Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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INTRODUCTION 115equilibrium position after a single small jump is followed, and the stationary methodsin which the interaction is measured between the chemical system and anoscillating constraint.A technique which is finding increasing application in solution reactions is theuse <strong>of</strong> spectral line-broadening. Work has been done especially with NMR spectra,but the ideas used here have been also applied to ESR and Raman signals. The reactionswhich may be studied in this way are somewhat restricted in scope since theirhalf-lives must be <strong>of</strong> the same order <strong>of</strong> magnitude as the relaxation timcs <strong>of</strong> thephysical process involved. But where they can be used, these methods are <strong>of</strong>tenpowerful; for example, NMR line-broadening can be used for reactions, such as theexchange <strong>of</strong> solvent between the coordination shell <strong>of</strong> a metal and the bulk medium,which involve no net chemical change. These reactions are very difficult to studyby other methods. In Section 4 the emphasis is placed on the use <strong>of</strong> NMR becausemost <strong>of</strong> the work in this area has been done using this technique; it also illustratesthe principles rather well.In what is perhaps the competition method par excellence, the process againstwhich the chemical reaction is pitted is the fluorescence <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the reactants.Absorption <strong>of</strong> low-wavelength light by a solution <strong>of</strong> a species A may produce excitedmolecules A* which can return to their ground states by the emission <strong>of</strong> fluorescence.If the illumination is continuous and <strong>of</strong> constant intensity, a steady statesituation will arise in which the rate <strong>of</strong> formation <strong>of</strong> A* molecules is balanced bythe rate <strong>of</strong> their deactivation. Under these conditions the intensity <strong>of</strong> fluorescence isproportional to the steady-state concentration <strong>of</strong> A*. The excited state <strong>of</strong> A (thefirst excited singlet) is attained within about lo-’’ sec <strong>of</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> A withthe photon, and so the lower time limit <strong>of</strong> reactions which can be studied by thismethod lies near what might be loosely described as the boundary <strong>of</strong> “chemical”reactions. The upper time limit is the average lifetime <strong>of</strong> the fluorescing species,which is about sec. In the absence <strong>of</strong> a chemical reaction A* loses its excessenergy by various processes, the most important <strong>of</strong> which is frequently deactivationby solvent molecules. It is possible to relate the rate coefficients <strong>of</strong> the fluorescencequenching reactions with the fluorescence intensities and the concentration <strong>of</strong> thequenching species; the way in which this is done is considered in Section 5. Because<strong>of</strong> the requirement that one species fluoresce and the restrictions on the reactionhalf-life, this method is not one <strong>of</strong> the most generally useful for following fast reactionsin solution. It has, however, yielded very important results among the fastest<strong>of</strong> the chemical reactions.The type <strong>of</strong> reaction which can be studied by electrochemical methods is limitedin several respects. The systems must be good electrical conductors (which hastended to limit them to aqueous solutions to which large amounts <strong>of</strong> inert electrolytehave been added), one <strong>of</strong> the species involved must be electrolytically reducibleat conveniently applied potentials and the rate coefficients must fall within certainboundaries. The electrolytic reduction <strong>of</strong> a species in a reaction system where theseReferences pp. 176-179

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