Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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290 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF INTERMEDIATESyield valuable information about the species excited, their energy states, and therates at which they may radiate or be quenched. Nevertheless, it seems inappropriatein the present context to do more than point out the importance <strong>of</strong> suchinvestigations. There is, however, one special use <strong>of</strong> fluorescence which is pertinentto our thesis, and it is well illustrated by experiments <strong>of</strong> von Hartel and Polanyi”.These workers, investigating the reactions <strong>of</strong> atomic sodium, measured the atomconcentrations by study <strong>of</strong> the resonance fluorescence from the reaction mixtureexcited by the D lines <strong>of</strong> a sodium discharge lamp.The discussion <strong>of</strong> emission spectroscopy will be concluded by a description <strong>of</strong> arather unusual application. Bay and Steiner’ have measured atomic hydrogenconcentrations in the presence <strong>of</strong> molecular hydrogen by microwave excitation <strong>of</strong>the atomic hydrogen line spectrum. With low power fed into the gas (ca. 5 watts),there is not enough energy available for the dissociation <strong>of</strong> molecular hydrogen andsubsequent excitation. Thus the measured intensities <strong>of</strong> the atomic hydrogen linescorrespond to the concentrations <strong>of</strong> atoms already present in the reaction mixture.The method is curiously similar to that adopted to detect atoms and free radicalsby mass spectrometry (see Section 3).2.2 ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPYThe difficulties associated with the use <strong>of</strong> absorption spectroscopy as a methodfor investigating reaction intermediates have already been touched upon. Evenwhere the concentration <strong>of</strong> intermediate is high, and the spectroscope resolutionadequate, the experimental conditions may be unfavourable to absorption techniques.Thus in flames, at atmospheric pressures, the concentration <strong>of</strong> intermediatesmay be relatively high, but the reaction zone is very thin and absorption willbe weak. The light beam used must also be sufficiently narrow to keep it withinthe reaction zone, and a complication arises in that the gradient in refractive indices<strong>of</strong> the high-temperature reaction gases tends to deflect the beam. Further, itmay be difficult to obtain a background source <strong>of</strong> higher brightness than the flame.Notwithstanding the obstacles, however, some absorption studies <strong>of</strong> combustionprocesses have been made. Molecular intermediates, such as aldehydes and acids,have been identified in the slow combustion <strong>of</strong> propane5’. Hydroxyl radicals canbe observed in the absorption spectra <strong>of</strong> several flames5*. The greatest success inthe application <strong>of</strong> absorption spectroscopy to flame studies has been in investigations<strong>of</strong> diffusion flames. Wdfhard and Parker59.60 studied the diffusion flamesin oxygen <strong>of</strong> hydrogen, ammonia, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. In everycase they were able to observe absorption by hydroxyl radicals, and they observedalso the absorption <strong>of</strong> NH in the ammonia flame (NH2 appeared in emission only).Molecular oxygen, and in suitable cases the reactants, could be detected by theirabsorption spectra, so that a clear picture <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> the diffusion flame

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