international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army

international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army
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PAGE 10-3INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25g. UB Shipments to/from Kuwait:(1) Code 8 rates for UB shipments to/from Kuwait and CONUS rate areas.(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member's duty station.h. HHG and/or UB shipments to/from CONUS and Greece:(1) Code 4 rates for HHG shipments and Code 8 rates for UB shipments to/from Greece and CONUS rateareas.(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty station.i. UB to/from Qatar:(1) Code 8 rates for UB shipments to/from Qatar and CONUS rate areas(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty stationj. UB to/from Saudi Arabia: (USMTM shipments does not apply to shipments inbound/outbound to/fromEmbassy(s)/Consulate(s))(1) Code 8 rates for UB shipments to/from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and CONUS rate areas(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty station.Item 1004Tender Submissionsa. Transportation Service Providers must submit bids for each rate area listed. Failure to provide a rate for eacharea listed will be considered nonresponsive; therefore, tender will be rejected. Instructions for rate submission areprovided in Appendix 10G.b. Submission of Special Solicitation rates must be accomplished in accordance with the tender provided inAppendix W. Reproduction of blank tender is authorized. Failures to comply with instructions contained in theapplicable appendices and submit the tender by the I/F deadline will render the Transportation ServiceProvider’s rate submissions nonresponsive. Transportation Service Providers must retain separate tenders for eachcode of service in corporate office files.c. When requested, a uniform tender shall be prepared using the electronic form located in our website.The uniform tender format is designed to promote speed and orderliness in the handling of tenders. Variancefrom its terms, sequence, or numbering may result in the delay in the processing of tenders. Except as otherwiseinstructed, completed rate tenders and supplements must be sent via e-mail to: When a Transportation Service Provider submits automated rate filing, the Transportation ServiceProvider is offering its rates for transportation services to the United States Government for the indicated ratecycle under the International Rate Solicitation or Special solicitation. The Transportation Service Provider certifiesthat it understands and has complied with the previously executed certification of independent pricing andInternational Uniform Tender of Rates and/or Charges for transportation services as shown in Appendix A of theInternational Rate Solicitation. The Transportation Service Provider will maintain a copy of its Uniform Tender ofRates and/or Charges for Transportation Services, which will remain on file at the corporate office cross-referencedby the Carrier SCAC. The Transportation Service Provider agrees to provide a copy of the Uniform tender for arespective rate channel, when requested by SDDC/GSA or any other federal agents. In electronic format that canbe e-mailed to the appropriate agencies, by submitting rates the Transportation Service Provider agrees to abideby the rules applicable to the International Rate Solicitation and its Tender of Service on file at SDDC.

PAGE 10-4INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25Item 1005Awardsa. SDDC, SDDC-PPP-PO, will evaluate rates based on the total aggregate price of services to and/or fromSpecial Solicitation rate areas. SDDC will select, at its discretion, up to twenty CONUS rate areas that will bedisregarded for the purpose of determining the low rate Transportation Service Provider for each specialsolicitation area. For areas where rates are only solicited for one direction (i.e., Thailand to CONUS), theTransportation Service Provider submitting the lowest overall rate for that area will be awarded the traffic. Forareas where rates are solicited for both directions (i.e., to/from CONUS and Greece), rates will be awarded basedon the total aggregate of the rates submitted for both directions for each specified code of service.b. The controlling PPSO will offer all tonnage to the Transportation Service Provider ranked first(primary).c. Refusals to handle shipments will be handled in accordance with the Tender of Service and DOD4500.9-R, DTR.d. Transportation Service Providers with first, second, or third place ranking are required to submit toSDDC, at the end of the rate cycle, the total number of shipments, total weight of shipments, and the origin anddestination of shipments moved during that cycle.Item 1006AgentsTSPs must submit bids based upon the use of agents approved for use by the Department of State (DoS) orDoD installations responsible for overseas areas being bid on. Ch X, APPENDIX 10H-1 provides a courtesy listof known agents, but TSP’s are responsible for validating selected agent(s) is/are approved for applicableDoD/DoS installations prior to filing rates. The name and point of contact of your agent in overseas areas mustbe submitted IAW the ITGBL Rate Filing Schedule deadline dates for all Special Solicitation Channelsaccepted. Failure to select and report an approved DoD/DoS agent will cause your tender to be non-responsiveand lead to removal from that Special Solicitation by HQ SDDC. Accepted TSPs may change their agent(s) aslong as the selected agent is DoD/DoS approved and the TSP’s SFR does not change. SDDC reserves the rightto change and/or update the DoS recommended agent listing based on DoD/DoS input within a specific ratecycle. In the event DoD/DoS places a known agent in “non-use status”, TSPs using that agent will be afforded45 days to negotiate and acquire a DoD/DoS approved replacement agent as stated above. During that time theaffected TSP(s) will not be ranked for bookings and PPSOs will use the subsequently ranked TSP IAW withapplicable Special Solicitation channel and ranking. Failure to meet the 45 day agent replacement timeline willbe grounds for removal from the affected Special Solicitation for the remainder of the peak/non-peak period.Item 1007CancellationTransportation Service Providers may cancel tenders by submission of a supplemental tender in accordancewith cancellation dates for corresponding cycle cancellation dates identified within the active rate schedule and IAWChapter XIX, Item 1910. PPSOs will be notified.Item 1008Participation and PerformanceParticipation in these RFQs is strictly voluntary. Because each Special Solicitation grouping is a winner takes allbased on the TSP with the lowest overall SFR for the aggregate of all channels in the solicitation, TSPs may NOTrefuse shipments on any channels that comprise the Special Solicitation once selected the winner. If a TSP refusesshipments for a Special Solicitation channel SDDC may nonuse them from any or all channels that comprise theSpecial Solicitation for a minimum of 30 days.

PAGE 10-3INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25g. UB Shipments to/from Kuwait:(1) Code 8 <strong>rate</strong>s for UB shipments to/from Kuwait and CONUS <strong>rate</strong> areas.(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member's duty station.h. HHG and/or UB shipments to/from CONUS and Greece:(1) Code 4 <strong>rate</strong>s for HHG shipments and Code 8 <strong>rate</strong>s for UB shipments to/from Greece and CONUS <strong>rate</strong>areas.(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty station.i. UB to/from Qatar:(1) Code 8 <strong>rate</strong>s for UB shipments to/from Qatar and CONUS <strong>rate</strong> areas(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty stationj. UB to/from Saudi Arabia: (USMTM shipments does not apply to shipments inbound/outbound to/fromEmbassy(s)/Consulate(s))(1) Code 8 <strong>rate</strong>s for UB shipments to/from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and CONUS <strong>rate</strong> areas(2) Shipments will be controlled by various PPSOs dependent upon the member’s duty station.Item 1004Tender Submissionsa. Transportation Service Providers must submit bids for each <strong>rate</strong> area listed. Failure to provide a <strong>rate</strong> for eacharea listed will be considered nonresponsive; therefore, tender will be rejected. Instructions for <strong>rate</strong> submission areprovided in Appendix 10G.b. Submission of Special Solicitation <strong>rate</strong>s must be accomplished in accordance with the tender provided inAppendix W. Reproduction of blank tender is authorized. Failures to comply with instructions contained in theapplicable appendices and submit the tender by the I/F deadline will render the Transportation ServiceProvider’s <strong>rate</strong> submissions nonresponsive. Transportation Service Providers must retain sepa<strong>rate</strong> tenders for eachcode of service in corpo<strong>rate</strong> office files.c. When requested, a uniform tender shall be prepared using the electronic form located in our website.The uniform tender format is designed to promote speed and orderliness in the handling of tenders. Variancefrom its terms, sequence, or numbering may result in the delay in the processing of tenders. Except as otherwiseinstructed, completed <strong>rate</strong> tenders and supplements must be sent via e-mail to: sddc.safb.ppintl<strong>rate</strong> When a Transportation Service Provider submits automated <strong>rate</strong> filing, the Transportation ServiceProvider is offering its <strong>rate</strong>s for transportation services to the United States Government for the indicated <strong>rate</strong>cycle under the International Rate Solicitation or Special <strong>solicitation</strong>. The Transportation Service Provider certifiesthat it understands and has complied with the previously executed certification of independent pricing andInternational Uniform Tender of Rates and/or Charges for transportation services as shown in Appendix A of theInternational Rate Solicitation. The Transportation Service Provider will maintain a copy of its Uniform Tender ofRates and/or Charges for Transportation Services, which will remain on file at the corpo<strong>rate</strong> office cross-referencedby the Carrier SCAC. The Transportation Service Provider agrees to provide a copy of the Uniform tender for arespective <strong>rate</strong> channel, when requested by <strong>SDDC</strong>/GSA or any other federal agents. In electronic format that canbe e-mailed to the appropriate agencies, by submitting <strong>rate</strong>s the Transportation Service Provider agrees to abideby the rules applicable to the International Rate Solicitation and its Tender of Service on file at <strong>SDDC</strong>.

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