international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army

international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army
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APPENDIX 10W-1INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25CANCELLATION UNIFORM TENDER OF RATES AND/OR CHARGESFOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICESBLOCK NO. DESCRIPTION ENTRY1 Commodity Household Goods or Unaccompanied Baggage(as applicable).2 Tender Number Use assigned tender number plus supplementnumber 1.3 Origin Applicable origin of shipment.4 Issue Date Enter date prepared by TSP.5 Expiration Date Leave Blank.6 Destination Leave Blank.7 Effective Date Enter date service will end, e.g., 60 or 90 daysafter effective date.8 TSP File Number Optional TSP use.9-9a Issuing TSP Enter full corporate name and Standard CarrierAlpha Code (SCAC).10-12 Do Not Alter.13 Route(s) Enter "Cancels Tender."14-21 Do Not Alter22 Signature Enter full corporate name and address. Enter title andname of individual signing tender. Signature must be acompany official whose signature is on file at SDDC.APPENDIX W

APPENDIX 10X-1INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL RPOEPRTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25BASELINE RATES500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 12,000TO TO TO TO TO TO 16,000999 1,999 3,999 7,999 11,999 15,999 LBS.LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK ANDMILES INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL PT. OVER1 - 50 59.90 905 53.80 1,887 50.75 3,874 48.80 7,730 47.15 11,873 46.65 15,949 46.5051 - 100 61.30 901 55.20 1,874 51.70 3,842 49.65 7,731 48.10 11,863 47.55 15,832 47.05101 - 150 63.40 892 56.50 1,868 52.75 3,800 50.10 7,809 48.90 11,866 48.35 15,818 47.80151 - 200 68.45 842 57.60 1,856 53.45 3,813 50.95 7,796 49.65 11,843 49.00 15,854 48.55201 - 250 71.05 827 58.75 1,844 54.15 3,827 51.80 7,769 50.30 11,857 49.70 15,823 49.15251 - 300 72.25 823 59.45 1,844 54.80 3,814 52.25 7,794 50.90 11,871 50.35 15,842 49.85301 - 360 73.55 821 60.35 1,838 55.45 3,817 52.90 7,819 51.70 11,873 51.15 15,860 50.70361 - 400 76.40 802 61.20 1,831 56.00 3,818 53.45 7,806 52.15 11,897 51.70 15,830 51.15401 - 460 78.50 790 61.95 1,821 56.40 3,830 54.00 7,823 52.80 11,887 52.30 15,848 51.80461 - 500 80.15 782 62.60 1,820 56.95 3,282 54.50 7,832 53.35 11,888 52.85 15,849 52.35501 - 560 82.10 772 63.30 1,819 57.55 3,834 55.15 7,826 53.95 11,878 53.40 15,851 52.90561 - 600 83.30 768 63.95 1,818 58.10 3,825 55.55 7,820 54.30 11,879 53.75 15,837 53.20601 - 660 84.25 772 65.00 1,807 58.70 3,847 56.45 7,838 55.30 11,881 54.75 15,854 54.25661 - 700 85.40 767 65.50 1,808 59.20 3,842 56.85 7,839 55.70 11,871 55.10 15,855 54.60701 - 760 86.45 768 66.35 1,818 60.30 3,831 57.75 7,820 56.45 11,884 55.90 15,866 55.50761 - 800 88.50 786 69.55 1,756 61.05 3,847 58.70 7,823 57.40 11,875 56.80 15,860 56.30801 - 850 89.20 786 70.05 1,758 61.55 3,845 59.15 7,831 57.90 11,897 57.40 15,833 56.80851 - 900 89.90 785 70.55 1,762 62.15 3,843 59.70 7,826 58.40 11,877 57.80 15,848 57.25901 - 950 90.35 786 71.00 1,767 62.70 3,847 60.30 7,808 58.85 11,899 58.35 15,850 57.80951 - 1000 92.40 774 71.45 1,788 63.85 3,813 60.85 7,777 59.15 11,899 58.65 15,850 58.101001 - 1050 93.20 771 71.85 1,788 64.20 3,814 61.20 7,804 59.70 11,880 59.10 15,879 58.651051 - 1100 94.10 767 72.15 1,794 64.70 3,812 61.65 7,780 59.95 11,960 59.75 15,786 58.951101 - 1150 94.95 764 72.45 1,796 65.05 3,825 62.20 7,782 60.50 11,891 59.95 15,854 59.401151 - 1200 95.30 764 72.75 1,797 65.35 3,820 62.40 7,795 60.80 11,872 60.15 15,854 59.601201 - 1250 96.05 779 74.80 1,784 66.70 3,842 64.05 7,645 61.20 11,902 60.70 15,856 60.151251 - 1300 98.05 773 75.75 1,784 67.55 3,838 64.80 7,642 61.90 11,894 61.35 15,857 60.801301 - 1350 99.80 770 76.75 1,775 68.10 3,827 65.15 7,675 62.50 11,895 61.95 15,871 61.451351 - 1400 100.70 770 77.50 1,784 69.10 3,789 65.45 7,732 63.25 11,868 62.55 15,885 62.101401 - 1450 100.90 774 78.00 1,780 69.40 3,793 65.80 7,739 63.65 11,887 63.05 15,886 62.601451 - 1500 102.00 784 79.95 1,785 71.35 3,706 66.10 7,740 63.95 11,907 63.45 15,874 62.95APPENDIX X

APPENDIX 10X-1INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL RPOEPRTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25BASELINE RATES500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 12,000TO TO TO TO TO TO 16,000999 1,999 3,999 7,999 11,999 15,999 LBS.LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK LBS. BRK ANDMILES INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL. PT. INCL PT. OVER1 - 50 59.90 905 53.80 1,887 50.75 3,874 48.80 7,730 47.15 11,873 46.65 15,949 46.5051 - 100 61.30 901 55.20 1,874 51.70 3,842 49.65 7,731 48.10 11,863 47.55 15,832 47.05101 - 150 63.40 892 56.50 1,868 52.75 3,800 50.10 7,809 48.90 11,866 48.35 15,818 47.80151 - 200 68.45 842 57.60 1,856 53.45 3,813 50.95 7,796 49.65 11,843 49.00 15,854 48.55201 - 250 71.05 827 58.75 1,844 54.15 3,827 51.80 7,769 50.30 11,857 49.70 15,823 49.15251 - 300 72.25 823 59.45 1,844 54.80 3,814 52.25 7,794 50.90 11,871 50.35 15,842 49.85301 - 360 73.55 821 60.35 1,838 55.45 3,817 52.90 7,819 51.70 11,873 51.15 15,860 50.70361 - 400 76.40 802 61.20 1,831 56.00 3,818 53.45 7,806 52.15 11,897 51.70 15,830 51.15401 - 460 78.50 790 61.95 1,821 56.40 3,830 54.00 7,823 52.80 11,887 52.30 15,848 51.80461 - 500 80.15 782 62.60 1,820 56.95 3,282 54.50 7,832 53.35 11,888 52.85 15,849 52.35501 - 560 82.10 772 63.30 1,819 57.55 3,834 55.15 7,826 53.95 11,878 53.40 15,851 52.90561 - 600 83.30 768 63.95 1,818 58.10 3,825 55.55 7,820 54.30 11,879 53.75 15,837 53.20601 - 660 84.25 772 65.00 1,807 58.70 3,847 56.45 7,838 55.30 11,881 54.75 15,854 54.25661 - 700 85.40 767 65.50 1,808 59.20 3,842 56.85 7,839 55.70 11,871 55.10 15,855 54.60701 - 760 86.45 768 66.35 1,818 60.30 3,831 57.75 7,820 56.45 11,884 55.90 15,866 55.50761 - 800 88.50 786 69.55 1,756 61.05 3,847 58.70 7,823 57.40 11,875 56.80 15,860 56.30801 - 850 89.20 786 70.05 1,758 61.55 3,845 59.15 7,831 57.90 11,897 57.40 15,833 56.80851 - 900 89.90 785 70.55 1,762 62.15 3,843 59.70 7,826 58.40 11,877 57.80 15,848 57.25901 - 950 90.35 786 71.00 1,767 62.70 3,847 60.30 7,808 58.85 11,899 58.35 15,850 57.80951 - 1000 92.40 774 71.45 1,788 63.85 3,813 60.85 7,777 59.15 11,899 58.65 15,850 58.101001 - 1050 93.20 771 71.85 1,788 64.20 3,814 61.20 7,804 59.70 11,880 59.10 15,879 58.651051 - 1100 94.10 767 72.15 1,794 64.70 3,812 61.65 7,780 59.95 11,960 59.75 15,786 58.951101 - 1150 94.95 764 72.45 1,796 65.05 3,825 62.20 7,782 60.50 11,891 59.95 15,854 59.401151 - 1200 95.30 764 72.75 1,797 65.35 3,820 62.40 7,795 60.80 11,872 60.15 15,854 59.601201 - 1250 96.05 779 74.80 1,784 66.70 3,842 64.05 7,645 61.20 11,902 60.70 15,856 60.151251 - 1300 98.05 773 75.75 1,784 67.55 3,838 64.80 7,642 61.90 11,894 61.35 15,857 60.801301 - 1350 99.80 770 76.75 1,775 68.10 3,827 65.15 7,675 62.50 11,895 61.95 15,871 61.451351 - 1400 100.70 770 77.50 1,784 69.10 3,789 65.45 7,732 63.25 11,868 62.55 15,885 62.101401 - 1450 100.90 774 78.00 1,780 69.40 3,793 65.80 7,739 63.65 11,887 63.05 15,886 62.601451 - 1500 102.00 784 79.95 1,785 71.35 3,706 66.10 7,740 63.95 11,907 63.45 15,874 62.95APPENDIX X

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