Part I Insect Biodiversity - LAC Biosafety

Part I Insect Biodiversity - LAC Biosafety

Part I Insect Biodiversity - LAC Biosafety

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INSECTBIODIVERSITY<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

INSECTBIODIVERSITYScience and SocietyEdited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. AdlerA John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication

This edition first published 2009, © 2009 by Blackwell Publishing LtdBlackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been mergedwith Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell.Registered office: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UKEditorial Offices: 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UKThe Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USAFor details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse thecopyright material in this books please see our website at www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwellThe right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs andPatents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher.Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available inelectronic books.Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and productnames used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Thepublisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurateand authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is notengaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of acompetent professional should be sought.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity : science and society / edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-1-4051-5142-9 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. <strong>Insect</strong>s–Variation. 2. <strong>Insect</strong>s–Evolution. I. Foottit, R. (Robert G.)II. Adler, Peter H. (Peter Holdridge)QL463.I65 2009595.717–dc222008042545ISBN: 9781405151429A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.Set in 9/11 Photina by Laserwords Pvt Ltd, Chennai, IndiaPrinted and bound in the UK1 2009

ContentsDetailed Contents, viiContributors, xiiiPreface, xvii7. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THEPALEARCTIC REGION, 107Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev,and Mark G. VolkovitshForeword, xixAcknowledgments, xxiPART II.INSECT BIODIVERSITY: TAXONEXAMPLES, 1631. INTRODUCTION, 1Peter H. Adler and Robert G. Foottit2. THE IMPORTANCE OF INSECTS, 7Geoffrey G. E. Scudder8. BIODIVERSITY OF AQUATIC INSECTS, 165John C. Morse9. BIODIVERSITY OF DIPTERA, 185Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, andBradley J. SinclairPART I.INSECT BIODIVERSITY: REGIONALEXAMPLES, 3310. BIODIVERSITY OF HETEROPTERA, 223Thomas J. Henry3. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THE NEARCTICREGION, 35Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. Smith4. AMAZONIAN RAINFORESTS AND THEIRRICHNESS OF COLEOPTERA, A DOMINANTLIFE FORM IN THE CRITICAL ZONE OF THENEOTROPICS, 49Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. Geraci5. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THEAFROTROPICAL REGION, 69Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. Mansell6. BIODIVERSITY OF AUSTRALASIANINSECTS, 83Peter S. Cranston11. BIODIVERSITY OF COLEOPTERA, 265Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith,and Hume Douglas12. BIODIVERSITY OF HYMENOPTERA, 303John T. Huber13. BIODIVERSITY OF LEPIDOPTERA, 325Michael G. PoguePART III. INSECT BIODIVERSITY: TOOLSAND APPROACHES, 35714. THE SCIENCE OF INSECT TAXONOMY:PROSPECTS AND NEEDS, 359Quentin D. Wheelerv

viContents15. INSECT SPECIES – CONCEPTSAND PRACTICE, 381Michael F. Claridge16. MOLECULAR DIMENSIONS OF INSECTTAXONOMY, 397Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. Roe17. DNA BARCODES AND INSECTBIODIVERSITY, 417Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. Hebert18. INSECT BIODIVERSITYINFORMATICS, 433Norman F. Johnson19. PARASITOID BIODIVERSITY AND INSECTPEST MANAGEMENT, 445John Heraty20. THE TAXONOMY OF CROP PESTS: THEAPHIDS, 463Gary L. Miller and Robert G. Foottit21. ADVENTIVE (NON-NATIVE) INSECTS:IMPORTANCE TO SCIENCE AND SOCIETY,475Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebeke22. BIODIVERSITY OF BITING FLIES:IMPLICATIONS FOR HUMANITY, 523Peter H. Adler23. RECONCILING ETHICAL AND SCIENTIFICISSUES FOR INSECT CONSERVATION, 547Michael J. Samways24. TAXONOMY AND MANAGEMENTOF INSECT BIODIVERSITY, 561Ke Chung Kim25. INSECT BIODIVERSITY – MILLIONSAND MILLIONS, 575May BerenbaumIndex of Arthropod Taxa Arrangedby Order and Family, 583Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa, 601Index of Non-Arthropod Organisms, 619Subject Index, 623Color plate section between pages XX and XX

Detailed ContentsContributors, xiiiPreface, xviiForeword, xixAcknowledgments, xxi1. INTRODUCTION, 1Peter H. Adler and Robert G. FoottitAcknowledgments, 5References, 52. THE IMPORTANCE OF INSECTS, 7Geoffrey G. E. ScudderDiversity, 8Ecological role, 9Effects on natural resources, agriculture, and humanhealth, 11<strong>Insect</strong>s and advances in science, 12Biomechanics, 12Genetics, 13Developmental biology, 14Evolution, 15Physiology, 16Ecology, 16Paleolimnology and climate change, 18<strong>Insect</strong>s and the public, 19References, 21PART I.INSECT BIODIVERSITY: REGIONALEXAMPLES, 333. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THE NEARCTICREGION, 35Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. SmithInfluence of insect biodiversity on society in theNearctic Region, 37<strong>Insect</strong> conservation, 39Species diversity and the state of knowledge, 39Assembling the data, 39Synopsis of biodiversity, 41State of knowledge, 41Variations in biodiversity, 42Regional variation, 42Habitats, 44Conclusions and needs, 44Acknowledgments, 45References, 454. AMAZONIAN RAINFORESTS AND THEIRRICHNESS OF COLEOPTERA, A DOMINANTLIFE FORM IN THE CRITICAL ZONE OF THENEOTROPICS, 49Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciThe climatic setting and Critical Zoneestablishment, 52Characterization of typical lowland rainforestcomposition in the Western Basin, 53Sampling arthropod biodiversity in Amazonianforests, 55Richness of various lineages and guilds, 57General patterns, 57Morphospecies richness to biodiversity, 61Beetles: life attributes have led to contemporaryhyperdiversity, 62Summary and guide to future research, or ‘taking asmall step into the vortex’, 63Acknowledgments, 65References, 655. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THEAFROTROPICAL REGION, 69Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. MansellWhat do we know about Afrotropical insects?, 71vii

viiiDetailed ContentsAn information-management program, 71The role of insects in ecosystem processesand as indicators of environmentalquality – dung beetles as a case study, 73Dung beetles as indicators of regionalbiodiversity, 74Dung beetles as indicators of habitattransformation, 75Africa-wide pests and training appropriatetaxonomists – fruit flies as acase study, 75Invasive species of concern in Africa, 75African indigenous fruit flies of economicimportance, 76Sentinel groups, 77Neuroptera, 77Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae:Scarabaeinae), 78Conclusions, 79References, 806. BIODIVERSITY OF AUSTRALASIANINSECTS, 83Peter S. CranstonAustralasia – the locale, 84Some highlights of Australasian insectbiodiversity, 85The Lord Howe Island stick insect, 86Australasian birdwing conservation, 87Drowning by numbers? How many insect species arein Australasia?, 88Australia, 88New Zealand (Aotearoa), Chatham Islands,and Subantarctic Islands, 88New Guinea, 89New Caledonia and the West Pacific, 89Australasian insect biodiversity – overview andspecial elements, 89Australia, 89New Zealand, 91New Caledonia, New Guinea,and Melanesia, 92Threatening processes to Australasian insectbiodiversity, 93Land clearance and alteration, 93Introduced animals, 94Climate change, 95Australasian biodiversity conservation, 96Conclusion, 98References, 987. INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN THEPALEARCTIC REGION, 107Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev,and Mark G. VolkovitshGeographic position, climate, and zonality, 108General features of insect biodiversity, 122Notes on biodiversity of some insect groups in thePalearctic, 128<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of insect herbivores, 130Boundaries and insect biodiversity, 135Local biodiversity, 136<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity and habitats, 137<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity and Palearctic mountains, 139<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in major biogeographical divisionsof the Palearctic, 141Arctic (Circumpolar Tundra) Region, 141Forest regions, 142Taiga, 144Nemoral European and Stenopean forests, 145Hesperian and Orthrian evergreen forests, 146Scythian (Steppe) Region, 147Sethian (Desert) Region, 150Acknowledgments, 152References, 155PART II.INSECT BIODIVERSITY: TAXONEXAMPLES, 1638. BIODIVERSITY OF AQUATIC INSECTS, 165John C. MorseOverview of taxa, 166Springtails (Collembola), 166Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), 167Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), 167Stoneflies (Plecoptera), 167Grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera), 168Earwigs (Dermaptera), 168Lice (Phthiraptera), 168Bugs (Hemiptera), 168Wasps (Hymenoptera), 169Hellgrammites and alderflies(Megaloptera), 169Nerve-winged insects (Neuroptera), 169Scorpionflies (Mecoptera), 169Beetles (Coleoptera), 169Caddisflies (Trichoptera), 170Moths (Lepidoptera), 171Flies (Diptera), 171

Detailed ContentsixSpecies numbers, 171Societal benefits and risks, 171Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversity infood webs, 174Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversity inbiomonitoring, 174Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversity infishing, 176Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversity incontrol of noxious weeds, 176Societal risks of aquatic insects, 177<strong>Biodiversity</strong> concerns for aquatic insects, 177Threats to freshwater species of insects, 177Need for biodiversity discovery and descriptionof aquatic insects, 178Need to refine definitions of species of aquaticinsects, 178Need for new generation of aquaticentomologists, 178References, 1799. BIODIVERSITY OF DIPTERA, 185Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington,and Bradley J. SinclairOverview of taxa, 188Lower Diptera, 188Brachycera, 189Lower Brachycera, 189Empidoidea, 190Lower Cyclorrhapha, 192Non-Calyptratae Muscomorpha,193Calyptratae, 194Societal importance, 195Diptera as plant pests (agriculture, silviculture,and floriculture), 195Medical and veterinary importance, 196Disease transmission, 196Myiasis, 197Invasive alien Diptera, 198Diptera as a general nuisance, 198Diptera in biological control, 199Pollination, 200Other ecological services (scavengers anddecomposers), 200Diptera of forensic, medicolegal, and medicalimportance, 201Diptera as research tools, 201Physiology and genetics, 201Technology, 202Diptera in conservation, 202Bioindicators, 202Vanishing species, 203Diptera as part of our culturallegacy, 204References, 21010. BIODIVERSITY OF HETEROPTERA, 223Thomas J. HenryOverview of the Heteroptera, 227Euheteroptera, 227Infraorder Enicocephalomorpha, 227Infraorder Dipsocoromorpha, 227Neoheteroptera, 228Infraorder Gerromorpha, 228Gerroidea, 228Hebroidea, 228Hydrometroidea, 230Mesovelioidae, 230Panheteroptera, 230Infraorder Nepomorpha, 230Corixoidea, 230Naucoroidea, 230Nepoidea, 230Notonectoidea, 231Ochteroidea, 231Infraorder Leptopodomorpha, 231Leptopodoidea, 231Saldoidea, 232Infraorder Cimicomorpha, 232Cimicoidea, 232Joppeicoidea, 234Microphysoidea, 234Miroidea, 234Naboidea, 237Reduvioidea, 237Velocipedoidea, 240Infraorder Pentatomomorpha, 240Aradoidea, 240Coreoidea, 241Idiostoloidea, 242Lygaeoidea, 242Pentatomoidea, 244Pyrrhocoroidea, 248The importance of heteropteran biodiversity, 248Acknowledgments, 249References, 250

xDetailed Contents11. BIODIVERSITY OF COLEOPTERA, 265Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith,and Hume DouglasOverview of taxa, 270Suborders Archostemataand Myxophaga, 270Suborder Adephaga, 272Suborder Polyphaga, 273Series Staphyliniformia, 273Series Scarabaeiformia, 274Series Elateriformia, 275Series Bostrichiformia, 276Series Cucujiformia, 276Societal benefits and risks, 279Beetles of economic importance, 279Negative effects of beetles, 279Positive effects of beetles, 281Beetles of cultural importance, 282Beetles of medical and legalimportance, 283Medical entomology, 283Forensic entomology, 284Beetles as research tools, 284Threatened beetles, 290Conclusions, 290References, 29012. BIODIVERSITY OF HYMENOPTERA, 303John T. HuberEvolution and higher classification, 304Numbers of species and individuals, 304Morphological and biological diversity, 305Importance to humans, 309Stings and bites, food and otherproducts, 309Ecological importance, 310Taxonomic diversity, 311Symphyta, 311Parasitica, 311Stephanoidea, 311Megalyroidea, 311Trigonaloidae, 311Mymarommatoidea, 311Evanioidea, 311Ichneumonoidea, 312Ichneumonidae, 312Braconidae, 312Cynipoidea, 312Proctotrupoidea, 312Platygastroidea, 313Ceraphronoidea, 313Chalcidoidea, 313Mymaridae, 313Agaonidae, 313Trichogrammatidae, 314Aculeata, 314Chrysidoidea, 314Chrysididae, 314Dryinidae, 314Bethylidae, 315Vespoidea, 315Mutillidae, 315Pompilidae, 315Tiphiidae, 315Vespidae, 315Formicidae, 316Apoidea, 316Societal benefits and detrimentsof Hymenoptera, 317Conclusions, 318Acknowledgments, 319References, 31913. BIODIVERSITY OF LEPIDOPTERA, 325Michael G. PoguePrimary needs for enhancinglepidopteran biodiversitystudies, 327Lepidoptera biodiversity, 329Lepidoptera classification, 334Non-Glossatan Lepidoptera, 334Glossata, 335Coelolepida, 335Myoglossata, 335Neolepidoptera, 336Neolepidoptera – Exoporia, 336Heteroneura, 336Non-Ditrysian Heteroneura, 337Lower Ditrysia, 338Apoditrysia, 342Non-ObtectomeranApoditrysia, 342Obtectomera, 344Non-MacrolepidopteranObtectomera, 344Macrolepidoptera, 345Lepidoptera inventories, 349Conclusions, 350References, 351

Detailed ContentsxiPART III. INSECT BIODIVERSITY: TOOLSAND APPROACHES, 35714. THE SCIENCE OF INSECT TAXONOMY:PROSPECTS AND NEEDS, 359Quentin D. WheelerThe what and why of taxonomy, 360<strong>Insect</strong> taxonomy missions, 366<strong>Insect</strong> taxonomy’s grand-challengequestions, 366Transforming insect taxonomy, 369<strong>Insect</strong> taxonomy: needs andpriorities, 370Integrative insect taxonomy, 372Accelerating descriptive taxonomy, 373Beware sirens of expediency, 376Conclusions, 377References, 37715. INSECT SPECIES – CONCEPTSAND PRACTICE, 381Michael F. ClaridgeEarly species concepts – Linnaeus, 382Biological species concepts, 383Phylogenetic species concepts, 386Species concepts and speciation – adigression?, 388<strong>Insect</strong> species – practical problems, 388Species, host races, and biotypes, 389Specific mate recognition and siblingspecies, 390<strong>Part</strong>henogenetic insects, 391Conclusions, 392References, 39216. MOLECULAR DIMENSIONS OF INSECTTAXONOMY, 397Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. RoeChallenges in taxonomy, 398Determination, 398Discovery, 400Delimitation, 401Phylogeny, 402Survey of molecular methods, 403Conclusions and outlook for thefuture, 408Acknowledgments, 409References, 40917. DNA BARCODES AND INSECTBIODIVERSITY, 417Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. HebertSpecies concepts and recognition, 418DNA barcoding, 419Applications of barcoding, 421Lepidoptera, 421Diptera, 422Coleoptera, 423Hymenoptera, 424Collembola, 425Ephemeroptera, 425Conclusions, 426Acknowledgments, 427References, 42718. INSECT BIODIVERSITYINFORMATICS, 433Norman F. JohnsonPrimary specimen-occurrence data, 434Taxonomic names, 439Literature, 440Characters, 440Encyclopedia of Life, Tree of Life, 441Conclusions and prospects, 441Acknowledgments, 441References, 44219. PARASITOID BIODIVERSITY AND INSECTPEST MANAGEMENT, 445John HeratyWhat is a parasitoid?, 447<strong>Biodiversity</strong> and success of insect parasitoids, 448Hymenoptera (Apocrita), 449Phoridae, 449Tachinidae, 451Other groups, 451Where are parasitoids most diverse?, 451Leafmining parasitoids and native landscapes, 452Are parasitoids more diverse in tropical versustemperate climates?, 452Systematics, parasitoids, and pest management, 454Molecules and parasitoid biodiversity, 454Cryptic species, 455DNA barcoding and biodiversity ofparasitoids, 456Can molecular markers be applied to understandingbiodiversity?, 458Summary, 458

xiiDetailed ContentsAcknowledgments, 458References, 45820. THE TAXONOMY OF CROP PESTS: THEAPHIDS, 463Gary L. Miller and Robert G. FoottitHistorical background, 464Economic importance and early taxonomy, 464Early aphid studies – a North Americanexample, 465Recognizing aphid species, 467The focus becomes finer, 468Adventive aphid species, 469Conclusions, 470References, 47021. ADVENTIVE (NON-NATIVE) INSECTS:IMPORTANCE TO SCIENCE AND SOCIETY,475Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard HoebekeTerminology, 477Distributional status: native or adventive?, 477Early history of adventive insects inNorth America, 478Numbers, taxonomic composition, and geographicorigins of adventive insects, 480Effects of adventive insects, 483Beneficial, 486Detrimental, 488Systematics, biodiversity, and adventivespecies, 497Concluding thoughts, 497Acknowledgments, 500References, 50022. BIODIVERSITY OF BITING FLIES:IMPLICATIONS FOR HUMANITY, 523Peter H. AdlerNumbers and estimates, 524Overview of biting flies and diseases, 528Rationale for biodiversity studies of blood-suckingflies, 534<strong>Biodiversity</strong> exploration, 535Societal consequences of disregardingbiodiversity, 536Present and future concerns, 537Conclusions, 539Acknowledgments, 540References, 54023. RECONCILING ETHICAL AND SCIENTIFICISSUES FOR INSECT CONSERVATION, 547Michael J. SamwaysValuing nature, 549Types of value, 549Sensitive use of ecosystem services, 550Common good approaches, 551Intrinsic value and conservation action, 551Reconciling values, 552<strong>Insect</strong>s and ecosystems, 552Interactions and multiple effects, 552<strong>Insect</strong>s and food webs, 553Importance of maintaining landscapeconnectance, 554Two challenges, 554The taxonomic challenge, 554The challenge of complementarysurrogates, 556Synthesizing deeper values and practical issues, 556Summary, 557Acknowledgments, 557References, 55724. TAXONOMY AND MANAGEMENTOF INSECT BIODIVERSITY, 561Ke Chung Kim<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity, 562<strong>Biodiversity</strong> loss and humanity, 563<strong>Biodiversity</strong> and taxonomy, 564<strong>Biodiversity</strong> inventory and ecology, 566Backyard biodiversity and sustainability, 567Taxonomic bottlenecks in managing insectbiodiversity, 568Advancing the science of insect biodiversity, 569References, 57025. INSECT BIODIVERSITY – MILLIONSAND MILLIONS, 575May BerenbaumAcknowledgments, 581References, 581Index of Arthropod Taxa Arrangedby Order and Family, 583Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa, 601Index of Non-Arthropod Organisms, 619Subject Index, 623Color plate section between pages XX and XX

ContributorsPETER H. ADLER Department of Entomology, Soils &Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Box 340315, 114Long Hall, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0315 USA(padler@clemson.edu)MAY R. BERENBAUM Department of Entomology,UniversityofIllinois,505S.GoodwinAve.,Urbana,Illinois61801-3707 USA (maybe@uiuc.edu)PATRICE BOUCHARD Environmental Health NationalProgram (<strong>Biodiversity</strong>), Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada, K. W. Neatby Bldg., 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0C6 CANADA (patrice.bouchard@agr.gc.ca)MICHAEL F. CLARIDGE 84 The Hollies, QuakersYard, Treharris, Wales CF46 5PP UK (claridge@cardiff.ac.uk)GREGORY W. COURTNEY Department of Entomology,432 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa50011-3222 USA (gwcourt@iastate.edu)PETER S. CRANSTON Department of Entomology,University of California at Davis, Davis, California 95616USA (pscranston@ucdavis.edu)HUGH V. DANKS Biological Survey of Canada, CanadianMuseum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443 Station D., Ottawa,Ontario K1P 6P4 CANADA (hughdanks@yahoo.ca)HUME DOUGLAS Canadian Food Inspection Agency,Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Arachnids andNematodes, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A0C6 CANADA (douglash@inspection.gc.ca)TERRY L. ERWIN Smithsonian Institution, Departmentof Entomology, National Museum of NaturalHistory, Mrc-187, Washington, DC 20560-0001 USA(ErwinT@si.edu)ROBIN M. FLOYD <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Institute of Ontarioand Department of Integrative Biology, Universityof Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2 W1 CANADA(rfloyd@uoguelph.ca)ROBERT G. FOOTTIT Environmental Health NationalProgram (<strong>Biodiversity</strong>), Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada, K. W. Neatby Bldg., 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0C6 CANADA (robert.foottit@agr.gc.ca)CHRISTY J. GERACI Smithsonian Institution, Departmentof Entomology, National Museum of NaturalHistory, Mrc-187, Washington, DC 20560-0001 USA(GeraciC@si.edu)VASILY V. GREBENNIKOV Canadian Food InspectionAgency, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s,Arachnids and Nematodes, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0C6 CANADA (GrebennikovV@inspection.gc.ca)PAUL D. N. HEBERT <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Institute of Ontarioand Department of Integrative Biology, Universityof Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2 W1 CANADA(phebert@uoguelph.ca)THOMAS J. HENRY Systematic Entomology Laboratory,PSI, Agriculture Research Service, U. S. Departmentof Agriculture, c/o Smithsonian Institution, WashingtonDC 20013-7012 USA (Thomas.henry@ars.usda.gov)JOHN M. HERATY Department of Entomology, Universityof California, Riverside, California 92521 USA(john.heraty@ucr.edu)xiii

xivContributorsE. RICHARD HOEBEKE Department of Entomology,Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-2601 USA(erh2@cornell.edu)JOHN T. HUBER Canadian Forestry Service, K. W.Neatby Bldg., 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K1A0C6 CANADA (john.huber@agr.gc.ca)NORMAN F. JOHNSON Department of Entomology,Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus,Ohio 43212 USA (johnson.2@osu.edu)KE CHUNG KIM Frost Entomological Museum, Departmentof Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, Pennsylvania 16802 USA (kck@psu.edu)ALEXANDER S. KONSTANTINOV Systematic EntomologyLaboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service,U. S. Department of Agriculture, Smithsonian Institution,P. O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History,Rm. CE-709, MRC–168, Washington, DC 20560-0168USA (alex.konstantinov@ars.usda.gov)BORIS A. KOROTYAEV Zoological Institute, RussianAcademy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg199034 RUSSIA (baris@zin.ru)MERVYN W. MANSELL ARC – Plant ProtectionResearch Institute, Biosystematics Division, PrivateBag X134, Pretoria 0001 SOUTH AFRICA(vrehmwm@plant5.agric.za)GARY L. MILLER Systematic Entomology Laboratory,PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Bldg. 005, BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland20705 USA (Gary.Miller@ars.usda.gov)JOHN C. MORSE Department of Entomology, Soils &Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Box 340315, 114Long Hall, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0315 USA(jmorse@clemson.edu)THOMAS PAPE Natural History Museum of Denmark,Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100Copenhagen, DENMARK (tpape@snm.ku.dk)MICHAEL G. POGUE Systematic Entomology Laboratory,PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U. S.Department of Agriculture, Smithsonian Institution,P. O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural HistoryMuseum, MRC-168, Washington, DC 20560-0168USA (michael.pogue@ars.usda.gov)AMANDA D. ROE Department of Biological Sciences,CW 405a Biological Sciences Centre, Universityof Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9 CANADA(adroe@hotmail.com)MICHAEL J. SAMWAYS Department of Entomologyand Centre for Agricultural <strong>Biodiversity</strong>, University ofStellenbosch, Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, SOUTHAFRICA (samways@sun.ac.za)CLARKE H. SCHOLTZ Department of Zoology andEntomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 002, SOUTHAFRICA (chscholtz@zoology.up.ac.za)GEOFFREY G. E. SCUDDER Department of Zoology,University of British Columbia, 7270 University Boulevard,Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4 CANADA(scudder@zoology.ubc.ca)BRADLEY J. SINCLAIR Entomology - Ontario PlantLaboratories, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, K.W.Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, OntarioK1A 0C6 CANADA (sinclairb@inspection.gc.ca)JEFFREY H. SKEVINGTON Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada (AAFC), Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s,Arachnids and Nematodes, K.W. Neatby Building, 960Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6 CANADA(jeffrey.skevington@agr.gc.ca)ANDREW B. T. SMITH Research Division, CanadianMuseum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station ‘D’, Ottawa,Ontario K1P 6P4 CANADA (asmith@mus-nature.ca)FELIX A. H. SPERLING Department of BiologicalSciences, CW 405a Biological Sciences Centre, Universityof Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9 CANADA(felix.sperling@ualberta.ca)MARK G. VOLKOVITSH Zoological Institute, RussianAcademy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg199034 RUSSIA (polycest@zin.ru)ALFRED G. WHEELER, JR. Department of Entomology,Soils & Plant Sciences, Clemson University,

ContributorsxvBox 340315, 114 Long Hall, Clemson, South Carolina29634-0315 USA (awhlr@clemson.edu)QUENTIN D. WHEELER International Institute forSpecies Exploration, Arizona State University, P.O.Box 876505, Tempe, AZ 85287-6505 USA (Quentin.Wheeler@asu.edu)JOHN J. WILSON <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Institute of Ontarioand Department of Integrative Biology, Universityof Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2 W1 CANADA(jwilso04@uoguelph.ca)

Preface<strong>Insect</strong>s are the world’s most diverse group of animals,making up more than 58% of the known global biodiversity.They inhabit all habitat types and play majorroles in the function and stability of terrestrial andaquatic ecosystems. <strong>Insect</strong>s are closely associated withour lives and affect the welfare of humanity in diverseways. At the same time, large numbers of insect species,including those not known to science, continue tobecome extinct or extirpated from local habitats worldwide.Our knowledge of insect biodiversity is far fromcomplete; for example, barely 65% of the North Americaninsect fauna has been described. Only a relativelyfew species of insects have been studied in depth. Weurgently need to explore and describe insect biodiversityand to better understand the biology and ecologyof insects if ecosystems are to be managed sustainablyand if the effect of global environment change is to bemitigated.The scientific study of insect biodiversity is at a precariouspoint. Resources for the support of taxonomyare tenuous worldwide. The number of taxonomists isdeclining and the output of taxonomic research hasslowed. Many taxonomists are reaching retirement ageand will not be replaced with trained scientists, whichwill result in a lack of taxonomic expertise for manygroups of insects. These trends contrastwith an increasingneed for taxonomic information and services in oursociety,particularlyforbiodiversityassessment,ecosystemmanagement, conservation, sustainable development,management of climate-change effects, and pestmanagement. In light of these contrasting trends, thescientific community and its leadership must increasetheir understanding of the science of insect biodiversityand taxonomy and ensure that policy makersare informed of the importance of biodiversity for asustainable future for humanity.We have attended and contributed to many scientificmeetings and management and policy gatheringswhere the future, the resource needs, and importanceof insect taxonomy and biodiversity have been debated.In fact, discussion of the future of taxonomy is a favoritepastime of taxonomists; there is no shortage of ‘‘taxonomicopinion.’’ Considerable discussion has focusedon the daunting task of describing the diversity ofinsect life and how many undescribed species are outthere. However, we felt that there was a need for anup-to-date, quantitative assessment of what insect biodiversityentails, and to connect what we know anddo not know about insect biodiversity with its impacton human society.Our approach was to ask authors to develop accountsof biodiversity in certain orders of insects and geographicregions and along selected subject lines. In allcategories, we were limited by the availability of willingcontributors and their time and resources. Manyinsect groups, geographic regions, and scientific andsocietal issues could not be treated in a single volume.It also was apparent to us, sometimes painfully so, thatmany taxonomists are wildly over-committed. This situationcan be seen as part of the so-called taxonomicimpediment – the lack of available taxonomic expertiseis compounded by an overburdened communityof present-day taxonomists with too much work andperhaps too much unrealistic enthusiasm.In Chapter 1, we introduce the ongoing challenge todocument insect biodiversity and develop its services.Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of theimportance and value of insects to humans. The nexttwo sections deal with regional treatments and ordinallevelaccounts of insect biodiversity. These approacheswere a serious challenge to the contributors who hadto compile information from a wide array of sources or,alternatively, deal with situations in which accurateinformation simply is insufficient. In <strong>Part</strong> III, we documentsome of the tools and approaches to the science oftaxonomy and its applications. Perspective is providedon the past, present, and future of the science of insecttaxonomy and the all-important influence of speciesconcepts and their operational treatment on taxonomicscience and insect biodiversity. Contributionsxvii

xviiiPrefaceon the increasing role of informatics and molecularapproaches are provided, areas with ongoing controversyand differences of opinion. These chapters arefollowed by contributions on the applications of taxonomicscience for which biodiversity information isfundamental, includingtheincreasingimpactofadventiveinsects, pest detection and management, humanmedical concerns, and the management and conservationof biodiversity. The book ends with an historicalview of the continuing attempts to document the extentof world insect biodiversity.Robert G. FoottitOttawa, OntarioPeter H. AdlerClemson, South Carolina

Foreword<strong>Insect</strong>s are the most exuberant manifestation of Earth’smany and varied life forms. To me, one of their greatestfascinations is how a rather simple basic unifyingbody plan has become modified and adapted to producean enormous variety of species, able to exploit virtuallyall terrestrial and freshwater environments on theplanet while, as a paradox debated extensively a fewdecades ago, not becoming equally predominant in theseas and oceans. Features such as possession of wingsand the complete metamorphosis of many species havebeen cited frequently as fostering this massive diversity.However, the ‘success’ of insects can be measuredby many parameters: their long-term persistence andstability of their basic patterns, the variety of highergroups (with almost 30 orders commonly recognized)and, as emphasized in this book, the wealth of speciesand similar entities. Each of these species has its individualbiological peculiarities, ecological role, distribution,and interactions within the local community. And eachmay differ in habit and appearance both from its closestrelatives and also across its range to reflect local influencesand conditions. Every species is thus a mosaicof physical variety and genetic constitution that canlead to both taxonomic and ecological ambiguity ininterpreting its integrity and the ways in which it mayevolve and persist.Entomologists will continue to debate the numberof insect ‘species’ that exist and the levels of past andlikely future extinctions. Documenting and cataloginginsect biodiversity as a major component of Earth’slife is a natural quest of human inquiry but is notan end in itself and, importantly, is not synonymouswith conserving insects or a necessary prerequisite toassuring their well-being. Despite many ambiguitiesin projecting the actual numbers of insect species, noone would query that there are a lot and that thevarious ecological processes that sustain ecosystemsdepend heavily on insect activity. Indeed, ‘ecologicalservices’ such as pollination, recycling of materials,and the economically important activities of predatorsand parasitoids are signaled increasingly as part of therationale for insect conservation because these valuescan be appreciated easily through direct economicimpacts. All these themes are dealt with in this book,centered on questions related to our ignorance of thefundamental matters of ‘how many are there?’ and‘how important are they?’ to which the broad answersof ‘millions and ‘massive’ may incorporate considerableuncertainty; this uncertainty, however, is reduced bymany of the chapters here.In any investigations of insect biodiversity, the role ofinventory tends to be emphasized. Documenting numbersof species (however they are delimited or defined)gives us foci for conservation advocacy and is pivotalin helping to elucidate patterns of evolution and distribution.Recognizing and naming species allow usto transfer information, but high proportions of undescribedor unrecognizable species necessitate the useof terms such as ‘morphospecies’ in much ecologicalinterpretation of diversity. Nevertheless, other than insome temperate regions, particularly in the NorthernHemisphere, many estimates of insect species richnessand naming the species present are highly incomplete.Much of the tropics, for example, harbors few residententomologists other than those involved with pressingproblems of human welfare, and more basic andsustained documentation almost inevitably dependson assistance from elsewhere. Some insects, of course,have been explored much more comprehensively thanothers, so that selected taxonomic groups (such asbutterflies, larger beetles, and dragonflies) and ecologicalgroups (‘pests’) have received much more attentionthan many less charismatic or less economically importantgroups. Indeed, when collecting Psocoptera inparts of the tropics, I have occasionally been asked bylocal people why I am not collecting birdwing butterflies,stag beetles, or other ‘popular’ (or commerciallydesirable!) insects, and my responses have done littleto change their opinions of my insanity! In short,many gaps in knowledge of insect diversity persist,xix

xxForewordand seem unlikely to be redressed effectively in thenear future, other than by ‘guesstimates’ extrapolatingfrom sometimes rather dubious foundations. However,sufficient knowledge does exist to endorse the practicalneed to protect natural habitats effectively fromcontinued despoliation and, as far as practicable, fromthe effects of climate changes. Citations of impressivelylarge numbers of insect species can become valuableadvocacy in helping to conserve areas with largelyunheralded wealth of biodiversity. Presence of unusuallineages of insects, of narrow range endemics, as well ashighly localized radiations and distributional idiosyncrasies(such as isolated populations beyond the mainrange of the taxon) are all commonplace scenarios andmay in various ways help us to designate prioritiesfor allocating the limited conservation resources available.Many such examples from selected insect groupsare revealed in this book – but evaluating the richnessand ecological importance of the so-called meekinheritors, that vast majority of insects that do notintrude notably on human intelligence and welfare,remains a major challenge. Many such taxa receiveattention from only a handful of entomologists at anytime, and some are essentially ‘orphaned’ for considerableperiods. Progress with their documentation isinevitably slow and sporadic. In addition, some hyperdiverseorders and families of insects exhibit dauntingcomplexity of form and biology, as ‘black hole groups’whose elucidation is among the major challenges thatface us.<strong>Insect</strong> conservation has drawn heavily on issuesrelevant to biodiversity and appreciation of the vastrichness of insects – not only of easily recognizable‘species’ but also of the occurrence of subspecies andother infraspecific variants such as significant populations,collectively ‘evolutionarily significant units’.This more complex dimension of insect biodiversityis receiving considerable attention as new moleculartools (such as DNA analysis) enable us to probecharacters in ways undreamed of only a decade orso ago to augment the perspectives provided by morphologicalinterpretation. The vast arrays of crypticspecies gradually being revealed suggest that even ourmost up-to-date estimates of species numbers basedon morphological data may be woefully inadequate.<strong>Insect</strong> diversity equates to ‘variety’, but the subtletiesof interpopulation variations in genetic constitutionand ecological performance are difficult to appraiseand to categorize formally – and perhaps even moredifficult to communicate to non-entomologists whosepowers may determine the future of the systems inwhich those insects participate. Education and communication,based on the soundest available information,are essential components of insect conservation. Thisbook is a significant contribution to this endeavor,through indicating how we may come to interpretand understand insect biodiversity more effectively. Inaddition to providing a range of opinions and facts oninsect richness in a variety of taxonomic, geographical,and methodological contexts, it helps to emphasizethe importance of accurate species recognition. Failureto recognize adventive alien species may havedire economic or ecological consequences, for example,or confusion between biotypes or cryptic species mayinvalidate expensive management programs for theirsuppression or conservation.A new generation of skilled insect systematists –whose visions encompass the wider ramifications ofinsect biodiversity, its importance in understanding thenatural world and the accelerating impacts of humansupon it – is an urgent need. They enter an excitingand challenging field of endeavor, and the perspectivesincluded in this volume are essential background totheir future contributions. This book is thus both afoundation and a stimulating working tool toward thatend, and I expect many of the chapters to be keyreferences as we progressively refine and enlarge thebases of our understanding of insects and their activitiesin the modern world.T.R. New,Department of Zoology,La Trobe University,Victoria 3086, Australia

AcknowledgmentsWe asked external reviewers to give us perspectiveon each chapter, and we are grateful for theirefforts and appreciative of the time they took fromtheir busy schedules. We would like to thank thefollowing individuals who reviewed one or morechapters: P. Bouchard, C. E. Carlton, M. F. Claridge,P. S. Cranston, T. L. Erwin, C. J. Geraci, D. R. Gillespie,P. W. Hall, R. E. Harbach, J. D. Lafontaine, J. D. Lozier,P. G. Mason, H. E. L. Maw, J. C. Morse, L. A. Mound,G. R. Mullen, T. R. New, J. E. O’Hara, V. H. Resh,M. D. Schwartz, G. G. E. Scudder, D. S. Simberloff,A. Smetana, A. B. T. Smith, J. Sóberon, L. Speers,F. A. H. Sperling, I. C. Stocks, M. W. Turnbull, C. D.von Dohlen, D. L. Wagner, G. Watson, A. G. Wheeler,Jr., Q. D. Wheeler, B. M. Wiegmann, D. K. Yeates, andP. Zwick. We extend our gratitude to Eric Maw forhis tremendous efforts in generating the taxonomicindices.Finally, we acknowledge the encouragement andsupport, both moral and technical, of the staff at Wiley-Blackwell, particularly Ward Cooper, Delia Sandford,and Rosie Hayden.xxi

BEDACFGJ5 mmHIKspecies richnessempirical predictedA) ScarabaeidaeB) ErotylidaeC) CarabidaeD) ElateridaeE) CeratocanthidaeF) MordellidaeG) BuprestidaeH) Entiminae (CurculionidaeI) Otidocephalini (Curculionidae)J) Cryptocephalinae (Chrysomelidae)K) Hispinae (Chrysomelidae)L) Alticinae (Chrysomelidae) not figuredM) Cleridae, not figured5821445815011388209413543227400122133168477138363612344537227316n/a139total = 2315adult feeding guildsherbivores, leaf feedersfungivorespredatorsdetritivorestermitophilespollen feederspollen feedersherbivores, leaf feedersherbivoresherbivores, leaf feedersherbivores, leaf feedersherbivores, leaf feederspredatorsPlate 1Coleoptera taxa examined in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador,from 1994 to 2006. Images were taken with the EntoVisionextended focus photography system (Alticinae and Cleridaenot figured). For each taxon, the number of observed morphospecies(as of 2008) is listed, as well as predicted numbersof species based on accumulation curves and ICE calculations(Erwin et al. 2005).<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

ABCDE F GPlate 2A. Calosoma sycophanta (L.) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Turkey)(Photo A. Konstantinov). B. Nemoptera sinuata Olivier (Neuroptera:Nemopteridae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).C. Eristalis tenax (L.) (Diptera: Syrphidae) (Turkey) (PhotoA. Konstantinov). D. Cryptocephalus duplicatus Suffrian(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (Turkey) (Photo A. Konstantinov).E. Poecilimon sp. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)(Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh). F. Capnodis carbonaria (Klug)(Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).G. Cyphosoma euphraticum (Laporte et Gory) (Coleoptera:Buprestidae) (southern Russia) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).

ABCDEFPlate 3A. Julodis variolaris (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Kazakhstan)(Photo M. Volkovitsh). B. Julodella abeillei (Théry)(Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).C. Mallosia armeniaca Pic (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)(Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh). D. Trigonoscelis schrenckiGebler (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) (Kazakhstan) (PhotoM. Volkovitsh). E. Saga pedo Pallas (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)(Kazakhstan) (Photo M. Volkovitsh). F. Piazomiassp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Kazakhstan) (PhotoM. Volkovitsh).

ABCDEHFGIJKLM N OPlate 4Adult Diptera. (a) Tipulidae (Tanysipetra) habitus, dorsal view.(b) Axymyiidae (Axymyia), lateral view. (c) Limoniidae (Prionolabis)mating pair, oblique-dorsal view. (d) Bibionidae(Bibio) habitus, oblique-lateral view. (e) Culicidae (Culex)feeding on ranid frog. (f) Empididae (Empis) habitus,lateral view. (g) Pipunculidae taking flight, obliquelateralview. (h) Micropezidae (Grallipeza) habitus, lateralview. (i) Diopsidae (Teleopsis) head, frontal view.(j) Conopidae (Stylogaster) mating pair, lateral view.(k) Asilidae (Proctacanthus) feeding on dragonfly, obliquedorsalview. (l) Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga) habitus, dorsalview. (m) Scathophagidae (Scathophaga) habitus, obliquelateralview. (n) Stratiomyidae habitus, lateral view.(o) Calliphoridae (Hemipyrellia) habitus, frontolateral view.(Images by E. Bernard [a], g. Courtney [b, c, h, i, m], S. Marshall[e, f, g, j, k], M. Rice [d] and I. Sivec [l, n, o].)

ABCDEFGHIJKLPlate 5Larval Diptera. (a) Tipulidae (Epiphragma) habitus, dorsal(top) and ventral (bottom) views. (b) Ptychopteridae (Bittacomorpha)head, thorax and abdominal segments I–III,lateral view. (c) Nymphomyiidae (Nymphomyia) habitus lateralview. (d) Deuterophlebiidae (Deuterophlebia) habitus, dorsalview. (e) Psychodidae (Pericoma) habitus, lateral view.(f) Blephariceridae (Horaia) habitus, dorsal (left) and ventral(right) views. (g) Calliphoridae (Lucilia) habitus, dorsal view.(h) Tephritidae (Eurosta) habitus, ventral view. (i) Syrphidae(Syrphus) feeding on aphids, dorsal view. (j) Syrphidae(Microdon) on glass, lateral view. (k) Sciomyzidae (Tetanocera)habitus, lateral view. (l) Stratiomyidae (Caloparyphus) habitus,dorsal view. (Images by G. Courtney [a–f, h, k, j] andS. Marshall [g, i, l].)

EurytomidaeEurytoma verticillata (Fabricius)Families of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)MymaridaeMymar taprobanicum WardPteromalidaePteromalus puparum (Linnaeus)AphelinidaeAphelinus sp.TrichogrammatidaeXiphogramma anneckei DouttEurytomidaeChryseida aeneiventris AshmeadEupelmidaeEupelmus orientalis (Crawford)AgaonidaePleistodontes addicotti WiebesfemaleAgaonidaePleistodontes addicotti WiebesmaleTorymidaeTorymus fulvus (Huber)MymarommatoideaMymarommatidaePalaeomymar sp.EupelmidaeEupelmus vesicularis (Retzius)Klaus BoltePlate 6Lateral habitus views of representative genera of nine families of Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera). Imagesby Klaus Bolte.

12817918310191142012132221145231524616257Plate 7(caption on following page)

Plate 8Dragonfly (female Erythemis simplicicollis) consuming a bee-fly pollinator Bombylius sp. (Diptera: Bombyliidae).Plate 7A sample of lepidopteran biodiversity. 1, Oxydia geminataMaassen (Geometridae). 2, Ectoedemia virgulae (Braun) (Nepticulidae).3, Lieinix nemesis Latreille (Pieridae). 4, Charaxescithaeron C. & R. Felder (Nymphalidae). 5, Ethmia monticola(Walsingham) (Elachistidae). 6, Apantesis virgo (Linnaeus)(Noctuidae). 7, Gloveria gargamelle Strecker (Lasiocampidae).8, Catacrosis lithosialis Ragonot (Pyralidae). 9, Sparganothisreticulatana (Clemens) (Tortricidae). 10, Plagodis serinariaHerrich-Schäffer (Geometridae). 11, Atteva punctella Cramer(Yponomeutidae). 12, Feltia jaculifera (Guenée) (Noctuidae).13, Epimartyria pardella (Walsingham) (Micropterigidae).14, Decantha tistra Hodges (Oecophoridae). 15, Oligocentriasemirufescens (Walker) (Notodontidae). 16, Nemapogondefectella (Zeller) (Tineidae). 17, Noctua pronuba Linnaeus(Noctuidae). 18, Olethreutes arcuella (Clerck) (Tortricidae).19, Schinia florida (Guenée) (Noctuidae). 20, Euclea delphinii(Boisduval) (Limacodidae). 21, Diastictis robustior Munroe(Crambidae). 22, Dyseriocrania griseocapitella (Walsingham)(Eriocraniidae). 23, Stilbosis tesquella Clemens (Cosmopterigidae).24, Xestia dolosa Franclemont (Noctuidae). 25, Filatimaobidenna Clarke (Gelechiidae). Prepared by David Adamski.

Chapter 1IntroductionPeter H. Adler 1 and Robert G. Foottit 21 Department of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson,South Carolina 29634-0315 USA2 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Ottawa,ON, K1A 0C6 Canada<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-91

Every so often, a technical term born in the biologicalcommunity enters the popular vocabulary,usually because of its timeliness, political implications,media hype, and euphonious ability to capturethe essence of an issue. ‘Biotechnology’, ‘humangenome’, and ‘stem cells’ are terms as common inpublic discourse as they are in scientific circles. ‘<strong>Biodiversity</strong>’is another recent example. Introduced in itsportmanteau form in the mid-1980s by Warren G.Rosen (Wilson 1988), the term has grown steadilyin popularity. By March 2008, the keyword ‘biodiversity’generated 12 million hits on Google Search.Three months later, the number of hits, using the samekeyword search, had shot to more than 17 million.Although the word ‘biodiversity’ might be familiarto many, its definition is often subject to individualinterpretation. Abraham Lincoln grappled with a similarconcern over the word ‘liberty’. In an 1864 speech,Lincoln opined, ‘The world has never had a good definitionof the word liberty, and the American people,just now, are much in want of one ...but in using thesame word we do not all mean the same thing’ (Simpson1998). To the layperson, ‘biodiversity’ might conjurea forest, a box of beetles, or perhaps the entire fabricof life. Among scientists, the word has been defined,explicitly and implicitly, ad nauseum, producing a rangeof variants (e.g., Gaston 1996). In its original context,the term ‘biodiversity’ encompassed a broad range oftopics (Wilson 1988), and we embrace that perspective.<strong>Biodiversity</strong>, then, is big biology, describing aholistic view of life. It is ‘the variety of all forms oflife, from genes to species, through to the broad scaleof ecosystems’ (Faith 2007). The fundamental units ofbiodiversity – species – serve as focal points for studyingthe full panoply of life, allowing workers to zoomin and out along a scale from molecule to ecosystem.The species-centered view also provides a vital focus forconserving life forms and understanding the causes ofdeclining biodiversity.Despite disagreements over issues ranging from definitionsof biodiversity to phylogenetic approaches,biologists can agree on four major points. (1) The worldsupports a great number of insects. (2) We do not knowhow many species of insects occupy our planet. (3) Thevalue of insects to humanity is enormous. (4) Too fewspecialists exist to inventory the world’s entomofauna.By virtue of the sheer numbers of individualsand species, insects, more than any other life form,command the attention of biologists. The number ofindividual insects on earth at any given moment hasbeen calculated at one quintillion (10 18 ) (Williams1964), an unimaginably large number on par withthe number of copepods in the ocean (Schubel andButman 1998) and roughly equivalent to the numberof sand grains along a few kilometers of beach (Ray1996). The total number of insect species similarlybankrupts the mind. Estimates offered over the pastfour centuries have increased steadily from 10,000species, proposed by John Ray in 1691 (Berenbaum,this volume), to as many as 80 million (Erwin 2004).Today’s total of 1,004,898 described living species(Table 1.1) is more than 100 times the 1691 estimate.Based on a figure of 1.50–1.74 million describedeukaryotic species in the world (May 1998), insectsrepresent 58–67% of the total.The members of the class <strong>Insect</strong>a are arrangedin 29 orders (Grimaldi and Engel 2005, Arillo andEngel 2006). Four of these orders – the Coleoptera,Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera – account for81% of all the described species of living insects. Thebeetles are far in front, leading the next largest order,the Lepidoptera, by a factor of about 2.3 (Table 1.1).A growing number of world checklists and catalogsare available online for various families and orders.Outfitted with search functions, they provide anothertool for handling the taxonomic juggernaut of newspecies and nomenclatural changes. We can foreseea global registry of species in the near future that isupdated with each new species or synonym, allowingreal-time counts for any taxon.The greatest concentration of insect species lies intropical areas of the globe. One hectare of Amazonianrainforest contains more than 100,000 speciesof arthropods (Erwin 2004), of which roughly 85%are insects (May 1998). This value is more than 90%of the total described species of insects in the entireNearctic Region. Yet, this tropical skew is based partlyon a view of species as structurally distinct from oneanother. Morphologically similar, if not indistinguishable,species (i.e., sibling species) typically do not figurein estimates of the number of insect species. If organismsas large as elephants and giraffes are compositesof multiple species (Brown et al. 2007), a leap of faithis not required to realize that smaller earthlings alsoconsist of additional, reproductively isolated units ofbiodiversity. When long-recognized nominal species ofinsects, from black flies to butterflies, are probed moredeeply, the repetitive result is an increase, often manyfold,in the number of species (Hebert et al. 2004, Postet al. 2007). We do not yet have a clear indication

Introduction 3Table 1.1 World totals of described, living species in the 29 orders of the class <strong>Insect</strong>a.Order 1 Described Species 2 ReferencesArchaeognatha 504 Mendes 2002, Zoological Record 2002–2008Zygentoma 527 Mendes 2002, Zoological Record 2002–2008Ephemeroptera 3046 Barber-James et al. 2008Odonata 5680 Kalkman et al. 2008Dermaptera 1967 Steinmann 1989, Zoological Record 1989–2008Notoptera 39 Vrsansky et al. 2001, Engel and Grimaldi 2004Plecoptera 3497 Fochetti and de Figueroa 2008Embiodea 458 Ross 2001, Zoological Record 2002–2008Zoraptera 34 Hubbard 2004, Zoological Record 2004–2008Phasmatodea 2853 Brock 2008Orthoptera 23,616 Eades and Otte 2008Mantodea 2384 Ehrmann 2002, Zoological Record 2002–2008Blattaria 4565 Beccaloni 2007Isoptera 2864 Constantino 2008Psocoptera 5574 New and Lienhard 2007, Zoological Record 2008Phthiraptera 5024 Durden and Musser 1994, Price et al. 2003,L. Durden personal communicationThysanoptera 5749 Mound 2005, personal communicationHemiptera 100,428 Duffels and van der Laan 1985, Zoological Record1981–2008 (Cicadidae); Remaudière andRemaudière 1997, G. L. Miller personalcommunication (Aphidoidea); McKamey 1998,2007, personal communication (Cercopidae,Cicadellidae, Membracidae); Hollis 2002(Psylloidea); Ben-Dov et al. 2006 (Coccoidea);Bourgoin 2005, McKamey personalcommunication (Fulgoroidea); Martin andMound 2007 (Aleyrodidae); Henry, this volume(Heteroptera)Coleoptera 359,891 Bouchard et al., this volumeRaphidioptera 225 Aspöck 2002, Oswald 2007, J. D. Oswaldpersonal communicationMegaloptera 337 Cover and Resh 2008, J. D. Oswald personalcommunicationNeuroptera 5704 Oswald 2007, J. D. Oswald personalcommunicationHymenoptera 144,695 Huber, this volumeMecoptera 681 Penny 1997, Zoological Record 1998–2008Siphonaptera 2048 Lewis 1998, Zoological Record 1998–2008Strepsiptera 603 Proffitt 2005, Zoological Record 2005–2008Diptera 152,244 Courtney et al., this volumeTrichoptera 12,868 Morse 2008Lepidoptera 156,793 Pogue, this volume; Zoological Record 2007–2008TOTAL 1,004,8981 We follow the ordinal classification of Grimaldi and Engel (2005) for the class <strong>Insect</strong>a, updated torecognize Notoptera (i.e., Grylloblattodea + Mantophasmatodea; Arillo and Engel 2006). Thus, the threeorders of the class Entognatha – the Collembola, Diplura, and Protura – are not included. These threeorders would add roughly another 11,000 species to the total number in Table 1.1.2 Species were tallied in spring 2008, with the exception of Hymenoptera (Huber, this volume), which werecounted primarily in 2006–2007, with earlier counts for some families, and Coleoptera (Bouchard et al.,this volume), which were counted, with few exceptions, within the past decade.

4 Peter H. Adler and Robert G. Foottitacross sufficient taxa to know whether a regional biasin sibling species of insects might exist or even varyamong taxonomic groups.The precise number of species, however, is not whatwe, as a global society, desperately need. Rather, werequire a comprehensive, fully accessible library ofall volumes (i.e., species) – a colossal compendiumof names, descriptions, distributions, and biologicalinformation that ultimately can be transformedinto a yellow pages of services. <strong>Insect</strong>s hold a vastwealth of behavior, chemistry, form, and functionthat conservatively translates into an estimated$57 billion per annum in ecological services to theUnited States (Losey and Vaughan 2006), a value thatdoes not include services provided by domesticatedinsects (e.g., honey bees) or their products (e.g., honeyand shellac) or mass-reared biological control agents.To harvest the full range of benefits from insects,taxonomists and systematists must first reveal theearth’s species and organize them with collateralinformation that can be retrieved with ease.<strong>Biodiversity</strong> science must keep pace with the changingface of the planet, particularly species extinctionsand reshufflings driven largely by human activitiessuch as commerce, land conversion, and pollution. By2007, for example, 1321 introduced species had beendocumented on the Galapagos Islands, of which atleast 37% are insects (Anonymous 2007). As species ofinsects are being redistributed, others are disappearing,particularly in the tropics, though the data are murky.We are forced into an intractable bind, for we cannotknow all that we are losing if we do not know allthat we have. We do know, however, that extinctionis an inevitable consequence of planetary abuse. TheBrazilian government, for instance, announced thatdeforestation rates had increased in its portion of theAmazon, with a loss of 3235 sq km in the last 5 monthsof 2007. Using Erwin’s (2004) figure of 3 × 10 10 individualterrestrial arthropods per hectare of tropicalrainforest, we lost habitat for more than 30 trillionarthropods in that one point in space and time.The urgency to inventory the world’s insect fauna isgainingsomebalancethroughthecurrentrevolutionintechnology. Coupled with powerful electronic capabilities,theexplosionofbiodiversityinformation,muchofitnow derived from the genomic level, can be networkedworldwide to facilitate not only communication andinformation storage and retrieval but also taxonomyitself – cybertaxonomy (sensu Wheeler 2007). Effortsto apply new approaches and bioinformatics on a globalscale are now underway (e.g., Barcode of Life DataSystems 2008, Encyclopedia of Life 2008). We canimagine that in our lifetimes, automated completegenomesequencing will be available to identify specimensas routinely as biologists today use identificationkeys. The futuristic handheld gadget that can reada specimen’s genome and provide immediate identification,with access to all that is known about theorganism (Janzen 2004), is no longer strictly sciencefiction. Yet, each new technique for revealing and organizingthe elements of biodiversity comes with its ownset of limitations, some of which we do not yet know.DNA-sequence readers, for instance, will do little toidentify fossil organisms. An integrated methodology,mustering information from molecules to morphology,will continue to prove its merit, although it isthe most difficult approach for the individual workerto master. Given the vast number of insect species,however, today’s themes are likely to remain the samewell beyond the advent of handheld, reveal-all devices:an unknown number of species, too few specialists, andtoo little appreciation of the value of insect biodiversity.Those who study insect biodiversity do so largely outof a fascination for insects; no economic incentive isneeded. But for most people, from a land developer toa hardscrabble farmer, a personal, typically economicreason is required to appreciate the value of insect biodiversity.This value, therefore, must be translated intoeconomic gain. Today’s biologists place a great dealof emphasis on discovering species, cataloging them,and inferring their evolutionary relationships. Rightlyso. But these activities will not, in themselves, curryfavor with the majority. We believe that, now, equalemphasis must be placed on developing the services ofinsects. We envision a new era, one of entrepreneurialbiodiversity that crosses disciplinary boundaries andlinks the expertise of insect systematists with thatof biotechnologists, chemists, economists, engineers,marketers, pharmacologists, and others. Only then canwe expect to tap the magic well of benefits derivablefrom insects and broadly applicable to society, whileensuring a sustainable environment and conservingits biodiversity. And, this enterprise just might reinvigorateinterest in biodiversity among the youth andaspiring professionals.The chapters in this volume are written bybiologists who share a passion for insect biodiversity.The text moves from a scene-setting overview ofthe value of insects through examples of regionalbiodiversity, taxon biodiversity, tools and approaches,

Introduction 5and management and conservation to a historical viewof the quest for the true number of insect species. Thecase is made throughout these pages that real progresshas been achieved in discovering and organizing insectbiodiversity and revealing the myriad ways, positiveand negative, that insects influence human welfare.While the job remains unfinished, we can be assuredthat the number of insect-derived benefits yet to berealized is far greater than the number of species yet tobe discovered.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank those who answered queries and helpedus tally species in their areas of expertise: G. W.Beccaloni, P. D. Brock, L. A. Durden, D. C. Eades,F. Haas, C. Lienhard, S. McKamey, G. L. Miller, L. A.Mound, and J. D. Oswald. We appreciate the review ofthe manuscript by A. G. Wheeler, Jr.REFERENCESAnonymous. 2007. CDF supports Galapagos in danger decision.Galapagos News Fall/Winter 2007: 2.Arillo, A. and M. S. Engel. 2006. Rock crawlers in Balticamber (Notoptera: Mantophasmatodea). American MuseumNovitates 3539: 1–10.Aspöck, H. 2002. The biology of Raphidioptera: a review ofpresent knowledge. Acta Zoologica Academiae ScientiarumHungaricae 48 (Supplement 2): 35–50.Barber-James, H. M., J.-L. Gattolliat, M. Sartori, andM. D. Hubbard. 2008. Global diversity of mayflies(Ephemeroptera; <strong>Insect</strong>a) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595:339–350.Barcode of Life Data Systems. 2008. http://www.barcodinglife.org/views/login.php [Accessed 20 January 2008].Beccaloni, G. W. 2007. Blattodea species file online. Version1.2/3.3. http://Blattodea.SpeciesFile.org [Accessed 20 May2008].Ben-Dov, Y., D. R. Miller, and G. A. P. Gibson. 2006. ScaleNet.http://www.sel.barc.usda.gov/SCALENET/scalenet.htm[Accessed 21 May 2008].Bourgoin, T. 2005. FLOW: Fulgomorpha lists on the web.http://flow.snv.jussieu.fr/cgi-bin/entomosite.pl [Accessed22 May 2008].Brock, P. D. 2008. Phasmida species file online. Version2.1/3.3. http://Phasmida.SpeciesFile.org [Accessed 22May2008].Brown, D. M., R. A. Brenneman, K.-P. Koepfli, J. P. Pollinger,B. Milá, N. J. Georgiadis, E. E. Louis, Jr., G. F. Grether,D. K. Jacobs, and R. K. Wayne. 2007. Extensive populationgenetic structure in the giraffe. BMC Biology 5: 57.Constantino, R. 2008. On-line termite database. http://www.unb.br/ib/zoo/docente/constant/catal/catnew.html[Accessed 22 May 2008].Cover, M. R. and V. H. Resh. 2008. Global diversity ofdobsonflies, fishflies, and alderflies (Megaloptera; <strong>Insect</strong>a)and spongillaflies, nevrorthids, and osmylids (Neuroptera;<strong>Insect</strong>a) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 409–417.Duffels, J. P. and P. A. van der Laan. 1985. Catalogue ofthe Cicadoidea (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) 1956–1980.Series Entomologica. Volume 34. W. Junk, Dordrecht. xiv +414 pp.Durden, L. A. and G. G. Musser. 1994. The sucking lice(<strong>Insect</strong>a, Anoplura) of the world: a taxonomic checklist withrecords of mammalianhosts and geographical distributions.Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 218:1–90.Eades, D. C. and D. Otte. 2008. Orthoptera species fileonline. Version 2.0/3.3. http://Orthoptera.SpeciesFile.org[Accessed 21 May 2008].Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt.Natur und Tier – Verlag, Münster, Germany. 519 pp.Encyclopedia of Life. 2008. http://www.eol.org/ [Accessed 30May 2008].Engel, M. S. and D. A. Grimaldi. 2004. A new rock crawlerin Baltic amber, with comments on the order (Mantophasmatodea:Mantophasmatidae). American Museum Novitates3431: 1–11.Erwin, T. L. 2004. The biodiversity question: how manyspecies of terrestrial arthropods are there? Pp. 259–269. InM. D. Lowman and H. B. Rinker (eds). Forest Canopies,Second Edition. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington,Massachusetts.Faith, D. P. 2007. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>. In E. N. Zalta,U. Nodelman, and C. Allen (eds). Stanford Encyclopediaof Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/biodiversity/[Accessed 11 May 2008].Fochetti, R. and J. M. T. de Figueroa. 2008. Global diversity ofstoneflies (Plecoptera; <strong>Insect</strong>a) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia595: 365–377.Gaston, K. J. (ed). 1996. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>: A Biology of Numbers andDifference. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 396 pp.Grimaldi, D. A. and M. Engel. 2005. The Evolution of <strong>Insect</strong>s.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 755 pp.Hebert,P.D.N.,E.H.Penton,J.M.Burns,D.H.Janzen,andW. Hallwachs. 2004. Ten species in one: DNA barcodingreveals cryptic species in the neotropical skipper butterflyAstraptes fulgerator. Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences USA 101: 14812–14817.Hollis, D. 2002. Psylloidea. http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/abrs/fauna/details.pl?pstrVol=PSYLLOIDEA;pstrTaxa=1;pstrChecklistMode=1 [Accessed 21 May2008].

Chapter 2The importanceof insectsGeoffrey G. E. ScudderDepartment of Zoology, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada<strong>Insect</strong>s nurture and protect us, sicken us, kill us. They bring both joy and sorrow. They drive usfrom fear to hate, then to tolerance. At times they bring us up short to a realization of the waythe world really is, and what we have to do to improve it. Their importance to human welfaretranscends the grand battles we fight against them to manage them for our own ends. Most of ushate them, but some of us love them. Indeed at times they even inspire us.— McKelvey (1975)<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-97

<strong>Insect</strong>s are important because of their diversity,ecological role, and influence on agriculture,human health, and natural resources. They havebeen used in landmark studies in biomechanics,climate change, developmental biology, ecology,evolution, genetics, paleolimnology, and physiology.Because of their many roles, they are familiar tothe general public. However, their conservation is achallenge. The goal of this chapter is to document thedominance of insects in the living world and to showhow they have been central to many advances inscience.DIVERSITYConsiderable debate continues over how many speciesof insects are in the world. Estimates range from2 to 50 million (Stork 1993). The lower figure isfrom Hodkinson and Casson (1991). The higher figureof up to 50 million is from Erwin (1988, 1993), andlike an earlier estimate of 30 million (Erwin 1982,1983), is based on numbers obtained from canopyfogging in the tropical forests of the Americas. Thesehigh estimates have been questioned, however,because of the assumptions made and the lack of realevidence for vast numbers of undescribed species (Stork1993). Other methods of estimation have been usedby May (1988), Stork and Gaston (1990), and Gaston(1991), and from these other data, Stork (1993)concluded that a global total of 5–15 million is morereasonable. Gaston (1991) gave a figure of about5 million, and this estimate was accepted by Grimaldiand Engel (2005), although Hammond (1992) gavean estimate of 12.5 million species.The number of insects described at present isestimated to be 925,000 (Grimaldi and Engel 2005)(updated to 1,004,898; this volume), in a totalbiota described to date of 1.4 to 1.8 million (Stork1988, 1993, May 1990, Hammond 1992). Usingthe 925,000 species described, versus the estimate of5 million total, Grimaldi and Engel (2005) suggestedthat only about 20% of the insects are named.A majority of the species on earth are insects. Theyhave invaded every niche, except the oceanic benthiczone (Grimaldi and Engel 2005). Hammond (1992)calculated that arthropods constitute 65% of the totalknown biodiversity, and Grimaldi and Engel (2005)put the figure at about 58%, while Samways (1993)noted that they constitute 81.3% of described animalspecies, excluding the Protozoa. Thus, from a modestbeginning some 400 mya, insects have become thedominant component of the known diversity on earth,with 100 million species having ever lived (Grimaldiand Engel 2005).Wheeler (1990) in his ‘species scape’, pictoriallyillustrated the current dominance of insects,and Samways (1993) noted that if all insect specieson earth were described, the beetle representingthe proportion of insect species in the world mighthave to be drawn up to 10 times larger. Wheeler(1990) used a beetle to depict the arthropods in hisspecies scape because the Coleoptera are the dominantinsect group, constituting 40% of the estimatedtotal number of insects (Nielsen and Mound 2000).Dominance of the Coleoptera was said to have ledJ. B. S. Haldane, when asked what he could infer aboutthe work of the Creator, to respond that the Creatormust have had ‘an inordinate fondness for beetles’,although there is some doubt about the provenanceof this phrase (Fisher 1988). The success of the orderColeoptera is claimed to have been enabled by the riseof flowering plants (Farrell 1998).Although Wheeler’s (1990) species scape is basedon the described world biota, a similar speciesscape could depict most terrestrial communitiesand ecosystems. Asquith et al. (1990) calculatedthe species richness in old-growth Douglas-fir forestin Oregon, showing that in the H. J. AndrewsExperimental Forest near Eugene, arthropods aredominant, constituting 84.9% of the richness, withvascular plants comprising 11.5%, and vertebratesonly 3.6%. Asquith et al. (1990) remarked that in suchterrestrial ecosystems, animal diversity is virtuallysynonymous with arthropod diversity. They noted,however, that this vast arthropod diversity is to a largeextent an invisible diversity. Yet, it is the glue thatholds diversity together (Janzen 1987).Hexapods not only dominate in number of species,but also in number of individuals. Collembola can occurat densities of 10 4 to 10 5 per m 2 in most terrestrialecosystems (Petersen and Luxton 1982). Such statisticsled Fisher (1998) to state that ‘whether measuredin terms of their biomass or their numerical or ecologicaldominance, insects are a major constituent ofterrestrial ecosystems and should be a critical componentof conservation research and managementprograms’. In terms of biomass and their interactionswith other terrestrial organisms, insects are themost important group of terrestrial animals (Grimaldi

The importance of insects 9and Engel 2005), so important that if all were todisappear, humanity probably could not last morethan a few months (Wilson 1992). On land, insectsreign (Grimaldi and Engel 2005) and are the chiefcompetitors with humans for the domination of thisplanet (Wigglesworth 1976).ECOLOGICAL ROLE<strong>Insect</strong>s create the biological foundation for all terrestrialecosystems. They cycle nutrients, pollinate plants,disperse seeds, maintain soil structure and fertility,control populations of other organisms, and providea major food source for other taxa (Majer 1987). Virtuallyany depiction of a food web in a terrestrial orfreshwater ecosystem will show insects as a key component,although food-web architectures in these twoecosystems are quite different (Shurin et al. 2005).<strong>Insect</strong>s are of great importance as a source of foodfor diverse predators (Carpenter 1928). Aquatic insectlarvae serve as food for fishes, and many stream fishappear to be limited by the availability or abundance ofsuch prey, at least on a seasonal basis (Richardson1993). Adult mayflies are devoured in myriads atthe season of their emergence by trout (Carpenter1928), and this phenomenon forms the basis of thefly-fishing sport (McCafferty 1981). <strong>Insect</strong>s provide themajor food supply of many lizards. Many amphibiaare carnivorous, especially after they reach maturity,and insects form the bulk of their animal food(Brues 1946).Birds of many families take insects as their staplefood, at least during part of the year (Carpenter 1928),with martins, swallows, and swifts virtually dependenton flying insects for survival. For the yellow-headedblackbird in the Cariboo region of British Columbia,success in rearing young is linked to the emergence ofdamselflies (Orians 1966).Mammals such as the American anteater, slothbears, sun bears, and the African and Oriental pangolinsare especially tied to ant and termite colonies,and a number of mammalian predators use insectsas food. The British badger often digs out wasp neststo feed on the grubs (Carpenter 1928), and in NorthAmerica, black bears in north-central Minnesota feedon ants in the spring for quick sources of protein andto obtain essential amino acids and other trace elementsunavailable in other spring foods (Noyce et al.1997). Aggregations of the alpine army cutworm mothEuxoa auxiliaris (Grote) are an important, high-quality,preferred summer and early-fall food for grizzly bears inGlacier National Park, Montana (White et al. 1998).<strong>Insect</strong>s are an important supplementary humanfood source of calories and protein in many regionsof the world (Bodenheimer 1951, DeFoliart 1989,1992, 1999), with some 500 species in more than260 genera and 70 families of insects known tobe consumed (DeFoliart 1989, Groombridge 1992).<strong>Insect</strong>s of most major orders are eaten, but the mostwidely used species are those, such as termites, thathabitually occur in large numbers in one place orthat periodically swarm, such as locusts, or largespecies such as saturniid moth larvae. The seasonalabundance at certain times of the year makes themespecially important when other food resources maybe lacking (Groombridge 1992).No accurate estimates are available for the totalnumber of insect natural enemies of other insects, butprobably as many, or perhaps more, entomophagousinsects exist as do prey or hosts (DeBach 1974). Thehabit of feeding upon other insects is found in allmajor insect orders (Clausen 1940). Included here arepredators and parasitoids, both of which are involvedin natural and practical control of insects (Koul andDhaliwal 2003). The control of the cottony-cushionscale Icerya purchasi Maskell in California by thepredatory vedalia beetle Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant)imported from Australia established the biologicalcontrol method in 1888–1889 (DeBach 1974,Caltagirone 1981, Caltagirone and Doutt 1989).Conservatively, some 400,000 species of knowninsects are plant feeders (New 1988). Thus, phytophagousinsects make up approximately 25% ofall living species on earth (Strong et al. 1984). Themembers of many orders of insects are almost entirelyphytophagous (Brues 1946), conspicuous orders beingthe Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera. The influenceof insects, as plant-feeding organisms, exceedsthat of all other animals (Grimaldi and Engel 2005).Under natural conditions, insects are a prime factorin regulating the abundance of all plants, particularlythe flowering plants, as the latter are especially prone toinsect attack (Brues 1946). More thoroughly than anyother animals, insects have exploited their food supplyand profited wonderfully thereby (Brues 1946). Thisability was employed when the moth Cactoblastis cactorumBerg was used to control the prickly pear cactus inAustralia in 1920–1925 (DeBach 1974). Among theflowering plants are a number of truly insectivorous

10 Geoffrey G. E. Scudderforms that belong to several diverse groups (Brues1946).Food webs involving insects can be quite complex(Elkinton et al. 1996, Liebhold et al. 2000) and relevantto human health in unexpected ways. In oakforests (Quercus spp.) of the eastern USA, defoliation bygypsy moths (Lymantria dispar L.) and the risk of Lymedisease are determined by interactions among acorns,white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque)),gypsy moths, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianusZimmermann), and black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularisSay) (Jones et al. 1998). Experimental removal ofmice, which eat gypsy moth pupae, demonstrated thatmoth outbreaks are caused by reductions in mousedensity that occur when there are no acorns. Experimentalacorn addition increased mouse and tick densityand attracted deer, which are key tick hosts. Miceare primarily responsible for infecting ticks with theLyme disease agent, the spirochete bacterium Borreliaburgdorferi. Lyme disease risk and human health arethus connected to insects indirectly.Miller (1993) has categorized how insects interactwith other organisms as providers, eliminators, andfacilitators. <strong>Insect</strong>s serve as providers in communitiesand ecosystems by serving as food or as hosts forcarnivorous plants, parasites, and predatory animals.Theyalsoproducebyproducts,suchashoneydew,frass,and cadavers that sustain other species. As eliminators,insects remove waste products and dead organisms(decomposers and detritivores), consume and recyclelive plant material (herbivores), and eat other animals(carnivores).Many insect taxa are coprophagous. The subfamiliesAphodiinae, Coprinae, and Geotrupinae of scarabbeetles (Scarabaeidae) are well-known dung feeders(Ritcher 1958, Hanski and Cambefort 1991), withadults of some species provisioning larval burrowswith balls of dung. The dung-beetle communityin North America is dominated by accidentally orintentionally introduced species, with aphodiinesdominant in northern localities and scarabaeinesdominant in southern areas (Lobo 2000). Australiahas imported coprophagous scarabs from South Africaand the Mediterranean Region for the control of cattledung (Waterhouse 1974). African species also havebeen introduced into North America to improve yieldof pasture land through effective removal of dungand to limit the proliferation of flies and nematodesthat inhabit the dung (Fincher 1986). Dung beetles intropical forests also play an important role in secondaryseed dispersal because they bury seeds in dung,protecting them from rodent predators (Shepherd andChapman 1998).Leaf-cutter ants, not large herbivores, are the principalplant feeders in Neotropical forests (Wilson 1987).<strong>Insect</strong>s, not birds or rodents, are the most importantconsumers in temperate old fields (Odum et al. 1962).Spittlebugs, for example, ingest more than do mice orsparrows (Wiegert and Evans 1967).<strong>Insect</strong> herbivory can affect nutrient cycling throughfood–web interactions (Wardle 2002, Weisser andSiemann 2004). <strong>Insect</strong> herbivores influence competitiveinteractions in the plant community, affectingplant-species composition (Weisser and Siemann2004). Tree-infesting insects are capable of changingthe composition of forest stands (Swaine 1933), andinsects can influence the floristic composition ofgrasslands (Fox 1957). Soil animals, many of whichare insects, ultimately regulate decomposition andsoil function (Moore and Walter 1988) through bothtrophic interactions and biophysical mechanisms,which influence microhabitat architecture (McGilland Spence 1985). Soil insects are essential for litterbreakdown and provide a fast return of nutrients toprimary producers (Wardle 2002). Ants and termitesare fine-scale ecosystem engineers (Jones et al. 1994,Lavelle 2002, Hastings et al. 2006). The attine antsare the chief agents for introducing organic matter intothe soil in tropical rain forests (Weber 1966). Overall,termites are perhaps the most impressive decomposersin the insect world (Hartley and Jones 2004) andmajor regulators of the dynamics of litter and soilorganic matter in many ecosystems (Lavelle 1997).<strong>Insect</strong>s serve as facilitators for interspecific interactionsthrough phoresy, transmission of pathogenicorganisms, pollination, seed dispersal, and alterationof microhabitat structure by tunneling and nesting(Miller 1993). The process of insect pollination isbelieved to be the basis for the evolutionary history offlowering plants, spanning at least 135 million years(Crepet 1979, 1983), although the origin of insectpollination, which is an integrating factor of biocenoses(Vogel and Westerkamp 1991), is still being debated(Pellmyr 1992, Kato and Inoue 1994).Approximately 85% of angiosperms are pollinatedby insects (Grimaldi and Engel 2005). Yucca moths(Tegeticula spp.) exhibit an extraordinary adaptation forflowervisitation,andtheyuccasdependontheseinsectsfor pollination (Frost 1959, Aker and Udovic 1981,Addicott et al. 1990, Powell 1992). Similarly, figs and

The importance of insects 11chalcid wasps have a remarkable association (Frost1959, Baker 1961, Galil 1977, Janzen 1979, Wiebes1979). Orchid species have developed floral color, form,and fragrance that allow these flowers to interjectthemselves into the life cycle of their pollinators toaccomplish their fertilization (Dodson 1975).EFFECTS ON NATURAL RESOURCES,AGRICULTURE, AND HUMAN HEALTHLess than 1–2% of phytophagous insects that arepotential pests ever achieve the status of even minorpests (DeBach 1974). However, those that do becomemajor pests can have a devastating effect.<strong>Insect</strong> defoliators have major effects on thegrowth (Mott et al. 1957) and survival of foresttrees (Morris 1951), and can alter forest-ecosystemfunction (Naiman 1988, Carson et al. 2004). Thenative mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosaeHopkins, whose primary host is lodgepole pine (Pinuscontorta var. latifolia Engel.), has devastated pinestands in British Columbia over the last decade. By2002, the current outbreak, which began during the1990s, had infested 4.5 million hectares (Taylor andCarroll 2004), and by 2006 had infested more than8.7 million hectares. It still has not reached its peakin south-central parts of the province and could wellspread into the whole of the boreal forest and sweepacross Canada. As it does so, it also could negativelyaffect the stability of wildlife populations (Martin et al.2006). In such circumstances, the beetle acts as akeystone species, causing strong top-down effects onthe community (Carson et al. 2004).Few would argue that one of the world’s mostdestructive insects is the brown planthopper Nilaparvatalugens (Stål) (Nault 1994). Each year, it causesmore than $1.23 billion in losses to rice in SoutheastAsia (Herdt 1987). These losses are caused by damagefrom feeding injury and by plant viruses transmitted bythis planthopper (Nault 1994).Desert locusts are well known for their devastatingeffect on crops in Africa (Baron 1972), and almostany book on applied entomology will list innumerablepests. Pfadt(1962),forexample,considerspestsofcorn,cotton, fruits, households, legumes, livestock, poultry,small grains, stored products, and vegetable crops.Most major insect pests in agriculture are nonnativespecies, introduced into a new ecosystem, usuallywithout their natural biological control agents(Pimentel 2002). Introduced insects in Australia areresponsible for as much as $5–8 billion in annualdamage and control costs (Pimentel 2002).Transmission of plant-disease agents by insects hasbeen known for a long time (Leach 1940). <strong>Insect</strong> vectorsof diseases probably have affected humans morethan have any other eukaryotic animals (Grimaldiand Engel 2005). Their epidemics have profoundlyshaped human culture, military campaigns, and history(Zinsser 1934, McNeill 1976, R. K. D. Peterson1995). Enormous effort has been made over the yearsto control insect-borne diseases (Busvine 1993). Tensof millions of people throughout the world have diedin historical times as a result of just six major insectbornediseases: epidemic typhus (a spirochete carriedby Pediculus lice), Chagas disease (a trypanosome carriedby triatomine bugs), plague (a bacterium carriedby Pulex and Xenopsylla fleas), sleeping sickness(a trypanosome carried by tsetse), malaria (Plasmodiumcarried by Anopheles mosquitoes), and yellow fever(a virus carried by Aedes mosquitoes) (Grimaldi andEngel 2005). Mosquitoes also are involved in the transmissionof West Nile virus, now a major concern inNorth America (Enserink 2000). From the fifteenthcentury to the present, successive waves of invasion ofmosquitoes have been facilitated by worldwide transport(Lounibos 2002).The story of the struggle in Africa to overcometsetse and the disease agents they transmit is one ofthe major epics in human history (McKelvey 1973).Worldwide, arthropod-borne pathogens still take anenormous toll in human mortality, morbidity, and lossof productivity (Aultman et al. 2000).Of all the ills that affect humankind, few havetaken a higher toll than malaria (Alvardo andBruce-Chwatt 1962). More than 400 million peoplefall ill each year with malaria, and 1–3 million die,mostly children younger than 5 years old, and mostof them in Africa (Marshall 2000). Public healthexperts also believe the toll has been increasing inrecent years (Marshall 2000). As a result, malariastill casts a deadly shadow over Africa (Miller andGreenwood 2002).Certain insects can be beneficial. Losey and Vaughan(2006) estimate that the annual value of ecologicalservices provided by insects in the United States is atleast $57 billion. <strong>Insect</strong> pollination, for example, is ofgreat economic value in the fruit-growing industry,the greenhouse industry, and in the growing of foragecrops such as alfalfa (Free 1993, Proctor et al. 1996).

12 Geoffrey G. E. ScudderThe annual benefit of honeybees to US agriculturalconsumers is on the order of $1.6–8.3 billion(Southwick and Southwick 1992).Ample evidence now shows, however, that pollinatordiversity and crop pollination services are atrisk as a result of the use of pesticides; habitat alteration,fragmentation, and destruction; introductionof alien species; and diseases (Johansen 1977, Kevanet al. 1990, Royce and Rossignol 1990, Watanabe1994, Raloff 1996, Kearns and Inouye 1997, Kearnset al. 1998, Kremen et al. 2002, Steffan-Dewenter et al.2005). The innumerable insect predators and parasitesare invaluable for natural biological control.Natural pest-control services maintain the stability ofagricultural systems worldwide and are crucial forfood security, rural household incomes, and nationalincomes in many countries (Naylor and Ehrlich 1997).Enough cases of highly effective natural biological controlhave been studied to indicate that 99% or moreof potential pest insects are under such natural control(DeBach 1974). Natural pest controls represent animportant ecosystem service, with an annual replacementvalue estimated to be $54 billion (Naylor andEhrlich 1997).The first and perhaps the most spectacular successof applied biological control was the introduction ofthe vedalia beetle from Australia into California in1888 to control the cottony-cushion scale (Hagenand Franz 1973, Caltagirone and Doutt 1989). Thisoutstanding success has led to many introductionsof parasitoids and predaceous insects for biologicalcontrol and the improvement of biological controltechniques (Huffaker 1971, DeBach 1974, Caltagirone1981, DeBach and Rosen 1991, van Driesche andBellows 1996). Although after many reckless insectimportations, biological control is no longer recognizedas a panacea (Hagen and Franz 1973); it even canpose threats to nontarget species (Samways 1997,Louda et al. 1997, 2003, Boettner et al. 2000, Follettand Duan 2000) and elevate threats to humanhealth (Pearson and Callaway 2006). Biologicalcontrol, thus, can be a double-edged sword (Louda andStiling 2004).INSECTS AND ADVANCES IN SCIENCEOne by one, the natural sciences have found insectsideal for study (Wigglesworth 1976). Their studyhas produced major advances in our understandingof biomechanics, climate change, developmentalbiology, ecology, evolution, genetics, paleolimnology,and physiology. A few examples suffice to illustratehow the study of insects has advanced these areas ofscience, especially where insects ‘have done it first’(Akre et al. 1992).Biomechanics<strong>Insect</strong>s have evolved unique features in the animalworld that are a surprise to experts in biomechanicsand bioengineering because many are recent inventionsof humans. For example, insect cuticle, withits plywood-like structure, is a laminated compositematerial, now well known in engineering, and usedwhere high strength and stiffness to weight ratiosare required (Barth 1973). Manufactured plywoodis fairly new, but insect cuticle has been around forsome 400 million years (Grimaldi and Engel 2005).Furthermore, in the insect exoskeleton, associatedwith the flight system in particular, are areas ofresilin protein (Weis-Fogh 1960), ‘the most perfectrubber known’ (Neville 1975), with a high compliance(deforms easily) and low tensile strength (Bennet-Clark1976).Although the origin of insect flight is still debated(Wootton and Ellington 1991), insects certainly werethe first animals to evolve wings, evidently during theLate Devonian or Early Carboniferous (Grimaldi andEngel 2005). However, if Rhyniognatha hirsti Tillyardfrom the Early Devonian (Pragian) chert of the Old RedSandstone of Scotland is a pterygote insect, wings mighthave evolved 80 my earlier (Engel and Grimaldi 2004).Thus, insect wings and flight capacity developed about90 my prior to the earliest winged vertebrates (GrimaldiandEngel2005),orperhapseven170myearlier (Engeland Grimaldi 2004).Not only did insects evolve active flight first, theyremain unsurpassed in many aspects of aerodynamicperformance and maneuverability (Dickinson et al.1999). Although nobody knows how the smallestinsects fly (Nachtigall 1989), the aerodynamic propertiesand design of certain insect wings have been perfectedto such an extent that they are superior tothe design of human-made fixed-wing aircraft in anumber of respects (Nachtigall 1974). The structureof these organs and the way they are used are theenvy of variable-wing plane designers (Scudder 1976).<strong>Insect</strong> wings typically produce two to three times

The importance of insects 13more lift than can be accounted for by conventionalaerodynamics (Ellington 1999). Most insects rely ona leading-edge vortex created by dynamic stall duringthe downstroke to provide high lift forces (Ellingtonet al. 1996, Ellington 1999).The wings of archaic Odonatoidea from the MiddleCarboniferous, about 320 mya, show featuresanalogous to the ‘smart’ mechanics of modern dragonflies(Wootton et al. 1998). These mechanisms actautomatically in flight to depress the trailing edge of thewing and facilitate wing twisting in response to aerodynamicloading, and suggest that these early insectsalready were becoming adapted for high-performanceflight in association with a predatory habit.Furthermore, modern dragonflies use ‘unsteadyaerodynamics’, a mode of flight not previouslyrecognized as feasible (Somps and Luttges 1985). Insuch flight, the forewings generate a small vortex,which the hindwing can then capture to provideadded lift. Hovering insects do not rely on quasi-steadyaerodynamics, but use rotational lift mechanisms,involving concentrated vortex shedding from theleading edge during wing rotation (Ellington 1984).These discoveries have opened new possibilities inflight technology and have applications not only to thedesign of planes, but also to features of turbine bladesand racing cars.Collaborative research between engineers and specialistsin insect flight is resulting in the developmentof micro-air vehicles capable of industrial fault locationin enclosed situations (Wootton 2000). Althoughmany types of walking machines exist, engineers havenot yet determined how best to make these machineshandle unfamiliar situations. However, biologists witha detailed knowledge of insect walking and its controlhave linked with computer scientists to developbetter robot designs, using computer models of insectlocomotion (Pennisi 1991).GeneticsDrosophila melanogaster Meigen, a tramp species offruit fly, arguably is the best-known eukaryotic organism(Grimaldi and Engel 2005). The Columbia Groupof geneticists (T. H. Morgan, C. B. Bridges, H. J. Müller,and A. H. Sturtevant) in the ‘Fly Room’ (Sturtevant1965, Roberts 2006) helped launch the field of moderngenetics, with their pioneering use of D. melanogaster,by clarifying or discovering fundamental conceptssuch as crossing over, linkage, mutation, sex-linkedinheritance, and the linear arrangement of geneson chromosomes (DeSalle and Grimaldi 1991).Almost all significant basic concepts in transmissiongenetics were either first developed by Drosophilaworkers or conspicuously verified by them (Brown1973).Drosophila played a major role in the investigationof the nature and action of genes (Glass 1957), andthe role of genes in the determination of sex was firstdeduced from the study of sex-linked inheritance inthe Lepidoptera by Doncaster and Raynor (1906). Thelaws of heredity, as worked out with these insects,provide one of the main pillars that support the scienceof genetics (Wigglesworth 1976).During the era of what Haldane (1932, 1964) called‘bean-bag genetics’ came the demonstration that everyfeature governing the life of an organism, if inherited,was under genetic control. Such research has madeDrosophila melanogaster a favorite species in laboratoryresearch from cell biology, to behavior, ecology, evolution,and physiology (Grimaldi and Engel 2005). Thisspecies was the preeminent model organism from 1970to 1980 (Roberts 2006).Most of the early data on the genetic characteristicsof central and marginal populations came from studiesof chromosomal polymorphisms in various speciesof Drosophila (Brussard 1984). The genetic constitutionof colonizing individuals used to establish insectpopulations for biological control is relevant to theirsuccess, and depends on whether populations of colonizerswere drawn from the center or periphery of theirrange (Force 1967, Remington 1968).Research with houseflies (Bryant et al. 1986)demonstrated the possibility of increased geneticvariance after population bottlenecks (Carson 1990).Until this research, population bottlenecks wereusually considered to reduce genetic variance (Neiet al. 1975).After the discovery of transposable elements incorn (Zea mays L.) by Barbara McClintock in the1940s (Sherratt 1995), research on Drosophila firstdemonstrated the presence of transposable elements inanimals (Cohen and Shapiro 1980). Of all the eukaryotictransposable elements, the most heavily exploitedhas been the Drosophila P element (Kaiser et al. 1995).Use of transposable elements for insect pest controlis now being investigated (Grigliatti et al. 2007) in aneffort to add to the current techniques of genetic controlof insect pests (Davidson 1974).

14 Geoffrey G. E. ScudderDevelopmental biology<strong>Insect</strong>s probably contain the greatest variety of developmentalforms of any class of organisms (Kause 1960,Boswell and Mahowald 1985, Sander et al. 1985).Eggs of insects are either indeterminate or determinate(Seidel 1924), and differ in their mechanismof pattern formations (Sander et al. 1985). Some ofthe earliest research on fate maps in determinateeggs was done by either small local mechanical orultraviolet-radiation ablation experiments (Schubigerand Newman 1982) or by analyzing genetic mosaicsin insects (Janning 1978).Determination, which is the process that results incells being committed to specific developmental fates,has been well studied in holometabolous insects in theirimaginal discs, first described by Lyonet (1762) in Lepidoptera,and later recognized to have developmentalsignificance by Weismann (1864). Largely through thepioneering efforts of such scientists as D. Bodenstein,B. Ephrussi, E. Hadorn, and C. Stern, the developmentalbiology of imaginal discs has become an active fieldof investigation and a unique and most favorable systemfor the study of numerous problems in metazoandevelopment (Oberlander 1985). Among these problemsare pattern formation, positional information,transdetermination, and programmed cell death.In insects, morphogenesis gradients are present inthe embryo, where they influence the polarity andquality of body segments (Sander et al. 1985) and theirappendages. The elucidation of the segmental polaritygenes, which control the primary segmental patternin Drosophila, made a significant contribution to thedevelopment of the polar coordinate model of animaldevelopment (Bryant 1993, Roberts 2006).Homeosis, defined by Bateson (1894) as the replacementof the body part of one segment with the homologousbody part of another segment, was pioneered byBateson with several examples drawn from insects. Aswith many other phenomena in insect development,homeotic mutants have been studied most extensivelyin Drosophila melanogaster (Gehring and Nöthiger1973, Ouweneel 1975).Rapid advances have been made in understandingthe genetic basis of development and pattern formationin animals (Patel 1994) as a result of pioneerstudies in Drosophila. Homologous genes are nowknown to serve similar developmental functions in anumber of diverse organisms, with conservation ofthe homeobox sequence in evolution (Patel 1994).The homeobox genes, first identified by homeoticmutations in Drosophila (Scott and Weiner 1984),act as markers of position, defining different fatesalong the anterior–posterior axis of animal embryos(Akam 1995). They are thus important regulatorsof embryonic development, and have provided keyindicators of the mysteries of evolution (Marx 1992).They indicate that extremely complex organizationalchanges, both functional and structural, can arisefrom few genetic events (Hunkapiller et al. 1982). Therealization that nothing is lost in evolution, but insteadis just not developed, has been supported by studies inDrosophila melanogaster on the segmental organizationof the tail region in insects (Jürgens 1987).Although the strongest evidence for an intrinsicdeath program in animal cells originally came fromgenetic studies of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans(Maupas) (Horvitz et al. 1982), recent research onDrosophila has substantially extended our understandingof how programmed cell death in development isexecuted and regulated (Raff 1994, White et al. 1994).Defect mutants and homeotic mutants of Drosophilahave been examined to determine to what extentmorphological changes have been initiated by celldeath and been brought about by subsequent modification(Lockshin 1985).Transdetermination, a phenomenon unique toinsects and first documented by Hadorn (1968)with imaginal discs of Drosophila cultured in vivo,reveals that there must be an underlying regulatorysystem for switching between alternate states ofdevelopment (Shearn 1985). Further research withinsects on this topic could provide a major steptoward understanding the genetic programming ofdevelopment.Sir John Lubbock (Lord Avebury), the famousbanker, practical sociologist, and amateur entomologist,pointed out (Lubbock 1873) the significanceof metamorphosis in insects and paved the wayfor our current understanding, emphasizing thedifference between development and adaptive changes(Wigglesworth 1976). We now realize that metamorphosisin holometabolous insects serves to free certainectodermal cells from the task of forming functionalcuticle, so that they can prepare for the formation of thespecialized structures of the future adult (Wigglesworth1985). Epidermal cells, thus, have a unique triplecapacity to form larval, pupal, or adult characters, andmetamorphosis is no longer regarded as a reversion toembryonic development (Wigglesworth 1985).

The importance of insects 15EvolutionCharles Darwin was fond of insects and referred tothem extensively in his work and ideas on naturalselection (Smith 1987). <strong>Insect</strong>s, specifically the mothBiston betularia (L.), finally provided what Kettlewell(1959) called Darwin’s missing evidence, namelynatural selection in action in the form of industrialmelanism (Kettlewell 1961, 1973).The study of speciation was brought into themodern age and onto a firmer, more genetic basis bydrosophilists during the 1930s and 1940s (Mallet2006). A major event was the discovery of twopopulations of Drosophila that could not be differentiatedby systematists, but which did not interbreedwith each other, although they were fully fertilewithin each population (Ross 1973). Dobzhansky’s(1937) reproductive isolation species concept, laterincorporated into Mayr’s (1942) biological speciesconcept, was based in large part on the discoveryof pairs of sibling species in Drosophila. Siblingspecies pairs have since been discovered in othergroups of insects, such as black flies and greenlacewings (Bickham 1983) and provide fertile groundfor speciation models.These sibling pairs, genetically close and almostmorphologically identical, typically show strong reproductiveisolation in the form of hybrid sterility, hybridinviability, and assortative mating (Mallet 2006).Recent advances in molecular and genetic understandingof Drosophila speciation genes have nowbegun to open up our understanding of the geneticbasis of hybrid inviability and sterility (Mallet 2006).The notion that prezygotic reproductive isolationcan be reinforced when allopatric taxa become sympatric,and that no single isolating mechanism isthe ‘stuff of speciation’, was the result of studies onDrosophila (Coyne and Orr 1989). Drosophila researchalso shows that there is no evidence for extensive reorganizationof gene pools in speciation (Throckmorton1977), and research on insects, together with that indevelopmental and molecular biology, now suggeststhat neither the genome nor the gene pool of species ishighly coadapted (Bush and Howard 1986).<strong>Insect</strong>s have been instrumental in demonstratingthat sympatric speciation can occur (Scudder 1974),with host–plant separation (Bush 1969, Huettel andBush 1972), habitat specialization (Rice 1987, Riceand Salt 1988), or seasonal diversification (Tauber andTauber 1981) often being important components. Thepower of disruptive selection was first investigated inDrosophila (Thoday 1972), and the analysis of hybridzones (Barton and Hewitt 1985) has been facilitated bystudies of insects (Hewitt 1988, 1990).Allochronic speciation has been documented incrickets (Alexander 1968), and stasipatric speciationhas been claimed from a study of morabine grasshoppers(Key 1968), but these speciation examples poseproblems with parapatry and species interactions (Bull1991). Founder-flush and transilience theories of speciationwere inspired largely by the endemic natureof Hawaiian Drosophila species (Carson 1970, 1975;Templeton 1981; Carson and Templeton 1984), andthe molecular drive model of species evolution (Dover1982) was derived from research on Drosophila genetics.Chromosomal mechanisms of speciation have beenbest documented in insects (White 1973), and insectsare represented in examples of gynogenesis (Mooreet al. 1956, Sanderson 1960), a form of asexual reproductionsimilar to parthenogenesis but requiring stimulationby sperm, without contributing genetic materialto the offspring.Studies of insects have been behind the conclusionthat many different kinds of species exist as a result ofdifferent kinds of speciation processes (Scudder 1974,Foottit 1997). They provide a case for pluralism inspecies concepts (Mishler and Donoghue 1982).For evolution above the species level, or whatSimpson (1953) called the major features of evolution,insects have not made a major contribution recently.Early work by the famous Dutch naturalist JanSwammerdam in about 1669, however, first gavea physiological description of insect metamorphosis,and a concept of ‘preformation’ was foremost inevolutionary ideas in the eighteenth century, althoughas noted by Wigglesworth (1976), this latter notionwas much abused.With respect to phylogeny, according to Wheeleret al. (2001), an epistemological revolution wasbrought about by the publication of Hennig’s (1966)book, which is an English translation and revision ofan earlier publication by the German entomologist(Hennig 1950). Hennig (1966) used mostly insectexamples in the explanation of his phylogeneticsystematics, having earlier (Hennig 1965) brieflyexplained his methodology. Brundin (1966) was oneof the first biologists to adopt this new methodologyin his consideration of transantarctic relationshipsof chironomid midges. Later, Hennig (1969, 1981)applied the method in his consideration of insect

16 Geoffrey G. E. Scudderphylogeny. It has now been generally adopted indiscussions of the phylogeny of other animals andplants (Wiley 1981), and prevails in more recentconsiderations of insect phylogeny (Kristensen 1981)and both morphological and molecular data on thephylogeny of arthropods as a whole (Wheeler et al.1993, 2001, Boore et al. 1995, Friedrich and Tautz1995, Giribet et al. 2001, Nardi et al. 2003).Physiology<strong>Insect</strong>s have been used for the study of the fundamentalproblems of physiology (Wigglesworth 1976).Today, everybody knows about cytochromes, but thereare probably many biochemists who do not realizethat the discovery of cytochromes was a product ofthe study of insect physiology (Wigglesworth 1976).Keilin (1925), while following the fate of hemoglobinbeyond the endoparasitic larval stage in the fly Gasterophilusintestinalis (DeGeer), was led to the discoveryof cytochromes in flight muscles of the adult free-livinginsect (Kayser 1985).Wigglesworth (1976) noted that insect Malpighiantubules afford exceptional opportunity for the studyof the physiology of excretion, owing to the abilityto isolate individual tubules and have them functionin vitro, as first demonstrated by Ramsay (1955) in thestick insect Carausius morosus (Sinety). Bradley (1985)reviewed the structural diversity of Malpighian tubulesin insects and showed them to have quite a diversityof function. The Malpighian tubules of the larvaeof the saline water-tolerant mosquito Aedes campestrisDyar and Knab can actively transport sulfate ions,an unusual function in animals (Maddrell and Phillips1975). This sulfate transport in the Malpighian tubulesof larvae of A. taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) is inducibleand suggests that sulfate stress results in the synthesisand insertion of additional transport pumpsinto the Malpighian tubule membranes (Maddrell andPhillips 1978). <strong>Insect</strong> Malpighian tubules, in comparisonwith vertebrate glomerula or other invertebratetubules, are highly impermeable to organicmolecules (Bradley 1985), although several insects canexcrete nicotine independent of ion movement. However,transport systems for organic bases might not beuniversal in insects (Maddrell and Gardner 1976). TheMalpighian tubules of the grasshopper Zonocerus variegatus(L.) have an inducible transport mechanism thatactively removes the cardiac glycoside ouabain fromthe hemolymph (Rafaeli-Bernstein and Mordue 1978).The isolated tubules of the large milkweed bug Oncopeltusfasciatus (Dallas) can excrete ouabain (Meredithet al. 1984). This excretory function is important forthese insects, which feed on plants containing cardenolides.Oncopeltus fasciatus also has ouabain-resistantNa-, K-ATPases (Moore and Scudder 1985).Weight for weight, the asynchronous flight musclesof insects generate more energy than any other tissuein the animal kingdom (Smith 1965). A uniquefeature of most insect flight muscles is that the fineramifications of the tracheal system, the tracheoles,penetrate deeply into the muscle fibers (Beenakkerset al. 1985). These flight muscles are among themost active tissues known. They have highly efficientfuel management and a remarkably high metabolicrate (Beenakkers et al. 1984). In most insects, carbohydrateis the most important substance for flight,but many insects, particularly the Lepidoptera andOrthoptera, possess the capacity to use lipids for flight,and in some insect species proline is used (Beenakkerset al. 1985).<strong>Insect</strong>s and other terrestrial arthropods useseveral techniques to adapt to alpine and polarenvironments (Downes 1965, Ring 1981). The studyof insects at low temperature (Lee and Denlinger1991) has largely elucidated the phenomena of coldhardiness, freeze-tolerance, supercooling, and therole of antifreeze proteins and cryoprotectants. Thepolyhydric alcohol glycerol and other polyols suchas mannitol, sorbitol, and threitol are responsible formost increases in supercooling in insects (Mullins1985). Antifreeze proteins from insects are far morepotent than those from fish (Bower 1997). Someinsect antifreeze protein (AFP) cDNAs (Graham et al.1997, Tyshenko et al. 1997) and genes (Guo et al.2005, Qin and Walker 2006) have been isolated,and potential transfer to other hosts is now beinginvestigated. However, neither transfer of fish AFPgenes (Duncker et al. 1995) nor transfer of hyperactivespruce budworm AFP genes (Tyshenko and Walker2004) to transgenic Drosophila melanogaster hasconferred cold tolerance to the recipient.Ecology<strong>Insect</strong>s provide some of the best material for theecologist (Wigglesworth 1976). The long-termresearch by Schwerdtfeger (1941) on German forest

The importance of insects 17insects provided an example of the constancy of animalnumbers, an essential concept in the developmentof Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Tamarin(1978) reviewed the major concepts and debates onpopulation regulation in ecology, and showed thatinsects have played a major role. Many aspects ofpopulation dynamics; population regulation by predators,parasites, or parasitoids; and the understandingof density-dependent factors, density-independentfactors, and key factor analysis (Clark et al. 1967,Varley et al. 1973) were developed through researchon insects (Andrewartha and Birch 1973).Crombie (1945) confirmed that Gause’s experimentalresults on interspecific competition with Parameciumalso held true in the Metazoa, by using a number ofspeciesofinsectsthatlivedinstoredproducts. Chapman(1928) introduced the beetle Tribolium as a laboratoryanimal, and Park (1948), working with T. castaneum(Herbst) and T. confusum Jacquelin du Val, investigatedsome of the complicating factors in interspecific competition,although the early results were compromisedby the discovery that the pathogenic coccidian parasiteAdelina tribolii Bhatia was a third party in theconflict. Park (1954) later showed that the results ofcompetition in Adeline-free cultures could be predictedfrom a comparison of the carrying capacity of the twospecies in single-species cultures, depending on thetemperature and humidity conditions, and that changingsuch conditions frequently could lead to indefinitecoexistence. Comparable results could occur in manyspecies pairs, particularly for short-generation speciessuch as insects (Hutchinson 1953). Nevertheless, Price(1984) noted that many elusive aspects of speciescompetition were investigated in subsequent experimentswith insects, many of which were reviewedby DeBach (1966) and Reitz and Trumble (2002). Theterm ‘ecological character displacement’, introducedby Brown and Wilson (1956), became a controversialtheme in ecology and evolutionary biology, andcontinues to be a focus of much exciting research(Dayan and Simberloff 2005).<strong>Insect</strong>s have provided examples in the ecologicalliterature for the existence of enemy-free space(Atsatt 1981, Jeffries and Lawton 1984, Denno et al.1990), and research on water mite parasitism ofwaterboatmen (Scudder 1983, Smith 1988, Bennettand Scudder 1998) has shown how parasitismcan be a cryptic determinant of animal-communitystructure (Minchella and Scott 1991). Furthermore,an invasive leafhopper pest, Homalodisca coagulata(Say), might be engineering enemy-free space inFrench Polynesia (Suttle and Hoddle 2006).Research on semiochemicals, whether pheromonesconcerned with interspecific communication orallochemicals (allomones or kairomones) (Brown et al.1970) involved with interspecific communication,was pioneered using insects (Karlson and Butenandt1959, Brown et al. 1970, Whittaker and Feeny 1971,Duffey 1977, Price 1981, Rutowski 1981, Mayerand McLaughlin 1990). The term ‘pheromone’ wasproposed originally by Karlson and Lüscher (1959)for the first sex pheromone bombykol, identifiedby Butenandt et al. (1959) from the silkworm mothBombyx mori (L.). Since the earliest observation of matefinding by Fabré (1911) and others, the power of femaleinsects to lure males has astonished biologists (Phelan1992). Probably no mate-communication system isbetter studied than that in the Lepidoptera (Phelan1992). Sex-pheromone components for about 80compounds from more than 120 lepidopterous specieshave been discovered (Tamaki 1985), and they areknown from many other groups of insects (Jacobson1972). Yet, this sexual-communication database hasremained largely untapped by evolutionary biologists,outside the field of insect pheromones (Phelan1992).The observation by B. Hüber in 1914 that alarmbehavior in honeybee workers could be triggered byvolatile sting-derived components has been followedby discovery and research on alarm pheromonesin many other insects (Blum 1985). Aggregationpheromones occur in six insect orders, although themajority have been discovered and studied in theColeoptera, particularly the bark and timber beetles(Curculionidae: Scolytinae) (Borden 1985). Otherinsect semiochemicals function as trail pheromones,spacing (epideictic) pheromones, and courtshippheromones, as well as in various interspecificcommunication situations (Haynes and Birch 1985,Roitberg and Mangel 1988).Sociality is the most striking and sophisticatedinnovation of the insects (Grimaldi and Engel 2005),and semiochemicals are the glue that holds socialinsect colonies together (Winston 1992). The detailedstructure and function of these complex societies haveamazed scientists and posed major problems in biology,such as the question of caste determination and kinselection. Caste determination and its control in ants,bees, termites, and wasps have been covered by Hardieand Lees (1985), and the biology of these insects is

18 Geoffrey G. E. Scudderwell known (Wilson 1971). Kin selection is still thesubject of much debate (Benson 1971, Eberhard 1975,Guilford 1985, Malcolm 1986).<strong>Insect</strong>s have provided classic examples of commensalism,endosymbiosis, mimicry, mutualism, andphoresy, although many examples, especially thoseof mimicry (Punnett 1915), have been based onsubjective natural history observations rather than onexperimentation (Malcolm 1990). When experimentsare carried out, some of the classic examples have hadto be reassessed (Ritland and Brower 1991).Ants and their relationship with Acacia (Janzen1966) provide a good example of mutualism, as dothe insects that cultivate fungus gardens (Batra andBatra 1967). The well-known fungus-growing leafcutterants (Weber 1966, Martin 1970, Cherrett et al.1989), in an association that is some 50 million yearsold (Mueller et al. 1998), involve a third mutualistin the system, namely the antibiotic-producingStreptomyces bacteria (Currie et al. 1999). These leafcuttingants (Atta spp.) evidently play an importantecological role through their long-distance transportredistribution and concentration of critical nutrientsfor plants growing near their nests (Sternberg et al.2007). The food-for-protection association betweenants and honey-producing hemipterans is one of themost familiar examples of mutualism; these keystoneinteractions can have strong and pervasive effects onthe communities in which they are embedded (Styrskyand Eubanks 2007).<strong>Insect</strong>s are particularly prone to endosymbioticassociations (Henry 1967, Baumann et al. 1997), andhave provided insights into the evolutionary biology,genetics, and physiology of this intimate association.Many organisms also live ectosymbiotically withinsects (Henry 1967).Phoresy among entomophagous insects is well documented(Clausen 1976). And the occurrence of midgeand mosquito larvae in the pool of water held by theleaves of the carnivorous pitcher plant, where they feedon decaying invertebrate carcasses, is a classic exampleof commensalism (Heard 1994).Because of their extreme mobility, insects havechallenged many of the prevailing concepts in zoogeography(Johnson and Bowden 1973), showing thatspecies adapted to staying put are among the mostsuccessful travelers. Research on insect dispersal andmigration (Johnson 1969) has shown the complexinterrelations with agriculture, meteorology, medicine,physiology, and many other areas of general science.The dispersal and movement of insect pests is a growingconcern (Stinner et al. 1983).Movement of organisms from one habitat to anothercan have profound effects on the structure and dynamicsof food webs (Polis et al. 2004). Energy subsidies caneither stabilize or destabilize food webs, depending onthe nature of the subsidy and what components of thefood web are subsidized. Dispersal influences food-webstructure, and studies of insect dispersal from this viewpoint,could add to our understanding of communityecology (Thompson 2006).<strong>Insect</strong>s have played a major role in the developmentof ecological and island biogeography theory (Hafernik1992). Much has been learned about the effects of fragmentationon insect populations and the movementof individuals between patches (Hunter 2002). Speciesliving in highly fragmented landscapes often occuras metapopulations, and much of the literature onmetapopulation dynamics has been the result of studieson insects, particularly butterflies (Boughton 1999,Hanski 1999, Hanski and Singer 2001, Wahlberget al. 2002, Hanski et al. 2006). Different populationstructures can have markedly different evolutionaryoutcomes (Barton and Whitlock 1997). The value ofhabitat corridors also has been evaluated (Haddad1999a, 1999b, Haddad and Baum 1999, Collinge2000). Their function depends on environmentalvariation, landscape context, patch size, and speciescharacteristics (Collinge 2000). Studies on insect-plantfood webs have shown that habitat fragmentationcan affect trophic processes in highly complex foodwebs involving hundreds of species (Valladareset al. 2006). Research with butterflies also hasshown that the surrounding matrix can significantlyinfluence the effective isolation of habitat patches(Ricketts 2001). Because butterflies respond to oftensubtle habitat changes, they have been suggested asecological indicators of endangered habitats (Arnold1983), for which they could serve as umbrellaspecies (Murphy et al. 1990).Paleolimnology and climate changeQuaternary insect fossils are proving to be sensitiveindicators of past environments and climates (Elias1994). <strong>Insect</strong> exoskeletons are found chiefly in anoxicsediments that contain abundant organic detritus.Lakes, ponds, and kettleholes serve as reservoirs thatcollect insects, and sediments that accumulate in these

The importance of insects 19waters act rapidly to cover their remains, preventingoxidation. <strong>Insect</strong> remains, thus, have played a vital rolein paleolimnological studies aimed at reconstructingand interpreting past environmental conditions (Smoland Glew 1992).Because insects in particular respond readilyto changes in temperature more promptly andwith greater intensity than other components of theterrestrial biota, they are providing evidence that majorclimatic changes in the past took place with unexpectedsuddenness, moving from glacial cold to interglacialwarmth in decades rather than in millennia (Elias1994). Such evidence is vital for current decisionmaking with respect to the management of ecosystems(Smol 1992), and gives an indication of what mightoccur with climate change in the near future.Crozier (2004), studying the sachem skipper Atalopedescampestris (Boisduval) in the Pacific Northwest,was the first to provide unequivocal data consistentwith the hypothesis that current winter warming willdrive butterfly range expansion in North America.Ample evidence now shows that insects are one of thefirst groups of living organisms to respond to ongoingglobal warming (Franco et al. 2006, Wilson et al.2007). Predicting insect response is now an active areaof investigation (Williams and Liebhold 1997, 2002).Understanding insect strategies for survival under thesecircumstances, such as how they cope with new foodsources (Thomas et al. 2001, Braschler and Hill 2007)and adjust to more acute temperature and humidityfluctuations is still a challenge (Philogene 2006).Research on butterflies in Britain has shown that manyspecies fail to track recent climate warming becauseof a lack of suitable habitat (Hill et al. 2002), leadingto local extinctions at low-latitude range boundaries ofspecies (Franco et al. 2006).INSECTS AND THE PUBLIC<strong>Insect</strong>s have had a long connection with humankind.Primitive humans learned to obtain honey by robbingthe nests of bees in hollow trees or rock crevices by about7000 BC (Townsend and Crane 1973). Archaeologicalevidence shows that the cultivation of the silkwormBombyx mori was begun before 4700 BC, and sericultureoccupied an important part of peasant life in Chinabetween 4000 and 3000 BC (Konishi and Ito 1973).The notion that metamorphosis of the sacred scarabScarabaeus sacer L. is a symbol of the resurrection of thedead, according to the Egyptians, might be of recentorigin (Bodenheimer 1960), but the supposed healthproperties of this beetle were identified by at least 1550BC (Harpaz 1973). Fumigation by burning toxic plantsto kill insect pests dates from about 1200 BC (Konishiand Ito 1973).<strong>Insect</strong>s have been in competition with humansfor the products of our labor ever since cultivationof soil began (Wigglesworth 1976). Many membersof the public – agriculturalists, healthcareprofessionals, homeowners, and natural resourcepersonnel – no doubt regard insects as perfect pests(Scudder 1976).Some medical professions, however, find certaininsects beneficial, even in modern medicine.Certain fly maggots, for example, are a valuable,cost-effective tool for treating wounds and ulcersunresponsive to conventional treatment and surgicalintervention (Mumcuoglu et al. 1999). The saliva ofhematophagous deerflies (Chrysops) contains a potentinhibitor of platelet aggregation (Grevelink et al.1993) previously unreported from arthropods and ofpotential use in medical therapeutics.<strong>Insect</strong> evidence can be paramount in establishingthe postmortem interval for a decedent, as well asin providing additional information to investigatorscapable of deciphering the entomological clues (Byrdand Castner 2001). Forensic entomologists, thus, havefound insects to be useful in criminal investigations(Catts and Goff 1992), and some criminal elements inour society have used insects, especially rare butterflies,in illegal trade.Educators and student participants in science fairshave found insects useful in simple experiments,although this practice is now discouraged by someanimal-rights activists. Wigglesworth (1976) pointedout that insects present desirable properties as objectsfor experimentation. They are tolerant of operation;they are so varied in form and habit that some speciessuited to the problem at hand surely can be found;and their small size makes it possible for the observerto be constantly aware of the whole, while focusingattention on the part (Wigglesworth 1976). As aresult, insects are used in numerous studies of theliving world (Kalmus 1948, Cummins et al. 1965),although in many jurisdictions, researchers andeven field biologists working on insects must haveanimal-care certificates.Fishing enthusiasts have a special interest ininsects. Mayflies constitute the primary basis for

20 Geoffrey G. E. Scudderthe sport and technique of fly-fishing and fly-tying(McCafferty 1981). Natural insects also can be used(Petersen 1956).Well-known insect products used by humans includelacfromthelacinsect(LacciferlaccaKerr.)andcochinealfrom Dactylopius coccus Costa (Bishopp 1952). Real silkfrom the silk moth Bombyx mori must now competewith synthetic fibers (Bishopp 1952).In the past, species of the butterfly genus Morphowith their precisely spaced, overlapping projections onthe ridges of their wing scales that give rise to theirstriking iridescent blue (I. Peterson 1995) have beencollected for jewelry to such an extent that they arenow in danger of extinction (Scudder 1976). Morerecent efforts have promoted live jewelry, using showyinsects, mostly beetles.Humans are involved in food chains, and insectshave been used as human food for centuries in manycultures (Bodenheimer 1951, DeFoliart 1989, 1992).Some insects also are eaten by gourmands and treatedas conversation pieces.Honeybees, mainly Apis mellifera L., remain the mosteconomically valuable pollinators of crop monoculturesworldwide (Klein et al. 2007). When wild beesdo not visit agricultural fields, managed honeybeesare often the only solution for farmers to ensure croppollination, because they are cheap, convenient, andversatile, although they are not the most effective pollinatorson a per flower basis in some crops (Klein et al.2007). Farmers in the USA pay beekeepers more than$30 million annually for the use of honeybees to pollinatecrops valued at $9 billion (Weiss 1989). Honeyhas valuable nutritional and other benefits (Buchmannand Repplier 2005, Simon et al. 2006). Beeswax hasmany modern uses in industry and the arts (Bishopp1952), and even royal jelly has been promoted forits supposed health benefits (Crane 2003). The totalvalue of crops resulting from pollinator activity in1980 approached $20 billion, compared to the approximately$140 million worth of honey and beeswax producedin the USA (Levin 1983). These figures indicatethat the activity of bee pollination is worth 143 timesas much as the value of honey and beeswax, on whichmost beekeepers must make their living.That insects, especially honeybees, are valuable inpollination (Vansell and Griggs 1952) is well known tothe general public. The decline of bee populations inEurope and North America (Allen-Wardell et al. 1998,Goddard and Taron 2001, Biesmeijer et al. 2006)has raised alarm about pollinators that fertilize cropsessential for the human food supply. Articles in thepopular press (Bueckert 2007) point out that threats topollinators includeclimatechange,habitatdestruction,human indifference, invasive species, and pesticides. Asa result, many gardeners are now interested in growingplants that attract butterflies and other insects, andeven some municipal governments have ventured intothis sphere in their parks and green spaces. Farmersand others are told that they should be less zealousabout eliminating weeds around the boundaries offarmland, in ditches, or along utility rights of way(Bueckert 2007).The local gardener and nursery owner, as well asagriculturalists and foresters, now realize that insects,both parasitoids and predators (Clausen 1952), canbe used in natural biological control. Ladybird beetlesare cultured for this purpose, are readily available,and seem to be released everywhere in theworld (Caltagirone and Doutt 1989). However, usersare not always aware that some of these ladybird beetlescan be a major threat to native species (Staineset al. 1990, Howarth 1991, Elliott et al. 1996, Brownand Miller 1998, Cottrell and Yeargan 1999, Turnocket al. 2003). In intraguild predation, larger species arefavored unless protected chemically (Sato and Dixon2004). Gardeners also now know that carabid groundbeetles are useful predators that can be affected negativelyby indiscriminate use of insecticides. <strong>Insect</strong>books especially directed to gardeners are now available(Cranshaw 2004).Butterfly farms and insectaries are used as publicattractions, and insects can be used in wildlife educationcenters to educate the public on the living worldand the need for biodiversity conservation. The inclusionof insects now under various endangered specieslegislation also has increased public awareness of thisgroup of animals and the need for habitat conservation(Hafernik 1992).Butterflies in particular first induced many youth tobecome interested in collecting insects, leading many ofthem to become professional entomologists, interestedin the outdoors and involved in the study of systematicentomology, ecology, and behavior (Michener 2007).Although many members of the public find insectsabhorrent, others, using helpful and readily availablefield guides, such as those on butterflies (Glassberg2001) and dragonflies (Dunkle 2000), have foundinsects of interest as a vocation. <strong>Insect</strong>s are now becomingalmost as popular as birds in this regard, and even abirder’s bug book is now available (Waldbauer 1998).

The importance of insects 21<strong>Insect</strong>s are now so popular with the public thatpublishers seem to be flooding the market with bookson these animals. These books vary from encyclopedias(Resh and Cardé 2003) and solid accounts of biology(Wigglesworth 1964, Berenbaum 1995) to morepopular books with varying slants (Hutchins 1966,Blaney 1976, d’Entrèves and Zunino 1976, Waldbauer1996, 2003, Eisner 2003). The books by Berenbaum(1995), in particular, emphasize insects and their influenceon human affairs. Butterflies are one of the fewinsect groups with a positive image among the averagecitizen (Hafernik 1992). The migratory monarchbutterfly Danaus plexippus (L.) is perhaps the most wellknownandwidelyrecognizedbutterfly,atleastinNorthAmerica (Nagano and Sakai 1989), and its annualmigration is considered one of the epic phenomenaof the animal kingdom. Monarch wintering colonieshave been a tremendous attraction for tourists, haveimproved local economies (Nagano and Sakaii 1989),and have engendered public interest in biodiversityconservation.<strong>Insect</strong> conservation is still in its infancy (Pyle et al.1981), but the conservation of insects is of increasingpublic concern. The task for entomologists is todecide how best this can be accomplished. Despite theirecological importance, their conservation has receivedlittle attention (Hafernik 1992). However, with recentreviews (Samways 1994, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, New1995), this status might change soon.REFERENCESAddicott, J. F., J. Bronstein, and F. Kjellberg. 1990. Evolutionof mutualistic life-cycles: yucca moths and fig wasps.Pp. 143–161. In F. Gilbert (ed). Genetics, Evolution andCoordination of <strong>Insect</strong> Life Cycles. Springer, London.Akam, M. 1995. Hox genes and the evolution of diversebody plans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.B. 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<strong>Part</strong> I<strong>Insect</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong>: RegionalExamples<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-933

Chapter 3<strong>Insect</strong>biodiversity inthe NearcticRegionHugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. SmithBiological Survey of Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D,Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 6P4<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-935

The Nearctic Region, occupying an area of nearly20 million km 2 (Fig. 3.1), includes many differentenvironments inhabited by insects, rangingfrom arctic tundra to lush forests. Published andunpublished information and extrapolations and corroborationsby specialists suggest that about 144,000species of insects occur in the region, but only about65% of the species have been formally described inthe scientific literature. Only about 6% of the speciesare estimated to have been described in the immaturestages. The state of knowledge varies widely amongdifferent groups; families that contain many species ofeconomic importance are better known. High Arcticregions are least rich; southern areas (especially northernMexico, Arizona, Florida, and Texas) contain thegreatest percentage of the fauna. The Nearctic RegionFig. 3.1 Ecological biomes of the Nearctic Region, adaptedfrom data available from the World Wildlife Fund atwww.worldwildlife.org/science/ecoregions/item1847.html,as described by Olson et al. (2001). 0 – Permanent Ice;1 – Tundra; 2 – Boreal Forest; 3 – Moist Temperate Forest;4 – Temperate Grasslands; 5 – Temperate Broad-leaf andMixed Forest; 6 – Temperate Coniferous Forest (Southeast);7 – Xeric Shrublands and Deserts; 8 – SubtropicalGrasslands (Gulf Coastal Grasslands); 9 – TemperateGrasslands (Central California); 10 – Mediterranean(California Chaparral and Woodlands); 11 – WarmTemperate Evergreen (Oak–Pine) Forest.has lower insect biodiversity relative to other biogeographicalrealms and is most similar faunistically tothe Palearctic Region, with many overlapping taxa atthe lower taxonomic levels (genera and species). Thefauna overlaps significantly with that of the NeotropicalRegion at the generic level. Basic taxonomic researchon Nearctic insects is more advanced than for mostother regions, but is still in the discovery and developmentstages for the vast majority of insect taxa.Most Nearctic insect species are known only from abasic description and antiquated distributional recordsor are completely unknown to science. Only a smallpercentage of Nearctic insect taxa have been given amodern and thorough taxonomic treatment to describeanddiagnosethemproperly,mapouttheirdistributionsthrough space and time, and assess their evolutionaryrelationships with other taxa.This chapter examines the biodiversity of insects inthe Nearctic Region, based on extant species, and thestate of knowledge about them. Basic information onthe numbers of species in this region results from educatedbookkeeping exercises; these estimated numbersdepend on fewer assumptions than are necessary tomake similar estimates in tropical regions of muchgreater biodiversity, so that considerable efforts are notmade here to refine the estimates in detail. Rather, someattempt is made to synthesize and interpret the generalpatterns that emerge.The Nearctic Region comprises the northern partof the New World. The core of the fauna lives inNorth America, but Nearctic faunal elements occupythe mountains of Mexico and Central America, atleast as far south as the montane pine–oak forestsof Honduras and northern Nicaragua (Halffter 1974,1987, 2003). The nucleus of northern, more-or-lesscold-adapted forms in North America is supplementedby many forms of subtropical affinity, especially inthe southern USA. Additional species occur in theMexican highlands, and the inclusion of these taxawould increase the numbers of species reported fromthe ‘Nearctic Region’. However, detailed faunal dataare adequate only for North America north of Mexico.Therefore, most of the information presented belowcomes from this somewhat smaller area.The Nearctic fauna is closely linked with that of theadjacent Palearctic fauna, from which it has receivedmany components, especially in the north. The amountof overlap varies by taxon; a recent study of Holarcticspiders found that of 13,800 species, about 1%occurred naturally in both the Palearctic and Nearctic

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Nearctic Region 37Regions (Marusik and Koponen 2005). On the otherhand, no known species of scarab beetles have a naturaldistribution across the two realms (Smith 2003, Löbland Smetana 2006). In the South, the Nearctic Regionhas received elements from the adjacent Neotropicalfauna, but it also has contributed significantly to theNeotropical fauna.North America occupies an area of about19 million km 2 . The continent is so large thatconditions change greatly from south to north andfrom west to east, spanning about 58 degrees of latitudeand more than 105 degrees of longitude. Temperaturesfall toward the north, and summer temperatures arehigher and winter temperatures lower in the middle ofthe continent. Consequently, North America includesenvironments inhabited by insects, ranging in meanJuly temperature from below 5 ◦ C (Canadian HighArctic) to 33 ◦ C (Phoenix, Arizona) and in meanJanuary temperature from below −30 ◦ C (High Arctic)to about 20 ◦ C (southern Florida). Regions vary inmean annual rainfall from less than 100 or 200 mm(polar deserts; southwestern deserts, e.g., Reno,Nevada) to 2,000 – 3,000 mm on the northwestcoast (e.g., Yakutat, Alaska: 3,348 mm) and northernCordillera (e.g., Prince Rupert: 2,399 mm) (Bryson andHare 1974). Correspondingly, habitats range from hotdesert and cold arctic fellfield to lush coastal temperaterainforest. The many different vegetation formationsin this area have been classified or categorized inseveral different ways (e.g., Taktajan 1986).The current Nearctic fauna also is influenced by history(Matthews 1979). Northern North America wasglaciated in Pleistocene times, and the faunas of largeareas in the northern part of the continent were exterminatedby ice sheets 1–2 km thick, which recededonly 10,000–15,000 years ago. More recently, invasivespecies have become a significant component of thefauna (Lindroth 1957, Turnbull 1979, Pimentel 2002,Foottit et al. 2006), with some effects on native species.Reductions also have occurred, some attributable tolong-term habitat changes and some attributable tohuman activities.Nearctic biodiversity is low relative to other biogeographicrealms. For example, 2,586 Nearctic scarabbeetles are known (Smith 2003). This total is similar tothat for Europe (2,318), but is approximately four timesless than the total for the entire Palearctic Region (Löbland Smetana 2006). The greater species richness in thePalearctic Region is due mainly to the much larger landarea with a greater variety of ecozones. Nevertheless, atremendous amount of insect biodiversity exists in theNearctic Region, including endemic families such asthe Pleocomidae and Diphyllostomatidae (Coleoptera),with low overlap, at the species and genus levels, withinsects in other realms.INFLUENCE OF INSECT BIODIVERSITYON SOCIETY IN THE NEARCTIC REGIONThe importance of entomology and the study of insectbiodiversity emerged in North America during the1800s. One of the main driving forces behind thisemergence was the unprecedented expansion of agriculturein the eastern half of the continent. Manynative and invasive pest insects were destroying crops,which led to great thirst for knowledge about thesespecies. Naturalists and farmers realized that knowledgeof natural history, life cycles, and biodiversity ofinsects was crucial to controlling pests. These challengesare still faced today, with globalization andclimate change bringing new pest species into theNearctic with ever-increasing frequency. A major problemfaced by early entomologists in North Americawas that all of the entomological expertise, collections,and libraries were in Europe and practicallyinaccessible to those in the New World. Early pioneersin North American entomology, such as ThomasSay (1787–1834), began publishing and establishingcollections in North America (Stroud 1992). Entomologicalresearch published in North America beganto proliferate in later decades as natural history societiesand collections sprang up across the USA andCanada (Spencer 1964, Barnes 1985). In the twentiethcentury, major institutions such as the SmithsonianInstitution, California Academy of Sciences, CanadianNational Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, American Museum ofNatural History, Harvard University Museum of ComparativeZoology, and others came to prominence fortheir leading-edge collections and research programs.Even though North America hosts a large proportionof the most eminent and active insect systematicsprograms and collections, major challenges still exist todescribingtheinsectbiodiversityoftheNearcticRegion.A sobering number of Nearctic insect species are stillunknown to science – an estimated 50,000, or 35% ofNearctic insect species are undescribed (Table 3.1). Theunderfunding of taxonomy and biodiversity researchhas been well documented and has affected the abilityof the scientific community to get the job done – even

38 Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. SmithTable 3.1 Census of Nearctic insects. Many estimates are based on tenuous evidence and provide indications only; however,estimates are generally conservative. Numbers for Coleoptera are from Arnett and Thomas (2000) and Arnett et al. (2002);those for Diptera are from Thompson (2008). Other numbers are based on Kosztarab and Schaefer (1990a), with adjustmentsbased on additional research and expert comment (see text for further explanation).EstimatedNumber ofNumber of Number of Estimated Species with % of Total KnownSpecies Species Total Number ImmaturesOrder Known Unknown of Species Described Adults ImmaturesMicrocoryphia 35 23 58 7 60 12Thysanura 30 20 50 6 60 12Ephemeroptera 555 59 614 461 90 75Odonata 415 2 417 355 >99 85Plecoptera 578 0 578 232 100 40Blattodea66 10 76 8 87 11(Dictyoptera)Isoptera41 3 44 0 93 0(Dictyoptera)Mantodea20 2 22 0 91 0(Dictyoptera)Grylloblattodea 13 0 13 2 100 15Dermaptera 23 0 23 0 100 0Orthoptera 1804 513 2317 360 78 16Phasmatodea 31 5 36 0 86 0Embiidina 13 1 14 0 93 0Zoraptera 3 5 8 0 37 0Hemiptera 10,804 5105 15,909 1470 68 9Thysanoptera 700 233 933 35 75 4Psocoptera 257 110 367 10 70 4Anoplura76 68 144 35 53 24(Phthiraptera)Mallophaga700 655 1355 1 52

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Nearctic Region 39The limited knowledge of the taxonomy of manygroups causes problems even with basic characterizationsand estimates of biodiversity. Species diversity ofmany poorly known groups is far greater than numbersfound in the scientific literature because large proportionsof the fauna are unknown to science. Newtonet al. (2000), for example, noted that the numberof species of Staphylinidae beetles in North Americaincreased by more than 700 species between 1963and 2000, an increase of about 17% in 37 years. Likewise,Grissell (1999) found that new species of NearcticHymenoptera were being described at a rate of at least1,500 per decade toward the last half of the twentiethcentury. This rate peaked in the 1960s when morethan 2,500 new species of Hymenoptera were describedfrom the Nearctic. Limited taxonomic knowledge alsohas led to the opposite problem – overestimations ofspecies diversity have occurred in groups where carelessor sloppy taxonomic work has resulted in speciesbeing described multiple times. Perhaps the most stunningexamples of this were due to Thomas LincolnCasey (1831–1896). Subsequent workers discoveredthat more than 90% of the ‘species’ of carabid beetlesCasey described from North America actually were previouslydescribed (Lindroth 1969a, b). Casey describedTomarus gibbosus (De Geer), a common and widespreadspecies of scarab beetle, 23 times (Saylor 1946)! Thelimited knowledge of the taxonomy of many groupscan cause both overestimations and underestimationsin species diversity, further undermining our abilitiesto have even basic levels of understanding of biodiversityfor the most diverse groups of organisms. Becausetaxonomy and biodiversity research are the foundationof other biological sciences, the paucity of basic knowledgeof Nearctic insect biodiversity has a profound effecton other endeavors.INSECT CONSERVATIONConservation of natural habitats and protection ofspecies at risk are strong desires of people across NorthAmerica. However, the use of insects in conservationstudies and the recognition of insect species at risk havebarely begun. Bossart and Carlton (2002) and Spector(2006) presented summaries indicating that insects arebetter than any other group of organisms as ecologicalindicators or in monitoring biotic changes in the environment.However, they pointed out that only a tinyfraction of insect diversity from only a few select taxahave been used for this purpose (notably dragonflies,butterflies, and selected groups of moths and beetles).Population studies of British Lepidoptera have demonstratedthat insects are effective at detecting biodiversitydeclines (Thomas 2005, Conrad et al. 2006). <strong>Insect</strong>conservation studies, however, have a long way to gobefore they are comparable with vertebrate and plantconservation research.More than 1,000 insect species in the USA arespecies of greatest concern among those designated as‘at risk’ (Bossart and Carlton 2002). This list consistsof insect species of highest priority for conservation,including 160 species that are legally protected bystate statutes in the USA. Some endangered insectspecies in the Nearctic have been studied extensively,such as the American burying beetle (Bedick et al.1999, Sikes and Raithel 2002). However, the poorstate of scientific knowledge about most Nearcticinsects indicates that the vast majority of at-risk insectspecies have not been detected.SPECIES DIVERSITY AND THE STATEOF KNOWLEDGEAssembling the DataSeveral previous attempts to inventory the numbers ofspecies in the North American fauna have been made(e.g., Danks 1979, Kosztarab and Schaefer 1990a,Poole and Gentili 1996a, 1996b, 1996c, 1997).Although these efforts are of varying quality andaccuracy, they provide estimates that can be examinedand compared in detail to evaluate their reliabilityand the reliability of other estimates. Informationon biodiversity requires knowledge of the number ofspecies reported in each group, and an estimate of whatremains to be discovered. Depending on the group,different procedures might be required to obtain thisinformation, and figures that are exactly comparablewith other groups might not be possible to obtain. Allestimates are based on the knowledge accumulated byindividual specialists.Efforts to enumerate taxa in small rather than largeblocks, typically at or below the level of family, producemore accurate totals. For example, an estimate ofthe Canadian insect fauna derived from careful familyby-familyanalysis (Danks 1979) was about half thatobtained from earlier general judgments made chieflyat the ordinal level (Downes 1974). The increasedprecision resulted because numbers had to be derived

40 Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. Smithin a more detailed way and because in large orders,each specialist is familiar only with certain individualfamilies. Nevertheless, data for families that lack a specialistwill be less precise, so that the total numbers ofspecies known and estimated are always approximate.Four components are involved in developing suchestimates. Published information, albeit incomplete, isavailable for most groups. In the best-known groups,a recent catalog might list all known species andclarify the status of available names. In other groups,comparison between an older catalog and availablerecent generic revisions shows how the number ofdescribed taxa has increased. Unpublished informationis available to most specialists in the form of distinctspecies recognized in collections but known to beundescribed, and from the specialist’s own or others’opinions, as yet unpublished.Published and unpublished information allows thenumber of named species that occur in a region tobe tabulated. Extrapolation from the tabulations thenprovides an estimate of the total number of speciesexpected. A basic method of extrapolation is to applyacross-the-group increases from older names revealedby selected recent revisions. Provided the sample taxacover a range of ecological and taxonomic types, andso represent the diversity of the group, reliable estimatescan be expected (Danks and Foottit 1989, Danks1993a). In some groups, estimates can be based on thenumber of host species available (e.g., Kim et al. 1990for ectoparasites). Extrapolations also can be basedon analysis of the collecting effort rather than of thetaxa. Thus, the biodiversity of areas from which adequatecollections have not been made can be estimatedfrom preliminary information and reflected in globalestimates. For example, Schaefer (1990) noted that relativelylittle collecting effort for Heteroptera has beenmade in New Mexico. The diversity of small, obscureground-dwelling Hymenoptera, such as proctotrupids,is large relative to the numbers known because theseforms are seldom collected unless appropriate groundleveltraps are used (Masner and Huggert 1989).More complex extrapolations are required whenknowledge is markedly deficient. They can be basedon assumptions about trophic status, host specificityof herbivores, and information on plant diversity (e.g.,estimates of tropical biodiversity by Erwin 1982, 1991and Stork 1988). Estimates made by extrapolationsometimes can be corroborated through parallelevidence. For example, the ratio of insect speciesbetween Britain, a temperate area where nearlyall the species are known, and Canada, anothertemperate area, is between 1:2 and 1:3 in well-knowngroups (J. R. Vockeroth cited by McAlpine 1979).Similar ratios should be obtained in groups where theCanadian fauna is less well known. Deriving estimates,however, is an inexact process. Schaefer (1990)pointed out that one cannot quantify the unknown,but only guess at it intelligently. In estimating Nearcticinsect diversity, knowledge is deficient in many taxa,information is available in different formats for differentgroups (e.g., recent catalogs versus estimates madefrom scattered collections), specialists are not availablefor some groups, and different people make differentjudgments in developing their estimates. Someestimates for larger groups are given to the nearest tenspecies, or to the nearest 5% or 10%, because they areknown to be approximate; however, an estimate suchas 86, which has been derived from the belief that 30%of species are still unknown in a group with 200 knownspecies, thereby gains an apparent but potentiallymisleading precision. Estimates tend to be conservativein groups for which large numbers of species areexpected to be unknown (Danks 1979) becauseindividuals are more comfortable with estimates suchas one species known: three species unknown thanwith estimates such as 1:10. In a few instances, someindividuals specializing in different but related familiesmight use different concepts of what degree of structuraldifference in the specimens they study shouldbe formalized into species. Finally, the most diversegroups are likely to produce the least reliable estimates,disproportionately affecting the reliability of any globalestimates. For example, estimates for the inadequatelyknown and diverse parasitic Hymenoptera arenecessarily approximate. Totals for the Hymenopteraare dominated by this group of many thousands ofspecies. In turn, how these estimates are made greatlyinfluences the total for <strong>Insect</strong>a. The family Cicadellidaeis the largest of the Auchenorryncha (Kosztarab et al.1990). Consequently, a 10% difference in the estimatedfraction of unknown species in this family (as appearsbetween the text and table in this source) changes theestimated number of unknown species by 500.The difficulties of enumerating the numbers of immaturestages and different sexes ‘known’ are even greaterbecause the quality of descriptions varies so widely,and much of the information is scattered in a variety ofnontaxonomic papers. In many groups, therefore, suchinformation is likely to be inaccurate or unavailable.Given these limitations, the estimates that follow can

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Nearctic Region 41be characterized as credible, but inexact. More effort,however, should be spent actually studying the speciesin particular groups than in trying to refine such estimatesof their numbers.Synopsis of <strong>Biodiversity</strong>The numbers of species of insects estimated to occurin the Nearctic Region are shown in Table 3.1. Ordersthat are combined by some authors (e.g., Mallophagaand Anoplura as Phthiraptera) have been kept separatein the tables to assist the reader in viewing thedata, and not to make any statement with respectto the higher classification of the arthropods. Thedata are drawn chiefly from the volume edited byKosztarab and Schaefer (1990b), with many additionsand corrections. An effort has been made to completeor extrapolate the tabulations, even approximately,because gaps in the data produce misleading totals. Forexample, three groups, the first with 100 known speciesand an estimated 10 unknown species, the secondwith 50 known species and an estimated 3 unknownspecies, and the third with 200 species and no estimateavailable for unknown species, should not be totaledas 350 known species and 13 estimated unknownspecies. Therefore, data missing from earlier tabulations,or incorrectly reported as 0, have been obtained,and specific figures have been substituted for a range ofestimates. The additional data were acquired by askingspecialists for further information and by extrapolatingfrom estimates available for parts of the Nearctic fauna,notably for Canada in the work of Danks (1979) andin certain monographs. Information in Table 3.1, thus,relies on estimates made by different people, partlyusing different criteria, so that the figures are approximate,even for adults. For most groups, informationon the immatures is even more approximate than forthe adults, because if some account of the larva ofa species is available, it may or may not have beenjudged as ‘described’, whether or not this allows it to bedistinguished from the larvae of other known speciesin the genus. In summary, the reliability of the datadepends on how well the groups are known. The state ofknowledge varies widely, as discussed in the followingsection, confirming that the estimates are approximate.State of KnowledgeRequirements for the study of Nearctic arthropodsdepend on the state of knowledge about the taxa, aswell as on the number of included species. Differencesin knowledge about the groups in Table 3.1 stem fromthe classification, morphology, ecology, and economicimportance of the species included in each group. Thus,for adults, diverse groups in which taxonomic work isdifficult because many similar or closely related specieshave to be distinguished are least known. For example,for the Ichneumonidae, only 42% of the 8,000 speciesare estimated to be known, and for the Chalcidoidea,44% of 5,000 species are estimated known (Masner1990). Groups with few species generally are betterknown: Dermaptera, 100% of 23 species; Phasmatodea,86% of 36 species (Table 3.1). Groups of large,colorful insects are well known. Nearly all the 765species of butterflies (Covell 1990) and 417 species ofOdonataareknown(Table 3.1).Somefamiliesofbeetlesalso are well known (Arnett and Thomas 2000, Arnettet al. 2002). Conversely, groups containing chieflysmall, dull-colored species are less well studied, suchas several families of small beetles (Arnett et al. 2002).Species that are easy to find and capture are betterknown, such as some families of large moths (Munroe1979), whereas inconspicuous species in habitats thatare more difficult to sample, such as the soil, tendto be less well known, as in many groups of beetles,especially Staphylinidae and Curculionidae. Groupscontaining many species of economic importance, especiallythose of medical–veterinary significance, tend tobe well known; for example, 94% of the 176 estimatedspecies of the Culicidae are known (Thompson 1990).Real taxonomic knowledge might exist to differentdegrees, even when many species names are available.Additional difficulties stem from studies focusingon regional or Nearctic faunas that have tendedto generate synonyms among the many Holarcticspecies (cf. Benson 1962, Larson and Nilsson1985). Thompson (1990) recognized six levels oftaxonomic knowledge: (1) species descriptions only,(2) unreliable keys to few species, (3) reliable keysto some species, (4) good keys to most species,(5) complete revisions, and finally (6) monographsthat also include immature stages. When groups firstbecome reasonably well known and most species inthem have been discovered, the number of species listedtends to decrease as duplicate names are synonymizedby additional taxonomic study. In the Nearctic Region,only 2 of the 121 families of Diptera, representing only190 of the estimated total of nearly 42,000 species inthe order, were judged by Thompson (1990) to havereached the final level of taxonomic knowledge.

42 Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. SmithTaxonomic information also is required to identifystages other than those on which descriptions andidentifications primarily are based. Knowledge of differentsexes varies chiefly according to the biology of thegroup – some species are parthenogenetic and somehave sexes with different habits – and on the taxonomicprocedures used, which in many insect groupsemphasizes the genitalia of males. Conversely, classificationin some groups of large and colorful species is notbased on a full range of characters, such as genitalia.The longevity of adults and the typical broad similarityof the sexes in the Coleoptera enhance the knowledgeof both sexes; both sexes are known in many of thedescribed species. Arrhenotoky and unusual methodsof sex determination and unusual sex ratios occur frequentlyin Hymenoptera, and both sexes are knownin only one-third of the described species (Kosztaraband Schaefer 1990b, Table 3.1), although the order isinadequately known for other reasons.Taxonomic analysis of immature stages requiresdetailed sampling, rearing, and other specialized study.Overall, only 6% of Nearctic insects are known in theimmature stages, but as with the adults, the state ofknowledge varies widely from group to group. In severalgroups, no larvae are known (Table 3.1). Only ina few well-studied groups with relatively few species(e.g., Odonata and Megaloptera) are most of the larvaeknown. Even groups well known in the adult stage canbe little known taxonomically as larvae. For example,in the Siphonaptera, 93% of adults are known but only20% of larvae, and in the Mantodea, 91% of adults versus0% of larvae are known. For the Coleoptera, whichare well known as a whole (90%), only 11% of the larvaeare estimated to have been described. Identificationof larvae usually has been based on the final instar. Thisinstar is most often encountered because it is the largestand usually lasts the longest, thereby eating the most.Earlier instars, except for the first one in many groups,tend to be similar to the final instar. All of the earlierinstars, therefore, seldom require separate descriptions.In some exopterygotes, too, the developing charactersof the adults can be used to identify some of the species(e.g., Nickle et al. 1987).In summary, taxonomic knowledge of adults andlarvae of most Nearctic terrestrial insects is incomplete.Knowledge about the species is also deficient in theecological arena. Although many general ecologicalelements can be predicted from taxonomic affinities(e.g., presence of phytophagy and overwintering stage),detailed information has been collected for relativelyfew species. Data provided by Kosztarab and Schaefer(1990a) suggest that some biological information isavailable for 1–20% of species in most groups. In thefour largest orders, biological information covers onlysome 5–10% of the species. The biology of the speciesis well known in only a few groups, chiefly selectedfamilies of economic importance. Typically, the biologyof many species has not been studied even in groupswith good taxonomic knowledge of both adults andlarvae. Even simple records of habitat association aredeficient.The assessment of knowledge of Nearctic insect biodiversity,from a taxonomic viewpoint, is confirmedfrom other perspectives. Deficiencies in collecting aresuggested by the fact that only some 22% of the estimated11,000 species of aquatic insects reported fromCanada are known from marshes, which would beexpected to contain many widely distributed aquaticspecies (Danks and Rosenberg 1987). Deficiencies intaxonomic knowledge are confirmed by the observationthat less than half of the species of insects collectedfrom two species of bracket fungi in one small areacould be named to genus or even family (Pielou andVerma 1968, Matthewman and Pielou 1971).VARIATIONS IN BIODIVERSITYNearctic insect diversity is considerable, but the scaleof the task of collecting and understanding the speciesdepends not only on their raw numbers, but also onhow the biodiversity varies from place to place. Thereal requirements of personnel and resources for characterizingthe fauna depend on the differences amongregions, the complexity of communities, the divergenceamong populations, and other measures of variationin diversity in North America. Some broad spatial patternsin Nearctic biodiversity are indicated briefly inthis section.Regional VariationThe diversity and composition of the fauna in theNearctic Region change in particular ways from northto south and from east to west. The changes are complexanddependonecogeoclimaticfeaturesandhistory;nonetheless, several major trends can be determined.From south to north within the region, a generalreduction occurs in the number of species. For example,

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Nearctic Region 43more than 93,000 insect species have been namedfrom North America (Table 3.1), about 30,000 fromCanada (Danks 1979), about 12,000 from the NorthAmerican boreal zone (the northern coniferous forest)(Danks and Foottit 1989), and only about 1,650from the North American Arctic, north of the treeline(Danks 1981, 1990). The High Arctic, the QueenElizabeth Islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago,has only about 242 reported insect species (Danks1981, 1990).Although the latitudinal ranges of many speciescoincide with major boundaries within the continent,such as the treeline, communities of species do notsimply follow major vegetation formations. Rather, atleast in northern North America, individual speciesappear to react with some degree of independence fromone another to changes of climate, growing season,vegetation, and other factors, so that they drop outgradually from south to north even within a singlevegetation zone such as the boreal (e.g., Danks andFoottit 1989, Danks 1993a). Moreover, the latitudinaltrends are disrupted because habitat changes are notuniform everywhere. For example, substantial numbersof species in the arctic or subarctic live at higherelevations on southern mountains, where ecologicalconditions are similar (e.g., Danks 1981).The composition, as well as the diversity of faunas,also changes with latitude. For example (Danks 1988b,1993a), the Coleoptera are well represented at lowerlatitudes (about one-third of the insect fauna of NorthAmerica), but they comprise only 3% of the HighArctic fauna. Conversely, Diptera are best representedat higher latitudes, comprising 61% of the High Arcticinsect fauna (especially Chironomidae and Muscidaeof the genus Spilogona), compared with only 19% ofthe North American fauna. Several taxa of southernor subtropical affinity, including some families of theColeoptera (e.g., Hydroscaphidae), Lepidoptera (e.g.,Dalceridae and Manidiidae), and even orders such asthe Zoraptera, occur only in the southernmost parts ofthe continent.From east to west, the trend is toward increasingbiodiversity. In general, compared with eastern NorthAmerica, western parts of the continent tend to bemilder for their latitude, and the complexity of habitatsis greater because of Cordilleran topography andother ecological and historical factors. Thus, speciesof the order Grylloblattodea occur only in the westernmountains. Most species of tenebrionids and otherarid-adapted forms are confined to the western deserts.Many groups, at the specific or generic level, are morestrongly represented in the West. Regional variationsin the North American fauna, therefore, reflect theintegration of south–north, east–west, and habitat differences.These variations can be documented throughthe occurrence of species in a particular province, state,or zone.In Canada, data have been assembled for hundreds ofspecies in a sample of higher taxa of various taxonomicand ecological types, presumed to be representative ofCanadian insect diversity (Danks 1993a). These datashow that biodiversity is greatest in the west, where61% of the Canadian fauna in the sample groups occursin western coastal and Cordilleran zones, notably inBritish Columbia, where 57% of the Canadian faunaoccurs. Moreover, 37% of Canadian species in the samplegroups are confined to the western half of the country(Manitoba westward), compared with only 28%confined to the eastern half (Manitoba eastward). Considerablediversity occurs in the eastern half, however,in the deciduous plus transitional (mixed deciduousconiferous)forest (57% of the Canadian fauna), whichhas its greatest area in Ontario. These figures suggesta moderate degree of regional differentiation, but themore striking conclusion is that, in these northern lifezones, much of the fauna is widely distributed: 34% ofCanadian species occur in both the east and west, andmore than half of the country’s species occur in a singlelarge province such as Ontario or British Columbia.A preliminary analysis of more than 3,000 speciesin a number of sample groups from North Americaas a whole (adding state-by-state information fromUSA) shows that most of the species are southern andthat more of them have a restricted distribution inthe south than do the species of the Canadian faunaalone (Danks 1994, unpublished data). <strong>Biodiversity</strong> isgreatest in the southwest (Arizona and Texas) and alsois high in California and the southeast (Florida). Theprevalence of species in southern and western habitatsmeans that nearly three-quarters of the species occurin the southernmost part of the continent (Arizona toOklahoma, Louisiana to Georgia and Florida) and thatmore of the fauna occurs only in its western half thanin the eastern half alone.Regional variations in the Nearctic fauna also canbe documented through patterns in the ranges of individualspecies. Such a treatment is beyond the scopeof this chapter, but sample information is available inthe works of Danks (1981), Downes (1981), Lafontaine

44 Hugh V. Danks and Andrew B. T. Smith(1982), Ball (1985), Downes and Kavanaugh (1988),and Danks and Foottit (1989).Habitats<strong>Biodiversity</strong> also varies from place to place on a smallerscale, from terrestrial to aquatic habitats, from onehabitat to another, and even from one microhabitatto another. These small-scale differences are especiallysignificant because they make true assessments of biodiversitydifficult. Specialized collecting techniques andexpert knowledge of any given group are required toobtain samples of the full range of species at one place.Although some species are generalists, occurring inmany places (e.g., most species from shallow, lentichabitats are widely distributed; Danks and Rosenberg1987), many other species are specialists restricted toparticular conditions. Significant fractions of the faunasof discrete and more or less isolated habitats suchas springs (Danks and Williams 1991) are confined tothose habitats. Most monophagous herbivores can becaptured only on their specific host plants. If they feedon specific seasonal plant parts, the herbivores can becaptured only during a limited time period.Habitat differences have a longer-term temporalcomponent. For example, disturbance that increasesthe local heterogeneity of habitats contributes to localbiodiversity. Thus, fire and spring flooding are importantin maintaining the variety of habitats in the borealzone (Danks and Foottit 1989). The total biodiversity ina given region, therefore, is difficult to sample effectivelybecause systems are dynamic.CONCLUSIONS AND NEEDSThe Nearctic fauna includes more than 144,000species of terrestrial insects (Table 3.1). Little morethan half of these species have been described (someinadequately), few are known in the larval stage, andonly a few hundred people are available to study theirsystematics. Support for staff and for the maintenanceof collections and of reference materials is small relativeto the diversity. These deficiencies vary with the groupand region, however, and knowledge of the Nearcticfauna has many positive features. Considerable excellentliterature, albeit incomplete, exists, and millionsof specimens are preserved for study in collections.Two points are worth particular emphasis. First, realneeds related to biodiversity depend not just on the rawnumbersofspeciesinthefauna,butalsoonvariationsinoccurrence, distribution, and ecology across the manydifferent areas, habitats, and subhabitats of the continent(e.g., Danks 1994). These variations compoundthe difficulties of assessing an already enormous diversity.Second, although basic taxonomic knowledge ofeach species is the major building block for subsequentinformation (and hence tabulating the numbersof species known and unknown is especially informative),the full value of that knowledge comes from itsuse in providing a logical framework for communicatinginformation, and for synthesis, interpretation,and application of information in an ecological context(Danks 1988a, Danks and Ball 1993, Goldstein2004). In particular, systematics work is widely relevantto understanding ecosystems through the taxonomicand ecological database it supports. Biologicalknowledge grows by the steady, long-term accumulationof information about species, through systematicsresearch. It is accessible only through species names,which allow identification, and through classifications,which allow synthesis.Major tasks to ensure adequate future knowledgeof the Nearctic arthropod fauna likewise fall into twoclasses. The first seeks more systematic knowledge. Forexample, additional collecting is required, especiallyin relatively unexplored areas and in regions ofparticular interest, such as the arctic (Danks 1992),and areas with unusually high biodiversity (Masner1990). Refinement of collecting techniques for thispurpose overcomes the complexities of habitat andinsect behavior. Basic faunistic work is lackingfor most insects groups even in the most heavilypopulated areas of the Nearctic. Sikes (2003), forexample, recently reported a staggering 656 newstate species records and 13 new state family recordsfor Coleoptera in Rhode Island. Similarly, more than100 new provincial records for Coleoptera from theMaritime Provinces in Canada recently have beenreported (Majka 2006, 2007, Majka and Jackman2006, Majka and McCorquodale 2006, and more than40 additional publications). Both of the above faunisticprojects were small-scale projects run essentiallyby one individual. Great discoveries and progresscould be made by well-funded teams of researchersconducting faunistic studies on Nearctic insects.Moreover, collections that house the specimenscollected have to be developed, more fully supported,

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Nearctic Region 45and given the means to take advantage of moderntechniques; many specimens already in collectionsneed to be curated more fully to make them availablefor study.The second major task for the future would seekto establish a wider appreciation and use of systematicsoutside the systematics community. Systematicswork has to be coordinated to a greater degree thanhitherto with work in other disciplines so that, forexample, ecosystem studies include both ecologicaland taxonomic specialists in the design, as well asin the execution of projects. Long-term studies arerequired, including the establishment of meaningfulbaselines by careful taxonomic analysis, a requirementthat has not usually been evident in environmentalappraisals. They allow us to interpret and respond toenvironmental degradation and climate change.All biologists require an appreciation of diversity andevolution and a foundation in whole organism biologyto understand their discipline. Maintaining the systematicsfaculty required to train students in biology favorstheir proper education, maintains the health of systematics,and provides opportunities for other systematists.The importance of systematics work, therefore, will berecognized properly only by insisting on its broaderimplications and applications. The study of biodiversityin the Nearctic Region, just as in other partsof the world, is necessary to permit wise use andprotection of the earth’s resources (Danks and Ball1993). Acceptance of this long-term view would helpbuffer the essential long-term work of systematics fromshort-term political interference and would provide theresources required to understand the biodiversity ofinsects.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank the many specialists whose expertknowledge made the estimates of Nearctic diversitypossible, including the authors of chapters in Danks(1979) and Kosztarab and Schaefer (1990a), as wellas the following colleagues who provided furtherinformation: R. S. Anderson, G. E. Ball, Y. Bousquet,M.L.Buffington,A.T.Finnamore,G.A.P.Gibson,J. H. Huber, D. J. Lafontaine, S. A. Marshall, F. W. Stehr,F. C. Thompson, and G. B. Wiggins. Drs. Anderson andBall provided very helpful comments on an earlier versionof the manuscript. This publication was supported,in part, by an NSF/BS&I grant (DEB–0342189).REFERENCESArnett, R. H. and M. C. Thomas (eds). 2000. American Beetles.Volume 1. Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga,Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia. 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Chapter 4Amazonianrainforests andtheir richness ofcoleoptera, adominant lifeform in thecritical zone ofthe neotropicsTerry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciDepartment of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington DCPatterns are the grist of the natural historian, phylogenist, and biogeographer; patterns arefound in the synthesized data points of the ecologist and ethologist; patterns allow reasoninghominids to understand their surroundings, their past, and for the more clever among them,their future. Patterns are all about us, in our daily lives, in world events, and in the life forces ofthe biosphere. As biologists, we are lucky in that we can spend our lives observing thesebiospheric life forces, and through them catch glimpses of past events, which shaped the worldin which we live today.— Erwin 1985<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-949

Near-term habitability of our planet now teetersbetween ‘business as usual’ and mitigationof a plethora of human-caused Critical Zoneinjuries, some on a global scale (e.g., climate warmingand waste accumulation), but most on regionaland local scales (e.g., species extinction, deforestation,conversion of wetlands and watersheds, desertification,and continental shelf freshwater pollution). The CriticalZone (Admundson et al. 2007) ‘is the portion of thebiosphere that lies at the interface of the lithosphere,atmosphere, and hydrosphere, and it encompasses soilsand terrestrial ecosystems’. Now, more than ever, ashumankind enters its third century of massive conversionof the pre-human planet, an understanding of thefunctional relationships among the abiotic and bioticplayers in the Critical Zone is paramount. To understandand manage the Critical Zone, we must find and interpretpatterns. According to Admundson et al. (2007),the First Order Biota, nano-organisms aligned withtheir counterpart abiotic elements, are key life formsstabilizing the lithosphere and its processes in closecooperation with fundamental soil elements. SecondOrder Biota – insects and their kin – are particularlyimportant because of their role as an interface betweenthe macrobiota and nano-organisms. Our chapter, particularly,focuses on a quarter of the species in thisSecond Order Biota, that is, the Coleoptera, or beetles,about which we know little in the Neotropical Realmcomparedwithotherbiogeographicalregions.Yet,theyand other terrestrial arthropods are the transformersof macroscopic life forms (e.g., plants and vertebrates,the Third Order Biota) to nutrients useful to nano lifeforms living at the near-edges of the lithosphere. Perhapsthe beetles and their brethren are the ‘middlemen’ in human ‘business as usual’ parlance; at leastwe can think of them in this way here. Rainforests andtheir kin, the dominant suite of biotopes of AmazonianSouth America, are incredibly complex architecturallyand chemically. Their canopies provide a multitudeof fractal universes wherein dwell a magnificent richnessof arthropod species, especially those belongingto the order Coleoptera, the dominant insect life formon the planet (more than 25% of described species arebeetles). Evidence of the evolutionary history of thisAmazon area is visibly obvious (for those inclined toobserve and discern species): here sits the richest centerof biodiversity on the planet. The Amazon, and byextension, the Neotropics, is also the least known areabiologically.Attempting to write about neotropical beetlebiodiversity creates fears similar to those describedby Douglas Adams (1980) in his Total PerspectiveVortex. The Vortex was designed to give sentient beingsa harrowing ‘sense of proportion’ regarding their placein the Universe. Entomologists working in Amazoniaunderstand this humbling feeling, as the dense forestsand sheer abundance of arthropods together form aTotal Perspective <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Vortex. The AmazonBasin (Fig. 4.1) contains the largest contiguoustropical rainforest on earth. Each hectare of currentlyunconverted rainforest houses up to 3 × 10 10individuals of terrestrial arthropods representingsome 100,000+ species (Erwin 2004) at any pointin time. Its usable natural resources are important17 billion hectaresmore or lessFig. 4.1 Extent of the Amazon Basin.

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 51to the peoples and economies of nine countries. Itsmillions of species, their interactions, and the delicatebalance in which they live are important to the peoplesof the world. The enormity of this ecosystem-levelvortex complicates efforts to characterize and conserveneotropical arthropods. This is not to say that we knownothing about insect diversity in the tropics, becausemajor taxonomic works on a number of groups havebeen published (Table 4.1). Nevertheless, one can gointo any museum collection and find that a largeproportion of Amazonian specimens are not identifiedto a formally described and published species name,but rather carry a morphospecies code or merely ‘sp.’on their labels.Recent studies on tree communities and insect faunasin Old World and temperate forests have providedmethods, data, and hypotheses that could be appliedto studying biodiversity patterns in Amazonian forestcommunities (Table 4.2). These studies have focusedlargely on phytophagous insect groups because theirlife histories are linked to those of their host trees. Thequestion of how the degree of host specificity and nicheTable 4.1 Selected major taxonomic monographs andbooks published since 1960 for neotropical insect groups.GroupReferenceArachnida and Goloboff 1995, Adis 2002,MyriapodaLourenco 2002Coleoptera Howden 1976, Martins 1998,1999, 2003, Spangler andSantiago 1987Collembola Heckman 2001Diptera Mathis 1980, Guimarães 1997,Borkent and Spinelli 2007,Coscarón and Coscarón Arias2007Ephemeroptera Heckman 2002, Dominguez et al.2006Hemiptera Kormilev 1975, Godoy et al. 2006Hymenoptera Porter 1967, Kempf 1972LepidopteraGates Clarke 1971, D’Abrera1981, Heppner 1984, PinasRubio and Manzano Pesantez1997, Pinas et al. 1997, Bollionand Onore 2001, Cuevara et al.2002Odonata Heckman 2006Plecoptera Heckman 2003Thysanoptera Mound and Marullo 1996Trichoptera Flint et al. 1999partitioning relate to insect speciation rates is centralto modeling biodiversity of insects in the Neotropics.There are insect groups whose life histories and biodiversitypatterns are neither presently related, nor havethey ever been tightly linked to, those of the tree-canopycommunity. The characterization of host trees, therefore,is not useful for predicting their true biodiversityin the Neotropics. But many insect species are associatedwith tree canopies in some way (e.g., herbivoresat any life stage, pollinators, predators on host-specificherbivores, fungivores on canopy specialists, parasites,and parasitoids on species that are host-tree specialists),and this association holds true for beetles.Kitching (2006) noted, ‘Over the past few decades,we have built up an impressive body of data thatidentifies biodiversity patterns in tropical rainforests.There remains much to be done, but there is enoughinformation that we can look for general mechanisticexplanations of the patterns’. The more we know aboutthe relationships between insects and their hosts indifferent tropical ecosystems, the more accurately wecan extrapolate survey data across spatial scales andpredict species richness and densities in the AmazonBasin. Kitching’s (2006) perspective addressed aconcentration of recent studies on the link betweeninsect and host-tree diversity; however, none of thesestudies included the Amazonian lowland insect fauna(Table 4.2). Estimates of local species diversity ofColeoptera were made for a New Guinea lowlandrainforest (Novotny et al. 2004, 2006), but not usingcanopy-fogging techniques. This chapter addressesthe diversity-generating mechanisms (Kitching 2006)that we predict are driving beetle patterns in theAmazonian lowland rainforests. To illustrate thispoint, we summarized our knowledge of tree and beetlediversity (species richness and abundance) in only twohectares of Ecuadorian forest canopy, arguably nowthe best-known two hectares in the entire Basin. Ourultimate goal is to cast light on how Amazonian insectbiodiversity can be characterized better by futurecollecting efforts and field experiments that connectmechanisms and patterns.Yearly, 14 to 16 million hectares of tropical forestsare converted to other land uses, mostly agricultural,and to degraded latersols rampant with erosional processesleading to desertification. The principal agents ofdeforestation – those individuals and companies whoare cutting down the forests – include slash-and-burnfarmers, commercial farmers, ranchers, loggers,firewood collectors, infrastructure developers, and

52 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciTable 4.2 Recent studies on the relationships between insect diversity, host specialization, and tropical forest communities.Reference Focus Group Examined LocationKitching et al. 2003Novotny et al. 2004Canopy-insect assemblages andrelatedness in relation to host-treephylogenyLocal species richness of leaf-chewinginsects in 1 hectare of lowlandrainforestSpecies assemblages of beetles and hosttreesPhytophagousColeopteraLepidoptera, Coleoptera,orthopteroidsAustraliaNew GuineaPokon et al. 2005ChrysomelidaeNew Guinea(Coleoptera)Novotny et al. 2006 Diversification of herbivorous insects Phytophagous insects New GuineaNyman et al. 2006 Evolution of larval host specificity Nematine sawfliesHolarctic(Hymenoptera)Odegaard 2006 Species diversity, host specificity, and PhytophagousPanamaturnover comparison between twoColeopteralowland forestsWeiblen et al. 2006<strong>Insect</strong>-community structure versushost-plant phylogenyLepidoptera, Coleoptera,orthopteroidsNew Guineagovernment initiatives (http://www.rcfa-cfan.org).Monitoring and mitigating this impact is of paramountimportance to indigenous peoples who depend onthe rainforest for their sustenance and culture, toglobal human generations that will follow those nowliving, and to the plethora of dependent biota, such asbeetles. Armed with more data, we can make strongerarguments and smarter plans for the Amazon forest’slong-term conservation (Salo and Pyhälä 2007, Schulmanet al. 2007, Kremen et al. 2008). We hope thatthe following shows both how little we actually know ofwhatlivesintheentire17 billionhectaresoftheforestedAmazon Basin, and what we can infer about diversitygeneratingmechanisms from what data we do have.THE CLIMATIC SETTING AND CRITICALZONE ESTABLISHMENTTo put data from our Ecuador forest plots incontext, we needed to begin with the Critical Zonefeatures (Valencia et al. 2004) that form the bases oftree occurrence, then progress through our data ona logical trajectory. One cannot escape ‘rock meetsbiota’, if one wants to understand the big picture ofhow arthropod populations are assembled. Amazonianlowland rainforest biotopes are sandwiched between,and continuous with, the Neotropical (subtropics),Nearctic, and Neaustral Realms to the north or south,respectively, the highlands of the Andes and the highTepuis to the west and north, the Mata Atlântica(southern Atlantic forest) in the southeast, and theAtlantic Ocean due east (Fig. 4.1). Below an altitudeof about 700 m, the climate is equatorial without frost,and in most places, with a distinctive wet and dryseason. The Antarctic circumglobal weather generatorsometimes pumps cold air north along the Andes asfarasmiddlePerú, lowering the temperature to 8 ◦ Cduring these cold spells. Some Amazonian areas, inthe dry season, peak at around 40 ◦ C and even higherwhere desertification has taken hold, particularly inBrazil, due to ranching practices that have destroyedforests and their ameliorating effects on temperature.The Andes have undergone orogeny for the last40 million years, with all Amazonian rivers flowingeastward for the last 12 million years. The generalregional landscape for terrestrial arthropods hasremained mostly unchanged for that time, with minorfluctuations of wet and dry epochs, expanding and contractingforest cover alternating with savannah (Haffer1982, de Fátima Rossettia et al. 2005, Campbell et al.2006), and a mosaic pattern of soil deposition fromAndean erosional processes (Erwin and Adis 1982).Until sometime in the middle of the twentieth century,unpolluted air measures were obtained near Manaus,in the middle of the Amazon Basin, indicating that ahealthy atmosphere existed there. This is no longertrue; no towns or cities in Amazonia have controlsfor auto-exhaust pollution strongly in place. Transportand local temporary storage (e.g., in oxbow lakes)

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 53of alluvium from the Andes to the Atlantic Oceanacross 4 000 km of the Amazon Basin, besides beingone of the greatest wonders of the world, provide avast multitude of lithosphere diversity of historical soiltypes. The hydrosphere includes Varzea waters flowingfrom the Andes, carrying substantial amounts ofalluvial particles, acid waters seeping slowly from theIgapó forests of rivers such as the Rio Negro runningfrom Venezuela’s southern Orinoco watershed southto Manaus, and clear-water rivers such as the Tapajosrunning across stone and pebble beds from thecrystalline arcs underlying parts of the upper Amazonwatershed (cf. Erwin and Adis 1982). The Critical Zoneof the Amazon Basin (atmosphere + lithosphere +hydrosphere) is unmatched in complexity, and wefound that this also is so for the arthropod life inour samples. That complexity ultimately depends onCritical Zone health for its sustainability, and in thelong term, its evolution.CHARACTERIZATION OF TYPICALLOWLAND RAINFOREST COMPOSITIONIN THE WESTERN BASIN<strong>Insect</strong>s live in all strata of the rainforest from deep inthe soil (e.g., cicada nymphs tunneling along deep treeroots) to the tops of the trees (e.g., leaf-chewing andsucking insects on leaves receiving direct insolation).Data on insects presented in this chapter principallycome from two hectares of rich hardwood rainforestat an altitude of about 250 m in the eastern part ofAmazonian Ecuador (Fig. 4.3). The two study plots,named Piraña (or Onkone Gare, OG) and Tiputini<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Station (TBS), are 21 km apart as themacaw flies and lie almost on the equator (Luckyet al. 2002, Erwin et al. 2005). Local and regionalclimate, soils, and topography surrounding ourplots are described by Valencia et al. (2004). Weexamined tree biodiversity data from these plotsbecause primary consumer insects depend on treesand evolve based on their chemistry and physicalattributes. Subsequently, the predators and parasitesdepend on the evolutionary histories of the primaryconsumers.In a 2001 study, Pitman et al. attempted to gainperspective on the assembly rules of Amazonianrainforest tree communities. Previously, whenforest ecologists looked at the Amazon Basin theysaw complexity, not pattern. After examiningFig. 4.2 Canopy-fogging technique, showing collectingsheet and fogger.tree-distribution data more closely, however, Pitmanet al. (2001) found that the common trees formedpredictable oligarchic hierarchies that were presentacross the complex landscape. In both their Ecuadorand Perú plots, they found dozens of common speciesand hundreds of rare species. The common treespecies oligarchy comprised only 15% of the speciesinventoried; the other 85% were rare species thatthe authors posited are strict habitat specialists. Thecommon species appeared in high densities locally andin high frequencies over large tracts of forest, makingtheir occurrence at least somewhat predictable. Eventhe rarer species usually belonged to what theyconsidered a predictable set of families and genera. Theauthors argued that‘ ...tropical tree communities are notqualitatively different from their temperatecounterparts, where a few commonspecies concentrated in a few higher taxacan dominate immense areas of forest’.The oligarchy hypothesis is not universally accepted(Tuomisto et al. 2003), but it was supported by the

54 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciOG plotTBS plotFig. 4.3 Map generated using GoogleEarth, showing locations of the two forest plots under study in eastern Ecuador(OG = Piraña, TBS = Tiputini <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Station).results of a broad-scale study by Macia and Svenning(2005). Entomologists studying groups whose life historiesare intimately related to those of trees might askwhether Amazonian insect communities are organizedinto oligarchies of common taxa, and how we detectoligarchic patterns in the canopy. Pitman’s group useda density threshold of one individual per hectare todefine common trees, but this method is not straightforwardlyapplicable to insects that can have varyingabundances across time and space. Yet, faced with anoverwhelming richness of species yet to be described,perhaps canopy insect systematists should prioritizedescribing, mapping, and monitoring the commonestlineages. Two major challenges limiting the applicationof biomonitoring strategies to Amazonian rainforestsis the sheer number of species to be identified, and,as a result, the lack of taxonomic resolution in surveydata. Reaching an appropriate level of taxonomic resolutionis critical to understanding ecological patternsand detecting disturbances (e.g., road building) in theform of changes in any insect community (Lenat andResh 2001).We begin to address insect diversity patterns bysummarizing the tree community for our two Ecuadorplots. Within the ten transect zones of each plot inYasuni National Park, all trees with diameter at breastheight >10 cm were identified to the lowest possibletaxonomic unit. At Piraña, 669 trees represent250 species and 51 families (data from N. Pitman,personal communication). The most common treefamilies (i.e., represented by more than 19 treeseach) include (in order of abundance) Fabaceae(87 individuals), Arecaceae (60), Bombacaceae (57),Moraceae (46), Lecythidaceae (43), Burseraceae (36),Cecropiaceae (24), Myristacaceae (22), and Euphorbiaceae(19). The commonest tree is Matisia malacocalyxs. lat. (Bombacaceae), which is represented by 42individuals. The 623 trees at Tiputini represent 252species and 48 families (data from N. Pitman, personalcommunication). The most common tree families hereinclude Fabaceae (82), Moraceae (57), Arecaceae (41),Bombacaceae (27), Cecropiaceae (34), and Myristacaceae(34), Lecythidaceae (30), Euphorbiaceae (27),Sapotaceae (27), Lauraceae (26), Meliaceae (20),and Burseraceae (19). The commonest species is

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 55the palm Iriartea deltoidea, which is representedby 20 individuals. This species of palm is thecommonest canopy tree species in the WesternAmazon Basin (Pitman et al. 2001).The difference in number of individual trees atPiraña (669) and Tiputini (623) is accounted for bya blow-down along two transects between the timeof setting up the plot and its inventory by Pitman’steam. Some 30 trees were felled in this blow-down andwere not included on the identification list; otherwise,the plots are nearly identical in number of stems andamount of standing volume. Even so, both of our studysites represent accurately the expected tree compositionof the terra firme (upland) forests in the equatorialAmazon Basin. The Piraña and Tiputini sites contain80.5% and 82.9%, respectively, of the total 42 commonspecies that Pitman et al. (2001) identified across theWestern Amazon Basin. Every one of the tree species onthe list of Pitman et al. (2001) was found in at least oneof the Yasuni plots. However, although the most commontree species of Western Amazon terra firme forestsare represented in our plots, only a lesser part of the totalregional tree species is represented. Four species (Celtisschippii, Warscewiczia coccinea, Guarea pterorhachis,andPouroumaminor)werenotpresentinthePirañaandTBSplots.Whenweexaminedthedataatthegenuslevel,wefound that three each were missing from Piraña (Jacaratia,Lindackeria, andCeltis) and from TBS (Helicostylis,Iryanthera,andCeltis). In some cases, a species Pitmanet al. (2001) noted as common across Western Amazoniawas not as common in Yasuni as were other speciesof the same genus (or it was absent entirely).Here, we compared merely the 42 common treespecies among plots, not the hundreds of rare speciesthat are also present. Pitman’s team studied 22 other1-ha 2 forest plots across the Yasuni region, from whichthey identified a total of 1176 tree species. The twoplots we studied have about 250 species each; thus,each plot represents 21.42% (Tiputini) and 21.26%(Piraña) of regional tree species richness. However,because each of our plots has a different composition,together they represent about 34% of tree species richnessin the Yasuni region. Tree composition at the twosites is similar at the family level (ComplementarityIndex, CI = 0.26); Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Moraceae,Bombacaceae, Lecythidaceae, Burseraceae, Cecropiaceae,Myristacaceae, and Euphorbiaceae are the commonestfamilies at both sites. However, at the genericlevel, the difference is more pronounced (CI = 0.52)and at the species level, dramatically so (CI = 0.73).SAMPLING ARTHROPOD BIODIVERSITYIN AMAZONIAN FORESTSAdis and Schubart (1984) developed numerous techniquesfor sampling soil-dwelling arthropods in theManaus area of the Central Amazon Basin, includingthose terrestrial species whose members climb treesduring flood stage and return down when the soil dries.We studied canopy-dwelling beetles in the WesternAmazon Basin in Perú and Ecuador. Our sampling byinsecticidal fogging (Fig. 4.2) was designed to gatherspecimens to determine species turnover of one componentof species living in the canopy/understory fractaluniverses, a measure of at least two-thirds of the biodiversityat this site (cf. Erwin 1982). To determine theinsect biodiversity of the forested sites, we establishedtwo study plots in 1994 (Piraña/OG) and in 1997(Tiputini/TBS) (Fig. 4.3). Each was a 100 m × 1000 marea that consisted of ten 10 m × 100 m transectsspaced at 100 m from each other along the plot (e.g.Fig. 4.4). Ten collection stations, each 3 m × 3m,werelocated randomly within each 10 m × 100 m zonearrayed on both sides of a centerline. Fogging stationsat each site were numbered 1–100 at the beginningof the study and were then, each one, used repeatedlyfor nine sampling events across three years, three seasonsper year (dry, wet, and wet-to-dry transitional).Canopy/understory sampling spanned eight years fromJanuary 1994 through July 2002 (three consecutiveyears at the Piraña site, and parts of five years atthe Tiputini site to account for trans-annual variation).Intermittent funding, as well as sporadic politicalunrest in Ecuador extended the fieldwork at Tiputini bytwo years to obtain seasonal samples equal to what wetook at the Piraña site.To account for seasonal variation, sampling tookplace in January/February (the dry season), June/July(the wet season), and October (a transitional periodbetween the wet and dry seasons). The fogging techniqueshave been described previously (Erwin 1983a,1983b). The only modifications made for this study,as opposed to those previously undertaken, were theuse of 3 m × 3 m sampling sheets suspended by nylonstring tied to trees or stakes and arranged 1 m above theground at each station, and fogging undertaken fromground level (Figs. 4.5, 4.6). Canopy foggings weremade from just above each sheet as a column (1 m to‘n’ m high) into the canopy at 0345–0500 hours.Height of fog ascendancy was measured for eachfogging event. Canopy strata at our study sites

56 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciFig. 4.4 Diagrammatic view: oblique forest crosstransect, 100 m × 10 m.vary from one to three levels up to 37m, withsome super-emergent trees rising above 40 m. Oursampling target was a column of forest including theunderstory above 1 m and as much of the canopystrata as possible at each station, depending onlocal microclimate each morning. In total, the areasampled within each of the two plots (Piraña andTiputini) was 9250 m 2 , a mere 1.1% of the entire plotarea.The primary purpose of the Yasuni area samplingwas to monitor road-building activities of Maxus OilCompany and their effect on arthropods, as part of ateam effort designed to mitigate damage to the primaryforestsoftheregion.Aby-productofthatstudyprovidedabundant specimens (Table 4.3) and data that haveenabled us to ask basic science-driven questions. Onesuch question dealt with species turnover between thePiraña and Tiputini sites. Samples collected from eachfogging event were sorted and 14 target taxa wereextracted, including the Coleoptera. Subsequently, aportion of the beetles from both sites was re-sortedto acquire the 17 family-group taxa for the presentproject, which is ongoing. We then sorted at least600 samples (300 or more from Piraña and 300 fromTiputini from like seasons), of family-group taxa tothe level of morphospecies (Erwin et al. 2005). Two ofthese family-group taxa had been removed previouslyfrom all samples for other studies (Carabidae, cf. Luckyet al. 2002, and the Cleridae for taxonomic treatmentby our colleague J. Mawdsley). Although this projectis far from finished, we report preliminary results on afew coleopteran families. Our data demonstrate why itis so difficult to describe arthropod biodiversity of theAmazon Basin, indeed, of the entire Neotropical Realm.Fig. 4.5 Diagrammatic view: sampling column.

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 57Fig. 4.6 Sheet (3 m × 3m)usedtocatch falling arthropods.RICHNESS OF VARIOUS LINEAGESAND GUILDSSome arthropod taxa across the Amazon Basin, particularlylineages with few species, have been documentedin major taxonomic works (Table 4.1). Even so, theirlocality records are sparse. No taxa that are reasonablydiverse or hyperdiverse are well known with regardeven to which species are present, to say nothingabout their distributions. Our study relies on morphospeciesestimates and presently focuses only onbeetles. If 25% of the 1.7 million species described arebeetles (with an estimated 20% synonymy, Hammond1992), then of the 100,000+ estimated arthropodspecies per hectare (Erwin et al. 2004), 25,000+ perhectare are beetle species. Of that, 80% are estimatedto be new to science (according to several participatingtaxonomists working with the fogged specimens).Given these estimates, tabulation of morphospecies isthe best we can do to achieve a preliminary understandingof the actual biodiversity of this minisculepart of the Amazon Basin. This estimate of morphospecies‘biorichness’ is a beginning. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>estimates require more than lists of taxonomic unitsor numbered barcode clusters; these are hypotheses ofspecies identity that must be confirmed by taxonomists.True characterization of biodiversity patterns includesestimates of abundance, evenness of spatial and temporaldistributions, and other factors used in micro- andmacroecology (Price 2003). <strong>Biodiversity</strong>, as we broadlyconsider it here, is a complex concept that impliesknowledge of evolutionary and ecological relationshipsamong species, and the timing of diversification events(e.g., McKenna and Farrell 2006).GENERAL PATTERNSThe canopy sampling regime of 100 forest columnsat Piraña resulted in a capture of some 1.7 millioncounted specimens belonging to 14 target taxa selectedspecifically for the Maxus Oil Company monitoringproject. The total sampling regime acquired, basedon randomly counted samples of all other arthropodtaxa, an estimated 3.8 million total specimens, 49%of which were ants. Beetles in the 900 Piraña samplesaccounted for 262,751 counted adult individuals,nearly 19% of the total abundance of fogging captures(Table 4.3, Fig. 4.7). This count was second inabundance to Diptera at 33%, although this dipteranabundance was because of one family, the Mycetophilidae,whose populations typically burst out in the rainyseason when fungi are available. The Tiputini sampleslikely will be a reflection of the Piraña samples, oncecounts are completed. We detected no significant seasonaldifferences for taxon abundance at the order levelin our target groups across three trans-annual foggingevents at Piraña (ANOVA: F = 0.39, P > 0.05);thus, our sampling regime by fogging was not affectingfaunal balance.To obtain a preliminary estimate of beetle richnessin our plots, we chose 300 samples from Piraña, plus

Table 4.3 Arthropod abundances in the Piraña (Onkone Gare) 1994–1996 canopy samples; OR = Orthoptera; DS = dry season; WS = wet season;TS = transitional season.Year: 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996Month: January June/July October February July October February July October GrandTaxon Season: DS WS TS DS WS TS DS WS TS totalAraneida 12,769 15,549 15,357 17,951 24,790 20,119 18,534 24,239 21,864 171,172Blattaria Nymphs 5146 6524 6342 7763 8009 7029 5973 8476 8219 63,481Adults 644 594 866 1153 867 781 1310 804 1051 8070OR:Acrididae Nymphs 423 726 467 507 558 559 523 539 473 4775Adults 379 182 153 301 290 202 345 188 220 2260OR:Tettigoniidae Nymphs 2020 2136 2402 2108 3085 2934 1908 2405 2559 21,557Adults 136 152 240 427 332 258 315 214 496 2570OR:Gryllidae Nymphs 2096 2263 3358 3011 3276 3963 3302 3410 3594 28,273Adults 214 426 467 553 557 612 595 574 670 4668Mantodea Nymphs 114 93 176 185 157 143 119 171 156 1314Adults 10 14 19 34 27 25 19 19 29 196Phasmatodea Nymphs 123 165 144 123 135 94 88 107 132 1111Adults 23 27 42 47 35 32 36 25 30 297Psocoptera Nymphs 1921 2309 3443 11,811 5354 12,586 9679 8764 12,355 68,222Adults 1591 763 5156 8801 1907 5039 5002 3050 4582 35,891Hemiptera Nymphs 1588 1319 2227 3004 3508 4550 2340 2925 4027 25,488Adults 2260 2217 4232 3941 4779 5886 4671 5104 5656 38,746Homoptera Nymphs 12,164 7455 8200 10,883 10,212 13,030 10,443 9926 11,893 94,206Adults 10,324 10,178 14,470 15,794 18,669 25,533 21,004 13,602 23,286 152,860Coleoptera Larvae 626 1040 1159 703 1672 2049 1379 2035 1896 12,559Adults 20,063 19,724 26,405 21,859 29,597 35,245 32,887 28,967 48,004 262,751Lepidoptera Larvae 2205 2499 5445 2981 4440 7477 3711 5209 7747 41,714Adults 728 1126 1716 1623 2177 2276 2081 1780 1993 15,500Hymenoptera Adults 10,080 10,528 14,764 16,507 31,563 67,524 29,325 22,050 42,484 244,825Diptera Adults 13,610 31,038 29,649 20,832 89,139 92,557 53,866 55,947 76,310 462,948TOTALS 101,257 119,047 146,899 152,902 245,135 310,503 209,455 200,530 279,726 1,765,45458

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 59Percentages of total abundance for Piraña (OG) target taxa1994–1996Diptera33.00%Arachnida12.20%Blattaria0.58%Orthoptera0.68%Mantodea0.01%Phasmatodea0.02%Psocoptera2.56%Hemiptera2.76%Homoptera10.90%Hymenoptera17.45%Lepidoptera1.10%Coleoptera18.73%Fig. 4.7 Adult arthropod target-taxa abundances for the Piraña (Onkone Gare) 1994–1996 canopy samples.another 300 like samples at the control site, Tiputini.We found that 15,126 specimens of 14 family-groupbeetle taxa represented 2010 morphospecies. A selectionof these families is illustrated in (Fig. 4.8). Basedon species accumulation curve estimates (Erwin et al.2005), a consistent set of patterns emerged in thedata for the family-group beetle taxa thus far investigated.In these taxa, even with the rigorous samplingregime, more samples than 600 are needed to knowthe universe of canopy/understory species in the localarea, and certainly more than 300 samples at one site,even for the less diverse of families. The only exceptionamong these family-group taxa were the otidocephalineCurculionidae (Fig. 4.8i); combining 300 samplesfrom both sites for a total of 600 proved adequate tonearly reach an asymptote for the species accumulationcurve for the area. The Carabidae (Fig. 4.8c) atPiraña were not adequately sampled with 900 samples;however, the 300 samples of carabids that have beenprocessed thus far from Tiputini provided enough additionalspecies for a species accumulation curve to reachan asymptote for the region. When these two familygrouptaxa reaching near asymptote were analyzedfor complementarity between the two sites, the valueswere CI = 0.29 for the otidocephaline Curculionidaeand CI = 0.69 for the Carabidae.For the rest of the families examined, at least 300 ormore samples will need to be added to the database forthe species accumulation curve to reach an asymptote.Thus, observed and predicted numbers of morphospecies(Fig. 4.8) likely will increase with additionalcollecting at Tiputini. In addition, some taxa alreadyhave produced more morphospecies to date than werepredicted from previous accumulation curve estimates

60 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. Geraci(b)(e)(d)(a)(c)(f)(g)(j)5 mm(h)(i)(k)species richnessempirical predictedadult feeding guildsa) Scarabaeidae 58b) Erotylidae214c) Carabidae458d) Elateridae150e) Ceratocanthidae11f) Mordellidae388g) Buprestidae209h) Entiminae (Curculionidae)41i) Otidocephalini (Curculionidae)35j) Cryptocephalinae (Chrysomelidae)43k) Hispinae (Chrysomelidae)227l) Alticinae (Chrysomelidae) not figured 400m) Cleridae, not figured122total = 2315133168477138363612344537227316n/a139herbivores, leaf feedersfungivorespredatorsdetritivorestermitophilespollen feederspollen feedersherbivores, leaf feedersherbivoresherbivores, leaf feedersherbivores, leaf feedersherbivores, leaf feederspredatorsFig. 4.8 Coleoptera taxa examined in Yasuni from 1994 to 2006. Images were taken with the EntoVision extended focusphotography system (Alticinae and Cleridae not figured). For each taxon, the number of observed morphospecies (as of 2008) islisted, as well as predicted numbers of species based on accumulation curves and ICE calculations (Erwin et al. 2005). (See colorplate.)

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 61(Fig. 4.8, Erwin et al. 2005), while richness for othertaxa remains lower than estimated. This discrepancyreflects the varying degree of taxonomic treatment byspecialists in each group. The tumbling flower beetlesof the family Mordellidae (Fig. 4.8f) is an example ofa group that is not particularly well known from theNeotropics but has high morphospecies richness in thecanopy. This situation demonstrates the importance ofsamples taken for applied conservation purposes as asignificant new source of material for basic systematicsresearch, and highlights the need for proper voucheringand databasing of individual specimens in ecologicalstudies.MORPHOSPECIES RICHNESSTO BIODIVERSITYEstimating morphospecies richness in an ecosystemsuch as the Amazon is a necessary first step towardunderstanding its biodiversity patterns. As our taxonomicresolution increases and the technology tomap patterns of richness and abundance data at thespecimen level becomes more sophisticated, our abilityto characterize assembly rules for tropical forests willstrengthen. For example, we can use distributionpatterns to hypothesize which species are tourists andwhich are true canopy dwellers. Figure 4.9 illustratesthis point for the family Mordellidae, which we useas a case study. Worldwide there are about 1500total described species, with 205 known from NorthAmerica (Jackman and Lu 2002). Compared to otherphytophagous beetle clades, little is known about thefamily Mordellidae in the Neotropics. North Americanmordellids are broadly classified as pollen feeders (especiallyof Apiaceae and Asteraceae) as adults, whereasthe larvae are endophagous feeders of woody andherbaceous stems, decaying wood, and fungi (Jackmanand Lu 2002). Two subfamilies and five tribes currentlyare described worldwide, but their phylogeneticrelationships are not understood. In temperate zones,larvae in the tribe Mordellini bore into woody hostplants, whereas larvae in the tribe Mordellistini useherbaceoushosts (JackmanandLu2002).Athirdtribe,the Conaliini, is found in the Neotropics, but the lifehistories of adults and larvae are not well characterized.The morphospecies distribution curve for Mordellidae(Fig. 4.9a) shows a pattern of few abundanttaxa, with a long tail representing doubletons andsingletons. To understand the mechanism driving thispattern we should know how the abundant and rarespecies are related to each other, and what life historycharacteristics they share (either via similar ecology orshared recent ancestry). The utility of this approachhas been shown for comparing physiological traitsin aquatic insects (Buchwalter et al. 2008). Preliminaryexamination of the Mordellidae morphospeciescollected from Piraña (OG) from 1994 to 1996 suggeststhat an oligarchy of dominant species exists(Fig. 4.9b–d): six morphospecies were found in numbersgreater than 50 in the 900 total samples, plusa large number of rare species. When we put the sixabundant morphospecies numbers into phylogeneticcontext, we found that they fit into only three generain two tribes. The tribe Conaliini also is known fromAmazonia but conaliine morphospecies were rare. Littleis known about the life histories of adult and larvalMordellidae in the Amazonian canopy, so we cannotsay what processes are driving this pattern otherthan to suggest that some of the rare taxa probably areunderstoryspeciesthatwerecapturedastourists.Wedoknow, however, that the Mordellini and Mordellisteniniwere dominant in the canopy samples from the Pirañaplot from 1994 to 1996. Morphospecies designationsneed to be confirmed and valid species names appliedbefore accurate statistics can be calculated, but genuslevelkeys are available only for the North Americanfauna. Work is underway to describe the putativecommon oligarchy morphospecies and, in the process,update the genus-level classifications and keys.Histogram curves of other representative beetlegroups (Fig. 4.9a) show different lineages with varyingpatterns of species distributions, as we would expect.These patterns might reflect different life histories andecosystem requirements, or they could be artifactsof varying taxonomic scrutiny. The general patternwe see, however, among those families that havebeen identified to morphospecies, is that many rarespecies are in the canopy samples. Collections inthe understory ecosystem in these plots will revealwhether the rare canopy taxa are abundant elsewhere,and whether the Mordellidae fauna is stratifiedvertically. We know little in general about whatthe overlap is between ground and canopy faunas,and this relationship can differ even among beetlesubfamilies. For example, the beetle family Carabidaehas a distinct canopy fauna (i.e., arboreal species) anddistinct ground fauna (i.e., terrestrial species) (Erwin1991). Of the nearly 500 species recorded thus farfrom the canopy of our two plots, only a dozen or

62 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciMordelliniMordellistenini1 mmMordellaMordellistenaGlipostenoda# individuals in 900 samples250200150100500(a)StrongyliiniEntiminae250200150100500MordellaMordellistenaGlipostenodaCeratocanthidaeOtidocephaliniErotylidaeMordellidae004, 007, 021, alpha-taxonomy Mordellini028, 038, 164 DNA barcoding Mordellisteniniphylogenetic revisionsupdated classificationsnew keysgeodatabasesCanopy biorichness(c)estimates(d)(b)Canopy biodiversitystudiesFig. 4.9 Histograms (a) showing morphospeciesdistribution curves for six Coleoptera groups fromthe 900 canopy samples collected from 1994 to1996 from the Piraña (OG) plot (Otidocephalinaeand Entiminae = Curculionidae; Strongyliini =Tenebrionidae). The shape of the curve for theMordellidae (b) suggests oligarchic dominance bysix morphospecies in three genera. Thesemorphospecies, represented by numerical codes (c),were present in abundances of greater than 50individuals in 900 samples. Further research andincorporation of new technologies will increasetaxonomic resolution and put morphospecies intophylogenetic context (d). Images were taken withthe EntoVision extended-focus photography system.so are terrestrial true species, the so-called tourists.Amazonian biodiversity cannot be generalized untilwe know how much overlap occurs at both large andsmall spatial scales. Does the roughly 25% overlapin tree species between Piraña and Tiputini predicta certain amount of overlap between the insectcommunities? How does the degree of overlap differamong insect lineages?The above case study demonstrates that for manyneotropical insect groups, phylogenetic relationships,classifications, and keys at the genus level need to berevised before we can reliably assign valid names orassociate males and females to confirm that morphospeciesdesignations are accurate. A team of taxonomistsis already doing this research with the specimensfrom these two hectare plots. Their contribution toincreasing taxonomic resolution will allow us tocompare more accurately pre- and post-road buildingcanopy richness between the control (TBS) and impact(OG) plots. Thus, advancing taxonomic knowledgewill enable us to test whether canopy samples taken12 years after road building show the same relativespecies abundances over time, and if the distributionsof species and genera among transects have changed.BEETLES: LIFE ATTRIBUTES HAVE LEDTO CONTEMPORARY HYPERDIVERSITYTrue beetles appear for the first time in the Triassic(ca. 240 mybp). A marked radiation occurred in theJurassic (210 to 145 mybp), with the appearance

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 63ARBOREAL PULSEScanopy super specialistsNUMBER OF SPECIES+ climate specialistsundercanopy specialistsforest floor specialists+ climate specialists90 0 90LATITUDINAL AND ALTITUDINAL PULSEShigh altitudesuper specialistshigh altitudesuper specialistsALTITUDEsteppe/desertsteppe/desertsuper specialistssuper specialistscave specialistscave specialists+ climate specialists forest floor specialistsforest floor specialists+ climate specialistsTundra super specialistscavespecialistsupland specialistsfossorialspecialistsupland specialistsfossorialwaterside generalists(highly vagile dispersants)Tundra super specialistscavespecialists90 0TIME90Fig. 4.10 Taxon pulse model (Erwin 1979, 1985).of several families still in existence. Then, in theCretaceous (145 to 65 mybp) an incredible radiationoccurred in parallel with the spread of angiospermplants. Across a time span of 100 million years, beetlesinvaded all sorts of biotopes and habitats, includingdeep soil, caves, freshwater, and forest canopies(Fig. 4.10). Table 4.4 depicts the guilds representedin neotropical rain forests (Lawrence and Britton1994). To comprehend the true nature of neotropicalbeetle diversity, a selection of the more hyperdiverseguilds will need to be explored in depth across thecommonest of Amazonian biotopes and habitatsin the Basin and its surroundings. New evidenceand methodology/technology (McKenna and Farrell2006) seem to support the taxon pulse model (Erwin1979, 1985) (Fig. 4.10) in demonstrating downtimesin the evolution of radiating beetles alternating withsurge times. If this evolutionary process is connectedto common regional Critical Zone events, and thussynchronous across family-group taxa, patterns canbe discovered, processes discerned, hypotheses tested,and predictions made. If no connection exists tosuch common events, and the evolutionary process isasynchronous across family-group taxa, chaos theorymust be brought to bear for explanatory insights.SUMMARY AND GUIDE TO FUTURERESEARCH, OR ‘TAKING A SMALLSTEP INTO THE VORTEX’A faunistic and floristic inventory can be an importantand necessary tool for planning and creating protectedareas. Such inventories establish the basic informationfor monitoring community dynamics in space and time.Our study provides methodological information thatcould assist in the design and creation of protocols forentomofauna inventories in the Amazonian terra firmeforests and elsewhere. We have demonstrated that it ispossible to adequately sample insect family-group taxafor a local area in a relatively short time, inexpensively,even in an area of incredible biodiversity. A series of

64 Terry L. Erwin and Christy J. GeraciTable 4.4 Beetle guilds.Microhabitat Basic Food Sources GuildsLiving vegetative surfaces Leaves, flowers, cones, seeds, pods Herbivores, predators, fungivores,pollinivoresBark and wood surfaces Wood, detritus Borers, predators, fungivores,scavengersHerbaceous plant tissues Stems, gall and leaf interiors, roots Borers, herbivores, predators,fungivoresLeaf litter, ground debris Dead vegetation, rotting wood,decaying flowers and fruitsPredators, fungivores, scavengers,detritivores, seed-predatorsAnimal nestsDung, carrion, nest constructionmaterialsPredators, fungivores, detritivores,scavengersCaves Carrion, algae Predators, detritivores, scavengersSoil Worms, nematodes, bacteria, etc. Predators, detritivores, scavengersFungi Fruiting bodies, mycelia Fungivores, predatorsCarrion Carrion Predators, detritivores, scavengersDung Pass-throughs Predators, fungivores, scavengers,detritivores, seed-predatorsLittoral zoneAlgae, debris, carrion, herbaceousPredators, detritivores, scavengersplant tissuesLentic zones Aquatic plants, detritus Predators, detritivores, scavengersfogging plots sampled rigorously across a region atvarious floristically determined locales, as in the case ofPiraña and Tiputini, might better describe the apparentmosaic distribution of canopy and understory (e.g., inplants by Tuomisto et al. 2003, in birds by Terborghet al. 1990, and Blake 2007). To complement thefogging regime and sample for all terrestrial arthropodspecies and other organisms, larger and more diverselysampled plots will be necessary. Geodatabasing andDNA barcoding will help streamline future canopysamplingefforts.The results of canopy sampling from 1994 to 1996hint at a variable degree of beetle-species turnoveracross feeding guilds and across a forest mosaic withinshort distances. The distribution of beetle species in theWestern Amazon Basin likely is arrayed in a mosaicor discontinuous pattern rather than being evenlydistributed across the local landscape. How that patternis shaped by the distribution of trees or whetherit constitutes an oligarchy remains to be tested. Pitmanand colleagues (2001) predicted that the treeoligarchy pattern was driven by varying degrees ofhabitat specialization, particularly to soil type. With ourpresent knowledge, we cannot say whether subtle forest,soil, or climatic differences, or perhaps somethinghistorical, accounts for the patterns we observed inspecies turnover or morphospecies richness. However,wepredictthatacentralecologicalfactordrivingbeetlediversitypatterns in Amazonian rainforest canopies isthe level of tree (either as food or habitat) host specificityof adult and immature stages. If we accept theoligarchy hypothesis that the same suite of tree speciesand genera are found consistently throughout Amazoniaat densities of at least one individual per hectare,then we predict that beetle lineages associated withthose trees also are found in oligarchic hierarchies oftaxa, probably at the level of genus or tribe. The taxonomicdata further suggest that, over evolutionarytime, beetle radiation patterns have been shaped bytaxon pulses.<strong>Biodiversity</strong> research lies at the crossroads of taxonomy,ecology, and evolutionary biology. We needto combine experimental research on ecological andevolutionary mechanisms with taxonomic survey datato make more precise estimates of insect richness inneotropical forests. Lists of morphospecies compiledeitherviacursoryobservationofmorphologicalcharactersor DNA-sequence variations are merely estimatesof biorichness unless they are put into evolutionarycontext, that is, given names and classified. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>research requires phylogenetic perspective. Testingthe oligarchy hypothesis, or any hypothesis of insectcommunity structure, is not possible without morealpha-taxonomic work on neotropical phytophagous

Amazonian rainforests and their richness of Coleoptera 65insects. Proper use of molecular tools and geospatialdatabasing of museum-vouchered specimens, alongwith sound alpha-taxonomy will arm the next generationof biodiversity scientists to monitor the effects ofdisturbances on Amazonian rainforests.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFoggers: The following (in order of number of timesof participation) were those who treaded into the forestat 0300 hrs to set up collection sheets and clear pathsfor operations, a truly dedicated bunch. First team(also includes substantial specimen sorting): PabloE. Araujo, Ma. Cleopatra Pimienta, Sandra Enríquez,Fabian Bersosa, Ruben Carranco, María Teresa Lasso,Vladimir Carvajal, Ana Maria Ortega, Paulina Rosero,Andrea Lucky, Sarah Weigel, Valeria Granda. Sometimesor one-time field assistants (in alphabeticalorder): Mila Coca Alba, Gillian Bowser, Franklin,Paulo Guerra, Henry, Peter Hibbs, Amber Jonker,Pella Larsson, Keeta DeStefano Lewis, Jennifer Lucky,Ana Mariscal, Marinez Marques, Mayer, RaulF. Medina, Wendy Moore, Karen Ober, MonicaO’Chaney, Kristina Pfannes, Mike G. Pogue, WendyPorras, Theresia Radtke, Jennifer Rogan, Leah Russin,Mercedes Salgado, Linda Sims, Dawn Southard, GeorgeL. Venable, Joe Wagner Jr., Winare. Museum team (inalphabetical order): The following individuals providedall those important things in the Museum that allowedproduction: Ma. Cleopatra Pimienta, Valeria Aschero,Gary H. Hevel, Jonathan Mawdsley, Mike G. Pogue,Linda Sims, Warren Steiner, George L. Venable, CarolYoumans. Technical assistance: Grace Servat forassistance with the Sigma Plot program for graphingour results; Valeria Aschero for developing the inititalGIS system for Mordellidae; Rob Colwell for assistancewith the EstimateS program; Karie Darrow for digitalimage preparation; Charles Bellamy, Mary Liz Jameson,Paul Johnson, Jonathan Mawdsley, Brett Ratcliff, PaulSkelly, and Warren Steiner for generic determinationsof some beetles used in our study. Grants: Thefollowing provided the important thing in the NationalMuseum of Natural History that allowed everything,funding: the Programs NLRP (Richard Vari, P.I.), BSI(George Zug, P.I.), the Department of Entomology,and the Casey Fund (Entomology). Field support fromEcuambiente Consulting Group S.A. in Quito, Ecuador,allowed participation of several Ecuadorian studentsat Piraña Station, as well as logistics.REFERENCESAdams, D. 1980. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.Random House, New York. 208 pp.Adis, J. (ed). 2002. 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Chapter 5<strong>Insect</strong>biodiversity inthe AfrotropicalRegionClarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. MansellDepartment of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002,South Africa<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-969

The Afrotropical Region is renowned for itscharismatic megafauna and diverse botanicalwealth, but these aspects are overshadowed bythe sheer diversity of insects that occupy the continentof Africa and its associated islands. The entomofaunaof this zoological realm presents enormous challengesto scientists because of the profusion of insect taxathat have evolved in the multitude of ecologicalsystems of the region and because of historical andsociopolitical issues that afflict the continent. <strong>Insect</strong>sand other invertebrates drive the ecosystems on whichthe megafauna and flora and, ultimately, humansdepend. Vertebrate animals depend on ecosystems forsurvival – terrestrial ecosystems depend on insectsfor their establishment and maintenance. <strong>Insect</strong>sprovide numerous primary environmental services,from recycling of nutrients to pollination, besides theirfundamental contribution to food resources of manyvertebrate animals. <strong>Insect</strong>s, consequently, shouldbe at the core of any country’s commitment to theInternational Convention on <strong>Biodiversity</strong>.Africa’s rich biodiversity, however, is not matchedby its economic wealth, as it has the dubious distinctionof being home to most of the world’s poorest nations.A discussion of insect biodiversity science, consequently,should be seen in this context. The few studiesundertaken so far on African insect biodiversity (Millerand Rogo 2001) have arrived at similar conclusions:species numbers are vast, but not accurately known;insect habitats are fast declining; few African countrieshouse insect collections or employ taxonomists(Table 5.1); and if collections of African insects exist,they are housed in foreign museums, either those ofthe ex-colonial powers, mostly in Europe, or in thosebased on more recent collections such as some in theUSA (Table 5.2). No collections have been returned tothe countries from which the insects were collected,but some foreign countries, such as Belgium, thathave African collections are preparing to repatriatethe information. We believe that before poor countriesstart to recognize the importance of insect biodiversitystudies, they need to be convinced of the materialbenefit of such research.<strong>Insect</strong>s have direct, easily understandable value, aswell as less tangible value, in poor countries. Examplesoftheformerareinsectsharvestedforfood(e.g.,mopanecaterpillars in large parts of southern Africa, termitealates and locusts over much of the continent, andEphemeroptera in the Rift Valley Lake systems) andthose that produce useful products (e.g., honey and silkTable 5.1 Major entomological collections in theAfrotropical Region (based on Miller and Rogo 2001).Country City InstitutionAngola Dundo Museu do DundoKenya Nairobi National Museums ofKenyaMozambique Maputo Museum Nacionalede MozambiqueNamibia Windhoek State Museum ofNamibiaSenegal Dakar Institut Fondamentald’Afrique NoireSouth Africa Cape Town Iziko MuseumsSouth Africa Grahamstown Albany MuseumSouth Africa Pietemaritzburg Natal MuseumSouth Africa Pretoria Plant ProtectionResearch InstituteSouth Africa Pretoria Transvaal MuseumUganda Kampala Kawanda ResearchStationZimbabwe Bulawayo Natural HistoryMuseumfrom native silk worms). Examples of the latter includepollinators,pest-controlagents,andbiodegradersintheform of dung beetles, termites, and flies. Furthermore,insects are critical elements of the food chain for fish, themost important source of animal protein for humansin large parts of Africa. In contrast, some insects havenegative effects as vectors of disease agents and asagricultural pests, and these taxa also require furtherstudy and monitoring.Miller and Rogo (2001) reviewed some of the aspectsof insect biodiversity science in an excellent synthesis ofAfrican and Afrotropical insect diversity. They set thescene by highlighting the insect richness of the region(more than 100,000 described species) and its potentialfor sustainable use if comprehensively understoodand documented. They also provided a detailed backgroundto current and historical resources, includinga list of institutions in Africa, Europe, and the USAthat hold the collections of Afrotropical insects. Theyemphasized the difficulty of locating specimens and literaturereferences, and provided a preliminary list ofresources where such information could be obtained.Most importantly, they highlighted a series of challengesthat face insect biodiversity science in Africa,which they had identified in an earlier study (Milleret al. 2000).

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Afrotropical Region 71Table 5.2 Some major entomological collections ofAfrotropical insects outside Africa (based on Miller and Rogo2001).Country City InstitutionAustria Vienna Naturhistorisches MuseumWienBelgium Tervuren Royal Museum of CentralAfricaEngland London The Natural HistoryMuseumEngland Oxford Hope MuseumFrance Paris Museum Nationald’Histoire NaturelleGermany Berlin Museum für Naturkundeder Humboldt UniversitätGermany Munich Staatssamlungen derBayerischen StaatesHungary Budapest National MuseumItaly Florence Centro di Studio per laFaunistica ed EcologiaTropicaliSweden Stockholm Naturhistoriska RiksmuseetUSA Chicago Field MuseumUSA New York American Museum ofNatural HistoryUSA Pittsburgh Carnegie MuseumUSA San Francisco California Academy ofScienceUSA Washington Smithsonian InstitutionMiller et al. (2000) proposed a biodiversity planfor Africa, with three main components: (1) aninformation-management program to organizeand make available the large volume of datathat already exists but is not generally accessible,(2) a series of field projects to evaluate the use ofinsects as indicator organisms and to quantify theirroles in ecosystem processes, and (3) training andparticipatory technology transfer. To these, we addtwo more components: (4) to emphasize Africa as thecenter of biodiversity of many higher insect taxa, withexamples of sentinel groups, and (5) the importanceof identifying insects with potential to becomemajor, Africa-wide pests, and training appropriatetaxonomists to identify them. We will develop thesepoints further.The purpose of the current chapter is not to repeatthe information provided by Miller and collaborators,but to try to address some of the questions they raisedand challenges they identified, and to add new insightsinto African biodiversity science by means of insectgroups with which we are familiar.WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUTAFROTROPICAL INSECTS?All insect orders, except the Grylloblattodea, are presentin Africa. One of these orders, the recently describedMantophasmatodea, occurs only in Africa. Despite thisrichness, few taxa have been collected extensively andeven fewer have been studied comprehensively; thosethathavebeenstudiedhavemostlybeenstudiedoutsideofAfrica.SouthAfricaistheoneexception,withreasonablecollections and a history of taxonomic research.Table 5.1 provides a list of African museums withreasonably well-maintained and well-curated collections.This situation, however, reflects the poor stateof affairs – only 8 countries, of more than 50, havemuseums housing insect collections. It is a barometerof the state of insect taxonomic exploration in Africa.AN INFORMATION-MANAGEMENTPROGRAMThe most immediate challenge to understanding andapplyingAfrica’sinsectbiodiversityliesindocumentingnew data, including the description of species, and inthe collation of taxonomic and biological data in existinghistorical resources and their coordination withpreserved specimens in various institutions scatteredthroughout the world. This major issue was raised byMiller and Rogo (2001, p. 200) when they posed thequestion ‘But how can these resources be unlockedto make information readily available for use?’ Anattainable solution exists to this challenge.Vast amounts of African specimen-related data areincarcerated in the biological collections of the world,but the information has been difficult to access becauseof logistical and physical constraints. These constraintsinclude the disparate nature of collections and thetime and expense involved in visiting different museumsin many parts of the globe. The challenge lies inthe development of a system to assemble and collatedata from many sources, with the simultaneous incorporationof burgeoning new information. Until now,conventional filing systems, such as card catalogs, wereunable to accommodate the vast amount of potentialdata or its collation across multiple platforms – from

72 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. Mansellspecimen data, to taxonomy, historical literature references,geographical distributions, phenology, hostplants, molecular data, and graphics, to name but a fewrelevant parameters. Electronic computerization didnot initially resolve these issues because complex andexpensive programming put these resources beyondthe reach of most biologists, and personal computerswere initially compromised by software limitations.The advent of Relational Databases, on the basis ofmathematical concepts (Codd 1970), has now placedpowerful resources within reach of all biologists.Relational database management systems (RDBMS),such as Microsoft Access and My SQL, enable biologiststo design systems to record and collate vast amountsof taxonomic and other data within highly flexibleand adaptable applications that are universallystandard and easily understood. Relational databases,consequently, have become the cornerstones ofsound curatorial practice, information exchange, anddissemination in many museums and collections, andconsiderable advances have been made in this field. Theadvantages of virtual, electronically collated collectiondata are obvious, as numerous products can be generatedthat advance the relevance of museum collectionsand justify their continued accrual and maintenance.Products that can be generated from well-designedand integrated relational databases include faunalinventories, distributional data for conservationapplications and environmental impact assessments,Geographical Information Systems (GIS) modeling(e.g., climate change, conservation area selection, biodiversityhotspots, endemicity), host plant associationsand disease vectors for application in agriculture, anddevelopment of Web-based products, as well as printedcatalogs and capacity building (e.g., student training).Added advantages include large amounts of integrateddata now becoming instantly available and electronicdatabases, which are also virtual collections of specimensthatprovideabackupinsuranceagainstdisasters.The establishment of the Global <strong>Biodiversity</strong> InformationFacility (GBIF), Species 2000, and other internationalinitiatives have brought databasing into sharpfocus because the electronic recording of specimen andtaxonomic data are fundamental to the objectives ofthese international programs. Database activities inthe African context are sporadic or nonexistent andmany institutions are hesitant to embark on programsbecause of the perceived enormity of the task orreluctance to provide public access to their data. Ageneral misconception exists that the specimen datain collections are a marketable resource that belongsstrictly to a particular institution. This attitude is amajor impediment to documentation of the Africaninsect fauna because such data remain beyond themainstream flow of biodiversity information and areessentially irrelevant and increasingly difficult to justifyin terms of maintenance expenses. This parochialattitude is further negated by current accessibilityto substantial funding for the electronic recording ofmuseum specimens from GBIF and the South AfricanNode of GBIF, the South African <strong>Biodiversity</strong> InformationFacility (SABIF).The South African National Collections of <strong>Insect</strong>sand Arachnids of the Agricultural Research Council(ARC) is the leading institution in Africa, with regardto progress in the databasing of invertebrate collections.The most extensive dataset, although not strictlyof insects, is the African Arachnid Database (AFRAD)that now includes more than 6000 taxonomic records,which can be viewed on the ARC website. This initiativehas also attracted substantial funding and is a collaborativeprogram with the newly established SouthAfrican National <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Institute (SANBI). Substantialprogress also has been made in the electronicrecording of the insect collections, with comprehensivedatasets available for African Tephritidae (fruit flies),Isoptera (termites), and Neuroptera (lacewings), andsteadily increasing electronic documentation of othergroups, including Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera), Sternorrhyncha(Hemiptera), Thysanoptera, and Apoidea andChalcidoidea (Hymenoptera).The Neuroptera dataset can be used as an exampleof the manner in which data can be recorded, collated,and disseminated for application in fields includingbiological control and pollination biology (agriculture),conservation biology, and biogeography, as wellas fundamental scientific research. This databasecomprises several discrete databases: Specimens,Taxonomy, Localities, Institutions, Persons, and Bibliographiesthat are interlinked through key fields. Thisarrangement facilitates simultaneous queries acrossthe multiple platforms that can be designed to answerspecific questions. The database also accommodateshyperlinks to graphics and to PDF files of associatedliterature, ensuring that all historical and currentresources pertaining to specimens (in all museums),taxonomy, and literature, as well as associated personsand graphics, can be accommodated in one referencesource. This information can be translated directly intosearchable web-based products, as well as electronic

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Afrotropical Region 73and paper catalogs. The first product is a Catalogue ofLacewings (Neuroptera) of the Afrotropical Region,which is accessible through the GBIF portal. This wasa GBIF-funded initiative and the results will also bepublished in hard-copy through SANBI.Another of the constraints that a database programis designed to address is the compilation of catalogsof additional insect groups. Such catalogs formthe basis of research on all biological organisms.At present, only two comprehensive catalogs areavailable for entire orders of Afrotropical insects.The first, Catalogue of Diptera of the AfrotropicalRegion (Crosskey 1980), is now 27 years out ofdate and not available in electronic format. Thesecond, Catalogue of Lacewings (Neuroptera) ofthe Afrotropical Region, is currently available onlyin electronic format. The advantages of electroniccatalogs are that they accommodate continualupdates, so the data remain current. A forerunnerto this catalog can be viewed on the Rhodes Universitywebsite (www.ru.ac.za/academic/departments/zooento/martin/neuroptera.html). The advent of theGBIF and SABIF has provided further incentives andfacilities to produce such catalogs.Compilation of catalogs requires a distillation ofall published information on a particular taxon anda realistic, current assessment of the status andextent of knowledge of a particular group, often withremarkable consequences. In the compilation of theAfrotropical lacewing catalog, the number of validspecies of Neuroptera described from the Afrotropicshas decreased considerably. For example, in theChrysopidae, one of the largest families of Neuroptera,286 species have been described, but only 183 of thesenames are valid, reducing the number of described,valid species by 103 (36%, or more than one-third).Sixty-seven of these synonyms were created by asingle author, the Spanish cleric Longinos Navás(1858–1938). The legacy of Navás and severalother early authors of Afrotropical lacewings lefta trail of taxonomic confusion that continues toimpede progress toward an accurate assessment of theNeuroptera of this region. The number of taxonomicnames lost to synonymy probably will be offset bynew discoveries, but before most of these descriptionsare possible, all existing names have to be checkedthoroughly against type specimens, many of whichhave been destroyed, lost, or deposited in obscurecollections. These constraints are intractable to realprogress that affects many other insect groups aswell. On the positive side, the advent of electronicweb documentation of lacewing taxa and literature,particularly by John D. Oswald of Texas A & M University(http://insects.tamu.edu/research/neuropterida/neur bibliography/bibhome.html) has greatly facilitatedresearch on lacewings by concentrating allliterature and taxonomic names into convenientreference sources. This project has been a majorcontribution to research on Afrotropical lacewings,further emphasizing the need to encourage soundtaxonomic procedures and ongoing electronicdocumentation and dissemination. The prevailingsituation for the lacewings substantiates claimsby Scholtz and Chown (1995) that total insectnumbers for southern Africa (but extrapolatedto the whole of Africa) are unlikely to changesignificantly over what is currently known becausesynonymy more or less compensates for new speciesdescribed.THE ROLE OF INSECTS IN ECOSYSTEMPROCESSES AND AS INDICATORS OFENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY – DUNGBEETLESASACASESTUDYThe principal importance of dung beetles lies in theirmaintenance of pasture health by burying dung, whichhas the effect of removing surface wastes, recyclingthe constituent nutrients, and reducing exposure oflivestock to internal parasites. Negative environmentaleffects that result from a lack of dung beetles were seenin Australia before the introduction of dung beetlesadapted to cattle dung. These effects included the lossof grass cover due to the persistence of unburied dungpads, the growth of unpalatable grass around thesepads, the leaching of nutrients in surface rainwaterrunoff, and the buildup of large populations of dungbreedingflies (Waterhouse 1974).Much of the traditional farming in most of Africais of a subsistence nature, based on small areas ofplanted crops per household and on livestock includingcamels, cattle, donkeys, goats, horses, pigs, and sheepthat graze on communal land by day and are penned atnight. Human sewage is often deposited near villageswhere it is removed by dogs, pigs, and dung beetles.Cattle are conservatively estimated to number about100 million in Africa, while small stock such as sheepand goats probably number three times more. Considerablysmaller numbers of beasts of burden are found,

74 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. Mansellmainly in regions with a long tradition of associationbetween them and their owners. All of these animals,however, produce dung. Camel and cattle dung is collected,usually during the dry season, from the fieldor from the pens where the animals spend the night.It is dried and used as fuel for fires in regions wheretrees have been destroyed and, in rehydrated form, asbuilding material. In some areas, dung from accumulationsin livestock pens is used as fertilizer in crop fields.Although the total quantities of dung produced or theamount used for fuel, mortar, or fertilizer is impossibleto estimate, a safe estimate is that the dung producedby day while the animals are out grazing contributesabout half the total.Because we have a reasonable estimate of cattle andsmall stock numbers in Africa, and the amount of dungthey produce, is known, we can calculate the amountof dung available to dung beetles for feeding and breeding,activities that greatly enhance soil nitrogen, soilporosity, and water penetration (Losey and Vaughan2006). Cattle produce, on average, about 9000 kg ofdung each year. If we assume that half of this dungis collected and used for fuel, mortar, and fertilizer,about 4500 kg per animal remains on the ground. Ifthis amount is multiplied by 100 million cattle, we arepresented with the staggering amount of 450 millionmetric tons of dung deposited on the continent peryear. Sheep and goats each produce about 900 kg ofdung per year, and if the same algorithm based on anumber of about 30 million small stock units is appliedfor calculating the amount returned to the soil, thetotal amount is about 135 million metric tons. Add tothis the dung produced by humans themselves, as wellas their pigs, dogs, and beasts of burden, and the totalis immense.Indicators of environmental quality in agroecosystemshave received considerable attention in recentyears (Riley 2001). Although an acceptable frameworkfor their application is still lacking because of variousdegrees of incompatibility among different systems, theuse of indicators remains desirable as a basis for managingagroecosystems. Here we describe and review therole of the scarabaeine (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)dung beetles as agricultural indicators.One of the uses of dung beetles as indicators is todefine biogeographical regions and faunal distributioncenters to facilitate and validate comparisons amongspecies assemblages in natural and intensively farmedsystems. This has been done in some detail in SouthAfrica (Davis 1993; Davis et al. 1999, 2002a, 2004;Davis and Scholtz 2004). A second role is to characterizepasturage from natural to heterogeneous, tocompletely transformed, in terms of dung beetles (Daviset al. 2004).In a review of terrestrial insects as bio-indicators,McGeoch (1998) recommended a nine-step protocolfor assessing the value of the insect group. These ninesteps can be reduced to three steps, assessing (1) thecategory (biodiversity, ecological, or environmental)andscale(regionalorlocal)ofindication,(2) thespecificobjectives of the application, and (3) the data collectionand rigorous statistical testing of the group to ensurethat it fulfills the study objectives and permits wellsupporteddecision making.Scarabaeine dung beetles are an obvious choice asindicators because they are an integral part of livestockpasture ecology in the warmer, moister climatic regionswhere they are centered. These regions are situatedwithin the 45 ◦ latitudinal limits in areas receivingmore than 250 mm of annual rainfall and subject tomean annual temperatures greater than 15 ◦ C. Therainfall limit for dung beetles is also roughly the limitfor the growth of pasturage suitable for cattle, althoughsmall stock survives in drier areas.Dung beetles as indicators of regionalbiodiversityBiogeographical differences among regions can bedefined by comparing data on species richness, taxonomiccomposition, and species abundance structuresof local assemblages (Davis 1997, Davis et al.1999, 2002a, 2004). Such differences are usuallyrelated to climatic factors, although edaphic and vegetationalcharacteristics also vary at a regional scale,for example, in rainforests, winter-rainfall shrublands,and deep desert sands. Whereas vegetation largelydepends on climate, edaphic factors can be independentof climate. Analysis of such data permits oneto determine natural regional boundaries, define thedistribution centers of groups of species, and identifycenters of endemism.A global comparison of 46 widely separated local faunasprovides insight into some subcontinental patterns(Davis et al. 2002b). Parsimony analysis of endemism,using these data, suggests a subcontinental centeringaccording to ecoclimatic zones, primarily forest, woodysavanna, highland grass, and arid or winter-rainfallclimate.

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Afrotropical Region 75Dung beetles as indicators of habitattransformationDung beetles are useful indicators of effects related tolocal transformation from natural habitat to farmland.The consequences are primarily related to modificationof natural vegetation (Estrada and Coates-Estrada2002, Halffter and Arellano 2002) and the loss ofindigenous mammals, particularly large monogastricspecies that void large fibrous droppings. To conservelocal biodiversity in a heterogeneous environment,sufficiently large fragments must remain tosupport specialists, to maximize species richness, andto maintain pasture health. However, the reality isa heterogeneous system comprising reserves, naturallyfarmed patches, and intensively farmed areasin various proportions. Relative naturalness can becategorized by surveying differences in dung-beetleassemblages between reserves and natural to disturbedfarm habitats.AFRICA-WIDE PESTS AND TRAININGAPPROPRIATE TAXONOMISTS – FRUITFLIES AS A CASE STUDY<strong>Insect</strong> pests account for about 50% of crop losses inAfrica, from plant establishment through plant growth,crop maturation, and storage. Fruit flies are some of theworld’s most devastating crop pests, causing millionsof dollars in production loss each year. In Africa, manyspecies attack fruits, vegetables, and native hosts. Thesepests include at least 12 species that are endemic toAfrica, including the world’s worst fruit pest, Ceratitiscapitata, the Mediterranean fruit fly or medfly.Fruit flies not only constrain fruit export from Africa,but also cause extensive crop losses that severely affectsustainable rural livelihoods and food security in manyimpoverished regions of Africa. Four species of Asianfruit flies that recently have invaded Africa are of particularconcern. Bactrocera invadens and B. cucurbitaeare now widespread in Africa and are devastating peststhat attack a wide variety of fruit and vegetable cropsincluding mango, citrus, guava, and tomato, as wellas a large number of indigenous hosts. Of the othertwo invasive species, Bactrocera zonata (peach fly) iscurrently known only from Egypt, while B. latifrons(solanum fly) was recently detected in Tanzania. TheAfrican Fruit Fly Initiative (AFFI) was established at theInternational Centre of <strong>Insect</strong> Physiology and Ecology(ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya, to address the above concerns(Ekesi and Billah 2006). The program was designedto cover a number of aspects, including surveys andmonitoring, development of control methods, trainingof scientists and agricultural personnel in the identificationand management of fruit flies, and informationand support for small-scale farmers. During the initialphases, traps and lures were provided to several countries,especially the East African community of Kenya,Tanzania, Uganda, and Zanzibar. This initial surveywas responsible for the first detection of the highlyinvasive B. invadens in Africa (Lux et al. 2003). A numberof training courses also have been provided by theAFFI, and a comprehensive manual entitled ‘A FieldGuide to the Management of Economically ImportantTephritid Fruit Flies in Africa’ has emanated from theprogram.Few surveys to detect and monitor fruit flies areotherwise in progress in Africa, and few professionallycompetent taxonomists are available to provideidentifications of flies detected in these surveys. Withone exception, Africa depends on specialists in Britainand Europe for taxonomic expertise to underpin fruitfly research on the continent. Training of tephritidtaxonomists beyond the parataxonomic level is, consequently,an urgent priority for fruit fly research andmanagement in Africa.Apart from the countries surveyed by the AFFI, only,Benin, Namibia, and South Africa conduct regularmonitoring programs. Most attention now is focusedon the invasive species, in particular B. invadens. Thisspecies is destined to have a major effect on fruitand vegetable production in Africa and ultimately onsustained agricultural production on the continent.Ideally, intensive continent-wide programs should belaunched to monitor the spread of this and other pestspecies and to inform agricultural authorities of itspresence and threat to their countries. Once again, theAFFI has been proactive in this regard, with a majorproposal for funding having been submitted to the Foodand Agriculture Organization (FAO) to deal with thethreat posed by the invasive species.Invasive species of concern in AfricaBactrocera invadens, the invader fly, recently wasdescribed by Drew et al. (2005). It is native toSri Lanka, but recently invaded Africa and has spreadrapidly across the continent and the Comores Islands.

76 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. MansellSince its first detection in Kenya in 1993 (Lux et al.2003), B. invadens has spread to 28 countries inAfrica and infests at least 40 host plants. Bactrocerainvadens belongs to a complex of superficially similarOriental species. Three members of this ‘dorsalis’complex are serious to extremely devastating pests,while other members of the complex are fairly benign.Distinguishing the species requires the services of anexperienced taxonomist. Bactrocera invadens attacksa wide range of hosts, including mango, guava,citrus, papaya, and the wild hosts Strychnos andespecially marula (Sclerocarya birrea). It also infestscitrus and cashew nuts. The potentially wide hostrange also makes it an extremely dangerous invasivespecies, further exacerbated by its aggressive behavior,whereby indigenous species are displaced and multipleovipositions can occur in one fruit. Males are attractedto methyl eugenol.Bactrocera cucurbitae, the melon fly, is native to Asia,but has been introduced into Africa and is currentlyknown from Egypt, Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania, aswell as Mauritius and Réunion. Bactrocera cucurbitae isa serious pest of the Cucurbitaceae, but has been rearedfrom more than 125 species of plants, including manynoncucurbits such as tomato, beans, quince, jackfruit,avocado, fig, granadilla, mango, papaya, peach, andtree tomato. The potentially wide host range makesthis invasive species extremely dangerous. Males areattracted to cue lure.Bactrocera (Bactrocera) zonata (Saunders), the peachfruit fly, has extended its range from Asia and iscurrently known from Egypt and Mauritius in theAfrotropical Region. It attacks many crops includingpeach, guava, apple, bitter gourd, date palm, papaya,pomegranate, quince, mango, tropical almond, citrus,and watermelon. The wide host range and the dangerof the species spreading southward from Egypt make ita serious potentially invasive species in Africa. Malesare attracted to methyl eugenol.Bactrocera (Bactrocera) latifrons (Hendel), thesolanum fruit fly, only recently has been detectedin Tanzania, on egg plant, and is currently knownonly from Kenya and Tanzania. Three of the species,B. invadens, B. zonata, andB. latifrons, are morphologicallysimilar and easily confused. An adventivepopulationisknownfromHawaii,andthespeciesisalsoknown from China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan,Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. It is mainly a pest ofsolanaceous crops, but the known host list includes Capsicumannuum(chilli),Solanumincanum,S.nigrum(blacknightshade), S. torvum (terongan), S. melongena (eggplant), S. sisymbriifolium, Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium(currant tomato), L. esculentum (tomato), Baccaureamotleyana (rambai), and Malus domestica (apple).A new lure, latilure, has been developed as an attractantof this fly.African indigenous fruit flies of economicimportanceCeratitis (Ceratitis) capitata (Wiedemann), the Mediterraneanfruit fly or medfly, is native to Africa and hasbecome one of the world’s most notorious crop pests.It has spread into many parts of the world, and adventivepopulations occur in all continental regions excepttropical Asia and North America, where it has beeneradicated several times. Millions of dollars are spentannually in preventing establishment in North America.It is also present on most Indian Ocean islandsand even Hawaii. The species has an extensive hostrange (White and Elson-Harris 1992) and is particularlyinjurious to tropical and subtropical fruits. Malesare readily attracted to trimedlure and terpinyl acetate.Ceratitis (Pterandrus) rosa Karsch, the Natal fruit fly,is a major pest species that can be as devastating asthe medfly in areas where it occurs. It is native tosouthern and eastern Africa, extending as far northas southern Kenya. Adventive populations exist inMauritius and Réunion. It is also a major pest of tropicaland subtropical fruits. White and Elson-Harris (1992)provided an extensive host list. Males are attracted totrimedlure and terpinyl acetate.Ceratitis (Pterandrus) fasciventris Bezzi previously hasbeen confused with C. rosa, and many country recordsfor the Natal fruit fly are actually of this species. Itreplaces C. rosa in western Kenya, across to westernAfrica, and has a similar host range. Males are attractedto trimedlure and terpinyl acetate.Ceratitis (Pterandrus) anonae Graham is a westernAfrican species with an extensive host range (Whiteand Elson-Harris 1992). No effective lure is availablefor this species.Ceratitis (Ceratalaspis) cosyra (Walker), the marulafruit fly, is widespread in eastern Africa, as is its nativehost, marula (Sclerocarya birrea). The marula fruit flyhas a more limited host range than do other Ceratitisspecies, but it is, nonetheless, a serious pest of mango(Mangifera indica). It is attracted to terpinyl acetate butnot trimedlure.

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Afrotropical Region 77The above Ceratitis species have a vast collectiverange of cultivated and wild hosts. They are all seriouspests of mango and other tropical and subtropicalfruits. Mango is a sentinel crop in Africa, both in termsof export potential and sustainable livelihoods, andmany rural families depend on this fruit as an essentialcomponent of their diet. These Ceratitis pests, nowexacerbated by the invasive species, are a constraint toagricultural development and food security in Africa.A number of African Dacus species, including Dacus(Dacus) bivittatus (Bigot) (pumpkin fly), Dacus (Didacus)ciliatus Loew (lesser pumpkin fly), Dacus (Didacus) vertebratusBezzi (jointed pumpkin fly), and Dacus (Didacus)frontalis Becker, infest a wide range of the Cucurbitaceae.They are more limited in their host rangesthan are the Ceratitis species, but nonetheless have asimilar effect on rural agriculture and food security.Curcubitaceae are widely cultivated and are an importantdietary component in many African countries, andare used extensively as container gourds in many ruralhouseholds.Bactrocera (Daculus) oleae (Gmelin), the olive fly, isa unique pest because of its stenophagous host range,which is limited to olives (Olea). It is widely distributedin Africa and has spread throughout the olive zone ofthe Mediterranean. Besides its impact on table olives,presence of its larvae in fruit also can reduce the qualityof the oil if the fruits are stored for a long period (Whiteand Elson-Harris 1992).Trirhithrum nigerrimum (Bezzi) and Trirhithrumcoffeae Bezzi, the coffee flies, are also widespread inAfrica and are major pests of coffee, constraining thecultivation and export of coffee from the continent.They consequently impede the generation of exportrevenue in several coffee-producing African countries.SENTINEL GROUPSThe Afrotropical Region is the second most species-richzoogeographical region in the world (Cowling andHilton-Taylor 1994). Despite this, the level of focusedbiodiversity exploration for insects has been almostminimal for most countries, and few invertebrategroupsarewellknownacrosstheentireregion.Onlythetwo above-mentioned catalogs encompassing completeorders of Afrotropical insects are available. The Catalogueof Diptera of the Afrotropical Region (Crosskey1980) was not based on dedicated surveys for Dipterathroughout the region, but rather on serendipitouscollection records and publications. The Catalogueof Lacewings (Neuroptera) of the Afrotropical Regionsuffers from the same deficiencies as the DipteraCatalogue, with regard to most African countries,although a dedicated long-term survey for lacewingshas been carried out in the southern African subregionas part of the Southern African Lacewing MonitoringProgramme (Mansell 2002). Further comprehensivecollecting was done during the Belgian colonial periodin the now Democratic Republic of Congo, and theseextensive collections are housed in the unique RoyalMuseum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium,an invaluable resource for the study of Afrotropicallacewings and other African insects. Sporadic contributionswere made during the colonial era of manyAfrican countries, but all materials from these collectionsare deposited in museums in Europe and can beaccessed only at great expense by scientists from Africa.BesidesTervuren,museumsthatholdsignificantcollectionsof African lacewings include The Natural HistoryMuseum, London; Museum National d’Historie,Paris; Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; HumboldtUniversity Museum, Berlin; Copenhagen Museum;Lund University Museum; and Barcelona Museum.Crucial collections were destroyed with the HamburgMuseum during World War II. Several of thesecollections, which house critical type material, werealso inaccessible to South African scientists for severaldecades, for political reasons, which severely hamperedprogress in the documentation of Afrotropical insects.NeuropteraThe order Neuroptera is comparatively well knownin the Afrotropical Region, especially in the southernAfrican subregion, and can be used as an exampleto highlight further key issues in the exploration ofAfrotropical insects. Thirteen of the 18 families of Neuropteraoccur in the Afrotropics, making this the richestzoogeographical region in the world for lacewings. Thesouthern African subregion is especially rich, and all13 families are represented in the area south of theZambezi and Cunene Rivers. The lacewing fauna ofthis area, and South Africa in particular, manifestsdistinct geographical trends. An eastern fauna comprisestaxa that occur in central and eastern Africaand extend their geographical range along the easterntropical corridor into South Africa. The westernfauna occupies the Cape Provinces of South Africa,

78 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. MansellNamibia, and western Botswana, with almost 90% ofthe species being endemic to this area. Two groupsof lacewings, the family Nemopteridae and the tribePalparini (Myrmeleontidae), have undergone extensivespeciation in southern Africa, while the relatedorder Megaloptera is represented by a unique relictfauna that extends along the eastern mountain rangesfrom the Cedarberg, South Africa, to Zimbabwe. TheMegaloptera are unknown from other countries ofAfrotropical Africa. The Cape Provinces and Namibiaharbor 62 of the world’s known fauna of 142 speciesof Nemopteridae, and 47 of these are Cape endemics.The number of endemic species awaiting descriptionwill extend South Africa’s total to more than half ofthe world fauna. Extensive, dedicated surveys havefacilitated these assessments, which are aimed at evaluatingthe conservation status of southern Africa’slacewings. These surveys have revealed the precariousexistence of this unique lacewing fauna that is severelythreatened by burgeoning habitat destruction throughurbanization and agriculture. The massive radiation ofthe Nemopteridae in southern Africa, and the Westernand Northern Cape Provinces especially, has undoubtedlybeen driven by parallel evolution with the vastCape Flora. All adult nemopterids are obligate pollenfeeders and evidence is increasing that many of theendemic taxa are pollinators of specific plants. Therelation between these pollinators and plants raisesserious conservation concerns because many of theplant communities are equally threatened, highlightingthe value of extensive surveys, elucidation of thebiology of the species, and conservation assessments.The tribe Palparini includes the largest and mostspectacular of all antlions, with wingspans up to17 cm. All are characterized by beautifully patternedwings, the patterns having evolved as camouflage toprotect these large insects from predation. Althoughmost species are nocturnal, their wing patternsprovide protection during diurnal resting amongplants (Mansell and Erasmus 2002). Currently, 100valid species of Palparini are distributed throughoutthe Afrotropical, Oriental, and southern PalearcticRegions, but are absent, without vestige, from theextensive Australasian Region and the WesternHemisphere, indicating a post-Gondwana radiation.Of the 100 species, 45 occur in southern Africa, with35 being endemic to the area. The unique vegetationand biomes of southern Africa are thought to haveinfluenced the extensive radiation of the Palparini inthe southern subcontinent.Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae:Scarabaeinae)The Afrotropical Region is home to roughly halfof the world’s genera and species, and most of thetribes are centered in, or restricted to, the region. Thisdistribution pattern can be attributed to evolutionaryhistory and to the suitability of two principal ecologicalfactors that influence tribal, generic, and speciesdistribution patterns (Davis and Scholtz 2001, Daviset al. 2002b). These factors comprise suitable climateand the number of dung types. At species and genericlevels, a strong correlation exists between the richnessof dung-beetle taxa and the area of suitable climate.However, at the tribal level, taxon richness and taxoncomposition are strongly correlated with both climaticarea and the number of dung types. Dung-typediversity, on the other hand, varies according to theevolutionary history of mammals (Davis and Scholtz2001, Davis et al. 2002b).The global dung-beetle fauna is divided into12 tribes (Cambefort 1991), one of which comprises3 subtribes. Two tribes (Canthonini and Dichotomiini)are widespread, with principal generic richness in largesoutherly regions (Afrotropical, Neotropical, Madagascar,Australia + New Guinea), representing a Gondwanalandpattern. Three tribes (Phanaeini, Eucraniini,and Eurysternini) are restricted to the Americas,whereas the remaining tribes and the three subtribes ofthe Oniticellini are either restricted to Africa – Eurasia(Gymnopleurini, Onitini, and Scarabaeini) or arecentered in Africa (Onthophagini, Coprini, Sisyphini,and the three subtribes of the Oniticellini: Oniticellina,Drepanocerina, and Helictopleurina – the latterendemic to Madagascar). The basal ‘tunneling’ tribeand the basal ‘rolling’ tribe are generically andspecifically dominant in the Western Hemisphere,although the basal relict taxa of both are restricted toAfrica (Philips et al. 2004). Besides the three endemicAmerican tribes, all other tribes are numericallydominant in Africa or Madagascar (Helictopleurina).The scarabaeine dung beetles, consequently, areessentially a tropical group with Gondwanalandancestry. The tribes with a southern, primarilytropical, Gondwanaland position (Dichotomiini andCanthonini) occupy a basal position in a publishedphylogeny (Philips et al. 2004). In Africa, they arereduced to minority status, with many, althoughnot all genera, centered in southern forests or coolsouthern climates. The tropics have been described as

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Afrotropical Region 79museums of diversity (Gaston and Blackburn 1996),owing to the persistence of old taxa. Persistenceand dominance of Gondwanaland groups is greatestwhere present spatial factors (large areas of tropicalclimate) and trophic factors (low numbers of dungtypes) show the least differences to those in the earlyCenozoic, which were warm, moist, and dominatedby forest (Axelrod and Raven 1978), with lowcross-latitudinal thermal stratification (Parrish 1987).This observation is consistent with studies indicatingthat higher biological taxa remain constrained byadaptations to environmental conditions that occurredhistorically in their centers of diversification (Farrellet al. 1992), leading to ecophysiological limitations ontheir current spatial distribution patterns (Lobo 2000).Dung-beetle taxa with older ancestry have beensuperseded largely in numerical dominance by youngertribes (Davis et al. 2002b), where present climaticconditions and trophic factors are more dissimilar toearlier conditions. From the mid-Cenozoic, cooler, drierclimate has resulted in the contraction of tropical forestin Africa (Axelrod and Raven 1978) and the increasein savannas and grasslands. A concomitant increaseoccurred in the number of dung types as a result of thediversification of coarse-dung-producing mammals(Perissodactyla at 71 mya and some Artiodactyla andProboscidea at 60 mya; Penny et al. 1999), whichhave achieved large body size and void large droppings.The later addition of the highly diverse ruminantBovini in the late Miocene (10 mya), which producea wide spectrum of large fine-fibered dung pads andsmall dung types such as pellets lead to increaseddiversification of younger dung-beetle groups.CONCLUSIONSThe Afrotropical Region is endowed with exceptionalbiological diversity because of its high numbers ofbiomes including deserts, forests, savannas, lake systems,the eastern mountain arc, and the tremendouslyrich Cape region. The region is also home to Africa’srichest and the world’s third most species-rich country,South Africa (Cowling and Hilton-Taylor 1994)where the high diversity is largely a result of the richCape Floristic Kingdom, the world’s hottest plant diversityhot-spot (Cowling and Hilton-Taylor 1994), withabout 52% of southern Africa’s plant endemics. Thisvalue amounts to about 3.5% of the world’s floraon only about 0.2% of the earth’s surface, a ratioconsiderably higher than in even tropical rainforests.The Cape region is home not only to high insectspecies endemicity, as expected from the close associationbetween plants and insects, but also to higherlevelendemicity, such as the recently described orderMantophasmatodea,aswellasnumerousendemicfamilies,subfamilies, tribes, and genera (Scholtz and Holm1985).The African savanna biome, which comprises abouthalf of the continent’s surface area, carries the earth’sgreatest diversity of ungulates, more than in any otherbiome or continent. This exceptional diversity is directlylinked to the high spatial heterogeneity of Africansavanna ecosystems (du Toit and Cumming 1999).Although general studies of African savanna insects arelacking, their relative diversity and ecological importanceprobably are at least equal to those of the ungulatesfor some of the same reasons but also because someinsect groups, such as dung beetles, are considered sodiverse in Africa because of the high ungulate diversity.Although forests occupy a sizeable portion of tropicalAfrica (about 10%), and comprehensive collections ofinsects are housed in the two large Belgian museums(Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles and RoyalMuseum for Central Africa, Tervuren), as a legacy ofthe colonial occupation of the Belgian Congo (nowDemocratic Republic of Congo), few studies appear tohave considered the African tropics in the same detailas, for instance, the New World Tropics. The neglectof the African tropics is probably largely a result of thedecayed infrastructure and civil strife in the ‘Congo’that has made this huge area, in one of Africa’s largestcountries and one that encompasses most of the biome,largely inaccessible to researchers.The eastern arc mountains that form the backboneof Africa and run in a series of mountain chains fromthe Cape to Ethiopia have been identified as areas ofhigh endemicity, particularly of relict groups of invertebrates.The area is thought to have served as a corridorfor temperate species to spread between the PalearcticRegion and southern Africa during several favorableperiods in the past. Intervening periods of unfavorableconditions would have restricted adaptable fauna toisolated patches of suitable habitat (Lawrence 1953,Stuckenburg 1962, Griswold 1991). Such abundanceprovides intimidating challenges to documenters and,a host of additional impediments prevent the executionof the matters raised.The refrain heard about insect biodiversity studythroughout Africa, which is where the bulk of the

80 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. MansellOld World’s biodiversity occurs, remains more or lessunchanged despite the noble sentiments expressedat international biodiversity meetings held every fewyears. Many African countries were signatories, amidmuch fanfare, to the Rio Convention on biodiversity.Although some of these countries formulated ‘biodiversitypolicies’ as a result of committing to do so at Rio,we are unaware of any that have actually attemptedto survey their insect faunas. The official reasons givenfor inaction remain the same – lack of resources and ashortage of skilled and committed personnel. However,the one fact to which none will admit is the lack of politicalwill by most governments to actually implementtheir commitments.African insect habitats are being destroyed at anunprecedented rate. Conservation generally is applied,if at all, only to tourist-attracting large mammals, andpolitical instability or virtual collapse of road infrastructurediscourages collecting from large swaths of some ofthe most biologically rich areas on the continent. Inanelaws administered by often corrupt or incompetentbureaucrats discourage serious biodiversity studies byforeigners, who most often have the interest and themeans to undertake the studies. The perception oftenheld is that foreigners are intent on plundering thecommercial biological potential of the fauna and flora.Rather than allowing this, collecting is discouragedby an often-hostile bureaucracy that would ratherlearn nothing of the fauna than allow representativespecimens to be collected.Even if sufficient resources and human capital wereavailable to survey the insects, various, increasinglyserious factors mitigate against gaining an idea of thehistorical biodiversity because of human practices. Oneof the most serious of these practices, which leads tototal land transformation, is the practice of charcoalproduction, which already has led to huge tracts ofland in Angola, Mozambique, and Zambia, and possiblyother countries, being transformed from densesavanna woodland, one of the biome jewels of theAfrican continent (du Toit and Cumming 1999), toopen scrub and grassland. The effects on native insectsare unknown but are likely to be severe.South Africa appears to be the only African countrywith a serious commitment to biodiversity studyand is the only African country with a legal conduitsuch as this for managing its biodiversity since itrecently (2004) implemented a <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Actproviding for the management and conservation ofits biodiversity through biodiversity planning andmonitoring, protection of threatened ecosystemsand species, control and management of alien andinvasive species, regulation of bioprospecting, fairand equitable benefit sharing, and regulation ofpermits. The Act allowed for the establishment of theSANBI whose mandate is to respond appropriatelyto biodiversity-related global policy and nationalpriorities, make systematic contributions to thedevelopment of national biodiversity priorities, anddemonstrate the value of conserving diversity and therelevance of biodiversity to the improvement of thequality of life of all South AfricansDespite the noble wording of the act, major impedimentsstill exist to scientists being able to study SouthAfrican insect diversity. Some of these impediments arein the form of bureaucracy, complicating the processof issuing permits by the various provinces to whichcontrol of biodiversity has devolved. The inefficiency ofmost of the provincial permitting departments is compoundedby draconian penalties for illegally collectingspecimens. A recent example of this was the overnightimprisonment of a foreign researcher in the WesternCape Province for collecting a spider without thenecessary permit. An admission-of-guilt plea in courtand a substantial fine were the immediate outcome,but a permanent criminal record was the more seriousand long-term result. The reason for the fiasco was thatelephants, rhinoceroses, and invertebrates are coveredby the same biodiversity laws, so collecting an insect islegally equivalent to poaching a rhino.However, as a result of concerns expressed by thebiodiversity community in South Africa about theimpediments to biodiversity study, a series of meetingsand workshops involving representatives of SANBI,provincial permitting authorities, tertiary academicinstitutions, museums, and amateur insect collectors iscurrently underway to address the issues. The biodiversityscientists have the interest and the will to succeed,but the question remains whether the bureaucracy canbe overcome. Only time will tell.REFERENCESAxelrod, D. I. and P. H. Raven. 1978. Late Cretaceous andTertiary vegetation of Africa. Pp. 77–130. In M. J. A. Wergerand A. C. van. 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82 Clarke H. Scholtz and Mervyn W. Mansellusing the log-determinant transform for proteins of differingamino acid composition. Systematic Biology 48: 76–93.Philips, T. K., E. Pretorius, and C. H. Scholtz. 2004. A phylogeneticanalysis of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae):unrolling an evolutionary history. Invertebrate Systematics18: 53–88.Riley, J. 2001. Indicator quality for assessment of impactof multidisciplinary systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems andEnvironment 87: 121–128.Scholtz, C. H. and S. L. Chown. 1995. <strong>Insect</strong>s in southernAfrica: how many species are there? South African Journal ofScience 91: 124–126.Scholtz, C. H. and E. Holm. 1985. <strong>Insect</strong>s of Southern Africa.Butterworths, Durban. 502 pp.Stuckenburg, B. R. 1962. The distribution of the montanepalaeogenic element in the South African invertebratefauna. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums 2: 190–205.Waterhouse, D. F. 1974. The biological control of dung.American Scientist 230: 101–108.White, I. M. and M. M. Elson-Harris. 1992. Fruit Flies ofEconomic Significance: Their Identification and Bionomics.CABInternational, Wallingford. 600 pp.

Chapter 6<strong>Biodiversity</strong>of AustralasianinsectsPeter S. CranstonDepartment of Entomology, University of California at Davis, Davis,California 95616 USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-983

Much Australasian biodiversity, lacking thedecimating effects of the predominantlynorthern hemisphere Pleistocene glaciations,remains intact – from a much deeper geologicalhistory. To the alert and traveled northern hemispherescientist, the biodiversity to the south of the equatoris much more extravagant than to the north. Forexample, a higher taxonomic diversity of ants isrecorded for a modestly revegetated hill outside theAustralian National <strong>Insect</strong> Collection Laboratoriesin Canberra than in all of the UK. Furthermore,Australasian biodiversity displays biogeographicpatterns uniting the southern continents, as recognizedby early explorer–scientists such as coleopteristWilhelm F. Erichson (1842) and polymath Hooker(1853), both of whose placements of the fauna andflora of ‘Van Diemen’s Land’ in a global context wereremarkably prescient. Southern hemisphere-basedentomologists such as Mackerras (1925), Tillyard(1926), and Harrison (1928) recognized australbiodiversity relationships prior even to knowingof Wegener’s (1915, 1924) theory of continentaldrift. The lesson is that a detailed knowledge of thegeology and biodiversity of the southern lands, witha comparative perspective, allowed intellectuallyuntrammeled minds to understand the evolution ofthe biota, despite contrary geological orthodoxy. Wemight consider if similar constraints are hindering ourdeeper understanding of the diversification of australinsect biodiversity (McCarthy 2005).AUSTRALASIA – THE LOCALEAustralasia,forthepurposesofthisoverview,comprisesthe series of oceanic islands, from massive to minute, inthe southwestern Pacific (Fig. 6.1). It corresponds withthegeologicalAustraliansectionoftheIndo-AustralianPlate, and thus is flanked to the west by the IndianOcean and to the south by the Antarctic/SouthernOcean. The island continent of Australia (includingTasmania) is the largest landmass, with the globallylargest ‘official’ island of New Guinea to its north,and New Zealand to the southeast. The Australianislands of Lord Howe and Norfolk lie successively tothe east, with New Caledonia northeastward, thenVanuatu (New Hebrides) and further eastward, Fiji inthe eastern Melanesian Region of the Central Pacific,almost astride the boundary between the Australianand Pacific plates. Tonga lies southeast on its ownmicroplate (terrane).The biotically defined northwestern boundary toAustralasia often is treated as Wallace’s Line, named forAlfred Wallace who recognized a faunal discontinuitybetween the ‘Australasian’ islands of Celebes (Sulawesi)and Lombok (to the east) and Indo-Malaysian islandsincluding Borneo, Java, and Bali (to the west). TheIndonesian islands on the Australian side, termedWallacea, are separated by deep water from bothIndo-Malaysia and the Australia-New Guinean continentalshelf. Wallace’s noted discontinuities are lessevident among insects, or at least the patterns areFig. 6.1 The Australasian Region.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 85so complex, especially concerning Sulawesi, that asimplistic interpretation is not possible (Vane-Wright1991, New 2002) – an issue also interpretable as‘too many lines ...’ (Simpson 1977). This region isperhaps best understood as transitional – having anAustralian/New Guinean faunal resemblance that isvariably attenuated with distance westward, and overliesa rich and highly endemic biota, often with continentalAsian affinities that attenuate eastward. In thisarea, only Christmas Island (10 ◦ 30 ′ S 105 ◦ 40 ′ E), anIndian Ocean offshore Territory of Australia, will beconsidered in this chapter.Although New Zealand lies close to and astride theeastern margin of the Pacific Plate, with the Alpine faultplate boundary running southwest–northeast acrossits South Island, here all of New Zealand and its offshore,including subantarctic, islands are considered.These latter represent remnant emergent islands ofthe Campbell Plateau, lying between Antarctica andSouth Island New Zealand, and carry biotas exhibitingboth endemic and widespread elements (Michaux andLeschen 2005).SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF AUSTRALASIANINSECT BIODIVERSITY<strong>Insect</strong>s ‘down under’ contain iconic exemplars. Thebush fly Musca vetustissima provokes the famous Aussie‘wave’ and promotes the tourist’s souvenir cork-linedhat. The attentions of one of the most abundant anddiverse ant faunas in the world authenticate the famous‘Aussie barbecue’. The landscape of northern Australiais characterized by termite mounds of diverse shapesand sizes, among the most striking of which are the flattenedand regularly north–south orientated structuresproduced by the magnetic termites (Amitermes spp.).Public attention was captured by the rediscovery andrecovery of the presumed extinct Lord Howe Island stickinsect (Dryococelus australis), dubbed the ‘land lobster’on account of its size.Selections from Australian insect biodiversity areharvested by Aboriginal Australians. The Arrentepeople use yarumpa (honey ants) and udnirringitta(witchety grubs), which have now entered thenonindigenous food chain in restaurants catering towealthy tourists and political entertainment. Adultbogong moths, Agrotis infusa (Noctuidae), that gatherin their millions in aestivating sites, in narrow caves,and in crevices on mountain summits in southeasternAustralia, once formed another important Aboriginalfood. The nocturnal illumination of a new Parliamentbuilding in the nation’s capital acted as a giantlight-trap for migrating bogongs in such numbersthat the insects entered the politicians’ consciousnessand inspired the design for a Canberra-based meetingof the Australian Entomological Society (Fig. 6.2).Australia is not unique in its ambivalent attitude toinsects. New Zealanders take warped pride in thevoraciousness of their South Island coastal namuor sandflies (Austrosimulium spp., Simuliidae) andjustifiable pride in the endemic radiations of their wetas(Anostostomatidae and Rhaphidophoridae). Theselatter – outsized, flightless orthopterans – include theLittle Barrier Island giant weta(Deinacrida heteracantha)or wetapunga (Maori for ‘god of ugly things’), one ofthe heaviest insects, weighing up to 70 g (Trewickand Morgan-Richards 2004). About 1 million touristseach year visit Waitomo Caves (Doorne 1999) toshare an extravagant and potentially educationalentomological experience – the bioluminescencedisplayed by glowworms, larvae of the dipteran Arachnocampaluminosa (Keroplatidae). For conservation ofnative biodiversity, Aotearoa (the Maori name forNew Zealand) has one of the highest profiles of anycountry, following recognition of the devastationcaused to the unique native invertebrates and birdsafter the arrival of humans, both Polynesians andEuropean colonists, with their attendant rats andperidomestic animals. Invertebrates feature in manyspecies conservation plans, which depend substantiallyFig. 6.2 Logo for the Annual Australian EntomologicalSociety meeting, incorporating bogong moths and NationalParliament Building Canberra.

86 Peter S. Cranstonon elimination of vertebrate vermin from offshoreislands.Central to many of the southern biogeographicalstudies has been the island of Nouvelle Calédonie(New Caledonia). The French have a long history ofbiodiversity studies in their erstwhile colony, with entomologistsprominent among researchers. Early studies,notably of the flora, suggested the existence of anancient, relictual fauna that survived from the CretaceousGondwanan megacontinent. Although thatthesis stimulated global scientific interest, the scenariois not quite as once believed, at least for insects.Nonetheless, this does not negate the evidently highlevels of endemism, and multiplicity of evolutionaryorigins of the biota.To the north, New Guinea, the second largest islandon the planet, is separated from the Australian continentonly by the relatively shallow and recent TorresStrait. This geologically (and ethnically) diverseisland might have been a lesser target for pioneeringexploratory entomologists, compared to the rainforestsof Southeast Asia and the Amazon. However, earlyinsect collectors discovered many gaudy, and perhapssaleable specimens such as the largest known butterflyin the world, the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing(Ornithoptera alexandrae); the world’s largest moth, theHercules moth (Coscinocera hercules); and giant stickinsects (Eurycnema goliath and species of Acrophylla).Biologist–explorers of New Guinea, including Wallace(1860) and D’Albertis (1880), collected and recordedextraordinary insect diversity for a nineteenth-centuryEuropean audience eager for natural history tales andspecimens. Papua New Guinea (PNG) (eastern NewGuinea) ranks twelfth globally in terms of endemism oflarge butterflies (Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae),with 56 of 303 species endemic. Economic benefitscan flow from a perhaps sustainable trade in such livelepidopterans for the butterfly houses of the affluentworld. More recently, the island has been the site ofsome laborious and intensive studies of plant-feeding(phytophagous) insects in an attempt to establish howselective these insects are in their use of host plantssuch as the diverse figs (Ficus).In keeping with the predictions of island biogeographictheory, Pacific Islands, including New Zealand,have disharmonic biotas, typically with major taxaerratically absent, some groups showing evidenceof endemic radiations, and generally high levels ofendemism. These islands, and especially Hawai’i, arethe theaters in which the processes of species formationand species extinction can be studied, for mixed inwith the natives are substantial alien introductionsthat threaten all aspects of biodiversity retention.The Lord Howe Island stick insectThe Lord Howe Island Group is located in the WesternPacific Ocean, some 700 km northeast of Sydneyand comprises the main island of Lord Howe, aswell as Admiralty Islands, Mutton Bird Islands, Ball’sPyramid, and many reefs. Geologically, the mainisland is the eroded remnant of a large shield volcanothat erupted intermittently from the sea floor in theLate Miocene (some 6.5–7 mya). What remains arethe exposed peaks of a 65-km long and 24-km widevolcanic seamount that rises from ocean depths ofnearly 2 km. The seamount is near the southern endof a chain of such seamounts, most of which aresubmerged; the chain extends for more than 1000 km.The Group was inscribed on the World Heritage List in1982 as an outstanding example of an oceanic islandof volcanic origin, with a unique biota and importantand significant natural habitats for in situ conservationof biological diversity, including those containingspecies of plants and animals of outstanding universalsignificance from the point of view of science andconservation. Although no insects were specified inthe nomination, subsequently the island has attainedsome fame as the site of the rediscovery of a large,flightless, stick insect (Fig. 6.3). The Lord HoweIsland stick insect, D. australis (Montrouzier), wasknown locally as the ‘land lobster’ or ‘tree-lobster’Fig. 6.3 The Lord Howe Island Stick insect against its islandhome.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 87on account of its shape and size (up to 12 cm long).This phasmatid was known for its ability to runon the ground. It was common and easily observedsheltering in banyan trees (Ficus macrophylla) onthe island early last century. Its demise appears tohave been connected with the release of black ratson the island when a supply ship ran aground in1918, triggering extinction of five flightless birds;the land lobster was believed to have become extinctby the 1930s, and was entered as such in the IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature andNatural Resources) Red List. Subsequent surveysfailed to find any further evidence, until a rockclimber on the offshore Ball’s Pyramid photographedan adult female; its rare presence was confirmedin the late 1960s. Ball’s Pyramid is aptly named,being a pyramidal structure rising 500 m above sealevel from a base of only 1100 × 400 m at sea level.The idea that such a basaltic column, lacking bothlarge woody vegetation and refugial hollows, couldsupport a population of a large phasmatid was greetedwith skepticism. Numerous attempts to rediscover thespecies failed until in 2001 a biological survey revealedthree specimens associated with the endemic shrubbypaperbark (Melaleuca howeana). The following year,24 individuals were observed associated with the same,small patch of paperbark, believed to be the only suitablehabitat on the island. Retreats were clefts in therock–root interface where seepages occurred, in contrastto the tree holes used on the mainland priorto extinction. The rediscoverers (Priddel et al. 2003)pointed out that the Ball’s Pyramid locality is too smallto maintain a population against any future environmentalchange and made a plea for a captive-breedingprogram, concurrent with elimination of rats from LordHowe, to allow reintroduction. Action plans preparedby the New South Wales National Parks and WildlifeService(NSWNPandWS)followedtheCommonwealthGovernment listing of the species as critically endangered(from extinct). Two pairs of the insects werecaptured and transported to the mainland. One pairwent to Melbourne Zoo, an institution with an enviablerecord of breeding invertebrates, and the secondwas housed by one of Australia’s leading stick insectexperts. Rearing has been successful using gardengrownM. howeana as the food stock, with banyan inreserve (Zoos Victoria 2006). The necessary eliminationof rats from Lord Howe Island, required for anyreintroductiontosucceed,remainsunderconsiderationfor feasibility and cost.Australasian birdwing conservationThe world’s largest butterfly, the Queen Alexandra’sbirdwing (O. alexandrae) of PNG, is a regional successstory. This spectacular species, whose caterpillars feedonly on Aristolochia diehlsiana vines, is limited to a smallarea of lowland rainforest in northern PNG. Under PNGlaw, this birdwing species has been protected since1966, and international commercial trade was bannedby endangered listing on Appendix 1 of the Conventionon International Trade in Endangered Species ofWild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Dead specimens in goodcondition command a high price, which can be morethan US$2000. In 1978, the PNG governmental <strong>Insect</strong>Farming and Trading Agency (IFTA), in Bulolo, MorobeProvince, was established to control conservation andexploitation and act as a clearinghouse for trade inQueen Alexandra’s birdwings and other valuable butterflies.Local cultivators, numbering some 450 villagefarmers associated with IFTA, ranch their butterflies.Farmers plant appropriate host vines, often on landalready cleared for vegetable gardens at the forestedge, thereby providing food plants for a chosen localspecies of butterfly. Wild adult butterflies emerge fromthe forest to feed and lay their eggs; hatched larvaefeed on the vines until pupation when they are collectedand protected in hatching cages. According tospecies, the purpose for which they are being raised,andconservationlegislation,butterfliescanbeexportedlive, as pupae, or dead as high-quality collector specimens.IFTA, a nonprofit organization, has sold some$400,000 worth of PNG insects yearly to collectors,scientists, and artists around the world, generatingan income for a society that struggles for cash. Localpeople recognize the importance of maintaining intactforests as the source of the parental wild-flying butterfliesof their ranched stock. In this system, the QueenAlexandra’s birdwing butterfly has acted as a flagshipspecies for conservation in PNG, and this success storyattracts external funding for surveys and reserve establishment.In addition, conserving PNG forests for thisand related birdwings undoubtedly results in conservationof much biodiversity under the umbrella effect.The UK Darwin Initiative in 2005 funded a 3 yearproject ‘Socio-economics of insect farming in PNG’ toassess and train in sustainable insect collecting. Earlyreviews suggest that burdensome licensing, permits,fees, and paperwork threaten the viability of legal tradeand encourage a growing illegal trade especially inabundant species that ought to need no CITES listing.

88 Peter S. CranstonNew Guinean insect conservation efforts need acommercial incentive to provide impoverished peoplewith some recompense for protecting natural environments.Commerce need not be the sole motivation;however, the aesthetic appeal of native birdwing butterfliesflying wild in local neighborhoods, combinedwith local education programs in schools and communities,has saved the subtropical Australian Richmondbirdwing butterfly, Troides or O. richmondia. Larvae ofRichmond birdwings eat Pararistolochia or Aristolochiavines, choosing from three native species to completetheir development (Sands et al. 1997). However, muchcoastal rainforest habitat supporting native vines hasbeen lost, and the alien South American A. elegans(Dutchman’s pipe), introduced as an ornamental plantand escaped from gardens, has been luring femalesto lay eggs on it as a prospective host. This ovipositionmistake is deadly because this plant is toxic toyoung caterpillars. The answer to this conservationproblem has been an education program to encouragethe removal of Dutchman’s pipe from native vegetation,from sale in nurseries, and from gardens andyards. Replacement with native Pararistolochia wasencouraged after a massive effort to propagate thevines. Community action throughout the native rangeof the Richmond birdwing appears to have reversed itsdecline, without any requirement to designate land asa reserve (Sands et al. 1997).DROWNING BY NUMBERS? HOWMANY INSECT SPECIES AREIN AUSTRALASIA?AustraliaFor the total Australian insect diversity, Taylor(1983) estimated about 110,000 species. Eventhen, this figure clearly was an underestimate. Afterquestioning of practicing taxonomists, Monteith(1990) determined a figure of about 20,000–40,000beetle species, although what proportion of the totalbiota this constituted was unknown. Suggesting thatthe Australian dipteran fauna of some 10,000–12,000species and the Australian insect fauna as a wholeboth comprise about 5% of their respective worldtotals, Colless and McAlpine (1991) extrapolated toestimate global diversity in the low- to mid-rangeof existing estimates. Stork (1993) then suggestedthe existence of some 400,000 Australian insectspecies, of which three-quarters were undescribed.In extrapolating from comparatively well-knowngeographically constrained regions to generateglobal biodiversity estimates, Gaston and Hudson(1994) included the Australian insect biota in theiranalyses as ‘well known’. They argued that themore modest Australian species richness estimatessupported their own estimated low value for totalglobal species richness. Most recently, a combinationof expert opinion with extrapolation from the rate ofspecies discovery by recent revisionary taxonomists,led Yeates et al. (2003) to a figure of near 205,000insect species for Australia. Within this estimate,numbers of described and estimated species range fromonly 10 undescribed species among the estimated 330Odonata, to some 60,000 undescribed Coleoptera,with only 22,000 described. The major (megadiverse)orders include estimates of 12,000 Hemiptera;20,000 Lepidoptera; 30,000 Diptera; and 40,000Hymenoptera. Coleoptera comprise about 40–50% ofthe total numbers of insects. The authors acknowledgeshortcomings, including some related to revisionarytaxonomists’ choices of study taxa – some selectedtheir taxa due to high levels of perceived novelty(upwardly biasing extrapolates), whereas others,reviewing already well-known taxa (e.g., butterflies),contributed little in the way of species discovery(biasing downward). These figures, nonetheless, seemto reflect a reality in which Australia, with some 6%of the earth’s land area, supports about 5–6% of theglobal insect species diversity of some 4 million species.New Zealand (Aotearoa), Chatham Islands,and Subantarctic IslandsNewZealand,comprisingtwomainislandswithanareamuch smaller than Australia (0.27 versus 7.6 millionsquare kilometers), supports a commensurately lowerinsect biodiversity. A preliminary assessment (forSpecies 2000 New Zealand) provides an estimate ofsome 20,000 species, among them slightly more than10,000 described species, and nearly 9000 speciesawaiting description. Kuschel’s (1990) claimof 40,000species, based on extrapolation from a rather exaggeratedColeoptera diversity, seems too high, especiallybecause Leschen et al. (2003) assess the New ZealandColeoptera at approximately 10,000 species.<strong>Insect</strong>s on New Zealand’s offshore islands have beensubject to continuing study, especially the beetles.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 89Thus, addition of 131 species of Coleoptera to theknown fauna of Chatham Islands (ca. 40 ◦ S) increasedthe total to 286 (Emberson 1998). Smaller, perhapsyounger, and increasingly southerly (subantarctic)islands, emergent from the Campbell Plateau, havemore modest insect biodiversity, at least as far asnumbers alone are concerned. Of 150 insect speciesreported from the Antipodes Islands (ca.49 ◦ S) (Marris2000), Coleoptera comprise only 25 species in13 families. In comparison, the Snares Islands (48 ◦ S)have a reported 25 species in 14 families; the BountyIslands (ca.47 ◦ S), 9 species in 7 families; the AucklandIslands (ca. 50 ◦ S), 57 species in 17 families; andCampbell Island (ca. 52 ◦ S), 40 species in 15 families.The most austral island in the area, the AustralianMacquarie Island (54.30 ◦ S), has eight species in onlytwo families (Williams 1982, Greenslade 1990, Young1995, Klimaszewski and Watt 1997, Marris 2000).These data suggest that the island faunas arespecies poor and, under these circumstances, the useof standard multipliers from the known Coleopterafauna to the total <strong>Insect</strong>a fauna might be misleading.This scenario is especially so on oceanic islandswith unbalanced faunas and different histories anddistances from sources. The question of endemism andbiogeographic and phylogenetic relationships of theinsect faunas of New Zealand will be considered later.New GuineaFrom ratios of the New Guinea (NG) fauna to the worldfauna for well-known groups, rates of descriptionof new taxa, and the size of the Australian insectfauna, Miller et al. (1995) calculated a possible300,000 species of insects for New Guinea. Theyqualified this figure as potentially overestimatedor underestimated by 100,000 species. Morerecently, biodiversity surveys assessing richness ofphytophagous (plant-feeding) insects have deliveredfurther insights. <strong>Insect</strong> herbivores sampled from thefoliage of 15 species of figs (Ficus, Moraceae) in rainforestand coastal habitats in the Madang area, PapuaNew Guinea, revealed 349 species of leaf-chewinginsects (13,193 individuals) and 430 species ofsap-sucking insects (44,900 individuals) (Basset andNovotny 1999). Despite a high sampling intensity, thespecies-accumulation curve did not reach an asymptote.Evidence from studies such as this, concerninghost specificity of phytophagous insects in New Guinea,led Novotny et al. (2002) to challenge previous largemultipliers based on high levels of monophagy. Basedon an estimate that New Guinean Coleoptera andLepidoptera constitute 5% of the global biodiversityof each order, a proportion derived from Sekhran andMiller (1996), new regional and global biodiversityestimates were derived from host-specificity ratios. Forbutterflies, for which figures of 959 described speciesin New Guinea (Parsons 1999) and 15,000–20,000species globally are likely to be accurate, Novotnyet al. (2002) calculated an estimated 1179 species inNew Guinea and 23,500 worldwide.New Caledonia and the West PacificNew Caledonia (NC) lies on the Tropic of Capricorn,between 19 ◦ S and 23 ◦ S, 1200 km due east of Capricornia,Australia,and1500kmnorthwestofNewZealand.The island is a recognized biodiversity hot spot. Some4000 insect species had been cataloged at the time ofChazeau’s (1993) review of the terrestrial fauna of theisland, but an estimate of 8000–20,000 insect speciesis realistic. Endemism is variably high – the morethan 70 native species of butterflies and 300 speciesof moths exhibit endemism of only 38% (Chazeau1993). According to the Department of Entomologyat The Swedish Museum of Natural History (2003),endemism of Trichoptera is especially high – forexample, all but 2 of 111 described species are endemic.For the other land areas of the region – Vanuatu,the Solomons, and Fiji – estimates of insect speciesdiversity can be little more than ‘guestimates’, giventhe lack of modern survey. Robinson (1975) calculatedthe total number of insect species inhabitingthe Fiji group of islands as in excess of 3500. Thisfigure is to be tested, because insect biodiversity of theFijian islands is being inventoried in detail under theNational Science Foundation–Fiji Terrestrial ArthropodSurvey (Evenhuis and Bickel 2005).AUSTRALASIAN INSECTBIODIVERSITY – OVERVIEWAND SPECIAL ELEMENTSAustraliaAustralia, in keeping with its size as a continent occupyingsome 5–6% of the earth’s landmass, exhibits

90 Peter S. Cranstonall major elements of insect biodiversity. Among thefew departures from proportionality are the Isoptera(termites), with perhaps more than 10% of the globaldiversity; this might be so also for Phasmatodea (stickand leaf insects). The three absent ordinal level taxa,Grylloblattodea, Mantophasmatodea, and Zoraptera,aregeographicallyrestrictedminorordersoflowspeciesdiversity, and are not present anywhere in Australasia.Strepsiptera and Embiidina, although represented inAustralia, are absent from New Zealand. At the levelof family, distinctive patterns emerge with some localendemics and many more restricted to the southernhemisphere (‘Gondwanan’).Typical diversity patterns are shown by the aquaticorders. In Odonata, the Hemiphlebiidae, comprising asingle charismatic species sometimes given the higherrank of Hemiphleboidea, is restricted to a few southernAustralian pools (Trueman et al. 1992). The familyPetaluridae, represented by Jurassic fossils, has fiveextant Australian species, including Petalura ingentissima,with a wingspan of up to 160 mm, making it thelargest of living dragonflies. The small odonate familiesHypolestidae, Diphlebiidae, and Cordulephyidae areendemic to Australia, whereas others are widespread,of northern origin, or patchily present in other australcontinents (‘Gondwanan’).Early recognition of the austral relationships amongthe Ephemeroptera by Edmunds (1972) has beensubstantiated and reinforced, even as family conceptschange. The family Teloganodidae (which ratherunusually includes South Africa and Madagascar inits Gondwanan pattern) and many clades, includingAmeletopsidae, Nesameletidae, Oniscigastridae,and Rallidentidae, suggest austral radiation, as dothe remarkably diverse Australasian Leptophlebiidae(Christidis 2006). Three of four Australasianfamilies of Plecoptera (Eustheniidae, Gripopterygidae,and Austroperlidae) belong to the monophyletic Gondwanansuborder Antarctoperlaria (McLellan 2006). Inthe Trichoptera, the Hydrobiosidae are predominantlyaustral Plectrotarsidae; Antipodoecidae are endemicto Australia; and Chathamiidae, Oeconesidae,and Conoesucidae are restricted to Australia andNew Zealand; Kokiriidae to South America, Australia,New Zealand, and New Caledonia; Tasimiidae toAustralia and South America; and Helicophidae toNew Caledonia, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, andSouthwest Argentina (Wiggins 2005). Although theseaquatic orders and their predominantly running-waterhabitats are quite well studied, only recently has anovel aquatic diversity been uncovered – that of divingbeetles (Dytiscidae) in underground aquifers beneatharid Australia (e.g., Humphreys 2001, Cooper et al.2002, Balke et al. 2004). This unexpectedly diversesystem originated perhaps when aquatic species fromtemporary habitats, and from several different lineages,evaded drought by entering calcretes (the hyporheiczone in limestone areas), essentially driven undergroundby historical aridification of the continent in theLate Miocene/Early Pliocene some 5 mya (Leys et al.2003). Many true flies (Diptera) with immature stagesassociated with minor aquatic habitats such as seepsor waterfalls, including the Blephariceridae (Zwick1977, Gibson and Courtney 2007), Chironomidae(e.g., Cranston et al. 2002), Empididae (Sinclair2003), and Thaumaleidae (Austin et al. 2004),have diversified from Gondwanan ancestors. TheNannochoristidae, the only Mecoptera with an aquaticlarva, likewise are present in streams of New Zealand,southeastern Australia, and Chile. The high-rankinghemipteran suborder Coleorrhyncha comprises onlythe Gondwanan family Peloriidae (mossbugs), whichlive among sphagnum and liverworts, especially inforests of southern beeches (Nothofagus).Patterns of familial diversity, endemism, andregional distribution, such as those shown by theseaquatic insects, are mirrored within the more terrestrialorders (Cranston and Naumann 1991, Austinet al. 2004). Some strong diversifications of insects areassociated with Australia’s major plant radiations, forexample the Mimosaceae, including Acacia; Myrtaceaeespecially Eucalyptus; and to a lesser extent theCasuarinaceae. Proteaceae seem, for the main part, tohave avoided insect associations. Majer et al. (1997)estimated that there could be between 15,000 and20,000 species of phytophagous insects on Eucalyptusin Australia, including members of Hemiptera(especially psylloids and coccoids), Coleoptera, Diptera,and Lepidoptera (Austin et al. 2004), but there isa conspicuous paucity of Thysanoptera (Mound2004). The Chrysomelinae (leaf beetles) demonstratea radiation associated with eucalypts of some750 species, but are virtually lacking on Proteaceae(C. A. M. Reid, personal communication). NotableAustralian plant-associated radiations include severalindependent originations of gall-inducing Coccoidea(scale insects) (Cook and Gullan 2004, Gullan et al.2005); the phlaeothripid Acacia thrips (Crespi et al.2004); the ecologically significant, lerp-formingspondyliaspine Psylloidea (Hollis 2004, Taylor 2006);

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 91the cecidomyiid gall midges (Kolesik et al. 2005)and near-endemic Fergusoninidae (Diptera) (Schefferet al. 2004, Taylor 2004); gall-inducing Chalcidoidea(Hymenoptera) (La Salle 2004); and the severalthousand (perhaps 5000) species of oecophorinemoths (Oecophoridae), whose larvae consume mainlyfallen myrtaceous leaves (Common 1994). Otherdisproportionately represented insect groups includethe Phasmatodea, cicadas, and pselaphine Staphylinidae.Among the social insects, the short-tonguedbees (Colletinae and Halictinae) and eumenine vespidwasps are strongly represented, as are the termites,especially in arid and northern Australia. Above all,the Formicidae – the ants – rule. With a described1275 species and subspecies (Shattuck and Barnett2001) and perhaps as many as 4000–5000 endemicspecies, ants dominate ecologically in all but tropicalrainforest. This ant diversity and biomass, particularlyin more arid Australia, is evident to any modestlyobservant citizen.Relictuality, which refers to the appearance ofisolated high-ranking taxa for which phylogeneticor fossil evidence exists of past wider distributionand diversity, is a notable feature of Australasianinsects. Thus, the species-rich bulldog ants (subfamilyMyrmeciinae), now restricted to Australia, indubitablyinclude fossil taxa from Argentina and the Baltic (Wardand Brady 2003). Mastotermitidae, the once-diversesister group to the remaining termites, is reducednow to Mastotermes darwiniensis, a pest in northernAustralia. The biting midge family Austroconopidae,which is abundant and diverse in Lebanese and otherCretaceous-age ambers, is represented now by a singlespecies that feeds on early morning golfers in suburbanPerth, Western Australia. The cicada family Tettigarctidae(the sister group to all other cicadas) is knownfrom only two extant Australian species, althoughseveral Mesozoic northern hemisphere fossil generaare described. Many other examples suggest that thesouthern hemisphere, perhaps Australia especially,has served as a long-term refuge from the effects ofextinctions in the northern hemisphere (Cranston andGullan 2005, Grimaldi and Engel 2005).Australia’s offshore islands support some enigmaticbiodiversity, perhaps none more so than Lord HoweIsland. In a report provided by the Australian Museumto NSW NP and WS in 2003, some 1800 terrestrialand freshwater invertebrate species were reportedfor Lord Howe Island. Additional survey has broughtthe Coleoptera fauna to more than 500 species, withminimally 23 species of at least 10 mm in length. Typically,for offshore islands, about half the species areflightless and many of these are probably extinct on themain island, whereas offshore islands and rocks stillharbor some species. A series of observations from firstsurveys in 1916 (by Arthur Lea, 2 years before ratsarrived), three surveys in the 1970s, and more recentones show that extinction for many species is probablebutnotdefinite,becausespeciessuchasalargeflightlessscarab and blaberid cockroach have been rediscoveredin sites where rats have been present for many decades(C. A. M. Reid, personal communication). The LordHowe Island wood-feeding cockroach (Panesthia lata)and stick insect (D. australis) are two of only ten insectspecies listed as endangered under the New SouthWales Threatened Species Conservation Act.The more remote, and far more degraded NorfolkIsland only developed its fauna when regionalvolcanic activity ceased, probably within the last2.3 million years (Holloway 1977). The faunacomprises endemics and a mix of derivatives withrelationships to proximate areas; of the 98 speciesof Macrolepidoptera, 22 species and subspeciesare endemic. Among the endemics, most haveaffinities with Australia and New Caledonia, onlytwo with New Zealand (Holloway 1977). The singleNorfolk Island endemic species of the otherwiseNew Zealand cicada genus Kikihia, K. convicta,apparently derives from a recent long-distancedispersal from New Zealand (Arensburger et al.2004b). Half of the 20 species of Orthoptera onNorfolk Island have associations with Australia, theremainder with New Caledonian or Southeast Asia;three native Blattodea are known, with five introducedspecies especially on the degraded Phillip Island (Rentz1988).New ZealandOne of the strongest contrasts between insectbiodiversity in New Zealand and Australia is themodest diversity and ecological insignificance ofNew Zealand ants – only 7 genera and 11 species ofnative ants (Brown 1958). That this is increasinglysupplemented by invasive tramp ants, in commonwith so many Pacific Islands, does not alter what is,by any definition, an impoverished ant fauna, simplyan attenuated subset of Australia’s ant fauna, withno high-level endemism. Biogeographic explanations

92 Peter S. Cranstoninclude the ecological – the generally more humid andcool climate is unfavorable – and the historic – antsfailed to recolonize after major past extinctionassociated with submersion of the islands.A second strong difference is the high rate ofaptery (winglessness) among New Zealand insects,especially those living on offshore and subantarcticislands. According to Larivière and Larochelle (2004),about 25% of the New Zealand Heteroptera faunais flightless, with rates of 65–70% in the Aradidaeand Rhyparochromidae. All endemic Blattodea(cockroaches) are flightless, as are many Coleopteraand Orthoptera.An absence in New Zealand of the major Australianplant radiations means a lack of the associated diversificationsthat are seen in Australia. The four nativespecies of Nothofagus, southern beeches, which oftenform natural monoculture forests, have a greater insectdiversity than might be expected (Hutcheson et al.1999). Nothofagus might host numerous sap-suckinginsects, especially certain beech scales (Coccoidea)whose exudates provide an important food resource intemperate forest ecosystems (Moller and Tilley 1989,Sessions 2001). Minor insect radiations are associatedwith the podocarps, including some yponomeutidmoth genera shared with Tasmania (Dugdale 1996a,McQuillan 2003) and, as in Australia, many mothspecies develop in forest leaf litter (Dugdale 1996b). Incontrast to the rather low forest insect diversity, moreopen habitats support endemic cicadas, orthopterans(both acridid grasshoppers and the wetas), and cockroaches.These have diversified, notably on the SouthIsland, apparently associated with the Alpine orogenyinducedclimate changes and the development of moreopen upland and offshore habitats, including tussockgrasslands and scree fields (Buckley et al. 2001,Trewick 2001, Arensburger et al. 2004b, Chinn andGemmell 2004).Although New Zealand’s aquatic insects belonglargely to families, and often genera, that are presentin Australia or New Caledonia, Chile, and Patagonia,they display high species endemism (90–99% accordingto Collier 1993, Harding 2003). The mayfly familySiphlaenigmatidae is endemic to New Zealand. Thepresence of glaciers on the South Island, presumablyoriginating with Pliocene uplift, seems to have triggeredlittle associated endemism, excepting perhapsa monotypic endemic genus of midge, Zelandochlus,the ice worm found on and in ice caves on the FoxGlacier (Boothroyd and Cranston 1999).New Caledonia, New Guinea, and MelanesiaNew Caledonia is renowned for an extraordinary botanicaldiversity, with both relicts and radiations of severalplant groups, including Araucaria and Agathisand other rare and endemic gymnosperms. To testif phytophagous insect diversity might track this plantdiversity, Holloway (1993) assessed the diversity andrelationshipsofNewCaledonianLepidoptera,especiallythe Macrolepidoptera. Levels of endemism were modest,relationships tended to be directly with proximateAustralian, New Guinean, and, less often, New Zealandtaxa, and species richness was lower than expectedfor the area (Holloway 1993). Although exhibitinga radiation, New Caledonia’s Rhytidoponera ants alsoappear to be derived recently from Australian relatives(Ward 1984, Lattke 2003). Entomological contributorsto the treatment by Najt and Grandcolas(2002) surveyed insect taxa with some diversity, butfailed to find any substantial or ancient radiations,and in general Holloway’s impressions have been confirmedby studies of other groups. Thus, Murienne et al.(2005) found the diversification of ten New Caledonianspecies of the cockroach genus Angustonicus (Blattidae:subfamily Tryonicinae) dated to not older than2 million years. New Caledonia is implicated in theevolution of West Pacific cicadas in the clade Kikihia,Maoricicada, andRhodopsalta distributed amongNew Zealand, New Caledonia, and eastern Australia.Molecular phylogenetic studies by Arensburger et al.(2004a) indicated the group originated (1) from a NewCaledonian ancestor, (2) gave rise to one or severalNew Caledonian clades, or (3) arose from an Australianancestor that colonized both New Zealand andNew Caledonia. Whichever is correct, the divergenceof New Zealand genera from the Australian and NewCaledonian genera evidently took place in the last11–12 million years (Arensburger et al. 2004a). Proposedadaptive radiations in New Caledonia, such asthe micropterigid Lepidoptera (Gibbs 1983) that showolder, vicariant relationships between the island andNew Zealand, evidently need application of moleculartechniques to assess implied datings.The numbers of phytophagous insects of New Guineashow that this geologically complex island harborsan expected high diversity such as that associatedwith tropical regions. Among these phytophages, theleaf-rolling weevil family Attelabidae, notably somespecies groups in the genus Euops, are associated withNothofagus (Riedel2001a),althoughwithMyrtaceaein

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 93Australia (Riedel 2001b). Exceptional diversity is foundin the Phasmatodea – with more than 200 species ofphasmids in 58 different genera, comprising more than6% of the world’s described fauna (van Herwaarden1998), and the Odonata with more than 400 species,comprising about 10% of the global fauna (Kalkman2006). Evolutionary biologists have uncovered a diversityof flies (Diptera) with ‘antlers’ in New Guineaand northern Australia, among which the tephritidgenus Phytalmia is exceptionally endowed (McAlpineand Schneider 1978).The Fijian insect fauna is poorly known (FijiDepartment of the Environment 1997), but in keepingwith its oceanic location, it evidently has a fractionof the megadiversity of New Guinea. Robinson (1975)surveyed the Lepidoptera and estimated 600 speciesof Microlepidoptera and 400 of Macrolepidoptera.In the absence of an explicit phylogeny, it is unclearif the estimation of seven endemic genera, withmodest radiation (although high for a Pacific Island),and several other intrinsic radiations is correct.An estimated 88 ant species from Fiji (Wilson andHunt 1967) is an underestimate, with some 180species likely including 30 exotics (E. Sarnat, personalcommunication). Of 33 species of Odonata recordedfrom Fiji, 22 (67%) were endemic (Tillyard 1924).Macrolepidoptera, cicadas, dolichopodid flies, andsome beetle families show relationships with NewGuinea, but several unexpected relationships link Fijiwith the New World (Evenhuis and Bickel 2005).The Fijian cicada fauna includes 14 (93%) endemicspecies, including 1 endemic genus, Fijipsalta (Duffels1988). The cicadas, among the best studied of theregional insects, include the tribe Cosmopsaltriina(Cicadidae) found in Fiji, Vanuatu, and Tonga,and forming the sister group of the SoutheastAsian tribe Dundubiina, having no close relativesin Australia, New Caledonia, or New Zealand(de Boer and Duffles 1996, Duffels and Turner2002).Vanuatu seems to have many single speciesrepresentatives of genera that are otherwise widelydistributed in the Asia-Pacific Region, althoughsome modest Miocene-dated radiations in platynineCarabidae have been identified (Liebherr 2005).This finding of a platynine radiation is supported byHamilton’s (1981) study of the endemic aphrophorineCercopidae (Hemiptera), but no other such radiationshave been documented. Although 105 of the 364recorded Vanuatuan species of Macrolepidoptera areendemic, Robinson (1975) believed that none had itsclosest relatives in this Archipelago.THREATENING PROCESSES TOAUSTRALASIAN INSECT BIODIVERSITYThe processes threatening insect biodiversity varysomewhat across and within Australasia, but thereare several unifying causes. These are habitat loss,introduced animals including invasive ants, potentialeffects of climate change, and a minor possibility ofoverexploitation.Land clearance and alterationClearance of native vegetation, including deforestation,remains the single most significant threat to allterrestrial biodiversity. Worldwide, only four countriesexceed the ongoing rate of clearance of nativevegetation in Australia (Williams et al. 2001). Ratesof deforestation in New Zealand now are low, aninevitable consequence, given an estimated 80% lossof forest cover since human settlement. Forest lossin New Guinea, the Solomons, and Fiji continues,driven by demand from developed countries and weakcentral controls over logging permits and exports,and revenue collection (FAO 2000). In New Guinea,and throughout Melanesia (the Solomons, BismarckArchipelago, and Vanuatu), Polhemus et al. (2004)have documented freshwater biotas threatened byalteration of aquatic environments by logging, as wellas mining and rapid human population growth. Effectsof these activities on all regional freshwater insectsinclude loss of shading by riparian vegetation, leadingto elevated water temperatures, increased sedimentationand nutrient inputs, and more variable flows,including increased susceptibility to drought and flood.These modifications all lead to loss of native biodiversity,increased abundance and biomass of tolerant,sometimes alien, species, and growth of algae andoften nonnative macrophytes. Replacement of nativewoody debris in streams with alien woody debris, suchas from pines in Australian afforestation programs,has detrimental biodiversity effects, even as a riparianstructure is retained (McKie and Cranston 1998).New Zealand’s deforestation appears to have causeddiminished taxonomic richness, range restriction, andlikely extinction of certain stream insects, as assessed at

94 Peter S. Cranstonthe nearly denuded, but endemism-rich Banks Peninsula(Harding 2003).Conversion of native forests and pastures toimpoverished agroecosystems dominated by alienannual grasses results in the loss of native insectbiodiversity. In this context, the day-flying castniid sunmoths (Synemon plana) have been invoked as flagshipor umbrella insects (e.g., New 1997, Douglas 2004)for Australia’s ever-diminishing native temperategrasslands, which are among its most threatenedecosystems (Specht 1981). In subtropical and tropicalAustralian grasslands and savanna, threats tobiodiversity include overgrazing by stock of nativevegetation, especially in drought, and, controversially,land management by fire in simulations of putativenatural fire regimes (Latz 1995, Andersen et al. 2005).Introduced animalsThe sad history of the effects on native biodiversity ofintroduced animals, such as cats, goats, mongooses,rabbits, rats, and many others, especially on islands,is well known (e.g., Atkinson 1989). However, muchdocumentation (and inference) relate to extinctionor threats to native vertebrates, perhaps especially toground-nesting birds. Only more recently has predatorpressure on invertebrates (whether charismatic ornot) reached the attention of conservationists and awider public. Experimental exclosure, or removal, ofvertebrate pests, shows that not only birds and lizards,but also large, flightless insects such as New Zealand’swetas and regional stick insects, including the LordHowe stick (on the vertiginous Balls Pyramid), cansurvive, even thrive, in the absence of four-footed vermin.That feral animals have caused extinction is hardto verify, but can be surmised by evidence such as theloss of the 15-cm wingspan Buller’s moth (Aoraia mairi)seen last by Sir Walter Buller in the New Zealand’sRuahine Ranges 120 years ago (while he hunted huiabirds) (Meads 1990). Examination of fossil coleopteranremains provides evidence that some large species suchas the fern weevil Tymbopiptus valeas (Kuschel 1987)and a large ulodid beetle (Leschen and Rhode 2002)are now extinct and that large weevils were muchmore widespread in New Zealand in the past (Kuscheland Worthy 1996). Such evidence, combined with thefact that many similarly large flightless insects are nowrestricted largely to difficult-to-access, predator-freeoffshore islands (Worthy 1997, Michaux and Leschen2005) and Australia’s Lord Howe Island (Priddel et al.2003), supports the view that vertebrate predatorshave been, and remain, major threats to large andedible insects. In places where eradication of alienvertebrates has been successful, as on an increasingnumber of New Zealand’s offshore islands, the resultshave been spectacular, especially for native birds. Acurious and unexpected effect includes recovery ofgeckos, whose dependence on scale-insect honeydewhad been masked by the presence of alien rats at thisfood source (Towns 2002).Although the effects of introduced vertebrates arevisible and well-documented disasters for biodiversity,a more insidious, but as serious a threat comes fromthe ever-expanding distribution of invasive insects.Just how numerous are the introduced insects canbe gauged by data from New Zealand, the countrywith the greatest awareness and best monitoringsystems for these threats. Thus, at the millenium,exotic insects included 229 beetles among nearly 1000species sampled in and around suburban Auckland, 66thrips in a total fauna of 119 species, and some 100species of aphids (Emberson 2000). Emberson (2000)argued that, by extrapolation, there must be morethan 2500 adventives, comprising about 13% of theNew Zealand insect fauna. The point Emberson (2000)was making – that only 2.5% of these adventives wereintroduced for biological control purposes, with lessthan 1% comprising host-specific, carefully screenedinsect species released and established for biologicalcontrol of weeds – is important, but the numbers ofexotic insects are quite staggering and are still increasing.The rain of Australian insects that descends onNew Zealand after appropriate meteorological conditionsin the Tasman (Close et al. 1978, Fox 1978)evidently leads to some establishment, including of phytophageson forestry plantation Eucalyptus (Withers2001).Alien ants, none of which are native to Australasia,are among the worst of invasive animals. Theycreate an insidious problem worldwide that threatensinsect biodiversity, especially on Pacific Islandswhere existing disturbance has predisposed habitatto invasion (McGlynn 1999, Le Breton et al. 2005).On New Caledonia, the lethal effect of Wasmanniaauropunctata on the native forest-ant fauna wasobserved in invaded plots, where this New Worldinvasive tramp ant represented more than 92%of all pitfall-trapped ants (Le Breton et al. 2003).Eight months after the invasion front arrived, of

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 95the 23 prior resident native ant morphospecies(in 14 genera), only 4 cryptic species survived.Of particular concern in this study was that theinvaded habitat was dense, pristine rainforest onultramafic soils, suspected previously of being moreresistant to invasion. Such ecosystems, which supporthigh biodiversity and narrow range endemics,undoubtedly are massively disrupted when the nativeant community is decimated – with ecosystem-widerepercussions likely to occur (Le Breton et al. 2003).Such observations can be repeated throughoutthe Australasian Region as an invasive ant fauna,including Pheidole megacephala (the big-headedant), Solenopsis invicta (the red imported fire ant),Anoplolepis gracilipes (the yellow crazy ant), andLinepithema humile (the Argentine ant), threatensto spread. The economic and environmental costsassociated with such invasions are well recognized,as when S. invicta was discovered in suburban andindustrial Brisbane, Australia, in 2001 (Vanderwoudeet al. 2004). The species had probably been presentundetected for several years already, stemming fromtwo separate breaches of quarantine (Henshaw et al.2005). With predictions of rapid spread across thecontinent (Scanlan and Vanderwoude 2006), amassive plan to eradicate the species was quicklyput in place as the state (Queensland) and federalgovernments recognized and listed the presenceof the red imported fire ant as a key threateningprocess to biodiversity. Through intensive baiting withmethoprene and piriproxyfen, coupled with a massivepublic awareness campaign, a 99% reduction had beenattained by 2004. Costs for a 6-year program wereAus$175 million, with a cost-benefit analysis showingpotential costs over 30 years of noneradication ofAus$8.9 billion.Other introduced insects that threaten native biodiversityinclude honey bees (Apis melifera), the largeearth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), European wasps(Vespula spp.), and the Asian and Australian paperwasps (Polistes chinensis and P. humilis). Honey beestake over hollows in trees for nesting and competewith native animals, including native bees, for floralresources (Goulson 2003), leading to their presenceand activities being recognized as a key threateningprocess in NSW NP and WS, Australia (NSW NP andWS 2004). Recognition of B. terrestris as threateningstems from its role as a pollinator of many environmentalweeds and a potential disruptor of native plantpollination, based on experiences in Tasmania andNew Zealand (NSW NP and WS 2004).In New Zealand, wasps pose a major problem:P. humilis became abundant in Northland in the 1880sand remains in the north. German wasps (Vespulagermanica) arrived in the 1940s and spread to theSouth Island 10 years later; V. vulgaris became establishedin the 1970s, and both are now widespread. Themost recent arrival, the Asian paper wasp (P. chinensis),was found first near Auckland in 1979, and is rapidlyextending its range southward. Problems with effects ofwasps on native biodiversity are particularly significantin the Nothofagus beech forests where abundant honeydew,producedbyendemiccoccoids(Coelostomidiinae),provides an abundant source of carbohydrate. Thisresource, on which a community of honeydew-feedingnative birds once thrived, has been hijacked by Vespula,particularly V. vulgaris. Extraordinary wasp densitiesof 10,000 workers ha −1 and peak biomass of3.8 kg ha −1 can develop by the late summer (Beggs2001). Wasp demand for protein is nearly insatiable,such that for many invertebrate prey items, such ascaterpillars, individual survivorship probability is nearzero (Beggs and Rees 1999). Wasp densities need tobe reduced by an estimated 80–90% to conserve vulnerablenative species, but even mass baiting with theeffective fipronil and the introduction of an ichneumonidwasp parasitoid is unlikely to sustain such highlevels of control (Beggs 2001). Asian paper wasps inwarm and humid northern New Zealand can developdensities of more than 6300 wasps and 200 nestsha −1 and consume 1 kg ha −1 of invertebrate biomassper season, giving rise to fears of severe effects onnative ecosystems (Clapperton 1999). Control of thisspecies is even more difficult than for Vespula becausenests are difficult to find due to location in dense bushand infrequent traffic of wasp residents, and numbersof wasps are reduced only minimally by baiting andtrapping (Toft and Harris 2004).Climate changeThe history of the globe involves cyclical climatechange, some of which has been induced by volcanismand solar cycles, interspersed with episodic bolideimpacts. The planet is recovering still from the effectsof the Pleistocene glaciations of much of the mid-highlatitudes of the northern hemisphere. In Australia, theHolocene period has seen reduced temperatures and

96 Peter S. Cranstonincreased aridity, although any linkage to northernclimate variations remains unverified (Turney et al.2006). Nonetheless, Australian Holocene climatechanges affected vegetation (with increased xericconditions producing rainforest contraction and assistingspread of sclerophylous, Eucalyptus-dominatedvegetation). The insect biota was affected too,as distributions shifted in latitude and elevationwith changing temperatures (Porch and Elias2000 (Coleoptera), Dimitriadis and Cranston 2001(Chironomidae)). In New Zealand, the same organismsalso show historical changes (Marra et al. 2004,2006, Woodward and Shulmeister 2007), althoughthe causes and synchronicity might be dissimilar tothose in Australia (Alloway et al. 2007), as they relatemostly to extensive volcanism in New Zealand. Inboth Australia and New Zealand, El Niño-SouthernOscillation (ENSO) events have been important in thepast and remain influential. Despite this backgroundvariability, the Australian government (a notablenonsignatory to the Kyoto Convention at November2007) accepted that alteration to Australia’s climatealready occurs over and above natural variability (DEH2004). Changes such as long-term spatial and temporalvariation in rainfall and temperature patterns areexpected to influence Australia’s biological diversity(DEH 2004). A widely accepted scenario of 3 ◦ Cwarming by 2050–2100, for example, compared witha 1990 baseline (IPCC 2001, Hughes 2003), meansthat species with latitudinal ranges of less than about300 km or with an elevation range less than about300 m will dissociate totally from their present-daytemperature envelopes (Westoby and Burgman 2006).In other words, their present-day distributions couldnot be maintained. Federal acceptance of the scientificconsensus concerning such expected effects on species(and ecosystems) under future climate scenarioscame from a growing list of changes consistent withpredictions. Inevitably, perhaps because of theirectothermy, some of these changes involve insects.As in the northern hemisphere, the extensivedatabases for butterfly locations and flight dates haveprovided a foundation against which changes can beassessed. Using bioclimatic modeling for 77 species ofAustralian butterflies, Beaumont and Hughes (2002)showed that, although few species had narrow climaticranges (

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Australasian insects 97inclusion of insects in conservation planning, especiallyconcerning listing of species, in collating invertebratedataonAustralia’soffshoreresponsibilities,andinstimulatinga conservation ethos in the national entomologicalsociety. The review by Greenslade and New (1991),which remains an excellent, far-sighted overview ofAustralian insect conservation, drew the attention ofone of the largest meetings of insect conservationistsever held at that time, the 15th Symposium of theRoyal Entomological Society, London, 1989 (CollinsandThomas1991).Becausesuchmeetingsindicatethedepth of interest in the field, the holding of Invertebrate<strong>Biodiversity</strong> and Conservation meetings in Australiasince the early 1990s is indicative of a wide andgrowing regional interest. The proceedings of eachmeeting (Ingram et al. 1994, Yen and New 1997, Ponderand Lunney 1999, Austin et al. 2003) demonstrate‘progressively greater awareness and concern for agreat variety of taxonomic groups at scientific, legislative,economic and social levels, and approaches topractical appraisal and management’ (New and Sands2004: p. 258).Butterflies always have been best known in terms oftheir taxonomy (with some 650 or so Australian speciesand subspecies), distributions, life histories, and threatsto their existence (New 1990, 1999, Dunn et al. 1994,Sands 1999) – and this remains so today with a rangeof conservation action and recovery plans in place(e.g., Sands et al. 1997, O’Dwyer and Attiwill 2000,Sands and New 2002). Models of such processes canbe seen in the endangered species listing and developmentof action plans for the Bathurst copper (Paraluciaspinifera) and the ongoing management plans for theEltham copper (P. pyrodiscus lucida) inVictoria(Newand Sands 2004).In New Zealand, too, assessment of risk to insectsoftenstartswithLepidoptera.Thus,usingasuiteofevaluationcriteria, Patrick and Dugdale (2000) assessedthe conservation status for New Zealand’s 1685 speciesof Lepidoptera. Category A (highest priority) threatenedspecies numbered 42 species, with 29 in urgent needof conservation action. Category B (second priority)numbered 42 species, and Category C (third priority)20 species; another 102 species were regarded asbeing at risk. Previously, only two lepidopteran species,Asaphodes stinaria and Xanthorhoe bulbulata, had beenlisted in Category A. Most of the endangered species arephytophagous as larvae; the more numerous detritivoresappear less threatened. Most at-risk Lepidopteraare members of natural shrub–grassland communities,andareconcentratedgeographicallyinCanterburyandOtago where such habitats are more prevalent.Despite the butterfly-centric bias in insect conservation,an increasing range of taxa are recognized asbeing of conservation concern, able to arouse a widerconcern for environmental conservation and to act asflagships for endangered ecosystems. In New Zealand,some rarer species of wetas have attained such status(e.g., Sherley and Hayes 1993, McGuinness 2001).Concern for the phylogenetically distinct odonateHemiphlebia mirabilis led to assessment of the conservationof certain Australian wetlands (New 1993); otheraquatic insects, including large charismatic odonatesand restricted-range Plecoptera and torrent midges(Blephariceridae), all featured early in Australianlistings for conservation concern.As is widely recognized, legislative actions concerningconservation, although sometimes bureaucraticand always time consuming, are essential for publiceducation,demonstrationofinstitutionalcommitment,and putting in place enforcible and long-term protection.This is the interface between conservationscience and its application. At the international level,Australasian nations all were early signatories of theConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in mid-1992,with ratifications made before the end of 1993. In keepingwiththeobligationsassociatedwiththeconvention,each country has produced plans for conservation.Australia’s National Strategy for the Conservation ofAustralia’s Biological Diversity (DEST 1996) is typicalin integrating biodiversity conservation with naturalresource management, sustainability, identification,and management of threatening processes, combinedwith advocacy of enhanced research, education, anddocumentation. The issue of how one can conserve biodiversityon a continental scale without understandingwhat is present was addressed through a strengthenedrole for the Australian Biological Resources Study(ABRS), the major funding source for biodiversityinventory work, although a decade later any enhancedrole remains too modest for the taxonomic task inhand (Yeates et al. 2003).Australia’s biodiversity strategy led directly orindirectly to some novel approaches concerninginvertebrates in biodiversity conservation that are ofglobal relevance. These approaches include effortsto integrate phylogeny into conservation measures(e.g., Faith 2002, exemplified by Faith et al. 2004), thedevelopment of modeling tools for conservation-siteselection (e.g., Ferrier et al. 1999), and a veritable

98 Peter S. Cranstonminor industry of environmental indicators (e.g.,ants: Andersen 1990, Andersen et al. 2002; aquaticinsects: Bunn 1995, Marchant et al. 1997, Simpsonand Norris 2000). Development of a national strategy,in turn, stimulated development of rapid biodiversityassessment protocols (e.g., Cranston and Hillman1992, Beattie et al. 1993, Oliver and Beattie 1995)and encouraged exploration of the concept of indicatorspecies of biodiversity (Trueman and Cranston 1997,Andersen 1999, Kitching et al. 2000); McGeoch(1998) gave an informative review of some of theseissues. Certain lessons from these studies were assessedcritically for New Zealand by Ward and Larivière(2004) in relation to their country’s biodiversityinventory needs.New Zealand’s biodiversity strategy (DoC 2000)seeks to halt the decline in New Zealand’s indigenousbiodiversity, noting especially the loss of around 80%of native forest cover and 90% of wetlands. Programsinclude those to incorporate Maori knowledge andenhance their understanding and involvement inbiodiversity conservation. The strategy gives a highprofile to the biodiversity threats posed by invasivespecies; the country is a world leader in the field ofinvasive species research as a result of its experiencewith a host of plant and animal pests and its concernwith quarantine (Biosecurity) and the maintenanceof a healthy environment. With this background,New Zealand was an obvious host for the IUCNInvasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the WorldConservation Union. ISSG offers practical advice andaid to smaller biodiverse island nations to eliminatealiens (such as cane toads, cats, and rats), notablythrough the collaborative Pacific Invasives Initiative.CONCLUSIONAustralasian biodiversity is substantial and perhapssurprisingly well studied. Taylor’s (1976) ‘taxonomicimpediment’ hindering incorporation of species datainto inventory and conservation planning remainsa problem, but this has not deterred entomologistsand conservation biologists from making substantialcontributions to an understanding of regional insectbiodiversity and its conservation. The resources neededfor full description of the Australian insect biota, asassessed by Yeates et al. (2003), are quite modest bycomparison with big science projects in other areas.Provision of these resources throughout Australasiawould allow the identification of more of the biota,and stimulate study of more of the ‘other 99%’. Wheninsect biodiversity coincides with biosecurity issues,as with potential introductions of pests, major fundingcan be found. Some of this funding would be wellspent if allocated to the big pictures of phylogeny, ecology,and conservation. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> practitioners needto remain aware of the importance of gaining supportfrom the essentially sympathetic, but highly urban populationsof Australia and New Zealand. Major inroadshave been made with flagship insects, such as the Richmondbirdwing,Bathurstcopper,andElthamcopper,asschools have become engaged with host planting, alienremovals, and population censusing. Furthermore, theaffluent Australasian nations need to maintain andexpandtheirregionalrolesinbiodiversityconservation,passing on expertise in areas such as management ofinvasive species, which seems likely to remain a majorthreat to regional biodiversity over the next decades.REFERENCESAlloway, B. V., D. J. Lowe, D. J. A. Barrell, R. M. Newnham,P. C. Almond, P. C. Augustinus, N. Bertler, L. Carter, N. J.Litchfield, M. S. McGlone, J. Shulmeister, M. J. Vandergoes,P. W. Williams, and NZ-INTIMATE members. 2007.Towards a climate event stratigraphy for New Zealandover the past 30,000 years (NZ-INTIMATE project). Journalof Quaternary Science 22: 9–35.Andersen, A. N. 1990. The use of ant communities to evaluatechange in Australian terrestrial ecosystems: a review anda recipe. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia 16:347–357.Andersen, A. N. 1999. My bioindicator or yours? Making theselection. Journal of <strong>Insect</strong> Conservation 3: 1–4.Andersen, A. N., B. D. Hoffmann, W. J. Müller, andA. D. Griffiths. 2002. Using ants as bioindicators in landmanagement: simplifying assessment of ant communityresponses. Journal of Applied Ecology 39: 8–17.Andersen, A. N., G. D. Cook, L. K. Corbett, M. M. Douglas,R. W. Eager, J. Russell-Smith, S. A. Setterfield, R. J. Williams,and J. C. Z. Woinarski. 2005. Fire frequency and biodiversityconservation in Australian tropical savannas: implicationsfrom the Kapalga fire experiment. Austral Ecology 30:155–167.Andrews, N. R. and L. Hughes. 2004. Species diversity andstructure of phytophagous beetle assemblages along a latitudinalgradient: predicting the potential impacts of climatechange. Ecological Entomology 29: 527–542.Arensburger, P., T. R. Buckley, C. Simon, M. Moulds, andK. E. Holsinger. 2004a. Biogeography and phylogeny of

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Chapter 7<strong>Insect</strong>biodiversity inthe PalearcticRegionAlexander S. Konstantinov 1 , Boris A. Korotyaev 2 ,and Mark G. Volkovitsh 21 Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service,U. S. Department of Agriculture, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC2 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskayanab. 1, St. Petersburg, Russia<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9107

For more than 5 years, small dragonflies of apparentlyone species have occupied the tips of drybranches of a boxelder tree (Acer negundo L.)opposite B. A. Korotyaev’s window on the first floorof his apartment building in Krasnodar, Russia. Theyappear in late July after the swifts migrate from thecity. Although the traffic in the street is heavy, thedragonflies hunt all day in the polluted air. Liberallyparaphrasing Kant’s famous statement, two phenomenaare most striking for biologists: the tremendousdiversity of living organisms and the obvious, thoughoften unapparent, organization of this diversity. To adequatelydescribe insect biodiversity and its organizationin the Palearctic Region is a major challenge.The Palearctic Region is the world’s largest biogeographicregion and the best known with respectto its overall insect diversity. It also has the longesthistory of faunistic and biodiversity studies. Nevertheless,reliable estimates of the number of species areavailable for only some insect orders (Table 7.1). ExistingPalearctic (e.g., Aukema and Rieger 1995–2006,Löbl and Smetana 2003–2007) and world catalogs(e.g., Hansen 1998, Heppner 1998, Woodley 2001)improve our understanding of insect biodiversity, butcatalogs are unavailable for many groups, and theneeded data can be provided only by experts. Some taxahave been treated or otherwise revised recently, whileothers have remained untouched for the last centuryor so, meaning that certain data are absent for somegroups. In addition, some parts of the Palearctic, suchas western and northern Europe, are better knownthan others, such as North Africa and China. However,exploration of the mountains of China in recentdecades has resulted in discoveries of the species-richalpine faunas of large coleopteran families such as theCarabidae (e.g., Zamotajlov and Sciaky 1996, Kataevand Liang 2005) and Tenebrionidae (e.g., Medvedev2005a, 2006).The great variety of views on subdivision of thePalearctic presents another difficulty in describing theregion’s insect diversity. We follow the main biogeographicalunits proposed by Emeljanov (1974), whichare compatible with many of the existing schemes andare finding increasing support (Volkovitsh and Alexeev1988,KrivokhatskyandEmeljanov2000).Weconcentrateongeneralfeaturesandpatternsoftheentireinsectfauna of the Palearctic Region, providing examples oftaxa that are better known to us, mostly Coleoptera, ormost typical of entities in various biogeographical units.The Palearctic biota is an immense and irreplaceablesource of organisms of the highest economic valuefor the entire world, particularly for the temperateregions, and includes cultivated plants and useful animals,their natural enemies (weeds, predators, andpathogens), and enemies of these enemies (the biologicalcontrol agents). It is, however, experiencingincreasing anthropogenic pressures, resulting in thedisappearance of many species of plants and animals,as well as entire communities and landscapes.GEOGRAPHIC POSITION, CLIMATE,AND ZONALITYThe Palearctic Region (Fig. 7.1a) occupies cold, temperate,and subtropical regions of Eurasia and Africanorth of the Sahara Desert, together with islands of theArctic, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans – Azores, Canaries,Iceland, British Isles, and Cape Verde in the Atlantic,and Komandorski, Kurile, and Japan in the PacificOcean. The southern border of the Palearctic in Asialies along the southern border of subtropical forests,leaving the southern part of China, Taiwan, and theRyukyu Islands of Japan in the Oriental Region. TheHimalayas are mostly attributed to the Palearctic, butdistributional patterns of some (mostly phytophagous)insect groups suggest that the southern Himalayascould be considered Oriental. The southern border ofthe Palearctic in East Asia is nearly impossible to define,particularly in China, because the Chinese fauna ispoorly known and the distributional patterns of variousgroups provide conflicting results. The southern borderof the Palearctic generally is viewed as a wide band atthe southern limits of subtropical forests between theYantzu and Huanche rivers, where interchanges of thePalearctic and Oriental faunas occur.The Palearctic, together with the Nearctic, formsa larger zoogeographic division, the Holarctic,which includes all nontropical areas of the northernhemisphere (Kryzhanovsky 1965, 2002, Takhtajan1978, Lopatin 1989). Overall, the insect faunasof the Palearctic and Nearctic are more similar inthe North and more unique in their southern parts(Kryzhanovsky 2002), where Afrotropical, Oriental,and Neotropical elements contribute significantlyto the biodiversity. A few high-ranked groups ofinsects are endemic to the Holarctic: the only endemicorder, the Grylloblattida (western North America,Japan, Russian Far East; with one species in the

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 109Table 7.1 <strong>Biodiversity</strong> of major insect groups in the Palearctic Region (for some insect orders, only selected fields could befilled; families of Diptera are not included).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceThysanura 22 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Ephemeroptera 300 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Odonata Amphipterygidae 4 2 Steinmann 1997Odonata Calopterygidae 72 Steinmann 1997Odonata Euphaeidae 20 Steinmann 1997Odonata Chlorolestidae 9 Steinmann 1997Odonata Lestidae 19 Steinmann 1997Odonata Megapodagrionidae 3 Steinmann 1997Odonata Pseudolestidae 6 3 Steinmann 1997Odonata Coenagrionidae 78 Steinmann 1997Odonata Platycnemididae 17 Steinmann 1997Odonata Epiophlebiidae 2 1 Epiophlebiidae,Japan andHimalayasBelyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Petaluridae 1 1 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Gomphidae 38 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Cordulegasteridae 11 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Aeshnidae 27 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Corduliidae 24 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Libellulidae 96 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Odonata Macrodiplactidae 2 Belyshev andKharitonov 1981Blattaria 100 (USSR) 30 L. N. Anisyutkin (personalcommunication)Mantodea 35 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Isoptera 7 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Grylloblattodea 3 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Phasmatodea 8 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Orthoptera 802 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Orthoptera/Ensifera266 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Orthoptera/Caelifera536 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)(continued)

110 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourcePlecoptera 595 40 1 Zhiltzova 2003Plecoptera Scopuridae 5 1 Scopuridae Zhiltzova 2003Plecoptera Taeniopterygidae 58 11 Zhiltzova 2003Plecoptera Nemouridae 281 8 Zhiltzova 2003Plecoptera Capniidae 100 13 Zhiltzova 2003Plecoptera Leuctridae 146 7 Zhiltzova 2003Dermaptera 80 25 L. N. Anisyutkin (personalcommunication)Embioptera 2 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Zoraptera 2 (Tibet) N. V. Golub and V. G.Kuznetsova (personalcommunication)Psocoptera352 (notincludingChina)N. V. Golub and V. G.Kuznetsova (personalcommunication)Mallophaga 400 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Anoplura 60 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Thysanoptera 500 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Sternorrhyncha/Psyllina520 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Sternorrhyncha/Aphidina853 (Russia) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication), A. V.Stekolshchikov(personalcommunication)Aleyrodidae 49 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Coccidae ∼600 (USSR) A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Sternorrhyncha/CoccinaSternorrhyncha/CoccinaAuchenorrhyncha >4000 718 Dorysarthriini,Ranissini,Colobocini.Almanini,Bocrini,Adenissini,Ommatidiotini,Durgulini,Adelungiini,Aphrodini,Stegelytrini,Grypotini,FieberielliniHemiptera 8413 1489Nast 1972, A. F.Emeljanov (personalcommunication)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 111Table 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceHemiptera Aenictopecheidae 1 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Enicocephalidae 15 6 Aukema and Rieger 1995,Schuh and Slater 1995Hemiptera Ceratocombidae 11 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Dipsocoridae 14 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995,Schuh and Slater 1995Hemiptera Schizopteridae 9 6 Aukema and Rieger 1995,Schuh and Slater 1995Hemiptera Nepidae 21 5 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Belostomatidae 14 5 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Gelastocoridae 4 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Ochteridae 3 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Corixidae 143 15 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Naucoridae 9 7 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Aphelocheiridae 18 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Notonectidae 50 4 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Pleidae 6 2 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Helotrephidae 6 5 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Mesoveliidae 7 2 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Hebridae 24 4 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Hydrometridae 14 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Hermatobatidae 2 1 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Veliidae 64 11 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Gerridae 99 20 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Aepophilidae 1 1 Aepophilidae Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Saldidae 99 14 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Leptopodidae 11 4 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Omaniidae 2 2 Aukema and Rieger 1995Hemiptera Joppeicidae 1 1 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Tingidae 473 61 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Microphysidae 27 3 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Nabidae 112 10 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Anthocoridae 181 28 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Cimicidae 15 5 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Polyctenidae 3 2 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Pachynomidae 2 1 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Reduviidae 808 145 Aukema and Rieger 1996Hemiptera Miridae 2808 397 Aukema and Rieger 1999Hemiptera Aradidae 204 28 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Lygaeidae 1001 225 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Piesmatidae 19 2 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Malcidae 25 2 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Berytidae 54 13 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Colobathristidae 7 2 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Largidae 8 3 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Pyrrhocoridae 43 13 Aukema and Rieger 2001Hemiptera Rhopalidae 69 14 Aukema and Rieger 2006(continued)

112 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceHemiptera Stenocephalidae 18 1 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Alydidae 69 26 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Coreidae 306 84 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Urostylididae 131 8 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Thaumastellidae 1 1 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Parastrachiidae 2 1 Aukema and Rieger 2006,Schuh and Slater 1995Hemiptera Cydnidae 167 37 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Thyreocoridae 4 1 Aukema and Rieger 2006,Schuh and Slater, 1995Hemiptera Plataspidae 104 10 Aukema and Rieger, 2006Hemiptera Acanthosomatidae 107 9 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Tessaratomidae 30 12 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Dinidoridae 19 4 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Pentatomidae 841 219 Aukema and Rieger 2006Hemiptera Incertae sedis 107 Aukema and Rieger 2006Coleoptera 100, 000 I. Löbl (personalcommunication), A. L.Lobanov (personalcommunication)Coleoptera Crowsoniellidae 1 1 Italy Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Micromalthidae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Cupedidae 7 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Jurodidae (=1 1 Russian Far East Löbl and Smetana 2003Sikhotealiniidae)Coleoptera Torridincolidae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Hydroscaphidae 9 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Sphaeriusidae 8 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Gyrinidae 102 7 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Haliplidae 66 3 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Trachypachidae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Noteridae 30 5 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Amphizoidae 2 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Hygrobiidae 2 1 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Dytiscidae 901 67 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Rhysodidae 24 5 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Carabidae 11, 333 579 Löbl and Smetana 2003Coleoptera Helophoridae 150 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Epimetopidae 4 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Georissidae 19 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Hydrochidae 28 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Spercheidae 5 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Hydrophilidae 559 54 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Sphaeritidae 3 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Synteliidae 3 1 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Histeridae 847 107 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Hydraenidae 785 8 Löbl and Smetana 2004

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 113Table 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceColeoptera Ptiliidae 188 21 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Agyrtidae 45 8 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Leiodidae 2172 245 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Scydmaenidae 1005 26 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Silphidae 117 15 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Staphylinidae 15, 307 903 Löbl and Smetana 2004Coleoptera Lucanidae 332 34 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Passalidae 25 8 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Trogidae 79 3 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Glaresidae 24 1 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Bolboceratidae 52 13 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Geotrupidae 299 13 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Ochodaeidae 26 2 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Ceratocanthidae 4 2 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Hybosoridae 16 7 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Glaphyridae 158 5 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Scarabaeidae 5787 404 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Decliniidae 2 1 Russian Far East Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Eucinetidae 18 7 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Clambidae 43 3 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Scirtidae 254 8 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Dascillidae 40 8 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Rhipiceridae 15 3 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Buprestidae 2430 99 Paratassini,KisanthobiiniLöbl and Smetana 2006,Bellamy 2003Coleoptera Byrrhidae 321 22 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Elmidae 235 35 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Dryopidae 64 11 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Limnichidae 66 13 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Heteroceridae 94 3 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Psephenidae 92 16 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Ptilodactylidae 47 9 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Chelonariidae 11 2 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Eulichadidae 11 1 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Callirhipidae 16 3 Löbl and Smetana 2006Coleoptera Artematopidae 8 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Cerophytidae 2 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Eucnemidae 132 41 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Throscidae 48 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Elateridae 3661 233 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Plastoceridae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Drilidae 44 6 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Omalisidae 12 2 Europe Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Lycidae 403 47 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Phengodidae 27 5 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Lampyridae 263 19 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Omethidae 3 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007(continued)

114 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceColeoptera Cantharidae 1981 62 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Derodontidae 14 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Nosodendridae 12 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Dermestidae 520 25 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Endecatomidae 2 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Bostrichidae 151 46 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Ptinidae 717 99 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Jacobsoniidae 3 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Lymexylidae 15 8 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Phloiophilidae 1 1 Europe Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Trogossitidae 45 16 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Thanerocleridae 7 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Cleridae 311 62 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Acanthocnemidae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Prionoceridae 41 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Melyridae 59 9 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Dasytidae 764 51 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Malachiidae 1146 81 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Sphindidae 14 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Kateretidae 52 8 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Nitidulidae 687 56 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Monotomidae 72 11 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Helotidae 55 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Phloeostichidae 1 1 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Silvanidae 94 21 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Passandridae 16 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Cucujidae 16 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Laemophloeidae 82 17 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Phalacridae 144 16 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Cryptophagidae 336 30 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Erotylidae 420 66 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Byturidae 8 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Biphyllidae 18 2 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Bothrideridae 132 19 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Cerylonidae 53 17 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Alexiidae 42 1 West Palearctic Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Discolomatidae 37 3 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Endomychidae 282 56 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Coccinellidae 1208 112 Lithophilinae Löbl and Smetana 2007(Mediterraneanto Nepal andnorthernChina)Coleoptera Corylophidae 76 12 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Latridiidae 268 18 Löbl and Smetana 2007Coleoptera Chrysomelidae 3500 A. K. estimate, A. L.(>2500 Lobanov (personalin USSR)communication)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 115Table 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceColeopteraChrysomelidae,subfamilyBruchinae>120(Russia)15 Rhaebini (Israel tonorthern-centralChina); Kytorhinini(subendemic tocentral andeastern Palearctic,with one speciesin northwesternNorth America)Egorov 1996aColeoptera Cerambycidae 4500 (880 inUSSR)A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Coleoptera Nemonychidae 7 3 Nemonychinae;Europe, NWAfrica, TurkeyDieckmann 1974,Alonso-Zarazaga andLyal 1999(Anatolia),Armenia,Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan,TurkmenistanColeoptera Urodontidae >50 2 Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999Coleoptera Anthribidae 118 (WestPalearcticandRussian68 Frieser 1981, Egorov1996b, Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999Far East);170(Japan)Coleoptera Oxycorynidae 1 1 Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999Coleoptera Rhynchitidae 86 (Russia) 38 Legalov 2006Coleoptera Attelabidae 29 (Russia) 19 Legalov 2006Coleoptera Dryophthoridae 7 (Russia);(37 inJapan)(+ 9–westernand centralPalearctic)?29 Morimoto 1978,Alonso-Zarazaga andLyal 1999, B. A.Korotyaev unpublisheddataColeoptera Brachyceridae 48 3 Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999, 2002; Arzanov2005Coleoptera Cryptolaryngidae 1 1 Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999Coleoptera Brentidae 31 (27 in ?20 (16) Morimoto 1976,Japan, 2 inRussianFar East)in JapanAlonso-Zarazaga andLyal 1999(continued)

116 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceColeoptera Apionidae 540 57 Ceratapiini;Exapiini(southwesternPalearctic);Metapiini(south ofWestern andCentralPalearctic)Coleoptera Nanophyidae 90 14 Corimaliini(subendemicto south ofWestern andCentralPalearctic; alsoin Namibia andprobably inIndia)Wanat 1994,Alonso-Zarazaga 1990,Alonso-Zarazaga andLyal 1999, Friedmanand Freidberg 2007Alonso-Zarazaga 1989,Alonso-Zarazaga andLyal 1999Coleoptera Raymondionymidae >50 9 Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999Coleoptera Erirhinidae 96 34 Himasthlophallini(south ofRussian FarEast)Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal1999, 2002ColeopteraColeopteraCurculiondaeexcludingScolytinaeCurculionidae,subfamilyScolytinae?11, 000 numerousexamplesB. A. K. tentative estimate750 74 Wood and Bright 1992Coleoptera Platypodidae 35 3 Wood and Bright 1992Neuroptera Ascalaphidae 40 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Berothidae 15 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Chrysopidae 176 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Coniopterygidae 50 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Dilaridae 7 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Hemerobiidae 80 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Mantispidae 10 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 117Table 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceNeuroptera Myrmeleontidae 391 Pseudimarini (1sp.), Gepini(31 spp.),Isoleontini (13spp.)V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Nemopteridae 10 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Crocidae 20 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Neurorthidae 5 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Osmylidae 15 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Neuroptera Sisyridae 5 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Raphidioptera Inocelliidae 10 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Raphidioptera Raphidiidae 100 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Megaloptera Corydalidae 10 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Megaloptera Sialidae 28 V. A. Krivokhatsky(personalcommunication)Hymenoptera/Symphyta1384 (USSR) Megalodontidae(45 spp.),Blasticotomidae(3–4spp.)A. L. Lobanov (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae 8712 Yu and Horstmann 1997Hymenoptera Braconidae 4500 250 Telengainae,Middle Asiandeserts (Turkmenistan)S. A. Belokobylsky(personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Aphidiidae 73 (RussianFar East)24(RussianFar East)Davidian 2007Hymenoptera Cynipidae >500 40 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)(continued)

118 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceHymenoptera Ibaliidae 7 2 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Liopteridae 5 2 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Figitidae ?150 15 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Emarginidae 1 1 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Charipidae >100 4 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Eucoilidae >350 30 O. V. Kovalev (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Eurytomidae/265 5 Zerova 1995EurytominaeHymenoptera Eurytomidae/9 1 Zerova 1995EudecatominaeHymenoptera Eurytomidae/2 2 Zerova 1995RileyinaeHymenoptera Eurytomidae/1 1 Zerova 1995BuresiinaeHymenoptera Eurytomidae/100 5 Zerova 1995HarmolitinaeHymenoptera Torymidae/54 Grissell 1999MegastigminaeHymenoptera Torymidae/334 30 Grissell 1995ToryminaeHymenoptera Encyrtidae 1260 163 Trjapitzin 1989Hymenoptera Eupelmidae 130 16 Sharkov 1995Hymenoptera Eulophidae 318 (Russian 50 (RussianStorozheva et al. 1995Far East) Far East)Hymenoptera Aphelinidae 60 (Russian 18 (RussianJasnosh 1995Far East) Far East)Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae 150 Fursov 2007Hymenoptera Chrysididae 1236 Kimsey and Bohart 1990Hymenoptera Scoliidae 33 (USSR) 3 Lelej 1995aHymenoptera Mutillidae 523 54 Lelej 2002Hymenoptera (Apoidea) 3840 112 Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Andrenidae 12 Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Halictidae 26 Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Halictidae/35 1 Pesenko 1983NomioidinaeHymenoptera Melittidae 5 Protomelittini Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Megachilidae 36 Pararhophini Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 119Table 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceHymenoptera Apidae Ancylini Yu. A. Pesenko (personalcommunication)Hymenoptera Formicidae 1200 80 Radchenko 1999Hymenoptera Pompilidae 285 (USSR) 47 Lelej 1995bHymenoptera Sphecidae 1000 (USSR) 93 Nemkov et al. 1995Hymenoptera Vespidae 77 (Russian 17 Kurzenko 1995Far East)Mecoptera >42(USSR) A.L.Lobanov(personalcommunication)Trichoptera 2530 215 Phryganopsychidae(3 spp.);Thremmatidae(3 spp.;SEurope)Lepidoptera 25, 000 Catapterigidae(1 gen., 1 sp.)(Crimea)Crinopterygidae(1 gen., 1sp.) (HesperianRegion)Axiidae (2genn., 6 spp.)(Hesperian)Endromidae(Transpalearctic)Mirinidae(1 gen., 2 spp.)(Stenopean:Manchuria)Somabrachyidae(3 spp.;N Africa, Syria)M. L. Chamorro-Lacayo(personalcommunication), Morse2008Heppner 1998, S. Yu.Sinev (personalcommunication)Lepidoptera (Micropterigoidea) 78 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Eriocranioidea) 12 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Hepialoidea) 37 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Nepticuloidea) 493 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Incurvarioidea) 207 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Tineoidea) 1307 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Gelechioidea) 3843 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Copromorphoidea) 64 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Yponomeutoidea) 485 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Immoidea) 1 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Pyraloidea) 2936 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Pterophoroidea) 315 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Sesioidea) 382 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Zygaenoidea) 162 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Cossoidea) 210 Heppner 1998(continued)

120 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.1 (continued).EndemicFamily-GroupOrder/ Family Number Number Taxa andSuborder (Superfamily) of Species of Genera their Ranges SourceLepidoptera (Tortricoidea) 1606 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Calluduloidea) 2 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Uranioidea) 18 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Geometroidea) 3545 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Papilionoidea) 1896 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Drepanoidea) 25 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Bombycoidea) 291 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Sphingoidea) 75 Heppner 1998Lepidoptera (Noctuoidea) 4475 Heppner 1998Siphonaptera 900 S. G. Medvedev 1998Diptera 40, 291 Nartshuk 2003,Thompson 2006TOTAL 193,057Altai Mountains and one in the Sayan Mountains,southern Siberia); and the beetle families Amphizoidae(mountain streams of North America, and northwesternand eastern China) and Sphaeritidae (threespecies in the taiga of Eurasia, mountains of Sichuan,and northwestern North America). The range of theorder Raphidioptera is limited almost entirely to theHolarctic. Lindroth (1957) lists land and freshwateranimal species common to Europe and North America.Despite its similarity to the Nearctic, however, thePalearctic is traditionally regarded as a separateregion (Sclater 1858, Darlington 1963, Emeljanov1974, Vtorov and Drozdov 1978, Krivokhatsky andEmeljanov 2000).Fig. 7.1 (See figure on the following page.)(a) Main divisions of the Palearctic (after Emeljanov 1974, simplified).I. Arctic (Circumpolar Tundra) Region.II. Taiga (Euro-Siberian) Region.III. European (nemoral) Region.IV. Stenopean (nemoral) Region.V. Hesperian (evergreen forest) Region.Va. Macaronesian Subregion.Vb. Mediterranean Subregion.VI. Orthrian (evergreen forest) Region.VII. Scythian (Steppe) Region.VIIa. West Scythian Subregion.VIIb. East Scythian Subregion.VIII. Sethian (Desert) Region.VIIIa. Saharo-Arabian Subregion.VIIIb. Irano-Turanian Subregion.VIIIc. Central Asian Subregion.(b) NE Russia, Magadan Province, forest-tundra with flowering Ledum decumbens (Ericaceae) and a single bush of Pinus pumilaon the right (Photo D. I. Berman).(c) NE Russia, Magadan Province, northern taiga (Photo D. I. Berman).(d) Russia, Smolensk District, Ugra River near Skotinino Village, mixed forest (Photo A. Konstantinov).(e) Russia, Caucasus (Photo M. Volkovitsh).

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 121(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)

122 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitsh<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic is influenced bydiverse climatic and other geographic conditions thatexhibit a well-developed zonality. Temperature gradientsare mainly responsible for the Arctic, Boreal, andSubtropical latitudinal belts. The following main zonesare distributed from north to south in the western partsof the Palearctic: tundra, taiga, mixed and broadleaf(nemoral) forests, dry sclerophyll Mediterranean-typeforests, wet subtropical forests, steppe, and deserts.Most mountain ranges demonstrate successive seriesof climatic altitudinal belts similar to lowland zonality.Atmospheric circulation and variations in precipitationyield the Atlantic, Continental, and Pacific longitudinalsectoral groups (Emeljanov 1974). The Atlanticsectoral group is characterized by two types of climate:Mediterraneanwithmaximumprecipitationinthewinter,and boreal with maximum precipitation in thesummer. The Pacific sectoral group has a monsoon climatewith maximum precipitation during the summer.The boundary between the Atlantic and Pacific sectoralgroups, though rather conventional, is usually drawnalong the Yenisei River, Tien Shan mountains, and westof the Indus River in the south. The easternmost sectorsof the Atlantic group and westernmost sectors of thePacific group along this boundary where the oceanicinfluence is drastically weakened are characterized bylower precipitation and greater temperature fluctuationsbetween summer and winter (continental andsupercontinental climate); these sectors can be groupedas the Continental sectoral group. Continental climateis responsible for the taiga spreading southward and thesteppe northward, squeezing out nemoral and subtropicalzones in the Continental sectors (Emeljanov 1974).Continentality is one of the most important factors inPalearctic faunal differentiation, splitting subtropicaland nemoral zones into two isolated fragments withrather different, though, in part, closely related insectfaunas. In the easternmost Pacific sectors, high humidityis responsible for the lack of semidesert and desertareas and the large meridional extension of mixedconiferous and broadleaf forests that are impoverishednorthward because of elimination of broadleaf elementsand that gradually change to subtropical forestssouthward.GENERAL FEATURES OF INSECTBIODIVERSITYMore than 200,000 species of insects are known in thePalearctic Region – about one-fifth the total number ofinsect species in the world (Table 7.1). About half of allinsects in the Palearctic are beetles. This estimate is farfrom final; hundreds of new species are described fromthe Palearctic every year. In recent years, parasiticHymenoptera have been described most intensively,with 686 new species of Braconidae described fromthe Far East and neighboring areas in two volumesof the ‘Key to <strong>Insect</strong>s of the Russian Far East’ byS. A. Belokobylsky and V. I. Tobias (1998, 2000),which include 2593 species. In the largest family ofparasitic flies, the Tachinidae, more than 680 speciesareincludedinthekeytotheFar-Easternfauna (Richter2004), with 39 species and 9 genera described duringthe preparation of the key.Most Palearctic species do not occur outside the region.In the Diptera (Fig. 7.2c), 37,123 species – 92%of the total 40,291 species – are Palearctic endemics(Thompson 2006). The percentage of endemic genera,and especially family-group taxa, is much less. Onlyfour families of Diptera are endemic to the region(Nartshuk 1992): Eurygnathomyiidae, Phaeomyiidae,Risidae, and Stackelbergomyiidae. Of these, only theRisidae are generally accepted as a valid family; theothers usually are treated as subfamilies or tribes(Sabrosky 1999).One of the most obvious features of insect biodiversityin the Palearctic is its sharp increase fromFig. 7.2 (See figure on the following page.)A. Calosoma sycophanta (L.) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Turkey) (Photo A. Konstantinov).B. Nemoptera sinuata Olivier (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).C. Eristalis tenax (L.) (Diptera: Syrphidae) (Turkey) (Photo A. Konstantinov).D. Cryptocephalus duplicatus Suffrian (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (Turkey) (Photo A. Konstantinov).E. Poecilimon sp. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).F. Capnodis carbonaria (Klug) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).G. Cyphosoma euphraticum (Laporte et Gory) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (southern Russia) (Photo M. Volkovitsh). (See colorplate).

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 123(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) (f) (g)

124 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshnorth to south, corresponding to the most fundamentalpattern of life on earth (Willig et al. 2003). Forexample, the Orthoptera (Figs. 7.2e and 7.3e),Blattaria, Dermaptera, Mantodea, and Phasmatodeaare represented by 72 species in the forest, 171 speciesin the steppe, and 221 species in the desert zone of theformer USSR (Iablokov-Khnzorian 1961).The insect fauna of the Palearctic is slightly depauperateat the order, family, and genus levels (comparedto most other regions) but it has high species richness;that is, the number of higher taxa with only a singlespecies in the Palearctic is relatively low and the relativenumber of species per higher taxon is large. Inthis regard, it is similar to island faunas characterizedby a small number of introductions that were followedby extensive species-level radiations (Magnacca andDanforth 2006). The Palearctic and Oriental regionshave about the same number of species of flea beetles(Chrysomelidae: Alticini) (about 3000, althoughthe Oriental fauna is much less known), but differsharply in generic diversity, with about 60 genera inthe Palearctic and 220 in the Oriental. Most flea-beetlespecies richness in the Palearctic is concentrated in afew large, nearly cosmopolitan genera (e.g., Aphthona;see Konstantinov 1998).Historically, the Palearctic fauna is considered tohave been derived from the ancient fauna of Laurasia,dramatically changed by the aridization of the Tertiary,but primarily by the Quaternary glaciation (Lopatin1989), which includes the largest global glaciationsof the upper Pliocene and Pleistocene. Also importantwere fluctuations of sea level, which led not only tochanges in coast lines, but also to formation of a varietyof land bridges between continents and variousislands, and the Alpine orogenesis during which thelargest mountain systems in Europe and Asia appeared(Kryzhanovsky 2002). These climatic and geomorphologicalchanges might explain the appearance of aTibetan scarab, Aphodius holdereri Reitter, in England(Coope 1973); disjunct distributions of Helophorus lapponicusThompson (Coleoptera: Helophoridae) betweenits main range (Scandinavia to eastern Siberia) andrelict populations in mountainous areas of Spain,Transcaucasia, and Israel/Lebanon (Angus 1983); andcurrent restriction of the water beetle Ochthebius figueroiGarrido et al. (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), known fromPleistocene deposits in England, to a small mountainarea in northern Spain (Angus 1993).<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity has a particular pattern in spaceand time. The distribution of specialized herbivores,closely associated with specific plants and plant communities,often reveals a more distinct pattern thanthe distribution of insects with other food specializations.Changes in the Curculionoidea (Coleoptera)fauna along a 160-km transect that crosses six types ofdesert plant communities in the Transaltai Gobi Desertin Mongolia illustrate this pattern (Table 7.2). Twotypes of plant communities exist at the extremes of theprofile – a northern steppefied desert and a southernextra-arid desert. The numbers of weevil species at theextremes do not differ sharply (17 in the north and11 in the south), but only one species, Conorhynchusconirostris (Gebler), occurs in all types of deserts. All‘northern’ species (with ranges situated mostly north ofthe investigation site) gradually disappear southward,being substituted by ‘southern’ species in accordancewith vegetational changes. The distribution of (mostlypredatory) carabids and nonspecialized phyto- anddetritophagous tenebrionid beetles mostly depends onclimate, chemical and mechanical properties of soil,and vegetation density; it follows vegetational changesless closely, but exhibits similar patterns.Different natural zones are characterized by thedominance of some higher taxa, particularly in theArctic. The majority of the Arctic chrysomelid faunais composed of 25 species of a single subfamily, theChrysomelinae (with 12 species belonging to the genusChrysolina; see Chernov et al. 1994), although a fewboreal species of Cryptocephalinae and Galerucinaecontribute to the Hypoarctic leaf-beetle fauna(Medvedev and Korotyaev 1980). The taxonomicpattern of the biogeographical regions has a historicalbackground, but the zonal peculiarities of the faunasare largely due to specific requirements of the taxa.In the holometabolous insects, these requirementsare related primarily to the environmental conditionsappropriate for larval development. An example isillustrated by the chrysomelid fauna of the TransaltaiGobi Desert in Mongolia. Ten species of Chrysomelidae,out of the fourteen species found in the six types ofdesert plant communities (Korotyaev et al. 2005),belong to the tribes Cryptocephalini, Clytrini, andCassidini. The case-bearing (Cryptocephalini) andsheltered (Clytrini) larvae apparently are betteradapted to the xeric environment than are theectophytic larvae of the Chrysomelinae and Galerucinior soil-inhabiting larvae of the Eumolpinae and someAlticini.Another obvious feature of insect biodiversity inthe Palearctic is its organization in time. Nearly

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 125ABCDEFFig. 7.3A. Julodis variolaris (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Kazakhstan) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).B. Julodella abeillei (Théry) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).C. Mallosia armeniaca Pic (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (Turkey) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).D. Trigonoscelis schrencki Gebler (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) (Kazakhstan) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).E. Saga pedo Pallas (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) (Kazakhstan) (Photo M. Volkovitsh).F. Piazomias sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Kazakhstan) (Photo M. Volkovitsh). (See color plate).

126 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.2 Distribution of Curculionoidea across six types of desert plant communities in Transaltai Gobi, Mongolia. 6–1 =desert plant communities (from north to south): 6, Anabasis brevifolia steppefied desert; 5, Reaumuria soongorica + Sympegmaregelii desert; 4, Haloxylon ammodendron desert; 3, Reaumuria soongorica + Nitraria sphaerocarpa desert; 2, extra-arid Iljiniaregelii desert; 1, extra-arid Ephedra przewalskii + Haloxylon ammodendron (in dry temporary waterbeds) desert.Steppe Species (+) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Desert Species (*)* * Pseudorchestesfurcipubens (Reitter)* * * Deracanthus faldermanniFaldermannCionus zonovi Korotyaev + * * * * * D. hololeucus FaldermannEremochorus inflatus (Petri) + * * * Mongolocleonus gobiensis(Voss)Macrotarrhus kiritshenkoiZaslavsky+ * * * * Pycnodactylus oryx(Reitter)Philernus gracilitarsis (Reitter) + * * Stephanocleonus helenae(Ter-Minassian)Pseudorchestes sp. + * * * Elasmobaris alboguttata(Brisout)Stephanocleonus paradoxus(Fåhraeus)+ * * * Perapion ?myochroum(Schilsky)Fremuthiella vossi(Ter-Minassian)+ + * * * P. centrasiaticum(Bajtenov)Stephanocleonus potaniniFaust+ + * * * Anthypurinus kaszabi(Bajtenov)S. inopinatus (Ter-Minassian) + + * Lixus incanescensBohemanS. excisus Reitter + + * Sibinia sp. pr. beckeriDesbrochersS. persimilis Faust + * Cosmobaris scolopacea(Germar)Gronops semenovi Faust + + * Oxyonyx kaszabi BajtenovEremochorus mongolicus(Motschulsky)+ + + * Platygasteronyxhumeridens (Voss)Conorhynchus conirostris(Gebler)+ + + + + +* P. macrosquamosusKorotyaevExtrazonal consortium ofReaumuria soongorica(□)Corimalia reaumuriae□ □ □(Zherichin)Coniatus zaslavskii Korotyaev □ □C. minutus Korotyaev □ □ □all regions of the Palearctic are subjected to strongseasonal changes in temperature and precipitation.Long periods of fall and winter are characterized byminimum insect activity. Some of the most typicalwinter insects are representatives of the Holarcticfamily Boreidae, the snow scorpionflies. These smallmecopterans of the genus Boreus (Fig. 7.4g) appear inthe fall and winter and often hop and walk on the snow.On the Russian Plain, maximum insect biodiversityof herbivores can be observed in late May and inJune. The taxonomic aspect of any local fauna alsochanges with time. A number of species are activeonly in early spring, particularly those in southern,more xeric regions of the Palearctic. Good examplesinclude many flightless black Longitarsus (Chrysomelidae)species that are associated with ephemeral plants,

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 127(b)(c)(a)(d)(f)(e)(g)Fig. 7.4A. Aphthona nonstriata Goeze (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).B. Clavicornaltica dali Konstantinov and Duckett (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).C. Mniophila muscorum Koch (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).D. Kiskeya baorucae Konstantinov and Chamorro-Lacayo (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).E. Cryptocephalus ochroloma Gebler (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).F. Margarinotus (Kurilister) kurbatovi Tishechkin (Coleoptera: Histeridae).G. Boreus hyemalis (L.) (Mecoptera: Boreidae).

128 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshand in their flightless features, are similar to alpinemembers of the genus (Konstantinov 2005). The maximumbiodiversity of adult weevils in the steppe ofthe Northwestern Caucasus precedes the maximumlocal air temperature and precipitation, which mightmean that the phenology of holometabolous herbivoresis adjusted to the maximum supply of warmth andwater for the feeding (larval) stage. Late maturation ofthe hemimetabolous insects (orthopterans, bugs, andleafhoppers) fits this speculation: the development oftheir larvae and nymphs proceeds in the warmest partof summer.Several of the largest Palearctic genera of families ofmost species that are rich in woodlands of other biogeographicregions are confined to open landscapes in thePalearctic Region. The best illustration is the largestgenus of the mostly xylophagous family Cerambycidae,the endemic Dorcadion, with all 300-plus speciesoccurring in meso- to xerophilic grasslands. No genusof dendrobiont cerambycids has comparable diversityin the Palearctic. The leaf-mining tribe Rhamphini ofthe Curculioninae, with about 100 Palearctic speciesin some 10 genera on trees and bushes, has its largestsubendemic genus in the region (with one species inNamibia). This subendemic genus, Pseudorchestes,hasmore than 35 described and dozens of yet undescribedspecies that develop on herbaceous plants and semishrubsof the Asteraceae. Among the predatory beetles,the lady-beetle genus Tetrabrachys (= Lithophilus) ofthe endemic subfamily Lithophilinae, with 51 species(Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1974), is the largest in the region.The vast majority of its species are confined to xericareas of the southern Palearctic, mostly in the westernhalf. The second largest genus in the region, Hyperaspis,with 45 species, also has most of its speciesdistributed in the dry open landscapes. The greatdiversification of the open-landscape Hyperinae andLixinae, compared with just a few typically woodlandspecies of these large subfamilies of the Curculionidae,is also characteristic, as is the absence of dendrophilousBaridinae in the western and central Palearctic; thebaridine fauna associated with herbs, however, is fairlyspecies rich. The same tendency is also obvious inthe Alticini (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Cassidinae(Chrysomelidae), and the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae,tribes Cionini and Tychiini of the Curculioninae, andSitonini of the Entiminae (Curculionidae). The faunalsimilarity with open landscapes of the Nearcticcounterpart is rather low. The Nearctic has greaterrepresentation of the predominantly tropical weevilfamilies Anthribidae and Dryophthoridae and the subfamilyConoderinae of the Curculionidae, whereas theHyperinae, Lixinae, Cyclominae, Rhythirinini, Tychius,and many taxa of the Entiminae that dominate grasslandcommunities in the Palearctic are absent orsubordinate in the Nearctic.NOTES ON BIODIVERSITY OF SOMEINSECT GROUPS IN THE PALEARCTICMost of the large orders have wide representation inthe Palearctic. More than 100,000 species of beetles,for example, occur in the region. The other mostspecies-rich orders are Diptera, Hymenoptera, andLepidoptera. Higher taxa with different types of foodspecialization gain richness in the Palearctic, includingits northern parts. Parasitic wasps, for example,are represented by a greater number of species than isthe entire order Coleoptera in the British Isles (LaSalleand Gauld 1991, cited by Sugonyaev and Voinovich2006). The less-specialized predatory, mycophagous,and phytophagous fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)and highly specialized phytophagous sawflies(Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) have enormous faunas,with 645 species in Karelia (Polevoi 2007) andabout 800 species in Finland (A. G. Zinovjev, personalcommunication), respectively. Many higher taxaof noxious blood-sucking insects, such as the ordersSiphonaptera and Phthiraptera and the dipteran familiesCulicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae, Tabanidae,Gasterophilidae, Hypodermatidae, Oestridae, andHippoboscidae,arewidelyrepresentedinthePalearctic.Of the blood-sucking Diptera that transmit dangerousdisease agents, only the Glossinidae with their infamoustse-tse are absent, and the Psychodidae are restrictedto the southernmost regions of the Palearctic. ThePalearctic Siphonaptera fauna, with 900 species, isthe largest in the world, comprising 40% of the worldspecies and genera, although only one monotypic subfamily,with 19 species, is endemic (Medvedev 1998).Scale insects (Sternorrhyncha: Coccina), most conspicuousin the tropical forests, are less abundant anddiversifiedinthePalearcticbutarepresentinallclimaticzones, including the Arctic. Entomophagous wasps ofthe superfamily Chalcidoidea, which are associatedclosely with scale insects, have developed a specialstrategy of host use in the high latitudes that differs

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 129from the strategy used in the tropics (Sugonyaev andVoinovich 2006).A few orders, largely contributing to the faunasof the adjacent tropical regions, and all belongingto the Orthopteroidea, are poorly represented in thePalearctic: Blattaria, Dermaptera, Isoptera, Mantodea,and Phasmatodea. Most higher taxa of PalearcticOrthoptera are widely distributed in the tropics, but afew subfamilies are mainly Palearctic (Deracanthinae,Glyphonotinae, Onconotinae, Pamphaginae, andThrinchinae). Among tribes, the Chrysochraontini,Conophymatini, Drymadusini, Gampsocleidini, andOdonturini are endemic. Almost all the taxa in thesegroups have their centers of diversity and endemism inthe southern Palearctic (Sergeev 1993).For many large family-group taxa, the Palearcticcontains a relatively small percentage of the worldfauna. For example, the beetle family Buprestidae (Fig.7.2f, g) comprises 2430 species in 99 genera in thePalearctic – approximately 17% of the species and20.2% of the genera in the world (Bellamy 2003,Löbl and Smetana 2006). The large group of phytophagousflea beetles (Chrysomelidae, Alticini), withabout 11,000 species and 600 genera worldwide, isrepresented in the Palearctic by about 2400 speciesand 64 genera. Yet only a few genera of the Alticiniare endemic to the Palearctic; most of them are distributedin the mountains of southern Europe, theCaucasus, and the Mediterranean (Konstantinov andVandenberg 1996). Many Oriental and some Afrotropicalgenera are represented by only a few species inthe Palearctic at the eastern or southern borders of theregion.The subfamily Ceutorhynchinae of the Curculionidae– similar to the Alticini in many ecologicalfeatures and range of body size – had 1316described species as of 2003, and includes Palearcticrepresentatives of 12 of 14 presently distinguishedtribes (Colonnelli 2004), with only two Paleotropicaltribes (Lioxyonychini and Hypohypurini) absent fromthe region. About half of the species of this worldwidesubfamily and 102 of the total 167 genera occur inthe Palearctic; 79 genera and 2 tribes are Palearcticendemics.For many boreal and temperate groups, thePalearctic has the most species-rich fauna, comparedwith other zoogeographical regions. The Cecidomyiidae(Diptera), for example, have 3057 species inthe Palearctic, compared with only 533 species inthe Neotropics (Gagne 2007). This trend is alsotrue for aphids, which are mostly Holarctic; theircomplicated life cycle is possibly an adaptation to atemperate climate. Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera)have a similar distribution of diversity. They arericher in the northern hemisphere, particularly inthe Palearctic. The tribe Exenterini, for example,is distributed almost entirely in the Holarctic, withall genera represented in the Palearctic (Kasparyan1990). Many species have wide transpalearctic rangesthat are almost entirely confined to forest regions.Most (Kasparyan 1990) are parasites of variousTenthredinidae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), whichare also rich in species in the Palearctic. Taeger et al.(2006) counted 1386 species of Symphyta in Europe,220 species in Norway, and 8 in Novaya Zemlya. ForChina, the estimate is 2600 species and 350 genera(Wei et al. 2006).Aquatic and amphibiotic insect groups are alsorich in the Palearctic. About one-third of the world’sblood-sucking Simuliidae, all with aquatic larvae, aredistributed in the Palearctic (Adler and Crosskey 2008).Chironomidae, with their predominantly aquatic larvae,also are species rich in the Palearctic, dominatingthe Arctic aquatic complexes and including the northernmostdipterans (also southernmost in the Antarctic:Nartshuk 2003). For Russia, the following speciesnumbers are available for the largest insect orders(partly including the fauna of neighboring countries):Ephemeroptera – about 300 species (N. Ju. Klugepersonal communication), Odonata – 148 species(Kharitonov 1997), Plecoptera –225 species (Zhiltzova2003), Megaloptera –15 species (Vshivkova 2001),Trichoptera – 652 species (Ivanov 2007), Neuroptera–11 species (Krivokhatsky 2001), Lepidoptera – 8 species(Lvovsky 2001), Coleoptera – about 700 species(Kirejtshuk 2001), and Hymenoptera – 24 species(Kozlov 2001). Plecoptera, with preference for coldwater, are quite unique in the Palearctic (Zhiltzova2003). In particular, the Euholognatha include a largenumber of taxa endemic to the Palearctic, includingthe Scopuridae, with a single genus of five species.The Taeniopterygidae and Capniidae contain largenumbers of genera endemic to the Palearctic (6 of 13worldwide and 7 of 17, respectively). Only one family,the Notonemouridae, with 69 species, is absent fromthe Palearctic, being distributed in the Neotropics,Australia, and Africa south of the Sahara (Zhiltzova2003). The ranges of many Palearctic species are

130 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshrelatively small, such as that of Capnia kolymensisZhiltzova from the Kolyma River and several species ofNemoura from Iturup Island. The distributions of manyspecies associated with cold water are restricted tomountain systems (Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, TienShan). Their endemism at the species level reaches60% (Zhiltzova 2003). Endemism of other aquaticinsect groups, such as Trichoptera, is estimated at36% (Zhiltzova 2003).The Palearctic is sometimes among a few places onEarth where a rare group of flies is distributed. The familyCanthyloscelidae, for example, has a single genus(Hyperoscelis) with three species in the Palearctic andtwo other genera with four species in southern SouthAmerica and four species in New Zealand (Nartshuk1992). Among the widely distributed families of flies,the following are known from the Palearctic but areabsent in the Nearctic: Camillidae, Cryptochetidae,Megamerinidae, and Xenasteiidae of the Acalyptratae,and Eugeniidae and Villeneuviellidae of the Calyptratae.Almost all are widely distributed in the Orientalor Afrotropical Regions. The Nearctic has sevenfamilies of flies not known from the Palearctic. Therecently established family Xenasteiidae in the Palearcticoccurs in the Mediterranean and on the islandsof the Indian and Pacific oceans. The Apioceridae areknown from all regions except the Palearctic (Nartshuk1992).Many endemic Palearctic higher taxa have relativesin either the Nearctic or the temperate areasof the Southern Hemisphere. But the weevil subfamilyOrobitidinae, in addition to the oligotypic Palearcticgenus Orobitis associated with Viola plants, includes thegenus Parorobitis (Fig. 7.5c), with a few species (hostsunknown) in tropical South America (Korotyaev et al.2000) where Violaceae are represented by more than300 species (Smith et al. 2004).Small insect families contribute considerably to theinsect biodiversity of the Palearctic Region. Panorpaspecies, the scorpionflies (Mecoptera), although neitherspeciose nor abundant, are common in mixedand nemoral European forests, and the oligotypicSialidae (Megaloptera) comprise a conspicuous componentof the European riparian landscape. A relativelysmall beetle family, the Trogossitidae, includes theworldwide synanthropic Tenebrioides mauritanicus L.,which is injurious to stored products. Ostoma ferrugineum(L.) and a few species of the genera Peltisand Thymalus frequently are found under bark in alltypes of Palearctic forests except the northernmosttaiga. Larvae of one of the two European representativesof the beetle family Byturidae in some yearsdestroy a considerable part of the raspberry harvest.The European Dascillus cervinus (L.) and the CaucasianD. elongatus Faldermann of the small family Dascillidaeare abundant under the forest canopy for shortperiods of their adult lives. Their Eastern Palearctically, Macropogon pubescens Motschulsky, is one of thefew common beetles around bushes of Pinus pumilaRegel in the hills of the middle Kolyma basin (NortheastAsia), which has a markedly impoverished insectfauna. Mycterus curculionoides (F.) of the small familyMycteridae often dominates assemblages of mediumsizedbeetles in the mid-summer dry grasslands of theWestern Palearctic.Two myco-detritophagous families of small beetles,Cryptophagidae and Latridiidae, include severalhundred brown beetles, all rather uniform in appearance,occurring almost everywhere except the northerntundra. They are especially abundant in wetriparian litter. These families, as well as the predominantlymesohygrophilous and rather uniform Helodidae(= Cyphonidae), illustrate a tendency that the leastconspicuous taxa often have the greatest species richness.Many staphylinid beetles fit this trend, includingthose that live in the open (some Stenus) and the cryptobionts(e.g., small Aleocharinae). The largest genusof the Alticini in the Palearctic, Longitarsus, with 221species in the region (29 species only on Mount Hermonin Israel; Chikatunov and Pavliček 2005), is notparticularly diverse morphologically. One of the largestgenera of weevils in the Palearctic, Ceutorhynchus,withabout 300 species, is also morphologically less diverse,compared with the showy Oriental Mecysmoderes fromthe same subfamily.BIODIVERSITY OF INSECTHERBIVORESAmong the herbivores, the greatest species richness isachieved by insects with rhizophagous, soil-inhabitinglarvae. These groups include the weevil subfamilyEntiminae (Fig. 7.3f) with about 14,000 knownspecies (3500 in the Palearctic), the tribe Alticini of theChrysomelidae with about 11,000 species worldwideand ca 3000 species in the Palearctic, and the noctuidmoths with 27,000 species (5500 in the Palearctic).Of the Entiminae, the largest genus is the Palearctic

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 131Otiorhynchus s.l., with about 1000 species; all are winglessand many have restricted ranges in the mountainsof southern Europe, Anatolia, and Middle and CentralAsia 1 . The high number of species probably relateslittle to trophic specializations because many speciesare apparently polyphagous, which is probably truemost of the subfamily Entiminae. Winglessness likelyfacilitates geographic isolation. Otiorhynchus alsoincludes a great number of parthenogenetic forms thatare genetically isolated, with their own ranges andecological associations. Many other mostly winglessgenera of the Entiminae include parthenogeneticforms, which probably enables rapid range extensions.The vast territory of the Russian Plain with its shortpost-glaciation history has faunas of the generaOtiorhynchus (18 species) and Trachyphloeus (9 species)that consist exclusively of parthenogenetic formswhose known bisexual ancestors, when present, havenarrow ranges in the neighboring or rather distantmountain systems. Most of the parthenogenetic formsoccur in the temperate and boreal forests and in thesteppe zone, whereas no endemic parthenogeneticforms are known from the tundra, and only a few live inthe desert zone (Korotyaev 1992). The relict bisexualforms often are localized in the mountains, whereastheir parthenogenetic derivatives are in the plains.The wingless species of Otiorhynchus contradict speculationthatalimitednumberofspeciescanbeproducedwithin a single genus, presuming that only a certainnumber of combinations of morphological charactersco-occur to give rise to viable forms, whereasmany other combinations, being maladaptive, are1 Middle Asia is a climatic/natural region distinct from CentralAsia (Korotyaev et al. 2005, Medvedev 2005b). It includesthe Asian republics of the former USSR and neighboring partsof Afghanistan and Iran. The region is characterized by warmwinters and maximum rainfall in spring and autumn. CentralAsia is a climatic region that includes Mongolia and a largearea of northwestern China. It is characterized by an extremecontinental climate with harsh winters and maximum rainfallin late summer. The term Middle Asia is used in the Russianliterature, but in the English-language literature Middle Asiais incorporated in Central Asia.selected against. This idea might apply to planktonicforms (Zarenkov 1976) but is wrong for terrestrialbeetles. Otiorhynchus in the broad sense has a greatnumber of species that differ only in the proportions oftheir antennal funicle, sexually dimorphic characters,vestiture, and coloration. Considering that every newtaxon potentially could produce a further set of descendantswith innumerable combinations of old and newcharacters, one can hardly imagine reasonable limitationsfor the diversity of species that could evolve inOtiorhynchus and other apterous beetles. <strong>Part</strong>henogenesisincreases this diversity, but here a limitation doesexist: parthenogenetic forms of weevils do not havemore than six haploid chromosome sets; hexaploidsare terminal products of parthenogenesis.The diversity of a taxon of specialized herbivores isoften proportional to the number of species in thehost-plant taxon (although this statement is morehypothetical than verified), but sometimes it is not.Even when it is, many species of the higher host taxonhave no insect consortia of their own, whereas a singleor a few species harbor many herbivores. This situationis true for Ephedra in Mongolia: 10 species of theweevil tribe Oxyonychini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)(Fig. 7.5d) known from this country (Korotyaev 1982and unpublished data) live on Ephedra sinica Stapf andE. przewalskii Stapf, whereas no species of Oxyonychiniis apparently associated with 6 (Grubov 1982) otherMongolian species of Ephedra. Similarly, 14 speciesof Oxyonychini (half the species with known hosts)are associated with Ephedra major Host (= E. proceraFisch. and Mey.) in the Western Palearctic (Colonnelli2004), which is probably the host plant with one ofthe greatest numbers of weevils specialized on a singlespecies in the Palearctic Region. Often, only a few, orno, herbivores can be found in localities or regionswith a wide variety of potential hosts, while relativelypoor habitats or countries can harbor greater insectbiodiversity. For example, in Ul’yanovsk Province inthe middle Volga area of Russia, 9 species of the weevilgenus Tychius are found on 9 species of Astragalus(Fabaceae) (Isaev 2001), whereas in Mongolia, withFig. 7.5 (See figure on the following page.)A. Carabus lopatini Morawitz (Coleoptera: Carabidae).B. Cimberis attelaboides (F.) (Coleoptera: Nemonychidae).C. Parorobitis gibbus Korotyaev, O’Brien and Konstantinov (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).D. Theodorinus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

132 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitsh(a)(b)(c)(d)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 13368 species (Sanchir 1982) of Astragalus, only4or5species of Tychius are known to be associated with thishost genus.The number of specialized and occasional arthropodfeeders on a particular plant species can be quitehigh. For example, 175 species are reported on Lepidiumdraba L. (Brassicaceae), with the majority beinginsects (Cripps et al. 2006).For the entire superfamily Curculionoidea, excludingscolytines, the plant species to beetle species ratiois 6 : 1 in the Caucasus and Mongolia. In continentalNortheast Asia, in the northern taiga and tundrazones of Magadan Province and Chukchi AutonomousDistrict, this ratio is about 12 : 1 (13 : 1 in theimpoverished biota of the Kamchatka Peninsula andthe Koryak Plateau north of it), and about 30 : 1 in theArctic Wrangel Island (B. A. Korotyaev unpublisheddata). In local steppe areas, the ratio is about 2.5 : 1(Korotyaev 2000 – isolated steppe site; Korotyaev,unpublished data – Taman’ Peninsula).The diversity of beetle herbivores is unevenlydistributed among higher plant taxa. Grasses andsedges that dominate the vegetation over vastterritories in the Palearctic usually possess poorinsect consortia, consisting mostly of planthoppers(Auchenorrhyncha), although the genus Carex hasthe greatest number of insect herbivores amongherbaceous plants (75; Emeljanov 1967). MostPalearctic insects with chewing mouthparts, such asweevils and leaf beetles, avoid monocots. Among thePalearctic Chrysomelidae, a few genera of flea beetles(e.g., Chaetocnema and Psylliodes) include a relativelylarge number of species that feed on monocots. Mostother chrysomelids associated with monocots in thePalearctic belong to a few primitive subfamilies, such asthe predominantly temperate, aquatic Donaciinae with62 species in the former USSR (Lopatin et al. 2004).A few Palearctic species of the large, mostly tropicaltribe Hispini are associated with grasses. In Belarus,64 of 351 species of leaf beetles feed on Poaceae andCyperaceae (Lopatin and Nesterova 2005). Two smallgenera of stem-mining cerambycids (Theophilea andCalamobius) and the two largest Palearctic generawith rhizophagous larvae (Dorcadion and Eodorcadion)are associated with Poaceae. Among weevils, mostof the monocot feeders belong to specific family- andgenus-group taxa with predominantly extratropicaldistributions (family Erirhinidae; subfamily Bagoinae,tribe Mononychini, and genera Prisistus and Oprohinusof the Ceutorhynchinae; and genus Limnobaris of theBaridinae, Curculionidae) and tropical distributions(families Brachyceridae and Dryophthoridae; Apsisalbolineatus (F.) of the Curculionidae: Myorhinini).Buprestids of the small but morphologically specializedgenera Cylindromorphus and Paracylindromorphusare associated with grasses, sedges, and reed (Phragmitesaustralis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel). Severalspecies of Aphanisticus develop on Juncus (Juncaceae),and larvae of the highly specialized genusCyphosoma (Chrysochroinae: Dicercini) (Fig. 7.2g)develop in tubers of Bolboschoenus (Ascherson) Palla(Cyperaceae). Orthopterans – ‘hexapod horses’ withpowerful mandibles – are the only insects withchewing mouthparts that are abundant on grasses,although not all of them feed on monocots.The majority of Palearctic phytophagous insects areassociated with seed plants (Spermatopsida). Conifers(Pinophyta) have less diverse insect assemblages thando angiosperms (Magnoliophyta). For example, of351 species of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in Belarus,only 4 feed on conifers: the monophagous Cryptocephaluspini L. (Cryptocephalinae), oligophagousCalomicrus pinicola Duftschmidt (Galerucinae),and polyphagous Cryptocephalus quadripustulatusGyllenhal (Cryptocephalinae) and Luperus longicornisF. (Galerucinae) (Lopatin and Nesterova 2005). Evenat the northern border of taiga in Northeast Asia,only 8 of 130 species of Curculionoidea (excludingScolytinae) are associated with conifers. Yet, a vastnumber of wood-borers are associated with conifers,primarily beetles of the families Anobiidae (includingPtininae), Bostrichidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae,and Scolytinae of the Curculionidae, all of whichpossess many species, even in northern taiga, andregularly cause damage to forests and plantations.Lepidoptera developing on foliage also include seriousforest pests, and a few Symphyta (Hymenoptera) attackboth strobiles and wood. In total, 202 species of strictlyoligophagous insects are associated with 5 genera ofconifers in the former USSR, according to Emeljanov(1967): Pinus (82 species), Picea (50), Larix (25),Juniperus (23), and Abies (22). Ephedra (Ephedraceae)is unique in having an entire fauna of the endemicweevil tribe Oxyonychini, with 20 genera and about60 species. Most of the few xylophagous buprestidsand longhorn beetles that develop on Ephedra alsoare specific to this genus. Some planthoppers andapparently less mobile Sternorrhyncha also arespecialized on this plant. Small predatory coccinellidsof the genus Pharoscymnus in southern Mongolia occur

134 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshonly on Ephedra (B. A. Korotyaev unpublished data),and Pharoscymnus auricomus Savoiskaya is associatedmainly with these plants in sand deserts of Middle Asia(Savoiskaya 1984). Leaf beetles and weevils do notcommonly feed on both conifers and angiosperms, butsome large and widely distributed weevil genera (e.g.,Anthonomus, Hylobius, andCossonus) include speciesthat develop on either conifers or angiosperms.Ferns and mosses have relatively small numbersof phytophagous insects in the Palearctic. Amongleaf beetles, fern feeding is known only in the far southof the region, in the Himalayas where many species ofthe genus Manobia (Alticini) use a variety of ferns. Inthe New World, fern-feeding flea beetles are assignedto a Caribbean genus (Normaltica), with one species inthe Dominican Republic and one in Puerto Rico andthe genus Leptophysa, about 18 species of which aredistributed in Central and South America and in theCaribbean. Leptophysa species are remarkably similarto those of Manobia. Among the Buprestidae, larvaeof the mainly Oriental genus Endelus (Agrilinae) feedon ferns. Some European Otiorhynchus weevils feedon ferns. Mosses are less populated by flea beetlesin the northern Palearctic than in the south. Theonly known moss-living flea beetle in the northernPalearctic is Mniophila muscorum Koch (Fig. 7.4c). Inthe Himalayas, the mountains of Yunnan, and farthersouth in Asia, most of the moss-living flea beetlesbelong to the same genera as the leaf-litter flea beetles(e.g., Benedictus, Clavicornaltica (Fig. 7.4b), Paraminota,and Paraminotella) (Konstantinov and Duckett 2005),except for Ivalia and Phaelota, which live in mosses insouthern India, but are not found in leaf litter or mossesin the Palearctic (Duckett et al. 2006, Konstantinovand Chamorro-Lacayo 2006). In the New World, theonly moss-living flea beetles belong to the genus Kiskeya(Fig. 7.4d), with two species known from two neighboringmountain systems in the Dominican part ofthe Caribbean island Hispaniola (Konstantinov andChamorro-Lacayo 2006). All moss-feeding flea beetlesshare a similar habitus. They are among the smallestflea beetles and have round bodies, relatively robustappendages, and somewhat clavate antennae. The Holarcticflea-beetle genus Hippuriphila is unique in its hostchoice. All four species of the genus feed on Equisetum(Equisetopsida) (Konstantinov and Vandenberg 1996).No other leaf beetle in the Palearctic feeds on plants ofthis taxon, but a few species of Bagous weevils and allfour species of the Holarctic genus Grypus of erirhinidweevils also are associated with Equisetum.It is unknown why some plant groups have diversephytophagous assemblages while others do not. Someplant taxa that are diverse and significant in plantcommunities have a low diversity of insect consumers.Two plant genera have similar representation in theMongolian vegetation but differ sharply in the diversityof their weevil consortia. Thirty species of Allium arefound in Mongolia. Many of them dominate plantcommunities and are major sources of food for grazinganimals, but only a single weevil of the specializedceutorhynchine genus Oprohinus is associated withthem. The wormwood genus Artemisia has 65 speciesin Mongolia (Leonova 1982) and dominates manytypes of plant communities. These plants havediverse phytophagous assemblages of more than100 species of Auchenorrhyncha and Coleoptera(Buprestidae, Chrysomelidae, and Curculionidae).Some plants that dominate certain communitieshave species-rich phytophagous consortia, such asoaks (Quercus) among trees, Artemisia among herbsand semishrubs, and sedges (Carex) among herbs(Emeljanov 1967). Many highly specialized herbivoresare associated with plants that have a high levelof mechanical and chemical defenses, includingmany Euphorbia-eating Aphthona (Chrysomelidae)(Fig. 7.4a), Perotis cuprata (Klug) (Buprestidae), andOberea (Cerambycidae); Aphthona nonstriata Goeze andMononychus punctumalbum (Herbst) (Curculionidae)on Iris pseudacorus L.; Nastus and Lixus species(Curculionidae) on Heracleum species; and a fewBuprestidae, Lema decempunctata (Gebler), severalAlticini in the genera Psylliodes and Epitrix,twospecies in two genera of Cassidini (Chrysomelidae),and Neoplatygaster venustus (Faust) (Curculionidae:Ceutorhynchinae) on various Solanaceae. Somechrysomelids and weevils specialize almost exclusivelyon plants that contain toxic secondary compounds,combining unrelated taxa in their host ranges. Forexample, Psylliodes species feed on Brassicaceae,Cannabaceae, Cardueae, and Poaceae, as well as onSolanaceae; and of the four Far-Eastern Russian Lemaspecies (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), two develop onmonocots, one on Solanaceae, and one on Cardueae(Medvedev 1992). An analysis of host specializationof 321 species of flea beetles (Chrysomelidae) in theEuropean part of the former USSR and the Caucasusshows that plant families most popular as hostsfor flea beetles are among the most speciose in theflora. The most species-rich families of plants on theRussian Plain are the Asteraceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae,

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 135Fabaceae, Cyperaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae,and Brassicaceae (Alexeev and Gubanov 1980). Theplant families most popular for flea beetles are theBrassicaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae,Scrophulariaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Poaceae; forthe buprestid tribe Acmaeoderini, they are theFabaceae, Fagaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae,Rosaceae, Asteraceae, and Moraceae (Volkovitshand Lobanov 1997); and for the weevil subfamilyCeutorhynchinae (in the entire Palearctic), theyare the Brassicaceae, Ephedraceae, Lamiaceae,Boraginaceae, Asteraceae, Fagaceae, and Liliaceae.Among plant families, the Brassicaceae are commonand numerous in the Palearctic and Nearctic, but theirweevil consortia in the two regions are quite different.Nearly half of the Palearctic fauna of the weevilsubfamily Baridinae – about 60 species in 6 endemicgenera – is associated with crucifers, whereas crucifereatingBaridinae are lacking in the Nearctic. Anotherweevil subfamily, the Ceutorhynchinae, is much lessspecies rich in the Nearctic than in the Palearctic, withabout 80 species of a single genus Ceutorhynchus, asopposed to more than 220 species of Ceutorhynchus and6 species of 3 other small genera in the Palearctic. Thissubfamily includes members of at least 11 Holarcticspecies groups, totaling about 25–30% of the Nearcticfauna. The Brassicaceae are unique in having atleast 450 species of specialized beetles in the Palearctic(Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Urodontidae, and Curculionidae:Baridinae, Ceutorhynchinae, and Lixinae)that feed on its many species. About 60 species offlea beetles feed on the Brassicaceae in France (Doguet1994).The plant family Asteraceae has a diverse faunaof phytophagous beetles. About 65 species of fleabeetles, for example, feed on various asteraceans inFrance (Doguet 1994), and 67 species of the leaf beetlesfeed on Asteraceae in Belarus (Lopatin and Nesterova2005). Asteraceae-feeding Baridinae (Curculionidae)are present in both the Palearctic and Nearctic, butthey belong to different genera or even tribes, as do theBaridinae living on hygrophilous monocots.Oak consortia probably are richest in the Palearctic(Emeljanov 1967). Some weevil genera (e.g., Curculio)of these consortia are equally represented inthe Nearctic, but some, such as several genera of thetribe Rhamphini (Curculioninae) and genus Coeliodes(Ceutorhynchinae), are lacking in the Nearctic.Some insects demonstrate major differences in theirhost choice in the Palearctic and other biogeographicalregions. Flea beetles in the Palearctic, for example, feedmostly on herbs and grasses, with just a few species onwoody plants. In the Oriental Region, flea beetles feedmostly on bushes and trees. Thus, in the Palearctic,they occur mostly in open spaces such as meadows andswamps, whereas in the Oriental Region, they are richin species in forest communities.BOUNDARIES AND INSECTBIODIVERSITYThe boundaries between faunal complexes of any rank(e.g., biogeographical realms or assemblages of insectsin two adjacent localities) and the distributional limitsfor particular species typically run across physicalgradients. Although the literature on this matter isvoluminous (Darlington 1963), we add several newPalearctic examples.The boundary between the western and easternparts of the Palearctic for most groups of plantsand animals is situated between the Altai Mountainsand Lake Baikal; for some taxa, it coincidesapproximately with the Yenisei River. Two typicalArctic Chrysolina species (Chrysomelidae), Ch. cavigeraSahlberg and Ch. subsulcata Mannerheim, have notbeen found west of the Yenisei River (Chernov et al.1994). At the source of the Yenisei, at Kyzyl City inTuva, where the width of the river barely exceeds100 m, the fauna differs considerably between the left(western) bank and the right (eastern; in Tuva, northern)bank. Chrysolina jakovlevi Weise occurs mostlynorth of Tuva in southern Krasnoyarsk Territory andKhakasia. In Tuva, it inhabits only stony slopes in anarrow strip of desert steppe on the right bank of theYenisei (Medvedev and Korotyaev 1976). Chrysolinatuvensis L. Medvedev is known only from the desertsteppe on the right bank near Kyzyl, and Ch. sajanicaJacobson occurs in the dry steppe on the southernmostWest Sayans piedmont. The wingless Chrysolina urjanchaicaJacobson, an endemic of the right-bank steppeand the interfluvial area of the Ka-Khem and Bii-Khemrivers (Korotyaev 2001b), is substituted on the leftbank by a similar and closely related species, Ch. convexicollisJacobson, distributed throughout the rest ofTuva and in adjacent northwestern Mongolia. A winglessweevil, Eremochorus zaslavskii Korotyaev, endemicto the right bank, substitutes there for the widelydistributed E. sinuatocollis (Faust). These examples

136 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshdemonstrate the isolating role that a relatively narrowriver can play. Rivers and their valleys also play arole as distribution pathways. Land insects with bothrelatively limited and large ranges tend to penetrate farthernorth or south along valleys of major rivers in thePalearctic.Another boundary exists along the Ural Mountainsand lower course of the Volga River. Isaev (1994) foundseveral species of beetles with eastern distributionsreaching the right bank of the Volga in Ul’yanovskProvince, including a steppe weevil, Ceutorhynchuspotanini Korotyaev, distributed in Siberia from theWestern Sayan Mountains to central Yakutia, as wellas in Mongolia.Mountain systems represent obvious borders betweenfaunas. The Carpathians limit distribution tothe east for a number of beetle species including carabids(Carabus auronitens F. and C. variolosus F.) andachafer(Hoplia praticola Duftschmidt). A number ofsoutheastern European species do not reach fartherwest than the Carpathians (Arnoldi 1958).Climate might explain why some distributional limitsdo not coincide with obvious physical boundaries.The southern boundaries of the ranges of severalEuro-Siberian weevils, such as Phyllobius thalassinusGyllenhal (Entiminae), Ceutorhynchus pervicax Weise,C. cochleariae Gyllenhal, and Trichosirocalus barnevillei(Grenier) (Ceutorhynchinae), run along the southernslope of the West Sayan Range, but not in the northernfoothills of this range, presently impassable for theseweevils. The distribution of these species to the southis apparently not limited by the high mountain ranges,but rather by the aridity. Trichosirocalus barnevillei ispresent in the Yenisei flood land below and south ofthe forest margin, which is a typical distribution forwoodland species outside forest massifs.Two common Euro-Siberian weevils have the southernmargins of their ranges on northern slopes ofdifferent mountain chains in Tuva. Hemitrichapionreflexum (Gyllenhal) is found only on the southernmostridge of the West Sayan, the Uyukskii Range, whereasBrachysomus echinatus (Bonsdorff) is found only on thenorthern slope of the Eastern Tannu-Ola Range. Oneis a steppe species, the other is a forest species. Theirdistributions in Tuva fit the rule formulated by the wellknownplant geographer O. E. Agakhaniantz (1987):migrants occupy slopes facing the direction of the countryfrom which they came. Yet the preceding examplesof species with the southern boundaries of their rangesrunning along the southern slope of West Sayan do notfollow this rule.LOCAL BIODIVERSITYHigh local biodiversity is illustrated by five closelyrelated endemic species of the weevil genus Ptochus in asmall area of Daghestan (Caucasus) (Ismailova 2006).Three species are located along the river, about 30 kmapart, and two on the opposite sides of the mountainsfacing the river. All species are flightless, similar externally,and feed on the same species of Artemisia. Asimilar pattern of local biodiversity is known for someMiddle Asian Prosodes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Thehigh level of biodiversity often is maintained by reproductiveisolation associated with complicated structureof the genitalia (Medvedev 1990).Local biodiversity of some insect groups is increasedby separation of periods of insect activity, either dailyor seasonal. A well-known example is the scarabaeidgenus Chioneosoma in southern Kazakhstan. Six sympatricspecies of the genus, in addition to havingdifferent habitat associations, have sequential flightperiods, with most adults flying in different plant layers.Of the two species that co-occur in the MuyunkumSands and exhibit no clear differences in flight habits,one flies before sunset and the other half an hour afterthe flight of the first species ceases (Nikolajev 1988).These differences enhance reproductive isolation ofspecies with similar larval habits. Seasonal differentiationof phytophagous insect assemblages followschanges in vegetational aspects: ephemeral plants possessspecific insect consortia often formed by particularinsect taxa, occasionally using a specific habit such asgall inducement (Kaplin 1981).Supposedly nonspecialized feeders also can exhibithigh species diversity, such as predatory carabids,coprophagous scarabs, and detritophagous tenebrionids,of which many include genera with more than 500species (e.g., Carabus, Fig. 7.5a). Local biodiversity ofparasitoids can be higher than that of herbivores. Forexample, about 80 species of ichneumonids were collectedon one excursion to the Kamchatka Peninsula(D. R. Kasparyan personal communication), whereasthe entire weevil fauna of the Peninsula comprisesabout 50 species (Korotyaev 1976). Yet in farthersouthern regions, phytophagous insects are locallyrich. On the plains of the Northwestern Caucasus, forexample, one excursion in May yielded 39 species of the

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 137weevil subfamily Ceutorhynchinae. The entire superfamilyCurculionoidea is represented by 551 speciesin Berlin (Winkelmann 1991). Wanat (1999) reported480 species of Curculionoidea (excluding Platypodidaeand Scolytinae) in the Bialowieża Primeval Forest(eastern Poland), probably the largest broadleaf forestin Europe.INSECT BIODIVERSITY AND HABITATSPlant communities (habitats) in the Palearctic are classifiedas zonal, azonal, or extrazonal (Chernov 1975,Walter and Breckle 1985). Zonal communities are situatedon ‘the flat elevated areas with deep soil whichare neither too porous to water, like sand, nor retaintoo much water, like clay. ... There must be no influencefrom ground water’ (Walter and Breckle 1985).The particular regional climate has its full effect onsuch areas, called euclimatopes or ‘plakor’ in Russian.Azonalvegetationappearswhenthegroundwatertableis so high that the whole area is covered with bogs orwhen vegetation is on sand or alluvial soil. Extrazonalvegetation is zonal vegetation outside its climatic area,for example, steppe meadows in forest zones.The distribution of insects among these types ofcommunities has some regularity. Zonal communitiesare not particularly rich in the northern Palearctic,but increase in richness southward (Chernov 1966).They usually are formed of species whose ranges areassociated with a particular zone. Ranges tend to berelatively large in northern zonal communities andsmall in southern communities. Most southern zones(e.g., steppe) have some endemics (e.g., the chrysomelidAphthona sarmatica Ogloblin), whereas azonal communitiesin the North have a larger number of species withwider ranges.<strong>Insect</strong>s with larger ranges tend to occur in nonspecifichabitats, either intra- or extrazonal. In Mongolia,for example, leaf beetles with transpalearctic rangescommonly occur in ruderal and agricultural habitats,whereas species with smaller, Central Asian rangesoccur in deserts or saline habitats specific to Mongolia(Medvedev 1982), where many widespread speciesalso occur in high populations (Korotyaev et al. 1983).Ranges of many taiga insects also can be quite large,covering the entire taiga.The azonal riparian landscape has a high proportionof insect biodiversity in most of the natural zones,including the tundra (Chernov 1966), taiga (Ivlievet al. 1968), northern part of the Stenopean forests(Egorov et al. 1996), steppes (Medvedev and Korotyaev1976), and deserts (Korotyaev et al. 1983), with theproportion of the riparian species in the total faunaincreasing northward within the taiga zone.Azonal, mainly riparian, communities also includespecies endemic to certain zones. The weevil genusDorytomus, for example, is one of the largest generaof riparian beetle complexes, with 63 species in thePalearctic. Most of its members occur in floodlandhabitats. In the oceanic sectors, they are distributedacross several zones, so that in the Russian Far East,the fauna of the taiga zone is largely the same as thatin the nemoral Stenopean forests. Yet in the desert andlower mountain zones of Middle Asia, most Dorytomusspecies are endemic; for example, all four speciesin southern Tajikistan are endemic to Middle Asia(Nasreddinov 1975). The entire riparian landscape inthe desert zone, with its specific type of forests called‘tugai’, has characteristic insect complexes that includewater beetles and bugs, many amphibionts, xylobionts,and herbivorous insects. Leaf-beetle communities oftugai are highly specific (Lopatin 1977). Most generaendemic to Middle Asia and southern Kazakhstan occurthere (e.g., Atomyria, Jaxartiolus,andParnops). Lopatin(1977) suggested that the tugai leaf-beetle fauna isclosely related to the Mediterranean fauna, differingfrom it in having a number of northern elements (e.g.,Donacia, Gastrophysa,andPhaedon), which migrated toMiddle Asia around the Pleistocene.Many insect communities are hidden in the substrateand less conspicuous than the large and beautiful butterflies,dragonflies, acridids, and bees, or the nastyhorse flies and mosquitoes. They, nonetheless, playdiverse roles, such as preying on injurious and beneficialanimals and decomposing dead organisms. Beetles,with their hard bodies, dominate most types of thesehidden assemblages except those where rapid larvaldevelopment in semi-liquid substrates (e.g., dung andcarrion) gives an advantage to flies, although there, too,many beetles hunt fly larvae. Dozens of insect speciesconstitute different kinds of coprobiont, necrobiont,and various dendrobiont (mostly under-bark) communities.Several large beetle families are specialized forthese sorts of habitats. Most Silphidae (carrion beetles)consume large and medium-sized carrion; Catopinae(Leiodidae) feed on small dead bodies; Trogidae, probablyNecrobia (Cleridae), and Dermestes (Dermestidae)feed on dry skin remnants of vertebrates. Several beetlefamilies are specialized fungivores, including most of

138 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshthe Ciidae, Erotylidae, Endomychidae, many Tenebrionidae(e.g., Bolitophagus reticulatus L.), the subfamilyDorcatominae of the Ptinidae, and some Nitidulidae(e.g., Cyllodes ater (Herbst) and Pocadius species). Beetleconsortia of a particular tree fungus in the southerntaiga of the Urals and Western Siberia comprise dozensof species. For example, 54 species in 16 families occuron Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton: Fr.) Schrot (Basidiomycetes)(Krasutskii 2007). In the nemoral zone,especially in the Far East, fungal beetle consortia aremore diversified and include representatives of exoticOriental genera. On Kunashir Island, large erotylids ofseveral species are visible for 20 m in thin forest, wherethey sit on the stroma of large tree fungi. Leiodidae arefar more speciose and abundant in the mild and humidoceanic climate, especially in autumn. Agathidium laevigatumErichson is present even on Bering Island (Lafer1989).Diversified insect communities exist under bark andin forest leaf litter. These communitites are dominatedby beetles, but several families of flies also contribute tothe overall diversity, as do many parasitic Hymenopteraand several families of bugs, the strongly flattenedAradidae being the most characteristic. A considerablepart of these communities consists of scolytines, theirpredators and parasites, and consumers of the fungiand debris in their tunnels. One of the largest genera ofbeetles in these complexes is Epuraea (Nitidulidae), withmore than 100 species in the former USSR (Kirejtshuk1992).Coprophagous assemblages are particularly diverse,depending on season, landscape, and type and ageof the excrement. These assemblages include manywell-known scarabs such as Copris, Scarabaeus, andSisyphus, as well as countless species of the largest beetlegenera Aphodius and Onthophagus. Up to 13 species ofAphodius, plus two species of Onthophagus, can be foundin just a few neighboring deposits of dung in LeningradProvince, northwestern Russia (O. N. Kabakov, personalcommunication). In addition to the Scarabaeidae,some Hydrophilidae are common in dung. Numerouscoprophagous insects are hunted by fly larvae andpredatory beetles of the families Histeridae (Fig. 7.4f)and Staphylinidae.Animal nests also possess variably specific insectcommunities where many flies, beetles, bugs, fleas, andlice predominate. Zhantiev (1976) gives extensive dataon the occurrence of dermestids in insect and mammalnests, as well as in tree hollows. Nests and coloniesof social insects host species-rich communities;200 species of beetles, for example, occur in bumblebeenests. Myrmecophilous insects include many specieswith characteristic structural adaptations to life inant nests, including bare, glabrous, uniformly brownbodies with tufts of setae for tactile or chemicalcommunication with the hosts. The largest genusis probably Thorictus of the Dermestidae, which,because of its aberrant habitus, was long kept ina separate family. The termitophilous Eremoxenuschan Semenov-Tian-Shansky of Middle Asia and themyrmecophilous Amorphocephalus coronatus Germarof the Mediterranean region are the few Palearcticmembers of a group of commensal Brentidae.Even in urban environments, insects form speciesrichcommunities. Occasionally, some predatoryand saprophagous species irritate humans. In theAcademy Archive in St. Petersburg in the mid-1990s,increased activity of larval dermestids (Attagenussmirnovi Zhantiev) caused anxiety among the staff.Inspection of the volumes of the Academy Sessionsprotocols with M. V. Lomonosov’s autographs revealedan invasion by Lasioderma (Ptinidae), whose remainswere then eaten by larvae of the harmless Attagenussmirnovi. During the reconstruction of the StroganovPalace at Nevski Prospect in St. Petersburg in the late1980s, a dozen beetle species were found in the 40-cmthick larch beams in the attic, including dermestidsand wood-borers. Forty-two species of dermestids werelisted by Zhantiev (1976) as harmful to stored productsin the former USSR. Although some introduced speciescan be harmful, the majority of the most destructivespecies of dermestids in every natural zone belong tothe local fauna (Zhantiev 1976).The urban fauna of phytophagous insects is also richand increasing; 799 species of insects, for example,are known from the city of Moscow (Russia). Thisfauna is dominated by exposed and partly hidden phyllophagousforms (328 species), followed by exposedand partly hidden Rhynchota (Auchenorrhyncha,Sternorrhyncha, and Heteroptera; 143 species), leafminers (124), gall inducers (122), and wood-borers(110, mainly scolytines) (Belov 2007).A specialized insect assemblage, including beetlesand flies of three families, occurs along the seashore.The most widely distributed coleopterous group inthis assemblage is the tenebrionid tribe Phaleriini,which lives on sandy beaches. A characteristic featureof these fast, small, and medium-sized beetlesis their sand-colored integument, with dorsomedialinfuscation. Small hydrophilids of the genus Cercyon

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 139and various Staphylinidae and Histeridae occur underdecaying algae. On the Pacific shore, several similarspecies of the endemic genus Lyrosoma of Silphidae areabundant at the shoreline, especially on the Kurile andKomandorski islands. A member of the weevil subfamilyMolytinae, Sthereus ptinoides (Germar), with aboreal amphipacific distribution, lives on driftwood. Insouthern Japan, the peculiar weevil genus Otibazo,withuncertain affinities, is confined to seashores. The characteristicplant genus Cakile (Brassicaceae) occupiesthe outermost sandy strip of beach where the salt sprayreaches. It has a complex of two weevil species in thenorthern Atlantic basin: Ceutorhynchus cakilis Hansenin Europe and C. hamiltoni Dietz in North America.These two weevils belong to different species groups,illustrating a tendency of the Ceutorhynchinae (andother weevil taxa) to exploit marginal habitats withpioneer plant communities. In Europe, several nonspecializedcrucifer feeders of the Curculionidae occur onCakile maritima Scopoli and C. euxina Pobed. A tribeof supralittoral weevils, the Aphelini, is distributedalong the Pacific Coast from northern California to thetemperate Far East, as well as in Australia.InJapanandthesouthernmostportionoftheRussianFar East, Isonycholips gotoi Chûjo and Voss, anotherrepresentative of the Aphelini, lives among grasses ondry coastal sand dunes. An additional coastal insectassemblage exists here, including large weevils of thetribe Tanymecini and Craspedonotus tibialis Schaumof the fossorial ground-beetle tribe Broscini. In theAtlantic sector, the genus Onycholips (two species innorthwestern Africa), the fossorial broad-nosed weevilPhilopedon plagiatus (Schaller) in the tribe Cneorhinini,and several species of the tribe Brachyderini live onsand dunes along the Baltic coast. Philopedon plagiatusis parthenogenetic and apparently introduced toinland seashores. Carabids of the genera Broscus andScarites and tiger beetles (Cicindela) are common onsandy beaches. Coastal rocks in the northern Pacifichave a highly specific beetle, Aegialites stejnegeri Linell,of the monotypic subfamily Aegialitinae (Salpingidae),which lives in cracks and seabird nests (Nikitsky1992).INSECT BIODIVERSITYAND PALEARCTIC MOUNTAINSThe Palearctic has a number of mountain systems,including the Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Pamirs,Tien Shan, Urals (dividing the continents of Europeand Asia), Altai, Sayan, Tibet, and northern Himalaya.The majority of Palearctic Mountains belonging to theAlp–Himalayan mountain ‘belt’ are relatively young,except the Urals. The mountain systems are situatedin different parts of the Palearctic, with different climaticand other geographic conditions. Their patternsof insect biodiversity, however, share a number offeatures.<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic mountainschanges with climate along altitudinal gradients(Walter and Breckle 1985). Generally, from thepiedmont to the mountain tops, the followingaltitudinal belts are recognized: colline–montane(lower and upper), alpine (lower and upper), andnival (Walter and Breckle 1985). Although thesealtitudinal belts do not correspond precisely to thezones from south to north, insect biodiversity usuallydecreases from the bottom to the top of the mountains,as it does from south to north in the Palearctic. Thedegree of endemism, however, increases from bottomto top. An important reason for high biodiversity ofmountain-insect faunas is that many groups in theplains find refugia in corresponding mountain beltswhen climatic conditions change and zones fluctuate.For example, many species widely distributed inthe Arctic and Boreal regions occur in the uppermountain belts in southern Europe; this kind ofdistribution is called arcto-alpine or boreo-montane,depending on the specific features of the range.During the glacial age, these insects moved southwardfollowing the glaciers, and found refugia in the highmountains when the climate became warmer andthe ice shield retreated. Many mesophilous groupsfind appropriate environments in mountains duringaridization in adjacent plains, accounting for theconsiderable number of so-called paleoendemicsusually represented by one or a few species in remotemountain systems. Examples include carabid beetlesof the genus Broscosoma scattered along the entireAlp–Himalayan mountain belt (Kryzhanovsky 2002),or the monotypical cerambycid genus Morimonellarecently described from the Caucasus. The capacity ofthe mountain systems to accumulate great numbersof endemic species is facilitated by the broad diversityof habitats plus the apparently effective distributionalbarriers. Wingless species are among the mostspeciose mountain taxa; they are usually classified asneoendemics. For example, the Caucasian fauna of thelargest weevil genus, Otiorhynchus s.l., is provisionally

140 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshestimated at 250 species (Savitskii and Davidian 2007);50 small, blind, wingless, forest litter and, partly,endogean species of the carabid tribe Trechini arerecorded from the Caucasus, mostly from its westernpart (Belousov 1998). On the other hand, meridionallyoriented mountain chains allow the possibility of deeppenetration of some typically Palearctic insect groupsinto the Oriental Region and vice versa.Alpine insect communities of Middle Asia are relativelypoor, but highly endemic. For example, ofapproximately 800 leaf beetles in Middle Asia, 175occur in the alpine belt, of which 150 are endemics(Lopatin 1996). Among them are Oreomela,withmorethan 80 species in the alpine regions of the TienShan, Himalayas, Altai, and southwestern ridges ofChina between 2400 and 4300 m, and Xenomela, all11 species of which are known from the Tien Shanbetween 1300 and 3000 m (Lopatin and Nesterova2004). This unusually high level of endemism mightbe explained by the specific alpine environment andhigh degree of isolation. Alpine biodiversity furtherincreases because many species with larger ranges arerepresented by specialized morphs in the mountainsthat might not have species status, but differ genetically.However, insect groups that are most abundantand species rich elsewhere are not always species richin the alpine belt. For example, the most specioseleaf-beetle groups in the Palearctic are the Galerucinaesensu lato, followed by the Chrysomelinae andCryptocephalinae (Fig. 7.4e). In the alpine belt of MiddleAsia and northwestern China, the most specioseare the Chrysomelinae followed by the Galerucinae,Eumolpinae, and Cryptocephalinae (Lopatin 1996).In Yakutia, thousands of male hover flies (Syrphidae)sometimes hover over mountain peaks, while femalesfeed on flowers at the bottoms and on the slopes ofthe mountains. In the late afternoon, with the flowof warm air, females fly to the mountaintops wherecopulation occurs. A similar kind of behavior (‘hilltopping’)is known for butterflies and flies in the familiesSarcophagidae, Tabanidae, and Tachinidae (Barkalovand Nielsen 2007).Mountain forest belts usually have higher speciesbiodiversity than does the alpine belt. Mid-altitudeforests in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia includea number of endemics, many of which are flightless.Examples include Psylliodes valida Weise and Aphthonatestaceicornis Weise (Chrysomelidae) in the forests of theNorthwestern Caucasus and Altica breviuscula Weise(Chrysomelidae) in the narrow strip of mountain forestin Talysh (Azerbaijan). Specialized herbivores (e.g.,weevils) are most species rich in the piedmont forestbelt in Abkhazia (Caucasus) (Zarkua 1977).The high-altitude fauna of the Palearctic is alsounique, compared with the neighboring OrientalRegion. Palearctic montane flea-beetle communities(in the Caucasus, Crimea, and Middle and Central Asia)consist of species from rich, cosmopolitan genera suchas Longitarsus and Psylliodes. In the Oriental Region(southern Himalayas, Western Ghats), however,species occurring at high altitudes belong to generawith limited ranges, and many are confined to theHimalayas or do not occur outside the Oriental Region.A characteristic feature of the Palearctic highlandfauna are weevils of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae atthe upper margin of insect distribution. Several speciesof Ceutorhynchus, Neophytobius, Scleropterus, and othersreach highest altitudes in the upper mountain zonein the Altai, Sayan Mountains, Tien Shan, SredinnyiKamchatka Range, Tibet, and Himalayas. Anothercharacteristic feature of the Palearctic alpine faunaof weevils is the concentration of bisexual forms ofspecies that reproduce parthenogenetically at lowerelevations (Korotyaev 1992).The alpine belt in the largest part of the Continentalsector lacks the multicolored, tallgrass meadowstypical of the European mountains, or if they arepresent, they are poorly developed. Typical of theSayan Mountains and ranges to the south andsouthwest are mountain tundra, shortgrass subalpinemeadows with large orange–yellow flowers ofTrollius asiaticus L. (Ranunculaceae), alpine steppe,and an endemic alpine type of vegetation – dense,mesophilous, meadow-like grasslands dominatedby Cobresia species (Cyperaceae), from which nospecific weevils or leaf beetles are known. Edelweisses(Leontopodium, Asteraceae) are common in the WestSayan and other mountains of Tuva, descendingin places to the mid-forest belt and occurring inpastures. Intense collecting in Tuva on edelweissesby B. A. Korotyaev in 1969–1972 revealed noherbivores, although Bajtenov (1977) described theweevil Pseudostyphlus leontopodi from Altai. The alpineweevil fauna of this mountain country is poor butcharacteristic, formed largely of representatives ofseveral genera of Apionidae, Notaris and Tournotaris ofthe Erirhinidae, Lepyrus, several genera of Hyperinae,Dactylotus globosus (Gebler), a few Sitona species, andthe Ceutorhynchinae (Curculionidae). Endemic tothis area are many wingless Carabidae, including

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 141Carabus, Nebria, and Trechus in the highlands; themontane subgenus Aeneobyrrhus of Byrrhus, with fivespecies, and one of the three species of the Holarcticgenus Byrrhobolus (Byrrhidae); and several oligotypicgenera and considerable species of Chrysomelidae. Thepredominantly montane butterfly genus Parnassius(Papilionidae) is represented by several species. Themultizonal Aporia crataegi L. (Pieridae) often occurs ingreat numbers. In the tangle of mountain ridges of WestAltai, at the boundary of Kazakhstan and Russia, aheterogeneous butterfly fauna with 176 species exists,including several pairs of closely related Western andEastern Palearctic species, as well as representativesof the Middle Asian fauna (Lukhtanov et al. 2007).Wide variation in altitude is characteristic of thesteppes of Mongolia, adjacent Tuva, and the RussianAltai. Steppes occupy plains and bottoms of variablysized depressions, but also south-facing mountainslopes in the forest zone and the highest mountainreaches, usually with southern exposure, adjacentto and alternating with other subalpine and alpinehabitats, such as isolated Larix stands, subalpine meadows,and mountain tundra. The latter type of steppe,with its characteristic flora, is referred to by botanistsas ‘alpine steppe’. <strong>Insect</strong>s of alpine steppe include afew characteristic species, along with several commonmountain-steppe insects. Among beetles, this kind ofdistribution is found in Stephanocleonus (Curculionidae:Lixinae), Crosita,andChrysolina (Chrysomelidae:Chrysomelinae).Mountain steppe consists of several altitudinal typesthat are less clearly separated than the alpine steppefrom the rest of the steppes. In the most elevatedsouthwestern part of Tuva, adjacent to the Altai, afew subendemic species of weevils and chrysomelids,mostly of the same genera that constitute the bulk ofthe alpine steppe fauna, occur only in the highest areasof the steppe, usually on stony slopes, but not in thealpine steppe.A diverse and characteristic fauna is associatedwith mountain areas that have climates intermediatebetween that of steppe and desert, and vegetation withshrubs (mostly Caragana and Atraphaxis) and perennialwormwoods (Medvedev 1990). One of the largestweevil genera subendemic to Central Asia, Alatavia(Entiminae) with 13 species, is distributed there, withonly three species in central and eastern Mongoliaoccurring in the plains, which in this area are about1000 m or more above sea level.Many insects in the mountains developed commonfeatures viewed as adaptations to high-altitude life.A high percentage of alpine insects are flightless (e.g.,more than 80% of chrysomelid beetles in the genusOreomela). Mountain beetles, such as Psylliodes validaWeise (Chrysomelidae) and Geotrupes inermis Ménétriés(Geotrupidae), have a more swollen prothorax than dotheir lowland relatives. Many alpine beetles have ahigh level of melanization of the integument, similar tothat found in Arctic insects. Their elytra, often coveredwith ridges, are convex, forming a subelytral cavitythat functions as a temperature and humidity buffer forthe poorly sclerotized abdominal tergites. Most alpineinsects live close to the ground or under rocks andplants, even if their closest relatives occupy other habitats(Lopatin 1971). Numerous alpine leaf beetles areviviparous or oviviviparous (Oreomela species; Lopatin1996), as are some Arctic leaf beetles. Because of theshort warm season, the life cycle of some insects exceeds2 years, and overwintering can occur at various lifestages (Lopatin 1996).INSECT BIODIVERSITY IN MAJORBIOGEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONSOF THE PALEARCTICVarious ideas exist on the subdivision of thePalearctic, beginning in 1876 with that of Wallace(Semenov-Tian-Shansky 1936, Lopatin 1989).We follow the subdivision proposed by Emeljanov(1974), which is based on climatic and otherphysical geographic conditions most closely reflectedby vegetational cover and which largely followssubdivisions proposed by botanists (Lavrenko 1950).Emeljanov (1974) recognized the following eightregions: Circumpolar, Euro-Siberian taiga (boreal),European and Stenopean nemoral, Hesperian(Mediterranean and Macaronesian) and Orthrianevergreen forest (subtropical), Scythian steppe, andSethian (Saharo-Gobian) desert regions.Arctic (Circumpolar Tundra) RegionThe northernmost part of the Palearctic Region is theArctic (Fig. 7.1a: I, b). It includes the coldest regionsof the Palearctic and its southern border correspondsapproximately with the 12 ◦ C isotherm of the warmestmonth (July) (Chernov 2002). In European Russia, the

142 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshsouthern border runs along the southern border ofthe tundra and forest–tundra (Lopatin 1989). Here,we consider the Arctic in the broad sense, including theHypoarctic (= Subarctic) as its southern subzone.Altogether, about 3300 species of insects live in theArctic (including the American Arctic), representing0.6% of total insect diversity. Relative species richnessof insects in the Arctic is about 15%, comparedwith 50% for the World (Chernov 2002). Of 25 insectorders, 16 occur in the Arctic. Of the 1800 generaof carabid beetles, 22 occur in the Arctic (Chernovet al. 2000, 2001). Beetles constitute 13% of the Arcticinsect fauna, and flies 60% (about 90% in morenorthern regions) (Chernov 1995). The most commonbeetles in the Arctic are the Carabidae, Staphylinidae,and Chrysomelidae. The Curculionidae are less commonbut are represented by a relatively large number ofspecies. Of the remaining large families of Coleoptera,in addition to the entirely aquatic Dytiscidae, the Coccinellidaeand Elateridae are most conspicuous in thesouthern part of the tundra, but they are representedby only a few species. The biodiversity of phytophagousinsects decreases more strongly than that of predatoryinsects from south to north. For example, evenan outdated list of Carabidae of Magadan Province andChukchiAutonomousDistrict (Budarin1985)includes161 species, whereas an updated list of Apionidae,Erirhinidae, and Curculionidae of the same area hasslightly more than 100 names (B. A. Korotyaev, unpublisheddata). In the Northwestern Caucasus, with itswide range of mountain belts, the Carabidae (576species; Zamotajlov 1992) are slightly less species richthan the fauna of listed weevil families (B. A. Korotyaev,unpublished data). Predatory beetles constitute about70% of the total beetle fauna in the Arctic, whereasin temperate areas they make up about 25% (Chernovet al. 1994).A characteristic feature of the Asian Arctic is thewidedistributionofsteppe-plantcommunitiesofseveraltypes, including the cryophytic steppe and the tundrasteppe,which are especially developed in NortheastAsia. Many insects occur in these Arctic steppes. Someare endemic, many are distributed outside the tundrazone in the southern Siberian and Mongolian steppesand in the mountains of Eastern Middle Asia, and somealso occur in dry areas of North America (Bermanet al. 2002).<strong>Insect</strong> communities of Wrangel Island, north of theChukchi Peninsula, described in detail by Khruleva(1987), are dominated by Diptera (76 species),Coleoptera (67), Lepidoptera (54), and Hymenoptera(at least 46). Aquatic insects are well represented bythe Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera, andthe aquatic Diptera are dominated by the Tipulidaeand Chironomidae. Among other groups, relativelylarge forms with well-developed flight predominate.The Lepidoptera include two species of Pieridae(Colias), two of Lycaenidae (two genera), seven ofNymphalidae (all Boloria), five of Satyridae (threeErebia and two Oeneis), two of Geometridae, two ofLymantriidae, ten of Noctuidae (six genera), sevenof Arctiidae (six genera), and one of Pterophoridae. Ofthe Hymenoptera, the entire superfamily Apoidea isrepresented by three species of Bombus only (Khruleva1987, O. A. Khruleva, personal communication).The absence in the Arctic of a few taxa that areabundant and diverse from the southern boundary ofthe Palearctic to the taiga zone is noteworthy. Thesetaxa include the Orthoptera, beetles of the family Tenebrionidae,ants (represented by a single species in theriparian shrub tundra; Chernov 1966), and predatoryHymenoptera (e.g., Sphecoidea and Vespoidea).Forest regionsForestsoccupymostofthePalearctic.Theyareclassifiedinto five regions: the taiga, stretching across Eurasiain the boreal climatic zone; the nemoral Europeanand Stenopean regions in the temperate zone; andthe subtropical Hesperian and Orthrian regions. Thecontiguous regions of the different climatic zones aremore similar to each other, in many respects, thanto their zonal counterparts. Along the same lines, theaffinities of the insect faunas of the Hesperian andOrthrian regions are overshadowed by the similaritiesthey have with their respective neighboring regions. Asa result, biogeographic attribution of some large areasoften becomes problematic. Anatolia, for example, isclassified by Emeljanov (1974) as the zone intermediatebetween the Mediterranean Subregion of the HesperianRegion and the Saharo-Gobian Desert Region, but it isoften considered an area with predominantly steppetypevegetation that is attributed to the boreal biotaby Kryzhanovsky (2002). The Anatolian insect faunaincludes some taxa typical of each of the three regionsbutlacksothersnolesscharacteristicofthem.Italsohasmany endemic species and genera. Anatolia apparentlyhas accumulated natural complexes typical of severalclimatic zones in a much narrower range of altitudes,

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 143compared with the Himalayas where all vegetationaltypes from tropical forests to boreal deserts and nivalcommunities exist.<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the forests of the Palearctic isgreat, compared with that of the Arctic, due mostlyto a relatively warm, humid climate that allows avariety of plant communities to thrive. Numerousplant species provide environments for many phytophagousinsects, even those not directly associatedwith woody plants. The number of species of flea beetles,for example, increases from a few in the Arcticto 83 in the taiga, 131 in mixed forests, and 163 inbroadleaf forests of the Russian Plain (Konstantinov1991). Iablokov-Khnzorian (1961) gives a figure of580 species of beetles in 35 families, feeding on variousPinaceae in the Palearctic. Most species belong to theScolytinae (Curculionidae) (177), Cerambycidae (108;Fig. 7.3c), other Curculionidae (76), Buprestidae (59),and Anobiidae (37). A good portion of the species (121)is known from Europe and the Mediterranean (84).The Palearctic fauna of weevils in the genusMagdalis,with 57 species associated exclusively with woodyplants (Barrios 1986), is distributed across all forestzones. Only three (the largest) of the ten Palearcticsubgenera of Magdalis are represented in taiga and noneof them are endemic to it, whereas seven subgeneraoccur only in the temperate and subtropical zones. Thenorthern boundary of the range of Magdalis is formedby species of the nominotypical subgenus that developon Pinus silvestris L. in Europe and on P. pumila Regel inNortheast Asia where this characteristic shrub formsthe northern forest margin. The southern boundaryalso is formed by species of Magdalis s. str.,mostofwhichare associated with Pinus species (13 of 16 species withknown hosts), whereas one species is associated withPicea, Abies, andCedrus, and two nonspecific feedersdevelop on Larix. No specialized Magdalis (or scolytines;M. Yu. Mandelshtam, personal communication) areknown from Pinus sibirica Du Tour (Barrios 1986), themost valuable Siberian conifer. In the taiga, onlyBetula,Sorbus,andPrunus among deciduous trees are used byMagdalis,whereasQuercus, Ulmus, Populus, and severalRosaceae are hosts of all southern species except thoseof the nominotypical subgenus.Of the variety of deciduous trees, the Salicaceaehave the most diversified coleopterous fauna in thenorthern forests (Ivliev et al. 1968, Korotyaev 1976,Medvedev and Korotyaev 1980), whereas Quercushas the greatest number of specialized phytophagousinsects in the entire Palearctic (Emeljanov 1967).Dorytomus is the most species-rich genus of weevils inthe south of the Russian Far East (the northernmostpart of the Stenopean Region). Most weevils, includingphyllo- and carpophagous and wood-boring species,differentiate Salix from Populus, and many distinguishPopulus tremula L. from other Populus species,but some polyphagous species, such as Saperdapopulnea (L.), Lamia textor (F.) (Cerambycidae),and Cryptorhynchus lapathi (L.) (Curculionidae:Cryptorhynchinae), feed on Salix and Populus.Amongthe willows, narrow-leaved riparian species (Salixviminalis L. and similar species in Europe, and S.udensis Trautv. and C. A. Mey. and S. schwerinii E.Wolf in the Far East) possess the largest consortiaof weevils and chrysomelids. The broad-leaved S.caprea L. in Europe has a considerable number ofspecialized feeders. The family Salicaceae includesa Far-Eastern monotypic genus (Chosenia), inaddition to Populus and Salix. Little is known of thephytophagous consortium of this tall tree in thesouth of its range in Korea, Japan, northeasternChina, and the Russian Far East. In Northeast Russia(Magadan Province and Kamchatka Territory), twospecies of the genus Dorytomus (probably developingin catkins) and a leaf-miner Rhamphus choseniaeKorotyaev (all Curculionidae) are monophagouson Chosenia arbutifolia (Pall.) A. Skvorts. All threeare distributed southward at least to PrimorskiiTerritory in Russia. No specialized chrysomelids orcerambycids are known on Chosenia; several speciesfrom poplars and willows are recorded as occasionalfeeders.Highly diversified riparian assemblages of phytophagousinsects associated with the Salicaceae areendemic to the Holarctic Region. A large gravel areaalong the Ma River in the low mountains of Thanh HoaProvince in North Vietnam was investigated by B. A.Korotyaev in 1988. This area is dominated by bushesof Drypetes salicifolia Gagnep., which look similarto willows but belong to the family Euphorbiaceae,widely represented in the tropics. The bushes harborno coleopteran genus typical of the Palearctic riparianshrub.Temperate and subtropical forest faunas of manyinsect groups are more diversified in the Far East thanin the Western Palearctic, which is separated from thewoodland Afrotropical biota by the wide desert zone.Coleoptera are represented in the Stenopean Region bymany families unknown from the European Region,such as the Cupedidae of the Archostemata; the

144 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshaquatic Aspidytidae recently described (Ribera et al.2002) from South Africa and found in China (Shaanxi:Aspidytes wrasei Balke, Ribera, and Beutel); and theHelotidae, Inopeplidae, Ischaliidae, Monommidae,Othniidae, Pilipalpidae, Synteliidae, Trictenotomidae,and Zopheridae of the Polyphaga (Lehr 1992). Manysubfamilies and tribes of the largest phytophagousfamilies can be added to this list, such as theMegalopodinae and Chlamysini of the Chrysomelidae,and more than 20 tribes of the Curculionoidea.Many large weevil taxa with predominantly tropical(Oriental or Paleotropical) distributions graduallydecrease in representation in the eastern forest faunasthrough the subtropical Orthrian and temperatenemoral Stenopean regions, and some do not reach theboreal taiga region. This trend is demonstrated at thefamily level by the Anthribidae, Brentidae, and Dryophthoridae(Table 7.1) and by the Paleotropical tribeMecysolobini of the Curculionidae (Molytinae), withfar more than 150 species (more than 40 in Vietnam),including 7 in Japan (Morimoto 1962), 4 in Korea (allshared with Japan and Russia), and 2 in the south ofthe Russian Far East. At the generic level, the northernimpoverishment of the fauna is best exemplifiedby the second largest genus of the weevil subfamilyCeutorhynchinae, Mecysmoderes, withmorethan100 species in East and Southeast Asia (more than40 in Vietnam alone), more than 10 in Japan, only2 in South Korea, and 1 in the Sakhalin and Kunashirislands of the Russian Far East.On the contrary, large boreal and temperate generadecrease in species numbers southward and reachtropical countries, if at all, as single representatives inthe northernmost mountain systems; examples includeCarabus and Chrysolina in Vietnam. The Holarctic weevilgenus Dorytomus includes 19 species in borealNortheast Asia, 28 species in the southern (Stenopean)part of the Russian Far East, 10 species in Japan, and7 in Korea, mostly in the central and south-centralStenopean part of the peninsula (Hong et al. 2001).TaigaThe taiga (Fig. 7.1a: II, c) is the largest ecozone in theworld, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceanin the Palearctic. Together with its Nearctic counterpart,it occupies 13% of the earth’s landmass (Schultz1995). Despite its large size, it is relatively uniformfloristically. Sochava (1953) recognized three maintypes of taiga in the former USSR: dark coniferousforests dominated mostly by spruces (Picea spp.) andfirs (Abies spp.); pine forests with Pinus silvestris; andlarch forests formed in different areas by three speciesof Larix. One of the characteristic features of the taiga isthe small number of lianas. Clematis (Ranunculaceae)is the only common representative, with an oligotypic,specialized genus of flea beetles (Argopus) feeding on it.Many insects in the taiga are associated with themost common conifers and occur in abundance, sometimesbecoming serious pests. Among the lepidopteranpests are Lymantria monacha (L.) (Lymantriidae), Dendrolimuspini L. (Lasiocampidae), and Dioryctria abietellaDenis and Schiffermüller (Pyralidae). Common pestsalso include many scolytines (e.g., Ips, Pityogenes,and Polygraphus). The Scolytinae have a fairly largenumber of species in the taiga, mostly associatedwith conifers. In northern Europe, both Pinus silvestrisand Picea abies (L.) Karsten have multispecies assemblagesof scolytines (up to 15 species on a single tree;M. Yu. Mandelshtam, personal communication), andin Siberia and the Far East, Larix species are heavilyattacked, although by few species. Birches, constitutinga considerable part of the northern forests, harbor afew species, and alder still fewer. Xylophagous Cerambycidaeare not species rich in the taiga but includeseveral species that damage conifers and rather regularlyexhibit outbreaks.Coleoptera constitute a considerable part of the taigainsect fauna, and are dominated by the Staphylinidae,Carabidae, and Curculionidae. Ermakov (2003) listed592 beetle species in 64 families collected in the northernUrals in 1998–2001, from the plains to the highestpoint at 1492 m.Characteristically, many taiga insects have enormousranges stretching across the Palearctic andhave a tendency to become invasive if introduced tothe Nearctic. For example, the core of the buprestidfauna (Coleoptera) of the Euro-Siberian taiga is formedmainly of transpalearctic species, such as Dicerca furcata(Thunberg) (Chrysochroinae), Buprestis rustica(L.), and Anthaxia quadripunctata (L.). Two of the mostcommon buprestids are associated with the coniferousgenus Larix: Buprestis strigosa Gebler and Phaenopsguttulatus (Gebler).Some high-level forest taxa constituting a considerablepart of the nemoral and subtropical faunasare absent from the taiga. Singing cicadas(Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) are one of the mostnoticeable examples during the day, and crickets

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 145(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Fig. 7.6(A) Russia, Astrakhan Province, near Lake Baskunchak, steppe (Photo M. Volkovitsh).(B) Armenia, Vedi Desert (Photo A. Konstantinov).(C) Russia, Sakhalin Island, mixed forest (Photo A. Konstantinov).(D) Italy, Sicily, mountain nemoral forest with Fagus (Photo M. Volkovitsh).(E) Nepal, Lantang District, mountain forest (3200 m) (Photo A. Konstantinov).(F) Bhutan, Shemgang District (2900 m) (Photo A. Konstantinov).(Orthoptera: Grylloidea), glow-worms, and fireflies(Coleoptera: Lampyridae) at night. Among the weevils,no Brentidae or Platypodidae are present. Among theChrysomeloidea, the Chlamysini, Lamprosominae,and Megalopodinae are not represented in the taiga.Nemoral European and Stenopean ForestsThese forests account for 10% of the earth’s landmass(Schultz 1995) (Figs. 7.1a: III, IV, d: 7.6c). ThePalearctic nemoral zone, with aborigine vegetation

146 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshdominated by coniferous–broadleaf (or mixed) andbroadleaf forests, consists of two currently isolatedparts, the European and Stenopean regions (Emeljanov1974). The fragmentation of the nemoral zonefollowed an increase of continentality that probablyoccurred in the Pliocene (Sinitsyn 1965) when thenorthern tundra and taiga zones expanded southwardand the steppe and desert zones drifted northward.An occurrence of numerous closely related vicariousspecies of buprestids, carabids, cerambycids, histerids,and other insects in both European and Stenopeanregions supports this hypothesis (Volkovitsh andAlexeev 1988, Kryzhanovsky 2002). For example, anumber of pairs of closely related vicarious speciesof Buprestidae are in the European and Stenopeannemoral regions, including Lamprodila rutilans(F.) – L. amurensis (Obenberger), Eurythyrea aurata(Pallas) – E. eoa Semenov, and Chrysobothris affinis(F.) – Ch. pulchripes Fairmaire.In European forests, the most species-richweevil taxa are associated with the woodlandlandscape – herbage both under the canopy and,especially, in the openings, forest litter and decayingplant tissues – rather than with the trees themselves.Representative genera include Acalles and its allies(Cryptorhynchinae), Dichotrachelus (Cyclominae),Otiorhynchus (Entiminae), Plinthus, and severalsmaller genera of Plinthini (Molytinae), none of thembeing represented in the Stenopean Region. On thecontrary, major taxa of the Curculionidae with larvaldevelopment in the leaves, fruits, or wood of woodyplants, have poorer representation in the Europeanforests, compared with the Stenopean forests.Examples include the leaf-mining tribe Rhamphini ofthe Curculioninae (7 genera with 51 species in Japan;Morimoto 1984; and 5 genera with 27 species inEurope; Lohse 1983), the genus Curculio in the broadsense (13 species in the south of the Russian Far East,50 in Japan (Egorov et al. 1996), and 11 in Central(nemoral) Europe). Of the main forest-inhabitinghigher taxa, only the tribes Anthonomini of theCurculioninae, Magdalini of the Mesoptiliinae, and Pissodiniof the Molytinae are almost equally representedin the European and Stenopean regions. The Westernand Eastern Palearctic members of the largest weevilsubfamily, Entiminae, with soil-inhabiting larvae, arerepresented almost exclusively by endemic genera (andsubgenera in a few trans- or amphipalearctic genera),except for a small number of widely distributed species.Many other insects associated with trees also aremore species rich in the Stenopean Region thanin the European Region. For example, the nitidulidgenera Epuraea, mostly occurring under bark, andMeligethes, associated exclusively with herbaceouswoodland plants, are represented in the fauna of thesouthern Russian Far East by 47 and 20 species,respectively, out of approximately 100 in the formerUSSR (Kirejtshuk 1992).Among ancient faunal elements worthy of mentionas endemic to the Stenopean Region is the beetleSikhotealinia zhiltzovae Lafer, originally (Lafer 1996)placed in the separate monotypic family Sikhotealiniidae,but later (Kirejtshuk 2000) transferred to theMesozoic family Jurodidae Ponomarenko (suborderArchostemata), which was thought to be extinct.Other examples include Declinia relicta Nikitsky et al.(1993) a species of the recently described coleopteranfamily Decliniidae; a relict longhorn beetle, Callipogon(Eoxenus) relictus Semenov, with Neotropical affinities;the aquatic beetle Aspidytes wrasei; and representativesof the coleopteran family Synteliidae (Histeroidea)known only in this part of the Palearctic.Hesperian and Orthrian evergreen forestsThese forests (Figs. 7.1a: V, VI; 7.6d, e, f) originatedfrom a single region of sclerophyll vegetationthat existed at the edge of Arcto-Tertiary andTropical–Tertiary forests until the end of the Neogenealong the Tethys Ocean (Axelrod 1975a). Aridizationchanged the dominant plant communities from evergreenlaurophyllous forests to sclerophyll forests andchaparral-macchia. <strong>Insect</strong> relicts of the laurophyllousforests currently occur in some semi-arid areas of thePalearctic such as the Canary Islands, Himalayas, andsouthern China. As a result of Pleistocene glaciation,boreal elements are also present in the Hesperian andOrthrian evergreen forests, mostly at high elevationsin various mountain systems.The Macaronesian Subregion of the HesperianRegion includes islands of Madeira, the Canaries,Azores, and Cape Verde, with typical oceanic climates.The insect fauna of the islands is less rich than thecontinental fauna. It contains many endemics andincludes Mediterranean and Afrotropical elements. Forexample, the fauna of the Canary Islands, the largest ofthe region, contains 230 species of ground beetles, ofwhich 140 are endemics; of 83 genera, 14 are endemicto the Canaries and 2 are shared with Madeira. The

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 147buprestid fauna of the Canaries includes 20 species in 9genera, of which 12 species are endemics. The Canaryfauna of buprestids is less diverse compared with the189 species and 29 genera in Spain, and 224 speciesand 31 genera in Morocco.The Mediterranean insect fauna is species rich andhighly endemic. Oosterbroek (1994) suggested thatthe Mediterranean region in a broad sense (includingAnatolia, Armenia, and Hirkanian) together with theFar East is the most species rich in the Palearctic. Theinsect fauna of the Mediterranean proper constitutesabout 75% of the Western Palearctic fauna (Ballettoand Casale 1991). For example, for the flea-beetlegenus Longitarsus, with about 500 valid species in theworld and 221 in the Palearctic, 158 occur in theMediterranean (in the narrow sense) and about 10%of them are endemics. Of 461 species of Neuropterain the Mediterranean (in the broad sense), 230 areendemics; of 677 species of Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera),416 are endemics; and of 498 species of Tipulidae(Diptera), 361 are endemics (Oosterbroek 1994).The most species-rich areas of the Mediterraneanare the Balkans and Asia Minor (Oosterbroek 1994).Widespread temperate European and Palearctic speciescontribute significantly to the overall biodiversity ofthe region. The Mediterranean biota, however, hasbeen impoverished by human influences over a longperiod of time, which have completely transformed theregion (Mooney 1988).The Orthrian Region includes the Himalayas(lower and middle altitudinal belts of the southernslope of the Central and Eastern Himalayas up to2000–3000 m, belonging to the Oriental Regionor to territories transitional between the Palearcticand Oriental Regions; Emeljanov 1974) and partsof China, Japan, and southernmost Korea. BecausePleistocene glaciation did not cover the eastern partof its territory, the region contains a large numberof floristic and faunistic relicts (Axelrod 1975b).The insect fauna of the Orthrian Region is richand has many Oriental elements. For example, theleaf-beetle fauna of the small Himalayan country ofNepal contains 797 species, which is nearly half thenumber of species in the entire fauna of the formerUSSR (Medvedev and Sprecher-Uebersax 1999) andmore than twice that in Mongolia (Medvedev 1982).The most primitive dragonfly family, Epiophlebiidae,occurs in the Orthrian Region (Himalayas andJapan) (Kryzhanovsky 2002).FaunalconnectionsbetweentheMediterraneanSubregionof the Hesperian Region and the Orthrian Regionare of interest. Species of a few buprestid genera are splitalmost evenly between these zoogeographical entities.Polyctesis has two species in the Mediterranean Subregionand two in the Orthrian Region. Ptosima hasone species in the Mediterranean Subregion and twoin the Orthrian Region. Eastern Mediterranean andIrano-Turanian faunal elements are common in theWest Orthrian Subregion, but disappear in the easternportion of the region. Species of the predominantlyWestern Palearctic and Afrotropical buprestid generaJulodis (Fig. 7.3a) and Julodella (Fig. 7.3b) occur in theWest Orthrian Subregion. The West Orthrian Subregionis also the western limit for Oriental generasuch as Microacmaeodera, and the northern limit of distributionfor the Paleotropical genera Sternocera andCoroebina. From west to east in the Orthrian Region,the influence of the Oriental fauna increases significantly.In Yunnan, for example, about half of thebuprestid fauna is Oriental. An influence of the Holarcticand Stenopean groups increases in the EastOrthrian Subregion, as illustrated by a few buprestidgenera and subgenera: Nipponobuprestis (six species insouthern China and Japan) and Sapaia (Yunnan andNorth Vietnam) (Volkovitsh and Alexeev 1988, Kubanet al. 2006).Scythian (Steppe) RegionThe steppe (Figs. 7.1a: VII; 7.6a) stretches from theHungarian lowland to eastern Siberia, Mongolia, andnorthern China, with the southern border along theBlack Sea, Crimean and Caucasian mountains, andthe deserts of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. The steppeis characterized by the following climatic conditions:well-developed to extreme continentality (Mongoliansteppes differ by more than 100 ◦ C between the winterminimum and summer maximum), limited andunevenprecipitation,andstrongwinds.Genuinesteppelandscape nearly lacks forests, with only some galleryforests situated along the rivers, small isolated forestsin depressions (ovragi, balki), and forest belts in themountains.The steppe landscape (the steppe proper, prairies,and pampas), occupying only 8% of the land, provides80% of the cereals and meat and other cattleproducts (Mordkovich et al. 1997); 66% of thesteppes are located in Eurasia. Due to its fertile soils

148 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshand favorable climate, the steppe has been severelytransformed by agriculture. Some remnants of steppeoccur in southern Ukraine and the south of EuropeanRussia, but in the northern Caucasus, steppe communitiesare almost entirely gone, except for some fragmentson slopes unsuitable for agriculture (Korotyaev2000); the same is true for the nearly completelycultivated northern Kazakhstan steppes (‘Tselina’ =virgin soil). Large steppe areas still exist in Tuva andMongolia.The steppe is usually subdivided into the WestScythian and East Scythian subregions (Emeljanov1974), with the boundary in the area between theAltai Mountains and Yenisei River; subregions arefurther subdivided into provinces and subprovinces.The boundary between the Western and EasternPalearctic steppe faunas is quite sharp. In the closeterritories of southeastern West Siberia and in Tuva,the weevil faunas are nearly equal, consisting of 320species (Krivets 1999) and 311 species, respectively(B. A. Korotyaev, unpublished data), including 1 andat least 35 species, respectively, of Stephanocleonus(Coleoptera: Curculionidae).Strong and frequent winds might be largelyresponsible for insects with well-developed flightskills or flightless forms having an advantage inthe steppe. Flightlessness is particularly commonfor ground-dwelling beetles. Among them, thecerambycid genus Dorcadion, with many species,is characteristic of the western and central partsof the Steppe Region, whereas the eastern part ispopulated by its close relative Eodorcadion. Speciesof Dorcadion are active in the spring, and those ofEodorcadion in the middle of the summer, according tothe maximum precipitation in the respective regions.Many steppe carabids are also flightless, includingthe most conspicuous, viz., Callisthenes and someCalosoma (Fig. 7.2a). Flightless insects are especiallycommon in dry variants of the steppe with sparsevegetation, for example, in Tuva and Mongolia, wherethe predominance of medium-sized and large winglessorthopterans and beetles is impressive. Some largeweevil genera, including almost exclusively fullywinged species, are represented in the Palearctic steppeby wingless species. Examples include a winglessspecies of Pseudorchestes, which is a minute leaf mineron semidesert wormwoods (Artemisia pauciflora Web.ex Stechm.) in Kazakhstan and Mongolia, and theentire subgenus Anthonomidius of the worldwideAnthonomus, with four species on Potentilla.A characteristic feature of steppe vegetation is theprevalence of the underground biomass over the abovegroundbiomass, leading Paczoski (1917) to call thesteppe ‘the forest upside down’. The proportion of weevilswith soil-inhabiting larvae in the Ciscaucasiansteppe (20%), nonetheless, is less than that in thesix types of the Transaltai Gobi desert communities(40–57%) and at the southern boundary of the adjacentmountain steppes (54%), and equals that in thedesert solonchaks and oases (Korotyaev 2000).A variety of beetles, from carnivores to phytophages,is rich in the steppe. Medvedev (1950) gave an excellentreview of the steppe fauna, which is especially detailedforthewesternsteppes.Heconsideredthat5300speciesof beetles occur in the steppes from Moldova to Transbaikalia;however, only half of them occur in the truesteppe landscape. Weevils (Curculionidae in a broadsense, excepting Scolytinae) are the most species-richgroup of beetles in the steppes of the former USSR(763 species), followed by ground beetles (Carabidae,752 species), rove beetles (Staphylinidae, 657), leaf beetles(Chrysomelidae, 500), and scarabs (Scarabaeoidea,288) (Medvedev 1950, cited by Iablokov-Khnzorian1961).Many groups of saprophagous (copro-, detrito-, andproper saprophagous) beetles are well represented inthe steppe. The largest beetle genera, Aphodius andOnthophagus, dominate the dung-beetle assemblagesthroughout the steppe zone. Some species of Aphodiusare associated with burrows of typical steppe rodents,the susliks (ground squirrels) and marmots. Regionalfaunas of Aphodius include as many as 150 speciesin Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (Nikolajev 1988)and about 50 mostly steppe species in Mongolia(Puntsagdulam 1994). The Mongolian steppe faunaof coprophagous scarabaeids is more diversified (59,32, and 35 species in the forest steppe, genuine steppe,and desert steppe, respectively) than the desert fauna(seven species) (Puntsagdulam 1994).The most conspicuous detrito- and phytodetritophagousgroup of beetles in the steppe is the familyTenebrionidae, of which the most common is Opatrumsabulosum (L.). A few species of the genus Pedinus alsoare typical of the Eastern European steppe (P. femoralis(L.) being the most common and widely distributed),but missing from the steppes of Kazakhstan, Siberia,and Mongolia, whose fauna is dominated by thegenera Anatolica, Penthicus, Melanesthes, Scythis,and Blaps with 42, 25, 13, 12, and 10 species,respectively, in Mongolia and Tuva (Medvedev 1990).

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 149These genera, except Blaps, are poorly represented inthe European steppes where no genus of Tenebrionidaehas gained a particular diversity. For example, onthe Taman’ Peninsula, with its predominantly steppelandscape, each of the 12 genera of tenebrionid beetlesis represented by only one species (B. A. Korotyaev,unpublished data).Among pollinators, several medium-sized, hairy,and brightly colored scarabaeoid beetles of the familyGlaphyridae, with thin, short elytra (Amphicoma andGlaphyrus) – apparently mimicking bumblebees – arespecific to the western steppe but lacking in theSiberian and Mongolian steppe. Two related families,the Malachiidae and Dasytidae, are common onflowers throughout the steppe zone. Alleculids areconspicuous only in the western steppes.Steppe herbivores are numerous and specific. Twoorders, the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, are apparentlymost species rich in the steppe. In the KaradaghNature Reserve in the Crimean steppe, 1516 species ofLepidoptera have been found (Budashkin 1991); 796species are recorded from the largely dry-woodlandAbrau Peninsula in the Black Sea, and 300 speciesfromthealmostforestlessTaman’Peninsula (Shchurov2004). In the steppes of the Northwestern Caucasusnear Novoaleksandrovsk, 169 species of weevilsdominate the herbivorous insect assemblage, with thesecond largest group, the Chrysomelidae, barely reachinghalf the weevil total, and other beetle families(Buprestidae and Cerambycidae) being represented by6 or 7 species. The Auchenorrhyncha (planthoppersand leafhoppers) and Orthoptera have no more than20 and 6 species, respectively, in that area (Korotyaev2000, 2001a, unpublished data).Most steppe-specific buprestids are representativesof Sphenoptera (subgenera Chilostetha and Sphenopteras. str.), which are mainly root borers; Agrilus (subgenusXeragrilus), associated mainly with Artemisia;and endemic Palearctic Cylindromorphus that feed onCyperaceae and Poaceae. Leaf-mining species of thegenus Trachys are common on Lamiaceae plants in thewestern steppes, whereas representatives of anotherleaf-mining genus, Habroloma, are associated mainlywith Erodium (Geraniaceae).The tribe Dorcadionini, with soil-inhabiting larvae,is the most characteristic group of cerambycidbeetles in the steppe. The three cerambycid generawith the greatest numbers of species in theCaucasus – Dorcadion (43), Phytoecia (40), andAgapanthia (16) – comprise more than a quarter ofthe entire fauna (343 species) of this extensivelywooded mountain system. They are associated withherbaceous vegetation, and most (31 of 43 species ofDorcadion recorded from the Caucasus; Danilevskii andMiroshnikov 1985) live in the steppes.Leaf beetles have a number of groups specific tothe steppe. No fewer than 50 species of several subgeneraof Chrysolina occur in the steppe and somelarge subgenera (e.g., Pezocrozita) are subendemic. Allspecies of Chrysolina are associated with herbs and semishrubs(mostly Artemisia species), and are especiallyconspicuous and diversified in the steppes of southernSiberia and Mongolia. Many of the central Palearcticsteppe Chrysolina are wingless, but two tribes of activelyflying leaf beetles, the Clytrini and Cryptocephalini(Fig. 7.2d), with no flightless species in the Palearctic,codominate, with Chrysolina, the steppe chrysomelidassemblages. In the Cryptocephalini, Cryptocephalus isapparently the most species-rich genus of leaf beetlesin the steppe and includes many common species onArtemisia, Atraphaxis, andCaragana, themostcharacteristicsteppe semishrubs and shrubs.The steppe flea-beetle (Alticini) fauna is the mostspecies rich among the flatland flea-beetle faunas of theEuropean part of the former USSR, with 198 species(Konstantinov 1991). This fauna also has the lowestpercentage of species with transpalearctic ranges(16.2%) (Konstantinov 1991).In the Bruchinae, the monotypic tribe Kytorhininiincludes about a dozen species associated mostly withCaragana (Fabaceae) and distributed from southeasternEuropean Russia to Nepal and the Far East. Thegenera Bruchidius, Bruchus,andSpermophagus are representedin the steppe by a few species, including someendemics. A Nearctic species, Acanthoscelides pallidipennis(Motschulsky), has been introduced together withits American host, Amorpha fruticosa L. (Fabaceae), andis now the second most common (after Spermophagussericeus Geoffroy) bruchine in the North Caucasiansteppe, having reached China in the east.The largest phytophagous group, the Curculionoidea,is species rich in the steppes. Of the 11 familiesrepresented in the steppe, only the Apionidae andCurculionidae are represented by more than 10 species,but most of the families, except the Nanophyidae andDryophthoridae, include at least one endemic or subendemicsteppe species. The Nemonychidae (Fig. 7.5b)and Brachyceridae occur only in the southeasternEuropean steppes. The Anthribidae and Rhynchitidaeare represented by one endemic species each in the

150 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshContinental sector on Caragana (Fabaceae) and Spiraea(Rosaceae), respectively. The Urodontidae include10 species of the Palearctic genus Bruchela in thesteppe, of which B. orientalis (Strej˘cek) is trans-zonal,B. exigua Motschulsky is endemic to extreme southeasternEurope, and B. kaszabi (Strej˘cek) is endemic tosouthern Mongolia; all are associated with xerophilicBrassicaceae. The Erirhinidae include the riparianendemic trans-zonal Lepidonotaris petax (Sahlberg) andEast Scythian Notaris dauricus Faust. The Attelabidaeare represented in eastern Mongolia and Transbaikaliaby a few Stenopean species, mostly on Ulmus pumila L.The Apionidae are common throughout the entiresteppe zone from its southernmost parts to the cold(= cryophytic) steppes and tundra-steppe of theSiberian Arctic zone. They comprise 10% of the entireCurculionoidea fauna (340 species) of the steppe onTaman’ Peninsula (Korotyaev 2004 and unpublisheddata), and 12% of the 169 species in the steppe ofStavropol Territory in the Northwestern Caucasus(Korotyaev 2000, 2001b, unpublished data). InSiberia and Mongolia, with their poorer steppe floraand extreme continental climate, the Apionidaeconstitute a smaller part of the steppe-weevil fauna(about 3% in the steppe zone of Tuva, with somewhatover 220 species).The Curculionidae is the most species-rich family inthe entire steppe zone, although only a few estimatesare available. Of the two investigated steppe areas inthe plains of the Northwestern Caucasus, one is theTaman’ Peninsula (Korotyaev 2004), with a variety ofhabitats. The other steppe area is a fragment of thesteppe with a territory of about 2 hectares, completelyisolated from the closest sites of native vegetation byfields and orchards (Korotyaev 2000). Both lists of theCurculionoidea are dominated by the Ceutorhynchinae,Entiminae, and Curculioninae, followed by theApionidae. Aside from the steppes of China, whereno specific studies have been conducted, the rest ofthe Eurasian steppe-weevil fauna is characterized bydominance of four subfamilies, the Ceutorhynchinae,Entiminae, Curculioninae, and Lixinae. The first threeof these subfamilies are most species rich in Europe andAnatolia, while the Lixinae overwhelmingly dominatein Mongolia and adjacent parts of eastern Siberia.The xylophagous Curculionoidea are poorly representedin the steppe. Scolytines are represented mostlyby thamnobionts and dendrobionts that develop onsteppe bushes such as Prunus spinosa L. One scolytidgenus, Thamnurgus, is herbivorous. One of its species,Th. russicus Alexeev, is endemic to the meadow-steppesubzone of European Russia, developing on Delphiniumcuneatum Stev. (Ranunculaceae; Alexeev 1957), andanother species, Th. caucasicus Reitter, is common onCarduus (Asteraceae) in the North Caucasian steppes.Sethian (Desert) RegionPalearctic deserts form a great belt stretching fromNorthern Africa to Northwestern China and WesternIndia (Figs. 7.1a: VIII; 7.6b). Depending on theclimatic conditions, soil composition, and vegetation,three large subregions usually are distinguished inPalearctic deserts: Saharo-Arabian, Irano-Turanian,and Central Asian (Lavrenko 1950, Emeljanov 1974,Kryzhanovsky 2002). Geographic position and climatepartly determine the similarities and distinctionsamong the insect faunas of all subregions. The Saharo-Arabian Subregion includes a great number of taxaof Afrotropical (Ethiopian) origin. The Irano-TuranianSubregion shares many taxa with the MediterraneanSubregion, particularly with the East MediterraneanProvince of the Hesperian Region, while its NorthTuranian Province has many features of the CentralAsian Subregion.The flatland desert insect fauna is xerophilicand relatively poor, other than some desert-specificgroups adapted to xeric conditions. Of approximately800 species of leaf beetles in Central and Middle Asia,233 species occur in deserts (Lopatin 1999). Amongthem, the Cryptocephalinae are the most numerous,followed by the Alticini and Eumolpinae.Some insect groups are poorly represented or absentin flatland deserts. These groups include grasshoppers(Orthoptera: Ensifera), earwigs (Dermaptera), aphids(Aphidina), some brown lacewings (Hemerobiidae),ground beetles (Carabidae, excluding specializedgroups), Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, and Mecoptera.Other insect groups are abundant in the deserts, includingsome groups of Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera,Orthoptera (particularly some groups of locusts:Catantopinae, Oedipodinae, and Pamphaginae),Rhynchota (particularly Psyllina, Auchenorrhyncha,and Heteroptera), and Neuroptera (Ascalaphidae,Mantispidae, Myrmeleontidae, and Nemopteridae(Fig. 7.2b)). The desert fauna has a large percentage ofendemic taxa (Kryzhanovsky 1965). In the Orthoptera,the family Acrididae contains a number of endemictribes (Dericorythini, Diexini, Egnatiini, Iranellini, and

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 151Table 7.3 Distribution of Tenebrionidae across six types of desert plant communities in Transaltai Gobi, Mongolia. 6–1 =desert plant communities (from north to south): 6, Anabasis brevifolia steppefied desert; 5, Reaumuria soongorica + Sympegmaregelii desert; 4, Haloxylon ammodendron desert; 3, Reaumuria soongorica + Nitraria sphaerocarpa desert; 2, extra-arid Iljiniaregelii desert; 1, extra-arid Ephedra przewalskii + Haloxylon ammodendron (in dry, temporary waterbeds) desert.Steppe Species (+) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Desert Species (*)∗ Dilamus mongolicusKaszab∗ Penthicus lenczyi Kaszab∗Psammoestes dilatatusReitterBlaps miliaria Fischer deWaldheim+ * Blaps kiritshenkoiSemenov and Boga˘cevMelanesthes heydeni Cziki + + * * Melanesthes czikii KaszabPlatyope mongolicaFaldermann+ + * * * Sternoplax mongolicaReitterMonatrum prescottiFaldermann+ + +* * * Anatolica mucronataReitterBlaps femoralis medusula + + +* * * * A. polita borealis KaszabKaszabEustenomacidiusmongolicus (Kaszab)+ + +* * * * Blaps kashgarensisgobiensis FrivaldskiAnatolica cechiniaeBogdanov-Kat’kov+ + +* * * * Trigonoscelis sublaevigatagranicollis KaszabA. sternalis gobiensisKaszab+ + +* * * * Cyphosthete mongolicaKaszabEumilada punctifera+ +* +* * * * Anatolica amoenula Reitteramaroides ReichardtEpitrichia intermedia+* + +* * Anemia dentipes BallionKaszabMicrodera kraatzi Reitter +* +* +* +* + +* Cyphogenia intermediaA. Boga˘cev* * * * * Pterocoma reitteriFrivaldskiUvaroviini), mostly in the subfamily Catantopinae,which is common in both the Sahara and Gobi Subregions(Sergeev 1993). Endemics constitute almost 70%of the leaf beetles (Lopatin 1999). <strong>Insect</strong> biodiversitysharply increases in the mountains, with altitude beltsinhabited by mesophilous groups, particularly in theIrano-Turanian Subregion (Kryzhanovsky 2002).The borders between steppes and deserts in thePalearctic generally are not sharp and usually arerepresented by an intermediate subzone of semidesertsnow typically attributed to the steppe zone as the desertsteppe. Faunal changes along climatic and vegetationalgradients are well-organized phenomena, whichis illustrated with examples of three family-group taxaof the Coleoptera in the Transaltai Gobi. Gradualchanges were studied in species assemblages of thesuperfamily Curculionoidea (Table 7.2), Chrysomelidae(except Bruchinae), and Tenebrionidae (Table 7.3)across six types of zonal plant communities, fromsteppefied deserts (sites 6 and 5) in the north of the160-km long soil and vegetation profile to extra-ariddeserts with only one (site 2) or two species of plants(site 1). The general pattern is a subsequent substitutionof species with the greatest portions of their rangesin the mountain steppe or desert steppe north of site 6by species distributed in true deserts.The Tenebrionidae differ from the herbivorous taxain the broader overlapping of the steppe and desertcomplexes along the profile, such that the numberof tenebrionid species is greater than the numberof weevils at most sites, although the total numberof weevils in the profile is 1.3 times that of

152 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. Volkovitshtenebrionids. Also distinguishing the Tenebrionidaefrom the herbivorous beetles is their much larger portionof zonal desert species in the total Transaltai Gobifauna (see Table 7.3): 59% for the tenebrionids, comparedwith 37% for the Curculionoidea and 31% forthe Chrysomelidae (excluding Bruchinae). A drop inbiodiversity occurs at site 6 close to the Dzhinst Mountains,with developed steppe communities, relative tothe more distant site 5, and the highest diversity isfound at the sandy Haloxylon desert (site 4).Two special faunistic surveys of Coleoptera havebeen conducted in different parts of the Palearcticdeserts. The first was by a French Scientific Mission(Peyerimhoff 1931) along an 800-km route inthe Central Sahara, including the Hoggar Plateau, inFebruary–May 1928, and the second was a part of theinvestigation on insects in the main plant communitiesoftheTransaltaiGobiinJuly–earlyOctober1981andinthe summer of 1982 by the Joint Soviet–Mongolian BiologicalExpedition (Korotyaev et al. 1983). Althoughthe periods and organization of the collecting differedsignificantly, the results (Table 7.4) are essentially similar.Differences in the family sets from the two surveysare of two kinds. The absence of several aquatic familiesin the Transaltai Gobi is due to the small number andsmall size of natural water bodies, whereas a ratherlarge river and several freshwater streams were investigatedin the Sahara. The other important difference isthe presence of the two predominantly tropical familiesin the Sahara, the Bostrichidae and Brentidae, whichcan be explained by the location of the area at thesouthern border of the Palearctic. The presence of afew families (e.g., Alleculidae, Cantharidae, Leiodidae,Nitidulidae, Oedemeridae, and Pselaphidae) with oneor two species in only one of the two faunas is probablyaccidental, resulting mainly from the difference incollecting periods.Several features are common to the Saharan andGobian coleopteran faunas and characteristic of thedesert Palearctic fauna in general. These are the leadingpositions of the Curculionidae and Tenebrionidaeand the relatively wide representation of other largefamiliessuchastheBuprestidae,Carabidae,Chrysomelidae,Scarabaeidae, and Staphylinidae, but not theCerambycidae. Also noteworthy is the absence of theSilphidae from the desert faunas, in sharp contrast tothe Mongolian steppes where large black beetles ofNicrophorus argutor B. Jakovlev are common arounddense colonies of pikas and susliks. The Scolytinae alsoareabsent,althoughadesertspecies,ThamnurguspeganiEggers, occurs in Middle Asia on Peganum harmala L.(Peganaceae) in Turkmenistan. Relatives of this speciesare known from Euphorbiaceae in tropical Africa andthe Mediterranean.To survive in extreme conditions of deserts, insectshave developed a number of specialized behavioral, ecological,morphological, and physiological adaptations.Aspecificsand-desertmorphobiologicalformhasarisenin several beetle families (e.g. Dermestidae; Zhantiev1976). The set of hyperthrophied adaptive characterscan mask the affinities to such an extent that a desertdermestid, Thylodrias contractus Motschulsky, has beendescribed repeatedly in several families (R. D. Zhantiev,personal communication). Adaptive rearrangementsof various body structures are manifested by desertBraconidae (Hymenoptera). In addition to depigmentationof the integument and enlargement of the eyes,in connection with nocturnal activity, the braconidwasps exhibit a smoothening of the body sculpture forreflection of light and heat, shortening of the wings withbasal shifting of the cells associated with strong winds inopen landscapes, and elongation of the labiomaxillarycomplex for feeding on flowers of desert plants (Tobias1968).ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work would not have been possible without helpand advice from our friends and colleagues – expertson various insect groups – especially those atthe Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg (Russia):L. N. Anisyutkin (Blattaria, Dermaptera), S. A. Belokobylsky(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), A. F. Emeljanov(Auchenorrhyncha, zoogeography), N. V. Golub(Zoraptera, Psocoptera), A. V. Gorokhov(Orthoptera), D. R. Kasparyan (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), the late I. M. Kerzhner (Heteroptera)A. G. Kirejtshuk (Coleoptera), O. V. Kovalev(Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea), V. A. Krivokhatsky(Neuropteroidea), V. G. Kuznetsova (Zoraptera,Psocoptera), A. L. Lobanov (Coleoptera, database),M. Yu. Mandelshtam (Scolytinae), A. Yu. Matov(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), G. S. Medvedev (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae), E. P. Nartshuk (Diptera), the lateYu. A. Pesenko (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), V. A. Richter(Diptera: Tachinidae), S. Yu. Sinev (Lepidoptera),A. V. Stekolshchikov (Sternorrhyncha: Aphidina), andfrom many other institutions: M. L. Chamorro-Lacayo(Trichoptera, Department of Entomology, University

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity in the Palearctic Region 153Table 7.4 Number of species of Coleoptera in the Transaltai Gobi and Central Sahara.Family Transaltai Gobi Central SaharaCarabidae 43 36Haliplidae – 1Dytiscidae 4 19Gyrinidae – 2Georissidae – 1Hydrophilidae (includingHelophoridae)5 13 (including Helophoridae andHydraenidae)Hydraenidae 3 ?Histeridae 15 11Leiodidae 1 –Staphylinidae 30 43Pselaphidae – 2Scarabaeidae sensu lato 15 (Aphodius –6,Onthophagus –1) 30Dryopidae – 4Heteroceridae – 2Buprestidae 16 (Anthaxia –1,Acmaeoderella –1,Sphenoptera –7,Agrilus –3,Paracylindromorphus –1)Elateridae 9 (Aeoloides –1,Aeloderma –1,Zorochrus –1,Agriotes –1,Cardiophorus –2)20 (Anthaxia –4,Acmaeodera –4,Sphenoptera –2,Agrilus –1,Cylindromorphus –1)8(Drasterius –2,Zorochrus –1,Agriotes –1,Cardiophorus –1)Cantharidae 1 –Dermestidae 12 (Dermestes –4,Attagenus –6–7,Anthrenus –2)11 (Dermestes –1,Attagenus –5,Anthrenus –1)Bostrichidae – 8Anobiidae 2 (Xyletinus) 1 (Theca)Stylopidae 1 –Cleridae3 (Emmepus arundinis Motsch.,4(Emmepus sp., Necrobia rufipes)Necrobia rufipes DeG., Opetiopalpussabulosus Motsch.)Dasytidae – 5Melyridae 3 5Nitidulidae – 1Cybocephalidae 2 3Phalacridae 4 2Cucujidae 3 (Airaphilus –1) 2(Airaphilus –1)Helodidae – 1Cryptophagidae 3 (Cryptophagus –2) 1(Cryptophagus)Coccinellidae 27 (Hyperaspis –1,Coccinella –5,Scymnus s. l. – 6, Pharoscymnus –2)11 (Hyperaspis –1,Coccinella –1,Scymnus s. l. – 4, Pharoscymnus –2)Mordellidae 4 (Mordellistena –3,Pentaria –1) 3(Mordellistena –1,Pentaria –2)Rhipiphoridae1 (Macrosiagon medvedevi1(Macrosiagon)Iablokov-Khnzorian)Oedemeridae 1 (Homomorpha cruciata Sem.) –Anthicidae15 (Steropes latifrons Sumakov,19 (Notoxus –2,Anthicus s. l. – 14)Notoxus –2,Anthicus s. l. – 11,Formicomus sp. – 1)Meloidae 3 23Alleculidae – 1Tenebrionidae 42 70(continued)

154 Alexander S. Konstantinov, Boris A. Korotyaev, and Mark G. VolkovitshTable 7.4 (continued).Family Transaltai Gobi Central SaharaScarptiidae 1 (Scraptia sp.) 1 (Scraptia straminea Peyer.)Cerambycidae4 (Chlorophorus ubsanurensis6Tsherep., Ch. obliteratus Ganglb.,Asias mongolicus Ganglb.,Eodorcadion kozlovi Suv.)Chrysomelidae 51 [incl. Bruchinae (6): Rhaebus –1,Spermophagus –2,Bruchidius –3]23 [incl. Bruchinae (2): Caryoborus –1,Bruchidius –1]Urodontidae 1 5Brentidae – 1Apionidae 15 13Curculionidae 73 39of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA), O. N. Kabakov(St. Petersburg, Russia), N. Ju. Kluge (Ephemeroptera,Department of Entomology, St. Petersburg University,Russia), A. S. Lelej (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae, Instituteof Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia),S. W. Lingafelter, M. Pogue, J. Prena, F. C. Thompson,N. E. Woodley (Systematic Entomology Laboratory,USDA, Washington DC, USA), W. Steiner (Departmentof Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, WashingtonDC, USA), I. Löbl (Genéve, Switzerland), I. K. Lopatin(Department of Zoology, Byelorussian State University,Minsk, Belarus), R. D. Zhantiev (Department of Entomology,Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia),and A. G. Zinovjev (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae,Boston, MA, USA).We thank V. I. Dorofeyev (Komarov BotanicalInstitute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg)for identification of some plants referred to in thetext; D. I. Berman and Yu. M. Marusik (Institute ofthe Biological Problems of the North, Far EasternBranch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan),O. A. Khruleva (Institute of the Ecology and Evolution,Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), andS. A. Kuzmina (Paleontological Institute, RussianAcademy of Sciences, Moscow) for useful advice andthe many-year supply of interesting material collectedin their studies in the North; D. I. Berman for excellentphotographs of the northern landscapes; O. Merkl(Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest) forhelp at the Budapest Museum and consultationsand excursions with B. A. Korotyaev to severalunique landscapes in Hungary; L. Gültekin (AtatürkUniversity, Erzurum, Turkey) for organizing collectingtrips to Turkey and the fruitful long-term collaboration;N. A. Florenskaya (St. Petersburg, Russia) for thehabitus illustration of Theodorinus sp.; E. Roberts (SystematicEntomology Laboratory, USDA, WashingtonDC, USA) for the habitus illustration of Clavicornalticadali; and H. Bradford (Systematic EntomologyLaboratory, USDA, Washington DC, USA, archives)for the habitus illustration of Cimberis attelaboides. Thework was performed with the use of the collection ofthe Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences(UFC ZIN no. 2–2.20), contract No. 02.452.11.7031with Rosnauka (2006-RI-26.0/001/070).We greatly appreciate the advice and constructivesuggestions of our friends and colleagues who readthis manuscript at various stages of completion:V. Grebennikov (Entomology, Canadian FoodInspection Agency, Ottawa), V. Gusarov (Departmentof Zoology, Natural History Museum, University ofOslo, Oslo, Norway), S. W. Lingafelter, R. Ochoa,A. Norrbom (Systematic Entomology Laboratory,Washington DC, USA), and A. K. Tishechkin (Departmentof Entomology, Louisiana State University, BatonRouge, Louisiana, USA). We thank A. S. Lelej for helpwith the literature. We are particularly thankful to P.H. Adler and R. Footitt for editing this manuscript andtheir numerous and valuable suggestions.This study was supported in part by the CollaborativeLinkage Grant No. 981318 of the NATO Life Scienceand Technology Program. The work of MGV and BAKwas partly supported also by the Russian Foundationfor Basic Research, Grant nos. 07-04-00482-a,07-04-10146-k, and 04-04-81026-Bel2004a. BAK’scollecting in the steppes of the Northwestern Caucasusin 2007, which provided additional observations andmaterial for this chapter, was supported by a grant fromthe Systematics Research Fund (London).

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<strong>Part</strong> II<strong>Insect</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong>: Taxon Examples<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9163

Chapter 8<strong>Biodiversity</strong> ofaquatic insectsJohn C. MorseDepartment of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson,South Carolina 29634-0315, USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9165

Water is critical for life on earth. Living organismsare composed mostly of water andrequire water for most of their metabolicfunctions. Terrestrial species have structures and methodsfor acquiring water periodically, or they live inhabitats that are adequately moist to meet their needs.Many organisms, however, live fully submerged inaqueous habitats, so that water for them is unlimited,as long as the water does not evaporate or disappearfor other reasons.Three-quarters of the earth’s surface is covered withoceans that are rarely or only marginally inhabitedby insects. Several reasons have been proposed toexplain why insects are so uncommon in oceans,such as low calcium concentration in seawater,competitive exclusion by Crustacea, or a need to evolvehighly sophisticated osmoregulatory and respirationmechanisms simultaneously (Cheng 1976). Apartfrom oceans, water occurring on and under the surfaceof the ground is habitat for a highly diverse insectfauna. Unlike ocean water, this water occurring abovethe level of the oceans is fresh, with usually lowerconcentrations of salts and other solutes. Below thesurface of the ground, water flows slowly in interstitialspaces of sediments and is especially abundant belowthe water table, often in aquifers, sometimes dissolvingrocks such as limestone and creating subterraneancracks and caverns. Above the surface of the ground,habitable water occurs in a variety of lotic (flowingwater) habitats including seeps, springs, creeks, andrivers; and many kinds of lentic (standing water)habitats such as pools, ponds, lakes, and the manyrelatively small quantities of water in puddles, aerialepiphytes, and artificial containers (e.g., footprints,birdbaths, exposed cisterns, open metal cans, oldtires).Water is of particular concern not only because ofits critical importance for life, including human life,but also because it is the most obvious habitat intowhich the effects of terrestrial activities are concentrated.Precipitation carries to streams and groundwatermost of the effects of activities occurring onotherwise ‘dry land’, including deposition of sewage,fertilizers, carcasses, and other nutrients; release oftoxic manufactured products and byproducts; mobilizationof sediments that result from exposure of soilto precipitation and runoff; and removal of trees andother riparian vegetation.Because most aquatic insects remain below the surfaceof the water, they are rarely seen, so that the highdiversity of insects that inhabit freshwater ecosystemsfor at least part of their lives is poorly known by mostpeople. Mostof these insectspecies, especially in tropicalparts of the world, are still unknown even to scientists.Along with other small invertebrates, aquaticinsects are an indispensable part of the food weband of nutrient cycling in freshwater ecosystems(or ‘spiraling’ in streams, e.g., Newbold et al. 1982,1983), and are an essential component in the diet offish and amphibians and of many birds and mammals.For this reason, their imitations are attractive tothe game of fly-fishing enthusiasts (e.g., McCafferty1981). Because of the species-specific variation intolerances that insects have for a wide range ofenvironmental circumstances, insects also are widelyused as indicators of the level of pollution in thewaters that we drink and use for recreation and manypractical purposes (Barbour et al. 1999).Eggs, larvae, and pupae of some species ofwasps (Hymenoptera) and moths (Lepidoptera), andespecially of beetles (Coleoptera) and flies (Diptera),occur in freshwater ecosystems, and adults of some ofthe beetles also live there. Because these groups arediscussed in more detail in other chapters, their aquaticspecies will be mentioned only briefly here. Somegroups of insects have only a few species that live in thewater or that live closely associated with water, suchas springtails (Collembola), grasshoppers (Orthoptera),earwigs (Dermaptera), lice (Phthiraptera), andscorpionflies (Mecoptera). Because they contributelittle to the themes of this chapter, they also will bementioned only briefly. The focus of this chapter, therefore,will be the mayflies (Ephemeroptera), dragonfliesand damselflies (Odonata), stoneflies (Plecoptera),bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera), hellgrammites (Megaloptera),spongillaflies (Neuroptera-Sisyridae, Nevrorthidae),and caddisflies (Trichoptera).OVERVIEW OF TAXASpringtails (Collembola)The English common name for these small insects refersto their ability to jump by rapid release of a posteriorleaping organ (furca or furcula) that is ordinarily foldedbeneath the abdomen and held in place by a ventralclasp (retinaculum or tenaculum). Some species arecommon skaters on the surface of temperate and subpolarwaters or sprawlers on the shores of these waters.They feed on bits of decaying plants and animals andmicroflora (Waltz and McCafferty 1979, Christiansenand Snider 1996).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 167Mayflies (Ephemeroptera)Mayflies occur globally in a wide variety of lotic andlentic habitats. The life cycle of a mayfly includesegg, larva, subimago (winged immature stage), andimago (male or female adult) stages. Eggs and larvaetypically occur in natural lotic and lentic habitats;subimagoes and imagoes are aerial and terrestrial,usually flying or resting in vegetation near the habitatof the eggs and larvae. One life cycle usually iscompleted per year, but some species have more thanone generation each year or require 2 years. Up to9000 eggs (Fremling 1960) can be laid by a singlefemale on the water surface by touching it or restingon it, below the water surface (a few Baetis species),or from the air above the water (a few species). Eggsusually require a few weeks to develop, but can enterdiapause for 3–11 months. Larvae usually eat bits oforganic matter collected or scraped from the substrateor filtered from suspension in the water; a few rarespecies are predators (Edmunds and Waltz 1996). Alarva undergoes 9–45 molts before swimming to thewater surface and emerging as a subimago (Unzickerand Carlson 1982). Usually the subimago flies into thenearby vegetation where it molts to an imago in a fewhours. Adults mate usually while flying, typically aftera female flies through a male swarm over or near water.They live for a few minutes to a few days and do notfeed.Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata)Dragonflies and damselflies are widely distributed andabundant in almost all permanent fresh and brackishwater. They are particularly abundant in warmerwaters such as those in lowlands of tropical and subtropicalregions. A few species are semiaquatic in bogmoss, damp leaves, and seepages, and a few tropicalspecies inhabit water in bromeliads or tree holes. TheOdonata have egg, larval, and adult stages, with eggsand larvae usually submerged in lentic or lotic habitatsand aerial adults flying or resting near the water. Eggscan be endophytic, laid in living or dead plant tissueabove or below the water through the use of an ovipositor,or they can be exophytic, laid in sand or silt inshallow areas of a stream or released above the watersurface (Westfall and Tennessen 1996). They hatchin 5–30 days (Huggins and Brigham 1982), sometimeswith a winter diapause (Westfall and Tennessen1996). The predatory larvae pass through about 11or 12 instars and complete a life cycle in as little as1 month to as long as 5 years, depending on the speciesand the availability of invertebrate prey (Westfall andTennessen 1996). Larvae of different species captureprey either by stalking them on the stems of aquaticplants or on the sediment surface, or by hiding infine sediments and ambushing them. Adult emergenceoccurs in about half an hour, after a larva crawls out ofthe water onto some stable terrestrial substrate, oftenat night. The adult remains close to the water (e.g.,Cordulegastridae) or flies away from water for oneor more weeks, later returning to its species-specifichabitat to feed, mate, and lay eggs (e.g., Aeshnidae).Adults are predatory, feeding on other flying insectscaptured in flight. Males often guard territory intowhich females are permitted or attracted. Mating typicallyoccurs in tandem, with a male using the endof its abdomen to grasp the female behind the headwhile she receives the sperm from special copulatoryorgans on the male’s second or third abdominal sternum,the male having transferred the spermatophorethere earlier from the end of its abdomen. A significantmonograph on odonate biology was provided by Corbet(1999).Stoneflies (Plecoptera)Stoneflies are distributed globally, mostly in cold mountainstreams, but with about one-third of all speciesoccurring in the tropics (Zwick 2003). These insectshave egg, larval, and adult life history stages, withaquatic eggs and larvae and terrestrial adults. Eggsare laid above water or on the water surface. Theysink to the bottom and attach to the substrate bya sticky gelatinous covering or by chorionic anchoringdevices. The eggs hatch usually in 3–4 weeks,but can undergo diapause for 3–6 months in intermittenthabitats, especially in the families Leuctridae,Nemouridae, Perlidae, and Perlodidae. Larvae are generallyunivoltine, with one generation each year, butthey are sometimes semivoltine, with one generationevery 2 or 3 years. Growth rates can vary in differenttaxa, especially in those that undergo egg or larvaldiapause in response to a variety of environmental conditions(Stewart and Stark 2002). The number of larvalinstars is variable in many stonefly species, rangingfrom10–22+instars (SephtonandHynes1982, Butler1984). Larvae sprawl on the substrate or cling to rocks,feeding mostly as shredders of dead vegetation or predatorsof small arthropods (Stewart and Harper 1996).

168 John C. MorseEmergence of adult stoneflies is similar to that of adultOdonata – larvae crawl out of the water usually atnight, attach to a rock or log, and exit the last larvalexuviae in about 5–10 minutes (Stewart and Stark2002). Adults live 1–4 weeks and some species feed onepiphytic algae or young leaves or buds (Stewart andHarper 1996). Communication for mating is often facilitatedby tapping (‘drumming’) on substrates with theend of the abdomen, the vibrations being detected in thepotential mate’s subgenual organs (Stewart and Maketon1991). Mating is accomplished while standing andfacing the same direction, with the male standing ontop of the female (Stewart and Harper 1996).Grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera)This familiar group of insects is mostly terrestrial,feeding usually on living plant tissue. A few speciesfeed on plants beside or emerging from streams andponds (Cantrall and Brusven 1996). One species thatfeeds on water hyacinth is being bred for possiblerelease as a means to control this weed in thewild (Franceschini et al. 2005, Lhano et al. 2005, Adiset al. 2007).Earwigs (Dermaptera)One species of this order, Anisolabis maritima (Bonelli),is a predator of small animals beneath litter and driftwoodon marine beaches (Langston 1974, Langstonand Powell 1975).Lice (Phthiraptera)A few species of lice are ectoparasites of birds andmammals that live in freshwater and marine habitats.Some species of Menoponidae, for example, feed on bitsof feathers, skin, and blood of geese and ducks (Price1987); and Echinophthiriidae suck blood of otters, sealions, seals, and walruses (Kim 1987).Bugs (Hemiptera)Most of the cicadas, hoppers, scale insects, and theirrelatives (suborders Sternorrhyncha and Auchenorrhyncha)in this order live on plants that havelittle or no association with surface water. However,several families of bugs in the suborder Heteropteraare intimately associated with freshwater habitats.Hemiptera probably evolved an aquatic lifestyle atleast five times (Carver et al. 1991): (1) A few speciesof auchenorrhynchous leafhoppers (Cicadelloidea)feed on the emergent portions of freshwater vascularplants. Among the Hemiptera-Heteroptera (2) theDipsocoroidea are shore-dwelling burrowers understones, (3) the Gerromorpha (or ‘Amphibicorisae’ or‘Amphibicorizae’) are all water-surface-dwelling bugs,(4) the Leptopodomorpha are shore-dwelling climbersand burrowers, and (5) the Nepomorpha (or ‘Hydrocorisae’or ‘Hydrocorizae’) mostly swim beneath thewater surface. Most of the species diversity for aquaticbugs is in the Gerromorpha and the Nepomorpha. Avariable number of eggs is usually laid beneath or atthe surface of the water in plants or in sand, fastenedto the substrate at one end with a sticky substanceor a slender stalk; females of species of the giant waterbug genera Abedus and Belostoma (Belostomatidae) layeggs on the backs of males, where they are aeratedand protected from predation (Yonke 1991). Larvaeresemble adults in general body form, althoughlacking wings and reproductive structures, and liveusually in the same aquatic habitats. Most larvaegrow through five instars, usually with one generationeach year, although some are multivoltine (Sanderson1982). Surface-dwelling and semiaquatic familiesare usually most common in late summer, whereasNepomorpha families are most frequent in late fall.Respiration for Nepomorpha usually is by means of atransported air bubble that is replenished from time totime; a few species of Naucoridae and Aphelocheiridaerespire with a plastron (permanent air film); allothers are air breathers, including Nepidae and someBelostomatidae that access the air with respiratorysiphons or straps (Sanderson 1982, Polhemus 1996).Most Heteroptera reduce their susceptibility topredation with noxious excretions from abdominal(larvae) or thoracic (adults) scent glands, or use thesesubstances to groom themselves, reducing microbialgrowth on their bodies (Kovac and Maschwitz 1989).All Hemiptera larvae and adults have suckingmouthparts; these are organized into a three- orfour-segmented beak for most Heteroptera (Corixidaeare an exception) and are used primarily to feed onfluids of plants or animals. The forewings of adultHeteroptera are leathery basally and membranousapically, but many species are apterous as adults

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 169and many other species have both macropterousand brachypterous forms. The habitats of the aquaticHeteroptera are highly variable among the familiesand genera, but most often they involve emergentvegetation in shallow water. Other habitats includethe shores of surface freshwaters (many taxa), marineintertidal zones (some Saldidae), the surface of theopen sea (genus Halobates in Gerridae), ocean beaches,estuaries, brackish and alkaline lentic habitats,high mountain lakes, hot springs, roadside ditches,temporary pools, bogs, swamps, and running water ofall types (Polhemus 1996).Wasps (Hymenoptera)Eleven families of the Hymenoptera include species thatare considered aquatic, parasitizing primarily the eggsor larvae of other aquatic insects (Bennett 2008). TheAgriotypinae are external parasitoids of Trichopterapupae (Elliott 1982). Spider wasps of the genus Anoplius(Pompilidae) capture and paralyze submerged spidersof the genus Dolomedes, carrying them one at a time toa nest in the bank, and laying an egg externally so thatthe resulting wasp larva can feed on the spider (Evansand Yoshimoto 1962).Hellgrammites and alderflies (Megaloptera)The larvae of the Megaloptera are aquatic, whereas theeggs,pupae,andadultsareterrestrial.Severalhundredsof the tiny cylindrical eggs are laid in rows or layers inrounded or quadrangular masses on substrates abovethe water (Evans and Neunzig 1996). Hatchlings dropto and through the water surface and swim to appropriatehabitat (Brigham 1982a). Larvae live usuallyin rivers, permanent and temporary streams, springseeps, ponds, or swamps, or in lakes near wave-washedshores, occurring in leaf litter, among coarse rubble, orin soft organic sediment. They are predators on a widevariety of macroinvertebrates and require 1–5 years tocomplete development, with larvae passing through upto 12 instars (Evans and Neunzig 1996). They eventuallycrawl out of the water to fashion unlined pupationchambers in soil and litter near the larval habitat,under rocks, sometimes in soft, rotting shoreline logs orstumps or in dry stream beds (Brigham 1982a, Neunzigand Baker 1991). Adult mating and egg-laying activitycan be diurnal or nocturnal; apparently adults do notfeed (Evans and Neunzig 1996).Nerve-winged insects (Neuroptera)Most species of Neuroptera (or Planipennia) are terrestrial.However, the larvae of Nevrorthidae and Sisyridaeare aquatic. Larvae of at least the European Neurorthusspecies of Nevrorthidae are eurythermic, livingin creeks and small rivers with temperatures rangingfrom 2 ◦ –23.8 ◦ C; unlike Sisyridae, they pupate underwater and apparently complete one life cycle eachyear (Zwick 1967, Malicky 1984).Larvae of the Sisyridae feed on freshwater spongeswith stylet-like mouthparts that are a coaptation oftheir mandibles and maxillae; eggs, pupae, and adultsare terrestrial. Larval development is accomplishedin three instars; Climacia areolaris (Hagen) produces asmany as five generations each year (White 1976). Usually,a cluster of a few tiny eggs are deposited in crevicesor depressions on objects overhanging the water, suchas the undersides of leaves in forks of leaf veins, andcovered by a tent of three or four layers of white, silkenthreads. Hatchlings drop through the water surfaceand swim in search of sponges where they settle for theremainder of their development (Pennak 1978). Theypierce the sponge cells and suck their contents withoutimbibing the dangerous silicate spicules, sometimescyclically feeding for a few minutes then wanderingfor the next several minutes. Larvae camouflage themselveswith pieces of sponge impaled on the sharp spinesprotruding from their bodies, and respire with gillsfolded beneath the abdomen. They eventually swim orcrawl to shore and then walk as much as 15 m inland topupate in a double-layered silken cocoon in the shelterofabarkorrockcrevice.Afterafewdays,theyemergeasadults, mate, and lay eggs for about 2 weeks, apparentlysustained by pollen and nectar (Brigham 1982b).Scorpionflies (Mecoptera)The Nannochoristidae are the only scorpionflies withspecies having aquatic larvae, occurring only in theAustralasian and Neotropical regions. The long, slender,wireworm-like larvae live in mud, and prey on larvaeof midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) (Pilgrim 1972).Beetles (Coleoptera)The beetles evidently evolved into freshwater habitatsseveral times, with freshwater species occurringglobally in a wide range of lentic and lotic habitats

170 John C. Morseor at the margins of these habitats; some beetles occurin marine intertidal situations (White and Brigham1996). These independent evolutionary events intheir various stages of transition to aquatic habitatshave resulted in a variety of living strategies for theeggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. Truly aquatic formshave eggs, larvae, and adults, all generally aquaticand pupae generally terrestrial (e.g., Elmidae). Sometruly aquatic taxa have only eggs and larvae aquatic,with pupae and adults terrestrial (e.g., Psephenidae).In others, only the adults are aquatic (e.g., Dryopidae,Hydraenidae). Feeding habits are variable, with larvaeor adults of the same species sometimes differing infeeding habits; predation, herbivory (either vascularplants or algae scraped from rocks), and detritivory arecommon (White and Brigham 1996). Respiration byadults is generally by air bubble or plastron (permanentair film), whereas respiration by larvae is generallytranscuticular (with or without gills) or involvespiercing plant tissues (Eriksen et al. 1996). Eggs arelaid in various situations and hatch in 1–2 weeks.Development of larvae is usually accomplishedwith three to eight instars in 6–8 months (Whiteand Brigham 1996). Pupae usually develop in2–3 weeks (White and Brigham 1996), although someoverwinter (e.g., Chrysomelidae: Donacia) (P. Zwick,personal communication). Most beetles are univoltinein temperate regions but can have more than onegeneration per year in tropical or subtropical climates.Caddisflies (Trichoptera)Essentially all caddisflies are aquatic, with eggs, larvae,and pupae occurring in a wide variety of freshwaterhabitats and adults flying and resting in nearby terrestrialhabitats. Most species are oviparous, with tensto hundreds of eggs per distinctively shaped eggmasscovered with polysaccharide spumalin and depositedon substrates suspended above water, at the water’sedge, or submerged under water after deposition byswimming or crawling females (Unzicker et al. 1982).Larvae typically develop through five instars, completinggrowth in 2 months to 2 years, with most life cyclesunivoltine (Wiggins 1996). First-instar diapause hasbeen reported for species in temporary pools (Wiggins1973) and fifth-instar aestivation for species in temporarystreams (Wiggins 1996).Larval habits, habitats, and feeding strategiesare strongly correlated with their architecturalbehavior, facilitated by use of labial silk (Mackayand Wiggins 1979). Five general architecturalstrategies for case-making or retreat-making arerecognized (Wiggins 2004): (1) Rhyacophiloidea arefree-living, building a dome-like shelter in the lastinstar for pupation, which occurs in an interior cocoon.(2) Glossosomatidae build a portable dome-like shelterprecociously in all larval instars, transporting it muchlike a turtle wears its shell; the transverse ventralstrap is removed and the resulting dome cementedwith silk to a stone for pupation, which occurs in aninterior cocoon. (3) Hydroptilidae make, in only thelast instar, a usually portable purse-like depressedor compressed case with silk and often variousmineral or plant inclusions; the case is attached tothe substrate and the ends are sealed for pupation,which occurs in an interior cocoon. (4) Species ofthe suborder Integripalpia make a portable case thatis essentially tubular, composed of silk and mineralor plant material; the case is usually attached to thesubstrate, and porous silken sieve plates seal the endsfor pupation without a cocoon. (5) Species of thesuborder Annulipalpia make a stationary retreat of silkthat often has a filtering function to remove suspendednutrient particles from the water; a separate dome-likeshelter is constructed usually of mineral material forpupation, without a cocoon.Larval habits include swimming in the water columnor burrowing in the substrate or clinging, sprawling, orclimbing on substrate surfaces (Wiggins 1996). Larvaeof various species feed as shredding and piercing herbivores,shredding and collecting detritivores, gougersof wood, filterers of food particles from the watercolumn, grazers on substrate biofilm, predators, andparasitoids (Wells 1992, Wiggins 1996).After 2–3 weeks as a pupa, a mature pupa typicallyuses large mandibles to cut through the shelter andany cocoon and then swims to the water surface orcrawls out of the water (Unzicker et al. 1982) where itemerges in less than a minute as an adult and flies intothe sheltering riparian vegetation.Adults live for a few days to 3 months (Unzickeret al. 1982), subsisting on nectar and water obtainedwith imbibing mouthparts (Crichton 1957). They flymost readily in early evening after sunset, but someare nocturnal and others are diurnal (Unzicker et al.1982). Mating is facilitated by pheromones (Wood andResh 1984), by substrate vibrations (Ivanov andRupprecht 1993), and by swarming dances (Solem1984, Ivanov 1993). Sperm transfer is accomplished

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 171with male and female end-to-end, facing in oppositedirections while standing on shoreside substrate(Ivanov and Rupprecht 1993).Moths (Lepidoptera)Most species of Lepidoptera are terrestrial herbivores.Many species feed on the emergent parts of plantsthat grow in the water. Most species of the crambidsubfamily Nymphulinae are truly aquatic, with eggs,larvae,andpupaefullysubmergedinwater.Caterpillarsof the nymphuline tribe Nymphulini are herbivores ofmany freshwater plant species (Brigham and Herlong1982), whereas those of the tribe Argyractini live undersilk tents on rocks, and scrape biofilm from the rocksurfaces (Lange 1996).Flies (Diptera)All Diptera are aquatic in the broadest sense, requiringa humid environment for development. Eggs, larvae,and pupae of most families of Nematocera and severalfamilies of Brachycera develop only when submergedin wet environments, flies having evolved into thesehabitats at least eight times independently (McAlpineand Wood 1989). These insects live in almost everytype of aquatic habitat, including coastal marine andbrackish waters and brine pools; shallow and deeplakes; ponds; geyser pools up to 49 ◦ C; natural seepsof crude petroleum; stagnant or temporary pools andpuddles; water in bromeliads, pitcher plants, and artificialcontainers; and slow to fast flowing streams andrivers (Courtney et al. 1996a).Much of human history has been affected by the roleof flies in disease transmission, both in determiningthe outcomes of war and in retarding economic development.Many of the carriers of these disease agentsdevelop in freshwater habitats, especially lakes, ponds,streams, and artificial containers with small amountsof water, such as discarded open cans and old tires.At the same time, in aquatic ecosystems, flies oftenplay a key role in food webs, consuming large amountsof detritus and serving as the primary food source forother freshwater organisms (Courtney et al. 1996b). Infreshwater habitats, larvae are planktonic in the watercolumn, burrowers in the substrate, or clingers orsprawlers on substrates (Courtney et al. 1996a). Theirfeeding strategies are as diverse as those of caddisflies,including shredding living and dead plant tissue, gougingwood, filtering suspended food particles from thewater column, collecting bits of food from the substrate,grazingonbiofilms,andpreyingonorparasitizingothermacroinvertebrates (Courtney et al. 1996a).SPECIES NUMBERSTable 8.1 provides not only the number of species currentlyknown for the various orders of aquatic insects,but also for some groups, the number that has beenestimated actually to exist, including yet-unknownspecies. In some cases, not more than about 20% ofthe species are presently known to science, with asubstantial majority yet to be discovered.Geographically, the tropical and subtropical regionsinclude most of the yet-unknown species of aquaticinsects. For example, Schmid (1984) estimated that50,000 species of caddisflies occur in the world(of which only 25% are presently described), with40,000 of those species occurring in the tropics andsubtropics of southern Asia. The density of caddisflyspecies in the Oriental Region is about twice that of thenext most densely speciose region (Neotropical) (Morse1997), yet species discovery continues in the OrientalRegion (e.g., Yang and Morse 2000), without any signof waning.SOCIETAL BENEFITS AND RISKSThe benefits and risks of aquatic insect biodiversity cannotbe appreciated unless that biodiversity is known.Many species of aquatic insects remain unknown toscience, and many have been collected and recognizedas yet undescribed. Species accumulation curves suggestthat we have not yet approached an asymptote,so that many additional yet-unknown species have notbeen collected, especially in tropical and subtropicalwaterways (Morse 2002).In biomonitoring programs to assess water quality,one of the major impediments is a lack of ability toidentify larvae at the species level. Larvae are mostcommonly collected in stream assessments, but thetaxonomy of most groups began with the adults, oftenwith just one gender. For this reason, larvae are poorlyknown, with not more than about 50% of the speciesrecognizable as larvae in regions where most speciesare otherwise known to science, and often less than 5%

172 John C. MorseTable 8.1 Major orders (and Diptera families) of aquatic insects, with estimates of the known number of species and, forselected taxa, the predicted number of species.Taxa Number of Known Species Predicted Total SpeciesEphemeroptera 3046 1 4000 2Odonata 5680 3 7000 3Plecoptera 3497 4 7000 4Aquatic Orthoptera 188 5Aquatic Heteroptera 4656 6 5770 6Megaloptera 328 7 370–400 7Aquatic Neuroptera 73 7Aquatic Mecoptera 8 8Aquatic Coleoptera 12,604 9 18,000 9Aquatic Hymenoptera 150 10Trichoptera 12,868 11 50,000 12Aquatic Lepidoptera 740 13Diptera: 46,259–46,269 114,165–120,348Tipuloidea 15,178 14Ptychopteridae 69 15Thaumaleidae 174 16 350–520 17Blephariceridae 322 15 500 18Deuterophlebiidae 14 19 20 18Nymphomyiidae 7 19 10 18Dixidae 180 20 500 41Scatopsidae 5 21Tanyderidae 41 20Ceratopogonidae 5598 22 15,000 22Chironomidae 4147 23 10,000 24 –15,000 25Chaoboridae 50 26Corethrellidae 97 27Simuliidae 2015 28 3050 28Culicidae 3492 29Axymyiidae 5 18 10 18Athericidae 90 30 –100 31 150 30,31Oreoleptidae 1 18Pelecorhynchidae 46 18Tabanidae 4300 32Aquatic Stratiomyidae 889 33 1200 30Aquatic Psychodidae 1988 20 19,880 20Empididae 671 34 2000 17Dolichopodidae 3182 35 31,820 35Ephydridae 1251 36 2500–3000 37Canacidae 286 37 450–500 37Coelopidae 29 37Heleomyzidae 12 37Heterocheilidae 2 37Aquatic Dryomyzidae 3 37Aquatic Muscidae 599 38 1200–1500 39Aquatic Phoridae 17 40 51 41 –160 42

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 173Table 8.1 (continued).Taxa Number of Known Species Predicted Total SpeciesAquatic Sciomyzidae 156 43 306 44 –360 45Lonchopteridae 2 46Aquatic Syrphidae 1341 47 1841 48TOTAL 90,097–90,107 207,464–213,677 491 Barber-James et al. (2008).2 M. Sartori (personal communication).3 Kalkman et al. (2008).4 Fochetti and de Figueroa (2008).5 Amedegnato and Devriese (2008).6 Polhemus and Polhemus (2008).7 Cover and Resh (2008).8 Ferrington (2008a).9 Jäch and Balke (2008).10 Bennett (2008).11 Morse (2008).12 Schmid (1984).13 Mey and Speidel (2008).14 de Jong et al. (2008).15 Zwick in Wagner et al. (2008).16 Sinclair and Wagner in Wagner et al. (2008).17 B. J. Sinclair (personal communication).18 G. W. Courtney (personal communication).19 Courtney and Wagner in Wagner et al. (2008).20 Wagner in Wagner et al. (2008).21 Haenni in Wagner et al. (2008).22 Borkent in Wagner et al. (2008).23 Ferrington (2008b).24 P. Cranston (personal communication).25 O. Saether (personal communication).26 Wagner and Goddeeris in Wagner et al. (2008).27 Borkent and Wagner in Wagner et al. (2008).28 Adler and Crosskey (2008), Currie and Adler (2008).29 Rueda (2008).30 Woodley (2001).31 D. Webb (personal communication).32 J.F.Burger(inP.H.Adler,thisvolume).33 Rozkosny and Woodley in Wagner et al. (2008).34 Sinclair in Wagner et al. (2008).35 R. L. Hurley (personal communication).36 Zatwarnicki in Wagner et al. (2008).37 W. Mathis (personal communication).38 Pont in Wagner et al. (2008).39 A. Pont (personal communication).40 Disney (2004).41 R. H. L. Disney (personal communication).42 B. V. Brown (personal communication).43 Rozkosny and Knutson in Wagner et al. (2008).44 L. Knutson (personal communication).45 R. Rozkosny (personal communication).46 Bartak in Wagner et al. (2008).47 Rotheray in Wagner et al. (2008).48 G. E. Rotheray (personal communication).49 Conservative estimate. Where a predicted total estimatefor a taxon is not available, the number of knownspecies only is included.of the species recognizable as larvae in regions wherespecies are less well known (Morse 2002).When trying to find herbivores that can control invasiveaquatic weeds, the countries from which the weedsoriginally came often must be explored. In many suchsearches, herbivores are found that could serve this purpose,but they have not yet been described and named.Description and naming is usually the first step towarddiscovering the bionomics of a species, its potentialhosts, and environmental requirements – data thatare necessary before deciding whether to import thespecies into a nonnative country.Similarly, medically important species, especially intropical regions, often are poorly known to science.To learn the biology of these vectors of disease agentssufficient to devise appropriate control measures, theirdiversity and identities must be discovered.At least three additional reasons for discoveringbiodiversity in aquatic insects pertain to widespreadhuman values, including (1) our natural affiliationwith the diversity of living things, (2) our moral obligationsto protect species, and (3) our innate curiosityabout our amazingly diverse natural world (Kellert1996). With respect to the first of these values, Wilson’s(1984) Pulitzer-Prize-winning treatise on ‘Biophilia’argued that we have a natural affiliation with the diversityof living things, reflecting our evolutionary originssurrounded by them. Many people feel an intense reverenceand sense of peace when immersed in a naturalsetting with high species diversity and abundance

174 John C. Morse(Fuller et al. 2007). Many people also recognize amoral obligation generally derived from their religioustraditions to be good stewards of biological diversity.Such people are convinced that ‘all creatures great andsmall’ are innately deserving of protection fromharmorextinction (Hamilton and Takeuchi 1991, Berry 2000,Lodge and Hamlin 2006). From both of these perspectives,discovery of biodiversity is implicit becauseappreciation and stewardship of biodiversity requireknowledge of it. The third of these values lies in theneed to satisfy our inborn curiosity about the worldaround us, including the species inhabiting it, with allof their wonderful and amazing shapes and colors andbehaviors and functions. A drive to learn as much aspossible about the other species with which we shareour planet is as fundamental to who we are as humansas any of our other innate characteristics.A high diversity of aquatic insect species is of valueto people for a variety of other reasons, but four areparticularly important, including the role of insects infood webs, in biomonitoring, in fishing, and in controlof noxious weeds. A few species of aquatic insects posesome risks, as well.Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversityin food websIn food webs, aquatic insects capture, use, and makeavailable to other freshwater organisms nutrients thatotherwise would be unavailable. In general, they do thisby processing nutrients from coarse particulate organicmatter(CPOM)andfromfineparticulateorganicmatter(FPOM) (Cummins and Merritt 1996).CPOM occurs in freshwater ecosystems in the formof both living and dead vascular plants and larger animals.Dead plant material is especially abundant, butcannot be consumed by many animals because it iseither too large or mostly indigestible. The nutrientsfrom detritus often come indirectly from the CPOM,having been consumed first by communities of bacteriaand fungi; in other words, much of this material mustfirst be ‘microbially conditioned’ by colonizing fungiand bacteria before it can be assimilated (Cummins andKlug 1979). Shredding herbivores, shredding detritivores,predators, and parasites fragment CPOM andrelease smaller organic particles as feeding scrapsand feces; their own bodies assimilate nutrients fromCPOM and become available to many predators andparasites.FPOM occurs in freshwater ecosystems as tiny particlesof both living and dead plant and animal material oras flocculated dissolved organic matter (DOM). FPOM isabundant, but cannot be consumed by many animalsbecause it is too small for efficient consumption, andcannot be used by plants because its nutrients are not insolution. Among the aquatic insects, many collectinggatherers and suspension filterers proficiently consumethese materials (Wallace and Merritt 1980, Merritt andWallace 1981) and then become prey for freshwaterand nearby terrestrial predators.Aquatic insects are, thus, important links in foodwebs to assure that nutrients are passed to other membersof the community (Fig. 8.1). Higher diversity andabundance of aquatic insects help these nutrients passmore efficiently to other animals, thereby retaining thenutrients in the ecosystem longer, helping to assure thehealth of the overall ecosystem (Newbold et al. 1982,1983).A high abundance (or density) of aquatic insectshelps assure the processing of large amounts of nutrients.A high diversity (or taxa richness) of aquaticinsects helps assure diversity of resources (e.g., nutrients,habitats)andeffectiveuseofallavailableresourcesin both space and time.Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversityin biomonitoringIn many parts of the world, the quantity of water isadequate to sustain human life, but potable water isscarce. Pollution is often so severe that human healthis jeopardized.Pollution has been defined as changes in the physical,chemical, or biological characteristics of water,air, or soil that can affect the health or activities ofliving organisms (Miller 1988). Historically, attemptshave been made to monitor water pollution by chemicalanalyses. A water sample is taken at a particularpoint in time and analyzed for one or moresuspected chemical pollutants. Based on the principlein Miller’s (1988) definition that pollution is bestrecognized in living organisms, a more modern techniquefor monitoring water quality is toxicity testing,whereby surrogate organisms are subjected to differentconcentrations of test effluents (Thompson et al.2005). However, scientists in many countries, especiallymore developed countries, have been using communitiesof freshwater macroinvertebrates, including

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 175SunLeaching (deadmacrophytes)DOMPrimary production(living macrophytes)DOMCPOMpreyDOMCPOM FPOM FPOM FPOM etcShreddersFlocculation andprimary production(algae, fungi, etc.)ShredderfacesAllochthonous &autochthonousflocculant, algae,fungi, bits of CPOM,feces, etc.DissolutionCollector fecesCollectorsFlocculation andprimary production(algae, fungi, etc.)Predator fecesDissolutionCollectorsCollector fecesCPOMFlocculation andprimary production(algae, fungi, etc.)Predator fecesFig. 8.1 The nutrient spiraling concept provides an understanding of the way that organic nutrients from living or dead plantsor animals cascade through coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM, larger than 10 µ 3 ), dissolved organic matter (DOM), andfine particulate organic matter (FPOM, smaller than 10 µ 3 ) by the action of physical, chemical, and biological agents as thismatter passes downstream (Newbold et al. 1982, 1983).insects, as an alternative method to monitor the waterbiologically (bioassessment or biomonitoring). Unlikechemical analyses, these animals ‘sample’ the watercontinuously and ‘test’ for all biologically relevantsubstances. Furthermore, these animals respond moremeaningfully to the combined (synergistic) effects ofthese substances. As a consequence, bioassessmentreflects the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystemsand is less expensive than chemical testing andtoxicity testing. The status of living organisms alsois of direct interest to the public as a measure ofa pollution-free environment. Biomonitoring is theonly practical means for evaluating freshwater ecosystems,where criteria for specific ambient effects donot exist (e.g., where thresholds for ecosystem orhuman health have not been established) (Barbouret al. 1999).Biomonitoring protocols have been established inseveral countries, using not only macroinvertebrates,but also fish and algae. For example protocols havebeen developed for Australia (Australian River AssessmentSystem 2005), Canada (Rosenberg et al. 2005),the European Union (European Union Water FrameworkDirective 2000), New Zealand (Stark et al. 2001),UK (RIVPACS 2005), and USA (Barbour et al. 1999).Biomonitoring efforts that use aquatic insects andother macroinvertebrates have a number of benefits.Macroinvertebrates are good indicators of localizedconditions because, unlike fish, they do not migrateappreciably. They integrate effects of short-term environmentalvariations more effectively than do algaebecause they usually have much longer life cycles.Degraded conditions can be detected by experiencedbiologists, with cursory examination because of easeof identification to family or lower taxonomic levels,unlike for algae. There are usually many speciesin a given waterway, each with its own ecologicalrequirements, so that collectively the species exhibita wide range of trophic levels (showing cumulativeeffects) and pollution tolerances, unlike fish. Samplingis relatively easy and requires few people andinexpensive gear, unlike for fish. In comparison withfish, insects are more abundant and diverse in moststreams and lakes, permitting computation of statisticallyreliable results. In addition, sampling of macroinvertebrateshas minimal detrimental effects on theresident biota. They are a primary food source forfish, including recreationally and commercially importantspecies, and most governmental water-qualityagencies that undertake biomonitoring routinely collectmacroinvertebrates (Barbour et al. 1999). Severaldeveloping countries are drafting protocols forusing insects in freshwater biomonitoring (e.g., Morseet al. 2007).The advantages of biomonitoring with insects andother living organisms can be realized only if the naturalfauna of the region is known. Where the speciesdiversity of freshwater insects is poorly known, biomonitoringis possible only at relatively crude taxonomiclevels, such as order or family. Because different specieshave different tolerances to pollution, the more inclusiveordinal and familial taxa characterize water quality

176 John C. Morsemuch too broadly for refined biomonitoring purposes.In other words, before biomonitoring can be mosteffective, background knowledge of the insect biodiversityat the genus and species levels must be obtainedfrom the wide variety of freshwater habitats of theregion.In many parts of the world, only a small portionof the freshwater insect species is known to science.For example, at least 75% of the caddisfly species ofsouthern China are unknown (Yang and Morse 2000),and despite many years of taxonomic effort in Thailandand surrounding countries, large numbers of freshwaterinsect species continue to be discovered anddescribed there each year (e.g., Malicky and Prommi2006).Government regulatory agencies in most developedcountries now have well-established protocols for monitoringthe quality of surface water by sampling andidentifying their aquatic insects. In many of thesecountries, private companies with approved laboratoriescontract their sampling and identification serviceswith these agencies or with private industries andmunicipalities regulated by the government agencies.Less well-developed countries are at various stages ofenacting and enforcing laws and regulations standardizingthis technology, staffing and equipping governmentlaboratories implementing it, and encouragingprivate consulting firms to assist in using it. Commonimpediments in these countries for using insectbiodiversity in freshwater biomonitoring include limitedscientific knowledge of the fauna, few or notraining opportunities, limited equipment and literature,and poor understanding of the benefits (Morseet al. 2007).Traditionally, scientists from developed countrieshave staged expeditions to gain better knowledge ofthe insect faunas in poorly explored countries, withminimum collaboration in the source countries. Thesescientists have taken the captured specimens back totheir own well-equipped museums and published theresults by themselves in their own national journals.More recently, increasing concerns about protectingnational biodiversity from commercialization by foreignentrepreneurs has increased the difficulty forforeign scientists to capture and describe the fauna ofmany countries, including many where water pollutionis a serious problem. Consequently, recent biodiversityresearch has been much more collaborative, involvingindigenous scientists in all its phases, and helping totrain a new generation of indigenous taxonomists tocontinue the process of describing the native faunas(Morse 2002).Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversityin fishingBecause insects are so important in the diets of manyfish species, including species that are commonly consumedby humans for food, aquatic insect biodiversityis of considerable interest to society. People who fishwith natural or artificial baits have long had particularinterest in them. Records of human interest inaquatic insects, with respect to fish food, date to at least200 CE (Aelianus 1611). An especially well-knownbook on the subject is Izaac Walton’s The CompleatAngler (1653), ‘one of the three most published booksin English literature (the other two are The Bible andThe Complete Works of Shakespeare). The Compleat Anglerhas run to more than 300 editions’ (Herd 2006).Anglers for centuries have attempted to imitate theform and color of various aquatic insects on hooks (orangles) in the hope of tricking fish to swallow themand become snagged. Mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies,and midges have been groups whose species are mostcommonly imitated. Larvae, pupae, and adults areimitated and presented to the fish in ways intendedto replicate the behavior of those forms as they growon the bottom substrate, drift in the current, emergefrom the water surface (often in synchronized massemergences, or ‘hatches’), or return to the water asegg-laying females or spent adults. A high diversity ofthese insects in a particular stream, each with its ownspecific emergence time, assures that food is available tothe fish through much of the year and through differenttimesofday.Thisaquaticinsectspeciesdiversityandthediversity of behaviors they exhibit have contributed tothe sporting challenge of ‘matching the hatch’ (Caucciand Nastasi 1975).Societal benefits of aquatic insect diversityin control of noxious weedsSeveral species of noxious, invasive weeds have becomeproblems in parts of the world where they outcompetenative species, clog otherwise navigable watersand water-intake structures, and exclude food-fishspecies. Herbicides often are employed to control theseweeds, but some success also has resulted from the

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 177introduction of insect herbivores (Buckingham 1994).For example, in the USA, alligatorweed (Alternantheraphiloxeroides), an invasive species from South America,has been controlled successfully by three importedherbivores: alligatorweed stem borer, Arcola malloi(Lepidoptera: Crambidae); alligatorweed flea beetle,Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae);and alligatorweed thrips, Amynothrips andersoni(Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) (Center for Aquaticand Invasive Plants 2007a). Another example isthe successful control of common water hyacinth,Eichhornia crassipes, an invasive species from Brazil, bytwo imported species of weevil (mottled water hyacinthweevil, Neochetina eichhorniae; and chevroned waterhyacinth weevil, N. bruchi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae))and one species of an imported moth (Argentine waterhyacinth moth, Sameodes albiguttalis (Lepidoptera:Crambidae)) (Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants2007b).Societal risks of aquatic insectsSeveral species of aquatic insects are a nuisance topeople, annoying them by biting, landing, or simplyflying about. Adults also foul automobile windshieldsand wet paint (Hickin 1967) and, when present inlarge numbers, can make highway bridge surfacesdangerously slick (Edmunds et al. 1976). Caddisfly larvaewith filter nets can clog water-intake structuresof hydropower plants (Ueno 1952). Adults of variousaquatic Diptera (especially mosquitoes, black flies,and sand flies) transmit some of the most serious diseaseagents to humans and their domesticated animals(e.g., Greenberg 1971, 1973). Hairs of adult caddisfliesor other aquatic insects can cause allergic reactions(Henson 1966).Among the aquatic insects, agricultural pests onrice include the rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus,Coleoptera: Curculionidae; Saito et al. 2005),the white stem borer and yellow stem borer (Scirpophagainnotata and S. incertula, respectively, Lepidoptera:Crambidae; Claridge 2006), and some species of thecaddisfly families Leptoceridae (Moretti 1942, Wiggins2004) and Limnephilidae (Hickin 1967). Also, variousspecies of Lepidoptera (e.g., Plutella xylostella,diamondbackmoth), Coleoptera (e.g., Phaedon spp., watercressleaf beetle), and Trichoptera (e.g., Limnephilus lunatus,Drusus annulatus) are pests of commercial watercress(Nasturtium nasturtium-aquaticum) (Gower 1965,1967, Nakahara et al. 1986, Tanaka and Takahara1989).BIODIVERSITY CONCERNSFOR AQUATIC INSECTSFourgeneralconcernsareespeciallydeservingofimmediateand long-term attention, including (1) threats tofreshwater species as a result of pollution and habitatalteration, (2) the need for discovery of species diversityand description of freshwater larvae especially in countrieswith severe water-pollution problems, (3) the needfor refinement of species definitions and associated biologicalinformation among species that transmit diseaseagents of humans and their animals, and (4) a trend foryoung people today to know less about species, includingspecies of aquatic insects, and to be less inclined tofollow careers intent on discovering them and addingto our knowledge about them and their ecologicalrequirements.Threats to freshwater species of insectsIn the USA, 43% of the species of stoneflies and 18%of dragonflies and damselflies are considered ‘species atrisk’, being either vulnerable (27% and 10%, respectively),imperiled (12% and 5%), critically imperiled(2% and 2%), or possibly/presumed extinct (2% and0.4%) (Master et al. 2000). Among all groups of organismsconsidered in the inventory of Master et al. (2000),the five groups with the highest percentage of speciesat risk (freshwater mussels, crayfishes, stoneflies, freshwaterfishes, and amphibians), all rely on freshwaterhabitats. Between the two groups of aquatic insects thatwere considered, the stoneflies generally inhabit cold,clear, headwater streams, whereas the Odonata moreoften live in warmer waters, suggesting that headwaterstreams are at greater risk in the USA. Morseet al. (1993, 1998) also emphasized the vulnerabilityof species occurring in headwater streams of thesouthern Appalachian Mountains.Although extinctions and evolution of new specieshave probably always occurred since life began onEarth, ‘estimates of the current rate of extinctions areconservatively estimated to be 100–1000 times greaterthan background levels, and evolution of new speciesis unlikely to see a similar increase in rate to offset theselosses’ (Master et al. 2000). Freshwater ecosystems are

178 John C. Morseespecially vulnerable. Barber-James et al. (2008) considereddeforestation the principal threat to diversityof mayflies and other aquatic insects in the tropics(e.g., Madagascar, Borneo), and pollution, reshaping ofbanks with disconnection from floodplain, and habitatfragmentation the main threats in temperate regions.Habitat degradation and loss (especially from waterdevelopments such as dams and other impoundments)and pollution (including siltation and nutrient inputs,e.g., from agriculture) are major threats to speciesin the US waterways, along with livestock grazing,road construction and maintenance, logging, and mining(Richter et al. 1997, Wilcove et al. 2000).Need for biodiversity discoveryand description of aquatic insectsThe discovery process for aquatic insects should bedramatically accelerated because of the unprecedentedrate that species are being lost, along with the potentialbenefits that they could provide. For those same reasons,description of all life history stages for these insectsis needed, particularly of the larval stage, which usuallyextends over the longest portion of an insect’s life and isthe stage in which the insect feeds and most intimatelyinteracts with other species and abiotic factors of itsenvironment. The need for ability to diagnose larvalaquatic insects is especially pressing in countries withthe most severe water-pollution problems, countrieswhere knowledge about the freshwater insect faunausually is poorest.Most aquatic insect species were described originallyfrom an adult form, usually the male, so that the applicationof a name to a larva or other life history formrequires a method to associate that yet-unnamed lifehistory form confidently with the previously describedand named form. In the past, this association has beenaccomplished with greatest confidence by a laboriousand often unsuccessful rearing process. Modern moleculartechniques now have been added to the methodsavailable to accomplish these associations (Zhou 2007,Zhou et al. 2007).Need to refine definitions of speciesof aquatic insectsTraditionally, species of aquatic insects have been diagnosedby conspicuous morphological differences visiblewith a light microscope. Scanning electron microscopy,three-dimensional imagery through computer synthesisof staged digital photographs, confocal imagery,and other modern techniques have enhanced traditionaldiagnostic methods. Increasingly, however,we are becoming aware that genetically independentpopulations that look similar are, in fact, distinctspecies. These cryptic species often have differentlife history characteristics and behaviors, includingdifferent abilities to transmit disease agents amonghumans and domesticated animals. Therefore, variouscytogenetic (e.g., Adler et al. 2004) and molecular(e.g., Zhou 2007, Zhou et al. 2007) techniques havebeen developed to help distinguish these cryptic species.Many of today’s so-called ‘species’ probably will befound to be complexes of multiple, biologically differentspecies.Need for new generation of aquaticentomologistsHistorically, biodiversity discovery was accomplishedby men, seldom women, who were independentlywealthy or who had other careers that allowed them topursue their passion. Teaching and research employmentopportunities in entomology emerged widely inEurope in the mid-1800s and in the USA near the beginningof the 1900s (Comstock and Comstock 1895),including many employment opportunities to discoverspecies of insects. Within the past two decades, thoseemployment opportunities became diluted with otherresponsibilities or were eliminated, so that employmentand publishing opportunities for organismalbiologists who recognize and study living species is indecline (Agnarsson and Kuntner 2007). Compoundingthe problem is that as older professional taxonomistsretire and die, their expertise in various groups is beinglost and not passed to a succeeding generation, so thatsome groups now have no experts, other groups willsoon be without experts, and for more and more groups,no mentors are available to teach younger biodiversityscholars.Concurrently, there is a trend for young peopletoday to spend less time in the woods and streamsof a former rural countryside and more time indoorslearning about the natural world indirectly throughelectronic media (Louv 2005). As a result, they seemless inclined to follow careers in biodiversity discovery.Biological teaching and research in secondary

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of aquatic insects 179schools and institutions of higher learning is morecommonly focused on molecular principles and methods,with less emphasis placed on the recognition andstudy of living organisms in nature. A result of thesetrends is fewer professional entomologists capable ofrecognizing species of aquatic insects or interestedin discovering their biological characteristics. As wehave observed, this capacity for discovery of speciesis declining at the very time in history when there isgreatest need for biodiversity discovery, before manymore species become extinct. A significant change indirection toward increased emphasis on biodiversityeducation and research for today’s youth and towardimproved employment opportunities in biodiversity discoveryis urgently needed.REFERENCESAdis, J., E. Bustorf, M. G. Lhano, C. Amedegnato, andA. L. Nunes. 2007. 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Chapter 9<strong>Biodiversity</strong>of DipteraGregory W. Courtney 1 , Thomas Pape 2 ,Jeffrey H. Skevington 3 , and Bradley J. Sinclair 41 Department of Entomology, 432 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa50011 USA2 Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15,DK – 2100 Copenhagen Denmark3 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Arachnidsand Nematodes, K.W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6Canada4 Entomology – Ontario Plant Laboratories, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, K.W.Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6 Canada<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9185

The Diptera, commonly called true flies ortwo-winged flies, are a familiar group ofinsects that includes, among many others,black flies, fruit flies, horse flies, house flies, midges,and mosquitoes. The Diptera are among the mostdiverse insect orders, with estimates of describedrichness ranging from 120,000 to 150,000 species(Colless and McAlpine 1991, Schumann 1992, Brown2001, Merritt et al. 2003). Our world tally of morethan 152,000 described species (Table 9.1) is basedprimarily on figures extracted from the ‘BioSystematicDatabase of World Diptera’ (Evenhuis et al. 2007).The Diptera are diverse not only in species richness,but also in their structure (Fig. 9.1), habitat exploitation,life habits, and interactions with humankind(Hennig 1973, McAlpine et al. 1981, 1987, Pappand Darvas 2000, Brown 2001, Skevington and Dang2002, Pape 2009). The Diptera have successfullycolonized all continents, including Antarctica, andpractically every habitat except the open sea andinside glaciers. Larval Diptera are legless (Figs. 9.2 and9.3F-J) and found in a variety of terrestrial and aquatichabitats (Teskey 1976, Ferrar 1987, Hövemeyer2000, Courtney and Merritt 2008). Larvae of mostspecies can be considered aquatic in the broadestsense because, for survival, they require a moist to wetenvironment within the tissues of living plants, amiddecaying organic materials, as parasites or parasitoidsof other animals, or in association with bodies of water.Most larvae are free-living and swim, crawl, or tunnelactively in water (e.g., Chaoboridae, Chironomidae,Culicidae, and Simuliidae), sediments (e.g., Ceratopogonidae,Psychodidae, Tabanidae, and Tipulidae),wood (e.g., Axymyiidae, some Syrphidae andTipulidae), fruit (e.g., Chloropidae and Tephritidae), ordecaying organic material (e.g., Ephydridae, Muscidae,Sarcophagidae, and Sphaeroceridae). Other larvaeinhabit the tissues of living organisms (e.g., Acroceridae,Oestridae, Pipunculidae, and Tachinidae). Stillothers (e.g., larvae of the superfamily Hippoboscoidea)are retained and nourished in the female abdomenuntil deposited and ready to quickly pupariate. Most ofthe feeding and accumulation of biomass occurs in thelarval stage, and adult Diptera mostly take only whatthey need to supply their flight muscles with energy.Among those flies that feed extensively, their diets consistof nectar or honeydew (e.g., Blephariceridae andBombyliidae), pollen (e.g., Nemestrinidae and Syrphidae),vertebrate blood (e.g., Culicidae and Glossinidae),insect hemolymph (e.g., some Ceratopogonidae), andother organic materials that are liquified or can bedissolved or suspended in saliva or regurgitated fluid(e.g., Calliphoridae, Micropezidae, and Muscidae). Theadults of some groups are predaceous (e.g., Asilidae,Empididae, and some Scathophagidae), whereas thoseof a few Diptera (e.g., Deuterophlebiidae and Oestridae)lack mouthparts completely, do not feed, and live foronlyabrieftime.As holometabolous insects that undergo completemetamorphosis, the Diptera have a life cycle thatincludes a series of distinct stages or instars. A typicallife cycle consists of a brief egg stage (usually a fewdays or weeks, but sometimes much longer), three orfour larval instars (usually three in Brachycera, four inlower Diptera, more in Simuliidae, Tabanidae, Thaumaleidae,and a few others), a pupal stage of varyinglength, and an adult stage lasting from less than 2 h(Deuterophlebiidae) to several weeks or even months.The eggs of Diptera are laid singly, in small clusters, orin loose or compact masses, and they can be attachedto rocks, vegetation, or other substrata, or depositedon or in the food source. Oviposition sites are usuallyin or near the larval habitat, which ensures thateggs are placed in a location suitable for larval development,with a notable exception being the humanbot fly, Dermatobia hominis, which glues its eggs tozoophilous dipterans (e.g., calyptrate flies and Culicidae),thereby ensuring a carrier-mediated infection(Guimarães and Papavero 1999). In some groups, eggsareincubatedandhatchduring(e.g.,Sarcophagidae)orimmediately after deposition (e.g., many Tachinidae),or the female is truly viviparous when the larvae arenourished and grow while still inside the female (e.g.,Hippoboscoidea, and mesembrinelline Calliphoridae)(Ferrar 1987, Meier et al. 1999). For a given species,all larval instars usually occur in the same habitat.In general, the duration of the first instar is shortest,whereas that of the last instar is much longer, oftenseveral weeks or even months. Although most Dipteraexhibit sexual reproduction, parthenogenesis occurs insome groups, and reproduction by immature stages(paedogenesis) has been recorded in some gall midges(Cecidomyiidae).Among the most unusual life histories is thatof the Nymphomyiidae. Adults have a larviformappearance, lack mouthparts (Fig. 9.3B), and possesswings that are deciduous, elongate, and fringed withlong microtrichia (Courtney 1994). Most speciesare associated with small headwater streams wherelarvae, pupae, and copulating adults occur on rocks

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 187covered with aquatic mosses. Although few detailsabout mating behavior are available, observations ofAppalachian species suggest that adults locate a matesoon after emergence, couple, descend into the waterin copula, shed their wings, and crawl to an ovipositionsite. The female then lays a rosette of eggs around thecoupled adults, which die in copula (Courtney 1994).Another remarkable life history is that of Fergusoninaturneri (Fergusoninidae), which in an obligate mutualismwith the nematode Fergusobia quinquenerviae isgall building on the myrtacean plant Melaleuca quinquenervia(Taylor 2004). Galls are initiated in buds andyoung leaves by juvenile nematodes, which are injectedby ovipositing female flies, along with their own eggs.When the fly eggs hatch, the larvae form individualcavities in the galls, and nematodes move into theseand coexist with the fly larva. The nematodes passthrough at least one parthenogenetic generation, andfertilized female nematodes of a later sexual generationinvade the late third-instar fly larva. Nematode eggs aredeposited in the larval hemolymph and, after hatching,the juvenile nematodes migrate to the fly ovaries. Whenthe adult female fly hatches, it will continue the cycleby depositing new nematodes along with its own eggs.In the Phoridae, the peculiarly swollen, physogastricfemales of species in the subfamily Termitoxeniinae,which are all associated with fungus-growing termites,show a post-metamorphic growth in both head andhind legs, which is unique for an adult, nonmoltinginsect (Disney and Kistner 1995). These termiteinquilines were described by Wasmann (1910: 38) as‘a store-house of anomalies, whether we consider themfrom the point of view of morphologists, anatomists,evolutionists, or biologists. They are exceptions to thelaws of entomology’.Some predaceous species of flies have evolved oddlarval lifestyles. Adults of Oedoparena glauca (Dryomyzidae)oviposit on closed barnacles during low tide. Theeggs hatch during subsequent low-tide periods and larvaeenter the barnacles as they open, with the incomingtide. During high tide, larvae feed inside the tissues ofthe submerged barnacles, and in subsequent low-tideperiods they search for new prey (Burger et al. 1980).The larvae of the Vermileonidae are commonly calledworm lions because they construct pitfall traps similarto those of ant lions (family Myrmeleontidae) of theorder Neuroptera. The worm lion waits buried in thebottomofthepitforaninsectpreytotumblein,pounces,sucks out its body juices, and then tosses the victim’scorpse from the pit (Wheeler 1930, Teskey 1981). Anumber of species in the Keroplatidae (Orfelia fultoni,Arachnocampa spp., and Keroplatus spp.) are bioluminescentand emit a blue-green light as larvae. Theseglowworms construct mucous tubes from which theyhang snares with droplets of oxalic acid that captureand kill prey attracted by their bioluminescence. Thelarvae are voracious predators and feed on many typesof arthropods attracted to their glow (Baker 2002). Insome instances, these glowworms congregate in largenumbers and form impressive displays. For example, asuperb concentration of Arachnocampa luminosa in theWaitoma Caves in New Zealand attracts more than300,000 visitors per year (Baker 2002).A common mating behavior among the lowerDiptera (Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, and others)is the formation of dense and sometimes enormousswarms (Vockeroth 2002). The swarms generally arecomposed of males, and when females enter the swarm,coupling quickly takes place. Males often exhibitadaptations that enable mate detection. For example,the eyes of males of most species engaged in swarmingare enlarged and contiguous above (presumably toaid in spotting females from below) and the antennaehave numerous, long, hairlike setae that allow themto detect a female’s wing beats. In the Brachycera,premating behavior includes posturing and displaysin courtship that can become complex performanceswith combinations of kneeling, jumping, and flapping(e.g., Struwe 2005). In dance flies (Empididae), whichoften have mating swarms, the male presents thefemale with an edible lure or an inedible substitute toinitiate mating (Cumming 1994).Many Diptera congregate at landmarks for the purposeof mating. Landmarks can range from a rock toa tuft of grass, a road, a stream course, a canyon, abog, an emergent tree (taller than the others), or ahilltop. The difference between simple landmarks andhilltops is that simple landmarks typically support onlya single species. However, emergent trees in rainforestsare likely immensely important for landmark matingspecies, although few data are available. Hilltopsare significant landmarks because they support manyspecies, often hundreds or, in rare cases, even thousands(Skevington 2008). Hilltops range from massive,rocky mountaintops more than 4000 m high to smallhummocks in flat country. The height above the surroundingland must not be too intimidating to excludemany species, while the hilltop must be distinctive andvisible at large distances. Some 33 families of Dipteraare known to hilltop (Skevington 2008).

188 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.OVERVIEW OF TAXALower DipteraSome of the most common and easily recognized flies(Figs. 9.1A-E, 9.3C), including black flies (Simuliidae),crane flies (Tipuloidea), fungus gnats (e.g., Mycetophilidaeand Sciaridae), and mosquitoes (Culicidae), belongto the lower Diptera (also known as the ‘Nematocera’).The group contains approximately 40 families andmore than 52,000 species worldwide (Evenhuis et al.2007). Although the Diptera and several subordinatetaxa(e.g.,Brachycera,Eremoneura,Cyclorrhapha,andSchizophora) are considered monophyletic, the lowerDiptera generally are considered a paraphyletic orgrade-level grouping (Hennig 1973, Wood and Borkent1989, Oosterbroek and Courtney 1995, Yeates andWiegmann 1999, Yeates et al. 2007). Despite this position,a review is useful of some of the features sharedby members of this phyletic grade of Diptera. For themost part, adults of lower Diptera are characterizedas slender, delicate, long-legged flies with long, multisegmentedantennae (e.g., Culicidae, Tanyderidae,and Tipulidae); however, the group also includes somestout-bodied flies with relatively short antennae (e.g.,Axymyiidae, Scatopsidae, and Simuliidae). Larvae ofmost lower Diptera have a well-developed, sclerotizedhead capsule (Figs. 9.2A-F) (Courtney et al. 2000).Although a few lineages in the lower Diptera (e.g.,Bibionomorpha) occur primarily in terrestrial orsemiterrestrial habitats, the vast majority of lowerDiptera have larvae and pupae that are aquatic orsemi-aquatic (Foote 1987, Brown 2001, Merritt et al.2003). Aquatic habitats include a wide range of lentic(standing water) and lotic (flowing water) situations(Courtney and Merritt 2008, Courtney et al. 2008).Lakes, cold and hot springs, temporary pools, stagnantwaters of ground pools, phytotelmata (tree holes andother plant cavities), and artificial containers (e.g.,buckets and tires) are among the many lentic habitatscolonized by larvae. The Culicoidea (e.g., Chaoboridae,Culicidae, and Dixidae) are especially well representedin lentic habitats. These families include proficientswimmers that can travel to considerable depths;yet their larvae generally remain near the watersurface because of the dependence on atmosphericrespiration. The culicid genera Coquillettidia andMansonia are unusual because their larvae use theirspecialized respiratory siphons to obtain oxygenfrom submerged or floating vegetation (Wood et al.1979, Clements 1992). Free-swimming larvae ofcommon midges (Chironomidae) and biting midges(Ceratopogonidae) do not depend on atmosphericrespiration and can colonize larger and deeper bodiesof water. Some chironomids survive at great depths,with one species, Sergentia koschowi, known to occur asdeep as 1360 m in Lake Baikal (Linevich 1971). Lotichabitats of lower Diptera range from slow, silty riversto torrential streams to groundwater zones (Courtneyand Merritt 2008). The larvae of the net-wingedmidges (Figs. 9.2F, 9.3E) (Blephariceridae), mountainmidges (Fig. 9.2D) (Deuterophlebiidae), and blackflies (Simuliidae) are among the most specializedinhabitants of flowing waters; all lack spiracles(exchanging oxygen directly through their cuticle)and have structural modifications that permit survivalon current-exposed substrates. Blepharicerid larvae,which frequently occur in current velocities exceeding2 m/sec, show perhaps the greatest morphologicalspecialization, including ventral suctorial discs usedto adhere to smooth rocks (Zwick 1977; Hogue1981; Courtney 2000a, 2000b). Similar habitats andcomparably unusual attachment devices (prolegswith apical rows of hooks) are typical of larvalDeuterophlebiidae (Courtney 1990, 1991) andSimuliidae (Crosskey 1990, Adler et al. 2004). Otherspecialized lotic habitats include seepages on cliff facesand waterfall splash zones, where larval Thaumaleidaeand many Chironomidae, Psychodidae, Simuliidae,and Tipulidae can be common (Vaillant 1956, 1961,Sinclair and Marshall 1987, Sinclair 1988, 1989,2000, Craig and Currie 1999), and saturated woodalong stream margins, where larvae of Axymyiidaeand certain Tipuloidea (e.g., Lipsothrix) reside (Dudleyand Anderson 1987, Wood 1981). Groundwater zonesare another important but largely unstudied habitatfor larval Diptera, particularly for the Chironomidae(McElravy and Resh 1991, Ward 1992, 1994).Finally, larvae of a few lower Diptera (e.g., somemembers of the Ceratopogonidae, Chironomidae,Culicidae, and Tipulidae) can be abundant in marineand brackish-water environments, including intertidalpools, seaweed beds, lagoons, and estuarine marshes(Hashimoto 1976, Linley 1976, O’Meara 1976,Robles and Cubit 1981, Pritchard 1983, Colbo 1996,Cranston and Dimitriadis 2005, Dimitriadis andCranston 2007).The taxonomic and ecological diversity of the lowerDiptera is reflected in the wide range of larval feedinghabits, which encompass nearly every trophic group.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 189Many groups consume live plants (e.g., Cecidomyiidaeand some Tipuloidea) or decomposing plant fragmentsor fungi (e.g., Mycetophilidae, Sciaridae, and manyTipuloidea). Others feed on decaying, fine organicmatter and associated microorganisms (e.g., manyChironomidae). The larvae of some aquatic families(e.g., Blephariceridae and Thaumaleidae) use specializedmouthparts to graze on the thin film of algae andorganic matter on rocks and other substrates (Courtney2000a, 2000b; Alverson et al. 2001). Many familiescontain a few predaceous species, whereas the larvaeof some groups (e.g., Ceratopogonidae) feed primarilyor exclusively on other animals (McAlpine et al.1981, Hövemeyer 2000). Nearly all of these trophicgroups are represented in the diverse family Chironomidae(nearly 7000 species) and superfamily Tipuloidea(more than 15,000 species). Their trophic diversityand numerical abundance make the lower Diptera animportant component in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems,both as primary consumers and as a food resourcefor other invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,and mammals. The Chironomidae, which in aquaticecosystems are often the most abundant organisms inboth numbers and biomass, can be especially importantin ecosystem functioning (Armitage et al. 1995). Thetrophic importance of aquatic Diptera extends also toaquaculture programs in which nearly every life stagecan be an important component of fish diets.BrachyceraLower BrachyceraAs in the lower Diptera, the lower Brachyceraare paraphyletic, but remain a convenient gradefor discussion. This group is also widely knownas the ‘Orthorrhapha’ (referring to the T-shapedopening of the pupal exuviae) and comprises mostlypredaceous larvae (except Stratiomyomorpha) andparasitoids of spiders and other insect orders. Adultlower Brachycera are blood feeders, predators, orflower visitors. The lower Brachycera contain someof the largest and most colorful flies, including beeflies, horse flies, mydas flies, and robber flies. Thisgrade includes some 24,000 species comprising20 families assigned to three infraorders (Stratiomyomorpha,Tabanomorpha, and Xylophagomorpha)and several superfamilies (Asiloidea and Nemestrinoidea)(Yeates et al. 2007).The Pantophthalmidae are enormous flies (upto 5.5 cm in length), with larvae that dig galleriesin dead or living trees and likely feeding on thefermenting sap in the tunnels (Val 1992, D. M. Wood,personal communication). Both the Xylomyidae andStratiomyidae (Fig. 9.1N) are unique among thelower Brachycera in regard to their scavenging andfilter-feeding habits (Rozkošný 1997) and by pupatingin the final-instar larval exuviae (comparable to thecyclorrhaphan puparium). The Stratiomyidae larvaecan be assigned generally to two groups: terrestrialand aquatic. Terrestrial larvae live in decayingleaves and other plant material, upper layers of soil,manure, under loose bark of decaying trees, and inant nests. Aquatic larvae (Fig. 9.2L) can be foundin saturated moss, littoral zones of ponds, lakes, andmarshes, hygropetric situations in spring streams,phytotelmata, roadcuts or similar seepages, salinehabitats, and even hot thermal springs (Rozkošný1997, Sinclair and Marshall 1987, Sinclair 1989).Feeding on vertebrate blood by female flies hasevolved at least two or three times in the lower Brachycera,but is restricted to the Tabanomorpha (Athericidae,Rhagionidae sensu lato, and Tabanidae) (Wiegmannet al. 2000, Grimaldi and Engel 2005). The Tabanidae(deer flies and horse flies) are well known to campersand swimmers during the early summer months innorthern latitudes due to the voracious blood-suckingbehavior of most species. Many species of the subfamilyPangoniinae are characterized by their long mouthparts(known as long-tongues), often stretching longerthan their than body length. These groups generally arebelieved to be nectar feeders (Goldblatt and Manning2000), but several species also have been observedfeeding on warm-blooded (humans – Philoliche;Morita 2007) and cold-blooded (caimans – Fidena;B.A. Huber, personal communication) vertebrates.Tabanid larvae mostly inhabit swampy biotopes, wherethey prey on insect larvae. They even are known tofeed opportunistically on toads (Jackman et al. 1983).Adults of many of the remaining families oflower Brachycera are fast-flying flower visitors.Moegistorhynchus longirostris (Nemestrinidae) fromsouthern Africa possesses a proboscis nearly fivetimes its body length and is an important pollinatorof tubular flowers (Goldblatt and Manning 2000).Bee flies (Bombyliidae) occur worldwide and reachtheir greatest diversity in Mediterranean climates(Yeates 1994). The female abdomen of several beefly subfamilies is modified to form an invaginated

190 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.(a)(b)(c)(f)(j)(d)(e)(h)(g)(i)(k)(l)(m) (n) (o)Fig. 9.1 Adult Diptera. (a) Tipulidae(Tanysipetra) habitus, dorsal view.(b) Axymyiidae (Axymyia), lateral view.(c) Limoniidae (Prionolabis)matingpair, oblique-dorsal view. (d) Bibionidae(Bibio) habitus, oblique-lateral view.(e) Culicidae (Culex) feeding on ranidfrog. (f) Empididae (Empis) habitus,lateral view. (g) Pipunculidae takingflight, oblique-lateral view.(h) Micropezidae (Grallipeza) habitus,lateral view. (i) Diopsidae (Teleopsis)head, frontal view. (j) Conopidae(Stylogaster) mating pair, lateral view.(k) Asilidae (Proctacanthus) feeding ondragonfly, oblique-dorsal view.(l) Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga) habitus,dorsal view. (m) Scathophagidae(Scathophaga) habitus, oblique-lateralview. (n) Stratiomyidae habitus, lateralview. (o) Calliphoridae (Hemipyrellia)habitus, frontolateral view. (See colorplate). (Images by E. Bernard [a], G.Courtney [b, c, h, i, m], S. Marshall [e, f,g, j, k], M. Rice [d] and I. Sivec [l, n, o].)sand chamber, which is first filled when they alighton open surfaces (Yeates 1994, Greathead andEvenhuis 1997). The egg is laid in the sand chamberand coated with soil particles before being ejectedby the hovering female onto oviposition sites. Thelarvae of the Bombyliidae are mostly parasitoidsof holometabolous insects (e.g., acridoid egg pods,solitary bees, and wasps) (Greathead and Evenhuis1997). The larvae of small-headed flies (Acroceridae)are internal parasitoids of true spiders. First-stagelarvae actively seek out hosts, capable of looping alonga single web strand (Nartshuk 1997). In contrast toadults of most lower Brachycera, those of the Asilidae(Fig. 9.1K) are strictly predaceous on insects (Hull1962). They focus on large prey from a wide variety ofinsect orders, sometimes taking prey more than twicetheir size (e.g., dragonflies; Platt and Harrison 1995).EmpidoideaThe dance flies, balloon flies, and other predaceous flies(Fig. 9.1F) that traditionally have been placed in the

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 191(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Fig. 9.2 Larval Diptera.(a) Tipulidae (Epiphragma) habitus,dorsal (top) and ventral (bottom)views. (b) Ptychopteridae(Bittacomorpha) head, thorax andabdominal segments I–III, lateralview. (c) Nymphomyiidae(Nymphomyia) habitus lateral view.(d) Deuterophlebiidae (Deuterophlebia)habitus, dorsal view. (e) Psychodidae(Pericoma) habitus, lateral view.(f) Blephariceridae (Horaia) habitus,dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views.(g) Calliphoridae (Lucilia) habitus,dorsal view. (h) Tephritidae (Eurosta)habitus, ventral view. (i) Syrphidae(Syrphus) feeding on aphids, dorsalview. (j) Syrphidae (Microdon)onglass, lateral view. (k) Sciomyzidae(Tetanocera) habitus, lateral view.(l) Stratiomyidae (Caloparyphus)habitus, dorsal view. (See color plate).(Images by G. Courtney [a–f, h, k, j]and S. Marshall [g, i, l].)(f)(i)(k)(g)(j)(l)(h)family Empididae are now classified in four familiesof Empidoidea, along with the long-legged flies of thefamily Dolichopodidae. With approximately 12,000described species and many more undescribed species,the Empidoidea are one of the largest superfamiliesof Diptera and the most diverse lineage of predaceousflies (Sinclair and Cumming 2006). The vast majorityare predators as adults, with the few exceptions beingobligate flower-feeding groups that consume pollen astheir only protein source. They are found in a varietyof forested and open habitats where they breed inmoist soils, decaying wood, and dung, and occur inaquatic habitats. All known larvae appear to be predatorson invertebrates. The common name ‘dance flies’is derived from the behavior of members of the largesubfamily Empidinae in which adult males transfernuptial gifts to the female during courtship and mating(Cumming 1994). The Dolichopodidae are commonmetallic-colored flies, often observed sitting on leavesand mud flats. Many possess elaborate leg ornamentationsthat are used in courtship displays (Sivinski1997).

192 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.(a)(b)(c)(h)(f)(d)(i)(e)(g)(j)Fig. 9.3 Scanning electronmicrographs of Diptera.(a) Phoridae (Thaumatoxena) adulthabitus, lateral view.(b) Nymphomyiidae (Nymphomyia)adult head, lateral view.(c) Blephariceridae (Blepharicera)adult head, frontal view.(d) Phoridae (Termitophilomya)adult head, lateral view.(e) Blephariceridae (Agathon) larvahabitus, oblique-frontal view.(f) Ptychopteridae (Bittacomorpha)larval mouthparts, ventral view.(g) Athericidae (Atherix) larvalhead, lateral view.(h) Calliphoridae (Onesia) larvalhead, ventral view.(i) Sarcophagidae (Metopia) larvalhead, oblique-ventral view.(j) Calliphoridae (Bellardia) larvalhead, ventral view. (Images by G.Courtney [b, c, e, f, g] and T. Pape[a, d, h–j].)Lower CyclorrhaphaThis group of taxa has been considered a monophyleticgroup (Aschiza) by some workers (McAlpine 1989,Disney 1994a). As with the lower Diptera, strongevidence now suggests that the lower Cyclorrhaphaare a paraphyletic assemblage (Cumming et al. 1995,Sinclair and Cumming 2006, Moulton and Wiegmann2007). The seven lower cyclorrhaphan families arediscussed below.The Platypezidae include 250 species, commonlyfound individually hovering in deep shade or inswarms of dancing males in forest openings. Males ofMicrosania (‘smoke flies’) form epigamic swarms insmoke from forest and campfires. Eggs of platypezidsare laid between the gills or in the pores of fungion which the larvae feed. The Ironomyiidae occurin both dry sclerophyll and rainforest habitats andhave been found hilltopping (Skevington 2008). Thefamily contains one described and two undescribedextant species (all in the genus Ironomyia), all fromAustralia (D. K. McAlpine, personal communication).Fifteen fossil species from the Holarctic Regionhave been described from five additional generafrom the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous periods(McAlpine 1973, Zhang 1987, Mostovski 1995,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 193Grimaldi and Cumming 1999). The Lonchopteridaeare distinctive, pointed-winged, strongly bristled,often yellowish-brown flies, most commonly found inmoist environments, along streams or ponds, in bogs,in deciduous forests, or even in alpine meadows orhot springs (Nielsen et al. 1954, Smith 1969). Somespecies are found in hot, dry meadows (Andersson1970), while others occur in rocky tidal zones near thecoast (Dahl 1960). Most species are bisexual but at leastone species, Lonchoptera bifurcata, is parthenogeneticin most areas of its nearly cosmopolitan range (Stalker1956). It is the only species of the family that is foundin the neotropics and Australia. Lonchopterids have apredominantly Old World distribution, with 46 of theapproximately 60 described species occurring in thePalearctic and Oriental Regions. Larvae are apparentlysaprophagous, microphagous, or mycetophagous, butmore study is needed to confirm these feeding habits.The Phoridae, or scuttle flies, are one of the mostdiverse fly families and have been proposed as the mostbiologically diverse family of insects on Earth (Disney1994b). Approximately 4000 described species havebeen described but more than 30,000 species are estimatedto exist (Evenhuis et al. 2007, Brown 2008).More than half of the described phorid species belongto the huge genus Megaselia. They are found in almostall terrestrial habitats, with the exclusion of exceptionallycold and dry environments. Larvae have extremelydiverse tastes, with many saprophagous species, fungivores,and herbivores (including leaf miners, rootfeeders, and bud, seed, and fruit feeders). The majorityof phorid larvae are likely predators, parasitoids, orparasites, and several species occur in highly specializedhabitats such as pitcher plants and even intertidalareas (Disney 1998).The Pipunculidae, or big-headed flies, comprise1400 described species. Most pipunculids that havebeen studied are endoparasitoids of several familiesof Homoptera (Auchenorrhyncha). The only knownexceptions are species of the genus Nephrocerus,whichattack adult crane flies (Tipuloidea) (Koenig andYoung 2007). Adults use all terrestrial habitats, butdiversity and numbers are greatest in forest openingsand along forest edges. Pipunculids also are known fortheir hilltopping behavior (Skevington 2000, 2001).Adult flower flies (Syrphidae), also known as hoverflies, vary considerably in size and appearance, rangingfrom 4 to 25 mm long and from small black flies tolarge wasp or bee mimics. They include about 6000described species and are among the most abundantand conspicuous flies. Their visibility is partly related totheir ability to hover motionless and partly to their frequentflower visitation. They are among the most significantpollinators in the Diptera and should be assessedin comparison to the bees (Ssymank et al. 2008). Somespecies such as Episyrphus balteatus are strong fliersand are migratory. Many larvae are entomophagous,feeding on ant brood, aphids and other soft-bodiedSternorrhyncha, and social wasp larvae (Thompsonand Rotheray 1998). Saprophagous syrphid larvaeexploit wet or moist conditions and are typically associatedwith fermenting tree sap, rot holes and fallenwood, decaying vegetation in water or wet compost,and dung. Some larvae are mycophages–phytophages,feeding in pockets of decay in live plants.Non-Calyptratae MuscomorphaThe acalyptrates are likely another grade, or group ofconvenience. Treated as the sister group of the calyptratesfor years (Hennig 1971, 1973; McAlpine 1989),some evidence suggests that this assemblage is paraphyletic(Griffiths 1972). The early radiation of themore than 80 families of flies in this group appearsto have been explosive, which may have obscured theevolutionary history of the group. Griffiths (1972),Hennig (1973), and McAlpine (1989) are the onlyresearchers to have proposed a phylogeny (or at leasta phylogenetically based classification) for the entiregroup. Despite their efforts, evidence indicates thateven some of the superfamilies are not monophyletic.This radiation resulted in a remarkable diversity offlies and many of the groups are of considerableimportance to society. More than 50% of the acalyptratespecies are contained in just six large families:Agromyzidae, Chloropidae, Drosophilidae, Ephydridae,Lauxaniidae, and Tephritidae. Some of the ecologicaldiversity shown by these families and others is discussedbelow.Most of the Conopidae are parasitoids of bees andaculeate Hymenoptera. One lineage, the Stylogastrinae,comprises parasitoids of orthopteroid insects.Many of the Neotropical species follow foraging armyant raids, attacking the orthopteroids that flee from theadvancing army. All known Psilidae are phytophagousand some are well-known pests (e.g., the carrot rustfly, Chamaepsila hennigi; Peacock and Norton 1990,as Psila rosae) (Szwejda and Wrzodak 2007). SomeDiopsidae are agricultural pests on grasses, but somealso are well-known research subjects because of

194 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.their variously developed eyestalks. Many species aresexually dimorphic for the length of the eyestalks,with males having much longer eyestalks thanfemales. This dimorphism is believed to have evolvedbecause of the mating advantages that they bestowon these males. Females show a strong preferencefor males with longer eyestalks, and males competewith each other to control lekking aggregation sitesby a ritualized contest that involves facing each otherand comparing their relative eyespans, often with thefront legs spread out to add emphasis. A few otherfamilies of acalyptrate flies have members that havedeveloped similar types of apparent runaway sexualselection. For example, some Drosophilidae, Platystomatidae,Richardiidae, and Tephritidae have stalkedeyes, or large, sometimes antler-like spines extendingfrom their genae. Of these families, the Platystomatidaeand Tephritidae are important phytophagous groups.Tephritids in particular include many pest species thatare becoming problems because they are spread viaglobal trade (e.g., Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera orientalis,and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata). TheDrosophilidae are most famous because of Drosophilamelanogaster, the subject of considerable geneticsresearch. Drosophilids also are renowned for theirexpansive radiation in Hawaii, where approximately1000 species (more than 500 described) radiated fromasinglecolonizer(Kaneshiro1997,O’Gradyet al. 2003).The Pyrgotidae are bizarre-looking flies, most commonlyseen at lights at night. These flies are specializedinternal parasitoids of scarab beetles and likely havea pronounced effect in controlling some populationsof pest scarabaeids (Steyskal 1987). The Piophilidaeare small flies that tend to specialize on carrion. Onespecies, the cheese skipper Piophila casei, is a serious pestin the food industry, with larvae found in cured meats,smoked fish, cheeses, and decaying animals. Somespecies, such as Protopiophila litigata, form impressivemating aggregations on discarded cervid antlers (Bondurianskyand Brooks 1998). The Clusiidae are anotherof a handful of acalyptrate families known to engagein this type of lekking behavior. Males establish dominanceat a lekking site by defending territories fromother males on logs or branches to attract females andmate (Lonsdale and Marshall 2004).Larvae of all Agromyzidae feed on living planttissues, forming mines that are species specific. Most areeither monophagous or oligophagous, and althoughbest known as leaf miners, they attack all parts ofplants (Dempewolf 2004).Sciomyzid larvae are all predators or parasitoids offreshwater or terrestrial molluscs (Berg and Knutson1978). The Chamaemyiidae are free-living predatorsof adelgids, aphids, coccids, and scales and have beenused in biological control programs (Gaimari andTurner 1996, Vail et al. 2001). The Sphaeroceridae arediverse and associated with all types of organic decayincluding dung, carrion, fungi, supralittoral seaweed,compost, mammal nests, conifer duff, cave debris, anddeposits of dead vegetation (Marshall and Richards1987). The Ephydridae, or shore flies, are importantfood for wildlife along both freshwater and saltwaterpools. In some wetlands, such as Mono Lake in California,millions of birds are supported almost entirelyby ephydrids (Jehl 1986, Rubega and Inouye 1994).Larvae of the Chloropidae have varied food habits(Ferrar 1987). Many are phytophagous, damagingcereals and other grasses. These species include the fritfly (Oscinella frit), the wheat stem maggot (Meromyzaamericana), and the gout fly of wheat and barley inEurope (Chlorops pumilionis). Others are saprophagous,fungivorous, and even predaceous. Thaumatomyiaglabra is an important predator on the sugarbeet rootaphid Pemphigus populivenae. One of the most unusualhabits among Chloropidae is that of the species ofthe Australian genus Batrachomyia, whose larvae liveunder the skin on the back of frogs (Sabrosky 1987).CalyptrataeThe calyptrate flies are generally rather robust, mostare strong fliers, and many are in the size rangeof the common housefly. The group contains some22,000 species, which are arranged in 10–15 families,depending on the classification (Evenhuis et al.2007). A large number of species breed in living ordecaying plant or fungal material (especially the muscoidfamilies Anthomyiidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, andScathophagidae). The biology of species in the largefamily Muscidae is particularly varied, with habitatsincluding vertebrate dung and carrion; organic debrisin nests, burrows, and dens of mammals, birds, andinsects; rot holes and decaying wood; sap runs; livingplants; fungi; and in or on the edges of pondsand streams (Skidmore 1985, Ferrar 1987). Evolutioncan take surprising routes, as in the Scathophagidae,whereby a few lineages have evolved from the ancestralplant-feeding life habit into breeding in dung or rottingseaweed and even as predators on caddisfly egg massesor small invertebrates (Kutty et al. 2007).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 195Large mammals are a rich source of food for manycalyptrates, which may suck their blood, imbibe theirsweat,eattheirdung,orevenbetrueendoparasites.Thetse-tse (Glossinidae) and the ectoparasitic louse and batflies (Hippoboscidae, including the Nycteribiinae andStreblinae) have excelled as highly specialized bloodfeeders and, like the few other calyptrate bloodsuckers,both males and females take a blood meal. Hostsare mainly mammals and birds but a few feed onlarge reptiles. The reproductive biology of hippoboscoidcalyptrates is remarkable in that the eggs hatch one ata time in the female oviduct, and the larva is nourishedby a secretion from the female accessory glands until itis fully fed and near pupariation (Ross 1961, Hill 1963,Marshall1970,Potts1973).Obligateparasitesofmammalsare found particularly in the family Oestridae,with larvae taking up their final position either subdermally(Cuterebrinae, Hypodermatinae, and lowerGasterophilinae), in the gastrointestinal tract (higherGasterophilinae), or in the nasopharyngeal cavities(Oestrinae) (Zumpt 1965).Numerous calyptrates are associated with eithervertebrate or invertebrate carrion, and some speciesinfest wounds or body orifices of living vertebrates aslarvae. Social insects are hosts of many calyptrates.Several blow flies (Calliphoridae) are associatedwith ants and termites as either kleptoparasitesor, more rarely, parasitoids (Ferrar 1987, Sze et al.2008). Solitary, aculeate Hymenoptera can havetheir nests usurped by kleptoparasitizing flesh flies(Sarcophagidae) of the subfamily Miltogramminae(Spofford and Kurczewski 1990, Pape 1996). Snailsand earthworms are heavily exploited by both flesh fliesand blow flies (Keilin 1919, Ferrar 1976, Guimarães1977, Downes 1986), and pterygote insects are hoststo the exclusively parasitoid species of the large familyTachinidae (Stireman et al. 2006).SOCIETAL IMPORTANCEAs expected for a ubiquitous group with diverse habitsand habitats, the Diptera are of considerable economicimportance. Pestiferous groups can have significanteffects on agriculture, animal and human health, andforestry. Other groups can be a general nuisance whenpresentinlargenumbersorbecauseofallergicreactionsto detached body setae. Despite these negative effects,flies play a valuable role as scavengers, parasitoidsand predators of other insects, pollinators, food forpredators, bioindicators of water quality, and tools forscientific research.Diptera as plant pests (agriculture,silviculture, and floriculture)A large number of fruit flies (Tephritidae) are capableof causing considerable economic damage to fruitsand vegetables, making these flies perhaps the mostimportant dipteran family to agriculture (e.g., DowellandWange1986,McPheronandSteck1996,Norrbom2004). The genera Anastrepha, Bactrocera, Ceratitis,Dacus, andRhagoletis contain most of the pest species.Economic impact includes direct losses from decreasingyield, increasing costs for control and fruit treatment,and shrinking export markets due to local regulations.Quarantine laws designed to reduce the spread of fruitfly species can severely restrict global commerce ofmany commercial fruits. Evidence of their economiceffects is illustrated by the millions of US dollars spentannually to prevent the Mediterranean fruit fly fromentering California (Jackson and Lee 1985, Dowell andWange 1986, Aluja and Norrbom 1999).The Agromyzidae, well known for the plant-mininghabits of their larvae, also contain a number ofimportant plant pests, including the chrysanthemumleafminer (Liriomyza trifolii), the serpentineleafminer (L. brassicae), and the vegetable leafminer(L. sativae) (Spencer 1973, 1990). The pea leafminerL. huidobrensis is a highly polyphagous species thatcan damage a wide range of field and greenhousecrops, including alfalfa, artichoke, beans, beets,carrots, celery, lettuce, melons, onions, peas, potato,pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, and several crucifers andornamentals. Control of established populations canbe especially problematic (Steck 2005).Among lower Diptera, the gall midges (Cecidomyiidae)are perhaps the best-known agricultural pests.A widespread and common group containing mostlyplant-feeding species, gall midges are suspected toinclude several thousand new and undescribedspecies; however, studies of the tropical fauna arestill in their infancy (e.g., Gagné 1994). Because ofthe feeding habits of their larvae, gall midges includemany serious plant pests, especially species that attackcereal crops and conifers. As with many fruit flies andother plant pests, their effects include not only directdamage, but also economic losses related to quarantineissues (Pollard 2000, Gagné et al. 2000).

196 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.A few Diptera can be important floricultural pests.Larvae of the black fungus gnats (Sciaridae) Bradysiacoprophila and Bradysia impatiens feed on roots and algaein the upper soil surface, which can cause considerabledamage in propagation areas and seedling flats. Larvalfeeding also can cause wilting and facilitate entry ofplant pathogens. Furthermore, adult flies are knownto disseminate soil-inhabiting pathogens on their bodiesand in their feces (Parrella 2004). The ephydridScatella stagnalis can be a pest in ornamental nurseriesand greenhouses, where adult flies spread fungalspores. Fecal spots left on leaves by resting adultsalso can cause cosmetic damage to plants (Parrella2004).Several Phoridae and Sciaridae and the moth flyPsychoda phalaenoides can be important pests of commercialmushroom gardens (Hussey 1960, Rinkerand Snetsinger 1984, Somchoudhury et al. 1988,Scheepmaker et al. 1997, Menzel and Mohrig 1999).Although larval feeding can cause moderate damage,the major effect is through the transmission of fungaldiseases (White 1981).The Bombyliidae are usually considered beneficialinsects because some species parasitize and prey oncutworms, beetle grubs, and grasshopper egg pods;however, Heterostylum robustum kills up to 90% of thelarvae of the alkali bee, an important alfalfa pollinatorin northwestern USA (Bohart et al. 1960, Bohart1972). Other pests in apiaries include the Europeanmiltogrammine flesh fly Senotainia tricuspis, whichinfects as many as 90% of the adult bees in a hive(Santini 1995a, 1995b, Palmeri et al. 2003). Honeybeesare sometimes attacked by species of the phoridMelaloncha (Ramírez 1984, Brown 2004, Gonzalez andBrown 2004), and native colonies of meliponine beescan be affected by the phorids Pseudohypocera kertesziand Megaselia scalaris (Robinson 1981; Reyes 1983;Hernández and Gutiérrez 2001; Robroek et al. 2003a,2003b). Megaselia scalaris also can cause considerabledamage to live arthropod cultures in laboratories,insect zoos, and butterfly houses (Disney 1994b; G. W.Courtney, personal observations).Medical and veterinary importanceDisease transmissionThe mouthparts of many adult Diptera have effectivepiercing stylets, enabling these flies to ‘bite’ andsuck blood. Major families with piercing and suckingmouthparts include the bat flies, biting midges,black flies, horse and deer flies, louse and bat flies,mosquitoes, phlebotomine sand flies (Psychodidae),tse-tse, and a few muscid flies. Because of theirblood-feeding habits, these flies are natural carriers ofpathogens and play a major role in the transmissionof bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoans, viruses,and other parasites. The affinities of some dipterans tocarrion and excrement might enhance their capacityto transmit disease agents, and for this reason aloneDiptera can be considered the most economicallyimportant insect order. Diptera-borne diseases affecthumans, as well as livestock worldwide, and theresulting costs are enormous.Mosquitoes are perhaps the best-known andmost-studied blood-feeding dipterans, due largelyto their medical and veterinary importance. Of theapproximately 3600 known species of mosquitoes,fewer than 150 are pests or vectors of pathogens thatcause disease in humans and domesticated animals(Harbach 2007). However, these species, which arelargely confined to the genera Aedes (traditional, broadsense), Anopheles, andCulex, are the indirect causeof more morbidity and mortality among humansthan any other group of organisms. Mosquitoes arevectors of a number of agents that cause debilitatingdiseases, including malaria, yellow fever, filariasis,dengue, dog heartworm, the encephalitides, andrelated viral diseases. For malaria alone, the effectsare staggering: 300–500 million people are infectedannually; 1.0–1.5 million people die every year (WorldHealth Organization 2007); an African child dies frommalaria every 30 sec (WHO 2007); 35 million futurelife-years are lost because of premature mortality anddisability (World Bank 1993); and an annual costof nearly US$2 billion is incurred in tropical Africa(MicrobiologyBytes 2007). Even in contemporaryNorth America, the effect of mosquito-borne diseasesremains acute. A recent (2002–2003) outbreakof West Nile virus in Louisiana came at a price ofapproximately US$20 million, with slightly morethan half the costs related to the illness (e.g., directmedical costs and productivity losses from illness anddeath) and the remaining costs related to public healthresponses (e.g., mosquito control, surveillance, andabatement) (KPLC 2004).Black flies transmit the filarial parasites Dirofilaria (inbears) and Mansonella and Onchocerca (in humans), aswellastheprotozoansLeucocytozoon(inbirds)(Crosskey

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 1971990). Phlebotomine sand flies are vectors of the agentsthat cause leishmaniasis (sand fly fever) and also cantransmit filarial parasites (Icosella neglecta) to the edibleEuropean green frog (Desportes 1942). Biting midgesare capable of transmitting at least 66 viral pathogensand a wide range of microorganisms (Borkent 2004),including those responsible for livestock diseases thatcause blue-tongue in sheep and cattle, African horsesickness, bovine ephemeral fever, and eastern equineencephalitis (Parsonson 1993, Mellor and Boorman1995, Wall and Shearer 1997). The Tabanidae serveas vectors of African eye-worm or loa loa that causesloiasis, the bacterium that causes tularaemia, and theOld World trypanosome Trypanosoma evansi (Oldroyd1973).Calyptrate flies (e.g., house, stable, and blowflies) harbor more than 100 species of pathogenicmicroorganisms (Greenberg 1971, 1973, Förster et al.2007, Sawabe et al. 2006). Many species of Muscaare carriers of bovine and equine filariases, as well asbacteria and viruses. For example, Musca autumnaliscan transmit Parafilaria bovicola, and eyeworms ofthe genus Thelazia, andHydrotaea irritans serves as amechanical vector of Corynebacterium pyogenes,acauseof mastitis in cattle (Neville 1985, Krafsur and Moon1997). Musca sorbens transmits eye diseases such astrachoma and conjunctivitis (Emerson et al. 2000).The horn fly Haematobia irritans is a well-establishedbiting cattle pest throughout many tropical andtemperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, whileits close relative, the buffalo fly Haematobia exigua isparticularly important to cattle and dairy industries ofAustralia.As important vectors of blood-borne diseases,dipterans have shaped human culture (Harrison1978). This role is evident especially in Africa,where trypanosome-infected tse-tse can be a seriousconstraint on livestock practices, and epidemics ofsleeping sickness have had profound socioeconomicimplications (e.g., Lyons 1992, Hide 1999). In theNew World, the introduction of yellow fever has had acomparable impact (Crosby 2006). Between 1904 and1914, the need to control yellow fever and malaria wasa major contributor to the completion of the PanamaCanal (Powers and Cope 2000). During militarycampaigns, diseases such as malaria can accountfor more casualties than the fighting (Bruce-Chwatt1988), which explains the interest in vector-bornedisease research at military-affiliated institutions (e.g.,Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, WalterReed Biosystematics Unit). The original transmissionof the HIV virus from chimpanzees to humans issuspected to have been caused by stable flies or similarblood-sucking flies (Eigen et al. 2002), adding yetanother example of the vast influence of Diptera onhuman societies. Mosquitoes have even shaped humanevolution through their disease-carrying capabilities,with the most notable example from Africa, wherethe sickle-cell anemia gene became prevalent dueto its partial protection against the malaria parasite(Pagnier et al. 1984, Barnes 2005).MyiasisThe families Calliphoridae (blow flies), Oestridae (botflies), and Sarcophagidae (flesh flies) are the major producersof myiasis, a term referring to the developmentof dipteran larvae in a living vertebrate body. Botflies are involved in dermal, enteric, and nasopharyngealmyiasis of animals and sometimes humans. Thelarvae of cattle grubs migrate through the host’s bodyand eventually reach the upper back where they cuta small opening in the hide and remain there untilready to pupate. Economic losses result from reductionin milk production, weight loss, and damage to hides(Scholl 1993). In the Northern Hemisphere, Hypodermabovis and H. lineatum (Hypodermatinae) are the majorpests, whereas in the New World tropics, Dermatobiahominis (Cuterebrinae) is the prevalent cattle warblefly (Guimarães et al. 1983). Production losses can besignificant, with annual losses in Brazil estimated atUS$200–260 million (Grisi et al. 2002). Most bot flieseither never attack humans, or do so only accidentally(Zumpt 1965). However, Dermatobia hominis, knownalso as the human bot fly or tórsalo, develops readilyin humans. Infections are painful but generallybenign, even when the larva is allowed to develop tomaturity (Dunn 1930). In rare cases, infections can belethal (Rossi and Zucoloto 1973, Noutis and Millikan1994). Damage caused by nasal bot flies (Oestrinae)in camels, goats, and sheep, and stomach bot flies(Gasterophilinae) in donkeys and horses varies fromviolent reactions (i.e., ‘gadding’ behavior) caused bythe ovipositing flies, to irritation by larvae when burrowinginto oral tissues and subsequent interferencewith digestion. These attacks can reduce growth ratesand are particularly harmful to younger individuals(Zumpt 1965).Myiasis-producing blow flies and flesh flies usuallyare attracted to the wounds and sores of humans and

198 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.domestic animals, where larvae feed on necrotic tissueand accidentally can be ingested or invade wounds,causing severe discomfort and subsequent secondaryinfections. Certain calliphorids can cause severeprimary myiasis, particularly Cochliomyia hominivorax(the primary or New World screwworm) and Luciliacuprina and Chrysomya bezziana in the Old World tropics(Hall and Wall 1995). In recent years, other speciesof screwworms in the genus Chrysomya have beenintroduced accidentally from the Old World into SouthAmerica and have spread north into Central America,two even reaching North America (Baumgartner1993, Tomberlin et al. 2001). Among the flesh flies,species of Wohlfahrtia cause myiasis in commerciallyraised mink (Eschle and DeFoliart 1965), livestock(Hall 1997, Valentin et al. 1997, Farkas and Kepes2001, Farkas et al. 2001) and, rarely, humans (Halland Wall 1995, Delir et al. 1999, Iori et al. 1999).Human urogenital myiasis occasionally is caused bylarvae of the Psychodidae and Phoridae (Disney andKurahashi 1978, Abul-Hab and Salman 1999). Speciesof the African bot fly genus Gedoelstia may larviposit intheeyesofcattle,goats,andsheep,withtheencephaliticform often fatal (Zumpt 1965). Cases of human ophthalmomyiasishave been caused by Gedoelstia spp.,Hypoderma spp., and Oestrus ovis (Bisley 1972, Masoodiand Hosseini 2004, Lagacé-Wiens et al. 2008).Invasive alien DipteraThe introduction of alien species can have devastatingeffects on the native fauna. The effects have beendocumented for the avifauna of Hawaii, with the introductionof avian malaria and a suitable vector, Culexquinquefasciatus (Van Riper et al. 2002). In contrast, theavifauna of the Galápagos Islands is largely intact, butthe establishment of this avian vector and potential diseasesposes a great threat (Whiteman et al. 2005). Theintroduction of the nestling parasite Philornis downsi tothe Galápagos Islands also represents a serious threatto the endemic passerine fauna (Fessl et al. 2006).Numerous dipterans have become invasive aroundthe world, especially members of the Agromyzidae,Anthomyiidae, Calliphoridae, Culicidae, Drosophilidae,Muscidae, Phoridae, Psilidae, Sarcophagidae, andTephritidae, but our attention to the phenomenon isstrongly skewed toward pests and disease vectors. Themost detailed studies of the effect of invasive dipteranson local species have thus been for the blow flies (Wells1991) and mosquitoes (Juliano and Lounibos 2005).Diptera as a general nuisanceInadditiontotheirsignificanceinmyiasisandthetransmissionof disease agents, flies can be a general nuisanceand interfere with human activities (e.g., Cook et al.1999, Howard 2001). The nuisance problem includesharassment by mosquitoes, gnats, and other flies, andthe occasional presence of Diptera in true nuisancenumbers (e.g., Westwood 1852). Several moderndayexamples of the latter exist. Following Europeansettlement of Australia, the Australian bush fly, Muscavetustissima, bred vigorously in the cow dung that accumulatedin the absence of native ruminant-adapteddung beetles. South African dung beetles importedduring the 1960s–1980s have ameliorated the problem(Ridsdill-Smith 1981, Matthiessen et al. 1984,Ridsdill-Smith et al. 1987). Another example, fromEurope, pertains to the chloropid Thaumatomyia notata.This fly, in attempting to find suitable overwinteringsites, enters apartments by the millions (Nartshuk2000, Kotrba 2004, Nartshuk and Pakalniškis 2004).Swarms of this species have even been mistaken assmoke, prompting calls to the fire brigade (Kiesenwetter1857, Letzner 1873). Species from several otherfamilies (e.g., Phoridae and Sphaeroceridae) proliferateindoors such that eradication measures are needed(Fredeen and Taylor 1964; Disney 1991, 1994b; Cleworthet al. 1996). Certain Psychodidae can be anuisance as both larvae and adults, the former whenmass occurrences in trickling filters of sewage treatmentfacilities diminish flow and filtering efficiency,and adults when setae from the wings and body areinhaled, causing a disease similar to bronchial asthma(Gold et al. 1985).Adults of the aquatic families Chaoboridae andChironomidae sometimes constitute a nuisanceby their sheer numbers emerging from pondsand lakes. When encountering swarms of theseflies, avoiding inhaling them or keeping themout of one’s eyes can be difficult. Emergingchironomid adults can be a serious nuisance oflakefront settlements and cities (Ali 1991), andmassive swarms can cause traffic problems (Lindegaardand Jónasson 1979). At some East African lakes,swarms of emerging Chaoborus edulis are so dense asto pose a risk of suffocation should one get trappedwithin them, particularly if swarms also contain theallergenic chironomid midge Cladotanytarsus lewisi(Armitage et al. 1995). Despite these negative effects,local people capture the swarming midges and convert

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 199them into round cakes that are dried in the sun forlater consumption (Oldroyd 1964, Eibl and Copeland2005).Even beneficial species of flies, such as Sarcophagaaldrichi (‘the friendly fly’), build up to such largenumbers that people complain vehemently about theirpresence. This species is an important parasitoid of theforest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria), completelycontrolling their massive outbreaks (USDA, Forest Service1985).Biting midges, black flies, deer flies and horse flies,and mosquitoes, apart from their capacity as diseasevectors, are infamous for their sometimes incessantharassment of humans and other animals. In someparts of the world, considerable resources are devotedto reducing the numbers of mosquitoes and black fliesalong major rivers (e.g., Skovmand 2004) and in cities(e.g., Callaway 2007). Mosquitoes, as well as bitingmidges, deer flies, and horse flies, also can be abundantalong beaches and in salt marshes and mangroveswamps. The latter are especially well-known breedingsites for species of Culicoides, abundances of which canmanifest in biting rates of several hundred per minute(Borkent 2004).In many urban areas, the major nuisance fly is thecommon housefly Musca domestica, which often occursin large numbers around humans or human activities.In addition to the discomfort caused by directcontact with large numbers of flies buzzing aroundfood, garbage, and other items, house flies can bemechanical vectors of various microbial pathogens(Nayduch et al. 2002, Sanchez-Arroyo 2007).Other dipterans that annoy and interfere withhuman comfort include certain members of theChloropidae, especially the genus Hippelates, commonlyknown as eye gnats. Larvae of these flies inhabitthe soil, but adults can be a nuisance because theyare attracted to sweat, tears, and other secretionsaround the eyes or exposed skin. Though more of anannoyance than a health risk, eye gnats can serveas vectors of the agents of anaplasmosis, bacterialconjunctivitis, and bovine mastitis (Lindsay andScudder 1956, Mulla 1965, Tondella et al. 1994).Diptera in biological controlA large number of Diptera can be beneficial, especiallythe many predaceous or parasitoid groups thathelp regulate insect pest populations. Many speciesare native components of the ecosystems in whichthey are found, but others are introduced to controlnative or exotic pests. The gall midge Feltiellaacarisuga is a widespread and effective predator ofspider mites (Tetranychidae) (Gagné 1995). It cansuccessfully control populations of Tetranychus urticaein various crops (Opit et al. 1997) and is a potentiallyuseful agent for integrated pest managementof spider mites in greenhouses (Gillespie et al. 1998).The aphid predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza isanother gall midge that has shown promise as an effectivepredator of aphids. It is an important componentof biological control programs for greenhouse cropsand is now widely available commercially (Hoffmannand Frodsham 1993). The cottony cushion scale killerCryptochetum iceryae (Cryptochetidae), along with thevedalia beetle Rodolia cardinalis, was introduced fromAustralia to California to successfully control the cottonycushion scale Icerya purchasi (DeBach and Rosen1991, Waterhouse and Sands 2001). Florida citrusgrowers subsequently introduced C. iceryae for the samepurpose, and the species is now widespread in warmerparts of the New World (Pitkin 1989). Another groupused in the control of coccids and aphids is the familyChamaemyiidae. Leucopis tapiae, for example, wasintroduced into Hawaii to control the Eurasian pineadelgid (Greathead 1995, Vail et al. 2001).Snail-killing flies (Sciomyzidae) control populationsof the intermediate hosts of trematodes causingbilharzia (Berg and Knutson 1978, Maharaj et al.1992) and multivoltine species have the potentialto control pest helicid snails in Australian pastures(Coupland and Baker 1995). Some studies (Grahamet al. 2003, Porter et al. 2004) suggest thatant-decapitating species of Phoridae can suppressintroduced populations of fire ants. The Pipunculidaeare of interest as potential control agents for rice andsugarcane leafhopper pests (Greathead 1983). Speciesof the muscid genus Coenosia, whose larvae and adultsare predaceous, are being tested for biological controlof agromyzids, ephydrids, sciarids, and white flies ingreenhouses (Kühne 2000).The exclusively parasitic Tachinidae are used extensivelyin biological control programs, especially againstpestiferous Lepidoptera. Success stories include theintroduction of Bessa remota to control coconut mothsin Fiji (DeBach and Rosen 1991) and the use of Billaeaclaripalpis, Lixophaga diatraeae,andLydella minenseto control sugarcane stem borers (Diatraea spp.) in theNeotropical Region (Bennett 1969, Cock 1985, DeBach

200 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.and Rosen 1991). Other introductions have achievedlimited success, such as use of the Palearctic tachinidCyzenis albicans to control the winter moth Operophterabrumata in Canadian deciduous forests (Horganet al. 1999). Although most tachinids attack a narrowspectrum of hosts, a few species (e.g., Compsiluraconcinnata) have been reared from hundreds of differenthost species. Under the latter circumstances, a potentialnegative side effect of biological control is the harm tonontarget hosts. For example, C. concinnata was introducedto control gypsy moths in New England. Thetachinid had a modes effect on the target host but isthought to have led to declining populations of localsilk moths (Boettner et al. 2000).A few Diptera, particularly fruit flies (Tephritidae),have been used for biological control of weeds. Primarytargets have been knapweeds and thistles (Carduus,Centaurea,andCirsium) and various other genera withnoxious species (e.g., Ageratina, Lantana, andSenecio)(Bess and Haramoto 1972, White and Clement 1987,Harris 1989, White and Elson-Harris 1992, Turner1996). Other flies used for the control of certain weedsinclude a few Agromyzidae (Spencer 1973), Syrphidae,and Cecidomyiidae (Gagné et al. 2004).PollinationDiptera are major contributors to the maintenance ofplant diversity through their participation in many pollinationsystems and networks (Ssymank et al. 2008).Diptera probably were among the first angiospermpollinators, and flies might have been influentialin spurring the early angiosperm diversification(Labandeira 1998, Endress 2001). Flies visit flowers toobtain nectar for energy and pollen for protein; flowersalso provide species-specific rendezvous sites formating and a beneficial microclimate (Kearns 2002,Kevan 2002). Diptera are among the most commoninsects that visit flowers (Free 1993), and in Belgiummore than 700 plant species in 94 families werevisited by flower flies alone (De Buck 1990). Dipterahave lower flower-visiting consistency, are generallymuch less hairy than the aculeate Hymenoptera, andmost lack specialized structures for pollen transport.Despite the latter, pollen clings to flies with furry bodyvestiture and some flies have foretarsal modificationsallowing them to gather and eat pollen (e.g., Holloway1976, Neff et al. 2003). But even generalist flowervisitors contribute significantly to plant reproductivesuccess (Kearns 2001, Kevan 2002). Diptera pollinatea significant number of important crops, includingapples, cacao, carrots, cashew, cassava, cauliflower,leek, mango, mustard, onions, strawberries, and tea(Heath 1982, Hansen 1983, Clement et al. 2007,Mitra and Banerjee 2007). The highly specializedflowers of cacao are pollinated exclusively by smallmidges (Ceratopogonidae), particularly of the genusForcipomyia (Young 1986, 1994), and an increasingnumber of flowering plants are being discovered thatdepend entirely on dipteran pollinators. Examplesinclude the seed-for-seed mutualism where species ofthe anthomyiid genus Chiastocheta pollinate the closedflowers of Trollius europaeus (Pellmyr 1989), and thegall-midge pollination of Artocarpus, which is a mutualisminvolving also a parasitic fungus (Sakai et al.2000). A significant number of flowers have specializedin being pollinated by carrion flies, including theworld’s largest flower Rafflesia arnoldii (Beaman et al.1988). Diptera are particularly important pollinatorsof flat to bowl-shaped flowers in habitats and underconditions where bees are less active. Many flies haveadapted well to moist and cool habitats, such as cloudforests and arctic and alpine environments, which havea large proportion of dipteran pollinators (Kevan 1972;Elberling and Olesen 1999; Kearns 1992, 2001). SmallDiptera might be the most important pollinators inthe forest understory, particularly for shrubs withnumerous small, inconspicuous, and dioecious flowers(Larson et al. 2001, Borkent and Harder 2007).Other ecological services (scavengersand decomposers)In most terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, Dipteraare more species rich and have a higher biomass thando other insect decomposers (McLean 2000). Representativesof many families, including the Calliphoridae,Coleopidae, Muscidae, Mycetophilidae, Phoridae, Psychodidae,Sarcophagidae, Sciaridae, Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae,Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae, and Tipuloideaare important decomposers and recyclers of decayingorganic matter. The importance of Diptera in recyclingdung has been well studied (Laurence 1953,1954, 1955; Papp 1976, 1985; Papp and Garzó 1985;Skidmore 1991; O’Hara et al. 1999).The black soldier fly Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae),a pantropical species that breeds in decayingfruit and other decomposing organic material (James

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 2011935), exemplifies the decomposing capacity andecological significance of flies. Chicken manurecolonized by H. illucens often leads to reduced amountsof manure (Sheppard et al. 1994), results in fewerhouseflies (Sheppard 1983, Axtell and Arends 1990),and can even provide a food resource (i.e., prepupae)for fish and swine (Newton et al. 1977, Bondariand Sheppard 1981). Hermetia illucens also has beenimplicated as a potentially beneficial species to thecitrus industry, where the destruction of orange-peelwaste can be a costly endeavor. Pape (2009) recounteda compelling example of this potential use in CostaRica, where waste from a local orange-growingcompany dumped hundreds of tons of orange peel onstrongly degraded bushland during the dry season.At the onset of the rains, populations of H. illucensboomed and the waste was completely decomposedby the larvae in nine months. As an added value, anew indigenous dry forest was resprouting from this‘<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Processing Ground’.As effective decomposers of organic material, manyDiptera have a high pest potential through their abilityto locate and infect stored human food. Provisions particularlyprone to become infested are household meatsand meat products, which may become ‘blown’ withblow fly eggs. Cheese and ham also are favored habitatsfor the cheese skipper Piophila casei. An important wayof preserving fish practically throughout the world is todry the meat under the sun, and a number of flies breedin such cured fish, especially blow flies of the generaCalliphora, Chrysomya, andLucilia. These flies can bea serious problem in many tropical and subtropicalsocieties, causing losses of up to 30% (Haines and Rees1989, Esser 1991, Wall et al. 2001).Diptera of forensic, medicolegal,and medical importanceFlies are usually the first insects to arrive at vertebratecarrion, which make especially the Calliphoridae (andspecies of Fanniidae, Muscidae, Phoridae, Piophilidae,Sarcophagidae, and Stratiomyidae) potential forensicindicators in cases involving dead bodies. A forensicentomologist estimates the time elapsed since a blowfly larva, found on a corpse, hatched from its eggby backtracking the development time, that is, bymeasuring the number of degree days required tocomplete development and subtracting this from theknown total required for complete larval development(Higley and Haskell 2001), or through phenologicalinformation (Staerkeby 2001).The affinity of blow fly maggots for decaying fleshmakes some species ideal for cleaning certain wounds,particularly bedsores and age- and diabetes-relatedgangrene involving reduced circulation. Even severeburns and extensive abrasions, where small islands ofdead tissue scattered over larger areas make physicalremoval complicated, can be treated in this manner.The use of maggot therapy for treating wounds ofhumans and livestock is an old discovery (Grantham-Hill 1933, Leclercq 1990, Sherman et al. 2000), but,since it has been improved through sterile breedingof larvae and controlled application under speciallydeveloped bandages, the technique has been taken upby many clinics. The maggots provide a dual effect byeating the dead tissue and secreting antiseptic saliva.Even the mechanical stimulus from the active larvaeexerts a micromassage promoting the circulation oflymphatic fluids in the recovering tissues (Sherman2001, 2002, 2003).Diptera as research toolsPhysiology and geneticsThe muscle tissues of vertebrates and insects mightbe only remotely homologous (Mounier et al. 1992),but insect indirect flight muscles bear some functionaland physiological resemblances to human heart musculature(Chan and Dickinson 1996, Maughan et al.1998). Knowledge of functional properties and organizationof proteins in Drosophila wing-muscle myofibrils(e.g., Vigoreaux 2001) and the expression of heterologoushuman cytoplasmic actin in Drosophila flightmuscles carry significant potential for increased understandingof human muscular disorders (Brault et al.1999). Asynchronous flight muscles, whereby a singlenerve impulse causes a muscle fiber to contractmultiple times, is the key to the extreme mechanicaland physiological efficiency behind the high-frequencywingbeatnecessaryforsustainedflightinmanyinsects.Peak performance is found in some Ceratopogonidae inwhich Sotavalta (1947, 1953) measured frequenciessurpassing 1000 Hertz in Forcipomyia sp., and by experimentallyreducing wing length, more than doubledthis frequency. This can be accomplished only whenmuscles are able to contract in an oscillatory manner,requiring that they are attached to an appropriate

202 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.mechanically resonant load, which in a fly would beits thorax and wings. <strong>Insect</strong> flight muscles, therefore,offer insights into muscular operational design, contractilecosts, and energy-saving mechanisms (Conleyand Lindstedt 2002, Syme and Josephson 2002), whichwill have implications for human health as well as forbiotechnological advances.Drosophila melanogaster was introduced as alaboratory animal for the geneticist about a centuryago (Castle 1906). This introduction turned out to beextremely fruitful, and D. melanogaster is now, for manypeople, the icon of genetic research. Numerous studiesusing this model species have brought tremendousinsight into gene expression, gene regulatory mechanisms,and, more recently, genomics (Ashburnerand Bergman 2005). Revealing the D. melanogastergenome, which was the second animal genome tobe fully sequenced, has been remarkably rewarding.Almost 75% of the candidate human disease genescan be matched by homologues in Drosophila (Reiteret al. 2001), and today FlyBase (http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu/), the Drosophila community database,is providing one of the highest-quality annotatedgenome sequences for any organism. The recognitionof gene homologues carries a large potential forimproved treatments of human disorders ranging fromtype-II diabetes to alcoholism (e.g., Campbell et al.1997, Fortini et al. 2000, Brogiolo et al. 2001, Leevers2001, Morozova et al. 2006). At a higher geneticlevel, the discovery of the Hox genes in D. melanogasterin the early 1980s paved the way for entirely newinsights into how organisms regulate the identity ofparticular segments and body regions by controllingthe patterning along the embryonic head-to-tail axis(e.g., Carroll 1995, Akam 1998, Lewis 1998). Theshort generation time of D. melanogaster, which makesit so suitable for genetic studies, also makes it suitablefor studies on age-specific and lifetime behaviorpatterns involved in aging (Carey et al. 2006), aswell as on the genetics and physiology of age-relatedmemory impairment (Horiuchi and Saitoe 2005).Technology<strong>Insect</strong> flight uses thin, flexible plates (wings) reinforcedby a system of ridges (the veins) that allow forsemi-automated deformation, which optimizes aerodynamicforces. <strong>Insect</strong> wings typically produce two–threetimes more lift than can be accounted for by conventionalaerodynamics, and they produce a high amountof lift while keeping drag at a minimum. These featuresmake insects attractive models for microplane design(Dwortzan 1997, Ellington 1999, Wooton 2000,Bar-Cohen 2005). Dipteran flight has been fine-tunedthrough millions of years of evolution, and some ofthe most diligent insect flyers are found among theDiptera, whereby certain species of bee flies, flowerflies, pipunculids, and rhiniine blow flies show a rangeof aerial acrobatics unsurpassed by any other flyinganimal. Such maneuverability built into so-calledmicro-air-vehicles (MAVs), apart from obviousmilitary interests, would be of use, for example, inaerial surveillance operations and reconnaissance inconfined spaces, for example, by rescue squads dealingwith partly collapsed or burning buildings.Female mosquitoes have excelled for millions ofyears in their ability to take a blood meal almostwithout being felt by the victim. As they cut theirway through tough vertebrate skin, the apicallymicroserrated mandibular and maxillary styletsprovide less friction and require lower insertionforces, compared with conventional human-madesyringe needles. Micro-engineers and biomedicalengineers, therefore, have turned to the mosquitoproboscis in an attempt to develop ultra-narrowsyringe needles for minimally invasive (pain-free),micro-electromechanical drug delivery and samplingof body fluids for microdialysis in continued medicalmonitoring (Cohen 2002, Gattiker et al. 2005).Diptera in conservationBioindicatorsBiomonitoring is the use of living organisms ortheir responses to evaluate environmental quality(Rosenberg and Resh 1993, Resh et al. 1996, Barbouret al. 1999, Moulton et al. 2000, Bonada et al. 2006,Rosenberg et al. 2007) and involves three generalareas of investigation: (1) surveys before and after animpact to determine the effects of that impact (e.g.,Thomson et al. 2005), (2) regular sampling or toxicitytesting to measure compliance with legally mandatedenvironmental quality standards (e.g., Yoder andRankin 1998, Maret et al. 2003), and (3) large-scalesurveys to establish reference conditions or evaluatebiological impairment across geographical landscapesand under different land-management practices(e.g., Klemm et al. 2003, Black and Munn 2004).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Diptera 203Although these studies encompass a range of taxa andassessment metrics, many will include in their analysessome evaluation of Diptera diversity and abundance.The inclusion of Diptera has been especially true ofwater-quality and bioassessment studies to classify thedegree of pollution or other impacts in a water body.The mouthparts of many aquatic larvae continuouslyfilter detritus and microorganisms, and the associatedhabitat and microhabitat specialization means thatspecies associations can be informative about waterquality (e.g., Sæther 1979). The Chironomidae areperhaps the most widely used dipterans for thesepurposes. Larvae of the midge genus Chironomus arecommonly referred to as ‘blood worms’ because ofhemoglobin in their blood, a trait that permits survivalin poorly oxygenated aquatic habitats. These larvaeand those of other Chironomidae (e.g., Wiederholm1980, Raddum and Saether 1981) and other aquaticDiptera (e.g., the moth flies Psychoda and rat-tailedmaggots Eristalis) are often used as indicators ofpolluted water or water low in oxygen (e.g., Lenat1993b, Barbour et al. 1999, Courtney et al. 2008).Furthermore, evaluation of morphological deformitiesin the larval head capsules (e.g., changes in scleriteshape) of dipterans, especially chironomids, hasbeen used extensively to assess environmental stress(Wiederholm 1984; Warwick and Tisdale 1988;Warwick 1989, 1991; Diggins and Stewart 1993;Lenat 1993a). Although the general perception is thatmost aquatic Diptera are tolerant of environmentalimpacts, some groups (e.g., Blephariceridae andDeuterophlebiidae) have received tolerance valuesindicating extreme sensitivity to environmentalperturbations (Lenat 1993b, Barbour et al. 1999,Courtney et al. 2008). Despite these general patterns,most families have species that exhibit a range oftolerances from pristine to impaired conditions.The Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Tipuloidea arenoteworthy in this respect. Finally, some Diptera(especially Chironomidae) are used commonly inacute and chronic laboratory toxicity studies tocompare toxicants and the factors affecting toxicity,and ultimately to predict the environmental effects ofthe toxicant (Michailova et al. 1998, Karouna-Renierand Zehr 1999).Diptera are rich in species with specific microhabitator breeding-site requirements, providing them witha high potential for habitat-quality assessment andconservation planning (Rotheray et al. 2001). Abundancepatterns of stiletto flies (Therevidae) can be anindicator of habitat heterogeneity and successionalstage in dry areas (Holston 2005). Haslett (1988)used flower flies as bioindicators of environmentalstress on ski slopes in Austria, and Sommagio (1999)suggested that their strength would be in the evaluationof landscape diversity. Many saproxylic and fungivorousflies have an association with old-growth forests,which implies a considerable potential as indicatorsof woodland quality that might help in designing andimplementing management strategies such as forestcuttingregimes and tree-species composition (Speight1986; Økland 1994, 1996, 2000; Good and Speight1996; Fast and Wheeler 2004; Økland et al. 2004,2008). Special measures have been taken to conservesaproxylic insects in England (Rotheray and Mac-Gowan 2000). Increasing forest cover and changes intheir management in the Netherlands since the 1950shave meant that the saproxylic Syrphidae in generalare on the increase (Reemer 2005). A similar situationhas been indicated for Germany (Ssymank andDoczkal 1998). The ecologically diverse Dolichopodidaeare showing promise as indicators of site valueover a range of nonforest habitats (Pollet 1992, 2001;Pollet and Grootaert 1996), and endemic HawaiianDolichopodidae, together with selected Canacidae, Chironomidae,and Ephydridae, are potential indicatorsof valuable aquatic habitats with high native diversity(Englund et al. 2007).Vanishing speciesThe world biota is under ever-increasing pressure fromhumankind. Only four dipterans are on the IUCN RedList of Threatened Species (IUCN 2007), containingspecies that are either vulnerable, endangered, or criticallyendangered, and therefore facing a higher riskof global extinction, but this list is probably grimlymisleading, as still more species of Diptera are findingtheir way onto regional red lists (e.g., Falk 1991, Stark1996, Binot et al. 1998, Pollet 2000). Geographicallyrestricted populations are often particularly vulnerable,and numerous species of Diptera most probablyhave already disappeared due to the arrival of invasivespecies on oceanic islands or through major habitatdestruction. An example is the single flesh fly endemicfor Bermuda, Microcerella bermuda, which has not beencollected for the last 100 years and was not recoveredin the most recent inventory (Woodley and Hilburn1994). Other Diptera are so rare that they face imminentextinction: the peculiar Mormotomyia hirsuta,sole

204 Gregory W. Courtney, Thomas Pape, Jeffrey H. Skevington, et al.representative of the family Mormotomyiidae, has beenfound in only a single bat roost in a large, cave-likerock crevice in Kenya (Oldroyd 1964, Pont 1980). Thethree species of rhino stomach bot flies (Gyrostigma spp.)have been experiencing increasing difficulties maintaininghealthy populations, with gradually declininghost stocks. The situation already could be critical forGyrostigma sumatrensis, which is still known only fromlarvae expelled from captive Sumatran rhinos in a fewEuropean zoos, all before 1950. The African G. conjungens,known from the black rhino, has not beencaptured since 1961. A successful conservation programfor the white rhino, however, appears to have hadpositive effects on G. rhinocerontis (Barraclough 2006).The Delhi Sands flower-loving fly, Rhaphiomidas terminatusabdominalis (Mydidae), is the first fly to be listedas endangered by the US Endangered Species Act. It isendemic to the Delhi Sands formation, a small area ofancient inland dunes in southern California, where theadults are nectar feeders and the drastic loss of habitathas led to its perceived decline and endangered status(Rogers and Mattoni 1993).What may be the first dipteran to be eradicatedby humans is the European bone skipper Thyreophoracynophila. When described by Panzer (1794), this flywas rather common and was often observed in Austria,France, and Germany. A beautiful, redheaded fly, itcould be observed walking on big cadavers such as deaddogs, horses, and mules in the early spring (Robineau-Desvoidy 1830). Suddenly, 50 years after its discovery,it disappeared and has never been collected again. Itsdisappearance might be due to changes in livestockmanagement and improved carrion disposal, followingthe Industrial Revolution in Europe, but the underlyingscenario probably is the reduction of the megafauna,including the near absence of large predators to leavelarge carcasses with partly crushed long bones, therebylimiting access to the medullar canal and bone marrow,the favored breeding site for T. cynophila. The Quaternarymegafauna extinctions, which might have hada human component, most probably had fatal consequencesfor those Diptera that we assume depended onthese large animals or their excreta. The stomach botfly (Cobboldia russanovi) of the woolly mammoth disappearedwith its host (Grunin 1973), and D. K. McAlpine(2007) envisions a much larger fauna of Australianwombat flies at the time of the large marsupials some100,000 years ago. A few other species have beendeclared globally extinct: four species of Emperopteraand one species of Campsicnemus (Dolichopodidae), anda single species of Drosophila (Drosophilidae), all fromHawaii (Hawaii Biological Survey 2002, IUCN 2007),and the volutine Stoneyian tabanid (Stonemyia velutina)from California (IUCN 2007).Diptera as part of our cultural legacyJust as much as man might have realized ‘that hisdestiny is coupled to coexistence with a complex biotathat also contains Diptera’ (Pape 2009), flies are anintegral part of our cultural past. Thousands of childrenhave been fascinated by the fairy tale about thebrave little tailor, who got ‘seven in one blow’, and whohas not been laughing at jokes where a customer in arestaurant complains that ‘there is a fly in my soup!’Some might even have read ‘The Fly’ by George Langelaan(1957), featuring a human–housefly hybrid, orseen one or more of the several films based on this shortstory, or any of the sequels to these. Flies were one of thebiblical plagues (Exodus 8:21), but fly symbolism spansthe entire range from William Golding’s (1954) sombernovel ‘Lord of the Flies’ to William Blake’s (1794) lyricpoem ‘The Fly’:Little FlyThy summers play,My thoughtless handHas brush’d away.Am not IA fly like thee?Or art not thouA man like me?For I danceAnddrinkandsing;Till some blind handShall brush my wing.If thought is lifeAnd strength andbreath;And the wantOf thought is death;Then am IA happy fly,If I live,Or if I die.

Table 9.1 Families of Diptera and numbers of described species in the world. Family classification and species richness based on Evenhuis et al. (2007).Superfamily DescribedSuborder Infraorder Other Category (or equivalent) Family Species‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Ptychopteromorpha Ptychopteridae 74‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Ptychopteromorpha Tanyderidae 38‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Chironomoidea Ceratopogonidae 5621‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Chironomoidea Chironomidae 6951‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Chironomoidea Simuliidae 2080‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Chironomoidea Thaumaleidae 173‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Culicoidea Chaoboridae 55‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Culicoidea Corethrellidae 97‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Culicoidea Culicidae 3616‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Culicomorpha Culicoidea Dixidae 185‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Blephariceromorpha Blephariceroidea Blephariceridae 322‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Blephariceromorpha Blephariceroidea Deuterophlebiidae 14‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Blephariceromorpha Nymphomyioidea Nymphomyiidae 7‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Axymyioidea Axymyiidae 6‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Bibionoidea Bibionidae 754‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Bibionoidea Hesperinidae 6‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Bibionoidea Pachyneuridae 5‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Bolitophilidae 59‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Cecidomyiidae 6051‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Diadocidiidae 19‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Ditomyiidae 93‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Keroplatidae 907‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Lygistorrhinidae 30‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Mycetophilidae 4105‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidae Rangomaramidae 39‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Bibionomorpha Sciaroidea Sciaridae 2224‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Anisopodidae 158‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Perissommatidae 5‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Psychodidae 2886‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Scatopsoidea Canthyloscelidae 16‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Scatopsoidea Scatopsidae 323‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Psychodomorpha Scatopsoidea Valeseguyidae 3‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Tipulomorpha Tipuloidea Cylindrotomidae 67‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Tipulomorpha Tipuloidea Limoniidae 10, 334‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Tipulomorpha Tipuloidea Pediciidae 494(continued)205

Table 9.1 (continued).Superfamily DescribedSuborder Infraorder Other Category (or equivalent) Family Species‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Tipulomorpha Tipuloidea Tipulidae 4325‘LOWER DIPTERA’ Tipulomorpha Trichoceridae 160Subtotal (‘Lower52,302Diptera’)BRACHYCERA Stratiomyiomorpha Pantophthalmidae 20BRACHYCERA Stratiomyiomorpha Stratiomyidae 2666BRACHYCERA Stratiomyiomorpha Xylomyidae 134BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Athericidae 122BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Austroleptidae 8BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Oreoleptidae 1BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Rhagionidae 707BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Spaniidae 43BRACHYCERA Tabanomorpha Tabanidae 4387BRACHYCERA Xylophagomorpha Xylophagidae 136BRACHYCERA Vermileonomorpha Vermileonidae 59BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Nemestrinidae 275BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Acroceridae 394BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Apioceridae 169BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Apsilocephalidae 3BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Apystomyiidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Asilidae 7413BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Bombyliidae 5030BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Evocoidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Hilarimorphidae 32BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Mythicomyiidae 346BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Mydidae 463BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Scenopinidae 414BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Brachycera’ Asiloidea Therevidae 1125BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Atelestidae 10BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Brachystomatidae 145BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Dolichopodidae 7118BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Empididae 2935BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Homalocnemus group 7BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Hybotidae 1882BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Iteaphila group 27BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Empidoidea Oreogeton group 12BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Ironomyiidae 1206

BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Lonchopteridae 58BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Opetidae 5BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Phoridae 4022BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Pipunculidae 1381BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Platypezidae 252BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ Syrphidae 5935BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Nerioidea Cypselosomatidae 34BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Nerioidea Megamerinidae 15BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Nerioidea Micropezidae 578BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Nerioidea Neriidae 111BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Diopsidae 183BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Gobryidae 5BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Nothybidae 8BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Psilidae 321BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Somatiidae 7BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Strongylophthalmyiidae 47BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Syringogastridae 10BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Diopsoidea Tanypezidae 21BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Conopoidea Conopidae 783BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Ctenostylidae 10BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Lonchaeidae 480BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Pallopteridae 66BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Piophilidae 82BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Platystomatidae 1162BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Pyrgotidae 351BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Richardiidae 174BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Tachiniscidae 3BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Tephritidae 4621BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Tephritoidea Ulidiidae 672BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Lauxanioidea Celyphidae 116BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Lauxanioidea Chamaemyiidae 349BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Lauxanioidea Eurychoromyiidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Lauxanioidea Lauxaniidae 1893BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Coelopidae 35BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Dryomyzidae 25BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Helcomyzidae 12BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Helosciomyzidae 23BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Heterocheilidae 2BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Huttonidae 8(continued)207

Table 9.1 (continued).Superfamily DescribedSuborder Infraorder Other Category (or equivalent) Family SpeciesBRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Natalimyzidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Phaeomyiidae 3BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Rhopalomeridae 33BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Sciomyzidae 604BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sciomyzoidea Sepsidae 375BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Agromyzidae 3013BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Anthomyzidae 94BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Asteiidae 132BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Aulacigastridae 18BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Clusiidae 349BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Fergusoninidae 29BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Marginidae 3BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Neminidae 14BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Neurochaetidae 20BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Odiniidae 62BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Opomyzidae 61BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Periscelididae 84BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Teratomyzidae 8BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Opomyzoidea Xenasteiidae 13BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Acartophthalmidae 4BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Australimyzidae 9BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Braulidae 7BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Canacidae 119BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Carnidae 90BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Chloropidae 2863208

BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Cryptochetidae 33BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Inbiomyiidae 10BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Milichiidae 276BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Carnoidea Tethinidae 193BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sphaeroceroidea Chyromyidae 106BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sphaeroceroidea Heleomyzidae 717BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sphaeroceroidea Mormotomyiidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sphaeroceroidea Nannodastiidae 5BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Sphaeroceroidea Sphaeroceridae 1580BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Ephydroidea Camillidae 40BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Ephydroidea Curtonotidae 61BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Ephydroidea Diastatidae 48BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Ephydroidea Drosophilidae 3925BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: ‘Acalyptrates’ Ephydroidea Ephydridae 1977BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Hippoboscoidea Glossinidae 23BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Hippoboscoidea Hippoboscidae 786BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Muscoidea Anthomyiidae 1896BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Muscoidea Fanniidae 319BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Muscoidea Muscidae 5153BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Muscoidea Scathophagidae 392BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Calliphoridae 1524BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Rhiniidae 363BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Mystacinobiidae 1BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Oestridae 150BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Rhinophoridae 147BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Sarcophagidae 2632BRACHYCERA Muscomorpha Schizophora: Calyptratae Oestroidea Tachinidae 9629Subtotal(Brachycera)99,942TOTAL 152,244209

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Chapter 10<strong>Biodiversity</strong> ofHeteropteraThomas J. HenrySystematic Entomology Laboratory, Plant Science Institute, Agriculture ResearchService, United States Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of NaturalHistory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013–7012<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9223

The Heteroptera, or true bugs, currentlyconsidered a suborder of the Hemiptera,represent the largest and most diverse groupof hemimetabolous insects. Much attention has beendevoted to the classification of the Hemiptera in recentyears, beginning with the realization that the orderHomoptera is paraphyletic, based on both morphologicaland molecular evidence. As a consequence, alarger, more encompassing order Hemiptera, with thefour suborders Auchenorrhyncha, Sternorrhyncha,Coleorrhyncha, and Heteroptera (Wheeler et al.1993), is currently recognized. Additional studies donemore recently now suggest that Auchenorrhynchais not monophyletic and should be separated intothe suborders Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha(Bourgoin and Campbell 2002, Brambila andHodges 2004). Recent use of the confusing termProsorrhyncha (e.g., Sorensen et al. 1995, Maw et al.2000, Schaefer 2003), which includes the Heteropteraand the Coleorrhyncha, has not been widely accepted.Nevertheless, the suborder Heteroptera is considereda monophyletic group generally defined by the wingslying flat over the body, with the forewings partiallysclerotized and partially membranous, a piercingsuckinglabium that arises anteriorly on the head, fourtofive-segmented antennae, a large well-developedscutellum, paired metathoracic scent glands in adults,and dorsal abdominal scent glands in nymphs, amongother specializations (Slater 1982, Schuh and Slater1995). The Heteroptera are separated into seveninfraorders (Štys and Kerzhner 1975), two of which areprimarily aquatic (Gerromorpha and Nepomorpha),one semiaquatic (Leptopodomorpha), and the remainingfour terrestrial (Enicocephalomorpha, Dipsocoromorpha,Cimicomorpha, and Pentatomomorpha).With the availability of a number of comprehensiveworld catalogs, recent estimates of the number ofdescribed true bugs have taken on a new level ofaccuracy. We now have world catalogs for nearly allthe major families (e.g., Aradidae, Lygaeoidea, Miridae,Reduviidae, Tingidae). In addition, the appearanceof large regional catalogs for North America (Henryand Froeschner 1988), Australia (Cassis and Gross1995, 2002), and the Palearctic (Aukema and Rieger1995–2006) has added significant documentation ofthe world fauna. Catalogs of the last two major groups,the Coreidae (M. Webb, personal communication) andPentatomidae (D. A. Rider, personal communication),are now well underway. Comprehensive reviews,such as the ‘True Bugs of the World’ (Schuh andSlater 1995), have provided ready access to additionalinformation on Heteroptera. A recent study on globaldiversity of the water bugs (Polhemus and Polhemus2008) raised the aquatic bug numbers considerably.Given these resources, the most recent estimate ofthe number of described Heteroptera ranges from38,000 (Schuh and Slater 1995, Schaefer 2003) to39,300 (Cassis and Gross 1995, 2002). Based on thedocumentation presented in this chapter and my searchof the literature, using Zoological Record (since 1995for the Enicocephalomorpha to the Cimicomorpha andsince 2002 for the Pentatomomorpha), the numberof described true bugs is now more than 42,300(Table 10.1), an increase of more than 3000 species.The question of how many Heteroptera actuallyoccur on the planet remains conjecture. Speculationon the number of insects present in the world hastaken on enormous new proportions in recent years.Figures from 650,000 to 1 million described speciesgiven in most textbooks, with bold estimates of 2.5to 10 million species (e.g., Metcalf 1940, Sabrosky1952), led most to believe that a minimum of halfor more of the taxa had been described. A paperby Erwin (1982) with an estimate of up to 30 millioninsects globally, based on canopy fogging in Panama,realigned most thinking on insect biodiversity in theworld, and since then numerous other papers haveappeared offering additional hypotheses, some of whichpredict 80 million or more species will be discovered(e.g., Stork 1988, Erwin 2004). As more and moreareas are explored, particularly some of the designated‘hotspots’ (e.g., Mittermeier et al. 2004) revealinghuge numbers of new Miridae from Australian (Cassiset al. 2006, G. Cassis and R. T. Schuh, personalcommunication) and Neotropical forest canopiesinvolving numerous families of Heteroptera taken byT. L. Erwin (T. J. Henry, personal observations), we canexpect tremendous increases in the number of species.In this chapter, I present an overview of the seveninfraorders of Heteroptera and all 89 of the currentlyrecognized families. For each family, I provide a briefdiagnosis, selected information on their habits and economicimportance, references to the key literature, andthe known numbers of species. Table 10.1 providesthe numbers of genera and species for the Australian,Nearctic, and Palearctic regions compared with theworld. In my concluding remarks, I discuss the importanceof understanding heteropteran biodiversity fromaphylogeneticandeconomicviewpoint,includingtheirrole in conservation biology and global warming.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 225Table 10.1 Summary of the known number of heteropteran genera and species by family and infraorder for the Australian 1 ,Nearctic 2 , and Palearctic 3 regions and the world 4 .Australian Nearctic Palearctic WorldTaxon Genus Species Genus Species Genus Species Genus SpeciesEnicocephalomorpha:Aenictopecheidae 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 20Enicocephalidae 3 5 4 9 6 15 55 405Total 5 7 5 10 7 16 65 425Dipsocoromorpha:Ceratocombidae 1 1 1 4 1 11 8 52Stemmocryptidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1Dipsocoridae 1 4 1 2 1 14 5 51Hypsipterygidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4Schizopteridae 13 61 4 4 6 9 44 229Total 15 66 6 10 8 34 59 337Gerromorpha:Gerridae (Gerroidea) 20 113 8 47 20 99 67 751Hebridae (Hebroidea) 3 8 3 15 4 24 9 221Hermatobatidae (Gerroidea) 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 9Hydrometridae (Hydrometroidea) 1 15 1 6 1 14 7 126Macroveliidae (Hebroidea) 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 3Mesoveliidae (Mesovelioidae) 4 13 1 3 2 7 12 46Paraphrynoveliidae (Hebroidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2Veliidae (Gerroidea) 20 176 4 31 11 64 61 962Total 49 327 19 104 39 210 161 2120Nepomorpha:Aphelocheiridae (Naucoroidea) 1 6 0 0 1 18 1 78Belostomatidae (Nepoidea) 2 5 3 17 5 14 9 160Corixidae (Corixoidea) 5 46 18 136 15 143 35 607Gelastocoridae (Ochteroidea) 1 47 2 7 1 4 3 111Helotrephidae (Notonectoidea) 1 12 0 0 0 0 21 180Naucoridae (Naucoroidea) 8 36 4 29 7 9 37 391Nepidae (Nepoidea) 5 23 3 13 5 21 15 268Notonectidae (Notonectoidea) 6 92 3 35 4 50 11 400Ochteridae (Ochteroidea) 2 29 1 6 1 3 3 68Pleidae (Notonectoidea) 1 6 2 5 2 6 3 38Potamocoridae (Naucoroidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8Total 32 302 36 248 41 268 140 2309Leptopodomorpha:Aepophilidae (Saldoidea) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1Leptopodidae (Leptopodoidea) 1 4 1 1 4 11 32 39Omaniidae (Leptopodoidea) 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 6Saldidae (Saldoidea) 6 23 11 70 14 99 29 335Total 7 28 12 71 20 113 64 381Cimicomorpha:Anthocoridae (Cimicoidea) 12 23 20 73 26 170 71 445Lyctocoridae (Cimicoidea) 1 1 1 8 1 10 1 27Lasiochilidae (Cimicoidea) 3 5 2 8 1 1 10 62Cimicidae (Cimicoidea) 1 1 8 15 5 15 24 110Curaliidae (Velocipedoidea) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1Joppeicidae (Joppeicoidea) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1Medocostidae (Naboidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1(continued)

226 Thomas J. HenryTable 10.1 (continued).Australian Nearctic Palearctic WorldTaxon Genus Species Genus Species Genus Species Genus SpeciesMicrophysidae (Microphysoidea) 0 0 4 4 3 27 5 25Miridae (Miroidea) 91 186 223 1930 397 2808 1300 10, 400Nabidae (Naboidea) 7 22 10 34 10 112 31 386Pachynomidae (Reduvioidea) 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 15Plokiophilidae (Cimicoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13Polyctenidae (Cimicoidea) 2 2 1 2 2 3 5 32Reduviidae (Reduvioidea) 100 226 49 184 145 808 981 6878Thaumastocoridae (Miroidea) 3 11 1 1 0 0 6 19Tingidae (Miroidea) 56 147 22 154 61 473 260 2124Velocipedidae (Velocipedoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25Total 276 624 342 2414 653 4430 2707 20,564Pentatomomorpha:Acanthosomatidae (Pentatomoidea) 17 45 2 4 9 107 46 184Alydidae (Coreoidea) 7 16 11 30 26 69 45 254Aphylidae (Pentatomoidea) 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 3Aradidae (Aradoidea) 38 143 10 123 28 204 233 1931Artheneidae (Lygaeoidea) 1 2 2 2 4 16 8 20Berytidae (Lygaeoidea) 6 7 7 12 13 54 36 172Blissidae (Lygaeoidea) 9 15 3 28 8 55 50 435Canopidae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8Colobathristidae (Lygaeoidea) 1 1 0 0 2 7 23 84Coreidae (Coreoidea) 43 83 33 88 84 306 267 1884Cymidae (Lygaeoidea) 4 10 2 10 2 17 9 54Cryptorhamphidae (Lygaeoidea) 2 4 0 0 0 0 2 4Cydnidae (Pentatomoidea) 21 83 17 84 38 171 120 765Cyrtocoridae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11Dinidoridae (Pentatomoidea) 4 6 0 0 4 19 16 65Geocoridae (Lygaeoidea) 2 28 7 75 25 274Hyocephalidae (Coreoidea) 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 3Heterogastridae (Lygaeoidea) 3 5 1 2 11 24 24 100Henicocoridae (Lygaeoidea) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1Idiostolidae (Idiostoloidea) 2 3 0 0 0 0 3 4Largidae (Pyrrhocoroidea) 2 4 3 12 3 8 13 106Lestoniidae (Pentatomoidea) 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2Lygaeidae (sensu stricto) (Lygaeoidea) 22 81 13 70 29 59 102 968Malcidae (Lygaeoidea) 0 0 0 0 2 25 3 29Megarididae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16Ninidae (Lygaeoidea) 2 2 1 1 2 5 5 13Oxycarenidae (Lygaeoidea) 1 4 2 10 19 63 23 147Pachygronthidae (Lygaeoidea) 6 10 3 7 6 17 13 78Parastrachiidae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2Pentatomidae (Pentatomoidea) 134 363 60 222 219 841 900 4700Phloeidae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3Piesmatidae (Lygaeoidea) 1 4 1 7 2 19 6 44Plataspidae (Pentatomoidea) 2 20 0 0 10 104 59 560Pyrrhocoridae (Pyrrhocoroidea) 3 11 2 10 13 43 33 340Rhopalidae (Coreoidea) 2 6 10 39 14 69 21 209Rhyparochromidae (Lygaeoidea) 75 185 54 163 135 564 372 1850Scutelleridae (Pentatomoidea) 10 22 15 34 38 158 81 450Stenocephalidae (Coreoidea) 1 1 0 0 1 18 1 16Termitaphidae (Aradoidea) 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 9

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 227Table 10.1 (continued).Australian Nearctic Palearctic WorldTaxon Genus Species Genus Species Genus Species Genus SpeciesTessaratomidae (Pentatomoidea) 12 18 1 1 12 30 55 240Thaumastellidae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3Urostylididae (Pentatomoidea) 0 0 0 0 8 131 11 170Total 438 1164 255 987 750 3279 2623 16,211Grand Total 822 2518 675 3844 1518 8350 5819 42,3471 Based on Cassis and Gross (1995, 2002).2 Based on chapters in Aukema and Rieger (1995–2006).3 Based on chapters in Henry and Froeschner (1988).4 Based on a summary of all sources cited in this chapter.The text is arranged phylogenetically by infraorderfrom the most plesiomorphic (i.e., Enicocephalomorpha)to the most derived (i.e., the sister infraordersCimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha). Within eachinfraorder, superfamilies and families are alphabetical.Table 10.1 is arranged phylogenetically by infraorderand alphabetically by family, with the superfamilynoted in parentheses for each.OVERVIEW OF THE HETEROPTERAThesuborderHeteropterahasbeenseparatedintoseveninfraorders and at least 24 superfamilies (Schuh andSlater 1995, Henry 1997a). The following overview isbased on currently accepted classifications of the Heteropteraby Štys and Kerzhner (1975), Schuh (1979),Štys (1985), Schuh (1986), Schuh and Štys (1991),W. Wheeler et al. (1993), Schuh and Slater (1995),Henry (1997a), and Polhemus and Polhemus (2008).EUHETEROPTERAInfraorder EnicocephalomorphaOnly two families are included in this infraorder. Theseunusual insects are often called unique-headed bugsbecause of the peculiar bilobed heads.The Aenictopecheidae possess a protruding, ofteninflatable phallus and movable parameres, whereasin the Enicocephalidae (Fig. 10.1) the intromittentorgan is reduced and noninflatable and the parameresare immobile, among other characters. Thesesmall, cryptic bugs range in size from 2 to morethan 15 mm and are thought to prey on otherarthropods. One African species of Enicocephalidaefeeds on larvae of the ant Rhoptromyrex transversiodisMayr (Bergroth 1915). Enicocephalids are well knownfor their swarming behavior, sometimes formingclouds of many thousands of individuals (Usinger1945; Henry, personal observations in Pennsylvania,USA, and Mexico). About 10 genera and 20 speciesof Aenictopecheidae and 55 genera and 405 speciesof Enicocephalidae are known (Štys 1995a, 2002;Zoological Record 2003–2007). Wygodzinsky andSchmidt (1991) monographed the New Worldfauna, Štys (2002) provided a key to the enicocephalomorphangenera of the world, and Kerzhner (1995a)cataloged the Palearctic fauna.Infraorder DipsocoromorphaThis infraorder comprises only five families, all of whichcontain small, cryptically colored species, ranging insize from only 0.5 mm to about 4.0 mm. Most are foundin rotting wood, water margins, or in the ground litterlayer and similar conditions of tropical forest canopies.These tiny predatory insects are most abundant in thetropics. As Štys (1995b) noted for the Ceratocombidae,‘the number of undescribed species is enormous’.Ceratocombids (Fig. 10.2) are characterized by long,slender antennae; two- or three-segmented tarsi onall legs; bristlelike setae on the antennae, head, andtibiae; and a short, distinct fracture at the middle ofthe costa on the hemelytra. Štys (1983) revised thegroup and provided keys to genera and higher groups.About eight genera and 51 species are known, most ofwhich are tropical (Cassis and Gross 1995, ZoologicalRecord 1996–2007). In the Nearctic only two generaand four species are known (Henry 1988b); in the

228 Thomas J. HenryPalearctic only one genus and 11 species have beenrecorded (Kerzhner 1995b).The Dipsocoridae (Fig. 10.3) usually possessthree-segmented tarsi, long slender antennae withbristlelike setae, and a cuneus-like structure on theapical third of each hemelytron. They inhabit moistlitter and rocky habitats along streams, ponds, lakes,and swampy areas, where they prey on coexistingarthropods. Emsley (1969) and Štys (1970) providedthe most recent treatments. Two genera and 51species are known (Cassis and Gross 1995, ZoologicalRecord 1996–2007). Only one genus and two speciesoccur in North America (Henry 1988c) and 2 generaand 12 species in the Palearctic Region (Kerzhner1995b).The Schizopteridae (Fig. 10.4) represent the largestfamily of Dipsocoromorpha with more than 42 generaand about 229 species (Cassis and Gross 1995, ZoologicalRecord 1996–2007). Slater (1982) consideredthe world fauna largely undescribed and estimatedthat more than 1200 species exist. These bugs rangein size from about 0.8 mm to nearly 2.0 mm andare characterized by their often convex, beetlelikeforewings, subequally long first and second antennalsegments, ventrally enlarged propleura, and hindlegsmodified for jumping (Henry 1988h). Key works forthis family are McAtee and Malloch’s (1925) revisionand Emsley’s (1969) monograph, including a catalogof the world fauna.The remaining dipsocoromorphan families are theHypsipterygidae and Stemmocryptidae. The formercontains only one genus of four species, one fromThailand and two from Africa (Štys 1995c, Redei2007); the latter, based on a monotypic genus fromNew Guinea (Štys 1983), until recently, was the latestheteropteran family to be described.NEOHETEROPTERAInfraorder GerromorphaThese are the aquatic true bugs, previously includedin the Amphibicorisae (Dufour 1833, Leston et al.1954). All are surface-inhabiting taxa found in a widearray of habitats from the smallest, often temporary,bodies of fresh water to the open oceans of the world.Eight families placed among four superfamilies arerepresented by more than 2000 species (Polhemusand Polhemus 2008).Good general references on Gerromorpha includethose by Brooks and Kelton (1967), Menke (1979),Andersen (1982), Schuh and Slater (1995),and Polhemus and Polhemus 2007, 2008), andcatalogs by Henry and Froeschner (1988), Aukemaand Rieger (1995), and Cassis and Gross (1995).GerroideaThe Gerridae (Fig. 10.5), frequently called water stridersor pond skaters, largely inhabit open water surfaces,including ponds, lakes, rivers, temporary pools, andeven the open oceans (Smith 1988a). They are characterizedby the elongate to globular, pile-covered bodiesand long legs, usually with subapical claws. Wingdimorphism is common. Water striders range in sizefrom about 1.6 mm to more than 36 mm for Gigantometragigas (China) (Andersen 1982). About 67 generaand 751 species are known (Polhemus and Polhemus2008).The family Hermatobatidae, sometimes calledseabugs, contains only one genus and nine species(Polhemus and Polhemus 2008). They are smallelongate-oval marine bugs, ranging from 2.7 to 4 mmlong, with relatively large eyes and strong claws forclinging to rocks. They are found along intertidal zonesand are mostly predaceous (Cheng 1977).The Veliidae (Fig. 10.6), commonly known as rifflebugs, small water striders, or broad-shouldered bugs,arecharacterizedbytheovaltomoreelongatebodycoveredwith water-repellent pile, relatively short legs, andmultiple types of surface locomotion (Smith 1988c).They are found in both freshwater and saltwater habitatsand may be found from mud flats and wet rocks torapidly flowing streams and rivers (D. Polhemus 1997).Veliids represent the largest gerromorphan family, with58 genera and 962 species (Polhemus and Polhemus2008).HebroideaThe Hebridae (Fig. 10.7), or velvet water bugs, one ofthree families in the superfamily Hebroidea, are recognizedby their apical claws, well-developed scutellum,and a rostral groove on the underside of the head.Hebrids are found in semiaquatic habitats along shorelinesor on floating vegetation. They walk either onthe water surface or along submerged plants protected

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 229Figs. 10.1–10.20 Enicocephalomorpha, Dipsocoromorpha, Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha, and Letopodomorpha.10.1, Enicocephalomorpha: Systelloderes biceps (Say) [Enicocephalidae]. 10.2–10.4, Dipsocoromorpha: 10.2, Ceratocombusvagans McAtee and Malloch [Ceratocombidae]; 10.3, Cryptostemma uhleri McAtee and Malloch [Dipsocoridae];10.4, Glyptocombus saltator Heidemann [Schizopteridae]. 10.5–10.10, Gerromorpha: 10.5, Gerris marginatus Say [Gerridae:Gerroidea]; 10.6 Microvelia ashlocki Polhemus [Veliidae: Gerroidea]; 10.7, Hebrus concinnus Uhler [Hebridae: Hebroidea]; 10.8,Hydrometra martini Kirkaldy [Hydrometridae: Hydrometroidea]; 10.9, Darwinivelia fosteri Anderson and Polhemus [Mesoveliidae:Mesoveloidea]; 10.10, Mesovelia mulsanti White [Mesoveliidae: Mesoveloidea]. 10.11–10.15, Nepomorpha: 10.11,Sigara hubbelli (Hungerford) [Corixidae: Corixoidea]; 10.12, Pelocoris carolinensis Torre-Bueno [Naucoridae: Naucoroidea];10.13, Belostoma flumineum Say [Belostomatidae: Nepoidea]; 10.14, Nepa apiculata Uhler [Nepinae: Nepidae: Nepoidea];10.15, Notonecta undulata Say [Notonectidae: Notonectoidea]; 10.16, Neoplea striola (Fieber) [Pleidae: Notonectoidea]; 10.17,Gelastocoris oculatus (Fabricius) [Gelastocoridae: Ochteroidea]; 10.18, Ochterus americanus (Uhler) [Ochteridae: Ochteroidea].10.19, 10.20, Leptopodomorpha: 10.19, Patapius spinosus (Rossi) [Leptopodidae: Leptopodoidea]; 10.20, Saldula galapagosanaPolhemus [Saldidae: Saldoidea]. (Figs. 10.1–10.3 after Froeschner 1944; 10.4, Henry 1988h; 10.5, 10.8, 10.11–10.18,Froeschner 1962; 10.6, 10.9, 10.20, Froeschner 1985; 10.7, 10.10, Froeschner 1949; 10.19, Froeschner and Peña 1985).by their velvety hydrofuge pile (Polhemus and Polhemus1988a). Nine genera and 221 species are knownworldwide (Polhemus and Polhemus 2008).Macroveliids are a small group of New World semiaquaticbugs represented by only three genera andthree species (Polhemus and Polhemus 2008). Theyare distinguished from true water striders by havingapical claws. Found on surface vegetation, they prey orscavenge on other arthropods. The Paraphrynoveliidaeare represented by only two southern African species,ranging in length from 1.7 to 2.4 mm (Andersen 1978,1982). They resemble wingless hebrids and inhabitwet debris and water-soaked mosses along shorelines.

230 Thomas J. HenryHydrometroideaThe Hydrometridae (Fig. 10.8), often referred to aswater treaders or water measurers, are the only familyin the Hydrometroidea. These slender insects range inlength from about 2.7 mm to nearly 22 mm and havelong, slender legs and an elongate head. They are foundprimarily on emergent or floating vegetation, but someare found in more terrestrial habitats or on moist rockfaces above streams or pools (Smith 1988b). Aboutseven genera and 126 species are known worldwide(Polhemus and Polhemus 2008).MesovelioidaeMesoveliids (Figs. 10.9, 10.10), often called pond treadersor pondweed bugs, are the sole representatives ofthe superfamily Mesoveloidea. These predatory bugsare small to medium sized, ranging from about 1.2 to4.2 mm. They occur in diverse habitats, including openponds and lakes to leaf litter on forest floors, watersoakedmosses, and seeping rock faces. Mesoveliidaeare considered the sister group of all other Gerromorpha(Andersen 1982). Andersen and Polhemus (1980)provided a world checklist and Andersen (1982) gavea detailed morphological and phylogenetic review.Twelve genera and 46 species are known (Polhemusand Polhemus 2008).PANHETEROPTERAInfraorder NepomorphaThe water bugs belonging to this infraorder includethe taxa previously placed in the Hydrocorisae (Dufour1933, Leston et al. 1954). They are characterized byshort antennae that are concealed in part or entirely bythe eyes. All are predatory, except for some Corixidae.Most can inflict painful bites. Except for the riparianGelastocoridae and Ochteridae, all are aquatic andhave legs modified for swimming (Schuh and Slater1995).CorixoideaCorixids (Fig. 10.11), or water boatmen, rangingin length from 1.5 to 16 mm, are distinguished bytheir elongate-oval form, short unsegmented labium,one-segmented front tarsi, and short antennae. Theyswim dorsally using oarlike hind legs (Polhemus et al.1988a). Most species inhabit fresh water but othershave adapted to high concentrations of salt (Scudder1976), where they forage for algae, protozoa, andmetazoa, as well as other prey such as mosquito larvaeand brine shrimp (Polhemus et al. 1988a). Thirty-fivegenera and 607 species are known (Polhemus andPolhemus 2008). Hungerford’s (1948) revision ofthe New World fauna is the single most importantreference of this family; Jansson (1986) treated theEuropean corixids.NaucoroideaThe Aphelocheiridae are a relatively small family ofnaucorid-like bugs, represented by only one genuscontaining approximately 78 species (Polhemus andPolhemus 2008). Members of this family represent oneof the few insect groups that live their entire lives underwater,including mating, through the use of a plastronrespiration system (Polhemus and Polhemus 1988a).The Potamocoridae, like the aphelocheirids, are a smallgroup, previously considered a subfamily of the Naucoridae(Štys and Jansson 1988). Two genera and eightspecies are known. Aphelocheirids are found primarilyin the Old World tropics, whereas potamocoridsare known only from the Neotropics. The creepingwater bugs, or Naucoridae (Fig. 10.12), represent thelargest family of the Naucoroidea, with approximately37 genera and 391 species found in all zoogeographicregions (Polhemus and Polhemus 2008). They areovate, strongly dorsoventrally flattened, 5 to 20 mmlong, and have raptorial forelegs for capturing prey.They occur in both flowing and still water where theylive among submerged plants. Like many nepomorphans,these bugs can inflict a painful bite if carelesslyhandled (Polhemus and Polhemus 1988b).NepoideaThe Belostomatidae (Fig. 10.13), or giant water bugs,are the largest of the true bugs, ranging in length from9 mm to more than 110 mm. Ovate and dorsoventrallyflattened, they possess powerful raptorial forelegs, andbreathe through straplike appendages at the tip of theabdomen. All are voracious predators that can attack

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 231prey many times their size, subduing their victimswith a powerful hydrolytic enzyme (J. Polhemus et al.1988b). Eggs of most belostomatids are laid on emergentvegetation and other objects, but species of Abedusand Belostoma deposit their eggs on the backs of males(Smith 1976). The family classification was establishedby Laucke and Menke (1961). Nine genera and about160 species are known (Polhemus and Polhemus2008).The Nepidae (Fig. 10.14), or waterscorpions, are asmall group of dull brown, slender leaflike or sticklikeinsects, with raptorial forelegs and a long posteriorrespiratory siphon. Ranging in size from about 15to 45 mm, nepids are found in fast- or slow-movingwater, but prefer the latter where they wait submergedbelow the surface on floating plants and other debrisfor prey (D. Polhemus 1988). Fifteen genera and268 species are known in the world (Polhemus andPolhemus 2008).NotonectoideaThe Notonectidae (Fig. 10.15), or back swimmers, area widespread group of elongate, medium-sized bugsranging from 5 to 15 mm long. They are ventrally flattenedand dorsally convex and have oarlike hind legs forswimming upside down. Backswimmers readily fly andoften invade swimming pools where they can become anuisance with the potential of inflicting painful bites tounwary swimmers (Polhemus and Polhemus 1988b).My only painful heteropteran bite – one that becameextremely tender and throbbed for several days – camefrom naively holding a notonectid close-handed, whilegeneral collecting (about age 12) in submergent vegetation.Eleven genera and 400 species are known(Polhemus and Polhemus 2008).The Pleidae (Fig. 10.16), or pygmy backswimmers,previously placed with the backswimmers until Esakiand China (1928) gave support for family status, are asmall group of only three genera and 38 species. Likenotonectids, these tiny predaceous insects range from2 to 3 mm long and swim on their backs. They arestrongly convex, possess coleopteriform or helmet-likehemelytra, and have slender hind legs, often set withlonghairs (D.Polhemus1988,SchuhandSlater1995).The closely related Helotrephidae also were placedin the Notonectidae until given family rank by Esakiand China (1927), based on several unique characters,including the fused head and pronotum. About21 genera and 180 species are known (Polhemus andPolhemus 2008).OchteroideaGelastocoridae (Fig. 10.17) are frequently called toadbugs because of their stout, oval bodies, usually roughenedor warty upper surface, and ability to hop. Theymeasure 6.0 to 10 mm long and occur along dampopen areas near streams, ponds, lakes, and muddyditches (Cassis and Gross 1995). Members of the genusNerthra have been found in rotting logs and leaf litter farfrom water. The group occurs primarily in the SouthernHemisphere and is absent from most of the Palearctic.Todd (1955) revised the family. Three genera and 111species are known ( J. Polhemus 1995a, Polhemus andPolhemus 2008).Ochteridae (Fig. 10.18), known as velvety shorebugs, are compact oval bugs, with nonraptorial forelegsand a velvety or soft-textured dorsum, often withscattered pale spots, frosted bluish areas, and goldensetae (Polhemus and Polhemus 1988c, J. Polhemus1995b). They live in damp areas along ponds, lakes,and streams where they feed on small arthropods.Three genera and 68 species are known (Polhemusand Polhemus 2008).Infraorder LeptopodomorphaThis infraorder comprises four families separated intothe superfamilies Leptopodoidea and Saldoidea, asdefined by Schuh and Polhemus (1980).LeptopodoideaThe Leptopodidae (Fig. 10.19) are generally elongateoval,fast-moving predatory bugs measuring more than2 mm long, usually with prominent or subpedunculateeyes. Many are found along streams and other wetareas, but some, such as the Palearctic Patapius spinosus(Rossi) introduced into Chile (Froeschner and Peña1985) and USA (Sissom and Ray 2005), can be foundfar from water in semiarid conditions. Ten generaand 39 species are known (Polhemus and Polhemus2008).The Omaniidae have been called intertidal dwarfbugs. They are small, measuring only 1.15–1.59 mm

232 Thomas J. Henrylong, with large prominent eyes, coleopteriformhemelytra, and adhesive pads on the hind coxae. Onlytwo genera and six species are known (Cobben 1970,Schuh and Slater 1995, Polhemus and Polhemus2008).SaldoideaThe family Aepophilidae is represented by only onegenus and one species, Aepophilus bonnairei Signoret,often called the marine bug. These tiny predatory intertidalinsects measure only about 2 mm, live amongrocks, and survive below high tide with the aid of tinyhairs forming a plastron that traps a layer of air (Schuhand Slater 1995).The Saldidae (Fig. 10.20), or shore bugs, representthe largest family of Lepopodomorpha with 29 generaand 335 species (Schuh et al. 1987, Polhemus andPolhemus 2008). They are fast-moving, medium-sized,oval to elongate bugs, with long antennae and four tofive closed cells in the hemelytral membrane. Theseprimarily predatory bugs are found mainly in littoralhabitats along stream, lake, and marine shorelines, butcan be found in numerous other situations, includingwet vertical rock faces or in dry areas far fromwater ( J. Polhemus 1988).Infraorder CimicomorphaThis infraorder is separated into seven superfamiliesand 17 families, including the two largest heteropteranfamilies, the Miridae and Reduviidae (Schuh and Štys1991), and the most recently described heteropteranfamily, the Curaliidae (Schuh et al. 2008).CimicoideaThis superfamily contained only four familiesbefore Schuh and Štys (1991) proposed elevatingthe subfamilies of Anthocoridae to family statusbased on their hypothesis that shared traumaticinsemination – where the male pierces the femalebody cavity during insemination – has evolvedonly once and, thus, supporting the monophyleticgrouping with the ‘nontraumatic’ Lasiochilidae assister to Anthocoridae, Cimicidae, Lyctocoridae,Plokiophilidae, and Polyctenidae. This classificationhas not gained general acceptance, however, andwas not followed in the recent Australian (Cassis andGross 1995) and Palearctic (Péricart 1996) catalogs.More recently, Tatarnic et al. (2006) presentedanother example of traumatic insemination in theMiridae. Herein, I follow Schuh and Štys (1991),with the realization that this classification is still ina state of flux. Eighty-two genera and 534 species ofAnthocoridae (sensu lato) are known (Cassis and Gross1995, Zoological Record 1996–2007).Anthocoridae (Fig. 10.21), frequently called flowerbugs or minute pirate bugs, are predatory, ranging insize from about 1.5 mm to 4.5 mm or more. Flowerbugs are characterized by the fusiform antennal segmentsIII and IV, the straight or forward-curvingostiolar canal, and the left paramere often groovedto accept the vesica. These bugs exhibit traumaticinsemination (Péricart 1972, Schuh and Stys 1991).Many anthocorids are of great agricultural importancein biological control programs, especially the widelyoccurring genus Orius Wolff (Ryerson and Stone 1979,Lattin 1999, Hernández and Stonedahl 1999). Schuhand Slater (1995) provided a key to the tribes and Lattin(1999) reviewed the bionomics.The Cimicidae (Fig. 10.22), often called bed bugs,are broadly oval, dorsoventrally flattened, winglessectoparasites of birds and mammals. Cimicids range insize from about 4 mm to 12 mm. Of the 24 genera and110 known species (Cassis and Gross 1995, ZoologicalRecord 1996–2007), only two, the tropical bed bugCimex hemipterus Fabricius and the human bed bugC. lectularius Linnaeus, are permanently associatedwith humans (Wheeler 1982). Most, however, areassociated with birds and bats. All species exhibit traumaticinsemination. Usinger (1966) monographed thefamily, and Ryckman et al. (1981) provided a worldchecklist and bibliography.Lasiochilidae are a small family containing10 genera and about 62 species, with most included inthe genus Lasiochilus. They are about 3.0 to 4.0 mmlong and are characterized by a posteriorly curvedmetathoracic scent-gland channel, a sickle-shaped leftparamere, and nontraumatic insemination (Schuhand Slater 1995). These bugs are considered predatorsof various insect larvae under bark and in bracketfungi (Kelton 1978).The family Lyctocoridae (Fig. 10.23) contains27 species, all of which are placed in the genusLyctocoris. Members of this predatory family resembleAnthocoridae and Lasiochidae, from which they were

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 233Figs. 10.21–10.36 Cimicomorpha: 10.21,Orius insidiosus (Say) [Anthocoridae: Cimicoidea;10.22, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus [Cimicidae:Cimicoidea]; 10.23, Lyctocoris campestris(Fabricius) [Lyctocoridae: Cimicoidea]; 10.24,Hesperoctenes eumops Ferris and Usinger[Polyctenidae: Cimicoidea]; 10.25, Fulvius imbecilis(Say) [Cylapinae: Miridae: Miroidea];10.26, Bothynotus modestus Wirtner[Deraeocorinae: Miridae: Miroidea]; 10.27,Dicyphus agilis (Uher) [Bryocorinae: Miridae:Miroidea]; 10.28, Poecilocapsus lineatus (Fabricius)[Mirinae: Miridae: Miroidea]; 10.29, Leptopternadolabrata (Linnaeus) [Mirinae: Miridae: Miroidea];10.30, Ceratocapsus modestus (Uhler) [Orthotylinae:Miridae: Miroidea]; 10.31, Cyrtopeltocoris illiniKnight [Phylinae: Miridae: Miroidea]; 10.32,Xylastodorus luteolus Barber [Thaumastocoridae:Miroidea]; 10.33, Atheas mimeticus Heidemann[Tingidae: Miroidea]; 10.34, Corythuca ciliata (Say)[Tingidae: Miroidea]; 10.35, Nabis americoferusCarayon [Nabidae: Naboidea]; 10.36, Pagasa fusca(Stein) [Nabidae: Naboidea]. (10.21–10.23,10.25–10.31 after Froeschner 1949;10.24, Froeschner 1988e; 10.32 redrawnafter Barber 1920; 10.33–10.36, Froeschner1944).recently separated (Schuh and Štys 1991). A modifiedvesica, rather than the left paramere, is used duringtraumatic insemination (Schuh and Slater 1995).This primarily north temperate group of eight speciesincludes one adventive species in the Nearctic (Henry1988a) and 20, in the Palearctic (Péricart 1996).The family Plokiophilidae, often called web lovers,includes small bugs about 1.2 to 3.0 mm long.They comprise about 13 species separated into fivegenera (Štys 1991, Carpintero and Dellapé 2005,Schuh 2006) placed in two subfamilies. Matinginvolves traumatic insemination. The Embiophilinae,containing only one genus and three species, areassociated with the Embioptera, whereas all Plokiophilinaeare associated with spiders, where they feed oninsects entrapped in their host’s webs (Eberhard et al.1993).The Polyctenidae (Fig. 10.24), or the bat bugs, area small group of wingless, viviparous ectoparasitescomprising five genera and 32 species. Bat bugs rangein size from 3 to 5 mm and are dorsoventrally flattened,lack compound eyes and ocelli, possess setal combsor ctenidia, and have traumatic insemination (Slater1982, Cassis and Gross 1995, Schuh and Slater 1995).Polyctenids never leave their bat hosts and transferto other individuals only by direct contact (Marshall1982). Ferris and Usinger (1939), Maa (1964),and Ueshima (1972) provided key revisions of thefamily and Ryckman and Sjogren (1980) catalogedthe world fauna.

234 Thomas J. HenryJoppeicoideaOnly one family is included in this superfamily. Thefamily Joppeicidae is represented by one species,Joppeicus paradoxus Puton, found only in Israel, Egypt,and Sudan. These tiny anthocorid-like bugs, about3.0 mm long, possess several unique wing, abdominal,and genital characters that make it difficult to placethem phylogenetically (Davis and Usinger 1970).They have been found under stones and other objects,in caves, under bark, and with bat bugs (Cimicoidea:Polyctenidae) (Štys 1971).MicrophysoideaThe Microphysidae are a small group of predatorybugs, only about 1.5 to 3.0 mm long, that resemblecertain species of Anthocoridae. Five genera and25 species are known (Schuh and Slater 1995,Zoological Record 1996–2007). The Palearctic speciesare all strongly sexually dimorphic, with the femalesusually brachypterous, whereas the only two endemicNearctic species, Chinaola quercicola Blatchley andMallochiola gagates (McAtee and Malloch), are similarin both sexes. Microphysids are often found on thebark of trees (Péricart 1972) or are associated withlichens and mosses growing on the trunks and largerbranches of trees and shrubs (Henry 1988e). Chinaolaquercicola is associated with foliose lichens growing onJuniperus virginiana (Cupressaeae) in South Carolinaand Virginia (Wheeler 1992).MiroideaThe Miroidea contains three families: Miridae, Thaumastocoridae,and Tingidae. The Thaumastocoridaewere first placed in the Cimicomorpha by Drake andSlater (1957) and later were considered the sister groupoftheTingidaeby SchuhandŠtys(1991),whoincludedboth in the Mirioidea with the Miridae.The Miridae, or plant bugs, represent the largestfamily in the Heteroptera, with more than 1300genera and 10,040 species, or about 25% of the truebugs. They are currently separated into eight subfamilies(Schuh 1995, Cassis and Gross 1995, Cassis et al.2006). Since the appearance of the Carvalho catalog(1957–1960), considerable attention has been givento the family. Henry and Wheeler’s (1988) catalogof the North American fauna and Cassis and Gross’s(1995) catalog of the Australian fauna were followedby Schuh’s (1995) world catalog, now availableonline at http://research.amnh.org/pbi/catalog/.More recently, Kerzhner and Josifov (1999) catalogedthe Palearctic fauna with great detail devoted todistribution and key literature.Carvalho’s (1955) now largely outdated keys to subfamilies,tribes, and genera are a remarkable attemptto identify the Miridae on a world basis. Since then,changes in the classification and the emergence ofnumerous workers have made it difficult to updatethese keys on such a large scale. Schuh and Slater(1995) provided the most recent key to subfamilies,largely following the classification supported by Schuh(1974, 1976). The most recent works on a regionalbasis are found in the catalogs cited above.Mirids range in size from about 1.5 mm in certainspecies of Bryocorinae, Orthotylinae, and Phylinae,especially brachypterous forms, to 15 mm or more insome of the Neotropical species of Restheniini (Mirinae).Many plant bugs are brightly colored red, orange, andyellow, often with spots and stripes, whereas the majorityare less spectacular gray, brown, or black, blendingin remarkably well with their surroundings (Henry andWheeler 1988, Wheeler and Henry 2004). Numerousspecies, such as the cotton fleahopper, Pseudatomoscelisseriatus (Reuter), and lygus bugs, Lygus spp., in NorthAmerica, cocoa capsids, Distantiella theobroma (Distant)and Sahlbergella singularis Haglund, in Africa, and teabugs, Helopeltis spp., in Asia and India, are major agriculturalpests (Wheeler 2000a, 2001), whereas manyothers are predatory and often beneficial in agroecosystems(Wheeler 2000b, 2001).The habits and biology of the Miridae havebeen documented in numerous, widely scatteredpublications. Certain classical treatments, such asthose by Kullenberg (1944), Southwood and Leston(1959), Putshkov (1966), and Ehanno (1983–1987),represent important sources of biological information.These and numerous other references have beenexamined by Wheeler (2001), who synthesizeddata on biology, hosts, and habits, bringing theknowledge of the family to a new level. The subfamilyIsometopinae, often called jumping tree bugs, containsmostly small bugs about 2 to 3 mm, but one giantfrom Sumatra, Gigantometopus rossi Schwartz andSchuh (1990), which is nearly 7.0 mm. About175 species are known (Herczek 1993, Schuh 1995,Akingbohungbe 1996). They are characterized bytheir often holoptic eyes, unusually shaped, often

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 235anteriorly flattened head, saltatorial hind legs, and thepossession of ocelli, a character unique and consideredplesiomorphic in the Miridae. Isometopines, oncethought to be associated with mosses and lichens,are now known to be specialized predators of scaleinsects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) (Wheeler and Henry1978). Henry (1980) gave a key to the New Worldgenera and Ghauri and Ghauri (1983), a key toworld genera. More recently, Herczek (1993) analyzedrelationships and Akingbohungbe (1996) revised theAfrican, European, and Middle Eastern faunas.The Cylapinae (Fig. 10.25) are a small subfamily ofprimarily tropical bugs characterized by long, slender,apically toothed claws and an unusually long labiumextending well onto the abdomen. This subfamily is separatedinto three tribes (Carvalho 1957, Kerzhner andJosifov 1999), though the Bothriomirini and Fuliviinihave been treated as synonyms of Cylapini (Schuh1995). The New World genus Cylapus, quick-movingbugs with unusual stalked eyes, are often associatedwith fungi on rotting logs and have been long thoughtto be predatory. Wheeler and Wheeler (1994), however,observed that the gut contents of Cylapus tenuisSay fromNew York and Cylapus sp. fromPeru containedpyrenomycete spores, seemingly demonstrating that atleast some members of this genus are mycophagous.Members of the fulviine genus Fulvius Stål, on the otherhand, are often found under loose bark and are probablypredators of coexisting arthropods (e.g., Kelton 1985,Wheeler 2001). The recently described Rhyparochromomirisfemoratus Henry and Paula, remarkable inbeing the only mirid with swollen rhyparochromid-likeforefemora, strongly resembles certain myrmecomorphicherdoniine Mirinae (Henry and Paula 2004).The subfamily Deraeocorinae (Fig. 10.26), the fifthlargest subfamily with more than 100 genera separatedinto six tribes, is recognized by the distinct pronotalcollar, usually punctate dorsum, and claws withsetiform parempodia and cleft or toothed bases (Schuhand Slater 1995). Members of the genus DeraeocorisKirschbaum are well known for their predatory habitsand may be useful in biological control programs.For example, Wheeler et al. (1975) showed thatD. nebulosus (Uhler) in North America is an effectivepredator of numerous ornamental pests, includinglace bugs, white flies, and mites. The Termatophylini,recently revised by Cassis (1995), are unusual inresembling certain species of Anthocoridae. Mostmembers of the tribe are specialized thrips predators,although a few have been associated with lepidopteranlarvae (Cassis 1995). Wheeler (2001) documented thefeeding behavior of three New World thrips specialistsin the genus Termatophylidea. Ferreira (2000, 2001)revised and provided a key to the 17 genera of the NewWorld tribe Clivinematini, many of which prey onensign scales (Ortheziidae) (Wheeler 2001). Membersof the Old World hyaliodine genus Stethoconus aretingid specialists, including S. japonicus Schumacher,recently reported in North America, which feeds ontheazalealacebugStephanitis pyrioides (Scott) (Henryet al. 1986).The Bryocorinae (Fig. 10.27), representing thefourth largest subfamily, are a mixed group comprisingthree tribes, with about 200 genera (Schuh andSlater 1995). The tribe Bryocorini contains onlyfive genera, all of which are restricted to ferns. Thelargest and most widespread genus, Monalocoris,contains 15 species and occurs in all zoogeographicregions. The tribe Eccritotarsini is largely a New Worldgroup recognized by large, disc-shaped pulvilli; thelargest genus, Eccritotarsus, which undoubtedly isnot monophyletic, contains about 90 species, mostof which are distinguished by the male genitalia anddistinct dorsal color pattern of many species (Carvalhoand Schaffner 1986, 1987). Eccritotarsines producecharacteristic chlorosis or leaf spotting on theirhosts, making many of them potentially seriousornamental and crop pests. In the USA, Halticotomavalida Townsend severely discolors the foliage ofcertain species of ornamental Yucca spp., often killingentire plants (Wheeler 1976a). Members of the genusTenthecoris are well-known pests of orchids (Hsaioand Sailer 1947), and Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus(Guérin-Méneville) causes serious injury to beans andother garden crops (Wehrle 1935, Wheeler 2001).Within the Dicyphini, subtribe Odoniellina, Distantiellatheobroma (Distant) and Sahlbergella singularis Haglundare among the most devastating cocoa pests (Entwistle1972, Wheeler 2001), whereas in the subtribeDicyphina, Macrolophus melanotoma (Costa) is beingused effectively to control whiteflies in Europeangreenhouses (Schelt et al. 1996, Wheeler 2001). Manymembers of this subtribe live on glandular-hairy plantswhere they prey on insects entrapped on the viscidsurfaces of stems, leaves, and flower clusters (Henry2000d, Wheeler 2001).The Mirinae (Figs. 10.28, 10.29) represent thelargest subfamily, comprising more than 300 generaand six tribes. Members of this group are characterizedby the distinct pronotal collar and widely divergent,

236 Thomas J. Henryfleshy pretarsal parempodia. The tribe Herdoniinicontains some of the most remarkable ant mimicsin the Heteroptera. The North American Barberiellaformicoides Poppius is so closely tied to its associatedant species that the brown early instars resemble thesmaller, brown Lasius neoniger Emory (Formicidae)and the black later instars resemble the larger, blackCampononotus nearcticus Emery and Formica subsericeaSay (Formicidae) (Wheeler and Henry 1980). Thelargest Miridae are found in the aposomatically coloredtribe Restheniini. Callichilella grandis (Blanchard) andResthenia scutata Spinola rival each other for the title ofthe world’s largest mirid, each measuring 15 mm ormore. Members of the Old World tribe Mecistosceliniare mostly bamboo specialists (Wheeler 2001), andthe much larger, worldwide tribe Stenodemini alsoare grass specialists, with many species, such asLeptopterna dolabrata (Linnaeus) (Wheeler 2001),Notostira elongata (Geoffroy) (Bockwinkel 1990), andTrigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Wheeler andHenry 1985), causing economic injury to pasturegrasses, forage crops, and small grains (Henry andWheeler 2007). The clear-winged Hyalopeplini,containing about 15 genera, are restricted to the OldWorld, with the exception of Hyalopeplus pellucidus(Stål) also found in Hawaii (Carvalho 1979). Thenominate tribe Mirini, by far the largest tribe, containssome of the most important crop pests (Wheeler2000a, 2001), including the infamous lygus bugs,Lygus spp. (Schwartz and Foottit 1998). This tribe alsocan claim the largest heteropteran genus, the largelypredatory Phytocoris, with more than 500 describedspecies (Stonedahl 1988).The Orthotylinae (Fig. 10.30) are a large, diversegroup recognized by the convergent pretarsal parempodiaand the often large and complex male genitalia.This subfamily contains more than 220 genera and isseparated into three to five tribes (Schuh 1995, Henry2000c), but this level of classification needs considerablerevision, especially the nominate tribe Orthotylinithat certainly is at least paraphyletic. A large numberof remarkable ant-mimetic or myrmecomorphictaxa occur in this group, especially in ceratocapsinegenera such as Ceratocapsus, Pilophoropsis,andSchaffneria(Wheeler 1991, Henry 1994), and the halticineMyrmecophyes oregonensis Schuh and Lattin (1980).Also, included here are a number of pest speciesthat cause heavy foliar chlorosis, such as the gardenfleahopper, Halticus bractatus (Say), the phlox plantbug, Lopidea davisi Knight, and a broom plant bug,Melanotrichus virescens (Douglas and Scott) (Wheeler2001). Numerous others, such as the black-kneedcapsid, Blepharidopterus angulatus (Fallén), Heterotomaplanicorne (Pallas), and species of Hyalochloria (Wheelerand Henry 1992, Henry 2001), are important predatorsof aphids, whiteflies, lepidopteran larvae, and otherarthropods, including mites. In a recent study of theOld World genus Coridromius, Tatarnic et al. (2006)described the third independent case of traumaticinsemination in the Heteroptera.The second largest subfamily, the Phylinae(Fig. 10.31), with about 300 genera separated intofive tribes, is characterized by hairlike parempodiaand a straplike vesica (Schuh and Slater 1995).Comprehensive revisions of the South African (Schuh1974) and the Indo-Pacific Regions (Schuh 1984) aregood sources of information on this highly variablegroup. Most phylines are oval or elongate-oval,but many are myrmecomorphic, such as the AsianBiliranoides (Schuh 1984), Coquillettia (McIver andStonedahl 1987), and Pilophorus (Schuh and Schwartz1988), as well as most members of the tribe Hallodapini(Schuh 1974). Campylomma verbasci (Meyer-Dür),a widely studied species that can be a pest in fruitorchards, is more often considered a useful predatorpreying on mites, aphids, and leafhoppers (Braimahet al.1982, Wheeler 2001). The attractive, mostly red,azalea plant bug, Rhinocapsus vandueei Uhler, from theeastern USA frequently bites gardeners, causing red,swollen welts similar to mosquito bites (Wheeler andHerring 1979). Species of Ranzovius are obligate spiderweb commensals, scavenging on entrapped insectsand possibly preying on spider eggs and moltingspiderlings (Wheeler and McCaffrey 1984, Henry1999).Thaumastocorids (Fig. 10.32) are a small groupof bugs with only 18 species in six genera, rangingfrom about 2.0 mm to nearly 5.0 mm (Cassis and Gross1995, Schuh and Slater 1995, Carpintero and Dellapé2006). The royal palmbug, Xylastodoris luteolus Barber,is a serious pest of royal palm (Roystonea spp.: Arecaceae)in Cuba and South Florida (Baranowski 1958).Members of the subfamily Thaumastocorinae are OldWorld, with most found in Australia, but one newspecies, recently described from Argentina causing seriousdamage to ornamental Eucalyptus spp. in LaPlata,is considered an immigrant from Australia (Carpinteroand Dellapé 2006). Drake and Slater (1957) studiedthe classification of the family, which has no commonname, though members of the New World subfamily

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 237Xylastodorinae are often called palm bugs because oftheir general host association.The Tingidae are a relatively large group of oftenornate, lacy, phytophagous bugs separated intothree subfamilies, with about 260 genera and 2124species. They range in size from 2.0 mm to more than8.0 mm (Drake and Ruhoff 1965, Cassis and Gross1995, Schuh and Slater 1995, Zoological Record1996–2007).The Cantacaderinae are a small group ofelongate-oval species with mostly opaque, rather thanlacy, hemelytra, found primarily in the SouthernHemisphere. Thirty-five genera and 135 speciesare known (Froeschner 1996). Most workers haveconsidered Catacaderinae a subfamily of the Tingidae,but B. Lis (1999) argued to give it family status. Schuhet al. (2006), however, presented convincing evidencefor retaining them as a tingid subfamily. Froeschner(1996) provided keys to the two tribes, Cantacaderiniand Phatnomatini, and their respective genera.The Vianaidinae are restricted to the Neotropics andcontain only two genera and five species (Drake andRuhoff 1965). Although most known specimens lackeyes and are flightless, with beetlelike hemelytra, a fewmacropters with well-developed compound eyes havebeen collected (Schuh et al. 2006). Kormilev (1955)accorded family status to the group, but most recentauthors have given the vianaidines subfamily statuswithin the Tingidae (Schuh and Stys 1991, Schuhet al. 2006).TheTinginae(Figs. 10.33, 10.34)isbyfarthelargestsubfamily, with all of the remaining 230 genera andmajority of species found here. Most of the taxa includedin this subfamily are the typically lacy species fromwhich the common name ‘lace bug’ is derived. The classification,with only four tribes, needs attention, particularlytheTingini(DrakeandRuhoff1965,B. Lis 1999,Schuh et al. 2006). This group contains the mostimportant crop and ornamental pests in the family,such as the cotton lace bug, Corythucha gossypii (Fabricius),a widespread New World tropical and subtropicalpest of herbs, shrubs, and trees that was recently discoveredin Hawaii (Miller and Nagamine 2005) andAmerican Samoa (Henry, personal observation) whereit threatens to become a pest of truck crops. Anotherexample is the North American sycamore lace bug,Corythucha ciliata (Say), which has become establishedin the Old World where it quickly has become a pestof Platanus spp. in much of Europe east to Japan andKorea (Heiss 1995, Tokihiro et al. 2003). In contrast,the New World lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosaStål, has been introduced into Australia, Asia, andAfrica as a biological control agent of the invasive weedLantana camara (Verbenaceae) (Harley and Kassulke1971). Maternal care is well known for some membersof the genus Gargaphia (Tallamy and Schaefer 1997).NaboideaThe family Medocostidae contains only one Africangenus and one species, Medocostes lestoni Štys (Štys1967a, Kerzhner 1989). This bug is unique in havingthe fourth segment of the labium subequal to thelengths of segments two and three combined. Its habitsare little known, but it is thought to prey on barkinhabitinginsects (Kerzhner 1989).The Nabidae (Figs. 10.35, 10.36), or damsel bugs,represent a relatively small group of important generalistpredators. Thirty-one genera and 386 species areknown (Lattin 1989, Cassis and Gross 1995, ZoologicalRecord 1996–2007). Previously, four subfamilieswere included, but the Medocostinae and Velocipedinaewere removed and given family rank by Schuh andŠtys (1991), leaving only the Nabinae and Prostemmatinae.Prostemmatines are largely ground-dwellingpredators, whereas the nabines are more frequentlyfound on plants and are often used in biological controlof crop pests (Lattin 1989). Members of the NewWorld genus Arachnocoris, the only genus included inthe tribe Arachnocorini (Nabinae), are obligate spidercommensals that have modified claws for traversingspider webs (Myers 1925; Henry 1984, 1999). Themost important taxonomic works on the Nabidaeare those by Harris (1928) for the North Americanspecies, Kerzhner (1981) for the fauna of the formerUSSR, and Péricart (1987) for the western Europeanspecies.ReduvioideaThe Reduvioidea comprise only two families, thePachynomidae and Reduviidae. Although thePachynomidae were long considered related tothe Nabidae (e.g., Cobben 1968, 1978), they arenow considered to be the sister group of the Reduviidae(Weirauch 2008). Pachynomids range in lengthfrom 3.5 to 15 mm and resemble prostemmatinenabids. Only four genera and 15 species in two

238 Thomas J. Henrysubfamilies of this primarily tropical group are known(Carayon and Villiers 1968).The Reduviidae (Figs. 10.37–10.41), or assassinbugs, represent the second largest heteropteranfamily. About 981 genera and more than 6878species (Froeschner and Kormilev 1989, Maldonado1990, Cassis and Gross 1995, Putshkov and Putshkov1996, Zoological Record 1996–2007) are known,with most occurring in the tropics. These predatorybugs range in size from a few millimeters to more than40 mm for species of the New World harpactorinegenus Arilus or the heavy-bodied African species ofthe ectrichodiine genus Centraspis. Most reduviidscan inflict painful bites if handled carelessly, withthe exception of the Triatominae that are capable ofpainlessly taking blood meals from their vertebratehosts, including humans, because of the anesthetizingaction of the bug’s saliva (Lent and Wygodzinsky1979). The suprageneric classification has beenin serious need of study. Putshkov and Putshkov(1985–1989) listed 21 subfamilies, Maldonado (1990)recognized 25, Cassis and Gross (1995) documented26, and, most recently, Putshkov and Putshkov(1996) listed 23. The Phymatinae, long treated asa separate family (Froeschner and Kormilev 1989,Maldonado 1990), are now considered a subfamilywithin the Reduviidae (Cassis and Gross 1995, Schuhand Slater 1995, Putshkov and Putshkov 1996). Morerecently, Weirauch (2008) gave strong support for 21subfamilies based on the first cladistic analysis of thefamily using 162 morphological characters.Of the major subfamilies, the Ectrichodiinae containssome of the largest species. They are usually stoutbodied, bright red and black, and sexually dimorphicwith females often brachypterous. Approximately300 species occur circumtropically. All are thoughtto be obligate milliped predators (Louis 1974). Cook(1977) treated the Asian species and Dougherty(1980), the Neotropical ones.The Emesinae, or thread-legged bugs, are generallydelicate, slender bugs, with long, thread-thin legs.They range from about 3 mm in some species of Empicoristo some of the quite long species of Berlandianaand Emesaya, measuring more than 36 mm. Emesinesare mostly nocturnal predators, with some known tolive in spider webs (e.g., Hickman 1969), whereas severalothers feed on mosquitoes and sand flies (Hribarand Henry 2007). Wygodzinsky’s (1966) profuselyillustrated monograph is the most important sourceof information on emesine biology and systematics.The Harpactorinae (Figs. 10.37, 10.38) representthe largest and one of the most diverse reduviid subfamilieswith more than 288 genera and more than 2000species worldwide. They range from the stout, ovalbodiedApiomerini, with modified forelegs, to the largewheel bug, Arilus cristatus (Say), named for the largecrest-shaped wheel on the pronotum. Certain genera,such as the genus Graptocleptes, form a mimicry complexwith certain species of wasps. Harpactorines aregeneral predators with many specializing on insect larvae.Barber(1920)and Moul(1945)documentedmorethan 25 different prey for the wheel bug; preservedprey in the USNM collection include a grasshopper,Melanoplus sp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae); the Carolinamantid, Stagmomantis carolina (Johannson) (Mantodea:Mantidae); a walkingstick, Diapheromera femorata (Say)(Phasmatodea: Heteronemiidae); a paper wasp, Polistessp. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae); and honeybees, Apis melliferaLinnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae).The Phymatinae (Fig. 10.40), or ambush bugs, untilrelatively recently were given their own family status,but recent acceptance of evidence for subfamilystatus within the Reduviidae (Carayon et al. 1958)is now followed by most workers (e.g., Putshkov andPutshkov 1996). Ambush bugs are stout bodied, oftentuberculate, and well-camouflaged diurnal predators,frequently lying in wait within flowers or flower clustersto grab prey with their strongly modified, raptorialforelegs. About 26 genera and 281 species areknown (Froeschner and Kormilev 1989). The mostrecent taxonomic treatments are by Kormilev (1962)and Maa and Lin (1956); Froeschner and Kormilev(1989) cataloged the world fauna and gave keys tospecies for all genera, except Lophoscutus and Phymata.The Reduviinae, with about 138 genera and nearly1000 species, are a cosmopolitan group recognized inpart by the presence of ocelli and the absence of a discalcell on hemelytra (Maldonado 1990, Cassis and Gross1995). Weirauch(2008)hasshownthatthissubfamilyis polyphyletic, indicating significant changes will beforthcoming. Most of the taxa now included in thesubfamily are generalist predators, but certain speciesare associated with stored products or humans, suchas the masked hunter, Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus),that occasionally bites people and has acquired thepopular name ‘kissing bug’.The Salyavatinae are a small subfamily of mediumsized,mostly Old World assassin bugs, with only15 genera and 99 species (Maldonado 1990). Little

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 239Figs. 10.37–10.56 Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha. 10.37–10.41. Cimicomorpha. 10.37, Apiomerus crassipes(Fabricius) [Harpactorinae: Reduviidae: Reduvioidea]; 10.38, Arilus cristatus (Say) [Harpactorinae: Reduviidae: Reduvioidea];10.39, Microtomus purcis (Drury) [Micotominae: Reduviidae: Reduvioidea]; 10.40, Phymata pennsylvanica Handlirsch[Phymatinae: Reduviidae: Reduvioidea]; 10.41, Triatoma sanguisuga (Leconte) [Triatominae: Reduviidae: Reduvioidea].10.42–10.56, Pentatomomorpha. 10.42, Aradus acutus Say [Aradidae: Aradoidea]; 10.43, Acanthocephala femorata (Fabricius)[Coreinae: Coreidae: Coreoidea]; 10.44, Leptoglossus phyllopus (Linnaeus) [Coreinae: Coreidae: Coreoidea]; 10.45, Chelinideavittiger Uhler [Coreinae: Coreidae: Coreoidea]; 10.46, Arhyssus lateralis (Say) [Rhopalinae: Rhopalidae: Coreoidea]; 10.47, Boiseatrivittata (Say) [Serinethinae: Rhopalidae: Coreoidea]; 10.48, Dicranocephalus insularis (Dallas) [Stenocephalidae: Coreoidea];10.49, Pronotacantha annulata Uhler [Berytidae: Lygaeoidea]; 10.50, Blissus leucopterus (Say) [Blissidae: Lygaeoidea];10.51, Geocoris punctipes (Say) [Geocoridae: Lygaeoidea]; 10.52, Lygaeus kalmii Stål [Lygaeidae: Lygaeoidea]; 10.53, Phlegyasabbreviatus (Uhler) [Pachygronthidae: Lygaeoidea]; 10.54, Parapiesma cinereum (Say) [Piesmatidae: Lygaeoidea];10.55, Myodocha serripes Olivier [Myodochinae: Rhyparochromidae: Lygaeoidea]; 10.56, Pseudopachybrachius basalis (Dallas)[Myodochinae: Rhyparochromidae: Lygaeoidea]. (10.37–10.41 after Froeschner 1944; 10.42–10.47, 10.50–10.56,Froeschner 1942; 48, Froeschner 1985; 10.49, Froeschner and Henry 1988.)

240 Thomas J. Henryinformation is available on these unusual, often spinedbugs, except for the New World Salyavata variegataAmyot and Serville, popularly known as the ‘fishingbug’ (McMahon 2005) because of the way it capturesits primary prey, species of Nasutitermes termites. Thewell-camouflaged immatures use previously fed-upontermite carcasses to bait and capture new termite preyfrom their nests (McMahon 1983).The Stenopodainae are mostly tropical bugs withabout 114 genera and more than 720 species (Maldonado1990). They are dull colored, with a large closedcell on the hemelytra. Most apparently they are grounddwelling and not often collected, except in Malaise trapsor at lights (personal observations).The Triatominae (Fig. 10.41), or conenoses, thoughnot a large group (about 116 species), are of greatmedical importance because they are vectors of thetrypanosome, Trypanosoma cruzi, the causal agent ofChagas’ disease (American trypanosomiasis), an oftenfatal disease of humans in the Neotropics. Anothertriatomine, Rhodnius prolixus Stål, is a well-knowntest animal in insect physiology studies (Wigglesworth1972). Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979) monographedthe subfamily and gave detailed information aboutChagas’ disease vectors.VelocipedoideaTwo families are currently placed in the Velocipedoidea,the Curaliidae and the Velocipedidae. The Curaliidae,represented by only one genus and one species, isthe most recently recognized family within the Heteroptera(Schuh et al. 2008). Curalium cronini Schuh,Weirauch, and Henry, measuring only 1.75 mm long,is characterized by four or five closed cells on thewing membrane, placing it as the sister group of theVelocipedidae, the only other cimicomorphan familywith such cells. This tiny, deep red, anthocoridlike, probable predator, coined the ‘ruby bug’ for itsbright color, is known only from lights in Florida andLouisiana.Velocipedidae are a small, poorly known group ofsomewhat broadly oval species, measuring about 10 to15 mm long. Nothing is known of their feeding habits,but their mouthparts are similar to those found in someaquatic families (Kerzhner 1981), suggesting that theyare predatory. Four genera and 25 species are knownfrom northeastern India to New Guinea (Schuh andSlater 1995, Doesberg 2004).Infraorder PentatomomorphaHenry (1997a), in a phylogenetic analysis of thePentatomomorpha, recognized six superfamilies.The monophyly of the Pentatomomorpha, includingAradoidea, is supported by at least six synapomorphiesthat include the presence of lamellate pulvilli, abdominaltrichobothria (lost in the Aradoidea), an apicallybulbous spermatheca, similar accessory salivaryglands, an embryonic egg burster, and lack of a trueoperculum. Based on studies of the pregenital abdomenand lack of abdominal trichobothria, however, Sweet(1996) gave the Aradoidea infraorder status.Nevertheless, Schuh (1996) and Henry (1997a) didnot follow Sweet’s proposal based on the strongcharacter support for placement of the Aradoidea in thePentatomomorpha. Cassis and Gross (2002) followedthe latter conclusion, stating an alternative hypothesisis not well supported. Henry (1997a) provided a keyto the pentatomomorphan superfamilies and familiescomposing the newly revised Lygaeoidea.AradoideaThe Aradidae (Fig. 10.42), frequently called flat bugs,are generally dull brown to black, strongly dorsoventrallyflattened, oblong-oval bugs, measuring from3 mm to more than 11 mm (Schuh and Slater 1995).Most have a strongly granulate body surface, oftenwith tubercles and deep ridges or punctures, makingthem remarkably cryptic on and under bark of livingand dead trees. Many are wingless or brachypterous.Aradids have unusually long maxillary stylets thatcoil within the head and possess typical pentatomomorphancharacteristics, except for the absence ofabdominal trichobothria, which are hypothesized asa character loss (Henry 1997a). Most species havebeen associated with various kinds of fungi (Usinger1936, Kormilev and Froeschner 1987, Froeschner1988a). Aradus cimamomeus Panzer, however, feedson living tissue, causing serious injury to speciesof Larix and Pinus (Pinaceae) in Europe (Strawinsky1925, Helioevaara 1984). About 233 genera and 1931species of Aradidae are separated into eight subfamilies(Kormilev and Froeschner 1987, Cassis and Gross2002, Zoological Record 2003–2007).The family Termitaphidae comprises small, 2–3 mm,scalelike bugs that, like the Aradidae, have long styletsheld coiled inside the head cavity. All species are

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 241known only from termite nests. Two genera andnine species are known, with most occurring in theNeotropics (Usinger 1942). Myers (1924) and Usinger(1942) reviewed and provided keys to the world fauna,and Myers (1932) and Usinger (1942) gave notes onthe biology and habits of several species.CoreoideaSchaefer (1965) included the families Alydidae,Coreidae, and Rhopalidae within the superfamily,and Schaefer (1981) and Henry (1997a) supported theaddition of the Hyalocephalidae and Stenocephalidae.Overall, the group is defined by the platelikeovipositor, the shortened buccula, and loss of the Ychromosome (Henry 1997a).The Alydidae, or broad-headed bugs, are a relativelysmall group comprising about 45 genera and morethan 254 species separated into two (Cassis and Gross1995, Schuh and Slater 1995, Zoological Record1996–2007) or, more recently, three subfamilies(Schaefer 1999a). Most are slender bugs with ratherbroad heads. Many, such as members of the genusAlydus, are strongly myrmecomorphic, especially inthe nymphal stages. Schaefer and Mitchell (1983),in reviewing feeding habits, concluded that mostAlydinae specialize on leguminous plants (Fabaceae),whereas most Leptocorisinae are grass (Poaceae)feeders. Wheeler and Henry’s (1984) observations onthe North American Esperanza texana Barber furthersupported Schaefer and Mitchell’s (1983) speculationthat micrelytrines specialize on grasses. Schaffner(1964) reviewed many of the alydine genera; Schaefer(e.g., 1996) and others (e.g., Schaefer and Ahmad2007) have studied various other genera; Ahmad(1965) revised the Leptocorisinae of the world; andSchaefer (1999a) treated the higher classification.The Coreidae (Figs. 10.43–10.45), often calledleaf-footed bugs, pod bugs, or squash bugs based onrelatively small groups of genera, are one of onlytwo major families (the other being Pentatomidae)lacking a recent world catalog. The family containsabout 267 genera and more than 1884 speciesworldwide (Schuh and Slater 1995, Zoological Record1996–2007). Most recent authors have recognizedthree subfamilies (e.g., Packauskas 1994, Brailovskyand Cassis 1999, Cassis and Gross 2002), but thetribal classification is utterly confusing, ranging from10 (Cassis and Gross 2002) to 30 tribes (Schuh andSlater 1995). Packauskas (1994) provided a key to thesubfamilies and tribes of the Western Hemisphere; nosimilar treatment, however, is available for the EasternHemisphere. Of the three subfamilies, the Coreinae is byfar the largest and contains most of the economicallyimportant species. In North America, Leptoglossus phyllopus(Linnaeus) is a serious pest of various crops (Mead1971, Bolkan et al. 1984, Mitchell 2006). Species ofthe genus Chelinidea often become pests of ornamentaland rangeland cacti (Opuntia spp.: Cactaceae), butseveral species, including C. vittiger Uhler, have beenintroduced into Australia to help control invasiveprickly pear cacti (Dodd 1940). Species of the SouthPacific genus Amblypelta can become severe pests ofcacao, cassava, coconut, guava, and papaya (Mitchell2000). The pseudophloeine tur pod bug Clavigrallagibbosa Spinola frequently causes serious injury oreven total loss to various legumes, including pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan, in India (Dolling 1978). Schaeferand Mitchell (1983) reviewed the known host plantsand Mitchell (2000) reviewed the economicallyimportant members of the family, as well as those usedin biological control. Froeschner (1988b) catalogedthe Nearctic fauna and Dolling (2006), the Palearctic.The Rhopalidae (Figs. 10.46, 10.47), often calledscentless plant bugs, are a small group ranging inlength from about 4.0 to more than 15 mm. Thecommon name is based on the greatly reduced ostiolarscent-gland opening. The family comprises about21 genera and 209 species, separated into two subfamilies(Cassis and Gross 2002, Zoological Record2003–2007). The Rhopalinae, containing six tribes,aremostlydullbrown,punctate,pubescentbugsresemblingcertain small Coreidae or Lygaeidae (Orsillinae).The Serinethinae are usually brightly colored redand black, mostly glabrous bugs, frequently confusedwith lygaeine Lygaeidae. Most rhopalids are of littleeconomic importance, but certain Serinethinaecan become nuisance pests. In North America, thecommon boxelder bug, Boisea trivittata (Say), feedson the seeds of boxelder, Acer negundo, and othertrees of the maple family (Aceraceae). In the fallwhen the bugs seek overwintering shelter, they ofteninvade homes in enormous numbers, leaving spotson furniture and other objects and giving off anoffensive odor when crushed (Wheeler 1982, Henry1988g). Niesthrea louisianica Sailer has been used inthe biocontrol of velvet leaf, Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae)(Spencer 1988). Chopra (1967) studied the

242 Thomas J. Henryhigher classification and provided keys to the subfamilies,tribes, and genera, and Göllner-Scheiding (1983)cataloged the family for the world, including referenceto several important generic revisions.The Hyocephalidae, a small family restricted toAustralia, is represented by only two genera andthree species (Brailovsky 2002, Cassis and Gross2002). Hyocephalids are relatively large (up to 15 mmlong) bugs thought to feed on fallen seeds. Theyare characterized by the elongate, reddish-brown toblack body and the possession of a glandular organtermed an external strainer or pore-bearing platefound laterally on abdominal sternum III (Štys 1964).They have their closest affinity to the Stenocephalidae(Schaefer 1981, Henry 1997a).The family Stenocephalidae (Fig. 10.48) is representedby only one (Dicranocephalus)ortwo(Psotilnus)genera. The number of species has been somewhat controversialas well. Lansbury (1965, 1966) recognizedtwo genera and 36 species, whereas Moulet (1995a,1995b) considered only one genus and 16 valid species.These bugs are restricted to the Old World, withonly one known from Australia. One species describedfrom the Galapagos Islands, D. insularis Dallas, is nowthought to be an Old World immigrant that was subsequentlydescribed as D. bianchii (Jakovlev 1902) basedon specimens from its native range in northern Africaand southern Asia (Moulet 1995b, Henry and Wilson2004). Henry and Wilson (2004) inadvertently usedthe junior synonymic name D. bianchii rather than D.insularis, the older name. Stenocephalids are elongate,subparallel bugs up to 15 mm long. They possess bothcoreoid (e.g., numerous hemelytral veins, four-lobedsalivary gland) and lygaeoid (e.g., laciniate ovipositor,XY chromosome) characters (Henry 1997a).IdiostoloideaThe Henicocoridae are represented by only one genusand one species, Henicocoris monteithi Woodward,restricted to southern Australia (Cassis and Gross2002). Woodward (1968a) described the subfamilyHenicocorinae for H. monteithi within the Lygaeidaesensu lato, and later, Henry (1997a) gave the groupfamily status and formally established its sister-grouprelationship with the Idiostolidae.The Idiostolidae are a small family of rhyparochromidlike bugs comprising three genera and fourspecies, one known only from Argentina and Chile andthree from Australia (Woodward 1968b). Idiostolids,first included as a subfamily of the Lygaeidae sensulato (Scudder 1962a), were given family status by Štys(1964). Apomorphic for these bugs are the numerousbut short abdominal trichobothria and the absenceof a spermatheca (Scudder 1962a, Henry 1997a).Idiostolids are associated with mosses in Nothofagusforests and most likely are phytophagous.LygaeoideaThe family classification within the Lygaeoidea hasfluctuated considerably in recent years. Leston (1958)considered the Lygaeidae paraphyletic and suggestedthat it should be separated into at least five families.Štys (1967b) and Schaefer (1975), likewise, speculatedon the paraphyly of the Lygaeidae and variousrelationships, particularly within the malcid line thatincluded the Berytidae, Colobathristidae, Cyminae, andMalcidae. Henry (1997a) concluded that the Lygaeidaewere polyphyletic and, as a consequence, transferredthe Henicocorinae as a family to the Idiostoloidea,and gave family status to 10 subfamilies, forming amore broadly defined Lygaeoidea comprising 15 families.Slater (1964) and Slater and O’Donnell (1995)cataloged the Lygaeidae (sensu lato) for the world.The Artheneidae are a mostly Palearctic group containing8 genera and 20 species, previously separatedinto 4 subfamilies (Cassis and Gross 2002). Kerzhner(1997) gave evidence that the only New World representativeof the family, Polychisme poecilus Spinola(Polychisminae), a position established by Slater andBrailovsky (1986), belongs in the Lygaeidae (sensustricto) as a tribe of the Ischnorhynchinae. Artheneidsare small, strongly punctate, oval bugs, with widelyexplanate, lateral pronotal carinae. Although naturallyoccurring only in the Old World, two immigrantspecies, Chilacis typhae (Perrin) (Wheeler and Fetter1987) and Holcocranum saturejae (Kolenati) (Hoffmanand Slater 1995) are now well established in NorthAmerica (Wheeler 2002).The Berytidae (Fig. 10.49), commonly referred toas stilt bugs because of the long, slender legs of mostspecies, comprise 36 genera and 172 species, separatedinto 3 subfamilies and 6 tribes (Henry and Froeschner1998, 2000; Henry 2000a, 2007; Kment and Henry2008). Stilt bugs range in size from 2.3 mm for certainspecies of the New World genus Pronotacanthato more than 16 mm for Plyapomus longus Štusak,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 243known only from St. Helena. Most members of theGampsocorinae and Metacanthinae have long, slenderbodies, with even longer, thread-thin legs and antennae(Henry 1997b, 1997c); all species of Hoplinus arearmed with stout spines on the head, pronotum, and,frequently,thehemelytra (Henry2000a). WheelerandSchaefer (1982) provided a world review of hostplants, noting that most live on glandular-hairy orviscid plants, and Henry (2000b) reviewed their economicimportance, highlighting both phytophagousand zoophagous feeding habits. Morkel (2006) documentedkleptoparasitism by four European species,including the obligate associate Metacanthus annulosus(Fieber), in the funnel-webs of the spider Agelenaorientalis Koch (Araneae: Agelenidae). Henry (1997b)provided a phylogenetic analysis and key to the generaof the world, Henry (1997c) monographed thefamily for the Western Hemisphere, and Henry andFroeschner (1998) provided a world catalog.The Blissidae (Fig. 10.50), or chinch bugs, compriseabout 50 genera and 435 species (Slater and O’Donnell1995, Cassis and Gross 2002). All are restricted tofeeding on monocots, especially Poaceae, and less commonlyon Cyperaceae and Restionaceae (Slater 1976).Blissids are broadly oval to elongate, often flattened,and range in size from less than 3.0 mm to morethan 15 mm. The family contains a number of seriouscrop and turf pests. The common chinch bug,Blissus leucopterus (Say), perhaps the most importantspecies in the Lygaeoidea, is a major pest of turfgrasses, corn, and cereal crops in North America (Sweet2000a). Slater (1976) reviewed host plants and Sweet(2000a) provided a detailed overview of their economicimportance. Slater (1979) monographed the group asa subfamily and Henry (1997a) elevated Blissinae tofamily status.The Colobathristidae are a small group of tropicalbugsranginginlengthfromabout6.0 mmtomorethan20 mm. They comprise about 23 genera and 84 speciesseparated into two subfamilies found mostly in theOriental and Neotropical Regions (Schuh and Slater1995). Colobathristids, characterized by their slender,elongate bodies and relatively long legs, possess charactersappearing in part coreoid and lygaeoid. Henry(1997a) reaffirmed their position in the Lygaeoideaas the sister group of Berytidae. All species feed ongrasses, and some are pests of sugarcane in Indonesiaand Australia (Sweet 2000a). Horváth (1904) monographedthe family and Carvalho and Costa (1989)provided a key to the Neotropical genera.The Cryptorhamphidae, represented by only twogenera and four species restricted to the AustralianRegion, are small yellowish-brown, punctate bugs,with dorsal spiracles (Henry 1997a, Cassis and Gross2002). Previously placed in the Cyminae, the cryptorhamphidswereplacedbyHamid(1971)intheirownsubfamily, which Henry (1997a) elevated to family.The Cymidae are small, yellowish-brown bugs, comprisingabout nine genera and 54 species that are mostcommon in the Eastern Hemisphere (Cassis and Gross2002). Hamid (1975) monographed the group as asubfamily and Henry (1997a) gave Cyminae familystatus. Cymids feed primarily on monocots, especiallyCyperaceae (Hamid 1975, Péricart 1998).The Geocoridae (Fig. 10.51), or big-eyed bugs, area widespread group, comprising 25 genera and about274 species, separated into three subfamilies (Henry1997a, Cassis and Gross 2002, Zoological Record2003–2007). They are characterized by their oftenenlarged kidney-shaped eyes, broad heads, and theposteriorly curved abdominal sutures between segments4 and 5 and 5 and 6 (Readio and Sweet 1982,Henry 1997a). Most members of the subfamily Geocorinaeare predatory and frequently used in biocontrolprograms (Sweet 2000b). Many Pamphantinae arestrongly myrmecomorphic, such as the genera Cattarusand Cephalocattarus (Slater and Henry 1999).The Heterogastridae are primarily an Old Worldfamily, comprising 24 genera and 100 species (Cassisand Gross 2002, Zoological Record 2003–2007), withonly two occurring in the Nearctic (Ashlock and Slater1988). Henry (1997a) hypothesized a sister relationshipwith the Pachygronthinae based on the deeplyinserted ovipositor and noninflatable vesica. Péricart(1998) associated several species with the plant familiesLamiaceae and Urticaceae. Scudder (1962b) provideda key to the world genera.The family Lygaeidae (sensu stricto) (Fig. 10.52)comprises about 102 genera and 968 species (Slaterand O’Donnell 1995, Zoological Record 1996–2007),separated into three subfamilies: the Ischnorhynchinae,Lygaeinae, and Orsillinae (Henry 1997a).Lygaeids are best recognized by the impressed lineacross the calli, the Y-shaped pattern on the scutellum,and the dorsal position of abdominal spiracles IIthrough VII. The Ishnorhynchinae comprise about 75species of dull brown to reddish-brown bugs. The mostwidespread north temperate genus Kleidocerys containsthe well-known and occasional nuisance pest, thebirch catkin bug, K. resedae (Panzer) (Wheeler 1976b).

244 Thomas J. HenryThe Orsillinae, represented by about 250 species,contains the widespread pest genus Nysius, collectivelyoften called false chinch bugs (Barber 1947, Péricart1998). The Lygaeinae, with more than 500 species,are among the most recognized and well-studiedLygaeoidea. Many, such as the species of Lygaeus,Oncopeltus, and Spilostethus, are aposematicallycolored. Slater (1992) treated the New World faunaand Péricart (1998), the western Palearctic.The Malcidae are dull, punctate bugs about 3.0 to4.0 mm long, with waxy setae, stylate eyes, and spinedor tuberculate immatures (Štys 1967b, Sweet andSchaefer 1985). Three genera and about 29 species areseparated into two subfamilies, the Chauliopinae andMalcinae. The biology and hosts are largely unknown,but several species of Chauliops are pests of beans(Fabaceae) in Asia and India (Sweet 2000a).The Ninidae are a small family represented byfive genera and 13 species (Cassis and Gross 2002).They measure about 3.0 to 4.0 mm long and arecharacterized by their broad head, stylate eyes, oftentranslucent or hyaline hemelytra, and the bifid apex ofthe scutellum (Henry 1997a). Previously included as atribe of the Cyminae, the group was given family statusby Henry (1997a). Scudder (1957) provided a worldrevision.The Oxycarenidae comprise 23 genera and 147species of primarily Eastern Hemisphere bugs (Cassisand Gross 2002). They are characterized by the punctate,porrect head, hyaline often explanate hemelytra,truncate female abdomen, and transverse comb of setaeon the male abdomen (Henry 1997a). Oxycarenus,by far the largest genus, contains several economicallyimportant species (Sweet 2000a), includingO. hyalinipennis (Costa) introduced into the New Worldtropics (Slater and Baranowski 1994). Samy (1969)revised the African fauna and Henry (1997a) gave thegroup family status.The family Pachygronthidae (Fig. 10.53), containing13 genera and 78 species, is separated intotwo subfamilies, the Pachygronthinae and Teracriinae(Cassis and Gross 2002). The pachygronthinesare distinguished by the strongly incrassate, spinedprofemora and the unusually long first antennalsegments. Teracriines have shorter antennae andare held together in the family based only on theventral position of the abdominal spiracles (Henry1997a). Members of the family feed primarily onmonocots (Cassis and Gross 2002). Slater (1955)provided a world revision.The Piesmatidae (Fig. 10.54), often called ash-grayplant bugs, were considered related to the Tingidae(Cimicomorpha) until Drake and Davis (1958) clarifiedtheir position within the Pentatomomorpha; Henry(1997a) gave further support for their placementin the Lygaeoidea. Six genera and about 44 speciesare separated into two subfamilies, the Piesmatinaeand Psamminae (Henry 1997a, Cassis and Gross2002). Drake and Davis (1958) revised the world generaand Heiss and Péricart (1983) treated the Palearcticfauna. Slater and Sweet (1965) discussed relationshipswithin the Psamminae, and Henry (1997a) transferredthe subfamily into the Piesmatidae based on numerousshared characters, including dorsal ‘areoles’,two-segmented tarsi, presence of trichobothrial pads,and the loss of certain abdominal trichobothria.The Rhyparochromidae (Figs. 10.55, 10.56) representthe largest lygaeoid family with 372 generaand more than 1850 species, separated into twosubfamilies, the Plinthisinae and Rhyparochrominae,and 14 tribes (Slater and O’Donnell 1995, Cassis andGross 2002, Zoological Record 2003–2007). Cassisand Gross (2002) provided a table giving the numberof genera and species for each tribe. Rhyparochromidsare recognized by the incomplete abdominal suturebetween segments 4 and 5 (except Plinthisinae) andthe presence of a trichbothrium near each eye (Henry1997a). The five largest tribes – the Rhyparochromini(370 mostly Old World species), Myodochini(322 primarily Western Hemisphere species), Drymini(280 primarily North American and Eastern Hemispherespecies), Ozophorini (175 largely New Worldand Oriental species), and Lethaeini (153 worldwidespecies) – represent more than 70% of the family.Nearly all Rhyparochrominae, with the exception ofthe haematophagous Cleradini, are seed feeders, thus,the common name seed bugs. Most taxa have enlargedforefemora for grasping seeds. Although most rhyparochromidsare not considered major pests, severalimmigrant species can become serious nuisance pests inwestern North America, when they invade homes andother structures during outbreak populations (Henryand Adamski 1998, Henry 2004).PentatomoideaThis superfamily comprises 16 families. The lastworld pentatomoid catalog by Kirkaldy (1909) islong outdated. The more recent regional catalogs

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 245include those of Henry and Froeschner (1988) forthe Nearctic, with chapters by Froeschner; Cassisand Gross (2002), for Australia; and Aukema andRieger (2006) for the Palearctic, with chapters byJ. Davidová-Vilílmová, U. Göllner-Scheiding, J. A. Lis,and D. A. Rider. D. A. Rider (personal communication)is working toward a world pentatomid catalog andmaintains a website (Rider 2008) containing a list ofgenera, a comprehensive bibliography, and a wealthof other information pertaining to the Pentatomoidea.The Acanthosomatidae (Fig. 10.57) are a smallfamily comprising about 46 genera and 184 species,separated into three subfamilies (Cassis and Gross2002; Froeschner 1997, 2000, Zoological Record2003–2007). Acanthosomatids are characterizedby a combination of two-segmented tarsi, hiddenspiracles on the second abdominal segment, pairedtrichobothria on abdominal segments III–VII, alarge mesosternal keel, an anteriorly directed spineon abdominal segment III, and a large exposedeighth abdominal segment in males (Kumar 1974).Most species are found in north temperate regionsor at higher elevations in the subtropics (Thomas1991). Females possess paired abdominal structuresknown as Pendergrast’s organs and exhibit strongmaternal brooding behavior (Tallamy and Schaefer1997). Kumar (1974) provided a world revision withkeys to subfamilies, tribes, and genera; Thomas (1991)revised the North American fauna.The Aphylidae, consisting of only two genera andthree species, are restricted to the Australian Region.They are 4–5 mm long and characterized by a stronglyconvex, oval shape, large ‘scutellerid-like’ scutellum,and long labium extending beyond the metacoxae.Although Gross (1975) and Rider (personal communicationin Cassis and Gross 2002) consideredaphylids aberrant pentatomids, Schuh and Slater(1995) and Cassis and Gross (2002) maintained theirfamily status. Štys and Davidová-Vilímová (2001)provided the most recent family review, including thedescription of a new genus and one new species.The Canopidae are small, round, convex pentatomoidsrepresented by only one genus and eightspecies in the New World tropics (Schuh and Slater1995). McAtee and Malloch (1928) revised the groupand McDonald (1979) studied the male and femalegenitalia of several species. McHugh (1994) associatednymphs and adults of two species, Canopus burmeisteriMcAtee and Malloch and C. fabricii McAtee andMalloch, with polypore fungi on rotting logs.The Cydnidae (Figs. 10.58, 10.59), or burrowingbugs, are a worldwide group of about 120 generaand 765 species, separated into five (Froeschner 1960)to seven subfamilies (Lis 2006), including the Corimelaeninaeand Thyreocorinae (Schuh and Slater 1995,Cassis and Gross 2002, Zoological Record 2003–2007;but see Lis 2006). Burrowing bugs range in size fromabout 2 to 20 mm and are characterized by their roundto oval shape, brown to black coloration, and oftenspiny legs modified for digging in soil. Many cydnidsfeed on the roots of their hosts, but members of thesubfamily Sehirinae feed on plants like most Pentatomidae(Froeschner 1988c). Most species are of littleeconomic importance, but occasionally they becomeabundant and cause serious injury to crops (Froeschner1988c, Lis et al. 2000). Froeschner (1960) monographedthe Cydnidae of the Western Hemisphere andJ. A. Lis (1999) cataloged the Old World fauna andsince (e.g., Lis 2000, 2001) has revised numerousgenera. Lis et al. (2000) reviewed the economicallyimportant species.The Cyrtocoridae are a small New World groupof pentatomoids 6–10 mm long. They are characterizedby the oval, strongly convex form, tuberculatescutellum, explanate connexival segments, andscalelike setae (Packauskas and Schaefer 1998). Formerlytreated as a subfamily of the Pentatomidae(e.g., Schuh and Slater 1995), the group was accordedfamily status by Packauskas and Schaefer (1998),who presented keys to the four genera and elevenspecies. At least one species feeds on leguminous plants(Fabaceae) (Schaefer et al. 2000).The Dinidoridae, primarily Oriental and Afrotropical,comprise only 16 genera and 65 species, separatedinto two subfamilies (Rolston et al. 1996). Most speciesare thought to be phytophagous, with several becomingpests of certain cucurbits (Schaefer et al. 2000).They are 9–27 mm in length and characterized bylarge, stout bodies, a short scutellum, and keeledheads (Schuh and Slater 1995). Durai (1987) revisedthefamilyand Rolstonet al.(1996)catalogedtheworldfauna.The Australian family Lestoniidae comprises onegenus and only two species (McDonald 1969). Theseround convex bugs, resembling certain tortoise beetles(Chrysomelidae) and measuring from about 3.5 mmto nearly 6.0 mm long, apparently are related toPlataspidae (China and Miller 1959, Schaefer 1993).LestoniahaustoriferaChinafeedsonspeciesofAustralian

246 Thomas J. HenryFigs. 10.57–10.72 Pentatomomorpha.10.57, Rolstonus rolstoni Froeschner[Acanthosomatidae: Pentatomoidea];10.58, Scaptocoris castaneus Perty[Cephalocteinae: Cydnidae: Pentatomoidea];10.59, Corimelaena pulicaria (Germar)[Thyreocorinae: Cydnidae: Pentatomoidea];10.60, Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas)[Asopinae: Pentatomidae: Pentatomoidea];10.61, Edessa florida Barber [Edessinae:Pentatomidae: Pentatomoidea]; 10.62, Aeliaamericana Dallas [Pentatominae:Pentatomidae: Pentatomoidea];10.63, Murgantia histrionica (Hahn)[Pentatominae: Pentatomidae:Pentatomoidea], 10.64, Oebalus pugnax(Fabricius) [Pentatominae: Pentatomidae:Pentatomoidea]; 10.65, Parabrochymenaarborea (Say) [Pentatominae: Pentatomidae:Pentatomoidea]; 10.66, Amaurochrouscinctipes (Say) [Podopinae: Pentatomidae:Pentatomoidea]; 10.67, Camirus porosus(Germar) [Scutelleridae: Pentatomoidea];10.68, Sphyrocoris obliquus (Germar)[Scutelleridae: Pentatomoidea];10.69, Piezosternum subulatum (Thunberg)[Tessaratomidae: Pentatomoidea]; 10.70,Arhaphe carolina Herrich-Schaeffer [Largidae:Pyrrhocoroidea]; 10.71, Largus succinctus(Linnaeus) [Largidae: Pyrrhocoroidea];10.72, Dysdercus lunulatus Uhler[Pyrrhocoridae: Pyrrhocoroidea].(Fig. 10.57 after Froeschner 1997;10.58–10.69, Froeschner 1941; 10.70,10.71, Froeschner 1944; 10.72, Froeschner1985).cypress, Callitris spp. (Cupressaceae) (McDonald 1970,Cassis and Gross 2002).The Megarididae are a small Neotropical family ofround, strongly convex bugs with a large globosescutellum covering the wings and abdomen. Theyare represented by only one genus, Megaris, and 16species (McAtee and Malloch 1928), all of which areabout 5.0 mm or less in length. Previously considereda subfamily of the Pentatomidae, megaridids have beengiven family status (McDonald 1979), but their relationshipto other families remains unclear (Schuh andSlater 1995).The Parastrachiidae, containing only one genusand two Oriental and eastern Palearctic species, untilrecently, were placed as a tribe of the Pentatomidaeor a subfamily of the Cydnidae (Schaefer et al.1988). Sweet and Schaefer (2002), based on wing morphology,scent-gland structure, and male and femalegenitalia, elevated the group to family status. Parastrachiidsare bright red and black bugs, 15–18 mm long.They exhibit subsocial behavior (Tallamy and Schaefer1997) and maternal egg guarding (Miyamoto 1956).The family Pentatomidae (Figs. 10.60–10.66), oftencalled stink bugs, is the largest heteropteran group thatlacks a modern world catalog. Stink bugs are recognizedby the oval body, 4- or 5-segmented antenna, entirehemelytra with 5–12 veins, and 2- or 3-segmentedtarsi. Approximately 900 genera and 4700 species

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 247are separated into eight or nine subfamilies (Cassis andGross 2002, Rider 2008). The predatory subfamilyAsopinae (Fig. 10.60), with approximately 63genera and more than 350 species, contains someof the most important biocontrol agents used inagricultural ecosystems, including members of theNew World genus Podisus (McPherson 1982, De Clercq2002). Thomas (1992) revised the New World faunaand gave a synopsis of the Old World genera (Thomas1994). The largest subfamily, Pentatominae(Figs. 10.61–10.65), is represented by more than 404genera and 2771 species (Schuh and Slater 1995).Among its members are a large number of economicallyimportant species, including the Palearctic Aelia furculaFieber, a pest of small grains; the Australian spinedcitrus bug, Biprorulus bibax Breddin; the widespread‘southern green stink bug’, Nezara viridula (Linnaeus);and New World species of the genus Euschistus,whichattack various agricultural crops (McPherson 1982,McPherson and McPherson 2000, Panizzi et al. 2000).The Nearctic fauna has been cataloged by Froeschner(1988d), the Australian by Cassis and Gross (2002),and the Palearctic by Rider (2006a).The Phloeidae are large (20 to 30 mm), mottledbrown, flattened bugs with strongly expanded lateralplatesaroundthebody,andacolorandshapethatmakethem well camouflaged against the lichen-covered barkof their host trees (Lent and Jurberg 1965, 1966). Onlytwo genera and three species are known. The stronglyfoliate body margins, the three-segmented antenna,and the unique male genitalia distinguish them fromall other pentatomoids (Lent and Jurberg 1965, Schuhand Slater 1995). Phloeids exhibit strong maternalegg care and, upon hatching, early instars attach tothe undersurface of the female for protection. Whendisturbed, these bugs emit a stream of clear liquid fromthe anal opening (Hussey 1934).The Plataspidae are an Eastern Hemisphere group,most abundant in the Oriental Region. They measure2–20 mm long and are characterized by their round,strongly convex bodies and large scutellum thatcovers the abdomen and hemelytra. Fifty-ninegenera and about 560 species are known (Jessop1983, Davidová-Vilímová 2006). All plataspids arephytophagous, with most specializing on leguminousplants (Fabaceae) (Schaefer 1988). Most recordsof economic damage to various crops pertain tospecies of the largest genus Comptosoma, with280 species (Schaefer et al. 2000). Jessop (1983)reviewed and provided keys to the genera of theLibyaspis group and provided a checklist of the species;Davidová-Vilímová (2006) cataloged the Palearcticfauna.The Scutelleridae (Figs. 10.67, 10.68), or shieldbugs, are represented by 81 genera and about 450species, separated into six subfamilies (Schuh andSlater 1995, Göllner-Scheiding 2006). Shield bugs,measuring from about 5.0 to 20.0 mm long, aredistinguished by the oval, often convex shape andlarge scutellum that covers the abdomen and mostof the hemelytra. Most scutellerids are dull mottledbrown or gray, but many members of the Scutellerinaeare brightly colored and often iridescent (Javaheryet al. 2000), making them some of the mostspectacularly colored of all Heteroptera (Schuh andSlater 1995). Cassis and Vanags (2006) revised the13 genera and 25 species of Australian jewel bugs.By far the most economically important species is theSunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton, which oftendevastates wheat and other small grain crops in Asiaand the Middle East (Javahery et al. 2000).The Tessaratomidae (Fig. 10.69) comprise 55genera and 240 species, separated into threesubfamilies (Rolston et al. 1994, Rider 2006b). Mostoccur in the Old World, with only three species inthe Neotropics. Tessaratomids are large robust bugs,some more than 40 mm long. In addition to their largesize, they are characterized by the proportionatelysmall head, short labium, and large sternal platebetween the middle and hind coxae. The bronzeorange bug, Musgraveia sulciventris Stål, is the mostserious pest in the family, causing economic injuryto citrus in Australia. Rolston et al. (1994) catalogedthe family. Sinclair (2000) revised the genera ofOncomerinae. Cassis and Gross (2002) cataloged theAustralian fauna and Rider (2006b) the Palearctic.The Thaumastellidae are small, enigmatic bugs,3.5 mm or less in length, found only in the AfrotropicalRegion and the Middle East (Schuh and Slater 1995).Only one genus and three species are known. Thoughthey are clearly related to the Cydnidae (Dolling1981), Jacobs (1989) maintained them as a family.Thaumastellids occur under rocks, where theyapparently feed on fallen seeds (Jacobs 1989).The Urostylididae, comprising 11 genera and about170 species, are found mostly in southern and easternAsia (Rider 2006c). They are elongate-oval bugs,with proportionately small heads and long antennae,measuring about 3.5 to 14.0 mm in length. (Schuhand Slater 1995). Rider (2006c) summarized the

248 Thomas J. Henrytaxonomic literature and cataloged the Palearcticfauna; Schaefer et al. (2000) reviewed the economicspecies.PyrrhocoroideaHenry (1997a) reviewed the classification and consideredthe Pyrrhocoroidea, containing only two families,the sister group of the Coreoidea.The Largidae (Figs. 10.70, 10.71) are a small,worldwide group, containing 13 genera and about106 species, separated into two subfamilies, theLarginae and Physopeltinae (Schaefer 2000, Cassisand Gross 2002, Zoological Record 2003–2007).Largids are medium to large (more than 50 mm),often brightly colored bugs, characterized by the lackof ocelli, four-segmented labium and antenna, sevento eight veins on the membrane arising from twoclosed basal cells, and sometimes fused abdominalsegments (Henry 1988d, 1997a; Schuh and Slater1995). All are phytophagous (Schaefer and Ahmad2000). The New World subfamily Larginae is separatedinto two tribes, the Araphini (Fig. 10.70) and Largini(Fig. 10.71) (Schaefer 2000). The former compriseslargely the genus Largus and the latter, severalstrongly myrmecomorphic genera, including Arapheand Pararaphe (Henry 1988d). The Physopeltinae,restricted to the Old World, are large, mostlyred, aposematically colored bugs. Hussey (1929)cataloged the world fauna. More recently, Henry(1988d) cataloged the Nearctic, Kerzhner (2001)the Palearctic, and Cassis and Gross (2002) theAustralian Region.The Pyrrhocoridae (Fig. 10.72), or cotton stainers,are represented by about 33 genera and 340species (Kerzhner 2001, Zoological Record2003–2007). Pyrrhocorids are medium-sized tolarge bugs, from about 8.0 to more than 30.0 mmlong, and usually aposematically colored red, yellow,and white. They are distinguished by the lack ofocelli, a reduced metathoracic scent-gland opening,two closed cells at the base of the wing membrane,and a platelike ovipositor (Henry 1988f, 1997a,Schuh and Slater 1995). Dysdercus, by far thelargest genus, occurs nearly worldwide and containsseveral important cotton pests that cause damagedirectly by feeding on cotton bolls, and indirectlyby introducing bacteria and fungi that cause thebolls to rot (Whitefield 1933, Schaefer and Ahmad2000). Freeman (1947) treated many of the Old Worldspecies and Doesberg (1968) revised the New Worldfauna. Several members of the genera Antilochusand Raxa are facultatively predaceous, sometimesbecoming obligate predators (Schaefer 1999b).THE IMPORTANCE OF HETEROPTERANBIODIVERSITYAlthough it is well documented that insects are themost diverse group of organisms, comprising morethan half the described species, we are far fromknowing the exact number coexisting with us on earth.With Hemiptera considered the fifth largest order,and the suborder Heteroptera containing nearly halfof the estimated 90,000 species (Cassis et al. 2006),this diverse group, exhibiting both phytophagous andzoophagous feeding habits (Schuh and Slater 1995),affects nearly every aspect of our environment. Thepursuit of a better understanding of true bug diversity,therefore, is paramount. Taxonomy and systematics,as hypothesis-driven disciplines (Wheeler 2004), formthe foundation for all biological research through thepredictive value they impart from taxon-based studies.For example, newly discovered predatory speciesrelated to known beneficial taxa can be expected tohave similar biological control potential. If the 10,000species described during the past 250 years (1758 topresent) represent only half the number of Miridaethat eventually will be discovered (Henry and Wheeler1988), an enormous amount of important biological,biogeographic, and host information useful to otherdisciplines remains to be discovered. Considering theprevious rate of only 40 species described per year,the concept of an ‘industrialized’ effort to combine theglobal resources of multiple scientists and students,modern technology, and extensive fieldwork inhot-spot areas made possible only through large-scalefunding (Cassis et al. 2006) takes on new merit.That billions of dollars worth of losses to cropsare caused by Heteroptera each year reflects, perhaps,the single most important reason to study thisdiverse suborder. Throughout this chapter, I have givenexamples of the many true bug attributes, includinginformation on their morphology, distribution,numbers, host associations, and economic importance.The Heteroptera fall primarily into two broad feedingregimes, plant feeders and predators (Schaefer andPanizzi 2000, A. Wheeler 2000a, 2000b, 2001), with

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Heteroptera 249many intermediate variations. As a consequence ofglobalization, greater numbers of true bugs are beingtransported beyond their native ranges through internationalcommerce, creating new pest situations inforeign lands (Wheeler and Hoebeke 2008), manytimes involving taxa previously unknown to science(e.g., Dolling 1972). Recent treatments of various families,such as the Coreidae (Mitchell 2000), Lygaeoidea(Sweet 2000a), Miridae (Wheeler 2000a, 2001), Pentatomidae(McPherson and McPherson 2000), andotherfamiliespresentedin SchaeferandPanizzi(2000),have provided much-needed synthesis of widely scatteredinformation important to better understandingcertain pest groups.The effect of global warming on heteropteran distributionalso is being reflected through various studies.In eastern North America, the rhopalid, Jadera haematoloma(Herrich-Schaeffer), has shown rapid northwarddispersal in recent years (Hoffman and Steiner 2005).In Japan, rising temperatures have allowed the polewardrange expansion of several rice and fruit-feedingPentatomidae (Kiritani 2007). Musolin (2007) documentedthe northern movement of the southern greenstink bug, Nezara viridula (Linnaeus), in central Japansince the 1960s. The incidence of vector-borne diseasescan be affected as well. For example, rising temperaturescan expand distributions, accelerate life cycletimes, and increase population densities of certainspecies, as seen in some species of Triatoma (Reduviidae)that are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causal agentof Chagas’s disease (Curto de Casas and Carcavallo1995).Although in most studies the phytophagous bugsare emphasized as agricultural pests, many heteropterans,including all of the Enicocephalomorpha,Dipsocoromorpha, Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha, Leptopodomorpha,and most Cimicomorpha (exceptingcertain Miridae and all Tingidae), are exclusively or,in large part, predatory and are usually consideredbeneficial in agricultural situations. From a biologicalcontrol viewpoint, the families Anthocoridae (sensulato) (Lattin 2000), Geocoridae (Sweet 2000b),Miridae (Wheeler 2000b, 2001), Nabidae (Braman2000), asopine Pentatomidae (De Clercq 2002),and Reduviidae (Ambrose 2000) contain the mostimportant predatory species. Within these groups arealso several external parasitic lineages that feed on vertebrateblood, including the Cimicidae, Polyctenidae,triatomine Reduviidae, and the rhyparochromid tribeCleradini. Many aquatic bugs are well known for theirvalue in mosquito control or as a food source for fishand other organisms (Menke 1979).The Heteroptera are also important in conservationbiology. The aquatic and semiaquatic bugs(Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha, and Leptopodomorpha)are well known for their role as water-qualityindicators (Jansson 1987). Wheeler (2001) notedthat certain Miridae might be of interest to conservationbiologists as rare or unique species needingpreservation, or as indicators of vitality or changes inecosystems. For example, the type locality of the poorlyknown phlox-feeding plant bug, Polymerus wheeleriHenry, found in only 12 of 79 eastern US shale barrenhabitats, has essentially been destroyed by construction(Wheeler 1995, Henry, personal observations). Otherrare species, such as the North Amerian Corixidea majorMcAtee and Malloch (Schizopteridae) known from onlythe holotype and two recent specimens taken in pinebarren habitats (Hoffman et al. 2005), serve as valuableindicators of areas needing protection. Aukema(1994) concluded that the preservation and restorationof unique habitats should be made to protect populationsof rare and endangered species in the Netherlands.The overall influence of the Heteroptera as partof the fifth largest insect order is significant. Theirroles as plant feeders, bloodsucking parasites, invertebratepredators,orwater-qualityindicators,makethemunquestionably important organisms in our environment.More recent studies addressing the impact ofglobal warming and the influence of Heteroptera inconservation biology reinforce the need for additionalstudy. If even the lowest estimates of the number ofHeteroptera prove accurate (Cassis et al. 2006), muchchallenging work remains to better understand thistaxonomically complex and economically importantgroup of fascinating insects.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI dedicate this chapter to the memory of the lateDr. Richard C. Froeschner (Henry 2003), formerly ofthe Department of Entomology, National Museumof Natural History (USNM), Smithsonian Institution,Washington, DC, for his many contributions to heteropterology,including numerous important publicationsand his passionate work on the USNMHeteropteracollection; and his talented wife, the late Elsie HerboldFroeschner (Nicholson 2006), for the beautifuland technically accurate scientific illustrations she

250 Thomas J. Henryproduced throughout her career, including most ofthe ones used in this chapter.I thank Robert G. Foottit (Canadian NationalCollection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada, Ottawa, Ontario) and Peter H. Adler(Clemson University, Clemson, SC) for their invitationto write this chapter and to be a part of thisimportant contribution covering insect biodiversityin regard to science and society. I am grateful to theDepartment of Entomology (USNM) for the permissionto use illustrations originally published by RichardC. Froeschner as cited under each figure caption(Figs. 10.4, 10.6, 10.9, 10.19, 10.20, 10.24, 10.48,10.57, and 10.72 were illustrated by Young Sohn,USNM; all others are by Elsie Herbold Froeschner,except Fig. 10.32 as noted). I also thank MichaelG. Pogue (Systematic Entomology Laboratory [SEL],ARS, USDA, c/o National Museum Natural History,Washington, DC), Sonja Scheffer (SEL), MichaelD. Schwartz (c/o Canadian National Collection of<strong>Insect</strong>s, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa,Ontario), and Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. (ClemsonUniversity, Clemson, SC) for their careful andconstructive reviews of the manuscript.REFERENCESAhmad, I. 1965. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera: Alydidae)of the world. Bulletin on the British Museum (Natural History),Entomology Supplement 5: 1–156.Akingbohungbe, A. E. 1996. The Isometopinae (Heteroptera:Miridae) of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Delar TertiaryPublishers, Ibadan, Nigeria. 170 pp.Ambrose, D. P. 2000. Assassin bugs (Reduviidae excludingTriatominae). Pp. 695–711. In C. W. Schaefer and A. R.Panizzi (eds). Heteroptera of Economic Importance. CRC Press,Boca Raton, Florida. 828 pp.Andersen, N. M. 1978. A new family of semiaquatic bugs forParaphrynovelia Poisson with a cladistic analysis of relationships(<strong>Insect</strong>a, Hemiptera, Gerromorpha). Steenstrupia4: 211–225.Andersen, N. M. 1982. 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Chapter 11<strong>Biodiversity</strong>of ColeopteraPatrice Bouchard 1 , Vasily V. Grebennikov 2 ,Andrew B. T. Smith 3 , and Hume Douglas 21 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Arachnidsand Nematodes, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, Canada2 Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Arachnidsand Nematodes, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, Canada3 Canadian Museum of Nature, P. O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P6P4, CanadaThis chapter is reproduced with permission of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. ©HerMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture andAgri-Food Canada.<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9265

More described species of insects than any otherlife form exist on this planet, and beetles representthe greatest proportion of describedinsects. Based on numbers of described species, beetlesare the most diverse group of organism on Earth.The estimated number of described species of beetles isbetween 300,000 and 450,000 (Nielsen and Mound1999). Our tally of more than 357,000 describedspecies (Table 11.1) is based primarily on figures givenin American Beetles (Arnett and Thomas 2001, Arnettet al. 2002) and Immature <strong>Insect</strong>s (Stehr 1991). Of thedescribed species, many are known only from a singlelocality or even from a single specimen (Stork 1999a,Grove and Stork 2000). Beetles are so diverse, and mostspecies so poorly known, that an estimate of how manyspecies really exist remains difficult.Erwin (1982) first proposed an estimate of the totalnumber of beetle species on the planet, based onfield data rather than on catalog numbers. The techniqueused for his original estimate, possibly as manyas 12,000,000 species, was criticized, and revisedestimates of 850,000–4,000,000 species were proposed(Hammond 1995, Stork 1999b, Nielsen andMound 1999). Some 70–95% of all beetle species,depending on the estimate, remain undescribed (Groveand Stork 2000).The beetle fauna is not known equally well in allparts of the world. For example, Yeates et al. (2003)estimated that the known beetle diversity of Australiaincludes 23,000 species in 3265 genera and 121 families.This estimate of species is slightly lower thanthat reported for North America, a land mass of similarsize: 25,160 species in 3526 genera and 129families (Marske and Ivie 2003). While Marske andIvie (2003) predicted that there could be as many as28,000 species in North America, including currentlyundescribed species, a realistic estimation of the truediversity of the little-studied Australian beetle faunacould be 80,000–100,000 (Yeates et al. 2003).Studies of beetle communities in restricted areassuch as oceanic islands (Peck 2005), large administrativeunits (Peck and Thomas 1998, Sikes 2004,Peck 2005, Carlton and Bayless 2007), and specifichabitats (Hammond 1990, Chandler and Peck 1992,Carlton and Robison 1998, Anderson and Ashe 2000)can provide important data on biodiversity at finerscales. Comprehensive species lists from well-definedareas or habitat types are useful not only because theygive a snapshot of current ecosystem health and function,but also because they can be compared to listsgenerated at other periods to monitor changes overtime (Howden and Howden 2001). Analysis of changesin species composition allows us to better understandthe effects of humans on natural and managed ecosystemsand provides powerful arguments to support landuse and conservation decisions.To explain the great diversity of beetles is difficult.One of the most important factors was proposed tobe the development of the forewings into sclerotizedelytra (Lawrence and Britton 1994). In most beetles,the elytra cover the membranous flight wings andthe abdomen. In this way, the elytra are thoughtto protect beetles against environmental stresses andpredation (Hammond 1979). In addition, the close historicalassociation of some of the most diverse groupsof beetles, such as weevils (Curculionoidea), longhornbeetles (Cerambycidae), and leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae),with flowering plants during their own period ofdiversification is thought to be one of the main reasonsexplaining their great evolutionary success (Farrell1998, Barraclough et al. 1998; Fig. 11.1a).Patterns of beetle diversity can illustrate factors thathave led to the success of the group as a whole. Basedon estimates for all 165 families (Table 11.1), morethan 358,000 species of beetles have been describedand are considered valid. Most species (62%) are insix megadiverse families (Fig. 11.2), each with at least20,000 described species: Curculionidae, Staphylinidae,Chysomelidae, Carabidae, Scarabaeidae, and Cerambycidae.The smaller families of Coleoptera accountfor 22% of the total species in the group, and include127 families with 1–999 described species and 29families with 1000–6000 described species. So, thesuccess of beetles as a whole is driven not only byseveral extremely diverse lineages, but also by a highnumber of moderately successful lineages. The patternsseen today indicate that beetles went through amassive adaptive radiation early in their evolutionaryhistory, with many of the resulting lineages flourishingthrough hundreds of millions of years to the present.The adaptive radiation of angiosperms helped drive thediversification of beetles, as four of the six megadiversefamilies of beetles are primarily angiosperm feeders(Curculionidae, Chysomelidae, Scarabaeidae, and Cerambycidae).However, even without the phytophagousgroups, lineages of predators, scavengers, and fungivoresare tremendously successful.Beetles occur in most terrestrial and freshwaterhabitats (Lawrence and Britton 1994), and a fewoccupy marine environments (Doyen 1976, Moore

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 267Table 11.1 Families of Coleoptera with estimated number of described species in the world for eachfamily.Suborder Series Family Number of SpeciesArchostemata Cupedidae 30 1Archostemata Ommatidae 4 2Archostemata Crowsoniellidae 1 2Archostemata Micromalthidae 1 1Archostemata Jurodidae 1 3Myxophaga Lepiceridae 2 2Myxophaga Sphaeriusidae 19 1Myxophaga Hydroscaphidae 13 1Myxophaga Torridincolidae 27 2Adephaga Aspidytidae 2 4Adephaga Meruidae 1 5Adephaga Rhysodidae 170 1Adephaga Carabidae 30,000 2Adephaga Gyrinidae 700 1Adephaga Haliplidae 200 1Adephaga Trachypachidae 6 1Adephaga Noteridae 230 1Adephaga Amphizoidae 6 1Adephaga Hygrobiidae 5 2Adephaga Dytiscidae 4000 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Hydrophilidae 2803 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Sphaeritidae 4 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Synteliidae 5 2Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Histeridae 3900 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Hydraenidae 1200 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Ptiliidae 550 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Agyrtidae 61 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Leiodidae 3000 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Scydmaenidae 4500 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Silphidae 175 1Polyphaga Staphyliniformia Staphylinidae 47,744 13Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Lucanidae 800 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Diphyllostomatidae 3 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Passalidae 500 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Glaresidae 50 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Trogidae 300 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Pleocomidae 26 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Geotrupidae 300 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Belohinidae 1 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Ochodaeidae 80 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Hybosoridae 365 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Glaphyridae 68 1Polyphaga Scarabaeiformia Scarabaeidae 27,800 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Decliniidae 1 6Polyphaga Elateriformia Eucinetidae 37 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Clambidae 70 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Scirtidae 600 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Dascillidae 80 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Rhipiceridae 57 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Schizopodidae 7 1(continued)

268 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.Table 11.1 (continued).Suborder Series Family Number of SpeciesPolyphaga Elateriformia Buprestidae 14,600 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Byrrhidae 290 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Elmidae 1100 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Dryopidae 230 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Lutrochidae 12 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Limnichidae 225 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Heteroceridae 300 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Psephenidae 27 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Cneoglossidae 7 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Ptilodactylidae 500 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Chelonariidae 300 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Eulichadidae 21 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Callirhipidae 16 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Artematopodidae 60 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Brachypsectridae 3 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Cerophytidae 10 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Eucnemidae 1300 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Throscidae 152 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Elateridae 10,000 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Plastoceridae 2 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Drilidae 80 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Omalisidae 10 2Polyphaga Elateriformia Lycidae 3500 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Telegeusidae 8 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Phengodidae 250 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Lampyridae 2000 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Omethidae 32 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Cantharidae 5083 1Polyphaga Elateriformia Podabrocephalidae 1 7Polyphaga Elateriformia Rhinorhipidae 1 8Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Jacobsoniidae 18 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Derodontidae 22 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Nosodendridae 62 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Dermestidae 700 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Endecatomidae 4 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Bostrichidae 550 1Polyphaga Bostrichiformia Anobiidae 2200 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Lymexylidae 50 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Phloiophilidae 2 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Trogossitidae 600 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Chaetosomatidae 9 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cleridae 3366 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Acanthocnemidae 1 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Phycosecidae 4 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Prionoceridae 50 9Polyphaga Cucujiformia Melyridae 6000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Protocucujidae 3 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Sphindidae 61 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Kateretidae 11 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Nitidulidae 2800 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Smicripidae 6 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Monotomidae 220 1

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 269Table 11.1 (continued).Suborder Series Family Number of SpeciesPolyphaga Cucujiformia Boganiidae 11 10Polyphaga Cucujiformia Helotidae 100 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Phloeostichidae 8 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Silvanidae 470 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Passandridae 105 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cucujidae 42 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Agapythidae 1 11Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cyclaxyridae 3 11Polyphaga Cucujiformia Myraboliidae 7 11Polyphaga Cucujiformia Priasilphidae 11 11Polyphaga Cucujiformia Tasmosalpingidae 2 11Polyphaga Cucujiformia Laemophloeidae 400 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Propalticidae 25 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Phalacridae 504 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Hobartiidae 2 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cavognathidae 5 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cryptophagidae 600 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Lamingtoniidae 1 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Languriidae 1037 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Erotylidae 2500 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Byturidae 16 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Biphyllidae 200 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Bothrideridae 300 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cerylonidae 300 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Alexiidae 50 10Polyphaga Cucujiformia Discolomatidae 400 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Endomychidae 1300 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Coccinellidae 6000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Corylophidae 284 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Latridiidae 1050 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Mycetophagidae 200 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Archeocrypticidae 50 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Pterogeniidae 8 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Ciidae 550 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Tetratomidae 155 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Melandryidae 430 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Mordellidae 1500 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Ripiphoridae 500 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Colydiidae 1000 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Zopheridae 425 1,2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Perimylopidae 8 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Chalcodryidae 6 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Trachelostenidae 2 6Polyphaga Cucujiformia Tenebrionidae 19,000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Prostomidae 20 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Synchroidae 8 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Oedemeridae 1500 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Stenotrachelidae 20 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Meloidae 2500 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Mycteridae 160 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Boridae 4 1(continued)

270 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.Table 11.1 (continued).Suborder Series Family Number of SpeciesPolyphaga Cucujiformia Trictenotomidae 12 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Pythidae 50 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Pyrochroidae 200 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Salpingidae 300 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Anthicidae 3000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Aderidae 1000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Scraptiidae 400 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Cerambycidae 20,000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Megalopodidae 81 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Orsodacnidae 19 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Chrysomelidae 36,350 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Nemonychidae 65 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Anthribidae 4000 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Belidae 150 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Attelabidae 1914 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Brentidae 1200 2Polyphaga Cucujiformia Caridae 5 12Polyphaga Cucujiformia Ithyceridae 1 1Polyphaga Cucujiformia Curculionidae 60,000 1TOTAL 359,891Family classification is based on Lawrence and Newton (1995), with species numbersfrom the following sources: 1 Arnett and Thomas (2001), Arnett et al. (2002); 4 Balkeet al. (2003), Lawrence 10 (1982), 8 (1988), 2 (1991); Lawrence et al. 6 (1995), 7 (1999);9 Lawrence (personal communication); 11 Leschen et al. (2005); 3 Kirejtshuk (1999);12 Kuschel (1995); 5 Spangler and Steiner (2005); 13 Thayer (2005).and Legner 1976). Their body length ranges from0.4 mm (Sörensson 1997) to more than 17 cm. Larvaeof some of the larger beetles can weigh more than140 g and are the heaviest insects known (Acorn2006). The most common life cycle type in beetles isholometaboly, whereby individuals emerge from eggsas larvae, develop through several instars, pupate, andeventuallyemergeasadults.Sexualreproductionispredominant,although parthenogenesis (i.e., productionof viable, unfertilized eggs) also occurs. More specializedor unusual life cycles, which include the occurrence ofactive and inactive larval instars in parasitoid species,are also known in Coleoptera (Lawrence and Britton1994).Perhaps most people might not recognize that welive in the age of beetles (Evans and Bellamy 1996).Beetles are important parts of most natural terrestrialand freshwater ecosystems, have important effects onagriculture and forestry, and are useful model organismsfor many types of science. A better understandingof beetle biodiversity will enhance our knowledge ofthe world and provide many practical applications.Coverage of all aspects of beetle biodiversity that affectscience and society is not possible in a single chapter.We, therefore, have chosen to cover each major taxonomicgroup of beetles and provide some examples toillustrate important aspects of beetle biodiversity.OVERVIEW OF TAXASuborders Archostemata and MyxophagaThe suborder Archostemata includes about 40 speciesof small to medium-sized beetles in five families(Ommatidae, Crowsoniellidae, Micromalthidae, Cupedidae,Jurodidae) (Hörnschemeyer 2005). Most larvaedevelop in fungus-infested wood, and the mouthpartsof adults suggest that most species feed on plant pollenor sap, although the biologies of most species areunknown. Myxophagans are small beetles (usuallyshorter than 2.5 mm) that feed on algae or blue greenalgae in freshwater and riparian habitats (Jäch 1998,Beutel 2005). The four myxophagan families include

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 271(a)Leaf beetles Longhorn beetles Weevils(b)PermianJurassicCretaceousTertiary(c)(d)Fig. 11.1 (a) Phylogeny of the Phytophaga, showing the diversity of each group (width of terminal branches are proportionalto species richness), host relationships (gray line = lineage feeding on conifer and/or cycads, black branch = lineage feeding onflowering plants, thicker branch = nonherbivorous lineage), and period of radiation (modified from Farrell 1998 andBarraclough et al. 1998). (b) Scanning electron micrograph of Meru phyllisae, Spangler and Steiner (2005), the onlyrepresentative of the recently discovered family Meruidae (Source: W. Steiner; copyright: Government of the United States ofAmerica). (c) Mogulones crucifer (Pallas), a weevil willingly introduced to North America as a biological control agent of the weedCynoglossum officinale (Linnaeus) (Source: H. Goulet; copyright: Government of Canada). (d) Anoplophora glabripennis(Motschulsky), a long-horned beetle unwillingly introduced to North America and Europe from Asia, which feeds on severaldeciduous tree species (Source: K. Bolte; copyright: Government of Canada).

272 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.Other families22%Curculionidae17%Melyridae2%Coccinellidae2%Elateridae3%Buprestidae4%Fig. 11.2 Coleoptera biodiversity, usingthe estimated number of described species(from Table 11.1). The 11 largest beetlefamilies (each with 6000+ describedspecies) are shown. The remaining 154families (each with fewer than 6000described species) are lumped into ‘otherfamilies’ but together represent asignificant proportion of beetle diversity.Staphylinidae13%Chrysomelidae10%Carabidae8%Scarabaeidae8%Tenebrionidae5%Cerambycidae6%approximately 100 species worldwide. Larval stagesof one family (Lepiceridae) are unknown.For a robust understanding of Coleoptera classificationand phylogenetics, an understanding of themorphology and evolution of the suborders Archostemataand Myxophaga is essential (Beutel and Haas2000). Direct effects of these two suborders on humansare minor. Examples of these include one species,Micromalthus debilis, which was probably transportedthroughout the world via the timber trade (Philips2001) and members of the archostematan familyCupedidae that live in structural timber (Nebois 1968,1984).Suborder AdephagaThis suborder includes 11 families and more than40,000 species worldwide (Ball and Bousquet 2001,Beutel and Ribera 2005). Most species are predatorsin both the larval and adult stages, althoughseveral species of Carabidae are granivores or parasitoids(Ball and Bousquet 2001). Three terrestrialfamilies (Carabidae, Rhysodidae, and Trachypachidae)and eight families are associated with freshwater habitats(Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae,Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae, Aspidytidae, and Meruidae).Aspidytidae and Meruidae (Fig. 11.1b) were describedfrom recently discovered beetles (Ribera et al. 2002,Spangler and Steiner 2005, respectively), highlightingthe need for continued exploration of our planet’smicrohabitats (Beutel et al. 2006).The most diverse family of adephagan beetles associatedwith freshwater habitats is the Dytiscidae, withapproximately 4000 species worldwide. These beetlesoccur in a variety of microhabitats from large bodies ofwater to springs and temporary water pools (Roughleyand Larson 2001). Specialized groups have evolved tooccupy groundwater in aquifers several meters belowthe surface (Balke et al. 2004, Watts and Humphreys2006), whereas others have lost their ability to swimand are restricted to deep, wet leaf litter in montaneforests of Australia, New Caledonia, and theHimalayas (Brancucci 1979, Brancucci and Monteith1996). Because of their predatory habits, dytiscidsare thought to play an important role in the controlof larval mosquitoes that, as adults, often areinfected with a variety of disease agents transmittable tohumans (Dubitskiiet al.1975,Lopezet al.1997,Belliniet al. 2000, Lundkvist et al. 2003). An unusual traditionalpractice using adephagan water beetles recentlywas reported from East Africa. In this region, younggirls collect local water beetles (Gyrinidae and Dytiscidae)and hold them to their nipples to stimulate a bitingreflex from these beetles. The biting behavior of thebeetles and the simultaneous release of their defensivesecretions are thought to stimulate breast growth inthese girls (Kutalek and Kassa 2005).The Carabidae, commonly referred to as ‘groundbeetles’, represent the most diverse family in this

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 273suborder, with an estimated 40,000 known species(Erwin 1991). Ground beetles are by far the most importantadephagans in terms of anthropogenic interactions.A good understanding of species level taxonomy,especially in northern temperate regions (Lindroth1961–1969, 1974, 1985–1986), has enabled scientiststo use species in this diverse group as toolsto address many ecological and evolutionary questions.Studies of ground beetles have enhanced ourunderstanding of the ecological effects of agriculturalpractices (Varchola and Dunn 1999, Freuler et al.2001, Duan et al. 2006), forestry practices (Niemelaet al. 1993, Magura et al. 2003), habitat fragmentation(Magagula 2003), fire management of natural habitats(Larsen and Work 2003), pollution of natural ecosystems(Freitag 1979), and many more human activities.Many carabid species occurring in agroecosystems arerecognized as beneficial natural enemies of agriculturalpests (Lövei and Sunderland 1996). Ground beetles arealso important for research on habitat conservation(Bouchard et al. 2006) and biogeography (Darlington1943, Marshall and Liebherr 2000).Defensive secretions produced by adephagans areusually composed of quinones and hydrocarbonsin prothoracic and abdominal glands. Secretionsof the extensively studied bombardier beetles haverevealed that fluids are usually ejected at temperaturesnear 60 o C. Although the primary function of thesesecretions is defense against predators, they also arethought to have important antimicrobial and antifungalproperties (Roth and Eisner 1962, Blum 1981).Noterids are of little economic importance, althoughthey might be important nutrient recyclers in tropicalsystems (Young 1967). Life cycles are not known forany of the Nearctic noterid species (Roughley 2001).Suborder PolyphagaSeries StaphyliniformiaThis series includes the superfamilies Hydrophiloidea(including Histeroidea by some authors) andStaphylinoidea. Phylogenetic evidence is mountingthat the superfamily Scarabaeoidea also should beincluded in this series (Hansen 1997, Beutel andKomarek 2004, Korte et al. 2004, Beutel and Leschen2005b, Caterino et al. 2005, Hughes et al. 2006).However, the exact relationship of the Scarabaeoideato the Staphyliniformia and the monophyly of theseries Staphyliniformia, as presently defined, haveyet to be determined. We have decided to treat theScarabaeiformia as a separate series to follow currentclassification schemes. However, additional molecularphylogenetics research inevitably will provide strongevidence that the series Scarabaeiformia should becombined with the series Staphyliniformia. The totalnumber of described species of Staphyliniformia isabout 90,000, or roughly a quarter of all beetles andconsiderably more than all Vertebrata combined.The superfamily Hydrophiliodea unites four families:Hydrophilidae sensu lato (including Helophorinae,Epimetopinae, Georissinae, Hydrochinae, Spercheinae,and Hydrophilinae), Histeridae, Sphaeritidae, andSynteliidae (Archangelsky et al. 2005). The Sphaeritidaeand Synteliidae include fewer than 20 species each.These families are associated with decaying organicmatter and each includes a single genus distributed inboth North America and Eurasia. The Histeridae (330genera and 4000 species) and Hydrophilidae (170genera and 2800 species) are two large, cosmopolitanfamilies that are most diverse in the tropics (Beutel andLeschen 2005a).Hansen’s (1991) work on hydrophiloid beetles,which includes taxonomic treatment down to thegenus level and a rigorous phylogenetic analysis, isrichly illustrated and still the best introduction to thefamily. These beetles are primarily aquatic, althoughthe Sphaeridiinae are secondarily terrestrial and foundin dung and leaf litter. Adults are poor swimmersand normally crawl underwater, feeding mainly onplant material. Larger species are predaceous onsimilar-sized organisms. Eggs are normally storedin variably shaped silk cases, which have a ‘mast’and can float; females of the Epimetopinae carryegg cases attached to their abdomens. Larvae ofthe Hydrophilidae are normally aquatic, go throughthree instars, and are predators; pupation, however,takes place in the soil. Davis (1994) considered SouthAfrican dung-inhabiting Hydrophilidae as biocontrolagents against dung-breeding flies in Australia.Unlike the Hydrophilidae, the Histeridae are strictlyterrestrial predators in the adult stage, and their larvaehave only two instars. Fly maggots in dung, carcasses,or rotten vegetation are the main diet of most histeridspecies. Adults of some species catch flies by hiding increvasses in dung and seizing them with their mouthparts(Kovarik and Caterino 2005). Many Hetaeriinaeand Chlamydopsinae histerids are myrmecophilous ortermitophilous, with unusual morphology and stronghost dependency. The chapter on Histeridae by Kovarikand Caterino (2005) is a good introduction to the

274 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.systematics, distribution, and biology of the family.The Histeridae were used repeatedly as control agentsagainst house flies (Musca domestica) (Kaufmanetal.2000) and other flies with dung-inhabiting larvae(Davis 1994). Teretrius nigrescens, a histerid beetle, wasreleased as a biocontrol agent against the bostrichidbeetle Prostephanus truncatus to protect maize stores inequatorial Africa, although success was only moderate(Holst and Meikle 2003).The superfamily Staphylinoidea includes sevenfamilies. Beutel and Leschen (2005b) hypothesizedthat the Hydraenidae and Ptiliidae form a sister groupof the Agyrtidae plus Leiodidae, while these fourfamilies are together a sister group of the Staphylinidaeand Silphidae plus Scydmaenidae. Six of these familiesare worldwide in distribution, while the Agyrtidaeare known only from northern temperate areas,with one genus in New Zealand (Newton 1997). Thefamily Hydraenidae comprises some 1300 describeddetritus-feeding species in 40 genera; however, thetrue species richness is probably higher (Jäch et al.2005). Most hydraenid species occur in freshwaterhabitats; some are terrestrial and either riparianor associated with wet forest leaf litter. Their sistergroup, the Ptiliidae (featherwing beetles) are strictlyterrestrial and mycophagous and include more than550 described species in about 70 genera (Hall 2005).The Ptiliidae include the smallest known beetles,with most species shorter than 1.0 mm in bodylength, and a documented minimum length of about0.4 mm (Sörensson 1997). Other remarkable featuresof some Ptiliidae include polymorphism in wing and eyedevelopment, association with social insects, obligateparthenogenesis, large egg size (approximately 50% offemale body volume), and giant sperm (subequal inlength to that of the adult). The Agyrtidae representa small family with about 60 species in 8 genera,feeding on decayed organic matter (Newton 1997).Their sister group, the Leiodidae, is a larger familywith about 3460 species in about 340 genera (Newton2005). This family is variable in food and habitatrequirements, although the majority of species inhabitforested areas and feed on decaying organic matterincluding slime molds. Leiodids exhibit the onlyknown case of true parasitism by beetles, as shownby Platypsyllus castori on beavers (Peck 2006). Somespecies of the cave-dwelling genera Speonomus andLeptodirus exhibit a unique evolutionary oddityin that their larval development is shortened to asingle, nonfeeding larval instar (Deleurance-Glaçon1963). Newton’s (1998) work on the Leiodidae is agood introduction to the diversity of this family. Theinfluence of the Hydraenidae, Ptiliidae, Agyrtidae, andLeiodidae on humans is not obvious, although they areimportant decomposers of organic matter and occupya unique and definite niche in natural and agriculturalecosystems.The second clade of Staphylinoidea beetles consistsof three families and comprises more than 50,000described species. The Silphidae, also known as thelarge carrion beetles, include fewer than 200 speciesin 15 genera (Sikes 2005) and are efficient carriondecomposers. The Scydmaenidae mainly prey on mitesand have about 82 genera with more than 4600species, more than half of which belong to the singlegenus Euconnus (O’Keefe 2005). Probably both theSilphidae and Scydmaenidae are derived from withinthe Staphylinidae (rove beetles); thus, their classificationas separate families might cause paraphyly ofthe latter (Beutel and Leschen 2005b). This problemmost likely will be solved by reduction of both groupsin taxonomic rank and their incorporation as subfamiliesin the already enormous Staphylinidae sensulato, a strategy exemplified by the inclusion of theformer Pselaphidae (Newton and Thayer 1995). Thechapter by Thayer (2005) is a good introduction to theStaphylinidae. This family includes 47,744 describedspecies and rivals the weevils (Curculionidae) in diversity.Thirty-one subfamilies of rove beetles are currentlyrecognized; their phylogenetic relationships have onlyrecently become a subject of investigation (Newtonand Thayer 1995). The Staphylinidae are predominantlymycophagous, saprophagous, or predaceous,although some species are phytophagous. Rove beetlesare among the most commonly encountered beetlesin nature, particularly in moist terrestrial habitats. Aspredators, some are potentially useful to humans incontrolling phytophagous and nuisance arthropods.Some Aleochara species parasitize flies, suggesting biocontrolapplications. Most importantly, the Staphylinidaeare organic components of healthy ecosystems,both natural and modified by humans.Series ScarabaeiformiaThe series Scarabaeiformia, as currently classified,consists of 12 families (Pleocomidae, Geotrupidae,Belohinidae, Passalidae, Trogidae, Glaresidae, Diphyllostomatidae,Lucanidae, Ochodaeidae, Hybosoridae,Glaphyridae, and Scarabaeidae), 43 subfamilies,and 118 tribes (Smith 2006). Recent estimates ofthe number of described species in this group range

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 275from 31,000 to 35,000 (Jameson and Ratcliffe 2002,Scholtz and Grebennikov 2005). Gaston (1991) gavea conservative estimate that the actual total number ofspecies might be around 50,000 species. Scarab beetlesare terrestrial, with their larvae generally inhabitingsoil, detritus, or decaying wood. Scarab species can befound in most terrestrial habitats worldwide and aremost diverse in tropical forests.Several phylogenetic analyses for taxa within theseries Scarabaeiformia have been published, based onmorphological characters (Howden 1982, Browne andScholtz 1995, 1998, 1999, Grebennikov and Scholtz2004), and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis basedon molecular characters is also available (Smith et al.2006). The 12 families are well defined, but phylogeneticevidence for the relationships among many ofthese families was weak or contradictory among studies.The Scarabaeidae is by far the most diverse family,having an estimated 91% of the described species ofthe Scarabaeiformia (Ratcliffe et al. 2002). Two majorclades occur in the family Scarabaeidae: the dungbeetleclade and the phytophagous scarab clade (Smithet al. 2006). The phytophagous scarab clade is highlydiverse, containing the majority of scarabaeoid species.Members of this clade primarily feed on angiospermplant foliage, flowers, nectar, pollen, or fruit duringtheir adult stage; and roots, humus, detritus, or deadwoodas larvae. The dung-beetle clade is another highlysuccessful and diverse lineage of scarab beetles. Theshift to dung feeding is the second most successfultrophic adaptation, following angiosperm plant feedingin the evolution of scarab beetles, when looking attotal biodiversity within the group. Among the othermajor lineages of scarab beetles are groups that are primarilydead-wood feeders (Lucanidae and Passalidae),carcass feeders (Trogidae), fungivores (Geotrupidae),and detritivores (Hybosoridae).Scarab beetles often have been used as a focal taxonfor evolution, biodiversity, and conservation research.Dung beetles, in particular, have been used in ecologicaland biodiversity studies (Spector 2006). Dungbeetles have been used to compare habitats (Nummelinand Hanski 1989, Jankielsohn et al. 2001, Estrada andCoates-Estrada 2002), to study diversity across landscapesand continents (Lobo and Davis 1999, Arellanoand Halffter 2003, Lobo et al. 2006), as indicator taxaof ecosystem health (Halffter and Arellano 2002, Daviset al. 2004, Quintero and Roslin 2005, Scheffler 2005),and for many other purposes.Scarab beetles are an extremely diverse, ubiquitous,and widely distributed group and, as such, they havea large influence on human activities and welfare.Hundreds of species of scarab beetles are nectar feedersand pollinators of a diverse assemblage of plantspecies. The benefits of dung removal and burial bydung beetles worldwide are well documented fromthe perspective of pastureland productivity, nutrientrecycling, and health (Edwards and Aschenborn 1987,Mittal 1993, Tyndale-Biscoe 1994). In addition, deadwoodfeeding and detritovorous scarabs play a majorrole in nutrient cycling; burrowing scarabs play a significantrole in seed burial and germination for someplant species (Vulinec 2002, Chapman and Chapman2003), and scarabs are a major food source for manypredators. Many phytophagous species are consideredpests of turf-grass, ornamental plants, and agriculture.Numerous invasive species damage plants and ecosystems(Potter and Held 2002, Jackson and Klein 2006)and might outcompete native species. Some scarabspecies cause human health problems as carriers ofdiseases (Graczyk et al. 2005).Series ElateriformiaThis group of beetles contains five superfamilies(Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea,and Elateroidea) (Lawrence et al. 1995), 32 families(Lawrence and Newton 1995), and at least 40,000species. Of these, about 30,000 species belong to thethree largest families, the Buprestidae, Elateridae, andCantharidae. Elateriform beetles are found throughoutthe world and are most diverse in tropical regions.Chapters on Elateriformia in Beutel and Leschen(2005a) are good introductions to the classificationand biology of the series and its superfamilies (exceptElateroidea, which is not yet available).With the most recent morphological test of elateriformmonophyly, Lawrence et al. (1995) expanded thegroup to include the Scirtoidea. This finding was contradictedby two molecular studies indicating that theElateriformia are monophyletic, excluding the Scirtoidea(Caterino et al. 2005, Hughes et al. 2006),or more broadly paraphyletic (Hughes et al. 2006).Beutel (1995) analyzed interfamily relationships ofthe Elateriformia (sensu Lawrence 1987), based on27 larval characters. Membership of the Byrrhoideawas redefined to reflect a monophyletic group, basedon a morphological analysis by Costa et al. (1999).The membership and internal relationships of theElateroidea were addressed using morphological toolsby Lawrence (1987), Calder et al. (1993), Muona(1995), and Branham and Wenzel (2003). Elateroid

276 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.monophyly was supported in a molecular study byCaterino et al. (2005), based on 7 in-groups and 103out-groups. Nelson and Bellamy (1991) examinedbuprestoid relationships, but did not test superfamilymonophyly. The monophyly and internal relationshipsof the Scirtoidea and Dascilloidea have not been examinedphylogenetically, although Friedrich and Beutel(2006) have identified two new possible synapomorphiesfor the Scirtoidea excluding the Decliniidae.Although the major known economic effects ofelateriform beetles are negative (e.g., Buprestidae asforest pests and Elateridae as agricultural pests), manyare likely beneficial because, although the larval preyof many predaceous Elateridae, Cantharidae, andLampyridae are unknown, they probably include pestorganisms. Among the beneficial species, only a fewelaterids have been introduced for biological control(of Scarabaeidae: Bianchi 1937, Clausen 1978).Similarly, the role of elateroids and buprestoids aspollinators is probably also undervalued.Elateriform beetles are potentially valuable to evolutionaryand ecological research. Their diverse naturalhistory includes seven apparent independent colonizationsof aquatic habitats (Lawrence 1987). Theyhave a wider diversity of larval feeding habits thanfor any other series, which include feeding on deadwood(dry, e.g., Buprestidae; submerged e.g., Elmidae),herbivory (including leaf mining and stem boring,e.g., Buprestidae; moss feeding, e.g., Byrrhidae), fungivory(e.g., Elateridae, Luterek 1966), carnivory (aspredators of invertebrates such as termites, Costa et al.1992; and vertebrates such as sea turtle eggs by Elateridae,Donlan et al. 2004), and ectoparasitism (e.g.,of cicadas by Rhipiceridae). Their value to evolutionaryand ecological research also includes theirrole as primary pollinators for at least one plantspecies (Peter and Johnson 2005), chemical defenses,mimicry, and multiple evolutionary origins of bioluminescence(Branham and Wenzel 2003, Sagegami-Obaet al. 2007).Series BostrichiformiaThe Bostrichiformia are composed of seven families,each containing relatively few species. TheJacobsoniidae, Derodontidae, Nosodendridae, andEndecatomidae each contain fewer than 100 speciesworldwide, whereas the Bostrichidae, Dermestidae,and Anobiidae contain between 500 and 2500 specieseach. Some of the species in the less diverse families aretiny (

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 277organized into seven genera (Wheeler 1986). Adults ofat least some species transmit spores of ambrosia fungiin specialized membranous cavities on their ovipositors(Wheeler 1986). Adults of some species are longer than60 mm and have shortened elytra resembling thoseof rove beetles (Staphylinidae). Larvae of at least someLymexylidae burrow into wood and cultivate ambrosiafungi believed to be their only larval food source.This larval lifestyle causes some damage to forestry intemperate areas, whereas in the tropics, Promelittommainsulare is a pest of coconut palms (Brown 1954).The superfamily Cleroidea is a group of 10 familiesand about 10,000 species, although some authors(Majer 1994, Kolibáč 2004) advocate splitting thelargest family, the Melyridae, into several smaller families.Adults and larvae of most species are predators. Thelarvae of some species pursue and attack wood-boringinsects inside their tunnels, benefitting the forestryindustry. The Acanthocnemidae have a single extantspecies, Acanthocnemus nigricans, native to Australia(Lawrence et al. 1999). The Chaetosomatidae includefourgenerainNewZealandandMadagascar(Lawrenceet al. 1999). Cleridae is the second largest family inthis superfamily, with about 3500 species worldwide(Kolibáč 2004). The Melyridae (sensu lato, includingDasytidae and Malachiidae sensu Majer 1994, 2002)have about 5000 species worldwide (Kolibáč 2004).TheMetaxinidaerecentlywereestablishedasaseparatefamily (Kolibáč 2004) to accommodate a single species,Metaxina ornata, from New Zealand. The Phloiophilidaeinclude the single European and North African genusPhloiophilus; the larvae feed on fungi (Lawrence et al.1999). The Phycosecidae include a single genus, Phycosecis,endemic to Australia and New Zealand (Beuteland Pollock 2000). The Prionoceridae have at leastthree genera in the Oriental and Afrotropical regions,and are pollen-feeders in the adult stage (Lawrenceet al. 1999). The Thanerocleridae, with 29 species in7 predominantly tropical genera, are known from allcontinents except Antarctica (Kolibáč 1992, 2004).The Trogossitidae were redefined by Ślipiński (1992)so that the family has fewer than a thousand species, isthe third largest in the Cleroidea, and is worldwide indistribution (Kolibáč 2005).The superfamily Cucujoidea includes about 20,000species in about 1500 genera (Pakaluk et al. 1994),which are classified in the following 35 families(Leschen et al. 2005): Agapythidae, Alexiidae,Biphyllidae, Boganiidae, Bothrideridae, Byturidae,Cavognathidae, Cerylonidae, Coccinellidae, Corylophidae,Cryptophagidae, Cucujidae, Cyclaxyridae,Discolomatidae, Endomychidae, Erotylidae, Helotidae,Hobartiidae, Keteretidae, Laemophloeidae, Latridiidae,Lamingtoniidae, Monotomidae, Myraboliidae, Nitidulidae,Passandridae, Phalacridae, Phloeostichidae, Priasilphidae,Propalticidae, Protocucujidae, Silvanidae,Smicripidae, Sphindidae, and Tasmosalpingidae. Somespecies, particularly of lady beetles (Coccinellidae),prey on phytophagous arthropods, benefitting humansby protecting beneficial plants. Other speciesare invasive or otherwise detrimental. The smallhive beetle, Aethina tumida (Nitidulidae), is a pest ofhoneybee colonies and recently spread to the USA(1998), Canada (2002), and Australia (2002) fromsouthern Africa (Hood 2004). Harmonia axyridis, themulticolored Asian lady beetle, was released in NorthAmerica to control aphids; however, it began preyingon nontarget arthropods, ecologically displacingnative coccinellids, and becoming a nuisance pestby entering human houses in search of hibernationplaces (Pervez and Omkar 2006). Most cucujioidspecies are, however, of little direct relevance tohuman economy because they are associated withdecaying vegetation and fungi. Significant taxonomicprogress has been made toward stabilizing the number,as well as taxonomic limits, of the beetle familiesin this superfamily. The works by Pakaluk et al.(1994) and Leschen et al. (2005) are important andserve as entry points into more detailed taxonomictreatments.The superfamily Tenebrionoidea is composed of 27families, 19 of which are minor, with only 5–500species described in each (Archeocrypticidae, Boridae,Melandryidae, Mycetophagidae, Mycteridae, Perimylopidae,Prostomidae, Pterogeniidae, Pyrochroidae,Pythidae, Ripiphoridae, Salpingidae, Scraptiidae,Stenotrachelidae, Synchroidae, Tetratomidae, Trachelostenidae,Trictenotomidae, and Ulodidae). Many ofthese beetles usually feed, for example, under bark ofdead trees, in fungi, in decaying wood, and in litter.Larvae of the Ripiphoridae have unusual feedinghabits for beetles; they are endoparasites of immaturestages of other insects (bees, wasps, and cockroaches).Species that have a more direct effect on society arestored-product pests and vectors of disease organismsin the family Mycetophagidae (Bousquet 1990, Haldet al. 1998). One species of Hemipeplus in the familyMycteridae is a pest of palms (Lepesme 1947, Zelaznyand Pacumbaba 1982).The families Aderidae, Anthicidae, Ciidae, Meloidae,Mordellidae, Oedemeridae, and Zopheridae aremoderately diverse within the Tenebrionoidea,

278 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.each containing 550–3000 described species. Theadults of some are important pollinators of wildand cultivated plants. A large proportion of thesebeetles develop in dead wood, fungi, and leaf litterand are uncommonly encountered by people. Severalspecies of the Zopheridae (subfamily Colydiinae)are pests of stored-food products (Bousquet 1990),whereas Nacerdes melanura (Oedemeridae) is a pest ofwooden marine structures and archaeological timber(Pitman et al. 1993, 2003). Beetles of the familiesOedemeridae and Meloidae produce antipredatorsecretions called cantharidins that can harm humansor kill domesticated animals. A few species in thefamily Anthicidae prey on the eggs and small larvaeof pest species and can be useful as biological controlagents (McCutcheon 2002).By far the most diverse tenebrionoid family is theTenebrionidae, with nearly 20,000 described speciesworldwide. This family is expected to be much morediverse than current totals would suggest, especiallyin tropical regions. Recent studies of tropical groupshave resulted in large increases in the number ofknown species (e.g., Bouchard 2002). Distantly relatedgroups of the Tenebrionidae have evolved remarkableadaptations to survive in some of the most extremehabitats in the world. The production of glycerol-likecompounds in adults of Upis ceramboides has enabledthem to survive under bark of trees during prolongedfreezing periods to −50 ◦ C (Miller 1978, Lundheim andZachariassen 1993). Conversely, unusual morphologicaland behavioral adaptations in other tenebrionidsenable them to survive in some of the hottest desertson the planet (Cloudsley-Thompson 1964, McClainet al. 1985, Zachariassen 1991). Detailed studies ofthese adaptations might yield important applicationsfor humans. Tenebrionids are a major faunal componentof most world deserts and play a significantrole in the food webs (Crawford et al. 1993). Shifts inthe abundance and range of xerophiles, versus moistforestspecies, have been used as indicators of climatechange (Geisthardt 2003). Several tenebrionid specieshave been transported across the world for centuriesby humans because of their association with storedproducts (Andres 1931, Chaddick and Leek 1972).These beetles cause billions of dollars in losses tostored products every year and much money is spentto control them. One of the most important pests,Tribolium castaneum, is one of the most studied of allinsects. Similar to adephagans, many tenebrionids produceantipredator secretions containing a combinationof repulsive agents (e.g., quinones, phenols), wettingagents, and spreading agents (e.g., hydrocarbons) orother compounds with unknown purposes (Hurst et al.1964, Tschinkel 1975). These secretions are thoughtto provide antibacterial or antifungal properties inaddition to their repulsive action (Blum 1981). SomeTenebrionidae, especially those that have lost theirability to fly, are recognized as endangered and in needof habitat conservation to avoid extinction.The superfamily Chrysomeloidea is a group of sevenbeetle families (Beutel and Leschen 2005a) with morethan 50,000 species arranged in the cerambyciform(Cerambycidae, Vesperidae, Oxypeltidae, Disteniidae)and chrysomeliform (Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae,Chrysomelidae) lineages. Because they are almostexclusively phytophagous, many of these beetlesare important to humans, mainly as plant pestsor biological agents against unwanted plants.The families Cerambycidae (longhorn beetles) andChrysomelidae (leaf beetles) are by far the largest in thissuperfamily and include worldwide more than 20,000(Turnbow et al. 2002) and 38,000 (Jolivet 1997)species, respectively. Reid (2000) recently reviewedphylogenetic analyses of the chrysomeliform lineageand provided a key to subfamilies based on adultsand larvae. Švácha et al. (1997) provided the mostrecent phylogenetic hypothesis of the cerambyciformlineage. Although the majority of species in theCerambycidae are winged and have arboreal habits,specialized adaptations to ground-dwelling habits areknown in the flightless genus Dorcadion and relatedgenera (Plavilstshikov 1958). The remaining fivefamilies combined include fewer than 1000 species.The Disteniidae have fewer than 100 species (Šváchaet al. 1997) in all major regions of the world, exceptAustralia, Europe, and New Zealand (Lawrence et al.1999). The Oxypeltidae include three large andbrightly colored South American species in two genera(Lawrence et al. 1999). The Vesperidae have about60 species in the warmer regions of the world, amongwhich the soil-dwelling larvae of Philus antennatus arenotorious pests of pine plantations in China (Šváchaet al. 1997). The pantropical Megalopodidae includesome 350 species, while the Orsodacnidae havefewer than 30 species in 3 genera in the Nearctic,Neotropical, and Palearctic regions (Clark and Riley2002).The herbivorous superfamily Curculionoidea contains7 smaller families with fewer than 4500 describedspecies each (Nemonychidae, Anthribidae, Belidae,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 279Attelabidae, Caridae, Brentidae, and Ithyceridae),as well as the most diverse family of beetles, theCurculionidae. Most species in this superfamily have adistinctive cylindrical extension of the head that leads tothe buccal cavity. This adaptation, the rostrum, is usedto prepare cavities in plant tissues for the deposition ofeggs. The evolution of the rostrum is thought to be oneof the reasons for the success of this group of beetlesbecauseitallowsspeciesoftheCurculionoideatoexploitplanttissuesthatothergroupscannotaccess(Anderson1995).Members of the seven smaller families of the Curculionoideaare recognized as more ‘primitive’ in anevolutionary context. These beetles generally are associatedwith plants that also are considered ‘primitive’(e.g., conifers, cycads, and ferns) (Farrell 1998).Because of the long-lasting and specialized associationsbetween these primitive weevils and their hostplants, they are considered important in their pollination(Kevan and Baker 1983). The anthribid Araecerusfasciculatus (coffee-bean weevil) feeds on a variety ofdried plant materials and has become a serious pest ofstoredproductssuchascoffeeandcocoabeans (Childersand Woodruff 1980, Bousquet 1990). Some species ofthe subfamily Apioninae (Brentidae) are specific to asingle or a small number of host plants and havebeen introduced in new areas of the world as biologicaltools to control the spread of invasive weeds(O’Brien 1995).The family Curculionidae is one of the most diversegroups of organisms, with more than 60,000 speciesdescribed and thousands more to be described. Theirclose association with flowering plants is one of themain factors explaining their great diversity (Fig. 11.1).Curculionids feed on plants of any terrestrial or freshwaterhabitat and on any plant tissue, from roots toseeds (Anderson 2002). Because of these characteristics,curculionids are important economically. Somespecies are serious pests of agricultural and forestryplants; others feed on stored-plant tissue. Curculionidshave been used to control populations of invasiveplants (O’Brien 1995). The subfamilies Scolytinaeand Platypodinae (considered separate families untilrecently) are specialized in exploiting injured, dyingor weakenened woody plants (Anderson 2002). Theyeither feed on the phloem of the inner bark of their hostsor feed on symbiotic ambrosia fungi that they cultivatein the xylem of their hosts. Several species in these twosubfamilies are major forestry pests.SOCIETAL BENEFITS AND RISKSBeetles of economic importanceNegative effects of beetlesAgricultureEach year, beetles have a major effect on the world’sagriculture. Hundreds of species of beetles, includingmany in the families Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae,Elateridae, and Scarabaeidae, feed on crops andornamental plants in their larval or adult stagesor both (Campbell et al. 1989). At least one speciesprobably attacks each cultivated plant species aroundthe world. One of the best-studied pests is the bollweevil (Anthonomus grandis grandis), which reducescotton production. This species is native to tropicaland subtropical America, but has been establishedin the USA since the late 1800s (Burke et al. 1986).In the last 100 years, yield losses and control costsagainst this species have been estimated at more than$22 billon (Kaplan 2003). A boll weevil eradicationprogram that started in 1983 (Dickerson et al. 2001),coordinated by the US Department of Agriculture andState agencies, has resulted in the eradication of theweevil from more than 80% of the cotton productionarea in the USA.Blister beetles that contaminate animal feed alsoaffect agriculture. These meloid beetles are sometimesabundant in hay fields and possess cantharidin compoundsthat they use for defense against predators.Farm animals of several species (cows, emus, goats,horses, and sheep) have become ill or died after consumingalfalfa contaminated by dead blister beetles(Capinera et al. 1985). The incidence of this condition,termed cantharidiasis, has increased recently dueto the common practice of hay conditioning, whichcrushes the beetles inside the hay and incorporatesthem into the bales (Capinera et al. 1985, Blodgettet al. 1992).Beetles are important vectors of pathogens to cropsand livestock (Harris 1981). One species, the stripedcucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum), is a specialistherbivore that feeds on plants of the cucumber familyCucurbitaceae. The association of these beetles withthe wilt-inducing plant bacterium Erwinia tracheiphilahas led to major losses in the past (Garcia-Salazar et al.2000). Management of this bacterial wilt relies heavilyon vector management (Ellers-Kirk and Fleischer

280 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.2006) through field and laboratory studies of thebionomics of the striped cucumber beetle and the effectsof varying agricultural practices. The lesser mealwormbeetle (Alphitobius diaperinus) is a common species associatedwith poultry production. It colonizes poultryhouses where it feeds on shed feathers, droppings, andspilled poultry meal, as well as on dead, dying, or newlyborn chicks (Harris 1966, Kumar 1988, Watson et al.2001). Although they have a minor beneficial effectin consuming chicken mites and housefly maggots,thebenefitsaremorethanoffsetbytheirroleinthetransmission of chicken diseases such as Campylobacter,Metarhizum, andSalmonella (Davies and Wray 1995,Alves et al. 2004, Strother et al. 2005).Hinton (1945) stated that the Coleoptera was themost important order of insects attacking stored products.More than 600 species of beetles are associatedwith stored products around the world. Although manyof these species actually eat the stored products, othersfeed on the fungi or other animals that inhabitwarehouses (Bousquet 1990). Some of the most problematicgroups of beetles in stored products are theLaemophloeidae, Dermestidae, and Tenebrionidae. Theredflourbeetle(T.castaneum),oneofthemostfrequentlyencountered pests of stored products, can feed on a widevariety of products in the adult and the larval stages.Because of its economic importance and the ease ofrearing it, the red flour beetle is used extensively as atool in genetics research.Museum collectionsMuseums assemble millions of specimens for researchand public displays. Beetles, especially those belongingto the family Dermestidae, are one of the greatestthreats to the world’s museum collections. Species ofAnthrenus and Dermestes commonly attack and destroypreserved animals such as pinned insects and preservedpelts and skins, as well as cultural artifacts that incorporatehair, wool, fur, leather, feathers, and other animalderivatives (Armes 1988, Campbell et al. 1989). Thecontrol of museum beetle pests is becoming increasinglydifficult because pesticides and fumigants used inthe past can cause health problems for museum workers.Museum-pest research is now focusing largely onpreventive conservation (Goldberg 1996).ForestryMany species of Coleoptera are highly relevant tohumans through their activity as forestry pests. Theassemblage of forest pests varies among countries. Upto 45% of the annual wood volume grown in Swedenwasestimatedtobelosttoonlytwobarkbeetles:Tomicuspiniperda and Ips typographus (Eidmann 1992). Dendroctonusfrontalis, feeding on loblolly pine (P. taeda), killsabout 40,000 trees with a value exceeding $10 millionin the southeastern USA in just 18 months (Strom et al.2004). For these reasons alone, overall losses mightjustifiably be termed significant.Weevils of the subfamilies Scolytinae and Platypodinae(Curculionidae), with 5812 and 1463 species,respectively (Wood and Bright 1992), are the mostinfamous forestry pests. Phloem-feeding, tree-killingbark beetles constitute most of the diversity of theScolytinae. Female bark beetles normally burrow inphloem and lay eggs, from which larvae hatch andconstruct further feeding burrows. Phloem of the dyingor freshly killed trees is the typical environment forthe bark beetles. Many bark beetles use chemical signals(pheromones) to schedule a synergetic attack bymany individuals on a single tree, thus overcoming itsresistance and killing it, making it suitable for beetlereproduction (Paine et al. 1997).One of the most notorious phloem feeders is, however,not a scolytine weevil, but rather the emerald ashborer, Agrilus planipennis, a jewel beetle (Buprestidae).This species, native to the North Asia-Pacific Region,recently was accidentally introduced and establishedin North America. The larvae feed on phloem of ashtrees (Fraxinus spp.) and cause widespread decline andmortality of the trees. The species was first detectedin July 2002 in Detroit (Michigan, USA) and Windsor(Ontario, Canada). The cumulative death toll ofash trees is estimated to be as high as 15 million,many of which are high-value urban trees (Poland andMcCullough 2006). The genus Agrilus is among themost species-rich genera of all organisms, with 2767species worldwide (Bellamy 2003), many of whichhave potential for introduction and forest destructionabroad.Phloem-feeding scolytine beetles are among thespecies most easily introduced accidentally to newregions, primarily through dunnage and casewood(crating) used in international trade. Island countrieslike New Zealand are particularly vulnerable to introductionsbecause of their isolated and mostly endemicnative biota. Some 103 species of scolytine weevilswere intercepted at New Zealand’s borders between1950 and 2000 (Brockerhoff et al. 2006), includinghigh-risk species such as D. ponderosae and I. typographus.The mainland Eurasian species D. micans was

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 281first recorded in Wales in 1982 and since then spreadthroughout the UK (Gilbert et al. 2003). The NorthAmerican species D. valens was introduced to Chinain 2001 and currently infests more than 0.5 millionhectares of pine forest (Cognato et al. 2005). The pineshoot beetle (T. piniperda) is another Palearctic barkbeetle recently introduced to North America. Since itsdiscovery in Ohio in 1992, this beetle has becomeestablished in Ontario and Quebec and in 13 states inthe northcentral and northeastern USA (Morgan et al.2004). Haack (2006) reviewed the history of bark- andwood-boring beetles introduced to the USA for the last20 years and concluded that 2 exotic Buprestidae, 5Cerambycidae, and 18 Scolytinae species have beenintroduced and are expanding their ranges in NorthAmerica.Although most forestry-important Coleopteraspecies are phloem feeders, many beetles also tunnelthrough sapwood, weakening or killing the host tree.Ambrosia weevils of the Scolytinae and Platypodinaehave evolved a type of agriculture, cultivating ambrosiafungi in their burrows (Farrell et al. 2001).The Asian longhorn beetle Anoplophora glabripennis(Fig. 11.1d) emerged recently as the top-profile beetlein the news in North America and, partly, WesternEurope. In the early 1990s, this species hitchhikedwith international trade across the Pacific Ocean andinfested urban forests in the USA and Canada, with thepotential of rapidly killing trees of many species. Thisalarming news prompted government agencies to cutdown thousands of trees in New Jersey, New York, andToronto in an effort to eradicate the species. The genusAnoplophora has some 35 other species in NorthwestAsia, which remained poorly studied taxonomicallyuntil recently revised by Lingafelter and Hoebeke(2002). Their study indicates that other Anoplophoraspecies also could become introduced pests overseas.Forestry in the Southern Hemisphere is based mainlyon the hardwood Eucalyptus trees, which also have anassociated complex of beetle pests. The Christmas beetleAnoplognathus chloropyrus (Scarabaeinae), and the leafbeetles Paropsis atomaria, P. charybdis, and some othertaxonomically poorly known Paropsinae (Chrysomelidae)are significant defoliators of commercially growneucalypts in Queensland, Australia (Johns et al. 2004,Nahrung 2004).Many highly destructive fungal forest pathogensare transmitted by beetles. Black-stain root disease ofconifers in western North America, for example, iscaused by the ophiostomatoid fungus Leptographiumwageneri. Spores of this species were detected in 37%of bark beetles in California, with individual beetlescarrying up to 100,000 spores (Schweigkofler et al.2005). The mountain pine beetle (D. ponderosae) andits mutualistically associated blue-stain fungi (Ophiostomaspp.) have benefited from unusually high wintertemperatures, which have lowered larval mortality inrecentyears. These factors created the largestbeetle epidemicin Canada’s history, primarily killing lodgepolepines (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) in British Columbia(Kim et al. 2005). This phenomenon of beetle-fungusmutualistic association is not restricted to bark andambrosia beetles, but has evolved independently in afew other beetle taxa.An understanding of the biodiversity of treeassociatedbeetles is relevant to the world forest industry.To date, only a few groups, such as the Europeanand North American bark and ambrosia beetles, areadequately known taxonomically. Most tree-livingbeetle species beyond these two geographical regionsremain inadequately known.Positive effects of beetlesBiological control of weedsPlant-feeding beetles, primarily of the familiesCurculionidae and Chrysomelidae, have been usedsuccessfully to control the spread of invasive alienplant species throughout the world. Weeds havebeen transported accidentally throughout the worldfor centuries and the trend is increasing with globaltrade (Mason et al. 2002). Once established in a newarea, weeds often spread quickly, primarily becauseof the absence of insect herbivores associated withthem. Weed biological control, or the introduction andmanipulation of natural enemies to reduce the spread ofinvasive weeds, is often used as a pesticide-free controlmethod. Careful studies of the biodiversity and biologyof beetles in the weed’s country of origin are necessaryfor safe and efficient control (O’Brien 1995, Rea 1997,Lindgren et al. 2002). Recent success stories includecontrol of houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale),using a weevil (Fig. 11.1c) (De Clerck-Floate et al.2005), and control of purple loosestrife (Lythrumsalicaria), using two species of leaf beetles (Lindgrenet al. 2002).Dung removalA single cow can produce more than 9000 kg of solidwaste every year (Fincher 1981). The accumulation of

282 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.dung from agricultural activities pollutes waterways,reduces pasture quality, and creates microhabitats forthe development of flies and other pests. Dung beetles(members of the families Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae)promote manure decomposition by burying it inthe ground for larval food. Dung beetles annually averteconomic losses to the USA of US$0.38 billion by acceleratingburial of livestock feces (Losey and Vaughan2006). Dung beetles have been imported into countries,such as Australia, where an increase of livestockdung could not be removed by native species (Hugheset al. 1975). Dung beetles also provide a vital ecosystemservice in urban environments where they use dogdung, thereby reducing stream pollution and improvingnutrient-poor soils (Wallace 2005).PollinationBeetles, along with other insect groups, are criticallyimportant in the pollination of cultivated and wildplants. Pollination by beetles is often referred to ascantharophily. The Coleoptera are considered the mostprimitive pollinators (Kevan and Baker 1983). Beetleshave been associated with flowering plants overmillions of years, leading in some cases to the evolutionof specialized structures in the host-plant flowersand in their beetle pollinators (Barth 1985, Fensteret al. 2004). Thirty-four families of flowering plantscontain at least one species that is pollinated primarilyby beetles (Bernhardt 2000). In some ecosystemssuch as cloud forests, more than 45% of palms andherbs rely on beetles for pollination (Seres and Ramírez1995). A recent decline in native and nonnative pollinatorsworldwide was attributed to pesticide use,habitat loss, plant biodiversity loss, and poor agriculturalpractices (Allen-Wardell et al. 1998). If this trendcontinues, we can expect threats to our food supply andglobal biodiversity (Allen-Wardell et al. 1998).Beetles of cultural importanceBeetles have cultural significance to societies aroundthe world. The most ubiquitous of these cultural practicesis the use of beetles as a food and the traditionsaround that use. Beetles are recognized by most indigenoussocieties as a good source of food that addsprotein to the diet. Onore (1997) surveyed humanentomophagy in Ecuador and found that at least 30species of beetles were eaten. Onore’s list includes manyof the large and common beetles found near settlementsin the Ecuadorian highlands. Smith and Paucar(2000) provide a detailed account of the traditions surroundingthe eating of the scarab beetle Platycoelialutescens. Based on these accounts, the practice ofentomophagy appears widespread and important toEcuadorian society, especially among the rural people.Ecuadorians are generally familiar with how and whento collect and prepare these beetles for food (Smith andPaucar 2000). In another example, Utsunomiya andMasumoto (1999) found striking similarities in beetleconsumption practices in northern Thailand andEcuador. In northern Thailand, approximately 100different species of beetles were eaten, with 89% ofrespondents listing ‘taste’ as the answer to the questionof why insects are eaten. Cultural traditions surroundingbeetle consumption are not restricted to Ecuadorand Thailand. They also have been observed in manyother world cultures. However, these traditions may bein decline because of conflict with taboos of Westernculture against eating beetles. For more information,the website <strong>Insect</strong>s as Food (www.food-insects.com), byGene DeFoliart, is a tremendous resource about the useof insects as food.Perhaps the best-known use of beetles in mythologyand religion concerns the sacred scarab of theancient Egyptians. The symbol of a scarab beetle wasused prominently over a period spanning approximately3000 years, starting with the 1st Dynasty(about 5000 years ago) (Cambefort 1994) and endingwith the conquest of the land of the Pharaohs by theRoman Empire. Ancient Egyptians likened the rolling ofdung balls by dung beetles to the sun rolling across thesky each day. Because the sun was thought to be reborneach day, scarab beetles became powerful symbolsof resurrection and eternal life, which were prominentaspects of ancient Egyptian mythology. Through3000 years of ancient Egyptian cultural development,an elaborate mythology developed around scarab beetles,including the incorporation of scarab pupation(likened to mummification) and other aspects of theirnatural history and life cycle into mythological stories.Cambefort (1994) gives a detailed review of allfacets of the use of scarab beetles by ancient Egyptians.Kritsky (1991) and Cambefort (1994) reported thatthe carvings and symbols of Buprestidae and Elateridaealso held meaning to the ancient Egyptians. Theyhypothesized that buprestids symbolized the Egyptianmyth of rebirth, perhaps due to the emergence of adultbeetles from the trunks of living trees.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 283In many countries, keeping personal beetlecollections and live beetles are popular leisure activities,especially in Europe, Japan, and North America.Beetles are a major component of the multimilliondollar insect trade. This trade is conducted by mail andinternet or at annual insect fairs in cities includingLos Angeles, Paris, Prague, and Tokyo. Keeping livebeetles is popular in Japan, where an industry providesnot only live beetles, but also the required food andother paraphernalia for keeping them alive. Evidencefor the popularity of this pastime in Japan can be seenon the website www.youtube.com, which featuresnumerous Japanese videos of live beetles.Beetles of medical and legal importanceMedical entomologyBlistering of human skin (dermatosis) can be causedby beetles of the families Meloidae, Oedemeridae, andStaphylinidae (Paederus and Paederinus) (Nicholls et al.1990). Dermatosis occurs when a beetle’s hemolymphis released onto the skin after it is crushed or brushedaccidentally. The vesicant chemical compound in thebody fluids of the Meloidae and Oedemeridae is cantharidin,whereas pederin is the vesicant in beetlesof the genera Paederus and Paederinus (Mackie et al.1945, Nichols et al. 1990, Piel et al. 2005). Thesechemicals are generally used by the beetles againstpredators (Pinto and Bologna 2002).Pederin belongs to a group of complex compoundsfound only in these staphylinid genera and a few marinesponges (Piel et al. 2004a). This compound is foundonly in females of some species in these genera and isthought to be produced by symbiotic bacteria (Kellner2001). Research on the biosynthesis and mode of actionof pederin has increased in recent years since it wasfound that related compounds have potent antitumorproperties (Piel et al. 2004a, b). Pederin inhibits proteinbiosynthesis in tumor cells, and the isolation ofpederin-producing genes in these symbiotic bacteriamight lead to the development of anticancer drugs (Pielet al. 2005).Canthariasis is a term used to describe the infection ofhuman internal organs by beetles. The most commontype of canthariasis occurs when people accidentally orvoluntarily ingest beetles. Accidental ingestions generallyoccur when people eat foods contaminated bystored-product pests. Adults, larvae, and cast skins canbe ingested in this manner, resulting in irritation of thedigestive system or allergic responses. The inadvertentingestion of larder beetle larvae (Dermestes lardarius,Dermestidae), which are covered by long, narrow, andbarbed setae, can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, andperianal itch (Goddard 2000).Deliberate ingestion of beetles for medicinal purposesalso has also been reported. One of the better-knowninsect-derived medicinal compounds – in the familiesMeloidae and Oedemeridae – is cantharidin. Theinsect referred to as Spanish fly (Lytta vesicatoria) isa European meloid beetle. Dried, crushed beetles containingcantharidins have been ingested as a vesicantto treat various ailments and to serve as an aphrodisiacfor millennia (Karras et al. 1996). Cantharidincan be toxic to humans, and illness caused by itsabuse is significant (Sandorini 2001). Ingestion of livedarkling beetles (Ulomoides dermestoides) for similarpurposes was reported from Southeast Asia (Sandorini2001). The practice of ingesting beetles for food ormedicine is risky because some beetles are intermediatehosts for tapeworms and nematodes that latercan infect vertebrates (Mackie et al. 1945, Halffter andMatthews 1966, Lethbridge 1971), possibly includinghumans (Chu et al. 1977).One type of canthariasis, called scarabiasis, refers tothe short-term infestation of the human gut by adultdung beetles (Scarabaeidae). This condition usuallyaffects preschool children in the tropics. The infestationbegins when dung beetles, attracted to lights at night,fly into dwellings with naked, sleeping children. Adultdung beetles, usually shorter than 1 cm, follow thesmell of feces and are thought to enter the anus andfeed internally (Arrow 1931, Halffter and Matthews1966). Adult beetles are often seen flying away fromnewly passed stool (Rajapakse 1981). Other types ofcanthariasis involve the infrequent urinary, ocular,nasal, and cutaneous infections to humans caused bybeetle eggs, larvae, or adults (Mackie et al. 1945).Several families of elateroid beetles produce light,using a biochemical reaction (Lloyd 1983, Viviani2002). Light is produced when enzymes calledluciferases catalyze the oxidisation of luciferin compounds.Beetles principally use this cold light, calledbioluminescence, for sexual communication purposes,although other possible functions, includingaposematic signals, attraction of prey, and defense, arepossible (Lloyd 1983, Underwood et al. 1997). Studiesof firefly (Lampyridae) light production have resulted inthe development of several medical applications, based

284 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.on the use of luciferases and their associated genes.These applications range from studies of monitoringthe progress of infections such as HIV (Contag et al.1997) to visualizing living cells in human embryonicdevelopment (Greer and Szalay 2002). Luciferaseshave played a significant role in the developmentof more efficient drugs for many diseases (Viviani2002).Forensic entomologyThe major contribution of insects in criminal casesinvolving homicide is to estimate the limits of thepostmortem interval (time between death and discoveryof the body). Flies are a dominant group onhuman corpses, although several groups of beetles arealso associated with dead bodies, either preying onother arthropods developing on carcasses or actuallyfeeding on the body (Smith 1986, Catts and Haskell1990). The postmortem interval is usually estimatedfrom experimental studies using pigs or other vertebrates,and then applied to human corpses in criminalcases (Tabor et al. 2004, Arnaldos et al. 2005). Theperiod of development of the beetles and the successionof species that colonize carcasses in various stages ofdecomposition provide data for estimating the postmorteminterval (Franc et al. 1989, Moura et al. 1997,Carvalho et al. 2000, Turchetto and Vanin 2004). Successionof beetle species tends to follow a rough patternfrom an initial fresh stage of decomposition, throughbloated and active decay stages to a final dry stage.The Dermestidae (skin beetles) and Cleridae (bone beetles)are among the most common beetles on corpsesand have provided important postmortem information,especially for finds of dry skeletal remains (de Souza andLinhares 1997, Kulshrestha and Satpathy 2001).Although most experimental postmortem-intervalstudies use bodies on the ground surface, someresearch has examined buried or submergedbodies (Smith 1986). A few beetles (e.g., Histeridae,Silphidae, and Staphylinidae) are associated withburied bodies (Payne et al. 1968, VanLaerhoven andAnderson 1999, Bourel et al. 2004). Molecular andtoxicological analyses show that necrophagous beetlesalso could be informative for criminal cases involvingbadly decomposed bodies (DiZinno et al. 2002),movement of bodies (Benecke 1998), and bodieswith toxic substances (e.g., drugs, heavy metals, andpoisons) (Bourel et al. 2001, Gagliano-Candela andAventaggiato 2001).Beetles as research toolsBeetles are used widely as research tools in biophysicsand related disciplines. Because they are the mostdiverse animal order, beetles possess great potentialfor bioengineering studies. Geometry and mechanics ofelytral opening and closing are studied by aeronauticand astronautic engineers (Frantsevich et al. 2005).Whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae), roughly 1 cm in length,swim on the water surface at 55 cm s −1 and are capableof making 12 horizontal rotations per second (Fish andNicastro 2003), which would be a dream performancefor any human-made autonomous device. Aquatic larvaeof Hydrobius fuscipes (Hydrophilidae) demonstratehow simple side-to-side body movements in swimmingcan easily be adapted, through the use of trachealgills, as anchors in a novel kind of limbless skatingon the lower surface of the water (Brackenbury 1999).Study of walking mechanics in Pachnoda marginata(Scarabaeidae) gave better understanding of frictionforces between the tarsal claw systems and walkingsubstrates (Dai et al. 2002). Specialized insect adhesivedevices, such as the arolium, euplantulae, pulvilli, andtarsal hairs (Gorb 2001), inspired engineers to developnovel adhesive surfaces. Legs of the leaf beetle Gratianaspadicea (Chrysomelidae) attach to leaf surfacesby matching tarsal claw aperture with that of pointedrays of the host-plant trichomes (Medeiros and Moreira2002). Wide, bilobed tarsi of rove beetle in the genusStenus (Staphylinidae) allow the beetles to run well onsolid surfaces or water (Betz 2002).The high diversity of beetles makes them usefultools for physiological research. Studies of musclefunction in arthropods, using the beetle Cotinus mutabilis(Scarabaeidae), suggest that asynchronous flightmuscles can provide greater power output than synchronousmuscles for operation at the high-contractionfrequencies of insect flight (Josephson et al. 2001).Some dung-rolling scarab beetles (Scarabaeus species)possess a highly evolved sense of polarized light, a senselacking in humans. The crepuscular beetle Scarabaeuszambesianus rolls dung balls away from the dung pileto avoid competition, navigating by polarized skylightsensed by specialized ommatidia of the dorsal rimsof its eyes (Dacke et al. 2003). Different biophysicaland behavioral aspects of bioluminescence of glowworms(Phengodidae), click beetles (Elateridae), andfireflies (Lampyridae) have fueled research on the evolutionof color vision (Stolz 2003, Booth et al. 2004).Recent discoveries of the abilities of tiger and scarab

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Coleoptera 285beetles (Cicindelidae and Scarabaeidae) to use pairedmembranous ears to detect airborne sounds (Forrestet al. 1997) shed light on the evolution of this sense inthe Animalia.Many phytophagous beetles rely on aggregationpheromones to coordinate different aspects of theirbiology. Bark beetles use pheromones to coordinatean attack on the host tree (Raffa and Berryman 1983).RecentdiscoveryofthefirstpheromonefortheColoradopotato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, is unusualbecause it is the first male-produced pheromoneknown in the Chrysomelidae (Dickens et al. 2002).In longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), males use sexpheromonestoattractfemalesoraggregate(Laceyet al.2004).Biochemistry and DNA research are areas in whichbeetles are particularly important as research tools. Triboliumcastaneum, the red flour beetle (Tenebrionidae),is a common insect pest of stored grains worldwide.This species is similar to the famous fruit fly, Drosophilamelanogaster, in that it is used widely in genetics anddevelopmental biology research. The red flour beetle is,to date, the only beetle for which a complete genomesequence is published. Its genome consists of about200 million nucleotides arranged in a haploid set of10 chromosomes. For comparison, the human genomehas about 15 times more nucleotides and a haploid setof 23 chromosomes. T. castaneum was the first animalreported to produce inhibitors of prostaglandin synthetase,which were purified from the beetle’s defensivesecretions (Howard et al. 1986). These substances areused widely in aspirin-like anti-inflammatory drugs.This beetle is also intensively studied as a model forunderstanding the mechanisms of insect resistance toinsecticides.Beetles, however, are underrepresented in genomicdatabases. A total of 170,611 beetle nucleotidesequences were found in the National Center forBiotechnology Information (www.ncbi.nln.noh.gov;entry date 25 January 2007), about 60% of whichare from Tribolium. This figure is much lower thanthat for Diptera (2,619,203 entries; 1,747,519 fromDrosophila) and Lepidoptera (582,918) and justslightly higher than for Hymenoptera (159,989).Mitochondrial and RNA-coding genes are sequencedmost often (primarily for phylogenetic comparison) forbeetles, while sequenced protein-coding genes remainfew (Theodorides et al. 2002). Thus, coleopterangenes, particularly protein-coding regions, remain ahuge area for fruitful investigation.Using beetles as research tools sheds light on bizarreaspects of evolution, some of which are unique. Forexample, M. debilis, the sole North American memberof the family Micromalthidae, possesses one of themost bizarre life cycles in the Metazoa. This species combinesboth thelytokous and viviparous larviform diploidfemales and rare haploid males, which eat and kill theirown mothers from inside her body (Pollock and Normark2002). The second known case of haplodiploidsex determination in beetles is that of some scolytineweevils including Ozopemon from Southeast Asia,which is also the only beetle genus having neotenicand strangely modified larviform males (once thoughtto be histerids) (Jordal et al. 2002). The huge diversityof ecological relationships with other organisms makesbeetles ideal research tools for understanding suchevolutionaryphenomenaassociality (Scott1998),parasitism(Weber et al. 2006), symbiosis (Kellner 2003),and phoresy (Bologna and Pinto 2001).Groups of beetles with well-resolved phylogenies arepowerful tools in biogeographical and paleogeographicalreconstructions. Most commonly, these reconstructionsare achieved using molecular data for the specieswith limited dispersal capacities, such as flightlessScarabaeus dung beetles (Scarabaeidae), which showgrades of colonization of the Namib Desert in theMiocene (Sole et al. 2005). Phylogenetic trees inferredfrom mtDNA of darkling beetles of the genus Nesotes(Tenebrionidae) provided insight into how the genuscolonized the Canary Islands (Rees et al. 2001). Thewell-resolved phylogeny of endemic Iberian diving beetles(Dytiscidae) indicated that their speciation wasinduced by repeated fragmentation of populations duringglacial and interglacial periods (Ribera and Vogler2004). Patterns of insect colonization of Pacific Islandswere deduced based on the distribution and phylogenyof Colymbetinae diving beetles (Dytiscidae) on NewCaledonia and Fiji (Balke et al. 2007). Analysis of fossiland subfossil chitinous remains of beetles in Quaternarysediments (1.8 Ma–present) provides insights intopast environments and climates, particularly quantitativeestimates of temperatures and precipitationlevels (Porch and Elias 2000). All these studies capitalizedon the diversity and relative abundance of beetlesto focus on more inclusive natural phenomena.Fireflies have been used extensively for research onbioluminescence (McElroy and DeLuca 1983, Viviani2002). In addition to the important medical applicationsthat have resulted from such studies, bioluminescenceresearch has yielded several applications

Table 11.2 Coleoptera on the ‘Red List of Threatened Species’ (IUCN 2006).Family Scientific Name Common Name Status DistributionAnthicidae Anthicus sacramento Sacramento beetle Endangered United StatesBuprestidae Buprestis splendens Goldstreifiger Vulnerable Albania, Austria, Belarus, Denmark,Finland, Greece, Poland, RussianFederation, Serbia and Montenegro,Spain, SwedenCarabidae Carabus olympiae Vulnerable France (int), ItalyCarabidae Cicindela columbica Columbia River tigerbeetleVulnerable United StatesCarabidae Cicindela puritana Puritan tiger beetle Endangered United StatesUnited StatesCarabidae Elaphrus viridis Delta green groundbeetleCriticallyendangeredCarabidae Mecodema punctellum Extinct New Zealand (RE)Cerambycidae Cerambyx cerdo Cerambyx longicorn Vulnerable Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Czech Republic, France,Georgia, Germany, Hungary, IslamicRepublic of Iran, Republic ofMoldova, Morocco, Poland, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey,Ukraine, United KingdomCerambycidae Morimus funereus Vulnerable Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany,Hungary, Moldova, Republic ofRomania, Serbia and Montenegro,Slovakia, UkraineCerambycidae Rosalia alpina Rosalia longicorn Vulnerable Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Islamic Republic ofIran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon,Liechtenstein, Morocco, Netherlands,Poland, Portugal, Romania, RussianFederation, Serbia and Montenegro,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, SyrianArab Republic, Tunisia, UkraineCerambycidae Xylotoles costatus Pitt Island longicornbeetleEndangered New Zealand (Chatham Is.)Cerambycidae Macrodontia cervicornis Vulnerable Brazil, Peru286

Cucujidae Cucujus cinnaberinus Vulnerable Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic,Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary,Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland,Romania, Russian Federation, Serbiaand Montenegro, Slovakia, SwedenCurculionidae Dryophthorus distinguendus Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Dryotribus mimeticus Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Karocolens tuberculatus Extinct New Zealand [RE]Curculionidae Macrancylus linearis Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Oedemasylus laysanensis Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Rhyncogonus bryani Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Gymnopholus lichenifer Lichen weevil Vulnerable Papua New GuineaCurculionidae Pentarthrum blackburni Blackburn’s weevil Extinct United States [RE] (Hawaiian Is. [RE])Curculionidae Trigonoscuta rossi Fort Ross weevil Extinct United States [RE]Curculionidae Trigonoscuta yorbalindae Yorba Linda Weevil Extinct United States [RE]Dytiscidae Acilius duvergeri Vulnerable Algeria, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, SpainDytiscidae Agabus clypealis Endangered Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Poland,Russian Federation, SwedenDytiscidae Agabus discicollis Endangered EthiopiaDytiscidae Agabus hozgargantae Endangered SpainDytiscidae Deronectes aljibensis Endangered SpainDytiscidae Deronectes depressicollis Vulnerable SpainDytiscidae Deronectes ferrugineus Vulnerable PortugalDytiscidae Dytiscus latissimus Vulnerable Austria, Belarus, Belgium [RE], Bosniaand Herzegovina, Croatia [RE?],Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,France [RE], Germany [RE], Hungary[RE?], Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg [RE],Netherlands [RE], Norway, Poland,Romania [RE?], Russian Federation,Slovakia [RE?], Sweden, Switzerland[RE?], Ukraine(continued)287

Table 11.2 (continued).Family Scientific Name Common Name Status DistributionDytiscidae Graphoderus bilineatus Vulnerable Austria, Belgium [RE?], Bosniaand Herzegovina, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Finland,France, Germany, Hungary,Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg,Netherlands, Norway, Poland,Russian Federation, Serbia andMontenegro, Slovakia,Switzerland, Turkmenistan,Ukraine, United Kingdom [RE]Dytiscidae Graptodytes delectus Endangered Spain (Canary Is.)Dytiscidae HydrotarsuscompunctusCritically endangeredSpain (Canary Is.)Dytiscidae Hydrotarsus pilosus Endangered Spain (Canary Is.)Dytiscidae Hygrotus artus Mono Lake diving beetle Extinct United States [RE]Dytiscidae Megadytes ducalis Extinct Brazil [RE]Dytiscidae Meladema imbricata Critically endangeredSpain (Canary Is.)Dytiscidae Meladema lanio Vulnerable Portugal (Madeira)Dytiscidae Rhantus alutaceus Endangered New CaledoniaDytiscidae RhantusExtinct New Caledonia [RE]novacaledoniaeDytiscidae Rhantus orbignyi Extinct Argentina [RE], Brazil [RE]Dytiscidae Rhantus papuanus Extinct Papua New Guinea (RE)Dytiscidae Rhithrodytes agnus Endangered PortugalDytiscidae Siettitia balsetensis Perrin’s cave beetle Extinct France [RE]Elmidae Stenelmis gammoni Gammon’s riffle beelte Vulnerable United StatesLeiodidae GlacicavicolabathysciodesBlind cave beetle Vulnerable United StatesLucanidae Colophon barnardi Endangered South AfricaLucanidae Colophon berrisfordi Critically endangeredSouth AfricaLucanidae Colophon cameroni Vulnerable South AfricaLucanidae Colophon cassoni Critically endangeredSouth AfricaLucanidae Colophon eastmani Endangered South AfricaLucanidae Colophon haughtoni Endangered South Africa288

Lucanidae Colophon montisatris Critically endangeredSouth AfricaLucanidae Colophon neli Vulnerable South AfricaLucanidae Colophon primosi Critically endangeredSouth AfricaLucanidae Colophon stokoei Vulnerable South AfricaLucanidae Colophon thunbergi Endangered South AfricaLucanidae Colophon westwoodi Vulnerable South AfricaLucanidae Colophon whitei Endangered South AfricaScarabaeidae Aegialia concinna Ciervo scarab beetle Vulnerable United StatesScarabaeidae Aegialia crescenta Crescent dune scarab beetle Vulnerable United StatesScarabaeidae Prodontria lewisi Cromwell chafer beetle Critically endangeredNew ZealandScarabaeidae Osmoderma eremita Hermit beetle Vulnerable Austria, Belarus, Belgium, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia,Liechtenstein, Lithuania,Republic of Moldova,Netherlands, Norway, Poland,Russian Federation, Serbia andMontenegro, Slovakia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, UkraineScarabaeidae Pseudocotalpa giulianii Giuliani’s dune scarab beetle Vulnerable United StatesSilphidae NicrophorusamericanusAmerican burying beetle Critically endangeredUnited States, Canada [RE]Tenebrionidae Coelus globosus Globose dune beetle Vulnerable Mexico, United StatesTenebrionidae Coelus gracilis San Joachin dune beetle Vulnerable United StatesTenebrionidae PolposipusherculeanusFrigate Island gianttenebrionid beetleCritically endangeredSeychellesSpecies are listed alphabetically by family. RE = regionally extinct, int = introduced.289

290 Patrice Bouchard, Vasily V. Grebennikov, Andrew B. T. Smith, et al.commonly used by humans. For example, luciferasesare routinely used as environmental biosensors.Several applications have been developed to enhancethe monitoring and detection of pollutants suchas agrochemicals, lead, and mercury (Naylor1999).Threatened BeetlesMany beetles are especially vulnerable to local andglobal extinction. These beetles often have low powersof dispersal (flightless), only occur in extreme orspecific microhabitats, or occur over small geographicalareas. Beetles of oceanic islands, isolated dunes,caves, mountains, and other ecological islands fitinto this category. In addition to beetles consideredthreatened locally or globally (Table 11.2), 69 globallythreatened species appear on the International Unionfor Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources’‘Red List of Threatened Species’ either as vulnerable(27), endangered (16), critically endangered (10), orextinct (16). These species belong to 13 families andoccur in 60 countries. Human activities, such as habitatdestruction and the introduction of invasive alienspecies, continue to threaten many of the world’s naturalecosystems and the myriad of beetle species inthem (Spence and Spence 1988, Kamoun 1996, Martikainenand Kouki 2003, Munks et al. 2004, Abellanet al. 2005, Davis and Philips 2005, Bouchard et al.2006, Talley and Holyoak 2006). We argue that thenumber of species currently listed as vulnerable, threatened,or extinct represents a gross underestimationof the number that should be targeted for conservation.CONCLUSIONSBeetles are a superdiverse group of arthropods thatoccur in most habitats on this planet. Their influenceon science and society is great. Beetles provide essentialecological services and are used as tools in many scientificendeavors, some with large effects on humans.On the other hand, beetles continue to have negativeeffects on vital industries such as agriculture andforestry. Studies on beetle biodiversity and the conservationof their habitats are necessary to ensure thesustainability of natural ecosystems and critical humanactivities.REFERENCESAbellan, P., D. Sanchez-Fernandez, J. Velasco, and A. Millan.2005. Conservation of freshwater biodiversity: a comparisonof different area selection methods. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> andConservation 14: 3457–3474.Acorn, J. 2006. The world’s biggest bug is a grub. AmericanEntomologist 52: 270–272.Allen-Wardell, G., P. Bernhardt, R. Bitner, A. Burquez,S. Buchmann, J. Cane, P. Cox, V. Dalton, P. Feinsinger,M. Ingram, D. Inouye, C. Jones, K. Kennedy, P. Kevan,H. Koopowitz, R. Medellin, S. Medellin-Morales, G. Nabhan,B. Pavlik, V. Tepedino, P. Torchio, and S. Walker. 1998.The potential consequences of pollinator declines on theconservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields.Conservation Biology 12: 8–17.Alves, L. F. A., V. S. Alves, D. F. Bressan, P. M. O. J. Neves, andS. B. Alves. 2004. Natural occurrence of Metarhizium anisopliae(Metsch.) Sorok. on adults of the lesser mealworm(Alphitobius diaperinus) (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)in poultry houses in Cascavel, PR, Brazil. NeotropicalEntomology 33: 793–795.Anderson, R. S. 1995. An evolutionary perspective on diversityin Curculionoidea. Memoirs of the Entomological Societyof Washington 14: 103–118.Anderson, R. S. 2002. Curculionidae Latreille 1802.Pp. 722–815. In R. H. Arnett, Jr., M. C. Thomas,P. E. Skelley, and J. H. Frank (eds). American Beetles,Volume2. CRC Press, New York.Anderson, R. S. and J. S. Ashe. 2000. Leaf litter inhabiting beetlesas surrogates for establishing priorities for conservationof selected tropical montane cloud forests in Honduras, CentralAmerica (Coleoptera; Staphylinidae, Curculionidae).<strong>Biodiversity</strong> and Conservation 9: 617–653.Andres, A. 1931. Catalogue of the Egyptian Tenebrionidae.Bulletin de la Société Royale Entomologique d’Egypte 15:74–125.Archangelsky, M., R. G. Beutel, and A. Komarek. 2005.Hydrophiloidea. Introduction, Phylogeny. Pp. 157–183.In R. G. Beutel and R. A. B. Leschen (eds). Handbook of Zoology:A Natural History of the Phyla of the Animal Kingdom,Volume IV. Arthropoda: <strong>Insect</strong>a, <strong>Part</strong> 38. Coleoptera, Beetles,Volume 1. Morphology and Systematics. Walter deGruyter, Berlin.Arellano, L. and G. Halffter. 2003. Gamma diversity: derivedfrom and a determinant of alpha diversity and beta diversity.An analysis of three tropical landscapes. Acta ZoologicaMexicana (Nueva Serie) 90: 27–76.Armes, N. J. 1988. The seasonal activity of Anthrenus sarnicusand some other beetle pests in the museum environment.Journal of Stored Products Research 24: 29–37.Arnaldos, M. I., M. D. Garcia, E. Romera, J. J. Presa, andA. Luna. 2005. Estimation of postmortem interval in realcases based on experimentally obtained entomological evidence.Forensic Science International 149: 57–65.

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Chapter 12<strong>Biodiversity</strong>of HymenopteraJohn T. HuberCanadian Forestry Service, K. W. Neatby Bldg., 960 Carling Ave.,Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6 Canada<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9303

The most widely recognized hymenopterans –bees, ants, and wasps or hornets – have longbeen part of art, ritual, and folklore worldwide(Proverbs 6: 6; Deuteronomy 1: 44; Exodus 23:28; Chauvin 1968; Hanson and Gauld 1995, 2006;Turillazzi and West-Eberhard 1996). Bees have beenrecorded since stone-age times, as seen in cave paintings(Gore and Lavies 1976, Valli and Summers 1988),and the first recorded human casualty as a result of awasp sting, 4500 years ago, was King Menes, Pharaohof Egypt (Spradberry 1973). Fig wasps (Figs. 12.1 Aand B), despite their small size and inconspicuoushabits,wereknowntotheancientGreeksandEgyptians(Kevan and Phillips 2001).The order Hymenoptera contains far more, and morediverse, species than simply ants, bees, and wasps.Other common names for some hymenopterans includepaper wasp, potter wasp, yellow jacket, bumblebee,velvet ant, wood wasp, and horntail. These nameshave a narrower meaning than ‘wasp’ or ‘ant’, butthey are still collective names for multiple species in asingle genus. Common names are given to few identifiablespecies of Hymenoptera, usually pests. MostHymenoptera belong to groups unknown to the generalpublic. These are small (usually less than 5 mm long)parasitic species that go about their lives unnoticed byall but the insect taxonomist, ecologist, biological controlresearcher, or dedicated naturalist, and are oftenunnamed, even scientifically. Most also lack Englishgroup names, though they might have anglicized groupnames based on their scientific name (e.g., ichneumonwasp). If they have a common name, it is usuallyfor species that have secondarily reverted to plantfeeding or pollinating habits, such as ‘gall wasp’ and‘fig wasp’.EVOLUTION AND HIGHERCLASSIFICATIONHymenoptera first appear in the fossil record in the lateTriassic, about 230 million years ago. The primitivelineages were plant feeding; the parasitoid mode of lifeand stinging Hymenoptera did not appear until about210 and 155 million years ago, respectively (Grimaldiand Engel 2005). Some groups are extinct, and todayseveral small, archaic, rarely collected hymenopteranfamilies are found mainly or exclusively in the southernhemisphere. The order, nonetheless, diversifiedtremendously over the past 150–200 million years.Both extant and extinct Hymenoptera are classifiedinto two broad groups, Symphyta and Apocrita(Ronquist 1999a). The Symphyta (sawflies, woodwasps, and horntails) include the most primitivehymenopterans and comprise about 7% of theHymenoptera. The group grades into the Apocritathrough the Orussidae, the only symphytan familywith parasitic larvae (Vilhelmsen 2001, 2003).Most symphytans have a conspicuous, free-living,caterpillar-like larva that feeds on leaves; therelatively few leaf-mining and stem- and wood-boringspecies have a more grub-like larva. Because certainsymphytans occasionally can be pests of trees andshrubs, they have received considerable attention fromforesters, horticulturalists, and home gardeners. TheApocrita comprise about 93% of the Hymenopteraand are subdivided into the Aculeata (stinginghymenopterans), which include familiar species suchas ants, social wasps, and bees, and the Parasitica,a diverse and abundant group of usually small,inconspicuous species, most of which parasitize insectsand spiders. Because they differ fundamentally fromtrue parasites, which spend their entire lives inside oron a host and do not usually kill it, they are betterknown as parasitoids – insects with free-living adultswhose larvae develop singly or gregariously on or in asingle host individual, eventually killing it. The larvaeof Aculeata are usually grublike and are not free living.NUMBERS OF SPECIESAND INDIVIDUALSHymenoptera have diversified into a variety ofmorphological forms and ways of life and might be thelargest order of insects (Gaston 1993, Austin and Dowton2000), though currently the order ranks secondor third after the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera (Stork1997). Pagliano and Scaramozzino (1990) countedapproximately 125,000 described species and morethan 17,000 generic names but, based on species-arearelationships, Ulrich (1999a) estimated that thenumber of species could be one million. Pagliano(2006) enumerated 140,470 valid species, 12,167valid subspecies, 46,213 species synonyms, and 1712subspecies synonyms, for a total of 200,562 names.These names are classified in 8359 valid extant generaand 715 valid fossil genera. Recent counts (Table 12.1)total about 144,695 extant species. Most describedspecies are of temperate distribution, where a far

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 305higher proportion of the fauna has been described,compared with tropical areas (Gaston 1993). Amongthe five temperate regions that Gaston compared, thebest known fauna is Britain’s, where an estimated 82%of the species are named, and the most poorly known isSwitzerland’s, where only 21% are named. Not all theremaining species in these areas need to be describedbecause they might have been described from nearbycountries, but the numbers demonstrate that even intemperate zones, the proportions of named species canbe relatively low. Furthermore, Gaston’s (1993) figuresmight be optimistic because taxonomists estimate thatin groups such as the small parasitic wasps much lessthan 10% of the species have been described worldwide.The number of individuals of various hymenopteransat the family or superfamily level that can becollected at a given locality varies considerably. Twosurveys in Europe, one in a forest for all Hymenopteraand another in agroecosystems for Parasitica only,indicate relative numbers. Martínez de Murgía et al.(2001) collected 78,229 specimens representing 12superfamilies (35 families) in Malaise traps in a forestin Spain. The numbers of specimens in the three majordivisions of Hymenoptera were 440 (0.6%) Symphyta,1270 (1.6%) Aculeata, and 76,519 (97.8%) Parasitica.The last-named group contained the following:Ichneumonoidea 31,110 (39.8%), Proctotrupoidea19,990 (25.6%), Chalcidoidea 13,097 (16.7%),Ceraphronoidea 5395 (6.9%), Platygastroidea 5287(6.8%), and Cynipoidea 1640 (2.1%). Two families,the Ichneumonidae and Diapriidae, constituted57% (43,903 specimens) of the Parasitica. Schmitt(2004) surveyed the Parasitica, using 1-m 2 lightboxes on the ground in cereal fields, fallow fields,and variously managed grasslands in Germany. The23,781 collected specimens represented 6 superfamilies(24 families): Platygastroidea 8986 (37.8%),Chalcidoidea 8815 (37.1%), Ichneumonoidea 2860(12%), Ceraphronoidea 1966 (8.3%), Proctotrupoidea1005 (4.2%), and Cynipoidea 149 (0.6%). Results forthe Parasitica are not strictly comparable because ofdifferent collecting methods, but the numbers indicatetendencies in the relative proportions of the majorgroups. A third survey treated a tropical area inSulawesi, Indonesia, and concluded that the diversityof all families of Hymenoptera, except possibly theSymphyta and gall-forming Cynipidae, were almostcertainly more species rich in Sulawesi than in Britain(Noyes 1989). The diversity of Parasitica as a wholeappeared to be greater in tropical than in temperateareas, although tropical areas vary considerably.Aculeates and sawflies generally are collected insmaller numbers than are the Parasitica, but this trendis an artifact due partly to collecting techniques. No passivecollecting methods are efficient at collecting socialHymenoptera, especially the soil-dwelling groups suchas ants. Individual workers can be collected in trapsbut, because colonies are patchy, most individuals aremissed unless, by chance, a trap is placed next to acolony. Consequently, the number of individuals ofsocial species is greatly underestimated. Ants occurin huge numbers in all regions except the highestlatitudes. Bees and social wasps are abundant in thetropics. Hölldobler and Wilson (1994) cited a study byGerman ecologists near Manaus, Brazil, who estimatedthat ants, termites (Isoptera), stingless bees, and polybiinewasps accounted for 80% of the insect biomassand one-third of the biomass of all animals in thearea. Even when termites are excluded, the vast numbersand correspondingly high total weight of the socialHymenoptera,comparedwithotheranimals,areastonishing.In all these surveys for Hymenoptera, the actualnumbers are not particularly meaningful without referenceto the total number of insects collected, but theyprovide a reasonable idea of the relative proportionsof the major groups in the order, despite the biasesintroduced by collecting technique. Ulrich (1999b)confirmed previous estimates that the Hymenopteraconstitute about 20% of the temperate insect fauna.MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICALDIVERSITYHymenopteran morphology is so diverse that somespecies might not be recognized as Hymenoptera(Figs. 12.1 and 12.2). The structure of any particularbody part (e.g., mandibles) and surface sculpture isremarkably varied, as shown by scanning electronmicrographs of one group only, the ants (Bolton 1994,2000). Color covers the visible spectrum and colorcombinations and patterns are often remarkable,partly because showy, contrasting colors such asyellow or red and black (Manley and Pitts 2007,Buck et al. 2008) effectively advertise that stingingHymenoptera are dangerous and best left alone.Hymenoptera range from 0.13 to 75.00 mm in bodylength (Mymaridae and Pelecinidae, respectively),but if the extended ovipositor and antennae are also

306 John T. HuberTable 12.1 Numbers of described species of Hymenoptera, listed by superfamily and family.Number of Valid Described,Extant Species (numbersSuperfamily Family valid on date given)Xyeloidea 1 Xyelidae 52Tenthredinoidea 1 (7434) Argidae 1000Blasticotomidae 8Cimbicidae 75Diprionidae 120Pergidae 431Tenthredinidae 5800Cephoidea 1 Cephidae 100Pamphilioidea 1 (650) Megalodontesidae 50Pamphiliidae 600Siricoidea 1 (116) Anaxyelidae 1Siricidae 115Xiphydrioidea 1 Xiphydriidae 112Orussoidea 2 Orussidae 77Megalyroidea 3 Megalyridae 50Ceraphronoidea 4 (603) Ceraphronidae 302Megaspilidae 301Chalcidoidea 5 (22,740) Agaonidae (sensu Bouček) 762Aphelinidae 1192Chalcididae 1469Encyrtidae 4058Eucharitidae 427Eulophidae 4969Eupelmidae 931Eurytomidae 1453Leucospidae 134Mymaridae 1437Ormyridae 125Perilampidae 284Pteromalidae 3544Rotoitidae 2Signiphoridae 78Tanaostigmatidae 94Torymidae 900Trichogrammatidae 881Cynipoidea (3001) Austrocynipidae 6 1Cynipidae 7 1370Figitidae 8 960Ibaliidae 6 20Liopteridae 8 200Evanioidea (1135) Aulacidae 1 178Evaniidae 9 455Gasteruptiidae 1 502(continued)

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 307Table 12.1 (continued).Number of Valid Described,Extant Species (numbersSuperfamily Family valid on date given)Mymarommatoidea 10 Mymarommatidae 10Ichneumonoidea 11 (41,938) Braconidae 17, 605Ichneumonidae 23, 331Stephanoidea 12 Stephanidae 326Proctotrupoidea 4 (2486) Austroniidae 3Diapriidae 2049Heloridae 23Maamingidae 2Monomachidae 27Pelecinidae 3Peradeniidae 2Proctorenyxidae 1Proctotrupidae 359Roproniidae 20Vanhorniidae 5Platygastroidea 4 (4697) Platygastridae 1311Scelionidae 3386Trigonaloidea 13 Trigonalidae 100Apoidea (25,906) Ampulicidae 14 198Andrenidae 15 2330Apidae 15 5130Colletidae 15 2000Crabronidae 14 8636Halictidae 15 3500Heterogynaidae 14 8Megachilidae 15 3170Melittidae 15 182Sphecidae 14 731Stenotritidae 15 21Chrysidoidea (6516) Bethylidae 16 2325Chrysididae 17 2500Dryinidae 18 1598Embolemidae 18 47Plumariidae 19 20Sclerogibbidae 20 20Scolebythidae 21 6Vespoidea (15,646) Bradynobaenidae 22 200Formicidae 23 11, 946Mutillidae 19 3500Pompilidae 24 4850Rhopalosomatidae 25 39Sapygidae 26 67Scoliidae 27 560(continued)

308 John T. HuberTable 12.1 (continued).Number of Valid Described,Extant Species (numbersSuperfamily Family valid on date given)Sierolomorphidae 28 10Tiphiidae 17 2000Vespidae 29 4918Superfamily totals are given (in parentheses) only if more than one included family is listed.1 D. R. Smith (personal communication, 22.v.2006).2 L. Vilhelmsen (personal communication, 3.i.2007).3 S. Shaw (personal communication, 2.i.2007).4 N. F. Johnson (personal communication, 13.iv.2006).5 J. S. Noyes (personal communication, 5.ix.06).6 Ronquist (1999b).7 Melika (2006).8 M. Buffington (personal communication, 31.viii.2006).9 Deans (2005).10 Gibson et al. (2007).11 Yu et al. (2005).12 Aguiar (2004).13 Carmean and Kimsey (1998).14 Pulawski (2006).15 http://stri.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?guide’Apoidea speciesandflags [Accessed 19.i.2007].16 C. Azevedo (personal communication, 23.x.2006).17 Kimsey in Hanson and Gauld (2006).18 M. Olmi (personal communication, 10.x.2006).19 Brothers (personal communication, 19.i.2007).20 Olmi (2005), Sclerogibbidae.21 Beaver (2002), Scolebythidae.22 Hanson and Gauld (2006).23 Agosti and Johnson (2005).24 Engel and Grimaldi (2006).25 A. Guidotti (personal communication, 11.i.2007).26 Bennett and Engel (2005).27 Osten (2005).28 Hanson (2006).29 J. Carpenter (personal communication, 20.xi.06).included, female Megarhyssa species (Ichneumonidae)are up to 20 cm long (antennae 2.5 cm, body4.5 cm, ovipositor 13 cm), making them the world’slongest hymenopterans. Titans such as Pepsis species(Pompilidae), with a body length up to 62 mm and awingspan of 110 mm, are among the heaviest species.The nesting structures created by some Aculeataare equally varied, ranging from dainty clay potsto massive, yet intricate paper nests and enormous,complex underground dwellings.General entomology texts with comprehensive treatmentsof Hymenoptera are those by Marshall (2006)and Triplehorn and Johnson (2005) for North Americaand Naumann (1991) for Australia. Books devotedexclusively to the entire order for particular regionsare those by Gauld and Bolton (1996) for Britain andHanson and Gauld (1995, 2006) for Costa Rica. Otherimportant works include a discussion of hymenopterandiversity and importance (LaSalle and Gauld 1993),overviews of Symphyta (Benson 1950), biology ofParasitica (Quicke 1997) and solitary Aculeata (O’Neill2001), and identification keys and diagnoses (Gouletand Huber 1993 for the world, Fernández and Sharkey2007 for Latin America).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 309ABFig. 12.1 Pleistodontes addicotti Wiebes(Agaoninae). A. Female. B. Male. Image byKlaus Bolte.IMPORTANCE TO HUMANSStings and bites, food and other productsThe first serious encounter most people have withHymenoptera is personal and usually memorable.Every year thousands receive the unwanted attentionof bees, wasps, or ants. More often than not, more thanone individual, and often many, ‘attend’ to the victim,especially when an entire nest or colony inadvertentlyhas been disturbed. Depending on the species, a singleindividual may deliver one or several stings, bites or,sometimes both, as with bulldog ants in Australia andfire ants in the Western Hemisphere. The insect is not,of course, ‘angry’, though that possibility might bedebatable; rather it or, correctly, she – only femaleshave stingers and most do the biting – is defendingherself or her nest from what is perceived as a threatto life or colony. Regardless, the memory of the eventis usually long-lasting and results in the victim beingmore cautious when hymenopteran nests are knownto be in the vicinity. Most stings and bites, of course,occur precisely because the person does not know andaccidentally steps on an individual hymenopteran orinadvertently approaches a nest hanging in a bush,above a door, or under a balcony or verandah. LessABFig. 12.2 Dicopomorpha echmepterygisMockford, paratype (Mymaridae). A. Entirebody, lateral. B. Ventral (with fungalhypha exiting mouth opening). Image byKlaus Bolte.

310 John T. Huberoften, the individual knows a bee or wasp is aroundand starts flailing wildly at it – precisely the actionthat increases the chances of being stung (Schmidtand Boyer Hassen 1996). Stings can cause local orsystemic, hypersensitive reactions that lead to death(Schmidt 1986, 1992, Goddard 1996, Levick et al.2000, McGain et al. 2000). A survey of about 2000physicians in the southern USA in 1988 indicated that22,755 patients had been treated for reactions to fireant stings; 2% of them suffered anaphylactic shock(Goddard 1996).Most females of the Aculeata are capable of stingingin self-defense but the solitary, predatory speciesuse their stingers almost exclusively to deliver venomto paralyze insect or spider prey. Humans, therefore,rarely are stung by solitary wasps, and their venom isnot designed to cause pain, though there are notableexceptions in the Bethylidae, Mutillidae, and Pompilidae.Some Pepsis species and the bullet ant Paraponeraclavata deliver the most painful stings known (Schmidt2004). Schmidt’s advice to any victim stung by one isto ‘lie down and scream’. The intense pain, however,lasts only a few minutes. The venoms and stings ofhighly social Hymenoptera are painful because theyare designed for colony defense against vertebratepredators (Schmidt 1990), and a painful sting discouragesthese predators. A few species of Parasiticaalso can ‘sting’. The relatively large, nocturnal, orangespecies of Ophion and Enicospilus (Ichneumonidae) candeliver a painful jab with the tip of their short, sharpovipositor. The importance of bee and wasp stings hasresulted in the commercial production of life-savingantivenins. Pharmacological research on venom constituentsmight yield other kinds of useful medications(Beleboni et al. 2004).Hymenoptera have biting mouthparts that they usefor feeding, capturing prey, building nests, or, whennecessary, defense. In tropical countries, stingless beesdefend their nests from human intruders by swarmingover the body, pinching the skin, and pulling the hair.One species in tropical America also ejects a burningliquidfromitsmandibles(Wilson1971).Whenantsbitea person, they might not let go even when decapitated,and hundreds of bites, occurring simultaneously, canhave a considerable effect (Moffett 1986).By far, the most important food produced by anyhymenopteran is honey, harvested from several beespecies. Other honey-bee products – bee wax, propolis,and royal jelly – also are important, in the productionof cosmetics, for example. The larvae of social bees orwasps and the repletes of certain ant species (Wilson1971) are eaten by some people. Specialty productssuch as mead (honey beer) and liquor distilled fromhoney and chocolate-coated ants are commerciallyavailable.Ecological importanceHymenoptera occur in all terrestrial, and some aquatic,habitats. They play critical ecological roles, as summarizedby Hanson and Gauld (1995, 2006), Gauld et al.(1990), LaSalle and Gauld (1993), and, for ants, byHölldobler and Wilson (1994). Grissell (2001) wroteeloquently about the importance of insects, includingHymenoptera, in home gardens where many peopleare likely to observe them. Pollination by bees, figwasps, and pollen wasps is the most beneficial role,without which many plants, including most crops,would disappear. Parasitism and predation of insectsare important activities of many Hymenoptera thatprevent numerous insects from becoming crop andforest pests. When food webs are intensively investigated,many Hymenoptera are found to be involvedand the webs can be complex (Eveleigh et al. 2007).Many hymenopterans have been used successfully inbiological control (J. Heraty, this volume). The roleof polydnaviruses, a group of viruses found so faronly in some Ichneumonoidea, has implications forbiological control because of their immunosuppressionaction (Beckage 1998). Polydnaviruses are alsoof considerable interest to basic research in virology(Frederici and Bigot 2003). Wohlbachia, a genus of bacteriathat is sexually transmitted and inherited throughthe female line, strongly skews sex ratios in variousparasitic wasps (Tagami et al. 2001). Finding ways tomanipulate or eliminate the bacteria might affect thebiological control potential of their host insects (Floateet al. 2006).Ants play an immensely important role in soil formationby mixing and aerating it. They also are thepredominant scavengers of other organisms their ownsize, and help recycle dead insects that are carried backto their nests as food. Ants alter the abundance anddistribution of flowering plants, especially in arid areas,by transporting seeds and discarding some of themuneaten around nests or by protecting some plantspecies from plant-feeding insects.Hymenoptera have nuisance or deleterious roles aswell. Some ants feed on seeds and, since ancient times,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 311have been reported as grain pests. Some chalcid waspsdevelop inside seeds of conifers and other plants, greatlyreducing the numbers of viable seeds for plantationforestry. Symphyta and ants feed on leaves or burrowin wood; they are among the most serious defoliators ofconifers in temperate regions and broadleaved trees inthe tropics, respectively. Some leaf-cutter bees can benuisance defoliators of garden plants. Ants protect sapsuckinginsects from parasitism by other insects, allowingthem to increase in numbers sufficiently to causeplant damage. Many ants have become worldwide nuisancesin human dwellings and on agricultural landwhere livestock can be adversely affected. Gall-formingchalcids (LaSalle 2005) and gall wasps (Kjellberg et al.2005) deform or kill plants, and wood-tunneling bees(carpenter bees) damage wood dwellings.TAXONOMIC DIVERSITYTaxonomic and biological information on the mainhymenopteran groups, with important recent referencesto each, are given below. Older taxonomic andbiological literature is listed under the appropriate familyin Goulet and Huber (1993). Many Internet sites onHymenoptera provide useful information on particularfamilies.SymphytaAdults of the 8000–10,000 species of symphytansin 14 families (6 superfamilies) are relatively wellknown taxonomically (except some Nematinae) for theWestern Hemisphere, but much less so for the EasternHemisphere tropics. The larvae of all families need taxonomicwork at the species level, particularly becausethey represent the most conspicuous and damagingstage. Abe and Smith (1991) cataloged the genera ofSymphyta, and Schmidt and Smith (2006) catalogedthe Pergidae. The Anaxyelidae, Cephidae, Siricidae,and Xiphydriidae have larvae that bore in wood(Blasticotomidae, many Cephidae), ferns, or grassstems. The Orussidae parasitize wood-boring larvae,primarily those of beetles (Vilhelmsen 2003).The Xyelidae include the most primitive livingHymenoptera; the larvae feed on leaves or pollenproducingcones of pines. The remaining families, theArgidae, Cimbicidae, Diprionidae, Megalodontesidae,Pamphiliidae, Pergidae, and Tenthredinidae haveleaf-feeding or leaf-mining larvae.ParasiticaMost species in the 11 superfamilies of Parasitica areparasitoids of insects and spiders. The next five superfamilies,each with only one included family (except theEvanioidea, with three), are relatively small but diversein morphology, hosts, and habits. They contain anunusual number of rare, archaic species, many of themassociated with wood. Apart from the Evaniidae, theyare not important economically but are scientificallyimportant in biology and conservation and for inferringphylogenies. The last six superfamilies include the mostcommonly encountered species, many of them importantin natural and biological control of pest insects.StephanoideaAguiar (2004) cataloged the family Stephanidae,which consists of rarely collected, solitary ectoparasitoidsof wood-boring insect larvae, mainly of beetles(Buprestidae and Cerambycidae).MegalyroideaShaw (1990a) discussed the phylogeny of the Megalyridae.Most species are rarely collected and areassociated primarily with ancient tropical forests; thegroup is most diverse in Eucalyptus and Acacia habitatsof Australia (Shaw 1990b).TrigonaloidaeCarmean and Kimsey (1998) treated the 15 genera(about 100 species) of Trigonalidae (or Trigonalyidae).Most species are parasitoids of moths or socialwasps; some are hyperparasitoids through parasiticflies (Tachinidae).MymarommatoideaThe Mymarommatidae contain 11 described, extantspecies, most less than 0.5-mm long. Members of thisenigmatic, worldwide group have a unique wing structureand two-segmented petiole (Gibson et al. 2007).Their biology is unknown.EvanioideaThree disparate families are included in this superfamily.Jennings and Austin (2004) reviewed the

312 John T. Huberbiology and host relationships of the Aulacidae andGasteruptiidae. Aulacids are parasitoids of woodwasps(Xiphydriidae) and beetles (Cerambycidae andBuprestidae). Smith (2001) cataloged the family. TheEvaniidae, or ensign wasps, so called because theirabdomens in profile resemble semaphore flags – theyalso waggle their abdomens up and down as theywalk – are solitary predators inside cockroachoothecae. Deans and Huben (2003) provided keys togenera, and Deans (2005) cataloged the species. TheGasteruptiidae, with six genera in two subfamilies,are parasitoids of bees and pollen wasps. Jenningsand Austin (2002) treated the genera and species ofHyptiogastrinae.IchneumonoideaTwo families comprise this superfamily, the Braconidaeand the Ichneumonidae, and it is by far the largest, withalmost 2600 genera. Yu et al. (2005) cataloged theinformation on this superfamily from almost 29,000scientific papers.IchneumonidaeGauld et al. (2002) recognized 37 subfamilies of Ichneumonidae.They suggested that the total globalspeciesrichness for the Ichneumonidae would exceed100,000 species. The overwhelming majority feedas larvae on or in the larvae or pupae of otherholometabolous insects or on immature or adult spiders.Most species parasitize the larvae and pupaeof moths and butterflies. Others parasitize the prepupaeor pupae of aculeate Hymenoptera or woodboringbeetles.Despitetheirabundanceandwidespreadoccurrence in most habitats, especially in forests ratherthan in grasslands and agricultural habitats, comparativelyfew ichneumonids have been used successfullyin biological control, though they must be importantin natural control. For example, budworms, whichinclude some of the most devastating forest pests inNorth America, are parasitized by more than 110species of Ichneumonidae (Bennett 2008). The 16described species of the Agriotypinae (Bennett 2001)are ectoparasitoids of the prepupae and pupae of caddisfliesin fast-running streams. The long respiratoryfilament of an Agriotypus pupa that pokes out of thehost case is unique.The role of polydnaviruses, found so far only inthe Ichneumonoidea, has implications for biologicalcontrol because of the immunosuppression action(Beckage 1998). Polydnaviruses are of considerableinterest to virologists because their genome is an integralpart of the host genome (Frederici and Bigot 2003).BraconidaeThough fewer in number of species and generallysmaller in body size than the Ichneumonidae, theBraconidae are morphologically more diverse and betterstudied because a greater proportion of the speciesare important to agriculture and have been used inbiological control. Species of the 35 or so currently recognizedsubfamilies are 1–30 mm in length. Braconidscommonlyparasitizethelarvaeofbutterfliesandmoths,beetles, and flies, but hosts in other orders are known.They can be endo- or ectoparasitoids and solitaryor gregarious; some are polyembryonic, a few arehyperparasitoids, and even fewer are phytophagous(Wharton 1993). Wharton et al. (1997) provided keysto the more than 400 Western Hemisphere genera andsummarized the biology for each subfamily. Yu et al.(2005) cataloged the species.CynipoideaThis superfamily contains five families (Ronquist1999b). The Austrocynipidae, Ibaliidae, and Liopteridaetogether contain fewer than 200 relatively large,rarely collected, archaic species that parasitize insectlarvae, usually in wood. The single species of Austrocynipidaedevelops in Araucaria cones. Ronquist (1995)revised the genera of Liopteridae, and Nordlanderet al. (1996), the species of Ibaliidae. The numerous,poorly known Figitidae are all parasitoids of otherinsects. The species of Cynipidae (gall wasps and theirinquilines) are phytophagous and have been knownsince ancient times because of their often conspicuous,strangely shaped, or brightly colored galls formed onplants, especially oaks and roses (Csóka et al. 2005).Oak galls were used in Europe during the Middle Agesfor tanning, ink production, and sometimes medicine.ProctotrupoideaThis morphologically and biologically diverse superfamilyconsists of 11 extant families, but only2, the Diapriidae and Proctotrupidae, containmost of the species. The remainder (Austroniidae,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 313Heloridae, Maamingidae, Monomachidae, Pelecinidae,Peradaeniidae, Proctorenyxidae, Roproniidae, andVanhorniidae) are small, relict families with about75 species in total. Most species of Diapriidae, thelargest family, are parasitoids of flies, but somemorphologically bizarre species occur in army antor termite nests. Masner and García (2002) treatedthe Western Hemisphere genera of Diapriinae, one ofthe four subfamilies. The Belytinae parasitize fungusgnats and make up a huge proportion of parasiticHymenoptera at ground level in forests. The Proctotrupidae,revised by Townes and Townes (1981),are parasitoids of beetle larvae in soil or rotting wood.The Heloridae parasitize larvae of lacewings. Johnsonand Musetti (1999) revised the species of Pelecinidae,which parasitize June beetles, and Musetti and Johnson(2004) revised the Western Hemisphere Monomachidae,which parasitize soldier flies. The Maamingidae,from New Zealand, is the latest family of extantHymenoptera described (Early et al. 2001). Johnson(1992) cataloged the Ceraphronoidea, Platygastroidea(excluding Platygastridae), and Proctotrupoidea.PlatygastroideaThe two included families, the Platygastridae andScelionidae, contain small species, most of which(except Platygastrinae) are egg parasitoids. Masner(1976) and Masner and Huggert (1989) gavekeys to the genera of Scelionidae and part of thePlatygastridae, respectively. Austin et al. (2005)reviewed the current state of knowledge for thesuperfamily. Vlug (1995) cataloged the Platygastridae.The Telenominae (Scelionidae), which include themost important species for biological control ofeconomically important pests, especially moths,represent the greatest taxonomic challenge.CeraphronoideaDessart and Cancemi (1986) provided keys to thegenera for the two extant families, the Megaspilidaeand Ceraphronidae. Johnson and Musetti (2004) catalogedthe species and briefly summarized their biology.Species of both families parasitize hosts in several insectorders.ChalcidoideaThis superfamily of mostly small to minute parasiticwasps has a greater range of biological diversity thanthat of any other superfamily (Plate 6), except perhapsthe Vespoidea. Askew (1971), Bouček (1988), Gauldand Bolton (1996), and Grissell and Schauff (1997)gave general accounts of chalcid biology. Whereasmost chalcids are parasitoids of insects and spiders,species in six families have reverted to plant feedingin galls or seeds (LaSalle 2005) and some are importantpests. The small size of chalcids means they aremostly overlooked and relatively poorly studied despitetheir abundance in most habitats and their importancein biological control. Only 2 of the 19 currently recognizedfamilies have common names. The chalcids,perhaps deservedly, are considered the most difficultgroup to identify to family; chalcid taxonomists themselvescannot always agree on family limits. Keys tochalcid genera exist for only two continents: NorthAmerica (Gibson et al. 1997) and Australia (Bouček1988), excluding four families. Gibson (2005) listedonline resources and the major taxonomic literature,including the few family-level world treatments. Noyes(2002) cataloged the world chalcid fauna, summarizingthe taxonomic, biological, morphological, anddistributional information from more than 39,000literature references. Aspects of chalcid morphology,biology, and economic importance for only three taxaare given here.MymaridaeOne of only two family groups of chalcids that havea common name, the Mymaridae or fairyflies, is socalled because of their minute size and delicate, longfringedwings. Though never noticed by most people,they are among the most common chalcids, presumablybecause almost all parasitize host eggs, the mostabundant stage of their host insects. The diminutive,0.13-mm long males of Dicopomorpha echmepterygis(Figs. 12.2 A and B), whose females are typicalhymenopterans, are wingless and eyeless, their antennalsegments are coalesced into melon-shaped blobs,their mouthparts have apparently vanished leavingonly a hole, their tarsi are lost, and the only part of thepretarsus that remains is the pad between the claws,greatly modified into a suction cup, presumably to hangonto females long enough to mate.AgaonidaeFig wasps are obligate pollinators of the 700-plusspecies of figs (Ficus), an important component of

314 John T. Hubertropical forests. The mutualistic interactions betweenthe Agaoninae and figs are a textbook example ofcoevolution (Kjellberg et al. 2005). Males are wingless(Fig. 12.1B) and have some of the most unusual morphologyamong the Hymenoptera, including slender,snakelikeformsthatliterallyswiminsidefigsandhumpbacked,turtlelike forms that fight each other whenfemales become rare. Females are winged (Fig. 12.1A)and disperse to other conspecific fig trees, pollinatingthem. Thus, fig wasps are responsible for a yearly,multimillion dollar crop of Smyrna figs (Sisson 1970)and the survival of all other fig species. However, thegreat majority of edible figs come from varieties ofFicus carica, the common fig, which do not requirepollinators.TrichogrammatidaeThese minute parasitoids of the eggs of other insectsare best known because of the genus Trichogramma.Certain species are mass-produced by the millionsaround the world on factitious hosts for biologicalcontrol against lepidopteran pests of agricultureand forestry. An entire journal was devoted toTrichogramma, until it expanded its scope to includeother egg parasitoids (Hertz et al. 2004). Thoughmany aspects of Trichogramma biology are understood,the species are taxonomically well known only forNorth America. The rest of the Trichogrammatidaeremain poorly known. Pinto (2006) gave keys togenera of the Western Hemisphere.AculeataAll Hymenoptera that sting are in the Aculeata,classified in three superfamilies: the Chrysidoidea,Vespoidea, and Apoidea (Brothers 1999). O’Neill(2001) treated the behavior and natural history ofthe solitary species, and Wilson (1971) treated all thesocial groups, with an analysis of sociality. Despite theirrelatively small numbers, the approximately 11,500truly social species have had a disproportionatelyimportant role in human affairs, both economicallyand scientifically. The social groups consist of all antspecies (Formicidae), 1000 bee species (Apidae andHalictidae), about 800 wasp species (Vespidae), andthe genus Microstigmus (Crabronidae). Attenborough(2005, Chap. 5) provided an entertaining account ofthe lives of some species.ChrysidoideaThis superfamily consists of three moderately speciesrichfamilies (Bethylidae, Chrysididae, and Dryinidae)and four small, rare ones (Embolemidae, Plumariidae,Sclerogibbidae, and Scolebythidae). Azevedo (1999)provided keys to the species of Scolebythidae, all ofwhich are assumed to parasitize wood-boring beetles.Olmi (1995, 2005) revised and gave keys tothe species of the Embolemidae and Sclerogibbidae,respectively. Members of these two families are ectoparasitoidsof leafhoppers and related groups, and nymphsand adults of webspinners, respectively. The Plumariidaeare restricted to dry areas of southern Africaand southern South America. Males are winged andfemales are wingless, subterranean, and exceedinglyrarely collected.ChrysididaeThese wasps are the peacocks of the hymenopteranworld, rivaled in brilliance only by the orchid bees(Euglossinae) and some Chalcidoidea. Most species areiridescent green, blue, or coppery-red, or combinationsof these. The largest genus, Chrysis,withatleast1000 described species, almost half the family total, isknown popularly as cuckoo wasps in North Americaor gold wasps in Europe where many species have acoppery-red abdomen. Most species are parasitoids orcleptoparasitoids in the nests of bees and other wasps,hence the name ‘cuckoo wasp’. Adults are capable ofrolling into a ball when the wasp owner of a burrowthey enter tries to sting them. Because they have ahard cuticle and can withdraw their antennae and legstightly against the body, the owner cannot sting thembut will grab them by the wings and eject them fromtheir burrow, presumably unharmed. The Amiseginaeand Loboscelidiinae parasitize eggs of walkingsticks; the Cleptinae parasitize sawfly prepupae. Kimseyand Bohart (1990) revised the genera and listed thespecies.DryinidaeThis family contains females that are usually winglessand antlike, but with pincerlike foretarsal claws andwith winged males that usually lack pincerlike claws.The species are ectoparasitiods of leafhoppers and theirrelatives (Olmi 1984).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 315BethylidaeThis largest of the chrysidoid families consists mostlyof inconspicuous, brown or black, tropical species thatare common in many habitats, such as forest litter anddeserts. They parasitize moths or beetles. Some speciesattack stored-products pests and can be found in homes.Sexual dimorphism is slight to extreme, and the usuallywingless females can be confused with ants. Gordh andMóczár (1990) cataloged the world fauna.VespoideaThis superfamily contains five small, relatively rarefamilies (Bradynobaenidae, Rhopalosomatidae, Sapygidae,Scoliidae, and Sierolomorphidae), and five large,almost ubiquitous families (Formicidae, Mutillidae,Pompilidae, Tiphiidae, and Vespidae) that are discussedindividually here. About 20,000 mainly tropicalspecies of vespoids have been described, less than halfthe estimated number.MutillidaeMembers of this family are known as velvet antsbecause the usually wingless females are covered withdense, brightly colored hairs and resemble colorful ants(Manley and Pitts 2007). Velvet ants are ectoparasitoidsof the enclosed larvae and pupae of other insects,especially Aculeata. Many occur in arid areas, searchingon sand for their soil-inhabiting hosts. Because ofsexual dimorphism, conspecific, or even congeneric,males and females are not easy to associate unlessthey are captured during mating. The separate keys togenera of males and females do not necessarily coincide.One sex often is much more rarely collected thanthe other, so keys are based almost exclusively onmales or on females. The powerful sting of females hasgiven them the common name ‘cow killer’ in NorthAmerica.PompilidaeKnown as spider wasps, pompilids are commonly seenrunning erratically on sand or bare earth, flicking theirusually dark-colored wings. Most are predators of spiders,including the largest ones, the tarantulas. Speciesof Pepsis, spectacular wasps known as tarantula hawks,are strongly dimorphic sexually and many speciesform complex mimicry groups, both Batesian andMuellerian. Their taxonomic popularity has resulted innumerous species being described many times. Vardy(2000, 2002, 2006) synonymized 374 names amongthe 133 species treated.TiphiidaeTaxonomic problems in this cosmopolitan family aresimilar to those of the Mutillidae because of the strongsexual dimorphism in many species. Separate keys toeach sex are often needed, and these are often notcongruent, such that the number of genera for malesdiffers from that for females; the names applied toeach sex also can differ (Kimsey and Wasbauer 2006).The species are solitary ectoparasitoids on larvae ofsoil-dwelling beetles, especially scarabs.VespidaeAfter the bees and ants, this family of wasps is the bestknown because of the social species and their oftenspectacular paper nests and ability to defend thesevigorously by stinging. Three of the six recognizedsubfamilies – the Vespinae, Polistinae, and Stenogastrinae– contain the social species. Social wasps arecentral to the study of behavioral evolution becausethe Polistinae (paper wasps) mark a clear transitionbetween solitary and highly eusocial behavior.Most observations have involved Polistes, a cosmopolitangenus of about 200 species (Turilazzi and West-Eberhard 1996). Members of Polistes are well suited forexperimental and theoretical investigations of socialbehavior because their relatively small, open coloniesand ease of location (often on human constructions)allow for detailed observations (Pickett and Wenzel2004). The solitary Eumeninae or potter wasps, socalled because of the beautiful clay pots constructedby Eumenes, are the largest subfamily, with about3000 species. Spradberry (1973) discussed the naturalhistory of some. Recent generic keys exist onlyfor the Eumeninae of the Western Hemisphere andVespidae of northeastern North America (Carpenterand Garcete-Barrett 2003, Carpenter 2004, Buck et al.2008). The Masarinae, or pollen wasps, include about300 species. They are unusual among the Vespoideabecause they all provision their nests with pollen. Theyoccur in Mediterranean and arid climates and are mostdiverse in southern Africa, which contains more thanhalf the described species (Gess 1996).

316 John T. HuberFormicidaeAnts rival the bees in being the best-knownhymenopterans. All are social and form colonies.Queen ants can live long, the record being 29 yearsin one captive colony. Bolton (1994, 1995, 2003)provided generic keys, cataloged the species, andreclassified and keyed the subfamilies and tribes,respectively. Hölldobler and Wilson (1990) estimated20,000 species in total. Two popular accounts of ants(Hölldobler and Dawson 1984, Hölldobler and Wilson1994) illustrate their diversity. Their effect on theearth’s ecosystems and human society is immense(e.g., Majer et al. 2004), especially in the tropicswhere most species occur. Numerous parallels withvarious aspects of human society have been made,including the best (agriculture) and worst (slavery,thievery, warfare). Different species can be groupedinformally as follows: (1) harvesters/gatherers –theseed harvester, Messor barbatus, is perhaps thespecies referred to in Proverbs 6: 6 (Kloets and Kloets1959), (2) farmers/herders – many species collecthoneydew from sap-sucking insects and protect themfrom predators, (3) mushroom growers – leaf-cuttingants make fungus gardens in their undergroundnests, with chemical control of unwanted fungi andgarden sanitation resulting in refuse piles outside thenest, (4) hunters/scavengers – army and driver antsepitomize the hunters and scavengers, (5) buildingengineers – wood ants and leafcutter ants are thepremiere building engineers. Food storage, using livingbodies of their own species swollen with a sweet liquiddrawn upon during times of scarcity, is unique toants. Slavery among ants usually involves one speciesmaking slaves of another, but a few species make slavesof members of their own species from different colonies.ApoideaBees are best known among the Hymenoptera becauseof their ubiquity in all types of habitats from arctictundra to tropical forests and deserts, their relativelylarge size and sometimes bright colors (e.g., orchidbees) or fuzzy appearance (bumblebees), the painfulsting that members of the highly social species deliverto the unwary, their purposeful ‘busy-ness’, and theirbeneficial role as pollinators. The number of describedbee species is estimated at 17,000. In addition to bees,the Apoidea include a group of solitary wasps formerlyclassified as the Sphecoidea. Some of the solitary speciesare gregarious and nest in large numbers in sandy orbare soil, but generally they are poorly known. Twosyntheses (Bohart and Menke 1976, Michener 2000)treat the classification and biology of bees and sphecoid(now apoid) wasps, respectively. Pulawski (2006) catalogedthe ‘sphecoid’ wasps, currently classified as fourfamilies (Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Heterogynaeidae,and Sphecidae). The bees are now classified in sevenfamilies (Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae,Megachilidae, Melittidae, and Stenotritidae). Michener(1974) gave an account of bee behavior.The sphecoid wasps are all carnivorous. Femalesprovision their nests with a wide variety of insects, paralyzedand placed in larval cells they construct in theground, in holes in wood, or in mud constructions oftheir own making. As predators, they are presumablybeneficial, destroying many insects, including potentialpests. Bees are basically vegetarian wasps thatprovision their nests with pollen, except for species ofTrigona, which use carrion (Michener 2000). About30% of human food is derived from bee-pollinatedplants (O’Toole 1993). Numerous bee species besideshoneybees pollinate crops, and bees are the most importantgroup of pollinators in a wide variety of naturalhabitats. In many areas, populations of wild bees (andother Aculeata) have been reduced by human activity(Kevan and Viana 2004).The social bees (Bombus and Apis, and Meliponini,the stingless bees) are the best-known bees. The approximately250 Bombus species, adapted to cool climates,are primitively social and mainly Holarctic; a fewoccur in mountains in the tropics, and some extendto the southern tip of South America. Some are socialparasites in nests of other Bombus species. Ruttner(1988) discussed the biogeography and taxonomyof Apis, and Engel (1999) clarified their scientificnames. Taxonomic problems still exist but the messof names – about 170, 90 associated with A. melliferaalone – for the 6 fossil and 4 extant species has beencleaned up. No hymenopteran has been better studiedthan the honeybee. From crop pollination to honeyand wax production to its use in scientific studies ofbehavior and genetics and in the folklore of peoplearound the world, no other insect has had such a directand visible influence on human society. Probably sincetime immemorial, humans have raided bee coloniesfor food, both honey and larvae. An African strainof A. mellifera is the most aggressive of the varioussubspecies, probably because early humans and mammalpredators exerted a sufficiently strong selective

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 317pressure over enough time to produce this characteristic.Such is the attraction of the honeybee that evena blind man, the Swiss entomologist François Huber,carried out ‘observations’ on them, through the eyesof his manservant, François Burnens, who accuratelyobserved and recorded his own observations and toldthem to his employer. Huber would then think aboutthese observations and plan further experiments to becarried out by his surrogate eyes. Huber’s son offered towrite up a second volume of his father’s accumulatedbut unpublished ‘observations’ because he thought‘they would be of interest to naturalists’. The combinedresults are a two-volume set of observations and 12beautifully rendered plates of drawings of bee parts,hives, and nest architecture (Huber 1814).Apis mellifera was introduced into the Western Hemisphereby European colonists, with tremendous benefitsfor agriculture. In 1956, the African strain, alreadyfairly aggressive compared with the relatively docileEuropean strains, was introduced into quarantine forbreeding experiments. Twenty-six queens escaped in1957 and their progeny became the Africanized bee,spreading from Brazil north to the southern UnitedStates. This nemesis of people throughout Latin Americahas killed countless animals and many people (Goreand Lavies 1976). In recent decades honeybees havebeen plagued by a variety of widely spread arthropodsand diseases (Morse and Nowogrodzki 1990, Elzen et al.1999). Colony collapse disorder is a serious apiculturalproblem of uncertain cause, although a virus in beecolonies imported from Australia to North America hasnow been implicated. Great loss to apiculturalists andfarmers who depend on honeybees to pollinate theircrops has resulted. With perfect hindsight, such panzooticsin a single host species may be seen as inevitable,the result of overly heavy dependence on one speciesthat has been bred, managed intensively, and spreadaround the world for generations. The up side is thatthe great importance of numerous other bee speciesin maintaining plant diversity in natural ecosystemsis now better recognized (Delaplane and Mayer 2000).Ecologists knew this, and bee taxonomists knew thatin some crop systems, certain other bees were betterpollinators than honeybees. The new pressures onhoneybees have made the industry (and perhaps politicians)more aware of the need to study, conserve, anduse other bee species. This awareness, in turn, requiresnew taxonomic and biological work to determine whichspecies are most important as native pollinators ofspecific crops in different regions (Kevan 1988).Hymenoptera other than bees also need to be conserved(Shaw and Hochberg 2001). Attempts to do thisare underway in Europe (Gauld et al. 1990), but muchmore could and should be done.SOCIETAL BENEFITS ANDDETRIMENTS OF HYMENOPTERAThe importance of Hymenoptera to applied scienceand society is varied because of their diverse activities.Most effects are indirect, either beneficial (pollination,parasitism, predation, and scavenging) or deleterious(plant feeding), but a few are direct (stings and food).If Hymenoptera appear better at pollination and parasitismthan other insect orders that have memberssimilarly engaged, it is largely because a much higherproportion of the species are involved and they are oftenhost specific and efficient. In contrast, the importance ofHymenoptera to basic science is often because of theiralmost unique features, the study of which might leadeventually to important applications, though perhapsnot so generally applicable to human welfare as, forexample, pollination. Their best-known feature is thehalpodiploid method of reproduction in which unfertilizedeggs yield males and fertilized eggs yield females. Itis the basis for their intricate social interactions. Studieson the behavior of honeybees led to a Nobel prize forKarl von Frisch in 1973 and an enormous literatureon genetics, sex determination, kin selection, and biochemistry(e.g., royal jelly and pheromones involved incolony organization).A serious problem in hymenopteran taxonomy is themorphological plasticity of individuals within species,often combined with their small size (most parasiticspecies) and the huge number of species, especially inthe tropics. We know this diversity exists from preliminarytaxonomic studies of Hymenoptera in majorinsect collections, though the number of cryptic speciesthat cannot be identified readily by morphology alonemight be badly underestimated. Specialized collectingmethods might be needed to collect certain groups orspecies, such as canopy dwellers that rarely or nevercome within range of insect traps. Collections alone,therefore, do not necessarily represent the fauna of anarea, giving another reason for biodiversity underestimates.The result is an enormous taxonomic impedimentin trying to identify and describe hymenopteranbiodiversity. Most species are still unnamed and thebiology and host associations of relatively few species

318 John T. Huberare adequately known. Given this problem, we cannotestimate their importance to human welfare in anyother than general terms. If half the Hymenopteraspecies became extinct in the next decade, what wouldbe the consequences? We do not know what half is – orany other percentage. We would not be able to predictmuch of anything accurately and, in any case,few would notice their disappearance, even of largeand colorful species such as bumblebees. However,we can confidently surmise that more problems thanbenefits would result if that biodiversity disappeared.As global trade increases, both through human populationgrowth and greater individual demands andexpectations for more products, more pest species suchas sawflies, wasps, and ants inevitably will be spread tonew places, causing both foreseeable (local reduction orloss of biodiversity) and unforeseeable problems. At thesame time, beneficial species will be reduced in numbersor locally, even globally, extirpated, often beforewe find out what their role in nature was. Their losseventually would be recognized indirectly by the lackof services they provide.Habitat contamination or complete destructionaffects different guilds of Hymenoptera differently,depending on their biology. The hymenopteranguilds or activities given above can be furthersubdivided, with varying degrees of host specificitywithin each, for example, oligolectic versus polylecticpollinators, predators nesting in sand versus rockfaces, monophagous parasitoids of woodborers versuspolyphagous parasitoids of leafminers. The species indifferent guilds might be differentially susceptible toextirpation or extinction.Intuitively, one expects that generalist species withwide geographic distributions or habitat requirementsare less likely to be endangered than are specialists withrestricted distributions (island distributions especially)and narrow requirements. Few studies (e.g., Ulrich2001) have examined the aspects of this empirically.Aculeates, particularly pollinators that are host–plantspecific, are likely the most vulnerable to extirpationor extinction because they need particular nesting sitesas well as nectar from plant species that might, themselves,be threatened with extinction. If either the plantsthey pollinate or the nesting microhabitats vanish, sotoo will the pollinators. Aculeates that nest in sandyhabitats are at greater risk of extirpation than thosenesting in holes in wood (Buck et al. 2008) becausepristine dune systems are often threatened by humandevelopment.In Canada, Bombus affinis seems to have disappeared,and some other western Canadian Bombus species arethreatened. The conspicuous, 3-cm long Teredon cubensis(Siricidae) from Cuba is known from only fourspecimens, despite intensive efforts to collect more.Probably many similar examples could be given. Yet,no Hymenoptera are listed on the International Unionfor Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of ThreatenedSpecies, though some might be on regional orcountry lists.Even if no new economic problems arise as a result ofspecies losses, humanity would be impoverished simplybecause Hymenoptera, or at least some of the large,showy species that are a noticeable part of our livesand cultures, would no longer be seen. The obvioussolution, if it could be implemented reasonably, is topreserve a greater number and diversity of habitats andminimize the use of synthetic chemicals as much aspossible.CONCLUSIONSOur present knowledge of Hymenoptera – ants andbees in particular, but also sawflies, and parasitic,predatory, and plant-feeding wasps – is considerable.Enormous gaps, however, remain. Cataloging thedescribed species of Hymenoptera is well ahead oftaxonomic knowledge, especially at the species level.The taxonomically and biologically best-knownfaunas are those of Australia, Europe, and NorthAmerica, primarily because most Hymenoptera taxonomistslive there. The classification of Hymenopteraat the family level is relatively well understoodand agreed upon, though considerable debate stilloccurs about relationships. Species-level taxonomy ismoderately good for most Aculeata and Symphyta – atleast half the species are described – particularly forthe small families, but is abysmal for the Parasitica,particularly the larger superfamilies, for which lessthan 10% of the fauna is estimated to be described.For most species, biological knowledge is poor orlacking, especially for the Parasitica. Conservationis in its infancy but needs to be carried out morevigorously in the larger context of habitat conservationand sustainable agriculture and forestry. No recentspecies of Hymenoptera are known for certain tohave gone extinct, but some have been extirpatedfrom large areas (Godsoe 2004), and human activitymight have reduced the numbers of many species.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Hymenoptera 319The morphological and biological diversity andeconomic and scientific value of Hymenoptera needmore promotion so more people can learn to appreciateand enjoy them, rather than ignore or fear them.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSMany colleagues provided me with the numbersof species and recent references for their groups ofexpertise; space constraints did not allow all referencesto be included. I thank M. Buffington and D. Smith(National Museum of Natural History, Washington,DC), J. Carpenter (American Museum of NaturalHistory, New York, NY), A. Deans (North CarolinaState University, Raleigh, NC), N. Johnson (Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH), C. Rasmussen (Universityof Illinois, Urbana, IL), J. Schmidt (SouthwesternBiological Institute, Tucson, AZ), S. Shaw (Universityof Wyoming, Laramie, WY), and C. Vardy (retiredfrom The Natural History Museum, London) fordrawing my attention to the references. My colleaguesA. Bennett, H. Goulet, L. Masner, and G. Gibson(Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa) and two unknownreviewers made useful suggestions and corrections ondrafts of this chapter.REFERENCESAbe, M. and D. R. Smith. 1991. The genus-group names ofSymphyta (Hymenoptera) and their type species. Esakia 31:1–115.Agosti, D. and N. F. Johnson (eds). 2005. Antbase, WorldWide Web electronic publication. Antbase.org, version(05/2005) [Accessed 18 January 2007].Aguiar, A. P. 2004. World catalogue of the Stephanidae(Hymenoptera: Stephanoidea). Zootaxa 753: 1–120.Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic <strong>Insect</strong>s. Heinemann EducationalBooks, London, United Kingdom.Attenborough, D. 2005. Life in the Undergrowth. PrincetonUniversity Press, New Jersey.Austin, A. D. and M. Dowton. 2000. The Hymenoptera: anintroduction. Pp. 3–7. In A. D. Austin and M. Dowton (eds).Hymenoptera: Evolution, <strong>Biodiversity</strong> and Biological Control.CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.Austin, A. D., N. F. Johnson, and M. Dowton. 2005. Systematics,evolution, and biology of scelionid and platygastridwasps. Annual Review of Entomology 50: 553–582.Azevedo, C. O. 1999. A key to world species of Scolebythidae(Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), with description of a newspecies of Dominibythus from Brazil. Journal of HymenopteraResearch 8: 1–5.Beaver, R. A. 2002. A new species of Ycaploca (Hym., Scolebythidae)from Fiji. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 138:139–142.Beckage, N. E. 1998. Parasitoids and polydnaviruses. Bioscience48: 305–311.Beleboni, R. de O., A. B. Pizzo, A. C. K. Fontana, G. C. de.O. Ruither, J. Coutinho-Netto, and W. F. dos Santos.2004. Spider and wasp neurotoxins: pharmacologicaland biochemical aspects. European Journal of Pharmacology493(1–3): 1–17.Bennett, A. M. R. 2001. Phylogeny of the Agriotypinae(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), with comments on thesubfamily relationships of the basal Ichneumonidae. SystematicEntomology 26: 329–356.Bennett, A. M. R. 2008. A review and identification keys to theichneumonid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)of Nearctic Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).Canadian Entomologist 140: 1–1.Bennett, D. J. and M. S. Engel. 2005. A primitive wasp inBurmese amber (Hymenoptera: Sapygidae). Acta ZoologicaCracoviensia 48B: 1–9.Benson, R. B. 1950. An introduction to the natural historyof British sawflies. Transactions of the Society for BritishEntomology 10: 46–142.Bohart, R. M. and A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of theWorld: A Generic Revision. University of California Press,Berkeley, California.Bolton, B. 1994. Identification Guide to the Ant Generaof the World. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,Massachusetts.Bolton, B. 1995. A New General Catalogue of the Antsof the World. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,Massachusetts.Bolton, B. 2000. The ant tribe Dacetini. Memoirs of theAmerican Entomological Institute 65: 1–1028.Bolton, B. 2003. Synopsis and classification of Formicidae.Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 71: 1–370.Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). ABiosystematic Revision of Genera of Fourteen Families, with aReclassification of Species. C.A.B. International, Wallingford,United Kingdom.Brothers, D. J. 1999. Phylogeny and evolution of wasps,ants and bees (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea, Vespoidea andApoidea). Zoologica Scripta 28 (1–2): 233–249.Buck, M., S. A. Marshall, and D. K. B. Cheung. 2008. Identificationatlas of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of thenortheastern Nearctic region. Canadian Journal of ArthropodIdentification 5: 492.Carmean, D. and L. Kimsey. 1998. Phylogenetic revision ofthe parasitoid wasp family Trigonalidae (Hymenoptera).Systematic Entomology 23: 35–76.Carpenter, J. M. 2004. Ancistroceroides de Saussure, a potterwasp genus new for the United States, with a key

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Chapter 13<strong>Biodiversity</strong> ofLepidopteraMichael G. PogueSystematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U. S.Department of Agriculture, c/o Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, NMNH,MRC-168, Washington, DC, 20013-7012, USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9325

Wilson (1997) defines biodiversity as ‘everything’.<strong>Biodiversity</strong> encompasses the genesin a single population or species, all of thespecies in a local community, and all of the communitiesthat make up the many ecosystems of theworld. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>, as defined in this chapter, equatesto species richness of the various superfamilies andfamilies of Lepidoptera. In recent years, the biggestquestion confronting systematists seems to be, simply,‘how many species are there?’ This question seemsto have become the essence of biodiversity research.Systematists have been trying to answer this questionsince Westwood (1833) mentioned estimates by theseventeenth-century naturalist John Ray of 20,000species and in the early nineteenth century by theReverend William Kirby who guessed at 400,000–600,000 species. These guesses have continued tothe present, ranging from 2.5 million to 80 millionspecies (Erwin 2004) and indicating that no one has aclear idea of how many species exist on earth.Many authors have estimated global biodiversity,based on a variety of taxa and methods that includetaxon ratios, size ratios, catalog extrapolations,canopy samples, counting descriptions, discussionswith taxonomists, and herbivore-plant extrapolations(Sabrosky 1952; Erwin 1982; May 1988, 1990,1992; Stork 1988; Stork and Gaston 1990; Gaston1991; Hammond 1992; Hodkinson and Casson 1991;Ødergaard 2000; Novotny et al. 2002). Most of thesemethods were not based on sound scientific samplinguntil Erwin (1982) fogged the canopy and estimatedthe number of arthropod species to be 30 million, basedon the number of herbivore species per tree speciesin an acre of tropical forest. No one tested Erwin’shypothesis until Ødergaard (2000) and Novotnyet al. (2002) did so in Panama and Papua NewGuinea, respectively. Ødergaard (2000) used variousstudies that documented the different parameters inErwin’s estimate, including the number of tree, liana,and epiphyte species; proportion of phytophagousbeetles associated with plant species; number of beetlespecies in the canopy; number of beetle species; andnumber of arthropods. Using various extrapolations,an estimate of 4.9 million species of arthropods wascalculated. Novotny et al. (2002) reared Coleopteraand Lepidoptera from different tree species and foundthe number of herbivore species per tree was muchless than Erwin’s estimate. This procedure resulted inan estimate of 3.7 million (based on Coleoptera) and5.8 million (based on Lepidoptera) arthropod species.Erwin (2004) mentioned one of the key elementsin estimating biodiversity: whether globally, regionally,or within ecosystems, one must examine speciesturnover (ß-diversity) between sites. Colwell and Coddington(1994) reported a method to estimate speciesrichnesssuitableformegadiversegroups,basedonsampledrichness and relative abundance. More statisticallybased estimates can be predicted using species richnessand complementarity (difference in species compositionbetween sampling areas). The accuracy of themethod will be limited to the amount of sampling andthe equation(s) used in the estimation of local speciesrichness (Erwin 2004). This method is rigorous in bothcollecting and documentation effort and probably willbe the most accurate.Estimating global species richness in almost anyinsect group, especially a large one, is impossible. InLepidoptera, the number of described species rangesfrom 146,277 (Heppner 1991) to 174,250 (Kristensen1998a). Not even a clear understanding exists ofthe number of described species of Lepidoptera.Most authors of the various families of Lepidopterain Kristensen’s (1998a) treatment simply gaveestimates of the numbers of described species. Theprecise number of described species in Lepidopteracannot be known without producing a completecatalog for the entire order. In recent years, catalogsand family revisions have been produced in whichthe numbers of described species are more accuratelyknown (Davis 1975; Davis and Nielsen 1980, 1984;Poole 1989; Miller 1994; Robbins and Opler 1997;Adamski and Brown 2001; Adamski 2005; Brown2005; Davis and Stonis 2007). The estimate of155,181 species presented here is based, in part, onthe numbers in Kristensen (1998a) as a base, plusthe number of described species minus the numberof synonyms from Zoological Record 1992–2006.The discrepancy between my estimate and that ofKristensen (1998a) is based on the overestimation ofNoctuoidea. Poole’s (1989) catalog, plus data fromthe Zoological Record from 1982 to 2006, yieldedapproximately 45,890 species versus the 70,000estimated by Kristensen (1998a).One method of estimating global lepidopteran speciesrichness is by faunal comparisons between the numberof described or estimated species of butterfliesand moths (Lafontaine and Wood 1997). This methodmight rival the statistical methods of Colwell and Coddington(1994) in estimating species richness in a localarea or region, but it is inaccurate in estimating global

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 327species richness. Global butterfly richness is 17,461described species, representing about 90% of the estimatedbutterfly fauna of 19,401 species (Robbins andOpler 1997). In well-collected areas in northern Europeand Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, the butterfly fauna is4–5% of lepidopteran species (Lafontaine and Wood1997). In the Nearctic Region, the butterfly fauna is6.63% of lepidopteran species (Hodges 1983). By takingthis procedure a step further, the percentage ofthe butterfly fauna in the Neotropics is 17.11%, in thePalearctic 8.18%, in the Ethiopian 16.73%, in the Oriental15.51%, and in the Australasian 6.47% (Heppner1991). Using the percentage for the Neotropics yieldsan estimated global species richness of 113,390, andusing 4.5% based on northern Europe and Canadayields 431,133 species. Thus, faunal comparisons ona global basis are not accurate. The problem is thatone must know the fauna well before this type of estimatorcan provide accuracy. These estimates showthat the Neotropical butterfly fauna is well knownand the moth fauna is poorly known. This trend isalso true in Africa. We do not have a good picture ofthe butterfly–moth faunal comparison in the tropics.If 19,401 species of butterflies are in the world, andthe approximate known lepidopteran fauna is between155,181 and 174,250 species, then the percentageof butterflies is 12.5% to 11.1%, respectively. Usingthe lepidopteran species richness of 155,181 presentedhere and the 174,250 of Kristensen (1998a), with theestimated butterfly species richness of 19,401, yieldsa global estimate of 155,208 to 174,312. This estimateis low, based on the numbers of new speciesbeing discovered in the tropics. Again, using faunalcomparisons on a global scale fails to give anaccurate estimate of world lepidopteran species richness.Lepidoptera offer advantages in biodiversity studiesbecause they are highly diverse (Plate 7), relativelyeasy to identify, especially the butterflies and largermoths, and amenable to quantitative sampling. Theyare found in many habitats and niches, making ecologicalcomparisons possible, and they can indicate areasof endemism (Solis 1997).Systematics is a diverse discipline that includes thediscovery, description, and naming of species to documentbiodiversity, and then uses these species toinfer phylogenies that can be used to predict classifications,biogeographic relationships, and characterevolution. Life-history studies are also an integral partof systematics.This chapter emphasizes the most recent speciestotals for the Lepidoptera, based on the numbers ofdescribed taxa at the superfamily and family levels,and the way these totals relate to the present phylogenyof lepidopteran superfamilies and higher taxa.Examples of estimating lepidopteran biodiversity at specificsites and the criteria for establishing and analyzingan inventory of Lepidoptera also are discussed.PRIMARY NEEDS FOR ENHANCINGLEPIDOPTERAN BIODIVERSITYSTUDIESEvidence of large-scale lepidopteran biodiversity canbe documented from museum collections. The numberof described species comes from the literature, whichis based on specimens in museums or sometimes inpersonal collections. A substantial contribution to systematicsis the publication of catalogs that documentthe names from the literature. By examining thesecatalogs, biodiversity can be traced through time.One way to document biodiversity is by collectingspecimens and obtaining distributional data frommuseum specimens. To be most useful to society, localityand other data associated with these specimensshould be databased and made publicly available. Of the1.5 million described species of organisms, detailed distributionsare unknown for 86% (Stork 1997), suggestingthat if distributional data on specimens in museumcollections were documented, all species would havesome distributional data at a specific point in time. Andthe number of species of all described organisms wouldbe known. LINNE (Legacy Infrastructure Network forNatural Environments, www.flmnh.ufl.edu/linne) isan initiative that will promote access to specimens andassociated data, using analytical tools (e.g., databases,digital imaging, and internet access) to acceleratetaxonomic research and to make available reliableinformation on biological diversity to science and society.Having access to label data on all specimens ofLepidoptera in natural history museums throughoutthe world would have a major effect on the abilityto track potential invasive species, understand thedistribution of agricultural pests, and save time andeffort in locating biological control agents. It alsowould establish a baseline for all future biodiversityresearch.The world collections do not have adequate materialto document the detailed distributions of most known

328 Michael G. Poguespecies. The only regions that approach these detaileddistributions are well-collected areas such as Europe,Japan, and North America. Even in North America,disjunct distributions could be the result of inadequatecollecting (Lafontaine and Wood 1997). Because of theinadequate collecting in tropical areas, only a fractionof the world’s biodiversity is currently preserved incollections.Another serious impediment to biodiversity researchis the lack of a central database containing images ofthe known lepidopteran type specimens. The type specimensare scattered in museums and private collectionsthroughout the world. Some museums have initiatedthe task of illustrating their type holdings on theworldwide web. The Museum of Comparative Zoologyat Harvard University has begun imaging their entiretype collection and presenting the images on a website(mcz-28168.oeb.harvard.edu/mcztypedb.htm).The National Museum of Natural History, SmithsonianInstitution, has begun imaging the Geometridae typecollection, but it is not yet available on the worldwideweb. The problem of type access is not new. Clarke(1955–1970) published an eight-volume set on theMeyrick types in The Natural History Museum, London.Meyrick described more than 14,000 species ofMicrolepidoptera, of which more than 5000 were illustratedby Clarke. This work had a tremendous influenceon future Microlepidoptera systematics. Making typecollections accessible would virtually stop the wearand tear on loaning specimens, increase the accuracyof systematics, speed up the descriptive process, andstandardizegenitalicdissectionsforbettercomparisons.Substantial research on any group of Lepidopterais needed before a systematist can begin to describenew species. One of the first tasks a researcher mustundertake is a study of the types of the species involved,including the holotypes associated with all names,both valid names and synonyms. If images of typeswere readily available online, a tremendous amount oftime and energy could be saved. We do not want tocreate taxonomic problems like those of the past whentypes were not routinely examined before describingnew species.Synonyms are often equated with mistakes, thoughnot always. John Ray was a seventeenth-centuryphilosopher and theologian often referred to as theFather of Natural History in Britain. He believed in ‘naturaltheology’, the doctrine that the wisdom and powerof God could be understood by studying the naturalworld – His creation (www.ucmp.berkely.edu/history/ray.html). This doctrine was widely acceptedthroughout the eighteenth and early nineteenthcenturies until Darwin’s theory of evolution. Specieswere believed to be individually created, so that anygeographical or local variations often were described inthe context of separate species. In the late nineteenthand early twentieth centuries when evolutionary conceptswere more widely accepted and larger collectionsshowed the reality of genetic variation, this perceivedvariation was usually formalized by scientific names,often proposed as varieties and forms. In the middleof the twentieth century, the subspecies concept hadreplaced the more nebulous terms ‘variety’ and ‘form’.By the end of the twentieth century, the subspeciesconcept had become less frequently used because of thefluidity of the concept, the lack of consensus on a workabledefinition, and the overuse of the concept throughexcessive ‘splitting’ (D. Lafontaine, personal communication).These concepts were partially to blame forthe large amount of synonymy in many groups ofLepidoptera when a formal revision was completed.The Noctuidae can be analyzed with regard tosynonymy rate because they have been cataloged(Poole 1989) and databased. Linnaeus described thefirst noctuid in 1758. In the eighteenth century, 1376names were proposed, with a 35.2% synonymy rate.Prominent lepidopteran taxonomists of the time, withtheir synonymy rates, were Linnaeus (10.9%), Cramer(23.5%), Stoll (20.9%), Denis and Schiffermüller(33.3%), and Fabricius (38%). The nineteenth centurysaw a significant increase in noctuid descriptions,with 14,339 names proposed and a synonymy rateof 36.9%. Prominent taxonomists of the time, withtheir synonymy rates included Guenée (27.6%),Herrich-Schäffer (35.0%), Walker (40.2%), Felder andRogenhofer (44%), and Boisduval (47.9%). In thetwentieth century, substantial numbers of noctuidswere described, with 20,402 names proposed and asynonymy rate of 23.6%.A pattern exists for lepidopteran taxonomists activein the first half of the twentieth century. Thoseworking on the North American fauna had high ratesof synonymy, such as Smith (47.0%), Barnes andBenjamin (41.9%), and Barnes and McDunnough(23.3%). Schaus and Dyar, working predominantlyon the Neotropical fauna, had low rates of synonymybecause the fauna was poorly known. Schaus hada 7.6% synonymy rate for 1313 proposed noctuidnames. Of the 728 noctuid names proposed by Dyar,83% were Neotropical and 17% were Nearctic. HisNeotropical synonymy rate was 6.9%, but his Nearcticrate was 55.6%. Probably the best taxonomist of the

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 329early twentieth century was Hampson, who proposed4160 names, with a synonymy rate of 13.9%. Hedescribed noctuids from all over the world instead offrom one or two geographical regions. The synonymyrate dropped significantly for most taxonomists in thelast half of the twentieth century. This decrease mighthave been due to several factors, including betteraccess to and comparisons of types, working in areaswith high diversity and a poorly known fauna, andthe use of genitalic characters to recognize species.Berio (8.2%) and Viette (5.2%), for example, workedon the African fauna, and Holloway (2%) worked onthe Oriental fauna. Species described from the twoleast-diverse regions, the Nearctic and Palearctic,have the highest percentages of synonyms. In thePalearctic Region, Wiltshire, describing species fromthe Middle East, had a 32.5% synonymy rate andRonkay a 51.0% rate. In the Nearctic, Hampson hada synonymy rate of 40.1%, Smith 47.0%, and Dyar55.6%. Modern Nearctic workers have been morethorough, with lower synonymy rates. Hardwick hada rate of 32.5%, Todd 19.6%, Franclemont 8.9%, andLafontaine 8.7%; all of these synonymy rates treatsubspecies as synonyms.LEPIDOPTERA BIODIVERSITYA general knowledge of the higher level classification oftheLepidopteraisnecessarytounderstandlepidopteranbiodiversity. The 46 currently recognized superfamiliesinclude 121 families (Carter and Kristensen 1998,Lafontaine and Fibiger 2006). The classification summarizedhere is derived from morphological characters,and the phylogenetic trees in Figs. 13.1–13.3 are modifiedfrom those of Kristensen and Skalski (1998).The Microlepidoptera comprise an artificial groupingof moth families that are considered more primitive andare usually the ‘smaller moths’. No synapomorphiccharacters define the Microlepidoptera. The Macrolepidopterais also an unnatural group, and includes the‘butterfly assemblage’ of superfamilies (Papilinoidea,Hesperioidea,Hedyloidea,Calliduloidea,andAxioidea),plus the ‘macromoths’ (Mimallonoidea, Lasiocampoidea,Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea,and Noctuoidea) (Kristensen and Skalski 1998). Moresystematic work is needed to understand the higherlevel classification of the Lepidoptera.The data in Table 13.1 are compiled from numeroussources, which are detailed in the discussion of eachsuperfamily and can be referred to when comparingdiversity of the various superfamilies and families inthe following discussion. These data are based on numbersof species extracted from the work of Kristensen(1998a). To update these numbers, all new species andnew synonyms were obtained for all superfamilies fromthe Zoological Record, <strong>Part</strong> D, Lepidoptera, for the years2000–2004, and the net numbers of new species wereadded to the figures from Kristensen (1998a). For somegroups, recent catalogs were available and were usedto obtain species numbers.Another consideration in determining the number ofdescribed species of Lepidoptera concerns the number ofsynonyms discovered each year. Based on data from theFig. 13.1 Species richness ofsuperfamilies in the phylogeny of LowerLepidoptera (Kristensen 1998a). Mnes =Mnesarchaeoidea1862924Glossata5Coelolepida610Myoglossata571Neolepidoptera1046Heteroneura6346080MicropterigoideaAgathiphagoideaHeterobathmioideaEriocranioideaAcanthopteroctetoideaLophocoronoideaNeopseustoideaMnes/HepialoideaNepticuloideaIncurvarioideaPalaephatoideaTischerioideaDITRYSIA

330 Michael G. PogueDitrysiaApoditrysia444352315161917,28917271614806969103413608832071139SimaethistoideaTineoideaGracillarioideaYponomeutoideaGelechioideaGalacticoideaZygaenoideaSesioideaCossoideaTortricoideaChoreutoideaUrodoideaSchreckensteinioideaEpermenioideaAlucitoideaPterophoroideaOBTECTOMERAFig. 13.2 Species richness ofsuperfamilies in the phylogeny of LowerDitrysia and Apoditrysia (Kristensen1998a)Obtectomera22463191817,9771220WhalleyanoideaImmoideaCopromorphoideaHyblaeoideaPyraloideaThyridoideaMacrolepidoptera2001574342566040350017,688MimallonoideaLasiocampoideaBombycoideaAxioideaCalliduloideaHedyloideaHesperioideaPapilionoidea67522,17043,463DrepanoideaGeometroideaNoctuoideaFig. 13.3 Species richness of superfamiliesin the phylogeny of the ‘pyraloid grade’ andMacrolepidoptera (Kristensen 1998a)

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 331Table 13.1 Numbers of genera and species in superfamilies and families of Lepidoptera.Superfamily, Family Number of Genera Number of SpeciesMICROPTERIGOIDEA 8 193MicropterigidaeAGATHIPHAGOIDEA 1 2AgathiphagidaeHETEROBATHMIOIDEA 1 9HeterobathmiidaeERIOCRANIOIDEA 6 25EriocraniidaeACANTHOPTEROCTETOIDEA 2 5AcanthopteroctetidaeLOPHOCORONOIDEA 1 6LophocoronidaeNEOPSEUSTOIDEA 3 10NeopseustidaeMNESARCHAEOIDEA 1 8MnesarchaeidaeHEPIALOIDEA 67 625Anomosetidae 1 1Neotheoridae 1 1Prototheoridae 1 12Palaeosetidae 4 9Hepialidae 60 602NEPTICULOIDEA 19 1055Nepticulidae 11 859Opostegidae 6 196INCURVARIOIDEA 74 638Heliozelidae 12 117Adelidae 32 278Prodoxidae 12 89Cecidosidae 6 7Incurvariidae 11 139Crinopterygidae 1 1PALAEPHATOIDEA 7 60PalaephatidaeTISCHERIOIDEA 1 80TischeriidaeSIMAETHISTOIDEA 2 4SimaethistidaeTINEOIDEA 373 4388Tineidae 322 3025Eriocottidae 5 71Lypusidae 1 1Acrolophidae 5 270Arrhenophanidae 6 10Psychidae 34 1011GRACILLARIOIDEA 93 2343Roeslerstammidae 10 40Douglasiidae 2 28Bucculatricidae 4 261Gracillariidae 77 2014(continued)

332 Michael G. PogueTable 13.1 (continued).Superfamily, Family Number of Genera Number of SpeciesYPONOMEUTOIDEA 66 1627Yponomeutidae 14 597Ypsolophidae 3 131Plutellidae 6 53Acrolepidae 3 95Glyphipterigidae 19 424Heliodinidae 14 94Bedelliidae 1 18Lyonetiidae 6 215GELECHIOIDEA 1428 16,581Elachistidae 165 3287Xyloryctidae 86 1255Chimabachidae 2 6Glyphidoceridae 1 151Schistonoeidae 2 2Oecophoridae 327 3195Lecithoceridae 90 527Batrachedridae 6 100Deoclonidae 3 4Coleophoridae 47 1444Autostichidae 67 308Peleopodidae 6 25Amphisbatidae 11 65Cosmopterigidae 106 1642Gelechiidae 509 4570GA<strong>LAC</strong>TICOIDEA 3 17GalacticidaeZYGAENOIDEA 495 2757Epipyropidae 3 40Cyclotornidae 1 12Himantopteridae 3 40Anomoeotidae 5 40Megalopygidae 22 260Somabrachyidae 2 3Aididae 2 6Limacodidae 290 1063Dalceridae 11 88Lacturidae 10 138Heterogynidae 1 10Zygaenidae 145 1057SESIOIDEA 152 1427Brachodidae 6 100Sesiidae 112 1152Castniidae 34 175COSSOIDEA 124 718Cossidae 123 712Dudgeoneidae 1 6TORTRICOIDEA 979 9416TortricidaeCHOREUTOIDEA 12 416Choreutidae(continued)

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 333Table 13.1 (continued).Superfamily, Family Number of Genera Number of SpeciesURODOIDEA 3 60UrodidaeSCHRECKENSTEINIOIDEA 2 8SchreckensteiniidaeEPERMENIOIDEA 7 111EpermeniidaeALUCITOIDEA 20 208Tineodidae 11 19Alucitidae 9 189PTEROPHOROIDEA 93 1192PterophoridaeWHALLEYANOIDEA 1 2WhalleyanidaeIMMOIDEA 6 245ImmidaeCOPROMORPHOIDEA 29 320Copromorphidae 9 46Carposinidae 20 274HYBLAEOIDEA 2 18HyblaeidaePYRALOIDEA 1972 18,050Pyralidae 1067 6233Crambidae 905 11, 817THYRIDOIDEA 92 1223ThyrididaeMIMALLONOIDEA 30 200MimallonidaeLASIOCAMPOIDEA 158 1586Anthelidae 8 74Lasiocampidae 150 1512BOMBYCOIDEA 465 3583Eupterotidae 50 298Bombycidae 40 351Endromidae 2 2Mirinidae 1 2Saturniidae 165 1535Carthaeidae 1 1Lemoniidae 2 22Brahmaeidae 5 24Sphingidae 200 1348AXIOIDEA 2 6AxiidaeCALLIDULOIDEA 8 60CallidulidaeHEDYLOIDEA 1 40HedylidaeHESPERIOIDEA 546 3500Hesperiidae0PAPILIONOIDEA 1468 13,961Papilionidae 26 612Pieridae 74 1049(continued)

334 Michael G. PogueTable 13.1 (continued).Superfamily, Family Number of Genera Number of SpeciesLycaenidae 727 6528Nymphalidae 641 5772DREPANOIDEA 129 677Epicopeiidae 9 25Drepanidae 120 652GEOMETROIDEA 2070 21,831Sematuridae 6 40Uraniidae 90 698Geometridae 1974 21, 093NOCTUOIDEA 5628 45,890Oenosandridae 4 8Doidae 2 6Notodontidae 736 3546Micronoctuidae 40 300Noctuidae 4846 42, 030TOTAL 16,650 155,181Zoological Record from 1995 to 2006, 11,819 specieswere described and 5041 synonyms were proposed, fora net gain of 6778 species (Table 13.2). The averagesynonymy rate for this period was 42.7%. The percentageof synonyms is unknown for estimates givenby Kristensen (1998a).LEPIDOPTERA CLASSIFICATIONNon-Glossatan LepidopteraThe Non-Glossatan moths represent a convenientgrouping that includes the most ancient clades inthe Lepidoptera that have mandibles and lack acoilable proboscis, which is apomorphic for all otherLepidoptera. These ancient clades represent only0.1% of lepidopteran biodiversity. The three cladesshare many plesiomorphic traits, including a headwith rough vestiture of hairlike scales, mandibleswith strong muscles and well-developed articulationswith the head capsule, and five-segmented maxillarypalps that are long and folded (Kristensen 1998b).Micropterigoidea The clade considered the mostprimitive is the Micropterigoidea, which includes asingle family, the Micropterigidae, with 8 genera and193 described species (Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphiesinclude antennae with ascoid sensilla, thelabrum extensively desclerotized, and strong asymmetricalmandibles with an apical incisor cusp on theleft mandible (Kristensen 1998b). This family is byfar the most diverse of the primitive Lepidoptera. Thetwo major lineages of micropterygids are the genusMicropterix, in the Palearctic Region, and the Sabatincagroup of genera, which is most diverse in the SouthernHemisphere, but includes species in North America,Japan, China, and Taiwan. Micropterix consists of 67described species distributed across the Palearctic fromTable 13.2 Numbers of new species described, synonyms proposed, and percentage synonymy for Lepidoptera, 1995–2006(from Zoological Record).1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 TotalNew species 1093 1016 892 1019 864 1296 1181 819 937 908 940 854 11, 819Synonyms 353 487 1244 259 226 320 304 430 500 261 498 159 5041Net total 740 529 352 760 638 976 877 389 437 647 442 695 6778% Synonymy 32.3 47.9 139.5 25.4 26.2 24.7 25.7 52.5 53.4 28.7 53.0 18.6 42.7

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 335Europe to Japan. The Sabatinca group is most diverse inthe Southwest Pacific, especially New Caledonia, with50-plus species, most of which are undescribed (Gibbs1983, Kristensen 1998b).Agathiphagoidea The Agathiphagoidea consist ofa single family, the Agathiphagidae. Probable apomorphiesinclude the absence of ocelli and antennae withbifurcate sensilla (Kristensen 1998b). The two speciesin this group were described from Fiji and Queensland,Australia, and have a distribution around the southwesternPacific in Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, andNew Caledonia (Scoble 1992).Heterobothmioidea The Heterobothmioidea includethe family Heterobathmiidae and the genus Heterobathmia,with at least nine species, although only threehave been described (Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphiesinclude forewing veins Sc and R simple andforewing scales on the obverse surface with smoothroundedplatesoninter-ridgeareas(Kristensen1998b).These moths occur in southern Argentina (Kristensenand Nielsen 1979).GlossataThe clade Glossata is characterized primarily by a coiledproboscis and includes 99.9% of lepidopteran species.The homoneurous grade includes superfamilies thathave similar wing venation in both the fore- andhindwings and have retained the microtrichiated wingsurfaces and distinct jugal lobes on the forewings. Allbut one of the six superfamilies consist of a singlefamily.Eriocranioidea The most plesiomorphic superfamilyof the Glossata is the Eriocranioidea, with thesingle family Eriocraniidae containing 6 genera and25 described species (Table 13.1). This group is definedprimarily by a proboscis that lacks intrinsic musculature.The Eriocranioidea are restricted to the Holarctic,with about equal species richness in the Nearctic andPalearctic. In the Palearctic, they are most diverse inWestern Europe, but two species are recorded fromJapan. In the Nearctic, the Eriocranioidea are restrictedto the western North American mountain ranges andeastern Appalachian Highlands (Davis 1978).CoelolepidaThe clade Coelolepida includes the Acanthopteroctetoidea,the Lophocoronoidea, and all other Lepidoptera,andisdefinedprimarilybyseveralcharacters,including‘normal-type’ scales on the wings and the ‘normal-type’first thoracic spiracle in the adult (Kristensen 1998c).Acanthopteroctetoidea The Acanthopteroctetoideacontain a single family, the Acanthopteroctetidae,which was originally placed in the Eriocranioidea(Davis 1978). Probable autapomorphies include anabsence of an epiphysis on the fore tibia, labial palpsgreatly shortened, wings narrow, and vein M1 stalkedwith Rs in both wing pairs (Kristensen 1998c). Thisfamily is most diverse in the western USA, with fourdescribed species in Acanthopteroctetes and a singlespecies described from Crimea in the genus Catapterix(Zagulajev and Sinev 1988) (Table 13.1).Lophocoronoidea The Lophocoronoidea are endemicto Australia and include a single monotypicfamily, Lophocoronidae, with six described species(Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphies includemandibles completely devoid of musculature and theabsence of an epiphysis on the fore tibia (Kristensen1998c). These moths occur in arid conditions insouthern Australia from Coolgardie in WesternAustralia along the Great Australian Bight to the EyrePeninsula in South Australia. In Canberra (AustralianCapital Territory), they are associated with malleeand dry sclerophyll forests, and with dry sclerophyllforests northwest of Wollongong in New South Wales(Nielsen and Common 1991).MyoglossataThe Myoglossata clade includes all of the Glossata-Coelolepida except the Acanthopteroctetoidea andLophocoronoidea. The clade is probably monophyletic,characterized primarily by the proboscis havingintrinsic musculature.Neopseustoidea. The Neopseustoidea are themost primitive superfamily of the Myoglossata, withthe single family Neopseustidae including 3 generaand 10 described species (Table 13.1). Probable

336 Michael G. Pogueautapomorphies include paired facial scales restrictedto paired lateral, swollen patches and antennaesubmoniliform or subserrate and usually longer thanthe forewing (Kristensen 1998c). The Neopseustoideahave a disjunct distribution. In the Old World, theyoccur in the Assam region of northeastern India,Myanmar, central China, and Taiwan (Davis 1975).In the New World, they are found in the temperateregions of Chile and Argentina (Davis and Nielsen1980, 1984).NeolepidopteraThe Neolepidoptera include all the Myoglossata, exceptthe Neopseustoidea, and are characterized by adecticous,obtect pupae and crochet-bearing larval prolegson abdominal segments 3–6 and 10.Neolepidoptera – ExoporiaThe Exoporia are homoneurous Neolepidoptera andinclude the two superfamilies Mnesarchaeoidea andHepialoidea. This clade is a well-established monophyleticgroup, with the primary character being theunique configuration of the female genital apparatus.Two genital openings are present, one for copulationand the other for oviposition, as in the Ditrysia, but theinternal arrangement is different. The Exoporia haveno ductus seminalis, so the spermatozoa deposited inthe bursa copulatrix must travel to the spermathecaexternally from the copulatory pore via the oviporealong a seminal groove or tract between these twoopenings (Scoble 1992, Kristensen 1998c).Mnesarchaeoidea The Mnesarchaeoidea include asingle family, the Mnesarchaeidae, and are endemicto New Zealand, with a singe genus and eight species(Table 13.1). Probable autoapomorphies include narrow,laceolatewings;veinRs1+2inbothwingpairsrepresentedby a single vein; and wing coupling achievedby a band of long piliform scales on the lower sideof the forewing dorsum entangling with a correspondingband of piliform scales on the hindwingcosta (Kristensen 1998c).Hepialoidea The Hepialoidea represent the mostdiverse superfamily of all primitive Lepidoptera,with 5 families, 67 genera, and 625 describedspecies (Nielsen et al. 2000) (Table 13.1). A wellrecognizedautapomorphy is the strong regression ofthe proboscis, which is at most as long as the headcapsule and can be much shorter or absent, and isnever truly coilable (Kristensen 1998c). Four of thefive families contain only a few genera and species.Anomosetidae This monobasic family occurs inAustralian rainforests of southern Queensland andNew South Wales (Kristensen 1998c).Neotheoridae This monobasic family is known fromasingleincompletefemalespecimenfromMattoGrosso,Brazil (Kristensen 1998c).Prototheoridae This small family has a single genusand nine described species (Table 13.1) from southernmostAfrica north to Natal (Kristensen 1998c).Palaeosetidae This small family includes four generaand nine described species (Table 13.1). They havea disjunct distribution, with a single species in Colombia,two in Queensland, Australia, one in Assam, India,and four in Taiwan and Thailand (Kristensen 1998c).Hepialidae This diverse family, with 60 genera and602 described species (Table 13.1), has a worldwidedistribution. The Neoptropical Region has 17 generaand 132 species, 29 of which are endemic to southernSouth America (Nielsen and Robinson 1983). TheNearctic fauna has 2 genera and 20 species (Davis1983), and is numerically similar to that of Europe,which has 6 genera and 16 species (de Freina 1996).New Zealand is quite diverse for its size, with 7 generaand 27 species (Dugdale 1994). Australia has a diversefauna of 10 genera and 119 species (Nielsen 1996a).HeteroneuraThe infraorder Heteroneura comprises the monotrysianheteroneuran clade and the Ditrysia. Thismonophyletic group is characterized by heteroneurouswing venation, retinaculum–frenulum wing-couplingstructures, and an unsclerotized first abdominalsternite (Nielsen and Common 1991). Four superfamiliesmake up the monotrysian Heteroneura, which

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 337is a questionably monophyletic group of distantlyrelated groups believed to be the basal lineage of theHeteroneura. These superfamilies retain the primitivemonotrysian female reproductive system, with a singleopening for both copulation and oviposition (Davis1998).Non-Ditrysian HeteroneuraNepticuloidea The Nepticuloidea are the smallestmoths in the order, with forewing lengths of1.5–8.3 mm. They are also the most diverse, with19 genera and 1055 described species (Table 13.1).The Nepticuloidea are characterized by the vertexof the head rough, with erect piliform scales; ocelliand chaetostemmata absent; and antennae with thescape typically expanded to form an eyecap (Davis1998).Nepticulidae This family has 11 genera and 859described species (Table 13.1) and is distributed worldwide.Europe has 210 described species (van Nieukerken1996a), North America north of Mexico has82 (Davis 1983), New Zealand has 28, of which 27 areendemic (Donnor and Wilkinson 1989), and Australiahas 22, but could exceed 300, with descriptions of newspecies (Nielsen 1996b).Opostegidae This family has 6 genera and 196described species (Table 13.1) and is distributedworldwide (Davis and Stonis 2007). Europe has 6described species (van Nieukerken 1996b), NorthAmerica north of Mexico has 7 (Davis 1983), andAustralia has 19 described species, but could possiblyreach 80 species (Nielsen 1996c). Hundreds of newspecies undoubtedly are yet to be described in thissuperfamily and the diversity could exceed 1500species.Incurvarioidea The Incurvarioidea represent thesecond most diverse superfamily of the monotrysianheteroneura, with 6 families, 74 genera, and 638described species (Table 13.1). Some autapomorphiesinclude an extensible, piercing ovipositor; two or morepairs of retractor apodemes; the enclosure of the femaleeighth abdominal segment largely inside the greatlyenlarged seventh sternum; and sagittate juxta in themale (Davis 1998).Heliozelidae This moderately species-rich familyhas 12 genera and 117 described species (Table 13.1)of small (forewing length 1.7–7.0 mm), seldomcollected,diurnal moths. They are found worldwideexcept in Antarctica and New Zealand, and arepoorly known in the Neotropical Region (Davis 1998).The family is diverse in North America, with 31described species (Davis 1983). Europe has 8 describedspecies (Wojtusiak 1996a) and Australia has 36, with apossible fauna of more than 50 species (Nielsen 1996d).Adelidae This family is the most diverse in theIncurvarioidea, with 32 genera and 278 describedspecies (Table 13.1). The family is distributed worldwideexcept in Antarctica and New Zealand (Davis1998). Europe has 52 described species (Wojtusiak1996b), North America has 19 (Davis 1983), and Australiahas 16 (Nielsen 1996e).Prodoxidae This family includes 12 genera and 89described species (Table 13.1) that are almost exclusivelyrestricted to the Holarctic Region, with a singlespecies from southern South America. Europe has 20species (Wojtusiak 1996c) and North America andMexico have 29 (Davis 1983, Pellmyr et al. 2006).Cecidosidae This is a small family with six generaand seven described species (Table 13.1) restricted tosouthern South America (five species) and South Africa(two species).Incurvariidae This cosmopolitan family has 11genera and 139 species (Table 13.1), most of whichare undescribed. It is most diverse in Australia, withmore than 100 species (Nielsen 1996e). An additional12 occur in Europe (Wojtusiak 1996d), 22 in NorthAmerica (Davis 1983), 4 in temperate South America(Nielsen and Davis 1981), and 1 in Africa (Scoble1980).Crinopterygidae This monobasic family is found insouthern France and Sicily (Davis 1998).Palaephatoidea The Palaephatoidea are representedby a single family, the Palaephatidae, andare distributed equally between South America and

338 Michael G. PogueAustralia (Davis 1998). The group is relatively small,with 7 genera and 60 described species (Table 13.1).Autapomorphies include the median ridge of theovipositor covered with campaniform sensilla anda mesal plate on the abdominal prolegs of thelarva (Davis 1998).Tischerioidea The Tischerioidea include a singlefamily, the Tischeriidae, with a single genus and 82described species (Table 13.1). The Tischerioidea aresmall moths with forewing lengths of 2.7–5.0 mm.The vertex of the head is rough with slender tomoderately broad scales directed mostly forward,the frons is smooth, and the ocelli are absent (Davis1998). The greatest biodiversity is in the USA, with 47described species. The other species are described fromthe Ethiopian, Neotropical, and Oriental regions; nonehas been described from the Australasian Region orOceania (Davis 1998).The 13 superfamilies treated above are theplesiomorphic, non-ditrysian Lepidoptera, with 2633species, making up only 1.7% of the total Lepidoptera.The remaining 98.3%, or 152,576 species, belong tothe Ditrysia. The ditrysians are characterized primarilyby having separate copulatory and ovipositionopenings in the female. The superfamily relationshipsin the Ditrysia are mostly unresolved with the useof morphological characters. Perhaps superfamilyrelationships will become more resolved when athorough molecular study is completed.Lower DitrysiaThe lower Ditrysia (Fig. 13.2) include the moreprimitive ditrysian superfamilies, but constitute aparaphyletic group in that the higher Ditrysia superfamiliesare derived from within the lower ditrysianclade. The superfamilies include the Simaethistoidea,Tineoidea, Gracillarioidea, Yponomeutoidea, andGelechoidea. They contain 25,662 species, or about16.5% of the Lepidoptera. They are mostly smallmoths that have not received the taxonomic attentionaccorded the larger Lepidoptera. Because of this lackof taxonomic attention and few systematists workingon these groups, the total fauna of the lower Ditrysiacould easily double and possibly triple.Simaethistoidea The Simaethistoidea are asmall superfamily with uncertain affinities and arecharacterized by the lack of apomorphies diagnostic ofother ditrysian superfamilies. They are superficiallymost similar to some Crambidae-Pyraustinae, butlack a scaled proboscis and tympanic organs.They share various characters with a number ofsuperfamiles including the Tineoidea, Alucitoidea, andThryridoidea, but lack other important apomorphies toplace them in any of these groups. A single family, theSimaethistidae, occurs in China, northern India, andAustralia and includes two genera and four describedspecies (Table 13.1) (Dugdale et al. 1998b).Tineoidea The Tineoidea are considered the mostplesiomorphic of the Ditrysia, and include 373 generaand 4388 described species (Table 13.1). Autapomorphiesinclude the presence of a slender pair of ventralpseudapophyses within A10 of most females and anunusually long ovipositor. Other characters that helpdistinguish the Tineoidea are the presence of erectscales on the frons, labial palps with lateral bristles, anda haustellum with short, disassociated galeae.Tineidae This family is the most species rich in thegroup, with 322 genera and 3025 described species(Table 13.1). The family has a worldwide distribution.Eriocottidae The Eriocottidae are mainly an OldWorld family with 5 genera and 71 described species(Table 13.1) that range from the southern Palearcticto Australia and from southern Africa to Taiwan.Lypusidae This family is monobasic and is representedby a single Palearctic species.Acrolophidae This New World family includes5 genera and 270 described species and is most diversein the Neotropics.Arrhenophanidae This small family has 6 generaand 10 described species (Table 13.1) that are foundmostly in the New World, with 2 species in a new genusreported from Taiwan.Psychidae The bagworm moths constitute a largegroup, with 34 genera and 1011 described species

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 339(Table 13.1). They have a worldwide distribution, butmore than 85% are restricted to the Old World (Davisand Robinson 1998).Gracillarioidea The Gracillarioidea are representedby 4 families, 92 genera, and 2343 species (Table 13.1).The moths generally are small, with forewing lengthsof 2–10 mm. Some apomorphies include the partiallyextruded pupa from the cocoon prior to eclosion, andabdominal tergal spines and a smoothly scaled frons inthe adults (Davis and Robinson 1998).Roeslerstammidae This small family has 10 generaand 40 described species (Table 13.1) that are mainlyfrom the Australasian, Oriental, and Palearctic regions.One genus is recorded from Colombia, South America(Moriuti 1978).Douglasiidae This small family has 2 genera and28 described species (Table 13.1). Its greatest diversityis in the Palearctic Region, with 20 described species;another 8 species occur in the Nearctic and 1 species isin Australia.Bucculatricidae This family has 4 genera and 261described species, with virtually all species in thegenus Bucculatrix, except for 3 monotypic genera, 2of which are in Australia (Nielsen 1996f) and 1 inSouth Africa (Davis and Robinson 1998). The Nearcticis the most diverse region, with 100 species inBucculatrix.Gracillariidae This family is the most diverse inthe group, with 77 genera and 2014 described species(Table 13.1). These tiny moths have a worldwide distribution,and account for more than 85% of the speciesin the superfamily. The larvae are leaf miners. ThePalearctic Region is the most diverse, with about 450described species. The Nearctic has about 280 describedspecies but, including undescribed species, the faunacould exceed 400 species (D. Davis, personal communication).Yponomeutoidea The Yponomeutoidea are amoderately species-rich group with 66 genera and1627 described species (Table 13.1). Controversyexists over the monophyly of the Yponomeutoidea, butthe principal autapomorphy is the presence, in males,of posterior expansions of pleuron VIII. These pleurallobes enclose the genitalia and are correlated with thesize of the genitalia (Dugdale et al. 1998a).Yponomeutidae This family is the most diverse inthe group, with 14 genera and 597 described speciesand a worldwide distribution (Table 13.1).Ypsolophidae This diverse family has 3 genera and131 described species (Table 13.1) in the HolarcticRegion.Plutellidae This family includes 6 genera and 53described species worldwide (Table 13.1). Larvae feedmostly on Brassicaceae, living in loose webs and skeletonizingleaves (Dugdale et al. 1998a).Acrolepidae The Acrolepidae were originallyincluded in the Plutellidae, but because of a lackof good synapomorphies, they are treated as aseparate family (Dugdale et al. 1998a). They include3 genera and 95 described species (Table 13.1) andare distributed worldwide, with more than half of thespecies in the Palearctic.Glyphipterigidae This moderate-sized group ofdiurnal moths includes 19 genera and 424 describedspecies worldwide (Table 13.1).Heliodinidae This small family has 14 genera and94 described species, with a worldwide distribution(Table 13.1). A majority (90%) of the species are in theNew World (Hsu and Powell 2005).Bedelliidae The Bedelliidae are represented by thegenus Bedellia, which has radiated in Hawaii. Thefamily consists of 14 species, 10 of which are new and13 endemic.Lyonetiidae This leaf-mining family has 6 generaand 215 described species (Table 13.1). It is cosmopolitanbut only one species is represented in theAfrotropical Region (Heppner 1991).

340 Michael G. PogueGelechioidea The Gelechioidea are the most speciesrich of the Microlepidoptera, with 1428 genera and16,581 described species (Table 13.1). A single apomorphydefines the Gelechioidea: the haustellum hasoverlapping scales on the dorsal surface from thebase extending variously to half its length. This character,however, also occurs in the Pyraloidea andChoreutoidea; thus, no single apomorphy defines theGelechioidea, but the combination of the scaled proboscis,lack of abdominal tympanic organs (present inPyraloidea), and the absence of naked, minute halfsegmentedmaxillary palps (present in Choreutoidea)help define this superfamily. Other characters presentin most Gelechioidea are a four-segmented maxillarypalp that is scaled and folded over parallel with thebase of the haustellum, labial palps upturned with thethird segment long and acute, and the head smoothscaled (Hodges 1998).This group is under-collected and under-studied,with the potential to increase significantly in numberof species. The Gelechioidea are the least well describedof the large Lepidoptera superfamilies (Hodges1998). Hodges (1998) presents the percentage ofdescribed species in several families and subfamiliesof Nearctic Gelechioidea: 30% of the Gelechiidaeare described, 10% of the Scythridinae, 20% of theColeophorinae, 25% of the Momphinae, 60–70% ofthe Cosmopterigidae, and 30% of the Elachistidae.For the Neotropics, about 50% of the Stenomatinaeand less than 20% of the Gelechiidae might bedescribed. The Oecophorinae of Australia are about50% described (Hodges 1998). The AfrotropicalRegion is represented by only 1027 described speciesof Gelechioidea, mostly in the Gelechiidae andLecithoceridae, which is a small part of the fauna (Váriand Kroon 1986).There are 15 families in the Gelechioidea, the mostof any superfamily. Hodges (1998) reclassified theGelechioidea at the family level, using morphologicalcharacters and phylogenetic analysis. As a result,many former families became subfamilies or families.I, therefore, list the subfamilies included in each of thefamilies of Gelechioidea to aid interpretation of olderliterature.Elachistidae This large family has 165 genera and3287 described species (Table 13.1) and is distributedworldwide. Subfamilies included are the Stenomatinae,Ethmiinae, Drepressariinae, Elachistinae,Agonoxeninae, Hypertrophinae, Deuterogoniinae,and Aeolanthinae. Among the most diverse subfamiliesis the Stenomatinae, with more than 1200 species andthe center of its diversity in the New World, especiallythe Neotropics. The Drepressariinae are distributedworldwide, but are absent from many island groupsand contain more than 600 species. The Ethmiinaeand Elachistinae each have about 250 species. Theremaining subfamilies have fewer than 100 species(Hodges 1998).Xyloryctidae The Xyloryctidae include 2 subfamilies,86genera,and1255describedspecies(Table13.1)and are distributed worldwide. The Xyloryctinae aredistributed in Africa south of the Sahara, Indoaustralia,and Polynesia, with more than 500 species. TheScythridinae occur worldwide, with more than 700species. Many species of Scythridinae are undescribedand, using the above calculations based on the numberof described species in the Nearctic, more than 4000species of Scythridinae might exist in the world (Hodges1998).Chimabachidae The Chimabachidae are a smallgroup with two genera and six described species(Table 13.1) distributed in the Palearctic from WesternEurope to Japan, with one species introduced tonorthwestern North America (Hodges 1998).Glyphidoceridae This relatively small familycontains the genus Glyphidocera, with 151 describedspecies (Table 13.1) and a New World distribution(Hodges 1983, Becker 1984, Adamski and Brown2001, Adamski 2005). This number could easilydouble, with many undescribed species, especially inthe Neotropics (D. Adamski, personal communication).Schistonoeidae The Schistonoeidae include twosubfamilies, two genera, and two described species(Table 13.1) and are pantropical in distribution(Hodges 1998).Oecophoridae Another large family with 327 generaand 3195 described species distributed worldwide(Table 13.1), the Oecophoridae are the dominantgroup of Lepidoptera in Australia, with more than2300 species and at least that many undescribed

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 341(Common 1996a).TheOecophorinaearethedominantsubfamily, with 300 genera and 3000 species, includingnearly 2000 described species in 250 genera inAustralia and numerous undescribed species (Common1996a). The Stathmopodinae are pantropicaland subtropical, with a worldwide distribution. Thisgroup is most diverse in Australia, with 104 species in15 genera, and is widely distributed across Australia,particularly in the Northeast (Common 1996a).Lecithoceridae This moderate-sized family of90 genera and 527 described species (Table 13.1)is distributed in the southern Palearctic and Africa,but is most diverse in the Indoaustralasian Region.Australia has 47 described and numerous undescribedspecies (Common 1996b).Batrachedridae This relatively small family has6 genera and 100 described species (Table 13.1) distributedworldwide. The family is divided into 2 subfamilies,the Epimarptinae, with a single species fromwestern India, and the Batrachedrinae, which is distributedworldwide, with 5 genera and more than100 species.Deoclonidae This small family has only threegenera and four described species (Table 13.1).The subfamily Deocloninae has two genera and threespecies from California to Argentina, and the subfamilySyringopainae is monotypic and occurs from theMediterranean region to India (Hodges 1998).Coleophoridae This family is species rich,currently with 47 genera and 1444 described species(Table 13.1). The Nearctic fauna consists of 145species, or about 20% of the described coleophoridfauna (Hodges 1998), yielding an estimated Nearctictotal of 725 species. Four subfamilies are in theColeophoridae; all were treated as families at one time.The most species rich of these are the Coleophorinae,with 1050 species in 13 genera. They have aworldwide distribution, but are most diverse in theHolarctic. Another predominantly Holarctic groupis the Momphinae, with 6 genera and 60 species; afew species occur in the Neotropics and New Zealand.The Blastobasinae are a moderately species-richgroup, with more than 300 described species anda worldwide distribution, primarily in the NewWorld. Many species remain to be described in theBlastobasinae (D. Adamski, personal communication).The Pterolonchinae are a small group of two generaand eight species in the Mediterranean region andSouth Africa, with introduced species in the Nearctic.Autostichidae This moderately species-rich familywith 4 subfamilies, 67 genera, and 308 describedspecies (Table 13.1) is distributed in the PalearcticRegion, Australasia, Polynesia, and the NearcticRegion. The Holcopogoninae are distributed fromthe Mediterranean eastward in xeric areas, with18 species in 7 genera. The Autostichinae containmore than 120 species in 18 genera and are distributedin the eastern Palearctic Region, Australasia, andPolynesia. The Symmocinae have 170 species in42 genera, and are distributed in the Palearctic fromthe Mediterranean east to China in xeric areas and inthe Nearctic Region (Hodges 1998).Peleopodidae This small family has 6 genera and25 described species (Table 13.1) in the New Worldand Oriental Region (Hodges 1998).Amphisbatidae Another moderately small familywith 11 genera and 65 described species (Table 13.1),the Amphisbatidae have a New World and Palearcticdistribution (Hodges 1998).Cosmopterigidae This species-rich group has106 genera and 1642 described species (Table 13.1)worldwide. The Chrysopeleiinae are distributedworldwide except in Oceania and contain 22 generaand 270 species. The Cosmopteriginae contain thebulk of the species, with 80 genera and 1350 speciesthroughout the world. The Antequerinae have fourgenera and eight species in North America andEngland (Hodges 1998).Gelechiidae This family is the largest in theclade, with 509 genera, 4570 described species,and a cosmopolitan distribution. The 633 describedNearctic species represent about 30% of the gelechiidfauna (Hodges 1998) and 14.8% of the world fauna.Extrapolating gives an estimated 2110 Nearcticspecies of Gelechiidae and more than 14,000 species

342 Michael G. Pogueworldwide. Four subfamilies make up the Gelechiidae.The Physoptilinae are distributed in India, Java,Borneo, and Australia, and include a single genus andseven species. The Gelechiinae are the most diverse,with 480 genera, 3400 species, and a worldwidedistribution. The Dichomeridinae are also worldwidein distribution, with 4 genera and more than 1000species. The Pexicopiinae are a pantropical group,also found in the Palearctic and New Zealand, with21 genera and 110 species (Hodges 1998).ApoditrysiaAll Ditrysian moths, except the Lower Ditrysia, are tentativelyclassified in the clade Apoditrysia and are consideredmonophyletic based on the shortened apodemeswith enlarged bases on sternum II (Minet 1991). TheObtectomera (Fig. 13.3) include all Apoditrysia withthe first four pupal abdominal segments immobile andthe dorsal edge of the pulvillus in the adult pretarsushaving a dorsal lobe or protrusion (Minet 1991).The immobility of the first four abdominal segmentswas first mentioned by Mosher (1916), but has considerablehomoplasy, occurring in the Epermenioideaand Alucitoidea. However, these superfamilies do nothave a modified adult pulvillus, which might be abetter synapomorphy for the Obtectomera than isthe immobility of the first four pupal abdominal segments(Kristensen and Skalski 1998).Non-Obtectomeran ApoditrysiaThe non-obtectomeran Apoditrysia consist of 11 superfamilies(Fig. 13.2) referred to collectively as the ‘tortricidgrade’. The most diverse of these superfamilies isthe Tortricoidea. The classification of the superfamiliesin this grade is not completely understood (Kristensenand Skalski 1998).Galacticoidea The Galacticoidea consist of a singlefamily with 3 genera and 17 described species(Table 13.1). Autapomorphies for the group have notbeen well studied, but both sexes have postabdominalmodifications, which include tergum VIII in the maleforming a hood over the genitalia, and the ostium bursaein the female being a minute orifice on a curved,sclerotized tube that projects from the membranebehind segment VII. The Galacticidae are distributedin the Old World from North Africa through Asia toAustralia, with undescribed species in New Caledoniaand the Aftrotropics (Dugdale et al. 1998b).Zygaenoidea The Zygaenoidea include 12 families,495 genera, and 2757 described species (Table 13.1).The monophyly of the group is not clearly defined, butthe families Aididae, Dalceridae, Limacodidae, Megalopygidae,and Somabrachyidae make up the ‘limacodidgroup’ (Epstein et al. 1998). Several characterssupport the monophyly of this group in both theimmature and adult stages. Synapomorphies includecrochets on abdominal segments II–VII of the larva,a sculptured eye flange in the pupa, and dense sensillatrichodea on all female legs and an absence ofocelli (Epstein 1996).Epipyropidae Larvae of this family are ectoparasitesof homopterans. The family is distributed worldwide,mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, but is mostdiverse in the Indoaustralian Region. The group isrelatively small, with 3 genera and 40 described species(Table 13.1). A single species occurs in the NearcticRegion (Davis 1987).Cyclotornidae This small family is endemic toAustralia, with a single genus and 12 species (Epsteinet al. 1998).Himantopteridae Known from the Afrotropicaland Oriental regions, the Himantopteridae include3 genera and 40 described species (Table 13.1)(Epstein et al. 1998).Anomoeotidae This family has 5 genera and 40described species (Table 13.1) with an Afrotropical andOriental distribution (Epstein et al. 1998).Megalopygidae This family is endemic to the NewWorld, with 22 genera and 260 described species(Table 13.1). It is especially diverse in the Neotropics(Epstein et al. 1998).Somabrachyidae This small family has twogenera and three described species (Table 13.1). It isdistributed in the Mediterranean Region and South

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 343Africa; many new taxa are yet undescribed from SouthAfrica (Epstein et al. 1998).Aididae This small family with two genera and sixdescribed species (Table 13.1) originally was placed asa subfamily in the Megalopygidae, but is now accordedfamily rank after a phylogenetic analysis (Epstein1996). It is endemic to the Neotropics.Limacodidae This family is a dominant group inthe Zygaenoidea, with 290 genera and 1063 describedspecies (Table 13.1). It is distributed worldwide,reaching its greatest diversity in the tropics (Epsteinet al. 1998).Dalceridae This family, with 11 genera and 88described species, is almost exclusively endemic to theNeotropics, with one species in Arizona (Miller 1994)(Table 13.1).Lacturidae The Lacturidae are brightly colored nocturnalmoths, with 10 genera and 136 described species(Table 13.1). They are found in tropical or subtropicalareas in the Afrotropical, Australian, Neotropical, andOriental regions (Epstein et al. 1998).Heterogynidae This small monotypic family has 10described species (Table 13.1) endemic to the westernpart of the Mediterranean (Epstein et al. 1998).Zygaenidae A dominant group with 145 genera and1057 described species (Table 13.1), the Zygaenidaeare distributed worldwide, but are most diverse insubtropical and tropical Asia and in the Palearctic,with many more species yet to be described (Epsteinet al. 1998).Sesioidea The Sesioidea are mostly day-flying mothswith prominent ocelli. The group contains 3 families,152 genera, and 1427 described species (Table 13.1).Probableautapomorphiesincludeanoculardiaphragmmost strongly pigmented anteriorly, large patagia thatextend ventrad beyond the anteroventral corners of thepronotum, and the posterior tendons of the metafurcalapophyses elongated caudad or dosocaudad (Edwardset al. 1998).Brachodidae These moths, including 6 genera and100 described species, are mostly diurnal and occur inall geographic realms except the Nearctic (Table 13.1).Sesiidae Clear-winged moths are infrequentlyobserved in nature. The larvae bore into the branches,roots, stems, trunks, and, in some cases, seeds oftheir host plants. Many are pests of orchard trees.The family Sesiidae is the most species rich in thesuperfamily, with 112 genera and 1152 describedspecies distributed worldwide (Table 13.1).Castniidae These large day-flying moths resemblebutterflies, with their knobbed antennae, althoughcurrent morphological studies have not shown a closerelationship with butterflies. The 34 genera and 175describedspecies(Table 13.1)arefoundmainlyintropical,subtropical,andwarmtemperateclimatesandhavea probable Gondwanan origin, as they are distributedin Australia, the Neotropics, and Southeast Asia. Nospecies are known from New Guinea or the IndonesianIslands east of Sumatra (Edwards et al. 1998).Cossoidea The Cossoidea are large robust mothswhoselarvaearewoodborers.Thesuperfamilycontains2 families, 124 genera, and 718 described species(Table 13.1). The included families are pheneticallysimilar, but none of the suggested apomorphies havebeen confirmed. The boring and feeding behavior inwoody tissue could be a possible synapomorphy for theCossoidea (Edwards et al. 1998).Cossidae This family is the predominant member ofthe group, with 123 genera and 712 described species(Table 13.1) and a worldwide distribution except inNew Zealand.Dudgeoneidae This small group has a single genusand six species distributed in Africa, Madagascar, India,Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and northern Australia(Edwards et al. 1998).Tortricoidea The Tortricoidea are the most diverseof the non-obtectomeran Apoditrysia, with 979 generaand 9416 described species (Table 13.1) (Brown2005). The superfamily contains only one family, the

344 Michael G. PogueTortricidae, which can be defined by the large, flatovipositor lobes of the female genitalia (Horak 1998).The Tortricidae include major forest and agriculturalpests and have a worldwide distribution. The twosubfamilies, the Tortricinae and Olethreutinae, areabout equal in species numbers. Diversity is greatestfor the Tortricinae in the Australasian, Neotropical,and Palearctic regions and for the Olethreutinae inthe Nearctic, Palearctic, and Oriental regions (Heppner1991).Choreutoidea The Choreutoidea are a moderatelydiverse group of small, often diurnal moths, with12 genera and 416 described species (Table 13.1). Theonly family is the Choreutidae, which can be definedby a scaled proboscis, minute maxillary palps, andan upright egg. The family has a worldwide distribution(Dugdale et al. 1998b).Urodoidea The Urodoidea contain a single family,the Urodidae, with 3 genera and 60 described species(Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphies include lamellateantennae and each hindwing with a costal hairpencilinthemale.TwogeneraareNeotropical,Spiladarchaand Urodus, with a single North American speciesof Urodus. The genus Wockia is Eurasian (Dugdaleet al. 1998b), but has been collected in New England(D. Wagner, personal communication).Schreckensteinioidea A single family, Schreckensteiniidae,with two genera and eight described species(Table 13.1), represents the Schreckensteinioidea. Thesuperfamily is characterized by the presence of stiff dorsalspines on the hind tibia, which are confined to thedorsal surface, and a single frenulum in the female.The genus Schreckensteinia contains five species andis Holarctic and Neotropical in distribution, whereasthe genus Corsocasis, with three species, is Oriental(Dugdale et al. 1998b).Epermenioidea The Epermenioidea is representedby a single family, the Epermeniidae, with 7 genera and111 described species (Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphiesinclude the hind tibia with stiff bristles thatare not confined to the dorsal surface and a forewingfringe with groups of lamellar scales (Dugdale et al.1998b).Alucitoidea The Alucitoidea include 2 families,20 genera, and 208 described species (Gielis 2003)(Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphies includeimmovable pupal segments I–IV, loss of the CuPvein in both wings, and sternum II with V-shapedvenula (Dugdale et al. 1998b).Tineodidae This small family has 11 genera and19 described species (Table 13.1). The forewings areeither entire or bilobed. The family is restricted tothe Oriental and Australasian Regions (Dugdale et al.1998b).Alucitidae Nine genera and 188 described speciesmake up this family (Table 13.1). Both wings havemultiple deep divisions or a scalloped outer wing margin(Dugdale et al. 1998). The moths are worldwidein distribution but few species occupy the Nearctic(Heppner 1991).Pterophoroidea The Pterophoroidea include onlythe family Pterophoridae, the plume moths, whichhave outstretched, cleft wings and a long, slenderbody. This group is fairly diverse, with 93 genera and1192 described species (Gielis 2003) (Table 13.1) anda worldwide distribution (Dugdale et al. 1998b).ObtectomeraThe Obtectomera contain two groups (Fig. 13.3).The first group consists of six superfamilies that haveretained certain ‘microlepidopteran’ characteristicssuch as small size. The Pyraloidea are the most diverseof these superfamilies and the entire group can betermed the ‘pyraloid grade’ (Kristensen and Skalski1998). The Macrolepidoptera represent the secondgroup and contain the remainder of the lepidopteransuperfamilies.Non-Macrolepidopteran ObtectomeraWhalleyanoidea The superfamily Whalleyanoideawas erected to contain a single genus and two describedspecies (Table 13.1) that do not share the synapomorphiesof the Thyrididae in which the group formerlywas placed. This superfamily is endemic to Madagascar(Dugdale et al. 1998b).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 345Immoidea The superfamily Immoidea contains asingle family, the Immidae, with 6 genera and 245described species (Table 13.1). The superfamily wasestablished to contain the family Immidae because itdid not share characters of the Glyphipterigidae inwhich it originally was placed. It was then made aseparate family and placed in the Sesioidea, but did notshare the synapomorphies of the Sesioidea. Potentialautapomorphies include the female ovipositor lobesfused dorsally into a single, bent disc, with strongsetae confined to the sclerotized rim; male segmentVIII having the tergum and sternum anteriorly fused,forming a slender looped structure; and the few knownlarvaewithprolegcrochetsinauniordinalmesoseries,acondition unique among non-macrolepidopterans. TheImmidae are pantropical in distribution with no speciesin the Nearctic Region. The prominent genus is Imma,which has more than 150 described species (Dugdaleet al. 1998b).Copromorphoidea The Copromorphoidea consistof 2 families, 29 genera, and 320 described species(Table 13.1). Probable autapomorphies include theforewing with raised scale tufts and hindwing with acubital pectin (basal fringe of piliform scales) (Dugdaleet al. 1998b).Copromorphidae This small family has 9 generaand 46 described species worldwide, except in thePalearctic Region (Dugdale et al. 1998b).Carposinidae This family includes 31 genera and274 described species (Table 13.1) with a worldwidedistribution, except in the northwest Palearctic (Dugdaleet al. 1998b).Hyblaeoidea The Hyblaeoidea comprise a singlefamily, the Hyblaeidae, which is assigned its own superfamilybecause its previous placement in the Pyraloideawas not well supported. Probable autoapomorphiesinclude the modified male hindleg with a large concavecoxal process into which a tibial hair-pencil fits, andtarsi that are strongly spined ventrally. The Hyblaeidaeinclude 2 genera and 18 described species (Table 13.1)in the Old World tropics (Dugdale et al. 1998).genera and 18,050 described species. The Pyraloideaare defined by paired abdominal tympanal organs onthe venter of abdominal segment II, presence of maxillarypalps, and a scaled base of the proboscis (Munroeand Solis 1998).Pyralidae The pyralids are defined by tympanalorgans with the tympanal cases almost completelyclosed and the conjuctiva and tympanum in the sameplane (Munroe and Solis 1998). The family contains1067 genera and 6233 described species (Table 13.1).Crambidae The crambids are defined by tympanalorgans with the tympanal cases open (with a wideanteromedial aperture) and the conjuctiva and tympanumnot in the same plane, meeting at a distinctangle (Munroe and Solis 1998). This group is the morespecies rich in the superfamily, with 905 genera and11,817 described species (Table 13.1).Both the Pyralidae and Crambidae have worldwidedistributions. Many species are agricultural pests thatcause extensive damage to crops worldwide. Others arebeneficial as biological control agents of weeds (Munroeand Solis 1998).Thyridoidea The Thyridoidea include the singlefamily Thyrididae, which had been placed in thePyraloidea, although it lacks the pyraloid characters.Probable autapomorphies include tergum I with largelateroventral lobes immediately posterior to the spiracle,resting posture with the middle legs not touchingthe substrate, and the hindwing with CuP vestigial.This pantropical group has 92 genera and 1223described species (Table 13.1), with a few species in theNearctic and Palearctic regions (Dugdale et al. 1998b).MacrolepidopteraThe Macrolepidoptera include more than half of thedescribed species in the Lepidoptera. The monophylyof the Macrolepidoptera is supported by the elongationof the first axillary sclerite in the forewing base (Minet1991). Eleven superfamilies constitute the Macrolepidoptera.Pyraloidea The Pyraloidea comprise by far the largestsuperfamily of the ‘pyraloid grade’, with 1972Mimalonoidea The Mimalonoidea represent thebasal group of the Macrolepidoptera. Minet (1991)

346 Michael G. Pogueconsidered the Mimalonoidea and the next twogroups, the Lasiocampoidea and Bombycoidea, amonophyletic group. Autapomorphies include thedistal section of the male antenna with short rami(distinctly shorter than the proximal section) or distalrami absent, proboscis short to absent, and segmentII of the labial palp short, its length never exceedingthat of segment I. The Mimalonoidea include a singlefamily, the Mimalonidae, with 30 genera and 200described species (Table 13.1). They have an almostexclusive Neotropical distribution, except four speciesthat occur in the Nearctic (Lemaire and Minet 1998).Lasiocampoidea The Lasiocampoidea comprise2 families, 158 genera, and 1586 described species(Table 13.1). They are defined by larvae without fusedforecoxae and adults with forewings having the baseof vein M2 usually closer to M3 than to M1 (Lemaireand Minet 1998).Anthelidae The 8 genera and 74 described species ofAnthelidae (Table 13.1) are endemic to Australia andNew Guinea, with only 2 species being shared (Edwardsand Fairey 1996).Lasiocampidae The Lasiocampidae constitutea species-rich family with 150 genera and 1512described species (Table 13.1). They have a worldwidedistribution, but are most diverse in the tropics(Lemaire and Minet 1998).Bombycoidea The Bombycoidea are a moderatelydiverse group of 9 families, 482 genera, and3583 described species (Table 13.1). The group ismonophyletic based on autapomorphies such as theforecoxae anteriorly fused in the last-instar larva, A8of the larva with D1 setae arising from a mid-dorsalprotuberance (usually a scolus), and forewing with R1+ R2 closely parallel to the stem of R3 + R4 or fusedto it (Lemaire and Minet 1998).Eupterotidae This family has 50 genera and 298species (Table 13.1). It is most diverse in the Afrotropicaland Oriental regions, with only a few species in theNeotropical and Palearctic regions (Heppner 1991).Bombycidae The Bombycidae have 40 genera and351 described species (Table 13.1), with greatest diversityin the Oriental and Neotropical regions. A fewspecies are in the Palearctic (none in Europe) andNearctic, but the group is absent from the AfrotropicalRegion (Heppner 1991).Endromidae This small group of moths has two generaand two species that are endemic to the PalearcticRegion.Mirinidae The Mirinidae include a single genus andtwo described species (Table 13.1) fromtemperate Asia.Saturniidae The most diverse group of the Bombycoidea,the Saturniidae include 178 genera and 1535described species. They are distributed worldwide, butaremostdiverseinthetropics,especiallytheNeotropics.South America has the greatest number of species, especiallyalong the east slope of the Andes from Colombiato Bolivia. Saturniids also occur in mountainous areas,and a high percentage (15–20%) of endemics occurs inarid and semi-arid regions (Lemaire and Minet 1998).Carthaeidae This monotypic family has a singlespecies in Australia.Lemoniidae The Lemoniidae include 2 genera and22 described species (Table 13.1). They have a disjunctdistribution. Lemonia occurs in the Palearctic, with bestrepresentation in the Mediterranean and Middle East,whereas Sabalia is found in the Afrotropical Region,with most species in East Africa.Bramaeidae This small family has 5 genera and20 described species (Table 13.1) and is found in thePalearctic, but is most diverse in the Afrotropical andOriental regions.Sphingidae The well-known hawkmoths are adiverse group with 203 genera and 1348 describedspecies (Table 13.1). They have a worldwide distribution,reaching their greatest diversity in the tropics.Axoidea This superfamily includes a single family,the Axidae, with two genera and six described species(Table 13.1). Autapomorphies include the hindwing

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 347with Sc + R approximate to Rs beyond the apex ofthe discal cell and A7 with a pair of pocket-like organsassociated with the spiracles. They have a limited distributionin southern Europe, North Africa, and theMiddle East (Minet 1998).Calliduloidea This small superfamily contains a singlefamily, the Callidulidae, with 8 genera and 60described species (Table 13.1). Significant apomorphiesinclude the foreleg with an apical pair of stronger spineson tarsomere 4, but without well-developed spines ontarsomere 5; presence of a sclerotized bridge unitingthe valves ventrad of the juxta in the male genitalia;and a flat, quadrilobate ovipositor. These moths aremost diverse in the Oriental Region, with a few speciesin Palearctic Asia and endemic species in Madagascar(Minet 1998).The following three superfamilies represent the butterfliesand include the Hedyloidea, Hesperioidea, andPapilionoidea. The butterflies have been recognized bytheir diurnal habits, clavate antennae, dorsal wingfolding, large humeral lobe, and absence of a frenulum.However, exceptions to all these characters occuramong the butterflies (de Jong et al. 1996). The Hesperioidea(skippers) and the Papilionoidea (true butterflies)have traditionally been known as butterflies,but recently the Hedyloidea were suggested to belongto the butterflies (Scoble 1986). Phylogenetic analysisplaces the Hedylidae as a sister group to either theHesperioidea or the Papilionoidea (de Jong et al. 1996).Hedyloidea The Hedyloidea contain a single family,the Hedylidae, with a single genus and 40 describedspecies (Table 13.1). The monophyly of this grouphas never been formalized. Probable synapomorphiesinclude the resting posture, which has the thorax tiltedso the posterior edges of the hindwings almost touchthe substrate; reduced male forelegs; and only the midandhind legs used for perching in both sexes (Scoble1986, Ackery et al. 1998). The hedylids are restrictedto Central and South America.ring of reduced ommatidial facets, the R vein in thehindwing touching Sc at a short distance from the baseand forming a narrow cell, and R completely fused withSc beyond this cell and indiscernible as a separate vein.The skippers have a worldwide distribution and aremost diverse in the tropics, especially the NeotropicalRegion. They are absent from New Zealand. Manygenera are restricted to the Old or New World. Othersare Holarctic or Holarctic plus Neotropical, and somehave a pantropical distribution (Ackery et al. 1998).Papilionoidea The Papilionoidea, or true butterflies,include 4 families, 1468 genera and 13,961described species (Table 13.1). They are monophyleticand characterized by the anepisternum of the mesothoraxpresent as a tiny sclerite, barely discernible orabsent; parepisternal suture running in a straight orsmoothly curved line from the dorsum to the base ofthe sternum; mesophragma with dorsal processes; andventral edge of the tegula attached by membrane tothe mesonotum (Ackery et al. 1998). These butterflieshave a worldwide distribution, but are most diverse inthe tropics.Papilionidae The swallowtail butterflies are theleast species rich of the true butterflies, with 26 generaand 612 described species (Table 13.1). They have aworldwide distribution, but are most diverse in thetropics.Pieridae The whites and sulfurs include 74 generaand 1049 described species (Table 13.1). They areworldwide in distribution, although no native speciesoccur in New Zealand.Lycaenidae The blues, coppers, hairstreaks, andmetalmarks are the most species-rich group of butterflies,with 727 genera and 6528 described species(Table 13.1). They have a worldwide distribution, butare most diverse in the Neotropics. Many species in theNeotropics are yet to be described.Hesperioidea The Hesperioidea, or skippers, consistof a single family, the Hesperiidae, with 546 genera and3500 described species (Table 13.1). The Hesperioideaare monophyletic and some apomorphic charactersinclude the antennae separated by at least twice thewidth of the scape, eyes with a complete marginalNymphalidae The admirals, browns, fritillaries,longwings, monarchs, morphos, and satyrs arerepresented by 641 genera and 5772 described species(Table 13.1). They are most diverse in the NeotropicalRegion and have the fewest species in the NearcticRegion (Heppner 1991).

348 Michael G. PogueDrepanoidea The Drepanoidea comprise 2 families,129 genera, and 677 described species (Table 13.1).Synapomorphies include the complete or nearly completeprespiracular tergosternal sclerites at the base ofthe adult abdomen and the modified mandibles of thelarva, each with a large, flat, lateral area delimitedventrally by a well-defined carina (Minet and Scoble1998).Epicopelidae This small group consists of 9 generaand 25 described species (Table 13.1) in temperate andtropical AsiaDrepanidae This moderate-sized family has 120genera and 652 described species (Table 13.1). Theyare most diverse in the Oriental Region and absent fromthe Neotropics (Heppner 1991).Geometroidea The superfamily Geometroidea is thesecond most species-rich group of Macrolepidoptera,with 2070 genera and 21,831 described species(Table 13.1). A reliable synapomorphy is the shape ofthe larval labium, whereby the spinneret is shorterthan the prementum along its midline (Minet andScoble 1998). The superfamily has a worldwidedistribution.Sematuridae The Sematuridae comprise a smallgroup with 6 genera and 40 described species(Table 13.1). They are mainly Neotropical, except fora single species in Arizona and one genus in SouthAfrica (Minet and Scoble 1998).Uraniidae This group has 90 genera and 698described species (Table 13.1). The Uraniidae are mostdiverse in the Old World tropics, especially in theOriental and Australasian regions (Heppner 1991).Geometridae The geometrids are the second mostspecies-rich family of Lepidoptera, with 1974 generaand 21,093 species (Table 13.1). They have a worldwidedistribution, but are most diverse in the tropicsand subtropics.Noctuoidea The Noctuoidea are the most diversesuperfamily of Lepidoptera, with 5 families, 5628 genera,and 45,890 described species (Table 13.1). Themonophyly of the noctuoids is characterized by thepresence of metathoracic tympanal organs and theirassociated abdominal structures. The function of thesetympanal organs is thought to be the perception ofecholocation signals of bats, or reception of matingsignals (Kitching and Rawlins 1998).Oenosandridae This small group has four generaand eight described species (Table 13.1) restricted toAustralia (Edwards 1996).Doidae The Doidae consists of two genera and sixdescribed species (Table 13.1) distributed from westernNorth America to northern South America.Notodontidae This species-rich family has 736 generaand 3546 described species (Table 13.1) worldwidethat are most diverse in the tropics, especially theNeotropics.Micronoctuidae This recently proposed familyof Noctuoidea (Fibiger and Lafontaine 2005) has40 genera and 300 described species, with manymore undescribed. The most obvious apomorphy isa two-branched cubital vein in the hindwing. Thefamily is known only from the Old World tropics andsubtropics, except for a single European species (Fibiger1997).Noctuidae A new classification of the Noctuidae,which includes evidence from morphological andmolecular characters, treats the families Arctiidae,Lymantriidae, Nolidae, and Pantheidae of Kitchingand Rawlins (1998) as subfamilies in the familyNoctuidae (Lafontaine and Fibiger 2006). Themonophyly of the Noctuidae is supported by thequadrifid condition of the forewing, whereby the Cuvein appears four-branched. This new concept of theNoctuidae includes 5628 genera and 45,890 describedspecies (Table 13.1). The dominant subfamily of theNoctuidae is the Arctiinae, with more than 11,000species; the Neotropical fauna is large and includesmore than half of the species (Heppner 1991). TheNoctuidae have a worldwide distribution, with thegreatest diversity in the Neotropics where about athird of the world’s fauna is found (Heppner 1991).

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 349LEPIDOPTERA INVENTORIESLepidoptera are important in biodiversity studiesbecause they are the major group of plant-feedinginsects. Inventories can indicate the ecological healthof plant communities, and long-term inventoriescan show changes in these communities over time.Inventories are, for the most part, not comparable ina meaningful way because of differences in collectionmethods, size of study areas, duration of collecting,and numerous other factors (Powell 1995).Species inventories should be designed to maximizespecies richness at any given site. All sampling methodsmust be used, including black lights with a trapor sheet, mercury vapor lights, baits, pheromones, andlarval rearing. Specimens should be given a uniquenumber and a label that minimally includes the collectionlocality, latitude and longitude, date, and collector.All information should be databased for ease of analysis.Although comparisons among inventories can bedifficult, they can show general trends such as ecologicalsuccession. Brown (2001), for example, showeda trend in the faunal turnover of the Tortricidaeover a 100-year period on Plummers Island, Maryland.A comparison of the fauna from two decades(1900–1909 and 1990–1999) showed that speciesrichness of 71 from 1900 to 1909 declined to 59 from1990 to1999, a reduction of 17%. The faunal turnoverwas 54%, with 41 apparent species extinctions and 29apparent species colonizations. The best explanationfor these trends involves plant-community succession.Over this 100-year period, the island went from openjuniper grassland to subclimax hickory–maple–oakwoodland.Species richness estimators are statistical algorithmsused to predict total species richness, with abundancebasedand incidence-based estimators (Colwell andCoddington 1994). Abundance-based estimatorsuse the number of individuals for each species ineach sample, whereas incidence estimators use theoccurrence (presence/absence) of each species ineach sample. These estimators are included in theprogram EstimateS (Colwell 2005). Both types ofestimators calculate species richness based on thenumber of singletons and doubletons. Singletonsare the number of species represented by a singleindividual for the abundance-based estimators and arethe number of localities represented by a single speciesfor the incidence estimators. Doubletons representhow many species or localities are represented by twoindividuals per species or two species per locality. Themaximum species richness is reached when eitherof these parameters reaches zero, which, in reality,would be unlikely because singletons and doubletonsare represented most often by vagrant or nonresidentspecies that happen to be caught.Collecting effort also affects species richness estimates.This effort can be measured by the numberof specimens collected or by the number of samples.The more specimens or samples collected, thefewer the number of singletons. In George Washingtonand Monongahela National Forests, West Virginia, forexample, 135,271 specimens were collected, including438 species of Lepidoptera, of which 8% were singletons(Butler et al. 2001). In Great Smoky MountainsNational Park, 8930 specimens of 492 species of Noctuidaewere collected, of which 10.8% were singletons,and at Plummers Island, Maryland, 2489 specimensof 212 species of Noctuidae were collected, of which22.6% were singletons. As the percentage of singletons(or doubletons) approaches zero, the species richnessestimators become more accurate.Inventories can be used to estimate species numbersat a site by using the species richness of one taxonto extrapolate the species richness of unrelated taxa.For example, species richness of butterflies at Pakitza,Peru, is 1300 species (Robbins et al. 1996). This numberis approximately 6.61% of the butterfly fauna ofthe world (Robbins and Opler 1997), and within theestimate by Powell (1995) for the percentage of butterfliesout of all Lepidoptera in various regional samples.Dividing the butterfly fauna (1300) by 6.61% yieldsan estimated 19,667 species of moths at Pakitza. Abrief inventory of the moths of Pakitza produced 1006species among 1731 individuals in just 7 collectingdays. The estimate of 19,667 species of moths is, therefore,reasonable.Lepidopteran inventories should be planned witha specific goal, whether to obtain maximum speciesrichness at a site or to document ecological change orenvironmental health of an area over time. The followingissues should be addressed when planning aninventory: (1) sampling strategy must be determined,(2) sampling effort should be quantified (e.g., collectingdates, UV samples, rearing lots), (3) first recordsof each species should be documented to determinespecies-discovery rates, (4) voucher specimens shouldbe kept for future study, and (5) specimens shouldreceive an individual number corresponding to allassociated data (Powell 1995).

350 Michael G. PogueNational parks, state parks, and other areas ofconservation importance should, as a priority, conductinventories of all of their biological resources. Few datadocument how many species of Lepidoptera are inany state, county, or other locality in North America.Several states have published lists of Lepidoptera,including Florida (Kimball 1965), Kentucky (Covell1999), Maine (Brower 1974, 1983, 1984), andNew York (Forbes 1923, 1948, 1954, 1960). Otherstates with well-known faunas, but unpublished lists,include Connecticut, Maryland (Macrolepidoptera andPyraloidea), Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, and Texas.Local inventories include state parks, wildlife refuges,and conservation areas such as those in Nantucket andMartha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts (Jones and Kimball1943); Mount Desert Island, Maine (Proctor 1946);Welder Wildlife Refuge, Sinton, Texas (Blanchardet al. 1985); California (McFarland 1965, J. Powell,unpublished data); and Ohio (Metzler 1988, 1989a,1989b, 1990, Rings and Metzler 1992, Rings et al.1987, 1991).Is our most abused national park our most biologicallydiverse? Great Smoky Mountains NationalPark is our most-visited and most-polluted (both airand water) national park. The All Taxa BiologicalInventory currently being conducted in Great SmokyMountains National Park will provide important baselinedata for monitoring the park’s natural resourcesfar into the future. The Lepidoptera inventory of thepark has documented more than 1600 species. A similarLepidoptera inventory has been conducted in RockyMountain National Park since 1990, but has recordedonly 1200 species (P. Opler, personal communication).Of all national parks, only two are currently conductingbasic biodiversity inventories for Lepidoptera.Documenting biodiversity is the first step inunderstanding the world’s biodiversity. The mostimmediate threat to lepidopteran diversity is habitatdestruction, especially of tropical forests. At leasttwo-thirds of lepidopteran species in the world are intropical regions (Heppner 1991). Because the majorityof Lepidoptera have a close association with plants,either through larval feeding or adult nectaring,tropical deforestation is a serious threat to overalllepidopteran diversity. Inventories of protected areassuch as national parks and preserves will providenot only baseline data for which species are present,but also specimens for revisionary systematics. Thenumber of potential species of Lepidoptera has beenestimated at 255,000 (Heppner 1991) to about500,000 (Gaston 1991). Most of these species havenot yet been collected. If the majority of new speciesare in the tropics, these areas must be sampled beforethey are destroyed. Should our species estimates bebased on the rate of tropical deforestation and lackof collecting in these areas? If so, the numbers wecurrently have might not increase significantly. Arewe extirpating thousands of species before they arediscovered?CONCLUSIONSButterflies are the most recognized group of insectsin the world. They have influenced art, literature,and religious and mythical traditions. Both butterfliesand moths have been represented in art from Egyptiantemples, in Chinese amulets, and Aztec ceramics,as well as in drawings, gem carvings, glass, paintings,sculptures, and textiles. Lepidoptera have hada symbolic connection to the soul. In Russian, theword for butterflies and moths means ‘little soul’, or inGreek, simply ‘soul’. Pre-Columbian cultures of CentralAmerica respected butterflies and moths in religiousand mythical traditions in which they representedsouls of the dead, new plant growth, the heat of fire,sunlight, and various other transformations of nature(www.answers.com/topic/lepidoptera-1).The systematist plays the most important role in thestudy of lepidopteran biodiversity by providing identificationguides (field guides, faunal studies, and journalpapers), catalogs, checklists, and distributional data.These guides and lists provide an essential backgroundforecologicalstudiesandconservation,especiallywhenbutterflies and Macrolepidoptera are used. Being poorlystudied, Microlepidoptera have been used far less inecological or conservation research (New 2004).Lepidoptera are targeted for individual conservationmanagement and as an effective tool for detecting environmentalchanges. Understanding habitat requirementsof rare or endangered species can result inthe manipulation of areas to increase the chancesof their survival. Many of the rare and endangeredbutterflies and moths have restricted habitat requirements(Fowles et al. 2004, Howe et al. 2004) or thecaterpillars feed on a single species of host plant (Byers1989, Waring 2004). Habitats and rare host plantsoften are threatened by environmental perturbationsby humans, including overgrazing, logging (especiallyin the tropics), draining of wetlands for development,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of Lepidoptera 351and suppression of fire in prairie and forest communities.Lepidoptera have a significant effect on human survival,both pro and con. They play a significant rolein plant pollination, biological control of weeds, thehuman diet in many parts of the tropics, and silkproduction. Conversely, crop losses, forest damage,and the use of pesticides to control lepidopteran pestsamount to billions of dollars annually.To make significant progress in the study of lepidopteranbiodiversity, inventorying and monitoringmust continue for ecologically sensitive areas of conservationconcern. Government agencies and privatefoundations must support biodiversity research in areasof conservation, ecology, and systematics. With thethreat of major climatic and ecological change, baselineinventories will be essential for determining if andwhen these changes occur.REFERENCESAckery, P. R., R. de Jong, and R. I. 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<strong>Part</strong> III<strong>Insect</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong>: Tools andApproaches<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9357

Chapter 14The science ofinsect taxonomy:prospectsand needsQuentin D. WheelerInternational Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State University,P.O. Box 876505, Tempe, AZ 85287-6505 USA‘If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state ofequilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environmentwould collapse into chaos’.— E. O. Wilson (1985)‘I do believe that an intimacy with the world of crickets and their kind can be salutary – not forwhat they are likely to teach us about ourselves but because they remind us, if we will let them,that there are other voices, other rhythms, other strivings and fulfillments than our own’.— Howard E. Evans (1968)<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9359

Despite unprecedented challenges, the prospectsfor insect taxonomy have never been brighter.The science of taxonomy is in the midst oftransformation, undergoing remarkable theoreticaland technological changes. No subdiscipline standsto benefit more from these advances than insecttaxonomy, for the simple reasons that most livinginsect species are unknown to science, most ‘known’insect species are poorly and infrequently tested, andthere are so many insect species. The translationof Hennig’s theories into English (1966) initiateda theoretical revolution, transforming Linnaeanclassifications and names into testable reflectionsof phylogenetic history and an improved ‘generalreference system’ (Hennig 1966, Eldredge and Cracraft1980, Nelson and Platnick 1981, Schoch 1986,Schuh 2000). Hennig’s theory was built on traditionalstrengths of the comparative method of taxonomy,with added or enforced explicitness and testability(Nelson and Platnick 1981). Although the influenceof Hennig’s Phylogenetic Systematics is evident inmost biological subdisciplines today, his revolutionis far from complete, cut short by a preoccupationwith molecular techniques and a focus on globalparsimony at the expense of individual characteranalysis (Rieppel 2004, Nelson 2004, Williams 2004,Wägele 2004, Williams and Forey 2004). A returnto unresolved theoretical and practical challengesassociated with complex and evolutionarily interestingcharacters is inevitable and overdue. Taxonomyis as much about character analysis as it is aboutspecies descriptions, phylogeny, and classification.Molecular methods have added to the many sourcesof data routinely synthesized by taxonomists such asmorphology, palaeontology, ontogeny, and ethology(Simpson 1961), thus enriching our understandingof ‘holomorphology’ (Hennig 1966). Moleculardata are used to construct cladograms, identifyspecies, and ‘fingerprint’ individual organisms.Perhaps the greatest contributions of moleculardata are yet to come in the form of tests of complexmorphological characters by unraveling the ‘blackbox’ of developmental biology and bridging genomeand phenotype.Wägele (2004, p. 116) reminds us that ‘complexityof characters is the most significant criterion ofhomology’. Yet our knowledge of complex characters islimited severely. This point is highlighted by the recentdiscovery of a new organ in the mouse (Terszowski et al.2006), one of the most intensively anatomically studiedspecies. The literature on few insect species approachessuch a detailed level of study. Even if comparablydetailed morphological and anatomical studies werecompleted for over 1 million named insect species,the morphology of 75% of living insect species wouldremain completely unknown. Morphological charactersare testable because they are potentially falsifiedby contradictory evidence. Although one aspect of contradictionarises from the congruence of characters ona cladogram, ‘contradictory evidence is to be derivedfrom a critical discussion of character hypotheses inthemselves, not merely from the reciprocal relationshipsamong all characters’ (Rieppel 2004, p. 89). Thehard work of such thoughtful comparative morphologydemands additional attention to complete the Hennigianrevolution. This is so because cladistic analysis,like taxonomy generally, is as much about charactersas it is about relations among species.THE WHAT AND WHY OF TAXONOMYWhat is taxonomy? That such a question should seemnecessary two and a half centuries after Linnaeusis indicative of the myths and misperceptions thatsurround taxonomy (Wheeler and Valdecasas 2007).Without getting embroiled in formal definitions of taxonomyand systematics (Wheeler 1995a), it is fair to saythat an implicit duality in taxonomy contributes to theconfusion. Taxonomy is, on one hand, an informationscience responsible for erecting formal classificationsand maintaining names that make possible the storage,retrieval, organization, and communication of billionsof facts about millions of species. On the other hand,taxonomy is a hypothesis-driven science concernedwith testable predictions about characters, characterdistributions, species limits, and phylogenetic relationshipsamong species (Wiley 1981, Nelson andPlatnick 1981, Schoch 1986, Schuh 2000). Manyusers of taxonomic information, from agriculturaliststo ecologists, simply want the ability to identifyspecies and refer to them by name. Understandably,therefore, such users are frustrated by name changesand the fact that most insect species on earth remainunidentifiable (the basis of the so-called taxonomicimpediment). Those name changes, of course, reflectimproved hypotheses about species and their relationshipsthat make Linnaean names more, not less, useful(Dominguez and Wheeler 1997). At root, perhaps thegreatest cause for misunderstanding arises from the

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 361nonexperimental and historical focus of taxonomy(Nelson and Platnick 1981; Wheeler 1995a, 2004).While this does not detract from its standing as a rigorouslytestable science (Farris 1979, Gaffney 1979,Nelson and Platnick 1981), it does seem to illuminatea misunderstanding among many experimentalbiologists about what is or is not science.Anticipated advances in cyber-infrastructurepromise a new generation of tools with which tointegrate and add efficiency to nearly every aspectof taxonomy (Atkins et al. 2003; Page et al. 2005;Wheeler, 2004, 2008b, 2008c). Seizing this historicdevelopment, taxonomy has the opportunity toovercome many of the limitations of the present,including constraints used as excuses for the reductionof funding for studies integrating diverse evidence. Asa result, the prospects for successfully exploring thespecies and character diversity of ‘mega-diverse’ taxa,such as insects, are better than ever – even in theface of imminent threats of mass species extinctions(Wilson 1985, 1992).The goals of taxonomy sound deceptively simple:to discover, describe, and critically test species; todescribe and interpret the origin and diversificationof their characters; to place them in classifications thatreflect phylogenetic hierarchy; to make them identifiable;to give them unambiguous names; and to makeinformation about them reliable and accessible. Suchgoals, however, are not easily attained. In the case ofinsects, these goals seem particularly difficult. Articulatingand testing the numerous hypotheses associatedwith taxonomy (e.g., characters, species, and monophyleticgroups) represents an enormous amount ofcurrently time-consuming work for any taxon. Thesechallenges are magnified by the sheer numbers of insectspecies. To put this into perspective, Grimaldi and Engel(2005) estimate that about 925,000 species of insectshave been described to date (updated to 1,004,898,introduction to this volume) and that those awaitingdiscovery might number 3 million or more. Theirestimate is reasonable but conservative, some authorssuggesting an order of magnitude larger number ofundescribed living species (e.g., Erwin 1982). Giventhe tempo of the biodiversity crisis and the fact thatexisting tools and practices required nearly 250 yearsto describe about 1 million species of insects, somethinghas to change if entomologists are going tosucceed in an exploration of insect biodiversity beforea great number of unique species and clades havedisappeared.Reasons to learn our world’s species are largelyself evident, including the fact that species are theelements that comprise both sustainable ecosystemsand evolutionary history (Wheeler 1999). The abilityto accurately identify species that are themselvescorroborated hypotheses about character distributionis a prerequisite for credible research. Stated bluntly,unless species are known to science and recognizableby scientists, no appreciable progress is possible inbasic or applied biology. Prudent steps to assureour security from emerging diseases of humans,plants, and animals; bioterrorism; and the ravagesof introduced pestiferous nonnative species similarlydepend on reliable taxonomic information.Reasons to document species and clades soon to beextinct are equally compelling, if somewhat less evidentto nontaxonomists. Our ability to interpret newlydiscovered characters (from morphology to genomics)and to continue to test and refine boundaries of speciesand the accuracy of phylogenies and classificationsdepends upon as comprehensive an understanding ofspecies and character diversity as possible. Long afterspecies are extinct in the wild, specimen and tissuecollections will continue to permit taxonomists to recognizeand fix mistakes as well as improve and refineclassifications, names, and hypotheses of characters.As Hennig (1966) rightly observed, the only thingthat the vast diversity of life on earth shares in commonis evolutionary history. The more comprehensiveour collections and complete our knowledge of species,the better our classifications. A relatively completeinventory of species and their distributions also providesinvaluable baseline data for detecting increasesor decreases in biodiversity, as well as failures andsuccesses in conservation.We know that insects are among the most spectacularlysuccessful living organisms. We know, too, thatwithout reliable insect taxonomy, the goals of manyother fields would be seriously compromised, includingthose of agriculture, vector biology, ecology, ecosystemscience, conservation biology, and genetics, to nameonly a few. We know that virtually every process andphenomenon in nature can be approached throughstudies of insects and that, for many purposes, insectsprovide the best model organisms. Without pursuingthe aims of insect taxonomy, no deep understandingof either the evolutionary history of life or ecosystemfunctions are possible – at least for most terrestrial andfreshwater systems. Yet, in spite of the critical importanceof advancing insect taxonomy, the field does

362 Quentin D. WheelerFig. 14.1 Phobaeticus chani Bragg, held by Dr. GeorgeBeccaloni of London’s Natural History Museum, is the longestinsect ever recorded (Hennemann and Conle 2008).Photo: Courtesy of Dr. George Beccaloni.not yet have suitable support for its research agenda,infrastructure, or an adequate workforce.Beyond the informed guesses of experts such asGrimaldi and Engel (2005), we do not know what orexactly how many species of insects are living today.Although the majority of insect species are less than10 mm in length, our ignorance is so great that it isnot confined to small-sized insects. This point is madeimpressively by a photograph of Dr. George Beccaloniof the Natural History Museum (London) holdingthe largest insect ever seen on earth, as measured intotal body length (Fig. 14.1). At the time the photographwas taken in 2006, the specimen was of anundescribed species! Imagine the parallel in botany orvertebrate zoology – discovering the equivalent of aredwood tree or blue whale in 2006. We do not yetknow enough about insect biodiversity to characterizeprecisely the magnitude of our ignorance. Whilemany insects awaiting discovery are closely related toknown forms, there remain, without doubt, numerousunique subclades to be brought to light. The magnitudeof the challenge facing insect taxonomists can beappreciated by comparing the estimated several millionsof undescribed insect species to the total numberof species in the classes Mammalia (about 5000) andAves (about 9000). Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973)famously observed that ‘Nothing in biology makessense except in the light of evolution’. With millions ofunknown species, there is no hope of casting evolution’slight on most of life until many more insect species havebeen discovered, described, and placed in the context ofphylogenetic classifications. Advancing our knowledgeof insect biodiversity is a scientific imperative.Biology is wholly dependent on taxonomy for speciesidentifications, information retrieval, precise wordswith which to communicate about species and clades,and phylogenetic classifications that predict whatcharacters to expect among species, including thosenot yet studied. Entomologists can anticipate that anybeetle will have elytra, that any true fly will havetwo developed wings and anteromotorism, and thatany species of Holometabola will exhibit completemetamorphosis only because insect classificationsreflect phylogeny approximately correctly.Entomologists of the future, interested in the evolutionof some protein, social behavior, physiologicaltolerance, or other feature of insects, will be dependenton the extent to which taxonomy’s agenda isfulfilled in the twenty-first century. The biodiversitycrisis threatens much of the evidence of evolutionaryhistory. As species go extinct, so too goes the characterevidence of evolutionary history. While it is true thatspecimens collected today can and will continue to bestudied for hundreds of years to come, it is equally truethat a growth in taxonomic knowledge will make thatinventory process itself far more efficient and successful.Next to comprehensive collections, nothing is moreimportant than nonstop revisionary studies. Withoutsuch incessant testing, the reliability of ‘known’ speciesgradually decays and both their names and informationcontent slowly become less reliable. Yet the biologicalcommunity forges ahead in blissful ignorance of thefact that our neglect of descriptive taxonomy is slowlyeroding the things that we assume we know and obliteratingour chances to explore efficiently the even greaternumber of species of which we know nothing.Before Hennig, insect taxonomy was sometimesviewed as little more than a service, providing identificationsand names so that other biologists could doand communicate their work. The current emphasison molecular trees has unwittingly also reduced phylogeneticsto a mere service. When cladistic analysesare done as part of taxonomic research, a central goalis the interpretation of characters and character transformations.Today, many ‘trees’ are presented withoutenumerated characters because the consumers areother biologists who have some character or process oftheir own that they are trying to interpret in a historicalcontext. As a mere service, these trees have becomedivorced from a rigorous and integrative approach totaxonomy and users as well as taxonomists are ultimatelyless well served. The result is that the generalreference system is compromised as the results of

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 363phylogenetic analyses are no longer routinely usedto improve formal classifications (Wheeler 2004, Franz2005) or our understanding of morphology (Wheeler2008d).Because of the frightening implications of speciesloss and rapid environmental change, great emphasisis appropriately placed on ecological and conservationbiology studies. However, advances in ecology and conservationdepend on access to taxonomic information.Unless species are known to exist and can be identifiedthey cannot be understood or conserved. Because of thisdependence of environmental sciences on taxonomy,the latter is rightfully seen by many as an environmentalscience. Conceptually, however, taxonomy is moreevolutionary than environmental. Hypotheses aboutcharacters, species, and clades are notlimited by ecosystemor epoch but instead transcend the geographic,ecological, and temporal constraints on most biologicalsubdisciplines. Thus, taxonomists need access to all relevantmuseum specimens, without regard to the countryor time in which those specimens were collected.The trend toward increasingly protective laws thatlimit the collection of specimens is a shortsighted one,deleterious to the advance of taxonomy. Countries thatseek to close their borders to species explorers only succeedin assuring a greater level of ignorance about theirown faunas. That is because no fauna can be understoodproperly if studied in isolation. Taxonomic knowledgeandmuseumspecimensshouldbeseenandtreatedas intellectual property of humanity, because no nationcan do taxonomy to a high level of excellence withoutcomparative studies of specimens and species foundonly in other countries. ‘Protecting’ faunas by prohibitingtaxonomic inventories only assures the absence ofthe reliable taxonomic information needed to makeinformed and appropriate decisions and policies aboutthe conservation and management of biodiversity.Such prohibitions on taxonomic collecting areincreasingly justified on the basis of ethics: that it iswrong to kill animals great or small. Most entomologistsI know respect and deeply care for the insects theystudy and take no pleasure in killing specimens for thesake of doing so. Rather, properly prepared specimensare essential for the advance of knowledge, and thatmeans collecting and killing specimens for museumcollections. Ironically, collecting insects is becomingdifficult in many countries while the pest controlindustry is booming. Anyone morally opposed tokilling insects has likely never had head lice or sharedan urban apartment with a few thousand cockroaches.The simple fact is that a single automobile on manystretches of highway kills more insects in a givenyear than an insect taxonomist is likely to collect forthe purpose of scientific study. So-called bug zappersare used in parks where entomologists are deniedcollecting permits, simultaneously retarding scienceand indiscriminately killing insects to a questionableend (Nasci et al. 1983). Unless we are prepared to banautomobile travel, concede a lion’s share of our cropsto pests, and open our homes to numerous insect pests,we shall have a difficult time obtaining the moral highground needed to oppose insect collecting for scienceon ethical grounds.It is not coincidental that Theodore Roosevelt wasboth an avid outdoorsman and the president whochampioned the US national park system. Because heknew and enjoyed Nature intimately, he cared enoughto conserve it for future generations. Similarly, childrenencouraged to make insect collections are far morelikely to grow up to be voting citizens who appreciatethe beauty and importance of insects and who will carewhether or not they are conserved and represented inmuseums. Entomologists face simultaneously the controlof the destructive minority of insect species and conservationof the beneficial majority (Samways 2005).Museums are, first and foremost, taxonomicresearch resources. Collections are intended tobe comprehensive assemblages of species and thevariation within and among them. Rare and unusualspecies are collected preferentially. There is nopretense that collections reflect either local abundancein ecosystems or the shifting gene frequencies ofconcern to population biologists; both ecology andgenetics are approached through field observation andexperimentation. Only taxonomy is so heavily tiedto collections, as they alone afford the opportunityto compare specimens from many times and placesat once. Museums provide crucial historical baselinedata for geographic distributions so that we may detectchanges in levels of biodiversity. They are a primarydata source for host associations and biogeography formost insect taxa. They are essential references for theidentification of rare species. They are the best possibledocumentation of biodiversity in general. Increasingly,we find new uses for museum specimens, from detectingheavy metals in fishes collected a century ago toretrieving DNA from rare taxa to uncovering evidenceof past species distributions. With these and manyother uses of collections, it is important to keep in mindtheir primary purpose as the basis of taxonomy.

364 Quentin D. WheelerThe most efficient way to do taxonomy is to work inone of a handful of globally comprehensive collectionsor to temporarily assemble a complete collection ofone taxon by borrowing thousands of specimens frommany museums. This will remain the case. However,with the advent of remotely operable digital microscopesand high-resolution digital image libraries, wecan now envision a future in which type and rarespecimens are potentially instantly available for studyregardless of where on earth they are. The current processof borrowing such fragile specimens or traveling tomany cities to see them takes weeks or months. Withcyber-infrastructure, access times for specimens can becompressed to hours or minutes. International consortiaof museums can coordinate their collection growthand development in such a way as to be complementary,and assure that collectively their holdings containas many species and populations as possible, freeinglimited time and resources from duplicative efforts.Collection development and invention of new cyberinfrastructure-enabledtools for taxonomy depend onthe recognition of the unique needs of taxonomy.Humanity, one argument goes, has survivedto the present day with a fractional knowledge ofinsect biodiversity. So why is it so important that wedocument the rest of the world’s insect fauna now?Even many biologists question putting resources intonaming species that will soon be extinct, arguing thatfunds be directed instead at saving natural places anddeferring descriptive taxonomy until some future date.Environmental changes that threaten the survivalof millions of species should be answer enough. It isperhaps worth observing that humanity also managedto survive centuries believing the earth to be flat, thesun to revolve around the earth, and flies to generatespontaneously from rotting meat, while being totallyignorant of atoms or molecules. Does this justifydenying funding to physics, astronomy, geography,developmental biology, and molecular genetics simplybecause experience suggests that we could get bywithout them? Ignorance may be survivable, but inscience it is no virtue. Few other sciences are asked tobe content with so much ignorance and fewer still haveas much direct relevance to human and environmentalwelfare. No science faces the prospect of a greater lossof evidence in the decades immediately ahead.Environments are changing so rapidly and so unpredictablyaround the world that the idea of conserveit-first,study-it-later is unrealistic. How can we setconservation priorities, implement conservation plans,or even know when we have a conservation successunless we know what species exist in a given ecosystemfrom the outset? We might succeed in conservinga few easily recognized and putatively ‘key’ species,but we cannot know with any certainty just howintact such systems are or are not. Even if unlimitedeconomic resources existed for conservation purposes,it is unlikely that we could conserve anything closeto all species. The old, implicit conservation goalof maintaining the status quo is simply untenable(Wheeler, 1995b). Literally saving all species is avacuous slogan; we face much harder decisions aboutwhich and how many species to conserve and howto undertake an ambitious inventory of species. Whilemany branches of biology, including taxonomy, havemajor roles to play in assuring the continued existenceof sustainable tracts of wild places and agroecosystems,taxonomists alone bear the enormous challenge ofexploring all species on a rapidly changing planet,including – in some senses, especially – those speciessoon to become extinct.Species exploration will move us closer to answersfor taxonomy’s ‘big questions’ (Cracraft 2002, Pageet al. 2005), as well as countless lesser ones. At thesame time, benefits will accrue to other sciences andto humanity as a whole. Among the many reasons tosupport a major taxonomic study of the world’s insectfauna are the following.Improving Biology’s ‘General Reference System’The point of phylogenetic systematic theory was tomake classifications and names reflect evolutionaryhistory. As Hennig (1966) correctly reasoned, patternsof descent with modification are the only logical organizingframework for such a general reference system.Put simply, the more species and character states thatwe know, the better, more complete, more informative,and more corroborated will be our classifications.Inter-Generational Ethics Because no future generationwill have access to as many species and cladesas we do, we have a special responsibility to expandand develop collections. There is no doubt that thisis the single most important and noble thing that wecan contribute to science and humanity. Because weare aware of the challenge and capable of meeting it,we have an ethical obligation to do so. Our generationis contributing heavily to the decimation of theworld’s species. While some mitigation is taking place,

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 365including a slowing of deforestation in some developingcountries, our descendants will face countlesschallenges due to environmental change. The cost andeffort to support taxonomy’s goals are not particularlygreat; the ignorance resulting from inaction will ultimatelybe far more costly in lost opportunities than anyinvestment in taxonomy and museums.Fulfilling Our Intellectual Manifest Destiny Incompleting an inventory of species, we do more thanassure that classifications continue to be refined. Wefulfill a human intellectual manifest destiny. We haveas a species, from our very earliest days, practicedvarious levels of taxonomy. Initially sorting food fromfoe and eventually contemplating the mysteries of theorigin of species. Through it all, we have been drawnby a deep intellectual curiosity about biodiversity, thepatterns of similarities and differences among species,and our place in that diversity. We stand to lose pricelessdetails about the origin and diversification of lifeand condemn all future generations to wonder whatelse we might have understood had we bothered todocument species diversity with well-chosen museumspecimens. Astronomers are rapidly providing answersto similar age-old questions about the heavens. Unlikeastronomy, the subjects of taxonomic curiosity have a‘sell-by date’ that is rapidly approaching. Anyone whoquestions the importance of preserving evidence ofspecies, in the form of specimens, should ask himself orherself how valuable it is that we know that dinosaursever existed. How impoverished would our thinking beabout the origin and diversification of reptiles, birds,and mammals without such fossils? We can assure thatcurious humans far into the future have a reasonablycomplete snapshot of the current diversity of species ifwe inventory, describe, and classify species today. Formost of the insect species facing potential extinction,there is effectively no chance that they will leave fossilsbehind without our helping hand.Solving Problems Time and again, we return toNature in search of solutions to problems. Almost withoutexception, we are rewarded. <strong>Insect</strong>s with theiradaptations and attributes are a cornucopia of potentialsolutions, from biological control agents to sourcesof chemicals, proteins, behaviors, natural products,physiological processes, and cures for diseases, insectshold incomparable clues. The possibilities for economicreturns and human welfare are virtually withoutlimit, yet we have barely scratched the surface. Why?Before accessing possible silks, adhesives, shellacs, andpharmaceuticals from the insects, we must be able toidentify them. To explore the properties of millions ofspecies, one must have a roadmap; in taxonomy, thatmeans a predictive classification.Model Organisms Although insects have servedand continue to serve as model organisms – such asDrosophila melanogaster in genetics and evolutionarydevelopment or Manduca sexta in insect endocrinology– biologists have not even begun to exploit thepossibilities. Interested in the evolution of social behavior?The greatest nonhuman success stories are foundamong termites, ants, bees, and wasps. Interested inextreme physiology? Darkling beetles can live up to20 years in harsh deserts. Want to know more aboutplasticity in ontogenetic pathways? At various times,populations of Micromalthus debilis are bisexual orparthenogenetic, egg laying or live birthing, and sexuallymature as adults or larvae (Pollock and Normark2002). Curious about biogeographic history? <strong>Insect</strong>scan tell us about the spatial history of evolution fromscales as fine as individual islands and mountaintops topatterns tied to continental drift. Wonder about rates ofevolution? Some fossils reveal insect species unchangedover millions of years, while examples exist of insectsthat have completed speciation since the Wisconsinglacial maximum about 12,000 years ago.Aesthetics Even conceding that beauty lies in theeye of the beholder, most people draw great inspirationfrom the beauty of insects. Few would deny thebreathtaking image of a morpho butterfly fluttering inthe undergrowth of a tropical forest, a metallic woodboringbeetle alit on a fallen tree, or the lacelike wingsof an owlfly by camp light. Who among us is so littlea poet as to not be moved to compare the ephemeralnature of our own lives with that of a mayfly whoseadult life span is measured in fleeting minutes? As a rule,those insects that people have not appreciated are thosethey have never seen under the right conditions, sufficientlymagnified to reveal their morphological detail,closely enough observed to unmask their remarkablebehaviors. Artists, poets, authors, naturalists, hikers,gardeners, and the child in all of us will continue tomarvel at the beauty of insect species as long as theysurvive and, given adequately preserved collections,much, much longer.

366 Quentin D. WheelerCreating the Vocabulary and Syntax of a Languageof <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Scientific names, the meansby which we refer to hypotheses about the kinds ofinsects, constitute the vocabulary of a sufficiently richtaxonomic language that we are capable of clarityand precision in talking about millions of species. IfLinnaean names are the vocabulary of this rich language,then phylogenetic classifications are its syntax,making special sense of these words by virtue of phylogeneticrelationships among the biological entities towhich they refer. This remarkable system of nomenclature,begun by Linnaeus, works so well that wesometimes take its power and necessity for granted. Weshould instead celebrate its incredible accomplishmentsand potential and push for its continued refinement.Mapping the Biosphere Imagineexploringthenarrowstreets of the Latin Quarter in Paris or the vastexpanses of the Brazilian Amazon Region without amap. Descriptive taxonomy empowers people to exploreand enjoy Nature on their own, up close and personal.Such experiential access to insect species engendersa visceral appreciation for biodiversity that, in turn,builds a basis for supporting conservation efforts, naturalhistory museums, and taxonomy generally.INSECT TAXONOMY MISSIONSSystematicsAgenda2000(Anonymous1994)restatedclearly the tripartite mission of taxonomy: to discoverand describe earth’s species; to place species in a predictive,phylogenetic classification; and to make species,and all that is known about them, accessible. Discoveringand describing species is not, as some haveintimated (Janzen 1993), a one-time process. Rather, itis a continuing, arduous process of hypothesis testing.This testing entails both the search for species new toscience as well as the repeated critical testing of ‘known’species and their characters in light of new specimens,populations, species, and evidence. The falsificationismof Karl Popper (1968; also Gaffney 1979, Nelson andPlatnick 1981) seems simplistic for complex experimentalism,but applies far better to elegant scientifichypotheses. Taxonomy uses such elegant hypothesesalmost exclusively. All-or-nothing statements aboutcharacter distributions and clade inclusivity are thenorm. Such statements are subject to refutation as newcharacters and specimens are found.The second mission, predictive classification,involves the realization of Hennig’s (1966) vision ofa ‘general reference system’ as discussed earlier. Tomake classifications reflect descent with modification,taxonomists undertake cladistic analyses. Althoughtechnically possible for any biologist to plug datainto phylogenetic software (Godfray 2007), such‘analyses’ rarely result in as well-corroboratedestimates of cladistic patterns as when such studies areundertaken as objects of interest in and of themselves.Traditionally, the distinction is evident in the extentto which attention is paid to the analysis andinterpretation of individual characters. Ontologicalprotestations notwithstanding (de Queiroz 1988),character evidence is what separates testable speciesfrom Roswellian extraterrestrial life forms (e.g., Nixonand Wheeler 1990, 1992). Hennig’s (1966) admonitionthat how data are analyzed is more importantthan their source, and the tradition of including allrelevant sources of data (Simpson 1961) applies stilland the best taxonomy is integrative (Will et al. 2005).I interpret the third mission, making what is knownof species accessible, in two ways, both resting on thedescriptive and classificatory activities in the first twomissions. The first involves the application of Linnaeanranks and names in formal classifications. Such nomenclatureis absolutely key to clarity and precision incommunication and in information search and recovery(Franz2005).Thesecondinvolvestheuseofthebestavailable information systems. In the past, this meantthe synthesis and interpretation of taxonomic informationin printed publications. It is increasingly coming tomean the use of the Web and electronic means to makeinformation accessible. In addition to the many reasonsthat Linnaean classifications and names remainour best communication tool after two and one-halfcenturies (Forey 2002, Nixon et al. 2003), Linnaeannames are a superb basis for increasingly sophisticatedinformation search strategies (Patterson et al. 2006).INSECT TAXONOMY’SGRAND-CHALLENGE QUESTIONSThe ‘big questions’ in insect taxonomy are the sameas those for taxonomy in general (Cracraft 2002,Page et al. 2005). The expansiveness of the taxonomicvision and its grand-challenge questions are not widelyappreciated. While taxonomy deals with fine scales,enumerating the elements of ecosystems and making

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 367species identifiable at field study sites, it deals, too, withquestions on massive scales. Just as ecosystem scientistsmust account for global carbon budgets, taxonomistsmust account for the history of billions of charactersand millions of species worldwide. Taxonomy is asmuch a planetary scale science as plate tectonics.Taxa, at least large and diverse ones, seldom recognizegeopolitical, ecosystem, or continental borders.To understand a taxon is to transcend such geographicand ecological boundaries and to explore taxaacross scales of time from the historic to the geologic.New tools and practices, including those onmassively larger scales, are needed to gather, analyze,store,retrieve,anddisseminatetaxonomicinformation.Cyber-infrastructure, by opening access to museumspecimens through images and distance microscopy,makes it possible to envision a virtual ‘species observatory’.With such an ‘instrument’, taxonomy’s bigquestions can be pursued on every appropriate scale.What are these big questions?What Is a Species? <strong>Insect</strong>s have played a centralrole in theories of species and studies of speciation andwill continue to provide valuable ‘model’ organisms inthe refinement of our understanding of what speciesare and how they evolve. The comparatively few argumentsfor sympatric speciation models have been basedlargely on insects, and insects are among the archetypalexamples of evolutionary radiations, such as Hawaii’sdrosophilids (Otte and Endler 1989).Entomologists have attempted to apply most speciesconcepts at one time or another and have proposedseveral of them. The biological species concept (BSC)was long the most widely cited concept in entomology,but this reflects (in my view) historic inertia ratherthan convincing theoretical argument in its favor, andI believe has significantly begun to change. The BSCwas effectively advocated by architects of the ‘newsystematics’, particularly Ernst Mayr, over a period ofsix decades (Mayr 1942, 1963, 2000). The concept isbased on arguments about interbreeding that introduceprocess assumptions that today seem unnecessary torecognize species (Nelson and Platnick 1981). As Rosen(1979) observed, interbreeding is a shared ancestralcondition that gives little insight into species divergenceexcept through its absence. Botanists never widelyaccepted the biological species concept and since thepublication of Hennig (1966), increasing numbers ofzoologistshavequestioneditsgeneralapplicability(e.g.,Wheeler and Platnick 2000). An improved version ofthis concept was advocated by Hennig (1966; see alsoMeier and Willmann 2000), but most of the concernsabout the concept remain.The BSC is emblematic of a larger number ofconcepts, each of which makes some particularassumptions about the underlying processes associatedwith speciation. While geneticists have convincinglydemonstrated a range of causal factors associated withspeciation (e.g., Mayr 1963, Otte and Endler 1989), itremains speculative to ascribe a process to a particularcase. Recognizing species based on patterns doesprovide a logical starting point that is consistent withsome processes but inconsistent with others (Cracraft1989). Many of the arguments in the literature aboutspecies could be avoided were we to focus initiallyon patterns that reveal species, and then undertakestudies to attempt to understand the processes thatmight have been responsible for their divergence.A species concept exists that reliably identifies speciesprior to cladistic analysis and that is consistent withany speciation process.The Phylogenetic Species Concept (PSC), as articulatedby Eldredge and Cracraft (1980), Cracraft (1983),and Nelson and Platnick (1981) and restated by Nixonand Wheeler (1990, 1992) and Wheeler and Platnick(2000), is such a concept. It is applicable to anytaxon and any combination of evolutionary processesbecause it merely recognizes patterns of characterdistribution that are the outcome of evolutionary history.Two concepts have vied for authority to use thename ‘phylogenetic species concept’. One is consistentwith phylogenetic theory but not dependent oncladistic analysis (Nelson and Platnick 1981, Cracraft1983, Nixon and Wheeler 1992, Wheeler and Platnick2000); the other is more appropriately called theAutapomorphic Species Concept (ASC) in that it claims(unnecessarily) ‘monophyly’ for species (de Queirozand Donoghue 1988, Mishler and Theriot 2000). Anearly version explicitly portrayed species as minimumautapomorphic units (Hill and Crane 1982).The latter point is of some concern in current effortsto use DNA sequence data to diagnose and recognizespecies. All species are evolutionarily significant groupings,but not all evolutionarily significant groupings arespecies. Efforts to recognize every unusually wide gap insimilarity (genetic or otherwise) as a species (e.g., Ponset al. 2006) trivializes species into simplistic formulaedivorced from an explicit, testable concept such as thePSC. Many such efforts construct branching diagrams

368 Quentin D. Wheelerusing cladistic methods and claim to recognize ‘‘monophyletic’’groups of individuals as species. Aside fromthe fact that monophyly was defined by Hennig (1966)as a relationship among species – not populations orindividual organisms – two simple examples illustratewhy this insistence on ‘monophyly’ is misguided. First,there is no reason to suppose that ancestral speciesdo not occasionally coexist with one or more of theirown daughter species. Such an ancestral species must,by definition, have apomorphies shared also by all ofits descendant species. Had autapomorphies evolved insuch an ancestral species, it would not be recognizableas an ancestor and would be treated methodologicallylike any other term. Only when no autapomorphiesare known would it be a candidate ancestral species.Second, speciation comes about as a result of extinctionsthat eliminate ancestral polymorphism (Nixonand Wheeler 1992). Given two alternative morphs inan ancestral species and the extinction of alternatemorphs in two allopatric daughter species, in whatsense is one of the morphs present in a daughter speciesmore or less apomorphic than the other?Additional reasons to prefer the PSC relate to applicabilityand testability. Because it is based on characterdistributionpatterns, it is compatible with all potentialunderlying processes, including sexual and asexualreproduction (Wheeler and Platnick 2000). The PSCis testable. Predicted character distributions are testedcritically when new specimens or characters are discovered.Because the PSC recognizes the least inclusiveor elemental group definable by a unique combinationof characters, the PSC is a unit species conceptand permits comparisons of taxa shaped by very differentcausal forces. It is important for evolutionarybiology that varied causal factors can be compared. Forexample, without such a unit concept of species, it isimpossible to answer questions such as ‘Does asexualevolution result in greater or lesser numbers of descendantspecies over comparable periods of evolutionarytime?’ Or, for that matter, can numbers of species indifferent taxa even be compared? If species of insectsmean something evolutionarily different from speciesof plants or microbes, what possible basis is there tocompare the diversity of taxa?Arguments in favor of pluralism (e.g., Mishler andDonoghue 1982) confuse pattern and process, supposingthat different processes demand different speciesconcepts. A simpler solution is to avoid process assumptionsin species concepts. This reasoning is familiar tocladists who reconstruct patterns of relative recencyof common ancestry by avoiding unnecessary processassumptions (Eldredge and Cracraft 1980, Nelson andPlatnick 1981).What (and How Many) <strong>Insect</strong> Species Are There?The appropriate question is ‘What species of insects liveor have lived on Earth?’ Expressing the question insteadas ‘How many insect species are there?’ suggests thatthe important thing is some absolute number. Becausesuch an absolute number is obviously unknowable,cynical observers may suggest that we might as wellsimply approximate that number by some indirect measuresuch as overall gene divergence. While mostentomologists would confess a curiosity about thatnumber, they know that the number itself is not all thatimportant. Discovering and describing as many speciesas possible, on the other hand, is both achievable andmeaningful. To succeed in this question we must recognizeit as ‘big science’. This is a taxonomic question,and a combination of the strengths of existing taxonomyand innovative tools and practices can solve it.We can learn much from the preliminary successes ofNational Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Planetary <strong>Biodiversity</strong>Inventory (PBI) projects (Knapp 2008, Page2008) that put together large international teams oftaxon specialists and museums to accelerate speciesdiscovery and description. The result is the descriptionor redescription of about 5000 species in 5 years.What Is the Phylogeny of <strong>Insect</strong>s? With notableexceptions, comparative morphological, paleontological,and molecular studies have confirmed a greatdeal of the higher classification of insects (Grimaldiand Engel 2005). The relationships among major subdivisionsof insects are demonstrably approximatelycorrect,althoughsomeenigmaticrelationshipsremain.For example, the position of Strepsiptera relative toother holometabolous orders remains controversial, asdoes the exact position of the Hymenoptera and theinterrelationships among extant Palaeopterous orders.Because three-quarters of living insects are unknownand many exciting fossils continue to be discovered,some surprises no doubt remain. Examples include theMantophasmatodea (Grimaldi and Engel 2005) anda living species of Lepidotrichidae, a family thoughtextinct for millions of years (Wygodzinsky 1961). However,it is remarkable that with several thousand newspecies described each year, the higher classification ofinsects remains largely intact.

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 369What Are the Histories of Character Transformationsin <strong>Insect</strong>s? Among the most intellectuallychallenging and rewarding aspects of taxonomyis explaining the evolutionary history of complexcharacters (Cracraft 1981). <strong>Insect</strong>s present intricateand sometimes intuitively improbable charactersin astounding abundance, making them incrediblyrewarding to study. Even the sexiest questions aboutcharacter evolution in insects remain controversial.For example, what is the origin of insect wings? Amongall animals to have taken to flight, insects are uniquein having evolved wings in addition to ancestralambulatory appendages. The ultimate answer to thisquestion is likely to include clues from paleontology,developmental biology, molecular genetics, and moredetailed and inclusive comparative anatomy andmorphology. Other major events in insect evolutionthat demand similarly extensive additional researchinclude tagmatization, endognathy, wing flexion,male and female genitalia, holometaboly, and on andon. Such questions extend downward through allsubclades to the species level where incredible ‘leaps’sometimes are seen between closely related species.Examples of the latter include a remarkable array ofsexual dimorphisms and contrivances by which insectsadvertise and perceive chemical signals, ‘songs’, andvisual displays. Advances in digital technologies willsoon revolutionize how morphological character dataare gathered, analyzed, visualized, and communicated.Where Are <strong>Insect</strong> Species Distributed? For thevast majority of insect species, what we know of theirgeographic and ecological distributions are recorded ina few taxonomic publications and databases and onspecimen labels. As ecology has appropriately becomequantitative and exacting, what used to be called‘natural history’ has fallen increasingly to taxonomy.We doubtfully will ever have the resources to completeserious ecological studies of more than a handful ofinsect species. Taxonomy is, therefore, complementaryto ecology, recording broad but shallow insights intoinsect associations, including simple co-occurrencesin ecological and geographic space. <strong>Insect</strong> geographicdistributions matter. Within a single year of the firstdetection of West Nile virus in the USA, it was obviousthat it had the potential to spread rapidly (Rappoleet al. 2000). We must establish baseline knowledge ofwhat insect species exist, where, and in what combinations.Otherwise, what hope do we have of efficientlydetecting or monitoring pests, vectors, invasive species,instances of bioterrorism, or increases or decreases inbiodiversity?For insects, well-annotated voucher specimens mustbe deposited in collections. As these collections developand their data are made retrievable electronically,countless new applications and ways of analyzing thosedata will emerge. As one example, such data combinedwith ecological information and remote sensing datacan support predictive modeling of invasions of pestspecies (Roura-Pascual et al. 2006).How Have <strong>Insect</strong> Distributions ChangedThrough Time? Because many insects leave asparse fossil record, detailed answers to such questionscan be difficult to provide even for higher taxa. AmongPleistocene species are subfossils that have providedremarkably detailed pictures of the effect of glacialevents on insect populations (e.g., Coope 1979).Chironomid heads from ancient lake sediments haveprovided another view into changes in insect populationsand a novel way to study climate change (Brooksand Birks 2000). What is currently most critical isestablishing baseline knowledge of insect distributionsso that changes in the future can be detected.How Can <strong>Insect</strong> Classifications and Names BeMost Predictive and Informative? Hennig (1966)provided the theoretical answer to this question in his‘Phylogenetic Systematics’. That referential frameworkis, in its most useful form, a Linnaean classification.Highly informative (Farris 1979), such phylogeneticclassifications aid in both information retrieval andprediction (Nelson and Platnick 1981). The challengesahead are more practical ones related to work on alarger and more international scale, as well as the needto add efficiency to what taxonomists already do well.A renewed emphasis on and support for descriptivetaxonomy is immediately and urgently needed.TRANSFORMING INSECT TAXONOMYThe rate at which human knowledge doubles is acceleratingat a blinding speed, yet the rate at which ourknowledge of earth’s species doubles is slowing. Taxonomymust undergo a fundamental transformationif it is to meet the challenges of the biodiversity crisis.Put in stark terms, we have a matter of decades to

370 Quentin D. Wheelerdiscover, describe, and classify three times more insectspecies than we have described in the past two andone-half centuries. This is literally a race against time.It is a virtual certainty that many species, some the lastvestiges of unique branches of the insect tree of life, willsoon go extinct (Wilson 1992). Because we get onlyone chance to document many parts of insect life, wemust get it right; we must preserve those aspects ofentomological taxonomic practice that are good whileaccelerating their pace and adding innovations.Hennig’s revolution in taxonomy was cut short(Williams and Forey 2004). Completing it will involvea returned emphasis on character analysis, includingmorphology (Wheeler 2008d), the relationshipbetween cladograms and Linnaean ranks and names,the adoption of a uniform theory of species, and theintegration of all relevant sources of evidence (Willet al. 2005). Hennig’s revolution had begun to undothe damage of the New Systematics that had attemptedto recast taxonomy in the image of modern genetics(Wheeler 1995a, 2008a). A renewed emphasis onHennig (1966), combined with cyber tools (Atkins et al.2003), has the potential to forge a ‘New Taxonomy’focused on its own agenda and strengths (Wheeler2008c).The concept of cyber-enabled, international,taxon-focused ‘knowledge communities’ is central tothe transformation of taxonomy. Such ‘collaboratories’will build on the success of the PBI model (Knapp2008, Page 2008) and take advantage of the potentialof domain-specific cyber-infrastructures for efficientcollaboration. All science builds on prior work, ofcourse, but the chain of scholarship is more explicitlyevident in taxonomy because of the nomenclaturalmandate to consider all relevant names published since1758. Taxon communities have a strong start andcan build upon this centuries-old chain of scholarship,facilitating the acquisition, testing, and growth ofknowledge. Where printed libraries have served as thecentral repository for growth of taxon knowledge forcenturies, cyber-enabled taxon ‘knowledge banks’ willprovide for more up-to-date, complete, and reliableinformation for users.Challenges associated with building such collaboratoriesare great. There are technical challenges infine-tuning cyber-infrastructures to meet the uniqueneedsoftaxonomists(particularlyinregardtospecimenaccess and character visualization and communication)and users of taxonomic information. There aresociological challenges in team and collaborative workpractices for a discipline with a long tradition of fierceindividualism (Knapp 2008). While the challenges aregreat, there is every reason for optimism. It is entirelyrealistic to imagine a great taxonomic infrastructurelinking the world’s taxonomists, research resources,and museums within a decade, utterly transformingthe discipline. Foundation stones for this new taxonomyinfrastructure are being set in place today.INSECT TAXONOMY: NEEDSAND PRIORITIESMany needs of insect taxonomy are not unlike thoseof other sciences such as educating a new generationof experts and funding research projects. Other needs,however, differ markedly from those of sister biologicalsciences. These address the special needs for ataxonomy-specific cyber-infrastructure that networksresources required for broadly comparative studiesof specimens, species inventories, collection growthand development, unprecedented international collaboration,and revisionary studies of species by taxon‘knowledge communities’. This approach representsa sea change in thinking for insect taxonomists andsuggests a number of challenges (e.g., Wheeler andValdecasas 2005). Let us examine some of these needs.Education Although cyber tools will allow us towork more efficiently and collaboratively, taxonomywill remain highly dependent on a well-educated workforceoftaxon experts. We needto overcomethe politicalcorrectnessandfadsthatskewtheworkforceawayfromrevisionary taxonomy and toward molecular phylogeneticsdivorced from descriptive work. Rather thancoercing all students to work with molecular data, whynot encourage and support students to work at thehighest levels of excellence in all aspects of taxonomy:morphology, paleoentomology, ontogeny, molecular,comparative ethology, and so forth? We talk a lotabout ‘interdisciplinarity’ and ‘transdisciplinarity’ andthen expect utter conformity among students. Formingteams of specialists who each bring a unique set of skills,knowledge, and perspectives to insect taxonomy willgreatly enrich the field and ultimately make it useful toa much wider range of communities. Given the massiveamount of work to be done in exploring, describing, andclassifying our planet’s insect fauna, more than enoughwork exists for specialists of every kind.

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 371Taxonomy’s agenda cannot be realized without thesupport of others. It is equally imperative that we educatebiologists in general to understand the epistemicbasis of taxonomy and to distinguish good taxonomyfrom expedient substitutes. Further, we need to sharethe wonders of taxonomy with the public at large. Cybertools will open many opportunities to do so throughboth formal and informal (public) education activities.Efforts to open access to taxonomic information,such as the recently announced Encyclopedia of Lifeinitiative (www.eol.org and Wilson 1993) will greatlyexpand appreciation for taxonomy. Such portals tospecies information depend on active taxonomists forsupply of content.Amateurs have always played a major role in taxonomyand should be invited, encouraged, and enabled tocontinue to do so into the future. There shall never be ataxonomic workforce sufficiently large to deal with theinsects and their relatives adequately. Knowledgeableamateurs can contribute specimens, data, analyses,and insights into most facets of taxonomy. Cybertaxonomypromises to make many of the research resourcesformerly reserved for professionals openly available toamateurs.Thisshouldmakeinsecttaxonomymoreproductiveand rewarding to amateurs and enable them towork toward higher standards of excellence.Last, but not the least, taxonomic education isessential in developing countries with a disproportionatenumber of undescribed species. The historicnorth–southdivide,withmajorcollectionsandlibrariesin Europe and North America and most species in thetropics and southern hemisphere, is rapidly evaporating.Soon, all the same resources will be open tostudents and taxon experts around the globe via Webbasedsources. Building expertise where the bulk ofundescribed species live is only common sense andwill fuel a much more diverse and interactive worldtaxonomic workforce.Planetary Scale Projects and Virtual SpeciesObservatories Taxonomy must be recognized asa planetary scale science. For practical reasons, bothcollections and many taxonomic studies have beenregional in focus. Such fragments of the total pictureof species diversity now can be pieced together incyberspace to enable taxonomists to virtually ‘see’species and clades across multiple scales of space andtime. The implications are profound for speed andquality of taxonomic work and for the potential tomobilize comprehensive knowledge of large cladesfor science. Intensive, internationally coordinatedmegaprojects are needed to tackle large insect taxa.We shall never gain a comprehensive knowledge ofmajor insect taxa unless we mount truly large-scalescientific efforts to inventory, describe, and classifyspecies; unless the world’s museums work together toassure comprehensive collections; and unless we poolour collective expertise to speed species exploration.Taxonomy is asking global questions and, therefore,demands large-scale solutions. In reality, we needthe full range of project scopes from the individualresearcher to planetary scale teams; each has a part toplay, and all deserve our support and encouragement.The full potential of virtual ‘species observatories’ isnot yet appreciated but will transform taxonomy.Cybertaxonomy Infrastructure Generally, whatis needed by insect taxonomists is a specialized(taxonomy-specific) cyber-infrastructure that opensaccess to all those things that a specialist working ona particular taxon needs to work smarter, faster, andbetter. Rather than attempting a detailed descriptionof what such a taxonomic cyber-infrastructure mightlook like (but see Page et al. 2005), let us examinesome vignettes that illustrate what taxonomy mightbe like a decade or less from now.• Electronic sensors scattered through remoteregions of Australia alert a heteropterist that accumulateddegree-days indicate that host plants areabout to flower and she leads a field team to collectpoorly known species and document their hosts.• A team of collectors in the Congo sit around acampfire after a long day of work. Lek clouds ofdance flies were sampled that day. A portable,digital, remotely operable microscope permitsthe world’s authority on the group to examinea specimen from his office in Paris. He concludesthat it is an exciting find, and the team is requestedto collect frozen specimens the following day tosupport DNA studies.• A student in Brazil working on her doctoral thesisneeds to see a type specimen in London’s NaturalHistory Museum (NHM). She checks the NHM’sonline library of digital images but finds thatan important character cannot be seen. On hercommand, a robotic arm retrieves the specimenwith the precision of a watchmaker and placesit under a remotely operable digital microscope.

372 Quentin D. WheelerMoments later, she is manipulating the specimenand taking detailed digital images. Because she isthe first specialist to look at the specimen, she isin the best position to document key features. Herimages answer her question and are added to theNHM’s digital library for future researchers.• A specimen is intercepted at a US port of entry. Ashipment worth tens of millions of dollars is immobilizedon the docks, its cargo rapidly approachingspoilage. The specimen is mounted on a similarinstrument and a specialist at the SystematicEntomology Laboratory in Washington examinesit and determines it is harmless. Millions of dollarsof wastage are avoided and a problem is solved inminutes that might have taken a day or more bycurrent standards.• A couple packs their bags for an ecotour of an Amazoniantributary. They have become especiallyinterested in dragonflies and look forward to seeingas many species as possible. They log onto a Website that is the portal to the world’s odonate knowledgecommunity. As they click the ‘field guide’option at the dragonfly Web site, software seamlesslyincorporatesaspeciesnameddaysearlierinapictorial identification guide and distribution map.• An ecologist sampling leaf litter in a rainforest inMalaysia needs to identify obscure and numerousspecies of staphylinid beetles. Bulk samples areplaced in an insect processor. Specimens aremounted and labeled automatically and sortedinto morphotypes. Those matching the targetsearch image are sent to an expert for humaninspection. Limited human resources are targetedwhere judgment is needed.• A school child interested in insects makes a collection.She wanders through a garden to the toweringsunflowers where she is amazed at the diversityof wasps and flies. Using a handheld device, shesnaps a digital photographic image of a beautifulfly. With the click of a button, that image is transmittedvia satellite to a computer that matches itup to three possible species for her GIS position. Shecompares the images and easily identifies the fly.• A fish ecologist wants to know which speciesof mayflies are being fed on by fish. He takesa fragment of an insect and sequences a DNA‘barcode’ that is compared against a libraryof known barcodes representing corroboratedspecies and quickly answers his question.Web-Based Revisions,Taxon Knowledge Communities,and Taxon Knowledge Banks Taxonomicrevisions and monographs have long been the goldstandard for taxonomic research. Such comprehensivelycomparative studies are the most efficient way fortaxonomists to test large numbers of species and characterhypotheses simultaneously and they are the mostauthoritative sources of taxonomic information. Thenew model will involve taxon knowledge banks thatexist in cyberspace and that hold the sum total of all weknow of a taxon. These banks will be maintained by aninternational community of taxonomists who severallyand jointly test, improve, and expand knowledge. Assuch, taxon knowledge banks will serve the same functionsas monographs, yet be dynamic and up-to-date.From such banks, users will request on-demand ‘publications’from checklists to field guides, distributionmaps, monographs, phylogenies, and homology tables.Collection Development and Growth No aspectof taxonomy is more important or deserving of adequatesupport than the development, growth, andcare of insect collections. An estimated 3 billion specimensin natural history collections, perhaps half ofwhich are arthropods, are the most extensive documentationof biological diversity. The most importantthing that our generation can bequeath to futuregenerations is a comprehensive collection of species.Collections divorced from active taxonomy are soon littlemore than relics and the information associated withtheir collections rapidly becomes less and less reliable(e.g., Meier and Dikow 2004).INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMYThe relative merits of molecules versus morphologycontinue to be debated, but this misses the point. Itis not a matter of whether classifications should bebased exclusively on DNA (Tautz et al. 2003) or not(Lipscomb et al. 2003, Prendini 2005, Wheeler 2005),but rather how the various sources of evidence aboutinsects can best be integrated into taxonomy (Will et al.2005). This view is not new. Such integration has longbeen the aim of taxonomy (e.g., Simpson 1961). Thefact that most available evidence in the past happenedto be morphological has been misconstrued as a deliberateattempt to make classifications dominantly orwholly morphological. Good taxonomic monographs

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 373summarize all that is known of the biology of a taxon(e.g., Lent and Wygodzinski 1979) and ‘holomorphology’was central to Hennig’s (1966) arguments.Molecular evidence is held by some to be necessaryfor phylogeny reconstruction. This position mirrors asimilar, and similarly wrong, position once held by paleontologistswho believed fossils to be the only meansto reconstruct phylogeny (Nelson 2004). In reality,all relevant sources of evidence are to be prized andpursued.ACCELERATING DESCRIPTIVETAXONOMYEvery step in the process of doing descriptivetaxonomy can benefit from a taxonomy-specific cyberinfrastructure.Figure 14.2 is an artist’s depiction of a‘taxon space’ where taxonomists of the future mightwork. At the core of this space are research resources,such as collections of specimens, digital instruments,visualization and communication tools, robotics, andcollection-based data. Collectively, these resourcesand underlying cyber-infrastructure (Atkins et al.2003) constitute the taxonomy cyber-infrastructure.The orbiting ‘electrons’ in the diagram representindividual taxonomists around the world who areexperts on this particular taxon. Some work singly onparticular subtaxa, while others align their efforts tomake rapid progress in a shared taxon space, muchlike current PBI projects (Knapp 2008, Page 2008).Results are deposited in an openly accessible taxonknowledge bank (Fig. 14.3) from which users canextract information as needed.Let us examine steps involved in doing taxonomy.At every junction, impediments to rapid progress haveexisted. Cyber-enabled taxonomy or cybertaxonomyhas the potential to overcome each of these obstacles.The numbers for the paragraphs that follow correspondto numbers between steps in Fig. 14.4.(1) Inventories to Collections Comparatively littlehas been written on improved ways to undertaketaxonomic collecting as compared to other kinds ofcollecting, such as ecological sampling. Taxonomistsare concerned with species limits and phylogeneticand biogeographic patterns. As such, they effectivelyrequire presence–absence data. Where taxonomic andecological questions coincide, it makes sense to gatherappropriate quantitative data. However, unless thosedata meet specified needs of a particular ecologicalquestion, devotion of the resources required for quantitativesampling over long periods of time at one localitydoes not make sense for taxonomy. Mobilizing existingmuseum data through efforts such as GBIF help identifygaps in collections. There is no reason that remotesensors, automated mass-collecting traps, and robotscannot vastly speed collecting for certain taxa or thatdigital transmitting microscopes and communicationsfrom the field cannot allow one expert to choreographseveral collecting teams at one time.Processing specimens is often a highly repetitiousand labor-intensive activity that should be amenableto mechanization. With computer image recognition,aspects of sorting and pinning can, in principle, beautomated. For large-scale inventory efforts, protocolsare needed that maximize the number of charactersultimately retrievable. When possible, alternativepreservation methods should be designed to captureexternal morphology, internal anatomy, and tissuesfor molecular sequencing.(2) Species DescriptionsAhigh-tech‘cockpit’willplace all the instruments, remote access, analysis, visualizationand communication tools, data, literature,and colleagues needed immediately in front of thetaxonomist of tomorrow. Whether this taxonomist isworking alone or as part of a distributed, internationalteam, she will draw from and contribute to the knowledgeof a taxon. Many details are to be worked out bythe community regarding management of such taxonknowledge banks, priority for access to specimens orinstruments, peer review of online contributions, and soforth, yet none are in principle insoluble. Even the peerreview process can be expedited through automatednotification of reviewers and online response.(3) Species Tests Species descriptions are notone-time propositions. Instead, species are based onexplicitly predicted unique combinations of characters(Wheeler and Platnick 2000). From these hypotheses,the same pattern of characters is predicted amongnewly found characters or specimens. In the past, suchtests were completed through comprehensive revisionsor monographs. For many insect taxa, revisionswere completed once or twice per century. Such testsnow can be conducted effectively as fast as new databecome available. This approach will more rapidly andefficiently corroborate or falsify ‘known’ species as wellas detect new ones. What remains critical overall, andespecially in steps 2 and 3, is the need for deep knowledgeby taxonomists. There is no substitute for years

374 Quentin D. WheelerFig. 14.2 A representation of a taxon ‘knowledge community’. Taxonomists are represented as orbits around a ‘nucleus’ oftaxonomy-specific cyber-infrastructure. Taxonomist ‘orbits’ vary through time. At one point, a given taxonomist is working soloon a taxon; other times variable numbers of taxonomists converge to focus their collective attention on rapid progress in speciesdescription or testing, as in the NSF-funded PBI projects. The nucleus of cyber-infrastructure includes natural history collections(specimens), literature, databases, digital instrumentation, robotics, descriptive software, and so forth. Advances in knowledgeare immediately stored and made accessible through various electronic means and databases, collectively known as a taxon‘knowledge base’. This is analogous to traditional return of improved and expanded knowledge through publications, with theexception that it is immediately and openly accessible, up-to-date, and can be delivered in a user-defined format. Taxonomistscan generate traditional monographs; morphologists make comparisons of homologs in MorphoBank; phylogeneticists accessand edit full character matrices; ecotourists generate field guides; field researchers engage a rich toolbox of species identificationaides including interactive keys delivered to handheld devices, DNA ‘barcodes’, and so forth. Graphic by Frances Fawcett, afterWheeler 2008c.

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 375Taxon Knowledge BankMonographsID ToolsField GuidesEOL PagesChecklistsHomologiesMapsEcological Assocs.Data/InformationFig. 14.3 Taxon ‘knowledge community’ and proposed taxon knowledge bank from which user-specified ‘publications’ maybe generated on demand. Graphic by Frances Fawcett, after Wheeler (2008c).of practice and research to develop this knowledge;however, cyber-infrastructure will make that learningprocess vastly more efficient than in the past.(4) Species Tests to Databases With cyberinfrastructure,the traditional period of time betweencritical tests of species and the availability of resultsto users is compressed. Species are corroborated,refuted, and revised as appropriate, and such decisionsare instantly available to the user community. Thenet result is to verify that the best and most currentunderstanding of species and their attributes anddistributions are made available to users.(5) Collection Data Access to existing specimenassociateddata is important. It allows taxonomiststo find and correct mistakes (Meier and Dikow 2004)and museums to prioritize collection growth. And, ofcourse, it is available to researchers for application tocountless questions about biodiversity.(6) Cladistic Analysis Most users of cladisticinformation simply want a cladogram with which tointerpret some facts or phenomena. As such, most userswant rapid access to a corroborated cladogram. Usershave access to published cladograms already (e.g.,TreeBase: www.treebase.org). Advanced users shouldbe able to generate cladograms on demand based on thelatest data and chosen parameters. Efforts are underwayto increase our capacity to deal with ever-largerdata matrices (e.g., CIPRES: www.phylo.org).(7, 8, 9, 10) Phylogenetic Classifications,Names, and Identifications Cladograms are thebasis for phylogenetic classifications that are thegeneral reference system (Hennig 1966). Classificationsshould be dynamic, constantly changing toreflect growth in knowledge. As concepts change,so too do the meanings of names. Approaches arebeing developed (e.g., Franz 2005) to track conceptsof species and higher taxa. The language of taxonomy(nomenclature) will become more transparent, moreuniformly up-to-date, and more easily interpreted byusers as cybertaxonomy progresses.

376 Quentin D. WheelerINPUTSEducation Positions Research grants Public education Goals, agenda12 13 14 15 16Publications11NamesClassifications10987Inventories Collections Species descriptions Cladistic analysis1 2 653Data bases4Species testsCollections-and cyber-infrastructure:Museums and herbaria; digital instruments; software and digital archives (e.g. GBIF); other cyberinfrastructure and tools.Fig. 14.4 Flowchart showing the bottlenecks in the process of taxonomic research. See text for explanation.The most fundamental example of appliedtaxonomy is species identification. In the past,identifications frequently required an expert orsynoptic collection. Cybertaxonomy will give users awide array of identification tools. These will includeinteractive ‘keys’ accessible on handheld computers,computerized image recognition systems (e.g.,MacLeod 2007, 2008), and DNA barcodes (Little andStevenson 2007). Access to species is also enhancedby the growing number of electronic catalogs.Registration of names (Polaszek et al. 2005) has thepotential to assure that all available names are easilyaccessed.(12–16) Inputs The inventory and classificationof millions of species of insects will require substantialinvestments in education, positions, research funding,and collections. It is urgent that funding for collectionsand descriptive taxonomy be immediately increased. Ifthe taxonomy and collections community speaks withone voice and sets clearly stated goals, such fundingis realistic and within reach.BEWARE SIRENS OF EXPEDIENCYExcellent taxonomy is hard work that requires specialknowledge. Many who do not understand or appreciatethe epistemology of taxonomy advocate quickfixes, short cuts, and inferior substitutes. For thosewho simply want taxonomic information, the appealof apparent speed and ease are easily understood. Ultimately,however, users of taxonomy are better servedby rigorous taxonomic practices.Molecular data are presumed by some to be independentof other data sources and, to a significant degree,selectively neutral. That said, how data are analyzedis still more important than the kind of data collected(Hennig 1966). Disproportionate funding appears tobe driven by a perception that molecular data aresuperior. That perception appears to be based onmodernity, technology, and association with biomedicaltrends rather than on theoretical arguments.Much is to be learned from the comparative study ofmolecular, fossil, morphological, and ontogenetic data,

The science of insect taxonomy: prospects and needs 377and much is to be gained from integrative taxonomy(Will et al. 2005). Further, historical (phylogenetic)information is most faithfully stored in the form ofcomplex characters, many the result of multiple genesand epigenetic factors not simply read from aminoacid sequences. Yet to be seen is whether the currentpractice of using as much DNA as possible (idealizedas whole genome sequencing) and trusting overallphenetic similarity to mirror phylogenetic relatednessis ultimately the most successful strategy. It shouldgive us pause that the phenetics program of the1970s was thoroughly discredited. The fundamentalconcepts of phylogenetic systematics still includespecial similarity and homology (Hennig 1966).Several current proposals would undermine whatcontinues to make taxonomy excellent. Amongthese are DNA taxonomy and DNA barcoding (Tautzet al. 2003, Hebert and Gregory 2005; but seeLipscomb et al. 2003, Seberg et al. 2003, Prendini2005, Wheeler 2005); the PhyloCode (de Qeuiroz andGauthier 1990; but see Forey 2002, Carpenter 2003,Nixon et al. 2003); and Felsenstein’s (2001, 2004)preposterous suggestion that formal classificationsare no longer needed (but see Franz 2005). Theseare dangerous distractions at a time when the fullattention of taxonomists is needed to confront thebiodiversity crisis, create a legacy of specimens andknowledge for posterity, and transform taxonomyinto an efficient, responsive, cyber-equipped sciencefor the twenty-first century. It is not an accident thatmost of these proposals are originated or promotedby individuals who have done little if any descriptive,revisionary, or monographic taxonomy and whopresume to solve taxonomic problems with littleunderstanding of the theories, epistemology, history,or practices of good taxonomy.CONCLUSIONSThe science of insect taxonomy has never had greaterprospects for fulfilling its potential. Advances in theoryand technology are arming taxonomy with themost powerful tools in its long history and vastlymore powerful tools are within reach. The biodiversitycrisis has added a sense of urgency to our purposeand sharply focused the great challenges facing us.<strong>Insect</strong> taxonomists stand at a crossroads and given theright decisions and priorities, can make unprecedented,timely, and lasting contributions.The time has arrived for insect taxonomists to thinkbig. For the first time in history, we can realisticallyenvisage a generation of tools that enable entomologiststo study whole clades efficiently. The fragmentedresearch resources, provincial collections, and individualscholar models of the past can give way to elevationof taxonomy to an appropriate global scale. A combinationof cyber-infrastructure (Atkins et al. 2003,Wheeler et al. 2004) and the kind of teamwork exhibitedin the NSF’s PBIs (Knapp 2008, Page 2008) pointto a clear path to success.REFERENCESAnonymous. 1994. Systematics Agenda 2000: Chartingthe Biosphere. Technical Report. Society of SystematicBiologists, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, WilliHennig Society, Association of Systematic Collections.New York.Atkins, D. E., K. K. Droegemeier, S. I. Feldman, H. Garcia-Molina, M. L. Klein, D. G. Messerschmitt, P. Massina,J. P. Ostriker, and M. H. Wright. 2003. Revolutionizing Scienceand Engineering through Cyberinfrastructure. Report ofthe National Science Foundation Blue-ribbon Advisory Panelon Cyberinfrastructure. U. S. National Science Foundation,Arlington, Virginia.Brooks, S. J. and H. J. B. Birks. 2000. Chironomid-inferred lateglacialand early-Holocene mean July air temperatures forKråkenes Lake, western Norway. Journal of Paleolimnology23: 77–89.Carpenter, J. M. 2003. Critique of pure folly. Botanical Review69: 79–92.Coope, G. R. 1979. Late Cenozoic fossil Coleoptera: evolution,biogeography and ecology. Annual Review of Ecology andSystematics 10: 247–267.Cracraft, J. 1981. The use of functional and adaptive criteriain phylogenetic systematics. American Zoologist 21: 21–36.Cracraft, J. 1983. Species concepts and speciation analysis.Current Ornithology 1: 159–187.Cracraft, J. 1989. Speciation and its ontology: the empiricalconsequences of alternative species concepts forunderstanding patterns and processes of differentiation.Pp. 28–59. In D. Otte and J. A. Endler (eds). Speciationand Its Consequences. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,Massachusetts.Cracraft, J. 2002. The seven great questions of systematicbiology: an essential foundation for conservation and sustainableuse of biodiversity. Annals of the Missouri BotanicalGarden 89: 127–144.de Queiroz, K. 1988. Systematics and the Darwinian revolution.Philosophy of Science 55: 238–259.de Queiroz, K. and M. Donoghue. 1988. Phylogenetic systematicsand the species problem. Cladistics 4: 317–338.

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Chapter 15<strong>Insect</strong> species –conceptsand practiceMichael F. ClaridgeSchool of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9381

<strong>Insect</strong> taxonomists face the enormous task ofdescribing, classifying, and providing meansfor the non-expert to identify the vast numbersof entirely new or little known species that weknow to exist, often in extremely endangeredenvironments. The greatly increased interest inbiological diversity over the past 20 years or so andthe realization of the urgent need to conserve as muchas possible of it make these tasks the more urgent.A major problem with this agenda is the ongoingdebate and disagreement about species concepts.No topic in evolutionary and systematic biology hasbeen more contentious and controversial than thenature and meaning of species. In the words of thelate Ernst Mayr (1982) ‘There is probably no otherconcept in biology that has remained so consistentlycontroversial as the species concept’.Species are usually the primary units of biodiversityand conservation (Wilson 1992), so it is obviouslyimportant that, so far as possible, we agree on theirnature. One of the aspects of the species problem thathas made it on the one hand so intractable, but onthe other so rewarding, is that it is at the same timea very practical problem for all taxonomists and biologists,and also a deeply philosophical and theoreticalone, as recently emphasized by Hey (2006). The continuinginterest in these problems over the past 10 or20 years has led to the publication of several relevantbooks and review articles, notably by Ereshefsky(1992), Paterson (1993), Wilson (1999), and Wheelerand Meier (2000). However, these publications aremostly concerned with the diversity of theoretical andphilosophical approaches to the issues, with little referenceto real practical problems.About 10 years ago, together with my colleaguesHassan Dawah and Mike Wilson, I edited and contributedto a multiauthor volume under the title Species:the Units of <strong>Biodiversity</strong> (Claridge et al. 1997a). In thisvolume, we brought together practicing taxonomistsfrom across the breadth of organismal diversity, includingworkers on different groups of animals, plants,fungi, and microorganisms, in an attempt to find commonground. The results were interesting, but sadlyshowed just how difficult it is to have a biologicallymeaningful and unified species concept across suchdiverse organisms. However, insects, which thoughthey represent about 60–65% of all living biodiversity(Hammond 1992), are just one subset, one classof one phylum, of all living organisms and thus sharemany genetic mechanisms and more of a commonheritage. Maybe, therefore, we can be more optimisticin attempting to agree on a common species conceptfor these mega-diverse organisms? Here I shall attemptto review species concepts in a historical context and tolook for a unified concept that may, at the same time,be of practical use for insects.EARLY SPECIESCONCEPTS – LINNAEUSThe term species is an old one and derives from thewritings of classical Greek philosophers, most notablyAristotle (Cain 1958). It was natural for scholars andnaturalists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesto adopt the systems of Aristotelian logic in attemptingto classify and make sense of the natural world. Technicalterms from this system that were used in attemptsto classify living organisms included definition, genus,differentia, andspecies. Here, the genus referred to thegeneral kind, while species referred to the particularkind within the genus, as qualified by the differentia.Carl von Linné, better known to us as Linnaeus andthe founder of the binomial system of nomenclaturethat we still use for living organisms, most clearlydocumented his principles and practice in producingclassifications of both animals and plants (Cain 1958for a full account). The binomial system itself is a resultof the use of the Aristotelian system. Authors previousto Linnaeus, and indeed Linnaeus himself in hisearly works, had given multinomial names to organisms– the genus being one word, but qualified by adescriptive phrase, the differentia, to describe and delineatethe species itself. Linnaeus, from the 10th editionof the Systema Naturae in 1758 and probably becauseof the pressures to describe such large quantities of newmaterial, reduced the differentia for animal species toa single word – the specific name – and so inventedthe binomial that has been used for plants and animalsto this day. It has been challenged unsuccessfully atvarious times in the past and is currently under attackby proponents of the phylocode, but it is likely onceagain to prevail (Wheeler 2004)!To Linnaeus, species were simply the lowest categoryof particular kinds in his classifications, thoughhe also often recognized varieties within species. Notonly did Linnaeus publish classifications and descriptionsof many animals and plants, but he also wrotebooks in which he detailed his methods and philosophy(e.g., Linnaeus 1737). In a detailed study

<strong>Insect</strong> species – concepts and practice 383of these many writings, Ramsbottom (1938) showedthat in developing a practical concept of species, Linnaeusrecognized three main criteria. Species were(1) distinct and monotypic, (2) immutable and createdas such, and (3) true breeding. Criteria 1 and2 here are to be expected in preevolutionary philosophy;3 may be a little more surprising. The idea thatspecies had a single norm of morphological variationand were clearly each distinct from all other specieswithin the same genus was widely accepted. Linnaeuswas, of course, working in exciting times when Europeanexplorers were traveling widely in regions of theworld previously unknown to them and bringing backlarge collections of plants and animals for study. Forobvious reasons, these samples consisted of dead andoften poorly preserved material. Thus, to describe newspecies and to classify them, early taxonomists had littlerecourse but to use morphological characters. The totalimmutability of species was clearly widely accepted inthe eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, buteven Linnaeus later in his life developed some complicatedtheories of speciation by hybridization (Cain1993).Before the enormous influx of largely tropical materialinto European museums, most early taxonomists,including Linnaeus, were field naturalists themselvesand familiar with the organisms on which they workedas living entities. They certainly knew that the speciesthey described from local faunas and floras were biologicallydistinct and differed in obvious features oftheir natural history, as well as their morphology.The swamping of museums by large collections fromoverseas inevitably led to the almost exclusive use ofmorphological differences both to describe and to recognizespecies. This obviously remains so today formost groups of animals and particularly for speciesrichgroups, such as insects. The morphological speciesor morphospecies has evolved from these early classificationsmostly for reasons of convenience. Today,such ‘morphospecies’ are being developed by the useof molecular characters for recognizing species (Tautzet al. 2003, Blaxter 2004). The morphospecies, however,is not a philosophical concept, but simply a practicalcategory. No doubt Linnaeus himself would havebeen unhappy that his philosophy should be reducedto such a purely practical matter. Following Linnaeus,taxonomists were forced more and more to use thepractical morphospecies for what they largely knewonly as dead museum specimens. The amount of differencerequired to recognize and separate species becameinevitably more and more subjective, as illustrated bythe well-known quote from Regan (1926): ‘A speciesis a community, or a number of related communities,whose distinctive morphological characters are, in theopinion of a competent systematist, sufficiently definiteto entitle it or them to a specific name’.Because taxonomy and systematics, more and morethrough force of circumstance, were based only onmorphological differences among dead museum specimens,the two quite different traditions of studying thenatural world diverged, with what we might call themorphologists on one side and the naturalists on theother. Naturalists, even in the late eighteenth centurywere well aware that species had some real biologicalbasis in the field. For example, the naturalist GilbertWhite (1789) first showed that several morphologicallysimilar species of song birds in Britain of the genusPhylloscopus, the warblers, were clearly separated inthe field by their distinctive male songs, now known tofunction as important elements of their specific materecognition systems (SMRSs). This interest in breedingbarriers and species as reproductive communities wasan essential element of the naturalist tradition. Later inthe nineteenth century English-speaking world, mostnotable as part of the naturalist tradition were CharlesDarwin and Alfred Russell Wallace. It was from thistradition that they independently developed the theoryof evolution by natural selection and accumulatedoverwhelming evidence for descent with modification.After the general acceptance of evolution, species wererecognized as the end terms of different lines of descent.The controversies around evolution itself meant thatthe nature of species was not regarded at that time asa high-priority subject. Darwin himself seems often tohave regarded species as more or less arbitrary stagesin the process of evolutionary divergence.BIOLOGICAL SPECIES CONCEPTSIn addition to developing the idea of species as morphologicallydiscrete entities, Linnaeus also had theadmittedly more vague idea of species as breedingunits that generally breed true (Ramsbottom 1938).However, it was not until the late nineteenth andearly twentieth centuries that these ideas were clarifiedand became central to species thinking. Probablythe most important contributor to this way of thinkingwas Sir Edward Poulton. First in 1904, in hisPresidential Address to the Entomological Society of

384 Michael F. ClaridgeLondon, and later in a volume of essays on variousaspects of evolution (Poulton 1908), he made the mostimportant advance toward what has since becomeknown as the biological species concept. He emphasizedthe importance of interbreeding in the field asthe most critical species criterion. This criterion waswhat later Mayr (1942, 1963) termed crossability andcontrasted strongly with interfertility or simple abilityto hybridize. Poulton was one of the first authorsto make this clear differentiation and thus effectivelyto develop the modern biological species concept, forwhich generally he receives insufficient credit (Claridge1960, Mallet 1995).During the early- and mid-twentieth century the revolutionin evolutionary thinking, often known as theEvolutionary Synthesis (Mayr and Provine 1980), wasdeveloped by the attempted unification of systematics,genetics, and evolution, exemplified by the publicationof major seminal volumes, including Genetics and theOrigin of Species (Dobzhansky 1937) and Systematicsand the Origin of Species (Mayr 1942). The so-calledbiological species concept was central to these ideasand received many definitions, perhaps the most usefuland certainly most cited of which is ‘species are groupsof actually or potentially interbreeding natural populationswhich are reproductively isolated from other suchgroups’ (Mayr 1942, p. 120). Reproductive isolationin nature, as also for Poulton, was the key factor inidentifying and maintaining species. Such reproductiveisolation was maintained by what Dobzhansky(1937) termed isolating mechanisms, which wereany attributes of species populations that reduced thelikelihood of interbreeding between them. Such a categoryis a wide one, including not only all sorts of postmatinggenetic incompatibilities, as well as behavioraland ecological differences that act before mating andfusion of gametes, but also totally extrinsic geographicalbarriers. The latter are clearly not properties of theorganisms and are not now generally classified withthe intrinsic factors. To Dobzhansky, speciation wasthe origin of reproductive isolating mechanisms andthus of reproductive isolation. Dobzhansky’s systemof classification of isolating mechanisms was followedand modified by many authors during the twentiethcentury, including particularly Mayr (1942, 1963,1982) and Cain (1954).A major set of criticisms of the biological speciesconcept has been developed over some years byHugh Paterson (Paterson 1985, 1993). One of hismain concerns is with the concept of species isolatingmechanisms and with the implication that theyhave evolved as adaptations under natural selectionto achieve and maintain reproductive isolation.Paterson must be correct, at least for all so-calledpostmating mechanisms, which logically cannot bedue to such adaptation (Mallet 1995). Avise (1994),and recently Coyne and Orr (2004), have suggestedthe more neutral term, ‘isolating barrier’ to replaceisolating mechanism. This suggestion is useful, butdoes not deal with Paterson’s further criticisms. Maybethere is no need anyway for a term to include such adiversity of phenomena?Paterson regards species as groups of organismswith common fertilization systems. ‘We can, therefore,regard species as that most inclusive population of individualbiparental organisms which share a commonfertilization system’ (Paterson 1985, p. 25). He recognizedan important subset of the fertilization systemthat he termed the specific mate-recognition system(SMRS), ‘which is involved in signaling between matingpartnersandtheircells’.Thus,theoftencomplicatedreciprocal signals and signaling systems of matingand courtship (well documented by ethologists includingTinbergen 1951, Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1970, and Brown1975) have the essential function of ensuring specificmate recognition. In such behavior sequences, successivesignals release, in turn, successive responses viatuned receptors in the opposite sex. These sequencesare usually, but not exclusively, initiated by males.Unless appropriate responses are received at each stageand the signals are recognized as appropriate, exchangewill be terminated and ultimate exchange of gameteswill not occur. The exchanges of signals between partnersmay be broken off at any stage. Thus, to Patersonspecies are defined by their unique SMRSs and theevolution of new species, speciation, is the origin ofnew SMRSs. He has argued at length over the yearsthat his concept of species is quite distinct from thebiological species sensu Mayr. He terms the latter the‘isolation concept’, because it is defined by reproductiveisolation from other species, and terms his ownsystem the ‘recognition concept’. Lambert and Spencer(1995) and Vrba (1995) have strongly supported thisline of argument, but others have doubted the cleardemarcation between isolation and recognition concepts(Claridge 1988, 1995a, Claridge et al. 1997a,Coyne et al. 1988, Mayr in Wheeler and Meier 2000,Coyne and Orr 2004).Thus, in practice a broadened biological speciesconcept would recognize that different species are

<strong>Insect</strong> species – concepts and practice 385characterized by distinct SMRSs that result in the levelsof reproductive isolation between sympatric speciesobserved in the field. However, species are only rarelyrecognized by direct studies of the SMRSs, which arethemselves equally rarely understood with certainty,but which must be the final arbiters for determiningbiological species boundaries (Claridge 1988, 1995a,Claridge et al. 1997a, b). Much more usually, biologicalspecies are recognized by markers that are thoughtto indicate the existence of reproductive isolation. Inthe past, these were normally morphological markersso that taxonomists hypothesized that the differencesthey recognized and used to separate morphospecieswere also indicators of biological species boundaries.More recently, morphological markers have been supplementedby a wide range of others, including cytological,behavioral, and biochemical ones. In particular,now molecular markers involving characters derivedfrom the amino acid sequences of specific pieces of DNAare more and more being used (Avise 1994). Indeed, ithas even been suggested that all species should be diagnosedby such molecular differentiation (e.g., Tautzet al. 2003, Blaxter 2004). However, under the biologicalspecies concept, the enormous diversity of markersnow available to taxonomists is simply an indicatorof levels of reproductive isolation. Levels of gene flowbetween populations and, therefore, levels of reproductiveisolation are now routinely estimated by moleculardivergence.A particular feature of the biological species conceptis that reproductive isolation can occur betweenspecies populations without any obvious accompaniedmorphological differentiation. This phenomenonof real biological species existing in nature withoutany obvious differentiation to the human observerhas been recognized since early in the twentieth centuryand was well discussed by Mayr (1942). Suchspecies are usually known as sibling, or cryptic, speciesand have been clearly demonstrated in many groupsof insects (Thorpe 1940, Mayr 1942, Claridge 1960,1988, Claridge et al. 1997b).During the heyday of the biological species in themiddle years of the twentieth century, a large body ofopinion among museum taxonomists was neverthelessopposed to it (e.g., Sokal and Crovello 1970) andpreferred either some overtly morphological speciesapproach or a purely phenetic one. Such views havealways been strongly held by botanists on the groundsthat interspecific hybridization is so common in plantsthat reproductive isolation is not a useful criterion(Gornall 1997, but see Mayr 1992). However, entomologistshave also often led the criticism of thebiological species.Two important problems in the use of biologicalspecies are acknowledged by all of its proponents.These concern the status of (1) asexual and parthenogeneticforms and (2) geographically or spatiallyisolated (allopatric) populations:Agamospecies The biological species in its variousmanifestations can only be applied to biparental sexuallyreproducing organisms in which a distinctiveSMRS leads to reproductive isolation. Neither asexualnor parthenogenetic organisms have a functionalmate-recognition system that leads to the fusion ofgametes, so the biological species concept cannot applyto them. These organisms exist as clones that can differin morphology, biochemistry, cytology, behavior, ecology,and other features (Foottit 1997). Distinctive anddiagnosable clones are often described as species, butthey cannot be biological species. They are thus practicalcategories like the morphological species, whichhave been given the useful term agamospecies by Cain(1954). Many groups of living organisms, includingmany microorganisms, can only be agamospecies.Allopatric forms A real problem with applying thebiological species concept is that reproductive isolationin the field can only be determined for sympatric populationswhere alone there are possibilities of testingthe effectiveness of SMRSs in the field. Geographicalvariation and the status of allopatric populations havelong been of major interest to both taxonomists andevolutionary biologists. Degrees of observable differentiationbetweenallopatricpopulationsvaryfromalmostnothing to large differences, at least comparable withthose observed between distinct sympatric species of thesame taxonomic group, but the criterion of gene flowand reproductive isolation in the field cannot be conclusivelytested. Experimental crossings of allopatricforms under laboratory and experimental conditionsyield results of only limited value. The polytypic natureof biological species has for long been recognized anda series of taxonomic categories, from superspecies tosubspecies has been developed to describe such essentiallycontinuous geographical variation (Mayr 1942,Cain 1954). This continuum on the one hand hasprovided vital data for the development of theoriesof allopatric, or geographical, speciation (Mayr 1942,

386 Michael F. ClaridgeCain 1954), but on the other has led many also toregard the species as no more than a rather arbitrarystage in the divergence of local populations. Forexample, Alfred Russell Wallace (1865, p. 12), whenconfronted with the bewildering range of geographicalvariation and polymorphism in the swallowtailbutterflies of Southeast Asia, in a widely cited quote,said: ‘Species are merely those strongly marked racesor local forms which, when in contact, do not intermix,and when inhabiting distinct areas are generallybelieved to...be incapable of producing a fertile hybridoffspring... it will be evident that we have no meanswhatever of distinguishing so-called ‘‘true species’’from the several modes of variation...into which theyso often pass by an insensible gradation’. Wallace and,of course Darwin also, were impressed with variationwithin and between natural populations as the basicmaterial for evolution by natural selection. Equallytoday, the allocation of allopatric populations withinthe superspecies/subspecies range is largely subjective.Drawing a line through any continuum must be tosome extent arbitrary. This problem is undoubtedly aweakness of the biological species, but I would argueequally that it is a weakness of all discrete speciesconcepts.These obvious complications, together with a frequentdesire to eliminate the priority given to one set oforganismal characters – the SMRS and reproductiveisolation – over all others, have persuaded many systematiststo abandon completely the biological speciesconcept in favor of what we termed a general phylogeneticspecies concept (Claridge et al. 1997a). But beforeconsidering phylogenetic concepts in more detail, it isappropriate to discuss the interesting ideas of Mallet(1995) on his ‘genotypic cluster criterion’ or conceptof species. Mallet is a geneticist, who has workedon widely distributed species and populations of tropicalbutterflies. He is concerned that the biologicalspecies is absolute and does not allow for interspecifichybridization and intergrading, which he has recentlyextensively reviewed (Mallet 2005, 2008). However,because intergradation is the basis of the polytypic biologicalspecies espoused by Mayr, Cain, and others, thiscriticism cannot be a real problem. Even in sympatricinteractions, reproductive isolation does not need tobe absolute to maintain species integrity. Indeed, theacceptance of the reality of evolution demands thatspecies cannot always be completely reproductivelyisolated. Intermediates and intergradation must beexpected. Thus, all realistic species concepts must allowfor such intergradation and the broadly conceived biologicalspecies concept certainly does this. Anotherinteresting contribution, along similar lines to thoseof Mallet (1995), is the ‘genomic integrity species definition’of Sperling (2003). Here species are ‘populationsthat maintain their genomic integrity when they contacteach other, even if they occasionally exchangegenes’. These various attempts to formulate moreinclusive and realistic species concepts appear to meto be quite compatible with and, indeed similar to,the broadly based biological species concept advocatedhere.PHYLOGENETIC SPECIES CONCEPTSA revolution in the philosophy and practice of systematicstook place in the English-speaking world afterthe publication of Hennig’s Phylogenetic Systematics intranslation in 1966. Few systematists today do not usesome variant of the cladistic methodologies pioneeredby Hennig. Coincident with this widespread acceptanceof cladistic methods for determining phylogeniesand making robust classifications, came increasedpublished dissatisfaction with, and rejection of, thebiological species concept by systematists (e.g., mostauthors in Wheeler and Meier 2000). Oddly enough,Hennig himself thought of species as reproductive communities,so his species concept was broadly similar tothe biological species concept of Mayr (1942). Hennig,of course, was interested primarily in extending speciesback in time as diagnosable clades, for which the biologicalspecies is not suited. In this, he was developingwhat Simpson (1951) had begun as a broader evolutionaryspecies concept, which has since been taken upby many others (e.g., Cain 1954, Wiley 1978, Mayden1997, Wiley and Mayden in Wheeler and Meier 2000,and see Hey 2006).Cladists certainly have not spoken with one voice onthe nature of species. Hennig (1966) saw species as thatunique level in the taxonomic hierarchy at and abovewhich cladistic methods could be applied to determinephylogenies and below which they could not. Withinspecies, interbreeding relationships dominate and theseHennig differentiated from phylogenetic relationshipsas tokogenetic ones, a term that has not been widelyadopted. Wheeler and Nixon (1990) supported the ideathat species are uniquely different from higher leveltaxa, on the grounds that they do not have resolvableinternal phylogenetic structure. On the other hand

<strong>Insect</strong> species – concepts and practice 387Nelson(1989),instatingthat‘Aspeciesisonlyataxon’,expressed clearly the view that species simply representone level in the taxonomic hierarchy and are of no moresignificance than any others, such as genus, family,or order. In criticism of this view, Wheeler (1999)commented ‘That species exist in nature is one aspectof species about which I can agree with Mayr (1963)’and most taxonomists also seem broadly to agree,though Mallet (1995) casts doubt on this assertion.Oddly, modern molecular phylogeographic techniquessuggest also that this sharp differentiation in terms ofphylogenetic pathways above and below species mightnot be as absolute as Hennig, Wheeler, and others havesuggested. A full introduction to these novel methodsis given by Avise (2000).Many authors have attempted to formulate anexpressly phylogenetic species concept. In a valuablevolume devoted to a debate about species conceptsand phylogenetic theory, proponents of two differentphylogenetic concepts presented their arguments anddisagreements, not only over the biological speciesconcept and what is termed the Hennigian speciesconcept, but also with each other – Mischler andTheriot on the one hand and Wheeler and Platnick onthe other (in Wheeler and Meier 2000). Despite thesedisagreements, there is some practical consensus,and perhaps the most widely cited definition of thephylogentic concept is that of Cracraft (1983, 1997),who stated that the species is the ‘smallest diagnosablecluster of individual organisms within which there is aparental pattern of ancestry and descent’. Some criticshave suggested that this definition does not applyto populations, a view fiercely refuted by Cracraft(1997). Nixon and Wheeler (1990) emphasized thiswhen they defined phylogenetic species as ‘the smallestaggregation of populations (sexual) or lineages(asexual) diagnosable by a unique combination ofcharacter states in comparable individuals’. Thus,it seems to me that the essence of the phylogeneticconcept in its various forms involves the recognitionof diagnosable clades. The major question thenhas to be just exactly what is diagnosable? Howdifferent do two populations or lineages have to beto be diagnosably and recognizably distinct? Thesejudgements must surely be subjective, particularlybecause what is distinct to one taxonomist might wellnot be to another.Leaving aside the latter difficulty, any of the markersdiscussed above as useful for delimiting biologicalspecies, including molecular and behavioral ones,also can be used to characterize phylogenetic species,though in most groups such characters have tended tobe exclusively morphological. Claridge et al. (1997a)concluded that the practical differences between aphylogenetic concept and a broadly biological one werenot great, a view which I still hold. To me, the greatdisadvantage of the phylogenetic concept is the difficultyin agreeing on what precisely is a diagnosabledifference. The advantage of the biological concept isthat it attempts to identify real, reproductively isolatedpopulations, even though isolation might notalways be complete. The phylogenetic concept canbe applied to asexual or parthenogenetic lineages,which are effectively agamospecies (Cain 1954). Alsofor the phylogentic species, the problems of differentiatingallopatric populations are not different fromsympatric ones. Thus, diagnosably distinct allopatricpopulations will be regarded as separate species. Theresult will almost always be that more allopatric populationswill be recognized as distinct species thanwill an application of the polytypic biological concept.For example, the well-known analysis of the birdsof-paradise(Aves: Paradisaeidae) by Cracraft (1992),using his phylogentic concept, established more thantwice as many species (90) than had previous applicationsof the biological species concept to the same dataset. However, the judgement will be essentially subjectiveunder both concepts, though various authors,from Mayr (1942) to Sperling (2003), have attemptedto provide more objective criteria for assessing thespecies status of totally allopatric populations. Thoughthere are fundamental differences of philosophy andtheory between the biological and phylogenetic concepts,I see little difference generally when applied inpractice.Despite the apparent advantages of the phyologeneticconcept in breadth of application, in my viewit has one major practical disadvantage compared tobiological concepts and that is the improbability thatits application will reveal the existence of complexesof sibling species. The philosophy of the phylogeneticspecies gives no incentive or reason to search for furtherdivisions once diagnosably distinct forms havebeen established. On the other hand, the emphasis ofthe biological species on reproductive isolation andspecific mate recognition means that sibling specieswill be revealed by its diligent application. Amonginsects, and many other organisms, sibling species arenow widely known and are often of great biologicalsignificance.

388 Michael F. ClaridgeSPECIES CONCEPTS ANDSPECIATION – A DIGRESSION?Although not strictly within the remit of this book,theories of speciation have been closely tied to thedevelopment of particular species concepts, so that abrief review is appropriate here. Most modern authorswill agree that in recognizing and describing species,taxonomists are providing a framework for understandingthe diversity of living organisms and theirevolutionary relationships. However, the philosophicalinteractions between different species concepts andparticular theories of speciation are long standing andstill not fully resolved. A system for describing observeddiversity should be independent of the various possiblemodes by which that diversity might have evolved (butsee Bush 1994, 1995, Claridge 1995b).Probably the most widely accepted mode of animalspeciation is that of geographical or allopatric speciation(Mayr 1942, 1963, Cain 1954). The essenceof such theories is that an ancestral population issubsequently divided into at least two daughter populations,isolated in space where they diverge anddevelop genetic isolation prior to any subsequent meetingand sympatry. The most extreme view of this isthat the daughter species must have diverged to theextent that they do not interbreed on meeting, thatis they have developed completely separate SMRSs, inthe terminology of Paterson (1985, 1993), perhaps thestrongest current supporter of this view. Contrary tothis theory of speciation in complete allopatry, manyauthors, particularly Wallace (1889) and Dobzhansky(1940), have developed theories of the reinforcementof species isolating mechanisms in sympatry after thepartial divergence of incipient species populations inallopatry. This theory is still controversial and has beenwell reviewed (Coyne and Orr 2004).Quite distinct from the various theories of allopatricspeciation are those of sympatric speciation, wherebyno period of allopatry is necessary for two species todiverge from a previous one, normally by powerful disruptiveselection. Though not strongly supported in theearly years of speciation theory, such ideas have alwaysbeen advanced by some entomologists and others workingwith large groups of sympatric specialist feeders,including parasites and herbivores (Walsh 1864, Bush1975, 1993, 1994). Here, descendant species divergewithin the range of the ancestral species and, therefore,all stages of such divergent populations can beexpected to exist in the field together. These ideashave become more and more acceptable in recentyears (Coyne and Orr 2004) to the extent that evenErnst Mayr, the strongest opponent of such theoriessince his 1942 book, in his final work accepted thatsympatric speciation is probable at least in some parasites(Mayr 2004). A developing consensus is thatthere may be a continuum from pure allopatric to puresympatric speciation, whereby intense natural selectionmight outweigh the swamping effects of gene flowby hybridization.Whatever the final consensus on speciation, thereis little doubt that the nature of our species conceptshould not depend on the mode of speciation. Thus,in principle, I agree with most cladists on the particularpoint that we should describe the patterns ofdiversity that we see in nature, so far as possible, independentof the theories concerning the evolution ofsuch patterns (Wheeler and Nixon 1990). However, Icannot agree with these authors that ‘the responsibilityfor species concepts lies solely with systematists’.Aside from the essential arrogance of such a statement,an evolutionary view of species inevitably mustinvolve at least genetics and evolutionary biology, inaddition to systematics. If we accept the generality ofevolution and species as the end results of evolutionarydivergence, then the species concept itself must bean evolutionary one. Simpson (1951) first attemptedto fuse the then biological species, the agamospecies,and the palaeospecies into a unitary, all-embracingevolutionary concept. Cain (1954) developed furtherand clarified these ideas, as later, particularly followingthe general acceptance of cladistic methodologies,did Wiley (1978), Mayden (1997, 1999), and Wileyand Mayden (in Wheeler and Meier 2000). Such theoriesprovide a reasonably satisfactory philosophicalfusion of the variety of species concepts that accountfor the diversity of living organisms and their relationshipsover time, but do not help much in the purelypractical recognition and identification of species.INSECT SPECIES – PRACTICALPROBLEMSAbout 99% of all insects are estimated to be biparentaland reproduce sexually, involving the meeting of malesand females and the exchange of gametes by copulationin often complicated sequences of courtship behavior.Here, in principle, the criterion of reproductive isolationis applicable and, thus, the biological species should

<strong>Insect</strong> species – concepts and practice 389provide a basis for recognizing and establishing specieslimits for most insect groups.Species, host races, and biotypesThe enormous numbers of species of insects dominateterrestrial ecosystems. Despite this diversity, insectsare remarkably conservative in morphology – to thenon-entomologist, they all tend to look the same. Theresult is that morphological taxonomy has to be basedon relatively small differences that are often difficultto appreciate, so that species taxonomy is generallydifficult. Despite their morphological conservatism,however, insects are ecologically extremely diverse andusually species specific in their habits. Thus, speciesoften differ most obviously in features of ecology andbehavior. About 50% of insects are estimated to be herbivores(Strong et al. 1984) and a high proportion ofthe remainder are probably parasitoids, largely attackingother insects. Thus, most insects are effectivelyparasites (Price 1980), either on plants or other insects(parasitoids), and tend to be narrow ecological specialists.The result is that, in well-studied groups, speciesare most obviously characterized by differences in foodexploitation and behavior (Claridge et al. 1997b). Perhapsnot surprisingly, the idea of sibling, or cryptic,species has been explored widely, particularly by entomologists.After sibling species have been recognizedby appropriate biological studies, markers may then befound that enable identification. In traditional taxonomy,these markers can be very small, but consistent,morphological differences, as for example in the finestructure of genitalia (Claridge et al. 1997b), but todayare also likely to be molecular ones (Tautz et al. 2003,Al-Barrak et al. 2004). The latter have the enormousadvantage that all stages of the life cycle can be identified,otherwise not usually easy even in well-knownorganisms.The specialized relations among insect parasites,including herbivores, and their hosts often makespecies delimitation and identification difficult. Hostassociatedpopulations can show varying degrees ofphenotypic differentiation in terms of the markers usedby taxonomists, including both morphological andmolecular ones. Difficulties in determining the status ofsuch populations have resulted in the widespread useof such quasitaxonomic terms as ‘host race’, ‘biologicalrace’, and ‘biotype’ (e.g., Walsh 1864, Thorpe 1930,Claridge and den Hollander 1983, Diehl and Bush1984, Claridge 1988, Claridge et al. 1997b, Drès andMallet 2002) for stages intermediate between completelypanmictic populations and distinct biologicalspecies. The status of such populations is intimatelyinvolved in arguments over the role of sympatric speciationin the evolution of insect parasites (Bush 1994).In my view, these hypotheses should not affect directlydiscussions on the species status of host-associatedpopulations (Claridge 1995b). Of course, species arethe result of splitting lineages, so that at some stageduring the process of speciation, diverging populationswill not be completely reproductively isolated fromeach other. Nevertheless, many examples of supposedhost races and biotypes, when closely analyzed, havebeen found to represent separate biological species.The phenomenon of complexes of sibling species wasfirst recognized by workers on insect vectors of diseaseorganisms of both humans and domestic animals (Lane1997). The reasons for this are obvious – these insectshave been intensively studied because of their importanceto human health. Malarial mosquitoes of thegenus Anopheles were the first to be intensively studiedand recognized as complexes of sibling species withdiffering abilities to transmit various forms of malarialparasites (modern summary by Linton et al. 2003).Experimental breeding and crossing showed that awide variety of markers might be used to identify geneticallydistinct populations, including morphology ofall life-history stages, chromosome banding patterns,allozyme markers, and particularly now, DNA markers(Linton et al. 2003). An important set of techniques,those of multivariate analysis, have enabled the useof small and variable characters to be used to greateffect (Sorensen and Foottit 1992). These techniquesare now widely used in the analysis of all sorts ofpreviously intractable insect problems.A major problem of interpreting the variation ofinsects on different host plants is that of differentiatingbetween those characters that are the directresult of induced responses to living and feeding onparticular hosts and those that reflect real genetic differencesbetween populations. Ideally, differentiationis best achieved by experimental rearing and transferbetween hosts (Claridge and Gillham 1992). Forexample Gillham and Claridge (1994) reported resultsof multivariate analyses of morphological charactersof the common polyphagous, tree-feeding leafhopper,Alnetoidia alneti (Dahl.), in Europe. Differences in bodysize and color of populations from different tree specieshad earlier suggested that A. alneti might consist of a

390 Michael F. Claridgecomplex of sibling species. We found that populationsfrom different tree species were statistically separable bythese techniques. However, the transfer of first-instarnymphs from one host to another resulted in adults similarto those normally found on the host plant to whichthey were transferred. Thus, there is no evidence thatthe differences between host-associated populationsof this insect represent any significant genetic differentiation,and we concluded that A. alneti is a trulypolyphagous species.A further example is provided by the widely distributedand studied Asian brown planthopper, Nilaparvatalugens (Stål), a pest of rice, Oryza species, inAsia and Australasia. The major strategy for controlof this pest has been the use of host-plant resistancedeveloped to great effect mainly at the InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines. Populationsevolved in the field rapidly during the 1970sand 1980s in different rice-growing areas of Asia thatwere able to overcome previously resistant varieties.Some of these virulent populations were reared inlaboratory cages and termed biotypes 1, 2, 3, andso forth, depending on their patterns of virulenceto particular resistant varieties (IRRI 1979). Workingat IRRI, Saxena and Rueda (1982) and Saxenaet al. (1983) demonstrated significant morphometricdifferences among these biotypes and concludedthat they were host races and represented intermediatestages in a process of incipient speciation. Weconfirmed that there were indeed significant differencesbetween these biotype populations, but whenthey were all reared on one susceptible rice varietyunder the same conditions, the differences amongthem disappeared after only one generation (Claridgeet al. 1984). These biotypes are simply locally adaptedpopulations with relatively little genetic differentiationamong them, as confirmed also by selection and crossingexperiments (Claridge and den Hollander 1980,1982). They certainly do not merit any special taxonomicrecognition.Most controversy has surrounded the subject of possiblehost races and biotypes, with respect to theoriesof sympatric speciation. Drès and Mallet (2002) publisheda full and critical review of insect host races inthe context of sympatric speciation. They concludedthat at least some supposed examples of host races dorepresent specialized genetically differentiated populationsthat still interbreed regularly, but retain theiridentities by strong disruptive selection and, therefore,may be regarded as true host races. Other populationsrepresent definite biological species and yet others, suchas the biotypes of N. lugens on cultivated rices, show littledifferentiation and are effectively parts of a panmicticspecies.Specific mate recognition and siblingspeciesA helpful method of approaching the problems of interpretingdifferent degrees of host- or habitat-associatedvariation is to use the biological species concept, with itsemphasis on reproductive isolation in the field achievedby distinct SMRS. Mate finding and courtship in insectsis usually complex, with a sequential exchange ofsignals and responses in tuned receptors in the twosexes. Any complete sequence is likely to involve varioustypes of signals and receptors, including chemical,visual, mechanical, and auditory senses. However, fewcomplete SMRS sequences have been described andanalyzed for any insect.Because of the predominance of chemical sensesin insects generally, specific chemical signals –pheromones – are usually important. These arewell known among the Lepidoptera, but also in theColeoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera of the largeorders. Few examples of detailed studies on pheromonesystems in groups of related specialist-feeding insectshave been made. One of the most instructive is thatof the small ermine moths, Yponomeuta species. Thelarvae of these insects feed on the foliage of theirhost plants, mostly broad-leaved trees, where theyoften cause extensive defoliation. Thorpe (1929), in aclassic study, showed how populations from Crataegusand Malus hybridized freely in the laboratory, but thesame populations showed both feeding and ovipositionpreferences for the plant from which they had beenreared. He concluded that they were biological or hostraces. More recent study conclusively shows these twoforms not to interbreed in the field and to be separatebiological species (Menken 1980). Nine species noware recognized in northern Europe (review by Menkenet al. 1992). Like many moths, virgin females ofthese insects ‘call’ by liberating a specific pheromone.Responsive males are attracted maximally to thepheromone of their own species (Hendrikse 1979,1986). When in close proximity to a calling female,males produce their own specific sex pheromone,which may elicit mating behavior (Hendrikse et al.1984). The sequence of exchanges of signals and

<strong>Insect</strong> species – concepts and practice 391responses means that interspecific matings are rare.Chemical interactions are thus central to the SMRS ofthese insects.Chemical signals are generally difficult to study. Mostwork has been done on single important pest speciesin which pheromones may be used to manipulate thebehavior of the pest and, thus, can be used in controlstrategies. Visual and acoustic systems of communicationseem to be rarer in insects, but are generally easierfor the human observer to study. Acoustic systems havereceived considerable attention in recent years and aremore widespread than previously thought (reviewsin Drosopoulos and Claridge 2006). The Auchenorrhynchais a large species-rich group exclusively ofherbivores. All species, so far as known, use acoustic(including vibrational) signals in mate finding andcourtship (Claridge 1985). The larger cicadas (Cicadidae)are well known for their often loud male songsthat are usually species specific and attractive to virginfemales. The much more abundant and generallysmaller species of other families, such as the Cicadellidae,Delphacidae, and Membracidae signal betweenmales and females by low-intensity vibrational callsthat are transmitted through their substrate, normallythe host plant.One of the best studies on a group of closely relatedinsect herbivores is that of Wood (1993) on the complexof morphologically almost identical treehoppers(Membracidae) in North America, known as Enchenopabinotata. Wood started his long-term studies with thehypothesis that the eight or nine host-associated populationswere host races. A series of elegant electrophoreticand field experimental studies on theseinsects demonstrated that E. binotata consists of at leastnine reproductively isolated biological species. Recentand continuing studies have shown that these insectscommunicatebysubstrate-transmittedacousticsignalsthat are certainly central to specific mate recognitionand maintaining reproductive isolation (Hunt 1994,Rodríguez et al. 2004, Cocroft and McNett 2006).A final example of extreme sibling species is providedby the planthopper, N. lugens, and its rice-feeding‘biotypes’, which were shown to be populations locallyadapted to particular cultivars of rice that incorporatedistinctive genes for resistance. However, populationsmorphologically attributable to N. lugens also havebeen found widely feeding on the wild grass Leersiahexandra, a relative of rice, Oryza, both of which frequentlygrow in close proximity. These populationswere at first described as ‘nonvirulent biotypes’ ofN. lugens in the Philippines (Saxena et al. 1983). Riceand Leersia-associated populations of N. lugens occurregularly in close proximity in the field throughoutmuch of Asia and northern Australia (Claridge et al.1985b, 1988). Like other planthoppers, these insectsexchange substrate-transmitted acoustic signals duringmating and courtship. The signals of sympatricmales and females differ consistently in call characteristics(Claridge et al. 1985a, b, 1988), which act asbarriers to interbreeding and are important parts ofthe SMRSs. Mate choice and call playback experimentsconfirm that the call differences are responsible for thelack of detected field hybridization between these formswhen in sympatry and, thus, show that they shouldbe regarded as different biological species. In the laboratory,hybridization between the two host-associatedspecies is easily achieved in the absence of a choiceof mates, and result in viable F1 and F2 generations,with little indication of hybrid inviability. Preliminarymolecular studies on some of these populations alsosuggest that they are closely related, with little obviousgenetic divergence (Jones et al. 1996, Sezer and Butlin1998). The small, but consistent, differences betweencalling songs of both males and females of the twoclosely related species of what must now be regardedas the N. lugens complex are the only real differencesor markers yet identified, other than host-plant preference.These are, thus, extreme examples of siblingspecies. Allopatric populations of each of the host-plantassociated species also show variability in song characters,such that many do not easily interbreed inthe laboratory. Thus, some might also be regarded asfurther separate species of the complex.If the real diversity of insects in the field is to berecognized by our system of taxonomy, then the biologicalspecies, despite the difficulties outlined here, willincorporate more useful information than will otherconcepts available to us.<strong>Part</strong>henogenetic insectsAbout 1% of all insects are parthenogenetic, and anagamospecies concept has to be used in the recognitionand description of ‘species’ (Foottit 1997). <strong>Part</strong>henogeneticorganisms exist as clones, which contrary tosome opinion, can show considerable genetic variation(Loxdale and Lushai 2003). It is essential in suchgroups to have names for distinctive entities that maybe regarded as species. They often differ in important

392 Michael F. Claridgefeatures of behavior, such as feeding preferences andecology, from other agamospecies (De Bach 1969).From a practical viewpoint, species in these insectsshould be treated in essentially the same way asbiparental species. They may be discriminated by anyof the phenotypic markers normally used for biologicalspecies, including particularly morphological andmolecular markers.CONCLUSIONSMost insects are biparental, sexually reproducingorganisms so that application of the broad-basedbiological species concept, as advocated here, will leadto the recognition of more biological diversity thanwill a purely morphological and molecular approach.Sibling species are important ecological entities aboutwhich significant generalizations can be made. Inpractice, the application of a phylogenetic speciesconcept by taxonomists sensitive to the diversityof markers that are available will often producesimilar results to those using the biological speciesconcept. The main problem is that the phylogeneticapproach gives no incentive to expose the existence ofsibling species within an already diagnosably distinctspecies. Thus, the extent of the real biodiversityof insects, enormous as it is, may be dramaticallyunderestimated.Whichever approach is favored by any particulartaxonomist, the enormity of the task we face in attemptingto document insect diversity is clear. The lack ofsupport for taxonomy over recent years has been basedon the misconception that it is in some way not realscience. While we shall certainly disagree aboutthe precisespecies concept, I can only conclude by agreeingwholeheartedly with the recent sentiments of Wheeler(2004) on this: ‘Taxonomists synthesise and interpretbillions of facts about millions of species, make thosespeciesidentifiable,providethevocabularytotalkaboutthem, critically test the evolutionary units of biologicaldiversity, and make accessible and predictable all thatwe know of life on Earth. It has a rich and provenepistemic basis that makes its hypotheses testable andits results as rigorously scientific as any.’REFERENCESAl-Barrak, M., H. D. Loxdale, C. P. Brookes, H. Dawah,D. G. Biron, and O. Alsagair. 2004. Molecular evidenceusing enzyme and RAPD markers for sympatric evolutionin British species of Tetramesa (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae).Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 83: 509–525.Avise, J. C. 1994. Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution.Chapman and Hall, New York.Avise, J. C. 2000. Phylogeography: The History and Formationof Species. Harvard University Press, Harvard.Blaxter, M. L. 2004. The promise of a DNA taxonomy. PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society Series B, BiologicalSciences 359: 669–679.Brown, J. L. 1975. The Evolution of Behavior. W. W. Nortonand Co., New York.Bush, G. L. 1975. Modes of animal speciation. Annual Reviewof Ecology and Systematics 6: 339–364.Bush, G. L. 1993. A reaffirmation of Santa Rosalia, or why arethere so many kinds of animals? Pp. 229–249. In D. R. Leesand D. Edwards (eds). Evolutionary Patterns and Processes.Academic Press, London.Bush, G. L. 1994. Sympatric speciation. Trends in Ecology andEvolution 9: 285–288.Bush, G. L. 1995. Species and speciation. Trends in Ecology andEvolution 10: 38.Cain, A. J. 1954. Animal Species and Their Evolution. Hutchinson,London.Cain, A. J. 1958. Logic and memory in Linnaeus’s system oftaxonomy. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 169:144–163.Cain, A. J. 1993. Linnaeus’s Ordines naturales. Archives ofNatural History 20: 405–415.Claridge, M. F. 1960. The biospecies in entomology. Nature188: 1172–1173.Claridge, M. F. 1985. Acoustic signals in the Homoptera:behaviour, taxonomy and evolution. Annual Review of Entomology30: 297–317.Claridge, M. F. 1988. Species concepts and speciation in parasites.Pp. 92–111. In D. L. Hawkesworth (ed). Prospects inSystematics. Clarendon Press, Oxford.Claridge, M. F. 1995a. Species concepts and speciation ininsect herbivores: planthopper case studies. Bolletino diZoologia 62: 53–58.Claridge, M. F. 1995b. Species and speciation. Trendsin Ecologyand Evolution 10: 38.Claridge, M. F., H. A. Dawah, and M. R. Wilson. 1997a. Practicalapproaches to species concepts for living organisms.Pp 1–15. In M. F. Claridge, H. A. Dawah, and M. R. Wilson(eds). Species: The Units of <strong>Biodiversity</strong>. Chapman and Hall,London.Claridge, M. F., H. A. Dawah, and M. R. Wilson. 1997b.Species in insect herbivores and parasitoids – siblingspecies, host races and biotypes. Pp. 247–272. InM. F. Claridge, H. A. Dawah, and M. R. Wilson (eds). Species:The Units of <strong>Biodiversity</strong>. Chapman and Hall London.Claridge, M. F. and J. den Hollander. 1980. The ‘‘‘biotypes’’ ofthe rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. EntomologiaExperimentalis et Applicata 27: 23–30.

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Chapter 16Moleculardimensions ofinsect taxonomyFelix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. RoeDepartment of Biological Sciences, CW405a Biological Sciences Centre, Universityof Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9397

At their most fundamental level, molecularmethods are simply a subset of the ways thattaxonomists gain access to characteristics usedto distinguish groups of organisms. The value of anyclass of characters is ultimately measured by how accuratelyand conveniently these characters distinguishthe units that matter in taxonomy. Diverse geneticand biochemical techniques can be used to supplythe identifying features that characterize individualsand delimit groups. Molecular characters have variedstrengths and drawbacks, as do any other sourcesof character information such as morphology. Thepurpose of this chapter is to briefly review the uses,as well as misuses, of molecular characters in insecttaxonomy.Inthestudyofbiodiversity,theunitsthatmattermostare species. The staggering abundance of insect species,both beautiful and pestilential, has made themthe provingground for taxonomic information-managementsystems since the dawn of recorded human history.Most insects also present technical challenges inherentin simply seeing differences between diminutivecreatures. Added to that are the conceptual challengesof defining species consistently across a biological lineagethat has diversified over the course of 400 millionyears. Consequently, insect taxonomy is a work inprogress and will remain a primary source of newinsights in biodiversity informatics for a long time.In this chapter, we focus on the technical and conceptualadvances by which molecular methods haveincrementally assisted in seeing, recording, and usinginsect diversity. As illustrative examples, we use thecase studies that we are most familiar with, often fromour own research, on the principle that it is better toexplore and understand the nuances of a few cases thanto describe the surface of a broader array of examples.Molecular methods now dominate many aspects ofinsect taxonomy, and the field has long passed thepoint where the contribution of such methods can bereviewed comprehensively in a single book chapter.An overview published in Annual Review of Entomology(Caterino et al. 2000) concluded with a call to focuson DNA sequences from only a small number of genesacross all of insect systematics, to avoid a ‘Tower ofBabel’ in which different studies do not effectively relateto each other. Mitochondrial protein-coding genes providedthe most useful markers at the species level, andthe choice of the COI gene by Caterino et al. (2000)was echoed and amplified by Gleeson et al. (2000) onthe basis of the demonstrated value of this gene forinsect species diagnostics. In vertebrates, DNA-basedidentification has generally relied on other mitochondrialprotein-coding genes, especially cytochrome B(e.g., Parson et al. 2000). <strong>Insect</strong> species comprise threequarters of animal species and half of all described life,and so it was logical to extend recommendations forstandardization beyond the insects to the rest of life,whether as DNA taxonomy (Tautz et al. 2002, Voglerand Monaghan 2006) or DNA barcoding (Floyd et al.2002, Hebert et al. 2003a), in the explicit hope thatthe application of these particular molecular methodswould relieve the global taxonomic impediment.We take the view that molecular taxonomy is not,and should not be, a parallel approach to insect taxonomy.Rather, molecular methods are an important partof a more holistic, integrative taxonomy, with suchmethods providing diverse additional character setsfor addressing the classical problems of identifying specimens,discovering and delimiting species, and determiningrelationships (Dayrat 2005, Will et al. 2005,Valdecasas et al. 2008). Taxonomy is a venerable disciplinethat remains both vibrant and fundamental tothe rest of biology; the use of molecules of all kinds addsdepth and new dimensions.CHALLENGES IN TAXONOMYPracticing taxonomists encounter an array of logicalpuzzles whose complexity is matched only bythe profound satisfaction of resolving them. Despiteendless variety in the details of these puzzles, theycan be reduced to variations on four basic themes:(1) determination of the identity of specimens of knownspecies, (2) discovery of new species, (3) delimitationof species boundaries, and (4) phylogenetic reconstruction.Molecular methods are helpful, to varyingdegrees, in resolving each of these four kinds of problems(the first letters of which comprise a euphoniousacronym – D3P).DeterminationThe process of identifying specimens as members of previouslydemarcated species has benefited enormouslyfrom the addition of molecular characters, at least inthose cases where morphological characters are insufficient.This is a logically simple problem in whichthe integrity of the boxes (species) is not at issue, but

Molecular dimensions of insect taxonomy 399our ability to put a specimen into the correct box islimited by a paucity of useable characters. Molecularmethods provide a whole array of new charactersthat can assist identification. As long as their utilityis tested beforehand against established diagnosticcharacters, any source of information such as a singlenucleotide, an enzyme allele, or a hydrocarbon variantcan serve to identify different life stages, isolated bodyparts, or specimens bereft of morphologically diagnosticinformation.The oft-ignored essence of effective identification isto survey the natural range of character variation wellenough ahead of time, so that the identification of asingle specimen has a high probability of being correct,regardless of where the specimen came from (Medinaet al. 2007, Muirhead et al. 2008). But such surveyscan go on forever, and this begs the question – howwell should the range of variation of a character systembe known? For cases that really matter, one benchmarkis whether the identification would hold up in acourt of law. Such a standard is not frivolous becauseinsect identifications are often used to hold up largeperishable shipments at ports, to implement expensiveeradications of invasive species, or to convict murderers,using forensic evidence. A 95% probability ofcorrect identification will neither convince a judge whois weighing the human cost of a mistake, nor is it likelyto deter a sharp corporate lawyer defending a shippingcompany.Forensic entomology provided the framework foran early effort to use molecular characters to identifyinsects in a legal context. The reliability of differentfly species as indicators of successive stages of decay(postmortem interval) is reasonably well accepted incourt. One drawback is that maggots can be difficultto identify to species; they must be reared to the adultstage and a significant amount of time may elapsebefore information derived from them can be used tofocus an investigation. Such delay can be circumventedby using DNA to identify maggots, an approach firstdescribed by Sperling et al. (1994). However, despiteextensive exploration of the approach by J. Wells andothers (e.g., Wells and Sperling 2000, 2001, Wellset al. 2001a, b), DNA has not yet become the primarymethod for identification of insects in actualcourt cases, instead serving only as confirmation ofidentification by other means. This situation is largelydue to the growing realization that standard mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) sequences often do not formconveniently interpreted clusters that are congruentwith species limits determined by other means (Wellset al. 2007, Whitworth et al. 2007, Wells and Stevens2008). Molecular characters remain highly useful foridentifying forensically important species in a greatvariety of contexts, but it is imperative to first perform afine-grained survey of population variation across thefull geographic range of every fly species that is used.Verification of character utility is usually performedinformally for morphological characters, with explicitexamination of numerous specimens and an unconsciousassessment of the probability of developmental orevolutionary conversion of one structure into another.A classic ‘good taxonomist’ is particularly talentedin such analyses of shapes, gradually building up amental model of transformation probabilities that canbe applied to correctly identify a particular specimen,with high confidence. The problem is that the mentalmodel is rarely made explicit and is usually difficultto apply across different taxonomic groups. This capabilityalso is difficult to transfer between people; thedemise of an experienced taxonomist inevitably meansthe extinction of a large amount of unique knowledge.Molecular characters are often advocated as a solutionto this problem, because at some levels it can bemuch easier to train a technician to use molecularmethods for diagnostics than to apply morphologicalmethods. What is not so well appreciated is thatmolecular characters have generally not received asmuch informal testing as have morphological charactersbefore they are employed in practical situations,both because fewer specimens have been surveyedand because there may be less intuitive understandingof the underlying probabilities of character-statetransformation (Rubinoff et al. 2006).Ermine moths of the genus Yponomeuta provide anexample of both the utility and limitations of molecularidentification in agricultural pest species. Severalspecies of ermine moths cannot be distinguishedreliably on the basis of adult morphology, butnumerous studies on their ecology, behavior, andgenetics in their native range in Europe have shownthat they are biologically distinct species that maintaintheir integrity upon contact (Menken et al. 1993).Several Yponomeuta species have now invaded NorthAmerica, with significant economic consequences.The apple ermine moth Y. malinellus was introduced toboth British Columbia and Washington by the early1980s, whereas the cherry ermine moth Y. padellawas first found in southwestern British Columbiain 1993 (Sperling et al. 1995). The only way to

400 Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. Roedistinguish specimens of these two species withcertainty was through pheromone attraction of adultsand feeding preferences of the larvae. Neither of theseassays was applied in time to determine definitivelywhether the cherry ermine moth also occurred inWashington State in 1993, and further evaluation hadto wait until the next growing season. This situationcreated a potential economic and political problem,because there was no clear indication that the cherryermine moth was present in Washington, and as aprecautionary step the US Department of Agriculture(USDA) was prepared to stop importation of all nurserytrees from Canada that might carry diapausingimmatures of the cherry ermine moth. However, ittook only a couple of months to develop a DNA-basedmethod for distinguishing the cherry and apple erminemoths, using reared museum specimens with knownhost associations to calibrate the technique (Sperlinget al. 1995). This application of DNA diagnosticsshowed that the cherry ermine moth had alreadybeen collected in Washington, thereby obviating theneed for a trade embargo. By the summer of 1994,the protocol for the DNA-based diagnostic test wastransferred to the USDA, and later evaluation of thegenotype of 800 moths collected in pheromone trapsverified the method (Lagasa et al. 1995). This DNAassay, however, might be reliable only in the PacificNorthwest where it was developed and tested. Latersequencing of a few specimens of the same speciesfrom part of their native range in The Netherlands hasindicated that the genotypes that are species specific inNorth America are not diagnostic in Europe (Turneret al. 2004).DiscoveryOne of the most obvious applications of molecularmethods in taxonomy is to provide new sets of charactersthat show clear discontinuities in assemblagesthat were previously seen as more or less continuous(Bickford et al. 2007). However, this approach isnot commonly employed; the main use of molecularcharacters lies not in the initial discovery of new species,population units, or evolutionary relationships but inconfirming their existence by providing a new set ofcharacters in a hypothesis-testing framework. Becauseof the greater cost or time that is generally requiredto assay molecular characters across large numbersof specimens, the existence of most new species isalmost always first suspected on the basis of ecological,behavioral, or morphological variation. Furthermore,assaying molecular characters inevitably necessitatessome degree of destruction of specimens, though withcontinued refinement of techniques that destructioncan be minimized (Dean and Ballard 2004, Rowleyet al. 2007, Hunter et al. 2008).For example, the discovery of new species ofBemisia whiteflies (Bellows et al. 1994), Archipsleafrollers (Kruse 2000), and Phytomyza leafminers(Scheffer and Hawthorne 2007) was promptedby prior recognition of ecologically distinct biotypes,followed by a search for characters of any kind thatwould diagnose these previously detected units (Dresand Mallet 2002). The same applies to the discoveryof ten cryptic butterfly species in one previouslynamed Astraptes species (Hebert et al. 2004, butsee Brower 2006), a molecular study that would nothave been done without the prior documentation oflarval coloration and host associations by coauthorDan Janzen and associates. Molecular charactersas a class are not fundamentally different from anyother kinds of characters, although some particularmolecular markers such as fast-evolving gene sequencesmight more likely allow the detection of newspecies. However, for practical and economic reasons,molecular analyses are generally not performed in theabsence of prior information that suggests interestingor important biological discontinuities.The urgency of biodiversity documentation indisappearing habitats, combined with the frustratinglytime-consuming nature of traditional methods forspecies identification, has created enormous pressureto develop new methods for species discovery, whethermolecular or computer based (Godfray 2002). Forbacteria and other microorganisms, the shortageof useful characters that are visible by microscopeor staining has meant that most new discoverieshave relied on DNA sequences for the last decade ormore (e.g., Embley and Stackebrandt 1997). However,for rapid processing of large numbers of insectspecimens in biodiversity research, molecular methodshave not yet caught up to the speed and cost efficiencyof visual searches by a student with only a moderateamount of taxonomic training (Cameron et al. 2006).As molecular processing speeds do catch up to basicvisual methods, which will eventually be the case forDNA sequencing and other analyses, there will beastrongtemptationtorelyononlythosemolecularmarkers that are easily assayed. In an extreme

Molecular dimensions of insect taxonomy 401form, this sets up a single-marker taxonomic systemwhereby the new units that are discovered are selfreferentiallyconsistent but may have little relevance togenomic diversity (e.g., DNA taxonomy of Monaghanet al. 2006, Pons et al. 2006). We believe that it isbetter for the stability of communication in taxonomyto leave the discovery of a divergent gene lineage(as is increasingly common for mtDNA) for furtherevaluation using other characters (e.g., Sperling andHickey 1994, Nazari and Sperling 2007), rather thandrawing immediate and potentially disruptive taxonomicconclusions that are highly vulnerable tofalsification (but contrast Franz 2005). As for theidentification of previously defined species, the use ofmolecular methods to discover new species relies oneffective integration of molecular information with anumber of other kinds of information (Knowles andCarstens 2007, Schlick-Steiner et al. 2007, Wheeler2008).DelimitationTaxonomists commonly delimit several different kindsof units, although species are the fundamental unit inmost studies. Any reference to the process of delimitingspecies raises the question – what is a species? Thisquestion seems usually to invite an endless cycle of discussionand disagreement (reviewed recently by Coyneand Orr 2004). Claridge (this volume) has provided anoverview for the current volume, allowing us to focusonspeciesdelimitationasanexerciseindeterminingthedegree of permeability of genetic boundaries betweenpopulationlineages (Harrison1998,DeQuieroz2007).Reduced permeability to gene flow between populationsis an essential part of most widely used speciesconcepts. We have found it practical in our own workto explicitly recognize the potential for rare exchangeof genes, as well as the fundamentally different processof delimiting species that do not contact eachother, through a ‘genomic integrity’ species definition(Sperling 2003a). This two-part definition relies,first, on inference of the maintenance of genomicintegrity of populations when they contact each other,based on a variety of data. Second, for populationsthat are not in contact and for which evaluation ofthe maintenance of genomic integrity is not necessarilymeaningful, differences between populations arecalibrated against the extent of differences betweenpairs of sister species that do contact each other. Suchallopatric populations are ranked as distinct specieswhen they have levels of character divergence equivalentto the mean for sister-species pairs that are relatedtotheallopatricpairs.Thisdefinitionisexplicitlygeneticin its conception and is designed to accommodatemolecular data in conjunction with other sources ofinformation. The discrete nature and abundance ofmost molecular characters are well suited to the kindof quantification that is implied by ranking divergencesbetween populations.Regardless of the nuances of the particular speciesdefinition that may be employed by a working taxonomist,it is important to view each species as atestable hypothesis. Such a hypothesis should be testedagainst multiple data types, preferably with disparateanalytical properties. Here again, molecular data haveproven highly useful. For example, Sperling (1987)found that clustering of individual swallowtail butterflieson the basis of morphological character scoresand allozyme alleles gave population groupings thathad distinct larval host associations and correspondedbroadly to previously recognized species. However, neithermorphologynorallozymesbythemselvesdelimitedspecies as clearly as they did in conjunction, becausethere were no 100% frequency differences in individualmorphological characters or allozyme loci. Surveysof mtDNA (Sperling and Harrison 1994) not onlylargely supported the earlier work, but also demonstratedgene leakage of mitochondrial haplotypes intoa few populations that nonetheless clearly maintainedtheir overall genomic integrity. An integrated approachto species delimitation remains essential to resolvingtaxonomic problems in recently diverged speciesgroups (e.g., Rubinoff and Sperling 2004, Cognato andSun 2007, Roe and Sperling 2007a).The degree of divergence between populations(e.g., genetic distances calculated as percent similarityor dissimilarity), as well as of taxonomic groups atthe level of species and above, provides importantinformation for the delimitation of taxa. However,this approach has serious limitations due to the largeamount of overlap in divergences between differenttaxonomic ranks (Cognato 2006, Nazari et al. 2007).On the other hand, character-based approaches todelimitation of species and other taxa show a great dealof promise for molecular data, in part because they areso conceptually compatible with classical taxonomicpractice (DeSalle et al. 2005, Rach et al. 2008). Burnset al. (2007) found that mtDNA phylogenies producedseveral nonmonophyletic groupings when they were

402 Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. Roebased on distances derived from all available COIsequences, including those that differed slightly inlength from the standard barcode size. However,distance-based analysis of a consistent segment ofsequence that was invariant in length gave Burnset al. (2007) much better resolution and providedclear synapomorphies for particular nucleotide sites,despite less than 1% divergence between species.As with the identification and discovery of species,species delimitation based on single genes can behighly prone to error (Funk and Omland 2003, Meieret al. 2006, Monaghan et al. 2006, Elias et al. 2007,Linnen and Farrell 2007, Twewick 2007). Nonetheless,molecular characters have provided enormousbenefit to taxonomy when analyzed in the context ofother characters and the biology of the whole organism.For many insects, particularly in temperate zones,a good first draft of the species that occur in a regionis available based on standard morphological methods.The undescribed remainder is a combination of rarespecies and species groups with poor morphologicaldistinctions or legitimately messy species boundaries.These difficult-to-delimit species often matter a greatdeal from an economic viewpoint, and yet such speciescomplexes are also the ones most likely to be resistantto effective characterization using single-gene systemsof any kind (Sperling 2003b).Molecular methods and the genes themselves arewonderfully diverse, and there is effectively no limitto the new kinds of taxonomic information that canbe derived from them. For example, early hopes thatmtDNA variation would provide a disproportionatelyeffective marker for species limits in Lepidoptera (andother taxa with heterogametic females) have not beenborne out, though X-linked genes might instead servethis role (Sperling 1993, Roe and Sperling 2007a).PhylogenyMolecular data have had mixed utility in reconstructingphylogenies above the level of species. On theone hand, the availability of large numbers of characters,particularly DNA nucleotides, has allowed thedevelopment of sophisticated quantitative methods forphylogeny reconstruction (Felsenstein 2004). On theother hand, different character sets such as DNA fromdifferent genes can conflict with each other. Such differencescan be due to legitimately conflicting genephylogenies that result from differential sorting ofgene lineages within species, hybridization leading togene introgression between species, or selection onmaternally inherited symbionts (Ballard and Whitlock2004, Hurst and Jiggins 2005). Alternatively, conflictsmay arise due to sampling errors based on theuse of short DNA sequences (e.g., Roe and Sperling2007b) or unreliable methods for phylogeny reconstruction(Felsenstein 2004). Probably because of therelative ease of obtaining mtDNA sequences comparedwith nuclear gene sequences, it has only recentlybecome the norm to obtain sequences from multiple,unlinked genes for phylogenetic analysis (e.g., Giribetand Edgecomb 2005, Mallarino et al. 2005, Beltranet al. 2007, Nazari et al. 2007).Deep phylogenies pose a particular challenge toefforts to reconstruct the evolutionary history of agroup, in large part because of the overlay of multiplecharacter substitutions over time (= saturation)and the short time period represented by internodaldistances relative to total branch length (Whitfieldand Kjer 2008). For this reason, most molecularmethods have been consistently applied only nearthe species level. DNA sequences can provide muchdeeper information, but the quality of phylogeneticinformation in mtDNA usually declines rapidlybeyond the level of genera (e.g., Nazari et al. 2007).However DNA sequences for some genes havedivergence rates that are well suited to retainingtraces of their cladistic pattern of nested subsets ofmutations. The challenge is to find and consistentlysequence the genes that are most informative ata particular taxonomic level, as well as to employthe most appropriate analytical methods. We arecurrently in a phase of testing numerous genes for deepphylogenetic information (e.g., LepTree Team 2008).One of the key problems is the practical challenge offinding informative genes that do not require RNAextraction and reverse transcriptase PCR, whichnecessitate reliance on only those specimens withhigh-quality nucleotide preservation. Wahlberg andWheat (2008) have made good use of genomicsresources to develop a series of intronless genes for usein molecular analysis of recently collected museumspecimens, which greatly expands the range of raretaxa that can be sampled effectively.Distance-based methods for phylogeny reconstructioncan be prone to systemic errors caused by factorssuch as variation in rates of evolutionary change.Character-based methods also can exhibit consistenterrors, due to phenomena such as long-branch

Molecular dimensions of insect taxonomy 403attraction (Felsenstein 2004). In general, simpledistance-based methods, such as neighbor joining,can serve as a quick, but ‘dirty’, first approximation ofrelationships; some analyses go no further (e.g., Hebertet al. 2003b). Model-based methods such as maximumlikelihood and Bayesian analysis use more of theinformation inherent in the characters, but can besensitive to the selection of models (Felsenstein 2004).One of the advantages of distance methods is thatthey lend themselves more directly than characterbasedmethods to the use of molecular clocks forestimating divergence dates. However, a key problemwith the use of molecular clocks is that ratevariation has been widely demonstrated across manytaxa, and rate variation between different genes is thenorm. For example, mtDNA divergence rates seem tobe rapid in Pissodes weevils compared with flies andmoths, in contrast to allozyme divergence (Langor andSperling 1997, Boyer et al. 2007). Molecular clockshave thus been widely and justifiably criticized (e.g., deJong 2007). Their use nonetheless remains attractivein taxonomy (e.g., Avise and Mitchell 2007) becausethey provide at least some information about relativebranching times when fossils are absent or nearly so.An additional, albeit tenuous, application of distancesin taxonomy lies in the quantification of percentDNA-sequence divergences in calibrating the rank ofboth species level and higher taxa. For example, Hebertet al. (2003a) have used a 3% mtDNA sequence cutofffor recognizing lineage clusters as species, a practicethat is poorly supported in insects (Cognato 2006,Hickerson et al. 2006, Meier et al. 2006). Nonetheless,just as neighbor joining can serve as a roughmethod for estimating phylogenetic relationships, theuse of distances as an approximation of taxonomicrank remains attractive because it is simple and rapid.This approach has been used even less above the levelof species than at the species level, but the principlesremain the same (Nazari et al. 2007). The challenge isto remain cognizant that this practice provides only oneweak line of evidence that must be supplemented andtested with ample additional evidence for each group.SURVEY OF MOLECULAR METHODSThe vast majority of recent studies that have usedmolecular methods in taxonomy have relied on DNAsequences or sequence length variation (Caterino et al.2000, Schlötterer 2004, Behura 2006), though it isimportant to keep in mind that DNA provides only oneof many forms of molecular characters. We provide abrief survey of the diversity of molecular methods incurrent use since 2000, with some commentary ontheir applications (Table 16.1).All of the molecular techniques described inTable 16.1 produce data that can be analyzed aseither distances or characters. The choice of basicanalytical approach generally depends on whetherthe investigators are geneticists and biodiversityresearchers who are in a hurry, in which casethey favor distance methods, or whether they aresystematists and aiming for high-impact publications,in which case they use character-based methods suchas cladistics or explicit models such as maximumlikelihood. Molecular techniques that produce onlydistance data, particularly immunological techniquesand DNA-DNA hybridization (Hillis et al. 1996), havefallen by the wayside in insect taxonomy.The use of biochemical markers also has declinedgreatly in insect taxonomy, though they may still beemployed in groups where they have a long historyor where these molecular markers remain relevant forpractical reasons (e.g., wasp venoms: Bruschini et al.2007). Wing-pigment variation has been influentialin butterfly taxonomy (e.g. Ford 1944), and analysisof eye pigment diversity remains an active areaof investigation; however, assays of these pigmentsare now performed via the DNA sequences for theirgenes (Frentiu et al. 2007). Pheromone characterizationremains an active field of endeavor in insect controland population surveys, but the relationship betweentaxonomy and pheromone variation at the level ofindividuals has been surprisingly little investigated(e.g., Sperling et al. 1996, Cognato et al. 1999).Of the molecular markers in Table 16.1 that donot rely directly on DNA, both cuticular hydrocarbonsand allozymes have the advantage of providinginformation that is directly relevant to the adaptive phenotypeof the whole organism (e.g., Dapporto 2007).Allozymes have the additional advantage of beingamenable to classic Mendelian analyses. Both, however,require equipment and training that is distinctfrom that in standard use in molecular biology. Thereis still considerable potential to employ allozymes andcuticular hydrocarbons to find out more about therole of genetic variation in the behavior and ecologyof individuals among populations and between species(e.g., Jenkins et al. 2000, Dalecky et al. 2007, Foleyet al. 2007, Grill et al. 2007, Hay-Roe et al. 2007,

Table 16.1 Survey of techniques currently used to provide molecular characters for insect taxonomy and systematics.Primary Primary Taxonomic RecentMethod Description Strength(s) Weakness(es) Application ExamplesCuticularhydrocarbonsChemical compositionof cuticle lipids usinggas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS)Allozymes Enzyme variantsseparated by size andcharge using gelelectrophoresisKaryotypes Chromosome numbers,banding, andinversionsRFLP Restriction digests ofgenomic DNA or PCRproducts to formdiagnostic bandingon gels(RAPD) DNA Arbitrarily primedamplification ofregions throughoutgenome to give manyshort PCR bandsAFLP Restriction digestion ofgenomic DNA beforearbitrarily primedamplificationMicrosatellites Short tandem repeatsof DNA throughoutgenome• Linked to speciesrecognition• Variation is functional• Can be analyzed asMendelian markers• Relatively inexpensive• Inexpensive• Needsonlysimpleequipment andtraining• Inexpensive• Produces numerousmarkers• No need for priorgenetic information• Produces numerousmarkers• No need for priorgenetic information• Highly variable• Occur throughoutgenome• Often too labile tobe easily comparedacross taxa• Requires differenttraining and equipmentfrom DNAwork• Allele homology isuncertain• Must be analyzed onsame gel• Requires distincttraining and preservationmethods• Assays only one orfew base pairs at atime• Low amount ofinformation relativeto time input• Poor reproducibility• Needs good qualityDNA•Difficulttocompareacross studies•Mediumreproducibility• Needs good qualityDNA•Difficulttocompareacross studies• Prone to ‘slippage’errors•Difficulttoobtainfrom some insects(e.g., Lepidoptera)Populations,speciesPopulations,speciesPopulations,speciesPopulations,speciesPopulations,speciesPopulations,speciesKinship,populations• Dapporto (2007)• Hay-Roe et al. (2007)• Foley et al. (2007)• Grill et al. (2007)• Martin et al. (2006)• Kandul et al. (2007)• Naegele et al. (2006)• Beebe et al. (2007)• Li et al. (2007)• Kumar et al. (2001)• Vandewoestijne andBaguette (2002)• Al-Barrak et al. (2004)• Gompert et al. (2006)• Schefferand Hawthorne (2007)• Mock et al. (2007)• Meglécz et al. 2007• Zakharov and Hellmann(2008)404

DirectnucleotidesequencingPCR amplification ofgenomic DNA andvisualization ofnucleotidesequenceSNPs Single variablenucleotidepositionsthroughout thegenomeESTs Single-direction readof cDNA sequencecloned randomlyfrom mRNAMicroarray DNA hybridization tonumerous shortprobes to assaypolymorphisms• Precise resolution ofgenetic variation andhomology• Comparable acrosstaxa• Easy to score• Easily automated• Ubiquitous in genome• Source for transcribedmolecularmarkers• Can target functionalsubsets across genome• Fast assay of largenumbers of markers• Moderately expensive• Only surveys ashort-targeted fragment• Moderately expensive• Limited informationper site• Time consuming toidentify and developnumerous loci• Misreads and contaminationsdueto single readsequencing• Expensive todevelop• Computationallyintensive• Expensive todevelop• ComputationallyintensiveAll taxonomiclevelsGenotypes,kinship,PopulationsAll taxonomiclevelsPopulations,species• Elias et al. (2007)• Linnen and Farrell(2007)• Nazari et al. (2007)• Morin and McCarthy(2007)• Niehuis et al. (2007)• Wondji et al. (2007)• Papanicolaou et al.(2008)• Wahlberg and Wheat(2008)• Turner et al. (2005)• Frey and Pfunder (2006)405

406 Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. RoeMullen et al. 2007, Pecsenye et al. 2007), but thecurrenttrendinmoleculartaxonomyhaslargelypassedthem by. Nonetheless, Avise (1994) aptly notes that ifallozyme variation had been discovered only recentlyit might today be touted as a technique superior toDNA studies for tying organisms more directly to theirenvironment.A similar case can be made for the use of karyotypesin taxonomy and genetics. Because accessto chromosome numbers, banding patterns, andinversions required little more than a good microscopeand meticulous attention to detail, these techniquesreached a high level of development in the first half ofthe twentieth century. Recent applications to insecttaxonomy continue to use both chromosome countsand bands (e.g., Phasuk et al. 2005, Martin et al. 2006,Brown et al. 2007, Kandul et al. 2007). However,chromosome visualization may well make a comebackvia techniques like fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) for evaluating the relationship between genomicarchitecture across different phylogenetic lineages(Heckel 2003, Traut et al. 2008).Restriction fragment polymorphisms provided oneof the first ways in which a broad spectrum of evolutionarybiologists could access variation directly at theDNA level. Initially, these methods required the use ofradioactively labeled probe DNA that was hybridizedagainst DNA from other specimens and species afterit was cut with restriction enzymes and the fragmentsseparated by size in large gels. The methodswere moderately labor intensive but affordable for thetime, and individual restriction sites could be treatedas homologous characters if an extra effort was madeto convert fragment patterns into restriction site maps.This method has now largely been superseded in taxonomy,but the use of restriction sites to cheaplycharacterize PCR fragments remains current (Naegeleet al. 2006, Beebe et al. 2007, Gariepy et al. 2007,Li et al. 2007).There was much excitement when randomly amplifiedpolymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were first describedas a method to cheaply produce hundreds of DNAbands by using short (10 bp) primers to arbitrarilyproduce bands from numerous locations on thegenome of an individual (Williams et al. 1990). Analysisof the resulting data was admittedly problematicbecause heterozygotes and homozygotes could not consistentlybe distinguished (i.e., they had a ‘dominant’mode of inheritance). Multiple nonhomologous bandsof the same length were also difficult to distinguish,requiring hybridization with labeled probes. However,this method promised a cheap, easy, and rapid means togenerate large amounts of genetic data, without necessarilyneeding prior genetic information about the focalspecies or close relatives. The difficulty of reproducingRAPD bands from the same DNA in different labs ordifferent thermal cyclers soon became clear. The use ofthis technique is now largely restricted to characterizationof host races when there are no comparisonsbetween labs (e.g., Kumar et al. 2001, Vandewoestijneand Baguette 2002, Al-Barrak et al. 2004), or to thegeneration of bands for later use as sequence-taggedmarkers (Behura 2006). A variation of this techniqueusestherapidevolutionofmicrosatellitelocitogenerateRAPD-like markers: ISSR-PCR (Inter-simple-sequencerepeat-PCR). Inter-simple-sequence repeat markers useprimers that anneal to the short repeat regions ofmicrosatellites, and then amplify the region betweentwo closely spaced but reversed microsatellite loci(e.g., Roux et al. 2007).Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)promised to combine the best features of Restrictionfragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and RAPDtechniques (Vos et al. 1995). Genomic DNA was digestedwith restriction enzymes before some fragmentswere arbitrarily amplified to produce a fingerprintfragment pattern that provided far more markersthan from RFLPs alone. The method produced morereproducible bands than RAPDs, but unfortunatelythe improvement was not sufficiently robust forsuboptimal DNA extractions. AFLPs are generallynot used for insect taxonomy above the species level,though they are commonly used to distinguish hostraces and to provide low-density whole-genomelinkage maps for insects where there is no problemobtaining high-quality DNA (Emelianov et al. 2004,Dopman et al. 2005, Gompert 2006, Mock et al. 2007,Scheffer and Hawthorne 2007).Microsatellites have had a longer and more consistentapplication in insect population biology, withoccasional application to taxonomy. Here, regions ofDNA with short, tandem repeats (often two bases)give ample allelic variation that can be consistentlyreproduced from suboptimally preserved DNA. Thefact that this variation can be easily analyzed asMendelian markers is an added bonus, and a substantialproportion of the research papers and primernotes published in the field of ecological genetics nowuse microsatellites (Selkoe and Toonen 2006). Theamount of effort and cost required to first apply the

Molecular dimensions of insect taxonomy 407method to a particular species or species group islarge, and there is limited and uneven success inapplying microsatellite primers to species other thanthose for which they have been developed (Barbaraet al. 2007, Meglécz et al. 2007). For some groups,such as Lepidoptera, consistent problems with geneconversion of the conserved flanking regions make itdifficult to distinguish loci (Zhang 2004). This techniquehas seen relatively little use in insect taxonomybecause microsatellite loci show such rapid mutationrates that it is difficult to be certain of the homologiesof allelic variation between species. Nonetheless,microsatellites have proven useful for confirming themorphology-based assignment of a peripheral populationof a butterfly species, despite introgression ofmtDNA from another species (Zakharov and Hellmann2008).Direct nucleotide sequencing has become the dominantmolecular method in insect taxonomy, whetherat the species level or for reconstructing phylogenies.The method has proven to be sufficiently robust thatit is increasingly used to determine the species identityof the meals of predators (King et al. 2008) or evenherbivores (Miller et al. 2006). The cost of sequencinga short PCR fragment of 500–1000 bp was moderatelyhigh a decade ago, but has now come down to about$3 and is sure to continue to decline. Thus, hundredsor even thousands of specimens can now be sequencedas part of a taxonomic project. This situation has ledto a problem where large numbers of sequences havebeen generated but cannot be effectively comparedbecause they are not from homologous genes; somestandardization is the obvious answer (Caterino et al.2000). Nonetheless, the pendulum has recently swungtoo far toward standardization by focusing on a single650-bp region of mitochondrial COI in the Barcode ofLife Project (Rubinoff and Holland 2005). The COI genealso has serious limitations as a phylogenetic markerabove the level of genera, a fact that is now widelyrecognized even by barcoding advocates (Hajibabaeiet al. 2006a). Use of a larger fragment or the whole1.4 kb of COI would have reduced some of these problems(Roe and Sperling 2007b).One positive feature of the Barcode project is theconsistent availability of images of voucher specimens(Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007, Floyd et al. this volume),as well as recognition of the need to remaincompliant with established Linnean taxonomy (Hebertand Barrett 2005, Hebert and Gregory 2005), ratherthan establishing a parallel DNA taxonomy (Tautzet al. 2003, Vogler and Monaghan 2006). The primarystrength of DNA barcoding lies in the identificationof specimens to known species, as well as the initialdetection of possible cryptic species whose existenceis then tested by other means, but not as a methodfor species delimitation or phylogenetic inference. Aswas already well understood long before the use ofmtDNA sequences for biological identifications, whichwas dubbed ‘DNA barcoding’, such sequences aremost informative when their application includes goodcharacterization of genetic variation across the wholegenome, broad population sampling across the wholerange of species, and comprehensive sampling of allspecies across large taxonomic groups. Under theseconditions, it is inevitable and even unremarkable thatDNA barcoding will become a valued component ofthe normal operating procedure of most taxonomists.If, however, full integration with traditional taxonomyand sampling at multiple levels does not take place,then the barcoding project will ultimately be unable todeliver on its promise of simplifying our means of assayingbiodiversity (Rubinoff 2006, Rubinoff et al. 2006).Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) composea rapidly growing application of DNA technology toproduce robust surveys of genome architecture, populations,and sometimes species (Behura 2006, Blackand Vantas 2007, Morin and McCarthy 2007). SNPmarkers are much like RFLPs, except that the particularnucleotide site can be targeted and assayed not justbecause it happens to be polymorphic but also becauseit can be related to functional variation in a gene (i.e.,the phenotype). Expressed sequence tag (EST) librariesare one common means used to produce a preliminaryfoundation of sequence from which to developlarge numbers of such molecular markers; this involvesobtaining single-direction reads of cDNA cloned randomlyfrom the mRNA of an organism (Bouck andVision 2007). Although various other techniques canbe used to develop SNPs (e.g., Garvin and Gharrett2007), substantial effort usually is required to characterizea sufficient number of SNP markers for geneticmapping. However, to develop and test a small numberof SNPs for characterizing genotypes or populationscan be quite simple if there is even a limited amountof prior sequence information available for the speciesof interest. Once such diagnostic tests have been developed,their use is usually limited to the species orpopulations for which they were developed (but seeShaffer and Thompson 2007). In contrast, diagnosticuse of longer DNA sequences is easier to scale up

408 Felix A. H. Sperling and Amanda D. Roeacross broader taxonomic ranges. Thus, the growingnumbers of EST libraries available for differentspecies compose a valuable resource for developingand testing a diversity of genes for phylogenetic studies(Papanicolaou et al. 2008).Microarrays are a set of many different DNAsequences that have been bound to different sectionsof the grid on a plate (Gibson 2002). Sample DNAis then hybridized with the DNA on the plate underprecise conditions, lighting up the sections wherehybridization occurs. Easily automated, the techniqueis currently used to assay bacterial diversity or toexplore functional questions relating to gene networksin model organisms (e.g., Turner et al. 2005). It hasalso been suggested as a way to identify a large arrayof different insect species (Frey and Pfunder 2006).One problem is that microarrays are expensive todevelop, even when different genes from the samespecies compose the array. If the array is made up ofthe same gene from many different species, sequencesimilarity would be much greater between sectionsand identification would be especially sensitive tohybridization conditions. This problem would beespecially acute for the most closely related species,even if multiple loci were used. Although the potentialfor automation and rapid identification are high, theexpense of development and problems with sensitivityare likely to mean that direct sequencing of knowngenes will remain the preferred method of moleculartaxonomic identification for some time to come.CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKFOR THE FUTUREDiverse molecular methods have been employed ininsect taxonomy. The currently dominant methodinvolves sequencing known regions of DNA that aresufficiently conserved to allow use of ‘universal’primers, which at the same time have a sufficientlyrapid mutation rate that species can be distinguished.Mitochondrial DNA has long been used to identifyspecies and to trace the genealogical histories of populations(Avise 1994). Recent focus on mtDNA-basedidentification, as DNA barcoding, has raised hopes thatmolecular methods will lift the perceived burden ofbiodiversity identification at the species level (Hebertet al. 2003a, Waugh 2007). A variety of authorssuggest that as much as one-quarter of species cannoteasily be characterized using mtDNA sequences (Funkand Omland 2003, Elias et al. 2007, Weimers andFiedler 2007). These problems are likely to be mostacute in the identifications for which molecularmethods are most needed – closely related speciesthat have limited morphological distinctions (Sperling2003b). Consequently, both at the species level andabove, other character information is clearly needed,including other gene sequences, to test the reality ofboth species and higher taxonomic groups (e.g., forendangered species: Rubinoff and Sperling 2004,Fallon 2007). Molecular methods can play a vital rolein providing characters for such tests, but ultimatelythe copious number of these characters provides themost hope for the future of taxonomy, not any kind ofintrinsic superiority of such characters.Several practical problems are on the horizon forthe future of molecular methods in insect taxonomy.One of the most immediate of these is how to storeall the tissue samples and DNA extractions that havebeen generated in the course of molecular studies(Whitfield 1999, Corthals and DeSalle 2005). Thesesamples constitute an extremely valuable resourcethat is currently only available as ad hoc assemblagesin the freezers of the principal investigators. Unlikeregular museum specimens, little option is availablefor browsing among the samples themselves, andrepeated freeze-thaw cycles eventually result indegradation of the samples. Yet, it is important to testpreliminary taxonomic conclusions, such as thosebased on single mtDNA gene sequences, against othergenes (inevitably nuclear ones). A better standard isgradually emerging for archiving and imaging thevoucher morphological specimens from molecularwork. It is time that museums also start to investsignificantly in the archiving and databasing of legacyDNA samples, as well as in developing consistentpolicies for the inevitably destructive use of thesesamples.A second problem for molecular methods is howto accomplish reasonably comprehensive sampling(Seberg and Petersen 2007). Unlike character systemssuch as genitalic morphology, which can be investigatedin even the oldest museum samples, DNAdegradation is a reality that cannot easily be circumvented(Wandeler et al. 2007). It is often possibleto PCR-amplify short DNA sequences of lessthan 200–300 bp where longer amplifications areno longer feasible (Hajibabaei et al. 2006b, Min andHickey 2007), and some museum specimens have fortuitouslybeen preserved in a way that allows successful

Molecular dimensions of insect taxonomy 409DNA extraction and amplification from specimens thatare several decades old (Morin and McCarthy 2007).However, short fragments bring greater risk of problemsdue to contamination (King et al. 2008). Recentstudies have also shown that damage to specimensdue to DNA extraction can be minimized by sonicationin buffer (Rowley et al. 2007, Hunter et al. 2008).However, by far the largest proportion of the cost ofsampling taxa lies in collecting the specimens and theirpreliminary identification and curation (Cameron et al.2006). Thus, finishing the job of sampling a taxonwill take extraordinary effort for any large taxon (May2004). In our experience, getting samples of the first20% of species in a large group is a relatively smalltask, but each successive increment of 20% involves atleast a doubling of the time, energy, and cost. Gettingthe sampling proportion over 80% for a species-richtaxon will be a major accomplishment, and more than95% will be an extraordinary challenge. And yet, ifwe hope to be able to claim more than 95% accuracyin identifications (as might be expected in a legalchallenge), it would be logical first to have sampled atleast 95% of the species. Furthermore, the proportionof apparently correct identifications might decline assampling becomes more complete. That is because thegaps between clusters will get smaller as sampling ofthe existing genetic landscape (or morphospace, forthat matter) becomes more comprehensive. Early estimatesof identification accuracy are thus sure to bebiased by a variety of factors (e.g., Hebert et al. 2003a,Hajibabaei et al. 2006c), because preliminary studiesare based on geographically limited sampling thatdoes not fully characterize the true range of variationwithin and between closely related species (Ekrem et al.2007).A third problem for molecular taxonomy will be toget the cost of processing each sample down to that oftraditional sight-based identification. Even though thelab cost (excluding labor) of obtaining sequence for aspecimen is now in the vicinity of $3.00 or less, andthe cost of labor is much reduced with automation,that is still a long way from the pennies that itcosts to obtain identifications when there areexternally visible morphological characters. Suchcomparisons can be misleading, because trainingis more transferable between groups for molecularidentifications, but the challenge remains painfullyreal to anyone doing biodiversity studies that requireprocessing of thousands of samples. New methods ofsequencing, such as 454 pyrosequencing or SolexaSBS sequencing (Hudson 2008) can still greatly reducethe cost of sequencing, but these methods are currentlymainly used for whole-genome sequencingprojects, not multiple samples from different specimens(though sequencing of environmental DNA slurriesis well established in microbiology). Nonetheless,whole-genome sequencing is gradually gettingcloser to the budget of midsized labs (e.g., Vera et al.2008), and with incentives like the X-Prize to bringdown the speed and cost of sequencing a genome(http://genomics.xprize.org/), single-gene moleculartaxonomy might soon be a thing of the past.Finally, and most exciting, are the challenges thatawait those people who are taxonomists first and preferonly to use molecular methods as a means to anend. We are entering an era when simple molecularwork, integrated with traditional analysis of morphologyand biological characters, such as host associationsand phenology, will free up energy and creativity forwork on the residue of taxonomic problems (perhaps25% of species) that really need the work. The majorityof routine identifications might well be done byrelatively untrained technicians once a high-qualitydatabase of molecular characters has been achieved.Thus, molecular methods could free us to do bettermorphological work, as well as to apply new and morecomplex molecular methods to problems in speciesdetermination, discovery, delimitation, and phylogeny.Eventually, we can even develop a field of molecularmorphology within taxonomy, devoted to understandingthe three-dimensional structures and functions ofthe proteins into which our DNA sequences translate(e.g., Frentiu et al. 2007, Gaucher et al. 2008). It issure to be more satisfying than continuing to interpretDNA as long and boring strings of equivalent four-statecharacters.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis paper has been funded by an NSERC DiscoveryGrant to Sperling. We thank two anonymous reviewersfor their helpful comments.REFERENCESAl-Barrak, M., H. D. Loxdale, C. P. Brookes, H. A. Dawah,D. G. Biron, and O. Alsagair. 2004. Molecular evidenceusing enzyme and RAPD markers for sympatric evolution

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Chapter 17DNA barcodesand insectbiodiversityRobin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson,and Paul D. N. Hebert<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Institute of Ontario and Department of Integrative Biology, University ofGuelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1I know this little thing A myriad men will save, O Death, where is thy sting? Thy victory, O Grave?— Sir Ronald Ross (1857–1932)<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9417

About 3500 species of mosquitoes (Diptera:Culicidae) have been described worldwide. In1897, Ronald Ross, a Scottish physician workingin India, discovered that only members of onemosquito genus, Anopheles, carry the Plasmodium parasite,the single-celled organism that causes malaria inhumans. This revelation reflected painstaking efforts,involving the dissection of stomachs from vast numbersof mosquitoes. It was a key breakthrough that pavedthe way for Ross to demonstrate the life cycle of theparasite in the laboratory, work rewarded by the 1902Nobel prize in Medicine. Unusually for a scientist, Rosswas also a poet, playwright, and novelist; the precedingverse was written in response to this breakthrough inthe understanding of malaria (Carey 1995).Sadly, Ross’s hope that this knowledge would quicklyallow malarial control proved too optimistic; the diseasestill causes more than 1 million deaths per year,mainly in tropical Africa and Asia, despite numerouseradication efforts (Greenwood et al. 2005). This situationcontinues, in part, because the evolutionarydynamics of both Plasmodium and its insect vectorsare far more complicated than initially realized. Onlya limited number of species in the genus Anophelestransmit the agents of the human form of malaria.Anopheles gambiae (sensu stricto), the most importantvector of the Plasmodium parasite in humans, belongsto a complex of morphologically indistinguishable siblingspecies that nevertheless differ markedly in theirhabitat preferences, behavior, and ability to transmitmalarial agents (della Torre et al. 2002, Lehmann et al.2003). Although these species are likely in the midstof speciation (a process expected to result in morphologicallycryptic species complexes), they can bereadily discriminated on the basis of their ribosomalDNA sequences (Masendu et al. 2004, della Torre et al.2005, Guelbeogo et al. 2005). Plans are underway tocontrol populations of A. gambiae by introducing transgenes,a strategy that will depend on knowledge of geneflow and population dynamics within and among thesesibling species (Cohuet et al. 2005, Tripet et al. 2005).The message from this story is clear: cryptic biologicaldiversity matters. Anopheles serves as a pertinentexample of the challenges faced by those concernedwith biodiversity. Life exists in an immense numberof forms, which are often tiny, difficult to study, andeven more difficult to discriminate. Yet, this subtle variationcan be crucially important; paraphrasing onearticle on the subject, what we do not know can hurtus (Besansky et al. 2003).<strong>Insect</strong>s constitute the most diverse group of animalson the planet, with more than 1 million describedspecies (1,004,898; introduction to this volume) andmillions more either awaiting description or simplyundiscovered (Grimaldi and Engel 2005). They affecthuman society in myriad ways, both harmful (e.g.,disease vectors, crop pests) and helpful (e.g., pollinators,biological control agents). Research of insects hasadded immensely to our understanding of evolution,ecology, and the genetic control of development. Yet, afundamental requirement in gaining useful knowledgeabout any organismal group is the ability to describe,classify, and subsequently identify its member taxa.Groups, such as insects, present great challengesto the taxonomic enterprise simply because of theirdiversity. The identification of species by traditionalmorphologicalmethodsiscomplexandusuallyrequiresspecialist knowledge. The recognition, description, andnaming of new species is more so; yet, the number ofundescribed insect species far outweighs the numberof taxonomic specialists (Grissell 1999), whose workforceis in decline (Godfray 2002). New approachesare needed to overcome this ‘taxonomic impediment’(Weeks and Gaston 1997, Giangrande 2003). Theseconcerns are not purely academic, but have significantpractical implications. Agricultural pests causeimmense damage. Total annual crop losses due toinsect pests in North America have been estimated atUS$7.5 billion and far more in the developing world(Yudelman et al. 1998), making it vital to quicklyidentify destructive species before invasions becomeuncontrollable. There is also a basic scientific need todescribe biological diversity before the destruction ofnatural habitats by human activity causes the loss ofspecies on a massive scale. We need a rapid way ofassembling species catalogs, so that conservation programscan protect those areas of greatest importancebefore they are lost (Myers et al. 2000).SPECIES CONCEPTS ANDRECOGNITIONAlthough species have long been considered the basic‘units of biodiversity’ (Claridge et al. 1997), and theonly ‘real’ grouping in the taxonomic hierarchy, theissue of how best to delimit species remains controversial.Mayden (1997) listed 22 species concepts thathave appeared in the literature (though some are essentiallysynonymous) and that employed varied criteria

DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity 419from ecological niches, mate recognition, geneticcohesion, and evolutionary history. These diversecriteria necessarily lead to ambiguity, which can haveimportant implications for studies of biodiversity andconservation, as differing species concepts can producewidely varying estimates of taxon richness (Agapowet al. 2004) Although reproductive isolation is oftenconsidered the most important indicator of speciesstatus, it is seldom directly tested and fails to addressasexual organisms. In practice, most species continueto be recognized by the presence of one or more apparentlyfixed or nonoverlapping diagnostic differences(Davis and Nixon 1992). For most insect groups,detailed examination of genital morphology hasrepresented the gold standard for species definition fornearly a century, due to the observation of a generalphenomenon of rapid and pronounced divergence inthe genitalia between species of animals (Eberhard1985). Actual application of this criterion, however,is hampered by lack of an appropriate methodologyto quantify shape variation (Arnqvist 1998) and byquestionable homology assessments. All these factorscollectively make species identification an extremelyspecialized and time-consuming science, and evenexpert taxonomists can have difficulty reachingconsensus. Moreover, this reliance on diagnosticcharacters that are present only in the adult life stagecreates a serious constraint on identification, as manyspecimens lack these characters (Balakrishnan 2005).The life-history stages most commonly interceptedat ports of entry are larvae and pupae (Scheffer et al.2006), and damage to specimens collected in the fieldoften makes identification difficult or impossible.Another option exists – species can be diagnosed bythe genetic changes that arise between reproductivelyisolated lineages as a result of genetic drift or selection.TheuseofDNAsequencestogaininformationaboutthetaxonomic affinities of an unknown specimen saw itsearliest adoption in the least morphologically tractablegroups such as viruses and bacteria (Theron and Cloete2000, Nee 2003). More recently, it has been appliedto plants (Chase et al. 2005), to simple metazoan animalssuch as nematode worms (Floyd et al. 2002), andeven to charismatic megafauna such as birds, fish, andmammals (Ward et al. 2005, Clare et al. 2007, Kerret al. 2007). This approach relies on the use of algorithmsenabling DNA-sequence comparison, such asBasic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) (Altschulet al. 1990), in conjunction with DNA databases suchas GenBank.Many authors refer to ‘operational taxonomic units’(OTUs) when delimiting taxa by purely phenetic orheuristic means (Sokal and Sneath 1963). OTUs mayor may not correspond to species in the strict sense,but can be used in instances where speed and easeof application are of more practical importance thantheoretical considerations (and if there are reasons tobelieve that theory and practicality are not directlyin conflict). Taxa diagnosed or delimited by pheneticDNA-sequence divergences can be termed ‘molecularoperational taxonomic units’ (MOTUs – Floyd et al.2002, Blaxter et al. 2005). This approach has becomethe standard for environmental surveys of bacteria andother microorganisms, which could be seen as a capitulationto necessity, because these groups are virtuallyimpossible to address in any other way (Hagström et al.2002, Martinez et al. 2004, Hanage et al. 2005). However,correspondence between MOTUs and species canbe examined in a number of ways. One approach,tested with Lepidoptera, is the correlation with previouslyunassociated morphological or ecological traits,for example, host plants and caterpillar phenotypes inAstraptes fulgerator (Hebert et al. 2004). Where morphologicalor ecological information is unavailable, acommon situation in many taxonomic studies, congruencewith an appropriate nuclear gene is an objectiveway to delineate interbreeding groups, and has beeninvestigated in tropical beetles (Monaghan et al. 2005)and tachinid flies (Smith et al. 2006). Seven of thenine methods of delimiting species boundaries recentlyreviewed by Sites and Marshall (2003) require moleculardata, which could imply that molecular markersare becoming increasingly important tools applied bytaxonomists, possibly due to objectivity, speed, andincreased discriminatory capacity.DNA BARCODINGIn this chapter, we deal with DNA barcoding, the useof short standardized genomic segments as markers forspecies identification. Just as species differ in morphology,ecology, and behavior, they also differ in their DNAsequences. Hence, at least in principle, a particular geneor gene fragment can be used to identify a given speciesin much the same way that retail barcodes uniquelyidentify each consumer product. In practice we wouldnot expect DNA barcoding to work in such a simplemanner – real DNA sequences are subject to all thenatural complexities of molecular evolution, and can

420 Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. Hebertshow considerable variation within species (Mallet andWillmott 2003). They are not systematically ‘assigned’to entities one by one as retail barcodes are. Nevertheless,if successful, DNA barcoding promises the ability toautomate the identification of specimens by determiningthe sequence of the barcode region, avoiding thecomplexities inherent in morphological identifications,and prompting advocates to argue for the establishmentof a system that ultimately might be applied toall life (Tautz et al. 2003, Blaxter 2004, Savolainenet al. 2005).The particular genomic region used as a barcode isan important choice. It must be homologous betweenthe organisms compared and have a rate of evolutionfast enough to show variation between closely relatedspecies, and it also must have sufficient regions ofsequence conservation to allow a limited set of PCRprimers to amplify the target gene region from broadsections of the tree of life. The resultant sequence informationalso must generate a robust alignment so thatsequences can be compared. In the animal kingdom,attention has been focused on a ∼650 base-pair regionnear the 5 ′ end of the mitochondrial cytochrome coxidase subunit I (COI) gene (Hebert et al. 2003a).COI provides an ideal species-identification marker ininsects, due to its lack of introns, simple alignment,limited exposure to recombination, and the availabilityof robust primer sites. Sequence variation in this regiongenerally shows large interspecific, but small intraspecific,divergences, meaning that species frequently formclearly distinguishable clusters on a distance-based orphylogenetic tree. The homogenization of mitochondrialDNA sequences within a species, regardless ofpopulation size, is an intriguing phenomenon that hasprompted study and speculation as to its evolutionaryorigin and significance (Bazin et al. 2006). The resulting‘barcoding gap’ appears to represent a ‘geneticsignature’ for species (Monaghan et al. 2005). Boundariessignaled by this molecular marker are stronglyconcordant with species units recognized through paststudies of morphological and behavioral charactersin a number of specific cases where they have beenexamined (Hebert et al. 2003a, 2003b).Important advantages of a sequence-based approachto identification include the digital nature of a DNAsequence,whichallowsittobegatheredandinterpretedobjectively. Furthermore, DNA extracts from any lifestage of an organism – egg, larva, or adult – or fromfragments of dead material will generate a similar identification,whereas traditional identification keys (atleast for insects that undergo complete metamorphosisfrom larval to adult forms) are often dependent on adultfeatures. Additionally, social insects such as ants andtermites often exhibit highly divergent caste morphologiesthat, in some cases, have been diagnosed incorrectlyas distinct species – DNA barcoding promisesto remove such ambiguities, allowing such forms tobe associated (Smith et al. 2005). Sexual dimorphism,too, has long been a source of complications for taxonomists:Janzen et al. (2005) described a case whereeach sex of the butterfly Saliana severus was recordedas a separate species in an inventory, until barcodingrevealed that males and females had the same COIsequences, and subsequently led to the recognition of asingle, highly sexually dimorphic species.Extraction and amplification of DNA from insects,including eggs and larvae, presents no technical challenge(Ball and Armstrong 2006). Recent advances inhigh-throughput DNA sequencing technology (Shendureet al. 2004) and reductions in costs (Hajibabaeiet al. 2005) have made the generation of large volumesof DNA data straightforward. Sequences canbe produced in the laboratory from a sample withina few hours in a largely automated fashion. Whilethe ‘Star Trek’ vision of a handheld instant speciesidentificationdevice (Janzen 2004, Savolainen et al.2005) remains a speculative (yet attractive) notionfor the future, promising advances have been made inreducing the size of the equipment needed to gather barcodedata (Blazej et al. 2006). Sequencing is not alwaysa necessary step for rapid identification with DNA, especiallywhen analysis is focused on a small assemblageof closely allied species. Diagnostic restriction-digestenzyme patterns of cytochrome b PCR products wereused to distinguish Bombus ruderatus and Bombus hortorum,two cryptic species of bumblebees, one in declinein the UK and illustrated with the same diagram of malegenitalia in an identification key (Ellis et al. 2006). Asimple PCR assay has been suggested as a moleculardiagnostic tool for the swede midge (Contarinianasturtii), an agricultural pest (Frey et al. 2004).Full exploitation of DNA barcodes for species identificationwill be possible only after a comprehensivedatabank linking organisms and their sequences hasbeen assembled (Savolainen et al. 2005). Databasespresently have very uneven sequence coverage amongtaxa. Intensely studied groups and model organisms(e.g., Drosophila melanogaster) have many sequencesor even entire genomes available. A few genes havebeen sequenced for many taxa, but the vast majority

DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity 421of species lack any sequence data (Sanderson et al.2003). This void raises the possibility that a poor matchbetween a sequence derived from a newly encounteredspecies and an incomplete reference library could resultin spurious species diagnoses (Baker et al. 1996). BestBLAST hit, the simplest method of taxonomic assignment,is ‘essentially useless’ when no relatives haveappropriate sequences in GenBank (Tringe and Rubin2005). Tautz et al. (2003) suggested that an attemptbe made to provide a DNA sequence as a componentof all future species descriptions; the current barcodinginitiatives could go a long way to bridge the gap,at least for major eukaryote groups. Some authorshave argued that GenBank is unsuitable for taxonomicpurposes due to its failure to include morphological,biogeographical, and ecological information associatedwith each sequence record (Tautz et al. 2003).However, the concept of ‘type sequences’ with voucherspecimens authenticated by experts on the taxa andwith associated taxonomic data is becoming reality.In 2004, the National Centre for Biotechnology Information(NCBI), GenBank’s home organization, sealeda partnership with the Consortium for the Barcodeof Life, whereby ‘barcode standard’ DNA sequenceswith relevant supporting data, including name of theidentifier and collection location, can now be archivedwith the International Nucleotide Sequence DatabaseCollaborative (Hanner 2005, Savolainen et al. 2005),with the keyword ‘BARCODE’ attached. This approachprovides standardization of DNA regions, which previouslywas lacking and hindering progress in insectmolecular systematics (Caterino et al. 2000).The concept of DNA barcoding has been controversialin the taxonomic community (Moritz andCicero 2004, Smith 2005). Criticisms of the approachhave included questioning whether a single geneticmarker has sufficient resolution to discriminate speciesreliably (Will and Rubinoff 2004, Will et al. 2005);potential problems caused by differing patterns ofinheritance between nuclear and mitochondrialgenes, which could confound the association betweensequence and species (Funk and Omland 2003,Rubinoff 2006); and the feared marginalizing ofmorphological taxonomy (Lipscomb et al. 2003,Seberg et al. 2003). Other authors have emphasizedthe benefits of barcoding and DNA-assisted taxonomyin general (Tautz et al. 2002, Blaxter 2004, Hebert andGregory 2005, Vogler and Monaghan 2006). As withany new concept or methodology in science, barcodingcan be judged only by its success in facilitating newresearch and leading to new and useful knowledge.With the application to insects, and the endeavorto build a systematic database of ‘DNA barcodes’linked to data about the species they represent,the barcoding movement has begun to gather realmomentum (Hebert et al. 2003a). We, therefore, moveto discuss some specific cases in which barcoding hasbeen applied to particular insect groups, and examinehow it has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity.APPLICATIONS OF BARCODINGLepidopteraThe Lepidoptera are a diverse and charismatic groupof insects that have received significant taxonomic andsystematic attention. One might think DNA barcodinghas little to offer an order for which bright wingpatterns and extensive, previous taxonomic attentionsuggest a group with a well-resolved species taxonomy.However, this perspective would be overlyoptimistic; approximately 165,000 species of Lepidopterahavebeendescribed,representingabout10%ofthe roughly 1.5 million known animal species (Wilson2003). Another 150,000 to 1,250,000 species of Lepidopteraare thought to await description. These speciesdo not all reside in hyperdiverse tropical settings; morethan 10,000 species in Australia are still undescribed.Lack of taxonomists, problems with the way species arerecognized, and extensive morphological convergencemean that most species are undescribed and numberscan only be estimated, particularly in the tropics.Lepidoptera have now become the model groupfor barcoding studies since Hebert et al. (2003a) usedNorth American moths to demonstrate the abilityof COI to discriminate among specimens of differentspecies. Since then, research with Lepidoptera hasdemonstrated the potential of molecular diagnosticsand practical applications of DNA barcoding. Barcodeshave enabled the linking of the varied life stages of theLepidoptera, as well as the males and females of sexuallydimorphic species (Janzen et al. 2005). This advancementis particularly relevant in the identification of pestand invasive species, as many are intercepted as eggsor larvae (Ball and Armstrong 2006).One of the most significant potential uses of DNAbarcoding lies in facilitating biodiversity surveys. Lepidopteraare a model group in ecology and a ‘flagship’group for invertebrate conservation. Macromoths and

422 Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. Hebertbutterflies, in particular, have been used to indicateenvironmental quality (e.g., habitat degradation), topartition habitat diversity, and as indicators of climatechange (Scoble 1992). Their role as model organisms insurveys, however, is limited by lack of taxonomic support.Barcoding could provide a new level of efficiencyand comparability to ecological surveys, with DNA barcoderecords enabling more relevant and meaningfulcorrelation of studies carried out by different expertsat different locations and times, rather than the use ofarbitrary morphological designators such as Noctuidsp. 01.Work on the Neotropical skipper Astraptes fulgeratorprovides a prime example of the way in which DNAbarcoding can aid species discovery, especially whencoupled with morphological and ecological studies.Barcoding of 484 specimens from the Area ConservaciónGuanacaste (ACG) in Costa Rica revealed thatthe A. fulgerator group comprises a complex of sisterspecies, confirming and extending earlier suspicionsgained through studies of adult morphology and larvalmorphologies. Hebert et al. (2004) hypothesized ‘tenspeciesinone’basedonCOIdivergencesandassociationwith caterpillar morphology and food plant. Brower(2006) reanalyzed the original DNA dataset undera different framework and also concluded that theAstraptes fulgerator sample contained multiple speciesbut was critical of the methods used in the originalstudy. However, other investigators who reanalyzedthe same dataset supported the conclusion of 10taxa (Nielsen and Matz 2006). The ideal frameworkfor the use of barcodes in species delineation requiresfurther research. This example, however, demonstratesthe power of the DNA sequences themselves, once submittedto publicly available databases as unambiguousdigital data immune from subjective assessment andopen to repeated analysis and testing of the species andphylogenetic hypotheses generated.Barcoding studies on the lepidopteran fauna fromone region (the ACG) of Costa Rica are now wellunderway. Hajibabaei et al. (2006) sequenced morethan 4000 individuals from 521 species belongingto 3 families (Hesperiidae, Saturniidae, and Sphingidae)and found that 97.9% of the individuals couldbe identified to species based on COI divergence patterns.The expanded ACG project now has the goal ofbarcoding every species of butterfly and moth in thepreserve (about 9600 species) within 3 years, representingthe first large-scale regional barcoding project.Because parallel initiatives (www.lepbarcoding.org)seek to barcode all Lepidoptera from two continents(North America, Australia), and all species in two families(Saturniidae and Sphingidae), the Lepidoptera arepoised to become the first ‘barcode-complete’ order ofinsects. The realization of this goal will not only bringmany advances in barcode data collection and analysis,but also provide a newly detailed framework for speciesdelineation and research in molecular evolution.DipteraThe flies (Diptera) constitute another hyperdiverseinsect order, with around 150,000 described species(Grimaldi and Engel 2005, Beutel and Pohl 2006).Among insects, their members have the greatest negativeimpact on human health and livestock, with groupssuch as mosquitoes and tse tse acting as vectors of theagents for several major diseases including malaria,sleeping sickness, and filariasis (Yeates and Wiegmann2005). Even before the establishment of DNA barcodingper se, many molecular diagnostic tools hadbeen applied to the identification of mosquito species,including allozyme electrophoresis (Green et al. 1992),DNA hybridization (Beebe et al. 1996), and restrictionfragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (Fanello et al.2002). Sequencing-based approaches have also beenused extensively, albeit mainly focusing on genes otherthan COI (e.g. Kent et al. 2004, Marrelli et al. 2005,Michel et al. 2005). However, a number of recentstudies have shown that the standard COI barcodemarker also serves effectively for species-level discriminationin surveys of Canadian (Cywinska et al. 2006)and Indian (Kumar et al. 2007) mosquitoes. Foley et al.(2007) constructed a molecular phylogeny of the AustralianAnopheles annulipes species complex based onfourdifferentloci,bothnuclearandmitochondrial(COI,COII, ITS2, and EF-1α). Despite using a shorter fragmentof COI (258 bp) than the standard barcode region(658 bp), it was found in this study that 11 of the 17 siblingspecies (65%) had unique COI sequences, and theauthors concluded that ‘DNA barcoding holds somepromise for diagnosing species within the AnnulipesComplex, and perhaps for other anophelines’.One of the earliest applications of a DNA-basedapproach to species identification involved fly speciesimportant to forensic science. Blow flies (Calliphoridae)and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) lay eggs on corpsesshortly after death. Because each species has atimeframe for development from egg to adult, the

DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity 423particular life stage associated with a corpse canprovide key evidence in determining time of death(postmortem interval, or PMI) (Smith 1986, Catts andHaskell 1990). However, because different species offlies have different development rates, accurate speciesidentifications are necessary to make an accurateestimate of the PMI. Because only adults can be placedreliably to species, maggots previously had to becollected and reared to adults, constituting a significanttime delay to the process (Nelson et al. 2007). Forensicentomologists were quick to realize the potential ofDNA-based methods to distinguish species from any lifestage and from dead, preserved material. As a result,extensive literature now exists, detailing how DNAsequences (mainly COI) can accurately discriminatefly species of forensic importance (Sperling et al.1994, Malgorn and Coquoz 1999, Vincent et al. 2000,Wallman and Donnellan 2001, Wells and Sperling2001, Wells et al. 2001).Leafmining flies (family Agromyzidae) are economicallyimportant agricultural pests whose periodicpopulation outbreaks are capable of destroyingentire crops, particularly potatoes (Shepard et al.1998). They are also a group for which considerableinformation on species limits is available (Scheffer andWiegmann 2000). COI sequences were generated from258 individuals belonging to three species of invasiveleafminers in the Phillipines: Liriomyza huidobrensis,L. trifolii, andL. sativae (Scheffer et al. 2006). As iscommonly observed in introduced or invasive populations,fewer mitochondrial haplotypes were foundthan in the endemic ranges of these species, and thoseseen were often highly divergent even within a species.This pattern is due to population bottlenecks thattend to occur during introduction (Nei et al. 1975),an effect that is particularly relevant for a marker suchas mitochondrial DNA, which is both haploid andmaternally inherited. Sequence analysis was able toplace all specimens in the correct morphospecies ascurrently diagnosed. This study also illustrated someof the complexities that the barcoding approach musttake into account. Certain mitochondrial sequencesin both the L. trifolii and L. sativae groups weresufficiently divergent that they might suggest new,cryptic species, but no data other than COI-sequencedivergence supported this conclusion. Based onexisting knowledge of this group, these species areexpected to contain highly divergent mitochondriallineages; therefore, depending on which referencesequences were used, barcoding might overestimatethe number of species present. Future research,however, possibly will reveal that these divergentlineages do represent distinct species. Although someambiguity might be associated with barcoding incomplex cases, these cases normally should be possibleto resolve by combining COI data with informationfrom other sources, such as morphology, behavior, orcomplementary DNA regions.<strong>Insect</strong> parasitoids are not only a major componentof global biodiversity, but also have significantdemographic effects on their host species. Parasitoidsalso conceal a large diversity of morphologicallycryptic species, distinguished by strong host specificity(Godfray 1994). Flies of the family Tachinidaeare endoparasitoids of other insects, often lepidopteranlarvae. A recent study of the tachinid genus Belvosiafrom northwestern Costa Rica examined their diversityby rearing specimens from wild-caught caterpillars,recording their morphology, and sequencing theirCOI genes (Smith et al. 2006). DNA sequences wereable not only to discriminate 17 known host-specificspecies of the genus Belvosia, but also raised thenumber of species to 32 by revealing that 3 species,each believed to be host generalists, were complexesof highly host-specific cryptic species. Again, thisstudy illustrates the power of DNA barcoding to revealunknown diversity in morphologically difficult groups.Finally, the dipteran family Chironomidae (nonbitingmidges) is a species-rich group whose freshwaterlarval stages are often used in environmental monitoring.However, the connection of larval stages to knownspecies (whose descriptions are mainly based on adultmorphology) is a difficult challenge; but DNA barcodinghas helped to address this problem in recent studies(Ekrem et al. 2007, Pfenninger et al. 2007). Theformer paper nevertheless cautions us that in order touse barcoding as a tool to identify unknown individualsby their COI sequence, a comprehensive library ofknown sequences is necessary for such identificationsto be reliable.ColeopteraIn a famous, though possibly apocryphal, incident,when geneticist J. B. S. Haldane was asked what thestudy of nature revealed about the mind of God, heanswered: ‘an inordinate fondness for beetles’. Oneout of every five animals on the planet is thoughtto be a beetle. As a consequence, the Coleoptera

424 Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. Hebertrepresent a group where the taxonomic enterprise hasbeen overwhelmed by diversity. Although 350,000species of beetles have been described (includingmany economically important pest species), as manyas 5–8 million might exist in total. With so manyunknown species, major barcoding research withbeetles has focused on the use of DNA-based methodsin species discovery and delineation.Monaghan et al. (2005) used the 3 ′ end of COI andthe nuclear gene 28S rRNA to identify clusters of beetlesin dung beetles of the genus Canthon and water beetlesof the family Hydrophilidae. An exact match of nucleargenotypes and mitochondrial clusters suggested thatthe mtDNA groupings were not misleading due tointrogression, and the clusters likely correlated withpreviously described or undescribed species. The resultsindicated that COI provides a largely accurate pictureof species boundaries in these two beetle groups andprovides validation for its use in species discovery.Barcoding research with water beetles was continuedby Monaghan et al. (2006), using the genusCopelatus from Fiji. Four DNA markers (three mitochondrialregions: COI, cytochrome b, and 16S rRNA,and the nuclear histone 3 gene) were sequenced for118 specimens from 20 islands. This effort was seenas a particularly challenging test case for barcodingbecause many lineages on oceanic islands have undergonerapid ‘radiations’, resulting in large numbers ofrecently diverged species with complex gene histories.Beetle taxa were clustered using the concatenatedDNA sequences and separately with traditional morphologicalmethods (i.e., male genital morphology).Although the clustering pattern was largely incongruentusing the two approaches, the authors concludedthat if the morphological approach had been followedwith a Linnaean system of naming, it would have formalized,at best, a partial taxonomic resolution, withlimited evolutionary understanding of lineage diversification(Monaghan et al. 2006). The morphologicalapproach is time intensive and requires specializedknowledge of character differences associated withspecies-level classification. Subsequent identificationof the ‘species’, using morphology, thus can be problematicdue to ambiguous descriptions and difficultiesobtaining the type specimens, the situation encounteredwith the five formerly described species of Copelatusfrom Fiji. The sequencing approach, combined withphylogenetic analysis, provides an extensive summaryof evolutionary history, and once sequences have beensubmitted to databases (in this case, EMBL), the data areeasily accessible and subsequent repeat analyses can bedone by anyone. Monaghan et al. (2006) suggest DNAsequences themselves could constitute a system of taxonomicgrouping and communication without need ofa formal Linnaean classification. The study suggestsDNA sequencing could make the task of global speciesclassification achievable when standard morphologicalmethods are inadequate or too time consuming.HymenopteraWith about 125,000 described species, the Hymenopteraare the fourth largest insect order afterColeoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera (Grimaldi andEngel 2005, Beutel and Pohl 2006). Given the numberof cryptic species suspected to exist, its true speciesrichness might even surpass the ‘big three’ (Grissell1999).Ants (Formicidae) constitute the major componentof arthropod biomass in many of the world’secosystems. They are important in nutrient recycling,and their activities within soil create widely varyingnutrient microhabitats influencing plant succession,growth, and distribution (Hölldobler and Wilson1990). In Madagascar, the ant fauna represents ahyperdiverse group, currently estimated to includeabout 1000 species, of which 96% are thought to beendemic. However, only 25% of this estimated total hasbeen described, presenting a major obstacle to studyingtheir biogeography, conservation status, and rolesin ecosystem processes. A recent case study (Smithet al. 2005) examined the question of whether DNAbarcoding could act as an effective surrogate formorphological species identifications. A total of280 specimens from four localities were collectedand independently identified to morphospecies andsequenced for COI. The specimens were classifiedboth into MOTUs based on their sequence data andmorphospecies based on their morphological traits,allowing the two methods to be directly compared.Additionally, two different sequence-divergencethresholds (2% and 3%) were tested for MOTUassignment.Although instances of incongruities occurredbetween the molecular and morphological taxonassignments, strong correlations, nevertheless, existedbetween the two. A total of 90 morphospecies,117 3% MOTU and 126 2% MOTU were found.Morphological species designations, therefore, tended

DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity 425605040Morphospecies3% MOTU2% MOTURichnes3020Fig. 17.1 Estimates of taxonomicrichness (based on both MOTU andmorphospecies) from a survey of antsacross four sites in Madagascar (from Smithet al. 2005, used with permission).100Ambato Marojejy Antsahabe BinaraSitesto lump specimens that were split by the molecularapproach. As in many cases, molecular markers detectcryptic taxa that are difficult or impossible to detectby morphology alone. These cryptic taxa may ormay not correspond to true ‘species’, but they form astarting point for further investigation of their status.After examining the patterns of taxon richness acrossthe four sites, no significant differences occurredbetween the data shown by MOTUs and morphospecies(Fig. 17.1). Additionally, whether MOTUs were definedon the basis of 2% or 3% divergence altered onlythe absolute number of taxa delineated, and did notmake a significant difference to the overall patterns ofdiversity observed. This finding is important becauseit suggests that MOTUs can be used as effectivesurrogates for traditional species – although they willnot necessarily delineate exactly the same taxonomicgroupings, they will identify the same general patternssuch as the most versus least diverse sites. Studiesthat delineate taxa by DNA-sequence arrays alonewould enable surveys across much larger geographicalregions and taxonomic groups than would be possibleif the slow and laborious process of morphologicalidentification were required, without losing resolutionor information content.CollembolaSpringtails (Collembola) are not true insects butare basal members of the same superclass, Hexapoda(Grimaldi and Engel 2005). Phylogenetically,they are potentially important in unraveling therelationships of higher taxa (Mayhew 2002). They areamong the most diverse and numerically abundantof all soil arthropods (Petersen and Luxton 1982)and have the widest distribution of any hexapodgroup, occurring throughout the world, includingAntarctica. There are about 7000 known species,but many more likely remain undiscovered (Hopkin1997). In particular, the Arctic regions appear tohave a vast uncataloged diversity (Danks 1981). Asis typical for such groups, a great diversity combinedwith difficulty of identification and a global lack oftaxonomic specialists creates a severe impediment tounderstanding their diversity.Springtails show all the hallmarks of a group forwhich DNA barcoding could prove highly informative.A recent study (Hogg and Hebert 2004) tested whetherCOI was able to resolve species differences among aset of Collembola sampled from the Canadian Arctic.In all cases – 19 species in 13 genera – COI sequenceswere able to discriminate species, with between-speciesdivergences above 8% in all cases and within-speciesdivergences generally below 1%. The single exceptionto this pattern was that several individuals identifiedas Folsomia quadrioculata showed divergences of up to13%, likely representing a case of an undescribed andmorphologically cryptic sister species, which is a wellknownphenomenon among Collembola (Stevens andHogg 2003).EphemeropteraMayflies (Ephemeroptera) are an insect order whoselarval stages develop in freshwater habitats. Theyare important in aquatic research, particularly in

426 Robin M. Floyd, John J. Wilson, and Paul D. N. Hebertbiomonitoring of water quality: the particular speciescomposition of mayfly and other insect larvae are usefulindicators of chemical pollution in rivers (Lenatand Resh 2001). Identifications are often problematic,however, as frequently only larvae are available, andspecies-level identification keys normally depend onadult features. A DNA-based system allowing identificationfrom any life stage, therefore, would be highlybeneficial.One recent study applied the standard COI barcodingmethod to a test set of Ephemeroptera specimens (Ballet al. 2005). Sequences were generated from 150 individuals– initially 80 reference specimens that wereused to create a profile matching sequences to namedspecies, followed by a further 70 specimens that wereused to test whether the correct species assignmentscould be made on the basis of their COI sequences.All but one of the 70 test specimens were correctlyidentified, with a mean sequence divergence withinspecies of 1% and mean divergence among congenericspecies an order of magnitude greater (18%). The soleexception was an individual identified morphologicallyas Maccaffertium modestum, which showed deep geneticdivergence from other M. modestum specimens, againsuggesting an undescribed sister species.CONCLUSIONSTaxonomy is the framework by which we name andclassify biological diversity into the groupings usedin all areas of biology. As a component of modernsystematic science, taxonomy seeks to recognizenaturalevolutionarygroupings – thosethataremonophyletic.This effort has led to countless revisions asdifferent systematists uncover new data or interpretcharacter distributions in different ways, but despiteyears of attention, the monophyly of many insectgroups remains questionable. Even in intensively studiedgroups, the evolutionary history is unresolved andthe Linnaean hierarchy only adds to the confusion.DNA barcodes represent data points able to be integratedinto the traditional Linnaean system (Dayrat2005), yet at the same time independent from it, foraccumulating ecological, geographical, morphological,and other data about organisms. Once submittedto online databases, nucleotide sequences represent afreely available taxonomic resource that allows speciesrecognition to be accomplished in a uniform mannerby nonexperts. Barcoding has the potential tobecome a universal communication tool in a waythat complicated and often incomprehensible morphologicaldescriptions cannot be, especially in developingcountries where the majority of biodiversityresides (Agosti 2003).Barcoding need not be restricted to a single generegion. From the point of view of both economics(sequencing is still relatively expensive, though costsare dropping yearly) and simplicity of use, a systembased on a single sequencing ‘read’ per specimen couldbe established. In some instances, this single markerwill fail to discriminate taxa, most often when dealingwith recently diverged sister species, which are themost difficult to discriminate in any system (Malletand Willmott 2003, Hickerson et al. 2006, Meier et al.2006, Whitworth et al. 2007). In such problematiccases, a single sequence will narrow the options to asmall number of closely related taxa, and additionalsequence or other data can be added to provide specieslevelresolution. One of the most important scientificoutcomes of large-scale barcoding initiatives will bethe production of a library of genomic DNA extractsfrom archived voucher specimens, which can serve asa basis for numerous future lines of research besidesthe generation of the initial barcode sequence. Commentatorswho have criticized barcoding on the basis ofits costs (Cameron et al. 2006) have generally ignoredsuch collateral benefits of the research.Sequence information is easy to obtain, unambiguous,and makes species identification possible bynonspecialists unfamiliar with the intricacies of morphology.MOTU, good species or not, depending onthe species concept applied, nevertheless, can be asuitable surrogate for identifying units of diversity inbiodiversity studies. This approach enables users toobtain the information much faster than with thetraditional morphological taxonomic process, makingsurveys scalable across much larger taxonomicgroupings and wider geographical regions (Smith et al.2005). Yet, the appeal of barcoding stems not only fromspeed and operationality; it reflects the increasinglyheld view that DNA-sequence analysis is as appropriatea mechanism for recognizing and delimiting evolutionaryunits as morphological comparisons. Although itdoes not automatically follow from this premise thata barcoding system based on single-gene comparisonswill always delimit species-level groups, the studies wehave cited offer evidence that it often will be the case.Support for a large-scale barcoding initiative hasgrown rapidly; in 2004, the Consortium for the Barcode

DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity 427of Life (CBOL) was established to act as a central organizingbody for the barcoding effort (www.barcoding.si.edu). Based at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,CBOL represents an international collaborationof more than 120 organizations, including manyprominent museums. National organizations, suchas the Canadian Barcode of Life Network (Dooh andHebert 2005), have established specimen supply chainsand centralized facilities for the generation and analysisof sequence data, including such tools as the Barcodeof Life Data Systems (BOLD; www.barcodinglife.org),a central repository for barcode records in conjunctionwith various analytical tools (Ratnasingham andHebert 2007). The present total of all insect barcodesequences deposited in BOLD currently standsat 206,434 (including those gathered from GenBank),from 26,262 different species, but most are in theprocess of final taxonomic validation. As a simpleillustration of diversity within insect COI sequences,Fig. 17.2 shows a neighbor-joining tree of sequencesfor a selection of 4675 validated and published records.Lepidoptera (3747)To describe approximately 1.5 million species, usingtraditional approaches, has taken taxonomy two centuries.DNA-assisted species discovery has the potentialto rapidly accelerate this process, an advantage thatcannot be ignored in the light of the current biodiversitycrisis affecting our planet (Eldredge 1992). By allowingmore rapid detection and monitoring of agriculturalpests and disease vectors, the pragmatic significanceof barcoding can hardly be over emphasized. Perhapsmore importantly in the long term, barcoding promisesa blossoming of ‘bioliteracy’ (Janzen 2004) by shiftingthe accessibility of taxonomic knowledge from therealm of the specialist into the wider public domain.DNA sequencing technology is still relatively expensiveand hence accessible only to well-funded labs, mainly inthe developed world. Like any emerging technology, itis expected to become cheaper, faster, and simpler in thefuture, as has been the case with personal computers,GPS units, and mobile phones. One can envisage a timewhen a handheld DNA barcoding device allows anycurious child to scan some interesting organism andgain immediate access to a library of information – notonly the organism’s name, but also its biology, ecology,conservation status, and more. Human beings preservethose things we value, and we can only value thosethings we perceive; for biological diversity to becomesomething valued by all, it must be made visible andunderstandable in all its complexity – a goal for whichbarcoding can play a significant role in making reality.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSDiptera (534)Ephemeroptera (150)Hymenoptera (244)This contribution was supported through funding tothe Canadian Barcode of Life Network from GenomeCanada (through the Ontario Genomics Institute),NSERC, and other sponsors listed at www.bolnet.ca.We are grateful to Gregory Downs, Robert Dooh, andSujeevan Ratnasingham for IT/bioinformatics support.We thank Robert Hanner, M. Alex Smith, and twoanonymous reviewers for constructive comments ondrafts of the manuscript; M.A. Smith also kindly providedthe data used in Fig. 17.1.Fig. 17.2 A neighbor-joining tree, based on Kimura2-parameter distance, of 4675 cytochrome c oxidase Isequences from across the class <strong>Insect</strong>a.REFERENCESAgapow, P. M., O. R. Bininda-Emonds, K. A. Crandall,J. L. Gittleman, G. M. Mace, J. C. Marshall, and A. Purvis.

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Chapter 18<strong>Insect</strong>biodiversityinformaticsNorman F. JohnsonDepartment of Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212, USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9433

The range of research tools available to studentsof biodiversity has greatly expanded over thepast 25 years. Anatomical character data arenow routinely accompanied by molecular data. Newtools for visualization, such as extended-focus softwareand confocal microscopes, supplement the traditionallight microscope. Phylogenetic analyses are conductedon the desktop, employing computing power and algorithmsthat were unimagined a short time ago. Thesetools have been adopted because they enable us to dothings faster and better, or make it possible to ask newquestions and find better answers to those questions.Information technologies are part of the next wave oftools to be incorporated into systematics, offering boththe increased effectiveness at managing data and theability to tackle new research topics.Informatics, or information science, is a relativelynew term with a variety of definitions. Most of theseinclude aspects of the acquisition, storage, dissemination,and analysis of data, particularly using electronictechnologies (e.g., Soberón and Peterson 2004). Theterm ‘biodiversity informatics’ nominally restricts thisfield to the data associated with biodiversity studies,but it includes an array of domains. Primary specimenoccurrencedata document the time and place at whichan organism was collected or observed, as well asthe taxon to which it belongs (Chapman 2005a), andthese data can be supplemented by additional informationsuch as collecting method, habitat observations,and the names of the persons making the collectionor observation. Taken as a whole, these datadocument the distribution in time and space of theknown species of insects. Character data describingthe features of specimens or taxa are widely used inidentification procedures and phylogenetic analyses.Imagery can include photographs, drawings, movies,and sounds. Other relevant domains include the literature,published and unpublished, electronic andhard-copy; and analytical products such as models ofgeographic distributions and phylogenetic hypotheses.Some of the issues associated with these data types havebeen reviewed (Johnson 2007, Walter and Winterton2007).Two organizations are particularly important inhelping to keep abreast of the rapid developmentsin the field of biodiversity informatics. The Global<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Information Facility, headquartered inCopenhagen, is an international organization whosegoal is to facilitate the digitization and dissemination ofbiodiversity data for the benefit of all (www.gbif.org).The mission of <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Information Standards(TDWG) is to develop the standards and protocols thatmake the sharing of data possible (www.tdwg.org).Nothing is peculiar to insect biodiversity informaticsthat sets it apart from any taxon-group informatics. Inpractice, the size and nature of insects and the size ofinsect collections imposes some practical constraints.However, the conceptual issues involved are similaracross groups. My goal in this chapter is to addressthe major components included in the definition ofinformatics – acquisition, storage, dissemination andanalysis – drawing examples from studies of insects.PRIMARY SPECIMEN-OCCURRENCEDATAThe primary tool used for data storage and retrieval is arelational database, and numerous books are availableon relational theory (e.g., Date 2004). A number ofapplications have been developed for the managementof primary specimen-occurrence data that provide asoftware layer between the database-managementsystem and the user. Many of these are listedby Berendsohn (2005), and new applications continueto be developed. The most widely used applicationsinclude Specify (www.specifysoftware.org/Specify),KE EMu (www.kesoftware.com/emu/index.html),and Biota (Colwell 1996). These packages sometimesare criticized as being overly complicated, but thisassessment overlooks the fairly complex nature ofbiodiversity data. Effectively handling the taxonomicnames associated with specimens requires considerationof issues of synonymy, homonymy, andalternative and changed classifications. Geographicnames and the boundaries of the areas they representchange with time and governments. Recording thenames of the people that make the collections ordetermining the identity of the specimens is importantto many users. The time of collection may be expressedas a single day, a range of days, or even a specifictime of day. Finally, each taxonomic group has itsown idiosyncratic data requirements, such as host ormicrohabitat. Developing a single piece of software tomeet such varied needs almost inevitably results inmore complexity than that required by any single user.The choice of a database-management system anda database application to facilitate the process of dataentry and retrieval should, first, be based on the needsof the user. As the needs and desires for the system grow

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity informatics 435over time, a more robust and general solution may beable to accommodate such growth more easily thana relatively simple, but specific application. Migrationof data from one system to another can be done, butit is never a pleasant process. A user may find it necessaryto create a new custom software application tomeet the needs of a project. Modular software designand open-source development may help to acceleratethe further development of biodiversity informaticssoftware.Two different approaches to information managementwill be encountered in the literature and on theInternet. These may be termed a taxon-based approachversus an event-based approach. As its name implies,a taxon-based database is organized on the basis ofthe taxon involved, aggregating the information ondistribution, phenology, ecology, and other attributes.Two prominent examples of this approach are theFauna Europaea project (www.fauneur.org) andNatureServe (www.natureserve.org). An event-baseddatabase, such as the caterpillars of the GuanacasteConservation Area (Janzen and Hallwachs 2005),documents individual events, such as a collection oraccession of a specimen or rearing of a parasitoid. Thesedata then can be aggregated and the results displayedin the same format as a taxon-based database. Anevent-based approach also provides the ability toorganize the data along many other dimensions.This flexibility and power is achieved at the cost ofprocessing time, programming requirements, andoverall database size.Discussions of specimen databases are usually donein the context of collection management. A databasecan be an extremely valuable administrative tool,enabling a curator to keep abreast of the status ofloans, document the holdings of the collection in detail,and respond to queries for information. However, sucha database is also valuable for the practicing biodiversityscientist. It can facilitate the management ofincoming loans of specimens, annotation of individualspecimen records (e.g., for anomalous characters),correlation of features with geographic and temporaldata, production of accurate and consistent documentationof the material examined in a study, mappingand comparison of geographic distributions, and quantitativedocumentation of the flight period of adults.For the consumer of scientific publications, databasedspecimen-level information provides an ‘audit trail’ bywhich readers can judge whether the conclusions inthe paper are supported by the evidence.Prospective data capture of specimen-occurrencedata (i.e., recording the collecting information at thetime that specimens are initially processed) is a relativelystraightforward process. A typical collectingregimen, such as a Malaise trap sample, will have largenumbers of specimens, all of which share the same dataon the time, place, method, habitat, and names of collectors.Those people with first-hand knowledge of thecollecting event are often available to resolve any ambiguitiesthat arise. Retrospective data capture, recordingdata from existing collections, perhaps with specimenscollected more than a century ago, brings many additionalproblems. Because of the small size of insectlabels, important data elements may be abbreviatedor omitted entirely and assumed to be implicit. Datesmay be recorded in formats that cause confusion. Themeaning of the string ‘4/9/06’ could be April 9, 2006,or September 4, 1906, or some other combination.Handwritten labels are often difficult to decipher. Theseambiguities and the time needed to resolve them raisethe cost of data capture. In some cases, these issues canbe resolved only by those with a detailed understandingof the collectors, the institutions, or the taxa involved.The Entomological Collections Network endorsed theidea that retrospective data capture be incorporatedas part of the systematic research process (Thompson1994). The scientists involved in revisionary studiesare often in the best position to interpret the sometimescryptic information on insect labels.Georeferencing is the conversion of textual descriptionsof places into a coordinate system. A powerfulargument can be made that a specimen that is not georeferencedis of practically no use in any biologicallyinterestingsense.Plottingofthegeoreferencedlocalitieson a map makes egregious data entry errors immediatelyapparent. In addition, the process of searching forlatitude and longitude for named places reveals alternativeor incorrect spellings of locality names. Chapmanand Wieczorek (2006) have developed a best practicesdocument for georeferencing. A number of sourcesare available on-line to determine latitude and longitudefor named places (Chapman and Wieczorek 2006,Johnson 2007). The coordinates of named places, ofcourse, usually do not represent the precise locationwhere a specimen was collected. Therefore, additionalcalculations might be necessary to indicate more accuratelythepositionofthecollectinglocality.Aweb-basedapplication for this purpose was developed as part of theMammal Networked Information System (MaNIS) andis accessible at www.manis.org/gc.html. A measure of

436 Norman F. Johnsonprobable error, typically represented as a radius from apoint (Wieczorek et al. 2004), is essential for assessingthe ‘fitness for use’ of the data (Chapman 2005b).One of the implications of a specimen-based relationaldatabase is that the information for each recordmust be individually identifiable; that is, it needs somesort of unique identifier. This identifier is then linkedto the physical specimen, normally by adding a label.This process is a fairly traditional accession practicein many types of collections. In an insect collectionhaving perhaps several million specimens, however, itis definitely not standard procedure. The use of barcodelabels has been promoted as a mechanism to facilitatethe link between data in the computer and the specimento which it pertains (e.g., Janzen 1992, Thompson1994). The Entomological Collections Network (ECN)advocated the use of a Code 49 stacked bar code forinsect specimens, primarily because of its compact size.Subsequently, though, two-dimensional formats havebeen developed that combine small size with a greatercapacity for information storage. ECN proposed thatthe identifier consist of an abbreviation for the institutiongenerating the record (not necessarily the ownerof the specimen) and a number, the combination ofwhich should be unique. This information should beboth encoded in the bar code and printed in humanreadableform. In practice, the bar code itself and itsformat are not the critical elements. Rather, the uniquenessof the identifier is the critical factor. The advantageof the bar code format is that it allows the identifier to beentered automatically into a computer, thus reducinggreatly the possibility of input error. A locally uniqueidentifier, however, can be generated easily, requiringonly a minimal amount of bookkeeping to avoid theinadvertent reuse of a number.Chapman (2005b) provides a review of the issuesinvolved in the quality assurance. Mistakes in dataentry are unavoidable. They may be reduced by the useof careful protocols and good user interface design, butthey will always occur. Many herbaria are experimentingwith imaging entire herbarium sheets, extractingthe part of the image containing the labels and annotations,and using optical character recognition toconvert the image into text (e.g., the HERBIS project,www.herbis.org). Such technologies have not yet beenapplied to insect specimens. Drop-down pick-lists arecommonly touted as a cure for typing errors. Thismay reduce the error rate, but substitutes mistakesthat look ‘good’ for spelling errors that may be easierto locate and correct. Errors are simply inevitable,and a protocol for data review and correction mustbe established. Guralnik and Neufeld (2005) describeone such methodology used to identify georeferencingerrors, and Lampe and Striebing (2005) describe thedata capture and quality assurance protocol for a largeinsect collection.HTML forms and CGI scripts provide a simple mechanismfor linking the information in a database withusers on the Internet. The output of primary specimenoccurrencedata is usually produced in one of twoformats, as text or as maps. Text has traditionallybeen designed to be human-readable. Mapping applicationstypically have been customized solutions for eachdata source, providing views of the data in a range ofresolutions.GoogleMapsnowoffersapopularprogramminginterface (www.google.com/apis/maps) that candisplay geographically referenced data on maps at awide range of resolutions and also incorporate satelliteimagery.Most portals offer access to only a single informationresource, and the format of the output is notstandardized across these Web sites. Therefore, a userattempting to integrate information from several independentresources must do this on an ad hoc basis.To achieve the same result programmatically entailsa process called screen-scraping, that is, location andextraction of data from a display designed for a personto see and read. Such a solution is unstable, as anychange in the page formatting might well result in anincorrect parsing by the scraping application.The advantages of being able to integrate data fromdifferent Internet resources are numerous. Each dataprovider is independently responsible for the curationof its own information and can manage issues of accessand intellectual property rights as they see fit. Thework associated with the digitization and curationof records from hundreds of millions of specimensaround the world is shared among a much largergroup. As an illustration of the scientific gains to berealized, consider the four maps illustrated in Fig. 18.1.These present the geographic distribution of the fourinstitutions with the numerically greatest holdings ofspecimens of the parasitic wasp species Pelecinus polyturator(Drury) (Hymenoptera: Pelecinidae). No singlecollection provides an adequate and unbiased representationof the distribution of this species. Everycollection, from those of the small regional institutionsto the national museums of natural history, contributesvital information to understanding the distribution ofbiodiversity.

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity informatics 437Fig. 18.1 Comparison of data from specimens of P. polyturator from four collections with the largest holdings for this species.The technological limitations to the integrationare tractable and are rapidly being resolved. Anessential first step is to decide collectively whattype of information is to be disseminated andshared. One such specification is the Darwin Core(digir.net/schema/conceptual/darwin/2003/1.0/darwin2.xsd), a simple, flat representation of theimportant data elements associated with a specimen.The Darwin Core is generally implemented in XML(extended markup language). A small sample of arecord might look like as follows:United StatesNew YorkOSUC<strong>Insect</strong>sOSUC 141975Aradophagus fasciatusThe Darwin Core schema defines a set of dataelements for objects in a natural history collection.An alternative schema, much richer in its elementsand, as a result, more complicated, is the Access

438 Norman F. Johnsonto Biological Collections Data schema (ABCD,www.bgbm.org/TDWG/CODATA/Schema/). Thesetwo schemas (and there could be any number more)provide a structure for the answer to a requestto databases for information about specimens orobservations. The databases, however, do not need tobe structured in this same way and typically they arenot. The curators of the database match objects in theirown schema to, for example, those in the Darwin Core,and then return the response to the data request inDarwin-Core-flavored XML. Thus, the inner structureof the database is hidden from external users.The Distributed Generic Information Retrieval protocol,DiGIR, was designed to provide a commonmechanism to pose queries to a database (digir.net).If a database is capable of delivering data, using theDarwin Core schema, then a request for informationabout specimens of the genus Aradophagus in the USAwould be represented in the following XML fragment: AradophagusUnited States The user can specify in the DiGIR request thestructure of the desired answer, for example, the latitudeand longitude of the collecting locality for thespecimens so that a distribution map can be generated.The DiGIR protocol is being superceded byTAPIR (ww3.bgbm.org/protocolwiki/FrontPage), providingmore flexibility and the ability to query ABCDdata providers, but the fundamental principles remainthe same. In an SQL query, the standard interfacewith a relational database, the user is required toknow details about the underlying structure of thedatabase, whereas in a DiGIR query, such complexitiesare hidden. The combination of Darwin Coreand DiGIR, or ABCD and its query protocol BIO-CASE (www.biocase.org) provide a layer of abstractionbetween the details of individual database schemas andthe user. As long as this layer remains relatively stable,the problems of integration of data resources are greatlyreduced.The existence of information resources providingsuch web services is of limited utility if no one knowsthey are there, what services are provided, and howto access these services. The UDDI (universal description,discovery, and integration) protocol is designed tomeet these needs. GBIF maintains a UDDI registry fordatabases providing information on primary specimenoccurrences (registry.gbif.net/uddi/web).With increased integration of data sources, the issueof the uniqueness of the identifiers used for objectsbecomes important. Several databases may store informationon the same specimen. If they use differentidentifiers, redundancy in the data is impossible todetect. Conversely, two databases may use the sameidentifier to refer to different objects. The ECN strategyof affixing an abbreviation of an institution (such as thecollection codens; Evenhuis and Samuelson 2004) to anumber might work in the entomological community,as long as it agrees to a standard set of abbreviations.However, this strategy will not ensure uniqueness ina wider biological context. GBIF has recently beengrappling with the issue of globally unique identifiers.The preferred technology seems to be life science identifiersor LSIDs (Clark et al. 2004). These identifiersare needed in all aspects of biodiversity informatics touniquely refer to specimens, taxonomic names (Page2006), images, and characters.An LSID is a name identifying an object. The actuallocation of the object, and information about it,might change over time. An LSID resolving service isrequired to determine the location of the resource fromits name. The format of an LSID is (e.g., Clark et al.2004) urn:lsid:tigr.org:AT.locusname:AT1G67550.The ‘urn:lsid’: indicates that this string is a universalresource name, and, more specifically, a life sciencesidentifier. The next section ‘tigr.org’: specifies theauthority for the LSID; ‘AT.locusname’ is the authoritynamespace identifier; and ‘AT1G67550’ is theidentifier for the object within that namespace. A colonfollowed by an optional revision number may beappended. The namespace and object identifiers arespecific to the authority and are likely completelymeaningless. The meaning emerges by requestingdata and metadata for the object from the authority.The object to which this identifier points is intendedto be unchanging so that two workers, accessing theobject at different times, can be assured that theyhave acquired exactly the same object. However,information about the object, its metadata, maychange. For this method, the objects in any dataresource can be precisely and consistently identified ata global scale.One of the primary analytical products that emergesfrom primary specimen-occurrence data is a hypothesisof geographic distribution. The algorithms thatare used seek to extrapolate from ‘known’ places of

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity informatics 439occurrence to predict the presence of a taxon in unsampledareas. Ecological niche modeling is a complexand developing field, reviewed by Guisan and Zimmermann(2000) and Stockwell (2006). The relevanceto natural history collections is discussed by Grahamet al. (2004). Common free software packages usedare DIVA-GIS (www.diva-gis.org) and DesktopGarp(nhm.ku.edu/desktopgarp), employing different modelingalgorithms.Theentomologicalcommunitylagsbehindothertaxonomicgroups in applying these technologies to makedata widely available. One of the major constraintsfaced by insect collections in comparison to other disciplinesis the sheer magnitude of the task at hand. In theUSA, many land-grant universities have collections,and these quite ordinarily contain more than 1 millionspecimens. The size of the major national collectionsaround the world is typically one or even two ordersof magnitude larger. If the cost to capture the data fora specimen is around US$1, then the total cost of digitizinga collection is overwhelming. Such numbers aredaunting, particularly when curatorial and technicalstaff and budgets are limited.TAXONOMIC NAMESThe systematics community is the custodian of the ‘dictionary’of names of organisms and all of their complexities:homonyms, synonyms, basionyms, replacementnames, nomina nuda, and others. This dictionary is acritically important resource for the entire biologicalresearch community and society at large. All the usersrely on the systematics community to produce, document,and manage biological nomenclature so thatthose names can be used effectively in communicatinginformation about organisms.On-line resources for information associated withtaxonomic names and concepts are developing in atwo-tiered approach. At one level, taxonomic specialistsharvest and document the names of taxa withintheir area of specialization. Examples include resourcesfor names in the Collembola (Bellinger et al. 2006),Odonata (Schorr et al. 2005), Orthoptera (Eades et al.2006), Zoraptera (Hubbard 2004), Embiidina (Ross1999), Neuropterida (Oswald 2003), Trichoptera(Morse 2008), Siphonaptera (Medvedev et al. 2005),Mecoptera (Penny 1997), Diptera (Thompson 2006),and Hymenoptera (Johnson 2005, Noyes 2005,Taeger and Blank 2006). An even larger number ofdatabases and lists are available for more restrictedgeographic areas or taxonomic groups.At a higher tier, comprehensive data aggregatorswork to bring together these data into a single dataportal. These two tiers are interdependent. The specialistsof a taxon have both the interest and the expertise toverify and validate the data. The aggregators managelarge amounts of data and provide tools that can be usedto investigate names across the entire spectrum of life.Several data aggregators are currently active,such as ITIS (www.itis.org), Species 2000 (www.sp2000.org), uBio (www.ubio.org), the ElectronicCatalog of Names of Known Organisms (www.gbif.org/prog/ecat), Nomina <strong>Insect</strong>a Nearctica (www.nearctica.com/nomina/main.htm), Nomenclator Zoologicus(www.ubio.org/NomenclatorZoologicus), andFauna Europaea (www.faunaeur.org).Polaszek et al. (2005) have proposed that formal registrationof any newly proposed names be adopted as anadditional criterion for availability under the InternationalCode of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999).All registered names would be accessible through anon-line resource called ZooBank. This registration thenwould ensure that the systematics community is awareof all new names that appear in the published literature.Prototype development of ZooBank is currentlyunderway.The ICZN only provides rules governing the structureand availability of names. It does not regulate theconnection between names and the biological entitiesthey are meant to denote. The understanding of whatis represented by a taxonomic name can change quitesignificantly through time and space. Effective communicationrequires an appreciation of these differences.The Taxonomic Concept Schema (TCS, tdwg.napier.ac.uk/index.php) is a thoughtful and thoroughattempt to codify these ideas and to develop a standard(in XML) for data exchange. A taxonomic concept inthe TCS is basically a combination of text (a name)and an ‘according to’ clause. This clause points tosome sort of circumscription of the taxon underconsideration. Its implementation in the biodiversityinformatics community is still in its earliest stages, butits importance and promise is indicated by its adoptionas a formal standard by the Taxonomic DatabasesWorking Group (TDWG).A fair amount of variation is possible in the datastructure used to model taxonomic names. Thompson(2006) and Pyle (2004) have described two robustapproaches to the issues involved.

440 Norman F. JohnsonLITERATUREThe published scientific literature contains a tremendousamount of valuable information on biodiversity.But like a collection that is organized taxonomically,the literature can be difficult to mine for data relevantto the question at hand.The first issue is that much of the literature existsonly in hard-copy formats. Having a set of physicalobjects, such as books and journals, provides insuranceagainst the permanent loss of data or shifts in storagemedia (as, e.g., away from 5 1 / 4 -inch floppy disks).Printed copies, however, are finite in number,restricting general access to the information. Severalparallel efforts are underway by groups to produceelectronic copies of publications on their taxonomicspecialties, consistent with copyright restrictions.Prominent examples of such resources includethe Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit MosquitoLiterature (for Culicidae, wrbu.si.edu/MosqLit.html),the William L. Brown Memorial Digital Library (forFormicidae, ripley.si.edu/ent/nmnhtypedb/wlb/), andthe Bibliography of the Neuropterida (Oswald 2006).A new venture, the <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Heritage Library(www.biodiversitylibrary.org) is a collaboration of tenmajor institutions from the USA and the UK to digitizethe biodiversity literature in their holdings. Electroniccopies of an extensive number of biodiversity bookscan be found in AnimalBase (www.animalbase.de)and, for French literature, in Gallica (gallica.bnf.fr).Many of the electronic versions of published worksavailable in digital libraries are images of the pagesin the original documents. The next step in providingaccess to the information included is to transform theseinto text via optical character recognition (OCR). Thecontents may then be canvassed programmatically tofind and extract information of interest. Work is nowunderway to develop XML schemas by which suchtexts can be ‘marked up’, that is embedded with tagsthat designate the meaningful elements in the document(Weitzman and Lyal 2004, Koning et al. 2005).As in specimen databasing, such markup could beeither retrospective or prospective. Marking up the richheritage of existing literature is an overwhelming task,and will be attempted only with the use of software toolsthat assist in locating and defining the relevant data elements.One issue with legacy literature is that authorsoften mix together different kinds of information; forexample, a description of character variation may havegeographic distribution and phenology informationintermixed. This complicates the markup process, particularlywith a structure-sensitive mechanism suchas XML. Prospective markup, once standards are inplace, can be much more rapid, assisted particularly bythe understanding on the part of authors of the dataelements that are to be tagged.Many journals are now published only in electronicformats. Taxonomic papers lag somewhat in this trendbecause of the ICZN requirement that newly proposednames be published in hard-copy. However, the Codedoes not require that this be the only form in whichthe papers are produced, and several venues are publishingboth paper and electronic versions, e.g., Zootaxaand Fiji Arthropods. URLs can be embedded in electronicversions that allow authors to take advantageof an exciting array of web services, such as linkingto high-resolution images and production of dynamicdistribution maps.CHARACTERSHandling characters is an old issue, dating to thebeginning of the use of computers in phenetic andphylogenetic analyses in the 1950s and 1960s. Amatrix-based approach predominates, usually dividingthe attributes of organisms into characters and, withineach of those, nonoverlapping character states. Anumber of formats are still in use, depending onthe application for which the data are intended. Forexample, NEXUS (Maddison et al. 1997) is widelyused as a data input format for phylogenetic analyses,DELTA for the production of natural-languagedescriptions and multi-entry keys (Dallwitz 1980,Dallwitz et al. 1993, Dallwitz and Paine 2005). Walterand Winterton (2007) have reviewed one of the majorapplications of character data, identification tools.The Structure of Descriptive Data XML schema, orSDD, is being developed to provide a general meansto exchange data on the attributes of organisms(wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/SDD/WebHome). It isa highly structured format capable of handlingqualitative, quantitative, and meristic characters ofany kind. If successfully implemented, SDD will providethe ability to exchange data between applicationswithout loss of meaning, enhance collaborative efforts,enable data to be mined and used for purposes farbeyond those for which they were originally intended,and greatly facilitate the ability to produce descriptionsof taxa in multiple languages.

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity informatics 441One significant barrier to communication inbiodiversity science is the highly specialized andsometimes arcane vocabulary used. Glossaries ofentomological terms, such as Torre-Bueno (1989)and Gordh and Headrick (2001) are useful for humanreaders, and analogous solutions are needed forcomputer applications. The medical communityhas developed tools such as the Unified MedicalLanguage System (UMLS), a controlled vocabulary toenable computer systems to ‘ ... behave as if they‘‘understand’’ the language of biomedicine and health’(www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/umlsdoc.html).With this resource, an ontology, terms are defined andrelationships between them are documented. Examplesof such relationships in UMLS are ‘ingredient of ’,‘contains’, and ‘tradename of ’. Applications can usethese relationships between terms to find literaturethat is relevant to a subject, but which might notexplicitly include the predefined set of search terms.A few such ontologies are available for entomology,including one for the gross anatomy of Drosophila(www.flybase.org) and both ticks and mosquitoes(www.anobase.org). The nascent Hymenopteraontology (ceb.csit.fsu.edu/ronquistlab/ontology) isa collaboration between domain specialists andMorphBank (www.morphbank.net) that seeks notonly to define terms and their relationships, but also todocument them with images.The characters of organisms are the data on whichphylogenetic hypotheses are based. This domain thusedges into bioinformatics in its traditional sense, aswell as into phyloinformatics, concerning phylogeneticinference. These fields are beyond the scope ofthis chapter. The Cyberinfrastructure for PhylogeneticResearch project (CIPRES, www.phylo.org) provides anentry point for phyloinformatics.ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE, TREE OF LIFETwo major informatics efforts are underway toorganize and disseminate knowledge on the richness oflife. The Tree of Life project (tol.org) began in 1995 andis a community-wide collaborative effort to provideinformation on the diversity, evolutionary history, andcharacteristics for all groups of organisms, from speciesto kingdoms. Its organizing principle is the hierarchicalpattern of relationships among organisms. TheEncyclopedia of Life (www.eol.org) began in 2007with great fanfare and substantial start-up funding.Many of its goals substantially overlap with those ofthe Tree of Life – aggregation of information on allof life, free Internet dissemination of material to usersaround the world, and a collaborative authorship ofpages including both specialists and amateurs.Recognizing this overlap, the two projects are nowcollaborating. The Encyclopedia of Life will concentrateon its goal to develop a page on the Internet forevery species on the planet. The Tree of Life will focuson the characteristics and relationships of the monophyletictaxa of which these species are members. Bothwill generate new content, but also will be importantaggregators of information from other sources in thepublished literature and on the Internet. The continueddevelopment and implementation of data exchangestandards will greatly assist the monumental tasks theyhave set for themselves and the biodiversity researchcommunity.CONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECTSThe investment in time needed to adopt biodiversityinformaticstoolsisamplycompensatedbytheincreasedanalytical power and greatly enhanced ability to disseminatedata and results to the worldwide community.One of the problems with traditional taxonomic monographsis that they quickly become obsolete by thediscovery of new distributional data, new charactersto discriminate taxa, and new species. Ideally thesediscoveries are fueled by the monograph itself; thus,a good monograph actually contributes substantiallyto its own obsolescence. Informatics tools offer thepossibility of developing ‘living’ monographs in whichnew data can be incorporated as they are found. Traditionalconstraints of publications such as size, thenumber of illustrations, and the use of color, are nolonger relevant. The possibilities are only beginning tobe appreciated, and portend a significant enhancementin how biodiversity studies are conducted, communicated,and appreciated.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSSincere thanks are extended to L. Musetti, D. Agosti,L. Speers,andF.C.Thompsonfordiscussions,ideas,andstimulating interest in this area. This material is based,in part, on work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under DEB-9521648, DEB-0344034, andDEB-0614764.

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Chapter 19Parasitoidbiodiversityand insect pestmanagementJohn HeratyDepartment of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521, USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9445

The regulation of insects by other insects involvespredators, parasites, or parasitoids. Predatorsconsume multiple hosts, and parasites take theirnutrition from a host but do not necessarily kill it,whereas parasitoids use and kill a single host individual(Askew 1971). An understanding of the speciesrichness of parasitoids, where they are most diverse,and how they interact are necessary for implementingeffective insect pest management (IPM). The diversityof natural enemies is usually lowest or nonexistent fornewly introduced pests. In a system out of balancewith its natural enemies, pest populations can explodewith devastating consequences. Niche specialization,keystone species, potential cascade effects with parasitoidextinction, and the importance of parasitoids areall factors affecting this delicate balance (Greathead1986, Hawkins et al. 1992, LaSalle and Gauld 1993,Hawkins 1994). By the addition of one or more naturalenemies from the country of origin, or the effectof host shifts by native predators or parasitoids, introducedpests may be brought under control (Huffaker1969, Clausen 1978, Caltagirone 1981, Smith 1993,Van Dreische and Bellows 1996). Biological controlprograms in agricultural systems over the last centuryprovide key insights into future problems that will becaused by habitat fragmentation, climate change, andloss of primary habitat in all ecosystems. Not onlydoes this information help us to manage pests withinurban, forest, or agricultural systems, but it can alsoprovide the impetus for preserving native habitat andconserving parasitoid biodiversity.Is parasitoid diversity necessary for effective pestmanagement? The number of parasitoid species necessaryto provide control remains an important andcontroversial issue (Myers et al. 1989, Rodríguez andHawkins 2000, Muller and Brodeur 2002, Cardinaleet al. 2003, Bianchi et al. 2006). Suppression of introducedpests can be achieved through the introductionof a single parasitoid. Cassava mealybug was controlledby Apoanagyrus lopezi (Encyrtidae) (Neuenschwander2001) and the Rhodesgrass mealybug by Neodusmetiasangwani (Encyrtidae) (Clausen 1978). A combinationof predator and parasitoid might be necessaryfor control. The Comstock mealybug is controlled by apredator, Rodolia cardinalis (Coccinellidae), and the parasitoidCryptochetum iceryae (Cryptochetidae) (Huffaker1969). A complex of several parasitoids might be necessary,as in control of the woolly whitefly by Amitusspinifrons (Platygastridae) and Cales noacki (Aphelinidae)(DeBach and Rose 1971), and the citrus leafminerby a diverse array of both introduced and native parasitoids(Peña et al. 1996, 2000). One species might besufficient, but in general, better control can be achievedwith a diverse array of parasitoids and surroundinghabitat diversity (Bianchi et al. 2006).At what level does parasitoid biodiversity and distributionaffect our ability to control pest insects? Acommon assumption in biological control is that pestpopulations are regulated by one or more insects intheir native range. Importance, therefore, is placed onreplacing this balance of native control agents on theintroduced pest. Simple replacement, however, mightnot be effective for a number of reasons. Even within asingle species, genetic, behavioral, and even associatedendosymbiont attributes across the native range candiffer significantly, making matches between hosts andeffective parasitoids difficult. Morphologically similar(cryptic) species can interfere with each other throughineffective mating, decreasing their ability to lower pestpopulations (Stouthamer et al. 2000b). Different environmentalconditions in the new host range can favorthe host over the most effective natural enemy, and insome cases it becomes more important to find differentpopulations or species more suitable to these conditions.Lastly, in large monocultures with little access tosecondary habitats, the biodiversity of natural enemiescan decline and affect natural insect control (Kruessand Tschartnke 1994, Fisher 1998, Landis et al. 2005,Bianchi et al. 2006). This last factor affects not only theintroduced populations of a pest that arrive withouttheir natural enemies, but also can lead to novel peststatus for species in their native range as parasitoidreservoirs are depleted. Under these circumstances,conservation of natural enemies within native rangesassumes even greater importance.How many parasitoids are there? Parasitoid abundanceand diversity in most ecosystems remains amystery, with the proportion of described versus undescribed(estimated) species surprisingly small. Taxonomistsremain focused on morphological speciesrecognition, but now molecular methods are discoveringnumerous morphologically distinct but reproductivelyisolated cryptic species of parasitoids. Theexpected decline and extinction of these parasitoids,with habitat fragmentation, agricultural expansion,and climate change will have a dramatic effect onpest abundance and species richness. Without any realidea of the diversity and abundance of parasitoids,we have no idea what we are losing. We must, as asociety, develop a better understanding of parasitoids

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 447and their diversity, distribution, and behavior if wecan ever expect to control the primary trophic levels ofinsect diversity, especially before these changes becomeirreversible on a global scale.WHAT IS A PARASITOID?Parasitism is defined as the relationship between twoorganisms, whereby the parasite obtains some or allof its nutrients from the other (Askew 1971). Amonginsect parasites, hosts generally are confined to theanimal kingdom, although in its most extreme form,parasitism has been defined to include specialist herbivorousinsects (Price 1980). This latter definitionhas not been accepted. The parasitoid lifestyle is aspecialized subset of parasitism that includes thosespecies that feed on and kill a single arthropod host,although even here the boundaries can be vague andproblematic. The act of parasitism (i.e., how hosts arelocated and eggs deposited) is essentially the same forparasites and parasitoids, and the use of a distinctterm such as ‘parasitoidism’ (Eggleton and Belshaw1992) is unwarranted. Eggleton and Gaston (1990)applied the term parasitoid only to an organism that‘develops on or in another single (‘‘host’’) organism,extracts nourishment from it, and kills it as a director indirect result of that development’. Eggleton andBelshaw (1992) restricted their definition to exclude(1) facultative relationships, in which an organismfeeds on a host that is already in the process ofdying but not dying as a direct result of parasitism,(2) species that feed on multiple individuals, such aseggs, in an enclosed space, (3) social insect parasites, inwhich an organism is responsible for killing a colony,(4) species that castrate but do not kill their host, and(5) herbivores, including seed predators. Phorid fliesin the genus Apocephalus provide a good example offacultative parasitoids. Adult flies lay their eggs inrecently dead or dying ants – they are not the directcause of death (Morehead et al. 2001). The ancestralhabit of related phorids in this case might be eithersaprophagy or parasitism. Social insect parasites arelargely aculeate wasps that specifically target reproductivefemales in a host colony; these social parasites haveinvariably developed from a closely related, nonparasiticancestor. Castration or behavioral modificationinterfering with reproductive success occurs commonlyin strepsipteran parasites. In Strepsiptera, the Mengenillidaemay be true parasitoids of Thysanopteraand kill the host, but the remaining Strepsiptera actas castrators, with the host surviving the parasiticevent.Certain parasitoid groups excluded by the aboverestrictions have a clear phylogenetic association witha parasitoid ancestor. Species that attack eggs inenclosed sacs or multiple larvae in insect galls orseeds usually have been considered specialized predators,but in many cases, especially in Hymenoptera,they are considered to have developed from a parasitoidancestor. Seed predators such as Megastigmus(Torymidae)andBruchophagus(Eurytomidae)feedindividuallyon seeds of Rubaceae or Fabaceae, respectively.Both genera are descended from ancestors that wereinsect parasitoids, and in many respects they aresimply specialized parasitoids. Cleptoparasitoids area subset of insect parasitoids that use both the hostand its provisioned resources or only its provisionedresources for growth, and have evolved multiple timesin Coleoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera. Parasitoidsare generally terminal evolutionary units not evolvinginto other lifestyles, except for those groups withinHymenoptera that have subsequently evolved into gallformingand endophytic phytophages, host-directedcleptoparasites, predators of eggs and larvae, provisioningpredators (Aculeata), and provisioning omnivores(Formicidae) (Eggleton and Belshaw 1992). Irrespectiveof some of the fine nuances of distinguishing aparasitoid from a predator, saprophage, or parasite, thesemantics are important. The issues affecting ecologicalbiodiversity, host usage, and phylogenetic radiationcan be distinctly different, assuming different levelsof taxon inclusiveness (cf. Wiegmann et al. 1993).Among insects, true parasitoids are found only in theHolometabola, with only larvae acting as the parasiticstage.Parasitoids can be solitary, gregarious (multipleeggs deposited), or polyembryonic (multiple larvaedeveloping from a single egg). All life stages of ahost can be attacked, although eggs and immaturestages are the most commonly used host stages.Parasitoid larvae can develop on a single host stage(idiobiont) or through multiple host stages (koiniobiont)(Quicke 1997). Generally, most idiobionts areectoparasitoids (external) and most koiniobionts areendoparasitoids (internal). More rarely, a parasitoidcan use a combination of strategies. For example,in hyperparasitic Perilampidae (Hymenoptera), thefirst-instar larva is endoparasitic in multiple instars ofthe primary host, then ectoparasitic on the primary

448 John Heratyparasitoid larva, and finally ectoparasitic on theparasitoid pupa (Smith 1912, Laing and Heraty 1981).Parasitoid lifestyles are further complicated by speciesthat attack previously parasitized hosts (hyperparasitoids),place eggs of different sexes in individuals ofthe same parasitoid species (autoparasitism), or placeeggs in different host species (heteronomy) (Quicke1997, Hunter and Woolley 2001). Together, theselife-cycle strategies are embodied in a tremendouslydiverse community of parasitoids attacking virtuallyevery possible host niche available (Hawkins et al.1992, Hawkins 1994).BIODIVERSITY AND SUCCESSOF INSECT PARASITOIDSThenumberofinsectspeciesisstaggering.Conservativeestimates range from 2.4 to 10 million species (Gaston1991, LaSalle and Gauld 1992, Gaston et al. 1996,Grissell 1999, Noyes 2000). Of these, just over 750,000species have been described (Wilson 1985) (updated to1,004,898; introduction to this volume). Eggleton andBelshaw (1992) estimated the total number of insectparasitoids to be 87,000 species, or roughly 10% of alldescribed insects. A review of recent estimates suggeststhat there could be as many as 700,000 species ofparasitoids (Table 19.1). The biology and biodiversityof parasitoids has been thoroughly reviewed by Clausen(1940), Askew (1971), and Quicke (1997), with anexcellent summary of their biology and biodiversity inEggleton and Belshaw (1992).Parasitoids are distributed among seven differentorders of Holometabola (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera,Diptera, Neuroptera, Strepsiptera, Trichoptera, andHymenoptera), with by far the greatest species biodiversityand numerical abundance in Hymenoptera.Parasitoids are proposed to have developed onlyonce in Hymenoptera, Strepsiptera, Neuroptera, andTrichoptera, but independently at least 10 times inColeoptera, twice in Lepidoptera, and 21 times inDiptera (Eggleton and Belshaw 1992). Parasitism of asingle host is not necessarily a universally successfuladaptation. Parasitoids are rare in the Lepidoptera,Neuroptera, and Trichoptera, and most common inthe Diptera and Hymenoptera. Parasitic Hymenoptera,and Tachinidae and Phoridae within the Diptera, arespecies rich and numerically abundant, but most otherparasitic groups are not diverse and rarely encountered.To determine if parasitism was a successfulTable 19.1 Described and estimated species of parasitoids.DescribedEstimatedNeuroptera 50 3 50 3∗Trichoptera 10 12 10 12∗Lepidoptera 11 3 11 3∗Strepsiptera 10 3 10 3Coleoptera 1600 3∗ 1600 3∗Diptera 15, 600 3∗ 50, 600 ∗Tachinidae 9989 13 20, 000 13Phoridae 3657 14 30,000–50,000 14Hymenoptera 60, 000 3∗ 630, 000 ∗Ichneumonidae 23, 331 11 60, 500 2,5Braconidae 17, 605 11 20,000–25,000 2,5,8Platygastroidea 4022 2,4 10, 000 5Cynipoidea 2827 6 25, 000 1Chalcidoidea 22,000 10 375,000–500,000 7,9,10Rough total 77,000 690,0001 Nordlander (1984). 2 Gaston (1991). 3 Eggleton andBelshaw (1992). 4 Gaston (1993). 5 Goulet and Huber(1993). 6 Ronquist (1995). 7 Noyes (2000). 8 Dolphin andQuicke (2001). 9 Heraty and Gates (2003). 10 Noyes (2007).11 Yu et al. (2004). 12 Wells (2005). 13 Stireman (2006).14 Brown (personal communication) estimates that asmany as half of all phorids (30,000–50,000 species) areparasitic. ∗ The numbers of estimated parasitoid specieswere not estimated by these authors; the value forDiptera and Hymenoptera was increased by the includedestimates from other papers.adaptation, Wiegmann et al. (1993) compared therelative species richness of parasitic and nonparasiticsister groups for 15 lineages, including lice, fleas,and other groups that are not true parasitoids.Some parasitic groups, such as Phoridae, were notconsidered in their analyses because of uncertainphylogenetic relationships between parasitic andnonparasitic taxa in the family. Only six of the parasiticgroups were more diverse than their nonparasiticsister taxa, suggesting that parasitism overall is not astrategy leading consistently to rapid diversification ofa group. Even when restricted to 11 ‘parasitoid’ taxa,only 4 (Mantispinae, Sarcophagidae (Blaesoxipha),Tachinidae, and Hymenoptera) were more diversethan their nonparasitoid sister taxa. Although theevolution of a parasitoid lifestyle might not beconsistently successful, the numerical abundance anddiversification, of especially parasitic flies and wasps,is difficult to dispute and worth examining further.In terms of their overall contribution to parasitoidbiodiversity, the Hymenoptera, Phoridae, and

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 449Tachinidae deserve special attention. These threegroups contain roughly 74,000 described species,with potentially as many as 670,000 morphologicallydistinct species estimated (Table 19.1). The Tachinidaeand Hymenoptera are by far the most importantgroups in agroecosystem pest management (Genier1988, LaSalle 1993). Other parasitoid groups haveimportance in the control of their insect hosts, butfew of these have been used for biological control (cf.Huffaker 1969, Clausen 1978, Caltagirone 1981).Some rare cases of agroeconomic importance includethe release of the moth parasitoid Chalcoela (Pyralidae)against Polistes (Vespidae) in the Galapagos Islands,and C. iceryae (Cryptochaetidae) against the vedaliabeetle (Coccinellidae).Hymenoptera (Apocrita)More than 80% of all parasitoid species (about115,000 species described) belong to the Hymenoptera(Eggleton and Belshaw 1992, Quicke 1997). The ordercontains 20 superfamilies and 89 families, with itshighest biodiversity in the suborder Apocrita (Gouletand Huber 1993). The Hymenoptera comprise twosuborders, the paraphyletic Symphyta, which areeither herbivores or mycophages, and the Orussidae+ Apocrita (Vespina sensu Rasnitsyn 1988), withthe evolution of true parasitoids as a shared featureof both groups. Within Apocrita, phytophagy,egg-sac predation, provisioning predators (Sphecidae,Pompilidae), and provisioning omnivores (ants,bees) have evolved several times (Eggleton andBelshaw 1992). The vast species richness andnumerical abundance of parasitoids are containedin just four superfamilies, the Ichneumonoidea,Cynipoidea, Platygastroidea, and Chalcidoidea, whichtogether contain more than 54,000 described species(Table 19.1). The number of estimated species ineach of these groups is vastly out of proportion withthe numbers of described species, with as many as620,000 species estimated (Table 19.1). Values ashigh as 6 million species have been proposed, usingestimates based on the biodiversity of all insect species(LaSalle and Gauld 1993). Chalcidoidea are by farthe least understood and potentially most diversegroup of parasitoids. The taxonomy of this superfamilyhas been hindered by their small size (1–2 mm onaverage) and extremely high biodiversity around theworld. Estimates based on comparing tropical andtemperate faunas have established a range of 375,000to 500,000 morphologically distinct species (Noyes2000, 2007; Heraty and Gates 2003).Paralleling the biodiversity of hymenopteran parasitoids,the most economically important groups arefound in two families of Ichneumonoidea (Ichneumonidaeand Braconidae) and four families of Chalcidoidea(Encyrtidae, Aphelinidae, Eulophidae, andPteromalidae) (Fig. 19.1). In part, their importancefor pest management is determined by their tendencyto attack economically important pest groups of sessileHemiptera (aphids, scales, and whiteflies), Lepidoptera,Coleoptera, and phytophagous Hymenoptera. Morethan 800 species of Chalcidoidea have been usedin biological control programs and overall have hadthe greatest rate of establishment and success (Noyes2007).PhoridaePhoridae are minute flies that can be scavengers, detritivores,facultative ‘scavengers’ that attack dying orrecently dead ants, or true parasitoids (Disney 1994,Morehead et al. 2001, Folgariat et al. 2005). Of the3,657 described species, 611 are true parasitoids (B. V.Brown personal communication). Most of the describedparasitoids belong to the genera Apocephalus, Melaloncha,andMyriophora, which together might containanother 500 undescribed species (B. V. Brown, personalcommunication), but many of the thousands ofundescribedspeciesofthegenus Megaseliamightbeparasitoidsas well. Phoridae are an immense group andtheir total biodiversity could reach 30,000–50,000species (Gaston 1991, B. V. Brown, personal communication).Robinson (1971) proposed that, at least inthe genus Megaselia, new host records tended to favora reduction in the overall proportion of true parasitoidsin the group; however, Brown suggests that potentiallyhalf of the family might be parasitoids – nearly15,000 species! Phorids are parasitic on a numberof insect groups, including bees, beetles, scale insects,millipedes, and adult and pupal coccinellids, but theirgreatest importance and influence are as parasitoids ofadult ants. Phorids attack either dead and dying antsor living adults. In the latter case, their effect is not onlydirect mortality, but also changes in the behavior offoraging ants to protect the susceptible castes (soldiers),which come at a general cost to the colony by reducingworker foraging rates by as much as 75% (Askew

450 John Heraty40EncyrtidaeTotal host families = 12440AphelinidaeTotal host families = 372020Ar Or He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtHost groupArOr He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtHost group40EulophidaeTotal host families = 14440PteromalidaeTotal host families = 1312020Ar Or He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtAr Or He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtHost groupHost group6060IchneumonidaeBraconidaeTotal host families = 137Total host families = 12640402020Ar Or He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtAr Or He SA Dc Ne Cl Dp Hy Le OtHost groupHost groupFig. 19.1 Summary of distribution of host families by parasitoid family. Host groups: Ar = Araneae; Or = Orthoptera;He = Heteroptera; SA = Sternorrhyncha (primarily) and Auchenorryncha; Dc = Dictyoptera; Ne = Neuroptera; Cl = Coleoptera;Dp = Diptera; Hy = Hymenoptera; Le = Lepidoptera; Ot = other groups. Gray bars indicate host groups with the largest numbersof economically important pest groups. Redrawn with permission from Noyes and Hayat (1994).

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 4511971, Feener and Brown 1992). At least two speciesof Pseudacteon have been released against the importedfire ant in the southeastern USA. Both have establishedand become abundant, but at least for P. tricuspis, theflies have not yet been shown to have a significant effecton reducing fire ant populations (Morrison and Porter2005).TachinidaeTachinidae are predominantly parasitoids of Lepidopteraand other herbivores including Heteroptera,Hymenoptera, and Orthoptera, but they also parasitizea wide range of other arthropods including centipedes,scorpions, and spiders (Stireman et al. 2006). AllTachinidae are endoparasitic, with most speciesattacking the larval stage and emerging from thepupa; 5–10% attack adult arthropods (Stiremanet al. 2006). Recent estimates suggest that 9899species of Tachinidae have been described in 1530genera (Stireman et al. 2006). This total potentiallyrepresents half of the estimated species richness ofTachinidae, with most species occurring in tropicalcountries. Most tachinids are large and showy insects,and perhaps as much as 90% of the species in thenorthern hemisphere are known. However, the largebiodiversity of tropical species remains untouched. Of300 species sampled at one forest site in Costa Rica,80% are undescribed (Janzen and Hallwachs 2005,Stireman et al. 2006).Tachinid flies are an important factor in the managementof macrolepidopteran pests, and more than 100species have been used in biological control programsfor crop or forest pests with partial or complete success(Greathead 1986, Genier 1988). Many of the agriculturallyimportant tachinid species share the same hostspecies or use alternate hosts in native habitats, whichthen act as a parasitoid refuge (Marino et al. 2006).Tachinids also have been used as an example of biologicalcontrol at its worst. Compsilura concinnata originallywas introduced for control of the gypsy moth in thenortheastern USA and, along with another tachinid,Blepharipa scutellata, might effect a combined mortalityof as much as 50% on the moth. However, Compsilurais highly polyphagous and has subsequently beenfound attacking more than 200 species in dozens offamilies and 3 orders of native insects, and is havinga direct effect on native biodiversity (Boettneret al. 2000).Other GroupsIn the Lepidoptera, Chacoela (Pyralidae) are larvalor pupal parasitoids of Polistes wasps (Hodges et al.2003), Sthenauge (Pyralidae) feed as ectoparasites ofsaturniid larvae, and Epipyropidae are parasitoids ofhemipteran nymphs or lepidopteran larvae (Eggletonand Belshaw 1992). Mantispidae (Neuroptera) areectoparasitoids of larvae and pupae of Coleoptera,Lepidoptera, or Hymenoptera in soil, or egg sacs ofspiders (Eggleton and Belshaw 1992). Trichopterain the genus Orthotrichia (Hydroptilidae) develop asparasitoids of pupae of Chimarra (Philopotamidae)(Wells 1992, 2005). In the Strepsiptera, Eggletonand Belshaw (1992) included only the Mengenillidae(about ten species) as true parasitoids. The arrayof parasitoids in Coleoptera and Diptera is reviewedby Eggleton and Belshaw (1992), but beyondphorids and tachinids, parasitoids in these orders arecomparatively uncommon, with only an estimated1600 species of Coleoptera and 5600 species of Diptera(Table 19.1).WHERE ARE PARASITOIDS MOSTDIVERSE?A number of factors affect parasitoid biodiversity atthe community level and include characteristics ofthe host and its food plants, ecological complexity,successional stage of the community, plant architecture,and climate (Price 1991, 1994, Hawkins1994, Marino et al. 2006). In general, agriculturallandscapes lack the biodiversity and ecological complexityof natural ecosystems and support a loweroverall biodiversity of parasitoids (Benton et al. 2003,Landis et al. 2005, Bianchi et al. 2006). Agriculturalintensification, reduction of forests and hedgerows,and continuous planting schemes are all having aneffect on native parasitoid and host biodiversity. Intemperate agricultural systems, the surrounding vegetationis important in supporting parasitoids that attackpest species. Late successional stage vegetation mostcommonly supports a higher proportion of generalistspecies shared with agricultural systems (Landis et al.2005, Marino et al. 2006). Early successional vegetation,however, might support a higher proportionof oligophagous specialist parasitoids that are also ofimportance (Marino et al. 2006). The landscape surroundingagricultural monocultures is an essential

452 John Heratyresource for maintaining parasitoid abundance andbiodiversity (Kruess and Tschartke 1994, Landis et al.2005, Bianchi et al. 2006). Some studies have arguedthat a simplified agricultural system provides equal orgreater control than do complex systems (Rodríguezand Hawkins 2000). However, in a general survey of15 studies comparing ecologically complex versus simpleagricultural landscapes, 74% had higher naturalenemy populations and 45% had lower pest pressure(Bianchi et al. 2006).LEAFMINING PARASITOIDSAND NATIVE LANDSCAPESParasitoids of smaller gracillariid leafminingLepidoptera are a good example of the interactionbetween native indigenous parasitoids and leafminingpests. In southern Ontario, a survey of 38 species ofgracillariids on 14 host plants produced 65 speciesof parasitoids, of which 63% were eulophid wasps(Fig. 19.2a). Of the 28 parasitoid species rearedfrom apple leafminer, Phyllonorycter blancardella(Fig. 19.2b), the overall proportion of species wassimilar, with most species (78%) overlapping betweenagricultural and native habitats. A similar compositionof parasitoids attacked gracillariid leafminers insouthern California (Fig. 19.2c). The invasive citrusleafminer has attracted more than 90 species ofindigenous parasitoids worldwide, but no braconidparasites have yet been reported (Fig. 19.2d). InFlorida, native parasites of eight genera of Eulophidaeparasitized more than 50% of citrus leafminer larvaein citrus in the first few years of its establishment(Peña et al. 1996, 2000). In southern California,several indigenous species have already shifted tocitrus leafminer since it arrived in 2000, includingsome, such as Closterocerus utahensis (Eulophidae),which were only rarely encountered prior to theinvasion of leafminer (Heraty unpublished). Fourgenera of Eulophidae (Cirrospilus, Pnigalio, Sympiesis,and Zagrammosoma) are common in each of theleafminer systems (Fig. 19.2). Species in these generaare generalist idiobiont parasitoids that attack a widevariety of hosts including leafmining Agromyzidaeand other parasitic Hymenoptera as hyperparasites.Similar to a study focused on macrolepidopteranpests of agricultural crops (Marino et al. 2006),late successional vegetation (trees and shrubs) wascorrelated with the greatest species richness andnumerical abundance of generalist parasitoids and is,therefore, a potentially beneficial resource for control ofpest populations. In addition to providing a parasitoidrefuge, hedgerows and native ecosystems provide asource of flowers, nectar, and other factors that canhelp enhance both the numbers and species richness ofparasitoids (Corbett and Rosenheim 1996, Bostanianet al. 2004, Lavandero et al. 2006). With agriculturalintensification, we need to consider planning fordiverse landscapes that promote parasitoid biodiversity(Landis et al. 2005, Bianchi et al. 2006).ARE PARASITOIDS MORE DIVERSEIN TROPICAL VERSUS TEMPERATECLIMATES?When we consider parasitoid communities in agriculturallandscapes, do we need to modify our expectationsbased on latitudinal gradients? Should we expect higherbiodiversity in equatorial ecosystems? The biodiversityof Tachinidae increases dramatically toward the equator,with a forest site in Costa Rica yielding more than300 species, of which 80% were undescribed (Stiremanet al. 2006). Phoridae are extremely diverse inboth temperate and tropical latitudes, although thereis a change in composition of taxa and a greater proportionof parasitoid taxa in tropical regions. Smallparasitic Hymenoptera and egg parasitoids increase indiversity in tropical regions (Hespenheide 1979, Noyes1989). Increased biodiversity, for the most part, is correlatedwith a higher proportion of host taxa. However,the Ichneumonidae either lack the distinct latitudinalgradient (Janzen 1981) or even decline in diversitytoward the tropics (Owen and Owen 1974, Gastonet al. 1996). Both the Ichneumonidae and Tachinidaeattack similar hosts, but the Tachinidae are less susceptibleto the chemical defenses accumulated by thelarval hosts and the ‘nasty host hypothesis’ has beenused to explain the ichneumonid anomaly (Gauld et al.1992, Hawkins et al. 1992, Sime and Brower 1998).A number of issues surround these trends in biodiversity,and in the Ichneumonidae, different subfamiliesmay have opposite relationships between biodiversityand latitudinal gradients (Gaston et al. 1996). Overall,parasitoids increase in biodiversity toward the tropics.The influence of greater parasitoid biodiversity shouldtransfer to agroecosystems where habitat biodiversityis left intact. In Cacao plantations in Brazil, parasitoidbiodiversity can be both abundant and diverse, and

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 453(a)Ichneumonidae(4/6) Ichneumonidae(3/3)(b)Braconidae(8/11)Eulophidae(11/41)Ontario leafminer parasitoids (1978–1985)Encyrtidae (2/2)Eupelmidae (1/1)Pteromalidae(3/3)Torymidae (1/1)Eulophidae(11/18)Braconidae (1/2)Encyrtidae (1/1)Eupelmidae (1/1)Pteromalidae(3/3)Apple leafminer parasitoids (1981–1985)(c)Eurytomidae(1/1)Chalcididae(2/3)BraconidaeEncyrtidae (2/2)Eupelmidae(2/2)Pteromalidae(6/6)(d)Eurytomidae(1/1)Encyrtidae (1/1)Eupelmidae (1/1)Pteromalidae(4/4)Torymidae (1/1)Torymidae (1/1)Eulophidae(17/45)Eulophidae(34/87)California leafminer parasitoids (1996–1999)Citrus leafminer parasitoidsFig. 19.2 Proportion of higher level hymenopteran parasitoids attacking (a) lepidopteran leafminers of broadleaf plants insouthern Ontario (Heraty and Laing unpublished), (b) Phyllonorycter blancardella in an unsprayed apple orchard in Ontario(Heraty and Laing unpublished), (c) lepidopteran leafminers of broadleaf plants in California (Braconidae not broken out togenus and species) (Gates et al. 2002), (d) Phyllocnistis citrella worldwide (no Ichneumonoidea parasitoids) (Schauff et al. 1998).Figures (a), (b), and (d) are based on number of species sampled, (c) on number of individuals. Numbers of genera and species arein parentheses. Years refer to sampling periods.similar in complexity to that in native forests (Sperberet al. 2004).Does increased control in agricultural landscapescorrelate with increased parasitoid diversity as weapproach the tropics? Hawkins et al. (1992) found nosignificant correlation between parasitoid richness inagricultural hosts and latitudinal variability, althoughkoinobionts had greater richness in northern NorthAmerica. However, this finding does not address thecontrol of hosts in the same context. In the leafminerexample (Fig. 19.2), parasitoid diversity is higher bothfor native leafminers in California (USA) and for thecitrus leafminer (which has a general tropical distribution)than for apple leafminers and a more northernleafminer landscape in Ontario (Canada). Both insectsremain pests in their respective systems, althoughparasitoids can usually effect control below aneconomically important threshold in mature orchards.

454 John HeratySYSTEMATICS, PARASITOIDS,AND PEST MANAGEMENTThe importance of valid identification of both pest andparasitoid for successful establishment and cost savingsin biological control programs has been discussednumerous times in the literature (Compere 1969,Rosen and DeBach 1973, Heraty 1998, Schauff andLaSalle 1998). Cassava mealybug was a major pest inAfrica and threatened the major food source across thecontinent. Because of an initial misidentification, foreignexploration efforts were misdirected to the wronghost in northern South America, and parasitoids introducedfrom these efforts did not accept the African host.The correct host species, Phenacoccus manihoti, wasknown to occur only in southern South America. Aftercorrect identification by taxonomists, refocused collectionefforts resulted in the establishment of a singleparasite species, A. lopezi (Encyrtidae), and long-termcontrol of the pest (Neuenschwander 2001). Controlof Florida red scale on citrus was delayed because ofmisidentification of the parasite, Aphytis lingnanensis(Aphelindae), attacking California red scale; the correctparasite, A. holoxanthus, which occurs in Israel andHong Kong, was imported to Florida and economicallyimportant levels of control were achieved (Clausen1978). Augmentative control by Trichogramma eggparasitoids is often stymied by a lack of proper identificationof the correct species collected, reared, orreleased (Stouthamer et al. 2000b).Currently, most of our pest management decisions,including choice of biological control agents, are basedon a morphological understanding of species. Theinvolvement of taxonomists early in a project can solvesome of these problems, but even if expertise is available,the taxon of interest might be poorly surveyedor inherently difficult to identify (Schauff and LaSalle1998). Beyond identification, systematics is focused onthe collection, databasing, and maintenance of parasitoidcollections from all habitats (museum basedstudies), and phylogenetic studies are gaining importancefor understanding host relationships and theevolution of behavior and other traits of interest (Gauld1986, Heraty 1998, 2004). Merging research frommuseum collections and the literature, two importantdatabases, now incorporate a vast amount of data onnomenclature, geographic distribution, biology, andhostrelationshipsforIchneumonoidea(Yuet al.2004),and Chalcidoidea (Noyes 2007). The ichneumonoiddatabase includes information on more than 63,000taxonomic names and 28,000 literature citations. Thechalcidoid database has information on more than35,000 taxonomic names and incorporates more than40,000 literature citations. These databases providea good start toward understanding what we knowabout the biodiversity of parasitoids, host associations,and their potential effects in natural and agriculturalecosystems.MOLECULES AND PARASITOIDBIODIVERSITYMolecularmethodsofferanewabilitytoidentifyspecies,albeit not without some of the same caveats facingmorphological discrimination. A variety of molecularmarkers are available for diagnosing all levels ofdivergence in insect parasitoids (Unruh and Woolley1999, Heraty 2004, Macdonald and Loxdale 2004).Comparative nucleotide sequences are currently themost common choice for species recognition, identification,and phylogenetic analysis. For both hostsand parasites, a variety of nuclear and mitochondrialribosomal transcript regions and protein-coding geneshave been used to identify and discriminate insect populations.For species level discrimination, these haveusually involved comparisons of nuclear 28S rDNAtranscript and the associated Internal TranscribedSpacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) and mitochondrialCOI, COII, 16S rDNA, and 12S rDNA. The ribosomaltranscript regions (28S, 16S, and 12S) are conservedand considered appropriate for comparisons from thesubfamily to the species level, whereas the ITS andcytochrome oxidase regions (COI and COII) are morevariable, offering information from the population orspecies level and above (Heraty 2004). Because ofrapid divergence and changes in sequence length, ITSrarely can be aligned for taxa beyond closely relatedspecies. All of these gene regions occur in numerousidentical copies in the genome, making theirextraction and amplification relatively trivial, evenfor poorly preserved insect samples. Additional singlecopy nuclear genes being explored among parasitoidsinclude EF-1α (Rokas et al. 2002), phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase (PEPCK) and DOPA decarboxylase(DDC), Arginine Kinase, Long-Wave Length Opsin, andwingless (Rokas et al. 2002, Desjardins et al. 2007,Heraty et al. 2007, Burks, personal communication).While these single copy genes are important for phylogeneticpurposes, they are more difficult to obtain and

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 455will not likely be used as extensively as 28S, ITS, andCOI for purposes of species recognition.Molecular methods will have an increasing influenceon research into agricultural pests, identificationof pests and parasitoids, and surveys of biodiversityat the pest management level. The use of molecularmarkers may be essential for the discovery of crypticspecies complexes in parasitoids. There is also adrive to develop a standardized method of barcodingin all insects, not only for the recognition of existingspecies, but also for the discovery of new, even morphologicallydistinct, species. Important questions canbe addressed with these new tools. What species areshared between agricultural and native habitats? Howfar do parasitoids disperse between habitats? Do crypticspecies interfere or complement each other for pestmanagement? Do cryptic species fare better in differentclimatic zones? Am I releasing the correct species?These are all questions that directly affect our ability tomonitor parasitoids and control insect pests in urban,agricultural, and native landscapes. However, thesetools are being applied against the tremendous backgroundnoise of undescribed taxa and the associatedgeographic variability. The discovery of cryptic speciesand identification, using molecular tools, will have atremendous effect on our ability to use and manipulateinsect parasitoids.CRYPTIC SPECIESCryptic species are morphologically similar but reproductivelyisolated populations that can differ in importantphysiological, ecological, or behavioral traits.Numerous cryptic species have been recognized overthe past few decades through better discriminationof populations, using molecular techniques. In thepast, these species have been discovered through differencesin behavior, reproductive incompatibility (Heratyet al. 2007), or isozyme or RAPD marker differences(Unruh et al. 1989, Antolin et al. 1996, Heraty 2004).Two cryptic species of phasiine tachinids were discoveredby their attraction to different host pheromones(Aldrich and Zary 2002). However, the direct comparisonof nucleotide sequences has led to even greaterdiscovery of cryptic species complexes in a varietyof parasitoids. COI was useful in discriminating 17morphospecies of Belvosia tachinid flies, as well asdiscovering an additional 15 cryptic species amongthem (Smith et al. 2006). Cryptic species in the Cotesiamelitaearum complex (Braconidae) associated withdifferent host butterflies were recognized by as littleas 1.6% divergence in COI and microsatellites(Kankare et al. 2005a, 2005b). Cryptic species of Nasonia(Pteromalidae) were distinguished with ribosomalDNA sequences (ITS2 and 28S-D2) (Campbell et al.1993). Morphologically indistinct species of Encarsia(Aphelinidae) can be separated using mitochondrial(COI) or nuclear (28S or ITS) gene regions (Babcockand Heraty 2000, Babcock et al. 2001, Polaszek et al.2004, Monti et al. 2005). Monti et al. (2005) useda COI-sequence divergence of 10% to separate morphologicallyindistinguishable Pakistani and Spanishpopulations of Encarsia sophia that differ in reproductivecompatibility and karyotype; similar morphologicallydistinct species of Encarsia differ by as littleas 6.5–8.7%. Trichogramma minutum and T. platneri(Trichogrammatidae) can be distinguished only by asingle fixed COI substitution (Stouthamer et al. 1998,2000a).Combinations of gene regions might be necessaryto differentiate species. Sympatric, cryptic species ofGonatocerus (Mymaridae) were recognized using a combinationof 28S-D2, COI, COII, ITS1, and ITS2, withall but 28S highly variable within reproductively compatiblepopulations (Triapitsyn et al. 2006). The relationshipsand identity of six reproductively isolatedspecies in the Aphelinus varipes complex (Aphelinidae)could be recognized only through a combination ofsix gene regions (28S, ITS1, ITS2, COI, COII, andArginine Kinase) (Fig. 19.3; Heraty et al. 2007). Thegenetic differences between cryptic species are oftenminute, but in Cales noacki (Chalcidoidea), a parasiteof woolly whitefly, cryptic species have been discoveredthat differ by enough base pairs (3% for 28Sand 17% for COI) that they could be considered distinctgenera or even subfamilies, compared with otherChalcidoidea.The effect of the discovery of cryptic speciescomplexes on our estimates of the biodiversity ofinsect parasitoids is staggering. The above examplesof cryptic species complexes involve the chalcidoidfamilies Mymaridae (1424 species), Aphelinidae (1160species), and Pteromalidae (3506 species) (speciesnumbers from Noyes 2007). Surveys of tropical rainforestcanopies have already suggested a much greaterbiodiversity of morphological species, with samplesin Sulawesi yielding as many as 150 morphologicallydistinct species of mostly undescribed species of Encarsia

456 John HeratyA. kurdumovi (R. padi / Georgia)A. kurdumovi (R. padi / Georgia)A. hordei (D. noxia / France)Zhu et al. 2000 (Palaearctic/South Africa; ITS2)EncounterA. atriplicis (D. noxia / Georgia)A. atriplicis (D. noxia / Georgia)A. varipes (R. padi / France)A. albipodis (R. padi / Israel)Acceptance28S-D2ITS1ITS2COICOIIArgKindels5 changesWu et al. 2004 (Wyoming, USA; ITS1)A. certus (A. glycines / China)A. certus (A. glycines / China)A. certus (A. glycines / Japan)A. certus (A. glycines / Japan)A. certus (A. glycines / Japan)A. certus (A. glycines / Japan)A. certus (A. glycines / Korea)A. certus (A. glycines / Korea)Wu et al. 2004 (Japan; ITS1)Fig. 19.3 Problems of barcoding, using only COI. Presented is a phylogram for distinct genotypes from different geographicpopulations of cryptic species in the Aphelinus varipes complex, with their source aphid host, geographic locality of collection, andwhether they are reproductively compatible (gray line) or reproductively incompatible (dashed line) (Heraty et al. 2007). Thephylogeny is based on six genes and insertion/deletion events, and includes three populations (bold) from published partialsequences as indicated. Only COI changes are indicated, with black bars (unique changes) and gray bars (homoplastic changes).COI changes are not correlated across the phylogeny with reproductive incompatibility, which supports a minimum of fivespecies. The three previously published populations would not be correctly associated or discriminated using COI alone. Thepopulations studied by Zhu et al (2000) and from Israel were not tested for compatibility. Populations tested by Wu et al. (2004)and the Georgia (D. noxia), China, and Japan populations tested by Heraty et al. (2007) were partially compatible with eachother based on hybrid dysgenesis in backcrosses to Japan. In all cases, males will pursue and court heterospecific females, butfemales reject heterospecific males before mating (Hopper unpublished). (Photographs courtesy of Keith Hopper.)(Noyes 1989). Even under the most conservativeschemes, we might have to double or triple our estimatesof extant species in all parasitoid taxa currentlyrecognized by morphological criteria (Table 19.1).DNA BARCODING AND BIODIVERSITYOF PARASITOIDSConsiderable discussion has occurred over the useof molecular methods to barcode species for easierrecognition (Cameron et al. 2006). Sequencingis becoming cheaper and more reliable, and thetaxonomist shortage might be circumvented bycomparing sequences to those obtained from knownvouchers of identified species (Wheeler et al. 2004).Genetic markers such as 28S-D2, ITS, and COI aremost appropriate for the recognition of insect speciesor populations. Trichogramma species are minuteand difficult to identify based on features of thegenitalia, but identification keys to species can bebuilt, using differences in ITS length and sequencedivergence (Ciociola et al. 2001, Pinto et al. 2002).These markers not only are useful for the identification

Parasitoid biodiversity and insect pest management 457of known species or populations by nonspecialists,but also can be used in studies of larval parasitism.Typically, the dissection or rearing of hosts to assessinternal parasites is laborious. COI and ITS markerscan be used to discriminate between the host and itsparasitoids in both laboratory trials and field-collectedhosts (Tilmon et al. 2000, Zhu et al. 2000, Zhuand Williams 2002, Macdonald and Loxdale 2004,Ashfaq et al. 2004, Agusti et al. 2005, Greenstone2006).The ease of DNA sequencing and utility of markersfor species identification is developing into a movementto barcode numerous individuals of vouchered materialfor use in the general identification of all speciesand for the discovery of new species (Hebert et al.2003, Hajibabaei et al. 2005). Agriculturally importantpests or parasitoids are strong candidates for abarcoding initiative. The species involved are generallyknown and could be sampled for a number of genesacross their entire geographic ranges. These markerswould be useful for identification of pests at quarantinepoints, verification of natural enemies for importation,culture and release from quarantine, and post-releasetracking of parasitoids. Barcoding can and does workefficiently in some cases, but there are a number ofproblems. Genetic variation within and between populationsmakes it difficult to assess the level of speciesdiscrimination and association (Meier et al. 2006), andconsiderable difference in the rates of variation betweentaxa might make it difficult to choose a single appropriategene (Heraty 2004). The problem is exacerbatedwith the inclusion of unknown species. Further, thechoice of gene, number of genes chosen, number oftaxa sampled over a geographical range, representationof taxa in current databases, and mistakes inherentin existing sequences in databases all cause furtherproblems (Cameron et al. 2006, Hickerson et al. 2006,Meier et al. 2006).Among parasitoids, genetic divergence within a singlegene region may or may not correspond withreproductive compatibility. Two morphologically crypticspecies of Trichogramma were separated by twofixed-substitution differences in COI, but not by theusually more variable ITS2 region (Stouthamer et al.2000a, Pinto et al. 2002, Stouthamer, personal communication).Similarly, COI has proved useful for separatingcryptic species of Encarsia (Monti et al. 2005).Within the Aphelinus varipes species complex (Aphelinidae),six gene regions and their indel events werenecessary to discriminate and determine relationshipsamong the different populations (Heraty et al. 2007).Although the most basal and genetically divergentlineages were reproductively isolated from all others,in the more derived lineages, the eastern Palearcticpopulations were all reproductively isolated fromeach other, whereas the Asian populations were not(Fig. 19.3). COI changes in the A. varipes complex aresparse and scattered and do not have a direct correlationwith isolation, and would not be useful inplacing populations previously cited in the literaturethat (1) do not have any COI information available,and (2) could not be separated from other lineagesif only COI sequences were available for comparison(Fig. 19.3). COI variation can have no bearing onreproductive isolation. In Megastigmus transvaalensis,a seed parasite of various species of Rhus and Schinusin Africa, 29 haplotypes were found for COI thatwere distinct enough to provide bootstrap support correlatedwith the different countries of origin (Schefferand Grissell 2003). In Gonatocerus ashmeadi, a parasitoidof the glassy-winged sharpshooter, reproductivelycompatible populations were fixed for 28S-D2,but highly variable for COI (9 substitutions) and ITS2(19 substitutions) (Triapitsyn et al. 2006). In contrast,morphologically distinct and geographically isolatedspecies of Pnigalio (Eulophidae) are identical for 28S-D2, but COI readily distinguishes both morphologicallydistinct and cryptic species (M. Gebiola, personal communication).Admittedly, these problems of associating moleculardivergence of COI with speciation are most problematicfor discriminating recently evolved species.However, any barcoding initiative will have to dealwith the problems of intraspecific variation, whichcan be excessive in some species. Molecular sequencescan be used to discriminate distinctive or crypticspecies, even with a single gene region, but oftenthese findings can be verified only in conjunctionwith traditional methods of observing morphologicaldivergence, behavioral distinctness, geographic separation,and studies of reproductive compatibility. Withnondestructive PCR extraction methods, each specimenin a given research project conceivably mightbe vouchered by DNA sequences (GenBank deposition)and digital images (MorphBank deposition),with all information freely available through onlinedatabases. As these data accumulate, perhaps wecan better evaluate the use of barcoding tools andour general interpretation of speciation processes andboundaries.

458 John HeratyCAN MOLECULAR MARKERS BEAPPLIED TO UNDERSTANDINGBIODIVERSITY?Parasitoids are extremely diverse. At our best guess,there are at least 680,000 morphologically distinctspecies (Table 19.1). If we begin to revise our estimateto include the vast number of cryptic speciesthat also must be discovered, we must assume thateven with a low estimate, there are easily more than1 million species. Documenting molecular markers forspecies on a grand scale will be costly, requiring samplesof multiple markers, multiple individuals, andmultiple populations (Meier et al. 2006). Molecularsequences can be used to discriminate distinctive orcryptic species, even with a single gene region, but oftenthese findings can be verified only in conjunction withtraditional methods of observing morphological divergence,behavioral distinctness, geographic separation,and studies of reproductive compatibility.SUMMARYMore than 680,000 morphologically distinct speciesof parasitoids are estimated, with the possibility of avast underlying biodiversity of cryptic species. Mostof these species are unknown to science. Moleculartools will be important in the recognition and tracking,especially of these new cryptic species, but aswith other methods, they are merely a tool to be usedalong with more traditional methods of morphologicalsystematics, behavioral and host studies, and communityrelationships. Parasitoids are more diverse inecologically complex systems, compared with simplelandscapes. Generalist parasitoids may be more commonin late-succession communities (trees and shrubs),compared with oligophagous species, which dominatein early-succession communities (ruderals andshrubs). Latitudinal gradients affect parasitoid biodiversity,generally with increasing biodiversity towardthe tropics; however, within each group, there areshifts or distinctly different trends among the membersof a group, such as in different subfamilies ofIchneumonidae that can be differentiated into differenthost groups. Biological control has demonstratedthat many pests can be controlled by one or moreintroduced parasitoids. There is still controversy overcontinuing to increase parasitoid biodiversity againstthese pests over and above the previously establishedspecies, especially if they are already providing controlbelow economic thresholds. However, studies ofnatural and adjacent agricultural systems suggestthat an increased biodiversity of parasitoids is importantfor controlling pests (Bianchi et al. 2006, Marinoet al. 2006).Agriculture is usually synonymous with monoculture.Ecologically diverse native vegetation is sufferingunder agricultural intensification and potentiallyreducing the pool of available parasitoids that are availablefor control of newly introduced or resident pestspecies. To support conservation in association withagricultural practices, we need more research on theshared pool of parasitoid biodiversity. Many pest specieshave come from a different country, arriving withouttheir parasitoids. However, if a general habitat declineis associated with habitat loss, we might see an increasingnumber of pests developing in their native area oforigin. Biological control programs of the past may giveus insights into strategies necessary to deal with theseemergent pests. In addition, we are entering a new ageof transgenics in crops, and their effect on crops andpests and associated effects on parasitoids is far frombeing understood (White and Andow 2005, Beale et al.2006, Davidson et al. 2006).ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to thank Bob Foottit, Peter Adler, PeterMason, Jason Mottern, and an anonymous reviewerfor comments on the manuscript, and Brian Brown forinformation on phorid flies. This work was supported,in part, by National Science Foundation grant DEB-010108245.REFERENCESAgusti, N., D. Bourguet, T. Spataro, M. Delos, N. Eychenne,L. Folcher, and R. Arditi. 2005. Detection, identificationand geographical distribution of European corn borer larvalparasitoids using molecular markers. Molecular Ecology 14:3267–3274.Aldrich, J. R. and A. Zary. 2002. Kairomone strains of Euclytiaflava (Townsend), a parasitoid of stink bugs. Journal ofChemical Ecology 28: 1565–1582.Antolin, M. F., D. S. Guertin, and J. J. Petersen. 1996. Theorigin of gregarious Muscidifurax (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)in North America: an analysis using molecularmarkers. Biological Control 6: 76–82.

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Chapter 20The taxonomyof crop pests:The aphidsGary L. Miller 1 and Robert G. Foottit 21 Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.Department of Agriculture, Bldg. 005, BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA;2 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian National Collection of <strong>Insect</strong>s, Ottawa,ON, K1A 0C6 Canada‘For the most part, the most economically important insect and mite pests are known to science,and their position in our classification system is resolved’.— Anonymous, USDA, ARSResearch Action Plan, 2004<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9463

There is a perception that certain insect pestsof crops are well-studied biologically and thattheir taxonomy is in good order. This perceptionmight lead to the impression by those who areunfamiliar with the intricacies of acquiring taxonomicunderstanding of biological diversity that we know allthere is to know. In fact, science is a discipline thatcontinually builds on its previous discoveries and technologiesas it advances our knowledge. Much researchis needed even in economically important insect groupswhose taxonomy might be regarded as advanced. Inthis chapter, using the Aphidoidea as an exampleand, in particular, using the early works of NorthAmerican aphidology as background, we explore variousdimensions of taxonomic knowledge in this pestgroup.HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDPlants have been cultivated and traded since perhaps8000 BC (Huxley 1978) and insect pests have longplagued humans and their crops. Ancient civilizationsrecorded swarms of locusts and other insect pestilence(Harpaz 1973, Konishi and Ito 1973). As humansexpanded crop cultivation, associated insect problemssoon followed. The European colonists of the NewWorld faced their own set of insect-related problemswith the cultivation of both native and introducedcrops. For example, tobacco, which is native to theNew World, experienced insect damage from hornwormsand flea-beetles from the outset of its cultivation(Garner 1946). The introduction of new plants alsobegan early during European colonization. Sugarcanewas transported from the Canary Islands to Hispaniolaon Columbus’s second voyage in 1493 (Deerr 1949).Some of these early introduced plants also had theirassociated pests, including aphids. The close associationof aphids with their hosts meant those insects andtheir eggs were being transported through commerceas well (Howard 1898). The cabbage aphid, Brevicorynebrassicae (Linnaeus), was noted in North Americaas early as 1791 (Miller et al. 2006). Early entomologistswere well aware that commerce and travel wereresponsible for the transport of some of these pests.In 1856, Asa Fitch speculated that B. brassicae wasbrought along with cabbage plants on shipboard cargo(Miller et al. 2006).ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE AND EARLYTAXONOMYAphids are small, soft-bodied insects mostly rangingbetween 1.5 and 3.5 mm in length (Blackman andEastop 2000); they feed on plants with piercingsuckingmouthparts. Besides the mechanical damagethey cause by this action, aphids also serve as thelargest group of vectors of plant viruses (Eastop 1977,Chan et al. 1991). The damage is further compoundedby fouling of the host plant with honeydew. Notedas long ago as in Réaumur’s (1737) work, honeydewis excreted from the anus and is high in plant sugarsand other compounds. Besides having an influenceon predators (Glen 1973) and parasitoids (Faria2005), it serves as a substrate for the growth of fungalcomplexes that cause sooty mold (Westcott 1971).In addition to reducing the photosynthetic ability ofplants, sooty mold reduces a plant’s aesthetic marketvalue (Worf et al. 1995).More than 250 species of the Aphidoidea (in thefamilies Adelgidae, Phylloxeridae, and Aphididae) feedon agricultural or horticultural crops (Blackman andEastop 2000). While this figure only represents approximately5% of the world aphid fauna, the economicconsequences of aphid damage are huge. For example,Wellings et al. (1989) estimated for 13 selected cropsthat aphids contribute about 2% of the total lossesattributed to insects and believed that figure was agross underestimate. Aphids are one of the importantvegetable pests (Capinera 2002). Of the 80 groups ofvascular plants in the world only 8 lack aphids, andthose groups represent only 3% of the plant species(Eastop 1978).Most aphid references refer to economic impact andsome of the very earliest works of the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries have been noted by Blackmanand Eastop (2000). Although aphids have extraordinarydamaging horticultural effects, some of society’searly interest involved their beneficial or positiveattributes. Galls of certain aphid species (e.g., Baizongiapistaciae [Linnaeus] and Schlechtendalia chinensis [Bell])have been used for centuries in medicine, tanning,and dyeing (Fagan 1918). Woodcuts as early as 1570illustrate galls of B. pistaciae on Pistacia (Blackman andEastop 1994) and by 1596 ‘Chinese galls’ of Melaphischinensis [= S. chinensis] onRhus javanica (a sumac)were noted as insect induced (Eastop 1979).

The taxonomy of crop pests: the aphids 465well as detailed illustrations. Linnaeus (1758) usedRéaumur’s (1737) work as a reference in connectionwith a number of the species he named. The nominalspecies, Aphis sambuci Linnaeus (1758), is illustratedin habitus and as several detailed figures on one ofRéaumur’s (1737) plates (Fig. 20.1a). For aphids(sensu lato), Linnaeus (1758) described 1 genus (Aphis)and 25 species, as well as the genus Chermes, whichcontained 1 adelgid species.EARLY APHID STUDIES – A NORTHAMERICAN EXAMPLEFig. 20.1 (a) (top). Some of the early aphid work producedby Réaumur (1737) included his woodcuts, which were usedfor identification. Linnaeus (1758) referenced both of theaphid species in his work. (Figs. 1–4. Aphis rosae(= Macrosiphum rosae). Figs. 5–15. Aphis sambuci.)(b) (bottom). Nearly three centuries later, short DNAsequences from a uniform locality of the genome (barcodes)for Macrosiphum rosae and Aphis sambuci are being exploredPrior to Linnaeus’s (1758) work, many of thepapers concerning aphids had little taxonomic value.A notable exception is Réaumur’s (1737) ‘Mémoirespour servir à l’histore des insectes’. This work includedinformation on aphid life history and biology asSome of the earliest, if not the earliest, systematic workon North American aphids was that of Rafinesque 1(1817, 1818), who described 36 species and 4 subgenera.Rafinesque’s (1817) interest and intent ‘tostudy all the species of this genus [Aphis] found in theUnited States’ was initiated by his observations thatthey were ‘often highly injurious’ to their host plants.Other early North American workers often treated theeconomic importance of aphids. For example, Harris’(1841) report on insects injurious to vegetationincludes sections on ‘plant-lice’. While little taxonomicinformation was included, Harris did incorporate observationson life history, biology, predators, host plants,and control. Fitch’s work (e.g., Fitch 1851) in themid-1800s not only included life history informationon aphids but also new species descriptions. Between1851 and 1872, Fitch proposed names for 58 species ofAphidoidea (Barnes 1988). Walsh’s (1863) treatmentof the Aphididae (sensu lato) included his ‘SynopticalTable of U.S. Genera’, which was essentially a key.By the 1870s–1880s, entomologists such as Thomas(1877), Monell (1879), and Oestlund (1886) werespecializing in the study of aphids.Difficulty in distinguishing aphids was noted as earlyas Linnaeus (Walsh 1863) and early workers in NorthAmerica also lamented the lack of study and knowledgeof the aphids. Walsh (1863), in Illinois, complainedabout the need for ‘Public Scientific Libraries’ that hismore fortunate ‘Eastern brethren’ had. He added thatthe ‘specific distinctions’ of the aphids themselves were‘generally evanescent in the dried specimen’. Thomas(1879) reiterated Walsh’s comments and believed thereasons for the neglected study of aphids rested on1 Hottes (1963) proposed to suppress Rafinesques’s aphidnames and subsequent workers (e.g., Remaudière andRemaudière 1997) have recorded his names as unavailable.

466 Gary L. Miller and Robert G. Foottittwo issues, the difficulty in preserving specimens andthe paucity of systematic works, most of which wereEuropean. With delays of months to years to procurea reference work (Oestlund 1886), the situation forsome was daunting. In 1886, Oestlund still consideredthe systematics of the aphids ‘unsatisfactory’ butregarded the lack of literature as the greatest want forthe ‘frontier naturalist’. Later, Oestlund’s (1919) tonechanged when his concern focused on the then- recentaphid classification difficulties ‘on account of the greatnumber of new genera and species made known’.Especially noteworthy with Oestlund’s (1886) earlierconcern about the state of aphid study is hisfailure to mention the difficulty of preserving specimens.By the 1860s, North Americans, along with theirEuropean counterparts, were making progress in preservingpinned insect specimens in cabinets (Sorensen1995). Instead of being pinned or glued on smallboards, aphids were routinely preserved on microscopeslides. 2 Changes in the way aphids were beingstudied and preserved were accompanied by changesand improvements in species descriptions and toolsfor identification. The earliest North American aphiddescriptions (e.g., Rafinesque 1817, 1818; Haldemann1844) were based almost entirely on coloration, generalappearance, and host association. Subsequentworkers (e.g., Walsh 1863, Riley 1879, see also Milleret al. 2006) relied on descriptions of general appearancebut also routinely included measurements of bodylength and wing length in their species descriptions.Walsh’s (1863) generic descriptions added comparisonsto other morphological structures (e.g., relativelength of siphunculi in comparison to tarsal length), apractice that was uncommon at the time. By the late2 Pergande’s ledger and card file at the United States AphidoideaCollection, Beltsville, Maryland, provides an excellentrecordoftheprogressionofpreservedaphidspecimens.Hisearliestledger entries, while he was in St. Louis, Missouri (1877),record collected aphid specimens as being pinned, mounted onboards, or preserved in alcohol. By 1878 in Washington, DC,he noted aphids as being ‘mounted in balsam’ and preserved inalcohol. Other aphidologists were also using balsam-mountedspecimens, as Pergande noted the receipt of ‘Pemphigus acerisn. sp.’ from aphidologist Monell that were ‘mounted on slide’in 1878. At the USNM, Pergande was evidently still gluingspecimens to pieces of board as late as 1880 but he also‘mounted some on a slide’. In 1903, Pergande recorded thathe examined ‘the old Fitch collection of Aphides’ for Aphis maliFitch, which were ‘pinned’ and then ‘mounted all of them inbalsam’. Slide mounting had indeed become a standard wayto study and preserve the aphids by the turn of the century.1880s, a new dimension was added to the descriptionsof aphid morphology. Relative descriptors of antennalsegment length, such as ‘about half as long as the preceding’(e.g., Monell 1879) or ‘subequal’ (e.g., Oestlund1886), were being replaced with discrete measurementsin one-hundredth of a millimeter (e.g., Oestlund1887). These changes generally corresponded withmajor advances that were being made in microscopy,especially the development and design of microscopeobjectives and lenses that maximized both magnificationand resolution.Other changes were taking place in aphid taxonomyin North America. Earliest works reflected Linnaeus’s(1758) simple classification (e.g., Haldemann 1844).The list of aphid species referable to Linnaeus’s singlegenus, Aphis, was being expanded. The taxonomicworks of European aphidologists such as Kaltenbach(1843), Koch (1854), Passerini (1860), and Buckton(1876) influenced the early taxonomic studies ofthe North American workers (Walsh 1863, Thomas1877, 1878, 1879). While these works included keysto genera and tribes, species treatments consisted ofsimple descriptions and lists. Monell’s (1879) contributionis worth mentioning because he also developedidentification keys for related species of select genera.The use of species keys advanced the ability toidentify aphids. Oestlund’s (1887) study of Minnesotaaphids provided detailed keys to subfamilies, genera,and species of select genera. In what was a synthesisof the knowledge of North American aphids, he alsoincluded detailed species descriptions, an up-to-dateliterature review of North American authors, anda host plant list. It was also a reflection of thefruits of government-sponsored entomology at thattime (Sorensen 1995). Of the 65 publications listedin Oestlund’s (1887) aphid bibliography, nearly75% of the works reflect government-sponsored orgovernment-associated entomology.A major work published at the beginning of the twentiethcentury, Hunter’s (1901) catalog ‘The Aphididaeof North America’, provided much of the pertinent literatureon and taxonomy of North American aphids.Various authors had published lists of described speciesbut Hunter (1901) not only contributed an expandedspecies list but also included the known systematicand economic literature referable to the species, alongwith host plant information. Knowledge of NorthAmerican aphids had grown from 36 species proposedby Rafinesque (1817, 1818) to 166 speciesidentified by Monell (1879), an increase of nearly five

The taxonomy of crop pests: the aphids 467times, to 325 species identified by Hunter (1901), anincrease of more than nine times. The compilation ofthe North American aphid fauna would continue togrow to 1416 species (Foottit et al. 2006).RECOGNIZING APHID SPECIESAs the number of recognized aphid species has grownsince Linnaeus (1758) (Fig. 20.2), there have beendifficulties in recognizing or even defining an aphidspecies (e.g., Shaposhnikov 1987). The conceptual andoperational use of species concepts and definitions inaphid taxonomy throughout the world is complicatedby their reproductive biology. Aphids are characterizedby cyclical parthenogenesis, but there may also bepurely anholocyclic populations not manifesting thesexual phase of the life cycle. Recommendations havebeen made for the taxonomic treatment of aphidpopulations that are permanently parthenogenetic;formal species status could be given to a biologicallyrecognizable anholocyclic group derived from a sexualancestor (Blackman and Brown 1991, Foottit 1997,Havill and Foottit 2007).One way to observe trends in aphid systematics isto compare the rates of synonymy and the accumulationof new taxa; as more research is done, morespecies are described and new synonymies are discovered(Fig. 20.2). From 1758 (when Linnaeus’s workwas published) until 1840, the number of describedvalid aphid species (sensu lato) and cumulative aphidnames was only 109 and the difference between the twoparameters remained relatively small. Starting around1841, shortly before Kaltenbach’s (1843) work, thedifference between cumulative aphid names and cumulativevalid names over time began to increase, albeitgradually, until about the late 1910s. The numberof valid species increased nearly eightfold from 129to 1011 species between 1841 and 1919. Between1840 and 1949, there were nearly twice as manyFig. 20.2 (Inset). Cumulative aphid names proposed versus cumulative currently valid aphid names from 1758 to 2000.(Main). Number of proposed aphid names versus valid aphid names from 1758 to 2000

468 Gary L. Miller and Robert G. Foottitproposed names as valid names (3891 vs. 2000).During the twentieth century, a steady and dramaticrise in both cumulative and valid names was realized,with the exception of the period of World WarII. From 1920 to the present, the number of validaphid names has increased from 1026 to 4885, anincrease of almost five times. Activities slowed in thelast several decades of the twentieth century and earlytwenty-first century showed a slowing of activity.From 1950 to 2000 there were 1.3 times the numberof proposed names versus valid names (3495 vs.2721) (Fig. 20.2 main). This trend might reflect aslowing of activity but it could also reflect a lack ofopportunity to reassess previous work. Taxonomicstudy continues on the Aphidoidea with descriptionof new species and reassessment of old synonymies(Eastop and Blackman 2005). Historically and evenrecently, the number of aphid species (sensu lato) hasbeen estimated (e.g., Oestlund 1886, Kosztarab et al.1990), but the numbers have always been too low.With close to 5000 valid aphid species currently (e.g.,Remaudière and Remaudière 1997), more remains tobe done.Data on the synonymies of aphid species can befurther extracted from the most recent world aphidcatalogs. Eastop and Hille Ris Lambers’s (1976)catalog listed 21 species with 10 or more synonyms(Ilharco and Van Harten 1987). Remaudière andRemaudière’s (1997) catalog recorded 28 species with10 or more synonyms. The five species with the highestnumber of synonyms, as listed in Remaudière andRemaudière’s (1997) catalog, include polyphagous,economically important species: Brachycaudushelichrysi (Kaltenbach) (47 synonyms), Aphis gossypiiGlover (42), Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) (37),Aphis fabae Scopoli (36), and Myzus persicae (Sulzer)(32). The large number of synonyms for some species(e.g., B. helichrysi) could be explained partly bypolyphagy and morphological variation on differenthosts (Hunter 1901, Ilharco and Van Harten 1987)or by poor communication between aphid workers(Ilharco and Van Harten 1987). Because aphidmorphology is strongly influenced by environmentalfactors, establishing valid species boundaries anddetermining synonymies remain problematic (Eastopand Blackman 2005). Other reasons for synonymycould include a lack of funding for follow-upinvestigations on samples of limited geographic rangepreviously collected or the ‘publish or perish’ syndromethat might pressure taxonomists into describing newspecies from small samples (Eastop and Blackman2005).THE FOCUS BECOMES FINERTechnological advances in nineteenth-centurymicroscopy were followed by equally significantadvances in twentieth-century microbiology andstatistical analyses. An early pioneer in aphid geneticwork was Nobel Laureate Thomas Hunt Morgan, whois better known for his later work with Drosophilamelanogaster and establishment of the chromosometheory of heredity. Some of Morgan’s (1906) earlierstudies included karyological drawings of variousphylloxerids. Unfortunately, of the earliest studieson aphid karyology, many are suspect due touncertainties in proper identification of the respectiveaphid species (Kuznetsova and Shaposhnikov 1973)and lack of voucher material. Subsequent karyotypestudies of aphids have been used at various taxonomiclevels. For example, the karyotype is often stableat the generic level, although exceptions do occur(e.g., Amphorophora), and in several genera, differencesin gross chromosomal morphology are taxonomicallyimportant (Blackman 1980a). Importance of the aphid(sensu lato) karyotype and chromosomal numbers hasbeen addressed in detailed reviews by several authors(e.g., Kuznetsova and Shaposhnikov 1973; Blackman1980a, 1980b, 1985; Hales et al., 1997). By the earlyto mid-1980s, aphid karyotype analysis had movedtoward measuring the density of the stained nucleusas a tool for determining DNA content (Blackman1985). Molecular genetic techniques however wereshifting in the late 1980s. DNA restriction fragmentlength polymorphisms (RFLP) were being applied toaphid taxonomy and systematics (Foottit et al. 1990).The early to mid-1990s saw aphid systematics furtherbenefiting from the use of polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and sequencing techniques (e.g., Sorensenet al. 1995, von Dohlen and Moran 1995). Thesetechniques continue to be refined today (e.g., vonDohlen et al. 2006, Havill et al. 2007, Coeur d’acieret al. 2008).Morphometrics, the quantitative characterization,analysis, and comparison of biological form (Roth andMercer 2000), have been used to examine morphologicalvariationinaphidsandadelgidsandhaveinfluencedtaxonomic decision making. Several such studies haveexamined geographic variation and morphological

The taxonomy of crop pests: the aphids 469character variation in aphids (e.g., Pemphigus spp.by Sokal (1962), Sokal et al. (1980); Adelges piceae(Ratzeburg) by Foottit and Mackauer (1980); andCinara spp. by Foottit and Mackauer (1990), Foottit(1992), and Favret and Voegtlin (2004)). Morphometricapproaches have been increasingly used to analyzemorphological patterns in complexes of pest speciescombined with analysis of other types of data (e.g.,Myzus spp. by Blackman (1987), Rhopalosiphum maidis(Fitch) by Blackman and Brown (1991), and Myzusantirrhinii (Macchiati) by Hales et al. (2000)).Increasingly, molecular approaches are beingused to resolve taxonomic problems throughoutthe Aphidoidea at all taxonomic levels. The rapidand recent historical development in the use ofthese techniques includes RFLP (Foottit et al. 1990;Valenzuela et al. 2007), sequencing of nuclearand mitochondrial markers (Havill et al. 2007),microsatellites (Hales et al. 2000), DNA barcoding(Foottit et al. in press; Fig. 20.1b), and other molecularmarkers (Hales et al. 1997).The resolution is finer using molecular techniques(Fig.20.1b) but workers are still uncovering problemsthat require even newer approaches. Evidencesuggests that phytophagous insects such as aphidsacquire new plant hosts and adapt rapidly to newconditions (Raymond et al. 2001). This results ingenetic diversity among aphid populations and evenin sibling species making it difficult, if not impossible,to determine this diversity using comparativemorphological techniques alone (Eastop and Blackman2005). A combination of classical approachesand new molecular genetic applications likely willprove necessary to determine the extent of diversityin aphid populations and species complexes (e.g.,Lozier et al. 2008). Morphologically indistinguishablespecies that are differentiated genetically will requirea reevaluation of species concepts and the handling ofclonal lineages (Foottit 1997). These situations mayrequire a workable nomenclatural system of indexablenames for infraspecific taxa (Kim and McPheron1993).ADVENTIVE APHID SPECIESSociety depends on agronomic, horticultural, and forestplants for its survival, growth, and development.As phytophagous insects, aphids are intimately tiedto their host plants and cause significant economiccrop losses through direct feeding damage and transmissionof plant viruses. With increased internationaltrade and the consequent increased movement of commodities,the connection between aphids and theirhosts has resulted in increased rates of introductions(Foottit et al. 2006). In the absence of natural controlmeasures, some of these aphids have had a majoreconomic impact. In North America alone, in recentyears, the establishment of the soy bean aphid, Aphisglycines Matsumura, the brown citrus aphid, Toxopteracitricidus (Kirkaldy) and the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphisnoxia (Kurdjumov), has resulted in millions ofdollars in crop losses (Foottit et al. 2006).Although some notable world treatments addressadventive aphids (e.g., Blackman and Eastop 1994,Blackman and Eastop 2000, Blackman and Eastop2006) as do recent regional taxonomic inventories(e.g., Teulon et al. 2003, Foottit et al. 2006, Mondoret al. 2007), thorough taxonomic analyses of otherregional faunas are needed. Where aphid faunas havebeen developed, the proportion of adventive species ishigh. For example, percentages of adventive speciesrange from 19% of the North America aphid fauna(Foottit et al. 2006) to 100% of the Hawaiian aphidfauna as adventive (Mondor et al. 2007). Adventiveaphids represent an increasing threat in most regions ofthe world; their detection will require new approachessuch as DNA barcoding (Armstrong and Ball 2005).Historically, questions concerning the taxonomicdetermination of conspecific aphid species from differentbiogeographic regions has concerned aphid taxonomists(e.g., Hunter 1901, Foottit et al. 2006). Thebiogeographic origins of some adventive aphids can becomplicated or ill defined. An example of these, amongmany (Foottit et al. 2006), is that of the woolly appleaphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausman). Also known asthe American blight, it gained notoriety as an applepest in Europe where it was considered as originatingfrom America. Although generally considered nativeto North America (e.g., Smith 1985), its reported originhas long been questioned (Harris 1841, Eastop 1973).The ability to identify the pest aphid species from thesource region as well as the region of introductionrelies on accurate taxonomic information. We needextensive sampling to encompass the range of aphidvariability from different hosts in different regions. Tomake predictions for possible future introductions andformulate necessary regulations, timely identificationsbased on sound taxonomic science is critical.

470 Gary L. Miller and Robert G. FoottitCONCLUSIONSFromexamination of the taxonomic history of the Aphidoidea,several conclusions can be drawn. Extensivestudy at all levels, including faunal studies, revisionarywork, and development of a stable classification systemfor species and genera is needed. Given the complexlife cycles of aphids and their parthenogenetic modeof reproduction, taxonomy has to be developed at theinfraspecific level.Society has increasing needs, particularly inunderstanding processes involving adventive species,managing and protecting crops, and assessing theeffects of climate change. Given these needs, it isimportant to deliver timely and accurate taxonomicinformation. This delivery can be accomplishedmost efficiently through an accessible Web-basedsystem.While aphids might be considered a well-studied pestgroup, much work remains to be done. Those aphidsthat garnered Réaumur’s (Fig 20.1) attention nearlythree centuries ago remain a group in need of study,albeit in finer detail.REFERENCESAnonymous. 2004. ARS Crop Protection and QuarantineNational Program (304). Action Plan. http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?np code=304&docid=355&up [Accessed 22 June 2006].Armstrong, K. F. and S. L. Ball. 2005. DNA barcodes forbiosecurity: Invasive species identification. PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society B.(Biological Sciences),360, 813–1823.Barnes, J. K. 1988. Asa Fitch and the emergence of Americanentomology, with an entomological bibliography and acatalog of taxonomic names and type specimens. New YorkState Museum Bulletin 461: 1–120.Blackman, R. L. 1980a. Chromosome numbers in the Aphididaeandtheirtaxonomicsignificance.SystematicEntomology5: 7–25.Blackman, R. L. 1980b. Chromosomes and parthenogenesis inaphids. Pp. 133–148. In R. L. Blackman, G. M. Hewitt, andM. Ashburner (eds). <strong>Insect</strong> Cytogenetics. Symposium of theRoyal Entomological Society of London Blackwell ScientificPublications, Oxford, Pp. 10.Blackman, R. L. 1985. Aphid cytology and genetics.Pp. 171–237. In H. Szel giewicz (ed). Evolution andBiosystematics of Aphids. Proceedings of the InternationalAphidological Symposium at Jablonna, 5–11 April 1981.Polska Akademia Nauk Instytut Zoologii. 510 pp.Blackman, R. L. 1987. Morphological discrimination ofa tobacco-feeding form from Myzus persicae (Sulzer)(Hemiptera: Aphididae), and a key to New World Myzus(Nectarosiphon) species. Bulletin of Entomological Research77: 713–730.Blackman, R. L. and P. A. Brown. 1991. Morphometric variationwithin and between populations of Rhopalosiphummaidis with a discussion of the taxonomic treatment of permanentlyparthenogenetic aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae).Entomologia Generalis 16: 97–113.Blackman, R. L. and V. F. Eastop. 1994. Aphids on the World’sTrees: An Identification and Information Guide. CAB International,Wallingford, UK. 1004 pp.Blackman, R. L. and V. F. Eastop. 2000. Aphids on the World’sCrops: An Identification and InformationGuide.SecondEdition.John Wiley & Sons, England. 466 pp.Blackman, R. L. and V. F. Eastop. 2006. Aphids on the world’sherbaceous plants and shrubs. 2 Vols. John Wiley & SonsLtd., England. 1439 pp.Buckton, G. B. 1876. Monograph of the British Aphides. RaySociety, London 1: 1–193.Capinera, J. L. 2002. North American vegetable pests: thepattern of invasion. American Entomologist 48: 20–39.Chan, C. K., A. R. Forbes, and D. A. Raworth. 1991.Aphid-transmitted viruses and their vectors of the world.Agriculture Canada Technical Bulletin 1991-3E: 1–216.Coeur d’acier, A., G. Cocuzza, E. Jousselin, V. Cavalieri, andS. Barbagallo. 2008. Molecular phylogeny and systematicsinthegenusBrachycaudus(Homoptera:Aphididae):insightsfrom a combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrialgenes. Zoologica Scripta 37: 175–193.Deerr, N. 1949. The History of Sugar. Volume 1. Chapman andHall, London. 258 pp.Eastop, V. F. 1973. Aphids and psyllids. Pp. 112–132. InViruses and Invertebrates. North-Holland Research Monographs.Frontiers of Biology. North Holland Publishing,Amsterdam-London. 31.Eastop, V. F. 1977. Worldwide importance of aphids as virusvectors. Pp. 4–62. In K. F. Harris and K. Maramorosh(eds). Aphids as Virus Vectors. Academic Press, New York.559 pp.Eastop, V. F. 1978. Diversity of the Sternorryncha withinmajor climatic zones. Pp. 71–88. In L. A. Mound andN. Waloff (eds). Diversity of <strong>Insect</strong> Faunas. Symposia of theRoyal Entomological Society of London Blackwell ScientificPublications, Oxford, Pp. 9.Eastop, V. F. 1979. Sternorrhyncha as angiosperm taxonomists.Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 22(4): 120–134.Eastop, V. F. and R. L. Blackman. 2005. Some new synonymsin Aphididae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha). Zootaxa 1089:1–36.Eastop, V. F. and D. Hille Ris Lambers. 1976. Survey of theWorld’s Aphids. Dr. W. Junk, Publishers, The Hague. 573 pp.Fagan,M.M.1918.Theusesofinsectgalls.AmericanNaturalist52: 155–176.

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Chapter 21Adventive(Non-Native)<strong>Insect</strong>s:Importance toScience andSocietyAlfred G. Wheeler, Jr. 1 and E. Richard Hoebeke 21 Department of Entomology, Soils & Plant Sciences, Clemson University,Box 340315, 114 Long Hall, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0315 USA2 Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca,New York 14853-2601 USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9475

Much of invasion biology’s conceptualframework rests on Darwinian thought(Williamson 1996, Ludsin and Wolfe 2001).An awareness of immigrant species in North Americapredates Darwin’s work (Inderjit et al. 2005). BeforeDarwin (1859) published his treatise on the originof species, entomologists had warned about theestablishment of European plant pests in the NewWorld, a concern motivated by a desire to protectagriculture from foreign pests rather than to conservenative biodiversity. George Marsh, however, wasaware not only of the presence of immigrant insects inthe USA but also other human-induced changes to theenvironment. His book Man and Nature (Marsh 1864)‘revolutionized environmental thought’ (Lowenthal1990) and presaged the disciplines of conservationbiology and invasion ecology.Two classic works inspired interest in adventivespecies: Elton’s (1958) The Ecology of Invasions byAnimals and Plants, which initiated the science ofinvasion biology (Parker 2001), and The Genetics ofColonizing Species (Baker and Stebbins 1965). Thebooks differ in their emphasis. Elton’s book dealsmainly with faunal history, population ecology, andconservation. The book Baker and Stebbins editedstresses evolutionary rather than ecological issues anddoes not address the effects of adventive species onenvironmental conservation (Davis 2006).Bates (1956) examined the role of humans as agentsin dispersing organisms ranging from microbes tovertebrates. He observed that anthropogenic influences,such as modification of environmental factorsand movement of organisms, offer opportunities forexperimental studies that could contribute to issuesin theoretical ecology and clarify evolutionary mechanisms.Invasion biology assumed prominence duringthe 1980s (Kolar and Lodge 2001, Davis 2006), receivingimpetus from the Scientific Committee on Problemsof the Environment of the International Council ofScientific Unions and its early symposia on biologicalinvasions (Macdonald et al. 1986, Mooney and Drake1986, Drake et al. 1989). Invasion biology now plays acentral role in biotic conservation, and invasive speciesare used as tools for biogeographic, ecological, and evolutionaryresearch (Vitousek et al. 1987, Williamson1999, Sax et al. 2005, Davis 2006).An increased mobility of humans and theircommodities, coupled with human-induced habitatdisturbances, enables plants and animals to breachonce insurmountable geographic barriers and becomeestablished in distant lands and waters (Soulé 1990,Mack et al. 2000, Mooney and Cleland 2001). Humancolonization has increased the geographic scope, frequency,and taxonomic diversity of biotic dispersal (U.S.Congress1993,Vitouseket al.1997,Macket al.2000).A global estimate of the number of adventive species,includingmicrobes,approachesahalfmillion(Pimentelet al. 2001). The spread of adventive organisms ranksonly behind habitat destruction as the greatest threatto biodiversity (Wilson 1992, Wilcove et al. 1998).Invasion biology, featured in both scientific andpopular writings (Simberloff 2004), is fraught withmisconceptions and characterized by polemical writing,emotionalism, and controversy. Debate continuesover such issues as the patterns and processes affectingthe movement and success of invaders, invasibilityof mainland areas compared to islands, ecologicalconsequences of invaders, and relative importanceof direct compared to indirect effects on ecosystems.Should biological invasions be viewed generally aspart of ecological change, and as enriching, ratherthan impoverishing biodiversity? Whether all invasionsshould be considered bad and whether a globaldecline in biodiversity necessarily is bad (Lodge 1993b)depend, in part, on perspective: scientific, or moral andsocial (Brown and Sax 2004; cf. Cassey et al. 2005).The extent to which the effects of invaders are temperedover time and current ecological changes resolvedthrough evolution and succession in the newecosystems also is uncertain (Daehler and Gordon1997, Morrison 2002, Strayer et al. 2006).We cannot treat all facets of a field as diverse andcomplex as invasion biology or all cultural, ethical,historical, management, philosophical, political,psychological, and socioeconomic aspects of theinvasive-species problem. We treat adventive insectsthat are immigrant (not deliberately introduced) orintroduced (deliberately so). Our coverage emphasizesNorth America. Examples deal mainly with humanassistedmovement of insects between countries, eventhough intracountry changes in range are commonamong immigrant taxa (e.g., the glassywingedsharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis) and westerncorn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) within the USA).Such range extensions can be as detrimental as thosebetween countries (Simberloff 2000, McKinney 2005).We exclude immigrants that arrive on their own byactive flight or passive conveyance on convectiveair currents (Southwood 1960), on strong windsassociated with El Niño events (Roque-Albelo and

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 477Causton 1999), or are able to spread as theresult of global climate change (Burckhardt andMühlethaler 2003, Musolin and Fujisaki 2006,Musolin 2007).TERMINOLOGYInvasion ecology’s status and public appeal is due partlyto its emotive and militaristic language, including thewords alien, exotic,andinvader (Colautti and MacIsaac2004, Larson 2005, Coates 2006). An emphasis on‘headline invaders’ (Davis et al. 2001) also has contributedto the discipline’s prominence. Elton (1958)did not define the terms invader and invasion, whichpermeate the literature on invasive species (Richardsonet al. 2000, Rejmánek et al. 2002). Terms relatingto the concept of ‘not native’ are used interchangeably,even though they are not strictly synonymous(Simberloff 1997, Mack et al. 2000, Sax et al.2005); nonnative species are designated as adventive,alien, exotic, immigrant, or introduced, sometimesin the same paper (e.g., Sailer 1978, Devine 1998,Clout 1999). Newcomer, a more neutral term thaninvader, has gained some recent favor (Coates 2006,Acorn 2007). The term neozoa is used mainly inthe European literature to refer to nonnative animalsintentionally or unintentionally introduced since 1492(Occhipinti-Ambrogi and Galil 2004, Rabitsch andEssl 2006).Entomologists have not been as involved as botanistsand plant ecologists in trying to clarify terminology.Zimmerman (1948) categorized insects not native toHawaii as either ‘immigrant’, unintentionally broughtin by humans, or ‘introduced’, for instance, for biologicalcontrol. Frank and McCoy (1990) similarly reservedintroduced for species deliberately introduced, and usedimmigrant for hitchhikers and stowaways, as well asspecies that disperse under their own power. Atkinsonand Peck (1994), however, regarded bark beetlesthat have colonized southern Florida by natural dispersal– immigrant according to Frank and McCoy’s(1990) terminology – as native. It can be impossible todetermine if the arrival of even clearly adventive speciesinvolved deliberate human intervention (Simberloff1997). Certain predators and parasitoids introducedfor biocontrol were already established, but undetected,as immigrants at the time of their release (Frick 1964,Turnbull 1979, 1980).We distinguish adventive taxa as either immigrantor introduced (Frank and McCoy 1990, 1995b; Frank2002), and follow Cowie and Robinson (2003) byusing vector to refer to the vehicle or mechanism thattransports a species and pathway for the activity orpurpose by which a species is introduced (cf. Carltonand Ruiz 2005). Table 21.1 gives definitions of theseand other key terms used herein.DISTRIBUTIONAL STATUS: NATIVEOR ADVENTIVE?Immigrant insects typically are associated with disturbedhabitats but can be found in relatively pristinecommunities and in isolated areas (Wheeler 1999,Klimaszewski et al. 2002, Gaston et al. 2003). Whethera species should be considered native or adventivecan be problematic (Claassen 1933, Buckland 1988,Whitehead and Wheeler 1990, Woods and Moriarty2001). An apparent immigrant of restricted geographicrange in its area of invasion poses a conservationdilemma if eradication of the potentially ecologicallydisruptive species is considered; an effort to resolve distributionalstatus should be made before any attemptis made to eliminate what actually might be a rareprecinctive (‘endemic’) species (Deyrup 2007).Distributional status is particularly difficult toevaluate in the case of vertebrate ectoparasites, pests ofstored products, certain ants, cockroaches, and othercosmopolitan insect groups (Buckland et al. 1995,McGlynn 1999, Kenis 2005). By the late eighteenthcentury, the honeybee (Apis mellifera) had become socommon in the USA that it appeared to be native tothe New World (Sheppard 1989). The distributionalstatus – native or immigrant – of major NorthAmerican pests (Webster 1892), such as the Hessianfly (Mayetiola destructor) (Riley 1888, Pauly 2002), aswell a species officially listed as endangered in the UK(Samways 1994), remains in doubt. Certain insectsonce thought to be Holarctic likely are immigrantin North America (Turnbull 1979, 1980; Wheelerand Henry 1992). Certain immigrant insects havebeen thought initially to represent new species(e.g., Thomas et al. 2003) or have been described asnew. Thus, a species is not necessarily native to thecontinent or island from which it was described (Coxand Williams 1981, Green 1984, Gagné 1995). Thestatus of certain insects described from North Americacan be immigrant, the species being conspecific with

478 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard HoebekeTable 21.1 Somekeytermsasusedinthischapter.Term Definition CommentsAdventive Not native (adj.) More neutral term than alien or exotic, encompassingboth immigrant and introduced species (Frank andMcCoy 1990); in botanical literature, can refer tononnative species only temporarily established(Novak and Mack 2001)ImmigrantIntroducedInvasivePathwayPrecinctiveVectorNonnative species not deliberately orintentionally introduced (n.); pertaining tospecies not deliberately introduced (adj.)Pertaining to nonnative species deliberately orintentionally introduced (adj.)Pertaining to species that causesocioeconomic or environmental damageor impair human health (adj.)Purpose or activity for which adventive speciesare introduced, either intentionally orunintentionally (n.)Pertaining to a native species known from noother area (adj.)Mechanism or vehicle (physical agent) bywhich adventive species are transported (n.)Accidentally or unintentionally introduced (Sailer1978, McNeely et al. 2001); includes speciesarriving on their own (Frank and McCoy 1990; cf.Atkinson and Peck 1994): ‘true immigrants’ (sensuSimberloff 2003)Sometimes used broadly to refer to all nonnativespecies (e.g., Simberloff 2003)Variously defined term and subjective, value-basedmeasurement (Hattingh 2001, Ricciardi and Cohen2007); sometimes applied to any nonnative speciesFollows Cowie and Robinson (2003); for alternativeuses, see Richardson et al. (2003), Carlton and Ruiz(2005)More restrictive term than indigenous; often misusedfor endemic (Frank and McCoy 1990)Follows Cowie and Robinson (2003), Ruiz and Carlton(2003); ‘pathway’ often is used to refer to bothpathways and vectors (Carlton and Ruiz 2005)previously described Old World species (Wood 1975,Wheeler and Henry 1992, Booth and Gullan 2006).Certain Eurasian species in North America shouldbe regarded as native to the Pacific Northwest butimmigrant in the Northeast (Lindroth 1957, Turnbull1980, Sailer 1983). An anthocorid bug (Anthocorisnemoralis), apparently immigrant in the Northeast,was introduced for biological control in western NorthAmerica (Horton et al. 2004).Lindroth (1957) discussed historical, geographic,ecological, biological, and taxonomic criteria useful inevaluating distributional status. His criteria are particularlyappropriate for the North Atlantic region(Sadler and Skidmore 1995), including Newfoundland,Canada, which has received numerous westernPalearctic insects, often via ships’ ballast (Lindroth1957, Wheeler and Hoebeke 2001, Wheeler et al.2006). Certain species likely are immigrant in NorthAmerica even though they do not meet any of Lindroth’s(1957) criteria of immigrant status (Turnbull1979). The ten criteria used to assess the distributionalstatus of a marine crustacean (Chapman and Carlton1991) are also appropriate for terrestrial insects.The accuracy of criteria used to resolve distributionalstatus depends on how well the bionomics of the insectsin question are known (Turnbull 1980). To addresslong-standing questions about the origin of certainimmigrant pests (Howard 1894), molecular evidencecan be used to identify the geographic sources of adventiveinsects and, in some cases, to detect overlappingor sequential invasions (e.g., Tsutsui et al. 2001, Milleret al. 2005, Austin et al. 2006).Biogeographers and ecologists often consider aspecies native if information is insufficient to resolve itsdistributional status but do so with unwarranted confidence(Carlton 1996). Whitehead and Wheeler (1990)suggested the opposite approach: when in doubt,consider the species adventive (‘nonindigenous’). Theterm cryptogenic refers to species that demonstrably areneither native nor adventive (Carlton 1996).EARLY HISTORY OF ADVENTIVEINSECTS IN NORTH AMERICAOther organisms accompanied Homo sapiens duringeach major invasion: from Africa, where humansapparently evolved, to Eurasia; thence to Australia,

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 479the Americas, and, eventually, to the far reaches ofthe Pacific (McNeely 2001b, 2005). Lice might havebeen the first insects to have been transported (Laird1984). As early as the ninth century, the Norsecolonists were responsible for the establishment ofEuropean insects in Greenland (Sadler 1991). <strong>Insect</strong>slikely arrived in the New World with landfall by Columbus,who ‘mixed, mingled, jumbled, and homogenizedthe biota of our planet’ (Crosby 1994). <strong>Insect</strong>s probablyarrived in North America with the Mayflower’s landingin 1620 and continued to enter with every ship thatbrought additional people and supplies from Europe(Sailer 1978, 1983). Earlier, the house fly (Muscadomestica) might have been brought to tropical latitudesof the Western Hemisphere via canoe or raft bypre-Columbian inhabitants of Central or South America(Legner and McCoy 1966). Outside North America,the Polynesians who colonized Hawaii in prehistorictimes might have brought with them a few insects,such as vertebrate ectoparasites, the house fly, and acockroach (Balta similis) (Gagné and Christensen 1985,Beardsley 1991).Early-arriving insects in the USA and elsewheremostly were those that could survive a several-monthsea voyage under adverse physical conditions: associatesof stored products, ectoparasites and blood suckersof humans and their livestock, inhabitants of theirexcrement, and soil dwellers in dry ballast broughtaboard sailing ships (Lindroth 1957, Sailer 1978,Turnbull 1979, Buckland et al. 1995). For many otherinsect groups, long sea voyages functioned as inadvertentquarantines years before formal quarantines wereadopted (Gibbs 1986).Among early immigrants in the Northeast were thebed bug (Cimex lectularius), head (and body) louse(Pediculus humanus), and oriental cockroach (Blattaorientalis) (Sasscer 1940, Sailer 1978, 1983). Pestiferousnessofthestablefly(Stomoxyscalcitrans)perhapsledto hasty adoption of the Declaration of Independence(Kingsolver et al. 1987). Crop pests generally werenot among the early arrivals (Sailer 1978), althougharchaeological evidence has shown that certain pestswere present much earlier than once thought (Bain andLeSage 1998). On the West Coast, where eighteenthcenturyagriculture was limited to Spanish missionsin southern California, various weevils entered withfood and seed cereals. Livestock ships brought severalspecies of muscoid flies to California; fur, hide, tallow,and whaling ships allowed additional stored-productinsects to enter (Dethier 1976).Thirteen immigrant insects apparently becameestablished in the USA by 1800 (McGregor et al.1973), with the total of adventive species about 30(Sailer 1983); Simberloff’s (1986) total of 36 appearsto include the mite species noted by Sailer. Numerousother immigrant insects, common in England but notdetected in North America until after 1800, probablywere present by the eighteenth century (Sasscer 1940,Sailer 1983). Even with establishment of Europeanplant pests such as the codling moth (Cydia pomonella),Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor), oystershell scale(Lepidosaphes ulmi), and pear sawfly (Caliroa cerasi),neither native nor immigrant insects were particularlyproblematic in the Northeast before 1800 (Dethier1976, Sailer 1978, 1983). Pest outbreaks did occur,and cessation of burning by the Native Americansfavored additional problems from insects (Cronon1983). Yet, crops in the American colonies mostlywere free from the insects that plague modernagriculture (Popham and Hall 1958). The minimaldamage from insects was due partly to a lack ofextensive and intensive crop production and scarcityof immigrant pests; damage might have been greaterbecause some crop losses went unrecognized (Davis1952). Drought, however, was the main enemy ofcolonial farmers (Dethier 1976). Before the nineteenthcentury, soil exhaustion and limiting socioeconomicconditions also remained more important than insectsas deterrents to agriculture (Barnes 1988).The subsistence-level agriculture of early Europeansettlers, and their cultivation of crops such as cornand squash, did little to disrupt evolutionary relationshipsbetween plants and insects (Dethier 1976, Barnes1988). Increasingly, however, insects emerged as consistentagricultural pests. It is not true, as a politicianin a Western state contended, that the USA lackeddestructive insects until the country had entomologists(Webster 1892).Increasing trade with Europe, more rapid meansof transportation, planting of additional Europeancrops, and expanding crop acreages favored thearrival and establishment of new insects from Europe.As humans altered ancient relationships betweenplants and insects, they unwittingly ushered in anera of immigrant pests (Dethier 1976). In roughly200 years, a ‘new ecology’ had been created, settingthe stage for damage by native insects and the entryof additional European species (Barnes 1988). Theslow accumulation of immigrant insects, lastinguntil about 1860 (Sailer 1978), gave way to a

480 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebeke‘continuous, persistent procession’ of immigrants(Herrick 1929).NUMBERS, TAXONOMICCOMPOSITION, AND GEOGRAPHICORIGINS OF ADVENTIVE INSECTSNo continent or island is immune to invasion by immigrantorganisms. Changes in transport technology andtypes of commodities transported have affected the predominanceof certain groups of insects at different timeperiods in every world region. Our discussion of theimmigrant insect fauna will emphasize the 48 contiguousU.S. states, a principal focus of Sailer’s (1978,1983) seminal work. The specific composition of theU.S. adventive insect fauna is influenced not only bychangesinpathways,vectors,andtraderoutes,butalsoby the kinds of natural enemies imported for biocontrol,availability of taxonomists who can identify insectsin particular families, taxonomic bias in the kinds ofinsects collected in detection surveys, and changes inquarantine-inspection procedures.Faunal lists are important but labor intensive andtime consuming; thus, few, up-to-date, comprehensiveinventories or databases of immigrant insects existfor most world regions. Lists of adventive taxa, however,allow an analysis of the numbers of establishedspecies, systematic composition of the most successfulgroups, and geographic origins, as well as comparisonsamong biogeographic regions. Fromdata on immigrantinsect faunas, we focus on selected countries on differentcontinents, oceanic islands or atolls, and severalagriculturally important U.S. states (Table 21.2). Theimmigrant insect fauna of the USA is one of the beststudied and most thoroughly documented (McGregoret al. 1973, Sailer 1978, 1983). Of more than 3500species of adventive arthropods that reside in the continentalUSA (Frank and McCoy 1992), more than 2000insect species are established, representing about 2–3%of the insect fauna (U.S. Congress 1993).Sailer’s (1978, 1983) analysis revealed severalmajor trends among adventive insects in the U.S. fauna.The ubiquitous use of dry ballast during the era of earlysailing ships (seventeenth to early nineteenth century)was responsible for an early dominance of Coleoptera.At British ports, beetles and ground-dwelling bugswere common in dry ballast (Lindroth 1957). After theCivil War, Homoptera and Heteroptera arrived withnursery stock and other plant material from westernEurope. Sailer (1978) determined that homopteranscontributed the largest number of adventive species,but in his later analysis, hymenopterans, with approximately390 species (23%), predominated (Sailer 1983).The introduction of numerous parasitic wasps to helpcontrol adventive pest arthropods and weeds wasthought responsible for the disproportionate increasein hymenopterans. Next in abundance of specieswere the Coleoptera (372), Homoptera (345), Lepidoptera(134), and Diptera (95). Immigrant arthropodsin the USA originate mainly from the westernPalearctic (66.2%), followed by the Neotropical(14.3%), and eastern Palearctic and Oriental Regions(13.8%) (Sailer 1983).Florida has the highest percentage of adventiveinsects in the conterminous USA (only Hawaii hasa higher percentage); about 1000 such species areestablished, representing about 8% of Florida’s insectfauna (Frank and McCoy 1995a). Whereas many of thespecies entered with commerce (e.g., as stowaways inplant material), others arrived by aerial dispersal fromCaribbean islands (Cox 1999). Although Floridianimmigrants originate from many world regions, theyarrive mainly from the Neotropics and Asia.Beetles were best represented (∼26%) among the271 species of immigrant insects newly recorded fromFlorida from 1970 to 1989. Coleoptera were followedby Lepidoptera (∼19%), Hymenoptera (∼15%), andHomoptera (∼13%) (Frank and McCoy 1992). A similarstudy in Florida for 1986 to 2000 listed 150 adventiveinsects (Thomas 2006). Unlike Frank and McCoy’s(1992) study, Homoptera contributed the largest numberof species (∼35%), followed by Coleoptera (∼26%).The proportion of Coleoptera was similar, but that ofHomoptera increased substantially (∼13% to ∼35%),while that of Lepidoptera declined (∼19% to ∼3%).From 1970 to 1989 the majority of immigrant speciesin Florida arrived from the Neotropics (∼65%) (Frankand McCoy 1992). In contrast, from 1986 to 2000,the number of Asian immigrants increased substantially(∼50%) (Thomas 2006). Between 1994 and2000, the number of quarantine pest interceptionsat Florida ports of entry increased by 162% (Klassenet al. 2002).Immigrant insects have a long history of crop damagein California, another important agricultural state.Between 1955 and 1988, infestations of 208 immigrantinvertebrates were discovered. Homoptera, followedby Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, made up thegreatest number of insects; the majority originated

Table 21.2 The adventive insect fauna of selected geographic areas.Number of Number of Percentage Estimated Orders withGeographic Described Immigrant of Total Rate of Annual Most ImmigrantsArea Species Species Composition Detection (% of Total) ReferenceConterminousUSA∼90,000 >2,000 2–3% 11.0 spp./yr. (1910–1980)6.2 spp./yr. (1970–1982)Homoptera (20.5%)Coleoptera (20.3%)Lepidoptera (7.4%)California ∼28,000 208 7.4% 6.1 spp./yr. (1955–1988) Homoptera (33.7%)Coleoptera (12.0%)Lepidoptera (11.5%)Florida 12,500 945 7.6–10% 12.9 spp./yr. (1971–1991)7.7 spp./yr. (1970s)12.0 spp./yr. (1980s)Hawaii 7,998 2,598 ∼32% 12.4 spp./yr. (1912–1935)14.5 spp./yr. (1937–1961)18.1 spp./yr. (1962–1976)Coleoptera (33%)Lepidoptera (24.9%)Homoptera (16.3%)Thysanoptera (78.9%)Diptera (44.3%)Homoptera (43.4%)Hoebeke and Wheeler 1983,Sailer 1983, U.S. Congress1993, Arnett 2000, Papp2001Powell and Hogue 1979,Dowell and Gill 1989Frank and McCoy 1992, Frankand McCoy 1995b, Franket al. 1997Beardsley 1962, 1979, 1991;Simberloff 1986; Howarth1990; Nishida 1994;Eldredge and Miller 1995,1997, 1998; Miller andEldredge 1996Austria ∼13,740 212 ∼1.5% NA 1 Coleoptera (1.1%) Rabitsch and Essl 2006Lepidoptera (0.6%)Great Britain 21,833 325 1.5% 4.5 spp./yr. (1970–2004) Homoptera (11.5%) Coleoptera (2.6%)Williamson and Brown 1986,Smith et al. 2005Italy NA 162 NA 4.0 spp./yr. (1975–1995) Homoptera (64%)Coleoptera (12%)Lepidoptera (7%)Japan 29,292 284 9.7% 4.0 spp./yr. (1945–1995) Coleoptera (32.0%)GalápagosIslandsNew Zealand(Coleopteraonly)Homoptera (27.8%)Lepidoptera (12.3%)∼2,013 463 23% 20.7 spp./yr. (1996–2004) Hemiptera (25.5%)Coleoptera (24.0%)Diptera (14.3%)5,579 356 6.4% 1.4 spp./yr. (1950–1987)1.7 spp./yr. (1988–1997)Pellizzari and Dalla Montà1997, Pellizzari et al. 2005Kiritani 1998, 2001; Morimotoand Kiritani 1995Peck et al. 1998, Caustonet al. 2006NA Klimaszewski and Watt 1997Tristan da CunhaIslands152 84 2 55.3% NA Hemiptera (86.7%)Coleoptera (46.5%)Lepidoptera (45.5%)Holdgate 1960, 19651 Not available.2 Includes immigrant (‘alien’) species and those of doubtful status.481

482 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekefrom other regions of North America, followed by thePacific Region and Europe. Since 1980, the immigrationrate from Asia, Australia, Europe, and the PacificRegion increased, especially in Diptera, Hymenoptera,and Homoptera (Dowell and Gill 1989). R.V. Dowell(California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento;cited by Metcalf 1995) compiled a partial list ofadventive insects (460 species) established in Californiabetween 1600 and 1994.Hawaii is the most invaded region of the USA becauseof its particular geography, climate, andhistory. Approximately 350–400 insects (‘originalimmigrants’) colonized the islands before humansettlement, probably arriving by ocean or air currents(U.S. Congress 1993). Commerce with the outsideworld followed the European discovery of the HawaiianIslands, which allowed additional immigrant insectsto enter. Nearly 4600 adventive species have becomeestablished, more than half (>2500) of which arearthropods (Nishida 1994, Miller and Eldredge 1996,Eldredge and Miller 1998). More than 98% of pestarthropods are immigrant (Beardsley 1993), and28% of all Hawaiian insects are adventive (Simberloff1986), including the entire aphid and ant faunas(Holway et al. 2002, Krushelnycky et al. 2005,Mondor et al. 2007). The rate of establishment ofadventive species remains high: an average of 18new insect species annually from 1937 to 1987(Beardsley 1979). Since 1965, about 500 immigrantarthropods have become established in the HawaiianIslands, an annual rate of about 20 species (Beardsley1979, 1991). With many immigrant pests havingbecome established in Hawaii over the past century,classical biocontrol has been much used (Funasakiet al. 1988).Canada also is home to numerous adventiveinsects, with the immigrants of British Columbia,Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia best known. Turnbull(1980) listed 155 immigrant insects in Canada,including human ectoparasites and species associatedwith dwellings, stored products, cultivated crops andforest trees, and domesticated animals. The Canadianfauna also includes more than 300 species introducedfor biological control (Turnbull 1980). The Coleopteraand Hemiptera are reasonably well known in Canada,with recent checklists available for both groups. Of thenearly 7500 coleopteran species recorded in Canada(including Alaska), 469 are considered immigrant(‘introduced’) in North America (6.2% of the total)(Bousquet 1991). More than 300 species of adventiveHemiptera have been documented in Canada (andAlaska), representing approximately 7.7% of thenearly 3900 species (Maw et al. 2000); 81 adventiveheteropterans, mainly from the western Palearctic, areknown from Canada (Scudder and Foottit 2006).Gillespie’s (2001) review of adventive insects detectedin British Columbia from the late 1950s to 2000included information on immigrant lepidopteranssuch as the codling moth (Cydia pomonella), gypsymoth (Lymantria dispar), oriental fruit moth (Grapholitamolesta), and winter moth (Operophtera brumata).Among the 48 immigrant lepidopterans are 19 speciesof Tortricidae (Gillespie and Gillespie 1982). Theadventive fauna of British Columbia also includes 42leafhopper (cicadellid) species (9%) (Maw et al. 2000),32 plant bug (mirid) species (9%) (Scudder and Foottit2006), and 10 orthopteroid species (8%) (Scudder andKevan 1984).The immigrant fauna of Newfoundland and NovaScotia has received considerable attention (e.g., Brown1940, 1950, 1967, Lindroth 1957, Morris 1983).Recent collecting has yielded numerous additionalimmigrants (e.g., Hoebeke and Wheeler 1996, Majkaand Klimaszewski 2004, Wheeler and Hoebeke 2005,Wheeler et al. 2006).Of 325 adventive invertebrate plant pests thatbecame established in Great Britain from 1787 to2004, nearly half the species (48.6%) have beenrecorded since 1970 (Smith et al. 2005). Homopterans(37.1%) and lepidopterans (31.3%) dominate. Of theadventive plant pests, 19% originated from Europe;since 1970, 35.6% of the species originated fromcontinental Europe, 20.3% from North America, and13.6% from Asia.At least 500 adventive animal species (∼1% of entirefauna) have become established in Austria since 1492(Essl and Rabitsch 2002, Rabitsch and Essl 2006). Themajority (60%) are insects, with Coleoptera and Lepidopterabest represented. About 30% of the Coleopteraare Palearctic (mostly Mediterranean), 23% Oriental,18% Neotropical, and 7% Nearctic. Nearly 33% of theLepidoptera originated from the Palearctic, 22% fromthe Nearctic, 19% from the Oriental, and 10% fromthe Neotropical Region. The Asian longhorned beetle(Anoplophora glabripennis; from China) and westerncorn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera; from NorthAmerica) are notable coleopterans detected since2000.<strong>Insect</strong>sarethemostnumerousofalladventiveorganismsin Switzerland; at least 306 species have become

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 483established via human activities (Kenis 2005). Much ofthis fauna is Mediterranean, although large numbers oftropical or subtropical insects are found in greenhouses(thrips and whiteflies) or are associated with storedproducts (beetles and moths). Adventive Coleopteracomprise more than 120 species (∼40% of the totaladventive insect fauna), including the North AmericanColorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)and western corn rootworm. Fewer than 20 speciesof adventive Diptera are established in Switzerland(Kenis 2005).Of insects documented for the Japanese islands,239 species (0.8%) were considered adventive byMorimoto and Kiritani (1995), but Kiritani (1998)noted that 260 adventives (‘exotic species’) had been‘introduced’ since 1868. Kiritani and Yamamura(2003) increased the number of adventive insectspecies known from Japan to 415. Coleoptera(31.2%), Homoptera (25.8%), Hymenoptera (11.2%),and Lepidoptera (12.3%) have the largest numberof adventive species. Approximately 76% of theimmigrant insects are considered pests, whereasonly 8% of native Japanese insects are pestiferous(Morimoto and Kiritani 1995). Although thesouthern islands represent only 1.2% of Japan’sland area, about 40% of all immigrant speciesfirst became established in these islands (Kiritani1998).More than 2000 invertebrate species (mostly insects)in New Zealand are adventive (Brockerhoff and Bain2000). The ant fauna consists of 28 immigrant and 11native species (Ward et al. 2006). Several importantpests of exotic trees have become widely established(Scott 1984, Charles 1998); additional, potentiallyimportant, species are routinely intercepted at portsof entry (Bain 1977, Keall 1981, Ridley et al. 2000).More than 350 adventive beetle species are knownfrom New Zealand (Klimaszewski and Watt 1997).A recent survey for adventive beetles that attack treesor shrubs in New Zealand yielded 51 immigrants in 12families, most of which were of Australian (58%) andEuropean (25%) origin (Brockerhoff and Bain 2000).Hoare (2001) reported 27 lepidopteran species newto New Zealand since 1988; the majority (67%) representedmigrants from Australia, whereas certain othersarrived via commerce with Asia or Europe.TheextentoftheAustralianinsectfaunaandnumberof adventive species is unknown (New 1994). Althoughthe Australian Academy of Science estimated thatmore than 2000 adventive species are established, theactual number might be much greater (Low 2002).More than half the insect orders include an adventivecomponent (New 1994). In the Aphididae, about 80%of some 150 species are immigrant (New 2005b).Adventive insects are most diverse and have hadgreatest impact in areas most strongly influenced byEuropean settlement (‘cultural steppe’) (Matthews andKitching 1984, New 1994).Analyses and lists of the adventive insects in othercountries, islands, and regions include those forCentral Europe (Kowarik 2003), France (Martinezand Malausa 1999), Germany (Geiter et al. 2002),Israel (Bytinski-Salz 1966, Roll et al. 2007), Italy(Pellizzari and Dalla Montà 1997, Pellizzari et al.2005), Kenya (Kedera and Kuria 2003), theNetherlands (van Lenteren et al. 1987), Serbia andMontenegro (Glavendekić et al. 2005), southernoceanic islands (Chown et al. 1998), Spain (PerezMoreno 1999), Tristan da Cunha (Holdgate 1960),and Venezuela (MARN 2001). The U.S. Departmentof Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library createdthe National Invasive Species Information Centerin 2005; its Web site (http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/about.shtml) provides access to sites thatcontain data on immigrant insects of additionalcountries and regions.EFFECTS OF ADVENTIVE INSECTSEarly concerns about the consequences of immigrantinsects in the USA involved agriculture and losses tocrop production. Direct effects from ectoparasitic andblood-sucking insects would have been apparent to thecolonists, but they likely gave no thought to whetherthe offending species were native. Arthropod-bornediseases were endemic in the colonies from New Englandto Georgia (Duffy 1953, McNeill 1976, Adlerand Wills 2003), and an outbreak of yellow fever inPhiladelphia in 1793 was attributed to trade with theWest Indies (Inderjit et al. 2005). However, the demonstrationthat mosquitoes and certain other arthropodstransmit the causal organisms of major humandiseases was not forthcoming until the late nineteenthor early twentieth century (Mullen and Durden2002).Every organism that colonizes a new area canaffect native communities and ecosystems (Smith1933, Lodge 1993a). Most immigrant insects, otherthan several widespread species of mosquitoes, are

484 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebeketerrestrial. Additional immigrant aquatic groupsinclude chironomid midges (Hribar et al. 2008),corixid bugs (Polhemus and Rutter 1997, Polhemusand Golia 2006, Rabitsch 2008), and perhaps a blackfly in the Galápagos (Roque-Abelo and Causton 1999).Not all adventive species produce quick and dramaticeffects on native ecosystems (Richardson 2005).Many immigrant insects produce minimal or no observableeffects (Williamson 1996, Majka et al. 2006)and may never become problematic; they seeminglybecome integrated into novel communities as benignor innocuous members of the fauna (Turnbull 1967,Sailer 1978). Although certain immigrants undergorapid spread, for example, the leucaena psyllid (Heteropsyllacubana) (Beardsley 1991) and erythrina gallwasp (Quadrastichus erythrinae) (Li et al. 2006), othersremain localized. An oak leaf-mining moth (Phyllonoryctermessaniella) has spread little in Australia sincebeing detected in 1976 and remained innocuous withonlyoccasionaloutbreaks(New1994).Twoimmigrantwebspinners (Embiidina) in Australia (New 1994),immigrant beetles in Switzerland in decaying plantmaterial and litter (Kenis 2005), scavenging microlepidopteransin the western USA (Powell 1964), andmostimmigrantpsocopteransinNorthAmerica(Mockford1993) likely will remain innocuous and obscure.Some immigrants of cryptic habits remain rarely collectedyears after their detection, for example, twoPalearctic heteropterans in North America: a lace bug(Kalama tricornis) (Parshley 1916, Bailey 1951) andleptopodid (Patapius spinosus) (Usinger 1941, Lattin2002). Three immigrant heteropterans (rhyparochromidlygaeoids) that feed on fallen seeds likely wouldhave been predicted to be little-known additions tothe fauna of western North America. Instead, theseimmigrant bugs attracted media attention when theyinvaded homes, libraries, schools, and businesses, creatinganxiety, affecting local economies, and necessitatingcontrol measures (Henry and Adamski 1998,Henry 2004). An immigrant thrips (Cartomothripssp.) in California (Arnaud 1983) would have beenexpected to remain an obscure faunal addition, butit has been said (without evidence, except that itprobably feeds on fungi in decaying vegetation) tohave potential for affecting ecosystem processes suchas decomposition and nutrient cycling (Mooney et al.1986). Labeling most adventive insects as ‘innocuous’,however, should be done with caution becausetheir potential for adverse effects might never have beeninvestigated (NationalResearchCouncil2002).Studiesof immigrant herbivores typically involve their effectson economically important plants rather than possibleinjury to native species (e.g., Messing et al. 2007).In addition, extended lag times between establishmentand explosive population growth are relatively common(Carey 1996, Crooks and Soulé 1999, Loope andHowarth 2003), and competitive exclusion on continentalland masses might not take place for long periods(New 1993).The environmental effects of invasive species sometimesarethoughttohavereceivedsubstantialattentiononly in the twentieth century, mainly after Elton’s(1958) book appeared. Yet, Marsh’s (1864) book,stressing global anthropogenic disturbances, often isoverlooked by current conservationists and invasionbiologists. In discussing civilization’s effects on theinsect fauna of Ohio, Webster (1897) noted vegetationalchanges such as the reduction of forested areas,apparent disappearance of some native insects, andestablishment of European insects. He did not, however,suggest that adventive insects cause environmentalchanges. We now know that diverse systems are asvulnerable to invasion as those of low diversity, perhapsmore so (Levine 2000, D’Antonio et al. 2001;cf. Altieri and Nicholls 2002 with respect to agroecosystems);that in some cases, invasive species driveglobal environmental change (Didham et al. 2005; cf.MacDougall and Turkington 2005); and that bioticmixing can involve the introduction of alien alleles andgenotypes (Petit 2004).According to the ‘tens rule’ (Williamson 1996,Williamson and Fitter 1996), about 10% of theinvaders become established, and about 10% of theestablished species become pests. The rule, despite itsstatistical regularity, involves considerable variability(Williamson and Fitter 1996, White 1998); it shouldbe considered a working hypothesis (Ehler 1998)and perhaps disregarded for predictive purposes(Suarez et al. 2005). Immigrant insects can becomepestiferous at rates almost ten times higher than fornative species (Kiritani 2001). Despite impendinghomogenization of our biota, immigrants are notuniformly dispersed and, as might be predicted, showless cosmopolitanism than plant pathogens (Ezcurraet al. 1978). Even so, immigrant species essentiallyare everywhere: national parks, nature reserves, andrelatively pristine communities (Macdonald et al.1989, Cole et al. 1992, Pyšek et al. 2003), as wellas boreal areas (Simberloff 2004) and Antarctica(Block et al. 1984, Frenot et al. 2005). Fewer

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 485immigrant insects have become established in remoteareas than along major trade routes and in other areassubject to human disturbance, as is true generallyfor invasive species (Sala et al. 2000, McNeely 2005;cf. Gaston et al. 2003). Urban areas serve as fociof entry for invaders (Frankie et al. 1982, McNeely1999). Immigrants, including insects (Wheeler andHoebeke 2001, Majka and Klimaszewski 2004), oftenare concentrated around shipping and other transporthubs (U.S. Congress 1993, Floerl and Inglis 2005).The ecological effects of adventive species tend to besevere on old, isolated oceanic islands (Vitousek 1988,Coblentz 1990; cf. Simberloff 1995). The economiceffects of such species can be particularly devastatingto developing nations (Vitousek et al. 1996). Countriesthat experience the greatest effects from invasivespecies are heavily tied into systems of global trade(Dalmazzone 2000, McNeely 2006). Invasive speciesgenerally have had greater impact in the USA thanin continental Europe, where traditionally they havebeen regarded as a less serious threat (Williamson1999). Europe, though largely an exporter of species,has experienced recent increases in immigrant species(Pellizzari and Dalla Montà 1997, Essl and Rabitsch2004, Kenis 2005). More attention, therefore, is beingdevoted to the problem (Scott 2001, Reinhardt et al.2003). In addition to the USA (U.S. Congress 1993),countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and SouthAfrica have been substantially affected (Macdonaldet al. 1986, McNeely 1999, Pimentel 2002). By 2100,adverse effects from invasive species are expected to bemost severe in Mediterranean ecosystems and southerntemperate forests (Sala et al. 2000).The various consequences of invasive species createwhat Barnard and Waage (2004) termed a ‘national,regional, and global development problem’. In contrastto most other human-induced environmental disturbances– pollution and inappropriate use of resourcessuch as poor farming or the draining of wetlands – theinvasive species problem is harder to ameliorate andoften ecologically permanent (Coblentz 1990). Mooney(2005) created 13 categories for the harmful effects ofinvasive species, some relevant mainly or solely toplants; at least 6, however, relate to insects: animaldisease promoters, crop decimators, forest destroyers,destroyers of homes and gardens, species eliminators,and modifiers of evolution. Whereas invasionbiologists and conservationists generally agree thatthe consequences of invasive species are substantial,they disagree on how best to measure the impact ofinvaders (Parker et al. 1999, National Research Council2002).We discuss beneficial and detrimental effects ofadventive insects here; because of contradictory effectsand conflicts of interest, both positive and negativeaspects are mentioned for certain species. Althoughthe numerous species thought to have neutral consequencesmight better be categorized as ‘effectsunknown’ (U.S. Congress 1993), we do not includeUnknown as a category.Adventive insects can be viewed differently indifferent regions and considered either positive ornegative, depending on an observer’s perspective.For example, a North American planthopper(Metcalfa pruinosa) immigrant in Europe has becomea plant pest, but honeybees collect its honeydewin producing a honey that Italian apiarists marketas ‘Metcalfa honey’ (Wilson and Lucchi 2007).Our perceptions of adventive species can be fluid,modified as the result of environmental change,subsequent introductions (U.S. Congress 1993,Simberloff et al. 1997), or as the status of naturalenemies introduced for biocontrol changes withchanging values (Syrett 2002). The arrival ofimmigrant fig wasps allowed certain fig species tobecome weedy in New Zealand and elsewhere (McKey1989, Kearns et al. 1998). Two immigrant seed waspsdetected in Florida in the 1980s, one associated withBrazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) and the otherwith laurel fig (Ficus microcarpa), would have beenconsidered detrimental when these plants were valuedas ornamentals but can be viewed as beneficial nowthat both plants are considered weeds (Nadel et al.1992, Frank et al. 1997). The presence in Florida ofother Ficus-associated insects reveals the complexityof evaluating the status of adventive species. TheCuban laurel thrips (Gynaikothrips ficorum), upondetection considered a pest of ornamental figs, now isregarded as a beneficial natural enemy of F. microcarpa.Another immigrant fig insect, an anthocorid bug(Montandoniola moraguesi), until recently would havebeen viewed as beneficial because it preys on laurelthrips. With reversal in the fig’s status, the anthocoridhas become an unwanted enemy of a thrips that inflictssevere foliar damage to an undesirable tree (Bennett1995). In Hawaii, the anthocorid’s status changedfrom a predator introduced to control the Cuban laurelthrips to one that impaired the effectiveness of a thripsintroduced for weed biocontrol (Reimer 1988).

486 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard HoebekeBeneficial<strong>Insect</strong>s are crucial to human existence and ecosystemfunctions (Waldbauer 2003). The ecological servicesprovided in the USA by mostly native insects is estimatedto be nearly $60 billion annually (Losey andVaughan 2006). Comparable data on adventive speciesare unavailable, but such insects also contribute importantecological services. Here, we mention immigrantinsects involved in several scientific advances and otherways that immigrants might be considered beneficial.The products of certain insects, such as cochineal,shellac, and silk, are well known and have been usedwhere the insects are not native (Glover 1867, Metcalfand Metcalf 1993, New 1994). For example, thecochineal industry helped save the Canary Islands fromstarvation after the grape phylloxera (Daktulosphairavitifoliae) devastated the islands’ vineyards in the latenineteenth century (Cloudsley-Thompson 1976).Importation of insect galls as drugs and for dyeing andtanning was once important (Fagan 1918). <strong>Insect</strong>sare valuable recyclers of nutrients. Dung beetles(Scarabaeidae) have been introduced into Australiato alleviate problems from slowly decomposing cattledung. Native scarabs, adapted to feed on the drierdung of precinctive marsupials, feed only to a limitedextent on moist cattle dung (Waterhouse 1974, New1994). African dung beetles also have been introducedinto the USA to assist native scarabs (Hoebekeand Beucke 1997). Classical biological control ofarthropods and weeds has enjoyed long-term successes(McFadyen 1998, Gurr et al. 2000, Waterhouse andSands 2001). The use of introduced natural enemiescan help reduce pesticide contamination and maintainand manage ecosystem processes (National ResearchCouncil 2002, Hoddle 2003, 2004).Biological control can also help reduce threats frompests of conservation or environmental concern andhas been used to conserve endemic plants threatenedby immigrant insects (Van Driesche 1994, cf. Samways1997, Louda and Stiling 2004). Several notable campaignshave been carried out despite the difficulty ofobtaining financial support (Frank 1998). More than50 species of parasitoids and predators were introducedinto Bermuda from 1946 to 1951 to help reduceinfestations of two diaspidid scale insects (mainly Carulaspisminima) that were eliminating Bermudian cedar( Juniperusbermudiana). Thisattempt,thefirstmajorbiocontrolproject undertaken expressly for conservation,failed to prevent the death of about 99% of the cedarforests (Challinor and Wingate 1971, Samways 1994).In the 1990s, a lady beetle (Hyperaspis pantherina)introducedinto the South Atlantic island of St. Helena saveda precinctive gumwood tree (Commidendrum robustum)from extinction by an immigrant ensign scale (Ortheziainsignis) (Fowler 2004, Wittenberg and Cock 2005).Adventive insects sometimes can be viewed asecologically desirable additions to a fauna, such ascarabid beetles in impoverished arctic communities(Williamson 1996). In western Canada, immigrantsynanthropic carabids were regarded as enriching thefauna; they appear not to threaten native Carabidaebecause only one native species is strictly synanthropic(Spence and Spence 1988). Immigrantnatural enemies arriving with, or separately from,immigrant pests provide fortuitous, though oftenineffective, biocontrol (DeBach 1974, Colazza et al.1996, Nechols 2003). An aquatic moth (Parapoynxdiminutalis), evaluated for possible use against anaquatic weed (Hydrilla verticillata), soon after wasdetected in Florida as an immigrant (Delfosse et al.1976). An immigrant parasitoid (Prospaltella perniciosi)might provide effective control of the San Jose scale(Quadraspidiosus perniciosus) in the USA (Sailer 1972).Immigrant insects, such as the blow fly (Chrysomyarufifacies) in Hawaii, are useful in forensic entomologyfor establishing postmortem intervals (Goff et al. 1986).Immigrant insects also play a major role in pollination.The alfalfa leafcutter bee (Megachile rotundata) is auseful pollinator of alfalfa in the USA (Cane 2003)but is overshadowed in importance by the honeybee,introduced in the early seventeenth century (Sheppard1989, Horn 2005). Its value to crop pollination is estimatedto be $15 to 19 billion annually (Levin 1983,Morse and Calderone 2000), with annual U.S. productionof raw honey valued at $150 to 200 million(Flottum 2006, U.S. Department of Agriculture NASS2006). Societal benefits from the honeybee also includeits potential use in monitoring air pollution and hazardouswastes (Shimanuki 1992).<strong>Insect</strong>s, although important as human food in manyparts of the world, are little used in Europe and NorthAmerica. An increased consumption of insects couldpromote biodiversity preservation and sustainable agriculture(DeFoliart 1997, Paoletti 2005). In the USA, atleast two introduced insects, a belostomatid (Lethocerusindicus) and the silkworm (Bombyx mori), are sold inAsian food shops (Pemberton 1988, DeFoliart 1999).Immigrant insects, such as the yellow mealworm(Tenebrio molitor), are sold in bait and pet shops as

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 487food for insects, birds, and fish (Berenbaum 1989).In nature, adventive species can facilitate nativespecies by providing trophic subsidies (Rodriguez2006). Immigrant insects provide food for birds,mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and insects, includingendangered species (Majka and Shaffer 2008). In thenortheastern USA, a European weevil (Barypeithespellucidus) contributes substantially to the diet ofa native salamander (Plethodon cinereus); otherpredators, including birds, small mammals, snakes,and invertebrates, also prey on the weevil (Maerz et al.2005). An immigrant leafhopper (Opsius stactagalus)ofthe adventive saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) providesfood for native birds and riparian herpetofauna insouthwestern states (Stevens and Ayers 2002). NorthAmerican birds prey on egg masses of the introducedgypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) (Glen 2004).Although the prominence of Drosophila melanogasteras a research organism does not depend on its immigrantstatus, the fly has been studied on continentswhere it is not native. Now almost cosmopolitan, itoriginally was restricted to the Old World tropics andsubtropics (Patterson and Stone 1952). Its arrival inthe USA appears undocumented, but it must havebeen present long before Thomas H. Morgan beganhis classic studies in genetics in 1909. Experimentalwork on this immigrant fly has led to four Nobel Prizes(Berenbaum 1997), and it became the third eukaryotewhose genome was fully sequenced (DeSalle 2005).An Old World congener (D. subobscura) now establishedin North and South America (Beckenbach andPrevosti 1986) is being used to enhance our understandingof the predictability and rate of evolution inthe wild (Huey et al. 2005). Other adventive insectsthat have advanced our understanding of ecology,evolution, genetics, and physiology include flour beetles(Tribolium castaneum, T. confusum) (Sokoloff 1966,Price 1984), a blood-feeding reduviid (Rhodnius prolixus)(Wigglesworth 1984), and the yellow mealworm(Schuurman 1937, Costantino and Desharnais 1991).The Madagascan hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhinaportentosa), which also is used as an experimentalanimal (Guerra and Mason 2005), is featured in classroomsand insect zoos to introduce children to thepleasures of entomology and pique their interest ininsects (Gordon 1996, Rivers 2006); in Florida, itonce was a popular pet (Thomas 1995, Simberloff2003). The popularity of adventive insects as pets canenhance the public’s appreciation of insects, but theyshould be imported legally and not pose a conservationconcern (New 2005a). Regardless of how the monarch(Danaus plexippus) arrived in Australia, New Zealand,and smaller islands in the Pacific – direct flight, longdistancemovement with tropical storms, hitchhikingon ships, or introduction with infested host plants(Zalucki and Clarke 2004) – this butterfly doubtlesslyhas delighted nature lovers outside North America. Thevalue of insects to human society – in art, decoration,fashion, language, music, spiritual reflection, story,and symbol (Kellert 1996) – might include additionaladventive species.Sterile insect technique, a new principle in populationsuppression and ‘technological milestone in thehistory of applied entomology’ (Perkins 1978), wasdeveloped to eradicate the screwworm (Cochliomyiahominivorax) from the southern USA (Knipling 1955,Klassen and Curtis 2005). Other immigrants, such asthe European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and Hessianfly (M. destructor), played key roles in the developmentof resistant crop varieties in the USA (Painter 1951,Kogan 1982); others, such as the cereal leaf beetle(Oulema melanopus), contributed to the modeling of populationdynamics and pattern of spread (Kogan 1982,Andow et al. 1990). Identification and synthesis ofsex-attractant pheromones of lepidopterans immigrantin North America, including the codling moth (Cydiapomonella), European corn borer, and oriental fruitmoth (Grapholita molesta), helped elucidate chemicalcommunication in insects (Roelofs et al. 1969, 1971,Cardé and Baker 1984) and, in the case of the Europeancorn borer, shed light on evolution of the <strong>Insect</strong>a(Roelofs et al. 2002). Science and society also have beenserved by using pheromones of immigrant lepidopteransto monitor pest densities and disrupt mating as analternative to pesticidal control (Cardé and Baker 1984,Cardé and Minks 1995, Weseloh 2003). Characterizationand synthesis of the sex pheromone of the Germancockroach (Blattella germanica) provided a means for itsmonitoring and control (Nojima et al. 2005).Benefits derived from adventive insects can beextended to the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta).It not only can be a useful predator under certainconditions (Reagan 1986, Tschinkel 2006, cf. Eubankset al. 2002) and provided insights into the evolution ofsocial organization in insects (Ross and Keller 1995)but also helped shape the career of Edward O. Wilson,indirectly promoting studies in insect biodiversity.Wilson’s discovery of the ant at Mobile, Alabama,when he was only 13, represented the earliest U.S.record of the species and his first scientific observation.

488 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard HoebekeAt 19, he took a leave of absence from the University ofAlabama to study the fire ant’s spread and impact. Thiswork for the state conservation department was thefirst professional position (Wilson 1994) for a biologistwho would popularize biodiversity studies and becomea leading scientist of the twentieth century.DetrimentalInvasive species produce adverse socioeconomic,environmental (ecological), and health effects. Theproblem can be viewed as involving economic as muchas ecological issues (Evans 2003). Economic costs canbe direct, involving exclusion, eradication, control,and mitigation; or indirect, involving human healthor alteration of communities and ecosystems (Perringset al. 2005, McNeely 2001a). Indirect economic costs,which include ecosystem services (Charles and Dukes2007), are more difficult to calculate, often are notconsidered, and can overwhelm direct costs (Ranjan2006). Seldom considered are both the economic andenvironmental costs of using pesticides to control (ormanage) immigrant pests. Invasive species sometimesact synergistically, their collective effects being greaterthan those of the species considered individually(Howarth 1985, Simberloff 1997). The red importedfire ant (Solenopsis invicta) might facilitate the successof an immigrant mealybug (Antonina graminis) thatuses the ant’s honeydew (Helms and Vinson 2002,2003). Synergistic effects can make it easier for morespecies to invade (‘invasional meltdown’; Simberloffand Von Holle 1999).Detecting ecological impacts of invasive species andquantifying their effects on population dynamics ofnative species are difficult, perhaps more so in thecase of insects because of their small size and complex,subtle indirect effects – those involving morethan two species (Strauss 1991, White et al. 2006).Indirect effects of adventive insects can include unintendedcascading effects unlikely to be predicted byrisk analysis or revealed during prerelease screening ofbiocontrol agents. Quantitative estimates of the probabilityof indirect effects cannot be made (Simberloff andAlexander 1998). Unintended consequences that affectbiodiversity fall within the ‘externalities’ of economists(McNeely 1999, Perrings et al. 2000).Harm from invasive insects sometimes is consideredonly in terms of economic losses to agriculture,forestry, or horticulture: crop damage plus controlcosts. Costs of control may include only those borneby governments, with costs of private control omitted(U.S. Congress 1993). The calculation of losses mayfail to consider that they are dynamic, changing fromyear to year and by regions (Schwartz and Klassen1981). Crop losses, coupled with far-reaching societalimpacts, can be severe when an invasive insectthreatens an industry: for example, grape phylloxera(Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) and wine production inEurope (Pouget 1990, Campbell 2005), San Jose scale(Quadraspidiosusperniciosus)anddeciduousfruitculturein California (Iranzo et al. 2003), and sugarcane delphacid(Perkinsiella saccharicida) and sugar productionin Hawaii (DeBach 1974).Economics in relation to invasive insects encompassesmore than is treated in most entomologicalpublications, for example, research and managementcosts (McLeod 2004). Consideration of the consequencesof immigrant insects in the USA also shouldinclude the federal government’s procedures for theirexclusion, which can entail substantial annual costswithin the country and in the countries of origin(Wallner 1996). How the costs of preventing theintroduction of an immigrant species compare withthose that would have been caused by that specieshad it become established represent a ‘great unknown’(Cox 1999).Aggregate costs of invasive species, including insects,seldom have been estimated on a national scale (Reinhardtet al. 2003, Essl and Rabitsch 2004, Colauttiet al. 2006). The costs estimated by U.S. Congress(1993) and Pimentel et al. (2001, 2005) are citedfrequently. Annual damage to U.S. crops by invasiveinsects is nearly $16 billion (Pimentel et al. 2001).Because Pimentel et al. (2000, 2001) dealt only with asubset of effects from invasive species, they might haveunderstated the problem (Lodge and Shrader-Frechette2003; cf. Theodoropoulos 2003, p. 116).Historical data on crop losses from insects in the USAinclude Walsh’s (1868) estimate of $300 million. Ifimmigrant insects are assumed to have caused 40% ofthe losses, as Pimentel et al. (2001) did, losses in 1868would have been about $120 million (∼$4 billionin 2005 dollars based on Consumer Price Index).Sasscer (1940) estimated annual losses from insects(including costs for maintaining research and quarantinefacilities, loss of markets due to quarantines,and processing costs from insect damage) to be about$3 billion annually, with at least half resulting fromimmigrant species (∼20 billion in 2005 dollars).

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 489Estimated losses from immigrants in other countriesare Australia: AU$4.7 billion from insects from 1971to 1995; British Isles: US$960 million annually fromarthropods; New Zealand: NZ$437 million annuallyin crop damage plus control costs for invertebrates,mainly insects; and South Africa: US$1 billion eachyear in crop damage plus control costs for arthropods(Pimentel 2002).Economic losses from individual species can be huge(Table 21.3). In 1927, the U.S. Congress appropriatedan unprecedented $10 million to conduct a clean-upcampaign to check further spread of the Europeancorn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) (Worthley 1928). Forpests not as well established as the corn borer, actualand predicted costs of eradication, as well as predictedlosses, are impressive. Unsuccessful campaigns to eradicatethe red imported fire ant from the southeasternUSA cost more than $200 million (Buhs 2004).Whenthe ant was detected in California in 1997, eradicationcosts were estimated at about $4 billion to almost$10 billion (Jetter et al. 2002). Eradication programsoften are controversial and unsuccessful; undesirableconsequences include adverse effects on human health,death of wildlife, and reduction of arthropod naturalenemies leading to secondary-pest outbreaks (Dreistadtet al. 1990, Buhs 2004). Eradication, however, canprovide great financial benefits (Klassen 1989, LeVeen1989, Myers and Hosking 2002). Annual costs associatedwith the anticipated arrival of the Russian wheataphid (Diuraphis noxia) in Australia might be as highas several million dollars (New 1994). Full costs tothe U.S. bee industry from invasion by the Africanhoneybee (Apis mellifera scutellata) are not yet known(Schneider et al. 2004), but prior to its arrival, wereestimated at $26 million to $58 million for beekeepingand another $93 million for crop losses due to reducedpollination (Winston 1992).Losses from the Asian longhorned borer (Anoplophoraglabripennis) in nine at-risk U.S. cities could range from$72 million to $2.3 billion and, if every urban area inthe conterminous states became totally infested, mightreach nearly $670 billion (Nowak et al. 2001). Theemerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) poses nearlya $300 billion threat to U.S. timberlands (MuirheadTable 21.3 Some economic losses from invasive insects.Species Description of Loss 1 Locality ReferenceAlfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) $500 million, 1990 USA Simberloff 2003Asian papaya fruit fly (Bactrocera AU$100 million, 1990s Queensland, Australia Clarke et al. 2005papayae)Boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) $15 billion, cumulativelysince 1893USACox 1999, Myers andHosking 2002Codling moth (C. pomonella) $10–15 million annually USA Gossard 1909European corn borer (O. nubilalis) $350 million, 1949 USA Haeussler 1952Formosan subterranean termite $1 billion annually USA Pimentel et al. 2000(Coptotermes formosanus)Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) $40 million annually USA Gossard 1909Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitiscapitata)$100 million, eradication1982–1983; losses toCalifornia, USAKim 1983, Kiritani2001economy exceedprojected $1.4 billionMelon fly, Oriental fruit fly$250 million, eradication Japan Kiritani 2001(Bactrocera cucurbitae, B. dorsalis)Mole crickets, Scapteriscus spp. >77 million annually, Southeastern USA Frank 1998including control costsPink hibiscus mealybug$125 million annually Trinidad and Tobago Ranjan 2006(Maconellicoccus hirsutus)Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis $500–900 million,USA Foottit et al. 2006noxia)through 1990sSheep blow fly (L. cuprina) AU$100 million annually Australia New 1994Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) $3 million, 1998 USA Hood 20041 All losses are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted; costs have not necessarily been documented by economists.

490 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekeet al. 2006). Canada could be severely affected by theAsian longhorned borer, as well as the emerald ashborer and brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropiumfuscum) (Colautti et al. 2006). An analysis indicatingthat the Asian longhorned borer’s introduction intoEurope would pose a significant threat was in press(MacLeod et al. 2002) when the beetle was detected inAustria (Tomiczek and Krehan 2001).Immigrant herbivores become problematic by feedingon economically important plants, but they alsohave indirect effects, such as the transmission of virusesand other phytopathogens. The role of the Europeanelm bark beetle (Scolytus multistriatus) in spreadingDutch elm disease in North America is well known(Sinclair and Lyon 2005). With millions of diseasesusceptibleAmerican elms (Ulmus americana) havingbeen planted and a competent immigrant vectoralready established (a native bark beetle is a less efficientvector (Sinclair 1978b)), conditions were favorable fordisease outbreak when the fungal pathogen arrivedfrom Europe. By the mid-1970s, about 56% of urbanAmerican elms had died (Owen and Lownsbery 1989).Dutchelmdiseasehashadthegreatestsocietalimpactofall insect-related tree diseases of urban areas (Campana1983); cumulative economic losses have amounted tobillions of dollars (Sinclair 1978a). Though often consideredan urban problem, this disease also affects plantand animal composition in forests (Sinclair 1978a,Campana 1983). The banded elm bark beetle (S.schevyrewi), detected recently in western states, couldexacerbate problems from Dutch elm disease in NorthAmerica (Negrón et al. 2005). A serious problem ofeastern North American forests is beech bark disease,which involves American beech (Fagus grandifolia), aPalearctic scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga) detectedin Nova Scotia about 1890 (Ehrlich 1934), and nectriafungi (formerly Nectria spp. but now placed in othergenera (Rossman et al. 1999)). Feeding by the scaleinsect allows fungi that are unable to infect intactbark to invade injured areas. The disease not only killsbeech trees, thereby altering the composition of easternforests and reducing their commercial and recreationaluse, but likely also adversely affects birds, small mammals,and arthropods (Sinclair and Lyon 2005, Storeret al. 2005).Other immigrant insects that transmit phytopathogensare agriculturally and horticulturallyimportant. An example is a Nearctic leafhopper(Scaphoideus titanus) that apparently was shipped withgrapevine material to the Palearctic Region; it servesas the principal vector of a phytoplasma disease(flavescence dorée) of cultivated grapes in Europe(Lessio and Alma 2004, Bressan et al. 2005). Arecent (2000) immigrant, the soybean aphid (Aphisglycines), quickly became the most important insectpest of U.S. soybean production (Rodas and O’Neil2006); this Asian native transmits (or is suspectedto transmit) several plant viruses in North America(Heimpel et al. 2004, Damsteegt et al. 2005). AnotherOld World aphid (Toxoptera citricida) transmits thevirus that causes citrus tristeza. The disease, thoughpresent in Venezuela by 1960, did not threatenthe citrus industry until the aphid arrived. By themid-1980s, the disease had devastated the country’scitrus culture (Lee and Rocha-Peña 1992). Whitefliesof the Bemisia tabaci species complex, transportedwith commerce throughout much of the world(Oliveira et al. 2001, Perring 2001), transmit severalgeminiviruses (Czosnek et al. 2001). In the 1980s, thewestern flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), nativeto the southwestern USA, assumed near cosmopolitandistribution from global trade in greenhouse plants.Emerging as the main vector of the tospovirus thatcauses tomato spotted wilt, it induced disease epidemics(Ullman et al. 1997, Morse and Hoddle 2006).Immigrant insects also transmit pathogens to nativeuneconomicplants.ArecentlydetectedAsianambrosiabeetle (Xyleborus glabratus) transmits a fungus responsiblefor extensive mortality of native red bay (Perseaborbonia) trees in the southeastern USA (Haack 2006,Mayfield 2006). Immigrant aphids may vector virusesof native Hawaiian plants, including precinctive species(Messing et al. 2007).Immigrant insects of veterinary importance serve asvectors of disease organisms and otherwise affect productivityor harm domestic and companion animals.Annual losses from long-established species affectinglivestock in the USA include nearly $1 billion(Castiglioni and Bicudo 2005) for the horn fly (Haematobiairritans) (losses are nearly $70 million in Canada(Colautti et al. 2006)). The stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans),long a pest of cattle in midwestern U.S. feedlots,now affects range cattle. When pest numbers are high,daily decreases in weight gain can be nearly 0.5 lb perhead (Hogsette 2003, Campbell 2006). The stable flyand other synanthropic Diptera are nuisance insectsthat affect the U.S. tourist industry (Merritt et al. 1983).In Australia, annual loss of production and treatmentcosts for the sheep blow fly (Lucilia cuprina), an immigrantectoparasite responsible for cutaneous myiasis

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 491(flystrike) of sheep (Levot 1995), amount to more thanAU$160 million (McLeod 1995).Costs associated with the loss of wildlife as theresult of immigrant insects are more difficult to expressmonetarily than those for domestic animals. Avianmalaria, though present in Hawaii, did not seriouslyaffect the native avifauna until a competent vector wasin place. Following the establishment of a mosquito(Culex quinquefasciatus) in lowland areas of Maui bythe early nineteenth century, malaria and avian poxbecame epidemic, which led to many native birds, especiallyhoneycreepers, becoming endangered or extinct(Warner 1968, Jarvi et al. 2001; cf. van Riper et al.1986). Disease resistance, however, might be evolvingin certain Hawaiian forest birds (Woodworth et al.2005, Strauss et al. 2006). An immigrant muscidfly (Philornis downsi) recently was detected on theGalápagos archipelago. This obligate ectoparasite ofbirds apparently has killed nestlings on the islands andcould threaten Darwin’s finches (Fessl and Tebbich2002).Costs associated with human diseases transmittedby immigrant insects can be estimated (Gratz et al.2000), as was done in Australia for dengue infectionsafter the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti)became established (Canyon et al. 2002). The impactof invasive insects on human health, however, cannotbe expressed adequately in monetary terms. At leastfive immigrant insects associated with vector-bornediseases helped shape South Carolina’s culture andhistory (Adler and Wills 2003).Medical effects from invasive insects include mildskin reactions (pruritus, urticaria) from contact withbrowntailmothorgypsymothlarvae(Allenet al.1991,Mullen 2002); reactions from exposure to allergens ofimmigrant cockroaches (Peterson and Shurdut 1999);and life-threatening envenomation and hypersensitivereactions from adventive hymenopterans suchas the honeybee, red imported fire ant, and otherant species (Akre and Reed 2002, Klotz et al. 2005,Nelder et al. 2006). Effects on humans are catastrophicwhen immigrant insects serve as vectors of diseasesthat cause massive population die-offs (Cartwright1972, Vitousek et al. 1997). In fourteenth-centuryEurope, following introductions of the black rat (Rattusrattus) and oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla chaeopis),about 25 million people were killed by plague in apandemic often called the Black Death (Cartwright1972, Cloudsley-Thompson 1976, Laird 1989). Amid-seventeenth-century immigrant to the WesternHemisphere was the yellow fever mosquito (Aedesaegypti), which arrived in the Caribbean with shipsbearing Africans for the slave trade and became a notoriousvector of viruses that cause dengue and yellowfever (Bryan 1999). Throughout human history, immigrantinsects have transmitted agents responsible formajor diseases (Cloudsley-Thompson 1976, Lounibos2002).With the advent of air travel in the 1920s, airplanesbecame important transporters of mosquitoes thatcould serve as disease vectors in new areas (Gratz et al.2000). Disease outbreaks most often result from independentintroductions of vector species and pathogens(Juliano and Lounibos 2005). Mosquito species arrivingbyshiparemorelikelytobecomeestablishedthanthose moved by aircraft (Lounibos 2002).The establishment of an immigrant mosquito(Anopheles gambiae s.l.) in Brazil during the 1930s ledto epidemic malaria, imposing great socioeconomicburden on the country (Killeen et al. 2002, Levineet al. 2004). Eradication of the mosquito fromnortheastern Brazil, rapid and unexpected, ended thesevere epidemics (Davis and Garcia 1989). A relativelyrecent global invader, the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedesalbopictus), can transmit dengue virus and certain otherviral agents of encephalitis (Gratz 2004). Native to theOrient, it has become established on five continentssince the late 1970s (Adler and Wills 2003, Arandaet al. 2006). In some regions, the Asian tiger mosquitohas displaced an immigrant congener, A. aegypti(Juliano 1998, Reitz and Trumble 2002, Julianoet al. 2004), although continental U.S. populationsof the latter species had been declining prior to thearrival of A. albopictus (Rai 1991). An East Asianmosquito (Ochlerotatus japonicus) was first collected inthe Western Hemisphere in 1998 in the northeasternUSA (Peyton et al. 1999). This public-health threathas spread to the southeastern states (Reeves andKorecki 2004), west coast (Sames and Pehling 2005),and southern Canada (Darsie and Ward 2005), andhas become established in Hawaii (Larish and Savage2005) and continental Europe (Medlock et al. 2005).It is a competent laboratory vector of West Nile virus(and potential vector of others), and the virus has beendetected in field-collected specimens (Andreadis et al.2001, Turell et al. 2001).The world might be entering another (fourth) transitionin the history of human diseases, one characterizedby ecological change rather than contact amonghuman populations (Baskin 1999). <strong>Insect</strong>s moved in

492 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekecommerce promise to play crucial roles in additionalchanges in the patterns of vector-borne diseases.The toll of vector-borne diseases, in addition to loss oflife, impaired health, and socioeconomic consequences,includes environmental effects such as the draining andoiling of U.S. wetlands to reduce mosquito populationsand malaria (Adler and Wills 2003). Similarly, wetlandsin other countries have long been drained, butthe restoration of wetlands or construction of new oneshas become more common with realization of the needto conserve biodiversity (Schäfer et al. 2004).In contrast to long-standing interests in calculatingeconomic losses due to invasive species, ecological costsonly recently have begun to be assessed (With 2002).The environmental effects of immigrant insects aredifficult to estimate (Simberloff 1996, Binggeli 2003)and perhaps are being overlooked (Kenis 2005), due,in part, to an overemphasis on extinction in the popularpress (U.S. Congress 1993). Yet, only a ‘smallminority’ of adventive species appears to be affectingnative species (Simberloff and Von Holle 1999). Of 81adventive heteropterans recorded from Canada, onlyone species might be causing environmental harm(Scudder and Foottit 2006). Despite their diversity,insects are said not to show ‘high potential’ for causingenvironmental harm (Wittenberg 2005). Thoughadventive insects probably damage the environmentless than pathogens, plants, and mammals do (Simberloff2003), the direct and indirect ecological effectsof immigrant insects on eastern North American forests(Liebhold et al. 1995, Cox 1999) alone seem sufficientto negate Wittenberg’s (2005) statement. Moreover,immigrant oak-associated herbivores, while not economicallyimportant, could adversely affect westernoak (Quercus garryana) meadows in British Columbia(Gillespie 2001). Simberloff ’s (2003) comment, therefore,seems more appropriate: ‘Relative to the numbersof species introduced, insects rarely cause enormousecological (as opposed to economic) damage’.<strong>Insect</strong>s seem not to alter fire regimes as do someinvasive plants (D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992,D’Antonio 2000), although an immigrant cerambycid(Phoracantha semipunctata) might create a fire hazardin California by killing eucalyptus trees (Dowell andGill 1989). As underlying mechanisms for adverseeffects, ranging from individual to ecosystem levels,competition and predation generally are consideredmore important than hybridization in insects (Rhymerand Simberloff 1996, National Research Council2002), with interference competition more easilydemonstrated than resource competition (Simberloff1997, 2000). Hybridization and introgression, thoughapparently uncommon in insects (Dowling and Secor1997), occur in certain species of Drosophila (Mallet2005) and subspecies of the honeybee (Sheppard1989, Schneider et al. 2006) and between the redimported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and an immigrantcongener (S. richteri) in a portion of their U.S. range(Tschinkel 2006). Establishment of the Asian gypsymoth in North America and its possible hybridizationwith the European form are cause for concern (Cox2004). Hybridization and genetic disruption betweenan immigrant and an endemic tiger beetle (Cicindelaspp.) might be taking place in the Galápagos (Caustonet al. 2006). Moreover, multiple immigrations of pestinsects enhance genetic diversity (Tschinkel 2006)and potentially create more virulent biotypes (Lattinand Oman 1983, Whitehead and Wheeler 1990).Environmental effects attributed to invasive insectsoften are based on anecdotal rather than quantifieddata; inferences on species interactions may failto consider alternative hypotheses for explaining theobservations (Simberloff 1981). Populations of severalnative coccinellid beetles appear to have declinedafter the adventive coccinellids Coccinella septempunctataand Harmonia axyridis became established in NorthAmerica (e.g., Wheeler and Hoebeke 1995, Michaud2002). Declines in native species correlated with theestablishment of immigrants do not establish causation(Williamson 1996, Simberloff 1997), and other factorsmight be involved in the decrease in lady beetle densities(Wheeler and Hoebeke 1995, Day and Tatman 2006).Assessing the proximate and ultimate causes of declinesin imperiled native species, which are likely subject tomultiple threats, is difficult, as is evaluating the threatsand their relative importance (Gurevitch and Padilla2004). As Tschinkel (2006) emphasized, few studiesin which competitive displacement by immigrant antsis claimed actually were designed to measure suchan effect. The examples of the environmental effectsof adventive insects we give later vary in scientificrigor.Eurasian phytophagous insects in North Americatend to colonize the same genera (and often the samespecies) they do in the Old World and might not havebeen able to become established without the presenceof their native (or closely related hosts) in theNew World (Mattson et al. 1994, Niemelä and Mattson1996, Frank 2002). Species of Eucalyptus,plantedin North America since the 1800s, were available

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 493for late-twentieth-century colonization by specializedimmigrant herbivores (Paine and Millar 2002). Certainimmigrants have been found in the Nearctic Regiononly on Palearctic hosts. Examples include severalplant bugs (Miridae) and jumping plant lice (Psyllidae)on European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (Wheeler andHenry 1992, Wheeler and Hoebeke 2004), a psyllid(Livilla variegata) on ornamental laburnums (Laburnumspp.) (Wheeler and Hoebeke 2005), and a lacebug (Dictyla echii) on viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare)(Wheeler and Hoebeke 2004). Two Palearctic seedbugs are restricted in North America to cosmopolitanand pantropical cattails (Typha spp.) (Wheeler 2002).Even if these specialized phytophages expand their hostranges in North America, they are unlikely to causeenvironmental harm. In other cases, Eurasian plantsserve as alternative hosts of recently established immigrantinsects that become crop pests, for instance, theRussian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) (Kindler andSpringer 1989).Other immigrant phytophages also are not benignfaunal additions. Direct feeding by insects immigrantin Hawaii imperils plants of special concern (Howarth1985). In the Galápagos Islands, the cottony cushionscale (Icerya purchasi) killed endangered plants and,in turn, apparently caused local extirpation of certainhost-specific lepidopterans (Causton et al. 2006).A Mexican weevil (Metamasius callizona) detectedin Florida in 1989 feeds on introduced ornamentalbromeliads and kills native epiphytic bromeliads(Tillandsia spp.) that are protected by law. Destruction ofnative bromeliads also destroys the invertebrate inhabitantsof water impounded in leaf axils (phytotelmata)on the plants (Frank and Thomas 1994, Frank andFish 2008).Immigrant phytophages can threaten not only novelhost plants but also their naïve natural enemies. Theglassywinged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis),detected in French Polynesia in 1999, developed atypicallylarge populations but did not adversely affectthe new hosts on which it fed or affect them indirectlyby transmitting the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa.Instead, the effects of the leafhopper’s arrival were seenat higher trophic levels: a lethal intoxication of itsspider predators. The cause of mortality is unknownbut might involve the leafhopper’s bacterial endosymbionts.By using lethal allelochemicals against spiders,H. vitripennis might alter the structure and species compositionof food webs in the South Pacific (Suttle andHoddle 2006).Ants are among the more spectacular of invasiveorganisms (Moller 1996); several hundred specieshave been or are being moved in global trade(McGlynn 1999, Suarez et al. 2005, Ward et al. 2006).Those moving readily in commerce – the so-calledtramp species (Passera 1994) – afford opportunitiesfor behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary studiesrelevant to conservation and agriculture. Immigrantants not only can reduce biodiversity but also candisrupt the biological control of plant pests (Coppleret al. 2007) and disassemble native ant communities(Sanders et al. 2003). Immigrant ants’ competitivedisplacement of native species often is reported, but, atbest, is hard to document (e.g., Krushelnycky et al.2005). The effects of immigrant ants on ant–plantmutualisms warrant more study (Holway et al. 2002,Ness and Bronstein 2004). Ants’ mutualistic tendingof homopterans such as aphids and scale insects canprotect pest species, increasing their densities anddamage and deterring predation by natural enemies(Kaplan and Eubanks 2002, Hill et al. 2003, Jahnet al. 2003). Immigrant ants, in turn, sometimes arereplaced by later-arriving ant species (Simberloff 1981,Moller 1996), a phenomenon seen among immigrantsin other insect groups and among biocontrol agents(Ehler and Hall 1982, Reitz and Trumble 2002, Snyderand Evans 2006; cf. Keller 1984).The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) adverselyaffects various invertebrate and vertebrategroups (Porter and Savignano 1990, Vinson 1994,1997). The recent review of the causes and consequencesof ant invasions (Holway et al. 2002), reviewof the effects of the red imported fire ant on biodiversity(Wojcik et al. 2001, Allen et al. 2004), andcritique of purported ecological effects from this fireant (Tschinkel 2006) provide information and referencesbeyond those we mention here.Immigrant ants can affect seed dispersal and pollination,processes critical to plant reproductive success.By removing seeds, red imported fire ants are potentialthreats to spring herbs (e.g., Trillium spp.) in deciduousforests of the southeastern USA (Zettler et al.2001). In the Cape fynbos flora of South Africa, theArgentine ant (Linepithema humile) has displaced nativeants associated with certain precinctive proteaceousplants (myrmecochores) whose seeds are ant dispersed.Argentine ants are slower to discover the seeds, movethem only short distances, and eat the elaiosomes withoutburying the seeds in subterranean nests, as nativeants do. Exposed seeds are vulnerable to predation

494 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekeand desiccation. Plant community composition mightchange as a result of reduced seedling recruitment(Bond and Slingsby 1984, Giliomee 1986). Becausethe two native ant species displaced by Argentine antsare more effective dispersers of large-seeded Proteaceaethan are the two coexisting native species, the fynbosshrubland community might shift toward smallerseededspecies (Christian 2001). Displacement of nativeants in Australia involves interference competition byArgentine ants (Rowles and O’Dowd 2007). Argentineants also deter insect visitation to flowers of certain fynbosproteas (Protea nitida) (Visser et al. 1996), reducefruit and seed set of a euphorbiaceous shrub (Euphorbiacharacias) in Spain (Blancafort and Gómez 2005)and generally threaten myrmecochory in the Mediterraneanbiome (Gómez and Oliveras 2003), and posea threat to precinctive plants in Hawaii by reducingtheir pollinators and plant reproduction (Loope andMedeiros 1994, 1995, Cox 1999). The longlegged oryellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) has had severedirect and indirect effects on Christmas Island, killingan estimated 10–15 million red crabs (Gecarcoideanatalis) and eliminating populations of this keystonespecies that regulates seedling recruitment, compositionof seedling species, litter breakdown, and densityof litter invertebrates. The crab’s elimination has longtermimplications for forest composition and structure.The ant’s mutualism with honeydew-producinghomopterans further disrupts the rainforest ecosystem(O’Dowd et al. 2003, Green et al. 2004). Detected in theSeychelles islands in the 1960s, A. gracilipes also hasbegun to affect biodiversity on Bird Island in theSeychelles, following its discovery in the 1980s (Gerlach2004). Other immigrant ants (Williams 1994)cause adverse environmental effects, including thebigheaded ant (Pheidole megacephala) in Hawaii (Jahnand Beardsley 1994, Asquith 1995) and other Pacificislands (Wetterer 2007), and the little fire ant (Wasmanniaauropunctata)intheGálapagos (Lubin 1984).Nonsocial bees immigrant in North America havenot adversely affected native bees (Cane 2003). Theintroduced honeybee, a social species, by competingfor floral resources with native bees and disruptingthe pollination of native plants (e.g., Gross andMackay 1998, Spira 2001, Dupont et al. 2004),might affect native ecosystems. Though harmfuleffects on native flower visitors have been attributedto honeybees, better experimental data and longerstudies generally are needed to support the claims(Butz Huryn 1997, Kearns et al. 1998, Goulson2003). As principal pollinators of invasive plants,honeybees can also enhance fruit set, thus facilitatinginvasiveness (Goulson and Derwent 2004). Cautionshould be exercised before introducing social beesthat have become invasive elsewhere, for example,a bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) into mainlandAustralia, when it is highly invasive on the Australianisland of Tasmania (Hingston 2006). Immigrantwasps and yellowjackets have been implicated indetrimental ecological effects. Examples includethe western yellowjacket (Vespula pensylvanica) inHawaii, which preys on native arthropods, reducingtheir densities and threatening arthropods of Maui’snative ecosystems (Gambino et al. 1990, Asquith1995); two yellowjackets (V. germanica, V. vulgaris)in beech (Nothofagus) forests in New Zealand, wherethey restructure invertebrate communities throughpredation and competition and compete with theprecinctive kaka parrot (Nestor meridionalis) byharvesting honeydew from margarodid scale insects(Ultracoelostoma spp.), thereby limiting the birds’reproductive success (Beggs and Wilson 1991, Beggset al. 1998, Beggs and Rees 1999); and a paperwasp (Polistes versicolor), which feeds mainly onlepidopteran larvae in the Galápagos and competes forfood with native vertebrates such as finches (Caustonet al. 2006).Forest insects continue to be carried to all majorcontinents (Ciesla 1993, Britton and Sun 2002, Haack2006). Adventive insects that alter forest ecosystemsin eastern North America are immigrants except forthe European gypsy moth, which was introduced intoMassachusetts with the hope of crossing the moth withnative silkworms to produce a disease-resistant strainfor a U.S. silk industry (Spear 2005). Gypsy mothdefoliation of oaks (Quercus spp.) and its suppression byapplications of the insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis havechanged forest stand composition; increased nest predationof songbirds; decreased mast (acorn) production,resulting in declines of small mammals and changes inforaging patterns of bear and deer; and decreased lepidopteranpopulations (Liebhold et al. 1995, Wallner1996).Cascadingeffectsofthiseruptivepestencompassinteractions among mast production, mice, deer, andticks that, in turn, affect the incidence of Lyme disease(Elkinton et al. 1996, Jones et al. 1998, Liebhold et al.2000). The gypsy moth’s sociological impact – onesthetic quality and recreational and residentialvalues – might be even greater than its environmentaleffects (Liebhold et al. 1995).

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 495An immigrant aphidoid, the balsam woolly adelgid(Adelges piceae), affects balsam fir (Abies balsamea)forestsin the Northeast and has nearly eliminated old-growthFraser fir (A. fraseri) in the spruce–fir ecosystem ofthe southern Appalachians (Jenkins 2003, Potter et al.2005). The hemlock woolly adelgid (A. tsugae) spreadfrom landscape plantings to native stands of easternhemlock (T. canadensis) in the late 1980s (Hain 2005).This immigrant has caused significant mortality inNew England forests, shifting nutrient cycling, composition,and structure and imperiling species that areimportant culturally, economically, and ecologically(Jenkins et al. 1999, Small et al. 2005, Stadler et al.2005). The effects of hemlock’s decline might extendto long-term effects in headwater stream ecosystems(Snyder et al. 2005). Adelges tsugae threatens easternhemlock and Carolina hemlock (T. caroliniana) inthesouthern Appalachians (Graham et al. 2005).Although introduced pollinators have not causedsubstantial ecological harm, scarab beetles releasedto help remove cattle dung might compete with nativebeetles (Thomas 2002). In Hawaii, the beetles are eatenby mongooses (Herpestes javanicus), perhaps allowingthese generalist carnivores to maintain largerthan-normaldensities (Howarth 1985). The ill-advisedbiocontrol release of the mongoose to suppress rat populationsin Hawaii, and this carnivore’s adverse effectson native birds, is well documented (van Riper andScott 2001).That invasion biology and classical biological controlare linked has been pointed out by numerous workers(e.g., Ehler 1998, Strong and Pemberton 2000, Faganet al. 2002). Biological control was once consideredto lack environmental risk (DeBach 1974), and asrecently as the early 1980s was not discussed amongnumerous causes of decline in insect populations (Pyleet al. 1981). Evidence for adverse effects of naturalenemies, however, had long been available (Howarth2000) and concern over their unforeseen effects hadbeen expressed at least since the 1890s (Perkins 1897,Spear 2005, p. 260).During the 1980s, biocontrol began to be criticizedby conservationists for its irreversibility and possibleadverse effects on nontarget plants and insects(Howarth 1983, 1985). Adverse effects in some caseshad been anticipated but considered unimportantbecause the most vulnerable native plants lackedeconomic value (McFadyen 1998, Seier 2005). Aconcern for organisms of no immediate or knownhuman benefit ‘provoked a revolution in the field ofbiological control that has continued ...and has yet tobe resolved’ (Lockwood 2000).Follett and Duan (2000) reviewed the problem ofunintended effects from both biocontrol and conservationistperspectives. Indirect ecological effects ofbiocontrol were the focus of another edited book(Wajnberg et al. 2001). Louda et al. (2003) gave casehistories of problematic biocontrol projects: three dealingwith herbivores used to suppress weeds and sevenwith parasitoids or predators used against other insects.Negative ecological effects of parasitoids generally havebeen less than for predators (Onstad and McManus1996). Among the conclusions of Louda et al. (2003)was that North American redistribution of an inadvertentlyestablished(immigrant)weevil(Larinusplanus)tocontrol Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is having majornontarget impact on a native thistle (C. undulatum var.tracyi). Effects from releases of a flower-head weevil(Rhinocyllus conicus) against carduine thistles wereconsidered severe, especially in relation to densitiesof the native Platte thistle (Cirsium canescens) inwesternstates.Cactoblastis cactorum, a pyralid moth releasedagainst prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) in the West Indies,might enhance the risk of extinction of a rare cactus (O.corallicola) in Florida. The moth arrived in Florida viaimmigration or introduction (Frank et al. 1997, Johnsonand Stiling 1998), eventually threatening cactinative to the southwestern states and Mexico (Bloemet al. 2005). Louda et al. (2003) concluded that thetachinid Compsilura concinnata used against the gypsymoth could have long-term effects on Nearctic silkmoths and might cause local extirpation, and that parasitoidsreleased to control the southern green stinkbug (Nezara viridula) in Hawaii might be accelerating adecline of koa bug (Coleotichus blackburniae) populationsthat could result in extinction.Certain nontarget effects from well-screened insectsused in biocontrol can be considered trivial from apopulation perspective (Messing and Wright 2006).‘Spillovers’ onto nearby nontarget plants that are associatedwith weed biocontrol agents at high populationdensities do not represent host shifts (Blossey et al.2001); the injury can be considered nontarget feedingrather than impact (van Lenteren et al. 2006). Theslight foliar injury on a native willow (Salix interior)by adults of leaf beetles (Galerucella spp.) used againstpurple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)inNorthAmericaactually had been predicted during prerelease testingand should be regarded as ‘verification of science donewell’ (Wiedenmann 2005).

496 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard HoebekeMost biocontrol projects for insect (Lynch andThomas 2000, van Lenteren 2006) and weed (Fowleret al. 2000, Gould and DeLoach 2002) suppressionare thought to produce slight or inconsequentialeffects on nontarget organisms, although postreleasemonitoring for adverse effects typically has not beendone or has been minimal (McFadyen 1998, Hajek2004). Host-specific species traditionally have beenchosen for weed control because of the threat thatreleased herbivores pose to crop plants (Waage2001, Hajek 2004). Host-range testing of biocontrolagents used against insects has been less rigorousthan for weeds (Van Driesche and Hoddle 2000, vanLenteren et al. 2006) and can be constrained by aninadequate ecological and taxonomic knowledge ofnative insects (Barratt et al. 2003). Behavioral factorscan complicate tests for nontarget hosts among insectsused in arthropod biocontrol (Messing and Wright2006), and the complex effects of generalist predatorson other species of a community – beneficial ordetrimental – are unpredictable (Snyder and Evans2006). Although predators and parasitoids were notinitially subject to as thorough host-range testingas weed agents, the use of generalist parasitoidsand predators now is less common (Sands and VanDriesche 2003, Hajek 2004).Inundative biological control, involving the massrearing and release of natural enemies, has shownfewer adverse ecological effects than classical biocontrol.Permanent establishment of natural enemies toachieve long-term pest management is not the goal ofinundation. Even though inundative biocontrol lacksthe irreversibility of classical biocontrol, its use stillcan produce negative effects on nontarget species andecosystems. Guidelines have been developed to minimizesuch risks (van Lenteren et al. 2003).Biological control, properly conducted and carefullyregulated, can be an ally of agriculture and conservation(Hajek 2004, Hoddle 2004, Messing and Wright2006; cf. Louda and Stiling 2004). Adventive organismsused in classical biological control still add tobiotic homogenization (e.g., Louda et al. 1997). Suchagents are intentional biotic contaminants (Samways1988, 1997) whose release has moral implications(Lockwood 2001). Released agents can spread to adjacentregions and neighboring countries (Fowler et al.2000, Henneman and Memmott 2001, Louda andStiling 2004). Predicting the impact of candidate biocontrolagents on target species remains problematic(Hopper 2001, Lonsdale et al. 2001). Roitberg(2000) suggested that biocontrol practitioners incorporateconcepts of evolutionary ecology, advocatingcollaboration with evolutionary biologists who studybehavioral plasticity so that variables most likely todetermine whether candidate natural enemies wouldharmnontargethostsmightbeidentified.Evenrigoroushost-specificity tests of biocontrol agents (and pest-riskanalysesofadventivespecies)cannotbeexpectedtopredictall unintended effects that might disrupt communitiesand ecosystems (Pemberton 2000, Hoddle 2003).Almost nothing is known about the microsporidia thatbiocontrol agents of weeds might carry and their potentialadverse effects (Samways 1997). Indirect effectsessentially are unavoidable in multispecies communities(Holt and Hochberg 2001). Because of documenteddirect and indirect (including cascading) effects on nontargetorganisms, a cautious approach to biocontrol iswarranted (Howarth 1991, Follett and Duan 2000,Wajnberg et al. 2001). Classical biological control isa complex discipline that evokes controversy (Osborneand Cuda 2003). Even careful consideration of perceivedbenefits and risks of a proposed project willnot satisfy all those who might be affected: biocontrolspecialists, conservationists, regulatory officials,policymakers, and general public.The stochastic nature of biological systems isexemplified by the recent discovery of human-healthimplications arising from a seemingly straightforwardbiocontrol project: release of seed-head flies (Urophoraspp.) to suppress spotted knapweed (Centaurea biebersteinii(=maculosa of authors)) in rangelands of westernNorth America. The flies, released in the 1970s, proliferatedbut did not curtail spread of the weed. Ineffectivebiocontrol agents such as Urophora (Myers 2000) canbecome abundant and pose greater risks of nontargeteffects than agents that effectively control targetorganisms (Holt and Hochberg 2001). Although thetephritids have not directly harmed nontarget plants(the host-specific flies have remained on target), theirlarvae provide a winter food source for deer mice (Peromyscusmaniculus) when little other food is available.The mice climb knapweed stalks to forage above thesnow cover. Food subsidies thus have allowed densitiesof deer mice, the primary reservoirs of Sin Nombrehantavirus, to increase as much as threefold. Bloodsamples from mice showed that seropositive individualswere three times more numerous when flies werepresent. Elevated densities of seropositive mice mightalter hantavirus ecology, increasing the risk of virusinfections in humans (Pearson and Callaway 2006).

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 497Spectacular early successes in biological control –suppression of cottony cushion scale in California withimportation of the vedalia beetle (Rodolia cardinalis)from Australia (Caltagirone and Doutt (1989) andprickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.) by various insects(DeLoach 1997) – gave way to realism: that similarsuccesses would not come as easily. Dunlap (1980)noted that L.O. Howard referred to introducing insectsinto a new environment as being ‘infinitely more complicatedthan we supposed 20 years ago’ (Howard1930). More than 75 years later, Howard’s comment,referring specifically to parasitoids, applies generally tothe uncertain behavior of adventive insects in novelenvironments (e.g., Henry and Wells 2007).SYSTEMATICS, BIODIVERSITY,AND ADVENTIVE SPECIESSystematics and taxonomy are fundamental to thestudy, communication, and identification of agriculturallyimportant pest species (Miller and Rossman 1995).Misidentifications can result in serious miscalculationsconcerning life-history studies, pest-risk assessments,and biocontrol strategies, as evidenced by species of themoth genus Copitarsia (Simmonds and Pogue 2004,Venette and Gould 2006). Numerous pest problemshave been solved through a systematic knowledge oforganisms that affect agricultural and forest ecosystems(Miller and Rossman 1995, Rossman and Miller1996). The elucidation of the biology of a pest speciesfor control purposes can be achieved only throughaccurate identification by taxonomists (Wilson 2000).The availability of an adequate ‘biosystematic service’(Knutson 1989) is needed to deal with the problemof immigrant insects (Dick 1966, Oman 1968). Relativelyfew nations have biosystematic service centers,and those that do often lack specialists for certaineconomically important groups. Such gaps in taxonomiccoverage (Oman 1968, Wheeler and Nixon1979) impede the execution of plant-regulatory functionsand enforcement of quarantine laws (Knutson1989, New 1994), although the availability of portidentifiers (Shannon 1983) helps compensate for alack of taxonomic specialists in particular groups. Alimited understanding of taxonomy and lack of specialistscan lead to catastrophic socioeconomic losses, ashappened with Dutch elm disease in North America(Britton and Sun 2002). Accurate identification facilitatesdetermination of an invader’s origin, allowingappropriate areas to be searched for natural enemiesthat might suppress pest densities by classical biologicalcontrol (Sabrosky 1955, Delucchi et al. 1976, Danks1988). Thorough systematic knowledge also is criticalto assure accurate identification of natural enemiesreleased by researchers and those sold commercially(e.g., Henry and Wells 2007).Better support for taxonomy and systematics (Knutson1989, New 1994) would enhance our ability toidentify newly established species that threaten agriculture,forestry, human health, and the environment anddetermine their areas of origin. It also would enhanceour ability to identify insects intercepted in commerceand assist regulatory agencies in determining whetherthe species are likely to be harmful or innocuous.CONCLUDING THOUGHTSInvasive species might soon supplant habitat loss andfragmentation as the principal threats to native biodiversity(Crooks and Soulé 1999) and undoubtedlywill continue to provide ‘wonder and surprise’ (Simberloff1981) to ecologists who study them. Adventiveinsects will continue to be redistributed globally giventhe development of new transportation technologiesand emphasis on free trade, coupled with inevitableincreases in human migration and tourism. Programsof regulatory enforcement are unlikely to keep pacewith increases in global commerce due to liberalizationof trade (Jenkins 1996). The use of DNA barcodingeventually may allow immigrant insects to be identifiedrapidly and accurately. Climate change might affect theabundance, distribution, and phenology of adventiveinsects (Cannon 1998). The public will remain generallyunaware that losses in invertebrate diversity canbe detrimental to human well-being (Kellert 1995).Even though it is generally acknowledged that invadinginsects can affect ecosystem structure and function,more rigorous scientific data are needed to assess theirdetrimental effects on native biodiversity, as is the casefor invasive species in general (Brown and Sax 2007).As the numbers of immigrant insects continue toincrease, so too will opportunities for introducing parasiticand predatory insects to help suppress agriculturalpests among the newly established species. Because ofthe idiosyncratic nature of adventive insects (includingbiocontrol agents) in new environments, even the mostobjective and quantitative risk assessments for excludingpotential pests, or development of new pest-risk

498 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekeassessment tools, cannot predict with certainty whereadventive species might become established or theireconomic effects, let alone their complex and subtleenvironmental interactions and consequences. Aguilty-until-proven-innocent approach to pest exclusionand use of ‘white lists’ (e.g., McNeely et al. 2001),however, would represent useful change from currentregulatory policy (Ruesink et al. 1995, Simberloff et al.1997, Simberloff 2005). Messing and Wright (2006)recommended that U.S. policies regulating the introductionof biocontrol agents be made similar to thoseemployed by Australia and New Zealand.Changes to our first line of defense – attempts atexclusion or prevention of establishment – likely willcome slowly. As Van Driesche and Van Driesche (2001)pointed out, Americans tend to view prevention asan unpalatable concept. Attempts to exclude immigrantspecies conflict with society’s emphasis on freetrade and travel (Kiritani 2001, Low 2001). Not onlywill additional immigrant insects continue to becomeestablished in the USA and elsewhere, but some speciesonce considered innocuous faunal additions will berevealed as harmful. This prediction follows from therealization that relatively few immigrant insects havereceived attention from researchers, and with lag timessometimes being protracted, adverse ecological effectscan take years to develop and even longer to bedetected. Global warming likely will lead to northwardspread of immigrant pests in temperate regions(Knight and Wimshurst 2005). Immigrants infusedwith new genetic material via subsequent introductionsmay continue to adapt to new environments.Pestiferous immigrants no longer thought to representa threat might resurge as a result of changes inagricultural practices, climate, and environment.The invasive species problem is ‘a complex socialand ethical quandary rather than solely a biologicalone’ (Larson 2007). Invasive species cannot be prevented,but the problem can be minified if attemptsat amelioration are viewed as the ‘art and scienceof managing people’ (Reaser 2001). We agree thathuman dimensions of the problem deserve more attentionand that effective solutions depend heavily onpolicymakers appreciating connections between invasivespecies and global trade, transport, and tourism(McNeely 2001b, 2006). Numerous suggestions foralleviating the invasive-species problem have beenmade (e.g., Lodge et al. 2006, Nentwig 2007). Recommendationsinclude an obvious need to developreliable predictive theories of biological invasions; tobe more aware of species that have become invasiveelsewhere; and to foster greater international collaborationand cooperation (Clout and De Poorter 2005,Bateman et al. 2007), with continued developmentof online information networks and less emphasison political boundaries (McNeely 2001c, McNeelyet al. 2001, De Poorter and Clout 2005, Simpsonet al. 2006). Greater collaboration among biologists,economists, geographers, psychologists, and sociologistswill be particularly crucial in addressing problems(McNeely 2006). Among more innovative suggestionsis the development of approaches that would subsidizenative species until they are able to adapt to alteredenvironments and coexist with invaders (Schlaepferet al. 2005). As is the case for most other aspects ofinvasion biology, researchers, conservationists, policymakers,and the public disagree on how best to dealwith adventive organisms. Disparate views have longcharacterized discussions of adventive species. Beforethe USA enacted plant-regulatory legislation, a leadingfederal official once advocated a laissez-faire approachto immigrant insects (Marlatt 1899), which eliciteda storm of protest (Wheeler and Nixon 1979). Morerecently, ‘blanket opposition’ to adventive organismshas been predicted to become ‘more expensive, moreirrational, and finally counterproductive as the tricklebecomes a flood’ (Soulé 1990).Progress toward documenting the extent of theinvasive-species problem and devising solutions hasbeen made in recent years. The Scientific Committeeon Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) was afounding partner in the Global Invasive Species Program(GISP). Created in 1997, GISP seeks solutionsthrough new approaches and tools (Mooney 1999,McNeely et al. 2001, Barnard and Waage 2004). NoteworthyU.S. initiatives include creation in 1999 of aNational Invasive Species Council. Historical data suchas interception records of regulatory agencies (e.g.,Worner 2002, McCullough et al. 2006, Ward et al.2006) are being evaluated to address the lack of informationon failed introductions (other than biocontrolagents), a deficiency that Simberloff (1986) pointedout. Other positive signs are increased emphasis onthe role of taxonomy in the early detection of immigrants,such as regional workshops for enhancing theidentification skills of diagnosticians at land-grant universitiesand identifiers at U.S. ports of entry (Hodgesand Wisler 2005). We also note recent collaborationof the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, traditionallya research institution, with federal and state

Adventive (non-native) insects: importance to science and society 499agencies involved in new-pest detection. This linkagesupplements the museum’s budget while providingtimely identifications of insects taken in traps or surveysin or near ports of entry.Of the four principal means of dealing with invasivespecies – exclusion, detection, eradication, andcontrol or management – we feel that detection warrantsgreater attention. J.W. Beardsley regularly lookedfor new immigrant insects in Hawaii from 1960 to1990 (Loope and Howarth 2003). More entomologistsfamiliar with local faunas, and hence more likely to recognizeinsects that seem out of place (Lutz 1941, p. 6;Hoebeke and Wheeler 1983), are conducting detectionsurveys. Our own fieldwork in the vicinity of portcities in New England and the Atlantic provinces ofCanada (e.g., Hoebeke and Wheeler 1996, Wheelerand Hoebeke 2005), and that by Christopher Majkaand colleagues in Atlantic Canada (e.g., Majka andKlimaszewski 2004), attest to the value of detectivework in areas vulnerable to entry by immigrant insects.With early detection of immigrants (detecting incipientinvasions at low-density populations generallyis difficult), more rapid response is possible (Burgess1959, Oman 1968, Reynolds et al. 1982) and eradication(also usually difficult to achieve) and classicalbiological control (Ehler 1998) are more likely to succeed.The advantage of early detection, coupled withpublic involvement (Dick 1966), was demonstratedin Auckland, New Zealand, in 1996; a private citizengave government scientists a distinctive caterpillarthat proved to be the Asian whitespotted tussock moth(Orgyia thyellina). This potential pest, though apparentlyestablished for more than 1 year, was eradicated(Clout and Lowe 2000). Contact with a local U.S.Department of Agriculture office by a Chicago residentwho suspected he had a specimen of the Asianlonghorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) provedcrucial to the city’s eradication efforts against the pest(Lingafelter and Hoebeke 2002, Antipin and Dilley2004).A review of recent literature on immigrant insectsin British Columbia revealed a trend toward reportingthe first records of adventives in trade magazines andin-house publications rather than in scientific journals.Outlets for reporting immigrants new to the provincemight have changed during the 1990s becauseof inability to pay publication costs for papers inscientific journals, the view that with increasing biotichomogenization the presence of species new to a faunano longer warrant documentation in journal articles,a lack of taxonomic specialists capable of identifyingimmigrant species, and too few entomologistsremaining in British Columbia to address new threatsto agriculture, forestry, and public health (Gillespie2001). Britton and Sun (2002) acknowledged thatInternet sites can omit relevant references and oftenare ephemeral. We, therefore, encourage publishingthe detection of immigrants in mainstream journals,with accompanying summaries of bionomics in thearea where species are native, as well as taxonomicinformation to facilitate recognition in their newfaunas. The availability of at least the approximate timeof arrival is important in understanding the long-termeffects of invaders (Strayer et al. 2006). We also feelit is useful to follow the spread of immigrants and todocument range extensions; such historical records areinvaluable in allowing future workers to reconstructimmigration events. Knowledge of the new ranges oftransferred species can even enhance our biologicalunderstanding of invasive organisms (McGlynn 1999).A global computerized database of immigrant pestshas been envisioned for more than 15 years to complementthe Western Hemisphere (formerly NorthAmerican) Immigrant Arthropod Database (WHIAD),administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture(Knutson et al. 1990, Kim 1991). Other world regionswould benefit from a master list of all adventive species,which would help in inventorying Earth’s biota, serveas a database for assessing biotic changes, and facilitatedissemination of information on invasive species(Wonham 2003). Schmitz and Simberloff (2001) proposeda U.S. database administered by a NationalCenter for Biological Invasions. Taking advantage ofexisting capacities and partnerships (WHIAD was notmentioned), the center would place the administrationof rules and regulations pertaining to invasivespecies under a central agency linked to a major university(perhaps the Institute for Biological Invasions,University of Tennessee, which Simberloff directs; orthe Center for Invasive Species Research, University ofCalifornia, Riverside). Loosely modeled after the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention (Schmitz andSimberloff 2001), the center would be of immeasurablevalue in dealing promptly and effectively with invasivespecies.Creation of a National Center for Biological Invasionsmight forestall homogenization of the U.S. biota andfurther erosion in quality of life. Societal effects ofimmigrants can include loss in the amenity value ofecosystems and reduction in ecotourism, owing to

500 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr. and E. Richard Hoebekesameness among biotic communities (McLeod 2004,Olden et al. 2005). The harmful effects of immigrantinsects might also include development of a biophobicpublic reluctant to venture outdoors (Soulé 1990)because of the possibility of inhaling small immigrantinsects such as whiteflies, and threats from importedfire ants and African honeybees (Vinson 1997, Paineet al. 2003) or mosquito-transmitted diseases. Inthe event of bioterrorism involving the release ofpathogens or other harmful organisms in the USA(Pratt 2004), a rapid and effective response to thethreat would be more likely if a national centerfor invasive species were in place. We feel thatcongressional action on Schmitz and Simberloff’s(2001) proposal, perhaps more than any otherinitiative, would increase public understanding ofthe problem, stimulate interest in studying invasivespecies, improve current programs of pest exclusionand detection, and ensure prompt responses to newinvaders. A U.S. center for bioinvasions also couldserve as a model for other nations as they try to protectnative biodiversity and preserve society’s ‘sense ofplace and quality of life’ (Olden et al. 2005).ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe appreciate the editors’ invitation to be part of thebook. We are pleased to carry on the analysis of immigrantinsects in North America begun by the late ReeceSailer and dedicate our review to Daniel Simberloff forhis numerous seminal contributions to invasion ecology.The editors and anonymous referees offered manyconstructive suggestions for improving the manuscript.AGW thanks interlibrary-loan, reference, and remotestoragelibrarians at Cooper Library, Clemson University,for their assistance; Tammy Morton and RachelRowe for their help with manuscript preparation; andThomas Henry, Gary Miller, James Stimmel, and CraigStoops for much-appreciated encouragement.REFERENCESAcorn, J. 2007. Ladybugs of Alberta: Finding the Spots andConnecting the Dots. University of Alberta Press, Edmonton.169 pp.Adler, P. H. and W. Wills. 2003. The history of arthropodbornehuman diseases in South Carolina. American Entomologist49: 216–228.Akre, R. D. and H. C. Reed. 2002. Ants, wasps, and bees(Hymenoptera). Pp. 383–409. In G. Mullen and L. Durden(eds). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. Academic Press,Amsterdam.Allen, C. R., D. M. Epperson, and A. S. Garmestani. 2004. Redimported fire ant impacts on wildlife: a decade of research.American Midland Naturalist 152: 88–103.Allen, V. T., O. F. Miller, and W. B. Tyler. 1991. Gypsy mothcaterpillar dermatitis – revisited. Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Dermatology 6: 979–981.Altieri, M. A. and C. I. Nicholls. 2002. Invasive arthropodsand pest outbreaks in the context of the ecology of mechanizedagricultural systems. Pp. 1–19. In G. J. Hallmanand C. P. Schwalbe (eds). Invasive Arthropods in Agriculture:Problems and Solutions. Oxford and IBH Publishing, NewDelhi.Andow, D. A., P. M. Kareiva, S. A. Levin, and A. Okubo.1990. Spread of invading organisms. Landscape Ecology4: 177–188.Andreadis, T. G., J. F. Anderson, L. E. Munstermann,R. J. Wolfe, and D. A. Florin. 2001. Discovery, distribution,and abundance of the newly introduced mosquitoOchlerotatus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Connecticut,USA. Journal of Medical Entomology 38: 774–779.Antipin, J. and T. Dilley. 2004. Chicago vs. the Asian longhornedbeetle: a portrait of success. USDA Forest Service MP–1593.52 pp.Aranda, C., R. Eritja, and D. Roiz. 2006. First record andestablishment of the mosquito Aedes albopictus in Spain.Medical and Veterinary Entomology 20: 150–152.Arnaud, P. H., Jr. 1983. The collection of an adventive exoticthrips – Cartomothrips sp. (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae)– in California. Proceedings of the Entomological Societyof Washington 85: 622–624.Arnett, R. H. 2000. American <strong>Insect</strong>s: A Handbook of the <strong>Insect</strong>sof America North of Mexico, Second Edition. CRC Press, BocaRaton, Florida. 1003 pp.Asquith, A. 1995. Alien species and the extinction crisis ofHawaii’s invertebrates. Endangered Species Update 12 (6): 8.http://www. hear. org/articles/asquith1995/Atkinson, T. H. and S. B. Peck. 1994. Annotated checklist ofthebarkandambrosiabeetles(Coleoptera:PlatypodidaeandScolytidae) of tropical southern Florida. Florida Entomologist77: 313–329.Austin, J. W., A. L. Szalanski, R. H. Scheffrahn, M. T.Messenger, J. A. McKern, and R. E. Gold. 2006. Geneticevidence for two introductions of the Formosan termite,Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae),to the United States. Florida Entomologist 89: 183–193.Bailey, N. S. 1951. The Tingoidea of New England and theirbiology. Entomologica Americana 31: 1–140.Bain, A. and L. LeSage. 1998. A late seventeenth centuryoccurrence of Phyllotreta striolata (Coleoptera:

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Chapter 22<strong>Biodiversity</strong>of biting flies:implicationsfor humanityPeter H. AdlerDepartment of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson,South Carolina 29634-0315, USAFlies are so mighty that they win battles, paralyze our minds, eat our bodies ...— Blaise Pascal (1660)<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9523

The anecdotal claims that flies have been responsiblefor more human deaths and misery thanany other group of macroorganisms in recordedhistory are not easily dismissed. From disseminators ofdisease to purveyors of famine, flies have marched inlockstep with humanity. They are found in the hieroglyphicsof ancient Egypt (Greenberg 1973), and hold ahigh biblical profile in the fourth of the ten plagues thatMoses brought down on the house of Pharaoh (Exodus8: 21–31). They have driven cultures, economies, landuse, and the outcomes of battles (Steiner 1968, Pauly2002, Adler and Wills 2003). Omnipresent, prolific,and rapid in development, their sudden appearancein rotting organic matter fueled the quaint notion ofspontaneous generation. They have tracked humansacross the globe, many species now being cosmopolitan.Roughly 6% of immigrant insect species in the48 contiguous USA are flies (Sailer 1983), includingsome of history’s most destructive species such as theyellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) and Hessian fly(Mayetiola destructor). Through the transmission of diseaseagents, flies have been a driving force in humanevolution.Only a few dipteran families – the Syrphidae andperhaps the Tephritidae – hold even a fraction of theallure of butterflies, dragonflies, and tiger beetles. Muchof the progress in understanding dipteran biodiversity,therefore, relies on the impetus of socioeconomic andmedicoveterinary concerns. Biting flies, because theybreach the host’s circulatory system, can be importantin the transmission of disease-causing agents. The evolutionaryantiquity of biting flies (Borkent and Grimaldi2004) suggests a rich and often tightly evolved systemof interactions with hosts and pathogens. Because oftheir significance to humanity, flies that suck bloodand transmit the agents of disease are among thetaxonomically best-known Diptera in the world. Theirwell-developed taxonomy, although still markedlyincomplete, suggests that biting flies can provideinsight into the biodiversity patterns and trends ofother organisms.In the following treatment, I focus on thebiodiversity of biting flies of vertebrate animals,and particularly those that transmit parasites andpathogens. Biting flies are defined here as thosespecies with adults that puncture host skin to obtaina blood meal. Not treated are flies that take bloodfrom invertebrates, flies with blood-feeding larvae(e.g., Protocalliphora spp.), flies that scarify woundsand eyes for blood and other secretions (e.g., Muscaautumnalis), and nonbiting vectors of disease agents or,borrowing terminology from pollination ecology, the‘mess-and-soil’ vectors, such as filth flies (e.g., Muscadomestica). Also untreated are the dipteran vectors,all nonbiting, of phytopathogens (Harrison et al.1980). I first consider the size of the world’s biting-flyfauna, with a brief summary of the biodiversity andsocioeconomic importance of each family. I thenexamine the philosophy, relevance, status, and futureof biodiversity investigations on biting flies in relationto the welfare of humans and domestic animals.NUMBERS AND ESTIMATESThe order Diptera, representing perhaps 10% of all lifeforms, comprises more than 150,000 described speciesworldwide divided among 152 families, many of whichare acknowledged to be unnatural, paraphyletic orpolyphyletic groups (Thompson 2006, Courtney et al.this volume). How many species of flies inhabit theplanet? In the words of E. O. Wilson (1985), referringto all life forms, ‘We do not know, not even to thenearest order of magnitude.’ Some estimates suggestthat nearly half or more of the Nearctic dipteran faunaremains undescribed (Thompson 1990). Estimates ofthe unknown are far greater for the tropical regions.The consequences of not knowing how manyspecies – or more importantly, what species – shareour planet are disproportionately greater for somedipteran taxa than for others. The relative importanceto human welfare of, for instance, the Culicidaefar exceeds that of any of the multitude of obscurefamilies of flies such as, say, the Clusiidae. Moreeffort and resources, therefore, have been dedicatedto the taxonomy of biting flies than of nonbiting flies.Consequently, the number of described species ofbiting Diptera should approach the actual numbermore nearly than that for other flies. The efforts ofalmost 250 years have brought us to the point wheremore than 17,500 named species have been placed in11 families of biting flies, representing approximately11% of the total described species of Diptera. The bitingmouthparts of about one-quarter of these species havebeen lost or modified over evolutionary time and areunable to cut or penetrate flesh to obtain blood (e.g.,some species of Culicidae, Simuliidae, and Tabanidae),or they feed on invertebrates (many Ceratopogonidae).The total number of described species that takevertebrate blood is about 13,225 (Table 22.1). Yet,

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 525Table 22.1 World biodiversity of extant, described biting flies that take blood from vertebrate animals, followed by the numberof fly-borne diseases. Family classification follows that of Thompson (2006).TaxonNumber(English of DescribedCommon Taxa (Genera;Name) 1 Species) 2 Afrotr. Austr. Nearc. Neotr. Orient. Palearc. ReferencesAthericidae(athericids) 3 3; 72 13 14 3 19 19 7 James (1968),Nagatomi (1975),Stuckenberg (1980),Webb (1981),Nagatomi andEvenhuis (1989),Rozkošný andNagatomi (1997)Ceratopogonidae(bitingmidges,no-see-ums,punkies) 4 4; 1619 191 137 155 290 409 437 Borkent and Wirth(1997), Borkent(2007)Corethrellidae 1; 97 6 11 7 69 5 2 Borkent (2008)(corethrellids)Culicidae(mosquitoes)40; 3492 767 746 173 1045 1021 482 Walter ReedBiosystematics Unit(2006), Rueda (2008)Glossinidae(tsetse)1; 33 33 0 0 0 0 0 Pont (1980a), Jordan(1993), Gooding andKrafsur (2005)Hippoboscidae(louse flies,keds, batflies) 6 65; 681 134 147 47 226 196 107 Hutson and Oldroyd(1980), Maa andPeterson (1987),Peterson andWenzel (1987),Wenzel andPeterson (1987),Maa (1989),Guerrero (1997)Muscidae(horn flies,stable flies,bitingmuscids) 7 11; 56 39 5 3 6 14 14 Zumpt (1973), Pont(1980b), Pont andMihok (2000), A. C.Pont (personalcommunication)Psychodidae(sand flies) 8 7; 921 168 45 15 475 119 140 Lewis (1978), Youngand Perkins (1984),Seccombe et al.(1993), Young andDuncan (1994),Ježek (1999), E. A.B. Galati (personalcommunication)Rhagionidae(biting snipeflies) 9 2; 39 0 7 29 0 0 4 Turner (1974),Nagatomi andEvenhuis (1989)(continued)

526 Peter H. AdlerTable 22.1 (continued).TaxonNumber(English of DescribedCommon Taxa (Genera;Name) 1 Species) 2 Afrotr. Austr. Nearc. Neotr. Orient. Palearc. ReferencesSimuliidae(blackflies) 10 26; 1956 216 250 231 356 322 671 Takaoka (2003), Adleret al. (2004), Adlerand Crosskey (2008)Tabanidae(horse flies,deer flies) 11 127; 4259 736 462 326 1149 939 656 Chainey and Oldroyd(1980), Fairchild andBurger (1994),Burger (1995), J. F.Burger (personalcommunication)Totals 287; 13,225 2303 1824 989 3635 3044 2520Diseases of45 18 8 15 20 16 8 Table 22.2humansDiseases ofdomesticanimals36 23 15 20 17 17 16 Table 22.21 Taxa with biting mouthparts, which are not known to attack vertebrates, are not included. The family Chironomidaeincludes three species with mandibulate mouthparts but with unknown (if any) hosts (Cranston et al. 2002). For thecarnid bird flies of the genus Carnus, whether or not the feeding behavior involves piercing and sucking of blood frombirds remains controversial (Grimaldi 1997).2 Subspecies are included for those families in which they are recognized (except the Culicidae, which at the end of 2006included 100 subspecies), with the view that closer scrutiny might confirm many as valid species. Subspecies typicallyaccount for less than 6% of the total species count for each family, except in the Glossinidae where they account forabout 26%. The total number of species does not equal the sum of regional faunas because of representation of somespecies in more than one region.3 Includes only genera with representatives known to take vertebrate blood (Atrichops, Dasyomma, andSuragina).4 Includes only members of the family that feed on vertebrate blood: Austroconops, Culicoides, Leptoconops, andForcipomyia (Lasiohelea). Species numbers for each region are based on type localities given by Borkent (2007); the234 species with China as the type locality are divided equally between the Oriental and Palearctic Regions.5 Includes all species of the family, except 88 species of Toxorhynchites with nonbiting mouthparts and 12 speciesof Malaya that feed on regurgitated stomach contents of ants; the number of vertebrate blood-feeding mosquitoes,nonetheless, might be overstated because hosts of many species remain unknown.6 The family Hippoboscidae is often presented as three separate families: Hippoboscidae sensu stricto (21 genera;200 species), Nycteribiidae (13 genera, 260 species), and Streblidae (31 genera, 221 species).7 Includes only those species with biting mouthparts (subfamily Stomoxyinae plus one species, M. crassirostris, insubfamily Muscinae).8 Includes only those taxa in subfamilies with biting mouthparts (subfamilies Phlebotominae (890 species) and Sycoracinae(31 species; Ježek 1999, Bravo personal communication)); 6–25 genera of Phlebotominae are recognized, with most ofthe discrepancy in numbers being in the New World (Galati 1995); 5.4% of Phlebotominae are subspecies, not includingnominotypical subspecies (E. A. B. Galati, personal communication).9 Includes only those genera with representatives known to take vertebrate blood (Spaniopsis and Symphoromyia).10 Includes all members of the family except 50 species (25 in the Nearctic Region and at least 32 in the PalearcticRegion) that do not have mouthparts adapted for cutting host tissue.11 Includes all members of the family except Goniops (1 Nearctic species), Stonemyia (8 Nearctic and 2 Palearctic species),the subfamily Scepsidinae (6 Afrotropical and 1 Neotropical species), and the tribe Mycteromyiini (23 Neotropical species),which do not take vertebrate blood; additional species probably do not feed on vertebrate blood, but they are poorlydocumented.

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 527counting species is akin to running in place; no soonerare the species counted than new names are addedand older ones synonymized or resurrected. In thehyperactive 5-year period from 2000 to 2004, forexample, 179 new species of black flies were described,28 names were synonymized, and 16 names wererecovered to validity from synonymy. In a similar5-year time frame, 1999–2003, 242 new species ofceratopogonids (including 40 vertebrate-blood feeders)were described, increasing the number of species forthe entire family by 4.6%.The discovery and recognition of species varies overtime, often depending on significant events or revolutionsin approaches and methodologies. For the NorthAmerican Simuliidae, for example, significant advancementsinclude the first use of male genitalia (1911) andlater female genitalia (1927), exploration of westernNorth America (1930s and 1940s), and the introductionof cytogenetic techniques (1956). Moleculartechniques represent the current revolution, with DNAbarcoding (2003) among the most touted, and can beexpected to reveal a great deal of genetically hiddenbiodiversity.New species of biting flies continue to be discoveredin poorly sampled, as well as more thoroughly sampled,geographic areas. For most families, the greatestpotential for new species lies in untapped areas of thetropical rain forests. Seventy-one new species of blackflies, for example, recently were described from threeof the five major islands of Indonesia (Takaoka 2003),and more can be expected as the high mountains andsurrounding tropical forests of areas such as Irian Jayareluctantly yield their species. Additional biodiversityhot spots are in politically unstable areas of the worldthat will prove hazardous for decades, littered withpolitical unrest, armed insurgents, land mines, andgovernment restrictions on free-range collecting. Someof the potentially species-rich but politically troublesomeareas include Cambodia, Colombia, Myanmar,and northern India and Pakistan.An unknown number of species remains hiddenwithin described morphospecies (species recognized onanatomical criteria), where prospecting in the genomeis likely to reveal a wealth of additional biodiversity.Cytogenetic studies, and more recently molecular studies,of black flies and mosquitoes have shown that morphologicallysimilar species, known as sibling species,or cryptic species, are commonplace among biting flies.About one-fourth of the 255 species of black flies inNorth America were discovered chromosomally (Adleret al. 2004). In Latin America, the black fly Simuliummetallicum is a complex of more than seven siblingspecies (Connet al.1989).Atleast40ofthe484 speciesinthemosquitogenusAnophelesareunnamedmembersof species complexes (Harbach 2004). The AnophelespunctulatuscomplexinPapuaNewGuinea,forexample,consists of at least six sibling species (Foley et al. 1993),whereas the New World An. crucians complex includesfive sibling species (Wilkerson et al. 2004). Nearly30 years of chromosomal studies of African vectorshave shown that Anopheles gambiae consists of seven ormore sibling species (Coluzzi et al. 2002), and Simuliumdamnosum consists of 55 sibling species and cytoforms(Post et al. 2007), making it the largest speciescomplex of any blood-feeding organisms. Hidden moredeeply than sibling species are homosequential siblingspecies, which have the same banding sequencesin their polytene chromosomes and virtually identicalexternal morphologies (Bedo 1979). Their discoveryis facilitated by ecological differences and cytologicalevidence such as heterozygote deficiencies of polymorphicinversions. Because of the difficulty in uncoveringhomosequential sibling species, no statements yet canbe made about their prevalence. Molecular techniqueshold the potential to reveal hidden species that arereproductively isolated but lack diagnostic cytologicaland morphological markers.A complete biodiversity catalog for extant bitingflies must include not only all species arranged phylogenetically,but also all life stages, both sexes, andultimately a comprehensive genetic library for eachspecies. Although the number of blood-sucking speciescurrently stands at roughly 13,225, the actual structuraland ecological diversity is about five times greater(i.e., ca. 66,085 biodiversity units), taking into accountthe differences among eggs, larvae, pupae, males, andfemales. In many cases, however, only one or two lifestages or a single sex are known. Species-level taxonomyof larvae and pupae is well developed for theCulicidae, Glossinidae, Simuliidae, and a few regionalgroups, but poorly known for the remaining families.The larvae and pupae of North American simuliids, forexample, are described for 93% and 98% of the species,respectively (Adler et al. 2004), whereas the immaturesof only 13.8% (819 species) of all ceratopogonidshave been described (A. Borkent, personal communication).The eggs have been described for not more than10% of the world’s species of biting flies, perhaps largelya matter of choice, for they often can be extracted fromfemales that are captured gravid or are allowed to

528 Peter H. Adlermature their eggs after capture. The job of collecting,rearing, curating, describing, naming, and publishingthe remaining biodiversity of biting Diptera is daunting.OVERVIEW OF BITING FLIESAND DISEASESOf the roughly 13,225 described species of flies thatacquire blood from vertebrate hosts, about 2% serve asvectors of the agents of at least 45 diseases of humans,while less than 1% currently are known to transmitthe agents of nearly 40 significant diseases of domesticanimals (Table 22.2). The following accounts summarizethe taxonomic status, bionomics, vector-bornediseases, and socioeconomic importance of the 11 familiesof flies with biting representatives (Fig. 22.1). Thefamilies are listed alphabetically; the sequence woulddiffer if the families were arranged according to theireffect on society, with mosquitoes at the top.Athericidae The athericids have one of the lowestprofiles of the families with species that feed on vertebrateblood. The larvae are predaceous and live instreams. They are poorly known taxonomically (Webb1995). Females of three genera take vertebrate blood.Those of Atrichops feed on frogs and those of Dasyommaand Suragina on mammals, including humans, cattle,and horses, with one record from an owl (Nagatomiand Soroida 1985). The athericids have not earned peststatus, and are not yet known to transmit pathogens orparasites.Ceratopogonidae ThefamilyCeratopogonidaeconsistsof 5923 described, extant species in 110 genera(Borkent 2007). It is the most species-rich familyof biting flies, a status related to the small body size,diverse larval habitats, breadth of larval and adultfeeding behaviors, worldwide distribution, and evolutionaryage, the oldest fossils being from the LowerCretaceous.Onlythreegenera(Austroconops,Culicoides,and Leptoconops) and the subgenus Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea),comprising about 1619 species (Borkent 2007),take vertebrate blood. Hosts of the vertebrate feedersinclude amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles.Females of some small genera do not bite, whereas thosein the vast majority (107) of genera feed on invertebrates(Downes and Wirth 1981). Larvae developin an impressive range of habitats including coastalmarshes, streams, ponds, rotting plants, manure, andphytotelmata (water held by plants). They feed onalgae, bacteria, detritus, and small invertebrates. Thetaxonomy of the immature stages, with a few regionalexceptions (e.g., Murphree and Mullen 1991), is poorlydeveloped.In addition to biting, female ceratopogonids transmit66 viruses, 15 species of protozoans, and 26 speciesof filarial nematodes (Borkent 2005). Two significanthuman diseases are caused by ceratopogonid-borneagents. Mansonelliasis is caused by three speciesof filarial nematodes transmitted by biting midgesin the Caribbean, northern South America, andAfrica. Oropouche fever, caused by a virus, strikes inthe Caribbean and the Amazon region. More than50 viruses have been isolated from females of the genusCulicoides (Mellor et al. 2000). The most prominentceratopogonid-borne disease of domestic animals isbluetongue, an economically costly, internationaldisease of livestock. African horse sickness, one ofthe most lethal infectious diseases of horses, is aceratopogonid-borne viral disease that can cause equidmortality rates in excess of 90% (Mellor et al. 2000).Corethrellidae The Corethrellidae are best representedin the Neotropical Region where nearlythree-quarters of the described species occur. About100 species are currently recognized (Borkent 2008),with estimates of more than twice that numberstill awaiting discovery (A. Borkent, personalcommunication). Larvae are predators and live inlentic habitats such as pools alongside streams andin phytotelmata. Females feed on the blood of malefrogs that they locate by following the calls (Bernalet al. 2006). Some species transmit trypanosomes tofrogs (Johnson et al. 1993).Culicidae The medicoveterinary importance of theCulicidae has made them one of the taxonomically bestknownfamilies of arthropods, with 3492 species and100 subspecies. They are the only family of insects forwhich two international journals have been devoted(Journal of the American Mosquito Control Associationand the now defunct Mosquito Systematics). The larvaeand pupae are known for most species, and the eggshave been described for a greater percentage of speciesthan for any other group of biting flies.Mosquitoes inhabit all regions of the world exceptAntarctica, and are among the most abundant and

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 529Table 22.2 Biting fly-borne diseases of humans and domestic animals of the world; dipteran families and diseases within eachfamily are listed alphabetically.Diseases 1Taxon Humans Domestic Animals 2 ReferencesAthericidae None known None knownCeratopogonidae Mansonelliasis, Oropouche fever African horse sickness, Akabaneviral disease?, aviantrypanosomiasis, bluetonguedisease, [bovine ephemeralfever?], bovine onchocerciasis,[epizootic hemorrhagicdisease], [equineencephalosis], equineonchocerciasis,leucocytozoonosis, [Palyamviral disease?], [additional viraldiseases]Corethrellidae None known None knownCulicidaeGlossinidae[Anthrax], Bancroftian filariasis(elephantiasis), Barmah forestviral disease, brugian filariasis,[Cache Valley viral disease],[California encephalitis],Chikungunya fever, dengue,dirofilariasis, eastern equineencephalitis, [Ilheus fever],[Jamestown Canyon viraldisease], Japaneseencephalitis, La Crosseencephalitis, malaria, Mayarofever, Murray Valleyencephalitis, O’nyong-nyongfever, Rift Valley fever, [Rocioencephalitis], Ross River fever,Semliki Forest encephalitis,Sindbis fever, [snowshoe hareviral disease], St. Louisencephalitis, Tahyna fever,[tularemia], Venezuelan equineencephalitis, Wesselsbrondisease, western equineencephalitis, West Nileencephalitis, yellow fever,[additional viral diseases]African trypanosomiasis (sleepingsickness)Avian malaria, avian pox (e.g.,fowlpox), canine dirofilariasis(dog heartworm disease),eastern equine encephalitis,Japanese encephalitis, [variousonchocerciases], Rift Valleyfever, Venezuelan equineencephalitis, Wesselsbrondisease, western equineencephalitis, [additional viraldiseases]Mellor et al. (2000),Mullen (2002)Harwood and James(1979), Eldridge et al.(2000), Foster andWalker (2002)Nagana Krinsky (2002)Hippoboscidae [Deer ked dermatitis] Avian trypanosomiasis [filariasisof canids]Muscidae[Anthrax], [cutaneousstreptothrichosis][Anthrax], [bovine leukosis],[cutaneous streptothrichosis],[equine infectious anemia],habronemiasis (summer sores),stephanofilariasisBaker (1967), Lloyd(2002), Dehio et al.(2004)Zumpt (1973),Harwood and James(1979), Moon (2002)(continued)

530 Peter H. AdlerTable 22.2 (continued).Diseases 1Taxon Humans Domestic Animals 2 ReferencesPsychodidaeBartonellosis (Oroya fever andverruga peruana), Chandipuravirus disease, Changuinolafever, leishmaniasis (cutaneousand visceral forms), sand flyfever (papatasi fever), vesicularstomatitis?Leishmaniasis (canine and feline),vesicular stomatitis?Rhagionidae None known None knownSimuliidaeMansonelliasis, onchocerciasis(river blindness), [tularemia]Avian trypanosomiasis, bovineonchocerciasis,leucocytozoonosis, vesicularstomatitisTabanidae [Anthrax], loiasis, tularemia Anaplasmosis, [anthrax],[besnoitiosis], [bovineleukosis], elaeophorosis,equine infectious anemia(swamp fever), [hog cholera],mal de caderas, surra,[additional trypanosomiases]Rutledge and Gupta(2002)Crosskey (1990), Adlerand McCreadie(2002), Mead et al.(2004)Mullens (2002)1 Diseases in square brackets indicate that the families under which they are listed probably play a minor epidemiologicalrole; other vectors or means of transmission are more common. Many additional disease-causing agents, particularlyviruses, have been isolated from biting flies, but the role of the flies in transmission of the agents remains largelyunknown.2 Livestock, poultry, cats, and dogs.conspicuous organisms in areas such as the tundraand boreal forest, although species richness is greatestat tropical latitudes. The larvae and pupae are foundin nearly all still-water aquatic habitats, the most commonincluding salt marshes, rain pools, tree holes,artificial containers, pitcher plants, lakes, and swamps.Larvae use a variety of modes, such as filtering, tofeed on microorganisms, small macroinvertebrates,and detritus. Females of the majority of species takeblood, feeding principally on birds and mammals, butalso on amphibians, reptiles, fish, and insects (Rueda2008).Familiar to nearly everyone, mosquitoes can becomesuch a nuisance that they disrupt outdoor activity,destroy personal composure, and impede economicdevelopment (Laird et al. 1982). Nuisance problemsdrivemosquitoabatementprogramsintheUSA,involvinghundreds of millions of dollars annually. Threatsof disease, such as West Nile encephalitis, further swellthese budgets.Mosquitoes are the terrorists of the arthropodanworld. The legion of protozoans, viruses, and other diseaseagents that they transmit make them the greatestglobal threat to humanity of any group of organismsother than humans and microbes. They transmit adisproportionate number of pathogens, relative toother biting flies. About half of the more than 500known arboviruses have been isolated from mosquitoesand more than 100 infect humans (Karabatsos 1985).The principal mosquito-borne diseases of humansinclude dengue, arboviral encephalitis, lymphaticfilariasis, malaria, and yellow fever. Human malaria,caused by any of four species of Plasmodium protiststransmitted by about 70 species of anophelinemosquitoes, is a devastating disease, with up to halfa billion new cases and more than 1 million deathsannually in tropical and subtropical regions (Fosterand Walker 2002). The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that human lymphatic filariasis,caused by three species of nematodes transmitted

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 531(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig. 22.1 Representative females of themajor groups of biting flies. (a) No-see-um(Ceratopogonidae), (b) Mosquito(Culicidae), (c) Tsetse (Glossinidae),(d) Louse fly (Hippoboscidae), (e) Sand fly(Psychodidae, Phlebotominae), (f) Bitingsnipe fly (Rhagionidae), (g) Black fly(Simuliidae), (h) Horse fly (Tabanidae).(Source: The figures a, b, d, f, and h fromAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada usedwith permission of the Minister of PublicWorks and Government Services; c and efrom Jordan (1993) and Lane (1993),respectively, © The Natural HistoryMuseum, London and used withpermission; g, from Adler et al. (2004)used by permission of the publisher,Cornell University Press.(e)(g)(f)(h)by more than 60 species of mosquitoes, accounts forabout 128 million active infections. These statisticsbelie the immeasurable socioeconomic burden andlosses to future generations through the winnowingof human potential. Many of the mosquito-bornehuman-disease agents, such as the encephalitides,afflict domestic animals, which also suffer their ownunique complement of mosquito-borne diseases.Glossinidae Thirty-one species and subspecies oftsetse are restricted to Africa south of the Sahara,with an additional two species in southwesternSaudi Arabia. Four Oligocene fossil species from theFlorissant shales of Colorado suggest that tsetse vexedthe American megafauna during the Age of GreatMammals. The family is well known taxonomically.The last new species was named more than 20 yearsago, and the adults and about half of the puparia of allspecies and subspecies have been described (Jordan1993).Females have a low lifetime fecundity, maturing oneegg at a time and nurturing the larva in the uterus.The final (third) instar is deposited on the groundand within a few hours transforms into a pupariumin the soil. Both males and females take blood. Hostsinclude reptiles (e.g., crocodiles), large mammals (e.g.,buffalo, giraffe, human, rhinoceros, and suids), andoccasionally birds (e.g., ostrich).

532 Peter H. AdlerDespite transmitting only about seven recognizedspecies of trypanosomes to mammals (Jones 2001),tsetse have had a powerful influence in Africa. Thetrypanosomiases – sleeping sickness in humans andnagana in livestock – have caused enormous humansuffering, inhibited economic development, andrestricted animal agriculture, while also serving as thesingle greatest conservator of the African savannahby restricting the encroachment of humans andlivestock (Harwood and James 1979, Krinsky 2002).Hippoboscidae The 680-plus species of the worldwidefamily Hippoboscidae are sometimes dividedamong three discrete families, the Hippoboscidaesensu stricto, Nycteribiidae, and Streblidae. The lattertwo taxa, comprising slightly more than 70% of theHippoboscidae sensu lato, are obligate ectoparasites ofbats and have little relevance to the health and welfareof humans or domestic animals. About 75% of theHippoboscidae sensu stricto are ectoparasites of birds,with the remainder on mammals other than bats.Species richness is greatest in the Neotropics.All known species of the family Hippoboscidae arelarviparous, nourishing a single larva, which formsa puparium upon deposition. Both sexes are obligateblood feeders. Among the bird and mammalfeeders, each species is exclusively mammalophilic orornithophilic. No species habitually feeds on humans,but some attack domestic animals. Premier amongthem is the sheep ked (Melophagus ovinus), an economicallyimportant pest of sheep that causes damageto the pelts. A few species of hippoboscids transmittrypanosomes and apicomplexan parasites to domesticpigeons, and some transmit parasites and pathogens towildlife (Lloyd 2002). The role of hippoboscids in transmittingthese agents to birds and mammals is probablyunderappreciated.Muscidae The biting muscids include members ofthe subfamily Stomoxyinae and one species (Muscacrassirostris) in the subfamily Muscinae. The numberof described morphospecies has plateaued at 56;only one new species has been described in the past30 years (Pont and Mihok 2000). About 70% of thespecies are found in the Afrotropical Region. The larvaeand puparia of about 15% and 6%, respectively,of the biting species are described. The larvae typicallydevelop in dung associated with hosts of the adult flies.Larvae of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) also developin decomposing vegetation, especially grass cuttings.The males and females of all biting muscids feedon mammal blood, although some probably feedfrom sores and host exudates rather than pierce thehide (Zumpt 1973). Humans can be annoyed bysome species, especially the stable fly. Ungulates arehosts of most species. The two principal livestockpests are the widely distributed horn fly (Haematobiairritans) and the cosmopolitan stable fly. Both speciescause anxiety, decreased immunological response,reduced milk production, and weight loss (Moon2002). The stomoxyines, however, are not consideredmajor vectors of pathogens or parasites to livestock.Some pathogens can be transmitted mechanically(i.e., by contamination of the mouthparts), but thefrequency of transmission is not known (Zumpt1973). The horn fly and stable fly transmit spiruridnematodes that cause cutaneous diseases known ashabronemiasis in horses and stephanofilariasis incattle, respectively.Psychodidae The nearly 1000 species of bitingpsychodids, or sand flies, are restricted to twosubfamilies: the Phlebotominae (sometimes considereda separate family) and the Sycoracinae. Thesesubfamilies are widespread on all continents exceptAntarctica, although more than half of the species areNeotropical. Taxonomic knowledge of the immaturestages, with some exceptions (e.g., Hanson 1968), isrestricted to species of concern to human health. Sandflies develop in damp terrestrial environments, wherethe larvae feed on decaying organic matter.Female phlebotomines feed on amphibians(toads), birds, mammals, and reptiles, and includethe major vectors (Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus) ofhuman-disease agents. Females of the species-poor,seldom-encountered sycoracines feed on frogs. Mostsand flies have broad host ranges (Rutledge andGupta 2002), which in some cases might reflectundiscovered sibling species. Biting by sand fliescan be annoying, but their significance as medicallyimportant insects is related to the bacterial, protozoan,and viral agents they transmit. Foremost amongthe human diseases are the cutaneous and visceralforms of leishmaniasis, caused by about 23 protozoanspecies of Leishmania transmitted by about 80 species

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 533of sand flies; approximately 12 million people areafflicted worldwide (Lawyer and Perkins 2000). WHOestimated 59,000 human deaths from leishmaniasisin 2002. Phlebotomine-borne viruses cause theinfluenza-like illness known as sand fly fever, aswell as several more geographically local humandiseases. Bartonellosis is a human disease caused byphlebotomine-borne bacteria in Colombia, Ecuador,and Peru. Sand flies are of little veterinary importance,although they might be involved in transmission of thecausal agents of leishmaniasis to dogs, the latter servingas a reservoir for human infection (Ostfeld et al. 2004).Rhagionidae Of the 21 genera of Rhagionidae,only the Australian Spaniopsis and the HolarcticSymphoromyia include species that feed on vertebrateblood. The immature stages live in moist soil. Larvalfeeding habits are sketchy but apparently involvedetrital feeding and possibly facultative predation.The larvae, as well as the eggs and pupae, are poorlyknown. The actual number of species of Symphoromyiais considered much greater than the 32 currentlyrecognized (Turner 1974). Molecular work is neededto resolve existing species issues and reveal siblingspecies.The females of Spaniopsis feed on humans and probablyother mammals. Those of Symphoromyia acquireblood from a wide range of hosts, including cattle,deer, horses, and humans, and are significant pestsin some areas of western North America and CentralAsia (Turner 1974). No animal pathogens or parasitesare known to be transmitted by the females of Spaniopsisor Symphoromyia.Simuliidae The family Simuliidae is distributedworldwide between 55 ◦ S and 73 ◦ N, being absent onlyfrom some oceanic islands and areas without flowingwater. Species richness is greatest in the PalearcticRegion, a real reflection of the number of species,but also an artifact of oversplitting taxa based onstructural minutiae without benefit of cytotaxonomicor other corroboration. The family is one of the morecompletely known among biting flies, largely becauseof the routine practice of describing the larva, pupa,male, and female of new species; the extensive useof cytotaxonomy; and the well-defined habitat of thelarvae and pupae, which facilitates the collection ofimmatures and association of life stages.The larvae require flowing water and are often thenumerically dominant macroinvertebrates in lotichabitats (Adler and McCreadie 1997, Malmqvist et al.2004). The females of all but about 2.5% of the world’s2015 species take blood (Adler and Crosskey 2008).Hosts are restricted to birds and mammals. Blackflies are major biting and nuisance pests and are theonly insects that have routinely killed animals byexsanguination and toxic shock from injected salivarycomponents (Crosskey 1990). No species is strictlyanthropophilic, but many take blood from humans(Adler and McCreadie 2002, Adler et al. 2004).Two species of filarial nematodes cause diseases inhumans. Onchocerca volvulus causes human onchocerciasis,which afflicts about 18 million people in equatorialAfrica, southern Yemen, and localized areas ofCentral and South America. Mansonella ozzardi causesmansonelliasis, a marginally pathogenic disease in therain forests of Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela,and southern Panama (Adler and McCreadie 2002).Domestic fowl are plagued by simuliid-borne Leucocytozoonprotists, whereas cattle are infected by the morebenign filarial worm Onchocerca lienalis.Tabanidae The large size of tabanids, often eliminatingthe need for a microscope in routine identification,has appealed to taxonomists and promoted theprimarily morphological approach to their taxonomy.Morphotaxonomy, nonetheless, often suggests thepresence of sibling species, confirmed in some instancesby additional techniques (Sakolsky et al. 1999). Thelarvae and pupae require diligent searching to locateand are moderately well known only in the NearcticRegion (e.g., Burger 1977).Tabanids are present throughout the world, primarilybelow the tree line. The larvae are generalistpredators and inhabit wet soil and debris in bogs,marshes, ponds, and stream margins, although somespecies live in drier soil and tree holes. Females feedchiefly on mammals and occasionally amphibians,birds, and reptiles. An unknown number of the 4300described species do not take blood, including speciesof Goniops, Stonemyia, the subfamily Scepsidinae, andthe tribe Mycteromyiini. Humans and livestock areannoyed by both deer flies and horse flies.The only human disease that is consistentlytabanid borne (via Chrysops) is loiasis, caused by afilarial nematode known as the African eyeworm(Loa loa). Tabanids have the potential to transmit

534 Peter H. Adlerdisease organisms mechanically (Mullens 2002). Thebacterium that causes tularemia, for example, can betransmitted mechanically, although the proportion ofhuman and livestock cases attributable to infectionthrough tabanids is unknown.RATIONALE FOR BIODIVERSITYSTUDIES OF BLOOD-SUCKING FLIESA major objective of biodiversity studies is to documentall species on Earth. New biological riches (e.g., foodsand medicinal compounds), aesthetics, the impendingloss of species, and matters of conservation typicallyjustify biodiversity studies for most organisms. Butbeyond the unifying goal of documenting species, thechief motives driving biodiversity studies of biting fliesare likely to diverge from those for other organisms.For biting flies, threats to human and animal welfare,such as economic losses and disease epidemicscaused by pests and vectors, motivate biodiversityresearch, with the ultimate goal of eliminating therisk.Yet, among biting flies, only one of the four life stages,and often only the female, directly creates risk. Themale and three pre-adult stages, particularly the larvalstage, often perform key functional roles in the environment(Malmqvist et al. 2004). Larval black flies,for example, have been termed ‘ecosystem engineers’becausetheyplayavitalroleinprocessingdissolvedandparticulate matter into larger fecal pellets used as foodby other aquatic organisms and as a possible source offertilizer for flood-plain vegetation (Wotton et al. 1998,Malmqvist et al. 2004). A trade-off thus exists betweenreducing the troublesome adult stage and conservingthe beneficial immature stages. Ironically, the larvalstage often is targeted for control of the adult pest orvector. Complicating matters further, adult biting flies,too, can play an integral role in the environment aspollinators, food for predators, and regulators of wildlifepopulations (Malmqvist et al. 2004).One would find it difficult to argue for conservationof the yellow fever mosquito, a vector not only ofthe virus of its namesake but also, inter alia, Chikungunyavirus, dengue viruses, and Ross River virus. Theintrinsic difficulties of eradicating a vector, the unintendedconsequences of doing so, and the desire tomaintain all life forms can be addressed by breakingthe cycle of disease while conserving the vector. Thetransmitted causal agent can be targeted with drugsgiven to the vertebrate hosts, and vector populationscan be suppressed to levels simply sufficient to disruptthe transmission cycle. Well into the 1930s, malariawas one of the major socioeconomic burdens in muchof the USA, afflicting 6–7 million people annually andreducing the South’s industrial potential by about onethird (Russell 1959, Desowitz 1998). DDT, antimalarialdrugs, habitat alteration (e.g., oiling and drainingof wetlands), and improved standards of living eventuallybroke the cycle (Adler and Wills 2003). Theprincipal vectors, members of the Anopheles quadrimaculatuscomplex, remain common in the formerlymalarious regions of the southern USA. The Plasmodiumspecies responsible for human malaria, however,are essentially gone from the areas where they wereunintentionally introduced by the slave trade.The dilemma of conserving or eliminating bitingflies is epitomized by the black fly Simulium ochraceum(formerly S. bipunctatum) intheGalápagos Islands.S. ochraceum was discovered in the archipelago (on SanCristóbal) in 1989 (Abedraabo et al. 1993) and hassince become a serious biting pest of humans, causingsome residents to abandon their farms. Because of limitedbreeding sites, the black flies could be eradicatedfrom the archipelago by applying the larva-specificbiopesticide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis. Thecritical issue is whether the species is a recent introduction,as some authors (Abedraabo et al. 1993) maintain,or has been on the archipelago longer. Thedistinction is significant because if it has long beenpresent, it might have become a keystone species, servingas the basis of the food web for other aquaticinvertebrates; in this scenario, its eradication could disruptthe island’s flowing-water ecosystem. S. ochraceumis actually a species complex of at least two siblingspecies in Central and South America, one or more ofwhichtransmitsthecausalagentofhumanonchocerciasis(Hirai et al. 1994). Still unknown is which memberof the complex is present in the Galápagos Islands andto what extent it has diverged from mainland populations.Cytogenetic and molecular techniques are nowbeing used to determine the identity of the insular siblingspecies, as well as its mainland source, extent ofdivergence, and length of time in the Galápagos. Similarquandaries will continue to arise as land use changesandastheinterfacebetweencivilizationandrawnatureexpands. Persistent incursions into undeveloped areasof the tropics, for example, expose people to new andgreater risks of vector-borne diseases (Basáñez et al.2000), while development projects (e.g., irrigation)

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 535increase the prevalence of diseases such as leishmaniasis(Lane 1993).Regardless of the motivation for biodiversity studiesof biting flies, the deep understanding that hasaccrued from such studies has fostered the use ofbiting flies as research models in areas applicableto other organisms. Biting flies have provided modelsfor studies of community ecology (McCreadie andAdler 1998), genomic mapping (Holt et al. 2002),host-symbiont evolution (Chen et al. 1999), filter feeding(Merritt et al. 1996), island biogeography (Craig2003), speciation (Rothfels 1989), transgenic arthropods(Alphey et al. 2002), and a bounty of otherrelevant topics.BIODIVERSITY EXPLORATIONProgress in documenting the biodiversity of biting flieshas been uneven among families. This imbalance stemsnot only from the differential importance of the variousfamilies to society, but also from the largely independentresearch efforts for each family, embracingdifferent terminologies, techniques, and philosophies.These independent trajectories are maintained by specialistswho typically confine their work to a singlegroup. Some progress, nonetheless, has been madein homologizing structures and, hence, terminologyacross families. The Manual of Nearctic Diptera, forinstance, provides a lingua franca of morphologicalterms for larvae and adults, although rarefied familyspecificterms persist, especially for genitalia and pupae.Tools and approaches are applied variously among families.Polytene chromosomes have played an integralrole in the taxonomy of some groups but not others;yet even among the groups for which cytotaxonomyhas been practiced routinely (Culicidae and Simuliidae),the terminology is family specific. The Culicidaeand Simuliidae are among the top three families ofDiptera with the most DNA-barcoded specimens, whileother families of blood-sucking flies have far fewer barcodedrepresentatives or none (Barcode of Life DataSystems 2008). Although barcoding appears to be thewave of the near future in species identification, itscontroversial nature not withstanding (Besansky et al.2003), molecular taxonomy currently is applied regularlyonly in certain groups of mosquitoes and sand fliesthat transmit human-disease agents. The criteria usedto define species also vary among groups. Morphologicalcriteria are used to define most species, althoughcytological and molecular criteria also are used in theCulicidae and Simuliidae. Subspecies are recognizedin some families (e.g., Culicidae, Glossinidae) but notothers (e.g., Corethrellidae and Simuliidae).In some groups of flies, certain taxonomic methodshave been more profitable than others. A particulartechnique, for example, might be taxon specific or evenstage specific. In black flies, a group in which speciationlikely has been driven by chromosomal rearrangements,cytological approaches have been instrumentalin the discovery and resolution of species (Rothfels1989). The Simuliidae provide the lesson that significantbiodiversity lies hidden, not only as sibling species,but also as homosequential sibling species (Bedo 1979).Although limited prospecting has been done at themolecular level among black flies (Krüger et al. 2006),no bona fide species has yet been discovered with molecularapproaches, and until recently (Duncan et al.2004), molecular techniques have failed to discriminatesome of the most similar species. This situationis destined to change as the field of molecular biologyadvances. Though chromosomes currently providethe most powerful tool for revealing hidden species inthe Simuliidae, they are useful, with notable exceptions(Bedo 1976), only for middle- to late-instar larvae.Among mosquitoes, cytogenetic techniques havebeen invaluable in revealing sibling species, althoughnot all mosquitoes are readily amenable to bandby-bandchromosomal analysis. While the polytenechromosomes of anophelines are often workable,those of many culicines prove difficult, althoughthe limits of the technique can be pushed (McAbeeet al. 2007), for example by using Malpighiantubules rather than the standard tissues such aslarval salivary glands (Zambetaki et al. 1998, Camposet al. 2003). Molecular techniques are now usedroutinely to reveal and discriminate sibling speciesof mosquito vectors (Kengne et al. 2003, Benet et al.2004, Wilkerson et al. 2004) and have largelysupplanted cytogenetic approaches. DNA barcodingwill play an increasingly frequent role in mosquitotaxonomy (Cywinska et al. 2006, Kumar et al. 2007).For sand flies, polytene chromosomes have beenthe subject of few studies (White and Killick-Kendrick1975). Molecular techniques, however, increasinglyare being brought to bear on species problems of phlebotomines.These studies have been restricted largelyto major vector complexes associated with humanleishmaniasis. For several decades, the Neotropicalsand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis has been suspected of

536 Peter H. Adlerbeing a species complex. Isozymes, molecular data, andpheromonal chemistry support this notion and haverevealed at least four sibling species (Arrivillaga et al.2003, Hamilton et al. 2004). Similarly, the MediterraneanPhlebotomus perniciosus complex consists ofsibling species (Pesson et al. 2004). Establishing thevectorial abilities of each of these sibling species shouldhelp explain observed differences in the distribution andclinical manifestations of leishmaniasis, and ultimatelyimprove vector-management strategies (Lanzaro andWarburg 1995).Tsetse have a rich history of classical genetic studies(Gooding and Krafsur 2005), and are now frequentsubjects of molecular investigation. No unequivocalcases of sibling species have been discovered amongtsetse. Yet, hybridization between some subspeciesresults in male sterility of the offspring (Gooding 1985),and heterozygote deficiencies and linkage disequilibriaoccur within other subspecies, indicating populationsubstructuring (Luna et al. 2001) that might reflectsibling species or incipient species. Of particular interestwith regard to hidden biodiversity of tsetse is the potentialvariation in the ability to transmit trypanosomes.For the remaining families, morphological approachesto species questions continue to dominate despitethe option of using molecular and other techniques.The few studies that have explored the possibility ofconcealed biodiversity in the Tabanidae and Ceratopogonidaesupport the trend of sibling-species richness.Enzyme electrophoresis established the validity of twosibling species of the salt marsh greenheads Tabanusconterminus and T. nigrovittatus (Jacobson et al. 1981),and cuticular hydrocarbon analysis later corroboratedthe existence of the two species and revealeda probable third species (Sutton and Carlson 1997).Isozyme studies demonstrated that the ceratopogonidCulicoides variipennis is a complex of three reproductivelyisolated species (Holbrook et al. 2000). Molecularinvestigations of the economically important Ceratopogonidaeare picking up pace (Mathieu et al. 2007)and can be predicted to yield additional cryptic biodiversity.With time, biodiversity prospecting in biting flies willcome to rely heavily – some believe exclusively – onmolecular techniques. This suborganismal approachmight uncover the genetic basis for reproductive isolation.Molecular, chromosomal, and morphologicalapproaches, however, reflect hierarchical scales ofinvestigation; information at one scale might not beaccessible at another scale. A pluralistic approach,zooming in and out on the biodiversity scale, althoughnot always producing concordance (della Torre et al.2001, 2002), is likely to be the most illuminatingstrategy. Despite the value of a synthetic approach,the trend is swinging toward an exclusively molecularapproach, propelled by the increasing ease, speed,and accessibility of molecular techniques, while cytogeneticand morphological techniques remain relativelydifficult and time consuming.Laboratory aspects of revealing and describingthe biodiversity of biting flies are often corroborated,informed, or initiated when biological discrepancies(e.g., in seasonality or host usage) are observed innatural populations. Future studies of biodiversitymust integrate the study of dead specimens withinformation from populations in nature. For a completeappreciation of biting-fly biodiversity, scientists muststrive for an understanding of living organisms,including habitat preferences, reproductive behaviors,and interactions with other organisms.SOCIETAL CONSEQUENCESOF DISREGARDING BIODIVERSITYAccurate identification is critical to all scientificresearch and its application, perhaps no more sothan when dealing with biting pests and vectors. Yetmisidentification is rampant in the literature on bitingflies, owing in part to the similarity among so manyspecies, the dwindling numbers of specialists, andthe lack of mandatory taxonomy courses. More than600 misidentifications have been documented in the2200 or so articles and theses on North Americanblack flies (Adler et al. 2004). Misidentifications cancost lives, disrupt economies, and waste money. Themisidentification of Anopheles varuna, a nonvector ofmalarial agents, misdirected efforts to control the actualvector in central Vietnam (Van Bortel et al. 2001).Misidentification of another nonvector, An. filipinae,inthe Philippines set the stage for similarly unproductivemanagement efforts (Foley et al. 1996). Targetingthe wrong species also could exacerbate the pest ordisease problem by opening habitat for development ofthe real villain. The success of antimalarial programsis inversely correlated with the biodiversity of thevectorial system (Coluzzi 1984). Failure to recognizeall entities of the system compromises success. Effortsto manage pests and vectors biologically, for exampleby introducing sterile males, genetically engineered

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 537individuals, or host-specific natural enemies, mustensure compatibility with the targeted populations.At special risk for misidentification are the morphologicallysimilar, if not identical, sibling species andthe more covert homosequential sibling species. Giventheir frequency and the difficulty in recognizing them,the chance of misidentification is considerable. The differentvectorial capacities of sibling species underscorethe importance of precise identification. The demonstrationthat the biting midge C. variipennis is actuallythree distinct species, only one of which (C. sonorensis)is a principal vector of bluetongue virus in NorthAmerican ruminants, implies that vector-competencegenes have a low probability of flowing fromC. sonorensis to C. variipennis sensu stricto (Holbrooket al. 2000). The significance for North American agricultureis that livestock and germplasm can be movedmore freely from bluetongue-free areas of the USA tobluetongue-free countries. At least half of the majorvectors of human malarial agents belong to complexesof sibling species (Krzywinski and Besansky 2003). Theseven or more sibling species in the An. gambiae complexdiffer in their ability to transmit human malarialagents, ranging from nonvector to highly competentvectors (Coluzzi 1984). Only a few of the ten or moresibling species of African biting midges in the Culicoidesimicola complex have been implicated in the transmissionof African horse sickness virus (Meiswinkel1998, Mellor et al. 2000). Of the 30 sibling species andcytoforms in the S. damnosum complex in northeasternAfrica and East Africa, only 6 have been incriminatedas vectors of the filarial parasite responsible forhuman onchocerciasis (Post et al. 2007). Further,the vector species of the S. damnosum complex showdifferential susceptibilities and resistance to insecticides,requiring accurate identification to monitorthe development and spread of resistance genes(Kurtak 1990).To avoid misidentifications, as well as reveal anddelineate hidden biodiversity, clarify pest status andepidemiological complexity, and generally keep biodiversitydiscoveries flowing, a synthetic approachis required. Molecular techniques are now part ofthe toolkit that includes the tried-and-true methodsof classical systematics. Molecular methods also providea reliable means of linking immature stages withadults (including type specimens), as well as identifyingspecimens in poor condition or larvae too young formorphological or chromosomal identifications. No singlemethod, however, is likely to answer all questionsregarding species. Even the powerful triumvirate ofcytotaxonomy, morphotaxonomy, and molecular taxonomycan fail to resolve or provide concordance forcertain critical species issues among disease-bearingflies such as the An. gambiae complex (della Torreet al. 2001, 2002). Additional technologies, such ascuticular hydrocarbon analysis, have been used inmost groups of biting flies and generally, though notalways, corroborate species limits based on other criteria(Carlson et al. 1997). The resolution of five siblingspecies in the North American An. quadrimaculatuscomplex, using biochemical, chromosomal, ecological,hybridization, molecular, and morphological techniques(Reinert et al. 1997), provides a blueprint formultifaceted approaches. An integrated strategy alsowill be needed to relate the vectorial capacity of the 5siblings to the 15 or more disease agents transmittedby the members of the complex.New approaches and techniques bring new problems,some immediately apparent, others latent. A newproblem of the molecular age is that some sequencesplaced in public databases are linked with misidentifiedspecies; this problem has surfaced for mosquitoes(Krzywinski and Besansky 2003). To avoid these mistakes,molecular biologists must work collaborativelywith morphotaxonomists and cytotaxonomists. Moreimportantly, future biodiversity researchers must beau fait with each of these techniques and capable ofapplying them to solve the thornier problems. Theymust ‘be emboldened to venture across the dissolvingdisciplinary barriers’ (Kafatos and Eisner 2003).PRESENT AND FUTURE CONCERNSTo further guard against misidentifications and facilitatefuture discoveries of hidden biodiversity, voucherspecimens must be deposited in accessible museums.Vouchers provide some measure of immortality toan author’s work by permitting subsequent verificationor recalibration should hidden diversity bediscovered. They also provide a historical basis forevaluating genetic and morphological changes overtime. The notorious cattle pest of the Canadian prairies,responsible for the deaths of more than 3500 headof cattle since 1886, was long known as S. arcticum.In reality, it was an entirely different and undescribedspecies, subsequently named S. vampirum (Adler et al.2004). So abundant at times that it formed a loud,buzzing fog, the species later proved difficult to study

538 Peter H. Adlertaxonomically because limited specimens had beendeposited in museums before it was eradicated frommuch of its former habitat; evidently, it was so abundantthat previous researchers saw little need to depositmaterial in museums. Future researchers hoping totrack the genetic changes from a time of superabundanceto virtual extermination (bottleneck) will bechallenged to find adequate historical material of thisspecies. More generally, future workers are not likely toview present vouchering practices approvingly. Of 84articles on biting flies published in the Journal of MedicalEntomology in 2003, only 5% mentioned the depositionof voucher specimens – the other 95% representing anenormous potential loss of future information.Voucher specimens and type series can include notonly actual specimens but also chromosome preparations,preferably with photographs that ensure permanencyshould the chromosome preparations proveunstable over time (Adler and Kim 1985). Imagesof biochemical and molecular gels similarly can bedeposited as complementary, but not exclusive, itemsto actual specimens or specimen parts. So that representativematerial might be available in depositories forfuture scrutiny and analysis, the practice of grindingan entire organism for molecular analysis, or grindinga portion and discarding the remainder, must beavoided.At a time when the need for collections and storage ofbiological material is critical, administrators are callingfor the downsizing, sale, or abandonment of collections.Such myopic calls are epitomized by the suggestion ofa former administrator at one North American institutionto replace the specimens in ‘space-consumingcabinets’withtwo-dimensionalphotographsthatcouldbe stored in compact files. Solutions are not easy, butnone are satisfactory if they do not allow for storage ofactual specimens. No scientist has the prescience to predictwhat information will be required from museumspecimens, which otherwise would be unavailable fromphotographs, CD ROMs, and other ersatz items. Norcan the techniques be foreseen that one day mightbe used to extract information from real specimens.With continued destruction of habitat and concomitantextinctions, all we ever will know of some specieswill be the information associated with real specimenshoused in collections (Wheeler 2004).The greatest need facing future biodiversity studiesof biting flies is a pervasive appreciation of the value ofthe work and the importance of organismal education.All other needs flow logically from this perspective.Currently, an appreciation is held by only a smallcadre of scientists and lay people. A certain irony inacknowledging the value of biodiversity issues comesfrom the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme inAfrica. The cytotaxonomists whose discoveries of siblingspecies in the S. damnosum complex revolutionizedthe playing field by allowing more precise targeting ofthe vectors of O. volvulus, nonetheless, repeatedly hadto justify their efforts to identify the vector species incontrol programs (Meredith 1988). A majority of studentsnow graduate from college without an adequateunderstanding of the biodiversity crisis or how bitingflies and vector-borne diseases might affect their lives.Yet another irony, and a dangerous pitfall, is successitself. Effective control can become the enemy of continuedbiodiversity exploration. The heady success of DDTin controlling malaria, beginning in the late 1940s,led to a false belief that mosquito biologists were nolonger needed; a generation or more went untrained,by which time resistance to DDT, as well as to certainantimalarial drugs, had become entrenched. Theunprecedented success of B. thuringiensis var. israelensisagainst black flies has dampened not only studies ofnatural enemies (Adler et al. 2004), but also studiesof the family in general.‘Every insect taxon needs a fanatical specialist whowill make a life of passionate proprietary concern forhis own personal charges’ (Lloyd 2003). To improve onJames Lloyd’s sentiment, we need only pluralize ‘specialist’and adjust the corresponding orthography. Yet,the number of trained specialists continues to dwindlewhile the hackneyed plea goes out for more taxonomicexpertise. In nearly 250 years of describing and namingbiting flies, about 415 people have authored or coauthoredformal species names for the world’s black flies,averaging roughly 5.0 valid species per author. About50 authors have named biting muscids, for an averageof 1.1 valid species and subspecies per author. Fortsetse and corethrellids, 24 authors each have describedspecies and subspecies, or about 1.4 and 4.0 valid taxa,respectively, per author. Perhaps with more sophisticatedtechniques, in the context of rapid informationprocessing, the task of describing all species mightbe completed with fewer workers, although this viewseems naively optimistic. Current papers dealing withcomplex species problems often carry up to seven ormore authors (e.g., della Torre et al. 2002, Arrivillagaet al. 2003, Pesson et al. 2004).Cataloging biodiversity must not remain the staticend game. The dynamic, coevolutionary system of

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> of biting flies: implications for humanity 539vector, vertebrate host, and disease agent requiresvigilant monitoring to protect human and animalwelfare. The rapidly changing nature of the world’secological landscape exerts intense and swift selectionon pests and vectors, the development of pesticide resistancebeing a textbook example. Two sibling speciesin the S. damnosum complex, S. damnosum sensu strictoand S. sirbanum, are now hybridizing at increasedrates as a result of habitat disturbance and resistancestemming from long-term, repeated insecticideapplications in the Onchocerciasis Control Programmearea of Africa (Boakye et al. 2000). The danger is thatgenetic material could be transferred from one speciesto the other, giving rise to new variants or even newspecies, and compromising vector-management programs.This scenario has been described for mosquitoesin the Culex pipiens complex, which are vectors of WestNile virus. Molecular data suggest that, in the USA,hybridization between the bird-feeding Culex pipiensand the mammal-feeding Culex molestus (recognized bymany workers as a physiological form of Cx. pipiens)has produced efficient vectors that are able to transferthe virus from birds to humans (Fonseca et al. 2004).Because some species of the An. gambiae complex feedexclusively on humans and breed in artificial containers,which have been available for fewer than10,000 years, at least some radiation within the complexmight have occurred in recent times (Coluzzi et al.2002). Ongoing speciation within sibling species of theAn. gambiae complex complicates the control of malariain Africa by extending the transmission potential of thevectors in space and time (della Torre et al. 2002).As a final caveat, new disease concerns are likelyto emerge from previously unappreciated or de novovector–pathogen relationships. Climate change, forexample, has driven the major Old World vectorof bluetongue virus into new areas of Europe, andbluetongue virus has expanded its range even further,putatively through the involvement of novel Culicoidesvectors (Purse et al. 2005). The rapid spread of Aedesalbopictus over large portions of the globe is fuelingunexpected outbreaks of diseases, such as chikungunya,with increased potency (Enserink 2008).Future biodiversity efforts, therefore, must continueto link the species of disease-causing agents with theirdipteran hosts. The total number of zoopathogenstransmitted by biting flies remains unknown, not onlybecause the taxonomy of some microorganisms ispoorly developed or confused, but also because manyhosts of minimal economic importance (i.e., wildlife)have not been surveyed for pathogens, or the pathogenshave not been associated with the vectors. About 82species of Leucocytozoon are known from 54 familiesof birds (Peirce 2005), but only about 13 specieshave been linked with vectors (all Simuliidae, exceptone Ceratopogonidae) (Adler and McCreadie 2002).Species resolution of disease-causing organisms, suchas protozoans, has been difficult because of a dearth ofmorphological characters. Based on the prevalence ofsibling species among vectors, a working hypothesis isthat transmitted microorganisms also consist of siblingspecies. Molecular evidence supports this hypothesisfor the genus Leucocytozoon (Sehgal et al. 2006,Hellgren et al. 2008). A corollary hypothesis is thatthe vector specificity and vertebrate-host specificityof transmitted disease agents is greater than currentlyrealized. Molecular approaches should be usefulin testing these ideas. They have proven useful ingroups such as the tsetse-transmitted Trypanosoma inwhich species in some subgenera have been oversplit,while species richness in other subgenera has beenunderestimated (Gibson 2003).CONCLUSIONSMore than 17,500 species of biting flies have beendescribed, of which about 75% take blood from vertebrates.The Neotropics are richest in species, althoughnewspeciescontinuetobediscoveredinbiodiversityhotspots and inadequately sampled areas throughout theworld. Still more biodiversity remains to be harvestedfrom the genome of currently known morphospecies.Structurally similar sibling species are revealed routinelywhen appropriate techniques are applied, withsome morphospecies consisting of as many as 50 siblingspecies.What do biodiversity studies of biting flies revealabout other groups of organisms? More than anything,they suggest that estimates of the total number of lifeforms are too low. Most estimates of life’s richness arebased on known numbers of morphospecies, failing toaccount for sibling species and homosequential siblingspecies that, with closer scrutiny or more sophisticatedtechniques, await discovery. The plurality ofapproaches that has been used to uncover hidden biodiversityin particular groups of biting flies provides a templatefor biodiversity investigations of other organisms.As a final thought, we must appreciate that discovering,describing, and cataloging the rich biodiversity

540 Peter H. Adlerof biting flies is not an endpoint, but rather a meansof addressing a multiplicity of questions directly relevantto the future of humanity. Biting flies, as pestsand vectors of disease agents, have profoundly influencedhuman history and continue to exact a brutaltoll. They are responsible for more than 1.25 millionhuman deaths annually and an incalculable socioeconomicburden. Threats to human and animal welfarearise not only from well-known pests and vectors,but also from undiscovered species, recent invasivespecies, novel vector-microorganism associations, andenvironmental dynamics that foster hybridization andexchange of genomic material between vector taxa.The degree to which risks are eliminated is directly correlatedwith our understanding of the biodiversity of theincriminated biting flies. At odds with the destructionlevied by adult biting flies is the key ecological role of theimmature stages. Safeguarding the future of humanitywhile conserving the ecological benefits of bitingflies hinges on continued investments in biodiversityresearch.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI thank A. Borkent for insights into the numberof corethrellid and ceratopogonid species and earlyaccess to his world ceratopogonid catalogue; F. Bravo,J. F. Burger, and E. A. B. Galati for information onthe number of sycoracine, tabanid, and phlebotominespecies, respectively; and A. Borkent, R. W. Crosskey,A. C. Pont, and W. K. Reeves for thoughtful reviews ofthe manuscript.REFERENCESAbedraabo, S., F. Le Pont, A. J. Shelley, and J. Mouchet. 1993.Introduction et acclimatation d’une simulie anthropophiledans l’ile San Cristobal, archipel des Galapagos (Diptera,Simulidae [sic]). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France98: 108.Adler, P. H. and R. W. Crosskey. 2008. World Blackflies(Diptera: Simuliidae): A Fully Revised Edition of theTaxonomic and Geographical Inventory. http://entweb.clemson.edu/biomia/pdfs/blackflyinventory.pdf [Accessed31 March 2008].Adler, P. H. and K. C. Kim. 1985. Taxonomy of black fly siblingspecies: two new species in the Prosimulium mixtum group(Diptera: Simuliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society ofAmerica 78: 41–49.Adler, P. H. and J. W. McCreadie. 1997. The hidden ecologyof black flies: sibling species and ecological scale. AmericanEntomologist 43: 153–161.Adler, P. H. and J. W. McCreadie. 2002. Black flies (Simuliidae).Pp. 185–202. In G. Mullen and L. Durden (eds). Medicaland Veterinary Entomology. Academic Press, New York.Adler, P. H. and W. Wills. 2003. Legacy of death: the historyof arthropod-borne human diseases in South Carolina.American Entomologist 49: 216–228.Adler, P. H., D. C. Currie, and D. M. Wood. 2004. The BlackFlies (Simuliidae) of North America. Cornell University Press,Ithaca, NY. 941 pp + 24 plates.Alphey, L., C. B. Beard, P. Billingsley, M. Coetzee, A. Crisanti,C. Curtis, P. Eggleston, C. Godfray, J. Hemingway,M. Jacobs-Lorena, A. A. James, F. C. Kafatos, L. G.Mukwaya, M. Paton, J. R. Powell, W. Schneider, T. W.Scott, B. Sina, R. Sinden, S. Sinkins, A. Spielman, Y. Touré,and F. H. Collins. 2002. Malaria control with geneticallymanipulated insect vectors. Science 298: 119–121.Arrivillaga, J., J.-P. Mutebi, H. Piñango, D. Norris,B. Alexander, M. D. Feliciangeli, and G. C. Lanzaro. 2003.The taxonomic status of genetically divergent populationsof Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) based onthe distribution of mitochondrial and isozyme variation.Journal of Medical Entomology 40: 615–627.Baker, J. R. 1967. A review of the role played by the Hippoboscidae(Diptera) as vectors of endoparasites. Journal ofParasitology 53: 412–418.Barcode of Life Data Systems. 2008. http://www.barcodinglife.org/views/login.php [Accessed 20 January2008].Basáñez, M. G., L. Yarzábal, H. L. Frontado, and N. J.Villamizar. 2000. Onchocerca-Simulium complexes inVenezuela: can human onchocerciasis spread outside itspresent endemic area? Parasitology 120: 143–160.Bedo, D. G. 1976. Polytene chromosomes in pupal and adultblackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Chromosoma 57: 387–396.Bedo, D. G. 1979. Cytogenetics and evolution of Simuliumornatipes Skuse (Diptera: Simuliidae). II. Temporal variationin chromosomal polymorphisms and homosequentialsibling species. Evolution 33: 296–308.Benet, A., A. Mai, F. Bockarie, M. Lagog, P. Zimmerman,M. P. Alpers, J. C. Reeder, and M. S. J. Bockarie. 2004.Polymerase chain reaction diagnosis and the changing patternof vector ecology and malaria transmission dynamicsin Papua New Guinea. American Journal of Tropical Medicineand Hygiene 71: 277–284.Bernal, X. E., A. S. Rand, and M. J. Ryan. 2006. Acousticpreferences and localization performance of blood-suckingflies (Corethrella Coquillett) to túngarafrogcalls.BehavioralEcology 17: 709–715.Besansky, N. J., D. W. Severson, and M. T. Ferdig. 2003. DNAbarcoding of parasites and invertebrate disease vectors:what you don’t know can hurt you. Trends in Parasitology19: 545–546.

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Chapter 23Reconcilingethical andscientific issuesfor insectconservationMichaelJ.SamwaysDepartment of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, and Centre for Invasion Biology,Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602, South Africa<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9547

<strong>Insect</strong>s are the most speciose animal group on earth,with 1,004,898 described species (introduction tothis volume). If an estimated 99% of all speciesof organisms that have ever existed on earth havegone extinct, we may ask why we should concern ourselveswith conservation when, on balance, extinctionis perhaps the norm.Paleontological evidence suggests that insect biodiversityhas increased, but not steadily, over the last350 million years (Labandeira and Sepkoski 1993).Despite comparatively high loss of some specialistspecies at the end of the Cretaceous, insects as a group,nevertheless, survived into the Tertiary, and indeedsome have thrived and diversified (Labandeira et al.2002). The Isoptera, Lepidoptera, and Mantodea areamong those groups that have shown relatively modernradiation. Later, during the Quaternary (the last2.4 million years), even with the advance and retreat ofthe glaciers, insect populations moved north and thensouth, in the Northern Hemisphere, with alternatingwarm and cold events. The geographic range shiftsacross latitudes were associated with little speciesextinction (Coope 1995). These population shiftsapparently have been a regular feature of insect assemblagesfor at least 110,000 years (Ponel et al. 2003,Samways et al. 2006), and probably much longer.With the appearance of tool-wielding humans andagricultural settlement, the landscape began to changerapidly, and insects faced a new challenge. Fromabout 6000 years ago, the landscape became graduallyand increasingly transformed (Steadman 1995,Burney and Flannery 2005), so that today, insectsare experiencing new types of influences on theirhabitats, such as landscape fragmentation and drainingof marshland habitats. These adverse effects haveincreased gradually in both extent and intensity, particularlyover the last century.Mawdsley and Stork (1995) estimate that between100,000 and 500,000 insect species could go extinctover the next 300 years, while McKinney (1999) suggeststhat a quarter of all insect species are under threatof imminent extinction. These extinctions are primarilydue to human transformation of the landscape anddestruction of their habitats as a result of direct competitionwith humans for space and resources. Many of theeffects are additive, one upon another, leading to particularlyharsh and threatening conditions for habitatspecialists (Travis 2003). <strong>Insect</strong>s appear to be especiallysensitive to these modern compound effects – they aredeclining faster than birds or vascular plants (Thomaset al. 2004) (Fig. 23.1), at least in Britain. Of concern isthat the British biota is essentially post-glacial and withvery few narrow-range specialists. Because the tropicshave many geographically restricted, specialist species,the situation might be even more acute in areas of theworld where a host of sensitive specialists are living% of species% of species% of speciesCumulative % of species2520151053025201510510090807060504030201000−100−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200>2000−100−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200>20030252015105median bird species change: −2%median plant species change: +7%0−100−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200>200% change in occupied 10 km−100−50median butterfly species change: −13%(a)050% change in occupied 10 km s 2(b)100150

Reconciling ethical and scientific issues for insect conservation 549in small geographic areas and subject to rapid declinewhen the footprint of humankind coincides with theirrestricted range (Samways 2006).A further consideration is that coextinctions also arebeginning to occur and are associated with the enormousnumbers of mutualistic or other coevolutionaryinteractions between different insects and other organisms.This coextinction appears to be the case whenthe relationships are particularly close. In both Britainand the Netherlands, pollinator declines are most frequentin habitat and flower specialists, in univoltinespecies, and in nonmigrants (Biesmeijer et al. 2006).The decline of pollinators leaves certain plants as theliving dead, with the dependent herbivores that live onthese plants effectively adrift on a doomed raft (Vamosiet al. 2006). In many parts of the world, all sorts ofcurious and specific interactions are under threat. Therather uncharismatic and even more uncharminglynamed pygmy hog louse (Haematopinus oliveri) is underthreat because its own special host, the northern Indianpygmy hog is threatened.For the first time in the history of the earth, an insectextinctionspasm is taking place that is being caused byjust one other species. Humans are steadily and surelypulling the thread out of the jersey of life and, to use AlGore’s expression, we are not facing ‘the inconvenienttruth’ that we are rapidly unraveling ecosystems acrossthe globe. The point is that this is also the first time thata supposedly conscious and sentient being is causingsuch extinction.To address the opening point: as we are the consciouscause of such extinction, we surely have a moralresponsibility to do something about it. Although not allinsectswillbelost,andindeedsomewillbenefitfromourinfluences, many unique evolutionary characters andeven ecologically keystone species will be extinguished.Fig. 23.1 Changes in the number of 10 2 km (10 × 10 km)in Britain occupied by native butterfly, bird, and plant speciesbetween the two censuses (20–40 years apart) of each taxon.(a) Frequency distributions: median butterfly species (top, n =58) < median bird species (middle, n = 201, P < 0.001) bird declines (– – –) > plantdeclines ( ); Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests, P < 0.001).(From Thomas et al. 2004).This issue is not just simply a moral one, but a practicalone, too, with aspects of our survival also beingin jeopardy. We must deal with this crisis, because‘business as usual’ is not an option (Millenium EcosystemAssessment 2005). How we deal with it, in turn,depends at the outset on the values we hold. I will nowexplore this question of values a little more, as it isthe platform upon which our action must take place.I will then explore some practical options, bearing inmind that insect conservation is not a separate entitybut rather intertwined with biodiversity conservationas a whole.VALUING NATURETypes of valueAt the morally most simplistic and superficial level,organisms, including insects, are there for our benefit.This level is also one of practicality and the languageof most real-life conservation. Conservation becomesever more practical as the pressures mount. The humanincrease and the conversion of natural resources is, inturn, putting more pressure on insects. This practicallevel is about utilitarian or instrumental value.Such value can be consumptive or nonconsumptive.A consumptive value might relate, say, to pollinatorsbecause they are needed to produce some particularhuman food. An example of nonconsumptive utilitarianvalue is the viewing of insects for enjoyment atspecific sites (Hill and Twist 1998). Utilitarian value,particularly when it is consumptive, must have sustainability,with due cognizance of the PrecautionaryPrinciple (Fauna and Flora International 2006). Thisprinciple recognizes that we must be sensitive to thecomplexity and levels of current biodiversity; yet, also,we must be cautious in using it because we do not knowthe extent to which using it will adversely affect thosenatural resources.At the morally deeper level, beyond utilitarian value,is intrinsic value. While utilitarian value is about howwe might benefit from nature, intrinsic value is aboutorganisms having a share in the survival stakes in theirown right. Intrinsic value also has come into prominencein one sector, which relates to the ‘IUCN Red Listof Threatened Species’ (www.redlist.org). The Red Listis proving to have enormous benefit in conservationplanning (Baillie et al. 2004, Rodrigues et al. 2006).The significance of the intrinsic value of insects is that

550 Michael J. Samwayseach species has equal space on the Red List. Thus, abee, bird, or buffalo is given equal exposure, which isa major step forward for insect conservation, as individualinsect species are given higher prominence thannormally would be the case. Let us now explore someof these values more extensively.Sensitive use of ecosystem servicesThe utilitarian level of practicality is currently themost persuasive for policy makers. A recent emphasis,for example, is to value biodiversity in termsof services (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 2005)and economics (Bishop et al. 2007). Such a utilitarianapproach emphasizes that we need insects becausethey supply goods and services of benefit to us, eitherdirectly or indirectly through sustenance of the naturalworld on which we depend. In purely monetary terms,these instrumental values are staggering. Losey andVaughan (2006) estimate that ‘wild’ insects, whichcontrol pests, pollinate flowers, bury dung, and providenutrition for other wildlife, are worth $57 billionper year in the USA alone. These small creatures areclearly providing big services. They are also an essentialpart of the fabric of healthy ecosystems as we knowthem (Coleman and Hendrix 2000).This utilitarian approach separates humans from therest of nature. It is a value system based on us using them(other organisms). With the connectedness of naturein mind, this is an untenable way of valuing nature,including insects, in the long term, unless we temper itwith careful stewardship of ecosystems. Nevertheless,this utilitarian approach is the only conceivable onefor the near future, both for local and internationalconservation policy and management.This utilitarian approach, which does not necessarilyexclude intrinsic value, is being explored under theEuropean Union’s Coordination Action Project ‘Rationalising<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems’(www.RUBICODE.net). The project is reviewingand developing concepts of dynamic ecosystems andthe services that they provide. Those components ofbiodiversity that provide specific services to society arebeing defined and evaluated to increase our understandingof the value of biodiversity services, as well asthe cost of losing them. This approach will give decisionmakers a more rational base and will help in understandingthe need for adequate conservation policies,which are essential to halting biodiversity loss.One way of viewing dynamic ecosystems and theservices they provide is based on valuing a populationthrough the concept of the Service Providing Unit(SPU) (Luck et al. 2003). An SPU provides a recognizedservice at some temporal or spatial scale. For example, ifthe service required is the European-wide sequestrationof carbon, then the SPU would be the biodiversity ofEurope. At a lower level, if the service required is pollinationof particular plants, then the SPU would be thespecies and abundance of the pollinators. If the serviceis conservation of a rare herbivorous insect for its ownsake,theSPUwouldbethepopulationofitshostplant(s)present in suitable habitat in the area over which specialconservation measures are required. In turn, thisservice provision can occur at multiple levels, and willdepend on social institutions as well as scientific issues.SPUs often comprise more than one species, buttheir contribution to any given service might notbe equal. They also can contribute to more thanone service or be adverse or antagonistic to anotherservice (termed Service Antagonising Units (SAUs))(www.RUBICODE.net). Wild flowers, for example, notonlycansupportcroppollinatorsandbiocontrolagents,but also harbor SAUs in the form of pests. Quantifyingthe potential positive effects of biodiversity on aservice should involve the subtraction of the effects ofSAUs. One person’s SPU, however, might be another’sSAU, and so the concept varies according to variouseconomic, cultural, and esthetic contexts in which itis measured. For example, while a certain biologicalcontrol agent might be an SPU for an agriculturalist, itcould be an SAU for a conservationist who is preservinga rare and threatened insect species that happens to bea nontarget for the biological control agent.The SPU/SAU concept provides a framework for linkingchanges in key characteristics of populations withimplications for service provision. The concept is alsoeasily extendable to include other levels of organization(e.g., functional groups). Identifying quantitativelinks between components of ecosystems and serviceprovisions is crucial to guiding the management of services.This quantitative information is of most value topolicy makers and land managers, as it facilitates specificrather than vague management guidelines, whichensure the sustainability of nature’s services. This relationshipis illustrated by the use of economic thresholdsin pest management (Pringle 2006), where the exactlevels of the pest (in this case an SAU) and the naturalenemy (the SPU) determine the service provision of theagricultural production patch.

Reconciling ethical and scientific issues for insect conservation 551Common good approachesTo value nature in context, we need to bring in commongood approaches (Harrison and Burgess 2000).These authors show how farmers and residents contestscientificapproachestovaluingnaturewhenadjudicatingconflicts over protected natural areas. For effectiveconservation, the knowledge base for the goals andpractices of nature conservation must be widened. Away to tackle this challenge is to develop a commongood approach based on ethical and moral concernsaboutnature.Theimportantfeatureistotranslatetheseconcerns into practice by expressing the values througha social and political process of consensus building. Theaim is to build coalitions and common thought betweendifferent interests through a process of debate and systematicanalysis of values. Different perspectives onthe utilitarian values of nature are thus reconciled.The point for insect conservation is that such a processof making decisions at the outset truly benefitsconservation of, for example, the agri-environment, anarena where biodiversity conservation is at a criticalstage (Conrad et al. 2004, Perrings et al. 2006).Another dimension to this common good approach isbeginning to surface. It hinges on our losing touch withnature (Stokes 2006), aptly called by Miller (2005) the‘extinction of experience’. His concern is that we arebeginning to forget just how much we rely on nature.Because insects are so crucial to so many essentialservices, yet far from most peoples’ thoughts, we, asa collective consciousness, are oblivious to what weare doing to the rich tapestry of species that grace andfine-tune ecosystems. Lyons et al. (2005) convincinglyillustrated that less common species, which by reasonableextension include the majority of insects, make significantecosystem contributions. Furthermore, manyprejudices against insects exist, with mosquitoes andother flies being seen by a large sector of the publicto represent insects at large. Entomologists, likeother invertebrate conservationists, have a long wayto go before the human world recognizes the generalutilitarian, let alone intrinsic value, of insects asawhole.Additionally, what we (the current adult population)value is not necessarily what our children value, eithernow or in the future when they are adults. To give oneexample, children (and the elderly ...the wise?) areparticularly fascinated by dragonflies, and much moreso than economically active (too busy?) adults (Suhand Samways 2001). In response, Palmer and Finlay(2003), speaking no less than on behalf of the WorldBank, recommend from Baha’i scriptures ‘Train yourchildren from the earliest days to be infinitely tenderand loving to animals’. This generational and culturalsensitivity is just what the World Bank considers asvaluing and investing in the future.Intrinsic value and conservation actionCincotta and Engelman (2000) suggest that our worldis in crisis but not doomed. This view is not blindoptimism, as biotic recoveries from prehistorical massextinction events have shown. However, it does notmean that we simply abandon any effort to help naturesurvive in as much of its entirety as possible. We mustapply our moral conscience to the full. Yet it need notbe a penance. It makes for much more positive actionand creativity when we are joyous about these tasks.This is the language of deep ecology, which providesnot only a positive foundation and sense of wisdom, butalso a course of action (Naess 1989).With this intrinsic value approach, humans andnature are inseparable. A course of action then ariseswhen all critics are recognized, alongside a more simplisticlifestyle, where harmony with nature is the goal.This is not a vague notion, but builds on sound ecologicalknowledge, including identifying which of ouractions are beneficial for nature and which are harmful.Yet these terms are presumptuous: ‘we know bestfor nature’. Arguably, a better way of expressing thissentiment, and interpreting it in terms of quantitativebiodiversity, is to say that our actions should maintainecological integrity (compositional and structuraldiversity) and encourage ecological health (functionaldiversity) (Rapport et al. 1998). In turn, a combinationof these two, integrity and health, begets ecosystemresilience (Peterson et al. 1998). They also make availablemanymoreevolutionaryopportunitiesthanwouldan impoverished system. Thus, scientific values easilycan be reconciled with those of intrinsic value.This science and faith in ecosystem health, integrity,and resilience goes to the heart of insect conservationsimply because the insect world is so vast andcomplex, with such an unimaginable number of bioticinteractions, that we are obliged to employ the PrecautionaryPrinciple, whereby we maintain all the partsand their function as best we can. Translated into practicalterms, landscape conservation over large areas iscritically important for conserving insects.

552 Michael J. SamwaysWith the landscape-scale approach, we let nature‘know best’ by employing some basic, interrelatedtenets that are beginning to emerge (Samways2007a). Three important ones are (1) maintaininglarge landscape patches, (2) encouraging patchquality, and (3) reducing patch isolation. With thislandscape-scale approach (which does not excludespecies-level approaches as a fine-tuning), we emergewith what is, in effect, an Earth harmony, where allliving things, no matter how small, have the right tolive. This approach, according to Johnson (1991), isalso the only morally acceptable way forward.This landscape way of thinking inherently alsoincorporates a sense of place (Lockwood 2001) and,additionally, a sense of change across place. This changeacross place is, in ecological terms, change across space(i.e., beta and gamma diversity), and is where deepecology departs from spirituality, as it favors locationover omnipotence. Moving this thought into the realmof insect conservation means maintaining populationlevels of insect species in situ across the multitude ofhabitats across the globe, that is, giving habitat heterogeneityan important place on the conservationagenda.Reconciling valuesWe can argue for reconciliation between utilitarian andintrinsic value from yet another perspective. In theirextremes, utilitarian and intrinsic value approachescould be considered confrontational because, accordingto Norton (2000), they share four questionableassumptions and obstacles: (1) a mutual exclusionof each other, (2) an entity, not process, orientation,(3) moral monism, and (4) placeless evaluation.What Norton (2000) posits here are the two extremes,starting with mutual exclusion. He also draws attentionto things,thatis,organisms that supposedly have eitherutilitarian or intrinsic value. Reconciliation comeswhen one takes an ecological (short-term), as wellas an evolutionary (long-term), dynamic view at largespatial scales, giving prominence to ecological integrityand ecosystem health and resilience. The obstacle isonly apparent when utilitarianism and intrinsic valuesare each taken in their extreme, monistic sense.Intrinsic value has to be seen alongside a deepecological sense of place before reconciliation canbegin. Norton(2000)summarizesthisbysuggestinganalternative value system that recognizes a continuumof ways in which we value nature. Such a spectrumgives value to all the natural interactions in their naturalplace in a pluralistic way. He calls this a UniversalEarth Ethic, which means all places on Earth. This isnot, however, a melting down into a common currencyof homogenous biota, which is happening, for example,with the vast interchange of invasive alien organisms.The importance of such an Earth ethic is that it valuesnature for the creativity of its processes.Rolston (2000), another influential environmentalethicist, also envisions an Earth ethic, with a blendingof anthropocentric and biocentric values. This meldingis for the patent reason that we and this planetshare entwined destinies. This wider Earth ethic neitherexcludes a land ethic, nor does it ignore differencesacross the planet. It simply recognizes that we mustthink globally as well as locally. Even among insects,some interactions are local, such as a parasitoid and itshost, while others are global and even affect planetaryfunction. This point is brought home by the calculationsof Bignell et al. (1997) that global gas productionby termites in tropical forests represents 1.5% of carbondioxide and a massive 15% of all methane. Plausibly, ifwe upset termites too much, we could be tinkering withplanetary function. When primary forest in Indonesia isconverted to cassava fields, for example, termite speciesdiversity drops from 34 to 1 (Jones et al. 2003).INSECTS AND ECOSYSTEMSInteractions and multiple effects<strong>Insect</strong>s become inseparable from the rest of naturewhen deeper values are considered. That insects areopen systems – yet there are so many of them, bothas individuals and as species – inevitably means thatthey are functionally integral to ecosystem processesas we know them, clearly illustrated by the gaseoustermites of Bignell et al. (1997). Viewed in anotherway, an enormous number of niches were open andselection pressures were such that insects diversifiedenormously. Then, as a group, they became fundamentalto the connectance within most terrestrialecosystems. If we compare the total biomass of vascularplants to that of animals, the ratio is about99.999 : 0.0001, while the total number of vascularplant species to animal species (and mostly insects)is virtually an exact reversal, with a ratio of about0.026 : 99.974 (Samways 1993).

Reconciling ethical and scientific issues for insect conservation 553Among plants, functional diversity, as measured bythe value and spectrum of species’ traits, rather than bysimply species numbers, strongly determines ecosystemfunctioning (Diaz and Cabido 2001). However, a basicdifference exists between plants and insects in termsof presence. Plants are fixed on the spot, but insectpopulations often blink on and off like lights across thelandscape, as populations survive and thrive and thenlocallydisappear (Dempster1989).<strong>Insect</strong>s,thus,areanintrinsic part of the ecological tissue of the landscape,yet dynamic in terms of their presence and influenceand hence in their connectance relationships.What we see as a land mosaic is not necessarilyhow insects perceive and react to it (Haslett 2001).This dynamic population response of insects to theworld around them was particularly evident in theQuaternary when geographic ranges of species shiftedback and forth, tracking optimal temperatures. Thisresponse emphasizes that the ‘sense of place’, in termsof evolutionary conservation, is an artifact of time.While rapid evolutionary change in insects doesoccur (Mavárez et al. 2006), in response either tothese historical climate-driven events or even to currentanthropogenic landscape changes (Williams 2002), ingeneral, the modern mix of pressures on many specieswill be too much for them to survive. This situation islargely because many effects are synergistic, as with thejoint effect of fragmentation and global climate change,described by Travis (2003) as a ‘deadly anthropogeniccocktail’.Habitatlossandglobalclimatechangeseemtobe responsible for huge declines of some British butterflies(Warren et al. 2001) (Fig. 23.2) and probably alsoofsomeBritishmoths (Conradet al.2004).Reservenetworksin Europe also are beginning to appear as if theywill be unable to cope with the dynamic geographicrange shifts necessary for the long-term survival ofmany insect species (Kuchlein and Ellis 1997).The crucial question, then, hinges on whether therewill be decoupling of interactions (e.g., pollination,herbivory, and parasitism), with cascade effects asthe climate changes across a world dominated byhuman landscapes. These mosaics inhibit movementof many species and prevent them from finding suitablesource-habitat conditions. This predicament, combinedwith deterioration of patch quality, is causing considerablelocal extinction, especially among habitatspecialists (Kotze et al. 2003, Valladares et al. 2006),leading to ecosystem discontinuities (Samways 1996).<strong>Insect</strong>s and food websBecause insects function at various trophic levels, multipleeffects involving insects are likely to occur in foodwebs. Dunne et al. (2002) have shown that food-webstructure mediates dramatic biodiversity loss, including1210Fig. 23.2 Proportional changes ingeographic distribution sizes of Britishbutterflies between 1970–1982 and1995–1999. Sedentary habitatspecialists (white) have declined themost, while mobile specialists (hatched)have also declined. Wider, countrysidespecies (black) have not fared so badly,with several increasing their ranges.(From Warren et al. 2001).Number of species86420>−0.6 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 >0.6Change in distribution size

554 Michael J. Samwayssecondary and cascading extinctions. Their findingsemphasize how removal of a number of species affectsecosystems differently depending on trophic functionsof the species removed. They found that food webs aremore robust to random removal of species than to selectiveremoval of species that have the most trophic linksto other species. The implication is that an increase inthe robustness of a food web through improved connectivityoccurs within it, although it is apparentlyindependent of species richness per se.Removal of ecologically highly connected speciescan have a devastating cascading effect. Conversely,but not always, removal of species with few trophicconnections generally has a much lesser effect. Theupshot is that to maintain food-web stability, the diversityof highly connected species must be maintained.Removal of only 5–10% of these highly connectedspecies can lead to major ecosystem change (Sole andGoodwin (2000). Loss of only a few important predatorsof grazers can have a disproportionately largeeffect on ecosystem diversity, which may involve subtleeffects with time delays (Duffy 2003). Evidence alsois accumulating that changes in biodiversity can beboth the cause and the result of changes in productivity,as well as in stability. This two-way effectcreates feedback loops and other effects that influencehow communities respond to biodiversity loss.Food webs mediate these interactions, with consumersmodifying, dampening, and even reversing these biodiversity–productivitylinkages (Worm and Duffy 2003).Trophic cascades can occur even across ecosystems.When fish consume large numbers of dragonfly larvae,pressure is reduced on pollinators, which are normallyeaten by adult dragonflies (Knight et al. 2005).As a result, plants near ponds with fish receive higherlevels of pollination than plants away from ponds(Fig. 23.3).Importance of maintaining landscapeconnectanceEvidence is beginning to point toward the importanceof conserving whole landscapes, with all levels andtypes of connectance intact. Such connectance shouldinclude the myriad of species, including insects, whichcollectively make up a major component, even thoughindividually they might appear ecologically somewhatredundant. Evidence from plant communities suggeststhat the collective effect of rare species increasescommunity resistance to invasion by aliens andminimizes any effect (Lyons and Schwartz 2001),while maintaining rare species in the communityalso helps maintain ecosystem function (Lyonset al. 2005).With the increased stresses and gradual loss of rarespecies and specialists, some catastrophic regime shiftsare likely, where pressures build to reach a point wherea radical change to a new state occurs (Scheffer andCarpenter 2003). Transformation of formerly extensiveecosystems into remnant patches, therefore, does notleave these fragments as simply smaller reflections ofthe whole. Each patch will gradually go on its owntrajectory, sometimes catastrophically.These changes will come about because the stabilityof food webs can be subtle. Although localspecies richness can affect ecosystem functioning, suchas productivity and stability, generally species diversitypositively influences this functioning – but notalways. The differences seem to arise depending onthe spatial scale under consideration. At the small,local scale, an increase might occur to a point whereall available niches are filled, but as species diversityincreases further, through high immigration ofsink-population competitors, functioning decreases. Incontrast, at the larger spatial scale, regional speciescomplement each other, with the result that ecosystemfunctioning increases with an increase in speciesdiversity (Bond and Chase 2002). This relationshipemphasizes the importance of maintaining large complementarypatches (Valladares et al. 2006) (Fig. 23.4)and networks (Samways 2007b) across wide areas tomaximize insect and other biotic diversity.TWO CHALLENGESThe taxonomic challengeOne of the greatest tasks for insect conservation isidentifying the focal species in any particular study.The lack of taxonomic information on the very thingswe are trying to conserve is the taxonomic challenge.How do we deal with this? If landscape conservationis an umbrella for such a wide range of insects and alltheir interactions, we may even ask whether it mattersto know all their names.When deciding which landscapes have value (whichmight not simply be rarity value), we need to knowthe components that make up the landscapes to assesstheir value. One of the components – and not the onlyone, of course – is the actual species that live there

Reconciling ethical and scientific issues for insect conservation 5555#visits/ flower/30 min43210(a)Dragonflyabsent(b)DragonflypresentPollinatorDragonfly−++−+Larval Dragonfly−+FishAquatic habitatTerrestial habitat(c)Fig. 23.3 Changes in numbers of individuals in one ecosystem can influence those of other species, even in another ecosystem.Here, fish population levels influence dragonfly population levels, which, in turn, affect pollinator levels, so affecting levels ofpollination and seed set. (a) Dragonfly (female Erythemis simplicicollis) consuming a bee-fly pollinator (Bombylius sp. (Diptera:Bombyliidae). (See color plate). (b) Comparison of pollinator visitation rates in pairs of large-mesh cages placed around anexperimental shrub, one with a dragonfly in it, and another as a control. Overall, visitation was much lower in the cage with thedragonfly than in the control. (c) An interaction web where fish can facilitate plant reproduction. Solid arrows indicate directinteractions; dashed arrows denote indirect interactions. The sign refers to the expected direction of the direct or indirect effect.(From Knight et al. 2005).and are something tangible into which we can getour conservation teeth (New 1999). Explicit populationmodels suggest that prediction of the effects offragmentation requires a good understanding of thebiology and habitat use of the species in question, andthat the uniqueness of species and the landscape inwhich they live confound simple analysis (Wiegandet al. 2005). Yet, for practical large-scale conservation,and given the regular shortage of resources, we cannotknow all the species, even in a small area, especially in

556 Michael J. SamwaysFig. 23.4 Two processes at different trophic levels(herbivory (circles) and parasitism (triangles)) decline equallywith increased fragmentation and smaller fragment size, asshown here for Argentinian woodlands. (From Valladareset al. 2006).the species-rich lower latitudes and other biodiversityhotspots.This taxonomic challenge is further highlightedbecause some, and probably many, putative speciesare species complexes (Hebert et al. 2004). To get ameasure of the value of a landscape, we choose a subsetof taxa. This subset can be certain taxa that are wellknown, or a size class, particular functional types, andeven Red Listed species, which can be used effectivelyto stand in for the rest of the insects, and indeed muchof the rest of biodiversity. In other words, we selectsurrogates and even icons. Use of icons is widespread,and important even in mammal conservation, wherecharismatic species get preference over less glamorousones.A whole range of possible surrogates exists, thechoice of which, in part, depends on the conservationquestion being posed. In most cases – and this isa harsh reality in all realms of invertebrate conservation– the final choice depends on the taxonomicknowledge available. Identified species are so muchmore valuable for quality-landscape conservation thanare unidentified species. This issue of using namedspecies is critical when, for example, selecting landscapesthat have rare and endemic taxa that might bethreatened and irreplaceable.The challenge of complementary surrogatesLandscape planners have been exploring ways to prioritizeareas of conservation value so that conservationmanagement can be directed first to physical areas ofhigh biodiversity value and those that are under mostthreat. Evidence is accumulating that the best way forwardis to use surrogates for the landscape, in additionto surrogates for species, in this planning process. Thisapproach, in turn, enables selection of reserve areas.When such thorough and insightful selection is done,abouthalfthelandareaneedstobeconservedifregionalbiodiversity is to be maintained (Reyers et al. 2002).This situation is not generally tenable if we wish to conserveallbiodiversity,giventhehumandemandforland.We are facing a situation where we have to considersome sort of landscape and species triage, whereby theland and its organisms will benefit most from our interventionwhen it is focused on the points for which wecan obtain maximum return for minimum resources.The alarming feature of this approach is that even if weselect optimally, those reserves of today will not necessarilybe optimally sited for the future, given globalclimate change.SYNTHESIZING DEEPER VALUESAND PRACTICAL ISSUESFrom our discussion on conservation value, we foundthat conservation of whole landscapes across the wholeof the globe is the moral way forward. This perspectiveinvolves a distinct sense of place. Some sort of reconciliationof human needs with this tenet is required, butthe point is that we can do much better than we areif we simply put our minds to some of the challengesand engage in landscape conservation, complementedby single-species actions where the need arises. Somesuggestions are given by Samways (2007a, 2007b).Similarly, an Earth ethic (Norton 2000, Rolston 2000)also purports to maintain the differences between landscapes.In short, we aim, through a sense of moralconcern and joy for nature, to conserve as much ofthe world’s original integrity as possible, even if ithas to involve some triage. The quantitative ecologicalapproach is leading to the same conclusion. Tomaintain ecological health and resilience, we need toconserve the range of connectance, even involving rarespecies, throughout a range of landscapes.A dark cloud facing us is that much of the humaneffect has momentum that is not stoppable for a longtime, with the inevitability of extinction debt (Tilmanet al. 1994). While, in the past, insect populationscould shift across natural landscapes on a regional scaleunimpeded by anthropogenic obstacles, the situation

Reconciling ethical and scientific issues for insect conservation 557today is not the same, with the myriad of humantransformedland mosaics. To maintain any semblanceof the past, we need to think of ecological health andvigor in terms of massive linkages between large,quality-landscape patches. This approach has beenforcefully emphasized by Erwin (1991) in a landmarkbut neglected paper. For many parts of the world it is toolate to develop these huge networks proactively, but wecan engage restoration triage (Samways 2000), andwe can introduce ecological networks at the landscapelevel (Hilty et al. 2006, Samways 2007b). Whateverpath we choose, for terrestrial ecosystems at least, thecollective moral, human consciousness must considerinsects as part of the initiative.SUMMARYDespite various global catastrophes over the last350 million years, insects have increased in speciesdiversity. Yet today, they face a human meteoricimpact estimated to eliminate perhaps a quarter ofthem. We need to be concerned because insects playenormous roles in ecosystem services and have greatmonetary value. Besides, we have a moral duty toconserve them, as they are our planetary partners.As insect biodiversity is so vast and essentiallyunknowable, we need to adopt a precautionaryapproach whereby we conserve as much naturaland near-natural land as possible. We also need tomaintain diversity of landscapes across the globe,where this landscape diversity becomes an umbrellafor a huge range of insect species. Where insects perse are not the focal issue, and where the concern isfor ecosystem health, integrity, and resilience, westill need to maintain as much species diversity andfood-web connectance as possible. This approach will,in turn, benefit an enormous range of insects. Whilekeystone species, whether insects or not, play themajor role in shaping ecosystems as we know them,rare species en masse also play a role. Thus, all effortsnow should be directed to reduce homogenization ofthe world and to radically stem biodiversity loss. Theseefforts need to take place across the whole globe as partof an Earth ethic for the survival of all.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTim New and G. G. E. Scudder provided excellent criticalcomment. This work was supported by the RUBICODECoordination Action Project, funded under the SixthFramework Programme of the European Commission(Contract number 036890).REFERENCESBaillie, J. E. M., C. Hilton-Taylor, and S. Stuart. (eds). 2004.2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. A Global Assessment.IUCN, Cambridge, United Kingdom.Biesmeijer, J. C., S. P. M. Roberts, M. Reemer, R. Ohlemüller,M. Edwards, T. Peeters, A. P. Schaffers, S. G. Potts,R. Kleukers, C. D. Thomas, J. Settele, and W. E. Kunin.2006. Parallel declines in pollinators and insect-pollinatedplants in Britain and the Netherlands. Science 313:351–354.Bignell, D. E., P. Eggleton, L. Nunes, and K. L. Thomas. 1997.Termites as mediators of carbon fluxes in tropical forests.Pp. 109–134. In A. D. Watt, N. E. Stork, and M. D. Hunter(eds). Forests and <strong>Insect</strong>s. Chapman and Hall, London.Bishop, J., S. Kapila, F. Hicks, and P. Mitchell. 2007. Building<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Business: Report of a Scoping Study. Shell InternationalLimited and the World Conservation Union: London,United Kingdom.Bond, E. M. and J. M. Chase. 2002. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> and ecosystemfunctioning at local and regional scales. Ecology Letters 5:467–470.Burney, D. A. and T. F. Flannery. 2005. Fifty millennia ofcatastrophic extinctions after human contact. Trends inEcology and Evolution 20: 395–401.Cincotta, R. P. and R. Engelman. 2000. Nature’s Place: HumanPopulation and the Future of Biological Diversity. PopulationAction International. Washington, DC.Coleman, D. C. and P. F. Hendrix. (eds). 2000. Invertebrates asWebmasters in Ecosystems. CAB International, Wallingford,Untied Kingdom.Conrad, K. F., I. P. Woiwod, M. Parsons, R. Fox, and M. S.Warren. 2004. Long-term population trends in widespreadBritish moths. Journal of <strong>Insect</strong> Conservation 8: 119–136.Coope, G. R. 1995. <strong>Insect</strong> faunas in ice age environments:why so little extinction? Pp. 55–74. In J. H. Lawton andR. M. May (eds). Extinction Rates. Oxford University Press,Oxford, United Kingdom.Dempster, J. P. 1989. <strong>Insect</strong> introductions: natural dispersaland population persistence in insects. Entomologist 108:5–13.Diaz, S. and M. Cabido. 2001. Vive la difference: plant functionaldiversity matters to ecosystem processes. Trends inEcology and Evolution 16: 646–655.Duffy, J. E. 2003. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> loss, trophic skew and ecosystemfunctioning. Ecology Letters 6: 680–687.Dunne, J. A., R. J. Williams, and N. D. Martinez. 2002.Networkstructureandbiodiversitylossinfoodwebs:robustnessincreases with connectance. Ecology Letters 5: 558–567.Erwin, T. L. 1991. An evolutionary basis for conservationstrategies. Science 253: 750–752.

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Chapter 24Taxonomy andmanagementof insectbiodiversityKe Chung KimFrost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 USA<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9561

<strong>Insect</strong>s are incredibly diverse, abundant, and spectacularin color, form, and function. They are foundin nearly every conceivable habitat throughoutthe world. Their lives are intertwined with the lives ofhumans, and they make up a major portion of globalbiodiversity. They feed on plants and animals, throughwhich considerable economic losses are incurred, andtransmit parasites to humans, causing diseases such asmalaria, onchocerciasis, and plague. Above all, insectsare important ecological partners in sustaining our lifesupportsystem (Coleman and Hendrix 2000). <strong>Biodiversity</strong>,the totality of living things and their variations,is the essence of life on Earth. All species of animals,fungi, microorganisms, and plants are elements of ourlife-support system, of which insects represent the mostdiverse and important partners (Wilson 1992, Kim andWeaver 1994, Kim 2001a).As the most successful group of animals, insectsand arachnids make up more than 60% of globalbiodiversity and are major players and important ecologicalpartners in ecosystem function and humanity’sexistence (Kim 1993b, Coleman and Hendrix 2000).Despite centuries of extensive studies, global biodiversityis still poorly known. Only 1.75 million specieshave been described of what currently is estimatedto be a total of 13.6 million species (10 million iscommonly used). Our knowledge base, however, hasbeen skewed toward vertebrates (>90% described) andplants (>84% described), leaving behind small animalssuch as insects, arachnids, and lower plants(algae, ferns, mosses, and others). Only 11.9% ofthe insects and 10% of the arachnids have beendescribed, along with 4.8% of the fungi and 0.4%of the bacteria (Heywood and Watson 1995). Our currentknowledge of global biodiversity – with a currenthuman population of 6.7 billion – is not too much betterthan what it was a century before when the humanpopulation was barely 1.65 billion. Today’s knownbiodiversity is far too small, merely 20% or less of theextant total. At the same time, we barely know whatbiodiversity exists in our own backyards. ‘Backyardbiodiversity’, defined as ‘local biodiversity in and nearhuman habitation’, refers to the natural resources andcapital for ecosystem services at the grassroots level.Backyard biodiversity, the foundation for local sustainabledevelopment, is poorly explored and documentedfor almost all places in the world (Kim and Byrne 2006).<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity is important in managing ecosystems.<strong>Insect</strong>s, with their combination of unique biologicaltraits and ecological roles, are valuable indicatororganisms for assessing, monitoring, and managingbiodiversity in natural ecosystems and combating theinvasion and spread of nonindigenous insects (Kimand Wheeler 1991, Kim 1993a, 1993b, US Congress1993, Büchs 2003). Today’s biodiversity is the culminationof long-term ecological and evolutionaryprocesses going back more than 410 million years tothe Devonian period (Geological History 2008). <strong>Biodiversity</strong>is constantly changing in species compositionand abundance. As a result, no one community containsthe same biodiversity as any other unit, even inrather homogenous forests, due to site-specific characteristicsof soil, topography, vegetation, weather, andother environmental factors. Because biodiversity conservationand resource management are targeted forspecific local units, biodiversity assessment must bedesigned specifically for the particular site. Yet, practicallyfew locally defined sites exist, whose ecosystemservices are influenced by human activities, and whoselocal or ‘backyard’ biodiversity has been inventoried fornatural resources and capital (Kim and Byrne 2006).In this chapter, I discuss the state of insect biodiversityin the context of insects as ecological partnersfor sustaining our lives. I also discuss the need for taxonomyin biodiversity assessment and monitoring, theproblems associated with taxonomic bottlenecks, newopportunities for taxonomy in biodiversity science, andthe application of insect biodiversity science and taxonomyto ecosystem management, pest management,and conservation.INSECT BIODIVERSITYHoney bees, American cockroaches, and Japanese beetlesare distinct species of insects, but they are notbiodiversity – they are units of biodiversity. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>is not something we can touch, although we see andfeel the parts of a community. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> is commonlydefined as ‘the totality of variety of species of plants,animals, fungi, and microbes, the genetic variationwithin them, the ecological roles they play, and theirinterrelationships in biological communities in whichthey occur’ (Kim 2001a), although it is defined somewhatdifferently by leading scientists (Takacs 1996).The essence of biodiversity, however, is perceived differentlyby people of different backgrounds.Our lives depend completely on biodiversity;dynamic ecosystem processes are sustained by theinteractions of all species of animals, fungi, microbes,

Taxonomy and management of insect biodiversity 563and plants (Kinzig et al. 2001). From an economicperspective, biodiversity includes the natural resourcesand capital assets that provide the basic resourcesfor all organisms and human enterprises (Baskin1997, Kim 2001a). <strong>Biodiversity</strong> also is the endpoint ofanthropocentric influences on the biosphere, which iscontinually infused with chemicals, many of which arenewly created by humans. A person strolling througha flower garden, a honey bee visiting a flower, a cowgrazing in a pasture, or a woodpecker pecking on atree are all parts of the interconnected whole of ourliving world. Our survival depends on this intricateweb of life, the network of interacting organisms.The world’s biodiversity supplies our basic necessitiessuch as food, clean air and water, fuel, fibers, buildingmaterials, medicines, and natural areas where weenjoy recreational activities (Kim 2001a)The 1,004,898 species of insects (introduction tothis volume) make up 58% of all described species,with an estimated range of 5 million (Grimaldi andEngel 2005) to 8 million (Heywood and Watson 1995)extant insect species. <strong>Insect</strong>s and terrestrial arachnidsare also cosmopolitan animals closely associated withhuman enterprises. Because humans are exploring andexploiting every corner of the world, we should expectto find and document many new species and newdistributions. <strong>Insect</strong>s continue to exploit new habitatsand expand their ranges, producing lineages of greatecological and behavioral diversity and making theirstudy – entomology – one of the most fascinating andimportant sciences.Natural biodiversity in wild lands such as the Amazon,northern Alaska, and Siberia continue to bethreatened by human enterprises such as clearing,logging, gas and oil drilling, mining, housing development,and urban sprawl. As a result, biodiversitycontinues to decline, and likely will continue as thehuman population grows and economic developmentexpands in developing nations such as China and India.As our ancestors moved from a hunter-gatherer toan agrarian lifestyle, human settlement and farmingoffered new territory and habitats for insects (Ponting1991). Many of these insects readily invaded humanhabitation. The close relationship between humansand insects, known as ‘synanthropy’ (Harwood andJames 1979), can also be referred to as ’human insectbiodiversity’. In other words, insects have successfullyevolved with humans in agricultural societies.<strong>Insect</strong>s are not merely pests of our crops or vectors ofdisease agents such as malarial parasites. They are alsothe most successful group of organisms in terms of thenumbers of species and individuals. They are small andagile with short life cycles, enabling long-distance dispersaland invasion of new territories and habitats (Kim1983, 1993a). They have exploited ecological opportunitiesto occupy unique niches and microhabitats(Kim 1993a, 1993b) and have become major playersin maintaining ecosystems and providing diverseecosystem services (Coleman and Hendrix 2000).BIODIVERSITY LOSS AND HUMANITYEarth is rapidly becoming a network of human ecosystems,with urban and suburban communities transformingnatural environments into human habitats.This process continues everywhere humans live atnature’s expense. The destruction of natural habitatsand loss of species draw a different group of insectsand other invertebrates, forming secondary humanbiodiversity that includes pests and imported exoticspecies of plants and animals. Today’s cities and suburbsare being connected or merged with other newlydeveloped municipalities, forming megacities (Cohen2006, Lee 2007). Secondary biodiversity of synanthropicarthropods often contributes to economic lossor causes diseases in humans and animals. In mostdeveloping and underdeveloped countries in Africa,South America, and Southeast Asia, people still livein natural ecosystems with bustling biodiversity (Kim1993b, 1994, UNDP et al. 2000, Sodhi et al. 2004).These lands, with their rich backyard biodiversity, areexploited for local economic development, becomingagricultural and industrial lands. In tropical regions,people make their living without knowing what theyhave in their backyard beyond some species of herbalplants and common animals. In this setting, biodiversityrepresents a basic economic resource and naturalcapital for human survival, but it is not consideredimportant for the economy or land-use planning. Thisparadigm should be corrected for sustainable development;the assessment of backyard biodiversity is the firststep in managing biological resources and ecosystems(UNDP et al. 2000).Extinction is a natural process. Today’s global biodiversityrepresents less than 1% of all species thatever existed. Throughout the history of life, billionsof species, perhaps 5–50 billion, arose and becameextinct. In light of the average lifespan of a species,estimated from fossils, one species in every 4 million

564 Ke Chung Kimlikely died out without involving humans (Raup 1991).Today’s extinction is caused primarily by humans, particularlyduring the last two centuries. In recent humanhistory, global biodiversity has been destroyed at anunprecedented rate because of rapid human populationgrowth and economic development that increasesurbanization and land conversion. The loss of biodiversitybecomes the primary concern for our ownsustainability. Humans, the greatest force shaping theevolution of global ecosystems, continue to convertnatural ecosystems to human habitat (Palumbi 2001).Without environmental safeguards, this process willcontinue to destroy habitats and their native species,perhaps as many as 1000 per year, throughout theworld (Myers 1979, Wilson 1985, 1992, Kim andWeaver 1994), but this problem has not been recognizedby political leaders or the public in most countries.The great challenge is to estimate and predict anthropogenicextinctions in a void of knowledge about globalbiodiversity, especially for small organisms that makeup the core of this biodiversity. The 1995 Global<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Assessment shows that 484 animal and654 plant species have become extinct since 1600.The World Conservation Monitoring Centre listed 602species of vertebrates, 582 invertebrates, and 2632plants as endangered and 5366 animals and 26,106plants as threatened or of special concern (HeywoodandWatson1995).Forvertebratesandplants,between5% and 20% of biodiversity for some taxa is threatenedwith extinction. If this estimate is applied to insects, theexpectednumberofspeciesthatwouldbelostinthenext25 years comes to a whopping 51,250 species at 5%and 2,005,000 species at 20%. This loss of global biodiversityis caused by two mechanisms: extirpation (localpopulation loss) and extinction (permanent species lossfrom the planet). Accurate estimation of the actualnumbers lost remains difficult because our knowledgebase for global biodiversity is inadequate and backyardbiodiversity is practically unknown (Heywoodand Watson 1995, MEA 2005).BIODIVERSITY AND TAXONOMY<strong>Biodiversity</strong> does not refer to a single species, suchas human (Homo sapiens Linnaeus) or European cornborer (Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)), but rather to thetotality of all species in a defined area. The importanceof biodiversity lies not in numbers but in the interactionsof species in a specific habitat, community, orecosystem. On the other hand, taxonomy (= alpha andbeta taxonomy of Mayr’s ‘systematics’) is the scienceof discovery, documentation, and organization oforganisms (Mayr and Ashlock 1991). Good taxonomyfor a specific taxon is built by taxonomists who studythe taxon at the species level, for example, suckinglice (Anoplura). Biodiverse taxa such as <strong>Insect</strong>a posegreat challenges to scientists in community ecologyand natural resource management interested indesigning biodiversity studies and processing large fieldsamples because species identification of many taxa isdifficult, even for general taxonomists, often requiringidentification by specialists (Kim and Byrne 2006).Today’s knowledge of global biodiversity representsthe culmination of research by taxonomists and naturalhistorians of more than 250 years – since thepublication of the tenth edition of ‘Systema Naturae’by Carl von Linnaeus (1758), the starting point forzoological nomenclature, following the publication of‘Species Plantarum’ in 1753, the starting point forplant nomenclature (Mayr and Ashlock 1991). Taxonomistshave been highly motivated, determined, anddedicated scientists who continued to add new speciesand information to global biodiversity by discovering,naming, and describing unknown organisms one byone from the thicket of unknowns. In other words, discoveryand documentation of biodiversity began withbackyard efforts and expanded to regional and globalefforts through western expeditions around the worldand taxon-based surveys by natural historians andtaxonomists from the late nineteenth century to thepresent.Taxonomy is the oldest discipline in biology,with Carl von Linnaeus (1707–1778) bringing ahierarchical order to natural history and establishingthe basis for biological nomenclature and classificationthat guides the science of life to this day (Blunt 2001,Nature 2007, Warne 2007). Linnaeus’s followers,natural historians and taxonomists, have explorednature and methodically documented biodiversityworldwide through the outset of the New Millennium.The culmination of these efforts is what we call ‘globalbiodiversity’. Yet, today’s taxonomy barely scratchesthe surface of extant global biodiversity (Heywood andWatson 1995). Taxonomy with evolutionary andspeciation perspectives is known as ‘systematics’, thefoundation of biology, fundamental to all branches ofbiological and environmental sciences since the NewSystematics (Huxley 1940). Systematics encompassesthree aspects: (1) alpha taxonomy, the most basic

Taxonomy and management of insect biodiversity 565aspect, involving biodiversity exploration, descriptionand documentation of extant species, and developmentof taxonomic tools, (2) beta taxonomy involving thesynthesis of taxonomic data and development ofbiological classifications, and (3) gamma taxonomyinvolving the study of speciation and phylogeny oforganisms, which is increasingly fragmented underthe umbrella of evolutionary biology (Mayr andAshlock 1991). Taxonomy is fundamental to allbiological sciences. Taxonomic data are applied to allaspects of agriculture, conservation, ecology, fisheries,forestry, and environmental studies (Kim and Byrne2006). Yet, we are facing a continued decline oftaxonomy worldwide and are now left with a smallpool of taxonomists and trained parataxonomists(a term initially used for trained lay professionalsof Costa Rica’s INBio) who are explicitly trainedprofessionals that explore, collect, sort, document,and identify specimens, usually to order, family,or generic levels. At the same time, demands fortaxonomic services are growing in biodiversity science,conservation, and natural resource management (Kimand Byrne 2006).Sucking lice (Anoplura) are obligate, permanentectoparasites of selected groups of mammals, forwhich biodiversity can be estimated accuratelybecause the survival of sucking lice depends on thehost’s survival (Kim et al. 1990). If the host speciesbecomes extinct, sucking lice on that host alsobecome extinct (Stork and Lyal 1993). The worldfauna of sucking lice is estimated at 1540 species, ofwhich 532 from more than 828 species of mammalswere listed in ‘Sucking Lice of the World’ (Durdenand Musser 1994) (Kim et al. 1990, Kim 2007).Thus, about 1831 species of extant mammalian hostspecies are expected to harbor 1008 new species ofsucking lice. Even a well-studied regional fauna, suchas North American insects, is barely 50% known,with only a small number of species described inthe larval stage (Kosztarab and Schaefer 1990a).North American biodiversity of insects was estimatedto be about 200,000 species: the total number ofknown species (90,968), plus the estimated totalnumber of undescribed species (98,257–98,767).The task to describe North American insects,including the immature stages and both sexes, wouldinvolve about 1,200,000 descriptions for 200,000species (Kosztarab and Schaefer 1990b).While rapid advances have been made in molecularbiology, genetics, theoretical ecology, and otherbranches of biology over the last quarter century,alpha taxonomy has declined precipitously. Financialsupport and training for taxonomists has been erodedby declining prestige and job opportunities. The mosttroubling aspects of this erosion are the rapid declinein human resources, namely practicing taxonomicspecialists at the Ph.D. level and parataxonomists withundergraduatedegreesand1or2 yearsofpostgraduatetraining in taxonomic services. Some important taxahave a shortage or absence of taxonomists. Even if thelevel of human resources at the 1990 level were maintained,the number of taxonomists still would be toolow to facilitate the advancement of alpha taxonomyfor the roughly 8 million species requiring description.The moribund state of insect taxonomy has negativelyaffected the advancement of community ecology,ecosystem management, and conservation (Gotelli2004), forcing ecologists and conservation biologists tocome up with taxonomic surrogates (e.g., genus taxaor family taxa instead of species) and ‘morphospecies’without generic names (Krell 2004, Kim and Byrne2006, Bertrand et al. 2006, Biaggini et al. 2007).Taxonomy is no longer solely the taxonomists’domain but has become an important scientific tool forapplied biologists and environmental scientists, particularlythose working at the species level. A dichotomyexists in the perspective of taxonomy. Systematists viewtaxonomy as a research discipline, whereas all otherscientists consider it a service discipline (Donoghue andAlverson 2000, Brooks and McLennan 2002). In reality,it is both. In recent years, demand for taxonomicserviceshasincreased,whilethecapacityfortaxonomicservices has declined. These contradictory trends havestymied the advancement of community ecology andnature conservation. Taxonomic keys that can be usedby people without much training in insect identificationare increasingly demanded by the conservationcommunity. Because of this trend, professional concernover misidentification has been raised (Ehrlich 2005,Kim and Byrne 2006).A shortage of taxonomists is now felt at all levelsbecause of the decline of job and training opportunitiesand lack of taxonomic instruction at educational institutions(Wheeler et al. 2004, Kim and Byrne 2006).The interest in taxonomy slowly is shifting its centerof gravity, from Europe and North America where itwas historically centered for research and training,to developing regions of the world where hotspotsof biodiversity exist (Kim and Byrne 2006). Globalclimate change, along with habitat destruction and

566 Ke Chung Kimpollution, directly affects biodiversity at various spatialand temporal scales, making the study of biodiversityan urgent challenge to the scientific community everywhere.The scientific community must take these challengesseriously to build new infrastructure and providetaxonomic services through which a new generation ofapplied taxonomists can be trained. A self-supportinginfrastructure would promote biodiversity science thattrains undergraduate students and attracts young scientistswho enjoy working with insects. Backyardbiodiversity, thus, could be explored and documentedfor local sustainable development at the grassrootslevel, enriching and expanding the knowledge base ofglobal biodiversity (Kim and Byrne 2006).BIODIVERSITY INVENTORYAND ECOLOGY<strong>Biodiversity</strong> can be discussed in abstract or theoreticalterms, without referring to spatial or geographic units.We can talk about biodiversity and ecosystem functionsbecause they are interdependent and related, withoutregard to specific locations or scales. Yet, biodiversityis meaningless when it is not defined by spatial orgeographic coordinates or at specific biological scalesbecause species composition and assemblage patternsare site specific. We can understand patterns of whatand how different species or guilds function and interactin a community by using numerical indices of diversity,richness, and evenness. Such empirical observationsappear obvious to most eyes for large organisms suchas primates, seals, and trees. But such observations andstatistics do not provide information about what speciesare present and what they do in sustaining ecosystemfunctions at a specific site.The task to undertake exploration and documentationof biodiversity throughout the world is urgent.In my view, we should increase our knowledgebase of global biodiversity to at least 50–60% of theextant biodiversity on the planet by 2020. However,with what is left of the contemporary taxonomicregiment, this challenge appears impossible. We neednew approaches to global biodiversity inventories.Although individual taxonomists continue to discoverand describe new species, efforts to explore anddocument backyard biodiversity at the grassroots leveleverywhere in the world are needed. The resultingdatabase is fundamental to building a local economybased on local natural resources and capital.Ecology, the study of the interactions among organismsand their physical environment, is a scienceof uncovering the cause of patterns in natural andmanaged ecosystems (Tilman and Lehman 2001). <strong>Biodiversity</strong>,from an ecological perspective, is commonlyexpressed in terms of the number of species and theirrelative abundance in a locality (e.g., the Shannonindex), without much reference to species composition.Tilman and Lehman (2001) recognized twodifferent perspectives of biodiversity: (1) species diversity,the number of species, or species richness versusevenness, in a habitat, and (2) functional diversity, therange of species traits in an area. As ecological modelsusually focus on quantitative indices to study productivity,resource dynamics, and stability in the contextof ecosystem function (Kinzig et al. 2001), taxonomicdiversity and species composition of a community areconsidered unimportant and are often ignored. However,the goals of biodiversity science include assessingtaxonomic diversity and species composition of a communitybecause interacting species can be affected byspecific stresses. In this context, we must know whichspecies of insects are involved.Conservation and ecosystem management need specificdata on species composition because communityassemblages differ in habitat characteristics and showdifferent responses to extinction thresholds (Lande1987, Bascompte and Solé 1996, 1998, Lin et al.2005, Lin and Liu 2006). There is a void in surveyingand sampling methodologies in insect biodiversityinventories (Mahan et al. 1998, Boone et al. 2005).As a result, most natural resource agencies, such asnational and state parks, lack baseline, site-specificbiodiversity data that should be a basic guide for allother resource management programs. <strong>Biodiversity</strong>inventory data should be available for ecosystemmanagement of public lands. The species compositionand assemblage of every community and ecosystem aresite specific (Hector and Bagchi 2007). In other words,the management of communities and ecosystemsrequires more than just knowing general patterns. Itneeds to focus on building the baseline data on speciescomposition, assemblage structure, and interactionsof guilds (Mahan et al. 1998, Boone et al. 2005,Kim and Byrne 2006), particularly for insects andother invertebrates that make up the bulk of everycommunity and ecosystem (Coleman and Hendrix2000).Every species is unique; thus, species are not interchangeable(NeeandMay1997,BrooksandMcLennan

Taxonomy and management of insect biodiversity 5672002). Site-specific biodiversity is unique because ofdifferent physical architectures and ecological processesat each site, although general patterns of distributionand species richness might be similar amonghabitats. Local species assemblages are influenced andshaped by local and regional processes (Ricklefs 1987,2004, Cornell and Karlson 1997, Gaston and Blackburn2000, He et al. 2005, Shurin and Srivastava2005). <strong>Biodiversity</strong> involves the total compositionof resident species in a spatially defined area. Everyspecies matters in conservation until we know moreabout global biodiversity and what the species aredoing to sustain our life-support system. We simply donot know enough about biodiversity to make a finalcall about the destiny of certain species. Ecologicalprocesses at both local and regional scales include competition,disturbance factors, immigration, mutualism,parasitism, and predation. Species of a guild in onecommunity might not play the same ecological role asrelated species of the same guild in a different community(Kim 1993b, Coleman and Hendrix 2000, Hectorand Bagchi 2007). This trend is particularly evidentwhen insect biodiversity is involved in any communityor ecosystem (Coleman and Hendrix 2000, Wardle2002, Schmitz 2007).To manage natural resources, restore habitats, orconserve species of concern, the biodiversity of specificareas or targeted habitats needs to be assessed, requiringa comprehensive but efficient means to inventorythe organisms and what they do in the system (Kinziget al. 2001, Loreau et al. 2001, Loreau et al. 2002,Hooper et al. 2005, Kim and Byrne 2006). Withoutknowing which species are represented or whichspecies previously recorded are now missing, biodiversityassessment would be meaningless and couldnot contribute much to conservation, restoration, ormanagement of ecosystems. To advance biodiversityscience, therefore, biodiversity assessment andappropriate measures of biodiversity change becomeimportant.Ecosystem management requires biodiversityassessment with social and humanistic factors considered,which includes documentation of endangeredor threatened species for ultimate mitigation (Kim1993b). Assessing and conserving biodiversityinvariably involve serious taxonomic issues thatinclude both taxonomic inflation (Bertrand and Härlin2006, Padial and de la Riva 2006) and taxonomicsurrogacy (e.g., so-called morphospecies, albeit not ina taxonomic sense) (Oliver and Beattie 1996, Derraiket al. 2002, Bertrand et al. 2006, Biagfini et al. 2007).These approaches are taken by applied scientists tosupport their immediate problem solving and do notadd much understanding to biodiversity patterns (Krell2004, Bertrand et al. 2006). They actually maketaxonomic problems in biodiversity conservation morecomplicated, without adding much useful information.Considering the heterogeneity and diversity of ecologicalniches, no simple survey technique can coverall species in a community. Many survey techniquesused in taxon-based surveys and ecological researchare suitable only for targeted taxa or specific researchobjectives. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> inventories must be designedfor specific objectives. If an inventory is to assess thebiodiversity of an area, a survey strategy must considerquantitative and qualitative information on theresident biodiversity over all seasons. The inventorydesign must include a sampling scheme, techniques,and protocols for capturing representatives of all residentspecies at the site (Mahan et al. 1998, Kim 2001b,2006). Because quantitative techniques often missspecies that are seasonal, periodic, or influenced bylocal weather conditions, taxon-based collecting orspecific surveys can be supplemented with surveys tocapture unique or specialized species that do not appearin standard samples or general surveys.BACKYARD BIODIVERSITYAND SUSTAINABILITYSince our ancestors became settlers with farming technology,natural ecosystems have been transformed intocultivated lands, with selected species of plants and animalsdomesticated for food and other human amenities.With the development of farming communities, smalltowns began to flourish and eventually expanded andmerged with others into larger cities (Ponting 1991).This process invariably destroyed biodiversity and habitatsof resident species in the transformed land. Moderndevelopment likewise transforms nature into farmlandor human habitation. In the process, primary(or natural) biodiversity is destroyed. Anthropocentrictransformation of natural lands then acquires secondary(or human-based) biodiversity that usually haslimited species richness.The concept of backyard biodiversity highlightsthe importance of appreciating local biodiversity ona scale at which human activities determine localecosystem services. Backyard biodiversity promotes

568 Ke Chung Kimlocal conservation efforts by providing the basicnatural knowledge for local leadership (Schwartzet al. 2002, Mascia et al. 2003, Berkes 2004).Backyard biodiversity also encompasses the organismsinhabiting private properties, neighborhoods, and localmunicipalities. All these perspectives are relevant tolocal needs, cultures, and land-use regulations (Centerfor Wildlife Law 1996, Farber et al. 2006). Becauseglobal biodiversity hotspots (Mittermeier et al. 2000,Mittermeier 2004) are located in underdevelopedor developing countries of the world, backyardbiodiversity will promote local conservation efforts asa part of sustainable economic development.Since the Rio Declaration of Biological Diversityand Sustainable Development in 1992, conservationplans and policies for biodiversity and ecosystems havebeen developed at global, national, and regional levels.However, biodiversity conservation and ecosystemmanagement must occur at a local scale, where factorsinfluencing realistic conservation practices are relatedto cultural and economic interests of the local people.Knowing the backyard biodiversity provides the necessaryknowledge base for improving economic wellbeing.Comprehensive backyard biodiversity databasesprovide the baseline information about local naturalresourcesandcapitalforecosystemservices (Lundmark2003). A backyard biodiversity database provides ascientific basis for sustainable economic development,and collectively, the global database of all backyardbiodiversity from around the world will help develop acomprehensive plan for sustainable economic developmentat all geographic levels, from local to global.TAXONOMIC BOTTLENECKS INMANAGING INSECT BIODIVERSITY<strong>Biodiversity</strong> assessment requires taxonomic services.The assessment process involves (1) inventory of anarea, which yields a large collection of specimens,(2) field-collection management, which requires preparation,sorting, labeling and management of specimens,(3) taxonomic services, which include identificationof sorted specimens, and (4) building a biodiversitydatabase for the inventory site (Kim 1993b, Mahanet al. 1998, Kim and Byrne 2006).A biodiversity inventory program faces major scientificand technical challenges that require resolution.Taxonomic infrastructure must be built for each countryor a core of regional setups. <strong>Biodiversity</strong> inventoriesgenerate great numbers of specimens, from severalthousand in small projects to a million or more in large,multiyear projects (Mahan et al. 1998, Kim 2001b,2006), which must be processed and prepared forspecies identification and which invariably includenew species that must be described. Species identificationand taxonomic processing of field samplesinvolve a good number of trained taxonomic technicians(e.g., parataxonomists) and taxonomic scientists.New technologies, such as DNA barcording, havebeen developed for identification (Cameron et al. 2006,Hickerson et al. 2006). Yet, all of this requires a stableinfrastructure with a regular source of funding toretain well-trained parataxonomists and a network oftaxonomic specialists and scientists who provide identifications.This inventory process is time consumingand labor intensive for technicians or parataxonomistsand requires the close attention of taxonomic specialists,often discouraging ecologists and conservationbiologists from undertaking biodiversity assessmentsinvolving insects. As a result, practically noresource management units in federal and state publiclands (e.g., national parks) have developed biodiversityassessments, and little advancement has been made incommunity ecology and conservation biology (Gotelli2004, Kim and Byrne 2006, Rohr et al. 2006).Taxonomic bottlenecks in biodiversity research havebeen recognized and their resolution advocated (Gotelli2004, Boone et al. 2005). Taxonomic bottlenecks haveserious consequences for applied science, conservationbiology, and natural resource and ecosystem management(Kim and Byrne 2006). Historically, speciesidentification was provided gratis by taxonomic specialistsand parataxonomists of federal (e.g., USDA/ARSSystematic Entomology Laboratory) and state agenciesassociated with agriculture (e.g., Florida State Collectionof Arthropods and taxonomists in land-grantinstitutions). This practice has virtually ceased. Withthe decline of taxonomy worldwide and shortage of taxonomicspecialists, taxonomic services are increasinglycostly and difficult to obtain.Backyard biodiversity must be documented so thatthe resulting database becomes the basis on whichecosystem management and sustainable developmentcan be applied to local human-dominated ecosystems.New strategies for taxonomic services and biodiversityeducation must be developed. Even if educationprograms were instituted now, at least 5 years wouldbe needed before taxonomic specialists were availablefor taxonomic services. The Integrated <strong>Biodiversity</strong>

Taxonomy and management of insect biodiversity 569Assessment Center (IBAC), an infrastructure forproviding taxonomic services, would be networkedfrom the grassroots to national level to share specifictaxonomic expertise and informatics throughout theworld (Kim and Byrne 2006).The IBAC could provide a global infrastructure fortaxonomicservicesandtrainingofappliedtaxonomists.Each IBAC, with several permanently employed taxonomists,should be based on a native systematics collectionor at least associated with established collectionsfor reference and voucher deposition. IBACs wouldprovide taxonomic services, including (1) planningand execution of exploratory field sampling and collection,(2) sorting and preparation of field samplesfor identification and management, (3) species identifications,(4) individualized biodiversity databases, and(5) long-term storage and management of voucher collectionsand archival field collections. Once establishedwith government funds and grants, IBACs should beself-supporting from the fees for services rendered. Taxonomicservices provided by IBACs would be tailoredfor specific needs of users in research, conservation,detection of exotic and invasive species, and ecosystemmanagement, and could provide diverse trainingprograms such as annual seminars, workshops forspecific regional taxa, and internships for undergraduateand graduate students in applied taxonomy (Kim2006, Kim and Byrne 2006). IBACs would promotethe advancement of biodiversity science, which inturn would increase the knowledge base of globalbiodiversity from approximately 1.8% to as muchas 50% by 2020. Local IBACs and a network ofIBACs globally will facilitate the process of buildingtaxonomic human resources and training future biodiversityscientists. At the grassroots level, local IBACassociates could be trained as parataxonomists familiarwith local backyard biodiversity. They then could leadbiodiversity-related activities such as integrated pestmanagement, sustainable agriculture, and monitoringof nonindigenous invasive pests (Kimand Byrne 2006).A centralized international IBAC database, based on themerger of backyard biodiversity databases through anetwork of global IBACs, would be a de facto global biodiversitydatabase, providing the scientific basis for abroad range of civic and public works readily availableto users in diverse scientific and technical communitiesincluding systematics, ecology, conservation biology,environmental technology, land-use planning, anddrug prospecting. The globally networked backyardbiodiversity inventory would not only produce localbiodiversity databases, but also facilitate the discoveryand documentation of new species.ADVANCING THE SCIENCE OF INSECTBIODIVERSITYMassive industrial and technological advancementsduring the last century brought about great economicdevelopment and affluence. This anthropocentric successcame with enormous environmental baggage. Theprocess continues but at a far faster pace throughoutthe world. In the last part of the twentieth centurywe identified the largest human footprint ofenvironmental decline – global warming and climatechange – created by human abuse of the environment.Humanity is now at the crossroads to control the causesand effects of human endeavors, such as development,expansion, material wastes, and pollution.Global climate change affects all organisms, includinginsects and humans, and could cause devastatingdestruction to human infrastructure and the economy.Itseffectonbiodiversity,particularlyinsectbiodiversity,would be serious and long lasting because the effectswould involve changes in physiologies, populations,and life histories of organisms, shifts in distributionsand geographic ranges of species, and changes inspecies composition and the structure and functionof ecosystems (Canadell and Noble 2007). The effectsof these changes might show up, for example, inthe seasonal patterns of events such as the timingof migration and reproductive cycles (McCarty 2001).Global climate change affects population growth andecological roles of insects, particularly of common herbivoresof our cropping systems and those species thattransmit pathogens of humans and animals (Kim andMcPheron 1993, McCarty 2001, Easterbrook 2007,IPCC 2007, Botkin et al. 2007). Ecosystem processessuch as carbon cycling and storage that are alreadystressed, along with those species already endangeredor threatened, likely would feel the brunt of globalwarming (Sala et al. 2000, Parmesan and Galbraith2004). Climate changes due to global warming, such asthe frequency and strength of hurricanes and droughts,would elevate the risk of extinction or extirpation (ENS2006a, 2006b).In addition to global warming, today’s environmentalconcerns such as biodiversity loss, land transformation,habitat loss, pollution, and changes in ecosystemservices are caused by human activities (MEA 2005).

570 Ke Chung KimGlobal warming and climate change represent theforemost manifestation of the anthropocentric effectsof development and pollution. Our basic approachesto economic development have not changed muchthrough the dawn of the new millennium, despiteglobal environmental movements persistently pursuedby the United Nations (UN General Assembly, UNEP,UNESCO, UNDAP, and others), including ambitioustargets for 2010 to significantly reduce the rate ofbiodiversity loss to achieve the 2015 targets of theMillennium Development Goals (CBD 2006a, 2006b).We must systematically inventory backyard biodiversitythroughout the world as a part of sustainableeconomic development. These inventories are fundamentalto a scientific basis for land-use planning, conservationand management of lands, natural resourcemanagement, and sustainable economic development.They provide the information for combating immigrantpests and invasive species that are major factors incurrent biodiversity loss. Our knowledge base for biodiversity,particularly of insects, would contribute toprotection and management of backyard biodiversity.The pursuit of sustainability requires new conceptualand practical approaches for which biodiversityscience, an integration of biodiversity and humansustainability based on taxonomy, ecology, and conservationscience (Kim and Byrne 2006), provides ameans to meet those challenges.We face a paradox involving the need for taxonomicservices on the one hand and taxonomic demise onthe other (Kate and Kress 2005, Pegg 2006, Stribling2006, Olden and Rooney 2006, Henningsen 2007,Walter and Winterton 2007). Concerns over the scientificand social effects of taxonomic decline have beenexpressed in major scientific journals, without muchheed (Savage 1995, Wheeler 2004, Wheeler et al.2004). In recent years, however, renewed pronouncementson the needs for taxonomy and a reversal of taxonomicdecline have appeared in popular magazines andnews media. They differ from past efforts because thewriters represent broader scientific disciplines, such asconservation biology and ecology (Ehrlich and Wilson1991, Kim 1993, Godfray and Knapp 2002, Gotelli2004, Ehrlich 2005, Kim and Byrne 2006). Yet, thecore issues in the taxonomic domain have not shifted tomeet the applied needs, and science policy makers havenot seen an accountability of taxonomy for biology andenvironmental sciences. Global climate change, alongwith habitat destruction and pollution, directly affectsbiodiversity at various spatial and temporal scales,making the study of biodiversity urgent. All of theseissues represent important challenges to science policymakers and the scientific community at large.The historic decline of taxonomy and the increasingshortage of taxonomic specialists make it difficultto obtain accurate identification of scientifically andeconomically important species. At the same time,no other means are available to have insects identifiedto lower taxonomic units because trained andknowledgeable parataxonomists are scarce and no privateinfrastructure for taxonomic services exist (Gotelli2004, Kim and Byrne 2006). New generations of biologistsand environmental scientists bypassed taxonomictraining and natural history because many institutionsof higher learning reduced curricular requirements inthese subject areas as new discoveries in molecular biologyshifted the interests of young scientists away fromsystematics. Major curricular shifts in undergraduateand graduate education produced biologists who areknowledgeable about molecular biology, genetics, andperhaps phylogenetics but who have little understandingof species concepts, taxonomy, or basic methodsfor classification and identification of organisms. As aresult, today’s generation of biologists is ill prepared toconduct the alpha-taxonomic tasks required.REFERENCESBascompte, J. and R. V. 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Chapter 25<strong>Insect</strong>biodiversity –millionsand millionsMay BerenbaumDepartment of Entomology, 320 Morrill Hall, University of Illinois, 505S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801-3795<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9575

Relatively few scientific truths persist acrosscenturies; new technologies, new hypotheses,and new information mean that most scientificconclusions are constantly modified, updated, oreven sometimes discarded. One conclusion, however,seemsrobustevenasnewinformationhasaccumulatedacross the centuries – namely, that there are a lot ofinsects. Ever since Linnaeus imposed order on the classificationof living organisms, six-legged animals withexoskeletons have had an edge over other groups. Of the4203 species of animals described by Linnaeus, insectsconstituted 2102, over half of the known animal diversityat the time. Species descriptions proceeded apaceonce Linnaeus provided a flexible framework for namingand classifying them, but as species piled up acrossall taxa they piled up fastest for insects. Between 1758and 1800, 58,833 insect species were described andbetween 1800 and 1850, 363,588 species were addedto the pantheon of known species. As other paradigmsin biology came and went, the notion that insectsare the dominant life form on the planet remainedunchanged by new data.Relatively early in the history of insect taxonomy,even before Linnaeus imposed order and structure onbiological diversity, the question arose as to just howmany insects there might be on the planet. Virtuallyevery chronicler of insect life dating back to the seventeenthcentury has felt obligated to venture a guess. SirJohn Ray, the great British naturalist who authored the‘Wisdom of God in the Works of His Creation’ in 1691,attempted a projection based on his own experiences inhis homeland:‘Supposing, then, there be a thousand several sortsof insects in this island and the sea near it, if the sameproportion holds between the insects native of Englandand those of the rest of the world ..., the species ofinsects in the whole earth (land and water) will amountto 10,000: and I do believe they rather exceed than fallshort of this sum’ (cited in Westwood 1833).Ray later revised his own estimate upward bytwofold, based on his discoveries of new species ofEnglish moths and butterflies, but in 1815 WilliamKirby and William Spence, authors of Introductionto Entomology, the first textbook of entomology, stillregarded the estimate of 20,000, ‘which in his timewas reckoned a magnificent idea’ as ‘beggarly’, bynineteenth-century standards. Their own assessmentwas influenced by the fact that their contemporaryDeCandolle had estimated the number of plant speciesat 110,000 to 120,000. Observing that each Britishplant was typically associated with at least six insectspecies, Kirby and Spence reasoned, ‘if we reckon thephanerogamous vegetables of the globe, in roundnumbers at 100,000 species, the number of insectswould amount to 600,000’. By 1833, John ObadiahWestwood, a curator at Oxford and thus familiarwith the ‘immense influx of novelties which has beenpoured into our museums and cabinets since thedays of Linnaeus ...especially in the insect tribes’attempted to estimate the ‘numerical extent of thisdepartment of nature’. He arrived at his estimate, amore conservative 400,000, by comparing the rateat which new species were described to the numberalready known across different key groups. Illustrativeof the expansion of knowledge were the carabid generaCarabus and Cicindela; within 70 years, for example,the 50 species collectively described in the generaCarabus andCicindela by Linnaeus had expanded tomore than 2000 species, a 40-fold increase.Such estimates opened a can of (very diverse) wormsand kicked off a discussion among insect systematiststhat continues to this day. Howard (1932) provideda summary of the controversy through the end of thenineteenth century. In 1883, Dr. David Sharp, a Britishcoleopterist, hazarded his guess: ‘As the result of amoderate estimate it appears probable that the numberof species of true insect existing at present on our globeis somewhere between five hundred thousand and onemillion’, adding that ‘the number probably exceeds thehigher of these figures and will come in near to twomillion’. Thomas de Grey, Lord Walsingham, Presidentof the Entomological Society of London from 1889to 1890, chose in his presidential address to endorseSharp’s estimate. Across the Atlantic, however, CharlesValentine Riley arrived at a different conclusion: ‘afterconsidering the fact that the species already collectedare mostly from the temperate regions of the globe andthat many portions of the world are as yet unexploredby collectors of insects, and further that the species inmany groups of insects are apparently unknown – thatthe estimate of 2,000,000 species in the world, madeby Dr. Sharp and Lord Walsingham, was extremely lowand that it probably represented not more than one fifthof the species that actually exist’. And, with that, Rileyboldly elevated the estimate by an order of magnitudeto 10,000,000.Such a high estimate did not sit well with the entomologicalestablishment of the era; according to Howard,‘it met with no favorable comment. Everyone thoughtit was too high’. In reviewing the history, Howard

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity – millions and millions 577speculated that at the time few people other thanastronomers and geologists had any grasp of a figureas large as 10 million.Havingreviewedthevariousestimates,Howardhimselftried another approach. He took the question to ameeting of the Entomological Society of Washington,attended by a number of experts in many of the largerinsect taxa. There, he asked everyone present to estimatethe proportion described within the groups theyknew best, figuring that ‘because of the character of themen who took part in this discussion it was probablythe most authoritative expression of opinions that couldvery well be had’. Summing the individual estimatesled Howard to suggest that an estimate of 4,000,000was reasonable.Character notwithstanding, debate did not endwith the meeting of the Entomological Society ofWashington. Metcalf (1940) picked up the gauntletsoon thereafter. Eschewing any effort to count the totalnumber of insect individuals (because ‘no one has beenfoolhardy enough to attempt to make a world census ofinsect individuals’), he attempted, as his predecessorshad, to estimate the number of species. At the time,textbooks pegged the number at between 250,000 and1,000,000. As the basis for his estimate, he examinedthe changing ratios of genus to species over time andrevised the estimate upward to 1,500,000. He wasrealistic enough to recognize the limitations on hisestimate, however, and philosophized about the futilityof such efforts:‘At least they have done this; they have occupiedmy thoughts on a hazy Indian summer day; their calculationshave kept an otherwise idle adding machinebusy; and last by no means least important I hope theyhave stimulated your thoughts in this field. ...theywill make those of us who profess to be systematistsmore systematic as we go about our daily business ofdescribing new genera and species, so that those whocome after us will not have to do too much countingand recounting’.Despite the good intentions, counting and recountingcontinued. Sabrosky (1952, 1953) pointed outthat 6000 to 7000 species of insects were beingdescribed every year. He engaged in a different kindof calculation to convey the magnitude of the numberof species already described, estimating that, ‘Ifthe names were printed one to a line in an eightpage,eight-column newspaper of average size, withoutheadlines and pictures, more than eight weeks,including Sundays, would be needed to print onlythe names of the insects that are already known inthe world’ (Sabrosky 1953). Sabrosky was among thefirst to suggest that synonymies might inflate thecount of described insects and accordingly elevateestimates of total insect diversity. Subsequently, he proposeda one-time census of all animal species, to commemoratethe two-hundredth anniversary of ‘SystemaNaturae’ (Sabrosky et al. 1953).As it happens, 1958 came and went without thatdefinitive census and, after an extended pause, discussionsof total insect biodiversity resumed oncemore. What apparently precipitated the next roundof pitched discussion was an estimate based on a newapproach. Terry Erwin (1982) evaluated the numberof beetle species found in association with one speciesof tropical tree, Luehea seemannii, exhaustively collectingthem by fogging the canopy with an insecticide.After identifying the species known to science, he couldestimate the ratio of described to undescribed speciesof Coleoptera. He then estimated the degree of hostspecificity of each feeding guild represented in the collection,calculated the ratio of coleopterans to otherarthropods, guessed at the relative ratio of canopy toground-dwelling arthropods, and multiplied by the estimatednumber of tropical tree species in the world, toobtain an estimate of world insect diversity of approximately30 million (Erwin 1988).Although Erwin’s estimates were advanced as atestable hypothesis, rather than a definitive number(Erwin 1991), the sheer magnitude of the numbercommanded attention. Not everyone embraced thenew methodology and a flurry of publications followed;in the context of growing concerns about biodiversitylosses, estimates of total insect diversity had gained newimportance. Robert May (1988, 1990) took anothertack, extrapolating based on the general relationshipbetween size and species diversity across all organisms.Basically, over the range of body lengths from severalmetersto1 cm,foreachorderofmagnitudereductioninlength (or 100-fold reduction in body weight), the numberof species increases 100-fold. Problematically, therelationship is less clear for taxa less than 1 cm, whichencompasses the majority of insects, but extrapolatingthe relationship leads to an estimate of approximately10 million species of terrestrial animals (May 1988), ofwhich approximately three-quarters are insects.Yet another approach was taken by Hodkinsonand Casson (1990), who enumerated the hemipteranspecies represented in an exhaustive collectionof Sulawesi arthropods and determined that

578 May Berenbaumapproximately 62.5% of the 1690 species collectedwere undescribed. Assuming that the same proportionof the world’s bugs were undescribed, they arrivedat an estimate of 184,000–193,000 species ofbugs worldwide, and assuming that bugs compriseapproximately 7.5 to 10% of the world’s insects, theyproduced an estimate of 1.84–2.57 million. Gaston(1991a, 1991b) returned to the approach usedby Westwood (1833) and Howard (1932) in earliercenturies and polled expert taxonomists for their bestestimate of what proportion of their taxon of interestwas undescribed; most estimates were optimistic(i.e., that the difference was less than fivefold), leadinghim to an estimate of 5 million (given that the numberof described species was in the neighborhood of1 million). Concerns about synonymies reared theirugly head once again, as did concerns about sampling,leading Stork (1993) to revise the Erwin estimatesdownward to between 5 and 15 million. By 2002,sufficient data existed from a variety of biotic diversityinventories to allow Ødegaard et al. (2000) to correctearlier estimates based on the degree of host-plantspecialization of phytophagous insects associated witha restricted number of plant species and extrapolatingto a larger number of plants (as did Kirby and Spencealmost two centuries earlier), arriving at a modifiedestimate of 5 to 10 million species.So systematists continue to debate the issue withoutany hope of consensus. Even the number of insectsalready described, a number that would seem to berobustandbeyonddispute,iscontentious.Ononehand,there are problems with synonymies; Alroy (2002) hasestimated that ‘24–31% of currently accepted nameseventually will prove invalid’ due to synonymies ornominadubia(thatis,‘30%ofnamedspeciesareillusionscreated by unsettled taxonomy’). On the other hand,new molecular approaches have revealed substantiallygreater species diversity than was hitherto suspectedto exist. Smith et al. (2007) used DNA barcoding toevaluate 16 morphospecies of apparently generalisttropical parasitoid flies in the family Tachinidae andfound that the 16 generalist species apparently represent9 generalist species and 73 specialist lineages.Given that parasitoids are thought to represent 20%of all insect species, gross underestimates of parasitoidspecies diversity may mean that global species richnessof insects also may be grossly underestimated.That there has been a debate raging for more thanfour centuries has gone largely unnoticed by the generalpublic. Indeed, it is unlikely that there is even a(a)98.9% 100%(b)(c)Fig. 25.1 Taxa threatened (in white) with extinctionworldwide. (a) Number threatened as a percentage of speciesdescribed. (b) Number evaluated as percentage of speciesdescribed. (c) Number threatened as percentage of speciesevaluated (data from www.redlist.org, 2004)

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity – millions and millions 579vague notion among the general public of the extent ofarthropod diversity. The level of appreciation of insectdiversity rarely extends beyond the ordinal level and attimes fails to achieve even that degree of differentiation.This unfortunate state of affairs is not new; Dan Beard,for example, in his 1900 book Outdoor Games for AllSeasons: The American Boy’s Book of Sport, bemoanedthe fact that, ‘With the exception of butterflies, thegeneral public class the whole insect world undertwo heads – worms and bugs – and regard them withunqualified disgust. But this is only a sign of universalignorance’.In attempting to characterize public attitudestoward invertebrates, Kellert (1993) administered aquestionnaire to determine the ‘level of knowledge’of invertebrates in general. Individuals surveyedincluded randomly selected residents of the NewHaven, Connecticut, area, along with subsamples offarmers, conservation organization members, andscientists. Of the various categories of knowledgeinvestigated, the general public ‘revealed theleast knowledge of taxonomic differences amonginvertebrates ...and – taxonomically – toward bees,cockroaches, grasshoppers, termites and beetles’.Specifically, ‘only a minority had much concept ofthe overall number of insect species’, fewer thanone-quarter knew that spiders are not insects, andonly 11% recognized that cockroaches are not beetles.Taxonomic confusion extended beyond the phylumArthropoda – a majority of respondents thoughtthat ‘snails are more closely related to turtles thanto spiders’ and that ‘the snail darter [a fish] is anendangered butterfly’.Even relatively sophisticated members of the publicappear content with their taxonomic ignorance.Snopes.com, a Web site devoted to mythbusting andcorrecting popular misconceptions on a wide rangeof topics, including scientific ones, claims that thestatement ‘The food colorants cochineal and carmineare made from ground beetles’ is ‘True’ (http://www.snopes.com/food/ingredient/bugjuice.asp), despitethe fact that cochineal and carmine are derived notfrom any of the 350,000 or so species in the orderColeoptera but rather from Dactylopius coccus, ascaleinsect in the order Hemiptera. Oddly enough, thespecies is accurately named on the Web site but isdescribed as ‘a beetle that inhabits a type of cactuscalled Opuntia’. When an entomologist pointedout their error in an email message, he was curtlyinformed that the authoritative reference for callingcochineal scale a beetle was Webster’s Dictionary,which defines ‘beetle’ not only as a member ofthe order Coleoptera, but anything even vaguelybeetle-like (‘any of various insects resembling abeetle’, http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/beetles)(S. Bambara, personal communication).So, while biologists passionately debate the numberof species awaiting discovery, the general publicappears blissfully unaware of and indifferent to this discussion.In fact, the business of differentiating amonginsect species has long been regarded as a pursuit ofdubious value. Kirby and Spence (1815), in the introductionto their entomology text, lamented the factthat, in the eighteenth century, the will of one LadyGlanville was ‘attempted to be set aside on the groundof lunacy, evinced by no other act than her fondness forcollecting insects; and [Sir John] Ray had to appear atExeter on the trial as a witness of her sanity’. What thepublic rarely recognizes, however, is that differentiatingamong and inventorying insect species is not now,nor has it ever been, an irrelevant or trivial pursuit.<strong>Insect</strong> species, as numerous and as seemingly similar asthey may appear, are generally not ecologically interchangeable,and failing to recognize that fact has hadtremendous economic and public health consequencesover the centuries.Examples of the importance of differentiating amongarthropod species are legion. In agriculture, identifyingpest species correctly is often key to understanding theirlife histories and developing approaches for managingthem. The varroa mite, for example, is a devastatingparasite of the European honeybee Apis mellifera.When mites first appeared attacking honeybees inNorth America in the 1980s, they were assumed tobe Varroa jacobsoni, a species native to Indonesia andMalaysia that had hitherto been thought to attack onlyApis cerana, the Eastern honeybee. However, Andersonand Trueman (2000) conducted morphological andmolecular studies and determined that the mite attackingbees in North America is a distinct species, whichthey named Varroa destructor. Unlike A. jacobsoni,A. destructor infests A. cerana throughout much ofmainland Asia and is also capable of parasitizingA. mellifera throughout the world to devastating effect(National Academy of Sciences 2006).No less important than identifying pest species tocontrol them is identifying and appreciating the diversityof potential biological control agents that can beused in pest-management programs. Many programshave failed or experienced decades-long delays simply

580 May Berenbaumbecause the diversity of potential control agents wasnot fully recognized (Caltagirone 1981). California redscale Aonidiella aurantii, for example, is an importantpest of citrus that was accidentally introduced intoCalifornia in the nineteenth century, most likely fromSoutheast Asia. For close to 60 years, biocontrol effortsignored ectoparasitoid wasps in the genus Aphytis aspotential control agents because Aphytis chrysomphaliwas already present in the state, having been accidentallyintroduced at the turn of the twentieth century,and apparently had little impact on the pest. Thus,dismissing ectoparasitoids as ineffective, entomologistsconcentrated on potential predators and endoparasitoids,without much success. Eventually, taxonomicstudy of the genus revealed a complex of species, includingtwo, A. lingnanensis and A. melinus, which, onceintroduced, proved to be significantly superior biocontrolagents for the scale (Price 1997).Just as biocontrol agents are not interchangeable,neither are insect-pollinating agents. Establishing a figindustry in California, today second only to Turkey inproduction of figs worldwide, was stymied for a decadein the late nineteenth century until entomologists recognizedthat one particular agaonid fig wasp species,one of hundreds in the genus, had to be imported topollinate the trees (Swingle 1908). Similarly, cacaocultivation in Africa, outside its area of indigeneityin Mexico, was not profitable until the specificpollinators – midges in the genus Forcipomyia –wereimported (Young 1982).There have been significant public health consequencesof the failure to recognize and differentiateamong insect species. Anopheles gambiae, for example,was long regarded as the most important vector ofmalaria in Africa south of the Sahara. The speciesAnopheles gambiae, however, turned out to be in realitya complex of seven essentially morphologically identicalspecies, some of which are efficient vectors andothers are not vectors (White 1974, Hunt et al. 1998).These species also differ in the degree to which they areresistant to insecticides, which has major implicationsfor control efforts (Davidson 1964). Effective managementof vectors of malaria, a disease that kills 2 to3 million people worldwide annually, requires preciseidentification of species (Gentile et al. 2002).Even such unglamorous ecosystem services as wastedisposal depend on a diversity of noninterchangeablearthropods. Introduction of placental mammals suchas cattle and sheep into Australia led to monumentalproblems with dung accumulation; Australian dungbeetles, adapted to using dung of marsupial mammals,could not process the dung of the introduced placentallivestock species. The accumulated dung threatenedthe livestock industry by taking substantial amountsof pastureland out of commission but also led to populationexplosions of Musca vetustissima, the bush fly,whose larval stages thrived in the dung of the introducedspecies. Ultimately, over 50 species of dungbeetles, with different habitat requirements, food preferences,and phenologies, were imported to managethe dung problem (Doube et al. 1991).More than 5000 species of scarabaeine dung beetleshave been described to date (Hanski and Cambefort1991), but how many species remain to be described isan open question. The general public likely would consideran inventory of the dung beetles of the world to bea scientific enterprise of little import. Typically, argumentsmade for inventorying biodiversity are based onutilitarian grounds – that hitherto undescribed speciesmay contribute valuable new pharmaceuticals or provideuseful genes for bioengineering. The vast majority,however, contribute in smaller ways that might notbecome apparent until they are no longer abundantenough to make that contribution.May (1990) has argued that there is a compellingargument, beyond utilitarian concerns, for cataloguingbiodiversity – the ‘same reasons that compel usto reach out toward understanding the origins andeventual fate of the universe or the structure of theelementary particles that it is built from’. Cosmology,however, has long enjoyed greater popularitywith the general public than have coleopterans andit is unlikely that appealing to the public thirst forpure knowledge will soon pay dividends in the form ofincreased appreciation for insect biodiversity (or evena greater understanding of the ordinal limits of thegroup). This has long been true; even Kirby and Spence(1815) bemoaned the fact that their detailed illustrationswere viewed as amusing diversions to inspireladies’ needlework.Unfortunately, although the long-term future ofatomic particles seems assured and immutable, thesame cannot be said for the Earth’s insect biodiversity.While there may not be a consensus on how manyinsect species remain to be described, an examinationof known numbers is an argument for steppingup the inventory effort. According to the Red List(http://www.redlist.org/), 9932 species of birds havebeen described, of which 100% have been evaluatedas to their ability to survive; of the 4842 species of

<strong>Insect</strong> biodiversity – millions and millions 581mammals that have been described, 4782, almost97%, have been evaluated (Fig. 25.1). By contrast,of the 1,004,898 or so species of insects that havebeen described (introduction to this volume), only768 – about 0.08% – have been evaluated. Of themammal species that have been evaluated, 1130 of4782, or 23.6%, are threatened; of the 9932 birdspecies, 1194, or 12%, are threatened. By contrast, ofthe 768 insect species that have been evaluated, 563,or 73%, are threatened.<strong>Insect</strong>s, then, despite their almost ungraspably largenumbers, are at disproportionate risk of extinction.How disproportionate is an open question in that, ofall the major animal taxa on the planet, they are theleastwell-characterizedgroup.Tocharacterizeeventhemajority of insect species would be a massive undertaking,but the fact that the rate at which species arebeing described has steadily increased since Linnaeus’sday suggests that it is not an impossible one. If thereis general consensus that conserving biodiversity is agood thing, then a necessary first step is to inventorythat which is to be conserved. It would be a shamethat one of the most durable and time-tested biologicalobservations – that there are a lot of insects – maycease to be true in the foreseeable future.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI thank Robert Foottit not only for inviting me tocontribute this chapter but also for patiently waitingfor me to complete it well after the deadline had passedand I thank Peter Adler for his patience in waitingfor seriously late revisions. My UIUC colleague JimWhitfield graciously provided helpful comments onthe manuscript on short notice. This manuscript wassupported in part by an NSF OPUS award.REFERENCESAlroy, J.2002.Howmanynamedspeciesarevalid?Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences USA 99: 3706–3711.Anderson, D. and J. W. H. Trueman. 2000. Varroa jacobsoni(Acari: Varroidae) is more than one species. Experimentaland Applied Acarology 24: 165–189.Beard, D. 1900. Outdoor Games for All Seasons: The AmericanBoy’s Book of Sport. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.496 pp.Caltagirone L. 1981. Landmark examples in classical biologicalcontrol. Annual Review of Entomology 26: 213–222.Davidson, G. 1964. The five mating types of the Anophelesgambiae complex. Rivista di Malariologia 13: 167–183.Doube, B. M., A. Macqueen, T. J. Ridsill-Smith, and T. A. Weir.1991. Native and introduced dung beetles in Australia.Pp. 255–278. In I. Hanski and Y. Cambeford (eds). DungBeetle Ecology, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.Erwin, T. 1982. Tropical forests: their richness in Coleopteraand other arthropod species. Coleopterists Bulletin 36:74–75.Erwin, T. 1988. Tropical forest canopies: the heart of bioticdiversity. Pp. 123–129. In E. O. Wilson and F. M. Peter(eds). <strong>Biodiversity</strong>. National Academy Press, Washington,DC.Erwin, T. L. 1991. How many species are there?: Revisited.Conservation Biology 5: 330–333.Gaston, K. J. 1991a. The magnitude of global insect speciesrichness. Conservation Biology 5: 283–296.Gaston, K. J. 1991b. Estimates of the near-imponderable: areply to Erwin. Conservation Biology 5: 564–566.Gentile, G., A. della Torre, B. Maegga, J. R. Powell, andA. Caccone. 2002. Genetic differentiation in the Africanmalaria vector, Anopheles gambiae s.s., and the problem oftaxonomic status. Genetics 161: 1561–1578.Hanski, I. and Y. Cambefort (eds). 1991. Dung Beetle Ecology.Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 520 pp.Hodkinson, I. D. and D. Casson. 1990. A lesser predilection forbugs: Hemiptera (<strong>Insect</strong>a) diversity in tropical rain forests.Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 43: 101–109.Howard, L. O. 1932. The <strong>Insect</strong> Menace. The Century Company,New York. 347 pp.Hunt, R. H., M. Coetzee, and M. Fettene. 1998. The Anophelesgambiae complex: a new species from Ethiopia. Transactionsof the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 92:231–235.Kellert, S. R. 1993. Values and perceptions of invertebrates.Conservation Biology 7: 845–855.Kirby, W.andW. Spence.1815.AnIntroductiontoEntomology:Or Elements of the Natural History of <strong>Insect</strong>s. Longman,London.May, R. L. 1988. How many species are there in the world?Science 241: 1441–1449.May, R. L. 1990. How many species? Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences330:293–304.Metcalf, Z. P. 1940. How many insects are there in the world?Entomological News 51: 219–222.National Academy of Sciences. 2006. The Status of Pollinatorsin North America. National Academy Press, Washington,DC. 312 pp.Ødegaard, F., O. H. Diserud, S. Engen, and K. Aagaard. 2000.The magnitude of local host specificity for phytophagousinsects and its implications for estimates of global speciesrichness. Conservation Biology 14: 1182–1186.Price, P. 1997. <strong>Insect</strong> Ecology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.874 pp.

582 May BerenbaumSabrosky, C. W. 1952. How many insects are there? Pp. 1–7.In A. Stefferud (ed). <strong>Insect</strong>s: The Yearbook of Agriculture.United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.Sabrosky, C. W. 1953. How many insects are there? SystematicZoology 2: 31–36.Smith, M. A., D. M. Wood, D. H. Janzen, W. Hallwachs, andP. D. N. Hebert. 2007. DNA barcodes affirm that 16 speciesof apparently generalist tropical parasitoid flies (Diptera,Tachinidae)arenotallgeneralists.ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademy of Sciences USA 104: 4967–4972.Stork, N. E. 1993. How many species are there? <strong>Biodiversity</strong>and Conservation 2: 215–232.Swingle, W. T. 1908. The fig in California. Papers and DiscussionsPresented before the 34 th and 35 th Fruit-Growers’Convention, California. State Commission on Horticulture.Sacramento, California.Westwood, J. O. 1833. On the probable number of speciesof insects in the creation; together with descriptions ofseveral minute Hymenoptera. Magazine of Natural Historyand Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, andMeteorology 6: 116–123.White, G. B. 1974. Anopheles gambiae complex and diseasetransmission in Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society ofTropical Medicine and Hygiene 68: 278–295.Young, A. M. 1982. Effects of shade cover and availability ofmidge breeding sites on pollinating midge populations andfruit set in two cocoa farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 19:47–63.

Index ofArthropod TaxaArranged by Orderand FamilySupraordinal taxa and informal clades are listed as primary entries coordinate with order. Taxa and informal clades between order andfamily level are treated as secondary entries coordinate with family within the relevant order. Family-group names below family levelare treated as tertiary entries coordinate with genus under the appropriate family. Page numbers in bold face indicate table entries, andnumbers in italic face indicate entries on figures and in figure captions.AcariParasitidaeVarroa jacobsoni, 579; V. destructor,579ProstigmataTetranychidae, 199Tetranychus urticae, 199IxodidaeIxodes scapularis, 10Arachnida, 51, 59Araneae, 36, 58, 169, 189, 190, 304,310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 450, 451,493, 579AgelenidaeAgelena orientalis, 243Araneida, see AraneaeArchaeognatha (=Microcoryphia), 3,38Blattaria, 3, 38, 58, 91, 92, 109, 124,129, 150Blaberidae, 91Gromphadorhina portentosa, 487Panesthia lata, 91BlattellidaeBalta similis, 479Blattella germanica, 487BlattidaeAngustonicus, 92Blatta orientalis, 479Blattodea, see BlattariaBlattoptera, see BlattariaChilopoda, 451Coleoptera,2,3, 8, 17, 20, 38, 42, 43,44, 49–65, 72, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94,96, 108, 112–116, 128, 129, 142,143, 144, 149, 151, 152,153–154, 169–170, 177, 196,265–290, 304, 311, 312, 313, 314,315, 326, 362, 390, 423–424,447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 480,481, 482, 483, 577, 579, 580, 581Acanthocnemidae, 114, 268, 277Acanthocnemus nigricans, 277Adephaga, 267, 272–273Aderidae, 270, 277Agapythidae, 269, 277Agyrtidae, 113, 267, 274Alexiidae, 114, 269, 277Alleculidae, see Tenebrionidae:AlleculinaeAmphizoidae, 112, 120, 267, 272Anobiidae (including Ptinidae), 133,143, 153, 268, 276Anobium punctatum, 276Dorcatominae, 138Lasioderma, 138Ptininae (=Ptinidae), 114, 138Anthicidae, 153, 270, 277, 278, 286Anthicus, 153; A. sacramento, 286Formicomus, 153Notoxus, 153Steropes latifrons, 153Anthribidae, 115, 128, 144, 149,270, 278Araecerus fasciculatus, 279Onycholips, 139Apionidae, see Brentidae : ApioninaeArcheocrypticidae, 269, 277Archostemata, 146, 267, 270, 272Artematopidae, 113Artematopodidae, 268Macropogon pubescens, 130Aspidytidae, 144, 267, 272Aspidytes wrasei, 144, 146Attelabidae, 92, 115, 150, 270, 279Euops, 92Belidae, 270, 278Belohinidae, 267, 274Biphyllidae, 114, 269, 274Boganiidae, 269, 277Bolboceratidae, 113Boridae, 269, 277583<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

584 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyColeoptera, (continued)Bostrichidae, 114, 133, 152, 153,268, 276Dinoderus, 276Lyctus, 276Prostephanus, 276; P. truncatus, 274Rhyzopertha, 276Trogoxylon, 276Bostrichiformia, 268, 276Bothrideridae, 114, 269, 277Brachyceridae, 115, 133, 149Brachypsectridae, 268Brentidae (including Apionidae), 115,138, 144, 145, 152, 154, 279,270Apioninae (=Apionidae), 116, 140,142, 149, 150, 154, 279Ceratapiini, 116Fremuthiella vossi, 126Metapiini, 116Perapion ?myochroum, 126Bruchidae, see Chrysomelidae :BruchinaeBuprestidae, 113, 129, 133, 134, 143,144, 146, 147, 149, 152, 153,272, 268, 272, 275, 276, 281,282, 286, 311, 312, 365, plate 1Acmaeodera, 153Acmaeoderella, 153Acmaeoderini, 135Agrilus, 149, 153, 280; A.(Xenagrilus), 149; A.planipennis, 280, 489Anthaxia, 153Anthaxia quadripunctata, 144Buprestis rustica, 144; B. splendens,286; B. strigosa, 144Capnodis carbonaria, 122, Plate 2Chrysobothris affinis, 146; C.pulchripes, 146Coroebina, 147Cylindromorphus, 133, 149, 153Cyphosoma, 133; C. euphraticum,122, Plate 2Dicerca furcata, 144Dicercini, 133Endelus, 134Eurythyrea aurata, 146; E. eoa, 146Habroloma, 149Julodella, 147; J. abeillei, 125, Plate 3Julodis, 147; J. variolaris, 125, Plate 3Kisanthobiini, 113Lamprodila amurensis, 146;L. rutilans, 146Microacmaeodera, 147Nipponobuprestis, 147Paratassini, 113Paracylindromorphus, 133,153Phaenops guttulatus, 144Polyctesis, 147Ptosima, 147Sapaia, 147Sphenoptera, 149, 153; S.(Chilostetha), 149Sternocera, 147Trachys, 149Buprestoidea, 275, 276Byrrhidae, 113, 268, 276Byrrhobolus, 141Byrrhus (Aeneobyrrhus), 141Byrrhoidea, 275Byturidae, 114, 130, 269, 277Callirhipidae, 113, 268Cantharidae, 114, 152, 153, 268,275, 276Carabidae, 39, 56, 59, 60, 61, 108,112, 124, 136, 142, 144, 146,148, 150, 152, 153, 266, 267,272, 272–273, 286, 480, plate 1Broscini, 139Broscosoma, 139Broscus, 139Callisthenes, 148Calosoma, 148; C. sycophanta, 122,Plate 2Carabus, 136, 141, 144, 576; C.auronitens, 136; C. lopatini, 131;C. olympiae, 286; C. variolosus,136Cicindela, 139, 492, 576; C.columbica, 286; C. puritana,286Cicindelinae (=Cicindelidae), 285Craspedonotus tibialis, 139Elaphrus viridis, 286Mecodema punctellum, 286Nebria, 141Platyninae, 93Scarites, 139Trechini, 140Trechus, 141Caridae, 270, 279Cavognathidae, 269, 277Cerambycidae, 115, 133, 135, 143,143, 144, 146, 149, 154, 266,270, 272, 278, 281, 285, 286,311, 312Agapanthia, 149Anoplophora, 281; A. glabripennis,271, 281, 482, 489, 499Aphanisticus, 133Asias mongolicus, 154Calamobius, 133Cerambyx cerdo, 286Chlorophorus obliteratus, 154;C. ubeanurensis, 154Dorcadion, 133, 148, 149, 278Dorcadionini, 149Eodorcadion, 133, 148, 154; E.kozlovi, 154Lamia textor, 143Macrodontia cervicornis, 286Mallosia armeniaca, 125, Plate 3Morimus funereus, 286Oberea, 134Phoracantha semipunctata, 492Phytoecia, 149Rosalia alpina, 286Saperda populnea,143Tetropium fuscum, 490Theophilea, 133Xylotoles costatus, 286Ceratocanthidae, see Hybosoridae :CeratocanthinaeCerophytidae, 113, 268Cerylonidae, 114, 277, 269Chaetosomatidae, 277, 268Chalcodryidae, 269Chelonariidae, 113, 268Chrysomelidae (including Bruchidae),52, 124, 133, 134, 135, 137,141,142, 143, 148, 149, 151,152, 154, 266, 270, 272, 278,279, 281, 285Acalymma vittatum, 279Acanthoscelides pallidipennis, 149Agasicles hygrophila, 177Alticinae, see AlticiniAlticini (=Alticinae), 60, 124, 128,129, 130, 134, 149, 150,Plate 1Aphthona, 124, 134; A. coerulea,125; A. nonstriata, 127, 134; A.sarmatica, 137; A. testaceicornis,140Argopus, 144Atomyria, 137Benedictus, 134Bruchidius, 149, 154Bruchinae (Bruchidae), 115, 149,154Bruchus, 149Calomicrus pinicola, 133Caryoborus, 154Cassidini, 124, 128, 134Chaetocnema, 133Chlamysini, 144, 145

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 585Coleoptera, (continued)Chrysolina, 124, 135, 141, 144,149; C. (Pezocrozita), 149; C.jakovlevi, 135; C. tuvensis, 135;C. urjanchaica, 135Chrysomelinae, 90, 124, 140, 141Clavicornaltica, 134; C. dali, 127,154Clytrini, 124, 149Crosita, 141Cryptocephalinae, 60, 124, 140,150, Plate 1Cryptocephalini, 124, 149Cryptocephalus, 149; C. duplicatus,122, Plate 2; C. pini, 133; C.ochroloma, 127; C.quadripustulatus, 133Diabrotica virgifera, 476, 482Donacia, 137, 170Donaciinae, 133Epitrix, 134Eumolpinae, 124, 140, 150Galerucella, 495Galerucinae, 124, 133, 140Galerucini, 124Gastrophysa, 137Gratiana spadicea, 284Hippuriphila, 134Hispinae, 60, 133, Plate 1Jaxartiolus, 137Kiskeya, 134; K. baorucae, 127Kytorhinini, 115, 149Lamprosominae, 145Lema, 134; L. decempunctata, 134Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 285, 483Leptophysa, 134Longitarsus, 126, 130, 140, 147Luperus longicornis, 133Manobia, 134Mniophila muscorum, 127, 134Oreomela, 140, 141Oulema melanopus, 487Paraminota, 134Paraminotella, 134Parnops, 137Paropsidis charybdis, 281Paropsis atomaria, 281Phaedon, 137, 177Phaelota, 134Psylliodes, 133, 134, 140; P. valida,140, 141Rhaebini, 115Rhaebus, 154Spermophagus, 149, 154; S. sericeus,149Xenomela, 140Chrysomeloidea, 145, 276, 278Cicindelidae, see Carabidae :CicindelinaeCiidae, 138, 269, 277Clambidae, 113, 267Cleridae, 56, 60, 114, 153, 268, 277,284, Plate 1Emmepus arundinis, 153Necrobia, 137; N. rufipes, 153Opetiopalpus sabulosus, 153Cleroidea, 276, 277Cneoglossidae, 268Coccinellidae, 114, 133, 142, 153,269, 272, 277, 449, 492Coccinella, 153; C. septempunctata,492Harmonia axyridis, 277, 492Hyperaspis, 128, 153; H. pantherina,486Lithophylinae, 114, 128Pharoscymnus, 133, 153; P.auricomus, 134Rodolia cardinalis, 9, 199, 446, 449,497Tetrabrachys, 128Scymnus, 153Colydiidae, 269Corylophidae, 114, 269, 277Crowsoniellidae, 112, 267, 270Cryptolaryngidae, 115Cryptophagidae, 114, 130, 153, 269,277Cryptophagus, 153Cucujidae, 114, 153, 269, 277, 287Cucujus cinnaberinus, 287Airaphilus, 153Cucujiformia, 268–270, 276–278Cucujoidea, 276, 277Cupedidae, 112, 143, 267, 270, 272Curculionidae (including Scolytidaeand Platypodidae), 41, 62, 116,128, 134, 135, 139, 142, 143,144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 154,266, 270, 272, 274, 279, 280,281, 287 (see also Erirhinidaeand Raymondionymidae)Acalles, 146Alatavia, 141Anthonomidius, 148Anthonomini, 146Anthonomus, 134, 148; A. grandis,279, 489Anthypurinus kaszabi, 126Aphelini, 139Apsis albolineatus, 133Bagoinae, 133Bagous, 134Baridinae, 128, 133, 135Barypeithes pellucidus, 487Brachyderini, 139Brachysomus echinatus, 136Ceutorhynchinae, 128, 129, 133,135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 150Ceutorhynchus, 130, 135, 140; C.,139; C. cochleariae, 136; C.pervicax, 136; C. potanini, 136Cionus zonovi, 126Coeliodes, 135Coniatus zaslavskii, 126Conorhynchus conirostris, 124, 126Cosmobaris scolopacea, 126Cossonus, 134Cryptorhynchus lapathi, 143Curculio, 135, 146Dactylotus globosus, 140Dendroctonus frontalis, 280; D.micans, 280; D. ponderosae, 11,280, 281; D. valens, 281Deracanthus faldermanni, 126Dichotrachelus, 146Dorytomus, 134, 143, 144Dryophthorinae (=Dryophthoridae),115, 128, 133, 144, 149Dryophthorus distinguendis, 287Dryotribus mimeticus, 287Entiminae, 60, 62,128, 130, 131,146, 150, plate 1Eremochorus inflatus, 126; E.mongolicus, 126; E.sinuatocollis, 135; E. zaslavskii,135Gronops semenovi, 126Gymnopholus lichenifer, 287Hemitrichapion reflexum, 136Hylobius, 134Hypera postica, 489Hyperinae, 128, 140Hypohypurini, 129Ips, 144; I. typographus, 280Isonycholips gotoi, 139Karocolens tuberculatus, 287Larinus planus, 495Lepyrus, 140Limnobaris, 133Lioxyonychini, 129Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus, 177Lixinae, 128, 135, 150Lixus, 134; L. incanescens, 126Macrancylus linearis, 287Macrotarrhus kiritshenkoi, 126Magdalini, 146Magdalis, 143

586 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyColeoptera, (continued)Mecysmoderes, 130, 144Mecysolobini, 144Mesoptilinae, 146Metamasius callizona, 493Mongolocleonus gobianus, 126Mononychini, 133Mononychus punctumalbum, 134Mogulones crucifer, 271Nastus, 134Neochetina bruchi, 177; N.eichhorniae, 177Neophytobius, 140Neoplatygaster venustus, 134Oedemasylus laysanensis, 287Oprohinus, 133, 134Otibazo, 139Otidocephalinae, 59, 60, 62Otidocephalini, Plate 1Otiorhynchus, 131, 134, 139, 146Oxyonychini, 129, 131, 133Oxyonyx kaszabi, 126Parorobitis, 130; P. gibbus, 131Pentarthrum blackburni, 287Philernus gracilitarsis, 126Philopedon plagiatus, 139Phyllobius thalassinus, 136Piazomias, 125, Plate 3Pissodes, 403Pissodini, 146Pityogenes, 144Platygasteronyx humeridens, 126Platypodinae (=Platypodidae), 116,145, 279, 280, 281Plinthini, 146Plinthus, 146Polygraphus, 144Prisistus, 133Pseudorchestes, 126, 128, 148; P.furcipubens, 126Pseudostyphlus leontopodi, 140Ptochus, 136Rhamphini, 128, 135, 146Rhamphus choseniae, 143Rhyncogonus bryani, 287Rhinocyllus conicus, 495Scleropterus, 140Scolytinae (=Scolytidae), 17, 116,133, 137, 138, 143, 144, 150,152, 279, 280, 281, 285Scolytus multistriatus, 490Sibinia sp. pr. beckeri, 126Sitona, 140Stephanocleonus, 141, 148; S.excisus, 126; S. helenae, 126; S.inopinatus, 126; S. paradoxus,126; S. persimilis, 126; S.potanini, 126Sthereus ptinoides, 139Tanymecini, 139Thamnurgus, 150; T. caucasicus, 150;T. pegani, 152; T. russicus, 150Theodorinus, 131, 154Tomicus piniperda, 280, 281Trachyphloeus, 131Trichosirocalus barnevillei, 136Trigonoscuta rossi, 287; T.yorbalindae, 287Tychius, 128, 131, 133Tymbopiptus valeas, 94Xyleborus glabratus, 490Curculionoidea, 124, 126, 133, 137,144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 266,276, 278, 279Cybocephalidae, 153Cyclaxyridae, 277Dascillidae, 113, 267Dascillus elongatus, 130; D. cervinus,130Dascilloidea, 275, 276Dasytidae (see also Melyridae), 114,149, 153, 277Decliniidae, 113, 267, 276Declinia relicta, 146Dermestidae, 114, 137, 138, 152,153, 268, 276, 280, 283Amorphocephalus coronatus, 138Anthrenus, 153Attagenus, 153; A. smirnovi, 138Dermestes, 137, 153, 280; D.lardarius, 283Eremoxenus chan, 138Thorictus, 138Thylodrias contractus, 152Derodontidae, 114, 268, 276Laricobius, 276Diphyllostomatidae, 37, 267, 274Discolomatidae, 114, 269, 277Disteniidae, 278Drilidae, 113, 268Dryopidae, 113, 153, 170, 268Dryophthoridae, see Curculionidae :DryopthorinaeDytiscidae, 90, 112, 142, 153, 267,272, 285, 287–288Acilius duvergeri, 287Agabus clypealis, 287; A. discicollis,287; A. hozgargantae, 287Colymbetinae, 285Copelatus, 424Deronectes aljibensis, 287; D.depressicollis, 287; D.ferrugineus, 287Dytiscus latissimus, 287Graphoderus bilineatus, 288Graptodytes delectus, 288Hydrotarsus compunctus, 288; H.pilosus, 288Hygrotus artus, 288Megadytes ducalis, 288Meladema imbricata, 288; M. lanio,288Rhantus alutaceus, 288; R.novacaledoniae, 288; R. orbignyi,288; R. papuanus, 288Rhithrodytes agnus, 288Siettitia balsetensis, 288Elateridae, 113, 142, 153, 268, 272,275, 276, 279, 282, 284, plate 1Elateriformia, 267–268, 275–276Elateroidea, 275, 276, 285Elmidae, 113, 170, 268, 276, 288Stenelmis gammoni, 288Endecatomidae, 114, 268, 276Endomychidae, 114, 138, 269, 277Epimetopidae, 112Erirhinidae, 116, 133, 134, 140, 142,150Grypus, 134Himasthlophallini, 116Lepidonotaris petax, 150Notaris, 140; N. dauricus, 150Tournotaris, 140Erotylidae, 114, 138, 269, 277, plate 1Eucinetidae, 113, 267Eucnemidae, 113, 268Eulichadidae, 113, 268Georissidae, see Hydrophilidae :GeorissinaeGeotrupidae, 113, 267, 274, 275, 282Geotrupes inermis, 141Geotrupinae, 10Glaphyridae, 113, 149, 267, 274Amphicoma, 149Glaphyrus, 149Glaresidae, 113, 267, 274Gyrinidae, 112, 153, 267, 272, 284Haliplidae, 112, 153, 267, 272Helodidae, 130, 153Helophoridae, 112, 153Helophorus lapponicus, 124Helotidae, 114, 144, 269, 277Heteroceridae, 113, 153, 268Histeridae, 112, 138, 139, 146, 153,267, 273–274, 284Chlamydopsinae, 273Hetaeriinae, 273Margarinotus kurbatovi, 127Teretrius nigrescens, 274

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 587Coleoptera, (continued)Histeroidea, 273Hobartiidae, 269, 277Hybosoridae, 113, 267, 274, 275Ceratocanthinae(=Ceratocanthidae), 113,Plate 1Hydraenidae, 112, 124, 153, 170,267, 274Ochthebius figueroi, 124Hydrochidae, 112Hydrophilidae (including Georissidaeand Spercheidae), 112, 138, 153,267, 273, 424Cercyon, 138Epimetopinae, 273Georissinae (=Georissidae), 112,153Helophorinae, 273Hydrobius fuscipes, 284Hydrochinae, 273Hydrophilinae, 273Spercheinae (=Spercheidae), 112,273Sphaeridiinae, 273Hydrophiliodea, 273Hydroscaphidae, 43, 112, 267Hygrobiidae, 112, 267, 272Inopeplidae, 144Ischaliidae, 144Ithyceridae, 270, 279Jacobsoniidae, 114, 268, 276Jurodidae (=Sikhotealiniidae), 112,146, 267, 270Sikhotealinia zhiltzovae, 146Kateretidae, 114, 268, 277Laemophloeidae, 114, 269, 277, 280Lamingtoniidae, 269, 277Lampyridae, 113, 145, 268, 276,283, 284Languriidae, 269Latridiidae, 114, 130, 269, 277Leiodidae, 113, 138, 153, 267, 288,274Agathidium laevigatum, 138Catopinae, 137Glacicavicola bathysciodes, 288Leptodirus, 274Platypsyllus castor, 274Speonomus, 274Lepiceridae, 267, 272Limnichidae, 113, 268Lucanidae, 113, 267, 274–275,288–289Colophon barnardi, 288; C. berrisfordi,288; C. cameroni, 288; C.cassoni, 288; C. eastmani, 288;C. haughtoni, 288; C.montisatris, 289; C. neli, 289;C. primosi, 289; C. stokoei, 289;C. thunbergi, 289; C. westwoodi,289; C. whitei, 289Lutrochidae, 268Lycidae, 113, 268Lymexylidae, 114, 268, 276–277Promelittomma insulare, 277Lymexyloidea, 276–277Malachiidae (see also Melyridae), 114,149, 277Megalopodidae, 270, 278Megalopodinae, 144, 145Melandryidae, 269, 277Meloidae, 153, 269, 277, 278, 279,283Lytta vesicatoria, 283Melyridae (see also Dasytidae,Malachiidae), 114, 153, 268,272, 277Meruidae, 267, 272Meru phyllinae, 271Metaxinidae, 277Metaxina ornata, 277Micromalthidae, 112, 267, 270, 285Micromalthus debilis, 271, 365Monommidae, see ZopheridaeMonotomidae, 114, 268, 277Mordellidae, 60, 61, 153, 269, 277,plate 1Conaliini, 61Glipostenoda, 62Mordella, 62Mordellini, 61, 62Mordellistena, 62, 153Mordellistini, 61, 62Pentaria, 153Mycetophagidae, 269, 277Mycteridae, 269, 277Hemipeplus, 277Mycterus curculionoides, 130Myraboliidae, 269, 277Myxophaga, 267, 270–271Nanophyidae, 116, 149Corimalia reaumuriae, 126Corimaliini, 116Nemonychidae, 115, 149, 270, 278Cimberis attelaboides, 131Nemonychinae, 115Nitidulidae, 114, 138, 152, 153, 268,277Aethina tumida, 277, 489Cyllodes ater, 138Epuraea, 138, 146Meligethes, 146Nosodendridae, 114, 268, 276Noteridae, 112, 267, 272, 273Ochodaeidae, 113, 267, 274Oedemeridae, 152, 153, 269, 277,278, 283Homomorpha cruciata, 153Nacerdes melanura, 277Omalisidae, 113, 268Omethidae, 113, 268Ommatidae, 267, 270Orsodacnidae, 270, 278Othniidae, see Salpingidae : OthniinaeOxypeltidae, 278Passalidae, 113, 267, 274, 275Passandridae, 114, 269, 277Perimylopidae, 269, 277Phalacridae, 114, 153 , 269,27Phengodidae, 113, 268, 284Phloeostichidae, 114, 269, 277Phloiophilidae, 114, 268, 277Phloiophilus, 277Phycosecidae, 268, 277Phycosecis, 277Pilipalpidae, see Pyrochroidae :PilipalpinaePlastoceridae, 113, 268Platypodidae, see Curculionidae :PlatypodinaePleocomidae, 37, 267, 274, 277Podabrocephalidae, 268Polyphaga, 267–270Priasilphidae, 269, 277Prionoceridae, 114, 268, 277Propalticidae, 269, 277Prostomidae, 269, 277Protocucujidae, 268, 277Pselaphidae, see Staphylinidae :PselaphinaePsephenidae, 113, 170, 268Pterogeniidae, 269, 277Ptiliidae, 113, 267, 274Ptilodactylidae, 113, 268Ptinidae, see Anobiidae : PtininaePyrochroidae (including Pilipalpidae),270, 277Pilipalpinae, 144Pythidae, 270, 277Raymondionymidae, 116Rhinorhipidae, 268Rhipiceridae, 113, 267, 276Rhipiphoridae, see RipiphoridaeRhynchitidae, 115, 149Rhysodidae, 112, 267, 272Ripiphoridae (=Rhipiphoridae), 153,269, 277

588 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyColeoptera, (continued)Macrosiagon, 153; M. medvedevi,153Salpingidae (including Othniidae),270, 277Aegialites stejnegeri, 139Othniinae (=Othniidae), 144Scarabaeidae, 10, 37, 39, 91, 113,138, 148, 152, 153, 194, 198,266, 267, 272, 274, 275, 276,279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 289,486, plate 1Aegialia concinna, 289; A. crescenta,289Anoplognathus chloropyrus, 281Aphodiinae 10Aphodius, 138, 148, 153; A.holdereri, 124Canthon, 424Canthonini, 78Chioneosoma, 136Coprinae, 10Coprini, 78Copris, 138Cotinus mutabilis, 284Dichotomiini, 78Drepanocerina, 78Eucraniini, 78Eurysternini, 78Gymnopleurini, 78Helictopleurina, 78Hoplia praticola, 136Oniticellina, 78Onitini, 78Onthophagini, 78Onthophagus, 138, 148, 153Osmoderma eremita, 289Pachnoda marginata, 284Phanaeini, 78Platycoelia lutescens, 282Prodontria lewisi, 289Pseudocotalpa giulianii, 289Scarabaeinae, 73–75, 78–79Scarabaeini, 78Scarabaeus, 138, 284, 285; S. sacer,19; S. zambesianus, 284Sisyphini, 78Sisyphus, 138Tomarus gibbosus, 39Scarabaeiformia, 267, 273, 274–275Scarabaeoidea, 72, 148, 273, 275Schizopodidae, 267Scirtidae, 113, 267Scirtoidea, 275, 276Scraptiidae, 154, 270, 277Scraptia, 154; S. straminea, 154Scydmaenidae, 113, 267, 274Euconnus, 274Sikhotealiniidae, see JurodidaeSilphidae, 113, 137, 139, 152, 267,274, 284, 289Lyrosoma, 139Nicrophorus americanus, 39, 289; N.argutor, 152Silvanidae, 114, 269, 277Smicripidae, 268, 277Spercheidae, see Hydrophylidae :SpercheinaeSphaeritidae, 112, 120, 267, 273Sphaeriusidae, 112, 267Sphindidae, 114, 268, 277Staphylinidae (including Pselaphidae),39, 41, 113, 130, 139, 142, 148,152, 153, 266, 267, 272, 274,283, 284, 365Aleochara, 274Aleocharinae, 130Paederinus, 283Paederus, 283Pselaphinae (=Pselaphidae), 91,152, 153, 274Stenus, 130, 284Staphyliniformia, 267, 273–274,Staphylinoidea, 273, 274Stenotrachelidae, 269, 277Synchroidae, 269, 277Synteliidae, 112, 144, 146, 267, 273Tasmosalpingidae, 269, 277Telegeusidae, 268Tenebrionidae (including Alleculidae),108, 124, 136, 138, 142,148–149, 151–152, 151, 153,269, 272, 276, 277–278, 280,285, 289, 365Alleculinae (= Alleculidae), 149,152, 153Alphitobius diaperinus, 280Anatolica, 148; A. amoenula, 151; A.cechiniae, 151; A. mucronata,151; A. polita borealis, 151; A.sternalis gobiensis, 151Anemia dentipes, 151Blaps, 148; B. femoralis medusula,151; B. kashgarensis gobiensis,151; B. kiritshenkoi, 151; B.miliaria, 151Bolitophagus reticulatus, 138Catomus mongolicus, 151Coelus globosus, 289; C. gracilis, 289Cyphogenia intermedia, 151Cyphosthete mongolica, 151Dilamus mongolicus, 151Epitrichia intermedia, 151Eumilada punctifera amaroides, 151Melanesthes, 148; M. heydeni, 151Microdera kraatzi, 151Monatrum prescotti, 151Nesotes, 285Opatrum sabulosum, 148Pedinus, 148; P. femoralis, 148Penthicus, 148; P. lenczyi, 151Phaleriini, 138Platyope mongolica, 151Polposipus herculeanus, 289Prosodes, 136Psammoestes dilatatus, 151Pterocoma reitteri, 151Scythis, 148Sternoplax mongolica, 151Strongyliini, 62Tenebrio molitor, 486Tribolium, 285; T. castaneum, 278,285, 487Trigonoscelis schrencki, 125, plate 3;T. sublaevigata granicollis, 151Ulomoides dermestoides, 283Upis ceramboides, 278Tenebrionoidea, 277–278Tetratomidae, 269, 277Thanerocleridae, 114, 277Throscidae, 113, 268Torridincolidae, 112, 267Trachelostenidae, 269, 277Trachypachidae, 112, 267, 272Trictenotomidae, 144, 270, 277Trogidae, 113, 137, 267, 274, 275Trogossitidae, 114, 130, 268, 277Ostoma ferrugineum, 130Peltis, 130Tenebrioides mauritanicus, 130Thymalus, 130Ulodidae, 94, 277Urodontidae, 115, 135, 150, 154Bruchela, 150; B. exigua, 150; B.kaszabi, 150; B. orientalis, 150Vesperidae, 278Philus antennatus, 278Zopheridae (= Monommidae), 144,269, 278Colydiinae, 278Collembola, 3,8,51, 166, 425, 439IsotomidaeFolsomia quadrioculata, 425Dermaptera, 3, 38, 41, 110, 124, 129,150, 166, 168AniosolabididaeAnisolabis maritima, 168

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 589Dictyoptera (see also Blattaria,Mantodea, Phasmatodea), 38, 450Diplopoda, 449Diplura,3Diptera,2,3, 38, 41, 43, 51, 57, 58,59, 73, 77, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 120,122, 128, 129, 142, 166, 171, 172,177, 185–204, 205–209, 285,362, 390, 422–423, 427, 439,447, 448, 448, 450, 451, 480,481, 482, 483, 490, 523–540, 551acalyptrates, 207–209Acartophthalmidae, 208Acroceridae, 186, 190, 206Agromyzidae, 193, 194, 195, 198,199, 200, 208, 423, 452Liriomyza huidobrensis, 423; L.sativae, 423; L. trifolii, 195, 423Phytomyza, 400Anisopodidae, 205Anthomyiidae, 194, 198, 209Chiastocheta, 200Anthomyzidae, 208Apioceridae, 130, 206Apsilocephalidae, 206Apystomyiidae, 206Aschiza, 192Asilidae, 186, 190, 206Proctacanthus, 190, Plate 4Asiloidea (including Bombylioidea),189, 206Asteiidae, 208Atelestidae, 206Athericidae, 172, 189, 206, 525,528, 529Atherix, 192Atrichops, 526, 528Dasyomma, 526, 528Suragina, 526, 528Aulacigastridae, 208Austroconopidae, 91Austroleptidae, 206Axymyiidae, 172, 186, 188, 205Axymyia, 190, Plate 4Axymyioidea, 205Bibionidae, 205Bibio, 190, Plate 4Bibionoidea, 205Bibionomorpha, 188, 205Blephariceridae, 90, 97, 172, 186,188, 189, 203, 205Agathon, 192Blepharicera, 192Horaia, 191, plate 5Blepharoceroidea, 205Blepharoceromorpha, 205Bolitophilidae, 205Bombyliidae, 186, 189, 190, 196, 206Bombylius, 555Heterostylum robustum, 196Bombylioidea, see AsiloideaBrachycera, 171, 186, 187, 188,189–195, 206–209Brachystomatidae, 206Braulidae, 208Calliphoridae, 186, 195, 197, 198,200, 201, 209, 422Bellardia, 192Calliphora, 201Chrysomya, 198, 201; C. bezziana,198, 201; C. rufifacies, 486Cochliomyia hominivorax, 198, 487Hemipyrellia, 190, Plate 4Lucilia, 191, 201, plate 5; L. cuprina,198, 490Mesembrinellinae, 186Onesia, 192Protocalliphora, 524Pseudacteon tricuspis, 451Calyptratae, 194–195, 209Camillidae, 130, 209Canacidae, 172, 203, 208Canthyloscelidae, 130, 205Hyperoscelis, 130Carnidae, 208Carnus, 526Carnoidea, 208–209Cecidomyiidae, 91, 129, 186, 189,195, 200, 205Aphidoletes aphidimyza, 199Contarinia nasturtii, 420Feltiella acarisuga, 199Mayetiola destructor, 477, 479, 487,489, 524Celyphidae, 207Ceratopogonidae, 128, 172, 186, 188,189, 200, 201, 205, 524, 525,527, 528, 529, 531, 539Austroconops, 526, 528Culicoides, 199, 526, 528, 539; C.imicola complex, 537; C.sonorensis, 537; C. variipennis,536, 537Forcipomyia, 200, 201, 580; F.(Lasiohelea), 526, 528Leptoconops, 526, 528Chamaemyiidae, 194, 207Leucopis tapiae, 199Chaoboridae, 186, 187, 188, 198,205Chaoborus edulis, 198Chironomidae, 15, 43, 90, 96, 129,142, 169, 172, 186, 187, 188,189, 198, 203, 205, 423, 526Chironomus, 203Cladotanytarsus lewisi, 198Sergentia koschowi, 188Zelandochlus, 92Chironomoidea, 205Chloropidae, 186, 193, 194, 199, 208Batrachomyia, 194Chlorops pumilionis, 194Hippelates, 199Meromyza americana, 194Oscinella frit, 194Thaumatomyia glabra, 194; T. notata,194Chyromyidae, 209Clusiidae, 194, 208, 524Coelopidae, 172, 207Conopidae, 193, 207Stylogaster, 190, Plate 4Stylogastrinae, 193Conopoidea, 207Corethrellidae, 172, 205, 529, 535,538CryptochaetidaeCryptochaetum iceryae, 199, 446,449Ctenostylidae, 207Culicidae, 11, 18, 41, 128, 172, 186,188, 198, 203, 205, 230, 238,249, 418, 422, 440, 483,491–492, 500, 524, 525, 527,528–531, 529, 531, 535Aedes, 11, 196; A. aegypti, 491, 524;A. albopictus, 491, 539; A.campestris, 16; A.taeniorhynchus, 16Anopheles, 11, 196, 389, 418, 527;A. annulipes, 422; A. filipinae,536; A. gambiae complex, 418,491, 527, 537, 539; A.punctulatus complex, 527; A.quadrimaculatus complex, 534,537; A. varuna, 536Coquillettidia, 188Culex, 190, plate 4, 196; C. molestus,539; C. pipiens, 539; C.quinquefasciatus, 198, 491Mansonia, 188Ochlerotatus japonicus, 491Culicoidea, 188, 205Culicomorpha, 205Curtonotidae, 209Cyclorrhapha, 188, 189, 192–195,plate 4

590 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyDiptera, (continued)Cylindrotomidae, 205Cypselosomatidae, 207Deuterophlebiidae, 172, 186, 188,203, 205 Deuterophlebia, 191,plate 5Diadocidiidae, 205Diastatidae, 209Diopsidae, 193, 207Teleopsis, 190, Plate 4Diopsoidea, 207Ditomyiidae, 205Dixidae, 172, 188, 205Dolichopodidae, 93, 172, 191, 203,206Campsicnemus, 204Emperoptera, 204Drosophilidae, 193, 194, 198, 209,367Drosophila, 13–16, 201, 202, 204,285, 441, 492Drosophila melanogaster, 13, 14, 16,194, 202, 285, 365, 420, 468,487Dryomyzidae, 172, 207Oedoparena glauca, 187Empididae, 90, 172, 186, 187, 191,206Empidinae, 191Empis, 190, Plate 4Empidoidea, 191, 206Homalocnemus group, 206Iteaphila group, 206Oreogeton group, 206Ephydridae, 172, 186, 193, 194, 199,203, 209Scatella stagnalis, 196Ephydroidea, 209Eremoneura, 188Eugeniidae, 130Eurychoromyiidae, 207Eurygnathomyiidae, 122Evocoidae, 206Fanniidae, 194, 201, 209Fergusoninidae, 91, 208Fergusonina turneri, 87Gastrophilidae, see OestridaeGlossinidae, 128, 186, 195, 209, 525,527, 529, 531, 531–532, 536,538, 539Glossina, 11, 422Gobryidae, 207Helcomyzidae, 207Heleomyzidae, 172, 209Helosciomyzidae, 207Hesperinidae, 205Heterocheilidae, 172, 207Hilarimorphidae, 206Hippoboscidae, 128, 195, 209, 525,529, 531, 532Nycteribiinae, 195Streblinae, 195Hippoboscoidea, 186, 195, 209Huttonidae, 207Hybotidae, 206Hypodermatidae, see OestridaeInbiomyiidae, 209Ironomyiidae, 192, 206Ironomyia, 192Keroplatidae, 187, 205Arachnocampa luminosa, 85, 187Keroplatus, 187Orfelia fultoni, 187Lauxaniidae, 193, 207Lauxanioidea, 207Limoniidae, 205Lipsothrix, 188Prionolabis, 190, Plate 4Lonchaeidae, 207Lonchopteridae, 172, 193, 207Lonchoptera bifurcata, 193lower Brachycera, 189–190lower Cyclorrhapha, 192–193Lygistorrhinidae, 205Marginidae, 208Megamerinidae, 130, 207Micropezidae, 186, 207Grallipeza, 190, Plate 4Milichiidae, 209Mormotomyiidae, 209Mormotomyia hirsuta, 203Muscidae, 172, 186, 194, 196, 198,200, 201, 209, 525, 529, 532,538Coenosia, 199Haematobia exigua, 197; H. irritans,197, 490, 532Hydrotaea irritans, 197Musca, 197; M. autumnalis, 197,524; M. crassirostris, 526, 532;M. domestica, 199, 274, 479,524; M. sorbens, 197; M.vetustissima, 85, 198, 580Philornis downsi, 198, 491Spilogona, 43Stomoxys calcitrans, 479, 532Muscoidea, 209Mycetophilidae, 57, 128, 188, 189,200, 205Mydidae, 206Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis,204Mystacinobiidae, 209Mythicomyiidae, 206Nannodastiidae, 209Natalimyzidae, 208Nemestrinidae, 186, 206Moegistorhynchus longirostris, 189Nemestrinoidea, 189Neminidae, 208Neriidae, 207Nerioidea, 207Neurochaetidae, 208Nothybidae, 207Nymphomyiidae, 172, 186, 205Nymphomyia, 191, 192,plate 5Nymphomyioidea, 205Odiniidae, 208Oestridae (including Gasterophilidaeand Hypodermatidae), 128, 186,195, 197, 209Cobboldia russanovi, 204Cuterebrinae, 195Dermatobia hominis, 186, 197Gasterophilinae (=Gasterophilidae),128, 195, 197Gasterophilus intestinalis, 16Gedoelstia, 198Gyrostigma, 204; G. sumatrensis,204Hypoderma, 198; H. bovis, 197; H.lineatum, 197Hypodermatinae(=Hypodermatidae), 128, 195Oestrinae, 195, 197Oestrus ovis, 198Oestroidea, 209Opetidae, 207Opomyzidae, 208Opomyzoidea, 208Oreoleptidae, 172, 206Orthorrhapha, see lower BrachyceraPachyneuridae, 205Pallopteridae, 207Pantophthalmidae, 189, 206Pediciidae, 205Periscelididae, 208Perissommatidae, 205Pelecorhynchidae, 172Phaeomyiidae, 122, 208Phoridae, 172, 187, 193, 196, 198,199, 200, 201, 207, 447, 448,448, 449–451, 452Apocephalus, 447, 449Megaselia, 193, 449; M. scalaris,196Melaloncha, 196, 449Myriophora, 449

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 591Diptera, (continued)Pseudacteon, 451Pseudohypocera kerteszi, 196Termitophilomya, 192Termitoxeniinae, 187Thaumatoxenia, 192Piophilidae, 194, 201, 207Piophila casei, 194, 201Protopiophila litigata, 194Pipunculidae, 186, 190, 193, 202,207, plate 4Nephrocerus, 193Platypezidae, 192, 207Microsania, 192Platystomatidae, 194, 207Psilidae, 193, 198, 207Chamaepsila hennigi, 193Psila rosae, 193Psychodidae, 128, 172, 186, 188,196, 198, 200, 205, 525, 530,532–533Lutzomyia, 532; L. longipalpis, 535Pericoma, 191, Plate 5Phlebotominae, 526, 531, 532,535Phlebotomus, 532; P. perniciosus,536Psychoda, 203; P. phalaenoides, 196Sycoracinae, 526, 532Psychodomorpha, 205Ptychopteridae, 172, 205Bittacomorpha, 191, 192,plate 5Ptychopteromorpha, 205Pyrgotidae, 194, 207Rangomaramidae, 205Rhagionidae, 189, 206, 525, 530,531, 533Spaniopsis, 526, 533Symphoromyia, 526, 533Rhiniidae, 209Rhinophoridae, 209Rhopalomeridae, 208Richardiidae, 194, 207Risidae, 122Sarcophagidae, 140, 186, 190, 197,198, 200, 201, 209, 422,Blaesoxipha, 448Metopia, 192Microcerella bermuda, 203Miltogramminae, 195Sarcophaga, 190, plate 4; S. aldrichi,199Senotainia tricuspis, 196Wohlfahrtia, 198Scathophagidae, 186, 194, 209Scathophaga, 190, Plate 4Scatopsidae, 172, 188, 205Scatopsoidea, 205Scenopinidae, 206Schizophora, 188, 206–209Sciaridae, 188, 189, 196, 199, 200,205Bradysia coprophila, 196; B.impatiens, 196Sciarioidea, 205Sciomyzidae, 172, 194, 208Tetanocera, 191, plate 5Sciomyzoidea, 207Sepsidae, 200, 208Simuliidae, 128, 129, 172, 186, 188,205, 524, 526, 527, 530, 531,533, 535, 539Austrosimulium, 85Simulium arcticum, 537; S.damnosum, 527, 539; S.metallicum, 527; S. ochraceum,534; S. sirbanum, 539; S.vampirum, 537S. sirbanum, 539; S. vampirum, 537Somatiidae, 207Spaniidae, 206Sphaeroceridae, 186, 189, 194, 198,200, 209Stackelbergomyiidae, 122Stratiomyidae, 172, 189, 190, 200,201, 206, plate 4Caloparyphus, 191, plate 5Hermetia illucens, 200Stratiomyomorpha, 189Strongylophthalmyiidae, 207Syringogastridae, 207Syrphidae, 140, 172, 186, 193, 200,203, 207, 524Episyrphus balteatus, 193Eristalis, 203; E. tenax, 122, Plate 2Microdon, 191, plate 5Syrphus, 191, plate 5Tabanidae, 128, 140, 172, 186, 189,197, 206, 524, 525, 530, 531,533–534, 536Chrysops, 19, 533Fidena, 189Goniops, 526, 533Mycteromyiini, 526, 533Pangoniinae, 189Philoliche, 189Scepsidinae, 526, 533Stonemyia, 533; S. velutina, 204Tabanus conterminus, 536; T.nigrovittatus, 536Tabanomorpha, 189, 206Tachinidae, 122, 140, 186, 195, 199,200, 209, 311, 419, 423, 448,448, 449, 451, 578Belvosia, 423, 455Bessa remota, 199Billaea claripalpis, 199Blepharipa scutellata, 451Compsilura concinnata, 200,451, 452, 455, 495Cyzenis albicans, 200Lixophaga diatraeae, 199Lydella minense, 199Phasiinae, 455Tachiniscidae, 207Tanyderidae, 172, 188Tanypezidae, 207Tephritidae, 72, 75–77, 186, 193,194, 195, 198, 200, 207, 524Anastrepha, 195Bactrocera, 195; B. (Daculus) oleae,77; B. cucurbitae, 75, 76, 489;B. invadens, 75, 76; B. latifrons,75, 76l B. orientalis, 194; B.papayae, 489; B. zonata, 75Ceratitis, 77, 195; C. (Ceratalaspis)cosyra, 76; C. (C.) capitata, 75,76, 194, 489; C. (Pterandrus)fasciventris, 76;C. (Pterandrus)rosa,76Dacus, 195; D. (D.) bivittatus, 77l D.(Didacus) ciliatus, 77; D.(Didacus) frontalis, 77; D.(Didacus) vertebratus, 77Eurosta, 191, plate 5Phytalmia, 93Rhagoletis, 195Trirhithrum coffeae, 77; T.nigerrimum, 77Urophora, 496Tephritoidea, 207Teratomyzidae, 208Tethinidae, 209Thaumaleidae, 90, 172, 186, 188,189, 205Therevidae, 203, 206Tipulidae, 142, 147, 186, 188Epiphragma, 191,plate 5Tanysipetra, 190, Plate 4Tipuloidea, 172, 188, 189, 193, 200,203, 205–206Tipulomorpha, 205–206Trichoceridae, 206Ulidiidae, 207Valeseguyidae, 205Vermileonidae, 186, 206Vermileonomorpha, 206

592 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyDiptera, (continued)Villeneuviellidae, 130Xenasteiidae, 130, 208Xylomyidae, 189, 206Xylophagidae, 206Xylophagomorpha, 189, 206Embiidina, see EmbiodeaEmbiodea, 38,90, 110, 233, 439, 484Embioptera, see EmbiodeaEphemeroptera, 3,9,38, 51, 70, 90,109, 129, 142, 166, 167, 172,365, 425–426, 427Ameletopsidae, 90HeptageniidaeMaccaffertium modestum, 426Leptophlebiidae, 90Nesameletidae, 90Oniscigastridae, 90Rallidentidae, 90Siphlaenigmatidae, 92Teloganodidae, 90Grylloblatodea, see NotopteraHemiptera (including Homoptera), 3,9,38, 51, 58, 59, 88, 90, 110–112,168–169, 223–250, 451, 481,482, 577Acanthosomatidae, 112, 226, 245Rolstonus rostoni, 246Adelgidae, 468Adelges piceae, 469, 495; A. tsugae,276, 495Aenictopecheidae, 111, 225, 227Aepophilidae, 111, 225, 232Aepophilus bonnairei, 232Aleyrodidae, 3, 110, 235, 236, 449,493, 500Aleurothrixus floccosus, 446, 455Bemisia, 400; B. tabaci, 490Alydidae, 112, 226, 241Alydinae, 241Alydus, 241Esperanza texana, 241Leptocorisinae, 241Anthocoridae, 111, 225, 232, 249Anthocoris nemoralis, 478Montandoniola moraguesi, 485Orius insidiosus, 233Aphelocheiridae, 111, 168, 225, 230Aphididae, 463–470, 482, 483, 490,493Amphorophora, 468Aphis glycines, 456, 469, 490; A.sambuci, 465, 465Baizongia pistaciae, 464Brevicoryne brassicae, 464Cinara, 469Diuraphis noxia, 456, 469, 489,489, 493Eriosoma lanigerum, 469Macrosiphum rosae, 465Myzus, 469; M. antirrhinii, 469; M.persicae, 468Pemphigus, 469; P. populivenae, 194Rhopalosiphum maidis, 469; R. padi,456Schlechtendalia chinensis, 464Toxoptera citricidus, 469, 490Aphidina, see AphidoideaAphidoidea (=Aphidina), 94, 110,129, 150, 191, 193, 194, 199,236, 277, 449, 463–470Aphylidae, 226, 245Aradidae, 92, 111, 138, 224, 226,240Aradus acutus, 239; A. cimamomeus,240Aradoidea, 226, 240Artheneidae, 242, 226Chilacis typhae, 242Holcocranum saturejae, 242Auchenorrhyncha, 110, 133, 134,138, 149, 150, 168, 193, 224,391Belostomatidae, 111, 168, 225,230–231Abedus, 168, 230Belostoma, 168, 230; B. flumineum,229Lethocerus indicus, 486Berytidae, 111, 226, 242–243Gampsocorinae, 243Hoplinus, 243Metacanthinae, 243Metacanthus annulosus, 243Plyapomus longus, 242Pronotacantha, 242; P. annulata, 239Blissidae, 226, 243Blissus leucopterus, 239, 243Canopidae, 226, 245Canopus burmeisteri, 245; C. fabricii,245Ceratocombidae, 111, 225, 227Ceratocombus vagans, 229Cicadellidae, 3, 40, 391Alnetoidia alneti, 389–390Homalodisca coagulata, 17; H.vitripennis, 457, 476, 493Opsius stactagalus, 487Scaphoideus titanus, 490Cicadidae, 3, 92, 93, 144, 391Cosmopsaltriina, 93Dundubiina, 93Fijipsalta, 93Kikihia, 92; K. convicta, 91Maoricicada, 92Rhodopsalta, 92Cimicidae, 111, 225, 232, 249Cimex hemipterus, 232; C. lectularius,232, 233, 479Cimicoidea, 225, 232–233Cimicomorpha, 224, 225–226, 227,232–240, 249Coccina, see CoccoideaCoccoidea (=Coccina), 90, 92, 128,168, 235, 449, 493Coleorrhyncha, 90, 224Colobathristidae, 111, 226, 242, 243Coreidae, 112, 224, 226, 241, 249Acanthocephala femorata, 239Amblypelta, 241Chelinidea, 241; C. vittiger, 239, 241Clavigralla gibbosa, 241Coreinae, 241Leptoglossus phyllopus, 239, 241Coreoidea, 226, 241–242Corixidae, 17, 111, 168, 225, 230,484Sigara hubbelli, 229Corixoidea, 225, 230CryptococcidaeCryptococcus fagisuga, 490Cryptorhamphidae, 226, 243Curaliidae, 225, 232, 240Curalium cronini, 240Cydnidae, 112, 226, 245Corimelaena pulicaria, 246Corimelaeninae, 245Scaptocoris castaneusThyreocorinae, 245Cymidae, 226, 243Cyrtocoridae, 226, 245DactylopiidaeDactylopius coccus, 20, 579Delphacidae, 391Nilaparvata lugens, 11, 390, 391Perkinsiella saccharicida, 488DiaspididaeAonidiella aurantii (California redscale), 454, 580Carulaspis minima, 486Chrysomphalus aonidum (Florida redscale), 454Diaspidiosus perniciosus, 486, 488Lepidosaphes ulmi, 479Quadraspidiosus perniciosus =Diaspidiotus perniciosus

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 593Hemiptera, (continued)Dinidoridae, 112, 225, 245Dipsocoridae, 111, 225, 228Cryptostemma uhleri, 229Dipsocoromorpha, 224, 225,227–228, 249Enicocephalidae, 111, 225, 227Systelloderes biceps, 229Enicocephalomorpha, 224, 225, 227,249Euheteroptera, 227–228FlatidaeMetcalfa pruinosa, 485Gelastocoridae, 111, 225, 230, 231Gelastocoris oculatus, 229Nerthra, 231Geocoridae, 226, 243, 249Cattarus, 243Cephalocattarus, 243Geocorinae, 243Geocoris punctipes, 239Pamphantinae, 243Gerridae, 111, 169, 225, 228Gerris marginatus, 229Gigantometra gigas, 228Halobates, 169Gerroidea, 225, 228Gerromorpha, 168, 224, 225,228–230, 249Hebridae, 111, 225, 228Hebrus concinnus, 229Hebroidea, 225, 228Helotrephidae, 111, 225, 231Henicocoridae, 226, 242Henicocoris monteithi, 242Hermatobatidae, 111, 225, 228Heterogastridae, 226, 243Heteroptera, 3, 40, 92, 110–112,138, 150, 166, 168–169, 172,223–250, 480, 482, 492Hydrometridae, 111, 225, 230Hydrometra martini, 229Hydrometroidea, 225, 230Hyocephalidae, 226, 242Hypsipterygidae, 225, 228Idiostolidae, 226, 242Idiostoloidea, 226, 242Joppeicidae, 111, 225, 234Joppeicus paradoxus, 234Joppeicoidea, 234KerriidaeKerria lacca, 20Largidae, 111, 226, 248Araphe, 234; A. carolina, 246Larginae, 234Largus, 234; L. succinctus, 246Pararaphe, 234Physopeltinae, 234Lasiochilidae, 225, 232Lasiochilus, 232Leptopodidae, 111, 225, 231Patapius spinosus, 229, 231, 484Leptopodoidea, 225, 231–232Leptopodomorpha, 168, 224, 225,231–232, 249Lestoniidae, 226, 245Lestonia haustorifera, 245Lyctocoridae, 225, 232Lyctocoris, 232; L. campestris, 233Lygaeidae, 111, 226, 242, 243–244Kleidocerys, 243; K. resedae, 243Lygaeus, 244; L. kalmii, 239Nysius, 244Oncopeltus, 244; O. fasciatus, 16Orsillinae, 244Spilostethus, 244Lygaeoidea, 224, 226, 240, 242–244Macroveliidae, 225Malcidae, 111, 242, 244, 226Chauliopinae, 244Chauliops, 244Malcinae, 244MargarodidaeCoelostomidiinae, 95Icerya purchasi, 9, 199, 493Ultracoelostoma, 494Medocostidae, 225, 237Medocostes lestoni, 237Megarididae, 226, 246Megaris, 246Membracidae, 3, 391Enchenopa binotata, 391Mesoveliidae, 225, 230Darwinivelia fosteri, 229Mesovelia mulsanti, 229Mesovelioidea, 225, 230Microphysidae, 111, 226, 234Chinaola quercicola, 234Mallochiola gagates, 234Microphysoidea, 234Miridae, 111, 224, 226, 232,234–236, 248, 279, 482, 493Barberiella formicoides, 236Biliranoides, 236Blepharidopterus angulatus, 236Bothriomirini, 235Bothynotus modestus, 233Bryocorinae, 234, 235Bryocorini, 235Callichilella grandis, 236Campylomma verbasci, 236Ceratocapsus, 236; C. modestus, 233Clivinematini, 235Coridromius, 236Cyrtopeltocoris illini, 233Cylapinae, 235Cylapini, 235Cylapus, 235; C. tenuis, 235Deraeocorinae, 235Deraeocoris, 235Dicyphus agilis, 233Dicyphina, 235Dicyphini, 235Distantiella theobroma, 234, 235Eccritotarsini, 235Eccritotarsus, 235Fulvius, 235; F. imbecilis, 233Fulviini, 235Gigantometopus rossi, 234Hallodapini, 236Halticotoma valida, 235Halticus bractatus, 236Helopeltis, 234Herdoniini, 234, 236Heterotoma planicorne, 236Hyalochloria, 236Hyalopeplini, 236Hyalopeplus pellucidus, 236Isometopinae, 234Leptopterna dolabrata, 233, 236Lopidea davisi, 236Lygus, 234, 236Macrolophus melanotoma, 235Mecistoscelini, 236Melanotrichus virescens, 236Mirinae, 235–236Mirini, 235–236Monalocoris, 235Myrmecophyes oregonensis, 236Orthotylinae, 234, 236Orthotylini, 236Phylinae, 234, 236Phytocoris, 234Pilophoropsis, 234Pilophorus, 234Poecilocapsus lineatus, 233Polymerus wheeleri, 249Pseudatomoscelis seriatus, 234Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus, 235Ranzovius, 236Resthenia scutata, 236Restheniini, 234, 236Rhinocapsus vandueei, 236Rhyparochromomiris femoratus, 235Sahlbergella singularis, 234, 235Schaffneria, 236Stenodemini, 236Stethoconus, 235; S. japonicus, 235

594 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyHemiptera, (continued)Tenthecoris, 235Termatophylidea, 235Termatophylini, 235Miroidea, 225-226, 234–237Nabidae, 111, 225, 237, 249Arachnocorini, 237Arachnocoris, 237Nabis americoferus, 233Pagasa fusca, 233Prostemmatinae, 237Naboidea, 225–226Naucoridae, 111, 168, 225, 230Pelocoris carolinensis, 229Naucoroidea, 225, 230Neoheteroptera, 228–230Nepidae, 111, 168, 225, 231Nepa apiculata, 229Nepoidea, 225, 230–231Nepomorpha, 168, 224, 225,230–231, 249Ninidae, 226, 244Notonectidae, 111, 225, 231Notonecta undulata, 229Notonectoidea, 225, 231Ochteridae, 111, 225, 231Ochterus americanus, 229Ochteroidea, 225, 231Omaniidae, 111, 225, 231Ortheziidae, 235Orthezia insignis, 486Oxycarenidae, 226, 244Oxycarenus, 244; O. hyalinipennis,244Pachygronthidae, 226, 244Pachygronthinae, 234, 244Phlegyas abbreviatus, 239Teracriinae, 244Pachynomidae, 111, 226, 237Panheteroptera, 230–248Paraphrynoveliidae, 225, 229Parastrachiidae, 112, 226, 246Peloriidae, 90Pentatomidae, 112, 224, 226, 241,245, 246–247, 249Aelia americana, 246; A. furcula, 247Alcaeorrhynchus grandis, 246Amaurochrous cinctipes, 246Asopinae, 247, 249Biprorulus bibax, 247Edessa florida, 246Eurygaster integriceps, 247Euschistus, 247Murgantia histrionica, 246Nezara viridula, 247, 249, 495Oebalus pugnax, 246Pachybrochymena arborea, 246Pentatominae, 247Podisus, 247Pentatomoidea, 226–227, 244–248Pentatomomorpha, 224, 226–227,240–248Phloeidae, 226, 247Phylloxeridae, 464, 468Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, 486, 488Piesmatidae, 111, 226, 244Parapiesma cinereum, 239Piesmatinae, 244Psamminae, 244Plataspidae, 112, 226, 247Comptosoma, 247Libyaspis, 247Pleidae, 111, 225, 231Neoplea striola, 229Plokiophilidae, 226, 232, 233Embiophilinae, 233Plokiophilinae, 233Polyctenidae, 111, 226, 232, 233,234, 249Hesperoctenes eumops, 233Potamocoridae, 225, 230PseudococcidaeAntonina graminis, 488Maconellicoccus hirsutus, 489Phenacoccus manihoti, 454Psyllidae, 493Heteropsylla cubana, 484Livilla variegata, 493Spondyliaspinae, 90Psylloidea, 90Pyrrhocoridae, 111, 226, 248Antilochus, 248Dysdercus, 248Raxa, 248Pyrrhocoroidea, 226, 226, 248Reduviidae, 111, 224, 226, 237,238–240, 249Apiomerus crassipes, 239Arilus, 238; A. cristatus, 238, 239Berlandiana, 238Centraspis, 238Ectrichodiinae, 238Emesaya, 238Emesinae, 238Empicoris, 238Graptocleptes, 238Harpactorinae, 238Lophoscutus, 238Microtomus purcis, 239Phymata, 238; P. pennsylvanica, 239Phymatinae, 238Reduviinae, 238Reduvius personatus, 238Rhodnius prolixus, 240, 487Salyavata variegata, 240Salyavatinae, 239–240Stenopodainae, 240Triatoma, 249; T. sanguisuga, 239Reduvioidea, 226, 237–240Rhopalidae, 111, 226, 241Arhyssus lateralis, 239Boisea trivittata, 239, 241Jadera haematoloma, 249Niesthrea louisianica, 241Rhopalinae, 241Serinethinae, 241Rhyparochromidae, 92, 226, 244Cleradini, 244, 249Drymini, 244Lethaeini, 244Myodocha serripes, 239Myodochini, 244Ozophorini, 244Plinthisinae, 244Rhyparochrominae, 244Rhyparochromini, 244Pseudopachybrachius basalis, 239Saldidae, 111, 169, 225, 232Saldula galapagosana, 229Saldoidea, 225, 232Schizopteridae, 111, 225, 228, 249Corixidea major, 249Glyptocombus saltator, 229Scutelleridae, 226, 247Camirus porsus, 246Coleotichus blackburniae, 495Scutellerinae, 247Sphyrocoris obliquus, 246Stemmocryptidae, 225, 228Stenocephalidae, 226, 242Dicranocephalus bianchii, 242; D.insularis, 239, 242Sternorrhyncha, 72, 110, 133, 138,168, 193, 224, 450Termitaphidae, 226, 240Tessaratomidae, 112, 227, 247Musgraveia sulciventris, 247Oncomerinae, 247Piezosternum subulatum, 246Tettigarctidae, 91Thaumastellidae, 112, 227, 247Thaumastocoridae, 226, 234, 236Thaumastocorinae, 236Xylastodorinae, 236Xylastodoris luteolus, 233, 236Thyreocoridae, 112Tingidae, 111, 224, 226, 234, 235,237

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 595Hemiptera, (continued)Atheas mimeticus, 233Cantacaderinae, 237Corythucha ciliata, 233, 237; C.gossypii, 237Dictyla echii, 493Gargaphia, 237Kalama tricornis, 484Stephanitis pyrioides, 235Teleonemia scrupulosa, 237Tinginae, 237Trigonotylus caelestialium, 236Vianaidinae, 237Urostylididae, 112, 227, 247Veliidae, 111, 225, 228Microvelia ashlocki, 229Velocipedidae, 226, 240Velocipedoidea, 226, 240Homoptera, see HemipteraHymenoptera,2,3, 38, 39, 40, 42, 51,52, 58, 59, 88, 117–119, 122,128, 129, 138, 142, 152, 166, 169,172, 193, 195, 200, 238, 285,303–319, 365, 368, 390,424–425, 427, 439, 441, 447,448, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452,453, 480, 482, 483Aculeata, 195, 200, 304, 305, 308,310, 314–317, 318, 447Agaonidae, 306, 313–314, 580Pleistodontes addicotti, 309, plate 6Ampulicidae, 307, 316Anaxyelidae, 306, 311Andrenidae, 118, 307, 316Aphelinidae, 118, 306, 446, 449,450, 454, 455Aphelinus,plate6;Aphelinusalbipodis, 456; A.atriplicis, 456;A.cerus, 456; A.hordei, 456;A.kurdumovi, 456; A.varipes,455, 456, 457Aphytis chrysomphali, 580; A.holoxanthus, 454; A.lingnanensis, 454, 580; A.melinus, 580Cales noacki, 446, 455Encarsia, 455, 457; E.ncarsia sophia,455Aphidiidae, 117Apidae, 119, 307, 314, 316Apis, 316; A. cerana., 579; A.mellifera, 12, 20, 95, 238, 316,317, 477, 485, 486, 492, 494,500, 562, 563, 579; A. melliferascutellata, 489Bombus, 142, 316, 318; B. affinis,318; B. hortorum, 420; B.ruderatus, 420; B. terrestris, 95,494Meliponini, 316Trigona, 316Apoidea (including Sphecoidea), 72,142, 118, 142, 307, 314,316–317, 449Argidae, 306, 311Aulacidae, 306, 312Austrocynipidae, 306, 312Austroniidae, 307, 312Bethylidae, 307, 310, 314, 315Blasticotomidae, 117, 306, 311Braconidae, 117, 122, 152, 307, 312,448, 449, 450, 452, 453Cotesia melitaearum, 455Telengainae, 117Bradynobaenidae, 307, 315Cephidae, 306, 311Cephoidea, 306Ceraphronidae, 306, 313Ceraphronoidea, 305, 306, 313Chalcididae, 306Chalcidoidea, 11, 41, 72, 91, 128,305, 306, 311, 313–314, 448,449, 454, 455Charipidae, 118Chrysididae, 118, 307, 314Amiseginae, 314Chrysis, 314Cleptinae, 314Loboscelidiinae, 314Chrysidoidea, 314, 307, 314–315Cimbicidae, 306, 311Colletidae, 307, 316Colletinae, 91Crabronidae, 307, 314, 316Microstigmus, 314Cynipidae, 117, 305, 306, 312Cynipoidea, 305, 306, 312, 448, 449Diapriidae, 305, 307, 312, 313Belytinae, 313Diapriinae, 313Diprionidae, 306, 311Dryinidae, 307, 314Emarginidae, see Figitidae :EmargininaeEmbolemidae, 307, 314Encyrtidae, 118, 306, 449, 450, 453,454Apoanagyrus lopezi, 446, 454Neodusmetia sangwani, 446Eucharitidae, 306Eucoilidae, 118Eulophidae, 118, 306, 449, 450, 452,453Cirrospilus, 452Closterocerus utahensis, 452Pnigalio, 452, 457Quadrastichus erythrinae, 484Sympiesis, 452Zagrammosoma, 452Eupelmidae, 118, 306Eupelmus orientalis, plate 6; E.vesicularis, plate 6Eurytomidae, 118, 306, 447, 453Bruchophagus, 447Buresiinae, 118Chryseida aeneiventris, plate 6Eudecatominae, 118Eurytoma verticillata, plate 6Eurytominae, 118Harmolitinae, 118Rileyinae, 118Evaniidae, 306, 311, 312Evanioidea, 306, 311–312Figitidae, 118, 306, 312Emargininae, 118Formicidae, 9, 10, 17, 57, 84, 85, 91,95, 96, 98, 119, 195, 199, 236,305, 307, 309, 310, 311, 314,315, 316, 365, 420, 424, 440,447, 449, 477, 492, 493–494,500, 526Anoplolepis gracilipes, 95, 494Atta, 18Attinae, 10Campanotus (honey ant), 85; C.nearcticus, 236Formica subsericea, 236Lasius neoniger, 236Linepithema humile,95, 493Messor barbatus, 316Myrmeciinae, 91Paraponera clavata, 310Pheidole megacephala, 95, 494Rhoptromyrex transversiodis, 227Rhytidoponera, 92Solenopsis invicta (fire ant), 95, 487,488, 489, 491, 492, 493Wasmannia auropunctata, 94, 494Gasteruptiidae, 306, 312Hyptiogastrinae, 312Halictidae, 118, 307, 314, 316Halictinae, 91Nomioidinae, 118Heloridae, 307, 313Heterogynaidae, 307, 316Ibaliidae, 118, 306, 312Ichneumonidae, 41, 117, 129, 136,305, 307, 312, 448, 449, 450,452, 453, 454, 458

596 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyHymenoptera, (continued)Agriotypinae, 169, 312Agriotypus, 312Enicospilus, 310Exenterini, 129Megarhyssa, 308Ophion, 310Ichneumonoidea, 305, 307, 310,312, 449, 454Leucospidae, 306Liopteridae, 118, 306, 312Maamingidae, 307, 313Megachilidae, 118, 307, 316Megachile rotundata, 486Pararhophini, 118Megalodontesidae (=Megalodontidae),117, 306, 311Megalodontidae, see MegalodontesidaeMegalyridae, 306, 311Megalyroidea, 306, 311Megaspilidae, 306, 313Melittidae, 118, 307, 316Protomelittini, 118Monomachidae, 307, 313Mutillidae, 118, 154, 307, 310, 315Mymaridae, 305, 306, 313Dicopomorpha echmepterygis, 309,313Gonatocerus, 455; G. ashmeadi, 457Mymar toprobanicum, plate 6Mymarommatidae, 307, 311Palaeomymar, plate 6Mymarommatoidea, 307, 311Ormyridae, 306Orussidae, 306, 311, 449Orussoidea, 306Pamphiliidae, 306, 311Pamphilioidea, 306Parasitica, 305, 308, 310, 311–314,318Pelecinidae, 305, 307, 313, 436Peradeniidae, 307Pergidae, 306, 311Perilampidae, 306, 447Platygastridae, 307, 313, 448Amitus spinifrons, 446Platygastrinae, 313Platygastroidea, 305, 307, 313, 449Plumariidae, 307, 314Pompilidae, 119, 169, 307, 308, 310,315, 449Anoplius, 169Pepsis, 308, 310, 315Proctorenyxidae, 307, 313Proctotrupidae, 307, 312, 313Proctotrupoidea, 305, 307, 312–313Pteromalidae, 306, 449, 450, 453,455Nasonia, 455Pteromalus puparum, plate 6Rhopalosomatidae, 307Roproniidae, 307, 313Rotoitidae, 306Sapygidae, 307Scelionidae, 307, 313Telenominae, 313Sclerogibbidae, 307, 314Scolebythidae, 307, 314Scoliidae, 118, 307, 315Sierolomorphidae, 308Signiphoridae, 306Siricidae, 306, 311Teredon cubensis, 318Siricoidea, 306Sphecidae, 119, 307, 316, 449Sphecoidea, see ApoideaStenotritidae, 307, 316Stephanidae, 307, 311Stephanoidea, 307, 311Symphyta, 129, 133, 117, 304, 305,308, 311, 318, 449Tanaostigmatidae, 306Tenthredinidae, 128, 129, 154, 306,311Caliroa cerasi, 479Nematinae, 52, 311Tenthredinoidea, 306Tiphiidae, 308Torymidae, 118, 306, 453Megastigminae, 118Megastigmus, 447; M. transvaalensis,457Toryminae, 118Torymus fulvus, plate 6Trichogrammatidae, 118, 306, 314Trichogramma, 314, 454, 456, 457;T. minutum, 455; T. platneri,455Xiphogramma anneckei, plate 6Trigonalidae (=Trigonalyidae), 307,311Trigonaloidea, 307, 311Trigonalyidae, see TrigonalidaeVanhorniidae, 307, 313Vespidae, 119, 308, 314, 315–316,449Eumenes, 315Eumeninae, 91, 315Masarinae, 315Polistes, 238, 315, 449, 451; P.chinensis, 95; P. humili, 95; P.versicolor, 494Polistinae, 315Stenogastrinae, 315Vespinae, 315Vespula, 95; V. germanica, 95; V.pensylvanica, 494; V. vulgaris,95, 494Vespoidea, 142, 307–308, 313, 314,315–316Xiphydriidae, 306, 311, 312Xiphydrioidea, 306Xyelidae, 306, 311Xyeloidae, 306Isoptera, 3, 9, 10, 17, 38, 70, 72, 85,90, 91, 109, 129, 150, 187, 195,276, 305, 311, 365, 420, 548, 552,579Mastotermitidae, 91Mastotermes darwiniensis, 91RhinotermitidaeCoptotermes formosanus, 489TermitidaeAmitermes, 85Nasutitermes, 240Lepidoptera,2,3, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 38, 39, 51, 52, 58, 59, 86,88–93, 97, 119–120, 128, 129,133, 142, 147, 149, 171, 172,177, 199, 235, 236, 285, 304, 314,325–351, 390, 402, 404, 407,419, 421–422, 423, 427, 448,448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453,480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 487,493, 494, 548Acanthopteroctetidae (includingCatapterigidae), 119, 331,335Acanthopteroctetes, 335Catapterix, 335Acanthopteroctetoidea, 329, 331, 335Acrolepidae, 332, 339Acrolophidae, 331, 338Adelidae, 331, 337Agathiphagidae, 331, 335Agathiphagoidea, 329, 331, 335Aididae, 332, 342, 343Alucitidae, 333, 344Alucitoidea, 330, 333, 338, 344Amphisbatidae, 332, 341Anomoeotidae, 332, 342Anomosetidae, 331, 336Anthelidae, 333, 346Apoditrysia, 330, 342–348Arctiidae, see Noctuidae : ArctiinaeArrhenophanidae, 331, 338

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 597Lepidoptera, (continued)Autostichidae, 332, 341Autostichinae, 341Holcopogoninae, 341Symmocinae, 341Axiidae, 119, 333, 341Axioidea, 329, 330, 333, 341Batrachedridae, 332, 341Batrachedrinae, 341Bedelliidae, 332, 339Bedellia, 339Bombycidae, 333, 346Bombyx mori, 17, 19, 20, 486Bombycoidea, 120, 329, 330, 333,346Brachodidae, 332, 343Brahmaeidae, 333Bucculatricidae, 331, 339Bucculatrix, 339Callidulidae, 333, 347Calliduloidea, 329, 330, 333, 347Carposinidae, 333, 345Carthaeidae, 333, 346Catapterigidae, seeAcanthopteroctetidaeCastniidae, 332, 345Synemon plana, 94Cecidosidae, 331, 347Chimabachidae, 332, 340Choreutidae, 332, 344Choreutoidea, 330, 332, 340, 344Coleolepida, 335–348Coleophoridae, 332, 341Blastobasinae, 341Coleophorinae, 340, 341Momphinae, 340, 341Pterolonchinae, 341Copromorphidae, 333, 345Copromorphoidea, 119, 330, 333,345Cosmopterigidae, 332, 340, 341Antequerinae, 341Cosmopteriginae, 341Stilbosis tesquella, plate 7Cossidae, 332, 343Cossoidea, 119, 330, 332, 343Crambidae, 177, 332, 345Arcola malloi, 177Diastictis robustior, plate 7Sameodes albiguttalis, 177Scirpophaga incertula, 177;S. innotata, 177Crinopterygidae, 119, 331, 347Cyclotornidae, 332, 342Dalceridae, 43, 332, 342, 343Deoclonidae, 332, 341Deocloninae, 341Syringopainae, 341Doidae, 334, 348Douglasiidae, 331, 339Drepanidae, 334, 348Drepanoidea, 120, 329, 330, 334,348Dudgeoneidae, 332, 343Ditrysia, 338–348Ditrysia, lower, 338–342Elachistidae, 333, 340Aeolanthinae, 340Agonoxeninae, 340Deuterogoniinae, 340Drepressariinae, 340Elachistinae, 340Ethmia monticola, plate 7Ethmiinae, 340Hypertrophinae, 340Stenomatinae, 340, 340Endromidae, 119, 333, 346Epermeniidae, 333, 344Epermenioidea, 330, 333, 342, 344Epicopeiidae, 334, 348Epipyropidae, 332, 342, 451Eriocottidae, 331, 338Eriocraniidae, 331, 335Dyseriocrania griseocapitella, plate 7Eriocranioidea, 119, 329, 331, 335Eupterotidae, 333, 346Exoporia, 336Galacticidae, 332, 342Galacticoidea, 330, 332, 342Gelechiidae, 332, 340, 341–342Dichomeridinae, 342Filatima obidenna, plate 7Gelechiinae, 342Pexicopiinae, 342Physoptilinae, 342Gelechioidea, 119, 330, 332, 338,340–342Geometridae, 142, 328, 334, 348Asaphodes stinaria, 97Operophtera brumata, 200, 482Oxydia geminata, plate 7Plagodis serinaria, plate 7Xanthorhoe bulbulata, 97Geometroidea, 120, 329, 330, 334,348Glossata, 329, 335–348Glyphidoceridae, 332, 340Glyphidocera, 340Glyphipterigidae, 332, 339, 345Gracillariidae, 331, 339, 452Phyllocnistis citrella, 453Phyllonorycter blancardella, 452, 453Gracillarioidea, 330, 331, 338, 339Hedylidae, 333, 347Hedyloidea, 329, 330, 333, 347Heliodinidae, 332, 339Heliozelidae, 331, 337Hepialidae, 331, 336Aoraia mairi, 94Hepialoidea, 119, 329, 331, 336Hesperiidae, 333, 347, 422Astraptes, 400; A. fulgerator, 419,422Atalopedes campestris, 19Saliana severus, 420Hesperioidea, 329, 330, 333, 347Heterobathmioidea, 329, 331, 335Heterobathmiidae, 331, 335Heterobathmia, 335Heterogynidae, 332, 343Heteroneura, 329, 336–348Himantopteridae, 332, 342Hyblaeidae, 333, 345Hyblaeoidea, 330, 333, 345Immidae, 333, 345Imma, 345Immoidea, 119, 330, 333, 345Incurvariidae, 331, 337Incurvarioidea, 119, 330, 331, 337Lacturidae, 332, 343Lasiocampidae, 333, 346Dendrolimus pini, 144Gloveria gargamelle, plate 7Malacosoma disstria, 199Lasiocampoidea, 229, 330, 333,346Lecithoceridae, 333, 340–341Lemoniidae, 333, 346Lemonia, 346Sabalia, 346Limacodidae, 332, 342, 343Euclea delphinii, plate 7Lophocoronidae, 331, 335Lophocoronoidea, 329, 331, 335Lycaenidae, 142, 333, 347Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida, 97; P.spinifera, 97Lymantriidae, see Noctuidae :LymantriinaeLyonetiidae, 332, 339Lypusidae, 331, 338Macrolepidoptera, 91–93, 329, 330,345–348, 451Manidiidae, see SematuridaeMegalopygidae, 332, 342, 343Micronoctuidae, 332, 348Micropterigidae, 92, 331, 334Epimartyria pardella, plate 7

598 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyLepidoptera, (continued)Micropterix, 334Sabatinca group, 334Micropterigoidea, 119, 329, 331, 334Mimallonidae, 333Mimallonoidea, 329, 330, 333Mirinidae, 119, 333, 346Mnesarchaeidae, 331, 336Mnesarchaeoidea, 329, 331, 336Myoglossata, 335–348Neolepidoptera, 336–348Neopseustidae, 331, 335–336Neopseustoidea, 239, 331, 335–336Neotheoridae, 331, 336Nepticulidae, 331, 337Ectoedemia virgulae, plate 7Nepticuloidea, 119, 239, 331, 337Noctuidae (including Arctiidae andLymantriidae), 130, 142, 326,328, 334, 348, 349Arctiinae (=Arctiidae), 142, 348Agrotis infusa, 85Apantesis virgo, plate 7Copitarsia, 497Euxoa auxiliaris, 9Feltia jaculifera, plate 7Lymantria dispar, 10, 482, 487; L.monacha, 144Lymantriinae (=Lymantriidae),142, 348Noctua pronuba, plate 7Nolinae, 348Orgyia thyellina, 499Pantheinae, 348Schinia florida, plate 7Xestia dolosa, plate 7Noctuoidea, 120, 328, 330, 334, 348Notodontidae, 334, 348Oligocentria semirufescens, plate 7Nymphalidae (including Satyridae),86, 334, 347Boloria, 142Charaxes cithaeron, plate7Erebia, 142Danaus plexippus, 21, 487Morpho, 20, 365Oeneis, 142Satyrinae (=Satyridae), 142Obtectomera, 330, 344–348Oecophoridae, 332, 341–342Decantha trista, plate 7Oecophorinae, 91, 340, 342Stathmopodinae, 342Oenosandridae, 334, 348Opostegidae, 331, 337Palaeosetidae, 331, 336Palaephatidae, 331, 337–338Palaephatoidea, 329, 331, 333–338Papilionidae, 86, 141, 333, 347, 386,401Ornithoptera alexandra, 86, 87; O.richmondia, 88Parnassius, 141Papilionoidea, 120, 330, 333,347,548–549, 553, 553Peleopodidae, 332, 341Pieridae, 86, 333, 347Aporia crataegi, 141Colias, 142Lieinix nemesis, plate 7Plutellidae, 332, 339Plutella xylostella, 177Prodoxidae, 331, 337Tegeticula, 10Prototheoridae, 331, 336Psychidae, 331, 338Pterophoridae, 142, 333, 344Pterophoroidea, 119, 330, 333, 344Pyralidae, 333, 340, 345Cactoblastis cactorum, 9, 495Catacrosis lithosialis, plate 7Chalcoela, 449, 451Diatraea, 199Dioryctria abietella, 144Ostrinia nubilalis, 487, 489, 489,564Paraponyx diminutalis, 486Sthenauge, 451Pyraloidea, 119, 330, 333, 340, 344,345, 350Roeslerstammidae, 331, 339Saturniidae, 9, 333, 346, 422Coscinocera hercules,86Satyridae, see Nymphalidae : SatyrinaeSchistonoeidae, 332, 340Schreckensteiniidae, 333, 344Scrheckensteinia, 344Schreckensteinioidea, 330, 333, 344Sematuridae (=Manidiidae), 43, 334,348Sesiidae, 332, 343Sesioidea, 119, 330, 332, 343, 345Simaethistidae, 331, 338Simaethistoidea, 330, 331, 338Somabrachyidae, 119, 332, 342–343Sphingidae, 333, 346, 422Manduca sexta, 365Thyrididae, 333, 344, 345Thyridoidea, 330, 333, 345Tineidae, 331, 345Nemapogon defectella, plate 7Tineodidae, 333, 344Tineoidea, 119, 330, 331, 338, 345Tischeriidae, 331, 338Tischerioidea, 329, 331, 338Tortricidae, 332, 344, 482Archips, 400Cydia pomonella, 479, 482, 487Oleuthreutes arcuella, plate 7Olethreutinae, 344Sparganothis reticulatana, plate 7Tortricinae, 344Tortricoidea, 120, 330, 332, 342,343–344Uraniidae, 334, 348Urodidae, 333, 344Urodus, 344Wockias, 344Urodoidea, 330, 333, 344Whalleyanidae, 333, 344Whalleyanoidea, 330, 333, 344Xyloryctidae, 332, 340Scythridinae, 340Xyloryctinae, 340Yponomeutidae, 92, 332, 339Atteva punctella, plate 7Yponomeuta, 390, 399; Y. malinellus,399; Y. padella, 399Yponomeutoidea, 119, 330, 332,338, 339Ypsolophidae, 332, 339Zygaenidae, 332, 342Zygaenoidea, 119, 330, 332, 342Mantodea, 3, 38, 42, 58, 59, 109, 124,129, 150, 548MantidaeStagmomantis carolina, 238Mantophasmatodea, see NotopteraMantoptera, see MantodeaMecoptera, 3, 38, 119, 125, 150,166, 169, 172, 439BoreidaeBoreus, 126; B. hyemalis, 127Nannochoristidae, 90, 169PanorpidaePanorpa, 130Megaloptera, 3, 38, 42, 78, 117, 129,150, 166, 169, 172Corydalidae, 117Sialidae, 130, 117Microcoryphia, see Archaeognatha, 38Myriapoda,51Neuroptera, 3, 38, 72, 73, 77–78,116–117, 129, 147, 150, 169,172, 448, 448, 450Ascalaphidae, 116, 150, 365Berothidae, 116

Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and Family 599Neuroptera, (continued)Chrysopidae, 73, 116Coniopterygidae, 116Crocidae, 117Dilaridae, 116Hemerobiidae, 116, 150Mantispidae, 116, 150, 451Mantispinae, 448Myrmeleontidae, 78, 117, 150, 187Gepini, 117Isoleontini, 117Palparini, 78Pseudimarini, 117Nemopteridae, 78, 117, 150Nemoptera sinuata, 122, plate 2Neurorthidae, 117Nevrorthidae, 166, 169Neurorthus, 169Osmylidae, 117Sisyridae, 117, 166, 169Climacia areolaris, 169Neuropterida, 439Notoptera, 3Grylloblattodea, 3, 43, 38, 71, 90Mantophasmatodea, 3, 71, 79, 90,368Odonata, 3, 13, 20, 38, 39, 41, 42, 51,88, 93, 97, 108, 109, 129, 137,166, 167, 168, 172, 177, 190,372, 439, 551, 554, 555Aeshnidae, 109, 167Calopterygidae, 109Chlorolestidae, 109Coenagrionidae, 109Cordulegasteridae, 109Cordulephyidae, 90Corduliidae, 109Diphlebiidae, 90Epiophlebiidae, 109, 147Euphaeidae, 109Gomphidae, 109Hemiphlebiidae, 90Hemiphlebia mirabilis, 97Hypolestidae, 90Lestidae, 109Libellulidae, 109Macrodiplactidae, 109Megapodagrionidae, 109Petaluridae, 90, 109Petalura ingentissima, 90Platycnemididae, 109Pseudolestidae, 109Orthopteroidea, 52, 129Orthoptera, 3, 9, 11, 16, 38, 59, 70,91, 92, 109, 124, 128, 133, 142,148, 149, 150, 166, 168, 172,439, 450, 451, 579Acrididae, 58, 137, 150Catantopinae, 150, 151Chrysochraontini, 129Conophymatini, 129Dericorythini, 150Diexini, 150Egnatiini,150Iranellini, 150Melanoplus, 238Oedipodinae, 150Uvaroviini, 151Anostostomatidae, 85Deinacrida heteracantha, 85Caelifera, 109Ensifera, 109, 150Gryllidae, 58Grylloidea, 145GryllotalpidaeScapteriscus, 489PamphagidaePamphaginae, 129, 150Thrinchinae, 129PyrgomorphidaeZonocerus variegatus, 16Rhaphidophoridae, 85Tettigoniidae, 58Deracanthinae, 129Drymadusini, 129Gampsocleidini, 129Glyphonotinae, 129Odonturini, 129Onconotinae, 129Poecilimon, 122, plate 2Saga pedo, 125, plate 3Phasmatodea, 3, 41, 38, 58, 90, 91,93, 109, 124, 129, 314HeteronemiidaeDiapheromera femorata, 238PhasmatidaeAcrophylla, 86Carausius morosus, 16Dryococelus australis, 85, 86, 91Eurycnema goliath, 86Phasmatoptera, see PhasmatodeaPhthiraptera, 3, 38, 128, 166, 168Anoplura, 38,41, 110, 564, 565Echinophthiriidae, 168HaematopinidaeHaematopinus oliveri, 549Mallophaga, 38,41,110Menoponidae, 168PediculidaePediculus humanus, 479Plecoptera, 3, 38, 51, 90, 97, 110,129, 142, 166, 167, 172Antarctoperlaria, 90Austroperlidae, 90Capniidae, 110, 129Capnia kolymensis, 130Euholognatha, 129Eustheniidae, 90Gripopterygidae, 90Leuctridae, 110, 167Nemouridae, 110, 167Nemoura, 130Notonemouridae, 129Perlidae, 167Perlodidae, 167Scopuridae, 110, 129Taeniopterygidae, 110, 129Protura,3Psocoptera, 3, 38, 58, 110, 484Raphidioptera, 3, 38, 117, 120, 150Inocelliidae, 117Raphidiidae, 117Rhynchota, see HemipteraScorpiones, 451Siphonaptera, 3, 38, 42, 120, 128,439PulicidaePulex, 11Xenopsylla, 11; X. chaeopis, 491Strepsiptera, 3, 38, 90, 368, 447, 448,448Mengenillidae, 447, 451Stylopidae, 153Thysanoptera, 3, 38, 51, 72, 90, 110,447, 481Phlaeothripidae, 90Amynothrips andersoni, 177Cartomothrips, 484Gynaikothrips ficorum, 485ThripidaeFrankliniella occidentalis, 490Thysanura sensu lato. (See alsoArchaeagnatha and Zygentoma),38, 109Trichoptera, 3, 38, 51, 89, 119, 129,130, 142, 166, 169, 170–171,172, 177, 439, 448, 448Annulipalpia, 170Antipodoecidae, 90Chathamiidae, 90Conoesucidae, 90Glossosomatidae, 170Helicophidae, 90

600 Index of Arthropod Taxa Arranged by Order and FamilyTrichoptera, (continued)Hydrobiosidae, 90HydroptilidaeOrthotrichia, 451Kokiriidae, 90LimnephilidaeDrusus annulatus, 177Limnephilus lunatus, 177Oeconesidae, 90PhilopotamidaeChimarra, 451Plectrotarsidae, 90Phryganopsychidae, 119Thremmatidae, 119Rhyacophiloidea, 170Tasimiidae, 90Zoraptera, 3, 38, 43, 90, 110, 439Zygentoma (=Thysanura sensu stricto;see also Thysanura sensu lato), 3Lepidotrichidae, 368

Alphabetic Indexto ArthropodTaxaPage numbers in bold face indicate entries in tables; page numbers in italic face indicate entries on figures or in figure captions.AAbedus, 168, 230Acalles, 146Acalymma vittatum, 279Acalyptrate diptera, 207–209Acanthocephala femorata, 239Acanthocnemidae, 114, 268, 277Acanthocnemus nigricans, 277Acanthopteroctetes, 335Acanthopteroctetidae, 119, 331, 335Acanthopteroctetoidea, 329, 331, 335Acanthoscelides pallidipennis, 149Acanthosomatidae, 112, 226, 245, 246Acari, 579Acartophthalmidae, 208Acilius duvergeri, 287Acmaeodera, 153Acmaeoderella, 153Acmaeoderini, 135Acrididae, 58, 129, 137, 150, 151Acroceridae, 186, 190, 206Acrolepidae, 332, 339Acrolophidae, 331, 338Acrophylla,86Aculeata, 195, 200, 304, 305, 308, 310,314–317, 318, 447Adelges piceae, 469, 495; A. tsugae, 276,495Adelgidae, 276, 468, 469, 495Adelidae, 331, 337Adephaga, 267, 272–273Aderidae, 270, 277Aedes, 11, 196; A. aegypti, 491, 524; A.albopictus, 491, 539; A. campestris,16; A. taeniorhynchus, 16Aegialia concinna, 289; A. crescenta, 289Aegialites stejnegeri, 139Aelia americana, 246; A. furcula, 247Aenictopecheidae, 111, 225, 227Aeolanthinae, 340Aepophilidae, 111, 225, 232Aepophilus bonnairei, 232Aeshnidae, 109, 167Aethina tumida, 277, 489Agabus clypealis, 287; A. discicollis, 287;A. hozgargantae, 287Agaonidae, 306, 313–314, 580, plate 6Agapanthia, 149Agapythidae, 269, 277Agasicles hygrophila, 177Agathidium laevigatum, 138Agathiphagidae, 331, 335Agathiphagoidea, 329, 331, 335Agathon, 192Agelena orientalis, 243Agelenidae, 243Agonoxeninae, 340Agrilus, 149, 153, 280; A. (Xenagrilus),149; A. planipennis, 280, 489Agriotypinae, 169, 312Agriotypus, 312Agromyzidae, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199,200, 208, 400, 423, 452Agrotis infusa,85Agyrtidae, 113, 267, 274Aididae, 332, 342, 343Airaphilus, 153Alatavia, 141Alcaeorrhynchus grandis, 246Aleochara, 274Aleocharinae, 130Aleurothrixus floccosus, 446, 455Alexiidae, 114, 269, 277Aleyrodidae, 3, 110, 235, 236, 400,446, 449, 455, 490, 493, 500Alleculidae, see AlleculinaeAlleculinae, 149, 152, 153Alnetoidia alneti, 389–390Alphitobius diaperinus, 280Alticini, 60, 124, 128, 129, 130, 134,149, 150Alucitidae, 333, 344Alucitoidea, 330, 333, 338, 344Alydidae, 112, 226, 241Alydinae, 241Alydus, 241Amaurochrous cinctipes, 246Amblypelta, 241Ameletopsidae, 90Amiseginae, 314Amitermes,85Amitus spinifrons, 446Amorphocephalus coronatus, 138Amphicoma, 149Amphisbatidae, 332, 341Amphizoidae, 112, 120, 267, 272Amphorophora, 468Ampulicidae, 307, 316Amynothrips andersoni, 177Anastrepha, 195601<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

602 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaAnatolica, 148; A. amoenula, 151; A.cechiniae, 151; A. mucronata, 151; A.polita borealis, 151; A. sternalisgobiensis, 151Anaxyelidae, 306, 311Andrenidae, 118, 307, 316Anemia dentipes, 151Angustonicus,92Aniosolabididae, 168Anisolabis maritima, 168Anisopodidae, 205Annulipalpia, 170Anobiidae, 114, 133, 138, 143, 153,268, 276Anobium punctatum, 276Anomoeotidae, 332, 342Anomosetidae, 331, 336Anopheles, 11, 196, 389, 418, 527; A.annulipes, 422; A. filipinae, 536; A.gambiae complex, 418, 491, 527,537, 539; A. punctulatus complex,527; A. quadrimaculatus complex,534, 537; A. varuna, 536Anoplius,169Anoplognathus chloropyrus, 281Anoplolepis gracilipes, 95, 494Anoplophora, 281; A. glabripennis, 271,281,482, 489, 499Anoplura, 38,41, 110, 564, 565Anostostomatidae, 85ants, see Formicidae; honey ant, seeCampanotusAntarctoperlaria, 90Antequerinae, 341Anthaxia quadripunctata, 144Anthaxia, 153Anthelidae, 333, 346Anthicidae, 153, 270, 277, 278, 286Anthicus, 153; A. sacramento, 286Anthocoridae, 111, 225, 232, 233, 249,478, 485Anthocoris nemoralis, 478Anthomyiidae, 194, 198, 209Anthomyzidae, 208Anthonomidius, 148Anthonomini, 146Anthonomus, 134, 148; A. grandis, 279,489Anthrenus, 153,,Anthribidae, 115, 128, 139, 144, 149,270, 278, 279Anthypurinus kaszabi, 126Antilochus, 248Antipodoecidae, 90Antonina graminis, 488Aonidiella aurantii (California red scale),454, 580Aoraia mairi,94Apantesis virgo,plate 7Aphanisticus, 133Aphelini, 139Aphelinidae, 118, 306, 446, 449, 450,454, 455, 456, 457, 580, plate 6Aphelinus, plate 6; Aphelinus albipodis,456; A. atriplicis, 456; A. cerus, 456;A. hordei, 456; A. kurdumovi, 456; A.varipes, 455, 456, 457Aphelocheiridae, 111, 168, 225, 230Aphididae, 194, 463–470, 468, 469,482, 483, 489, 490, 493Aphidiidae, 117Aphidina, see AphidoideaAphidoidea, 94, 110, 129, 150, 191,193, 194, 199, 236, 277, 449,463–470Aphidoletes aphidimyza, 199Aphis glycines, 456, 469, 490; A. sambuci,465, 465Aphodiinae, 10Aphodius, 138, 148, 153;Aphodiusholdereri, 124Aphthona, 124, 134; A. coerulea, 125; A.nonstriata, 127, 134; A. sarmatica,137; A. testaceicornis, 140Aphylidae, 226, 245Aphytis chrysomphali, 580; A.holoxanthus, 454; A. lingnanensis,454, 580; A. melinus, 580Apidae, 12, 20, 95, 119, 307, 314, 316,316, 317, 318, 420, 477, 485, 486,489, 492, 494, 500, 562, 563, 579Apioceridae, 130, 206Apiomerus crassipes, 239Apionidae, see ApioninaeApioninae, 116, 140, 142, 149, 150,154, 279Apis, 316; A. cerana, 579; A. mellifera, 12,20, 95, 238, 316, 317, 477, 485,486, 492, 494, 500, 562, 563, 579;A. mellifera scutellata, 489Apoanagyrus lopezi, 446, 454Apocephalus, 447, 449Apoditrysia, 330, 342–348Apoidea (including Sphecoidea), 72, 142,118, 142, 307, 314, 316–317, 449Aporia crataegi, 141Apsilocephalidae, 206Apsis albolineatus, 133Apystomyiidae, 206Arachnida, 51, 59, 36, 58, 169, 189,190, 243, 304, 310, 311, 312,313, 315, 450 , 451, 493, 579Arachnocampa luminosa, 85, 187Arachnocorini, 237Arachnocoris, 237Aradidae, 92, 111, 138, 224, 226, 239,240Aradoidea, 226, 240Aradus acutus, 239; A. cimamomeus, 240Araecerus fasciculatus, 279Araneae, 36, 58, 169, 189, 190, 243,304, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 450,451, 493, 579Araneida, see AraneaeAraphe, 234; A. carolina, 246Archaeognatha, 3, 38Archeocrypticidae, 269, 277Archips, 400Archostemata, 146, 267, 270, 272Arcola malloi, 177Arctiidae, see ArctiinaeArctiinae, 142, 348Argidae, 306, 311Argopus, 144Arhyssus lateralis, 239Arilus, 238; A. cristatus, 238, 239Arrhenophanidae, 331, 338Artematopidae, 113Artematopodidae, 130, 268Artheneidae, 242, 226Asaphodes stinaria,97Ascalaphidae, 116, 150, 365Aschiza, 192Asias mongolicus, 154Asilidae, 186, 190, 206, plate 4Asiloidea, 189, 206Asopinae, 247, 249Aspidytes wrasei, 144, 146Aspidytidae, 144, 146, 267, 272Asteiidae, 208Astraptes, 400; A. fulgerator, 419, 422Atalopedes campestris,19Atelestidae, 206Atheas mimeticus, 233Athericidae, 172, 189,192, 206, 526,528, 529Atherix, 192Atomyria, 137Atrichops, 526, 528Atta,18Attagenus, 153; A. smirnovi, 138Attelabidae, 92, 115, 150, 270, 279Atteva punctella, plate 7Attinae, 10Auchenorrhyncha, 110, 133, 134, 138,149, 150, 168, 193, 224, 391Aulacidae, 306, 312Aulacigastridae, 208Austroconopidae, 91

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 603Austroconops, 526, 528Austrocynipidae, 306, 312Austroleptidae, 206Austroniidae, 307, 312Austroperlidae, 90Austrosimulium,85Autostichidae, 332, 341Autostichinae, 341Axiidae, 119, 333, 341Axioidea, 329, 330, 333, 341Axymyia,190, plate 4Axymyiidae, 172, 186, 188,190, 205,plate 4Axymyioidea, 205BBactrocera, 195; B. (Daculus) oleae, 77; B.cucurbitae, 75, 76, 489; B. invadens,75, 76; B. latifrons, 75, 76; B.orientalis, 194; B. papayae, 489; B.zonata,75Bagoinae, 133Bagous, 134Baizongia pistaciae, 464Balta similis, 479Barberiella formicoides, 236Baridinae, 128, 133, 135Barypeithes pellucidus, 487Batrachedridae, 332, 341Batrachedrinae, 341Batrachomyia, 194Bedellia, 339Bedelliidae, 332, 339beetles, see Coleoptera; darkling beetle,see Tenebrionidae; metallicwood-boring beetle, see BuprestidaeBelidae, 270, 278Bellardia, 192Belohinidae, 267, 274Belostoma, 168, 230; B. flumineum, 229Belostomatidae, 111, 168, 225, 229,230–231, 486Belvosia, 423, 455Belytinae, 313Bemisia, 400; B. tabaci, 490Benedictus, 134Berlandiana, 238Berothidae, 116Berytidae, 111, 226, 239, 242–243Bessa remota, 199Bethylidae, 307, 310, 314, 315Bibio,190, plate 4Bibionidae,190, 205, plate 4Bibionoidea, 205Bibionomorpha, 188, 205Biliranoides, 236Billaea claripalpis, 199Biphyllidae, 114, 269, 274Biprorulus bibax, 247Bittacomorpha, 191, 192, plate 5Blaberidae, 91, 487Blaesoxipha, 448Blaps, 148 B. femoralis medusula, 151; B.kashgarensis gobiensis, 151; B.kiritshenkoi, 151; B. miliaria, 151Blasticotomidae, 117, 306, 311Blastobasinae, 341Blatta orientalis, 479Blattaria, 3, 38, 58, 91, 92, 109, 124,129, 150, 479, 487Blattella germanica, 487Blattellidae, 487, 479Blattidae, 92, 479Blattodea, see BlattariaBlattoptera, see BlattariaBlepharicera, 192Blephariceridae, 90, 97, 172, 186, 188,189,191,192, 203, 205, plate 5Blepharidopterus angulatus, 236Blepharipa scutellata, 451Blepharoceroidea, 205Blepharoceromorpha, 205Blissidae, 226, 239, 243Blissus leucopterus, 239, 243Boganiidae, 269, 277Boisea trivittata, 239, 241Bolboceratidae, 113Bolitophagus reticulatus, 138Bolitophilidae, 205Boloria, 142Bombus, 142, 316, 318; B. affinis, 318; B.hortorum, 420; B. ruderatus, 420; B.terrestris, 95, 494Bombycidae, 17, 19, 20, 333, 346Bombycoidea, 120, 329, 330, 333, 346Bombyliidae, 186, 189, 190, 196, 206,555Bombylioidea, 189Bombylius, 555Bombyx mori, 17, 19, 20, 486BoreidaeBoreus, 126; B. hyemalis, 127Boridae, 269, 277Bostrichidae, 114, 133, 152, 153, 268,274, 276Bostrichiformia, 268, 276Bothrideridae, 114, 269, 277Bothriomirini, 235Bothynotus modestus, 233Brachodidae, 332, 343Brachycera, 171, 186, 187, 188,189–195, 206–209;lowerBrachycera, 189–190Brachyceridae, 115, 133, 149Brachyderini, 139Brachypsectridae, 268Brachysomus echinatus, 136Brachystomatidae, 206Braconidae, 117, 122, 152, 307, 312,448, 449, 450, 452, 453, 455Bradynobaenidae, 307, 315Bradysia coprophila, 196; B. impatiens,196Brahmaeidae, 333Braulidae, 208Brentidae (including Apionidae), 115,116, 138, 140, 142, 144, 145,149, 150, 152, 154, 270, 279Brevicoryne brassicae, 464Broscini, 139Broscosoma, 139Broscus, 139Bruchela, 150; B. exigua, 150; B. kaszabi,150; B. orientalis, 150Bruchidae, see BruchinaeBruchidius, 149, 154Bruchinae, 115, 149, 154Bruchophagus, 447Bruchus, 149Bryocorinae, 234, 235Bryocorini, 235Bucculatricidae, 331, 339Bucculatrix, 339Buprestidae, 113, 122, 125, 129, 133,134, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 152,153, 272, 268, 272, 275, 276,280, 281, 282, 286, 311, 312,365, 489, plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3Buprestis rustica, 144; B. splendens, 286;B. strigosa, 144Buprestoidea, 275, 276Buresiinae, 118butterflies, see PapilionoideaByrrhidae, 113, 141, 268, 276Byrrhobolus, 141Byrrhoidea, 275Byrrhus (Aeneobyrrhus), 141Byturidae, 114, 130, 269, 277CCactoblastis cactorum,9,495Caelifera, 109Calamobius, 133Cales noacki, 446, 455Caliroa cerasi, 479Callichilella grandis, 236Callidulidae, 333, 347California red scale, seeAonidiella aurantiiCalliduloidea, 329, 330, 333, 347

604 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaCalliphora, 201Calliphoridae, 186, 191, 192, 195, 197,198, 200, 201, 209, 422, 451,486, 487, 490, 524, plate 4, plate 5Callirhipidae, 113, 268Callisthenes,148Calomicrus pinicola, 133Caloparyphus,191, plate 5Calopterygidae, 109Calosoma, 148; C. sycophanta, 122, Plate 2Calyptratae, 194–195, 209Camillidae, 130, 209Camirus porsus, 246Campanotus (honey ant, yarumpa), 85; C.nearcticus, 236Campsicnemus, 204Campylomma verbasci, 236Canacidae, 172, 203, 208Canopidae, 226, 245Canopus burmeisteri, 245; C. fabricii, 245Cantacaderinae, 237Cantharidae, 114, 152, 153, 268, 275,276Canthon, 424Canthonini, 78Canthyloscelidae, 130, 205Capnia kolymensis, 130Capniidae, 110, 129, 130Capnodis carbonaria, 122, Plate 2Carabidae, 39, 56, 59, 60, 61, 93, 108,112, 122, 124, 136, 139, 140,141, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152,153, 266, 267, 272, 272–273,286, 480, plate 1, Plate 2Carabus, 136, 141, 144, 576; C.auronitens, 136; C. lopatini, 131; C.olympiae, 286; C. variolosus, 136Carausius morosus,16Caridae, 270, 279Carnidae, 208, 526Carnoidea, 208–209Carnus, 526Carposinidae, 333, 345Carthaeidae, 333, 346Cartomothrips, 484Carulaspis minima, 486Caryoborus, 154Cassidini, 124, 128, 134Castniidae, 94, 332, 345Catacrosis lithosialis, plate 7Catantopinae, 150, 151Catapterigidae, see AcanthopteroctetidaeCatapterix, 335Catomus mongolicus, 151Catopinae, 137Cattarus, 243Cavognathidae, 269, 277Cecidomyiidae, 91, 129, 186, 189, 195,199, 200, 205, 420, 477, 479,487, 489, 524Cecidosidae, 331, 347Celyphidae, 207centipede, see ChilopodaCentraspis, 238Cephalocattarus, 243Cephidae, 306, 311Cephoidea, 306Cerambycidae, 115, 133, 135, 143,143, 144, 146, 149, 154, 266,270, 272, 278, 281, 285, 286,311, 312,482, 489, 490, 492, 499,plate 3Cerambyx cerdo, 286Ceraphronidae, 306, 313Ceraphronoidea, 305, 306, 313Ceratapiini, 116Ceratitis, 77, 195; C. (Ceratalaspis) cosyra,76; C. (C.) capitata, 75, 76, 194,489; C. (Pterandrus) fasciventris, 76;C. (Pterandrus) rosa,76Ceratocanthidae, see CeratocanthinaeCeratocanthinae, 113, plate 1Ceratocapsus, 236; C. modestus, 233Ceratocapsus, 236Ceratocombidae, 111, 225, 227, 229Ceratocombus vagans, 229Ceratopogonidae, 128, 172, 186, 188,189, 200, 201, 205, 524, 525,526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 536,537, 539Cercyon, 138Cerophytidae, 113, 268Cerylonidae, 114, 277, 269Ceutorhynchinae, 128, 129, 133, 135,136, 137, 139, 140, 150Ceutorhynchus cakilis, 139; C.cochleariae,136; C.pervicax, 136; C.potanini,136; Ceutorhynchus, 130, 135, 140Chaetocnema, 133Chaetosomatidae, 277, 268Chalcididae, 306Chalcidoidea, 11, 41, 72, 91, 128, 305,306, 311, 313–314, 448, 449,454, 455Chalcodryidae, 269Chalcoela, 449, 451Chamaemyiidae, 194, 199, 207Chamaepsila hennigi, 193Chaoboridae, 186, 187, 188, 198, 205Chaoborus edulis, 198Charaxes cithaeron, plate7Charipidae, 118Chathamiidae, 90Chauliopinae, 244Chauliops, 244Chelinidea, 241; C. vittiger, 239, 241Chelonariidae, 113, 268Chiastocheta, 200Chilacis typhae, 242Chilopoda, 451Chimabachidae, 332, 340Chimarra, 451Chinaola quercicola, 234Chioneosoma, 136Chironomidae, 15, 43, 90, 92, 96, 129,142, 169, 172, 186, 187, 188,189, 198, 203, 205, 423, 526Chironomoidea, 205Chironomus, 203Chlamydopsinae, 273Chlamysini, 144, 145Chlorolestidae, 109Chlorophorus obliteratus, 154; C.ubeanurensis, 154Chloropidae, 186, 193, 194, 199, 208Chlorops pumilionis, 194Choreutidae, 332, 344Choreutoidea, 330, 332, 340, 344Chryseida aeneiventris, plate 6Chrysididae, 118, 307, 314Chrysidoidea, 314, 307, 314–315Chrysis, 314Chrysobothris affinis, 146; C. pulchripes,146Chrysochraontini, 129Chrysolina, 124, 135, 141, 144, 149; C.(Pezocrozita), 149; C. jakovlevi, 135;C. tuvensis, 135; C. urjanchaica, 135Chrysomelidae, 52,60115, 122, 124,127, 133, 134, 135, 137, 140,141,142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151,152, 154, 266, 270, 272, 278,279, 281, 284, 285, 476, 482, 495,plate 1Chrysomelinae, 90, 124, 140, 141Chrysomeloidea, 145, 276, 278Chrysomphalus aonidum (Florida redscale), 454Chrysomya, 198, 201; C. bezziana, 198,201; C. rufifacies, 486Chrysopidae, 73, 116Chrysops, 19, 533Chyromyidae, 209Cicadellidae, 3, 17, 40, 389, 391, 457,476, 493Cicadidae, 3, 91, 92, 93, 144, 391Cicindela, 139, 492, 576; C. columbica,286; C. puritana, 286

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 605Cicindelidae, see CicindelinaeCicindelinae, 285Ciidae, 138, 269, 277Cimberis attelaboides, 131Cimbicidae, 306, 311Cimex hemipterus, 232; C. lectularius,232, 233, 479Cimicidae, 111, 225, 232, 233, 249,479Cimicoidea, 225, 232–233Cimicomorpha, 224, 225–226, 227,232–240, 249Cinara, 469Cionus zonovi, 126Cirrospilus, 452Cladotanytarsus lewisi, 198Clambidae, 113, 267Clavicornaltica, 134; C. dali, 127, 154Clavigralla gibbosa, 241Cleptinae, 314Cleradini, 244, 249Cleridae, 56, 60, 114, 137, 153, 268,277, 284, plate 1Cleroidea, 276, 277Climacia areolaris, 169Clivinematini, 235Closterocerus utahensis, 452Clusiidae, 194, 208, 524Clytrini, 124, 149Cneoglossidae, 268Cobboldia russanovi, 204Coccina, see CoccoideaCoccinella, 153; C. septempunctata, 492Coccinellidae, 114, 128, 133, 134, 142,153, 269, 272, 277, 446, 449,486, 492, 497Coccoidea, 90, 92, 128, 168, 235, 449,493Cochliomyia hominivorax, 198, 487Coeliodes, 135Coelopidae, 172, 207Coelostomidiinae, 95Coelus globosus, 289; C. gracilis, 289Coenagrionidae, 109Coenosia, 199Coleolepida, 335–348Coleophoridae, 332, 340, 341Coleophorinae, 340, 341Coleoptera, 2, 3, 8, 17, 20, 38, 42,43,44, 49–65, 72, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94,96, 108, 112–116, 128, 129, 142,143, 144, 149, 151, 152,153–154, 169–170, 177, 196,265–290, 304, 311, 312, 313, 314,315, 326, 362, 390, 423–424, 447,448, 448, 449, 450, 451, 480,481, 482, 483, 577, 579, 580, 581Coleorrhyncha, 90, 224Coleotichus blackburniae, 495Colias, 142Collembola, 3,8,51, 166, 425, 439Colletidae, 91, 307, 316Colletinae, 91Colobathristidae, 111, 226, 242, 243Colophon barnardi, 288; C. berrisfordi,288; C. cameroni, 288; C. cassoni,288; C. eastmani, 288; C. haughtoni,288; C. montisatris, 289; C. neli,289; C. primosi, 289; C. stokoei,289; C. thunbergi, 289; C.westwoodi, 289; C. whitei, 289Colydiidae, 269Colydiinae, 278Colymbetinae, 285Compsilura concinnata, 200, 451, 452,455, 495Comptosoma, 247Conaliini, 61Coniatus zaslavskii, 126Coniopterygidae, 116Conoesucidae, 90Conophymatini, 129Conopidae,190, 193, 207, plate 4Conopoidea, 207Conorhynchus conirostris, 124, 126Contarinia nasturtii, 420Copelatus, 424Copitarsia, 497Coprinae, 10Coprini, 78Copris,138Copromorphidae, 333, 345Copromorphoidea, 119, 330, 333, 345Coptotermes formosanus, 489Coquillettidia, 188Cordulegasteridae, 109Cordulephyidae, 90Corduliidae, 109Coreidae, 112, 224, 226, 239, 241, 249Coreinae, 241Coreoidea, 226, 241–242Corethrellidae, 172, 205, 529, 535, 538Coridromius, 236Corimalia reaumuriae, 126Corimaliini, 116Corimelaena pulicaria, 246Corimelaeninae, 245Corixidae, 17, 111, 168, 225, 229, 230,484Corixidea major, 249Corixoidea, 225, 230Coroebina, 147Corydalidae, 117Corylophidae, 114, 269, 277Corythucha ciliata, 233, 237; C. gossypii,237Coscinocera hercules,86Cosmobaris scolopacea, 126Cosmopsaltriina, 93Cosmopterigidae, 332, 340, 341, plate 7Cosmopteriginae, 341Cossidae, 332, 343Cossoidea, 119, 330, 332, 343Cossonus, 134Cotesia melitaearum, 455Cotinus mutabilis, 284Crabronidae, 307, 314, 316Crambidae, 177, 332, 345, plate 7Craspedonotus tibialis, 139Crinopterygidae, 119, 331, 347Crocidae, 117Crosita, 141Crowsoniellidae, 112, 267, 270Cryptocephalinae, 60, 124, 140, 150,plate 1Cryptocephalini, 124, 149Cryptocephalus, 149; C. duplicatus, 122,Plate 2; C. ochroloma, 127; C. pini,133; C. quadripustulatus, 133Cryptochaetidae, 199, 446, 449Cryptochaetum iceryae, 199, 446, 449Cryptococcidae, 490Cryptococcus fagisuga, 490Cryptolaryngidae, 115Cryptophagidae, 114, 130, 153, 269,277Cryptophagus, 153Cryptorhamphidae, 226, 243Cryptorhynchus lapathi, 143Cryptostemma uhleri, 229Ctenostylidae, 207Cucujidae, 114, 153, 269, 277, 287Cucujiformia, 268–270, 276–278Cucujoidea, 276, 277Cucujus cinnaberinus, 287Culex, 190, 196, plate 4; C. molestus, 539;C. pipiens, 539; C. quinquefasciatus,198, 491Culicidae, 11, 16, 18, 41, 128, 172,186, 188, 196, 198, 203, 205,230, 238, 249, 418, 422, 440, 483,491–492, 500, 524, 525, 527,528–531, 529, 531, 534, 535,536, 537, 539, plate 4Culicoidea, 188, 205Culicoides, 199, 526, 528, 539; C. imicolacomplex, 537; C. sonorensis, 537; C.variipennis, 536, 537Culicomorpha, 205

606 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaCupedidae, 112, 143, 267, 270, 272Curaliidae, 225, 232, 240Curalium cronini, 240Curculio, 135, 146Curculionidae, 41, 62, 116, 128, 133,134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 142, 143,144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 154,266, 270, 272, 274, 279, 280,281, 287, 489, plate 1, Plate 3 (seealso Erirhinidae andRaymondionymidae)Curculionoidea, 124, 126, 133, 137,144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 266, 276,278, 279Curtonotidae, 209Cuterebrinae,195Cybocephalidae, 153Cyclaxyridae, 277Cyclorrhapha, 188, 189, 192–195;lower Cyclorrhapha, 192–193Cyclotornidae, 332, 342Cydia pomonella, 479, 482, 487Cydnidae, 112, 226, 245, 246Cylapinae, 235Cylapini, 235Cylapus, 235; C. tenuis, 235Cylindromorphus, 133, 149, 153Cylindrotomidae, 205Cyllodes ater, 138Cymidae, 226, 243Cynipidae, 117, 305, 306, 312Cynipoidea, 305, 306, 312, 448, 449Cyphogenia intermedia, 151Cyphosoma, 133; C. euphraticum, 122,plate 2Cyphosthete mongolica, 151Cypselosomatidae, 207Cyrtocoridae, 226, 245Cyrtopeltocoris illini, 233Cyzenis albicans, 200DDactylopiidae, 20, 579Dactylopius coccus, 20, 579Dactylotus globosus, 140Dacus, 195; D. (D.) bivittatus, 77; D.(Didacus) ciliatus, 77; D. (Didacus)frontalis, 77; D. (Didacus) vertebratus,77Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, 486, 488Dalceridae, 43, 332, 342, 343Danaus plexippus, 21, 487Darwinivelia fosteri, 229darkling beetle, see TenebrionidaeDascillidae, 113, 130, 267Dascilloidea, 275, 276Dascillus elongatus, 130; D. cervinus, 130Dasyomma, 526, 528Dasytidae (see also Melyridae), 114, 149,153, 277Decantha trista, plate 7Declinia relicta, 146Decliniidae, 113, 146, 267, 276Deinacrida heteracantha,85Delphacidae, 11, 390, 391, 488Dendroctonus frontalis, 280; D. micans,280; D. ponderosae, 11, 280, 281; D.valens, 281Dendrolimus pini, 144Deoclonidae, 332, 341Deocloninae, 341Deracanthinae, 129Deracanthus faldermanni, 126Deraeocorinae, 235Deraeocoris, 235Dericorythini, 150Dermaptera, 3, 38, 41, 110, 124, 129,150, 166, 168Dermatobia hominis, 186, 197Dermestes, 137, 153, 280; D. lardarius,283Dermestidae, 114, 137, 138, 152, 153,268, 276, 280, 283Derodontidae, 114, 268, 276Deronectes aljibensis, 287; D. depressicollis,287; D. ferrugineus, 287Deuterogoniinae, 340Deuterophlebiidae, 172, 186, 188, 203,205, plate 5Deuterophlebia, 191, plate 5Diabrotica virgifera, 476, 482Diadocidiidae, 205Diapheromera femorata, 238Diapriidae, 305, 307, 312, 313Diapriinae, 313Diaspididae, 454, 479, 486, 488, 580Diaspidiosus perniciosus, 486, 488Diastatidae, 209Diastictis robustior, plate 7Diatraea, 199Dicerca furcata,144Dicercini, 133Dichomeridinae, 342Dichotomiini, 78Dichotrachelus, 146Dicopomorpha echmepterygis, 309, 313Dicranocephalus bianchii, 242; D. insularis,239, 242Dictyla echii, 493Dictyoptera (see also Blattaria, Mantodea,Phasmatodea), 38, 450Dicyphina, 235Dicyphini, 235Dicyphus agilis, 233Diexini, 150Dilamus mongolicus, 151Dilaridae, 116Dinidoridae, 112, 225, 245Dinoderus, 276Diopsidae,190, 193, 207, plate 4Diopsoidea, 207Dioryctria abietella, 144Diphlebiidae, 90Diphyllostomatidae, 37, 267, 274Diplopoda, 449Diplura, 3Diprionidae, 306, 311Dipsocoridae, 111, 225, 228, 229Dipsocoromorpha, 224, 225, 227–228,249Diptera, 2, 3, 38, 41, 43, 51, 57, 58, 59,73, 77, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 120,122, 128, 129, 142, 166, 171, 172,177, 185–204, 205–209, 285,362, 390, 422–423, 427, 439,447, 448, 448, 450, 451, 480,481, 482, 483, 490, 523–540, 551Discolomatidae, 114, 269, 277Distantiella theobroma, 234, 235Disteniidae, 278Ditomyiidae, 205Ditrysria, 338–348Ditrysia, lower, 338–342Diuraphis noxia, 456, 469, 489, 489, 493Dixidae, 172, 188, 205Doidae, 334, 348Dolichopodidae, 93, 172, 191, 203, 204,206Donacia, 137, 170Donaciinae, 133Dorcadion, 133, 148, 149, 278Dorcadionini, 149Dorcatominae, 138Dorytomus, 134, 143, 144Douglasiidae, 331, 339Drepanidae, 334, 348Drepanocerina, 78Drepanoidea, 120, 329, 330, 334, 348Drepressariinae, 340Drilidae, 113, 268Drosophila, 13–16, 201, 202, 204, 285,441, 492; D. melanogaster, 13, 14,16, 194, 202, 285, 365, 420, 468,487Drosophilidae, 13–16, 193, 194, 198,201 202, 204, 209, 285, 365, 367,420, 441, 468, 487, 492Drusus annulatus, 177

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 607Dryinidae, 307, 314Drymadusini, 129Drymini, 244Dryococelus australis, 85, 86, 91Dryomyzidae, 172, 187, 207Dryophthoridae, see DryopthorinaeDryophthorinae, 115, 128, 133, 144,149Dryophthorus distinguendis, 287Dryopidae, 113, 153, 170, 268Dryotribus mimeticus, 287Dudgeoneidae, 332, 343Dundubiina, 93Dysdercus, 248Dyseriocrania griseocapitella, plate 7Dytiscidae, 90, 112, 142, 153, 267,272, 285, 287–288Dytiscus latissimus, 287EEccritotarsini, 235Eccritotarsus, 235Echinophthiriidae, 168Ectoedemia virgulaenepticulEctrichodiinae, 238Edessa florida, 246Egnatiini,150Elachistidae, 333, 340,plate7Elachistinae, 340Elaphrus viridis, 286Elateridae113, 142, 153, 268, 272,275, 276, 279, 282, 284, plate 1Elateriformia, 267–268, 275–276Elateroidea, 275, 276, 285Elmidae, 113, 170, 268, 276, 288Emarginidae, see EmargininaeEmargininae, 118Embiidina, see EmbiodeaEmbiodea, 38,90,110, 233, 439, 484Embiophilinae, 233Embioptera, see EmbiodeaEmbolemidae, 307, 314Emesaya, 238Emesinae, 238Emmepus arundinis, 153Emperoptera, 204Empicoris, 238Empididae, 90, 172, 186, 187,190, 191,206, plate 4Empidinae, 191Empidoidea, 191, 206Empis, 190, plate 4Encarsia sophia, 455Encarsia, 455, 457Enchenopa binotata, 391Encyrtidae, 118, 306, 446, 449, 450,453, 454Endecatomidae, 114, 268, 276Endelus, 134Endomychidae, 114, 138, 269, 277Endromidae, 119, 333, 346Enicocephalidae, 111, 225, 227, 229Enicocephalomorpha, 224, 225, 227,249Enicospilus, 310Ensifera, 109, 150Entiminae, 60, 62,128, 130, 131, 146,150, plate 1Eodorcadion, 133, 148, 154; E. kozlovi,154Epermeniidae, 333, 344Epermenioidea, 330, 333, 342, 344Ephemeroptera, 3,9,38, 51, 70, 90, 92,109, 129, 142, 166, 167, 172,365, 425–426, 427Ephydridae, 172, 186, 193, 194, 199,203, 209Ephydroidea, 209Epicopeiidae, 334, 348Epimartyria pardella, plate 7Epimetopidae, 112Epimetopinae, 273Epiophlebiidae, 109, 147Epiphragma, 191, plate 5Epipyropidae, 332, 342, 451Episyrphus balteatus, 193Epitrichia intermedia, 151Epitrix, 134Epuraea, 138, 146Erebia, 142Eremochorus inflatus, 126; E. mongolicus,126; E. sinuatocollis, 135;E. zaslavskii, 135Eremoneura, 188Eremoxenus chan, 138Eriocottidae, 331, 338Eriocraniidae, 331, 335, plate 7Eriocranioidea, 119, 329, 331, 335Eriosoma lanigerum, 469Erirhinidae, 116, 133, 134, 140, 142,150Eristalis, 203; E. tenax, 122, plate 2Erotylidae, 114, 138, 269, 277, plate 1Esperanza texana, 241Ethmia monticola, plate 7Ethmiinae, 340Eucharitidae, 306Eucinetidae, 113, 267Eucnemidae, 113, 268Eucoilidae, 118Euconnus, 274Euclea delphinii, plate 7Eucraniini, 78Eudecatominae, 118Eugeniidae, 130Euheteroptera, 227–228Euholognatha, 129Eulichadidae, 113, 268Eulophidae, 118, 306, 449, 450, 452,453, 484Eumenes, 315Eumeninae, 91, 315Eumilada punctifera amaroides, 151Eumolpinae, 124, 140, 150Euops,92Eupelmidae, 118, 306, plate 6Eupelmus orientalis, plate 6; E. vesicularis,plate 6Euphaeidae, 109Eupterotidae, 333, 346Eurosta,191, plate 5Eurychoromyiidae, 207Eurycnema goliath,86Eurygaster integriceps, 247Eurygnathomyiidae, 122Eurysternini, 78Eurythyrea aurata, 146; E. eoa, 146Eurytoma verticillata, plate 6Eurytomidae, 118, 306, 447, 453, plate6Eurytominae, 118Euschistus, 247Eustheniidae, 90Euxoa auxiliaris,9Evaniidae, 306, 311, 312Evanioidea, 306, 311–312Evocoidae, 206Exenterini, 129Exoporia, 336FFanniidae, 194, 201, 209Feltia jaculifera, plate 7Feltiella acarisuga, 199Fergusonina turneri,87Fergusoninidae, 87, 91, 208Fidena, 189Figitidae, 118, 306, 312Fijipsalta,93Filatima obidenna, plate 7fire ant, see Solenopsis invictaFlatidae, 485flies, see DipteraFlorida red scale, see ChrysomphalusaonidumFolsomia quadrioculata, 425Forcipomyia, 200, 201, 580; F.(Lasiohelea), 526, 528Formica subsericea, 236

608 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaFormicidae, 9, 10, 17, 18, 57, 84, 85, 91,95, 96, 98, 119, 195, 199, 227,236, 305, 307, 309, 310, 311, 314,315, 316, 365, 420, 424, 440, 447,449, 477, 492, 493–494, 500, 526Formicomus, 153Frankliniella occidentalis, 490Fremuthiella vossi, 126Fulviini, 235Fulvius, 235; F. imbecilis, 233GGalacticidae, 332, 342Galacticoidea, 330, 332, 342Galerucella, 495Galerucinae, 124, 133, 140Galerucini, 124Gampsocleidini, 129Gampsocorinae, 243Gargaphia, 237Gasterophilinae, 128, 195, 197Gasterophilus intestinalis,16Gasteruptiidae, 306, 312Gastrophilidae, see GasterophilinaeGastrophysa, 137Gedoelstia, 198Gelastocoridae, 111, 225, 229, 230, 231Gelastocoris oculatus, 229Gelechiidae, 332, 340, 341–342, plate 7Gelechiinae, 342Gelechioidea, 119, 330, 332, 338,340–342Geocoridae, 226, 239, 243, 249Geocorinae, 243Geocoris punctipes, 239Geometridae, 97, 142, 200, 328, 334,348, 482, plate 7Geometroidea, 120, 329, 330, 334, 348Georissidae, see Georissinae, 112, 153Geotrupes inermis, 141Geotrupidae, 113, 267, 274, 275, 282Geotrupinae, 10Gepini, 117Gerridae, 111, 169, 225, 228, 229Gerris marginatus, 229Gerroidea, 225, 228Gerromorpha, 168, 224, 225, 228–230,229, 249Gigantometopus rossi, 234Gigantometra gigas, 228Glacicavicola bathysciodes, 288Glaphyridae, 113, 149, 267, 274Glaphyrus, 149Glaresidae, 113, 267, 274glassy-winged sharpshooter, seeHomalodisca vitripennisGlipostenoda, 62Glossata, 329, 335–348Glossina, 11, 422Glossinidae, 11, 128, 186, 195, 209,422, 525, 527, 529, 531,531–532, 536, 538, 539Glossosomatidae, 170Gloveria gargamelle, plate 7Glyphidocera, 340Glyphidoceridae, 332, 340Glyphipterigidae, 332, 339, 345Glyphonotinae, 129Glyptocombus saltator, 229Gobryidae, 207Gomphidae, 109Gonatocerus, 455; G. ashmeadi, 457Goniops, 526, 533Gracillariidae, 331, 339, 452, 453Gracillarioidea, 330, 331, 338, 339Grallipeza, 190, plate 4Graphoderus bilineatus, 288Graptocleptes, 238Graptodytes delectus, 288Gratiana spadicea, 284Gripopterygidae, 90Gromphadorhina portentosa, 487Gronops semenovi, 126Gryllidae, 58Grylloblatodea, see NotopteraGrylloblattodea, 3, 43, 38, 71, 90Grylloidea, 145Gryllotalpidae, 489Grypus, 134Gymnopholus lichenifer, 287Gymnopleurini, 78Gynaikothrips ficorum, 485Gyrinidae, 112, 153, 267, 272, 284Gyrostigma sumatrensis, 204Gyrostigma, 204HHabroloma, 149Haematobia exigua, 197; H. irritans, 197,490, 532Haematopinidae, 549Haematopinus oliveri, 549Halictidae, 91, 118, 307, 314, 316Halictinae, 91Haliplidae, 112, 153, 267, 272Hallodapini, 236Halobates, 169Halticotoma valida, 235Halticus bractatus, 236Harmolitinae, 118Harmonia axyridis, 277, 492Harpactorinae, 238Hebridae, 111, 225, 228Hebroidea, 225, 228Hebrus concinnus, 229Hedylidae, 333, 347Hedyloidea, 329, 330, 333, 347Helcomyzidae, 207Heleomyzidae, 172, 209Helicophidae, 90Helictopleurina, 78Heliodinidae, 332, 339Heliozelidae, 331, 337Helodidae, 130, 153Helopeltis, 234Helophoridae, 112, 124, 153Helophorinae, 273Helophorus lapponicus, 124Heloridae, 307, 313Helosciomyzidae, 207Helotidae, 114, 144, 269, 277Helotrephidae, 111, 225, 231Hemerobiidae, 116, 150Hemipeplus, 277Hemiphlebia mirabilis,97Hemiphlebiidae, 90, 97Hemiptera, 3,9,38, 51, 58, 59, 88, 90,110–112, 168–169, 223–250,451, 481, 482, 577Hemipyrellia, 190, plate 4Hemitrichapion reflexum, 136Henicocoridae, 226, 242Henicocoris monteithi, 242Hepialidae, 94, 331, 336Hepialoidea, 119, 329, 331, 336HeptageniidaeHerdoniini, 234, 236Hermatobatidae, 111, 225, 228Hermetia illucens, 200Hesperiidae, 19, 333, 347, 400, 419,,420, 422Hesperinidae, 205Hesperioidea, 329, 330, 333, 347Hesperoctenes eumops, 233Hetaeriinae, 273Heterobathmia, 335Heterobathmiidae, 331, 335Heterobathmioidea, 329, 331, 335Heteroceridae, 113, 153, 268Heterocheilidae, 172, 207Heterogastridae, 226, 243Heterogynaidae, 307, 316Heterogynidae, 332, 343Heteronemiidae, 238Heteroneura, 329, 336–348Heteropsylla cubana, 484Heteroptera, 3, 40, 92, 110–112, 138,150, 166, 168–169, 172,223–250, 480, 482, 492

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 609Heterostylum robustum, 196Heterotoma planicorne, 236Hilarimorphidae, 206Himantopteridae, 332, 342Himasthlophallini, 116Hippelates, 199Hippoboscidae, 128, 195, 209, 525,529, 531, 532Hippoboscoidea, 186, 195, 209Hippuriphila, 134Hispinae, 60, 133, plate 1Histeridae, 112, 127, 138, 139, 146,153, 267, 273–274, 284Histeroidea, 273Hobartiidae, 269, 277Holcocranum saturejae, 242Holcopogoninae, 341Homalocnemus group, 206Homalodisca coagulata, 17; H. vitripennis,457, 476, 487, 490, 493Homomorpha cruciata, 153Hoplia praticola, 136Hoplinus, 243Horaia,191, plate 5Huttonidae, 207Hyalochloria, 236Hyalopeplini, 236Hyalopeplus pellucidus, 236Hyblaeidae, 333, 345Hyblaeoidea, 330, 333, 345Hybosoridae, 113, 267, 274, 275Hybotidae, 206Hydraenidae, 112, 124, 153, 170, 267,274Hydrobiosidae, 90Hydrobius fuscipes, 284Hydrochidae, 112Hydrochinae, 273Hydrometra martini, 229Hydrometridae, 111, 225, 229, 230Hydrometroidea, 225, 230Hydrophilidae, 112, 138, 153, 267,273, 284, 424Hydrophilinae, 273Hydrophiliodea, 273HydroptilidaeHydroscaphidae, 43, 112, 267Hydrotaea irritans, 197Hydrotarsus compunctus, 288;Hydrotarsus pilosus, 288Hygrobiidae, 112, 267, 272Hygrotus artus, 288Hylobius, 134Hymenoptera, 2, 3, 38, 39, 40, 42, 51,52, 58, 59, 88, 117–119, 122,128, 129, 138, 142, 152, 166, 169,172, 193, 195, 200, 238, 285,303–319, 365, 368, 390,424–425, 427, 439, 441, 447,448, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452,453, 480, 482, 483Hyocephalidae, 226, 242Hypera postica, 489Hyperaspis, 128, 153; H. pantherina, 486Hyperinae, 128, 140Hyperoscelis, 130Hypertrophinae, 340Hypoderma, 198; H. bovis, 197; H.lineatum, 197Hypodermatidae, see HypodermatinaeHypodermatinae, 128, 195Hypohypurini, 129Hypolestidae, 90Hypsipterygidae, 225, 228Hyptiogastrinae, 312IIbaliidae, 118, 306, 312Icerya purchasi, 9, 199, 493Ichneumonidae, 41, 117, 129, 136,169, 305, 307, 308, 310, 312,448, 449, 450, 452, 453,454, 458Ichneumonoidea, 305, 307, 310, 312,449, 454Idiostolidae, 226, 242Idiostoloidea, 226, 242Imma, 345Immidae, 333, 345Immoidea, 119, 330, 333, 345Inbiomyiidae, 209Incurvariidae, 331, 337Incurvarioidea, 119, 330, 331, 337Inocelliidae, 117Inopeplidae, 144Ips, 144; I. typographus, 280Iranellini, 150Ironomyia, 192Ironomyiidae, 192, 206Ischaliidae, 144Isoleontini, 117Isometopinae, 234Isonycholips gotoi, 139Isoptera, 3, 9, 10, 17, 38, 70, 72, 85, 90,91, 109, 129, 150, 187, 195, 276,305, 311, 365, 420, 548,552, 579Isotomidae, 425Iteaphila group, 206Ithyceridae, 270, 279Ixodes scapularis,10Ixodidae, 10JJacobsoniidae, 114, 268, 276Jadera haematoloma, 249Jaxartiolus, 137Joppeicidae, 111, 225, 234Joppeicoidea, 234Joppeicus paradoxus, 234Julodella, 147; J. abeillei, 125, plate 3Julodis, 147; J. variolaris, 125, plate 3Jurodidae, 112, 146, 267, 270KKalama tricornis, 484Karocolens tuberculatus, 287Kateretidae, 114, 268, 277Keroplatidae, 85, 187, 205Keroplatus, 187Kerria lacca,20Kerriidae, 20Kikihia, 92; K. convicta,91Kisanthobiini, 113Kiskeya, 134; K. baorucae, 127Kleidocerys, 243; K. resedae, 243Kokiriidae, 90Kytorhinini, 115, 149LLacturidae, 332, 343Laemophloeidae, 114, 269, 277, 280Lamia textor, 143Lamingtoniidae, 269, 277Lamprodila amurensis, 146; L. rutilans,146Lamprosominae, 145Lampyridae, 113, 145, 268, 276, 283,284Languriidae, 269Largidae, 111, 226, 234, 246, 248Larginae, 234Largus, 234; L. succinctus, 246Laricobius, 276Larinus planus, 495Lasiocampidae, 144, 199, 333, 346,plate 7Lasiocampoidea, 229, 330, 333, 346Lasiochilidae, 225, 232Lasiochilus, 232Lasioderma, 138Lasius neoniger, 236Latridiidae, 114, 130, 269, 277Lauxaniidae, 193, 207Lauxanioidea, 207Lecithoceridae, 333, 340–341Leiodidae, 113, 137, 138, 153, 267,288, 274Lema, 134; L. decempunctata, 134

610 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaLemonia, 346Lemoniidae, 333, 346Lepiceridae, 267, 272Lepidonotaris petax, 150Lepidoptera, 2, 3, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 38, 39, 51, 52, 58, 59, 86,88–93, 97, 119–120, 128, 129,133, 142, 147, 149, 171, 172,177, 199, 235, 236, 285, 304, 314,325–351, 390, 402, 404, 407,419, 421–422, 423, 427, 448,448, 449, 450, 451,452, 453, 480,481, 482, 483, 484, 487, 493,494, 548Lepidosaphes ulmi, 479Lepidotrichidae, 368Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 285, 483Leptoconops, 526, 528Leptocorisinae, 241Leptodirus, 274Leptoglossus phyllopus, 239, 241Leptophlebiidae, 90Leptophysa, 134Leptopodidae, 111, 225 229, 231, 484Leptopodoidea, 225, 231–232Leptopodomorpha, 168, 224, 225,231–232, 245, 249Leptopterna dolabrata, 233, 236Lepyrus, 140Lestidae, 109Lestonia haustorifera, 245Lestoniidae, 226, 245Lethaeini, 244Lethocerus indicus, 486Leucopis tapiae, 199Leucospidae, 306Leuctridae, 110, 167Libellulidae, 109Libyaspis, 247Lieinix nemesis, plate 7Limacodidae, 332, 342, 343, plate 7Limnephilidae, 177Limnephilus lunatus, 177Limnichidae, 113, 268Limnobaris, 133Limoniidae, 188,190, 205, plate 4Linepithema humile, 95, 493Liopteridae, 118, 306, 312Lioxyonychini, 129Lipsothrix, 188Liriomyza huidobrensis, 423; L. sativae,423; L. trifolii, 195, 423Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus, 177Lithophylinae, 114, 128Livilla variegata, 493Lixinae, 128, 135, 150Lixophaga diatraeae, 199Lixus, 134; L. incanescens, 126Loboscelidiinae, 314Lonchaeidae, 207Lonchoptera bifurcata, 193Lonchopteridae, 172, 193, 207Longitarsus, 126, 130, 140, 147Lophocoronidae, 331, 335Lophocoronoidea, 329, 331, 335Lophoscutus, 238Lopidea davisi, 236lower Brachycera, 189–190lower Cyclorrhapha, 192–193Lucanidae, 113, 267, 274–275,288–289Lucilia, 191, 201, plate 5; L. cuprina, 198,490Luperus longicornis, 133Lutrochidae, 268Lutzomyia, 532; L. longipalpis, 535Lycaenidae, 97, 142, 333, 347Lycidae, 113, 268Lyctocoridae, 225, 232, 233Lyctocoris, 232; L. campestris, 233Lyctus, 276Lydella minense, 199Lygaeidae, 16, 111, 226, 239, 242,243–244Lygaeoidea, 224, 226, 240, 242–244Lygaeus, 244; L. kalmii, 239Lygistorrhinidae, 205Lygus, 234, 236Lymantria dispar, 10, 482, 487; L.monacha, 144Lymantriidae, see LymantriinaeLymantriinae, 142, 348Lymexylidae, 114, 268, 276–277Lymexyloidea, 276–277Lyonetiidae, 332, 339Lypusidae, 331, 338Lyrosoma, 139Lytta vesicatoria, 283MMaamingidae, 307, 313Maccaffertium modestum, 426Maconellicoccus hirsutus, 489Macrancylus linearis, 287Macrodiplactidae, 109Macrodontia cervicornis, 286Macrolepidoptera, 91–93, 329, 330,345–348, 451Macrolophus melanotoma, 235Macropogon pubescens, 130Macrosiagon, 153; M. medvedevi, 153Macrosiphum rosae, 465Macrotarrhus kiritshenkoi, 126Macroveliidae, 225Magdalini,146Magdalis,143Malachiidae (see also Melyridae), 114,149, 277Malacosoma disstria, 199Malcidae, 111, 242, 244, 226Malcinae, 244Mallochiola gagates, 234Mallophaga, 38,41,110Mallosia armeniaca, 125, plate 3Manduca sexta, 365Manidiidae, see SematuridaeManobia, 134Mansonia, 188Mantidae, 238Mantispidae, 116, 150, 448, 451Mantispinae, 448Mantodea, 3, 38, 42, 58, 59, 109, 124,129, 150, 238, 548Mantophasmatodea, 3, 71, 79, 90, 368Mantophasmatodea, see NotopteraMantoptera, see MantodeaMaoricicada,92Margarinotus kurbatovi, 127Margarodidae, 9, 95, 199, 493, 494Marginidae, 208Masarinae, 315Mastotermes darwiniensis,91Mastotermitidae, 91Mayetiola destructor, 477, 479, 487,489, 524Mecistoscelini, 236Mecodema punctellum, 286Mecoptera, 3, 38, 90, 119, 125, 126,127, 130, 150, 166, 169, 172, 439Mecysmoderes, 130, 144Mecysolobini, 144Medocostes lestoni, 237Medocostidae, 225, 237Megachile rotundata, 486Megachilidae, 118, 307, 316, 486Megadytes ducalis, 288Megalodontesidae, 117, 306, 311Megalodontidae, see MegalodontesidaeMegalopodidae, 144, 145, 270, 278Megalopodinae, 144, 145Megaloptera, 3, 38, 42, 78, 117, 129,130, 150, 166, 169, 172Megalopygidae, 332, 342, 343Megalyridae, 306, 311Megalyroidea, 306, 311Megamerinidae, 130, 207Megapodagrionidae, 109Megarhyssa, 308

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 611Megarididae, 226, 246Megaris, 246Megaselia, 193, 449; M. scalaris, 196Megaspilidae, 306, 313Megastigminae, 118Megastigmus, 447; M. transvaalensis, 457Meladema imbricata, 288; M. lanio, 288Melaloncha, 196, 449Melandryidae, 269, 277Melanesthes, 148; M. heydeni, 151Melanoplus, 238Melanotrichus virescens, 236Meligethes, 146Meliponini, 316Melittidae, 118, 307, 316Meloidae, 153, 269, 277, 278, 279, 283Melyridae (see also Dasytidae,Malachiidae), 114, 153, 268, 272,277Membracidae, 3, 391Mengenillidae, 447, 451Menoponidae, 168Meromyza americana, 194Meru phyllinae, 271Meruidae, 267, 271, 272Mesembrinellinae, 186Mesoptilinae, 146Mesovelia mulsanti, 229Mesoveliidae, 225, 229, 230Mesovelioidea, 225, 230Messor barbatus, 316Metacanthinae, 243Metacanthus annulosus, 243metalic wood-boring beetle, seeBuprestidaeMetamasius callizona, 493Metapiini, 116Metaxina ornata, 277Metaxinidae, 277Metcalfa pruinosa, 485Metopia, 192Microacmaeodera, 147Microcerella bermuda, 203Microcoryphia, see Archaeognatha, 38Microdera kraatzi, 151Microdon,191, plate 5Micromalthidae, 112, 267, 270, 285Micromalthus debilis, 271, 365Micronoctuidae, 332, 348Micropezidae, 186,190, 207, plate 4Microphysidae, 111, 226, 234Microphysoidea, 234Micropterigidae, 92, 331, 334, plate 7Micropterigoidea, 119, 329, 331, 334Micropterix, 334Microsania, 192Microstigmus, 314Microtomus purcis, 239Microvelia ashlocki, 229Milichiidae, 209Miltogramminae, 195Mimallonidae, 333Mimallonoidea, 329, 330, 333Miridae, 111, 224, 226, 232, 233,234–236, 248, 279, 482, 493Mirinae, 235–236Mirini, 235–236Mirinidae, 119, 333, 346Miroidea, 225-226, 234–237Mnesarchaeidae, 331, 336Mnesarchaeoidea, 329, 331, 336Mniophila muscorum, 127, 134Moegistorhynchus longirostris, 189Mogulones crucifer, 271Momphinae, 340, 341Monalocoris, 235Monatrum prescotti, 151Mongolocleonus gobianus, 126Monomachidae, 307, 313Monommidae, see ZopheridaeMononychini, 133Mononychus punctumalbum, 134Monotomidae, 114, 268, 277Montandoniola moraguesi, 485Mordella,62Mordellidae, 60, 61, 62, 68, 153, 269,277, plate 1Mordellini, 61, 62Mordellistena, 62, 153Mordellistini, 61, 62Morimus funereus, 286Mormotomyia hirsuta, 203Mormotomyiidae, 203, 209Morpho, 20, 365Murgantia histrionica, 246Musca, 197; M. autumnalis, 197, 524;M. crassirostris, 526, 532;M. domestica, 199, 274, 479, 524;M. sorbens, 197; M. vetustissima, 85,198, 580Muscidae, 843, 5, 172, 186, 194, 196,197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 209,274, 479, 490, 491, 524, 525,529, 532, 538, 580Muscoidea, 209Musgraveia sulciventris, 247Mutillidae, 118, 154, 307, 310, 315Mycetophagidae, 269, 277Mycetophilidae, 57, 128, 188, 189, 200,205Mycteridae, 130, 269, 277Mycteromyiini, 526, 533Mycterus curculionoides, 130Mydidae, 204, 206Mymar taprobanicum, plate 6Mymaridae, 305, 306, 309, 313, 455,457, plate 6Mymarommatidae, 307, 311, plate 6Mymarommatoidea, 307, 311Myodocha serripes, 239Myodochini, 244Myoglossata, 335–348Myraboliidae, 269, 277Myriapoda, 51Myriophora, 449Myrmeciinae, 91Myrmecophyes oregonensis, 236Myrmeleontidae, 78, 117, 150, 187Mystacinobiidae, 209Mythicomyiidae, 206Myxophaga, 267, 270–271Myzus, 469; M. antirrhinii, 469;M. persicae, 468NNabidae, 111, 225, 237, 249Nabis americoferus, 233Naboidea, 225–226Nacerdes melanura, 277Nannochoristidae, 90, 169Nannodastiidae, 209Nanophyidae, 116, 126, 149Nasonia, 455Nastus, 134Nasutitermes, 240Natalimyzidae, 208Naucoridae, 111, 168, 225, 229, 230Naucoroidea, 225, 230Nebria, 141Necrobia, 137; N. rufipes, 153Nemapogon defectella, plate 7Nematinae, 52, 311Nemestrinidae, 186, 189, 206Nemestrinoidea, 189Neminidae, 208Nemonychidae, 115, 131, 149, 270,278Nemonychinae, 115Nemoptera sinuata, 122, Plate 2Nemopteridae, 78, 122, 117, 150,Plate 2Nemoura, 130Nemouridae, 110, 167Neochetina bruchi, 177; N. eichhorniae,177Neodusmetia sangwani, 446Neoheteroptera, 228–230Neolepidoptera, 336–348

612 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaNeophytobius, 140Neoplatygaster venustus, 134Neoplea striola, 229Neopseustidae, 331, 335–336Neopseustoidea, 239, 331, 335–336Neotheoridae, 331, 336Nepa apiculata, 229Nephrocerus, 193Nepidae, 111, 168, 225, 229, 231Nepoidea, 225, 230–231Nepomorpha, 168, 224, 225, 230–231,249Nepticulidae, 331, 337, plate 7Nepticuloidea, 119, 239, 331, 337Neriidae, 207Nerioidea, 207Nerthra, 231Nesameletidae, 90Nesotes, 285Neurochaetidae, 208Neuroptera, 3, 38, 72, 73, 77–78,116–117, 129, 147, 150, 169,172, 448, 448, 450Neuropterida, 439Neurorthidae, 117Neurorthus, 169Nevrorthidae, 166, 169Nezara viridula, 247, 249, 495Nicrophorus americanus, 39, 289;N. argutor, 152Niesthrea louisianica, 241Nilaparvata lugens, 11, 390, 391Ninidae, 226, 244Nipponobuprestis, 147Nitidulidae, 114, 138, 146, 152, 153,268, 277, 489Noctua pronuba, plate 7Noctuidae, 9, 10, 85, 130, 142, 144,326, 328, 334, 348, 349, 482,487, 497, 499,plate7Noctuoidea, 120, 328, 330, 334, 348Nolinae, 348Nomioidinae, 118Nosodendridae, 114, 268, 276Notaris, 140; N. dauricus, 150Noteridae, 112, 267, 272, 273Nothybidae, 207Notodontidae, 334, 348, plate 7Notonecta undulata, 229Notonectidae, 111, 225, 229, 231Notonectoidea, 225, 231Notonemouridae, 129Notoptera, 3, 43, 38, 71, 90, 368Notoxus, 153Nycteribiinae, 195Nymphalidae, 20, 21, 86, 142, 334,347, 365, 487, plate7Nymphomyia, 191, 192, plate 5Nymphomyiidae, 172, 186, 191, 192,205, plate 5Nymphomyioidea, 205Nysius, 244OOberea, 134Obtectomera, 330, 344–348Ochlerotatus japonicus, 491Ochodaeidae, 113, 267, 274Ochteridae, 111, 225, 229, 231Ochteroidea, 225, 231Ochterus americanus, 229Ochthebius figueroi, 124Odiniidae, 208Odonata, 3, 13, 20, 38, 39, 41, 42, 51,88, 93, 97,108, 109, 129, 137,166, 167, 168, 172, 177, 190,372, 439, 551, 554, 555Odonturini, 129Oebalus pugnax, 246Oeconesidae, 90Oecophoridae, 91, 332, 341–342, plate 7Oecophorinae, 91, 340, 342Oedemasylus laysanensis, 287Oedemeridae, 152, 153, 269, 277, 278,283Oedipodinae, 150Oedoparena glauca, 187Oeneis, 142Oenosandridae, 334, 348Oestridae, 16, 128, 186, 195, 197, 198,204, 209Oestrinae, 195, 197Oestroidea, 209Oestrus ovis, 198Oleuthreutes arcuella, plate 7Olethreutinae, 344Oligocentria semirufescens, plate 7Omalisidae, 113, 268Omaniidae, 111, 225, 231Omethidae, 113, 268Ommatidae, 267, 270Oncomerinae, 247Onconotinae, 129Oncopeltus, 244; O. fasciatus,16Onesia, 192Oniscigastridae, 90Oniticellina, 78Onitini, 78Onthophagini, 78Onthophagus, 138, 148, 153Onycholips, 139Opatrum sabulosum, 148Operophtera brumata, 200, 482Opetidae, 207Opetiopalpus sabulosus, 153Ophion, 310Opomyzidae, 208Opomyzoidea, 208Opostegidae, 331, 337Oprohinus, 133, 134Opsius stactagalus, 487Oreogeton group, 206Oreoleptidae, 172, 206Oreomela, 140, 141Orfelia fultoni, 187Orgyia thyellina, 499Orius insidiosus, 233Ormyridae, 306Ornithoptera alexandra, 86, 87;O. richmondia,88Orsillinae, 244Orsodacnidae, 270, 278Orthezia insignis, 486Ortheziidae, 235, 486Orthoptera, 3, 9, 11, 16, 38, 59, 70, 91,92, 109, 124, 128, 133, 142, 148,149, 150, 166, 168, 172, 439,450, 451, 579Orthopteroidea, 52, 129Orthorrhapha, see lower BrachyceraOrthotrichia, 451Orthotylinae, 234, 236Orthotylini, 236Orussidae, 306, 311, 449Orussoidea, 306Oscinella frit, 194Osmoderma eremita, 289Osmylidae, 117Ostoma ferrugineum, 130Ostrinia nubilalis, 487, 489, 489, 564Othniidae, see OthniinaeOthniinae, 144Otibazo, 139Otidocephalinae, 59, 60, 62Otidocephalini, Plate 1Otiorhynchus, 131, 134, 139, 146Oulema melanopus, 487owlfly, see AscalaphidaeOxycarenidae, 226, 244Oxycarenus, 244; O. hyalinipennis, 244Oxydia geminata, plate 7Oxyonychini, 129, 131, 133Oxyonyx kaszabi, 126Oxypeltidae, 278Ozophorini, 244PPachnoda marginata, 284Pachybrochymena arborea, 246

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 613Pachygronthidae, 226, 244Pachygronthinae, 234, 239, 244Pachyneuridae, 205Pachynomidae, 111, 226, 237Paederinus, 283Paederus, 283Pagasa fusca, 233Palaeomymar, plate 6Palaeosetidae, 331, 336Palaephatidae, 331, 337–338Palaephatoidea, 329, 331, 333–338Pallopteridae, 207Palparini, 78Pamphagidae, 129, 150Pamphaginae, 129, 150Pamphantinae, 243Pamphiliidae, 306, 311Pamphilioidea, 306Panesthia lata,91Pangoniinae, 189Panheteroptera, 230–248Panorpa, 130Panorpidae, 130Pantheinae, 348Pantophthalmidae, 189, 206Papilionidae, 86, 87, 88, 141, 333, 347,386, 401Papilionoidea, 120, 330, 333, 347,548–549, 553, 553Paracylindromorphus, 133, 153Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida, 97; P. spinifera,97Paraminota, 134Paraminotella, 134Paraphrynoveliidae, 225, 229Parapiesma cinereum, 239Paraponera clavata, 310Paraponyx diminutalis, 486Pararaphe, 234Pararhophini, 118Parasitica, 305, 308, 310, 311–314,318Parasitidae, 579Parastrachiidae, 112, 226, 246Paratassini, 113Parnassius, 141Parnops, 137Paropsidis charybdis, 281Paropsis atomaria, 281Parorobitis, 130; P. gibbus, 131Passalidae, 113, 267, 274, 275Passandridae, 114, 269, 277Patapius spinosus, 229, 231, 484Pediciidae, 205Pediculidae, 479Pediculus humanus, 479Pedinus, 148; P. femoralis, 148Pelecinidae, 305, 307, 313, 436Pelecorhynchidae, 172Peleopodidae, 332, 341Pelocoris carolinensis, 229Peloriidae, 90Peltis, 130Pemphigus, 469; P. populivenae, 194Pentaria, 153Pentarthrum blackburni, 287Pentatomidae, 112, 224, 226, 241,245, 246, 246–247, 249, 495Pentatominae, 247Pentatomoidea, 226–227, 244–248Pentatomomorpha, 224, 226–227,240–248Penthicus, 148; P. lenczyi, 151Pepsis, 308, 310, 315Peradeniidae, 307Perapion ?myochroum, 126Pergidae, 306, 311Pericoma, 191, plate 5Perilampidae, 306, 447Perimylopidae, 269, 277Periscelididae, 208Perissommatidae, 205Perkinsiella saccharicida, 488Perlidae, 167Perlodidae, 167Petalura ingentissima,90Petaluridae, 90, 109Pexicopiinae, 342Phaedon, 137, 177Phaelota, 134Phaenops guttulatus, 144Phaeomyiidae, 122, 208Phalacridae, 114, 153 , 269,27Phaleriini, 138Phanaeini, 78Pharoscymnus, 133, 153; P. auricomus,134Phasiinae, 455Phasmatidae, 16, 85, 86, 91Phasmatodea, 3, 41, 38, 58, 90, 91, 93,109, 124, 129, 314Phasmatoptera, see PhasmatodeaPheidole megacephala, 95, 494Phenacoccus manihoti, 454Phengodidae, 113, 268, 284Philernus gracilitarsis, 126Philoliche,189Philopedon plagiatus, 139Philopotamidae, 451Philornis downsi, 198, 491Philus antennatus, 278Phlaeothripidae, 90, 177, 484, 485Phlebotominae, 526, 531, 532, 535Phlebotomus, 532; P. perniciosus, 536Phlegyas abbreviatus, 239Phloeidae, 226, 247Phloeostichidae, 114, 269, 277Phloiophilidae, 114, 268, 277Phloiophilus, 277Phoracantha semipunctata, 492Phoridae, 172, 187,192, 193, 196, 198,199, 200, 201, 207, 447, 448,448, 449–451, 452Phryganopsychidae, 119Phthiraptera, 3, 38,41,110, 128, 166,168, 549, 564, 565Phycosecidae, 268, 277Phycosecis, 277Phylinae, 234, 236Phyllobius thalassinus, 136Phyllocnistis citrella, 453Phyllonorycter blancardella, 452, 453Phylloxeridae, 464, 468Phymata, 238; P. pennsylvanica, 239Phymatinae, 238Physopeltinae, 234Physoptilinae, 342Phytalmia,93Phytocoris, 234Phytoecia, 149Phytomyza, 400Piazomias, 125, plate 3Pieridae, 86, 141, 142, 333, 347, plate 7Piesmatidae, 111, 226, 244Piesmatinae, 244Piezosternum subulatum, 246Pilipalpidae, see PilipalpinaePilipalpinae, 144Pilophoropsis, 234Pilophorus, 234Piophila casei, 194, 201Piophilidae, 194, 201, 207Pipunculidae, 186, 190, 193, 202, 207,plate 4Pissodes, 403Pissodini, 146Pityogenes, 144Plagodis serinaria, plate 7Plastoceridae, 113, 268Plataspidae, 112, 226, 247Platycnemididae, 109Platycoelia lutescens, 282Platygasteronyx humeridens, 126Platygastridae, 307, 313, 446, 448Platygastrinae, 313Platygastroidea, 305, 307, 313, 449Platyninae, 93Platyope mongolica, 151

614 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaPlatypezidae, 192, 207Platypodidae, see PlatypodinaePlatypodinae, 116, 145, 279, 280, 281Platypsyllus castor, 274Platystomatidae, 194, 207Plecoptera, 3, 38, 51, 90, 97, 110, 129,130, 142, 166, 167, 172Plectrotarsidae, 90Pleidae, 111, 225, 229, 231Pleistodontes addicotti, 309, plate 6Pleocomidae, 37, 267, 274, 277Plinthini, 146Plinthisinae, 244Plinthus, 146Plokiophilidae, 226, 232, 233Plokiophilinae, 233Plumariidae, 307, 314Plutella xylostella, 177Plutellidae, 177, 332, 339Plyapomus longus, 242Pnigalio, 452, 457Podabrocephalidae, 268Podisus, 247Poecilimon, 122, Plate 2Poecilocapsus lineatus, 233Polistes, 238, 315, 449, 451; P. chinensis,95; P. humili, 95; P. versicolor,494Polistinae, 315Polposipus herculeanus, 289Polyctenidae, 111, 226, 232, 233, 234,249Polyctesis, 147Polygraphus, 144Polymerus wheeleri, 249Polyphaga, 267–270Pompilidae, 119, 169, 307, 308, 310,315, 449Potamocoridae, 225, 230Priasilphidae, 269, 277Prionoceridae, 114, 268, 277Prionolabis, 190, plate 4Prisistus, 133Proctacanthus, 190, plate 4Proctorenyxidae, 307, 313Proctotrupidae, 307, 312, 313Proctotrupoidea, 305, 307, 312–313Prodontria lewisi, 289Prodoxidae, 10, 331, 337Promelittomma insulare, 277Pronotacantha, 242; P. annulata, 239Propalticidae, 269, 277Prosodes, 136Prostemmatinae, 237Prostephanus truncatus, 274Prostephanus, 276Prostigmata, 199Prostomidae, 269, 277Protocalliphora, 524Protocucujidae, 268, 277Protomelittini, 118Protopiophila litigata, 194Prototheoridae, 331, 336Protura, 3Psamminae, 244Psammoestes dilatatus, 151Pselaphidae, see PselaphinaePselaphinae, 91, 152, 153, 274Psephenidae, 113, 170, 268Pseudacteon, 451; P. tricuspis, 451Pseudatomoscelis seriatus, 234Pseudimarini, 117PseudococcidaePseudocotalpa giulianii, 289Pseudohypocera kerteszi, 196Pseudolestidae, 109Pseudopachybrachius basalis, 239Pseudorchestes, 126, 128, 148;P. furcipubens, 126Pseudostyphlus leontopodi, 140Psila rosae, 193Psilidae, 193, 198, 207Psocoptera, 3, 38, 58, 110, 484Psychidae, 331, 338Psychoda, 203; P. phalaenoides, 196Psychodidae, 128, 172, 186, 188,191, 196, 198, 200, 203, 205,525, 526, 530, 531, 532–533,plate 5Psychodomorpha, 205Psyllidae, 90, 484, 493Psylliodes, 133, 134, 140; P. valida, 140,141Psylloidea, 90Pterocoma reitteri, 151Pterogeniidae, 269, 277Pterolonchinae, 341Pteromalus puparum, plate 6Pteromalidae, 306, 449, 450, 453, 455,plate 6Pterophoridae, 142, 333, 344Pterophoroidea, 119, 330, 333, 344Ptiliidae, 113, 267, 274Ptilodactylidae, 113, 268Ptinidae, see PtininaePtininae, 114, 138Ptochus, 136Ptosima, 147Ptychopteridae, 191, 192, 172, 205,plate 5Ptychopteromorpha, 205Pulex,11PulicidaePycnoderes quadrimaculatus, 235Pyralidae, 9, 144, 199, 333, 340, 345,449, 451, 495, 487, 489, 489,495, 564,plate7Pyraloidea, 119, 330, 333, 340, 344,345, 350Pyrgomorphidae, 16Pyrgotidae, 194, 207Pyrochroidae, 144, 270, 277Pyrrhocoridae, 111, 226, 248Pyrrhocoroidea, 226, 248Pythidae, 270, 277QQuadraspidiosus perniciosus = DiaspidiotusperniciosusQuadrastichus erythrinae, 484RRallidentidae, 90Rangomaramidae, 205Ranzovius, 236Raphidiidae, 117Raphidioptera, 3, 38, 117, 120, 150Raxa, 248Raymondionymidae, 116Reduviidae, 111, 224, 226, 237,238–240, 239, 249, 487Reduviinae, 238Reduvioidea, 226, 237–240Reduvius personatus, 238Resthenia scutata, 236Restheniini, 234, 236Rhaebini, 115Rhaebus, 154Rhagionidae, 189, 206, 525, 530, 531,533Rhagoletis, 195Rhamphini, 128, 135, 146Rhamphus choseniae, 143Rhantus alutaceus, 288; R. novacaledoniae,288; R. orbignyi, 288; R. papuanus,288;Rhaphidophoridae, 85Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis, 204Rhiniidae, 209Rhinocapsus vandueei, 236Rhinocyllus conicus, 495Rhinophoridae, 209Rhinorhipidae, 268Rhinotermitidae, 489Rhipiceridae, 113, 267, 276Rhipiphoridae, see RipiphoridaeRhithrodytes agnus, 288Rhodnius prolixus, 240, 487

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 615Rhodopsalta,92Rhopalidae, 111, 226, 239, 241Rhopalinae, 241Rhopalomeridae, 208Rhopalosiphum maidis, 469; R. padi, 456Rhopalosomatidae, 307Rhoptromyrex transversiodis, 227Rhyacophiloidea, 170Rhynchitidae, 115, 149Rhynchota, see HemipteraRhyncogonus bryani, 287Rhyparochromidae, 92, 226, 239, 244,249Rhyparochrominae, 244Rhyparochromini, 244Rhyparochromomiris femoratus, 235Rhysodidae, 112, 267, 272Rhytidoponera,92Rhyzopertha, 276Richardiidae, 194, 207Rileyinae, 118Ripiphoridae, 153, 269, 277Risidae, 122Rodolia cardinalis, 9, 199, 446, 449, 497Roeslerstammidae, 331, 339Rolstonus rostoni, 246Roproniidae, 307, 313Rosalia alpina, 286Rotoitidae, 306SSabalia, 346Sabatinca group, 334Saga pedo, 125, plate 3Sahlbergella singularis, 234, 235Saldidae, 111, 169, 225, 229, 232Saldoidea, 225, 232Saldula galapagosana, 229Saliana severus, 420Salpingidae, 139, 144, 270, 277Salyavata variegata, 240Salyavatinae, 239–240Sameodes albiguttalis, 177Sapaia, 147Saperda populnea, 143Sapygidae, 307Sarcophaga, 190, plate 4; S. aldrichi, 199Sarcophagidae, 140, 186, 190, 195,196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203,209, 422, 448, plate 4Saturniidae, 9, 86, 333, 346, 422Satyridae, see SatyrinaeSatyrinae, 142Scaphoideus titanus, 490Scapteriscus, 489Scaptocoris castaneusScarabaeidae, 10, 37, 39, 78, 78, 91,113, 124, 136, 138, 146, 148,149, 152, 153, 194, 198, 266,267, 272, 274, 275, 276, 279,281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 289,424, 486, plate 1Scarabaeiformia, 267, 273, 274–275Scarabaeinae, 73–75, 78–79Scarabaeini, 78Scarabaeoidea, 72, 148, 273, 275Scarabaeus, 138, 284, 285; S. sacer, 19;S. zambesianus, 284Scarites, 139Scatella stagnalis, 196Scathophaga, 190, plate 4Scathophagidae, 186, 194, 209, plate 4Scatopsidae, 172, 188, 205Scatopsoidea, 205Scelionidae, 307, 313Scenopinidae, 206Scepsidinae, 526, 533Schaffneria, 236Schinia florida, plate 7Schistonoeidae, 332, 340Schizophora, 188, 206–209Schizopodidae, 267Schizopteridae, 111, 225, 228, 229, 249Schlechtendalia chinensis, 464Schreckensteiniidae, 333, 344Schreckensteinioidea, 330, 333, 344Sciaridae, 188, 189, 196, 199, 200, 205Sciarioidea, 205Sciomyzidae, 172, 191, 194, 208, plate 5Sciomyzoidea, 207Scirpophaga incertula, 177; S. innotata,177Scirtidae, 113, 267Scirtoidea, 275, 276Sclerogibbidae, 307, 314Scleropterus, 140Scolebythidae, 307, 314Scoliidae, 118, 307, 315Scolytinae, 17, 116, 133, 137, 138, 143,144, 150, 152, 279, 280, 281, 285Scolytus multistriatus, 490Scopuridae, 110, 129Scorpiones, 451Scraptia, 154; Scraptia straminea, 154Scraptiidae, 154, 270, 277Scrheckensteinia, 344Scutelleridae, 226, 247Scutellerinae, 247Scydmaenidae, 113, 267, 274Scymnus, 153Scythis, 148Scythridinae, 340Sematuridae, 43, 334, 348Senotainia tricuspis, 196Sepsidae, 200, 208Sergentia koschowi, 188Serinethinae, 241Sesiidae, 332, 343Sesioidea, 119, 330, 332, 343, 345Sialidae, 130, 117Sibinia sp. pr. beckeri, 126Sierolomorphidae, 308Siettitia balsetensis, 288Sigara hubbelli, 229Signiphoridae, 306Sikhotealinia zhiltzovae, 146Sikhotealiniidae, see JurodidaeSilphidae, 39, 113, 137, 139, 152, 267,274, 284, 289Silvanidae, 114, 269, 277Simaethistidae, 331, 338Simaethistoidea, 330, 331, 338Simuliidae, 85, 128, 129, 172, 186,188, 205, 524, 526, 527, 530,531, 533, 534, 535, 537, 539Simulium arcticum, 537; S. damnosum,527, 539; S. metallicum, 527;S. ochraceum, 534; S. sirbanum, 539;S. vampirum, 537Siphlaenigmatidae, 92Siphonaptera, 3, 11, 38, 42, 120, 128,439, 491Siricidae, 306, 311, 318Siricoidea, 306Sisyphini, 78Sisyphus, 138Sisyridae, 117, 166, 169Sitona, 140Smicripidae, 268, 277Solenopsis invicta (fire ant), 95, 487, 488,489, 491, 492, 493Somabrachyidae, 119, 332, 342–343Somatiidae, 207Spaniidae, 206Spaniopsis, 526, 533Sparganothis reticulatana, plate 7Speonomus, 274Spercheidae, see SpercheinaeSpercheinae, 112, 273Spermophagus, 149, 154; S. sericeus, 149Sphaeridiinae, 273Sphaeritidae, 112, 120, 267, 273Sphaeriusidae, 112, 267Sphaeroceridae, 186, 189, 194, 198,200, 209Sphecidae, 119, 307, 316, 449Sphecoidea, see ApoideaSphenoptera, 149, 153; S. (Chilostetha),149

616 Alphabetic Index to Arthropod TaxaSphindidae, 114, 268, 277Sphingidae, 333, 346, 365, 422Sphyrocoris obliquus, 246Spilogona,43Spilostethus, 244Spondyliaspinae, 90Stackelbergomyiidae, 122Stagmomantis carolina, 238Staphylinidae, 39, 41, 91, 125, 113,130, 139, 142, 148, 151, 152,153, 266, 267, 272, 274, 278,283, 284, 365, 486, 487Staphyliniformia, 267, 273–274,Staphylinoidea, 273, 274Stathmopodinae, 342Stemmocryptidae, 225, 228Stenelmis gammoni, 288Stenocephalidae, 226, 239, 242Stenodemini, 236Stenogastrinae, 315Stenomatinae, 340, 340Stenopodainae, 240Stenotrachelidae, 269, 277Stenotritidae, 307, 316Stenus, 130, 284Stephanidae, 307, 311Stephanitis pyrioides, 235Stephanocleonus, 141, 148; S. excisus,126; S. helenae, 126; S. inopinatus,126; S.tephanocleonus paradoxus,126; S. persimilis, 126; S. potanini,126Stephanoidea, 307, 311Sternocera, 147Sternoplax mongolica, 151Sternorrhyncha, 72, 110, 133, 138,168, 193, 224, 450Steropes latifrons, 153Stethoconus, 235; S. japonicus, 235Sthenauge, 451Sthereus ptinoides, 139Stilbosis tesquella, plate 7Stomoxys calcitrans, 479, 532Stonemyia, 533; S. velutina, 204Stratiomyidae, 172, 189, 190,191, 200,201, 206, plate 4, plate 5Stratiomyomorpha, 189Streblinae, 195Strepsiptera, 3, 38, 90, 153, 368, 447,448, 448, 451Strongyliini, 62Strongylophthalmyiidae, 207Stylogaster, 190, plate 4Stylogastrinae, 193Stylopidae, 153Suragina, 526, 528swallowtail, see PapilionidaeSycoracinae, 526, 532Symmocinae, 341Symphoromyia, 526, 533Symphyta, 129, 133, 117, 304, 305,308, 311, 318, 449Sympiesis, 452Synchroidae, 269, 277Synemon plana,94Synteliidae, 112, 144, 146, 267, 273Syringogastridae, 207Syringopainae, 341Syrphidae, 122, 140, 172, 186,191,193, 200, 203, 207, 524, Plate 2,plate 5Syrphus, 191, plate 5Systelloderes biceps, 229TTabanidae, 19, 128, 140, 172, 186,189, 197, 204, 206, 524, 525,530, 531, 533–534, 536Tabanomorpha, 189, 206Tabanus conterminus, 536; T. nigrovittatus,536Tachinidae, 122, 140,186, 195, 199,200, 209, 311, 419, 423, 448,448, 449, 451, 452, 455, 495, 578Tachiniscidae, 207Taeniopterygidae, 110, 129Tanaostigmatidae, 306Tanyderidae, 172, 188Tanymecini, 139Tanypezidae, 207Tanysipetra, 190, plate 4Tasimiidae, 90Tasmosalpingidae, 269, 277Tegeticula,10Telegeusidae, 268Telengainae, 117Telenominae, 313Teleonemia scrupulosa, 237Teleopsis, 190, plate 4Teloganodidae, 90Tenebrio molitor, 486Tenebrioides mauritanicus, 130Tenebrionidae,108, 124, 136, 138, 142,148–149, 151–152, 151, 153,269, 272, 276, 277–278, 280,285, 289, 365, Plate 2, plate 3Tenebrionoidea, 277–278Tenthecoris, 235Tenthredinidae, 52, 128, 129, 154,306, 311, 479Tenthredinoidea, 306Tephritidae, 72, 75–77, 93, 186, 191,193, 194, 195, 198, 200, 207,489, 496, 524, plate 5Tephritoidea, 207Teracriinae, 244Teratomyzidae, 208Teredon cubensis, 318Teretrius nigrescens, 274Termatophylidea, 235Termatophylini, 235Termitaphidae, 226, 240Termitidae, 85, 240Termitophilomya, 192Termitoxeniinae, 187Tessaratomidae, 112, 227, 246, 247Tetanocera,191, plate 5Tethinidae, 209Tetrabrachys, 128Tetranychidae, 199Tetranychus urticae, 199Tetratomidae, 269, 277Tetropium fuscum, 490Tettigarctidae, 91Tettigoniidae, 58, 122, 125, 129, Plate2, plate 3Thamnurgus, 150; T. caucasicus, 150;T. pegani, 152; T. russicus, 150Thanerocleridae, 114, 277Thaumaleidae, 90, 172, 186, 188, 189,205Thaumastellidae, 112, 227, 247Thaumastocoridae, 226, 233, 234, 236Thaumastocorinae, 236Thaumatomyia glabra, 194; T. notata, 194Thaumatoxenia, 192Theodorinus, 131, 154Theophilea, 133Therevidae, 203, 206Thorictus, 138Thremmatidae, 119Thrinchinae, 129Thripidae 490Throscidae, 113, 268Thylodrias contractus, 152Thymalus, 130Thyreocoridae, 112Thyreocorinae, 245Thyrididae, 333, 344, 345Thyridoidea, 330, 333, 345Thysanoptera, 3, 38, 51, 72, 90,110,177, 447, 481, 484, 485, 490Thysanura sensu lato. (See alsoArchaeagnatha and Zygentoma),38, 109Tineidae, 331, 345, plate 7Tineodidae, 333, 344

Alphabetic Index to Arthropod Taxa 617Tineoidea, 119, 330, 331, 338, 345Tingidae, 111, 224, 226, 233, 234,235, 237, 484, 493Tinginae, 237Tiphiidae, 308Tipulidae, 142, 147, 186, 188, 190,191, plate 4, plate 5Tipuloidea, 172, 188, 189, 193, 200,203, 205–206Tipulomorpha, 205–206Tischeriidae, 331, 338Tischerioidea, 329, 331, 338Tomarus gibbosus,39Tomicus piniperda, 280, 281Torridincolidae, 112, 267Tortricidae, 332, 344, 400, 479, 482,487,plate7Tortricinae, 344Tortricoidea, 120, 330, 332, 342,343–344Torymidae, 118, 306, 447, 453, 457,plate 6Torymus fulvus, plate 6Toryminae, 118Tournotaris, 140Toxoptera citricidus, 469, 490Trachelostenidae, 269, 277Trachypachidae, 112, 267, 272Trachyphloeus, 131Trachys, 149Trechini, 140Trechus, 141Triatoma, 249; T. sanguisuga, 239Tribolium, 285; T. castaneum, 278, 285,487Trichoceridae, 206Trichogramma, 314, 454, 456, 457;T. minutum, 455; T. platneri, 455Trichogrammatidae, 118, 306, 314,454, 455. 456, 457,plate 6Trichoptera, 3, 38, 51, 89, 119,129, 130, 142, 166, 169,170–171, 172, 177, 439, 448,448, 451Trichosirocalus barnevillei, 136Trictenotomidae, 144, 270, 277Trigona, 316Trigonalidae, 307, 311Trigonaloidea, 307, 311Trigonalyidae, see TrigonalidaeTrigonoscelis schrencki, 125, plate 3;T. sublaevigata granicollis, 151Trigonoscuta rossi, 287; T. yorbalindae,287Trigonotylus caelestialium, 236Trirhithrum coffeae, 77; T. nigerrimum,77Trogidae, 113, 137, 267, 274, 275tsetse, see Glossina and GlossinidaeTrogossitidae, 114, 130, 268, 277Trogoxylon, 276Tychius, 128, 131, 133Tymbopiptus valeas,94UUlidiidae, 207Ulodidae, 94, 277Ulomoides dermestoides, 283Ultracoelostoma, 494Upis ceramboides, 278Uraniidae, 334, 348Urodidae, 333, 344Urodoidea, 330, 333, 344Urodontidae, 115, 135, 150, 154Urodus, 344Urophora, 496Urostylididae, 112, 227, 247Uvaroviini, 151VValeseguyidae, 205Vanhorniidae, 307, 313Varroa jacobsoni, 579; V. destructor, 579Veliidae, 111, 225, 228, 229Velocipedidae, 226, 240Velocipedoidea, 226, 240Vermileonidae, 186, 206Vermileonomorpha, 206Vesperidae, 278Vespidae, 91, 95, 119, 308, 314,315–316, 449, 451, 494Vespinae, 315Vespoidea, 142, 307–308, 313, 314,315–316Vespula, 95; V. germanica, 95;V. pensylvanica, 494; V. vulgaris, 95,494Vianaidinae, 237Villeneuviellidae,130WWasmannia auropunctata, 94, 494Whalleyanidae, 333, 344Whalleyanoidea, 330, 333, 344Wockias, 344Wohlfahrtia, 198XXanthorhoe bulbulata,97Xenasteiidae, 130, 208Xenomela, 140Xenopsylla, 11; X. chaeopis, 491Xestia dolosa, plate 7Xiphogramma anneckei, plate 6Xiphydriidae, 306, 311, 312Xiphydrioidea, 306Xyelidae, 306, 311Xyeloidae, 306Xylastodorinae, 236Xylastodoris luteolus, 233, 236Xyleborus glabratus, 490Xylomyidae, 189, 206Xylophagidae, 206Xylophagomorpha, 189, 206Xyloryctidae, 332, 340Xyloryctinae, 340Xylotoles costatus, 286YYponomeuta, 390, 399; Y. malinellus,399; Y. padella, 399Yponomeutidae, 92, 332, 339,plate 7Yponomeutoidea, 119, 330, 332, 338,339Ypsolophidae, 332, 339ZZagrammosoma, 452Zelandochlus,92Zonocerus variegatus,16Zopheridae (= Monommidae), 144, 269,278Zoraptera, 3, 38, 43, 90, 110, 439Zygaenidae, 332, 342Zygaenoidea, 119, 330, 332, 342Zygentoma (=Thysanura sensu stricto;see also Thysanura sensu lato), 3,368

Index ofNon-ArthropodOrganismsImplicit references to pathogenic organisms through the associated disease are included.AAbies, 133, 143, 144; A. balsamea, 495Abutilon theophrasti, 241Acacia, 18, 90, 96, 311Acer negundo, 108, 241Adelina tribolii,17African horse sickness virus, 197, 528,529, 537Agathis,92Akabane viral disease, 529alfalfa, 11, 195, 196, 279, 486Allium, 134Alternanthera philoxeroides, 177ambrosia fungi, 277, 279Amorpha fruticosa, 149Amphibia, 9frog, 190, 194, 528, 532toad, 189, 532; cane toad, 98anteater, 9anthrax, 529, 530Apiaceae, 61, 135Araucaria, 92, 312arbovirus, 530Arecaceae, 54, 55Aristolochia, 88; A. diehlsiana, 87; A.elegans,89Artemisia, 136, 149; A. pauciflora, 148artichoke, 195Artiodactyla, 79Artocarpus, 200Asteraceae, 61, 128, 134, 135, 140,150Astragalus, 131, 133Atraphaxis, 141, 149Aves, see birdsavian pox, 491, 529avocado, 76BBaccaurea motleyana,76Bacillus thuringiensis, 494; B.t. var.israelensis, 534, 538bacteria and bacterial diseases, 18, 64,174, 196, 197, 199, 248, 283, 310,400, 408, 419, 493, 528, 532, 533,562anthrax, 529, 530Bacillus thuringiensis, 494; B.t. var.israelensis, 534, 538bartonellosis, 530, 533Borrelia burgdorferi; Lyme disease, 10,494Campylobacter, 280Oroya fever, 529plague, 11, 491, 562Salmonella, 280Streptomyces,18streptothrichosis, 529tularemia, 197, 529, 530, 534typhus, 9Wohlbachia, 310bacterial wilt, 279badger, 9Barmah forest viral disease, 529bartonellosis, 530, 533bats, 232beans, 76, 195, 235, 244bears, 9beets, 195besnoitiosis, 530Betula, 143bilharzia, 199Birds; Aves, 9, 10, 20, 64, 85, 87, 94, 95,166, 168, 189, 194, 195, 196, 232,362, 365, 367, 383, 419, 487, 490,491, 494, 495, 526, 528, 530, 532,533, 539, 548, 548–549, 550,580, 581blackbird, yellow-headed, 9bird-of-paradise, 387ostrich, 531owl, 528bird-of-paradise, 387black bears, 9blackbird, yellow-headed, 9bluetongue virus, 197, 528, 529, 537,539Bombacaceae, 54, 55Boraginaceae, 135Borrelia burgdorferi; Lyme disease, 10,494bovine ephemeral fever, 197, 529bovine leukosis, 530Bovini, 79Brassicaceae, 133, 134, 135, 139, 150,200, 339, 464buffalo, 531, 550Burseraceae, 54, 55Ccabbage, 464cacao, 200, 241, 580619<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

620 Index of Non-Arthropod OrganismsCache Valley viral disease, 529Cactaceae, 241, 495, 497, 579Caenorhabditis elegans, 14Cajanus cajan, 241California encephalitis, 529Callitris, 246Campylobacter, 280Cannabaceae, 134Capsicum annuum,76Caragana, 141, 149, 150Cardueae, 134Carduus, 150, 200carrots, 200cashew nuts, 76, 200cassava, 200, 241Casuarinaceae, 90cats, 94, 98, 530cattle, 10, 73–74, 147, 197, 198, 490,528, 532, 533, 537, 580cauliflower, 200Cecropiaceae, 54, 55Cedrus, 143Celtis, 55; C. schippii,55Centaurea, 200; C. biebersteinii, 496Chagas disease, 11Changuinola fever, 530Chikungunya virus, 529, 534Chosenia, 143; C. arbutifolia, 143Cirsium, 200; C. arvense, 495;C. canescens, 495citrus, 75, 76, 199, 201, 247, 452, 454,490, 580citrus tristeza, 490Cobresia, 140coconut, 241Commidendrum robustum, 486Corynebacterium pyogenes, 197crocodiles, 531Cucurbitaceae, 76, 77, 279Cupressaceae, 234, 246Cynoglossum officinale, 271, 281Cyperaceae, 133, 135, 140, 149,243DDaedaleopsis confragosa, 138deer, 10, 494, 526, 533; see alsoOdocoileus virginianusDelphinium cuneatum, 150dengue virus, 196, 491, 529, 530,534dirofilariasis, 529dogs, 74donkeys, 73, 197Dutch elm disease, 490, 497Drypetes salicifolia, 143EEchium vulgare, 493Eichhornia crassipes, 177Ephedra. 131, 133, 134; E. major, 131; E.przewalskii, 126; E. sinica, 131Ephedraceae, 135equine encephalosis, 529equine infectious anemia, 529, 530Equisetum, 134Erodium, 149Erwinia tracheiphila, 279Eucalyptus, 90, 94, 96, 236, 281, 311,492Euphorbia, 134; E. characias, 494Euphorbiaceae, 54, 55, 135, 143, 152FFabaceae, 11, 54, 55, 76, 131, 135, 149,150, 195, 196, 235, 241, 244, 245,247, 279, 447, 486Fagaceae, 135, 10, 134, 143, 490, 494Fagus grandifolia, 490Fergusobia quinquenerviae, 187ferns, 134, 235, 279, 311, 562Ficus, 86, 89, 313; F. carica, 314; F.macrophylla, 87; F. microcarpa, 485filarial nemaodes, see nematodesfish, 9, 166, 175, 176, 363, 372, 419fowlpox, 529Fraxinus, 280, 493frog, 190, 194, 528, 532fungi, 18, 42, 51, 57, 61, 64, 138, 174,175, 187, 189, 192, 194, 196, 200,232, 235, 240, 245, 248, 270, 276,277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 309, 313,316, 382, 464, 484, 490, 562ambrosia fungi, 277, 279Dutch elm disease, 490, 497Nectria, 490Ophiostoma, 271ophiostomatoid fungi, 281polypore fungi, 245Ggeminiviruses, 490giraffe, 531goats, 73, 74, 94, 197, 198, 279granadilla, 76grass, see Poaceaegrizzly bears, 9Guarea pterorhachis, 55guava, 241Hhabronemiasis, 529, 532Haloxylon, 152; H. ammodendron, 126,151habronemiasis, 529, 532hantavirus, 496Helicostylis,55Herpestes javanicus, 94, 495HIV (human immunodeficiency virus),197, 284horses, 73, 197, 204, 279, 528, 532,533Hydrilla verticillata, 486IIlheus fever, 529Iryanthera,55JJacaratia,55jackfruit, 76Japanese encephalitis, 529Juncus, 133Juniperus, 133; J. bermudiana, 486; J.virginiana, 234LLa Crosse encephalitis, 529Lamiaceae, 135, 149, 243Lantana camara, 267Larix, 133, 141, 143, 144, 240Lauraceae, 54Lecythidaceae, 54, 55leek, 200Leersia hexandra, 391Leishmania; leishmaniasis, 197, 530,532, 533, 535, 536Leontopodium, 140Lepidium draba, 133Leptographium wageneri, 281Leucocytozoon; leucocytozoonosis, 196,529, 530, 533, 539Liliaceae, 135Lindackeria,55lizards, 9, 94Loa loa; loiasis, 197, 530, 533Luehea seemanni, 577Lycopersicon esculentum, 75, 76, 195; L.pimpinellifolium,76Lyme disease, 10, 494Lythrum salicaria, 281, 495Mmalaria, (see also Plasmodium), 11, 196,197, 198, 418, 422, 491, 492, 529,530, 534, 536, 537, 538, 539, 562,563, 580Malus domestica,76mammals; Mammalia, 75, 78, 79, 80,166, 168, 189, 194, 195, 232, 362,

Index of Non-Arthropod Organisms 621365, 419, 487, 490, 492, 494, 532,533, 539, 565, 580, 581anteater, 9bears, 9Bovini, 79buffalo, 531, 550cats, 94, 98, 530cattle, 10, 73–74, 147, 197, 198,490, 528, 532, 533, 537, 580deer, 10, 494, 526, 533dogs, 74donkeys, 73, 197giraffe, 531goats, 73, 74, 94, 197, 198, 279horses, 73, 197, 204, 279, 528, 532,533mongoose, 94, 495mouse, 360Odocoileus virginianus, 10, 494Perissodactyla, 79Peromyscus leucopus,10pigs, 73, 74, 284Proboscidea, 79rabbits, 94rats, 85, 87, 91, 94, 98, 491Rattus rattus, 491sheep, 73, 74, 197, 198, 279, 491,532, 580Mangifera indica, 75, 76, 77, 200mango, see Mangifera indicaMansonella ozzardi; mansonelliasis, 528,529, 530, 533marsupials, 580Mayaro fever, 529Melaleuca howeana, 87; M. quenquenervia,187Meliaceae, 54Metarhizum, 280Mimosaceae, 90mongoose, 94, 495Moraceae, 54, 55, 135moss, 134, 167, 187, 189, 229, 230,234, 235, 242, 276, 562mouse, 360; white-footed, 10mustard, 200Myristacaceae, 54, 55Myrtaceae, 90, 92Nnagana, 529, 532Nectria, 490nematodes; filarial diseases, 10, 14, 64,187, 196, 283, 419, 422, 528, 529,530, 532, 533, 537dirofilariasis, 529filarial nematodes; filariasis, 196, 422,528, 529, 530, 533, 537habronemiasis, 529, 532Loa loa; loiasis, 197, 530, 533Mansonella ozzardi; mansonelliasis,528, 529, 530, 533Parafilaria bovicola, 197stephanofilariasis, 529, 532Nestor meridionalis, 494Nothofagus, 90, 92, 95, 242, 494OOdocoileus virginianus, 10, 494Olea,77Onchocerca ; onchoceriasis; 529, 530,533, 537, 538, 539, 562; O. linealis,533; O. volvulus, 533onion, 200O’nyong-nyong fever, 529Ophiostoma, 271ophiostomatoid fungi, 281Opuntia, 241, 495, 497, 579; O.corallicola, 495orchids, 235Oropouche fever, 528, 529Oroya fever, 529ostrich, 531owl, 528PPalyam viral disease, 529papatsi fever, 530papaya, 241Paradisaeidae, 387Parafilaria bovicola, 197Pararistolochia,88Perissodactyla, 79Peromyscus leucopus,10Persea borbonia, 490Phylloscopus, 383Picea, 133, 143, 144Picea abies, 144pigs, 73, 74, 284Pinophyta, 133Pinus,133, 143, 240; P. contorta var.latifolia, 11, 281; P. pumila, 120,130; P. sibirica, 143; P. silverstris,143, 144; P. taeda, 280Pistacia, 464pitcher plants, 171, 193, 530plague, 11, 491, 562Plasmodium, (see also malaria), 11, 418,530, 534Platanus, 237Poaceae, 133, 134, 135, 139, 149, 193,236, 241, 243, 311podocarps, 92polydnaviruses, 310, 312polypore fungi, 245Populus, 143; P. tremula, 143Potentilla, 148Pourouma minor,55Proboscidea, 79Protea nitida, 494Proteaceae, 90, 493, 494Protozoa and protozoan diseases, 8, 196,230, 528, 530, 532, 539Chagas disease, 11Leishmania; leishmaniasis, 197, 530,532, 533, 535, 536Nagana, 529, 532Plasmodium; malaria, 11, 196, 197,198, 418, 422, 491, 492, 529,530, 534, 536, 537, 538, 539,562, 563, 580sleeping sickness, 11, 197, 422, 529,532Trypanosomes; trypanosomiasis, 529,530, 532Prunus, 143; P. spinosa, 150QQuercus, 10, 134, 143, 494; Q. garryana,492quince, 76Rrabbits, 94Rafflesia arnoldii, 200rats, 85, 87, 91, 94, 98, 491Rattus rattus, 491reptiles, 189, 195, 365, 497, 528, 530,531, 532, 533rhinoceros, 531Rift Valley fever, 529Rocio encephalitis, 529Ross River virus, 529, 534Rhus, 457; R. javanica, 464Rosaceae, 134, 135, 143, 150Roystonea, 236Rubaceae, 447SSt. Louis encephalitis, 529Salicaceae, 143Salix, 143; S. interior, 495; S. schwerinii,143; S. udensis, 143; S. viminalis,143Salmonella, 280St. Louis encephalitis, 529sand fly fever, 530, 533Sapotaceae, 54Schinus, 457; S. terebinthifolius, 485Sclerocarya birrea,76

622 Index of Non-Arthropod Organismssheep, 73, 74, 197, 198, 279, 491, 532,580Sindbis fever, 529sleeping sickness, 11, 197, 422, 529, 532sloth bear, 9Solanum incanum, 76; S. melongena, 76; S.nigrum, 76; S. sisymbriifolium, 76; S.torvum, 76; see also LycoperisconSorbus, 143soybean, 490Spermatopsida, 133spirurid nematodes, 532stephanofilariasis, 529, 532streptothrichosis, 529strawberry, 200Streptomyces,18streptothrichosis, 529Strychnos,76Sugarcane, 464suids, 531sun bears, 9TTahyna fever, 529tea, 200Thelazia, 197Tillandsia, 493toad, 189, 532; cane toad, 98tobacco, 464tomato, see Lycopersicon esculentumtomato spotted wilt virus, 490tospovirus, 490Trillium, 493Trollius asiaticus, 144; T. europaeus, 200Trypanosomes; trypanosomiasis, 529,530, 532tropical almond, 76Tsuga canadensis, 495tularemia, 197, 529, 530, 534Typha, 493typhus, 9UUlmus, 143; U. americana, 490; U.pumila, 150Vviruses and viral diseases, 11, 196, 197,310, 317, 369, 419, 464, 469, 190,491, 496, 528, 530, 533, 534, 537,539African horse sickness virus, 197, 528,529, 537Akabane viral disease, 529avian pox, 491, 529bluetongue virus, 197, 528, 529, 537,539bovine ephemeral fever, 197, 529bovine leukosis, 530Cache Valley viral disease, 529California encephalitis, 529Changuinola fever, 530Chikungunya virus, 529, 534citrus tristeza, 490dengue virus, 196, 491, 529, 530,534equine encephalosis, 529equine infectious anemia, 529, 530fowlpox, 529geminiviruses, 490HIV (human imunodeficiency virus),197, 284Ilheus fever, 529Japanese encephalitis, 529La Crosse encephalitis, 529Mayaro fever, 529O’nyong-nyong fever, 529Oropouche fever, 528, 529Palyam viral disease, 529papatsi fever, 530polydnaviruses, 310, 312Rift Valley fever, 529Rocio encephalitis, 529Ross River virus, 529, 534St. Louis encephalitis, 529sand fly fever, 530, 533Sindbis fever, 529Tahyna fever, 529tomato spotted wilt virus, 490tospovirus, 490West Nile virus, 11, 196, 369, 491,529, 530, 539western equine encephalitis, 529yellow fever, 11, 196, 197, 483, 491,524, 529, 530, 534WWarscewiczia coccinea,55watermelon, 76West Nile virus, 11, 196, 369, 491, 529,530, 539western equine encephalitis, 529Wohlbachia, 310XXylella fastidiosa, 493Yyellow fever, 11, 196, 197, 483, 491,524, 529, 530, 534

Subject IndexAabundance, 8, 59, 95, 189, 199, 203,448, 497, 537–538, 566Access to Biological Collections Data(ABCD), 437–438acoustic communication, 168, 391adaptive radiation (see radiations)adhesion to surfaces, 284adventive species, 4, 75–76, 80, 88, 91,93, 94–95, 96, 98, 149, 176–177,198, 199, 200, 233, 237, 242, 244,249, 271, 281, 282, 290, 317, 361,399, 421, 423, 446, 469,476–500, 524, 540, 562, 569, 570aesthetics, 534aestivation, 85, 170Africa, 11, 70–80, 108, 114, 129, 150,196, 197, 228, 234, 235, 237, 238,242, 244, 274, 277, 314, 316, 317,327, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 343,418, 454, 457, 478, 527, 528, 530,532, 533, 537, 538, 539, 563, 580African Fruit Fly Initiative (AFFI), 75African horse sickness, 197, 528, 529,537Afrotropical Region, 70–80, 108, 130,245, 247, 277, 327, 338, 340, 342,343, 346, 525–526, 532agamospecies, 385, 387, 388, 391–392aging, 202agriculture, 37, 75–77, 148, 178, 195,279–280, 312, 317, 453, 458,476, 479, 483, 495–497, 537, 579agroecosystems, 73, 94, 234, 273, 305,449, 452Akabane viral disease, 529Alaska, 37, 563Albania, 286alcoholism, 202Algeria, 286, 287alien species (see adventive species)All Taxa Biological Inventory (ATBI),350allelochemicals, 493allergic reactions, 177, 195, 198, 491allochronic speciation (see speciation)allopatry, 385–386, 387, 401allozymes, 389, 401, 403, 404, 406,422alpine insects, 108, 128, 140–141Altai Mountains, 120, 135, 139, 140,141, 148amateurs, 371Amazon Region, 2, 4, 50–65, 528,563amber, 91American blight, 469American Samoa, 237amplified fragment lengthpolymorphisms (AFLPs), 404, 406anaphylactic shock from insect toxins,310anaplasmosis, 199, 530Anatolia, 114, 131, 142, 147, 150Andrews Experimental Forest (Oregon), 8Angola, 70, 80anholocyclic populations, 467Animal Base, 440Antarctica, 85, 129, 186, 425, 484anthrax, 529, 530anthropogenic pressures, 108, 476, 484,553, 564anticancer properties (see medicinalproperties of insects)antifreeze proteins, 16, 278antimicrobial properties, 278Antipodes Islands, 89antivenins, 310Aotearoa, 85aphrodisiacs, 283apiculture, 317aposematism, 236, 244, 248, 283Appalachian Mountains, 177, 335,495apterous insects (see flightless insects)aquaculture, 189aquatic insects, 90, 92, 93, 97, 98, 129,130, 142, 144, 152, 166–179,186, 188, 189, 203, 228,229–231, 249, 272, 273, 274,276, 425–426, 484, 534arboviruses, 530Arctic, 36, 37, 43, 120, 122, 124, 128,129, 139, 141–142, 143, 150,425, 486Argentina, 90, 91, 236, 242, 288, 335,336, 341 556aridization, 96, 124, 139, 146Aristotle, 382Arizona, 36, 37, 43, 343, 348Armenia, 114, 145, 147, 286Arrente people, 85art, insects in, 304, 350, 487asexual reproduction(see parthenogenesis)Asia, 76, 234, 237, 242, 244, 247, 271,281, 342, 343, 346, 347, 348, 390,391, 418, 457, 480, 482, 483, 579Auckland Islands, 89Australasian Region, 78, 84–98, 169,243, 248, 327, 339, 341, 344, 348,525–526Australia, 9, 10, 11, 12, 52, 78, 84, 85,88–98, 129, 139, 175, 192, 193,197, 198, 199, 224, 234, 236, 237,241, 242, 243, 245, 247, 266, 272,273, 277, 281, 282, 309, 311, 313,317, 318, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339,340, 341, 342, 343, 346, 348, 390,391, 421, 422, 478, 482, 483, 484,485, 486, 487, 489, 491, 494, 497,498, 580Australian Biological Resources Study(ABRS), 97623<strong>Insect</strong><strong>Biodiversity</strong>:ScienceandSociety Edited by Robert G. Foottit and Peter H. Adler©2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-15142-9

624 Subject IndexAustralian Entomological Society, 85Austria, 71, 203, 204, 286, 287, 288,289, 481, 482, 484, 490autoparasitism, 448avian pox, 491, 529Azerbaijan, 114, 286Azores, 108, 146Bbackyard biodiversity, 562, 563, 564,566, 567, 568, 569, 570bacterial wilt, 279Bali, 84ballast of ships, 478, 479, 480Ball’s Pyramid, 86, 87, 94Banks Peninsula, 94Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD), 4,427Barcode of Life Project, 407barcoding, DNA, 64, 376, 377, 398,402, 407, 408, 419–427, 455,456–457, 465, 469, 497, 527,535, 568, 578barcoding (specimen labels), 436Barmah forest viral disease, 529bartonellosis, 530, 533bat roost, 204Bayesian analysis, 403Beard, Dan, 579beeswax, 20, 310, 316Belarus, 133, 135, 286, 287, 289Belgium, 70, 71, 200, 286, 287, 288,289Benin, 75Bering Island, 138Berlese funnel, 276Bermuda, 203, 486besnoitiosis, 530Bhutan, 145Bible, 176, 304, 316, 524bilharzia, 199binomial nomenclature (seenomenclature)bioassessment (biological assessment),98, 171, 174–176, 423, 426biochemistry, 285, 317biodiversity, definitions of, 2, 326, 562<strong>Biodiversity</strong> Information Standards, 434bioengineering, 12–13, 284biogeography, 18, 43, 74, 86, 273, 365bioindicators of water quality, 166, 195,202–203, 249bioinformatics, 4, 398, 434–441bioliteracy, 427biological control (biocontrol), 12, 20,94, 168, 177, 194, 199–200, 232,235, 237, 241, 243, 247, 248, 271,272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279,281, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 345,351, 446, 449, 451, 454, 458, 476,477, 480, 482, 486, 488, 493,495–498, 499, 580biological race, 389, 390biological species concept (BSC; seespecies concepts)bioluminescence, 85, 187, 276,283–284, 285, 296biomass, insect, 8, 95, 189, 200, 305,424biomonitoring (see bioassessment)bioprospecting, 80biosecurity, 98biosensors, 290bioterrorism, 361, 369, 500biotype, 389, 390, 391, 400, 492biting by insects (other than flies), 230,231, 236, 238, 272, 309–310Black Death, 491BLAST (Basic Local Alignment SearchTool), 418, 421bloodfeeding, 128, 129, 168, 186, 189,195, 196–197, 202, 238, 244,249, 479, 483, 487, 524–528, 530bluetongue disease, 197, 528, 529, 537Bolivia, 346boreal region, 11, 36, 43, 44, 122, 131,139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 484, 530Borneo, 84, 177, 342Bosnia, 287, 288Botswana, 78Bounty Islands, 89bovine ephemeral fever, 197, 529bovine leukosis, 530brachypterous insects, 169, 234, 238,240brackish (saline) habitat (see salt-waterhabitats)Brazil, 4, 52, 177, 197, 286, 288, 305,317, 336, 452, 491, 533Britain, 19, 40, 71, 75, 108, 124, 128,203, 305, 308, 328, 341, 479, 481,482, 489, 548, 549, 553, 576British Columbia, 11, 43, 281, 399, 482,492, 499brugian filariasis (see filariasis)bug zappers, 363Buller, Walter, 94burrowing insects, 168, 170, 171, 197,245, 275, 277, 280, 281, 311,314butterfly houses, 86, 196butterfly ranching, 87CCache Valley viral disease, 529California, 9, 12, 43,139, 195, 199, 204,281, 341, 350, 452, 453, 479, 480,481, 482, 484, 489, 492, 497, 580California encephalitis, 529Cambodia, 527camouflage, 78, 169, 238, 240, 247Campbell Island, 89Canada, 11, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 175,277, 280, 281, 289, 318, 327, 400,422, 478, 482, 486, 490, 491, 492,499Canadian Barcode of Life Network, 427Canary Islands, 108, 146, 147, 285,288, 464, 486canopy fogging, 53, 55, 57, 64, 326, 577canopy, forest, 51, 55, 62, 224, 227, 455cantharidin, 279, 283Cape Verde, 108, 146Carboniferous Period, 12, 13Caribbean, 134, 480, 491, 528carmine, 579Carpathian Mountains, 130, 136, 139carrion insects, 137, 194, 204, 274, 316case-making, 170caste determination, 17catalogs, 2, 40, 73, 77, 224, 228, 232,233, 234, 238, 241, 242, 243,244–245, 247, 248, 312, 313,315, 316, 326, 327, 350, 376, 418,468, 527Caucasus, 120, 128, 129, 130, 133,134, 136, 139, 140, 142, 148, 149,150cave-dwelling insects, 234, 274, 290Celebes (Sulawesi), 84Central America, 36, 198, 347, 350,479, 533, 534Central Asian Subregion, 120, 150Chagas disease, 11, 240, 249Chandipura virus disease, 530Changuinola fever, 530Chatham Islands, 89, 286checklists, 2, 230, 232, 247, 350Chikungunya, 529, 534Chile, 90, 92, 231, 242, 336China, 19, 76, 108, 114, 120, 129, 131,140, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150,176, 278, 281, 334, 336, 338, 341,350, 456, 482, 526, 563chlorosis, 235, 236Christmas Island, 85, 494chromosomes, 13, 131, 241, 242, 285,389, 404, 406, 468, 527, 536, 538Circumpolar Region, 141–142

Subject Index 625citrus industry, 199, 201, 490citrus tristeza, 490cladistics, 238, 360, 362, 366, 367, 375,388, 403classification, 360–366, 368, 375, 564,565cleptoparasitism (see kleptoparasitism)climate change, 18–19, 37, 95–96, 249,278, 351, 369, 422, 446, 470, 476,497, 498, 539, 553, 556, 565,569–570clones, 391coarse particulate organic matter(CPOM), 174, 175cochineal, 20, 486, 579coevolution, 314COI gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit Igene), 398, 402, 407, 420, 421,422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 454,455, 456, 457collections, 37, 70, 71, 72Colombia, 336, 339, 346, 527, 533colony collapse disorder, 317Colorado, 531commensals, 18, 236, 237community ecology, 18, 535Comores Islands, 75competition, 10, 17, 95, 492, 567competitive displacement, 492, 493competitive exclusion, 484conjunctivitis, 197, 199Connecticut, 350, 579conservation, 21, 39, 78, 80, 85, 86, 88,95, 96–98, 204, 249, 273, 318,350, 363, 364, 476, 486, 532, 534,549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 555, 556,565, 566, 567, 568, 581Consortium for the Barcode of Life(CBOL), 421, 426–427Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),97Convention on International Trade inEndangered Species of Wild Faunaand Flora (CITES), 87coprophagous insects, 10, 73–75,78–79, 136, 138, 148, 195, 282,486, 580Costa Rica, 201, 308, 422, 423, 451,452, 565courtship (see reproductive behavior)Cretaceous Period, 63, 91, 192, 528, 548Crimea, 119, 140, 149, 335Critical Zone, 50, 52, 53, 63crop losses from insects, 488–489crop pests (see pests)crypsis (see camouflage)cryptic species (see sibling species)cryptogenic species, 478Cuba, 236, 318culture, human, 197culture, insects in human, 19, 204,282–283, 318cuticular hydrocarbons, 403, 404, 536,537Cyberinfrastructure for PhylogeneticResearch (CIPRES), 441cybertaxonomy, 4, 371, 373, 375, 376cyclical parthenogenesis, 467cytochrome oxidase gene (see COI gene)cytochromes, 16cytoforms, 527, 537cytogenetics, 178, 527, 535, 536cytotaxonomy, 533, 535, 537Czech Republic, 286, 287, 288, 289DDaghestan, 136Darwin, Charles, 15, 383, 386, 476Darwin Core, 437databases, 72, 327, 328, 408, 420–421,422, 434–435, 438, 454, 457,499, 568, 569DDT, 534, 538deaths of humans, insect-mediated, 310,524, 528, 530, 532, 537, 540DeCandolle, Augustin, 576defenses, insect, 168, 247, 272, 273,278, 279, 283, 285, 310, 452defenses, plant, 134defoliation, 11, 281, 311, 390, 494deforestation, 4, 51, 93, 178, 350, 365DELTA, 440Democratic Republic of Congo, 77, 79dengue, 196, 491, 529, 530Denmark, 286, 287, 288, 289dermatitis, 529dermatosis, 283deserts, 36, 37, 122, 126, 131, 134,137, 146, 148, 150–152, 278,315detritivores, 10, 60, 97, 124, 148, 170,174, 275, 449, 533Devonian Period, 12, 562diabetes, 201, 202diapause, 167, 170, 400dirofilariasis, 529disease, 10, 11, 128, 171, 177,196–197, 240, 249, 272, 275,280, 483, 490, 491, 524, 526,528–534, 536, 537, 539dispersal, 18, 91disruptive selection, 388, 390dissolved organic matter (DOM), 174,175Distributed Generic Information Retrieval(DiGIR), 438DNA barcoding (see barcoding, DNA)DNA hybridization, 403, 405, 422DNA sequencing (see sequencing)Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 384dog heartworm, 196, 529Dominican Republic, 134drugs from insects (see medicinalproperties of insects)drumming (see acoustic communication)dung, 10, 73–75, 78–79, 137, 138,191, 193, 194, 195, 198, 200, 273,275, 276, 281–282, 284, 486,495, 532, 550, 580Dutch elm disease, 490, 497EEast Scythian Subregion, 120, 148eastern equine encephalitis, 197, 529ecology, 16–18, 566ecosystem engineers, 534ectoparasites (and ectoparasitoids), 168,195, 232, 233, 276, 311, 312, 314,315, 447–448, 451, 477, 482,483, 490, 491, 532, 565, 580Ecuador, 51–55, 282, 530edible insects (see entomophagy)education, 97, 371, 376, 538, 565, 568,570eggs of insects, 14, 167, 168, 169, 170,171, 195, 313, 447, 452,527–528, 531Egypt, 75, 76, 234, 282, 304, 350, 524El Niño, 96, 476elaeophorosis, 530Electronic Catalog of Names of KnownOrganisms, 439electrophoresis, 391, 404, 422, 536elephantiasis (see filariasis)Encyclopedia of Life, 4, 371, 441endangered species, 39, 87, 91, 97,203–204, 249, 278, 286–289,290, 350, 477, 487, 564, 567, 569Endangered Species Act, 204endemic species (see precinctive species)endemism, 75, 78, 79, 86, 89, 90, 91,92, 93, 96, 108, 122, 128, 129,130, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140,142, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 234,277, 280, 327, 335, 336, 337, 339,342, 343, 344, 346, 347endoparasitoids, 193, 277, 312, 423,447, 451

626 Subject Indexendosymbionts, 18, 446, 493enemy-free space, 17England (see Britain)Entomological Collections Network(ECN), 435, 436, 438Entomological Society of Washington,577entomophagy, human, 9, 20, 70, 85,199, 282, 310, 486entrepreneurial biodiversity, 4equine encephalosis, 529equine infectious anemia, 529, 530eradication, 94–95, 198, 204, 279, 489,491, 534, 538EstimateS, 349Estonia, 287, 289ethics, 363, 552, 556, 557Ethiopia, 287Ethiopian Region (see AfrotropicalRegion)Europe, 37, 70, 75, 77, 108, 113, 114,119, 120, 129, 131, 139, 143, 144,146, 150, 198, 204, 235, 237, 240,243, 271, 277, 281, 283, 305, 312,314, 317, 318, 327, 328, 335, 336,337, 340, 371, 390, 399, 400, 466,469, 479, 480, 482, 483, 485, 488,490, 491, 539, 550, 553, 565Evolutionary Synthesis, 384excretion, 16exotic species (see adventive species)expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries,407–408exsanguination, 533extinction, 4, 87, 91, 93, 94, 177,203–204, 286–288, 290, 318,349, 361, 364, 368, 491, 495,538, 548, 549, 553, 554, 556,563–564, 566, 569, 578, 581extirpation, 318, 350, 493, 495, 564,565, 569eye stalks of insects, 194, 235FFar East, 138, 139, 143, 144, 149Far East Russia, 108, 112, 113, 114,115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 134, 137,139, 143, 144, 146, 147Fauna Europaea, 435, 439fig industry, 314Fiji, 84, 89, 93, 285, 335, 424filariasis, 196, 422, 529, 530filter feeding, 170, 171, 189, 530, 535fine particulate organic matter (FPOM),174, 175Finland, 128, 287, 288, 289fire, 44, 94, 273, 351, 492First Order Biota, 50Fitch, Asa, 464, 465flight, insect, 12, 13, 202flight muscles, 16, 201, 284flightless insects, 91, 92, 94, 96, 126,128, 131, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141,148, 149, 168, 232, 233, 237, 240,278, 285, 290, 313, 314, 315floriculture, 196Florida, 36, 37, 43, 236, 240, 350, 452,454, 477, 480, 481, 485, 486, 487,493, 495Florissant shales, 531flower visitation, 140, 189, 193, 200,494fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH),406fogging (see canopy fogging)folklore, insects in, 19, 304, 316food webs, 9, 10, 18, 166, 171, 174,278, 310, 493, 534, 553–554forensic entomology, 19, 201, 276, 284,399, 422–423, 486forestry, 94, 277, 279, 280–281, 311,318fossils, 4, 18, 90, 91, 94, 192, 285, 304,316, 365, 369, 373, 403, 528, 531,563fowlpox, 529Fox Glacier, 92, 96France, 71, 135, 204, 286, 287, 288,337, 456, 483Franz Joseph glacier, 96freeze tolerance, 16, 278fungivores, 51, 60, 128, 137–138, 193,194, 203, 235, 274, 275, 276, 277,280, 449furcula, 166GGalápagos Islands, 4, 198 242, 449,481, 484, 491, 492, 493, 494, 534Gallica, 440galls, plant, 90, 91, 136, 138, 187, 276,311, 312, 313, 447, 464, 486GenBank, 418, 421, 427, 457gene flow, 385, 388, 401generalists, insect, 76, 143, 195 200,237, 238, 318, 389–390, 423,451, 452, 458, 468, 496, 533, 578genetics, 13, 202, 280, 317, 536genomes, 202, 285, 312genome sequencing (see sequencing ofDNA)genomic mapping, 406, 535georeferencing, 435Georgia (country), 286, 456Georgia, USA, 43, 483Germany, 71, 203, 204, 286, 287, 288,305, 483Glacier National Park, 9glaciers, 92, 96, 139, 548Global <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Assessment, 564Global <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Information Facility(GBIF), 72, 73, 434, 438Global Invasive Species Program (GISP),498global warming (see climate change)glossaries, entomological, 441Gobi Desert, 124, 126, 148, 151, 152Gondwanaland, 78, 79, 90, 343Google, 2Gore, Al, 549grasslands, 36, 79, 80, 94, 97, 128, 130,140, 305, 312, 349Great Smoky Mountains National Park,349, 350Greece, 286, 289greenhouses, 11, 195, 196, 199, 235,483, 490Greenland, 479Guanacaste Conservation Area, 422guilds, 60, 63, 318, 566, 567, 577Guyana, 533Hhabitat alteration, 93, 177, 534habitat destruction, 51, 78, 80, 88, 98,203, 249, 290, 318, 350, 476, 538,548, 553, 563, 565, 570habitat fragmentation, 18, 96, 178, 273,446, 497habronemiasis, 529, 532haematophagy (see bloodfeeding)Haldane, J. B. S., 8, 243haplodiploidy, 285, 317haplotypes, 401, 423, 457Hawaii, 76, 86, 198, 199, 204, 236,237, 287, 339, 367, 469, 477, 479,480, 481, 482, 485, 486, 488, 491,493, 494, 495, 499hemoglobin, 16, 203hemorrhagic disease, 529Hennig, Willi, 15, 360, 386herbivores (see phytophagous insects)Hesperian (evergreen forest) region, 119,120, 141, 142, 146–147, 150heteronomy, 448hilltopping, 140, 187, 192, 193Himalayan Mountains, 108, 134, 139,140, 143, 146, 147, 272

Subject Index 627Hispaniola, 464histone 3 gene, 424HIV, 197, 284hog cholera, 530Holarctic Region, 52, 108, 120, 126,129, 143, 192, 316, 335, 337, 339,341, 344, 347, 477Holocene Epoch, 95, 96holomorphology, 360, 373homeobox genes, 14homeotic mutations, 14homosequential sibling species, 527,535, 537, 539honey, 4, 19, 20, 70, 310, 316, 485,486honeydew, 94, 95, 186, 316, 464, 485,488, 494Hong Kong, 454host race, 389, 390, 391, 406host specificity, 51, 52, 64, 89, 94, 194,318, 350, 391, 423, 447, 451, 578hot spots of biodiversity, 79, 89, 224,248, 527, 539, 565, 568hot springs, 193Howard, Leland O., 497, 576–577Huber, François, 317human evolution, 197, 524Hungary, 286, 287, 288, 289hybridization, 383, 385, 386, 388, 390,391, 402, 492, 536, 537, 539, 540hyperparasitoids, 311, 312, 447, 452Iidiobionts, 447, 452Ilheus fever, 529Illinois, 465imaginal discs, 14immature stages of insects (larvae andpupae), 36, 42, 61, 130, 133, 134,146, 166–171, 178, 186, 187, 188,189, 192–199, 201, 203, 204, 240,270, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,280, 281, 284, 285, 304, 310, 311,312, 339, 343, 447, 451, 524, 527,528, 530, 532, 533, 534, 540, 565immigrant species (see adventive species)importation of insects, 457, 486, 497impoundments of lakes, 178incipient speciation (see speciation)India, 76, 116, 150, 234, 240, 241, 244,336, 338, 341, 342, 343, 418, 422,527, 563individual insects, number of, 2, 3, 8, 305Indonesia, 243, 305, 343, 527, 552, 579industrial melanism, 15Industrial Revolution, 204informatics (see bioinformatics)inquilines, 312<strong>Insect</strong> Farming and Trading Agency(IFTA), 87insect pest management (IPM; see pestmanagement)insect trade, 87insect zoos, 87, 196, 487insectaries, 20insecticides (see pesticides)instars, 167, 168, 169, 170, 186, 236,247, 270, 273, 274Integrated <strong>Biodiversity</strong> AssessmentCenter (IBAC), 568–569Internal Transcribed Spacer regions(ITS1 and ITS2), 454, 455, 456,457International Code of ZoologicalNomenclature, 439, 440International Convention on<strong>Biodiversity</strong>, 70International Nucleotide SequenceDatabase Collaborative, 421International Rice Research Institute(IRRI), 390International Union for Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources(IUCN), 87, 98, 203inter-simple-sequence repeat markers(ISSRs), 406intertidal zones (see salt-water habitats)intrinsic value of insects, 549–552introduced species (see adventive species)invasive species (see adventive species)inventories, 39, 63, 349–350, 351, 363,365, 373, 566–567, 568, 570Iran, 286Irano-Turanian Subregion, 120, 147,150Irian Jaya, 527island biogeography, 18, 535isolating mechanisms, 384, 388isozymes, 536Israel, 114, 124, 130, 234, 286, 454,456, 483Italy, 71, 112, 145, 286, 287, 288, 289,481, 483JJamestown Canyon viral disease, 529Japan, 108, 114, 139, 143, 144, 146,147, 237, 249, 283, 328, 334, 335,340, 456, 481, 483, 489Japanese encephalitis, 529Java, 84, 342jewelry, insects in, 20Jordan, 286Jurassic Period, 62, 90, 192KKamchatka Peninsula, 136karyotypes, 404, 406, 455, 468Kazakhstan, 114, 125, 136, 137, 141,147, 148Kentucky, 350Kenya, 70, 75, 76, 204, 483keys, identification, 41, 227, 232, 234,235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243,245, 247, 308, 312, 313, 314, 315,316, 376, 420, 426, 466, 565keystone species, 11, 446, 494, 534,549, 557kin selection, 17, 18Kirby, William, 326, 576, 579, 580kleptoparasitism, 195, 243, 314, 447koiniobionts, 447, 453Kolyma River, 130Komandorski Islands, 108, 139Korea, 143, 144, 147, 237, 456Krasnodar, Russia, 108Kunashir Islands, 138, 144Kurile Islands, 108, 139Kyoto Convention, 96LLa Crosse encephalitis, 529Lady Glanville, 579Lake Baikal, 135, 188lakes, 44, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 188,189, 228, 230, 231, 232, 272, 530Laos, 76larvae (see immature stages of insects)larviparity, 532Latin America, 317Latvia, 287, 288, 289Laurasia, 124leaf mining, 128, 138, 146, 148, 149,193, 195, 276, 304, 311, 318, 339,423, 452, 453Lebanon, 286Legacy Infrastructure Network forNatural Environments (LINNE), 327leishmaniasis, 197, 530, 532, 533, 535,536lekking, 194lentic habitats (see lakes)leucocytozoonosis, 529, 530Liechtenstein, 286, 289life cycles, 141, 166, 167, 169, 186,249, 270, 282, 285, 448, 467life science identifier (LSID), 438Lincoln, Abraham, 2

628 Subject IndexLinnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné), 328,366, 382–383, 465, 564, 576Lithuania, 287, 289livestock, 11, 73, 74, 197, 198, 201,279, 282, 311, 422, 479, 490, 528,530, 532, 533, 534, 537, 580logging, 178, 350loiasis, 197, 530, 533Lombok, 84longevity, insect, 170, 186Lord Howe Island, 84, 86–87, 91, 94Lord of the Flies, 204lotic habitats (see streams)Louisiana, 43, 196, 240luciferases, 283, 284, 290Luxembourg, 287, 288Lyme disease, 10, 494MMacaronesian Subregion, 120Macquarie Island, 89macroinvertebrates, 169, 171, 174, 175Madagascar, 78, 90, 178, 277, 343,344, 347, 424–425Madeira, 146, 288maggot therapy, 19, 201Maine, 350mal de caderas, 530Malaise traps, 240, 305, 435malaria, 11, 196, 197, 198, 418, 422,491, 492, 529, 530, 534, 536, 537,538, 539, 562, 580Malaysia, 76, 579Malpighian tubules, 16, 535mammalophily, 532mansonelliasis, 528, 529, 530, 533Maori, 98marine insects, 168, 169, 170, 171, 187,228, 232, 266Maryland, 349, 350Massachusetts, 350, 494mastitis, 197, 199maternal care, 237, 245, 246, 247mating (see reproductive behavior)Mauritius, 76maximum likelihood, 403Mayaro fever, 529Mayflower, 479Mayr, Ernst, 367, 388mead, 310medicinal properties of insects, 283–284,285, 310, 486, 534Mediterranean Region, 10, 77, 114, 129,130, 138, 143, 147, 341, 342, 343,346, 483, 485, 494megafauna, 204, 531Melanesia, 92, 93Mesozoic Era, 91, 146metapopulation dynamics, 18methane, 552Mexico, 36, 289, 337, 495, 580Michigan, 280, 350microarrays, 405, 408microsatellites, 404, 406–407, 455, 469microscopy, 178, 367, 466Middle Ages, 312Middle East, 234, 247, 329, 346, 347migration, 193, 569military, 197, 202mimicry, 18, 149, 193, 236, 238, 315Minnesota, 466Miocene Epoch, 79, 86, 90, 285misidentification, 454, 497, 536, 537,565Mississippi, 350mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 398, 399,401, 402, 403, 407, 408, 420, 422,423, 424, 454, 455modeling, 96, 97Moldova, 148, 286, 289molecular clocks, 403molecular operational taxonomic unit(MOTU), 419, 424–425, 426molecular techniques, 178, 385,398–409, 418–427, 455,468–469, 527, 535, 536, 537Mongolia, 124, 126, 131, 133, 135,136, 137, 141, 142, 147, 148, 149,150, 151monocultures, 451, 458monophagy (see host specificity)monophyletic groups, 188, 192, 224,232, 240, 275–276, 335, 336, 337,342, 345, 346, 347, 348, 368, 426Montana, 9Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 13, 468, 487Morocco, 147, 286, 287MorphBank, 374, 441, 457morphology, 305, 308, 360, 383, 389,399, 424, 466, 468morphospecies, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62,64, 383, 385, 424–425, 455, 527,532, 539, 565, 578Moses, 524mountains, 43, 79, 124, 129, 130, 131,136, 139, 141, 316, 346, 527Mozambique, 70, 80Murray Valley encephalitis, 529muscles (see flight muscles)museum collections, 37, 70, 71, 72, 77,79, 327, 363, 364, 372, 436–437,439, 454, 538museums, pests of, 138, 276, 280mutualisms, 18, 96, 187, 200, 281, 314,493, 549, 567Myanmar, 336, 527mycophages (see fungivores)myiasis, 197–198, 490myrmecochores, 493myrmecophiles, 273mythbusting, 579mythology, insects in, 282Nnagana, 529, 532Namib Desert, 285Namibia, 70, 75, 78, 116, 128Natal, 336National Center for BiotechnologyInformation (NCBI), 285, 421National Invasive Species Council, 498National Invasive Species InformationCenter, 483natural enemies, 9, 12, 281, 446, 480,485, 486, 489, 493, 495, 496, 497,537, 538NatureServe, 435Nearctic Region, 2, 36–45, 108, 120,128, 130, 135, 144, 227, 234, 241,243, 245, 247, 248, 273, 278, 327,328, 329, 335, 339, 340, 341, 342,344, 345, 346, 347, 482, 493, 524,525–526, 533nectar, 170, 186, 189, 200, 275, 318,350, 452neighbor-joining tree, 427Nemoral Region, 120, 141, 145–146neoteny, 285Neotropical Region, 36, 37, 50–65, 78,108, 129, 169, 171, 199, 230, 234,237, 238, 240, 241, 243, 246, 247,278, 327, 328, 336, 338, 340, 341,342, 343, 346, 347, 348, 480, 482,525–526, 528, 532, 535, 539neozoa (see adventive species)Nepal, 114, 145, 147, 149nests of Hymenoptera, 138, 308, 315,316, 317, 318Netherlands, 203, 249, 286, 287, 288,289, 400, 483, 549Nevada, 37New Caledonia, 84, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92,94, 272, 285, 335, 342New England, 200, 344, 483, 495, 499New Guinea, 51, 52, 78, 84, 86, 89, 92,93, 228, 240, 343, 346New Jersey, 281New Mexico, 40

Subject Index 629New South Wales Threatened SpeciesConservation Act, 91New Systematics, 370, 564New York, 235, 281, 350New Zealand, 84, 85, 86, 88–89, 90, 91,92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 130, 175,187, 274, 277, 280, 286, 287, 289,336, 337, 341, 342, 481, 483, 485,487, 489, 494, 498, 499Newfoundland, 478, 482NEXUS, 440niche specialization, 51Nobel Prize, 317, 418, 468, 487Nomenclator Zoologicus, 439nomenclature, 2, 366, 370, 375, 382,439, 454, 469, 564Nomina <strong>Insect</strong>a Nearctica, 439nontarget species, 12, 277, 495, 496Norfolk Island, 84, 91North America, 10, 36–45, 76, 108,114, 120, 139, 142, 196, 198, 224,228, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 241,242, 243, 244, 245, 249, 266, 271,273, 277, 280, 281, 283, 285, 308,313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 328, 334,335, 337, 340, 341, 344, 348, 350,371, 391, 399, 400, 418, 421, 422,453, 464, 465, 466, 469, 476, 477,478, 479, 482, 483, 484, 485, 487,490, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497,527, 533, 536, 537, 538, 565, 579Norway, 129, 287, 288, 289Nova Scotia, 482, 490nuclear genes, 402, 408, 421, 424, 454,455nucleotide sequencing, 405, 407, 426,454, 455nuisance insects, 177, 198–199, 241,243, 244, 277, 310–311, 530, 533number of individual insects (seeindividual insects, number of)number of species (see species, number of)nuptial gifts, 191nutrient spiraling (nutrient cycling),166, 175, 275Ooceans, insects on, 169, 228oceans, scarcity of insects in, 166, 169Ohio, 281, 350, 484old-growth forests, 203oligarchy hypothesis, 53–54, 64Oligocene Epoch, 531oligolectic pollinators, 318omnivores, 447, 449onchocerciasis, 529, 530, 533, 534,537, 562Onchocerciasis Control Programme, 538,539Ontario, 43, 280, 281, 327, 452, 453O’nyong-nyong fever, 529oothecae, 312operational taxonomic unit (OTU), 419optical character recognition (OCR), 440Oriental Region, 78, 108, 124, 130, 135,140, 147, 171, 193, 243, 244, 245,246, 277, 327, 329, 338, 339, 341,342, 343, 344, 347, 348, 480, 482,526–527ornamental pests, 195, 196, 235, 236,237, 241, 275, 279, 485ornithophily, 532Oropouche fever, 528, 529Oroya fever, 529Orthrian (evergreen forest) Region, 120,141, 142, 144, 146–147ouabain, 16oviposition, 167, 168, 169, 170, 186,187, 190, 231, 279, 337, 338,390oviviviparity, 141oxalic acid, 187PP elements, 13paedogenesis, 186Pakistan, 76, 527palaeospecies, 388Palearctic Region, 36, 37, 78, 79,108–152, 193, 224, 227, 228,233, 234, 241, 244, 245, 246, 247,248, 278, 281, 327, 329, 334, 335,338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345,346, 457, 478, 480, 482, 484, 490,493, 525–526, 533paleolimnology, 12, 18–19Palyam viral disease, 529Panama, 52, 224, 326, 533Panama Canal, 197papatsi fever, 530Papua New Guinea (PNG), 86, 87, 89,287, 288, 326, 527paraphyletic groups, 188, 192, 193,224, 236, 242, 274, 449, 524parasites, 17, 129, 171, 174, 193, 249,274, 388, 389, 446–448, 579parasitoids, 95, 136, 169, 170, 189,190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 199, 272,304, 311, 312, 313, 314, 318, 389,423, 446–458, 464, 477, 486,495, 496, 578parataxonomists, 565, 568, 569, 570parthenogenesis, 15, 131, 139, 140,186, 187, 193, 270, 274, 365, 385,387, 391–392, 467, 470Patagonia, 92Paterson, Hugh, 384pathogens, 196–197, 199, 279, 281,491, 500, 524, 528, 530, 539, 569pederin, 283Perú, 52, 53, 55, 235, 286, 349, 530pest management, 199–200, 446, 449,454, 496, 550, 579pesticides, 20, 280, 282, 351, 488, 494,534, 477, 580pests, 11, 19, 37, 75–77, 133, 138, 144,177, 193, 194, 195, 196–199,201, 234, 235, 236, 237, 241, 243,244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 275, 276,277, 278, 279, 280, 304, 312, 313,343, 344, 345, 363, 369, 390, 399,418, 421, 423, 446, 448, 451, 452,454, 455, 457, 458, 464–470,476, 479, 480, 482, 483, 486,488–497, 499, 530, 532, 533, 534,536, 537, 539, 540, 550, 579, 580pharmaceuticals, 580phenetics, 377, 385, 419, 440pheromones, 17, 170, 280, 285, 317,349, 390–391, 400, 403, 455, 487Philippines, 391, 536Phillip Island, 91phoresy, 10, 18, 285PhyloCode, 377phylogenetic species concept (see speciesconcepts)phylogenies, 15, 271, 329–330,402–403, 456, 565phyloinformatics, 441physiology, 16, 201–202, 240, 284, 365physogastry, 187phytophagous insects, 9, 10, 44, 51, 60,86, 89, 90, 92, 94, 97, 124, 128,129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136,137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144, 148,149, 170, 171, 173, 177, 193, 194,237, 241, 242, 243, 245, 247, 248,249, 271, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278,279, 311, 312, 326, 339, 388, 389,391, 447, 448, 449, 451, 469, 484,490, 492, 493, 495, 496, 549, 550,556, 569, 578phytotelmata, 188, 189, 493, 528pine barrens, 249pitfall traps, 94, 187plague, 11, 491, 562plakor, 137Planetary <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Inventory (PBI),368, 370, 374, 377

630 Subject Indexplastron (see respiration)Pleistocene Epoch, 95, 124, 137, 369Pleistocene glaciations, 37, 84, 124,146, 147Pliocene Epoch, 90, 92, 124, 146Poland, 136, 286, 287, 288, 289polarized light, 284pollen feeding, 60, 61, 78, 186, 191,200, 270, 275, 277pollination, 10, 11, 20, 70 78, 95, 149,189, 193, 195, 196, 200, 275, 276,278, 279, 282, 310, 313–314,316, 317, 318, 351, 486, 489, 493,494, 534, 549, 550, 554, 555, 580pollution, 4, 52, 166, 174–175, 177,178, 203, 273, 282, 426, 485, 566,569, 570polyembryony, 312, 447polylectic pollinators, 318polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 404,405, 406, 407, 408, 419, 420, 457,468Polynesia, 17, 340, 341, 493polyphagous insects (see generalists)polyphyletic groups, 238, 242, 524polytene chromosomes, 527, 535Popper, Karl, 366population bottlenecks, 13, 423, 538Portugal, 286, 287, 288postmortem interval (PMI; see forensicentomology)Poulton, Edward, 383–384poultry production, 280Precautionary Principle, 549, 551precinctive species, 477, 478predators, 9, 51, 60, 94, 124, 128, 138,142, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 186,187, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196,199, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232,233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240,243, 247, 248, 249, 272, 273, 274,275, 276, 277, 278, 310, 312, 315,316, 317, 318, 446, 447, 448, 464,477, 486, 487, 494, 495, 496, 528,533propolis, 310prostaglandins, 285public health, 196–197, 491, 579Puerto Rico, 134pupation, 169, 170, 189, 273Qquarantine, 95, 195, 317, 457, 479,480, 488, 497Quaternary Period, 18, 124, 204, 285,548, 553Quebec, 281Queen Elizabeth Islands (Canada), 43Rradiations, 62, 63, 64, 78, 85, 86, 90,92, 93, 124, 193, 194, 266, 271,339, 424, 539, 548rainforests, 2, 4, 37, 50–65, 89, 95, 192,336, 494, 527, 533randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs(RAPDs), 404, 406, 455Ray, John, 2, 326, 328, 576, 579Red List, 87, 203, 286, 290, 318, 549,550, 580refugia, 87, 91, 139Relational Database ManagementSystems (RDBMS), 72relict taxa, 78, 91, 92, 131, 146, 313religion, insects in, 282, 350reproductive behavior, 140, 167, 168,170, 187, 191, 192, 194, 195, 232,233, 384, 390–391reproductive isolation, 15, 136,384–385, 386, 387, 388,390–391, 419, 457, 527, 536resilin protein, 12resistance, 285, 390, 391, 487, 537,538, 580respiration, 168, 169, 170, 188, 230,231, 232restriction fragment lengthpolymorphisms (RFLP), 404, 406,422, 468, 469Réunion, 76Rhode Island, 44ribosomal DNA, 454, 455Rift Valley fever, 529Riley, Charles Valentine, 576Rio Declaration of Biological Diversityand Sustainable Development, 568Rio Negro, 53river blindness (see onchocerciasis)rivers (see streams)Rocio encephalitis, 529Rocky Mountain National Park, 350Romania, 286, 287Roosevelt, Theodore, 363Rosen, Warren G., 2Ross River fever, 529Ross, Ronald, 418royal jelly, 20, 310, 317Ruahine Ranges, 94Russia (also see Far East Russia), 108,110, 114, 120, 122, 129, 138, 141,144, 145, 148, 286, 287, 288, 289,350Ryukyu Islands, 108SSahara Desert, 108, 152Saharo-Arabian Subregion, 120, 150Sakhalin Islands, 144saliva, 238salivary glands, 240, 535salt-water habitats, 167, 168, 169, 170,171, 187, 188, 189, 194, 228, 230,232, 266sampling methods, 59, 64, 175, 566,567sand chamber, 190sand fly fever, 530, 533sap-feeding, 89, 92, 270, 316saprophagy, 148, 193, 194, 274, 447Saudi Arabia, 531savanna, 79, 80Say, Thomas, 37Sayan Mountains, 120, 136, 139Scandinavia, 124scarabiasis, 283scavenging, 189, 195, 200–201, 229,236, 276, 310, 316, 317, 449, 484scent glands, 168, 224, 232, 241, 246,248Scientific Committee on Problems of theEnvironment (SCOPE), 476, 498Scythian (Steppe) Region, 120, 141,147–150seashores, 138, 139Second Order Biota, 50seeds, 193, 241, 242, 244, 247, 275,276, 279, 310–311, 313, 343,447, 484, 493, 494, 555seepages (seeps), 167, 169, 170, 188,189, 230Semliki Forest encephalitis, 529Senegal, 70, 76sequencing of DNA, 4, 377, 400, 402,403, 408, 409, 418, 420, 422, 423,424, 426, 427, 456, 457, 458, 468,469, 487Serbia and Montenegro, 286, 287, 288,289, 483Service Antagonising Unit (SAU), 550Service Providing Unit (SPU), 550services of insects, 2, 4, 550, 557Sethian (Desert) Region, 120, 141,150–152sex determination, 13, 42, 285, 317sex ratios, 42, 310sexual dimorphism, 131, 194, 234, 238,315, 369, 420, 421sexual selection, 194

Subject Index 631Seychelles Islands, 289, 494shale barrens, 249Shannon index, 566Sharp, David, 576shellac, 486Siberia, 124, 136, 138, 144, 147, 148,149, 150, 563sibling species, 2, 4, 15, 95, 178, 317,385, 387, 389, 390–391, 392, 400,407, 418, 422, 423, 424, 425, 446,455–456, 457, 458, 469, 527,532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 539sickle-cell anemia, 197silk production, 19, 70, 170, 351, 486Sindbis fever, 529single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),405, 407sleeping sickness, 11, 197, 422, 529, 532Slovakia, 286, 287, 288, 289Snares Islands, 89snowshoe hare viral disease, 529social insects, 17, 91, 138, 195, 274,305, 310, 315–317, 365, 447, 494soil arthropods, 10, 55, 146, 275, 278,305, 315, 425Solomon Islands, 89, 93, 335South Africa, 10, 70, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79,80, 90, 144, 198, 236, 273, 288,289, 337, 339, 341, 343, 348, 485,489, 493South African National <strong>Biodiversity</strong>Institute (SANBI), 72, 73, 80South America, 50–65, 90, 130, 134,177, 198, 278, 314, 316, 336, 337,339, 346, 347, 348, 454, 479, 487,528, 533, 534, 563South Carolina, 234, 491South Korea (see Korea)Southeast Asia, 11, 91, 93, 144, 283,285, 343, 386, 563, 580Spain, 124, 286, 287, 288, 289, 305,483, 494specialists, insect, 77, 96, 124, 128, 131,133, 134, 135, 140, 143, 235, 236,238, 241, 279, 548, 549, 553, 554,578speciation, 15, 78, 285, 367, 384, 388,389, 457, 535, 539, 565Species 2000, 88species accumulation curves, 59, 60, 89,171species complexes, 76, 178, 469, 527,534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 556,580species concepts, 15, 367–368,382–388, 392, 401, 418–419,467, 469species, number of, 2, 3, 8, 36, 38, 39,41, 43, 57, 60, 78, 88–89, 91,109–120, 122, 124, 129, 130,142, 171–173, 186, 205–209,224–227, 266–270, 272,304–308, 326–327, 329–334,368, 448–451, 467–468,524–526, 576–578species richness, 8, 51, 54, 60, 70, 88,92, 124, 129, 130, 135, 140, 142,147, 149, 150, 274, 312, 326–327,349, 452, 530, 532, 539, 554, 566species scape, 8species turnover, 55, 64, 326, 349specific mate-recognition system (SMRS),383, 384–385, 386, 388, 390, 391Spence, William, 576, 579, 580spermatophore, 167spontaneous generation, 524spumalin, 170Sri Lanka, 75, 76St. Helena, 243, 486St. Louis encephalitis, 529stasipatric speciation (see speciation)Stenopean Region, 142, 143, 144,145–146stephanofilariasis, 529, 532steppe, 122, 128, 131, 133, 135, 137,140, 141, 142, 146, 147–150, 151sterile insect technique, 487stings by insects, 304, 309–310, 315,316, 317stored-product pests, 17, 130, 138, 201,238, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 283,315, 477, 482, 483streams, 93, 166, 167, 169, 170, 175,177, 188, 189, 193, 228, 229, 230,231, 232, 312, 426, 495, 528, 533streptothrichosis, 529Stroganov Palace, 138Structure of Descriptive Data (SDD), 440subimagoes, 167subsocial behavior (see maternal care)subspecies, 304, 316, 328, 329, 385,492, 526, 528, 531, 535, 536Sudan, 234Sulawesi, 84, 85, 305, 455, 577Sumatra, 234summer sores (see habronemiasis)supercooling, 16superspecies, 385surra, 530surveys, 75, 78, 87, 89, 91, 152, 421swarms, mating, 187, 192Sweden, 71, 280, 286, 287, 289swimming, 168, 170, 188, 230, 231,284Switzerland, 286, 287, 288, 289, 305,482, 483, 484symbiosis, 279, 283, 285sympatric speciation (see speciation)synanthropic arthropods, 130, 486, 490,563synonymies, 2, 41, 57, 73, 304, 315,326, 328–329, 334, 467–468,527, 577, 578Syria, 286Systema Naturae, 382, 564, 577systematics, 45, 248, 564–565TTahyna fever, 529taiga, 122, 133, 137, 138, 142, 143,144–145, 146Taiga (Eurosiberian) Region, 120Taiwan, 76, 108, 334, 336, 338Tajikistan, 137Tanzania, 75, 76Tasmania, 95, 494taxon pulse model, 63, 64Taxonomic Concept Schema (TCS), 439Taxonomic Databases Working Group(TDWG), 434, 439taxonomic impediment, 98, 317, 360,398, 418taxonomy, 4, 248, 360–377, 388, 389,398–409, 498, 524, 533, 535,554–556, 564–569, 570termitophiles, 60, 138, 187, 241, 273territories of insects, 167Tertiary Period, 548Texas, 36, 43, 350Thailand, 76, 176, 228, 282, 336Third Order Biota, 50threatened species, 78, 80, 97, 177,203–204, 290, 318, 550, 564,567, 569, 581Tibet, 110, 124, 139Tien Shan Mountains, 122, 130, 139,140tokogenetic relationships, 386tomato spotted wilt, 490Tonga, 84Total Perspective Vortex,50toxic shock, 533toxicity testing, 174–175, 202, 203, 284trachoma, 197Transcaucasia, 124, 140transdetermination, 14transgenes, 418transgenic arthropods, 16, 535transposable elements, 13trapping, 75, 95, 305, 349

632 Subject Indextraumatic insemination, 232, 233, 236Tree of Life, 441Triassic Period, 62, 304Trinidad and Tobago, 489Tristan da Cunha, 481, 483trophic levels, 175, 188–189, 553tropics, 2, 4, 50–64, 129, 167, 171,178, 197, 198, 237, 244, 245, 273,275, 276, 277, 278, 305, 311, 316,317, 326, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347,348, 350, 351, 421, 449, 451,452–253, 458, 487, 534, 548, 563trypanosomiasis (also see nagana andsleeping sickness), 529, 530, 532tugai, 137tularemia, 197, 529, 530, 534tundra, 36, 122, 131, 133, 137, 140,141, 142, 146, 530Tunisia, 286Turkey, 114, 122, 125, 286, 580Turkmenistan, 114, 117, 288Tuva, 135, 136, 140, 141, 148, 150type specimens, 328, 364, 371, 537,538typhus, 11UUganda, 70, 75Ukraine, 286, 287, 288, 289undescribed species, 36, 57, 88, 122,128, 171, 176, 191, 192, 195, 227,228, 266, 279, 318, 335, 337, 339,340, 341, 343, 347, 361, 362, 371,418, 421, 424, 449, 455–456,528, 537, 565, 577, 578United Kingdom (UK), 286, 288, 420,440, 477United Nations, 570United States of America (USA), 2, 70,71, 175, 177, 178, 196, 231, 236,277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 286, 287,288, 289, 317, 335, 338, 369, 439,440, 451, 465, 476, 477, 479, 480,481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487,488, 489, 490, 491, 493, 498, 500,524, 530, 534, 537, 539, 550United States Department of Agriculture(USDA), 279, 400, 483, 487, 499Universal Earth Ethic, 552Ural Mountains, 136, 138, 139, 144urban environments, 138, 199, 280,281, 282, 485, 489urticaria, 491VVan Diemen’s Land, 84Vanuatu (New Hebrides), 84, 89, 93, 335vectors, 196–197, 240, 249, 277, 279,389, 418, 464, 490, 491, 524, 528,532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539,540, 580Venezuela, 53, 483, 490, 533Venezuelan equine encephalitis, 529venom, insect, 310, 403verruga peruana, 530vesicular stomatitis, 530Vietnam, 143, 144, 147, 536Virginia, 234virology, 310viviparity, 141, 186, 233, 285volcanic activity, 91, 95, 96Volga River, 136von Frisch, Karl, 317voucher specimens, 61, 65, 349, 369,407, 408, 421, 426, 456, 457, 468,537, 538, 569WWaitomo Caves, 85, 187Wales, 281Wallace, Alfred Russell, 84, 383, 386Wallace’s Line, 84Walton, Izaac, 176Washington (state), 399, 400waterfalls, 188weeds (plants), 168, 173, 176–177,237, 271, 279, 281, 345, 351, 480,485, 486, 495, 496Wesselsbron disease, 529West Indies, 483, 495West Nile encephalitis, 11, 196, 369,491, 529, 530West Scythian Subregion, 120, 148West Virginia, 349western equine encephalitis, 529Western Hemisphere ImmigrantArthropod Database (WHIAD), 499Westwood, John Obadiah, 576wildlife, 489, 491, 532, 534, 539, 550Wilson, Edward O., 487wingless insects (see flightless insects)wings of insects, 12–13, 202, 369wood boring insects, 138, 143, 276,277, 280, 281, 304, 311, 312, 314,318, 343World Bank, 551World Conservation Monitoring Centre,564World Health Organization (WHO), 530,533World Heritage List, 86Wrangel Island, 133, 142Yyellow fever, 11, 196, 197, 483, 491,529, 530Yemen, 533Yenisei River, 122, 135, 136, 148youth, 4, 177, 178–179, 551, 566ZZambia, 70, 80Zanzibar, 75Zimbabwe, 78ZooBank, 439zoos (also see insect zoos), 204

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