September 30th Transaminitis, Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly

September 30th Transaminitis, Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly

September 30th Transaminitis, Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly


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Case Conference –epidemiological rash?Daniel LeungNo disclosures

32 yo man• 32 yo man transferred from OSH with:– Fever, chills, frontal HA x 10 days• Prior to that, was playing soccer– Rash x 5 days• Started at ankles, progressed to legs/trunk, ears– Feeling of fullness of “mouth down tostomach”– Received IVF, ceftriaxone, doxycycline

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash•PMHx:– Child: evaluated for swelling, rash, fever,resolved spontaeneously, not hospitalized– 5 yrs ago: rash & fever, Rx TMP/SMX,resolved• Medications:– Trazodone prn insomnia

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Social Hx:– Born in Brazil (Minas Gerais),– Growing up, lived on a farm with cows, horses, chickens.– Lived in Martha's Vineyard for past 11 years– Home: Lives with 2 brothers– Occupation: painter, works both outdoor & indoor.– Pets: 2 cats– Travel: last trip to Brazil 8 months ago, stayed 3 months.– Sex: last exposure 5 months ago in Brazil, with female partner(had 3 partners during that trip, all female), has multiple lifetimepartners, all female, sometimes with protection. No prostitutes.– Tob: denies EtOH: denies IVDU: denies

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Exam:– Tmax: 102.9 P: 93 R: 20 BP: 120/72 , O2Sat90%– HEENT: OP w/enanthem, anicteric, noconjunctival injection– LN: Shoddy R supraclav, B inguin >2cm, noother LAD– Lungs: R base decr BS, L base crackles– Abdom: NT, ND, Splenic tip palpable

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Exam Cont’d:–Skin:• Raised “dermal” erythematous infiltrate overeyebrows, nose, cheeks, ears• Several similar lesions 2-5cm on abdomen & back• Diffuse blanching erythematous rash on both legs(up to groin), <strong>and</strong> both arms (up to shoulders),including soles but not palms

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Labs – OSH:–LP/CSF:• 1 wbc, 1 rbc, 100% monocytes• protein 39, glucose 79• GS: no org; Cx: NG– parasite smear negative– Babesia DNA neg– HGE DNA neg– Borellia Ab IgM neg– TSH 1.39, ESR 13– urine cx ng blood cx ng

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Labs – BIDMC:– WBC 4.8 (80N, 10L, 8M)– AST 107, ALT 139– BUN 6, Cr 0.8, CK 115– ANA neg, RF 9, Ferritin 420– ESR 20, CRP 97

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Imaging:–CT Chest

Enlarged lymph nodes measure 26.4 x 16.9 mm in the right axilla <strong>and</strong> 27.4 x11.4 in the left.

In the mediastinum, there are conglomerate lymph nodes seen just posterior to the leftatrium <strong>and</strong> to the right of the esophagus (2:53) whose measurement is approximately18.7 x 32.4 mm.

In the mediastinum, there are conglomerate lymph nodes seen just posterior to the leftatrium <strong>and</strong> to the right of the esophagus (2:53) whose measurement is approximately18.7 x 32.4 mm.

dependent portion of the lungs are bibasilar consolidations withassociated small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash• Imaging:–CT Chest– CT Abdomen/Pelvis

spleen measuring 15 cm in size

There are enlarged bilateral inguinal lymph nodes, left greater than right, withthe largest on the left measuring 2.5 x 1.7 cm in sizeALSO: Multiple enlarged left paraaortic lymph nodesprominent iliac chain lymph nodes are also seen

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• DIFFERENTIAL?

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• Hospital course:– Cont’d ceftriaxone, doxycycline– Acute respiratory distress -> ICU on 100% FM– Cont’d doxycycline, started Vanco, Pip/tazo,streptomycin– Cont’d nightly fever to 103F x 3 days– Rapid respiratory improvement -> floor on RA– Temp curve trended down, T 98 on discharge

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• Labs:–WBC:• 4.4K (85%N) on admit• 8.3K (70%N) on d/c– ALT/AST:• 126/101 on admit• 165/149 on d/c

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• Labs:– HBV, HCV neg, HAV Ab pos– ANCA neg, RF neg, ANA neg, C3/C4 wnl– HIV Ab neg, HIV-1 VL

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• Skin Biopsy:– Sections show scattered superficial to deepdermal perivascular, periappendageal, <strong>and</strong>perineural granulomas. Steiner <strong>and</strong> GMSstains are negative for microorganisms. Fite<strong>and</strong> AFB stains reveal numerous bacilli in thegranulomatous foci.

32 yo man w/fever, HA, rash,transaminitis, LAD, splenomegaly• Lymph Node Biopsy:– Flow Cytometry:• B cells comprise 20% of lymphoid gated events,are polyclonal, <strong>and</strong> do not express aberrantantigens.• T cells comprise 76% of lymphoid gated events<strong>and</strong> express mature lineage antigens.–“Full” of AFB

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