international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army

international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army international personal property rate solicitation i ... - SDDC - U.S. Army
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PAGE 5-58INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25Item 529 [LHS]Provisions Governing Code J Shipment On-Loaded at Other ThanDesignated APOE or Off-Loaded at Other Than Designated APODBilling Note: When a Code J shipment is routed through a MAT other than the designated MAT shown in SDDC’srate solicitation and these results in different land mileage, adjustments or such mileage differential will be computedas follows:* If the mileage between the MAT used and the origin or destination point exceeds the mileage between theMAT designated and the origin or destination point, the Transportation Service Provider is entitled to be paid for suchexcess mileage based upon the applicable line haul rate table in addition to the applicable SFR.** If the mileage between the MAT used and the origin or destination point is less than the mileage between theMAT designated and the origin and destination point, the Transportation Service Provider is supposed to reduce theapplicable SFR by the mileage differential based upon 100 percent of the applicable line haul rate table. In eithercase, such adjustments should be made to the Transportation Service Provider’s SFR and be billed referencing code“LHS” instead of Item 529. The alternate terminal must be identified when an adjustment to the SFR is caused bythe use of an alternate terminal. Identify the alternate terminal or port next to the “LHS” charge, when billing viaCWA. Use the authorized terminal or port codes identified in the personal property rate solicitation. .a. ITGBL Transportation Service Providers will deliver UB shipments moving in Code J service to the AMCTerminal or APOE shown herein.b. When a Transportation Service Provider is directed to deliver a Code J UB shipment to a specified APOE,other than that designated herein, and this results in different land mileage, adjustments for such mileage will becomputed as follows:(1) If the mileage between the APOE used and the origin point exceeds the distance between the designatedAPOE and the origin point, the Transportation Service Provider will be paid for such excess mileage in accordance withapplicable line haul rate table in addition to the SFR.(2) If mileage between APOE used and origin point is less than the distance between the designated APOEand the origin point, an adjustment of the mileage differential will accrue to the Government at 100 percent of therate in the applicable line haul rate table for the difference in mileage. This amount will be deducted from the SFR.c. When AMC routes a Code J shipment through a destination AMC terminal, Aerial Port of Debarkation(APOD), other than that designated and this results in different land mileage, adjustments for such mileage will becomputed as follows:(1) If the mileage between APOD used and the destination point exceeds the distance between thedesignated APOD and the destination point, the Transportation Service Provider will be paid for such excessmileage in accordance with the applicable line haul rate in addition to the SFR.(2) If the mileage between the APOD used and APOD destination point is less than the distance between thedesignated APOD and the destination point, an adjustment of the mileage differential will accrue to the Government at100 percent of the rate in the applicable line haul rate table for the difference in mileage. This amount will bededucted from the SFR.NOTE: The destination point for Code J (unaccompanied baggage) shipments due to a military airlift terminal(MAT) closure is to be considered as the port agent’s facility. This should be used for the purposes of calculating anyexcess mileage due to use of an alternate (MAT). The final destination of the shipment will have no bearing on thecalculation of excess mileage. The port agent must submit to the Transportation Service Provider for billing, a copy ofthe TCMD provided by AMC, showing the alternate MAT used and the excess distance in mileage to the port agent’sfacility. The Transportation Service Provider will submit all billings through CWA. All documentation must be kept forthe purposes of any post audit.

PAGE 5-59INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25d. To substantiate the ports utilized, the Transportation Service Provider will submit, with his billing, any one of thefollowing documents designating such ports:(1) Thru Government bill of lading(2) Ocean freight bill(3) Port agent invoice(4) Underlying line haul Transportation Service Provider bill of lading(5) Certificate issued by a PPSO or terminal officer showing the Ocean/Aerial Port usedItem 530 [LHS]Line Haul Rate TablesThe following tables will be used for delivery in/out of SIT, diversions, terminations, alternate ports, etc. Breakpoint indicates weight at which a lower charge develops by use of lowest weight and applicable rate in next higherweight bracket.Schedule ASchedule BSchedule CSchedule DSchedule ESchedule FHHG CONUS, Hawaii, and (Alaska diversion only)HHG Overseas Line haul RatesUB CONUS and HawaiiUB Overseas GermanyUB Overseas except Germany, Hawaii, and AlaskaUB Alaskab. The line haul transportation charge for a shipment shall not exceed the charge that would apply by use of the nextgreater unit of weight at rate applicable in the next higher rate bracket.c. The break point represents weights at which the minimum weight in the next higher weight column times the ratein that weight column, produces a lower charge than the actual weight of the shipment times the applicable rate in suchrate section. To illustrate:1. Shipment weighs 3,450 pounds, moving 510 miles. Under Chapter 5, Appendix 5A the rate would be 3,450pounds times $17.50 per CWT equals $603.75.2. Using the lowest weight in the next weight bracket 4,000 pounds times the rate in that bracket ($14.15)equals $566.00.3. The correct charge for the above shipment is the lower of the two computations, namely $566.00.Item 531 [WRC]Partial Delivery Weighing(531A) – Partial delivery weighingBilling Note: Item 440, partial withdrawal (weighing), will also be billed using Item 531. The TransportationService Provider must provide the weight of the portion withdrawn.

PAGE 5-59INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY RATE SOLICITATION I-25d. To substantiate the ports utilized, the Transportation Service Provider will submit, with his billing, any one of thefollowing documents designating such ports:(1) Thru Government bill of lading(2) Ocean freight bill(3) Port agent invoice(4) Underlying line haul Transportation Service Provider bill of lading(5) Certificate issued by a PPSO or terminal officer showing the Ocean/Aerial Port usedItem 530 [LHS]Line Haul Rate TablesThe following tables will be used for delivery in/out of SIT, diversions, terminations, alternate ports, etc. Breakpoint indicates weight at which a lower charge develops by use of lowest weight and applicable <strong>rate</strong> in next higherweight bracket.Schedule ASchedule BSchedule CSchedule DSchedule ESchedule FHHG CONUS, Hawaii, and (Alaska diversion only)HHG Overseas Line haul RatesUB CONUS and HawaiiUB Overseas GermanyUB Overseas except Germany, Hawaii, and AlaskaUB Alaskab. The line haul transportation charge for a shipment shall not exceed the charge that would apply by use of the nextgreater unit of weight at <strong>rate</strong> applicable in the next higher <strong>rate</strong> bracket.c. The break point represents weights at which the minimum weight in the next higher weight column times the <strong>rate</strong>in that weight column, produces a lower charge than the actual weight of the shipment times the applicable <strong>rate</strong> in such<strong>rate</strong> section. To illust<strong>rate</strong>:1. Shipment weighs 3,450 pounds, moving 510 miles. Under Chapter 5, Appendix 5A the <strong>rate</strong> would be 3,450pounds times $17.50 per CWT equals $603.75.2. Using the lowest weight in the next weight bracket 4,000 pounds times the <strong>rate</strong> in that bracket ($14.15)equals $566.00.3. The correct charge for the above shipment is the lower of the two computations, namely $566.00.Item 531 [WRC]Partial Delivery Weighing(531A) – Partial delivery weighingBilling Note: Item 440, partial withdrawal (weighing), will also be billed using Item 531. The TransportationService Provider must provide the weight of the portion withdrawn.

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