Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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2 THE SOLID-GAS INTERFACE 22 1(b) Impregnated catalystsImpregnation can be carried out on an inert porous support. This procedure<strong>of</strong>ten serves to greatly increase the effective surface area and provide mechanicaland chemical stability. If the support is not porous, it is still possible to coat thesurface, although the adhesion <strong>of</strong> the catalyst may be less satisfactory. The generalprocedure is to immerse the support in a solution <strong>of</strong> thecatalyst component, removethe excess solution after a suitable impregnation time, dry and ignite. Nitrates areagain preferred, because <strong>of</strong> their solubility and ease <strong>of</strong> decomposition. The otherpremises mentioned under (a) also apply. If necessary, the support can be evacuated,prior to immersion, to remove air which might otherwise prevent a uniformdistribution <strong>of</strong> active material.(c) Precipitated and gelled catalystsThis method can be applied to the preparation <strong>of</strong> single catalysts or, by coprecipitation,to multi-component catalysts. Hydrous oxides, sulphides, carbonatesand phosphates can be used. After precipitation, the catalyst must be washedfree <strong>of</strong> impurities which might have an adverse effect on the final catalytic properties.The presence <strong>of</strong> these impurities can be minimised by the use <strong>of</strong> dilute solutions.An alternative is the mixing <strong>of</strong> a metal salt with ammonia or an ammonium salt.Any ammonium nitrate remaining in the precipitate is readily removed by washingbecause <strong>of</strong> its high water solubility, and the last traces can be eliminated by calcination.Where two or more components are co-precipitated, special steps must be takento ensure homogeneity <strong>of</strong> the final catalyst. This can be achieved by adding asolution <strong>of</strong> both components to an excess <strong>of</strong> the precipitating agent, rather thanthe other way round. The physical properties <strong>of</strong> precipitated catalysts will <strong>of</strong>tendepend on the conditions <strong>of</strong> precipitation (eq. concentration <strong>of</strong> solutions, orderand rate <strong>of</strong> mixing, temperature <strong>of</strong> precipitation, washing, drying and calcination)all <strong>of</strong> which must be carefully studied.Gel formation is a special case <strong>of</strong> precipitation and is particularly suitable forcatalysts whose major components are hydrous oxides such as silica or alumina.The production <strong>of</strong> silica-alumina catalysts by this technique has been studied ingreat detail because <strong>of</strong> their commercial application^^'^. Crystalline aluminosilicatesor zeolites more commonly known as ‘molecular sieves’ have recentlybeen the subject <strong>of</strong> a great deal <strong>of</strong> research. Preparative details are still mainly inthe patent literatureis0.(d) Skeletal catalystsA special type <strong>of</strong> catalyst which is typified by “Raney Nickel”’s’ is preparedby leaching out one component from a binary alloy leaving a skeletal structure <strong>of</strong>the desired catalyst. Raney Nickel itself is made by leaching out aluminium froman aluminium-nickel alloy with sodium hydroxide. Cobalt and iron catalysts havealso been prepared in this manner.References pp. 270-278

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