Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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66 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS FOR SLOW REACTIONSTABLE 11RANGE FOR A C C E LE R A TED PA R TI C LES"'Particle Energy Range in air Range in Range in(MeV) (cm) at IS" C A1 (mm) water (mm)and 760 torrElectron 1310Proton 131030Deuteron 1 '31030405140042002.3141158201.78.8684801.55.519.50.0130.0720.644.30.00960.0490.372.654.115320.0230. 1nu c 1 e u s 310300.571.710.5710.00290.00770.0570.3750.00530.0170.11-TABLE 12a AND y EMITTERSIsotope Reaction Energy (MeV) Half-lifea Emittersrasursrurz8Rarr2RnDecayDecayDecayDecay4.184.7634.78 (94.2 %) 4.595.4864.55 x lo8 year2.3 x lo6 year1620 year3.823 dayy Emitters'87CsJJ?BalroLa'OCOlsZTaFissionFission(n, 7)lalTa (n, y)0.6620.09-3.01.17-1.330.04-1.230 year, 2.6 month40 hour5.3 year117 day(c) UnitsThe units for an absorbed dose are discussed in refs. 167 and 168. The fundamentalunit, in terms <strong>of</strong> the energy absorbed per gram, is the rad, which is 100 erg.g-' and is equivalent to 6.24. eV g-' or 6.24 x lOI3 x p eV. cm-3, where p is thedensity <strong>of</strong> the material. This unit is required when making dosimetric measurements.For X- or y-radiation, the exposure dose is used. The unit is one roentgen

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