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July 06, 2010 Issue 129July 06, 2010 Issue 129Fresh Wings for Oman AirAnother destination, Al Ain, was made available to the people of the Sultanateearlier in May. The link will provide another step up for the local tourist sectorhere in Oman and puts a further destination on the map for the country’s mosttrusted airline, Oman Air. On July 4th, Al-Ain International Airport wel<strong>com</strong>edsenior government officials and trade delegates for the inauguration of thenew Oman Air Airbus A330-200 that offers economy and business classcabins with luxurious seats and state-of-the-art technology.is concerned, the business class goes the extra mile, offering travellers enoughleg room to spread out into a <strong>com</strong>fortable ‘horizontal’ position.“This new route to Al-Ain provides Oman with a new destination to explore. Itis a means of promoting the culture of ‘The Garden City’ and the Sultanate ofOman and also poses as a step over to other European countries,” Barry Brown,Chief Commercial Officer, Oman Air, tells Y magazine.“We would like to officially wel<strong>com</strong>e Oman Air’s new daily service betweenAl Ain and Muscat, which has already proven to be popular and beneficial toour local <strong>com</strong>munity. We value Oman Air’s initiative to invest in this dynamicmarket and look forward to an even closer cooperation towards expandingservices,” said Faris Al Mazrouei, General Manager, Al-Ain InternationalAirport.“We are glad to see that the close partnership we have with ADAC is alreadytranslating into results. We are here today to showcase our product and providethe opportunity to our customers to experience Oman Air’s services from Al Ainto Muscat and beyond,” he added. CEComfort appears to be the highlight of the design andthe spacious seats make travelling an absolute joy.Seatback built-in touch screens with funky remotecontrols are available to both economy and businesstravellers, with options for games, movies and Live TVadding to existing onboard entertainment facilities. AUSB outlet is also available so you can enjoy yourfavourite music or movies onboard. But where spaceOPENING HOURS:Saturday – Thursday10am – 10pmFriday5pm – 10pm10Fish Spa TherapyFor families/groups reservations:Please call 97617116Bareeq Al Shatti – Shop No. 4Sultanate of Oman11

July 06, 2010 Issue 129Are You Mocking Me?It’s now 50 years since To Kill a Mockingbird was firstpublished and although once hailed as a literary greatthings have now changed, with many people accusingthe book of being, well, a little bit racist. The subjectmatter of a mentally challenged black man being wronglyaccused of a crime against a white w<strong>oman</strong>, and savedby the hardworking conscientious work of a white familymay appear to be a little dated, but some see somethingmore sinister lurking beneath the message.Critics have gone so far as to describe the novel as beinginstitutionally racist presenting a deeply conservative,southern view of the role and position of black malesin society. To Kill a Mockingbird however, has for thepast half a century remained a successful book and a‘standard’ in literature classes across the world, despitethe reservations of its use due to the number or racialslurs and rather lax depiction of a racist town in theDeep South.With Oprah Winfrey hailing the novel this week as one ofher all-time favourites, Harper Lee can rest assured thatthere will be more people in the country who will nowview the work as a timeless celebration of civil rights.[Ed: Thanks Oprah, for without you, ‘one’ might easilyforget to attach ‘one’s head’ at the start of each day.] PM12

July 06, 2010 Issue 129July 06, 2010 Issue 129Is DJ Tiësto DEAD?It shocked me to hear that DJ Tiësto was dead! But thesecond shock came when his death was not being confirmedby authorities and a <strong>com</strong>ment was posted online by thepresumably dead DJ.This is where it all started: “DJ Tiësto was pronounced dead atthe scene by paramedics responding to the accident. Highwaysafety investigators have told reporters that DJ Tiësto lostcontrol while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 androlled the vehicle several times killing him instantly. The vehiclewas ‘believed’ to have been traveling at approximately 95 milesper hour in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident.”This may sound like the script to a season finale episode ofDays Of Our Lives, but the question now is, “is DJ Tiësto deador alive?” If not, what a way to garner publicity! KFMasters, Bachelors, Diplomasfrom International & Prestigious Qualifications• Business & Management • Finance• Accounting• IT Computing• Banking• Human Resources• Insurance• English Language StudiesOur Affiliates:á«dÉŸGh á«aöüŸG äÉ°SGQódG á«∏c«I Support mystudents toEXCEL &MOTIVATEthem to Learn»Beryl Campbell,CBFS LecturerQuality inEducation &Reasonable FeesFor more details call:961551159856411998837282 / 3Oman-India CooperationDelhi International Airport, featuring the second longest runway inthe world at 4.43km, is now <strong>com</strong>pleted. The project, engineeredand constructed by Larsen & Toubro Limited, is a joint venture withlocal giants Zubair Corporation and is scheduled to be officiallyrunning before the start of the Commonwealth Games (an athleticmeet) that is to be held later this year in New Delhi. The terminalwill start international operations tomorrow, the 14th of July anddomestic operations will begin on 31st of July 2010.The Zubair Corporation is very proud to have been a partner withLarsen & Toubro for the last 15 years. L&T (Oman) was set up in1994 as a joint venture with The Zubair Corporation and has beenbusy in projects including: The Al Khoud Interchange in Muscat,Royal Flight Hangar, development of the Al Hoota Caves, the Barr-Al-Jissah Resort and tunnel along with a museum that preservesOman’s heritage.More recently, L&T Oman has been engaged in major transmission and water supply systems, electrical substations and residential projects.Congratulations to both L&T and Zubair Corporation for the opening of the new Delhi International Airport. KFY_W21XH15.5_PP.ai 7/7/10 3:47:56 PMP.O. Box: 3122, Ruwi. Postal Code: 112. Sultanate of Oman.Tel: 24505843, 24505796, 24502288. Fax: 24505979. www.cbfs.edu.om1415

Branded aSuccessWords Paul McLoughlin | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiBranding a country is a difficult job. Firstly, there are all sorts ofdifficult questions which have to be addressed. What symbolrepresents the intricate and delicate makeup of a nation? Whatmakes a county different from others? These are all conundrumswhich have been posed by countries around the world; as thefree market be<strong>com</strong>es increasingly viewed as the most successfuleconomic structure to follow then so does the approach thatnation states take in making their country the most viable forinvestment and tourism. In a way, it’s the same approach that<strong>com</strong>panies take to business; everything is a product whichmust be marketed in a correct way and most importantly, to theright consumer. Brand Oman can be seen as the Sultanate’sresponse to these challenges. It’s a savvy and forward thinkingapproach to see elements of economy, government and tourismbeing utilised into the formation of a ‘brand’ that is appealableand attractive to a wide section of the global <strong>com</strong>munity.Businessmen, tourists and foreign workers are the targets, andincreased investments and economic growth are the requiredend results.So far, Brand Oman has been successful in many of its primaryaims. The logo summoned up by the group’s creative bods is ofa clear artistic direction, reflective of the new youthful spirit ofthe Sultanate. However, the aims of Brand Oman surpass thesimple aesthetic pleasures of issuing a visual corporate brandto make the country more appealing. The need to work humanresources into a highly-developed apparatus that matches thebrand’s promises is of key importance. Nowhere is this moreTimportant than in the public sector, often the first point ofcontact for visitors, foreign business leaders and expatriatesin the country. First impressions count, and when dealing withprospective customers and investors, then the need for polite,efficient and helpful service is as important in the public sector asit is in the corporate world. “We need to be more like the privatesector,” says Osama Said of Muscat Municipality in Seeb, whohas been taking part in the Frontline Oman training programmeto learn more about the importance of high-standards ofcustomer services. His position at the municipality requires himto deal with <strong>com</strong>plaints directly and works to meet the needs ofsmall and big businesses, from Omanis and expatriates alike.The workshop organised by Brand Oman, will see the publicsector take more of a corporate approach to doing business,including increasing customer satisfaction and streamliningservices - learning essential skills Osama can pass onto histeam. Most importantly, the issue of customer services andhow staff deal with <strong>com</strong>plaints is placed under the spotlight.“There is a difference between the public and private sector. Inthe private sector they believe in one thing; that the customeris the most important thing. In the public sector the applicants<strong>com</strong>e to us. There’s an attitude of ‘I don’t need the customer,they need me.’ We should act more like the private sector doeswith its customers. We have the technology; (in this respect)we are ahead of the private sector.” Some of the technologicalbreakthroughs at the Municipality include the first ‘onetrack hall’ where applicants can find everything theyneed under one roof, putting to an end the old customarypractice of timely delays and making numerous visitsto separate departments. “We are developing servicesthrough e-business (portals) and IT, which should affectall services of the Municipality. This means that manyservices can now be provided through the website, sothe enquirer can stay at home or in their office to get theanswers they require.”Heavy investments into the public sector here in Omanhave been evident, which has seen many technologicaladvances at ministries and municipality offices bringinga host of benefits for the end-user. However, to be truly <strong>com</strong>petitive in themodern world, a new approach to customer services must be applied bygovernmental staff to provide the highest quality services by an approachableand efficient team. This of course goes beyond basic etiquette. “Right now,with the <strong>com</strong>plaints system, we don’t have a clear system of how <strong>com</strong>plaintsshould be dealt with.” Osama adds, “This course has given me some newideas of how to add value to the field of customer services. It’s highlightedmany issues, such as how we need to have a personality when dealing with<strong>com</strong>plaints. It won’t bring immediate results. We need to work on developinga new culture within frontline services. This brings new challenges aspeople often resist change.” Osama also poses the question of whetherclients will accept these new changes. He says, “Customer satisfaction isimpossible, they will always ask for more. The customer is not always right,but they are never wrong.” The most <strong>com</strong>mon <strong>com</strong>plaints the Municipality20 21

face are connected with “the speedat which their applications are dealtwith, but it’s very fast, it usually onlytakes between five to twenty-fiveminutes. Other times, when a networkgoes down, then there will be more<strong>com</strong>plaints. But it is important thatour staff deal with these <strong>com</strong>plaintspleasantly.”This is an approach that has beengenerally missing in this part of theworld. In most Western countries,citizens contribute a high percentageof their in<strong>com</strong>e towards taxation, andthus expect good service in return.This has coincided with the generalapproach in European countriesof offering strong but increasinglydecentralised public sector servicesworking in partnership with theprivate sector. Spending on hospitals,schools and the police increased andthe private sector was responsible formany of these growth projects, whichmeant the line between the stateand business became increasinglyfaint. Amplified foreign investmentsand a more entrepreneurial spiritdomestically were the benefits toarise from these actions with anenhanced and new form of publicservices. Oman no doubt has hugepotential to develop in a similar way.Its citizens are be<strong>com</strong>ing increasinglyeducated and exposed, and thegeneral hospitable character ofOmani people stands them in greatstead to provide the necessary highstandardsof customer services thatare essential in the modern world.Dr. Ma’en Al Qatamin, President ofKnowledge Horizon, is here to helpwith these efforts, and thus far isconfident that public services canbe improved. Dr. Ma’en was oneof the speakers for the FrontlineOman training programme that hasseen members of the Municipality,Ministries, ROP and PublicProsecution reassess their approachto customer services. He tells meof recent efforts that “We needto conduct a SWOT analysis andbegin fact finding, so it’s too earlyto <strong>com</strong>ment. There is certainlyroom for improvement. But judging(from these talks) it all looks good,people all seem motivated andwant to contribute. It’s not a matterof starting from scratch, it will justtake time.” He follows on by saying,“It’s my personal belief you need areference model. In Dubai everyoneworks on the (belief) of customerservices. In the UAE there is theSheikh Khalifa Award that recognisesbusiness excellence. In Jordan youhave the King Abdullah II Center forExcellence. In various countries youhave quality assessment programmesand awards. This rough model meansthat all customer services need tobe developed to an internationalstandard.” It’s the importance ofrealising <strong>com</strong>petitiveness in theglobal market and the country’sbest selling points which will seethese goals being achieved. “Thereare some benchmarking initiatives.Benchmarking with the GCCcountries, Singapore, the USA andEurope will mean we can see wherewe are” - and presumably where weneed to go. He adds that the Omanipeople are renowned for beinghospitable people, which will helpto force through higher standards ofpublic services in the <strong>com</strong>ing years.Investing in people is something thecorporations know will bring hugegains in the future. With Oman’sconsistent investments in publicservices through initiatives like BrandOman, the future for Oman certainlylooks more profitable.paul@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>22 23

We asked a group of tourists to tell us about the level of service they haveexperienced in Oman. In general, the responses we received were wel<strong>com</strong>ingnews for the country but there is still evidently room for improvement if Omanwishes to bolster its existing tourism industry.VOXPOPTim Whyte, AustraliaWhat was your experience like at immigration control and how easy was it to get issueda visa at the airport?It’s been a very good experience, the visa process was simple and there wasn’t a bigqueue. The immigration officers were very friendly, too.Have you had to use a taxi and what has the service been like?I haven’t had to use a taxi, so I can’t really <strong>com</strong>ment on that.How has the level of service been in hotels and restaurants?I’m visiting an auntie so I haven’t had to stay in a hotel but in general the people herehave been very nice and hospitable. In restaurants the staff are helpful and friendly, soI haven’t got any <strong>com</strong>plaints.James Yoo, UKWhat was your experience like at immigration control and how easy was it to get issued a visa at theairport?My experience in immigration was fine. I arrived fairly early in the morning and the service at immigrationoffice seemed to be efficient. They told me where to go to get a visa and it was fairly straightforward andquick. Within 15 minutes I was through immigration.Have you had to use a taxi and what has the service been like?I’ve not used taxis a lot because I’ve have access to a <strong>com</strong>pany car. I did some research before I cameout here so I learnt that you need to ask for a price before you enter a taxi, something which is importantfor tourists to know when there are no meters – they need to be cautious about agreeing for a price.How has the level of service been in hotels and restaurants?I’ve been staying at a hotel for five nights and it’s been really good. The staff are very helpful andefficient and sorted out any problems I’ve had fairly quickly.Shaun Millington and Gemma Halton, UKWhat was your experience like at immigration control and how easy was it to getissued a visa at the airport?We didn’t know about the visa situation when we came here, but it wasn’t toobad. The staff at the immigration office weren’t very informative though.Have you had to use a taxi and what has the service been like?There are a lot of taxis about so it isn’t too much of an issue finding one. We’ve justgot taxis from outside the hotel, agreed on a price - it’s been quite reasonable.How has the level of service been in hotels and restaurants?Generally, the staff at the hotel are very helpful. Some have been a bit abrupt. Forexample, we ordered a car through the hotel before we arrived here and when wearrived at the airport the car wasn’t here. We were told by the staff member to ‘goand get a taxi!’ Also the dress code in the hotel is annoying, we aren’t allowed towear shorts in the lobby but the service in the restaurants has been brilliant."The need to work humanresources into a highlydevelopedapparatus thatmatches the brand’s promisesis of key importance"24 25

The Immigrant SongWords Paul McLoughlinbenefits from in the form of popularwhen Einstein moved to the New World and developedculture. Countless musicians, poets,his revolutionary concepts in a more wel<strong>com</strong>ing cline andwriters, academics and artistschanged science forever. Speaking of which, the very mannurtured their intellectual capacitiesEinstein fled from in Germany would probably have beenby making other countries,little more than a provincial civil servant at best if he hadn’ttemporarily or permanently, theirdeparted from his native Austria for the Bavarian city ofnew home. George Orwell wroteMunich, so it works both ways I guess.about his experiences livingamongst corruption and povertySo if there are such obvious benefits, why does immigrationof Imperial Burma in his first greatremain such a divisive issue? Firstly there is the issue ofworks, Karl Marx developed his ownnational identity, an irrational fear of culture being dilutedstrand of ideology in the smoke-by the induction of new groups from differing cultures intochurning industrial monstrosity ofsociety. Of course, one only needs to look at the positiveManchester, and laid-back Londonimpacts to see the immense benefits this mixing of ideasbecame the artistic refuge for Jimiand customs brings. The truth is that native culture is littleHendrix when America was notupset by immigration, more it’s the importing of ideasquite ready for a black man playingfrom dominating cultures which brings about real change.rock. Living amongst a differentOne only needs to look at the impact of American musicenvironment, amongst differentand film on European culture <strong>com</strong>pared to the relativelypeople following different customsminiscule level of assumption of external Western ideasevidently changes the way in whichand customs by the mainstream in these countries. In all,one perceives the world. The sensewhat is good is taken and what is viewed as bad is ignored.of insecurity that immigrationAnother fear is the impact on existing resources. Canada isoften promotes gravitates onea country which has seen this issue <strong>com</strong>e to the forefronttowards shelter amongst those ofof anti-immigration bias, which at first glance may seem toa similar intellectual or ideologicalbe a fairly preposterous idea considering the huge tracts ofpersuasion. This is something theuninhabited land lain across the country. But it’s the issuelikes of Pablo Picasso, James Joyceof how immigration can upset the distribution of existingand Henry James all enjoyed andresources that is the main concern – ultimately, fears ofthus endowed the wider world withincreased demand for fewer resources would mean pricea new vision.hikes for resources such as gas and water. The reality is thatmost often, countries with a limited number of resourcesHowever, it would be ludicrousface an increase in population through immigration or ato limit the effects of immigrationpopulation boom simply hurries on the adoption of otherto revolutions in music and arts;forms of energy management. However, in Western Europe,the development of humankindpopulation numbers remain steady, or are even droppinghas been reliant on and entwinedowing to lower birth-rates, so in reality this impact is rarelywith diversity and the exchange ofseen. In all, immigration brings the birth of new ideas, offresh ideas - some of the essentialhuman progress and a sign that humanity is developingOman is a country with a rich patchwork of differentphenomenon. There is barely an inch of the habited earth which has not beenelements that immigration brings.one step further to a world of acceptance and tolerance.cultures and races that have together created a <strong>com</strong>monaffected by immigration, which makes it such a decisive subject in politicalThe acceleration of the USA’sImmigration is ultimately one of mankind's most beautifulidentity, bestowing the nation with huge promises.discourse. Political parties have won and lost elections by appearing tooeconomic development in theideas, not only due to the economic benefits that educatedHowever, it’s also important to appreciate this richweak on immigration and the constant media emphasis on the ill effects20th Century is largely down toimmigrants bring, but also the fact that in times of war andcultural heritage and the reasons why so many peopleof the trend corrupts the true notion of what immigration actually means.the hard work and genius of somedisaster there is a place of refuge for the vulnerable. Thisfrom distant stretches of the world came to make OmanImmigration and ethnic diversity can bring pressures to societal structureof the world’s greatest scientistsidea has saved as many lives as medical or technologicaltheir home. Of course, immigration is not an Omanibut it also works in providing for a more progressive and dynamic socialand industrialists, who were bornadvances and is testament to the reality of life. We are allmovement – something which Europe and North America have seen hugeoutside the country. What wasGermany’s loss was the USA’s gainhuman beings.paul@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>26 27

Did you know?Contrary to popular belief, Taekwondo, like most other martial arts practicedin Oman, is NOT an aggressive sport. In fact it is judged by the fundamentalBrace yo'self!Words Karima Farid | Photography Jerzy Wierzbickiprinciples of control, that remain at the heart of the sport today. That is whyin 1905, martial arts was accepted by the Ministry of Education at schools inOkinawa, Japan, as extra-curriculum activity. It teaches a child discipline andalso nurtures physical development, force, speed, balance, flexibility, as well asIt’s <strong>com</strong>monly perceived thatwomen are the weaker of the sexes.Unfortunately, this stereotype stillexists today. This idea that womenare somehow vulnerable to men isa major factor behind violent crimesagainst women in the world today.Countless women live in constantfear of being attacked by men, afraidof dangers lurking at every corner.For me, as a w<strong>oman</strong> who grewup in a household of martial artsenthusiasts, I personally believe thatself defense in any form is a crucialskill that every w<strong>oman</strong> must learn.Now, self defense is an importantdiscipline, but also learning itcorrectly is vital. From what can bejudged, here in Oman, our womenare still hesitant to realise thenecessity of defending themselvesthrough learning martial arts,mainly due to cultural boundaries.Yet, a handful of individuals around the Sultanate areadamant and dedicated to furthering the learning ofmartial arts in the country.Y met with a female Taekwondo enthusiast whointroduced us to the ‘Challenging Taekwondo Club’ thatis tucked away on the 2nd floor of Markaz Al-Bahja.Samah Osman Alawad is an independent 24-year-oldSudanese w<strong>oman</strong> who has scored double gold medalsin local <strong>com</strong>petitions and is looking forward to attendinginternational ones.Samah moved to Oman with her family eighteen yearsago, after spending her early childhood in Turkey. Whilstliving in Turkey, her father always expressed the opinionthat his children, especially the girls, must master amartial art; at that time Taekwondo seemed to be theperfect option. Thankfully it turned out to be Samah’sbest decision. She mentioned, “My father chose thisfor us because it is safe.” This choice was made by herfather years ago, and today Samah is still energeticallyAt first, learning taekwondo was<strong>com</strong>pulsory for Samah; she obeyedher father’s wishes. But after movingto Oman and watching a showpresented by Master Mohammed Al-Harthy and his students, she knewthat this was her passion and a pathshe was determined to follow. Afterasking permission to join his classes,Samah began a long journey inlearning taekwondo. She finallyfelt that she belonged to a team inOman, a team that is filled withsupport, enthusiasm and kindness.The respect that Samah has for herMaster, Mohammed Al-Harthy, istremendous: “Master MohammedAl-Harthy understands the spiritof this game. He is a professional,extremely respectable with a strongaround 500 students to black beltlevel, and I am so proud to be one ofthem. He is kind, yet serious, and hedefinitely knows what he is doing. Hehas an immense knowledge of mixedmartial arts - he is after all a blackbelt 7th Dan in Taekwondo and hasa black belt 9th Dan in kung fu.”“Taekwondo”, she explains, “is agame from Korea, which beginsat white belt, then (progresses) toyellow, then green, then blue, redand finally black. It is similar toJapanese Karate and is based onthe use of hands and feet in order todefend (oneself) from an opponent.”Samah earned her 2nd Dan in2008, just before she entered herfirst <strong>com</strong>petition at SultanQaboos Complex and wona Gold medal. She alwaysplays against Omanis, butis proud to represent Omanat all major <strong>com</strong>petitionsand hopefully many more.Physically, emotionally andmentally, Taekwondo hasdone wonders for Samah.Just a couple of monthsbefore a tournament inDecember 2009, where shemanaged to achieve her2nd Gold medal, Samah’sfather passed away fr<strong>oman</strong> illness. This was thedarkest chapter of her life,but with the support of herfamily and the team shemanaged to continue withthe <strong>com</strong>petition - where shewon a gold medal. Beforethis, she used to play inthe open/heavyweightdivisions, but for this last<strong>com</strong>petition, with thesupport of her Master Mohammed Al-Harthy,Samah managed to lose 8kg to qualify for thelightweight <strong>com</strong>petition.Today, Samah is a confident w<strong>oman</strong> becauseof the skills she learnt through Taekwondo. Shetells me, “Today I feel like I can do anything. Itrust myself more, my choices are different, andfor the better. I have a stronger spirit and I wouldnever take what I have learnt outside class. Mycolleagues and I never show off, and on a dailybasis, no one would ever know that we practiceTaekwondo.”stamina, perseverance and mental focus. These arts emphasize courtesy andmoral development as key principles, and can facilitate vital aspects of a child’seducation through active physical participation. As a result, those like Samahand many others participating in an art form can channel emotions such aspain and anguish in a controlled and dedicated manner.28 practicing the martial art.spirit. He has, until today, promoted29karima@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>

Top of the Sickie StakesLatest figures show that, globally,stress is be<strong>com</strong>ing the major cause ofabsence from work. According to onesurvey, in the UK alone this amountsto about two million hours beingknocked off the production rate perannum, while in the USA this rises toan astronomical 300 million hours.In today’s world most of us are underpressure in at least one area of ourlives, be it in the workplace, financialworries or family problems. We allfeel stressed from time to time, infact a little pressure is good for usand helps to keep us motivated, butif we allow it to get on top of us itcan very soon lead to serious healthproblems – and early death.The medical symptoms of stressinclude muscle tension, headaches,palpitations, sweating, dry mouth,stomach pain and being irritableor depressed; it also weakensthe immune system, making usvulnerable to viruses such as the<strong>com</strong>mon cold and influenza.Back pain – also a front runnerin the sickie stakes – is anothercondition which is often stressrelated. Backache, for which thereis no obvious diagnosis – and whichhas sometimes been put down aspsychosomatic - is often caused bymuscle tension due to stress.Depression and anxiety are typicalmanifestations, as are digestivedisorders like Irritable BowelSyndrome (IBS). In recent yearsstress has been linked to asthma, andeven diabetes in men. Ultimately,of course, it can cause high bloodpressure, which in turn can lead to aBeating StressTo begin to deal with the problem before it gets outof hand we have to identify the elements in our lifecausing pressure. Do you take work home with you? Areyou always rushing to do things? Do you have no timefor exercise or relaxation? Are you always trying to doseveral things at once?These are all things that can create stress – so don’tignore the symptoms. If you are sleeping badly, feelanxious or depressed, have difficulty concentrating orhave problems eating or swallowing, you need to addressthe fact that stress is <strong>com</strong>promising your health – andaffecting the quality of your life – and probably that ofyour loved ones too.Some people are stressed because of working longhours, doing boring, repetitive tasks or having moreresponsibility than they feel they can handle. More andmore of us nowadays worry about job stability, or lack ofopportunity to progress.If the most stressful part of your life is your job and youare unable to change it, try to focus on the parts of thejob you enjoy, and ensure that you have a life outside ofwork so that you can focus your emotional energy on thegood things and worry less about the bad.Having a hobby that you enjoy or participating in physicalexercise are great stress-busters – in fact anythingthat helps you to relax and takes your mind and bodyaway from the source of your stress is good – thoughsurprisingly, reclining on the sofa and doing nothing isnot re<strong>com</strong>mended! Learning how to relax physically usinga mentally active process is considered to be the mosteffective technique.When we are stressed the body’s natural “fight or flight”chemicals kick in – which is great if you have to respondto a real emergency, but it can wear your body downif it’s often being activated because of non-emergencystress.Penny DestroTo counteract this response we need to re-balance thesystem by using techniques such as deep breathing,progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and yoga, all ofwhich reduce the stress hormones by bringing down theExperts re<strong>com</strong>mend setting asideat least ten, if not twenty or,ideally, thirty minutes a day inorder to practise these procedures.Incorporating them into your dailyroutine – perhaps first thing in themorning – can seriously enhanceyour health and quality of life.Deep breathing is easy to learn andcan be done almost anywhere. Theidea is that the more oxygen youinhale, the less tense and anxiousyou feel.• Sit <strong>com</strong>fortably with your backstraight and put one hand on yourchest and one on your abdomen.• As you breathe in deeply throughyour nose, the hand on yourabdomen should rise, while the handon your chest should move verylittle.• Exhale though your mouth pushingout as much air as you can – thehand on your abdomen should movein, while again, the hand on yourchest should move very little.• Continue to breathe in slowlythrough your nose and out throughyour mouth with your stomach risingand falling.Progressive muscle relaxation isanother technique that needsno expert tuition and is a verypotent stress-buster. It involvessystematically tensing and relaxingdifferent muscle groups in the body,starting with your feet and graduallyworking your way up to your face.It’s best done when you can getreally <strong>com</strong>fortable (no shoes).then relax and feel the tension flowing out. You then do thesame with your left foot, legs, abdomen, back, neck andfacial muscles.Meditation can be self-taught and requires a peacefulenvironment and a <strong>com</strong>fortable position, though walkingmeditation is also possible. It involves you maintaining yourconcentration on something in the present moment withoutbeing too analytical about it – being aware perhaps of therhythm of your breath, or the beat of your heart. You canalso use a meaningful word or phrase (a mantra) which yourepeat to aid concentration.Yoga is a renowned medium for relieving stress. Youneed to join a class or get a private instructor, butit’s believed that classes that focus on slow steadymovement and gentle stretching are the best stressbusters.In today’s busy world whether it’s your family, your bossor your finances getting you down, you have to keep alid on the pressure – so make sure your safety valve letsyou know when it’s time to get away from the heat -and learn how to chill out.Look at www.lessons4living.<strong>com</strong> and try the stress testto see whether or not you should be worried. But don’tstress out about it.Top Ten Stress-busting Tips:• Eat a healthy diet• Do physical exercise• Don’t smoke• Limit caffeine and alcohol• Get sufficient sleep• Stick to a budget• Discuss your problems• Try relaxation techniques• Get a hobby• Know when to stop!Signs of Stress:• Change in sleeping habits• Feeling anxious or depressed• Change in eating habits• Be<strong>com</strong>ing angry or moody• Digestive upsets• BackacheInitially you focus on your right footthen tense it, squeezing as tightlyas you can, hold it for a count of tenheart attack or stroke.blood pressure and heart rate, and relaxing the muscles.30 31

VETTEDBY THEFINEST GUITARMAKER ONTHE PLANETKiran Jay HaslamCarlos Santana, Al Di Meola, Mark Tremonti, David Grissom, Dave Navarro and Orianthi. Whatdo these extraordinary guitarists all have in <strong>com</strong>mon? They all play Paul Reed Smith’s wonderfulguitars.Smith was a luthier (musical instrument maker) who quickly shot to stardom for his incrediblywell thought-out and magnificent guitars. What you got with a Paul Reed Smith guitar wasout-of-this-world craftsmanship and ingenuity. Abbreviated to just PRS, today the <strong>com</strong>panyis the most coveted instrument manufacturer on the planet. I have been playing PRS guitarssince 2001, so I can attest to the playability and quality that is yet unparalleled by any otherinstrument maker. There is a price tag that goes along with a PRS, but that is because you arebuying exotic woods and the very best electronics, finishing and designs money can muster up.Once <strong>com</strong>pleted, a PRS guitar is set-up and tested, and often by <strong>com</strong>pany founder Paul ReedSmith himself! Now that is dedication and attention to detail. But let’s backtrack a moment to‘ingenuity’, because somewhere in this article I need to start linking things to automobiles!As an American manufacturer with a personalised and hand crafted approach, PRS is able tooffer ‘private stock’ instruments, and this is where the big guns step forward to have a guitarcrafted specifically for them. Bespoke. The ‘private stock’ vault stores timber no longer foundon the planet; rare hardwoods and shells that make the finest inlays, too. It is a fantasyrealm for guitar players, often priced out of the spectrum, but worth every penny. In2005, in partnership with Corvette Racing, PRS customised a rather special ‘axe’ – the‘PRS Corvette Standard 22’. Modelled after the Z06 Corvette, the guitar featuresstunning inlay work and a ‘racecar’ theme. It was only available in Corvette colours,based on the actual finishes of the manufacturer: Black, Daytona Sunset Orange, LeMans Blue, Machine Silver, Velocity Yellow and Victory Red.The Z06 was based on the C6 platform and went into production in late 2005.427 cubic inches (that’s 7 litres for those of you thatdetest Fahrenheit and miles) made its 'smallblock' label oxy-moronic.It was to be the largest‘small block’ ever offeredby GM. It pumped out505hp and 657Nm oftorque. The magnificentengine is built by hand, likePRS’ private stock guitars. Adedicated engine builder mansone of 15 sub-assembly stations inGM’s Performance Build Center.Churning out just 30 units eachday, the Titanium connectingrod and intake valve engines arebalanced and bench-tested, again,just like a PRS guitar.Although handling was still well and truly‘Americana muscle car’, it did offer a littlemore than just straight-line point-and-shootfun. At 1421kg it was literally the 'Kate Moss' inGM’s model range. Thanks to its aluminium (yep, “al-you-min-E-um!”) frameconstruction, carbon-fibre <strong>com</strong>posite floors and ceramic brakes, the weightreduction extracted even more oomph from the volatile engine and resultedin a power-to-weight ratio of 3.8kg/kW.Although my repeated requests to get behind the wheel to deliver a firsthand account of the car here in Oman have thus far been ignored, (perhapsthis lowly car journo needs to stick with ‘el cheapo’ Porsches, Bentleys,Ferraris and the odd Lotus), there are trustworthy independent tests thatconfirm the claimed quarter-mile figure of 11.8 seconds,and a 0-100km/h time of 4 seconds. It was, andstill is, an absolute weapon. It stops well too,with massive 355mm cross-drilleddisc brakes and sixpistoncalliperschompingdown toclaw intothe bitumen via extremely wide rims. Twelve inches wideat the back to be exact, so you’ll need to fork out for the325/30ZR19 rubber if you are tempted to spend yournights lighting up the tarmac à la lead-foot Larry.It is menacing, low and wide, and encapsulates the iconic‘vette stylings of yesteryear. In my opinion, the Stingraywas the best looking design to ever surface from theUS of A, way back when Lawrence Kiyoshi Shinoda putpencil to paper in California and revolutionized Americancars. Based on his Mako Shark II concept car, 1968production of the curvaceous Corvette took GM down avery different path, and the Z06 is where we sit today.A wonderful muscle car, fighting the fast-food motoringmentality, and <strong>com</strong>ing out with a lean, mean and fightingmachine prowess. I'll tell you more once I getsome time in the hot seat. Until then, I'll stick toplucking my PRS.

GAME ONWords Clint Derric EgbertGermany vs Argentina (4-0)Spain vs Paraguay (1-0)The gist of it allThe Germans strike again; this time Argentina falls victim tothe famed Bundesrepublik Deutschland counter attack. CapeTown’s Green Point Stadium echoed with cheers resoundingAfter France, Argentina and Brazil’s horrendous performancethis World Cup, there’s finally a team that has lived up toexpectations. Spain’s star player David Villa took his side toNETHERLANDS vs Uruguay (3-2)Spain vs Germany (1-0)from the German stands whilst the Argentineans sat theirthe semi finals with a brilliant goal in the dying minutes ofheads into their hands shedding bitter tears as their teamthe game. Andres Iniesta’s blistering run from midfield to setsuccumbed to a humiliating defeat against a side thatthe ball to Pedro almost looked like it was in vain when hisThe Dutch celebrated well into the night as Holland proceedFinally, a teamappears determined to clinch the World Cup prize.shot rebounded off the Paraguayan woodwork; fortunatelyto the FIFA World Cup Finals after clinching a 3-2 victory overcapable of keeping theThree minutes into the game and Germany were already inthe ball fell at the feet of Villa, who was left to simply pushUruguay at Cape Town’s Green Point Stadium. Aggressive andGermans at bay! Ballthe lead after Bastian Schweinsteiger’s free kick found thethe ball into the opponent's goal, whilst custodian Justodetermined from the start of the tournament, Holland havepossession has alwayshead of Thomas Muller poised firmly into Argentine territory.Villar attempted to find his bearings. Paraguay respondedproven themselves worthy of winning the coveted title andbeen a crucial measureThis has also been recorded as their fastest goal in 32 yearswith a beautiful attack in the final minute of the matchappear to be very strong contenders, capable and equipped toin the game of footballand quickest 2010 World Cup goal so far. The Argentineansbut was denied an equaliser after Casillas’s double save,get the job done.that often decidesattempted to make their <strong>com</strong>eback but were unsuccessful,protecting his side’s one goal lead. Jonathan Santana toothe stronger side, butinstead giving the Germans more chances on the counterplayed a key role in the Spanish attack that is worth aGoing in to face the Uruguayans with a sweet unbeatenagainst a team likeattack. It was Miroslav Klose who tipped the second goal inmention, but unfortunately failed to find the net.24-match record, the Netherlands were undoubtedly the hotGermany – it’s a must.at midway point into the second half, earning his team afavourites, confident and almost certain of victory. The DutchKnowing this, the Spaniards had their game worked out, and<strong>com</strong>fortable two-goal lead; six minutes later Arne Friedrichcould not have asked for a better start than to have Giovanniwell. Their quick passes and relatively unorthodox style ofput another one in. As Diego Maradona kissed his World CupVan Bronckhorst drive a blistering 30 yard shot into theplay had the opposition guessing their every move, deprivingdreams goodbye, Klose sealed the German victory with anUruguayan goal to take the lead 18 minutes into the game.them of ball possession and the opportunity to devise their89th minute goal taking the score to 4-0.But then star player Diego Forlan stepped up to prove thatown attacks.his long drives are just as lethal, planting a 25 yard stunnerinto his opponent's net. With the scores drawn at half time itNow as important as ball possession may be, without actuallyappeared it could be either team’s game, but with the Dutchscoring a goal it would lose its purpose. That was another boxconstantly attacking it became evident that another goal wasticked off by the Spaniards, Carles Puyol to be precise, as heon the cards. True enough, in the 70th minute master strikerrocketed into German territory to drive a blistering headerWesley Sneijder’s low whip found the ball rolling hastily intopast a helpless Manuel Neuer and into the net, taking theUruguay’s goal. Three minutes later Arjen Robben used hisSpaniards to a crucial 1-0 lead.head (no pun intended) and followed suit, taking the scoreto 3-1 with a textbook header. With the clock ticking down inKnown to possess the ability to hold their nerves in theextra time, Maximiliano Pereira managed a second goal formost stressful of situations, this time around the Germansthe desperate Uruguayans, but with the score at 3-2 at finalappeared a little unnerved and unsettled – but then again,whistle, it was the Dutch cheers that lingered on.just a little. The tension in the German camp became evidentas the final minutes drew Klose, oh I beg your pardon – closer.Fresh legs were soon invited on-field with the hope of a quickgoal for the Germans, but with the Spaniards continuallyplying on the pressure with swift attacks by David Villa andthe quick-footed Pedro, time was running out.Germany managed to break into the Spaniard defence inthe dying minutes of the game but were unable to convert,eventually having to surrender their place in the finalto Spain, once again proving our friendly eight-leggedNostradamopus – Paul the Octopus – right. Vamos Espana!CELEBRATE WITH PASSION

Germany vs Uruguay (3-2)PEOPLE'S PODIUMspain vs netherlands (1-0)PEOPLE'S PODIUMThe Germans breathed a sigh of relief in the thirdplace match against Uruguay on July 10th as DiegoForlan’s equalising opportunity in the final secondsof the match ricocheted off the woodwork and intothe night sky. Germany claimed the Bronze prizefor the fourth time at the FIFA World Cup, at thesame time eliminating the only remaining SouthAmerican team from the tournament.With the rains, came a shower of goals from bothsides, scoring regularly as the battle for third placeprogressed. First to get the scoreboard ticking wasnone other than Thomas Mueller, who in the 19thminute found himself in a <strong>com</strong>fortable position totip a deflected ball into the Uruguayan net. EdinsonCavani responded with an equaliser just minuteslater, tying the teams at 1-1. Forlan decided to takethe lead in the 51st minute with an absolutelygorgeous strike, but it wasn’t long before MarcellJansen scored back for Germany to even the scoresagain at 2-2. Sami Khedira managed a final goal inthe last 10 minutes of the game taking the score to3-2 in favour of the Germans.Muller and Forlan sit with five goals in thetournament, tied with David Villa, Wesley Sneijderand Miroslav Klose at the top of the Adidas GoldenBoot standings.Yahya“Germany have played well butare missing Ballack. Spain issure to win. I’m not pleased withUruguay’s hand ball againstGhana. They shouldn’t havedone that. It was a sure shotgoal. However, it was a smartthing to do on the part of Suareznone the less.”Saamir“Spain is going to win. They have been themost solid unit and with the majority of theteam playing for the best club in the world,Barcelona, they are sure to play any teamout of their socks. With Xavi and Iniestaback on top of things, Spain is definitelyen route to be<strong>com</strong>ing world champs. VIVAESPANA!!!"Karolina“The Germans have played wellHamedthroughout the tournament.This Paul the Octopus, I want tokill him, grill him and eat him. Ihope Holland wins.”“I think Germany’s performance hasbeen good this World Cup. I likedtheir match against Spain, but Ibelieve that Spain deserved to win.Paul the Octopus has been interestingbut I don’t believe in his powers.I predict Spain to win this time.”And then there was one!Already European Champions and now World Cup champs; the Spaniardsdominate the football world as they <strong>com</strong>e through to defeat the Dutch in agruelling battle that is destined to make its way into the books of footballhistory.First and foremost, we must appreciate Paul the Octopus’ final spot-onprediction. This chap has mastered an art like none other. Well done boy!The final match had all the excitement, disappointment and glory a WorldCup Final should have. Both teams were quick, aggressive and masterstrikers of the ball, however, with the nerves getting the better of them,neither managed to convert the many opportunities that presented itselfduring the game. Andres Iniesta however chose to stand out from the rest,perfectly striking a blistering shot into the back of the Dutch net in the116th-minute, clinching the top spot for his side and earning them theirfirst ever World Cup victory.Rohan“The World Cup so farhas been good, but somegames have been fairlydisappointing. The matchbetween Uruguay andGhana was worth watching.I don’t believe in Paul theOctopus but I can’t help butwonder what he’ll be usedfor next.”Claudia“Holland has been awesomethroughout the tournament.South Africa, as the host nation,has done well. Everything lookslike it’s run smoothly. Good job.”Nialla“This World Cup has beenvery confusing; verydifferent from other ones.So many strong teamsmade an early exit, Italy,England and Brazil forKathleen“The World Cup this year hasbeen fabulous. This finalgame has given people valuefor their money; it’s beenextremely exciting. Paul tome is pretty amazing. He’s gotall his predictions right.”example. South Africa has put in a great deal ofeffort and the tournament has been great.”Even though the boys in orange must now walk away with the secondspot, their performance and unity in this tournament has been laudableand will be a team to watch out for at the 2012 UEFA European FootballChampionships and the next World Cup in 2014.As for the Spaniards around the globe, 'Felicitaciones España!'

worldcup2010Hospitality Scores This World CupSince the World Cup kicked-off, many hotels and cafes in the Sultanate have been reporting a dramatic increase inbusiness as punters gather to watch this month’s games. Hotels and cafes screening the matches in Oman have inmany ways used the World Cup as a means of increasing revenue and attracting new customers. This, however, isnot the only purpose. According to Michael Kuhn, Director of Sales & Marketing at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat,“the World Cup is more than just sales and marketing. It is the uniting of various nationalities and cultures. It’s agreat way of meeting new people and making new friends. It’s great to see so many people celebrating such anevent together. There is no such event in the world of such magnitude. It’s an event that unites so many nations.”Undoubtedly the director knows what he’s talking about. The FIFA World Cup has been a month of fun and frolicsfor the people in Oman, and although defeat must fall into the equation, the joy of the game stills remains.“I’ve been in Oman for only a month now and I couldn’t have asked for a better start. The World Cup has givenme theopportunity tomeet so manypeople in sucha short time. It’s been a great experiencethus far,” said Kuhn.2010 WORLD CUP STADIUMSoccer City StadiumOnce named the FNB stadium, but now known as Soccer City,the stadium sits sweetly in the Soweto area of Johannesburgnext to the FIFA offices and the Local Organising Committeefor the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Host to the majority of keyfootball events that take place in South Africa, Soccer City isalso the largest stadium in the country and can seat 94,700people. This magnificent stadium is also close to the heartsof many Africans, being the site where Nelson Mandela madehis first speech to Johannesburg after the end of his twentysevenyear prison sentence. The stadium will play host to theFIFA World Cup final.How it all came togetherThe Calabash, an African pot, issues the perfectrepresentation of the African continent and itsdifferent people. Known as the ‘melting pot ofcultures’, the construction has been built on araised podium <strong>com</strong>monly known as the ‘pit offire’ simulating flames from beneath the pot.The facade that is on the structure lights up insix different colours and is made from threetextures.“There has been an increase in salesduring the World Cup; I’d reckon about 35percent, but this is before we deduct theexpenses we incur in preparations for theevent. People like <strong>com</strong>ing here to watch thematches and I must say that the bartendershere have done a fabulous job. The tenthas been packed and they still managedto ensure each and every visitor receivedexceptional service,” Kuhn adds.Massive spikes in sales, however, has notbeen the trend in all venues screeningthe matches. When interviewed, Assistant Manager at TCHE TCHE Yousef Harb revealed that there hasn’tbeen any significant increase in sales due to the World Cup. In fact, he claims it’s been “just like normal.”When asked why, he replied, “People only <strong>com</strong>e to watch the matches and have something to drink. Theyprobably eat at home and then <strong>com</strong>e here to watch the match; because we have many screens people enjoyit here.” That said, judging from the packed venues this World Cup, the event certainly hasn’t been a badthing for those in the hospitality industry.Paul the OctopusHis name is derived from the title of a Boy Lornsen poem. Paul the Octopus, an English bornGerman bred eight-legged fortune teller, has won the hearts of many this World Cup, andhe is the most talked about 'player' by far. His 100% accurate predictions of the matches thisWorld Cup have made him somewhat of a superstar.How does he do it? It's simple. Paul is presented with two boxes each containing either amussel or an oyster – his favourite food one would imagine. Each container bears the flagof the teams about to play. Paul, hungry at the time, decides which box to open and devourshis food. The box he selects invariably corresponds with the winning team.Bottled at source from theTanuf Springs, Tanuf NaturalMineral Water has beena leading brand in Oman for thelast 30 years. A fact recognisedby the world premier authority inbranding, Superbrands.Superbrands rewards exceptionalbrands from around the worldthat perform above and beyondothers in the category – anhonour well deserved by yourfavourite mineral water brand.So Paul predicts Spain; and so as much as the Dutch would like to overlook this grimforecast, the octopus has them shaking in their clogs boots. We've dubbed himNostradamopus!40

CHORTLEKFWS • MindGymApril 26, 2010SUDOKUPlace a number in the empty boxes in such a waythat each row across, each column down and eachsmall 9-box square contains all of the numbersfrom one to nine.Go FigureThe idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figuresgiven at the bottom and right-hand columns of thediagram by following the arithmetic signs in theorder they are given (that is, form left to right andtop to bottom). Use only the numbers below thediagram to <strong>com</strong>plete its blank squares and useeach of the nine numbers only once.42 43—1—

HOROSCOPE SAmira K.CAPRICORNDecember 22 – January 19AQUARIUSJanuary 20 – February 18PISCESFebruary 19 – March 20ARIESMarch 21 – April 19You’re finding it difficult tobalance your life, but there areanswers around you. Don’t worry;consult close friends or relativeswhom you trust - they will haveideas. If nothing surfaces in timeremember that patience will seeyou through.Let go of the past in order toinvite a happier present andfuture. Finish off any pendingprojects so you can start ona clean slate. Do not trustothers with new and importantinformation; this might have animpact on your immediate future.You need to let yourself go soplan a weekend getaway whereyou can do everything you wantto do, whether it’s relaxing orshopping. There will probably bea busy spell <strong>com</strong>ing up, so thisweekend will provide you with theperfect opportunity to rechargeyour batteries.More is less sometimes, so tryto work on the principle that noteverything appears to be good, isjust that. A bit of cynicism won’tharm you during this period;it will keep you grounded andensure that you are not duped bypeople who appear charming andattractive, but are anything butthat deep inside.TAURUSApril 20 – May 20GEMINIMay 21 – June 20CANCERJune 21 – July 22LEOJuly 23 – August 22Quit running away from problems.Tackling a niggling issue now,will bring you rewards. Escapingfrom this problem will only servein delaying the issue – it mustbe tackled somehow. Try to lookbeyond the obvious if you want tofind the real solution.VIRGOAugust 23 – September 22You might meet someonewho will turn out to be morethan just a friend. After beingaway from your family for solong, this person may offer youthe <strong>com</strong>pany that you have beenyearning for so long. Get ready todiscover unconditional love.KFWS • MindGymApril 26, 2010What can be challenging can alsobe fun. Learn to view problemsnot only as obstacles that must beover<strong>com</strong>e but also as a chance togrow as a person. There are manypeople who you can draw strengthfrom, so look to people who havebeen through a crisis and handledit well. This will provide you withmuch needed inspiration.LIBRASeptember 23 – October 22It is best to move quickly andget on the good side of yourboss. This summer, things arechanging rapidly so take yourtime before making decisionsregarding your personal life.Do not get involved in any jointfinancial ventures.Time is a <strong>com</strong>modity you don’thave. Finish all the things that youhave put on hold. Get out for abreath of fresh air, it will do yougood. Your work is beginning totake its toll on your personal life.Look for balance.SCORPIOOctober 23 – November 21KFWS • MindGymJune 7, 2010Major changes are to beexpected. Keep yourselfflexible or you may find yourselfin an un<strong>com</strong>fortable situation.Don’t <strong>com</strong>mit to anything you areunsure of. You’re in the spotlightso now is the time to proveyourself. Keep busy and rewardswill <strong>com</strong>e your way.You might find it necessary totackle a situation that is gettingout of hand. The choice mightnot be yours to make, but you cancertainly influence others with alittle persuasion. For now, get outand have some fun to relax yournerves.SAGITTARIUSNovember 22 – December 21While you may be inclined tothink of the concerns of others,now is the time when youmust concentrate on your ownproblems. It’s a good time toreassess you life and to realisewho may be taking advantage ofyour good nature. Good friendswill assist you in this period.Kids Summer Art Camp, Markaz Al Bahja MallSOLUTIONSCROSSWORDSUDOKUGO FIGUREKFWS • MindGymJune 7, 2010Subaru Press Conference

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