Community development in Ghana – Kofi Esson - Tullow Oil plc

Community development in Ghana – Kofi Esson - Tullow Oil plc Community development in Ghana – Kofi Esson - Tullow Oil plc
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Provision of water• Provision of mechanised and hand pumped water wellsacross the Jomoro district some with storage tanks• Using local contractors - wells support 13,000 people• 2008 – 14 water wells serving approximately 16,420community members• Community awareness and education programmescarried out. Villages take ownership of wells• Partnership with Community Water and SanitationAgency (Government department) ensures wells aremaintained and water-quality tested• Minimal dependency on Tullow but still receivewidespread recognition• Wider health benefits - Safe drinking water has reducedprevalence of Cholera, Guinea Worm, and Diarrhoea• Initial programmes now incorporated in longer termregional projectOctober 2008 Capital Markets Day Slide 6

2007/8 - Improving education standardsThe Half Assini Secondary School, JomoroWestern Region• Half Assini Secondary School is the principal highschool in the region.• Engagement and collaboration with the Director ofEducation for the Western Region. Project alignedwith the District Assembly’s Development Plan• Initial phase of refurbishment/re-equipment is thescience laboratory (Physics and Chemistry).• Unveiling ceremony and handover due October2008 – Longer term Support via Integhratedproject approachOctober 2008 Capital Markets Day Slide 7

2007/8 - Improv<strong>in</strong>g education standardsThe Half Ass<strong>in</strong>i Secondary School, JomoroWestern Region• Half Ass<strong>in</strong>i Secondary School is the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal highschool <strong>in</strong> the region.• Engagement and collaboration with the Director ofEducation for the Western Region. Project alignedwith the District Assembly’s Development Plan• Initial phase of refurbishment/re-equipment is thescience laboratory (Physics and Chemistry).• Unveil<strong>in</strong>g ceremony and handover due October2008 – Longer term Support via Integhratedproject approachOctober 2008 Capital Markets Day Slide 7

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