Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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2 SHOCK TUBE AND ADIABATIC COMPRESSION 125the diaphragm with a sharp needle. This produces a shock wave which enters thelow-pressure region and moves rapidly towards the end <strong>of</strong> the tube. Just before theend it passes several observation points located along the side <strong>of</strong> the tube, and, byfollowing the changes in properties <strong>of</strong> the mixture as the shock wave passes, thereaction can be characterized kinetically.What form does this “shock wave” take and how is it produced? A useful modelfor visualizing the formation <strong>of</strong> a shock was first proposed by Becker3’ in 1922.At the moment the diaphragm breaks, the high-pressure region may be comparedwith a tight-fitting piston in a tube; it is instantaneously at rest but rapidly acceleratesas the boundary moves into the low-pressure area. The acceleration can bethought <strong>of</strong> as a stepwise process (cf. Fig. 4): each displacement generates a pressurepulse which travels into the gas ahead. Each pulse raises the gas tothepiston velocityand also raises its temperature adiabatically, but because the speed <strong>of</strong> sound ishigher at higher temperatures the second, third, and later pulses tend to catch upwith the first. Eventually, these pulses all coalesce and form a discontinuity whichmoves at a constant speed along the tube. This speed is considerably greater than thespeed <strong>of</strong> sound in the undisturbed, relatively cool, gas. The term “shock wave” isperhaps a little misleading since in the shock tube the pulse is actually a singlesharp transition which is characterized by two sets <strong>of</strong> essentially uniform conditions.What is <strong>of</strong> interest, then, is to see how the chemical system readjusts to thenew conditions behind the shock.It is not proposed to deal in any detail with the hydrodynamical theory <strong>of</strong> shockwaves, which has been considered thoroughly by Greene and ToenniesZ9. In an idealsystem (i.e., one in which the medium is continuous, is non-viscous and does notconduct heat) the shock wave should be abrupt in nature and it would then bepossible to treat it as a mathematical discontinuity. However, real systems are notcontinuous, and they are viscous and heat-conducting. Interestingly, it is found thatthe actual size <strong>of</strong> the transition zone between the high- and low-pressure areasis very small. It is very difficult to measure this thickness experimentally, but thereare indications that it is typically <strong>of</strong> the same order <strong>of</strong> magnitude as the wavelength<strong>of</strong> visible light, about cm. For convenience the coordinates <strong>of</strong> the system arereferred to the moving shock front as the origin rather than the laboratory. On thissystem the gas enters the transition zone smoothly with the velocity <strong>of</strong> the shockwave. Within a few collision path-lengths it is heated very rapidly-ix., it gains aconsiderable amount <strong>of</strong> kinetic energy and entropy in a short time- and it leavesthe “transition zone” with new physical properties. On this model, three conservationrelationships are expressed mathematically in terms <strong>of</strong> the physical parameters<strong>of</strong> the system-the conservation <strong>of</strong> mass, <strong>of</strong> energy and <strong>of</strong> momentum. By combiningthese expressions with two equations <strong>of</strong> state <strong>of</strong> the gas, equations can bederived which relate any three <strong>of</strong> the energy, pressure, density and temperature <strong>of</strong>the gas on entering and leaving the transition zone (a total <strong>of</strong> six parameters). Inorder to define the state behind the shock front it is necessary to measure oneReferences pp. 176-1 79

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