Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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4 THE SOLID-SOLID INTERFACE 26 1et ~ 1 . ~ have ~ ' studied the formation <strong>of</strong> spinels from cadmium oxidelferric oxidemixtures. A valve voltmeter was used to follow the conductivity changes and theresults correlated with a number <strong>of</strong> other measurements.4.6 MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTSExperimental details for the techniques <strong>of</strong> magnetic susceptibility and magneticresonance are described in Section 2.1.6. Experiments for solid state reactions arepotentially simpler than adsorption studies if a controlled atmosphere is not required.Standard methods' 34 for magnetic susceptibility determination can beused. Greatest sensitivity is achieved when a non ferromagnetic substance reactsto form a ferromagnetic substance or vice oersa. If both are ferromagnetic themethod becomes insensitive, but if the Curie points are sufficiently different it maybe possible to choose a temperature above the Curie point <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the reactants.H<strong>of</strong>er et ~ 1 . ~ have ~ ' studied the decomposition <strong>of</strong> cobalt carbide into a cobaltand carbon; both are ferromagnetic but the specific magnetisation increasessharply during the decomposition. The disproportionation <strong>of</strong> ferrous oxide359 canbe followed by observing susceptibility changes. By quenching the stoichiometriccomposition, a homogeneous substance can be obtained. Disproportionationoccurs above 300" C according to the equation4Fe0 + Fe3 O4 + Fecausing a rapid rise in the intensity <strong>of</strong> magnetisation. Many further referencesare to be found in the literature360.Turkevich et ~1.'~' have used EPR techniques to follow the interaction <strong>of</strong>manganous halides with zinc sulphide. Zinc sulphide shows no resonance, buton heating with manganous salts at 600" C the resonance lines appear. Measurementswere made on a Varian spectrometer operating at 9.5 kMc . sec-', with themagnetic field modulated to 100 kc. sec-'. A Varian multipurpose cavity wasused with the sample extending beyond the confines <strong>of</strong> the cavity. The spin concentrationwas determined with an internal ruby standard.4.7 DILATOMETRYThe measurement <strong>of</strong> dimensional or volume changes can be used in appropriateinstances to observe the progress <strong>of</strong> a solid state reaction. Linear expansion canbe measured by dial gauges; micrometers, interferometer, telescopes, lineardifferential transformers and from X-ray patterns. Except for the X-ray techniques,the reaction can be studied in situ. Non-isotropic materials probably requiremeasurements in several orientations.References pp. 27&278

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