Bratyear several other ne’er-dowellshad been inducted in<strong>to</strong> the Beaten Brat Club.Katie suggested that Spanker could use thethreat <strong>of</strong> filing applications for certain Brats <strong>to</strong> bebeaten for serial malfeasance <strong>to</strong> her advantage. Katie<strong>of</strong>fered Spanker the loan <strong>of</strong> several <strong>of</strong> her collection<strong>of</strong> leather-soled slippers.“<strong>The</strong>y will much prefer a slippering than a visit<strong>to</strong> the Beak for the cane,” Katie assured Spanker,pouring her another glass <strong>of</strong> wine. “Just be prudent,dear Spanker, be very, very prudent.”

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>At first Spanker followed Katie’s advise. Shelimited her illicit slippering activity <strong>to</strong> the unfortunatebacksides <strong>of</strong> the personal grubby’s <strong>of</strong> her croniesamongst the SS.Under the threat <strong>of</strong> being caned by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nher victims dismally acceded <strong>to</strong> repairing <strong>to</strong> hiddenareas <strong>of</strong> the vast compound <strong>to</strong> have their rumpspummeled with the unforgiving slippers.As Spanker’s illicit dustings continued withoutcomment or reprimand her confidence grew and shebecame increasingly cocksure.It was not a good time <strong>to</strong> be a grubby.

4Even Brats Have RightsJennifer Gardiner was draped face downwardsacross Spanker Spage’s lap with her skirt turned backand her bumbags concertinaed around her ankles.Spanker was applying the leather sole <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong>Katie’s slippers <strong>to</strong> Jennifer’s backside with extremevigor.“What the dickens?” asked Ms Lummell inamazement. “What the devil do you think you’re up <strong>to</strong>Spage? Release her immediately!”Juliet Spage stared aghast at the Riding Dame.This was not supposed <strong>to</strong> have happened. She hadcarefully planned the slippering <strong>to</strong> coincide with astaff meeting scheduled by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n and a ridingparty <strong>to</strong> be out on the Downs. <strong>The</strong> stables weresupposed <strong>to</strong> empty. She gaped at Ms Lummell.“I said release her!” snapped the Dame tartly.Slowly Juliet turned down Jennifer’s skirt andhelped her <strong>to</strong> her feet. Jen crouched down andretrieved her bumbags and slipped them back in<strong>to</strong>place. She threw a hostile glance at Spanker.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Jane Lummell wasted no time; she barreleddown on Spanker and yanked her <strong>to</strong> her feet. Shespan the prefect around and <strong>to</strong>ok a tight grip on thescruff <strong>of</strong> her neck.“Come with me!” she said authoritatively.Juliet could do nothing but splutter and complyas she was hustled out <strong>of</strong> the stables under a fullcollar.<strong>The</strong> quadrangle and recreation areas werebustling with activity but everybody s<strong>to</strong>pped as theinmates witnessed the unusual sight <strong>of</strong> a member <strong>of</strong>the Elite being subjected <strong>to</strong> a collaring.Juliet was an immensely unpopular member <strong>of</strong>the community and was one <strong>of</strong> the most activepractitioners <strong>of</strong> the fine art <strong>of</strong> collaring. <strong>The</strong>re waslittle sympathy for her plight.“This is Elite business, Jane,” said Patty Hodgesmoothly. “I’ll take care <strong>of</strong> Miss Spage myself.”“I brought her here first out <strong>of</strong> courtesy,” saidJane Lummell firmly. “She’s going up before the Beak.Even Brats have rights, whether you like it or not. I’mgiving you the opportunity <strong>to</strong> accompany us, Patricia,but I really couldn’t care less one way or the other.”Patty scowled. “<strong>The</strong>re is no need <strong>to</strong> be hasty,I’m sure that there is a perfectly good explanation,why don’t we let Miss Spage give us her version <strong>of</strong>events?”Jane Lummell shook her head. “She’s comingwith me,” she said spinning Juliet around and shovingher <strong>to</strong>wards the door. “Are you coming, Patricia?”

15Jane Lummell was a good old-fashioned jollyhockey sticks kind <strong>of</strong> cove. She served in the dual role<strong>of</strong> Dame in Charge <strong>of</strong> Physical Education and Riding.She fulfilled both roles with enthusiasm anddedication and was well-liked by the inmates. Shegenerously gave up considerable amounts <strong>of</strong> her freetimewith Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n and Rachel Cox <strong>to</strong> keepthem in shape <strong>to</strong> eventually resume their tenniscareers. She also helped numerous other celebrityathletes that had fallen foul <strong>of</strong> the Systems anti-Ladetting laws.Jane was a fully paid up member <strong>of</strong> the LiberalLeft <strong>of</strong> the Brass and was tight with Dotty Hammell,Stephanie Powell and Pauline Gascoigne. She wasconsidered generally minx-friendly, nonetheless shewas a strict disciplinarian and was lethal with both herover-sized rubber-soled plimsoll and her braidedriding crop. She was considered reliable by theinmates and when she instructed them <strong>to</strong> bend overfor whops there was rarely much doubt that theywere well-deserved.Juliet Spage was not holding up well underinterrogation. Patty did her best <strong>to</strong> intercede, claimingthat pro<strong>to</strong>cols had been broken and that she had thefirst right <strong>of</strong> interview. It was not that she cared tw<strong>of</strong>igs about the fate <strong>of</strong> Spanker Spage; she just didn’twant the Grand Dame poking around in Radical Rightbusiness.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n fixed Patty with a withering glare.“This is bullying business, Patricia,” she said sharply,“and that is my business.”

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Patty just shrugged. “You’re quite right,Susan,” she said unctuously and turned on Juliet.“Well Spage, aren’t you going <strong>to</strong> explain yourself?”she snapped spitefully. “<strong>The</strong> cat got your <strong>to</strong>ngue?”Dolefully, Spanker Spage stared down at thefloor.At first the prefect had claimed that theslippering was an isolated incident and she apologizedpr<strong>of</strong>usely, even agreeing that a flogging wasappropriate. However, further probing soon exposedthe scale <strong>of</strong> the brutality she had inflicted upon thehelpless Little Brats.

5A Flogging for Spanker Spage“Hand over your tie, blazer, badges and yourashplant,” the Grand Dame informed Juliet Spage infront <strong>of</strong> the assembled inmates. “You are formallys<strong>to</strong>od down from the Elite.”Juliet hung her head in shame. Tears rolleddown her cheeks as she shrugged <strong>of</strong>f her blazer andhanded it Penelope Ann Evans. She loosened her tieand unknotted it and handed that over <strong>to</strong>o.“My ashplant’s in my study,” she muttered.“It will no longer be your study, Spage,” MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n informed her coldly. “For the remainder <strong>of</strong>your sentence you will reside in the Brat Dorm and bereturned <strong>to</strong> the Brat program. You will wear fullclobber and I shall arrange for you <strong>to</strong> be scheduled infor grubbing duties. Although you will continue youreducational curriculum as normal, <strong>to</strong> all extents andpurposes you are now a Little Brat.”Juliet continued <strong>to</strong> sob.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n looked over her classes. “You are inthe final year <strong>of</strong> your Social Rehabilitation Programand you now have only six months left <strong>to</strong> prove <strong>to</strong> me

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>that you have reformed. I shall be watching youcarefully and I’m putting you on notice that if I seeany signs <strong>of</strong> repetition <strong>of</strong> your bullying tendencies Iwill formally flunk you and send you before a SpecialDisciplinary hearing <strong>of</strong> the System. Now bend overthe horse. I intend <strong>to</strong> flog you soundly.”<strong>The</strong> poor beleaguered Little Brats watchedwith satisfaction as Spanker Spage folded her frameover the vaulting horse. She had not gone quietly,she had wept and pleaded that she was notresponsible. She blamed Patty and Katie and Yvonnefor instructing her <strong>to</strong> perform the illicit slipperings. MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n curtly cut her short and instructed her <strong>to</strong> bendover the horse.“I will have you held down if necessary,” shepromised Spanker.Spanker made a muff <strong>of</strong> herself. She squealedand screamed and kicked up such a brouhaha thatthe watching inmates had <strong>to</strong> hide their mouths withtheir hands <strong>to</strong> keep from giggling.<strong>The</strong>re was no question that public floggingswere <strong>to</strong>ugh duty. Being folded in half across avaulting horse with the full compliment <strong>of</strong> the inmatesand Brass staring at her upturned arse was no fun fora gal. Nonetheless, ever since April Turner had takenthe first ever public flogging in s<strong>to</strong>ic silence the<strong>Woody</strong> gals had prided themselves in the mannerwith which they conducted themselves when obliged<strong>to</strong> grace the stage.

19Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n sighed. <strong>The</strong> manner with whichJuliet Spage was conducting herself was beginning <strong>to</strong>give her the pip.“Good grief, Spage,” she barked. “Cease thoseridiculous noises or I’ll really give you something <strong>to</strong>howl about.”<strong>The</strong> inmates chuckled at that.Spanker Spage was making a muff <strong>of</strong> herself.She was dancing an idiot gig and rubbing herbackside frantically.“Stand still, you foolish gal,” snapped MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n, “I have never seen such a patheticperformance. Now stand still this instant before Icane you again.”Juliet Spage looked haggard and bereft <strong>of</strong>dignity, standing on the stage with her white tielessblouse but<strong>to</strong>ned <strong>to</strong> the throat and white whoppingbags. <strong>The</strong> small amount <strong>of</strong> make-up she was allowed<strong>to</strong> wear was smudged and her hair looked lank andunkempt. Her eyes were red-rimmed and her nosewas dripping.Patty Hodge gaped at the Grand Dame. Shegnashed her teeth and wrung her hands inconsternation. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had just announced thatCathryn Cassidy would replace Juliet in the role <strong>of</strong>Senior Brat Draper. To Patty it was an unforgivableact <strong>of</strong> betrayal by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n. She had made thedecision unilaterally without consultation with herdeputy. Patty hurried from the stage and headed forthe saloon bar <strong>of</strong> the Bunch <strong>of</strong> Grapes.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Katie gaped at Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n. “She’s telling you apack <strong>of</strong> porkies,” she insisted. “I most certainly didnot lend her one <strong>of</strong> my slippers; she must have snuckin<strong>to</strong> my <strong>of</strong>fice and s<strong>to</strong>len it.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n rolled her eyes. She had little doubtthat her adopted daughter was being economical withthe truth but she had no hard evidence that Katie hadacted as Spanker’s sponsor.“Be careful, Katie,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her ward. “I’mwatching you.”

6Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s Exit StrategyJuliet Spage gloomily pulled on the temporarygymslip that Katie had supplied. Katie hadpurposefully selected one that was undersized andSpanker had difficulty fastening the but<strong>to</strong>ns at theshoulders. <strong>The</strong> garment was so short that it barelycovered her bumbags.Cat Cassidy was sitting with her long legsswinging loosely over the arm <strong>of</strong> an easy chair. Shewas flexing her ashplant between her hands.“Hurry along Spage,” she said sharply, “wehaven’t got all night and I’ve got plenty <strong>of</strong> errands foryou <strong>to</strong> run before lock-down.”Spanker was still teary-eyed. Her backside wasthrobbing incessantly. <strong>The</strong> news that she was beingallocated <strong>to</strong> grub for Cathryn had sounded like thedeath knell.Despite Cat’s laid-back demeanor she scaredthe crap out <strong>of</strong> Juliet. On several occasions Cathrynhad tackled Spanker regarding her predilection fordelivering sporting spankings. Cat had warned the

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Senior Brat Draper <strong>to</strong> keep her hands <strong>of</strong>f her personalgrubby and Spanker had wisely complied.She hurriedly knotted her tie and tucked it in<strong>to</strong>the bib <strong>of</strong> her gymslip.“What would you like me <strong>to</strong> start with?” sheasked and quickly added, “Ma’am,” when Cat raisedan eyebrow.“It’s an absolute abomination,” Patty waswhining in the saloon bar <strong>of</strong> the Bunch <strong>of</strong> Grapes.“Cassidy is a subversive; she’ll poke her nose in<strong>to</strong> SSbusiness now that she has a senior position.”Katie and the Wart nodded dutifully. <strong>The</strong>y werewell aware <strong>of</strong> Patty’s obsessive hatred <strong>of</strong> Cat Cassidyand they settled in for a long night <strong>of</strong> her bitching andmoaning.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n poured herself a glass <strong>of</strong> chilled2004 Al<strong>to</strong>sour Sauvignon Blanc and kicked back in aneasy chair. She was feeling quite satisfied with thedays proceedings. She smiled <strong>to</strong> herself at thethought <strong>of</strong> Patty Hodge kvetching in the saloon bar <strong>of</strong>the Bunch <strong>of</strong> Grapes and sipped her drink.During the Christmas furlough Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n hadspent several hours wining and dining with theMinister <strong>of</strong> Extreme Social Rehabilitation. He had beendisappointed when she had tendered her resignationwith effect at the end <strong>of</strong> the present year.Nonetheless, she had been adamant that she hadachieved all she could and that it was time for achange.“I assume Ms Hodge will take over?” asked theMinister.

23Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n chose her words carefully. “Patriciais a brilliant academic and has designed some <strong>of</strong> ourfinest learning programs,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the Minister. “Shehas supported me over the past ten years, for which Iam indebted. However, I feel that her thinking is <strong>to</strong>oentrenched. I honestly believe that we need <strong>to</strong> lookfor a candidate from outside the <strong>Unit</strong>.”“That won’t be easy,” said the Minister. “Adecade ago when we began recruiting there was alarge pool <strong>of</strong> experienced disciplinarians available <strong>to</strong>us. <strong>The</strong>se days with the liberals and all their STOPPnonsense we’d be hard pressed <strong>to</strong> find a Grand Damewho even knows how <strong>to</strong> use a cane these days.”“<strong>The</strong>n look outside the education system,”suggested Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n. “That’s how you found me.”<strong>The</strong> Minister smiled and patted Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’shand. “You are somewhat unique, Susan,” he <strong>to</strong>ldher. “But, I’ll scout the market and get back <strong>to</strong> you. IfI can’t locate a candidate I suppose we’ll use MsHodge as our fall-back position?”“No, Minister” said Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n emphatically.“Anybody except Patricia.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n stared down at the piece <strong>of</strong> paper.To say the details were scant was an understatement.<strong>The</strong> resume merely identified a man named MrHumphries, cited his career his<strong>to</strong>ry as classified, anda security ranking that gave him direct access <strong>to</strong> thePrime Minister and the cabinet.“This is not much <strong>to</strong> go on,” said Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n.<strong>The</strong> Minister shrugged. “I’m sorry but that is allwe’re going <strong>to</strong> get. However, you can interview himpersonally when he returns from the Baltic’s in a few

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>weeks. I think you’ll like him. He comes highlyrecommended.”“Hmmm,” said Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n. “At least you’remaking this intriguing.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n poured a second glass <strong>of</strong> wine.Tomorrow morning she would drive up <strong>to</strong> the Smoke<strong>to</strong> meet the man named Humphries in person. It wasan intriguing proposition, and <strong>of</strong> course one thatwould send poor Patty in<strong>to</strong> a fit <strong>of</strong> apoplexy if shefound out. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n knew that she would have <strong>to</strong>execute her exit strategy in <strong>to</strong>tal secrecy.

7Hurricane JojoJoanna Heyworth lowered herself gingerly on<strong>to</strong>the unforgiving seat <strong>of</strong> the wooden chair. At the front<strong>of</strong> the lecture room Ms Powell was hanging her caneback on the hook beside the blackboard.Jojo wriggled forward slightly so that herweight was supported by the backs <strong>of</strong> her thighs andthe direct pressure was relieved from her sizzlingbut<strong>to</strong>cks.Ms Powell turned back and continued with herlecture on the comparative merits <strong>of</strong> Mailer and Roth.Stephanie Powell was considered <strong>to</strong> be a very goodthing by the inmates. She was a first class instruc<strong>to</strong>rand was unquestionably inclined <strong>to</strong>wards the liberalleft <strong>of</strong> the Brass. Nonetheless, when duty called shewas a dab hand with the whippy number one cane.Jojo had awoken in a mischievous mooddespite the fact that she was sporting a sore arse.<strong>The</strong> previous evening she and her best chum,Nixdown, had been forced <strong>to</strong> bend over the ends <strong>of</strong>

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>their beds for six hot ones from Melanie White forgabbing after lock-down.<strong>The</strong> late-night licking had been anotherlandmark Jojo punishment. She had broken her ownrecord for being the fastest inmate <strong>to</strong> accumulatetwenty-five canings during a single year.Over brekker her fellow mega-minxes werequick <strong>to</strong> congratulate her. Since the launch <strong>of</strong>Operation Scorched Arse competition on the Hall <strong>of</strong>Shame had intensified. Faced with a policy <strong>of</strong> zero<strong>to</strong>lerancethe inmates had thrown caution <strong>to</strong> the windand bumbag tattering was at a record high. Jojo’snew record was something <strong>to</strong> be celebrated andrespected.Jojo celebrated her new record by acquiringyellow cards during each <strong>of</strong> the first three lectures <strong>of</strong>the day. She japed and larked, go<strong>of</strong>ed and prankedand wound the Brass up a treat. Her chums watchedher with amused resignation. She was in classicHurricane Jojo form and they knew from experiencethat there was nothing that they could do <strong>to</strong> deterher.Joanna Heyworth’s rise <strong>to</strong> the pinnacle <strong>of</strong> theHall <strong>of</strong> Shame had been the result <strong>of</strong> relentlessminxing. Now in the fifth year <strong>of</strong> her sentence shehad over-taken legendary über-minxes such as AprilTurner, Cat Cassidy, Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n andClaire Brooks <strong>to</strong> become the undisputed Big BUTT.Ms Powell narrowed her eyes. <strong>The</strong> Dame incharge <strong>of</strong> English Studies was nobody’s fool. She wasfond <strong>of</strong> Jojo. Despite the inmate’s errant tendencies

27she was brilliant, articulate and vivacious.Nonetheless, Stephanie Powell knew when she wasbeing played like a fish. She reached in<strong>to</strong> her jacketpocket and extracted her yellow card.“Alright, enough already, Heyworth,” shesnapped. “One more peep out <strong>of</strong> you and you’ll bebending over your desk.”“Yes, Ma’am,” said Jojo contritely. “Sorry,Ma’am.”Jojo slid her vintage Renwal Ro<strong>to</strong> Blaster out <strong>of</strong>her satchel and palmed it. She glanced about thelecture room. Ms Powell had her back turned, writingup their assignment on the blackboard, her fellowstudents were bent over their books taking notes. Shecontemplated her options.Nicola Jane Nixon was still grumpy over the sixthey had received the previous night. RosemaryBooker was slightly out <strong>of</strong> range. Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n wasseated slightly in front <strong>of</strong> her and a perfect target.Jojo turned the nozzle <strong>to</strong> the spray setting, raised herpis<strong>to</strong>l and <strong>to</strong>ok aim.“Whoa, what the fuck?” exclaimed Deborah.Debs had been leaning over her text-book takingnotes when her concentration was rudely interrupted.She span around angrily, water dripping from herhair.Ms Powell also span around, taking in thesituation. Debs was glaring around the room,squeezing her hair as water dripped on<strong>to</strong> the shoulder<strong>of</strong> her blazer. <strong>The</strong> other inmates were all lookingsublimely innocent.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“I shall pretend I didn’t hear that, Mor<strong>to</strong>n,”said Ms Powell quite calmly. “Now will whoever isresponsible for this disruption please fess up or do Ihave <strong>to</strong> instigate a needless inquisition?”With a cheerful smile on her face Jojo slid herwater pis<strong>to</strong>l across the lid <strong>of</strong> her desk.

8Never a Truer Word Spoken in JestDeborah frowned at Jojo. “You could have gotme whopped,” she complained.Joanna hugged her chum. “Sorry about that,”she said consolingly. “But you know that all’s fair inlove and minxing. I just had an overwhelmingmoment.”“Grrrrrrrrr!’ grumbled Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n. “Andyou knew I’ve still got a slight <strong>to</strong>uch <strong>of</strong> the residuals.”Jojo grinned. “Oh yes, I forgot you gotwhopped yesterday,” she said half-apologetically.“Sorry about that.”Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n stared bleakly at theEconomics Dame.“Remove your blazer and bend over the desk,”Ms Gascoigne had instructed her. “I intend <strong>to</strong>absolutely cream you.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals were used <strong>to</strong> PaulineGascoigne’s colorful expressions but this was a newone. Debs wasn’t sure what being absolutely creamed

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>entailed but she had the distinct feeling that it wasnot going <strong>to</strong> be pleasant.<strong>The</strong>re was no question that Deborah neededsix <strong>of</strong> the best. She had been caught with a proverbialsmoking gun, or at least a high powered catapultloaded with a paper pellet and cocked ready <strong>to</strong> fire.Of course Deborah couldn’t allow her dousingfrom Jojo <strong>to</strong> go unreciprocated, no self-respectingminx would have. Nonetheless, her timing hadsucked. Not in the least due <strong>to</strong> the fact that justtwenty-four hours earlier she had bent over her deskfor a very sound six from the same Dame who wasnow announcing her intention <strong>to</strong> absolutely creamher.Pauline and Deborah had a long his<strong>to</strong>ry. <strong>The</strong>yhad schooled <strong>to</strong>gether at the Queensgate Academyand had been tight. <strong>The</strong>y had a good deal incommon. Both were academically brilliant and Paulinewas one <strong>of</strong> the few tennis players with the capability<strong>of</strong> occasionally taking a game or two from Debs. <strong>The</strong>ywere also acknowledged as being two <strong>of</strong> thenaughtiest girls in the school.However, when Deborah was in the fourthform the dynamic <strong>of</strong> their relationship altereddramatically. Pauline was extremely popular and hadbeen unanimously voted in <strong>to</strong> take up the position <strong>of</strong>President <strong>of</strong> Posh, the school’s prefec<strong>to</strong>rial body.Deborah had voted for her and helped with hercampaign.It was a mercurial year for Deborah. Shedeposed Rachel Cox as the nation’s number onetennis player, was selected <strong>to</strong> play the clarinet in theNational Youth Orchestra and published a widely

31acclaimed fictional biography <strong>of</strong> Mary Queen <strong>of</strong> Scotstitled ‘Waiting <strong>to</strong> be Beheaded’. She also established aschool record for being ‘Put on the Menu’ and having<strong>to</strong> appear before disciplinary hearings hosted by thePosh.It was a tribute <strong>to</strong> Deborah’s articulateadvocacy that she was ‘Put on the Menu’ over onehundred times during the school year but was onlysentenced <strong>to</strong> be beaten on nine occasions.Despite their friendship Deborah neverexpected special treatment from the President.Pauline had a reputation for being lethal with theceremonial popping stick and she caned Deborah justas hard as she would anybody else.During the last week <strong>of</strong> the school yearDeborah had excelled herself by being ‘Put on theMenu’ three times in a single day. All the charges shefaced had been entered in the first degree.Audaciously Deborah elected <strong>to</strong> plead notguilty <strong>to</strong> all three charges. Although she managed <strong>to</strong>successfully defend herself against one <strong>of</strong> the chargesthe odds were stacked against her. <strong>The</strong> Posh foundher guilty <strong>of</strong> serial misconduct and she was sentenced<strong>to</strong> receive the maximum punishment <strong>of</strong> nine strokes<strong>of</strong> the popping stick for both <strong>of</strong> the remaining<strong>of</strong>fenses. She would receive nine strokes immediatelyand then be allowed a twenty-four hour cool downperiod before returning for the second thrashing.Pauline Gascoigne had looked genuinely sympatheticwhen she delivered the bad news.Despite everything they remained fast friendsand on the eve <strong>of</strong> Deborah’s infamous Wimbledon

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>semi-final they dined <strong>to</strong>gether, along with ChristyCranfield, another former President <strong>of</strong> Posh.Pauline had news for her chums. Aftercompleting her degree she had been investigating thejob market. She had been considering severalopportunities when she was head-hunted by MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n.Pauline Gascoigne possessed all thecharacteristics the Grand Dame was seeking. She wasacademically brilliant and had shown her mettle asthe President <strong>of</strong> Posh, when she had delivered overthree hundred and fifty canings. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n openedher cheque book.At the time Deborah had already been chargedunder the anti-Ladette laws. Her agents had brokereda deal with the System that she would serve aminimum sentence at the Radcliffe <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong>unit. She would be allowed <strong>to</strong> play in the minimumamount <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>to</strong>urnaments <strong>to</strong> maintain herGrand Prix status.As the three chums left the restaurant in plenty<strong>of</strong> time for Deborah <strong>to</strong> keep <strong>to</strong> the curfew imposed bythe Dark Agents Pauline had hugged Debs.“Now go straight home,” she giggled, “else I’llfind myself back bending you over for six.”<strong>The</strong> three friends had laughed, but never has atruer word been said in jest. Within twenty-four hoursDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was arrested on live television andsentenced <strong>to</strong> seven years at the Big House withoutthe possibility <strong>of</strong> parole.

9Absolutely CreamedDeborah slithered her chest across the desk<strong>to</strong>pand reached down and gripped the legs on the farside. She heard Ms Gascoigne approaching andwaited <strong>to</strong> be caned.Pauline Gascoigne tapped the legs <strong>of</strong> the deskwith the tip <strong>of</strong> her cane. “Reach down further,” she<strong>to</strong>ld Debs.Deborah stretched over a little.“Further,” Pauline instructed her.Debs pushed her legs up and slithered evenfurther forward. She was bent so far over the deskthat if she went forward any further she was indanger <strong>of</strong> tumbling down and landing on her head.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was acutely aware that her backsidewas stuck up in the air in the most prominent positionphysically possible. She felt as if her backside mightshortly eclipse the sun. She was beginning <strong>to</strong> sweat.Pauline Gascoigne neatly turned back the hem<strong>of</strong> Deborah’s navy blue pleated skirt and thenretrieved her cane. She stepped <strong>to</strong> one side and

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>unhurriedly began her preparations, taking hermeasure and tapping the cane down once, twice andthen thrice. She raised her arm and sliced the whippyrattan stick through the air, landing it crisply acrossthe sweet spot <strong>of</strong> Debs’ bot<strong>to</strong>m with an explosivecrack. Even Deborah’s whop-hardened inmates wereimpressed.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was in little position forrefined analysis. Her backside was a well-calibratedwhopometer and the first strike was enough <strong>to</strong>confirm that being absolutely creamed was not going<strong>to</strong> be much fun. <strong>The</strong> heat <strong>of</strong> the cane lashing acrossher backside ricocheted around her central nervoussystem like a pinball.Pauline Gascoigne was widely popular amongstthe inmates. She was considered even-handed andminx-friendly. Nonetheless, she was highly respectedaround the community as a consummate artiste witha cane. She hardly seemed <strong>to</strong> be trying but there waslittle doubt in anybody’s mind that she was givingDeborah a power-whopping.Pauline Gascoigne prided herself that she couldadminister discipline dispassionately. During herperiod as the President <strong>of</strong> Posh at the QueensgateAcademy she rarely had <strong>to</strong> use her casting vote. Mostcases were open and closed and when required shewas merely responsible for delivering the punishmentas safely as possible. Nonetheless, she was quiteirritated by Deborah’s ridiculous performance.

35Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was beginning <strong>to</strong> deeplyregret her ill-fated attempt at revenge. <strong>The</strong> cane wascolliding with her bumbags with alarming ferocity. Shewas feeling quite giddy.Pauline Gascoigne <strong>to</strong>ok her time. Despite herinitial irritation at Deborah’s guileless prank she hadtaken several deep breathes and regained hercomposure.<strong>The</strong> previous day she had caned Debs onroutine business after she had continued <strong>to</strong> go<strong>of</strong> afterseveral verbal warnings and a yellow card. Paulinehad delivered a good crisp six that she had expectedwould give the errant inmate something <strong>to</strong> thinkabout for a few days. Clearly the six had not beenquite stiff enough so she felt obliged <strong>to</strong> step up thepace. She raised her arm and brought the cane downwith a mighty crack.Debs hung over the desk panting. Five strokesin and just one left <strong>to</strong> go. Her backside was alreadythrobbing incessantly. She braced herself for whatshe suspected was going <strong>to</strong> be a very grand finale.She heard a whistle from behind her and then herwhole body wriggled and writhed in distress as thelong thin cane rebounded from her bumbags withnerve-jangling, teeth-chattering force.Deborah handed over her punishment recordbook with trembling fingers. Her cheeks were ashenand she had a slightly bemused look on her face.Debs was no newcomer <strong>to</strong> being soundlythrashed. She had an unfortunate tendency <strong>of</strong>bringing out the worst in the Brass and the Elite.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Nonetheless, she couldn’t help thinking that her mostrecent excursion across her desk had been somethingrather special.Barely able <strong>to</strong> keep from hopping up and downon the spot, Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n now fully comprehendedwhat it meant <strong>to</strong> be absolutely creamed.

10Miss Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>nDespite their discomfort Jojo and Debs hadcause for celebration. In the competitive world <strong>of</strong> theHall <strong>of</strong> Shame the two Phase 5 inmates knew thatevery whop counted. Although Jojo was theundisputed Big BUTT Deborah was always just behindher, snapping at her bumbags. Once the two chums’backsides had begun <strong>to</strong> cool down they both agreed ithad been a good day’s work.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n s<strong>to</strong>od outside the library with herhands on her head and her nose pressed <strong>to</strong> the wall.Along the corridor she could hear the approachingfootsteps <strong>of</strong> Yvonne Godfrey and Janet Mitchell. Shefelt an uncomfortable knot in her tummy.Unlike Jojo, Debs and the other dedicated über-minxes, Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n had no aspirations for makingheadlines on the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame.Lisa had originally been sentenced <strong>to</strong> two yearsat the less austere Radcliffe <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit oncharges <strong>of</strong> Misdemeanor Ladetting. It was not hardtime and she had occupied herself completing her

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>studies in advanced physics. She was a popularmember <strong>of</strong> the Radcliffe community and was wellknownfor her generosity in helping other inmateswith their academic endeavors.However, <strong>to</strong>wards the end <strong>of</strong> her sentence atthe facility she found herself falsely accused <strong>of</strong> writingpapers for other inmates <strong>to</strong> support their applicationsfor further education. Lisa denied the chargesvehemently.Unlike the Big House, as <strong>Woody</strong>s was knownamongst the Ladette community, the Radcliffe <strong>Back</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit did not practice corporal punishment.However, despite her denials the Principal <strong>of</strong> thefacility <strong>to</strong>ok the unprecedented action <strong>of</strong> procuring acane and giving Lisa three strokes across the palm <strong>of</strong>her left hand.Lisa was outraged and filed a complaint withher Court Appointed Guardian. Several days later shewas summonsed before a special hearing <strong>of</strong> theSystem where she fully expected <strong>to</strong> be exonerated.Instead she listened incredulously while she wasfound guilty <strong>of</strong> ‘Subversion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong>system, making false statements and accepting bribes<strong>to</strong> pervert the university application system.’ She wassentenced <strong>to</strong> a further five years <strong>of</strong> Extreme SocialRehabilitation <strong>to</strong> be served at the Big House.Before arriving at the facility she spent a week<strong>of</strong> immersion induction in<strong>to</strong> the rules, regulations andpro<strong>to</strong>cols that would dominate her short-term future.Upon arriving at the unit it only <strong>to</strong>ok two daysfor Lisa <strong>to</strong> learn the harsh realities <strong>of</strong> her new life.She was forced <strong>to</strong> bend over her bed <strong>to</strong> be given sixstrokes by the Dorm Raider for gabbing after lockdown.

39<strong>The</strong> punishment caused her <strong>to</strong> memorablyobserve that, “three strokes <strong>of</strong> the cane across yourleft hand hardly prepares you for six hot ones acrossthe seat <strong>of</strong> thin pajamas!”Despite the austere environment she foundherself in, Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n settled in quickly. She wasparticularly impressed by the comprehensiveacademic curriculum Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had established andthe quality <strong>of</strong> the tu<strong>to</strong>ring provided by the Dames. Itwas immediately clear that she was an academicphenomenon, particularly in the areas <strong>of</strong> maths andscience and Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n arranged for her <strong>to</strong> continueher studies in advanced physics under the guidance<strong>of</strong> Ms MacAllister.Lisa’s fellow inmates did their best <strong>to</strong> make herfeel at home, but they had already spent two yearsincarcerated <strong>to</strong>gether and had formed bonds andfriendships that Lisa found hard <strong>to</strong> penetrate.During her first term at the facility Lisa wascaned twice more. Not for anything serious, justroutine go<strong>of</strong>ing, gabbing, larking and pranking. Sheimpressed her fellow inmates by embracing the<strong>Woody</strong> creed that only muffs howl and <strong>to</strong>ok herlickings with admirable s<strong>to</strong>icism.She studied Cathryn Cassidy’s ‘Manifes<strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>Mega-minxdom’, but was not an instant convert.Whilst she could appreciate the joys <strong>of</strong> minxing shewas considerably averse <strong>to</strong> rattan rebounding <strong>of</strong>f herbumbags. She became skilled at limiting hermisbehavior <strong>to</strong> the extent <strong>of</strong> attracting yellow cardsand avoiding unnecessary canings. Lisa gained thereputation for being naughty but nice.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Although Lisa’s peers continued <strong>to</strong> warm <strong>to</strong> hershe still considered herself an outsider. Due <strong>to</strong> theproximity <strong>of</strong> the surnames in the alphabet Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>nfound herself seated next <strong>to</strong> Bernadette Summersduring lectures and tu<strong>to</strong>rials, and in the bed besideher in the dorm. She couldn’t help observing thatBernadette was something <strong>of</strong> an outsider herself.

11Miss Bernadette SummersLisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n remembered Bernadette from herno<strong>to</strong>rious court appearances over a decade earlier.Bernadette Summers was the daughter <strong>of</strong> shamedand incarcerated Sri-Lankan diplomat, Joe Summers.During her father’s trial the defense had done theirbest <strong>to</strong> exploit his teenage daughter, dressingBernadette in a gymslip, blouse and tie, scrubbing herface clean <strong>of</strong> make-up and tying her hair back in pigtails.She had adamantly defended her father as amisunders<strong>to</strong>od and philanthropic man. She withs<strong>to</strong>odtwo days <strong>of</strong> intense and increasingly hostile crossexaminationby the prosecution giving a wonderfullycrafted display <strong>of</strong> girlish charm and naivety. Shesteadfastly refused <strong>to</strong> acknowledge the whereabouts<strong>of</strong> the millions <strong>of</strong> quids that the nefarious diplomathad squirreled in<strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>fshore bank accounts.Nobody was fooled. In his summation thejudge described Bernadette as precociously connivingand accused her <strong>of</strong> effortlessly perjuring herself

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>throughout the trial. He condemned her as a willingparticipant in her father’s confidence trickery.Joe Summers was sentenced <strong>to</strong> fifteen years inchokey and Bernadette was sent <strong>to</strong> reform school.Once she was released Bernadette joined thegrowing ranks <strong>of</strong> the Ladettes. She quicklyaccumulated several charges <strong>of</strong> Extreme Ladettingand thought it best <strong>to</strong> have it on her <strong>to</strong>es <strong>to</strong> theSouth <strong>of</strong> France. She prospered as a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalgambler and was sublimely unaware that the DarkAgents <strong>of</strong> the System had targeted her as a primecandidate for a stretch in the Big House.<strong>The</strong>y enticed her home with bogus claims thather father was in poor health. Bernadette flew homestraight in<strong>to</strong> seven years <strong>of</strong> Whops and Clobber.Outwardly Bernadette was a surly cove. Herperipatetic youth bouncing from country <strong>to</strong> country,always just one step ahead <strong>of</strong> Plod had made hersecretive and self-reliant. At <strong>Woody</strong>s she had wastedno time in establishing Bernadette SummersEnterprises which specialized in providing theincarcerated Ladettes with access <strong>to</strong> booze, fags andother contraband.Lisa had attempted <strong>to</strong> engage Bernadette inconversation but was generally met with polite butguarded platitudes. Once when she tried <strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>ferBernadette sympathy after a whopping the duskybeauty <strong>to</strong>ld her, “I was caned in Cairo, slippered inSingapore and whacked in Washing<strong>to</strong>n. <strong>The</strong>y can’thurt me, I’m the fucking Bounder!”

43As Lisa’s first Christmas approached shenoticed that Bernadette was even more sullen thanusual. Nervously Lisa approached the Bounder andasked what was wrong. Surprisingly Bernadette didn’tbite her face <strong>of</strong>f but, instead, confided that she hatedfurloughs.With her old chap banged up in chokey, sheexplained, the System had appointed her brother asher cus<strong>to</strong>dial ward. Her brother, who she described asa waste <strong>of</strong> valuable spunk, was intent on learning thewhereabouts <strong>of</strong> Joe Summers ill-gotten gains.Bernadette was equally intent in keeping them secret.“When Pop get’s out,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Lisa. “We’regoing <strong>to</strong> be swapping canes for Cannes and that littlescumbag ain’t gonna see a penny.”She <strong>to</strong>ld Lisa that in attempt <strong>to</strong> break her spirither brother allowed his girlfriend <strong>to</strong> regularly putBernadette over her knee and spank her with aslipper. <strong>The</strong> fact that her brother’s girlfriend wasseveral years younger than Bernadette did not helpthe situation.Generously Lisa <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>to</strong> put Bernadette upat her family pile over Christmas. “Pa’s never there,”she <strong>to</strong>ld the Bounder, “he’s sailing one <strong>of</strong> his yachtsaround the Caribbean. Ma won’t mind, she’scertifiably barking and spends most <strong>of</strong> her time in herroom. We’ll have the run <strong>of</strong> the place.”During the furlough Bernadette slowly revealedthe full extent <strong>of</strong> her enterprises back at the facility.What surprised Lisa was that the Bounder didn’t seem<strong>to</strong> know whether the venture was pr<strong>of</strong>itable.Apparently money came in and money went out andas long as Bernadette’s blazer pockets were crammed

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>full <strong>of</strong> quids that was all she cared about. Lisapatiently explained the basic principles <strong>of</strong> cash-floweconomics and <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>to</strong> help her arrange her affairs,in return for seven and a half per cent, <strong>of</strong> course.Bernadette immediately agreed.It was during that Christmas furlough that thetwo entrepreneurs decided <strong>to</strong> expand Bernadette’sgambling arm <strong>of</strong> the enterprise. His<strong>to</strong>rically theinmates had been able <strong>to</strong> place bets with the Bounderon the dogs and the nags. At Lisa’s suggestion, theyagreed <strong>to</strong> establish the ‘Big BUTT Stakes’, where theinmates would be able <strong>to</strong> wager on the outcome <strong>of</strong>the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame.It would prove <strong>to</strong> be Bernadette SummersEnterprise’s most lucrative endeavor.

12Bogus WhopsJanet Mitchell stepped up behind Lisa andspitefully twisted her ear.“Get your arse inside,” she growled. “I’ll teachyou <strong>to</strong> rubbish me, you little bitch. You ain’t gotSummers here <strong>to</strong> protect you now.”Lisa flinched at the pain in her ear and loweredher arms from above her head. Janet roughly turnedher around and pushed her <strong>to</strong>wards the door. Yvonnegrinned wolfishly as she turned the handle.Lisa trudged in<strong>to</strong> the library and set <strong>of</strong>f<strong>to</strong>wards the fireplace. Behind her Yvonne and Mitchthe Bitch were carrying on a disparaging commentary.Lisa did her best <strong>to</strong> ignore them.Janet Mitchell’s claim that Lisa had rubbishedher was a stretch at best. She had been crossing thequadrangle minding her own business when she hadbeen accosted by the two prefects.“What’s the time?” they had demanded.Lisa had shrugged and shown them her leftwrist. “I ain’t wearing my watch,” she said, “but let’ssee now.” She pointed <strong>to</strong>wards the unit’s chapel.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“Well the big hands nearly halfway around and thesmaller hand’s approaching six so that would make itwhat?”Janet scowled. “I’ll tell you who’s approachingsix,” she snarled. “You are. Now get your arse up <strong>to</strong>the library.”Lisa glared at Mitch the Bitch. “Don’t beridiculous. You can see perfectly well what time it is.You ain’t whopping me for this.”Janet turned <strong>to</strong> Yvonne. “You hear thatGodders?” she asked. “She says she ain’t going <strong>to</strong> bewhopped. She blatantly rubbishes me in front <strong>of</strong> awitness and now she’s refusing <strong>to</strong> report <strong>to</strong> thelibrary.”Yvonne shook her head in disbelief. “I heardher. It’s an outrage Bitchypoo, but if she won’t go wecan’t make her. I guess we’ll just have <strong>to</strong> file anapplication with Ms Hodge <strong>to</strong> have her publiclyflogged,” said the prefect.“I’m sure that Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n would love that,”grinned Janet. “What do you think, Sutters, old gal?”Momentarily Lisa’s s<strong>to</strong>mach churned and shefelt quite bilious. She knew that she was beingstitched up like a kipper.“This is so fucking bogus,” she muttered andturned on her heel and headed <strong>to</strong>wards the cloisters.“Where do you think you’re going?” demandedJanet.“To the library,” replied Lisa through clenchedteeth.Yvonne and Janet Mitchell winked at eachother.

47Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n was bent forward at the waist withher fingers balanced on the tips <strong>of</strong> her <strong>to</strong>es. Her calfand thigh muscles stretched uncomfortably whileYvonne and Janet s<strong>to</strong>od behind her swishing theirashplants playfully through the air.Despite her indignation at being subjected <strong>to</strong>bogus whops it was a far preferable option than a tripup before the Grand Dame.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n was a perfect target for the evilbullies <strong>of</strong> the SS. Spotting her crossing thequadrangle without the protection <strong>of</strong> the Bounder hadbeen an ideal opportunity for Yvonne and Janet <strong>to</strong>have some fun. <strong>The</strong>y both knew that all they had <strong>to</strong>do was trump up some charges and then threaten <strong>to</strong>involve Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n and Lisa would be forced <strong>to</strong>accede <strong>to</strong> a whopping.For the majority <strong>of</strong> the first year <strong>of</strong> herincarceration at the <strong>Woody</strong> facility Lisa hadmaintained a relatively low pr<strong>of</strong>ile. She had immersedherself in two projects, researching for a thesis sheplanned <strong>to</strong> write and expanding the pr<strong>of</strong>it base <strong>of</strong>Bernadette Summers Enterprises.She was caned occasionally, generally for lowlevelminxing. Lisa was a cheerful, good-humored sortand <strong>to</strong>ok her licks without complaint. She was apopular and well-liked member <strong>of</strong> the community.One Saturday in the spring, Lisa had beengranted a <strong>to</strong>wn pass and had spent a pleasantafternoon at an art gallery. She had become soengrossed in studying the collection <strong>of</strong> a localpho<strong>to</strong>grapher that she had forgotten the time. She

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>had raced back <strong>to</strong> the facility but when she arrivedthe gates were locked. If she rang the bell it wouldmean that she would soon be cutting along for six <strong>of</strong>the best from the Duty Dame. Fortunately there wasnobody in sight so she surreptitiously made her wayaround the walls <strong>of</strong> the grounds until she found anappropriately positioned tree. She clambered up andpeeked over the wall. When she was sure that thecoast was clear, she shimmied over the wall andhastily headed for the safety <strong>of</strong> the main building.Lisa was feeling quite smug when she arrived in thecommon room. Not only had she avoided anunpleasant six but she was back just in time forCallover and nobody would be any the wiser.

13Low RidersLisa’s smugness was short lived. Suddenly thedoors <strong>of</strong> the common room burst open and the GrandDame s<strong>to</strong>rmed in. She barreled down on the startledLisa, yanked her out <strong>of</strong> her seat, span her around,pushing her down over the arm <strong>of</strong> the chair andyanking back her skirt.Lisa’s chum’s watched in amazement. <strong>The</strong>yhad never seen Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n in such a tizzy and for her<strong>to</strong> make an impromptu appearance in the commonroomwas unprecedented.<strong>The</strong>re was no question that the Grand Damewas somewhat vexed. She slashed the senior canedownwards with extraordinary venom. <strong>The</strong> commonroomechoed with six sharp cracks <strong>of</strong> the cane andthen the Grand Dame yanked Lisa back <strong>to</strong> her feetand hustled her from the room. Lisa’s chum’sexchanged bewildered glances.It transpired that Lisa’s inopportune landingspot had been Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s personal garden and inher haste she had plowed across several flowerbeds

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>and caused considerable damage <strong>to</strong> the GrandDame’s seedlings. As fate would have it Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nhad been at the window <strong>of</strong> her quarters when Lisamade her untimely break for freedom.Lisa could not have made a more catastrophicerror. <strong>The</strong> Grand Dame was an avid gardener and hadspent the winter month’s planning the layout anddesign <strong>of</strong> the planting bed that Lisa had unwittinglytrashed.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n’s backside was throbbingdisconcertingly while she was subjected <strong>to</strong> a mostdisagreeable tirade from the Grand Dame. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>ngenerally prided herself in delivering her most barbedscoldings in a <strong>to</strong>ne <strong>of</strong> icy calm but she was soincensed that she screamed at Lisa at the <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> herlungs. Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n hung her head in shame.<strong>The</strong> Brass and the Elite were as<strong>to</strong>nished <strong>to</strong>receive an ‘Eyes Only’ memorandum from the GrandDame announcing Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n as the unit’s PublicEnemy Number One. <strong>The</strong> memorandum containeddetailed instructions that Lisa was <strong>to</strong> be targeted as ahostile and treated with Extreme Prejudice.It was not great time <strong>to</strong> be wearing LisaSut<strong>to</strong>n’s bumbags. Patty and her chums on theRadical Right had a field day and were all over Lisalike a rash. <strong>The</strong> unfortunate inmate could not put afoot out <strong>of</strong> place without a member <strong>of</strong> the Brass orthe Elite jumping all over her bumbags. Over the nexteighteen months she was punished so <strong>of</strong>ten that shejoked that she was surprised she had not developed apermanent s<strong>to</strong>op.

51Even though her status had been lowered <strong>to</strong>Public Enemy Number Two at the introduction <strong>of</strong>Operation Scorched Arse her bumbags remainedclassified as endangered.Her appearances in the Grand Dame’s studycontinued <strong>to</strong> be unpleasant and Patty and her cohortscontinued <strong>to</strong> target her regularly. Without everwittingly embarking on a campaign <strong>of</strong> mega-minxingLisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n found herself permanently rankedamongst the highest echelons <strong>of</strong> the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame.Lisa gasped as the whippy ashplant cruellysliced across the sulcus at the base <strong>of</strong> her posterior.Yvonne and Janet were taking it in turns <strong>to</strong> whop Lisaand were employing the loathsome technique knownas ‘Low Riders’.Predictably the technique <strong>of</strong> Low Riders washeritage Patty Hodge from her days as Red-shirt atthe original <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong>. She had come across thetechnique in an inadvertent and painful mannerduring a routine caning from her House Captain. <strong>The</strong>prefect had badly miss-placed a stroke, landing itacross the fleshy fold between Patty’s but<strong>to</strong>cks andthe <strong>to</strong>ps <strong>of</strong> her thighs. It had been excruciating butPatty had been impressed by the intensity <strong>of</strong> the painand had filed the information away for future use.Lisa gamely remained in position, forcingherself <strong>to</strong> keep her fingers glued <strong>to</strong> her <strong>to</strong>es <strong>to</strong> avoidthe evil prefects from accusing her <strong>of</strong> jerking anddisqualifying the strokes.It was <strong>to</strong>ugh duty and Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n wasbeginning <strong>to</strong> wonder whether she might not have

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>been better <strong>of</strong>f taking her chances up in front <strong>of</strong> theBeak.Yvonne jabbed Lisa in the chest.“Not so cocky now, are we Sut<strong>to</strong>n?’ she saidunpleasantly.Lisa glared at the prefect contemptuously. Shewas tempted <strong>to</strong> hack Godders in the shins but didn’tfancy a trip up on the stage for a public flogging. Shewas forced <strong>to</strong> endure another hateful diatribe fromYvonne before the thrashing was finally postprocessed.She snatched back her Punishment RecordBook and trudged out <strong>of</strong> the library.

14StalkerJanet Mitchell was beginning <strong>to</strong> feel decidedlyuneasy. For the past two days everywhere she wentshe seemed <strong>to</strong> find Bernadette Summers leaning backagainst a wall, arms folded across her chest andwatching her with hooded eyes.At first Janet had merely assumed it was justcoincidence but as time had worn on she began <strong>to</strong>believe that the Bounder was stalking her. JanetMitchell was not the brightest crayon in the box but i<strong>to</strong>ccurred <strong>to</strong> her that Bernadette might not haveapproved <strong>of</strong> the prefects giving her best chum andbusiness partner bogus whops.Janet knew from experience that the Bounderwas fiercely protective <strong>of</strong> Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n. On severaloccasions Bernadette had intervened when Janet hadbeen trying <strong>to</strong> arrange for Lisa <strong>to</strong> be dragged up <strong>to</strong>the library under a full collar. Janet Mitchell was not abrave gal by nature and had generally deferred <strong>to</strong>Bernadette’s suggestions in these matters.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“She’s fucking stalking me,” Janet wailed <strong>to</strong>Yvonne. “I need full time protection. You’ll need <strong>to</strong>assign Ivan <strong>to</strong> act as my full-time bodyguard.”Yvonne Godfrey rolled her eyes. “Don’t be sucha wuss, Bitchypoo,” she laughed. “You’re a goddamprefect, take her <strong>to</strong> the library and give her athrashing.”Janet stared at Yvonne gloomily. “I’m not sureshe’d go for that right now.”Yvonne just shrugged and walked <strong>of</strong>f.Bernadette Summers doubled over in laughter.She had stepped out <strong>of</strong> the shadows and crept upbehind Janet.“Boo!” she had hissed in the prefect’s ear.Janet Mitchell had leapt several feet in the air.“Scared ya, didn’t I?” grinned the Bounder.“I’ll get you for this,” snarled Janet.“Yeah, rock-on, Bitchypoo,” drawled theBounder and tickled her ribs with mirth.“You’re such a bad gal,” giggled Lisa whenBernadette recounted Janet’s recent close encounterwith a heart attack.“You should have seen her face,” laughed theBounder.“She probably thought you were going <strong>to</strong> popher on the hooter,” grinned Lisa.Hooter popping was playing on Janet’s mind.<strong>The</strong> Bounder was no<strong>to</strong>riously unpredictable and theprefect had no doubt that Bernadette would beprepared <strong>to</strong> risk a public flogging if she felt theinclination <strong>to</strong> bop Janet on the nose. It was all mostdisconcerting.

55Janet was deeply distressed that her cohortson the SS were not taking her concerns seriously and<strong>of</strong>fering her the appropriate protection. She had evenraised the matter with Katie Beck but had received anequally unsympathetic response.“You’re a goddam Elite Gal,” Katie hadgrowled, reiterating Yvonne’s opinion. “Take her up <strong>to</strong>the library and give her a thrashing.”“Grrrrrrrrr!” groaned Mitch the Bitch.Janet was not the only one <strong>of</strong> Yvonne’s croniesnot having a good time <strong>of</strong> it. Juliet Spage was headdown, arse up across Cathryn Cassidy’s knee havingher bot<strong>to</strong>m spanked.<strong>The</strong> bullying former prefect was havingconsiderable difficulty reverting <strong>to</strong> the role <strong>of</strong> grubby.Cathryn monopolized her time having her run errandsall over the compound. Cat never seemed satisfiedand draped her new grubby regularly.Juliet got no sympathy from her former SSbuddies who had taken <strong>to</strong> treating her as a secondclasscitizen. Yvonne Godfrey had even red-cardedher out <strong>of</strong> the assembly hall resulting in a mostdisagreeable interview with Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n.<strong>The</strong> Radical Right was treating her badly,particularly Katie, who had given her severalslipperings for clobber abuse. <strong>The</strong> unit’s matron hadnever forgiven Juliet for trying <strong>to</strong> implicate her in herillicit spanking spree and was determined <strong>to</strong> repay herwith some prime rump roastings.Cat felt no compunction about giving Julietfrequent and extended spankings. As far as she was

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>concerned Spanker was a loathsome individual and a<strong>to</strong>tal muff.“Quit sniveling fool,” snapped Cathryn. “Allyour whining gives me a headache. Now put it up andkeep it up before I really get grumpy.”Juliet Spage shuffled across Cathryn’s studyand pressed her nose against the wall. She raised herarms and clasped her hands on her head. Tears <strong>of</strong>humiliation rolled down her cheeks.

15Highly RecommendedMs Law<strong>to</strong>n dabbed the corners <strong>of</strong> her mouthwith a serviette. She had chosen <strong>to</strong> conduct her firstface <strong>to</strong> face interview with Mr Humphries at a discreteThameside restaurant. <strong>The</strong>y had shared a perfectlycooked chateaubriand washed down with a bottle <strong>of</strong>2000 Chateau Ausone Premier Grand Cru. <strong>The</strong>y hadchatted amiably, avoiding the subject <strong>of</strong> their meetinguntil after dessert.“You have an interesting jacket, Susan,” MrHumphries said finally. “I thought the Law<strong>to</strong>n Solutionwas particularly inspired.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Dame looked surprised. “You haveaccess <strong>to</strong> my military jacket?”Mr Humphries nodded and <strong>to</strong>ok a sip <strong>of</strong> wine.“Yes I do,” he said calmly. “I hope you don’t mind butI thought it prudent <strong>to</strong> do a little research before Imet you.”Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n was genuinely nonplussed.Although she had been seconded <strong>to</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong>Extreme Social Rehabilitation when she <strong>to</strong>ok over at

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit, she remained amember <strong>of</strong> Military Intelligence and held the rank <strong>of</strong>Major. Her record was highly classified.Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n wondered who the man seatedacross the table from her actually was. She had usedher intelligence privileges <strong>to</strong> attempt <strong>to</strong> perform herown background check on the potential candidate <strong>to</strong>act as her successor. She had been as<strong>to</strong>nished <strong>to</strong> findno records whatsoever. No national insurancenumber, no driving license, not even a birthcertificate. She had checked the databases <strong>of</strong> severalfriendly international espionage agencies and hadcome up with nothing. It had been very frustrating.“I also liked your school record,” he continuedamiably. “Quite the little minx weren’t you.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n felt herself blushing. She had notexpected the subject <strong>to</strong> come up. She was aware that<strong>to</strong> the uninformed her disciplinary record at theoriginal <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong> might appear less than stellar.“Although I am surprised that you chose <strong>to</strong>employ Thrasher Hodge, I can’t imagine you areexactly close friends,” Mr Humphries continued.“Actually I didn’t choose <strong>to</strong> employ her,” saidMs Law<strong>to</strong>n quickly. “She was rather foisted on me bythe System. <strong>The</strong> trouble is she’s academically giftedand she had the reputation as the <strong>to</strong>p disciplinarian inthe country. Under the circumstances I could hardlyturn down her application on the basis that shethrashed me a few times at school.”“I can see that might have been tricky,”grinned Mr Humphries.“She was an awful bitch at school and shehasn’t changed one iota,” said Susan. “Unfortunatelyat the facility she’s a necessary evil, although I have

59<strong>to</strong> admit there are many occasions I’d like <strong>to</strong> take mycane <strong>to</strong> her backside.”“Why don’t you?” asked Mr Humphries.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n chuckled at the thought, thenglancing over at the man across the table it occurred<strong>to</strong> her that he was being entirely serious.“Who is he?” Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n asked the Minister <strong>of</strong>Extreme Social Rehabilitation.<strong>The</strong> Minister raised an eyebrow. “I have noidea. I thought he was one <strong>of</strong> yours. Some kind <strong>of</strong> aspook.”“He’s spooky alright,” said Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n, “but notthe way you meant it. We don’t have any record <strong>of</strong>him and nor, as far as I can tell, does anybody else.”<strong>The</strong> Minister poured the Grand Dame a glass <strong>of</strong>port. “Well he comes highly recommended.”“By whom?” asked the Grand Dame.<strong>The</strong> Minister looked thoughtful. “Well, that’s aninteresting question. I’m not sure exactly. His namekept coming up and everybody always says that hecomes highly recommended. I never thought <strong>to</strong> askby whom precisely.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n sipped her drink. “I <strong>to</strong>ld you he’sspooky,” she said.“But is he the right man for the job?” askedthe Minister.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n looked the Minister straight in theeye. “I hear he comes highly recommended,” sheresponded.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n leaned back in the cushioned seat<strong>of</strong> the chauffeur driven Bentley that the Minister had

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>kindly requisitioned <strong>to</strong> return her <strong>to</strong> the facility. Forthe first time in months she felt at ease.She felt confident that this man Humphrieswould be more than a match for Patty and hercronies.She began <strong>to</strong> nod <strong>of</strong>f and fell asleep with thedelightful thought <strong>of</strong> taking the cane <strong>to</strong> PatriciaHodge’s backside.

16Hand GabbingNixdown Nixon was not feeling the least bit atease. She was standing at the front <strong>of</strong> the assemblyhall seething with anger. It had taken all her resolvenot <strong>to</strong> stride up <strong>to</strong> Janet Mitchell and hack her on theshins when Bitchypoo had shown her the red card.<strong>The</strong> red card was not entirely bogus but it wasmarginal at best. Nixdown had merely nudged herchum Rosemary Booker and indicated <strong>to</strong> her that hertie was in an abusive condition. Janet had called heron gabbing charges which <strong>to</strong> Nicola Jane Nixon’s mindwas not very sporting unless sign language hadsuddenly been outlawed.“This is fucking bogus,” Nixdown muttered asshe passed Penny Ann Evans.“Do you want <strong>to</strong> appeal?” asked the Red-shirt.“Yeah rock on Pen, a lot <strong>of</strong> good that woulddo,” Nix growled and went over <strong>to</strong> stand beside thepiano.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>As usual when they arrived in the hall PattyHodge and the Wart <strong>to</strong>ok time out <strong>to</strong> participate insome spiteful banter.“You’re such a degenerate Nixon,” said Patty.“I hope she takes the skin <strong>of</strong>f your arse.”Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n cackled. Nixdown curled her lipcontemptuously.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n swept in<strong>to</strong> the hall. Immediatelyshe caught sight <strong>of</strong> Nixdown her face hardened. Shewas barreling down on Nix with a face like thunderwhen Penelope Ann stepped forward.“Excuse me Ma’am,” said the Red-shirt politely,“but mightn’t I have a word?”Nixdown glared at Katie Beck. Katie waslooking Nix up and down, hoping for an excuse <strong>to</strong>subject her <strong>to</strong> a clobber inspection. It was a fruitlesstask. Nicola Jane Nixon was a no<strong>to</strong>rious clothes horse.Despite her contempt and disdain for the system thathad incarcerated her at <strong>Woody</strong>s for a seven yearsentence without the possibility <strong>of</strong> parole she <strong>to</strong>ok theclobber end <strong>of</strong> the whops and clobber culture veryseriously.Nixdown had availed upon her plu<strong>to</strong>craticchaps <strong>to</strong> engage a full-time Clobber Consultant <strong>to</strong>seek out new fabrics for her blazers, blouses and ties.Even the red house sash she wore knotted aroundher waist had been imported from a boutique fac<strong>to</strong>ryin the Indian <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>of</strong> Kanchipuran. <strong>The</strong> fac<strong>to</strong>ry onlyused wild-crafted silks and made Nixdown’s sashesfrom hand-spun Tussal yarns.

63“Go and bend over the desk in the ante-room,”growled Katie bitterly when she came up empty. “I’llbe in <strong>to</strong> inspect you shortly.”Nixdown s<strong>to</strong>od facing the wall on the landingoutside the Grand Dame’s study. She was surprised <strong>to</strong>hear several sets <strong>of</strong> feet approaching in the corridorbelow. Click, click, click, clack, clack, clack. <strong>The</strong>unmistakable sound <strong>of</strong> Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s heels in thestairwell, followed by the more subdued sound <strong>of</strong> flatsoled shoes coming in her wake. Nixdown resisted thetemptation <strong>to</strong> turn her face away from the wall andsteadfastly maintained her pose <strong>of</strong> nose and <strong>to</strong>es asthe en<strong>to</strong>urage approached.“Wait there Nixon,” said Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nauthoritivley, “You <strong>to</strong>o Mitchell, I’ll speak <strong>to</strong> you firstEvans.”Nixdown heard the door <strong>of</strong> the Grand Dame’sstudy close and could sense Janet Mitchell steppingup behind her.Mitch the Bitch <strong>to</strong>ok a bunch <strong>of</strong> Nixdown’s hairin her hand and twisted viciously.“You try <strong>to</strong> make trouble for me Nixon andwe’ll be all over your bumbags like a rash,” shesnarled.Nicola Jane kicked back, the heel <strong>of</strong> her rightheel hitting Janet in the center <strong>of</strong> her shin bone.Janet released her grip on Nix’s hair andjumped back squealing. “You fucking bitch,” sheyelped.Nixdown continued <strong>to</strong> stare at the wall. Katiestared down at her desk<strong>to</strong>p and shuffled somepaperwork.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Behind them the door opened. “<strong>The</strong> GrandDame would like <strong>to</strong> speak with you now, Nixon,” saidPenny Ann. <strong>The</strong> Red-shirt squinted. “Are you okayJanet?” she asked. “Something wrong with your leg?”Janet Mitchell just groaned and continued <strong>to</strong> rub hershin feverishly.Nixdown shrugged and stepped through theopen doorway.“I am going <strong>to</strong> ask you <strong>to</strong> be truthful, Nixon,”said the Grand Dame. “Penelope Ann Evans has madethe unusual step <strong>of</strong> speaking up on your behalf. Shetells me that there may have been amisunderstanding over whether you were actuallygabbing. Was there a misunderstanding Miss Nixon?”Nixdown opened her mouth <strong>to</strong> respond, but MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n held up her hand.“Please be truthful with me Miss Nixon,” shesaid. “Untruthfulness is a most an undesirable traitdon’t you think? And please be assured that if I findyou <strong>to</strong> be untruthful I shall have no qualms abouttaking you back <strong>to</strong> the hall and giving you a mostdisagreeable public flogging. Now Miss Nixon, answerthe question. Were you actually gabbing or was theresome misunderstanding?”“Well if we’re being completely accurateMa’am,” said Nix. “Not actually gabbing but I didhand-gab.”

17Nixdown and Penelope Ann“She pulled the strokes,” Nixdown smiled. Shewas slowly backing Penny Ann Evans up against thewall <strong>of</strong> the stable, her fingers gently caressing theRed-shirt’s cheeks.“Nix?” Penny said uncertainly.Nicola Jane put her fingers <strong>to</strong> her lips andhushed Penny Ann. She reached out and began <strong>to</strong>unfasten the but<strong>to</strong>ns down the front <strong>of</strong> Pen’s tailoredhacking jacket. “Just relax and let me show you myappreciation,” breathed Nix.Penny Ann’s head was spinning. She hadknown Nicola Jane Nixon for over a decade. <strong>The</strong>y hadridden on the same circuit, coming <strong>to</strong>gether with Jojoand Claire Brooks <strong>to</strong> formulate the heart <strong>of</strong> thenation’s riding squad and tipped for honors at theforthcoming Olympics. All that had come <strong>to</strong> nothingas the System had cynically picked them <strong>of</strong>f, one byone, and had them incarcerated at the Big House.Penelope Ann had always admired Nicola Jane.<strong>The</strong>y were a study <strong>of</strong> contrasts. Nix wild and

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>no<strong>to</strong>riously promiscuous, Penny Ann thequintessential English rose, shy and reserved.Penny Ann knew <strong>of</strong> Nixdown’s reputation forbedding down members <strong>of</strong> the Elite. She was awarethat Nicola Jane occasionally indulged in a ménage àtrois with the Amazonian Rastafarian Butcher Twinsand that she also had occasional trysts with MelanieWhite and her gargantuan gazonkas. Penelope Ann<strong>of</strong>ten day-dreamed about her equestrian team-matebut was far <strong>to</strong>o shy <strong>to</strong> make her feelings known.When she found herself alone with Nixdown shealways managed <strong>to</strong> keep the subject matter onupcoming events and the well-being <strong>of</strong> their belovedhorses.Nixdown unknotted Penny Ann’s tie and began<strong>to</strong> unbut<strong>to</strong>n the front <strong>of</strong> her blouse. Being almost sixinches shorter than the Red-shirt Nixdown had <strong>to</strong> tip<strong>to</strong>eup <strong>to</strong> gently run the tip <strong>of</strong> her <strong>to</strong>ngue along theline <strong>of</strong> Pen’s lips. Penelope Ann Evans felt like she haddied and gone <strong>to</strong> heaven.“I need you <strong>to</strong> thrash me,” breathed Nixdown.“Put me over your knee and whip me with your ridingcrop.”Penny Ann’s eyes danced with confusion. “Idon’t understand,” she gasped.“Don’t ask questions, just straighten yourselfup and do as I ask,” whispered Nix. “We can talklater.”In many ways Nicola Jane Nixon was an oddfish. Out <strong>of</strong> the Famous Four she had had the mostdifficulty adjusting <strong>to</strong> the austere regime <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Back</strong>

67<strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> facility. She was belligerent and defiant bynature and hated the concept that she could bebeaten by the Brass and the Elite.Her school career had been tempestuous. Herwillfulness had earned her numerous canings and shehad been expelled from two academies for retaliatingby hacking the Headmistresses in the shins.At the last school she attended the zealousHeadmistress had hoped <strong>to</strong> curb Nix’s belligerence bycaning her in front <strong>of</strong> the assembled school. NicolaJane had responded by fire-bombing her car andended her academic career in reform school.She had followed her auteur father in<strong>to</strong> theworld <strong>of</strong> video and film, carving out a reputation formaking risqué music videos.Nicola Jane became involved in a lusty affairwith a cameraman. One night she was late for dinnerand kept him waiting for an hour. When theyreturned <strong>to</strong> his apartment he had turned her over hisknee and given her a blistering spanking. Predictablywhen she was released she had slapped his face andhacked him on the shins with her pointed boots. Shehad s<strong>to</strong>rmed out <strong>of</strong> the apartment.Later at home, alone in bed she had foundherself curiously aroused. Eventually she had slid outfrom under the sheets and returned <strong>to</strong> thecameraman’s apartment and demanded that heRodger her eyes out.Nicola Jane’s videos had an increasingly BDSMtheme <strong>to</strong> them and she <strong>of</strong>ten featured herself beingspanked and caned.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Nonetheless when she was finally sentenced <strong>to</strong>the Big House she found nothing titillating about theregime. She had the misfortune <strong>to</strong> be allocated <strong>to</strong> actas Katie Beck’s personal grubby and spent most <strong>of</strong>the year head down, arse up across the vicious Redshirt’slap. It was a war <strong>of</strong> attrition; Katie spanked herand Nix hacked the Red-shirt’s shins. Katie spankedher some more and would <strong>of</strong>ten illegally yank downher knickers earning her the nickname <strong>of</strong> NixdownNixon.Nixdown hated being formally punished butshe still had a penchant for pain. She sought outmembers <strong>of</strong> the Elite who had the benefit <strong>of</strong> privatestudy’s and access <strong>to</strong> canes. She b<strong>of</strong>fed them royallyin return for getting their kicks on Nix Sixty-six.Nixdown planted a kiss on Penny Ann’s lips.“See that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked with atwinkle in her eye.Penelope Ann smoothed down her jacket andstraightened her tie. “I must be fucking barking,” shesighed.“Oh hush,” laughed Nicola Jane. “As long asyou’re Nixdown kinda barking you can’t go wrong.”

18MelonsDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was bent over the end <strong>of</strong> herbed, a pillow under her tummy and her thin pajamasstretched tight across her but<strong>to</strong>cks. Her s<strong>to</strong>mach wasfilled with butterflies and a thin bead <strong>of</strong> perspirationhad formed on her brow.Across the room Melanie White slashed herashplant through the air, slicing it across the crown <strong>of</strong>Rosemary Booker’s voluptuous rear end.Melanie climbed the back stairs that led <strong>to</strong> thePhase Five landing and opened the door. To hersurprise she found Patty Hodge standing outside thedoor <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the study’s.“Where have you been?” Patty snapped.“I’ve been patrolling the landings,” saidMelanie impatiently, “where do you think I’ve been?”Patty glared at Melanie but elected <strong>to</strong> let theDorm Raider’s insolent <strong>to</strong>ne pass.“Well hurry up,” said Patty. “I caught Bookerand Mor<strong>to</strong>n gabbing after lockdown. <strong>The</strong>y’re alreadybending over.”

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Melanie White <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>of</strong>f her blazer and hung i<strong>to</strong>n the back <strong>of</strong> the study door. She unfastened hercuffs and rolled back her sleeves and then loosenedher collar and tie. She retrieved her ashplant andwalked across the room <strong>to</strong> where Rosemary wasstretched out across her bed.Melanie set herself up and tapped the ashplantdown once, twice and then thrice before swiping itthrough the air with considerable force.With Patty watching her closely Melanie Whitehad no choice but <strong>to</strong> lay it on thick.Melanie White was a popular member <strong>of</strong> theElite. She held the joint rank <strong>of</strong> Deputy Red-shirt andDorm Raider. She was highly respected for the evenhandedmanner with which she conducted herself andfor her opposition <strong>to</strong> Yvonne and her cronies.Melanie White had grown up in the same <strong>to</strong>wnas Cathryn Cassidy and they had schooled <strong>to</strong>gether.As teenagers they had made headlines as hard coreLadettes. Nightclubs all over the country ignored theunder-age laws and invited them <strong>to</strong> host lucrativeLadette parties.Although she only s<strong>to</strong>od five feet on tip-<strong>to</strong>esand had a slender waist and pert behind MelanieWhite possessed the most remarkable pair <strong>of</strong>mammary glands. Her gargantuan gazonkas earnedher the nickname <strong>of</strong> Melons in the national press.At school at Darting<strong>to</strong>n Manor they wereconsidered wild and rebellious which meant that theyhad many confrontations with the Mistress in Charge<strong>of</strong> Discipline. A role performed by none other thanMiss Patricia Hodge. <strong>The</strong>y were thrashed frequently.

71Upon leaving school they continued <strong>to</strong> tear upthe <strong>to</strong>wn. Cat had decided <strong>to</strong> spend a gap yearworking as an intern in her father’s recording studio.Melons was accepted at Camford <strong>to</strong> study medicine.She was determined <strong>to</strong> follow in her father’s footstepsas an internationally renowned heart surgeon.Anti-Ladette propaganda was at its zenith. <strong>The</strong>government was desperate <strong>to</strong> distract attention fromits economic follies and saw Cat and Melons as idealtargets.After Cat was arrested and sentenced <strong>to</strong> sevenyears at the Big House Melanie and Cathryn’s familyembarked on an extensive ‘Free Cat’ campaign.Melanie’s close friends counseled her <strong>to</strong> be cautiousas the Dark Agents <strong>of</strong> the System were lurkingfurtively in the shadows.For several months Melons sensibly remainedon the university campus which was <strong>of</strong>f-limits <strong>to</strong> theDark Agents. However, in an unguarded moment sheagreed <strong>to</strong> act as a hostess <strong>to</strong> a ‘Free Cat’ rave. Apho<strong>to</strong>graph <strong>of</strong> her dancing on a table and showing <strong>of</strong>fher crown jewels appeared on the front-pages <strong>of</strong>numerous rags. She was immediately arrested andcharged with Extreme Ladetting. She would start hersentence the same day as her dear chum Cat.Undaunted by the harshness <strong>of</strong> their sentencesCat and Melons joined up with another celebrityLadette, April Turner, who had already served herfirst year. <strong>The</strong>y were old friends and <strong>to</strong>gether theywould form the vanguard <strong>of</strong> mega-minxdom.Melanie swiped the fifth stroke down and thenadjusted her stance. She <strong>to</strong>ok her time, allowingRosemary <strong>to</strong> settle down and then swiped the

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>ashplant diagonally across the previous stripesproducing a perfect five bar gate. Even the generallyinsouciant Rosemary wriggled and squirmed as theeffects <strong>of</strong> the final stroke reverberated through hercentral nervous system.

19Not a Good Time for SixDeborah listened <strong>to</strong> Melanie’s rubber-soledshoes approaching. She clenched her fists and grittedher teeth. Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was acutely aware thatthis was not a good time <strong>to</strong> be getting ready for six.It was less than eight hours since Reed theWeed had shown Debs a red-card and evicted herfrom a maths tu<strong>to</strong>rial. <strong>The</strong>re was no question that thecard was <strong>to</strong>tally justifiable but that was littleconsolation <strong>to</strong> Debs as she trudged through thelabyrinth <strong>of</strong> corridors that led <strong>to</strong> the Grand Dame’sstudy.Deborah’s relationship with Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n was atan all-time low. Months earlier the Grand Dame hadinformed Debs that whenever she was sent <strong>to</strong> herstudy she would receive twelve strokes <strong>of</strong> the caneuntil her behavior showed a marked improvement.Apparently the required improvement had yet <strong>to</strong>transpire.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Prior <strong>to</strong> being thrashed, Deborah was forced <strong>to</strong>endure a scathing scolding which had beendisagreeable in the extreme. By the time sheshrugged <strong>of</strong>f her blazer and bent over the back <strong>of</strong> thestraight-backed chair Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was feelingthoroughly trashed.Deborah felt the ashplant tapping down asMelanie <strong>to</strong>ok her measure. She squeezed her eyesclosed tightly.During her years at the facility Deborah hadbeen caned by innumerable members <strong>of</strong> the Elite.<strong>The</strong>y had demonstrated a wide range <strong>of</strong>competencies with the short whippy ashplants thatthey carried but none <strong>of</strong> them had ever shown such aconsummate artistry as Melanie White.Deborah had already had two previousexperiences <strong>of</strong> bending over her bed <strong>to</strong> be beaten byMelanie and they had both been particularly hot andsweaty. On neither <strong>of</strong> those occasions was shewearing a dozen stripes under her jimjams. DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n rather fancied she was about <strong>to</strong> discover anew definition <strong>of</strong> hot and sweaty.Melanie White had a good solid stance. Herfeet were solidly planted and her shoulders square.She only raised the ashplant fifteen inches above hertarget but she knew that was more than adequate.She swept the cane downwards, snapping her wrist atthe last moment. <strong>The</strong> whippy stick landed with aformidable thwack.

75Deborah’s face con<strong>to</strong>rted in<strong>to</strong> a silent howl, herfists pummeled the duvet and her ankles twitched asthe pain imploded through her already tender rump.<strong>The</strong> pain was excruciating and she knew that she hadfive more swipes <strong>to</strong> come.Patty watched with a deep sense <strong>of</strong>satisfaction. Deborah’s involuntary spastic reactionwas extremely gratifying. Although she would havepreferred <strong>to</strong> be personally delivering the whops,witnessing them was the next best thing. She wasextremely impressed with Melanie’s technique. Pattygrinned <strong>to</strong> herself as Melons sliced the cane down fora second time.It was not the first time in Deborah’s life thatshe had found herself subjected <strong>to</strong> extended benders;nonetheless this unscheduled late night thrashing wascausing her considerable consternation.“It’s only whops,” she repeated over and overin her head. “It’s only goddam whops!”Melanie <strong>to</strong>ok Deborah’s punishment recordbook and opened it. She turned <strong>to</strong> the latest page.“Aw man,” she gasped. “I didn’t know. Jeez,that must have been hot. I’m so, so sorry.”Debs grimaced. “What were you gonna do?Pull the strokes with Patty standing right behind you?It wasn’t your fault.”As usual Dorm Beatings were processed thefollowing morning just before brekker. Debs andRosemary had cut along <strong>to</strong> Melanie’s study <strong>to</strong> havetheir records updated.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Melanie hugged Debs. “I know but I still feelterrible.”Debs hugged Melons back. “I’ll live,” she saidtightly, “But I gotta tell ya sister I did not get a lot <strong>of</strong>sleep last night. You are one big whopper!”Melons grinned. “Well there are only a couple<strong>of</strong> weeks left before furlough. Try and keep your noseclean and look forward <strong>to</strong> enjoying a cool-arsesummer.”“Hallelujah <strong>to</strong> that, sister,” groaned Deborahwhole-heartedly.

20A Painful JourneyDeborah placed her duffel bag and tennisracquets in the trunk <strong>of</strong> her mother’s car. Debs hadbeen granted a weekend pass <strong>to</strong> play in a prestigiousamateur tennis <strong>to</strong>urnament in the north <strong>of</strong> thecountry. Unusually Ms Lummell, who acted as hercoach, was unavailable <strong>to</strong> accompany her. To complywith the supervisory rules <strong>of</strong> her sentence Ma Mor<strong>to</strong>nhad volunteered <strong>to</strong> stand in.Ma Mor<strong>to</strong>n was chatting with Jane Lummellgetting some last minute instructions. Debs wasgetting antsy. She wanted <strong>to</strong> put some distancebetween her bumbags and the canes at the facility fora couple <strong>of</strong> much needed cool-arse days.“I’m sorry, Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” said Jennifer Gardiner in alow voice, “but I have <strong>to</strong> give you this.”Debs gaped at the grubby as she shoved a redenvelope in<strong>to</strong> her hand.“Evans is waiting for you in the library,” saidJen and hurried <strong>of</strong>f.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Deborah’s mind was racing. Glancing aroundthe parking lot she saw Yvonne and Janet. <strong>The</strong>y werewatching her with fish-eating smirks on their faces.“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” muttered Debs. She hurriedover <strong>to</strong> her mother.“I’ll be right back,” she said as cheerfully asshe could muster. “I left something upstairs.”Her mother just shrugged and carried onchatting.Deborah hurried through the corridors, takingthe stairs two at a time. She speed-walked down thelanding leading <strong>to</strong> the library and burst through thedoor.Penelope Ann Evans was waiting for her. “LookDebs, I don’t like this any more than you do,” theRed-shirt started <strong>to</strong> say. “If you want <strong>to</strong> appeal I’llsupport you.”Debs shrugged <strong>of</strong>f her blazer as she hurrieddown the library. “<strong>The</strong>re’s no time for that Evans,”she said, <strong>to</strong>ssing her jacket <strong>to</strong> one side. “We need <strong>to</strong>get this over as quickly as possible.” She grabbed thespanking s<strong>to</strong>ol and placed it in front <strong>of</strong> the fireplace.“Hurry up Evans, we haven’t got all day.”Deborah was seething. She knew that Yvonneand Janet had stitched her up like a kipper. Somehowthey must have learned that Ma was picking her up sothey had left issuing the fateful fifth black mark untilthe last minute. <strong>The</strong>y had probably guessed that Debswouldn’t wish <strong>to</strong> enter in<strong>to</strong> the protracted appealprocess with her mother waiting outside in the carpark.

79<strong>The</strong>y had banked on the fact that she would beforced <strong>to</strong> allow herself <strong>to</strong> be subjected <strong>to</strong> a <strong>to</strong>tallybogus dangling. It made her blood boil.Under normal circumstances danglings weredrawn out affairs. However Penny Ann gathered fromDeborah’s desperate sense <strong>of</strong> urgency that thecircumstances were not normal. She flipped backDeborah’s skirt and quickly rolled down her bumbags.She raised the ceremonial hairbrush in the air andslammed it down.Deborah writhed and kicked her legs. Shepummeled the air with her fists and shook her headfrom side <strong>to</strong> side. <strong>The</strong> blistering salvo was absolutelyexcruciating. Penny Ann was working quickly and thewhole affair <strong>to</strong>ok barely thirty seconds.Deborah slid <strong>of</strong>f Penny Ann’s lap, grabbingunder her skirt <strong>to</strong> straighten her bumbags. She feltquite giddy and her backside was roaring like afurnace. She limped over <strong>to</strong> where her discardedblazer had landed and reached for her PunishmentRecord Book.Penny Ann wrote as quickly as possible. Debswas replacing her blazer and rubbing her eyes on thesleeve.“Are you okay?” asked Penny Ann.Deborah pursed her lips and nodded. Shegrabbed the book out <strong>of</strong> the Red-shirts hand andhurried out <strong>of</strong> the library.“I’m sorry about that, Ma,” panted Debs.“Are you alright, Deborah?” asked her mother.“You look a little flushed.”

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“I’m fine, Ma,” Debs lied. “We should getgoing; I don’t want <strong>to</strong> be late for registration for the<strong>to</strong>urnament.”Ma Mor<strong>to</strong>n said her goodbyes <strong>to</strong> Ms Lummelland opened the door <strong>to</strong> the driver’s seat. “Are yougoing <strong>to</strong> drive?” she asked Debs.“No, Ma. You drive,” mumbled Deborah. “Ifyou don’t mind I’d like <strong>to</strong> sit in the back and take anap. You’re right I’m not feeling <strong>to</strong>o good, I’ve got asplitting headache.”Her mother nodded sympathetically.Deborah slid painfully in<strong>to</strong> the back seat.Across the car park she caught Yvonne and Janet’seyes. <strong>The</strong>y waved at her gleefully. Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>nshot them the bird and settled in for a long painfuljourney.

21<strong>The</strong> Dirty DozenAs year drew <strong>to</strong> an end and the summerfurlough approached the Dirty Dozen were beingwhopped at record breaking rates.When Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had first announced theimplementation <strong>of</strong> Operation Scorched Arse she hadprovided the Brass and Elite with a list <strong>of</strong> twelveinmates that she predicted would be the mostdisruptive. She branded them the Dirty Dozen. Herprediction had proved <strong>to</strong> be unerringly accurate. <strong>The</strong>twelve inmates she had selected resided in the <strong>to</strong>ppositions on the Annual Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame.Every one <strong>of</strong> them had been caned over thirtytimes and four <strong>of</strong> them had passed the forty mark.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n and Cassandra Cassidy were at forty oneand forty two respectively. Debs was ranked atnumber two with forty-five lickings under herbumbags and Jojo led the pack with forty-nine andseemed destined <strong>to</strong> score her second consecutive Bullbefore the year was out.Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n and Claire Brooks hadestablished records for inmates being punished during

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>the sixth year <strong>of</strong> their sentence. Cathryn Cassidy hadbecome the most caned prefect in his<strong>to</strong>ry, followedclosely by her partner in crime Melanie White.It was a joyous time <strong>to</strong> be a member <strong>of</strong> theRadical Right or a Serial Spanker. Despite MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n’s efforts <strong>to</strong> restrain them the misbehavior <strong>of</strong>the mega-minxes gave them abundant opportunities<strong>to</strong> rattle rattan across tautened gossamer.Patty, Katie and the Wart spent their eveningspropping up the bar at the Bunch <strong>of</strong> Grapes andregaling each other with their recent successes.Yvonne, Janet, Ivan and Jayne Underlycontinued <strong>to</strong> manipulate the system <strong>to</strong> score copioussupplies <strong>of</strong> whops.<strong>The</strong> lecture rooms and corridors echoed withthe sound <strong>of</strong> canes, straps and slippers reboundingfrom upturned derrieres.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n looked gloomily at thestandings on the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame. She was highlycompetitive by nature and it as<strong>to</strong>nished her that shefound herself once again playing second fiddle <strong>to</strong> JojoHeyworth.In her unfortunate position as Public EnemyNumber One and Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s personal bête noire ithad been a busy year inside Deborah’s bumbags byany standards. However, with only ten days left <strong>of</strong> theyear she was four lickings behind her good chum andhad little chance <strong>of</strong> catching up.When she had first embraced the lifestyle <strong>of</strong>mega-minxdom Debs had naturally presumed thatshe would eventually assume the mantle <strong>of</strong> Big BUTT.It was not a particularly outlandish assumption.

83During the five years she had spent at the ultra-strictQueensgate Academy she had received the cane onmore occasions than any other school pupil inrecorded his<strong>to</strong>ry. <strong>The</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education recordsdate back <strong>to</strong> the early eighteen fifties.During her first year at the facility she hadbeen spanked liberally and had even received thecane from the Grand Dame. Nonetheless, Jojo hadtrumped her on both counts, receiving several morespankings and being caned twice.Over the next few years Debs and Jojo hadwhopped it out on the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shame but somehowJojo always managed <strong>to</strong> stay ahead. During thesecond, third, and fourth years <strong>of</strong> her sentenceJoanna Heyworth had earned the title <strong>of</strong> Annual BigBUTT. During their fourth year at the facility Deborahhad watched jealously as Jojo became the first inmatein the facility’s his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> score a Bull, accumulatingfifty whoppings in a single year.Staring at the current standings DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n figured she was destined <strong>to</strong> always be thebridesmaid but never the bride.Jojo stared at the ranking on the Hall <strong>of</strong> Shamewith considerable satisfaction. It was inconceivablethat with ten days still remaining before the unitbroke for summer furlough that she wouldn’t score asecond consecutive Bull. Throughout the year she hadexecuted a perfect campaign <strong>of</strong> Extreme Minxing.Without attracting the type <strong>of</strong> animosity that Deborahfrequently inspired, Jojo’s sustained program <strong>of</strong>larking, pranking, go<strong>of</strong>ing and gabbing had paiddividends. Jojo was rightfully proud <strong>of</strong> her record.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Cassie Cassy was also justifiably proud <strong>of</strong> herrecord. She had never made any secret <strong>of</strong> the factthat she aspired <strong>to</strong> eventually rise <strong>to</strong> the position <strong>of</strong>All-Time Big BUTT. Finding herself in third positionbehind such legendary über-minxes as Jojo and Debswas deeply satisfying. With four years still left <strong>to</strong>serve <strong>of</strong> her sentence Cassandra Cassidy had her eyefirmly fixed on the title.

22A Wriggler and a GigglerCassie Cassy shrugged <strong>of</strong>f her red and blackstriped blazer and hung it over the back <strong>of</strong> the chair.She looked over at the English Dame with a slightlydemented expression on her face.“Bend over the desk,” instructed Ms Powell.“Yes Ma’am,” said Cassie and then she began<strong>to</strong> giggle.Stephanie Powell shook her head inbewilderment. Like the other Dames at the facility shehad become accus<strong>to</strong>med <strong>to</strong> Cassie’s unusual reaction<strong>to</strong> being informed that she was about <strong>to</strong> be beaten.Cassie claimed that it was a nervous affliction, but itwas the general consensus that it was merely anotherindication that she was certifiably barking.Cassie Cassy was the antithesis <strong>of</strong> her ultracoolsister, Cathryn. Whereas Cat always seemedcalm and collected Cassie was exuberant,effervescent and scatter-brained.Cassie was an extraordinary looking creature.She had inherited her super-model mother’s looks,sparkling blue eyes, a mane <strong>of</strong> blonde hair, and the

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>smile <strong>of</strong> an angel. Nonetheless she was an angel withan extremely dirty face. As best as anybody could tellall that Cassie ever <strong>to</strong>ok seriously was cooking andminxing.Cassie slid her upper <strong>to</strong>rso across the desk-lid.She stretched out her arms and reached over <strong>to</strong> gripthe legs on the far side. When Ms Powell foldedCassie’s skirt back her victim emitted another giggle.Stephanie Powell flexed the thirty-inch longnumber one cane between her hands and focused herattention on her navy blue clad target. <strong>The</strong> EnglishDame was fond <strong>of</strong> Cassandra and bore her no harm.However, she was duty bound <strong>to</strong> give Cassie a good,tight licking so she raised her arm in the air andbrought it down swiping.Cassie was a wriggler. She was a die-hardbeliever in the minx mantra that only muffs howl, butnonetheless she liked <strong>to</strong> allow herself a wriggle andsquirm between strokes.“It helps me set up and focus for the nex<strong>to</strong>ne,” she was fond <strong>of</strong> telling anybody who was willing<strong>to</strong> listen.Stephanie Powell <strong>to</strong>ok her time and allowedCassie <strong>to</strong> wriggle her butt a bit and then settle downbefore setting up for the next stroke. Caning Cassiewas a stress free project. Ms Powell knew that aftersome momentary wiggling and jiggling CassandraCassidy was guaranteed <strong>to</strong> put it up and keep it up.

87Cassie pushed her but<strong>to</strong>cks up, <strong>of</strong>fering theDame the optimum target. On the rare occasions thatshe had given it any thought Cassie Cassy hadconcluded that she didn’t much care for being canedbut was resigned <strong>to</strong> it being a bi-product <strong>of</strong> herchosen lifestyle. She had also concluded that puttingit up fair and square gave her disciplinarian thegreatest chance <strong>of</strong> hitting the sweet spot and limitedthe potential for painful low-riders or wraparounds.Everything was a trade-<strong>of</strong>f Cassie Cassy <strong>to</strong>ld herself.Ms Powell warmed <strong>to</strong> her work, slicing anddicing Cassie Cassy’s bumbags with consummateprecision.She landed six clean stripes in tight formation.She watched Cassie wriggle and squirm as the laststroke ripped home. A job well done, Stephaniethought <strong>to</strong> herself.Cassie Cassy unfolded herself from the deskand retrieved her blazer from the back <strong>of</strong> her chair.She shrugged it on, flicked her hair back and fastenedthe <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n. She followed Ms Powell <strong>to</strong> the front <strong>of</strong>the lecture room.Cassie reached in<strong>to</strong> the breast pocket <strong>of</strong> herblazer and pulled out her well-worn personalpunishment record book and handed it <strong>to</strong> the Dame.When Ms Powell began <strong>to</strong> annotate the PRB withCassie’s latest misadventure with the cane Cassandrabegan <strong>to</strong> giggle.“You’re certifiably barking, you know, don’tyou?” laughed Jojo.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Cassie was lying across the lap <strong>of</strong> her men<strong>to</strong>rand idol having her weals soothed with mysticalbalms.Cassie just wriggled and giggled.

23Miss Claire BrooksClaire Brooks wasn’t giggling. Mdme Diderothad taken a hold <strong>of</strong> the knot <strong>of</strong> her tie and yankedher out <strong>of</strong> her seat. <strong>The</strong> French Dame had pulledClaire forward until their faces were only inches apart.Apart from having <strong>to</strong> gasp for breath Claire wasconfronted with the full force <strong>of</strong> Mdme’s Gauloisseand absinthe hali<strong>to</strong>sis and the pungent cloud createdby her over-powering bordello scent.“It was just a joke Mademoiselle,” Clairespluttered helplessly.“A joke? Just a joke?” roared the French Dame.“I shall show you a joke Mademoiselle Brooks,” andthrust Claire downwards across her desk. “Ha veryha!” she gloated as she yanked Claire’s skirt back.“Ha!” she seethed as she slashed the canedownwards. “Ha and Ha and Ha and Ha!” <strong>The</strong> FrenchDame was caning fast, the five strokes landing in aflurry. Claire hardly had time <strong>to</strong> catch her breathbetween the swipes. Mdme Diderot finally steppedback, flexing her cane and preparing <strong>to</strong> bring thethrashing <strong>to</strong> its conclusion.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>Claire’s chums watched with sympatheticdetachment. <strong>The</strong> sight <strong>of</strong> Claire being yanked out <strong>of</strong>her seat by irate dames was not uncommon.On first impressions Claire Brooks seemed anunlikely candidate for mega-minx stardom. She wasquietly spoken and seemed <strong>to</strong> have impeccablemanners. She gave the impression <strong>of</strong> being veryreserved. People also noticed how remarkably neatshe always looked. Her blouses seemed whiter thanwhite and never appeared crumpled even <strong>to</strong>wards theend <strong>of</strong> the day. Her tie was always perfectly knottedand her shoes shone brightly. Claire Brooks was quitethe dandy and held a unique <strong>Woody</strong> record as theonly inmate never <strong>to</strong> have been slippered by Katie forclobber abuse.Nonetheless, still waters run deep and herchums knew another side <strong>of</strong> her. Claire Brooks was anatural comedienne and possessed a lightening wit.Unfortunately for Claire she had a habit <strong>of</strong> waggingher chin before engaging her brain. Her chums foundher humorous interjections in<strong>to</strong> dry lectureproceedings hilarious, unfortunately the Dames didnot always appreciate Claire’s penchant for pith.It was not just the Dames at <strong>Woody</strong>s who hadtaken exception <strong>to</strong> Claire’s jocularity. At boardingschool she had quickly established a reputation as theclassroom comic and spent many hours in thedetention room writing boring lines and impositions.Finally she was summonsed before the HeadPrefect who was concerned about the frequency withwhich Claire appeared in the detention room.“I think we’d better try a swishing don’t you?”she had asked rather dryly.

91Claire Brooks did not find the proposition in theleast bit unreasonable. For several years her pithyrejoinders had resulted in blistering attacks on herrear end with Ma Brooks’ infamous hairbrush. Shecalmly bent over the arm <strong>of</strong> the House Captain’s s<strong>of</strong>a.For the next five years a wide variety <strong>of</strong>prefects, Headgirls and members <strong>of</strong> the teaching staffwould try out the cane on Claire’s arse in vainattempts <strong>to</strong> teach her <strong>to</strong> curb her mo<strong>to</strong>r-mouth.As she grew older her vocabulary becamemore colorful and her ripostes more ribald. At sixteenyears old and over fifty canings in<strong>to</strong> her career shewas eventually expelled after she was discovered in acompromising position with a healthy stable-boy.Mdme Diderot was a queer fish. She was onceyoung, beautiful and married. However her taste forabsinthe had dissipated her good looks and herhusband had abandoned her. She had taken tu<strong>to</strong>ringassignments across the Channel and had beensurprised <strong>to</strong> find the cane still in use. Corporalpunishment had been abolished in the French schoolsystem a century and a half before.Although she was not a whop junkie on thescale <strong>of</strong> Patty or the Wart she saw the value indelivering a sore bot<strong>to</strong>m as a means <strong>of</strong> retribution fordisorderly behavior.She was a solitary cove. She was aligned withneither the Radical Right nor the Liberal Left. Shespent her evenings locked in her quarters drinkingabsinthe, chain-smoking Gauloisse’s and listening <strong>to</strong>endless recordings <strong>of</strong> Maria Callas.She was not well-known for her sense <strong>of</strong>humor and shared none <strong>of</strong> the enlightened

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>philosophies <strong>of</strong> her namesake. Mdme Diderot did notfind Claire Brooks in the least bit amusing. She <strong>to</strong>ok atight grip on the cane and raised it high in the air.“She’s such a crabby bitch,” grumbled Claire <strong>to</strong>Lady Vix. “She’s got no sense <strong>of</strong> humor.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria laughed. “She’s French, what do youexpect?” she asked.“Well, there is always that,” acknowledgedClaire.

24Bad Times for Spanker SpageSpanker Spage was not amused; in fact shewas blubbing like a muff. She was standing beforethe Grand Dame with her head bowed and tearsrunning freely down her cheeks.“You are our first failure, Spage,” Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nwas telling her. “Over the past ten years I have beenresponsible for rehabilitating the worst examples <strong>of</strong>Ladette culture and our program has been anunmitigated success. However, it must be expectedthat there will always be one rotten apple in everybarrel and you Spage are rotten <strong>to</strong> the core.”Juliet Spage’s shoulders pulsated as shesobbed. “It wasn’t my fault,” she spluttered. “<strong>The</strong>ymade me do it.”“Oh put a sock in it Spage,” snapped MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n. “You attempted <strong>to</strong> mace Cassidy and nowyou’re trying <strong>to</strong> blame others? You are completelybeyond redemption Spage.”Cathryn Cassidy <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>of</strong>f her blazer and rolledup her sleeves. She loosened her tie and spat on her

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>hands. “Come here Spage,” she said, sitting down onan armless chair.Spanker Spage glared at her Personal Draperhatefully. <strong>The</strong> past six months had been a nightmarefor the former member <strong>of</strong> the SS. Ever since Juliethad been kicked out <strong>of</strong> the Elite, and reduced <strong>to</strong> therole <strong>of</strong> a grubby, life had been <strong>to</strong>ugh. Every wakinghour that Spanker was not attending lectures or inthe study hall Cathryn kept her busy.<strong>The</strong> other grubby’s had benefited greatly fromJuliet’s reduced circumstances. When Cathryn ran out<strong>of</strong> errands for Juliet <strong>to</strong> run she loaned her out <strong>to</strong>other members <strong>of</strong> the Elite. Melons, Penny Ann andthe Butcher Twins were more than happy <strong>to</strong> haveJuliet relieve their own personal grubbys from duty asthey put Spanker <strong>to</strong> work.Spanker’s former cohorts from the SS had notproven <strong>to</strong> be a loyal bunch. <strong>The</strong>y regularly mockedher when they came across her on the Elite landing.Yvonne Godfrey had even taken the opportunity <strong>to</strong>red card Juliet out <strong>of</strong> the assembly hall on twooccasions causing her <strong>to</strong> receive twelve stroke barebenders from the Grand Dame.Her former handler, Katie Beck, moni<strong>to</strong>redJuliet’s laundry vigilantly and slippered her onmarginal charges <strong>of</strong> clobber abuse.<strong>The</strong> Wart targeted her ruthlessly duringtu<strong>to</strong>rials and alternated between beating her locallyand red-carding her up <strong>to</strong> Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s <strong>of</strong>fice.It was a miserable time for the once powerfulBrat Draper and the worst <strong>of</strong> it was she had <strong>to</strong>contend with her most hated enemy, Cathryn Cassidy.

95Cat had always been the most striden<strong>to</strong>pponent <strong>of</strong> the Secret Sorority <strong>of</strong> Serial Spankers.Yvonne and her cronies had made it a policy <strong>to</strong> giveCat a wide berth whenever possible and wiselySpanker had never included Cat’s personal grubby inher serial spanking activities.To be subjected <strong>to</strong> the ignominy <strong>of</strong> beingforced <strong>to</strong> act as Cathryn Cassidy’s personal grubbywas almost <strong>to</strong>o much for Juliet <strong>to</strong> bear.Juliet Spage was quite surprised when YvonneGodfrey sidled up and started making all nice <strong>to</strong> her.<strong>The</strong> Commandant <strong>of</strong> the SS started by inviting herformer aide down <strong>to</strong> one <strong>of</strong> her stash areas andplying her with booze and cigarettes. Yvonne madesympathetic noises about Juliet’s plight, evenapologizing for red-carding her.“It was all for the cause,” she explained. “MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n has us under ob’s and I needed <strong>to</strong> show herwe weren’t cutting you any slack.”Juliet grunted. She had known Yvonne a longtime and knew only <strong>to</strong>o well that she didn’t have asympathetic bone in her body.“You want something, don’t you?” shedemanded.Yvonne shrugged. “I need a favor,” sheadmitted. “That bitch Cassidy got me a whopping andshe’s gonna pay for it! You’d love <strong>to</strong> see Cassidy gether comeuppance, now wouldn’t you my dearSpanker.”Spanker Spage looked suspicious. “What doyou want me <strong>to</strong> do?”Yvonne reached in<strong>to</strong> her pocket and extracteda small canister. “This is mace,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her former

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>chum. “I want you <strong>to</strong> pitch up late for grubbingduties. Cassidy will be obliged <strong>to</strong> drape you. Just actnormal and then when you’re in close spray this inher eyes. I’ll be waiting on the landing with Ivan.When she goes down we’ll come in and throw a sackover her head and wrap her up with duct tape. We’llshove her in the closet for a few hours and then afterlock-down we’ll sneak her over <strong>to</strong> the stables andthrash the shit out <strong>of</strong> her.”“Oh good grief,” was all Spanker could think <strong>of</strong><strong>to</strong> say.

25Sniff TestYvonne’s assessment that Cathryn had beenresponsible for the disagreeable twelve strokewhopping she had received from Patty Hodge was notentirely accurate.As usual Yvonne had been acting the bollocks.She had been swaggering around the recreation areawith her pack <strong>of</strong> cohorts looking for opportunities <strong>to</strong>score some cheap whops.Cathryn Cassidy was the day’s nominated dutymoni<strong>to</strong>r and was positioned on the landing <strong>of</strong> theornate stairway that led <strong>to</strong> the Main House. It gaveher a perfect vantage point <strong>to</strong> observe all the areas <strong>of</strong>the recreation ground including the cloisters and thequadrangle. It was a warm day and most <strong>of</strong> theinmates were taking advantage <strong>of</strong> the good weather<strong>to</strong> get some fresh air. <strong>The</strong>y were congregated in smallpockets playing a variety <strong>of</strong> card games orbackgammon or just plain kicking back and gabbing.Cathryn spotted Yvonne and her chumsswanking about the place. She sighed and made herway down the stairwell.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“What are you up <strong>to</strong> Godders?” she askedwhen she caught up with the SS. “I don’t need anyassistance and especially not from you.”“Oh put your fucking bumbags in it Cassidy,”replied Yvonne. “We’re just taking a stroll. We’ve gotjust as much right <strong>to</strong> the rec area as anybody else.”“Well don’t start acting the bollocks on mywatch,” said Cat threateningly, “I’ll be watching you.”Yvonne just sneered. Cat returned <strong>to</strong> her lookoutpost, keeping a careful eye on the members <strong>of</strong>the SS.Cat yawned and looked at her watch. Shedearly wished that she could take a nap. <strong>The</strong> previousevening after the facility had been put under lockdownshe had shimmied down a drainpipe andsneaked across the grounds. She had climbed overthe wall <strong>of</strong> the orchard and in<strong>to</strong> the arms <strong>of</strong> herboyfriend Mark who was waiting in his car.Cat and Mark had met in a c<strong>of</strong>fee shop in thenearby <strong>to</strong>wn and had been going hot and heavy eversince. Cat regularly broke out <strong>of</strong> the unit at night sothat she could spend some quality time with herbeau.Her late night trysts had gone undiscoveredbut her relationship had nonetheless not beenal<strong>to</strong>gether beneficial <strong>to</strong> her bumbags. On severaloccasions she had missed curfews and been caned bythe Duty Dames. On the third occasion Patty hadinsisted that she was paraded in front <strong>of</strong> the Beak andMs Law<strong>to</strong>n had given her a severe scolding and atwelve-stroke bare bender. It had little effect andseveral weeks later when she cut curfew again

99Cathryn Cassidy became the first prefect in <strong>Woody</strong>his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> be publicly flogged.Cathryn continued <strong>to</strong> yawn. She hated beingduty moni<strong>to</strong>r. It was such a drag. She always did herbest <strong>to</strong> cut the inmates as much slack as possible butduring free-time, away from the strict discipline <strong>of</strong> thelecture rooms and study groups, they were always attheir most rambunctious. It was a rare day that theduty moni<strong>to</strong>r wasn’t obliged <strong>to</strong> take at least oneinmate up <strong>to</strong> the library for a thrashing.Cat watched Yvonne sauntering about, she andher cronies s<strong>to</strong>pped several times at groups <strong>of</strong>inmates. Cathryn had little doubt that they weremaking snide comments and underlying threats but atleast they moved on.Cat looked at her watch again. Six-twenty. Inthe distance, several stragglers were ambling alongthe driveway, back from excursions in<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn, just intime for Callover. Below in the recreation areas theinmates were packing up their belongings andpreparing <strong>to</strong> go back <strong>to</strong> the main building. CatCassidy wandered down the steps. It wouldn’t be longnow, she figured, before she could cut along <strong>to</strong> herstudy and enjoy a much-needed power-nap.Cathryn crossed the recreation area andfollowed the inmates in<strong>to</strong> the building. <strong>The</strong>y weremaking their way up the stairwells <strong>to</strong>wards thelandings so that they could put their kit away. Sheheaded <strong>to</strong>wards the assembly hall <strong>to</strong> help PenelopeAnn oversee Callover.

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“What the fuck are you doing?” growledCathryn.She had turned in<strong>to</strong> a corridor andencountered Yvonne backing Rosemary up against awall.“She’s been smoking,” said Yvonne, “I cansmell it on her breath. I’m searching her.”Cathryn narrowed her eyes. “Did you findanything?”Yvonne cut her eyes at Cat. “Mind your ownbusiness, Cassidy, I haven’t finished,” she snarled.“Raise your skirt,” she instructed Rosemary.Rosemary Booker <strong>to</strong>ok the hem <strong>of</strong> her skirt andraised it. Yvonne reached over and ran her fingersaround the waistband <strong>of</strong> Rosemary’s bumbagsworking front <strong>to</strong> back.She reddened slightly when she came upempty. “I can still smell it on her breath,” she saiddefiantly.“Yeah rock on, Godders,” said Cathryn Cassidy.“Come here Rosemary; let’s see if you pass a snifftest.”

26<strong>The</strong> Sacking <strong>of</strong> Spanker SpagePatty Hodge’s olfac<strong>to</strong>ry senses were legendaryand she claimed that she could smell fag-breath attwenty paces. Patty was a smoking hypocrite. Forthirty years she had been an on-again, <strong>of</strong>f-againsmoker and alternated between being an anti-fagzealot and defending her three-pack a day habit. Shehadn’t smoked a cigarette for almost a week.“Breathe out,” she instructed Rosemary.“Bend over the desk you fucking imbecile,”Patty screeched in<strong>to</strong> Yvonne’s face. “What were youthinking?”“She’s on your fucking hit-list,” Yvonnescreamed back. “You’re not whopping me for this!”Patty stared at Yvonne. “You can bet yourbot<strong>to</strong>m dollar I’m whopping you for this. It’s recklessbehavior like this that gets the SS a bad name. You’relucky I don’t bring you up in front <strong>of</strong> an SS hearingand have you stripped <strong>of</strong> your rank as Commandant.Now bend over the desk before I summons Ivan <strong>to</strong>hold you down.”

A <strong>Year</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sitting</strong> <strong>Painfully</strong>“You are a truly rotten bitch, Patty,” saidYvonne through gritted teeth and then slowly shepeeled <strong>of</strong>f her blazer.<strong>The</strong> macing had not gone well. As she hadapproached Cathryn Juliet had reached in<strong>to</strong> her blazerpocket intending <strong>to</strong> palm the small canister. As sleight<strong>of</strong> hand went it had been particularly guileless andCat had caught on fast. She leapt out <strong>of</strong> the seat andslapped Juliet’s hand aside, at the same time shestamped her right foot down on <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> Juliet’s causingSpanker <strong>to</strong> roar out and take a tumble.“What the fuck is this?” asked Cat, retrievingthe canister from the floor. “Mace? You were going t<strong>of</strong>ucking mace me? Oh you pathetic bitch,” shegrowled and <strong>to</strong>ed Spanker in the ribs with the sharppoint <strong>of</strong> her shoe. “Get up you little weasel, I ratherfancy you won’t be sitting down again this week.”“She tried <strong>to</strong> mace you,” said Penelope Anninsistently. “We need <strong>to</strong> report this.”“I’ve taken care <strong>of</strong> her,” said Cat stubbornly.“Taken care <strong>of</strong> it?” asked Patsy Butcherincredulously. “You’ve spanked her. What’s <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>pher sneaking in and zapping you with chlor<strong>of</strong>ormwhile you’re sleeping?”“She’s clearly deranged, Cat,” agreed LindseyButcher. “We need <strong>to</strong> deal with this.”Even Melanie White nodded her consensus.“I’ve known you a long time Cat and I know you thinkyou can take care <strong>of</strong> everything but this is just <strong>to</strong>o farout where the buses don’t run. We don’t have anychoice; we’ll have <strong>to</strong> involve the Beak in this one.”“Hmmm,” grumbled Cathryn noncommittally.

103“I could flog you and flunk you,” Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n<strong>to</strong>ld Spanker Spage. “Send you before a hearing <strong>of</strong>the System and put you back a few years <strong>to</strong> seewhether we can’t beat some goodwill in<strong>to</strong> you, but Ithink not. I’m going <strong>to</strong> sack you Spage and hand youover <strong>to</strong> the constabulary. You will be charged withattempted assault and possession <strong>of</strong> a prohibitedsubstance. I rather think that you’re going <strong>to</strong> chokeyMiss Spage and I for one hope that they throw awaythe key.”“Naaaaawwwwwww!!!!” wailed Spanker Spage.“You really didn’t have any choice,” said MrHumphries over dinner.“It’s a shame though,” sighed Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n.“Ten years without a single sacking and now with justten days <strong>to</strong> go this happens.”Mr Humphries smiled, “Well in ten days you’llstart your new life,” he <strong>to</strong>ld her cheerily, “and then itwill become my problem.”“Ten days is a long time at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit,” Susan sighed wearily.

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