NEWSLETTER - Broomwood Hall

NEWSLETTER - Broomwood Hall

NEWSLETTER - Broomwood Hall

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ROOMWOOD HALL • 1984-2010 •BBROOMWOOD HALL • 1984-2010 •BROOMWOOD HALLLOWER SCHOOL<strong>NEWSLETTER</strong>WEEK 3 · FRIDAY 30 APRIL 2010st george’s day paradesFriday 23 April – St George’s Day – what fun the Lower School children had dressing up as damsels, knights, and a fairfew dragons as well. We held parades at both The Vicarage and Garrad’s Road, the children and parents enjoying thewarm spring sunshine and the colourful displays. At Garrad’s Road, we continued the theme into lunch, with the Englishflag on our sponge pudding in icing! Thanks go to all the parents that created or made these wonderful costumes. Plentymore stunning pictures from the day on the website in the Lower School News section (by the way, if you’d like a copyof these or any other of the fabulous photographs we take throughout the year, Nigel Gray will be happy to oblige for anextremely modest fee – give him a call on 020-8675 3584, nigel@grayphotography.co.uk)Peter McOrist – Deputy Head, Lower SchoolLOWER SCHOOL CDI just wanted to let you know that we have sent VisionRescue in India a donation of £891.50 as a result of theLower School CD sales thus far. There arestill some CDs available for purchase at theVicarage Reception. Since we have nowcovered the cost of producing the album, allmoney now received goes straight to Charity!Diana Mardon – Head of Lower Schooldog show – pa updateA reminder to please return your forms by Friday 7 May forentry into the first ever <strong>Broomwood</strong> Dog Show!there is only one sale. . .. . . and no, it isn’t the rather scruffy affair held in Knightsbridgea couple of times a year. It is of course the famous<strong>Broomwood</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Second Hand Uniform sale, to be held inthe Dining <strong>Hall</strong> at 3 Garrad’s Road on Wednesday 5 Maybetween 9.30-11.00. Please bring in any items to be soldon Tuesday 4 (not before) to either Garrad’s Road or theVicarage clearly labelled. It will be for summer and winteruniform and label sheets will be coming home this Friday.Pricing will be done by the PA.Alison Melrose – Head of Lower School, Garrad’s RoadPLEASE NOTE: FULL DETAILS OF ANY ITEM IN RED CAN BE SEEN ON OUR WEBSITE www.broomwood.co.uk

police assembly at grJed the Policeman is coming to Garrad’s Road on Thursday6 May to give a “Safer Neighbourhood” assembly toall the children and teachers.We look forward to learningabout how to make sure we stay safe in our local area.Zoe Firmin – Class 3, Garrad’s Roadteddy bear dayOn Wednesday the Vicarage had lots of very specialvisitors – their teddies! We held a Teddy assembly on thehistory of the Teddy Bear and heard about the three mostfamous bears: Paddington, Winnie-the-Pooh and Rupert,of course! This was followed by the Teddy Doctors fromthe Teddy Bear Hospital at St George’s University (a publichealth project for 3-10 yr olds, aiming to reduce childhoodanxiety about hospitals whilst promoting child health). PrepE and S took part in a clinicwhere they were taught aboutmedical equipment and topicssuch as handwashing, healthyeating (which involved makinga smoothie!), first aid and operations.It was a brilliant dayfor the children and everyonereceived a certificate of participationat the end from a ratherlarge Teddy! Next week it will be Prep N and Prep W’s turn.Sarah Graham – Prep E, Vicaragesports newsI will be running a sports coaching club during half termfrom 1- 4 June, 9.00-12.30. Open to all <strong>Broomwood</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>boys and girls Classes 1,2 and 3. A letter should havegone home in backpacks this week – for further detailsplease email l.bower@northwoodschools.com or call meon 07780 564183.Lachlan Bower – Sports & PE, Garrads Roadchurch cornerWednesday 5 May: a prayer meeting will be held at 65Thurleigh Road at 8.30am – all are welcome.Thursday 6 May: Class 4S will be telling the story of“Doubting Thomas” in St Luke’s Church at 8.45amcl 3 girls visit the usYesterday (Thursday) afternoon, the Class 4 teachersand I welcomed the first group of Class 3 girls and theirparents to the Upper School yesterday afternoon fortea and a showround. First, the girls and their parenthad a tour of the school, escorted by our Class 8 girls.what’s on next weekMonday 3 MayBank Holiday – School closedTuesday 4 May1.30 Class 2 boys (50NL) to visit Northcote Lodge2.00 Cricket: Cl 3 (50NL/GR) coaching sessionwith Hornsby House – Trinity Fields2.00 * Rounders: Cl 3 (50NL) AB -v- Hornsby Hse (TF)2.30 * Cl 3 girls to visit the US with their mothersWednesday 5 May8.30 * Prayer meeting 65 Thurleigh Rd (all welcome)9.00 * Church Service – St Leonard’s, Streatham9.30-11.00 * Second hand uniform sale – Dining <strong>Hall</strong>, GR1.30 Cl 2 (GR) boys to visit Northcote Lodge2.30 * Cl 3 girls to visit the US with their mothersThursday 6 May8.45 * Church Service: Cl 4S “Doubting Thomas”– St Luke’s8.45 Safer Neighbourhood Police Assembly – GR2.30 * Cl 3 girls to visit the US with their mothersFriday 7 May9.30 First Feet Theatre Workshop: Cl 2 (50NL)11.00 First Feet Theatre Workshop: Cl 1 (50NL)looking aheadTuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 May2.15 * Class 3 play for parents (<strong>Hall</strong>, 74NL) and teaafterwards – 50NLSunday 16 May2.00-4.00 * PA Dog Show – Clapham CommonTues 18, Weds 19, Thurs 20 and Fri 21 May2.00 * Preps Grandparents tea parties – Vicarage/GRThursday 20 May7.00-8.00 * Information evening for parents of September2010 Prep Class childrenSaturday 22 May10 -12.00 * Northcote Lodge Open Day (prosp. parents)The mothers arrived back in the Conservatory for tea,providing an opportunity for them to meet other parents,whilst the girls were whisked off to the dining room fortea before spending some time with the Class 4 teachers.What a lovely lot of girls they are; I look forward togetting to know them properly in September.Carole Jenkinson – Head of Upper Schoolcookery school coursesSUMMER ENTERTAINING: Thursday 13 May 9.30 - 2.00 £80I will give you a wealth of new ideas to help you plan either a summer dinner party or a supper in the garden. Cook in the morningfollowed by lunch and a glass of wine in the conservatory. You can then take home everything else you have made for supper!HALF TERM KIDS COOKERY: Friday 4 June 10.00 - 1.30 (for 10 - 13 yrs) £65This will be a fun morning of cooking with Fi and Jo. There will be recipes and food to take home to share with the family!SUMMER PARTY CANAPES DEMONSTRATION: Thursday 17 June 9.20 - 12.30 £65Relax watching new ideas for canapes to use at your summer parties or ideas for pre dinner snacks instead of starters, withideas on presentation and advance preparation. Lots of sampling takes place too...MEN ONLY BBQ NIGHT: Tuesday 22 June 7.00 - 10.30 £80The ever popular BBQ night returns so get the men booked on and say goodbye to burnt sauasages! Misspelled ones too!One of the most popular courses so book a place early!For more details, including prices, go to www.broomwood.co.uk/cookery .To book contact me, Fi Plummer, on 020 8769 1781 or07919 417500 or email me fi.plummer@northwoodschools.com

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