Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

Practice of Kinetics (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 1)

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4ANALYSIS 87Il a2t51 L1 2 h 3Fig. 59. Push-pull gas-sampling valve. The connections are: 1, vacuum or sample; 2 and 3,carrier gas; 4, sample volume; 5, connecting bypass 2 to 3; 6, sample volume. (a) evacuation andintroduction <strong>of</strong> sample; (b) isolation <strong>of</strong> sample; (c) injection <strong>of</strong> sample on to column; (d) bypassconnection. From ref. 283.is withdrawn from the RV and injected through a series <strong>of</strong> columns such that thoseused for the slower eluting materials are placed first, when the faster are eluted as asingle peak but are subsequently analysed in detail by subsequent columns. Suitableswitching <strong>of</strong> the transfer valves allows secondary injection and the sweepingout from the system <strong>of</strong> the slower eluting materials. Alternatively, the faster eluentsmay be held in the transfer valve sample volume for later analysis. The use <strong>of</strong>PTGC with adsorption columns, poisoned to prevent both tailing and allow theanalysis <strong>of</strong> high mol. wt. compounds, may reduce the necessity for this techniquez8’.A successful sampling valve is that due to Pratt and Purnell (Fig. 58)282. Adead-space sample is first withdrawn, followed by a reacted sample. Cundall etUI.’~~ claim a better valve is the ‘‘push-pull’’ type (Fig. 59), a variation <strong>of</strong> thevalve used on some commercial GLC instruments. For sample injections after fractionation,a constant volume and manometer is employed for gases, and precisionmicrolitre syringes for liquids.References pp. 104-Ill

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